Presentation Architecture in an early new time. Presentation "Renaissance. Epoch of Renaissance". Architecture of early Rennesans


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Architecture of Italian Renaissance

general characteristics Characteristic feature Italian revival was the desire of architects to the creation of harmonious and rational buildings. In the Epoch of the early Renaissance (when the laws of the Middle Ages were still strong), the crosses were dominated by the dome churches. By the beginning of the 16th century, a new type of building appears - Palazzo.

Florence and Bruneland Florence called the "flower" of Italy, this city is the birthplace of Italian Renaissance. At the beginning of the 15th century Florence claimed the role of the main city of Italy. Many brilliant talents are born here.

Filippo Bruntelleski (1377 - 1446) Bruneland - the greatest architect of Italy.

Cathedral of Santa - Maria Del Fiore Cathedral Senta - Maria Del Fiore - a symbol of Florence. It has a huge octal dome - 42 m in diameter.

General view of the cathedral

Dome of the cathedral from the inside

The building of the educational house Bruneland belongs to the construction of an educational house, in the architecture of which the best ancient traditions manifested themselves. The house has a greater length and framed around the perimeter of the gallery.

In triangular spaces between Arches, the architect placed round medallions with the image of babies.

Leon Batista Alberti (1404 - 1472) made a great contribution to the development of Italian architecture. Basically, I tried my strength in the design of facades of buildings.

Church of Santa - Maria Novella 1470

Palazzo Rchelllay 1451

Donato Bramte (1444 - 1514) The founder of high rebirth in architecture. In 1503 carried out the reconstruction of the Vatican.

Church of Santa - Maria della Grazia 1497

St. Peter's Cathedral of St. Peter became the most important architectural construction of Bramte. The plan is a cross, inscribed in a square, in the center of which was located a chapel.

Venice and Sansovino, Venice becomes the capital of the late revival. Venetian culture is diverse, as well as the city itself. It is located on 118 islands, divided by 160 channels through which about 400 bridges were transferred. Most buildings here are built on piles. Houses closely pressed to each other.

Jacopo Sansovino 91486 - 1570) The main creation was the building of the San Marco Cathedral Library. This two-storey facility is decorated for an ancient pattern.

Library San - Marco, 1536

Andrea Palladio (1508 - 1580) The largest architect in Venice. A distinctive feature of skill P of Alladio - creating porticors between the buildings. The architect is also known for creating the classic type of manor.

Church of San - Georgio, 1565

Villa "Rotonda", 1551

Questions and tasks 1. Why do Florence consider the "cradle" of the Italian revival? 2. Tell us about one of the architectural structures of the Italian Renaissance. 3. Develop the model of the ideal city of Italy. Explain.

Objectives lesson:

  • Introduce the revival architecture;
  • Consider the features of the architecture of the early Renaissance; high rebirth and late Renaissance;
  • Expand the horizons, develop artwork analysis skills;
  • Educating national self-consciousness and self-identification, respect for the culture of other peoples of the planet, to international cultural heritage.

Task for lesson.

What significance for world civilization and culture is the architecture of the Italian revival?

The name of the style gave an artist, a researcher of Italian art, who wrote the book "Besties of the most famous painters and architectants" (1568) Jordan Vazari.

Vazari wrote: "It can be definitely argued that the ancients did not reach such a height in their buildings and did not decide on such a risk that would make them compete with the sky himself, as with him, it seems, really competes the Florentine dome, for it is so high that he is so high that Mountains surrounding Florence seem equal to Him. And indeed, you might think that the sky itself envies him, because it is constantly and often amazing him with lightning. "

Founder of the architecture of the Italian revival

The founder of the Architecture of the Renaissance is the architect and sculptor Filippo Bruneland 1377-1446. He began his activity as a winner (along with Hibey) competition for the decoration of the doors of the Florentine Baptistery.

Periods in the architecture of the Italian Renaissance

Several stages of the development of rebirth in Italian architecture are different: early - 15th century, mature - 16 century and late.

Palladio in Vicenza. D. Arkin

Architect Vigola. Villa Pope Julia III

Early Renaissance in Italy

The architecture becomes more strict and correctly found in proportionality. The ornament is used little, the architecture is waiting for monumentality, representativeness, and in some of the most significant facilities - majesty. The late period was the further development of the previous one, but it also appears new features - the desire for decorativeness, beautifulness and some complication of architectural forms. There is a known inconsistency between the desire for the official, academic severity of architecture and painting to painting. The latter trend was further developed in the Baroque architecture.

Architecture of early rebirth

The greatest growth of the recreation architecture came on the XV century. Then, antiquity has become actively and universally introduced into the construction of buildings and this time is customary called the Epoch of the early Renaissance (early Renaissance).

The principles of construction have changed, and even at the planning stage, the work was carried out otherwise. If in the Middle Ages, the structures were clearly adjusted to the landscape and neighboring buildings, during the early revival, the architects planned strictly rectangular buildings with precise observance of symmetry. The functionality has not had a primary role, but ancient character opposite became paramount. Public real estate was built with many decorative elements, and private houses were erected, as a rule, in two floors with a mandatory inland yard.

In the design of this dome, Brunelands embodied new construction ideas, which would be difficult to implement without specially designed mechanisms. The unique creation of engineering genius - built without fittings, a two-layer octahedral dome, covered with dark red tiles, knitted with strong white ribs and crowned with an elegant white-marble light lantern, became a symbol of Florence.

Its diameter is 42 meters, height is 91 m from the floor of the cathedral, the light flashlight with a height of 16 m. The dome weighs without a heavy marble lantern about nine thousand tons.

The Church of San Lorenzo was consecrated yet. Ambrosius in 393 in 1060 was redone in the Romanesque style. In 1423, Brunelands were rebuilt in the style of early rebirth. The architectural composition is based on squares: four large form chores, the medium and wings of the transput; four more are combined into the central oil; The remaining squares constituting 1/4 of the large, form lateral oils and adjacent to the chapels (in the initial project, there were no rectangular chapels from the outside of the side oils). However, you can see some deviations from this plan. So, for example, the length of the wings of the transput is slightly larger than their width, and the length of the central neopa is not 4, but 4.5 times the width of its width "X. V. Yantson.

Church of San Lorenzo

Capella Pazzi, Florence

rectangular in terms of loggias on the facade and square in terms of Altar. Above the central square is the umbrella dome, and the side parts are blocked by a cylindrical arch. The loggia of the main facade is limited to a portico on six Corinthian columns. The arch of the gallery is covered with a large amount of thin on the modeling of ornamentation, characteristic of the style of early Italian revival.

Interior Capella Pazzi.

Bruntelleski used the favorite combination of direct and rounded lines, which gives the system of members such a softness. The windows of the dome, medallions are arches and windows, windows above the archived arches also have a round shape. Sleeps are not overloaded with decorations, they are much easier than the framing (pilaster), and free space remains between them and the framed. It gives rise to the feeling of lightness and special transparency, which causes the interior of Capella Pazzi.

Palace Medici. Architect Moolezzi. Built for Kozimo Medici Ile Vecchio in the period in 1444 - 1464.

On the facades of the Palazzo Medici - harsh and restrained, "deposited" gradually decreasing from the floor to the floor with a relief of large rushed stones, - the motive characteristic of the Florentine early Renaissance - orders are applied only in the form of small columns separating pair windows (the topic of double windows has passed into Renaissance architecture from romano-gothic architecture).

High rebirth architecture

At the beginning of the XVI century, antiquity in the architecture acquired the nature of absolute domination, having received the name - high Renaissance. Now, without exception, customers did not want to see in their homes and drops of the Middle Ages. Italy streets began to flow not just luxurious mansions, but with palaces with extensive plantings. It should be noted that the Renaissance Epoch's famous in the history of the gardens appeared just during this period.

Religious and public structures also ceased to give the spirit of the past. Temples of the new building, as if rebelled from the times of Roman paganism. Among the architectural monuments of this period, monumental buildings can be found with the obligatory presence of the dome.

St. Peter's Cathedral in Rome

In terms of the Cathedral, designed by Bramte, was supposed to be a square with the Greek plain cross superimposed on him. In the center, the conceived was a huge dome, a diameter of the dome of the Pantheon.

Palazzo Farnes, Rome

Palazzo Farnes is a three-story building, dismembered in the decoration of the facade of three tiers-floor, has a smooth surface of the wall, lined with small brick-plinfi. Rusta is applied only in the corners and in the framework of the Central Garpery Arch.

High Revival Architecture in Northern Italy

A two-story, extended configuration structure, in the first floor of which trading premises are located behind the gallery, and in the second - the library itself is made up with order arcades.

Library of St. Mark, Venice

Late Architecture

The final stage of the reign of the Renaissance era accounted for the second half of the XVI - the beginning of the XVII century. At the order of its existence, the Architecture of Renaiss has become more difficult and elegant. It can be seen by facades and decor of the constructions of the late Renaissance. The overall concept of projects and remained the same. Also, as in the previous periods, architects adhered to their relentless principles of symmetry. But, such an approach, probably, bored, and in construction I went fashion for the sophistication and saturation of a different kind of scenery.

The functionality and practicality of such elements was absent, on the buildings about and without without, attached columns, semi-colonels and the main element of the later revival - sculpture.

Late Renaissance

Completion of the construction of the Cathedral of St. Peter

Michelangelo appreciated the idea of \u200b\u200bBramteh, he reduced the total building area, significantly simplified the structure of the plan, refused the corner towers and from secondary dome spaces, strengthened the walls and bribery pylons.

Capitol Square, Rome

The palace is a two-story building with an open loggia on the first floor. Both floors are combined with a high warrant.

Kapella Medici in the Church of San Lorenzo

The upper part of the tombstones was processed in the form of two symmetrically arranged wolves, on which the figures, symbolizing the morning, day, evening and night, were placed in the tombstones, for the first time in the tombstones, it was these statues who caused a special admiration of the Masters contemporaries.

Library of Laurenzian, Florence

It consists of a lobby with a staircase and a room for storing and reading manuscripts.

Revival architecture

Revival architecture

    Revival architecture - the period of development of architecture in European countries from the beginning of XV to early XVII century, in the general course of the revival and development of the foundations of spiritual and material culture Ancient Greece And Rome. This period is a turning point in the history of architecture, especially in relation to the previous architectural style, to Gothic.

Gothic as opposed to architecture

Renaissance I was looking for

inspiration in one's own

interpretation of classic


Of particular importance

  • Of particular importancein this direction, the forms of ancient architecture are attached: symmetry, proportions,

geometry and order of components, about

what clearly indicate the surviving

samples of Roman architecture. Complex

the proportion of medieval buildings

replaced by an ordered location

columns, Pilaster and Podolok, shift

asymmetrical outlines comes

semicircle arches, dome hemisphere, niche,


Development of the recreation architecture

The development of the Renaissance architecture led to innovations to use

construction techniques and materials

to the development of architectural

vocabulary. It is important to note,

that the Renaissance movement

characterized by the departure OT

anonymia of artisans

and the appearance of personal

style in architects.

A few masters are known

built works

in the romance style, also

like architects,

magnifying magnificent

gothic cathedrals.

While works


even small buildings or

just projects were neat

documented from his own


First representative

  • First representative

this direction can be

call Philippo Bruneland who worked in Florence

city, along with Venice

As is known, architecture, along with the quality and manufacture of guns, painting and plastic, is ancient of human skills. It is assumed that the primitives of architecture as art originated during a primitive society. It was in the era of Neolithic a man began to build the first dwellings using natural materials. As the area of \u200b\u200bart, the architecture is drawn up in the cultures of Mesopotamia and Egypt, and as the author's art it takes shape to V c. BC. In antique Greece.

Up to the middle of the XII century, while in the synthesis with painting, sculpture, decorative art and occupying the dominant position among them, the architecture determined the style, and its development went from the "style of the era", one for all types of art and for the whole of its time, Aesthetically subordinate science, worldview, philosophy, life and much more, to great styles and finally - individual author's styles. The "style of the era" (Romanesque style, Gothic and Renaissance) arises mainly in those historical periods when the perception of art works is distinguished by comparative inflexibility, when it is even easily adapting to the change of style.

Great styles - Romanesque, Gothic, Renaissance, Baroque, Classicism, Ampir / Late classicism variation - are usually recognized as equal and equivalent. In fact, the great styles covers that large, then the smaller area of \u200b\u200bculture, are limited to individual arts, then they submit all the arts or even the main parties of culture - they affect science, theology, life. They can be determined by a wider, then a less broad social environment, then more significant, then less significant ideology. At the same time, none of the great styles determined the entire cultural face of the era and the country.

The development of styles asymmetrically, which is externally expressed in the fact that each style is gradually changing from simple to complex, but it only comes from a simple rush as a result of some jump. Therefore, the shifts of styles occur differently: slowly - from simple to complex and sharply - from difficult to simple. Romanesque style is replaced by Gothic for over a hundred years - from the middle of the XII century. Until the middle of the XIII century. Simple forms Romanesque architecture is gradually moving into a complicated gothic style. Romanesque and gothic styles are closely related among themselves in their development, and the most creative period in the development of these styles is the first. It is in the Romanesque period that technical inventions And the relationship with philosophy and theology, i.e. The ideological basis of the style. Gothic is significantly less definite in ideological terms. Her aspiration to the upstream can express the religiosity of Catholicism and Yerezi. Romanesque style Gothic style

Within the gothic then ripen Renaissance. Elements of the liberation of the personality, while within the limits of religion there are already in Gothic, especially late. And, nevertheless, gothic and rebirth, sharply various styles. What matured in Gothic demanded then a sharp change of the entire style system. The new content blew up the old form and caused a new style - Renaissance (or revival). Renaissance with the emergence of Renaissance again comes the period of ideological search, the appearance of a solid system of worldview. And at the same time, the process of gradual complication and disintegration of common begins again. Renaissance is complicated, and behind him is Baroque. Baroque, in turn, becoming more complicated, passes in some art types (architecture, painting, applied art, literature) in Rococo. Then the return to simple and as a result of the jump on the baroque change comes classicism, the development of which in some countries has completed an ampir. Baroque Cococco Classicismampier

Romanesque style Word happened from Latin Romanus - Roman. The British call this style "Normannsky". R.S. Developed in the Western European art X-X11VV. It is most fully expressed in architecture. For Romanesque buildings, a combination of clear architectural silhouette and the laconicity of the outer decoration is characterized. The building was always carefully fit into the environment and therefore looked particularly durable and solid. This promoted massive smooth walls with narrow opening windows and step-in-depth portals. The main buildings during this period the temples are the fortress and castle-fortress. The main element of the composition of the choice, monastery or castle becomes the Tower - Donta. Around it was located the remaining buildings made up of simple geometric shapes - cubes, prisms, cylinders. The main distinguishing element of R. building is a semi-curvous arch

Gothic from Italian Gotico - Gothic, barbaric. Style in Western European art of the XII-XV centuries, which completed its development in the medieval period. The term was introduced by the Humanists of the Renaissance, who wanted to emphasize the "barbaric" character of the entire medieval art; In fact, the gothic style did not have anything in common with the goths and was a natural development and modification of the principles of romance art. Like Romanesque art, the art of gothic was under the strongest influence of the Church and was intended to embody church dogmatic in symbolic and allegorical images. But the art of Gothic developed in the new conditions, the main of which was the strengthening of cities. Therefore, the leading type of gothic architecture was the urban cathedral, directed upwards, with staged arches, with walls turned into stone lace / which was made possible thanks to the system of arcbutans carrying the pressure of the arch on the external pillars - counterphorts. The Gothic Cathedral symbolized a rush to the sky; The same goal was to serve its richest decorative decoration - statues, reliefs, stained glass.

Revival (Renaissance) at the beginning of the XV century. In Florence, a new architectural style - Renaissance (from French Revival) based on the ideologies of rationalism characteristic of its ideologies and extreme individualism. In the era of R., for the first time, the first personality of the architect in the modern sense of the word, in the opposite of the dependence of the medieval architect from the Masonry shop. Distinguish early R. and high; The first developed in Florence, the center of the second was Rome. The architects of Italy was creatively rethought by an antique Order of the building, which contributed proportionality, clarity of compositions and convenience.

Baroque style in art, developed in European countries in the XVI-XVII (in some countries - to Ser. XVIIIV). The name comes from Italian BARCCO - a quaint, strange. There is another explanation of the origin of this term: so called defective pearls Dutch sailors. Debts Time Tin "Baroque" carried a negative assessment. In XIHV. The attitude to Baroque has changed, which was served by the works of the German scientist Velflin.

Rococo style name developed mainly in France XVIII century, taken from German. The French name comes from the word Rocaille - sink, since the most notable external manifestation of this style was decorative motifs in the form of a shell. R. Brush mainly as a decorative style associated with the court festivals and entertainment of the aristocracy. The sphere of spread R. was narrow, it did not have folk roots and could not become truly a national style. Playing, easy entertainment, whimsical elegance - features peculiar to R. and especially those who have affected in an ornamental-decorative interpretation of architecture and applied arts. Ornamentics consisted of bugly intertwined garlands of shells, colors, curls. Malenno curved lines mask the design of knowledge. Basically R.P.The in the design of the interiors of buildings than their exteriors. For R. Characteristic to the asymmetry of compositions, as well as small detail form, saturated and at the same time, the balanced structure of the decor in the interiors, the combination of bright and clean color tones with white and gold, the contrast between the severity of the appearance of the buildings and the delicacy of the inner decoration. In the art of R. dominates graceful, whimsical, ornamental rhythm. Louis XV in the court during the courtyard of Louis XV (creativity of architects J.M. Oppenor, J.O. Mason, G. G. Buffran) Style R. Up to Ser. Xih. called the "style of Louis XV".

Classicism style in the European arts of the XVII-early XIX century, applied to the ancient heritage as normal and ideal sample. The name of the style comes from the Latin Classicus - exemplary. Usually two periods in the development of K. It has developed in the XVII century. In France, reflecting the rise of absolutism. The XVS century is considered a new stage in its development, because at this time it reflected other civil ideals based on the ideas of philosophical rationalism of education. The same periods are united by the idea of \u200b\u200bthe reasonable pattern of peace, about the beautiful, refined nature, the desire to express a large social content, sublime heroic and moral ideals. The architecture of K. It is characterized by the severity of the form, the clarity of the spatial solution, the geometrism of the interiors, the softness of flowers and the laconum of the external and interior decoration of the structures. Unlike Baroque buildings, Masters K. never rewarded spatial illusions, distorted the proportions of the building. And in the park architecture there is a so-called regular style, where all lawns and flower beds have the right shape, and green plantings are located strictly in direct and carefully trimmed. (Garden-park ensemble Versailles.)

Ampir Name happened from French Empire - Imperial. The style arising in France at the turn of the XVIII-XIX centuries. It is an organic completion of the long development of European classicism. The main feature of this style is a combination of massive simple geometric forms with martial emblems. Its source is a Roman sculpture, from it A. Inherited the solemn severity and clarity of the composition. A. Initially formed in France at the turn of the XVIII-XIX centuries. In the era of the Great French Revolution and was distinguished by a pronounced civilian pathos. In the period of Napoleon's empire, art was supposed to glorify military successes and dignity of the ruler. From here there is a passion for the construction of various types of triumphal arches, memorable columns, obelisk. Important elements of decorative decoration of buildings are portico. In the interior decoration, bronze casting is often used, painting of plafones, alcoves. A. It sought to approach antiquity more than classicism. In the XVIII century Architect B. Vignon built the Church of La Madeleine according to the Roman periphert, using the Corinthian order. The interpretation of forms was distinguished by dryness and underlined rationalism. The same features characterize the triumphal arch (arch of the star) on the star of the star in Paris (architect Shalgren). The memorial Vandom Column (the column of the "Great Army") was covered with bronze sheets, overflow from the Austrian guns, erected by Lader and Honduen. Walking on the spiral bas-relief is depicting the events of a victorious war. Style A. Developed for a long time, the time of eccletics comes to shift.

Presentation on slides

Slide text: PRASTORESANCE PRATINESSANS is closely connected with medieval, with romance, gothic traditions, this period was the preparation of the Renaissance. This period is divided into two subpoles: to the death of Jotto di Bondone and after (1337). The most important discoveries, the brightest masters live and work in the first period. The second segment is associated with the epidemic of the plague that fell into Italy. All discoveries were committed at an intuitive level. At the end of the XIII century, the main temple structure is being built in Florence - the Cathedral of Santa Maria Del Fiore, the author was Arnolfo di Cambio, then the work continued Jotto, who designed the Campanil of the Florentine Cathedral. Benozzo Gotszoli depicted worship of the Magi as a solemn procession of court medi

Slide text: Santa Cathedral Maria del Fjore, the author was Arnolfo di Cambio

The text of the slide: Previously, the art of the PRATENESSAN was manifested in sculpture (Niccolo and Giovanni Pisano, Arnolfo di Cambio, Andrea Pisano). Painting is represented by two art schools: Florence (Chimabue, Jotto) and Siena (Duccu, Simone Martini). Jotto became a central painting figure. Revival artists considered him a reformer of painting. Jotto outlined the way for which her development went: filling the religious forms with secular content, a gradual transition from flat images to volumetric and relief, an increase in realism, introduced the plastic scope of figures in painting, depicted in painting the interior.

The text of the slide: secular centers of science and art began to appear in the cities, whose activities were outside the control of the Church. The new worldview appealed to antiquity, seeing an example of humanistic, unequal relationships. The invention in the middle of the XV century of typography has played a huge role in the spread of ancient heritage and new views throughout Europe. Revival emerged in Italy, where his first signs were noticeable in the XIII and XIV centuries (in the activities of the Pisano family, Jotto, Orcanya, etc.), but it was firmly established only from the 20s of the XV century. In France, Germany and other countries, this movement began significantly later. By the end of the XV century, it reached its highest heyday. In the XVI century, the crisis of the ideas of rebirth is brewing, the result of which is the emergence of manherism and baroque.

Text of the Slide: Periods of the Italian Renaissance Protorenesance (2nd half of the XIII century - the XIV century) Early revival (1410/1425 of the XV century - the end of the 15th century) High revival (End XV - the first 20 years of the XVI century) Later Revival (Mid XVI - 90s of the XVI century) Northern Revival - XVI century

Slide text: General characteristics The new cultural paradigm arose due to the fundamental changes in public relations in Europe. The growth of the city cities led to an increase in the influence of estates that did not participate in feudal relations: masters and artisans, merchants, bankers. All of them was alien to the hierarchical system of values \u200b\u200bcreated by the medieval, largely church culture, and its ascetic, humble spirit. This led to the emergence of humanism - the socio-philosophical movement, who considered man, his personality, his freedom, its active, creative activity as the highest value and criterion for assessing public institutions.

Slide text: Renaissance Renaissance

The text of the slide: the revival, or the Renescape of the National Assembly of the Epoch in the history of the culture of Europe, who has replaced the culture of the Middle Ages and the previous culture of the new time. The exemplary chronological framework of the era - the beginning of the Xiv is the last quarter of the XVI centuries and in some cases - the first decades of the XVII century (for example, in England and, especially in Spain). A distinctive feature of the Renaissance - the secular nature of culture and its anthropocentrism (that is, interest, first of all, to the person and his activity). There is an interest in ancient culture, there is a "revival", as it were, the term appeared.

The text of the slide: in southern Europe, a counter-processing was enthusiastic, which was looked at any freehood, including champions of the human body and the resurrection of the ideals of antiquity as the cornerstone of the Renaissance ideology. The worldview contradictions and the overall feeling of the crisis poured out in Florence in the "nervous" art of contrived colors and broken lines - manherism. In the Parma, where Korredago worked, mannerism was reached only after the death of the artist in 1534. The artistic traditions of Venice had its own logic of development; until the end of the 1570s. Titian and Palladio worked there, whose creativity had little in common with crisis phenomena in the art of Florence and Rome

Slide number 10.

Slide Text: Later Revival Later Revival in Italy covers the period from the 1530s to 1590-1620. Some researchers are counted for late revival and 1630s, but this position is disputes among art historians and historians. The art and culture of this time are so diverse in their manifestations that it is possible to reduce them to one denominator with a large part of the convention. For example, the British Encyclopedia writes that "revival as a holistic historical period ended with the fall of Rome in 1527."

Slide number 11.

Slide text: Antique is now more thorough, reproduced with greater rigor and sequence; Calm and dignity is replaced by a playful beauty that constituted the preceding period; The medieval challenges completely disappear, and quite a classic imprint falls on all the creation of art. But the imitation of the ancient does not drown in the artists of their independence, and they, with great resourcefulness and the liveliness of fantasies, freely process and apply what is considered to be relevant to borrow for themselves from the ancient Greek-Roman art.

Slide number 12.

The text of the slide: "Vatican Putish" Michelangelo (1499): In the traditional religious plot, ordinary human feelings were made to the fore mother's love and sorrow

Slide number 13.

The text of the slide: the high revival of the third period of revival is the time of the most lush development of his style - it is customary to be called "high revival". It extends in Italy about 1500 to 1527. At this time, the center of the influence of Italian art from Florence moves to Rome, thanks to the entry into the Papal Throl of Julia II - a person of ambitious, bold and enterprising, which attered to his court of the best artists of Italy, who occupied them numerous and important works and gave them a different example of love for art . At the same time, the Pope and in his closest successors, Rome becomes as if by the new Athens of the pericles: many monumental buildings are built in it, magnificent sculptural works are created, frescoes and paintings are written, still considered painting with pearls; At the same time, all three industries of art are slightly going hand in hand, helping one other and mutually acting on each other.

Slide number 14.

Slide text: Benozzo Gotszoli depicted worship of the Magi as a solemn procession of court medi

Slide №15

The text of the slide: while art in Italy has already decided on the way of imitating classical antiquity, in other countries it held the traditions of the Gothic style for a long time. North of the Alps, as well as in Spain, the revival occurs only at the end of the XV century, and its early period lasts, approximately, until the middle of the next century.

Slide number 16.

Text Slide: Adam's Creation, Bas Accords Campanille Jotto Kiss Judah

Slide number 17.

Slide text: Early revival period of the so-called "early rebirth" covers in Italy from 1420 to 1500. During these eighty years, art is not entirely completely renounced from the legends of the recent past, but tries to mix elements borrowed from classical antiquity to them. Only subsequently, and only little, in the influence, everything is stronger and stronger than changing living conditions and culture conditions, artists completely cast medieval bases and boldly use samples of ancient art, both in the overall concept of their works and their details.

Slide №18.

The text of the slide: the art of the Renaissance era for the painting of the Renaissance Age is characterized by the appeal of the professional view of the artist to nature, to the laws of anatomy, the life perspective, the action of light and other identical natural phenomena. Revival artists, drawing pictures of traditional religious topics, began to use new art techniques: building a bulk composition, using a landscape as an element of the plot in the background. This allowed them to make images more realistic, lively, in what the sharp difference between their creativity from the previous iconographic tradition, abundant conventions in the image.

Slide №19.

Slide text: "Athens School" - the most famous fresco of Raphael (1509-10)

Slide number 20.

The text of the slide: The Renaissance era literature The Renaissance of the Renaissance Epoch in the literature is considered to be the Italian poet of Dante Aligiery (1265--1321), which truly revealed the essence of the people of the time in their work called the "comedy", which will later be called the "Divine Comedy" subsequently. Revival literature relied on two traditions: popular poetry and "book" antique literature, so often a rational start was combined with poetic fiction, and the comic genres were gaining great popularity. This manifested itself in the most significant literary monuments of the era: "Decameron" Bokcchcho, "Don Quixote" of Cervantes, and "Gargantua and Pantagruela" Francois Rabl.

Slide №21

Text Slide: Renaissance Philosophy Nikolai Kuzansky Leonardo Bruni Martilio Ficino Nikolai Copernicus Pico Della Mirandol Lorenzo Valla Maenetti Pietro Pomponazzi Jean Boden Michel Monten Martin Luther Tommazo Campanella Jordano Bruno Nikolo Makiavelli In the 15th century (1459) in Florence, Platonovskaya Academy Cargo. Philosophers of the Renaissance

Slide №22.

Slide text: Astronomical tools in the picture of the "ambassadors" (1533)

Slide №23

Slide text: Renaissance's science The development of knowledge in the XIV-XVI centuries has significantly affected the ideas of people about the world and the place of man in it. The great geographical discoveries, the Heliocentric system of the world Nikolai Copernicus changed the ideas about the size of the Earth and its place in the Universe, and the works of Paracelles and the Nezelia, in which for the first time after antiquity, attempts were made to study the structure of a person and the processes occurring in it, laid the beginning of scientific medicine and anatomy. .

Slide No. 24.

Slide text: "Love fight in a dream" (1499) is one of the highest achievements of the Renaissance typography

Slide number 25.

Slide text: Renaissance crisis: Venetian Tintoretto in 1594 depicted a secret inquire as an underground gathering in anxious twilight choppers

Slide number 26.

Slide Text: Northern Revival Italian Renaissance practically did not have any influence on other countries until 1450. After 1500, the style has spread through the continent, but many later educational influences remained even before the Baroque era. The Renaissance period in the territory of the Netherlands, Germany and France is made to allocate in a separate style, having some differences with revival in Italy, and call "Northern Revival". Most noticeable style differences in painting: unlike Italy, the traditions and skills of gothic art have long been preserved in painting, less attention was paid to the studies of the ancient heritage and the knowledge of the human anatomy. Outstanding Representatives - Albrecht Durer, Hans Golbien Junior, Lucas Senior cranes, Peter Bruegel Senior. Some works of Late Gothic Masters, such as Jan Van Eyk and Hans Memling, are imbued with prerenore spirit.

Slide number 22.

The text of the slide: Filippo Brunlelleski (1377-1446) - the founder of the Renaissance architecture, developed the theory of perspective and the order, returned to the construction practice many elements of ancient architecture, created for the first time in many centuries of the dome (Florentine Cathedral), still dominating in the panorama of Florence. Church of the Holy Spirit in Florence

Slide №28.

The text of the slide: Leon Battista Alberti (1402-1472) - the largest theorist of the renaissance architecture, the creator of its holistic concept, rethought the motives of the early Christian basil of the time of Constantine, in Palazzo Ruchellia created a new type of urban residence with a facade, treated with RUST and dismembered by several tiers of the pilaster. Santa Maria Novella

Slide number 29.

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Slide number 31

Slide text: The Renaissance era architecture mainly than this era is characterized by returning in architecture to the principles and forms of ancient, mainly Roman art. Of particular importance In this direction, symmetry, proportions, geometry and order of component parts are attached, about whom clearly indicate the surviving samples of Roman architecture. The complex proportion of medieval buildings is replaced by an ordered arrangement of columns, a pilaster and a pitch, a semicircle of arches, hemisphere of the dome, niche, and edicula, comes to replace the asymmetrical outlines. Five masters have made the greatest contribution to the development of Renaissance architecture.

Slide number 32.

Slide text: Lute - One of the most popular Renaissance Musical Instruments

Slide number 33.

Text of the slide: Donatra Bramte (1444-1514) - the namoiler of the high rebirth architecture, master of centric compositions with perfectly verified proportions; A tectonic logic, plasticity of parts, integrity and clarity of the plan (Tempetto) comes to replace the graphic restraint of architects. Templetto

Slide number 34.

The text of the slide: Michelangelo Buonaroti (1475-1564) - the chief architect of the late Renaissance, who led the grandiose construction work in the papal capital; In its buildings, the plastic beginning is expressed in dynamic contrasts as if the sprinkling masses, in the majestic tectonicity, foreshadowing the art of Baroque (St. Peter's Cathedral, Laurencyan Stairs). David

Slide number 35.

The text of the slide: Andrea Palladio (1508-1580) - the height of the first phase of classicism, known as Palladianism; Taking into account specific conditions, various combinations of order elements were infinitely varied; Supporter of an open and flexible architecture, which serves as a harmonious continuation of the environment, natural or urban (Palladiev Villa); Worked in the Venice Republic. Villa Rotonda

Slide number 36.

Slide text: Music of the Renaissance era appear various genres of secular musical art - Fottol and Villanell in Italy, Wiliansiko in Spain, Ballad in England, Madrigal, arising in Italy (L. Marrenzio, Ya. Arcabell, Jesualdo yes Venose), but received widespread distribution , French multi-voiced song (K. Zheken, K. Loot). The secular humanistic aspirations penetrate into the cult music - from Franco Flemish masters (Zoskien Dere, Orlando di Lasso), in the art of composers of the Venetian school (A. and J. Gabriel).


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