Scenario of the anniversary date in the dating club. Scenario of the "club's birthday" holiday. Jubilee script "Rainbow of Life"

Cool scenarios and sketches for the anniversary and birthday of men and women, which are always useful for cheerful congratulations at the table.

Most often, sketches are needed for a performance and the simultaneous presentation of gifts. We have more than 100 types of various congratulatory performances for of different ages: from 18 to 80 years old! But the most popular of course are on the 50th, 55th, 60th, 65th, 70th anniversary. There are also mini-scenes for children's day birth from 1 year to adulthood.

We also offer full scenarios for anniversaries with musical accompaniment, contests, games, remake songs, ditties and congratulations from guests.

We offer to buy sketches at a price of 49 rubles for a funny congratulation:

- a colleague (woman or man);
- girlfriend, friend, colleague;
- close relatives: mom, dad, grandmother, grandfather, sister, brother, daughter, son, etc .;
- other relatives: aunt, uncle, mother-in-law, father-in-law, mother-in-law, father-in-law, brother-in-law, godfather, niece, goddaughter;
- retiring or leaving for another job.

There are no such comic and original miniatures on the Internet, the likelihood that someone will congratulate the hero of the day with the same scene as yours is minimal!

If the example scenarios did not suit you, then we will gladly compose a new one for you. original script to order! To do this, write to us by mail: [email protected] site

The script is designed for the solemn part of the anniversary. The script text allows you to restore the chronology of the life of the anniversary. On each life stage the hero of the occasion will need to present gifts that should be prepared in advance.

Scenario of the anniversary of 55 years for a woman "Wishes are countless!"

The script is designed to celebrate the 55th anniversary of the woman. Or rather, this is a congratulation from eminent and famous guests - a wealthy Italian and his respected translator in the district. The national costume of the Italian should be prepared in advance - black knee-length pants, a white shirt, a red belt, a hat with wide brims.

Anniversary script

An anniversary is not an ordinary birthday. On this day, a person’s life seems to begin with a new stage, a round date, one might say “reporting points”. Therefore, this day should be unusually fabulous and colorful. Everything should be just gorgeous and indescribable. This scenario is suitable for adult people, no matter male or female.

Scenario for the 30th anniversary "Attention, we are filming the Anniversary!"

Celebrating in style - filming a detective film. All men are dressed in tuxedos and women in evening dresses. The jubilee is held in the restaurant, which is rented for the whole evening only for the party participants. No special design. Guests are alerted to their roles.

Scenarios of the women's anniversary "Roses are just for you!"

The script is designed for an anniversary celebrated by a woman. The presenter should prepare roses in advance - flowers cut from colored cardboard or colored paper. Flowers should be large so that they can later be collected in a huge bouquet.

Scenario for celebrating 20 years anniversary.

An anniversary happens not only when you are forty, fifty years old, but also when you “knock” twenty. For some reason round dates I want to celebrate better than "ordinary" ones, and when you are young, it’s insanely fun. This scenario is designed for young people (20-30 years old) who love leisure, the celebration is best organized in a separate apartment or outdoors.

Anniversary script for a woman

Anniversary or birthday of the woman. Each guest calls a compliment to the birthday girl, starting with a letter written on paper, which is under the plate. The most daring men dance an impromptu striptease. All guests are divided into 3 teams and make paper bouquets. Each guest draws on a piece of paper what he wishes for the Birthday Girl. Best Friend Contest.

Script for celebrating the 70th anniversary of a man

The script was written to celebrate the man's seventieth birthday. It is perfect for both a professional presenter and for the children or grandchildren of the hero of the day. Following this scenario, the holiday will turn out to be warm, sincere and memorable for the hero of the day.

Jubilee script "If a lady is 35!"

The scenario is designed for a birthday party in the form of a bachelorette party, for which only the girlfriends of the birthday girl or her employee gather. You can spend at home or order tables in the institution.

Jubilee script "At 65 years old - a young soul"

The script is intended for holding a tea party in honor of the birthday girl in the house of an elderly person. The celebration should not be protracted, and must be agreed in advance with all participants.

Scenario of a woman's jubilee - 30 years.

Scenario for celebrating a 30-year-old woman's anniversary, but can be used for any adult anniversaries and is held in a spacious room. Leading the holiday clowns Kuzya and Anfisa.

Scenario for the 50th anniversary for the woman "The Most Beautiful"

Anniversary for a married woman with children. The script includes music, dance and songwriting contests. The main prize of the evening is the Birthday Girl's Wish Fulfillment Ticket. At the end of the evening, there is a birthday cake with 50 candles.

Jubilee script - 50 years for a woman "Life full of flowers!"

The script is designed to congratulate a woman in her 50s. summer anniversary... It is recommended to prepare 5 vases of different sizes and 5 bouquets of flowers in advance - from daisies, from lilies, from roses, from chrysanthemums, from orchids. Each bouquet will symbolize a 10-year milestone in the life of the hero of the day.

Scenario of the 60th anniversary of the woman "You take off, take me off, photographer!"

The script is designed to hold a celebration in any room (apartment, cafe, restaurant). The plot revolves around photographs from birth to today the birthday girl herself. Contests as close as possible to the topic (photoshop, choosing a wardrobe, collecting puzzles from a photo of the hero of the day, coming up with a funny caption for a photo).

Scenario of the 60th anniversary of the man "Stretch out, soul, accordion"

The 60th birthday is the age when it is very important for a man to feel significant, loved, not deprived of attention. Most often, the celebration comes down to banal gatherings and feasts. It is much more effective to go according to a different scheme - to surprise the hero of the day with a spectacular and vivid staging of the celebration.

Scenario of the jubilee of 55 years to the woman "Walk, the crazy empress"

The 55th birthday for a woman is almost always a double date: anniversary and retirement. It is important to spend the holiday so that the hero of the day feels beautiful, needed and important. It is advisable to beat retirement, without allowing a tinge of despondency, but, on the contrary, fervently and with enthusiasm. The sonorous date itself is conducive to spectacular congratulations and beautiful gifts.

Scenario of the 50th anniversary of the man “Fifty. The path is half covered, half not yet ”

The script is designed for a holiday taking place in a cafe or restaurant. The hall can be decorated thematically, taking into account the preferences of the hero of the day. You can also make a special collage with photographs of guests, under which there will be wishes.

October 12, 2016 in the Central Regional Library named after F.M. Dostoevsky's club "Radost" celebrated its 5th anniversary.

On October 4, 2011, our friends and neighbors in the Sortirovochny microdistrict, people of "silver age", united in our library. Their goal is communication of like-minded people, joint creativity, and most importantly - an active lifestyle. This is how the “Joy” club of interests appeared.

For all five years, this club has given real joy to all its participants: the joy of communication, knowledge, discoveries, creativity and movement forward.

It seems that five years is a very short time, but at the jubilee evening everyone was surprised to see how much was done during this time, how rich and interesting the life of the club was. These are joint trips and excursions, theater evenings, master classes in applied arts and meetings in the library, where members of the club learned a lot of interesting things about writers, artists, made virtual travels across countries and continents. But most importantly, over these five years, the club members have rallied and made friends. Many have developed very close personal relationships. They became true friends, supported each other in both sorrow and joy.

Guests came to congratulate the heroes of the day. Head of the Department for Work with the Population and Development of the Territorial public self-government Doronina Ekaterina Vadimovna in her congratulations noted that the "Radost" club is known in the Kanavinsky region and in the city of Nizhny Novgorod, its activities were repeatedly covered in the press. From the administration of the Kanavinsky district, she presented the “Joy” club with a gift: a monograph about the history of the Kanavinsky district.

The chairman of the council of public self-government of the Sortirovochny Korotkikh microdistrict Pavel Gennadievich expressed his readiness to continue to provide all kinds of support and assistance to the club "Joy". The first chairman of the club, Ogneva Lyudmila Ivanovna, told how it all began, how the idea of ​​creating an interest club came true.

Honored Worker of Culture of the Russian Federation, Director of the Centralized Library System of the Kanavinsky District, Igoshina Alla Iosifovna in her congratulations stressed that the members of the "Joy" club are always welcome guests of the library. Therefore, our cooperation will continue.

Guests saw multimedia presentation, in which all the activities of the club for five years were presented, and funny music videos with film clips and photographs of the club members.

The evening ended with a tea party, songs and memories sounded at the table.

The anniversary is a kind of result, but not the end. The "Radost" club continues its work and is waiting for new members.

Olga Kuzmina,
chief librarian of the sector of socio-cultural activities
CRH them. F.M. Dostoevsky

Jubilee of the library women's club Golden Age "

The anniversary of the women's club "Golden Age" was celebrated in the library number 1 of the city of Vidnoe. The association celebrated its 15th anniversary. For a person - the age is young, but for a club at the library - is not enough! The celebration took place on a grand scale! The library was decorated with welcome posters (thanks for the help to Tatyana Sergeevna - Head of Children's Library No. 2), a wall newspaper “15 years is not an age”, balloons and flowers. Offensive retirement age is considered to be the end active life... In the understanding of many, being a pensioner means sitting on a bench, complaining about your health and discussing young people. But there are people who do not want to grow old "like everyone else", they are active in every sense, build Napoleonic plans and, most importantly, implement them. These are the people who gathered in our "Golden Age" club. At the moment, there are 15 people in the club's list. Who is he, the average club member? Despite his age, he is an energetic, resilient person who wants to learn new things, and not for the sake of the process itself, but for the benefit of himself. He has lived an interesting, eventful life, fulfilled both as a person and as a specialist, and as a parent, and as a person who already has grandchildren. And at the same time, he managed to sip a lot from the vicissitudes of fate. In our case, these are women who do not want to put up with age. They adequately look at the essence of things, and are not afraid to call themselves an active pensioner. Because this is not a status, but a title that must be borne with dignity. Which is what they do. Head the library of T.E. Nazarov, who is also the chairman of the "Golden Age" club, offered the guests a fun and rich program. The main moment of her opening speech was the sentence: "Oh, you, dear guests, Sing, have fun, Well, whoever came out of sorts, Better disperse." The first meeting of the club took place in 2002. Our dear Elena Aleksandrovna Nagornova and Valentina Moiseevna Barsukova stood at its origins. Elena Alexandrovna shared her memories of how it all began. In recognition of her merits, a self-organized committee represented by club members V.A. Pento and T.Nasonova made a proposal to assign to Elena Alesandrovna honorary title“The founding mother” and to award her the “Best Leader” badge. And that was done. Then the club relay passed to Tatyana Evgenievna Nazarova, who has been running the club for over 14 years. A self-organizing committee on behalf of all club members awarded her certificate of honor, a medal "For Forms and Content" (I hope this is about work!), a badge "Success in all matters!" and a commemorative gold plaque with the club's motto. We heard about the anniversary of the club in faraway China, from where the "Chinese delegation" arrived with congratulations with gifts. That was the end of the official part of the holiday and the fun began! The guests were seated at the table set for tea drinking. The table was decorated with a magnificent cake called “We don’t miss our tea”, which Valentina Anatolyevna, a member of the Kashtanov family, presented to the club. The cake was delicious to match its beauty. Thanks to Masha Kashtanova who made it! At a richly set table, the guests enjoyed themselves until the evening. Chastooshkas sounded, played funny Games"Shifters", "Useless Questions". The game for coordination and concentration of attention “Grandmother at the Bazaar” aroused special fun and laughter. Win-win lottery allowed to acquire especially valuable items like a bag of lavrushka, a year's supply of matches or a balloon in the form of a Chinese lantern. Unrestrained laughter was caused by "The Tale of the Life of Pensioners" and "The Tale of How Grandmother Yaga Wanted to Get Married", which Tatyana Evgenievna read. To take a break from laughter, the guests made a "Chamomile of wishes" by gluing petals with good wishes club "Golden Age". At the end of the meeting, verses were recited - a wish: May this wonderful date Give joy and light smiles. I wish you everything that life is rich in - Good, health, happiness, many years! Good luck to the club, different achievements. Manage to surprise the indifferent! Days of fruitful, joyful, beautiful, And a long, long time for the Club to live! Let the holiday come to an end, But the wishes remained, A smile is here to you, to everyone's face, you are all sincerely laughing here! Let me tell you one more thing, Two words, just in conclusion: All meetings should go to "5", And that there was inspiration! The hostess of the holiday Tatyana Evgenievna once again congratulated everyone on the anniversary and wished success and prosperity to the Golden Age club! There is nothing, without all the doubts, More expensive than friendly communication. And therefore keep your club Keep in its orbit!

or the 30th anniversary of the "Literary Wednesday" club

On stage - T.A. Mulyun (TAM):
(against the background of the collage splash)

30 years is the time of accomplishments,
30 years is the age of the summit,
30 years is a time of overthrow
Those who previously ruled with their minds.

30 years is the time of smiles
And not crying and not laughing with tears,
30 years is a time of mistakes
For which there are no punishments.
30 years are blue mountains
The taste of a find and the horror of loss.
30 years is joy and sorrow,
30 years is life at the limit.

30 years are songs and thoughts,
30 years is the sea and rocks
30 years is a search for meaning ...
30 years is still not enough ...
Yu. Kukin

Chorus: "This is how we live ...

“Govorukhin” appears, an assistant director, a cameraman ...

S. G .: Turn on the light in the hall. Wonderful: the crowd was assembled ... well, the light is too small ... well, we will move it apart, we will arrange it here ...
T.A.M .: Excuse me, but who are you?

S. G .: I ??? I am Stanislav Govorukhin! On the basis of your library, I will shoot a serial musical blockbuster “The meeting place cannot be changed-2”, in a word, a film-revue - “The Era of Reading”, series 300, should be within the budget ...

T.A.M .: So, excuse me, first of all, why here? And secondly, why the revue, the Weiners wrote a detective novel, and it is called "The Era of Mercy", and what is the era of reading?

S. G .: Firstly, I shoot, so whatever I want, I shoot! I want a revue, so there will be a film show! Secondly, 2031 will be declared the year of reading. And I received a social order to create an imperishable on this topic. In 20 years we will shoot 300 episodes. And why in Arzamas (to the assistant: This is Arzamas ?, he nods) ... This is understandable ... Now in the capitals it is impossible to remove the theme of culture ... There it is almost gone ... But the province ... Only here are idiots (I beg your pardon) who still move culture to the masses ... And almost free ... Yes, they say you also have an anniversary ... So the script is ready (shows) Now we need a consultant ... I think you will suit us, since you are standing on the stage. (shouts) Where is my chair?
(they bring a chair on wheels)
Everyone, let's start filming! Operator! Camera! Clapperboard!

Director's assistant: Episode 1, take 1 ... When we were young and they were carrying great nonsense

On the stage, the team c / z., There is a meeting.
Rita: - Girls, have an idea to organize a readers' club?
Sasha: (indignantly) girls again !!!
Rita: Good. colleagues ... I repeat the idea: a club. readers. For young people!!!
Nadia: -Oh, we will cry ... you know how much trouble
Lyuba: - Yes, okay, where ours did not disappear ...
Tanya: - Interestingly, we will discuss the Books, introduce new products ...
Nadia: - Just not to the farm, I won't go there anymore and I don't want to go to the colony ...
Tanya- Just think, 40 reviews per year, and we can do more ...
Sasha: How are we going to gather people?
Lyuba: And where will we spend it?
Rita: - Yes, here. in the reading room,
Tanya: - will have to close ... well, for one evening ... not scary ...
Lyuba: -And what is at the first meeting?
Rita - Reviews. So, periodicals - me, books - Sasha (A. Gorenkov), Tanya - about plans and evenings for 1981, we will ask Tonya Mironova for books from the subscription ...

S. G .: So, they removed ...

Director's assistant: Episode 2, take 21 ... "1-meeting or" In the beginning was the word "

Consultant: Well, if about the details ... In a review of periodicals, Margarita Alekseevna Gavrilenko spoke of the copies published in thick magazines: here is their list: "Painting" Granin, "Violinist Danilov" Orlova, "Punishers" by Adamovich, "Southern Cross" by Slepukhin, "Victory" by Chakovsky, "My Adult Childhood" by Gurchenko, "Angel, Pearl and the Little God" by Graham, "The Rich Man, the Poor Man" autobiography of Pele. .. Impressive? .. But at the first sessions, reviews were most often done by Sasha Gorenkov, and we were preparing thematic pages ...

S. G., intervenes: Wait a minute, here is the speech of A. Gorenkov, the deputy, did I understand correctly? How the people in the provinces are growing!
Gorenkov's speech

Consultant: In the course of our today's filming, we will conduct a quiz. The winner will receive the largest piece of cake. So, 1st Question: Who is from the present. deputies of the State Duma of the Russian Federation was at one time a member of the drug club?
the respondent is given 1B

SG, Here you need to dilute with music…. By the way, how are you doing with music?

Consultant: Great Music sounded almost at every meeting. And the actual number of muses. meetings (topics) for the entire existence of the club 54, of which 10 - bard song, 12 - for composers, 11 - for singers, 9 - for romances ... And here we must say about Valentina Fedorovna Zimens, Elvira Korneevna Petri and Lena Zubatova

Speech by E.K. Petri,

Consultant: In memory of V.F. Siemens sounds this romance

Chorus: romance
S.G., Stop. removed ... What do we have next ...

Director's assistant: Episode 3, take 38 ... "The meeting continues ..."
S. G., intervenes: Here is the place to give the floor to the elders (not by age, of course, but by club experience!
Consultant: Speaking of seniority and age ... a mathematical paradox! The total age of today's club members - it's scary to say - is more than 1500 years, and together we are only 30 years old!) Well, the club experience is now the greatest for Alexandra Nikolaevna Zlobina and Lydia Alexandrovna Bogoslovskaya.

Consultant: 2nd question of the quiz: In 1999 we had a benifice for a reader - a member of the club. What is the name of the beneficiary?
the respondent is given 1B
S. G .: How did you entertain the audience? -
Consultant: With a bard song, Lydia Ilyinichny was clearly not indifferent to this genre.
S.G. Submit your materials
Ilya Konkin's speech
Consultant: Now is the saddest page of our meeting ... for 30 years we have lost many members of the club and today we simply have no right not to remember them.
Moose. Taraverdiev theme "Remembrance", video collage
Our memorials: Lotashova Lidia Ilyinichna, Musina Valentina Alexandrovna, Gladkova Tamara Klimovna, Shapochkina Yulia Sergeevna, Gazetova Antonina Mikhailovna, Zlobina Anna Alexandrovna Leivikova Anna Mikhailovna, Ovchinnikova Inna Mikhailovna, Siletskaya Galina Petrovna, Shchelokova Nikolaimovna Nikolaimova
We always remember about them

Director's assistant: Episode 4, take 145 ... "Love the book - the source of knowledge ..."

S. G., Since the literary environment, you need to talk about literature and books

Consultant: 111 sessions were devoted to fiction, of which 84 - to the creators of this literature (Pushkin - 6, Shakespeare - 4, Tsvetaeva - 4).

S. G. A specialist in the field of literature is needed here ...

Consultant: Please, as they say in Odessa, we also have them ..
V.I.Samokhvalova's speech

Consultant: 3rd question of the quiz: Which book was the 800th anniversary of the meeting in 1985?
the respondent is given 1B

S. G. Here we insert a musical number

Chorus: "Majestic ..." Prokofiev ...

Director's assistant: Episode 5, take 4 ... "5 years is not a time!"

SG What about the fifth anniversary ... How did you celebrate ...?
Consultant: At that time we didn’t think about anniversaries yet, and there was no time - we went over.

A new building on the screen
Consultant: 4th question of the quiz: What event was the opening of the new library building timed to?

the respondent is given 1B

SG, I suppose there were a lot of bosses?

Consultant: The first event that took place in the library after its opening was a meeting of the LS club.
5th quiz question: In which room of the new building did the 1st meeting of 1986 take place?
the respondent is given 1B
S. G. Stop, removed ... More

Director's assistant: Episode 6, take 11 ... "This young lady is 10 years old ..."

SG: So, the 10th anniversary ... What is it commemorated ... we look at the working materials ...
Photo - general
Consultant: For the first time in a decade, the lines of our motto were heard:
“If you feel sad - the book is in short supply,
If you have a piece of ice on your heart,
to us, to the library, then you are in a hurry
Here our literary environment will always be glad to you ... "

And, as always, a review of periodicals ... Short ... It was then that Elena Viktorovna could not be stopped ...

S. G., And what is this, in more detail
Speech by E.V. Yamshchikova
Consultant: 6th question of the quiz. Who secretly got the title of Madame Club on its tenth anniversary?
the respondent is given 1B

Director's assistant: Episode 7, take 31 ... "15 is already something ..."

S. G .: Do you have working materials?

Consultant: Yes, the meeting of Wednesday was filmed for the first time ... Local TV

Video recording: Tat Al, with A. Iv. + Theological

S. G. What kind of a lady in a gray dress is there?

Consultant: This is not just a lady - this is the future director of the library ...

SG, Then we will shoot here the speech of the director of the library, Antonina Ivanovna, do I remember correctly?

A.I. Vladykina.

Consultant: 7th question: What was the shape of the cake for the 15th anniversary?

the respondent is given 1B

S.G., Something musically perky is needed here
Choir "Quadrille"

Director's assistant: Episode 8, take 45 ... "The court ... Whoever does nothing is not judged ..."

S. G .: I looked at the working materials. Curious ... This is how you celebrated the twentieth anniversary of the club - with a trial? ... you have humor, however ...

Consultant: It turns out that this is the 8th question of the quiz. Whose statement of claim was the reason for the litigation?
the respondent is given 1B

S. G., intervenes: Let's see what our colleagues filmed there ...

Video recording: statement, speech of the defendant

Consultant: Will you be filming folklore? Chastooshkas, composed by club members for the 20th anniversary?
Once the book lovers have gathered
We decided to solve the issue
Like book novelties
They should be the first to read.

For a long time they racked their heads
And then they came up with:
Let's organize a club
"Literary environment"

20 years here we go
Have become old already.
It's good that these "environments"
Oh yeah on the first floor.

We are so young
And we can't believe it ourselves
We are only 20 years old
Oh, there is much to hope for.

S.G .: Well, we figured out the art, but any self-respecting community should deal with scientific research... How are you with that?

Director's assistant: Episode 9, take 57 ... "A quarter of a century is no experience"

Consultant: In connection with the 25th anniversary, the Scientific-Practical-Humorous Conference "Literary Environment" as a Literary Environment: Socio-Cultural Aspects was held. (The following issues were considered: “LS” in the context of the realities of the late XX and early XX century! Centuries; “LS” and the problem of realizing the creative potential of Arzamas pensioners; “LS” and the phenomenon of omnivorousness of the average provincial intellectual; “LS” in the mirror of sociology, statistics and demography; Folklore motives in the work of "LS") One of the messages was called "Literary environment in the light of astrology.
9th question of the quiz. Who is the LS according to the horoscope?
the respondent is given 1B

S. G .: So, let's look at a sample of working materials. Just something curious

Consultant: Then let's talk about Yakov Petrov, an actor from Arzamas. who congratulated us on our 25th birthday

Video recording Yasha Petrov
S. G., Taken ...

Director's assistant: Episode 299, take 2011 ... "The beautiful is far away ..."

S. G .: Are we approaching the final? What's the script ... It's time to listen to the current members of the club ...
LS performance
performance of club members
S.V. Klyueva:
I will not undertake to create great things,
And Pushkin's lines are appropriate here.
My friends! Our union is wonderful!
It's great that we have been together for 30 years.

What are we "Literary Wednesday"
Tied with invisible threads.
And I want to believe now that forever
We have become a meeting place, a place of friendship.

We learn something every time here,
We travel and contemplate
We read poems and sometimes sing.
And we remember those who are not with us.

Let the days of the past intertwine into years
Like streams flowing into rivers.
May our sacred day be Wednesday!
And new meetings in the library!

S. G., Stop !!! Well, that the imperishable was removed? Where will we send: to the Golden Globe or to the Moscow one? After installation, it will be seen ...
Field shooting completed. Thanks to all.

TAM: We are opening a new decade of the club's history. Life goes on. And she is, all the same - beautiful!
And together with the choir "When the soul sings" under the direction of Tatyana Mikhailovna Sumatokhina we sing
Chorus: I love you, life


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