The difference between the program and the plan is as follows. "Program". Comparison of the concepts of project and “program. Model of the future organization

From the very beginning, strategic planning took the form of a system "forecasting - programming - budgeting", which reflected the continuity of planning documents, different in terms of development and implementation. This fairly common system has been shown to be effective at the Pentagon. In the USSR, there was an attempt to repeat this positive experience in 1979, when the Decree of the Central Committee of the CPSU and the Council of Ministers of the USSR No. 695 "On improving planning and increasing production efficiency and quality of work" introduced a similar system "forecast - program - plan". Some authors investigated this system, but it was not fully applied due to the impact of objective and subjective reasons. At the same time, targeted comprehensive programs were an example strategic action at the macro and micro levels of the Soviet economy (see also Section 6).

Despite many common features (targeting, focus on the implementation of complex strategies, large time characteristics required for their implementation, the probabilistic nature of the results, high costs of research and development, etc.), strategic plans and programs are not the same the same (Table 10.2). First of all, this is the orientation of programs to achieve "development goals" (for example, increasing the competitiveness or social development of the team), and projects - to "achieving the goal (creation)" (for example, a new product, production, technical system).

Table 10.2

Differences strategic plans and programs (projects)


Program (project)

Many goals

The only goal

Problems to be solved

A set of problems that can be solved in the planning period (subject to restrictions)

The unity of the problem is solved

Development and implementation term

In accordance with the adopted planning system at the enterprise (5 years, 2 + 1 + 2 years, 2 + 1 years, current, budgets, etc.)

Necessary to achieve the goal, the stages of implementation are determined by the planning system in the enterprise

Planning document structure

Single for the entire object (enterprise, set of enterprises, for example, a holding company) for which a plan is being developed

Determined by the nature of the problem, solved

Management bodies (development and control)


Available or specially created coordination


Due to the specialization of individual subsystems and officials

First of all, the main executor is the initiator of the program (project) with the involvement of interested co-executors

Financial security

The current system of enterprise finance, the distribution of available financial resources between sections of plans, in accordance with certain priorities


The current system of material and technical support, the distribution of available material and technical resources between sections of plans in accordance with certain priorities

Depending on the type of program (project)

Separately, attention should be paid to the difference between strategic plans and programs and projects.

The strategic program is a coordinating address document, which is an economically and scientifically grounded system of interconnected, and aimed at achieving common goal various events (socio-economic, scientific-technical and organizational-economic), agreed on terms and performers (co-executors), as well as provided with the necessary financial and material and technical resources.

The program consists of certain program activities, the content of which depends on the type and focus of the program on the implementation of certain strategies (see subsection 8.4-8.7).

A program task is filled with specific content specific action, aimed at achieving any current goal (related to the achievement of strategic goals through the "goal tree"), for the implementation of which performers (co-executors), terms and required volumes of all types of resources are justified and established.

Since strategic programs are planning documents that are complex in content and structure, you should use modern methods their justification, which causes the need for their formalization. At the same time, the main attention should be focused on the target orientation of strategic programs, which are the implementation of the target approach to planning (see Section 6). Target and strategic programs are very similar in their main parameters and areas of application and can be developed on the same methodological basis.

Target program - a structured set of the "goals - strategies - measures" graph and a set of characteristics associated with this structure.

In a formalized form, the program can be represented as follows:

П \u003d (G, H), (10.1)

where G \u003d (A, M, R); H \u003d (L0, L, Y, Β, Q, T);

P - program;

G - graph "goals - strategies - measures", built on the basis of the "goals tree";

H - a set of characteristics of the specified graph G;

A - a set of goals identified for implementation within the program P;

M - a set of strategies and activities necessary to achieve a set of goals;

R - a set of relationships between goals, objectives and strategies, strategies and activities;

L0 is a set of criteria for achieving goals;

L is a set of indicators for achieving goals;

Y is a set of system priorities in column G;

Β - a set of local priorities in the graph G;

Q - a set of resources required to achieve goals;

T is the time it takes to achieve goals.

This presentation of the program allows you to expand the possibilities of using economic and mathematical methods for its development and control over its implementation.

A project is a one-time set of goals, strategies, tasks and actions that has systemic characteristics regarding the relationship of resources, the sequence of work and the involvement of specialists of a certain profile.

Projects must meet the following requirements:

· Ensuring the simultaneous fulfillment of technical, economic, organizational and other requirements;

· Establishment of external and internal relationships: "goals-tasks-resources" - requiring clear coordination of work;

· Determination of the start and end dates of the project;

· Overcoming the limitations on critical resources;

· Prevention of conflicts in the process of project implementation among performers of different specialties.

Project management is a scientific and practical activity to determine the goals and organize the work of a group of people in such a way that the goals are achieved after the completion of all planned work.

As noted, programs and projects have many similarities. The strategic program (project) will have a high result if the program activities provided for the implementation of the program (project) will represent a systemic integrity, that is, they will have reasonable connections, an order of implementation and mutual reinforcement, that is, achieving synergy.

Characteristics of a strategic program (project) is a set of quantitative and qualitative characteristics, features, properties that determine for a specific program (project), features, properties associated with the process of achieving the goals of the program (project) and assessing the results of its implementation.

In order to quantitatively and qualitatively express the characteristics of the program (project), which fix the state of the control object in the process of implementing the program, various quantitative and qualitative indicators are used that concretize the predictive estimates of the development of the object for which the program or project is being developed.

It is advisable to single out such programs and projects in the activities of organizations:

· Work automation program;

· Cost reduction program;

· A program to rationalize the structure of production and auxiliary processes;

· Program introduction of days of "efficiency" to attract workers to the process of improving production;

· A program for creating insurance stocks using foreign sources of resources;

· Program for accumulation of strategic information banks;

· Organization of the SGC and signing an agreement with large wholesale depots in one of the CIS countries.

The list of projects can be considered similarly:

· A project for mastering the process of assembling diesel engines from imported components with a gradual transfer of production of some of them to our own production facilities;

· A project for the development of a new technological line and the like;

A project for the construction of a joint venture with suppliers
state for the treatment of industrial waste;

· Project of scientific developments for the creation of new materials;

· A project to create a trading network and the like.

Now it is widely used in successful firms in the West and East. automated planning the production process, which allows in practice to carry out one of the key principles strategic management - alternative plans.

Distinguish between variational and generated production planning (PPP)

Variational PPV means the creation of programs to develop a range of alternative plan options for the PPO system. Plan options are stored on electronic media, which allows you to make adjustments if necessary.

The generated PPW is a more complex approach compared to
with variational PPV. This method involves the use of such softwarewhich uses information on a wide range of technical and economic characteristics production process, including a description of equipment, tools, parts, as well as technological and organizational operations.

Fig. 10.2. Schematic diagram of the relationship between development goals and the system of plans, projects and programs
(- the process of achieving goals; - the process of forming plans)

Modern information Technology create conditions for wider adoption strategic planning in the practice of organizations different types.

Strategic programs of any content are implemented through a system of strategic, current and operational plans (Figure 10.2).

You can arrive at your destination only when the course of movement is correctly set, and all participants know where and why they are going. The project and program are categories of Western management, where special attention is paid to competent planning. How to understand the difference between them and what are the differences?

What is a project and program

  • Project - an interconnected set of activities and processes, the main goal of which is the implementation of a large-scale task. Its main attributes are the availability of deadlines, resources, mission. The implementation of the project can be calculated quantitatively, as well as qualitatively (the set goals are achieved or failed).
  • Program - a group of projects united by a common goal, management, resources, mission. Their result is a qualitative change in state caused by the implementation of the planned tasks. The healthcare development program involves the implementation of a number of projects: the construction of hospitals, research, training of personnel and much more.

Difference between project and program

So, the most important difference between these concepts is their scale. The program is several projects united by one goal. It is not measured quantitatively, but qualitatively and involves a change in state. As a rule, the terms of the project implementation are rigidly determined, and their postponement will inevitably affect the implementation of the program.

There are also differences in the complexity of the implementation of the tasks set. The implementation of the project seems to be easier, since for success it is enough to achieve the goals by a certain period of time. The program is just a hypothesis (the fight against alcoholism or drug addiction), which must be confirmed in practice. Not always interconnected projects and their successful implementation lead to a change in state, and the result may even be unpredictable.

The difference between a project and a program is as follows:

  • The scope of the concept. A program is a broader concept that includes a set of projects.
  • Duration. The timeframe for the implementation of the program is broad, the project is specific and measurable.
  • Result. The project is implemented when the planned activities are completed by the specified date. The result of the program is a change in state, an impact on the situation. Thus, even its partial implementation can be successful, and the resulting effect may exceed all expectations.
  • Complexity. The implementation of the program is more difficult than the implementation of the project, since all the components of the task need coordination.

Any activity requires competent management. When it comes to an enterprise or company, management functions are taken over by managers: managers, heads of departments, leading employees who are entrusted with a large project. It is necessary to manage not only at the production level, but also at the household level: the better the activity is organized, the more happy the result is.

The factory director, the housewife, and the university rector are essentially doing the same thing, only on a different scale. They develop a concept of activity (aka philosophy) and a strategy, plan each step (operation or action), organize the participants in the process, make lists and schedules in order to better navigate the situation. They distribute funds, use a variety of tricks to stimulate the activity of performers, and conduct "quality control".

Plan and strategy are links in the same chain

The strategy and plan are planning elements - one of the functions of management. These are, in fact, the results of planning as a process: a well-written plan is half the job. Despite the importance of developing and predicting the course of events, while cases remain on paper in the form of points, sub-points, theses, one cannot talk about full-fledged production and any other activity. Management activities cannot be thought of without drawing up plans:

  • Strategic - long-term or promising;
  • Tactical - supporting (for the implementation of the strategy);
  • Operational - short-term, focused on solving specific problems in a short time.

The strategy takes on real shape and practical value only if it is implemented. Plans allow you to streamline a chaotic set of tasks into a coherent pattern of actions. They should be compiled for each area of \u200b\u200bapplication of managerial and executive efforts, be it manufacturing or finance, work with personnel or marketing research.

Plan and strategy should not be confused!

Thoughts about activity can be interesting and promising, but while they are in a state of certain ideas, it is difficult to squeeze out the benefit from them. Predictions about the future functioning of the organization are put on the form of plans. To illustrate the planning function and the relationship between the concepts of strategy, tactics, goals, objectives, plans, a metaphor about travel is suitable:

  • The goal is to make your vacation unforgettable or to go on a business trip with benefits for your career.
  • Tasks - a step-by-step explanation of how to get to your destination and do everything you need to (plan a trip, choose a country / city, choose the mode of transport that is optimal for the cost of service and speed, buy a ticket, book a hotel room)
  • Strategy is an understanding of what such events will bring to a person in the future if they are systematically repeated. For example, rest is necessary to recuperate and be ready to meet professional challenges with renewed energy. When it comes to business trips, one cannot ignore the role of travel (participation in seminars, professional development, exchange of experience) in professional advancement. Their frequency and high performance will have a positive effect on career growth.
  • Tactics - concretization of the various stages of achieving the goal. If a hike is planned for the duration of the vacation, the purchase of a uniform tan and acquaintance with an interesting company, then each event needs its own tactics. At the same time, the strategy remains the same - to have a good time on vacation, with benefits for the mind and body.
  • The plan and the list are, respectively, the conference program (events are arranged in the order of their holding) and the shopping list (here it is not the sequence of purchases that is important, but the exact quantity and name of the required goods).

In the process of achieving the goal, it is possible to adjust the previously drawn up action plan, therefore, a set of alternatives should be considered. They can help fill in the gaps in the schedule if changing conditions impede activities. So, at the resort, sunny days can be replaced by rainy ones, so going to the beach will have to be replaced by visiting exhibitions and other events “under the roof”.

Strategy and tactics relate the same way like climate and weather... Climate is a combination of several meteorological components (precipitation, average temperature, air humidity) that has developed over the years, which is characteristic of a given territory. Climatic conditions rarely change: in the entire history of mankind there have been so many that the fingers of one hand are enough for calculations. The weather is changeable, it is possible to predict it relatively accurately only for a couple of days.

Strategy defines long term prospects: within its framework, the solution of problems stretches over several years. Tactics is a decomposition of strategy, and its main function is to distribute the main tasks in the time given to achieve the goal. The concept of “plan” in this chain of comparisons corresponds to a weather forecast: it is a detailed description of activities by item. The more detailed and concrete the plan, the faster the movement “from point A to point B” occurs.

Plan and strategy are compared, but not opposed. The content of the company's activities (aspects of production, financing, investment, profit distribution, marketing, personnel management, optimization) is described in detail in a strategy that corresponds to the company's goal and philosophy. Various types of planning give this content a form, with the result that actions to achieve the goal appear as a roadmap. The goal is broken down into tasks, which accelerates progress: thanks to this, the path to the organization's success ceases to seem insurmountable.

Enterprise Planning: A Cheat Sheet By Unknown


In some cases, when a full-fledged business plan is not required, but only a feasibility study is enough, you can use the product of ROFER Business Plan M or similar programs to calculate and write a feasibility study. Systems for writing the text part of a business plan contain templates, samples and recommendations. These systems include: Success Success (Dynamic Pathways Company) and Business Plan PL text (ROFER), etc.

Programsfor drawing up a fully functional business plan differfrom programs of the previous type the presence of the calculated part... This part of the business plan is designed to solve the following tasks: analysis of several strategies for achieving the goals of enterprise development and selection of the optimal one; creating a flawless business plan that meets international standards; development of a financing scheme for enterprise development projects, taking into account future needs for moneyah based on the cash flow forecast at the entire planning stage, the choice of sources and conditions for raising funds, an assessment of possible terms and schedules of loan repayment, etc. Such software systems for writing a business plan include Business Plan PL (ROFER), Project Expert (Proinvest-IT), Alt-Invest (ALT), INEC-Analyst (INEC), etc.

With these programs you can accomplish the following tasks: plan economic activity firms for the near and distant periods in accordance with the needs of the market and the possibilities of obtaining the necessary resources; determine the specific directions of the firm's activities, target markets and the place of the firm in these markets; formulate long-term and short-term goals and plans of the enterprise, strategy and tactics for their achievement, identify persons responsible for implementing the strategy; choose the composition and determine the indicators of goods and services that will be offered by the firm to consumers; estimate financial position firms and the correspondence of the available financial and material resources to the possibilities of achieving the set goals; anticipate difficulties that may interfere with the practical implementation of the business plan.

Business Plan PL software product is intended for financial forecasting in the future period. This program is specially designed for writing business plans, feasibility studies and developing various areas of financial forecasting. It is possible to use the program in a reduced version for small businesses. Structurally, the program is divided into two parts: text (explanatory) and financial (calculated). Text part, in turn, is divided into two parts: "Layout Guide" offers a sequential methodology for project development and "Sample Plan", which consists of individual chapters of real business plans. A great achievement can be considered the ability of the program to create a chapter " Financial plan»- one of the most important explanatory chapters of a business plan. Chapter formation is fully automated.

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IN modern world only the one who is best prepared for the forthcoming actions wins. The program and the plan are two important parts of project management, the implementation of the ideas of which can lead any enterprise to success. Understanding the difference between them is very important for future leaders who want not only to be a cog in the system, but to competently manage resources and determine their future.


Program - a sequential algorithm of actions, the implementation of which will allow the performer to achieve a specific goal... The program can be computer, pre-election, work. All of them have one thing in common: a set of interrelated activities aimed at the implementation of the tasks.

Plan - a series of actions, united by a single goal and intended to be performed before a certain date. The plan allows you to create a work schedule that disciplines both an individual and a group of people, helping them to navigate in time and space.


Thus, a program is a broad concept that denotes a strategy for achieving a result. Not a single activity can do without it large company and an organization whose leader really wants to be successful. The program is flexible, in order to achieve the goals, individual points can be changed, adapted to real conditions. However, it can have several plans executed in parallel.

A plan is an outdated way of accomplishing project management objectives. It is detailed, and each event has a time frame, but it is far from the fact that the completion of all tasks will lead to the achievement of goals.

Conclusions site

  1. The breadth of the concept. Program is a broader category that can include multiple plans.
  2. Progressiveness. The program is more flexible than the plan, and it can be adjusted and guided in the implementation process.
  3. Flexibility. Separate points of the program can be performed independently of each other, several outcomes are possible. The plan is always linear, and therefore must be implemented consistently.
  4. Detailing. The program contains only general provisions, goals, and the plan is a detailed study of each step, time frame, resources.
  5. Evaluation of the result. To understand the effectiveness of the plan, it is necessary to compare the planned activities with those actually implemented. The effectiveness of the program can be assessed only after achieving the goal.


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