A letter of thanks to the lawyer for resolving the case. Thank you lawyer sample. Film The War of the Roses

Letter #1:
Dear Ivan Ivanovich,

[organization name] expresses its gratitude to [organization name] for their professionalism and dedication in their work.

Our firm has repeatedly turned to the specialists of [name of organization] for legal advice and support, and has always received qualified legal assistance.

A flexible approach and responsibility in work helped our company to minimize financial and legal risks and improve the legal support of the company's activities.

We wish you further success and look forward to fruitful cooperation.

Petr Petrov

Letter #2:
Dear Ivan Ivanovich,

[organization name] has been working with [organization name] for several years. All this time, [name of organization] has successfully provided qualified services in representing interests in courts.

The specialists of the company [organization name] demonstrated excellent knowledge of the law and the ability to apply new progressive legal and economic technologies.

We express our deep gratitude for efficient work and look forward to further successful cooperation.

Petr Petrov

Letter #3:
Dear Ivan Ivanovich,

We thank the staff of the law firm [name of organization] for the high quality and promptness of the services rendered. The main advantage of employees is the ability to quickly, professionally and conscientiously perform the assigned tasks, as well as the commitment and accuracy shown in the process of work.

Petr Petrov

Letter #4:
Dear Ivan Ivanovich,

We thank the employees of the law firm [organization name] for professional and prompt assistance in resolving corporate issues in the field of entrepreneurial activity.

We wish you further professional growth, success and prosperity to your company.

Looking forward to further fruitful cooperation.

Petr Petrov

Letter #5:
Dear Ivan Ivanovich,

We express our gratitude to all the specialists and employees of [name of organization] for the timely services rendered to bring the constituent documents into conformity.

Thank you for your cooperation and we wish your company further growth and prosperity!

Petr Petrov

Letter #6:
Dear Ivan Ivanovich,

We express our gratitude to the law firm [name of organization] for resolving issues in the field of legal support for the activities of firms, providing clients with qualified assistance in the process of opening accounts legal entities as well as quality and high professionalism in work.

We hope for further fruitful cooperation and wish further prosperity to the company.

Petr Petrov

Letter #7:
Dear Ivan Ivanovich,

[name of organization] expresses its sincere gratitude to the company [name of organization] for the professionalism and quality of the services provided.

In the process of joint work, we were convinced of the high qualification of the employees of [name of organization], which allows us to successfully solve problems of any complexity.

We hope that you will not change the chosen policy of communication with clients and remain a reliable and trustworthy partner for a long time.

Petr Petrov

Letter #8:
Dear Ivan Ivanovich,

We thank the staff of [organization name] for their services. I am pleased to note the qualifications and professional competence of lawyers, attentiveness and accuracy in the preparation of documents.

I would like to continue mutually beneficial partnership relations with your company and wish you success in your professional field.

Petr Petrov

Letter #9:
Dear Ivan Ivanovich,

We thank [organization name] for their professionalism and competence. It is pleasant to emphasize that the company's employees have such qualities as commitment, punctuality, the ability to quickly navigate in the most difficult situations.

We wish your company continued success and look forward to continued collaboration.

Petr Petrov

Letter #10:
Dear Ivan Ivanovich,

[organization name] thanks the employees of [organization name] for their professionalism, competence, attentiveness and accuracy in dealing with clients. [name of organization] has established itself as a serious company that clearly fulfills its tasks and is focused on results.

We hope to continue cooperation in the future!

Petr Petrov

Letter #11:
Dear Ivan Ivanovich,

The management and staff of [name of organization] sincerely thank you for the competent, professional assistance provided in resolving the legal issues of the company.

Would like to note prompt response for all the nuances that arise in the process of work. We especially note the lively human participation and interest in achieving results.

Thank you for the fruitful work, for the individual approach to our company. We look forward to continuing our existing business relationship.

Petr Petrov

Letter #12:
Dear Ivan Ivanovich,

[organization name] would like to thank the staff of [organization name]. High qualification, professionalism and commitment of lawyers allowed us to quickly and efficiently resolve any issues in the field of legal support for our company.

We hope for further fruitful cooperation and sincerely wish prosperity to your company!

Petr Petrov

Letter #13:
Dear Ivan Ivanovich,

We express our gratitude to all specialists, employees of [organization name] and personally to the lawyer [last name, first name, patronymic] for business cooperation and prompt resolution of the tasks.

Petr Petrov

Letter #14:
Dear Ivan Ivanovich,

Let me express my sincere gratitude to the team of [name of organization] for the qualified legal assistance provided.

We highly appreciate the quality of services and professionalism of lawyers of your organization.

We hope that further cooperation will be just as effective and fruitful.

Petr Petrov

Letter #15:
Dear Ivan Ivanovich,

With this letter, we express our sincere gratitude and appreciation for the professional and legal support provided to our company.

In the legal services market, your firm has established itself as one of the best and most reliable organizations capable of efficiently and competently organizing the work of an enterprise in the field of legal and economic activities.

Good luck, success and growth in professional activity!

Petr Petrov

Letters of thanks are designed to increase staff motivation to work and loyalty to the organization. As a rule, these are written and handed for any reason:

  1. professional holiday or some other solemn event.
  2. a significant date for the organization: the birthday of the company, the achievement of a major victory in the activities of the entire company or its division;
  3. event in the life of an employee: for example, anniversary, length of service, high performance labor activity;

Thank You Letter can be written for any employee of the enterprise. It is compiled on behalf of the head of the organization or the head of the unit.

Thank You Letter for Cooperation (Samples)

The Stroymaster administration sincerely thanks the Delo.ru team for the professionalism and integrity shown during the joint work on the construction of the Grand Lux ​​shopping center.

We hope to maintain respectable partnerships in the work on new projects. Our companies have been cooperating for the past five years, and during all this time there has not been a single case that would make us doubt your professionalism and integrity. We, as before, thank you for your services and partnership.

SEC "Grand Lux", we came to the conclusion that our company is obliged to express gratitude to all your team, and in particular to the senior administrator Anna Nikonenko.

Thank you letter to an employee

In this article, we offer several examples of writing a thank you letter to an employee of an enterprise. I express my gratitude to you and express my gratitude for the successful and high-quality work.

I would like to inform you that according to my observations of your activities, it turned out that you are doing your job perfectly, I also noted that you use non-working, your own time in order to complete the work, or assignment at the appointed time. I really appreciate everything that you are doing to help achieve our common goals and objectives. For me, you are a reliable, talented and intelligent employee.

how to write a thank you letter sample letter

Probably many people remember with what trepidation our grandparents treated the diplomas issued at enterprises for labor and social merits. It was not just an official paper issued by a representative of the organization - it was an expression of recognition and appreciation of the merits of the worker.

Times are changing and today it is customary to express gratitude through letters of thanks (and, of course, a prize), which has long been practiced in Western countries.

Another BLOG

The awarding ceremony brings additional solemnity and formality to this event, and encouragement with a diploma can turn out to be a much more pleasant event for a person, as it may seem at first glance. After all, this manifestation of attention means that his work was noticed, and the letter will remind him that his merits will always be properly appreciated.

Nomination "Golden Fund of the Firm" (for those employees who stood at the origins of the founding of the company) For high professionalism and personal contribution to the formation and development of the Firm Nomination "For Vigilance" (for security guards, teams of security and control services)

Or it is allowed to issue it on a special postcard. The presence of a signature is required, in some cases a seal is affixed.

Thank you letters can also act as a reward. In this case, they acquire a similar meaning with a certificate of honor, diploma, etc. and no longer have the function of exchanging information.

We thank the staff of JSC Gudok for participating in the implementation of the reconstruction project shopping center"Pallada". It was very pleasant to feel the efficiency and technically competent attitude to work on the part of the employees of your company during the entire period of our cooperation. I would like to especially note the contribution of the manager Gorelikov Ivan Pavlovich.

Letter of gratitude to the lawyer for the work

I want to express my deep gratitude to the lawyer Maria Yarmush for prompt and highly qualified legal assistance. For doing business with care and sincere approach, with absolute dedication and great responsibility. The case was related to the issue of the residence of minor children in France with their father or in Russia with their mother.

The decision taken by the judge ruled that the children should remain in France, where they were born and permanently resided. This decision was announced due to the fact that the whole process was competently prepared and voiced by our lawyer Maria Yarmush.

Thanks to our joint efforts and a respectable approach to work, our joint project - the construction of the Grand Lux ​​shopping center - was successfully completed and became a worthy example of quality and professionalism. We hope that in the future we will repeatedly cooperate with your team. Sincerely, Petr Ivanov. Dear Viktor Alexandrovich, Delo.ru LLC would like to thank you for your cooperation. We sincerely welcome the opportunity to work with you on joint projects. We are especially grateful to you and your team for decency, mutual assistance and serious attitude to work. Thank you letter for Good work sample form High qualification, professionalism and commitment of lawyers allowed us to quickly and efficiently resolve any issues in the field of legal support for our company.

Thanks to the lawyers

For two years, lawyer Igor Serkov, with his honesty, reasonableness and conscientiousness, defended our rights and legitimate interests, the end result is positive. Low human bow to him, that there are still such highly qualified lawyers who serve people and give hope to live and think that not all corrupt officials in our country and God bless you and your team. Once again, sincere words of gratitude that there are noble, honest, decent specialists in our city.
With respect to you, the Antonov family. I express my gratitude to Serkov Igor Evgenievich! In the life of every person there are different cases, and no one can be completely immune from any trouble. . So a dramatic story happened to me because of my excessive gullibility when I found myself in a difficult situation.

Reviews and letters of thanks from the lawyer

I am pleased to note the qualifications and professional competence of lawyers, attentiveness and accuracy in the preparation of documents. I would like to continue mutually beneficial partnership relations with your company and wish you success in your professional field.

Letter of thanks for cooperation (samples) Attention She handled my case competently and professionally helped me correct a long-standing mistake. According to Nikolai Konkov, there are no random people among the Oryol lawyers.

Here people who are really not indifferent to someone else's misfortune are dedicated to their work. 2016

Thank you lawyer sample

Starting from 2009 and until October 2011, these lawyers, free of charge, on a voluntary basis, interacting together, provided me with qualified legal assistance, which resulted in the preparation of a complaint to the European Court of Human Rights, as well as the preparation required documents and conducting correspondence with the European Court. As a result of their support, my rights to citizenship were restored, and I was paid decent compensation by the Russian authorities.

Gratitude to Lawyers For two years, members of the Lawyers for Civil Society Association, as part of their program to support the non-profit sector in Moscow, have regularly provided legal advice to the Medical Brotherhood Foundation.

Thank you lawyer for help


Trying to resolve this situation, I used the services of certain people and was deceived by them, while paying a decent amount of money. I didn't manage to get my money back. And so, almost without hope for a positive outcome, I began to look for specialists who would help me in my case.

So I found the Advocate Bureau and turned to the lawyer Serkov Igor Evgenievich. What immediately struck me was that he, without a doubt, calmly and seriously, took up my case and led the work competently, confidently and persistently.

And my, almost hopeless case, he successfully completed, thanks to his high professionalism. I am very grateful to Igor Evgenievich Serkov for his help and I think that he will always extend a helping hand to all people who have been illegally injured.
Dear Igor Evgenievich! Thank you so much for the help and protection you have provided to my husband accused of fraud.

Thank you letter from a law firm


The congregation of the parish of St. Dmitry of Rostov of the Kyiv diocese of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church thanks the lawyers of AB Advocate and especially its leader Serkov Igor Evgenievich. Makarov of the Kyiv region in the district administrative court of the city of

Thanks to the high professionalism of Igor Evgenievich Serkov, the rights and interests of the community were fully respected and the opponents, realizing the inconsistency of their claims, were forced to abandon them. We say a huge human thanks to you Serkov Igor Evgenievich and wish you long life, success and prosperity.
Sincerely, the parishioners of the Church of St. Dmitry of Rostov. Thank you Serkov Igor. Our son got into trouble 6 months ago.

If one organization wants to thank another for their cooperation, then this can be done with a thank you letter. You can download a sample of such a letter at the end of the article.

A letter of thanks is an official document that one partner can send to another in order to express gratitude for mutually beneficial cooperation. An organization through such a business letter can express appreciation for long and successful relationship, uninterrupted supply, timely services or quality work.

The organization can send a prepared letter of thanks to its partner by mail, via the Internet or hand it in person.

The letter is written in a standard way, following the structure of the thank you letter outlined in this article.

In the text of the letter, you must express words of gratitude and gratitude for the cooperation (long-term or one-time), indicate what exactly you thank your partner for.

The text also needs to include the name of the organization from which the letter is being written, and the name of the organization to which it is addressed.

The document must be signed by the head of the organization of the writer of the letter.

In order for the letter of thanks to look like an official document, it is convenient to issue it on the letterhead of the enterprise.

You can download a sample thank you letter to a doctor here. and the educator kindergarten- at this link.

A thank you letter for cooperation might look like this:

LLC "Interplus" expresses its sincere gratitude to LLC "Forestry" for a long and mutually beneficial cooperation in 2014.

Thank you for the individual approach, uninterrupted work in 2014.

We express hope for the continuation of our cooperation and the strengthening of mutual relations.

Director of Interplus LLC Ivanov V.A. Ivanov

Thank You Sample for Cooperation

Companies and firms, as well as individuals who care about their image, reputation, authority, and also seeking to form a positive opinion about themselves, should not neglect compiling and sending letters of thanks. Gratitude for cooperation is considered good manners and serves as a way to maintain mutually beneficial relationships and relationships in business and everyday life.

How to write a letter of thanks for cooperation

The main purpose of compiling a letter of thanks is to express its compiler's attitude to certain actions rendered for him or rendered to him services. The letter can express gratitude for the cooperation of the client, colleagues, business partners, entire organizations and companies.

1. The text of gratitude for cooperation is presented in free form. It is preferable that the style and manner of presentation be friendly, without the use of pronounced officialdom.

2. Gratitude for cooperation, as a rule, is expressed for a specific reason, which must be recorded in the letter.

3. It is allowed to indicate and list the merits of the recipient, to whom gratitude is expressed for cooperation.

4. Official business letter- gratitude for cooperation is drawn up on the letterhead of the company or organization, on which its details are indicated. Additionally, the form can be stamped and signed by the head.

The structure of the letter expressing gratitude for cooperation

A standard thank you letter has the following structure:

1. The heading of the document, which indicates the subject to whom gratitude is expressed.

2. Direct appeal to a specific person or legal entity.

3. Thank you text.

4. Details of the party expressing gratitude.

Thank You Letter Samples for Cooperation

In some cases, writing a letter can be difficult, since it is not always possible and not everyone can find words of gratitude for cooperation quickly and competently. The ability to obtain a sample document and use it for your own needs greatly facilitates the task for many interested parties.

Templates with high-quality texts of gratitude for long-term and fruitful cooperation, for help, to the school, partners, partners and employees are convenient blanks. You just need to choose a template and use it for its intended purpose. The finished text will allow you to avoid the difficulties and problems with compiling a competent and meaningful text that allows you to express your sincere attitude.

From our website you can download a sample of gratitude for cooperation absolutely free of charge by clicking on the link:

A letter of thanks for cooperation is written by an organization in order to express gratitude for a long-term and mutually beneficial relationship, for successful work within a certain period of time, for timely delivered goods or services.

A letter of gratitude is issued on the organization's letterhead and handed over to the partner in person or by mail.

Why write such a letter? In fact, writing a thank-you letter will make a positive opinion about the company, it will have a beneficial effect on the reputation and image of the company. Therefore, it is not worth neglecting the writing of such letters. How to write a letter, you can read here.

Below we offer samples of the design of letters of thanks, which express gratitude for the cooperation.

Thank you letter for cooperation

  1. The text of the letter of gratitude for the timely delivery of valuables.

LLC "Alliance" expresses its sincere gratitude to LLC "Mebelshchik" for the fast and timely delivery upholstered furniture in 2014.

We express our gratitude for the uninterrupted work in 2014 and the individual approach.

We express confidence in the preservation and strengthening of the existing business relations We look forward to a long-term and successful cooperation.

Director of LLC "Alliance" Popov A.A. Popov

  1. The text of a thank you letter to a partner for cooperation.

We express our sincere gratitude and deep appreciation for the fruitful cooperation in 2014.

We believe in maintaining the existing business and friendly relations, we hope for further mutually beneficial cooperation. wish successful development and reaching new heights in business.

Director of LLC "Mayak" Petrov Petrov I.I.

In fact, these are standard texts of a thank you letter that are devoid of individuality and soul. If you want to express really sincere gratitude to your partner, then use the letters presented only as a sample, try to write your own text that does not look like a template, so that it contains soul and gratitude. It is in this case that the partner will be really pleased, and your cooperation will be further strengthened.

Also, you may find useful letters of thanks addressed to organizations - download. employee - download.

Sample document: Thank you letter for cooperation

Dear Sergey Vasilevich!

Vympel LLC expresses its gratitude to Iceberg LLC for the high professionalism and quality of work performed under the supply agreement refrigeration equipment. The ordered equipment meets high technological requirements and contract conditions. Iceberg LLC fulfilled its obligations at a high professional level.

We appreciate joint work with your company and look forward to further close cooperation.

We wish you and your company success and prosperity!

Deputy Director I.S.Sushin

Dear Mikhail Alexandrovich ,

Please accept my gratitude for the high-level professional work during the construction of the store "Solnyshko". I would like to express my gratitude to you personally and to the staff of your organization for their assistance in preparing the documentation.

Given the professionalism, quality and mutual understanding in the performance of contractual obligations by your organization, I look forward to mutually beneficial cooperation.

General Director A.A. Pavlov

LLC "XXX" expresses its appreciation and gratitude to the company "ZZZ" for cooperation in the implementation of the farm construction project.

The company "ZZZ" in 2013 carried out a set of works on the design and supply of equipment for the farm. High level of qualification of ZZZ specialists and prompt response to changes terms of reference generally made it possible this project in accordance with the developed schedule and ensure the rational use of financial resources.

LLC "XXX" notes the high degree of comfort of interaction with the company "ZZZ" and hopes for further cooperation.

Company "XXX" thanks LLC "ZZZ" for the quality organization of the delivery building materials. It is not the first time that ZZZ has been supplying building materials. I would like to note the well-coordinated work of the specialists of ZZZ LLC, who ensured the timely delivery of materials in full accordance with the terms of reference.

Based on the results of another successful delivery, XXX LLC expresses its gratitude to ZZZ for high-quality and conscientious work.

Since 2005, XXX LLC has been cooperating with the ZZZ company as part of the supply of refrigeration equipment. Qualified specialists of LLC "ZZZ" quickly and efficiently solve the tasks and perform the entire cycle of work from calculation and design to delivery and commissioning of turnkey equipment, followed by after-sales service and warranty service.

LLC "XXX" expresses its gratitude and appreciation to the employees of the company "ZZZ" and hopes for further active and fruitful cooperation.

Dear Ivan Ivanovich!

I express my gratitude to you and the staff of your enterprise for a significant contribution to the creation of a unique complex to ensure the operation of the lumber processing plant.

Your company has demonstrated a high scientific and technical potential, creative courage and a systematic approach to solving the issues of selection and supply of equipment.

I wish you and the staff of the enterprise good health and further success!

Letter of thanks for cooperation

A letter of thanks for cooperation is a business letter that expresses gratitude on behalf of the head of the organization to his partner for the high-quality and timely delivery of goods, work performed, services rendered.

How to write a thank you letter for cooperation

A letter of thanks for cooperation has the same details as a business letter:

The position, surname and initials of the employee of the organization are written, to whom words of gratitude are addressed for cooperation. An optional element of a thank you letter - indicated if necessary.

  • Appeal. The surname, name, patronymic of the person to whom gratitude is expressed is written. Also indicated as needed.
  • The text of the letter of thanks for cooperation Contains words of gratitude for cooperation, an expression of hope for the further development of partnerships.
  • Signature.

    Signature of the head of the organization, which expresses gratitude for the cooperation, his position, surname and initials.

  • Thank You Letter Sample for Cooperation

    Real LLC expresses its deep gratitude and sincere gratitude to MebelOpt OJSC for the quality and timely delivery of furniture in 2012.

    Stable shipments allowed us to carry out our activities smoothly and attract regular customers.

    We express confidence in maintaining the existing friendly relations and look forward to further mutually beneficial and fruitful cooperation.


    Thanks to the lawyers

    I express my sincere gratitude to the lawyer Kuzyashin Andrey Vladimirovich for resolving my issue with the insurance company to recover damages from an accident. Andrei Vladimirovich was able to competently build a position on this case and defend my rights. Andrey Vladimirovich has high professional qualities, benevolent and tactful attitude towards the client.
    Sincerely, Natalia Alexandrovna.

    Malfanov S.A.

    I, L*I*I*, express my deep gratitude to the lawyer Klimanov Vasily Viktorovich, who represented my interests in the consideration of the criminal case initiated against me under article 160 part 3 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.

    From March 2015 to September 2015, 12 court hearings were held, at which Klimanov V.V. was present as my advocate. It should be noted that the lawyer carefully prepared for each meeting. He conscientiously and very carefully studied the documents and materials of the case, deeply delved into the essence of the charges and found counterarguments. His speeches were competent, reasoned and at the same time calm, convincing, based on the legislative and regulatory framework. Vasily Viktorovich is a true professional. Thanks to his efforts, the court delivered a verdict of not guilty.

    Klimanov V.V. represented my interests at the meeting of the Oryol Regional Court (court of second instance). This meeting also ended with the fact that the verdict of the district court was upheld.

    Vasily Viktorovich is a caring, attentive, thoughtful specialist. He considers the need for the triumph of justice to be his main principle. I am deeply grateful to Klimanov V.V. and I wish him health, well-being, further success in protecting the interests of the inhabitants of our region and a worthy assessment of his activities.

    President of the Bar of the Oryol Region
    Malfanov S.A.
    from S**** V.I., S**** A.M.

    The Chamber of Advocates of the Oryol Region received a letter of gratitude addressed to lawyer Svetlana Borisovna Efimova.

    The servant of Themis is thanked by a resident of the village. Zadushnoye, Novosilsky District, Oryol Region, Nikolai Yuryevich Konkov.

    — I am very grateful to her for her competent approach to business, for her understanding and, of course, for her great professionalism! - writes Nikolai Yuryevich. - In our difficult time, there are not so many decent and honest people. But I was very lucky to meet Svetlana Borisovna. She worked competently with my case and professionally helped me correct a long-standing mistake.

    According to Nikolai Konkov, there are no random people among the Oryol lawyers. Here people who are really not indifferent to someone else's misfortune are dedicated to their work.

    President of the Chamber of Advocates

    Oryol region

    Kiyutin Viktor Viktorovich

    As a result of their support, my rights to citizenship were restored, and I was paid decent compensation by the Russian authorities. The lawyers took the initiative in my case, they turned out to be people who are not indifferent to someone else's misfortune.

    Lawyers Obraztsova O.A. and Komolova L.V. fought desperately for my interests in the European Court, instilled in me hope for the restoration of justice and faith in justice.

    I I highly appreciate the work and dedication of these lawyers to their profession, they are not indifferent to ordinary people who found themselves in a difficult life situation.

    I ask you to express gratitude to the lawyers who provided me with competent legal assistance.

    A letter of thanks to the Chamber of Advocates of the Oryol region, Orel.

    Dear Timoshevskaya Elena Anatolyevna, I express my sincere gratitude to you for the fact that you consistently and professionally defended my interests in court for a long time.

    Your indisputable advantage is a high level of knowledge, the ability to determine the only right way to achieve the right goals. When solving complex legal problems, the ability to find a compromise when protecting a client.

    I especially want to note tact in communication, the ability to provide psychological support in difficult times. You, Elena Anatolyevna, direct all your knowledge to provide legal assistance to your clients, you devote yourself to your professional activities completely, without a trace, and therefore deserve the highest praise.

    Anisimova Zinoid Egorovna.

    Oryol Regional Bar Association

    Orel, st. Lenin. fifteen

    Witnesses of Roman Nikolaevich

    I was convicted under Art. 112 and Art. 116 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, I was sentenced to three years in prison.

    For legal assistance, I turned to the lawyer of the regional bar association Evgeny Valerievich Ulanov.

    Having studied the case file, lawyer Ulanov E.The. informed me of the illegality of this verdict and the need to appeal it.

    Ulanov E.V. an appeal was filed against the judgment. As a result of consideration of the complaint, the case was again considered by the Magistrate's Court.

    Lawyer Ulanov E.V. skillfully defended me in the Orel Magistrate's Court, filed numerous petitions, determined the position of my defense and all possible ways defended my rights in court.

    Thanks to his knowledge of the criminal code, the world court, which first sentenced me to three years in prison, acquitted me under Art. 112, and according to Art. 116 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, the criminal case was dismissed.

    The Oryol court also agreed with this verdict of the world court, so the verdict came into force in 2011.

    Thus, thanks to the professionalism of the lawyer Ulanova E.The. I was released from criminal liability.

    For the entire period of work, Ulanov E.V. proved himself to be a competent lawyer in legal matters, who, despite pressure on him from the prosecutor's office, defended my interests and achieved a legal verdict.

    Based on only one of my cases, I consider it necessary to reward Ulanov E.V. honorary diploma, which I ask.

    In December 2011, I turned to Yevgeny Ulanov, a lawyer at the Bar Association, for legal assistance.

    For 10 years, I went to endless officials and could not achieve the privatization of the apartment, which I received back in 89.

    Everywhere they answered me with a refusal and sent me to the next officials. In all the offices I was told that they did not know what to do and how I did not know how to privatize the apartment. The director of the lyceum, who handed over the apartment to me, said that he wrote everything that could be done, but his documents were not enough for me to privatize the apartment. The administration of the Oryol region told me that they could not transfer the apartment, because. they do not have the right, in the regulatory department they said that I have no documents. ,

    So, for about 10 years I could not privatize the apartment, which is already mine.

    Therefore, I turned to the lawyer Yevgeny Ulanov and asked him to help.

    He immediately studied the documents and told me that I should go to court, because. the court can help me. Eugene collected all the documents, compiled a statement and filed it with the court.

    In January 2012, the Oryol court ruled and recognized the privatization of the apartment in my name. I am very pleased with this decision, because. I thought I wouldn't be able to do anything.

    Therefore, I would like to thank the lawyer Yevgeny Ulanov and let his boss know that he really helps people, treats them well and responsively, respectfully, knows the laws.

    I express my gratitude to the lawyer of the Oryol Regional Bar Association Kiseleva Oksana Vladimirovna for protecting my rights in the Factory Court of Orel. The case was won thanks to her professional and responsible attitude to the problem. In addition, I would like to note the personal qualities of a lawyer: goodwill, honesty, decency.

    I ask you to express gratitude to the lawyer Voronkov Vladimir Andreevich from the village of Naryshkino, Uritsky district, for his honest hard and conscientious work, for his attentive attitude to people, approach to each person, many thanks to him for participating in our case.

    Sincerely, Tishina Tatyana Stanislavovna

    President of the Chamber of Lawyers
    Oryol region
    S.A. Malfanov

    We express our deep gratitude to the lawyer
    Non-commercial Partnership “Bar Association “Lawyer”

    For the competence and professionalism shown during the work of the defender in court hearings on a criminal case. Thanks to his highly qualified actions, the defendant S.A. Savoskin returned to the family, having received the opportunity to rehabilitate himself in the eyes of society.

    Lysenko G.N. (mother)
    Kabochkina O.A. (sister)


    Oryol Regional Pioneer Organization "Eagles"

    Ivan Alexandrovich

    for legal support of the activities of the children's organization and the development of the pioneer movement in the Oryol region

    E.V. Morozov

    Dear Sergey Alexandrovich!

    I want to express my deep gratitude to your assistant Andrei Valerievich Khomukov for providing me with free legal assistance to protect my rights in court. His tact and competence, which gives me moral support and instills confidence that there is justice and good people in the world!

    Separately, I want to thank you for the free legal assistance and support you have repeatedly rendered to me (a mother of many children)!

    With gratitude and respect!

    Thank You Letter

    Dear Sergey Alexandrovich!

    We are pensioners, we are already 7 decades old. We live in the city of Mtsensk, we live decently, we raise children, there have never been problems with the law, and with the people around us too. In a word, a normal family. But in 2011, we faced the problem of judicial hell. Two years lawyer Ryazanov Gennady Vladimirovich defended our rights and legitimate interests with his honesty, reasonableness and conscientiousness, the end result is positive. A low human bow to him, that there are still such highly qualified lawyers who serve people and give hope to live and think that not all corrupt officials in our country and God bless you and your team of health. Once again, sincere words of gratitude that there are noble, honest, decent specialists in our city.

    With respect to you, the Antonov family.

    Thank You Letter

    Dear Yakovlev Andrey Yurievich, I express my sincere gratitude to you for the professional legal assistance you provided. You proved to be an excellent lawyer during the preliminary investigation and representation of my interests in court. I would like to acknowledge your professionalism. competence, honesty, decency. Thank you very much!

    Sincerely, Davydenko Roman Olegovich.

    Chairman of OOKA-1, st. Lenina 15

    Malfanov Sergey Alexandrovich

    from a citizen of the Russian Federation

    Azimov Ali Ramizovich 13.01.79

    Dear Sergei Alexandrovich,

    From the bottom of my heart and from the bottom of my heart I want to thank Martova Olga Vladimirovna for the fact that she provided me with invaluable assistance and I was released from the courtroom of the Zheleznodorozhny district on 05/16/2014. I was accused of a serious article - robbery (Article 162 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation) and they recognized my innocence in a crime under Article 119 Part 1 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. Which is a precedent and a victory.

    Lawyers such as Martova Olga Vladimirovna personify your Chamber exclusively from the positive side. And they are independent lawyers, unlike in previous years. From the history of the state, I want to note that you rarely get a fair decision. Therefore, I want to emphasize that lawyer Martova O.V. should be rewarded as an honest and conscientious professional in jurisprudence and law enforcement. May God bless you all and good luck. And more Victories in the courts of Russia, in order to ensure that citizens are never again accused of illegal criminal prosecution.

    05/20/2014 Azimov A.R.

    Dear Sergey Alexandrovich!

    From the bottom of my heart I congratulate you and your colleagues on your professional holiday - the Day of Lawyers. I would like to wish you success in your work, good health and all the best. I also want to thank you for the fact that real professionals of the legal profession work in our city. The lawyer Yakovlev Yuri Vladimirovich, who entered and represented my interests, competently and professionally studied all the subtleties of the case, helped me. Thanks to this wonderful professional, I believed in the justice and legality of the Russian court.

    I ask you to encourage Yury Vladimirovich Yakovlev for his responsible approach to work and high professionalism.

    With sincere respect and Best wishes to you.

    Golubovich Oksana Vladimirovna

    I express my deep gratitude to the President of the Chamber of Advocates of the Oryol Region, Chairman of the Presidium of the Oryol Regional Bar Association S.A. MALFANOV for the highly qualified staff of lawyers who help to exercise and realize the RIGHTS of citizens provided for by the CONSTITUTION OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION.

    Huge thanks to my lawyer GOLINA GALINA ILYINICHNA, which, as I learned, has been defending the rights of residents of the city of Orel and the Oryol region for more than 25 years. This is a competent and highly qualified lawyer, a smart, intelligent and simply beautiful woman.

    I earnestly ask you, for good work and in honor of the 150th anniversary of the Russian Bar, to encourage GOLOVINA GALINICHNA, LAWYER OF THE CENTRAL BRANCH OF THE REGIONAL BAR.

    04/16/2014 Sincerely, Erokhin A.V.

    President of the Bar Association of the Oryol Region

    Malfanov Sergey Alexandrovich

    Sokolova Elena Yurievna

    Dear Sergey Alexandrovich!

    I want to express my heartfelt gratitude to your employee, namely, lawyer Lyadnova Valentina Fedorovna.
    Fate brought me to her at a difficult time in my life. Valentina Fedorovna turned out to be not just a defender, but a mentor, teacher and real trustee in life.

    She entered the process during the preliminary investigation, and for the past year we have been in close contact with her on all issues. Under her leadership, we won the process, since it was she who achieved the appointment of a new JMO, which corrected the mistakes of the 5 previous JMOs. Now we are at the stage of appeal.

    I work in the municipal health sector, this area is characterized by meager salaries. Valentina Fedorovna, not only did she agree to work with me at the minimum lawyer's rate, but she always went and goes to a meeting on deferred payment. learned from other lawyers. In our time, unfortunately, you will meet few people who are ready to selflessly help people. Valentina Fedorovna is exactly that rare disinterested, honest, decent, warm-hearted person. Valetina Fedorovna is a professional in her field.

    With all my heart I want to thank Valentina Fedorovna for her participation in my life, I will definitely write a letter of thanks about Valentina Fedorovna to the newspaper.
    Please, I beg you, thank Valentina Fedorovna for her selfless work, declare gratitude. Valentina Fedorovna is the golden fund of the Russian Bar.

    Chairman of the OOKA Malfanov S.A.

    The administration of the sanatorium-dispensary "Mtsensk" expresses its sincere gratitude to the lawyer community of Mtsensk, namely the lawyers: Evstratova V.V., Kulpina L.I., Konstantinov O.A., Shmeleva L.A., Sazonova M.O., Timokhin V.S., Ryazanov V.G., Ovchinnikova O.P., Klimanov V.V. for providing financial assistance refugees from the Donetsk People's Republic, placed in the Mtsensk sanatorium in connection with the armed conflict in the DPR.

    We wish you and the lawyers of Mtsensk, who took part in the charitable action, health, success in their professional activities, bright, wonderful events, personal happiness and further success in the work of the branch.

    Director M.V. Potapov

    President of the Bar Association of the Oryol Region

    Chairman of the Oryol Regional Bar Association

    Malfanov Sergey Alexandrovich

    Allow me, on behalf of the management of Zlynsky Stud Farm LLC and on my own behalf, to express respect to the lawyer community of the Oryol Region and express sincere gratitude to the lawyer of the Oryol Regional Bar Association - Plotnikova Anna Igorevna.

    For a long time we have been successfully cooperating with Anna Igorevna, whom we unconditionally trust to protect the interests of our company, officials We also ask for help in case of civil law problems. Lawyer Plotnikova A.I. in the performance of their official duties always very attentive to the interests of the principal, delve into the details, looking for arguments and evidence, confirmed by the rule of law. Successfully completed trials prove the high professional level of lawyer Plotnikova A.I., the breadth of knowledge, the ability to comprehensively understand the essence of the problem, competently and accurately compose the evidence base.

    Anna Igorevna, of course, is an excellent lawyer and a brilliant speaker, a person who is able to convince, substantiate her point of view, prove the rightness of the principal, impeccably following the letter of the law and professional ethics.

    LLC "Zlynsky stud farm" S.V. Lebedev

    President of the Bar Association of the Oryol Region
    Malfanov Sergey Alexandrovich

    Thank You Letter
    Dear Sergey Alexandrovich!

    I express my sincere gratitude to the lawyer Medvedeva Natalya Mikhailovna for the assistance provided in the Constitutional Court Russian Federation. I ask you to express gratitude to the lawyer Medvedeva N.M.

    Sincerely, the invalid of the Great Patriotic War
    Korsakov V.A.

    President Advocate Chambers

    Orlovskaya areas

    G. Eagle, G. Eagle, st. Komsomolskaya,

    M. M. P. Address: XXX


    On the expression of gratitude and encouragement of the lawyer Koshelev Dmitry Andreevich

    27.01.2015 on the highway M-2 "Crimea" there was a traffic accident with the participation of the vehicle VAZ-xxx with the license number xxx 57rus under my control and the vehicle VAZ-xxx with the license number xxx 57 rus under the control of S., as a result of which S. received injuries.

    17.02.2015 SO MIA of Russia for the Kromsky district 17.02.2015 a criminal case was initiated against me under Part 1 of Art. 264 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.

    For my defense, I invited a lawyer, D.A. Koshelev, who concluded a contract of agency with me and skillfully defended me during the investigation at the Russian Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the Kromsky district of the Oryol region. During the investigation, the victim insistently demanded that I pay for the alleged grievous bodily harm inflicted on him in a large amount. But, during the investigation, I did not agree with the accusation, believing that the victim could not have received such bodily injuries, because. I had certain facts about this, which I pointed out to the lawyer Koshelev D.A.

    I beg You encourage lawyer Koshelev D. BUT. and I express your collegium and lawyer Koshelev D. BUT. gratitude, because in the process of my defense lawyer Koshelev D.A. not only thoroughly familiarized himself with the examinations (Acts) submitted to us, found in these documents that the data in the examination did not correspond to medical documents and the rules for determining the severity of harm, but also filed the necessary petitions with correctly posed questions about conducting “autotechnical and medical forensic examination”, (including getting a request from the investigation to obtain an X-ray of the injuries of the victim).

    After additional medical examinations, the above discrepancy with the documents was revealed - the actual severity of the harm suffered by the victim (which actually was harm of moderate severity). As a result of the above actions lawyer Koshelev D.A. - The criminal case against me was terminated on 04/27/2015. due to the absence of corpus delicti in my actions.

    As a result, I was actually acquitted in this criminal case. I want to note that from the very first moment the investigation convinced me not only to choose a special order, but also convinced me not to prove my innocence, because. this is according to the initial opinion of the investigation - my guilt has already been fully proven.

    Therefore, I believe that it was the persistent actions of the lawyer Koshelev D.A. led to a positive result of my complex vital question. Attachment: a copy of the document on the termination of the criminal case.

    I express my sincere gratitude and heartfelt gratitude to the employees of the Center for Free Legal Aid at the Bar Association of the Oryol Region for their free, highly qualified legal consulting assistance in preparing claims and other documents for court cases.

    Despite their youth and short work experience, the young lawyers of Nesterov M.Yu. and Grishchenko A.A. competently and highly professionally present their defense positions in lawsuits and court hearings.

    Attentive, sympathetic lawyers from all deshi try to help their client.

    Many thanks to you, dear Marina Yurievna and Anna Alexandrovna.

    From all deshi thanks to the head of the Chamber of Advocates of the Oryol region Malfanov S.A. for good lawyers, and that in our difficult time, your office still provides free assistance to low-income people.

    Good health to you all and your families and success in your noble help to people.

    Sincerely, Surkova S.V.

    Bar Association of the Oryol Region

    Lapina Lyubov Anatolyevna

    I want to express my deep gratitude to the lawyer Medvedeva Maria Andreevna, for the legal assistance provided to me, for the individual approach, for the high-level qualified work.

    I am very grateful to S.A. Malfanov for the Center for Free Legal Assistance, which helps people like me and others who are left in a difficult situation.

    I am very, very grateful to Maria Andreevna for the won case, for her support, both before the meeting and during the trial.

    I wish prosperity to the Center, to exist for another century. It's good when there are kind people who will help, prompt.

    Thousand Thanks. The center helps thousands of those in need of legal assistance.


    How to write a letter to a lawyer

    Datalife Engine Demo

    Quite often, having drawn up an agreement on obtaining legal assistance, a lawyer is in no hurry to fulfill his duties or does not act in the interests of the client. And in this case, the only way out of this situation will be a complaint against a lawyer, a sample of which can be found on the net. You can compose it yourself, it will not make special work, since the sample complaint against a lawyer includes all the necessary points at once, on the basis of which the claim is formed.

    Thanks to the lawyers

    I express my sincere gratitude and gratitude to the lawyers of the Oryol Central Bar Association Obraztsova Olga Aleksandrovna and Komolova Liliya Viktorovna for the successful defense of my rights in the European Court of Human Rights.

    Starting from 2009 and until October 2011, these lawyers, free of charge, on a voluntary basis, interacting together, provided me with qualified legal assistance, which was expressed in drawing up a complaint to the European Court of Human Rights, as well as preparing the necessary documents and conducting correspondence with the European Court.

    As a result of their support, my rights to citizenship were restored, and I was paid decent compensation by the Russian authorities.

    Complaint against a lawyer

    By filing a lawsuit, the applicant hired. The lawyer received money for the process without receipts, receipts and any accounting documents. Even a contract for the provision of services was not drawn up. Later, the applicant found out that the lawyer did not properly fulfill his job responsibilities. The applicant asks to conduct an audit on the above arguments and bring the lawyer to disciplinary responsibility.

    to the city of __________ ________________________, registered in the register of the city of

    Instruments of justice Arbitrariness of state structures Violation of legal proceedings How and where to file a complaint against a lawyer

    The Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation often receives complaints against lawyers. Citizens express dissatisfaction with the quality of the work of defenders (“I promised, but did not deliver”, “I guaranteed, but did not succeed”), they demand the return of the undeserved fee. But as a rule, no action is taken on such letters, because they are sent to the wrong address.

    is responsible for the performance to the principal of his obligations assumed to the principal.

    How to write a complaint against a lawyer

    Very often people encounter unscrupulous lawyers. They promise the impossible. People who find themselves in a difficult situation and are already desperate, take their word for it and sign documents without reading them. If you are faced with such a problem, then you should write a complaint about dishonest.

    Complaints from a representative of a lawyer, as well as directly from persons who have applied for legal assistance to a lawyer, are accepted for consideration.

    How to write a letter to a lawyer

    Visitors to the legal consultation asked more than 10,000 questions on the topic "". On average, the answer to a question appears in 15 minutes, and for a question, we guarantee at least two answers, which will begin to arrive within 5 minutes!

    My regards! Help, please! When I was dismissed from the power structure, I was not paid a part of the lump-sum allowance due upon dismissal, as well as compensation for the unreceived clothing allowance 04/16/2011

    In 2007, I apparently started a losing streak, disentangling everything here.

    How to write a letter to Astakhov

    If Pavel Alekseevich is needed as a lawyer in court to protect interests, then you can write a letter and make an appointment through the website of the Pavel Astakhov Bar Association - astakhov.ru. In order to become a client or his assistants, you must click on the "Make an appointment" button located in the middle. Fill in the last name, first name, patronymic, phone number, valid e-mail address and describe the problem in detail.

    Before sending a message, you should state the essence of the problem succinctly, meaningfully and competently.

    How to write a letter to Pavel Astakhov personally

    In fact, it's worth it. And here he is sitting (no-no, on a chair). He flies, says something or writes - he writes on Twitter or wherever else he can. No, it doesn't bother me at all. And sexual exploiters, for his about the dangers of sex education lessons. I asked for resignation a year ago about, no way. What did local officials say to him? Allegedly, they persuaded his children. The last one I got was a month ago.

    How to write a complaint about a lawyer

    People in general are not very competent in legal matters. Therefore, in order to resolve a particular issue, they have to turn to the services of a professional - a lawyer. And what a disappointment it is when this professional is not at all an expert in his field. Moreover, he also hurt. To punish a negligent lawyer, you can write a complaint against him.

    In order to correctly file your complaint, you need to consider some points.

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    The search phrase "how to write a thank you letter" is in fourth place among all queries leading to the Studio website.

    Thank you lawyer sample

    Even then I saw his attitude to every case he took on (here I meant not only cases of protecting someone's rights, but all cases).

    Two multifunctional centers in the Rostov Region at once received gratitude from the Government of Russia as winners of the All-Russian competition "The Best Multifunctional Center of Russia"

    Lawyer partnership

    In addition, here it is possible to get acquainted with the already existing reviews about lawyers and lawyers in specific cases, leave comments and recommendations for improving the quality of services.

    An example of compiling a characteristic from the place of work (sample)

    Employees from time to time require a job description for other instances, in this publication you will find a sample of its compilation and a number of writing tips.

    Claim Forms

    src=" "=""> Good company, I came to them for a consultation. Provided professional divorce assistance.

    The lawyers of the company know their business.

    The trial was won. Good luck to you in the future!

    Gratitude for the work of the lawyer m

    I want to express my gratitude to the lawyer Kudukhova Natalya Dmitrievna

    Conducting civil cases An experienced lawyer conducts civil cases - on housing and labor disputes.

    The lawyer also provides legal services in the field of administrative offenses, including in the field of traffic(for example, about deprivation of the right to manage vehicle and etc.).

    thank you letter to lawyer sample

    Vedas2- Lodyagina O.A.

    Solemn music sounds, the presenters come out.

    Vedas 1: Dear heroes of the occasion, good afternoon, good hour! We are happy to be with you today on such a wonderful holiday, the Day of the Social Worker.

    Vedas 2: Day social worker celebrated on June 8 on the basis of the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of October 27, 2000. The day was not chosen by chance.

    FPA RF awards

    One of the tasks of the FPA RF is to encourage the most creative and professional colleagues who demonstrate high standards of advocacy and loyalty to corporate traditions. The encouragement measures applied by the Federal Chamber of Lawyers of the Russian Federation are professional insignia of the work of lawyers in providing qualified legal assistance to individuals and legal entities, protecting their rights and legitimate interests.

    The FPA RF awards include the Order “For Fidelity to Lawyer’s Duty”, medals “For Merit in Protecting the Rights and Freedoms of Citizens” I and II degrees, a certificate of honor and gratitude, as well as other incentives: a commemorative medal, a diploma, a letter of thanks.

    Incentive measures mark achievements in the professional activities of a person who has the status of a lawyer and has distinguished himself by high professional skill when protecting the rights, freedoms and legitimate interests of principals; active participation in protecting the legitimate interests, honor and dignity of lawyers, their social and professional rights; a significant contribution to the education of personnel, training them in advocacy and the moral principles of advocacy; active participation in organizing the activities of the bar in the Russian Federation; scientific and research activities associated with the functioning of the legal profession.

    The Order "For Fidelity to Lawyer's Duty" is awarded to persons with the status of a lawyer and having continuous experience legal practice for at least twenty years.

    The Medal "For Merit in Protecting the Rights and Freedoms of Citizens" 1st Class is awarded to lawyers with at least fifteen years of uninterrupted experience as a lawyer.

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    Despite the fact that in our case there were problems with launching a sample thank you letter advertising agency was not, they are quite possible, you should pay attention to this after the purchase. A box for collecting dead wood and garbage. Victoria Alexandrovna, is it advertising to blame the guy for separating his girlfriends.

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    How to write a description. What is an employee characteristic

    A characteristic is an official document with a review of the official, social activities of a certain person. The characteristic is short description the work path of the employee, his business and moral qualities, his labor and social activities. Any applicant, having a well-written characterization with previous place work, can apply for a highly paid competitive vacancy.

    Membership card of the Party of Regions has already saved three scammers from prison

    Membership in the Party of Regions saves the third criminal from prison this year. This time, belonging to a political force helped to avoid imprisonment for an Odessa citizen who illegally took possession of someone else's property. mobile phone

    We especially note the lively human participation and interest in achieving results. The professionalism of your company's employees, as well as an individual approach, the desire to find a comprehensive solution to the essence of the issue not only make cooperation with you fruitful, but also humanly enjoyable. From the very first moment of contact, it was impossible not to notice the professional approach to business.

    Legal Aid Project for Transgender People

    First of all, a paralegal can provide legal advice. talk about the process of obtaining a new birth certificate and replacing other documents; about what certificates must be submitted to the registry office and the court, and what wording should be in these certificates; on interaction with the military registration and enlistment office and other institutions after the change of documents; about family and parental rights of transgender people, and much more. In addition, paralegal volunteers can help in preparing an application for the registry office or (with the proper level of legal knowledge) for the court, if necessary. Of all the above, the primary lawyer consulting.

    Film The War of the Roses

    He begins to tell his story former clients- The Roses. But one day the relationship between the spouses begins to deteriorate. One evening, coming home after work, the head of the family finds out that his wife bought an expensive fur coat and precious jewelry, while they had some financial difficulties. The man is beside himself with anger, he is not satisfied that his beloved cannot live within his means, so the couple quarrel.

    Thank the lawyer for help

    I would especially like to note the ability of the firm's specialists to take on non-standard disputes and find effective legal ways to resolve them.
    In such a case as legal conflict resolution, the attention of a lawyer to details and the ability to find creative approaches in protecting the interests of a client are important.
    The company's lawyers have demonstrated such skills to the full extent, successfully resolving a number of conflicts. We are satisfied with the results of our work with Paradigma lawyers and plan to continue our cooperation in the future. Dear colleagues! On behalf of the company and on my own behalf, I express my gratitude and appreciation to Paradigma Company for their professionalism and fruitful cooperation.

    Thanks to the lawyers

    As a result of their support, my rights to citizenship were restored, and I was paid decent compensation by the Russian authorities. The lawyers took the initiative in my case, they turned out to be people who are not indifferent to someone else's misfortune. Lawyers Obraztsova O.A. and Komolova L.V. fought desperately for my interests in the European Court, instilled in me hope for the restoration of justice and faith in justice. I highly appreciate the work and dedication of these lawyers to their profession, they are not indifferent to ordinary people who find themselves in a difficult life situation. Dear Timoshevskaya Elena Anatolyevna, I express my sincere gratitude to you for the fact that you consistently and professionally defended my interests in court for a long time. Your indisputable advantage is a high level of knowledge, the ability to determine the only right way to achieve the right goals.

    Dana was diagnosed with early childhood autism. In the center "Prognoz" for children with such a diagnosis, rehabilitation is carried out using the Tomatis method. This technique is based on working with the auditory system. It helps children with autism in the fight against hypersensitivity to sounds.

    Dani's mom sent us a message from St. Petersburg: “Our family sincerely thanks the Foundation. You helped us a lot. Thank you for allocating such a large amount for the treatment of Danil. He's got a great rehab! Today was the first day - the first step towards a healthy future. Danya is a good fellow, he behaved well everywhere and tried. Doctors say there is a lot of work, but we will do everything so that the child begins to cope with autism, becomes more adapted to life in society and speaks!

    Thanks again to all of you who manage the fund, who allocate funds, who work with people! Good health and prosperity to all of you. Thanks for the good.

    I would like to express my gratitude to the lawyers from M16 Consulting. The lawyer I contacted listened to me and asked in great detail about my case. I applied with a personal housing issue, shared property with my ex-husband. My lawyer immediately said what claims should be abandoned, and what you can count on. In the end, everything was resolved: though I still had to go to court, but the judge took my side, as the lawyer helped draw up claims for the property that belongs to me by law.

    Reviews and awards

    I would like to note the prompt response to all the nuances that arise in the process of work. We especially note the lively human participation and interest in achieving results. Delovoy Peterburg newspaper sincerely thanks Mikhail Aleksandrovich Boytsov, Managing Partner of the Rightmark group law firm, for his bright and informative presentation at the conference "Innovations in the legal support of an enterprise (organization)". The legal assistance of the Rightmark group helped our company to take a strong position in relations with contractors.

    Phoenix Public Organization for the Disabled

    Ph.D. Director of the ANO "Resource Human Rights Center", moderator of the Club of Lawyers of the Third Sector, Kanevskaya Maria Alexandrovna for the opportunity to take part in obtaining a grant in 2014 for the implementation social project: "The work of the legal reception for the protection of the rights of citizens." We are always ready to help our friends free of charge and accept help. We are ready

    Clients and reviews

    Legal support of the company's security” Thank you for the interesting report. Junior group GOU 1951 expresses its deep and heartfelt gratitude to the ICA "Knyazev and Partners" for conscientious and high-quality work, for creating a warm and cozy atmosphere in our group Dear Andrey Gennadievich! Thanks to your active life position, principled and uncompromising service to the Law, high professional qualifications, all members of your legal education worthily bear the high title of Russian lawyer, strive not only to carefully preserve, but also comprehensively increase the traditions of the Russian legal profession. Dear Ekaterina Kutuzova! Let me, on behalf of CompuLink system project management, express my most sincere gratitude to you for your legal assistance in resolving numerous civil disputes. Awarded to Kitsing Vladimir Arvovich in honor of the 140th anniversary of the founding of the Russian Bar! For conscientious work in providing qualified assistance on a professional basis to individuals and legal entities, high professionalism and skill, long-term and fruitful work to increase the authority of the professional union of lawyers of Russia. Guild of Russian Lawyers awards Honorary diploma Kutuzova Ekaterina Vladimirovna conscientious performance professional duties to protect the rights and freedoms of citizens and in connection with the 15th anniversary of the Guild of Russian Lawyers, the Guild of Russian Lawyers awards Lelyavsky Anton Anatolyevich with a Certificate of Honor for conscientious performance of professional duties to protect the rights and freedoms of citizens and in connection with the 15th anniversary of the Guild of Russian Lawyers Andrey Knyazev Gennadyevich, for providing qualified legal assistance and assistance in the release of military man A. Novikov from Chechen captivity.

    Thank You Letter for Help (Samples)

    Therefore, we will be sincerely grateful to you for any help in the future. I am like a leader municipal institution"Mercy", I express my sincere gratitude to you for organizing and sponsoring a trip to health Camp for children with cerebral palsy.
    During a week-long trip, children who, due to their physical condition, cannot lead an active social image of life, not only improved their health, but also acquired new impressions and acquaintances, which is extremely important for their psychological health.
    Our team expresses its sincere gratitude to you.

    We are thanked

    The AK&M news agency thanks Eduard Olevinsky for his active participation in the work of the 1st All-Russian Conference “Judicial debt restructuring. Bankruptcy Institute individuals in Russia”, which took place in Moscow on June 24, 2010 Pension Fund GAZFOND thanks the Chairman of the Board of Directors of the legal bureau "Olevinsky, Buyukyan and Partners" Eduard


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