Business plan structure: general and mandatory sections of the business plan. Business plan writing plan (example) The procedure for registering an enterprise business plan

Get an action plan: how to prepare a business plan, which sections to include. Download guides and Excel models for business planning, plus 13 ready-made templates and sample business plans.

In the article - step-by-step instruction to action, which will help turn a raw business idea into a clear plan for the implementation of the project, because a business plan is a document that reveals the concept of the project, the process and mechanism for achieving it.

Step 3. Develop a marketing plan

Conclude the section with a marketing plan and sales forecast. Marketing activities are the basis for planning business expenses, sales forecast is a plan for future receipts.

Structure the section as follows:

1. Marketing strategic planning:

  • , its characteristics;

2. Product Description:

  • description of the product or service, assortment;
  • main characteristics of the product, performance characteristics;
  • attractiveness to the client, the benefits of using the product;
  • requirements for the consumer properties of the product;
  • competitive advantages of the product and the competitiveness of the product;
  • patents, licenses, certificates for the product;
  • product packaging;
  • delivery conditions;
  • guarantees and service;
  • peculiarity of taxation.

3. Pricing policy:

  • factors affecting pricing;

How to build a pricing policy if you sell goods through the networks

One of the promising areas of development for many companies is building relationships with retail chains... But the specifics of working with them is such that often the effectiveness of sales through this channel is lower in comparison with others.

The main mistake is in pricing, when some important factors are overlooked.

4. Sales of products:

  • the volume and level of development of the industry;
  • main consumers and segments;
  • target markets and their comparative characteristics;
  • barriers to entry and development in the market;
  • product sales strategy;
  • product distribution scheme;
  • sales channels.

5. Promotion:

  • sales promotion methods;
  • advertising.

6. Scheduling the outlined strategic plan:

  • dates of achievement of intermediate goals;
  • the date on which the final goal was reached.

7. Detailing the plan to specific executors and appointed responsible persons. Answers to the questions of who, what, when, where, with the help of what resources should be done and how it affects the final result.

8. Formation of the marketing budget:

  • sales forecast;
  • cost forecast;
  • determination of the budget for marketing activities.

Marketing planning will help determine the price level for a product or service - the maximum amount that a buyer is willing to pay for your offer. The more accurate this forecast is, the more stable the profit will be and more cost effective for promotion.

Before choosing a marketing campaign or loyalty program, you need to correlate the launch costs with the expected effect. See which programs are the most popular today, what benefits they bring, and.

It is equally important to correctly identify the choice of suppliers of equipment, tools, services and other things that are needed in the implementation of the project. You also need to determine the sales market, potential buyers or users of the services.

As reliable as a small number of them may seem, the disappearance of the need for your product will reduce all efforts and costs to zero. Therefore, expand your customer base in advance. At the same time, it is important to correlate the search for clients with the costs of promotion. The budget of a business plan is not endless, advertising agencies promise a lot, but be realistic, even a large audience reach does not always lead to targeted customers.

Excel-model will help to conduct a SWOT-analysis of an investment project

Owners often make strategic decisions based solely on financial metrics such as present net worth and internal rate of return. But if you do not take into account external circumstances or internal constraints, the risk of disrupting the project timeline increases.

Step 4. Make a production plan

The next section is production plan... Here it is necessary to briefly explain how the system for the production of goods or the provision of services is organized. The main task of this part of the plan is to justify the choice of one or another production process and equipment. Expand the following questions:

  1. location of production;
  2. provision of production with access roads;
  3. availability of necessary communications;
  4. the need to build production facilities;
  5. equipment supply issues;
  6. availability of qualified personnel;
  7. availability of production technology;
  8. cooperation with suppliers, subcontractors;
  9. waste disposal technology (if applicable).

When answering these questions, use the information previously provided in the marketing research.

Production control

Pay special attention to the description of the production of the goods and the quality control system at each stage. See also what a quality management system is. This is accomplished by using a TQM (Process Quality Control Line Chart) and a Economy Order Sizing Model.

The key point of the production plan is the evidence of the need for the selected production technology (service provision). If there is a choice of production processes, then you need to mention all of them, listing the serious disadvantages so that the advantages the right company technology looked reasonable. You can consider in each point of the plan the possibility of saving budget funds: the use of leasing, equipment rental, cooperation with freelancers instead of permanent workers, the transfer of some functions to outsourcing. It is very important to highlight the most efficient and low-cost opportunity to conquer an economic niche in the market.

Five ways to turn fixed costs into variables

On-demand spending trend reduces fixed costs to a minimum. Learn how to reshape your company's spending structure to make your business more viable and less susceptible to economic turbulence.


Recruitment is an important part production system... The description of the qualification level and the provision of the company with the necessary specialists should reflect the real picture. If there is a need for additional recruitment of personnel and management core, it is important to clarify whether it is possible to find them at the location of the production or whether it will be necessary to bear the costs of motivating them to move from other cities.

Don't waste a lot of words on a management bio. It is necessary to show that each of the managers has a sufficient set of competencies. For this, specific data on his role and participation in other projects are sufficient, while it is not necessary to describe only his successes. Adequate analysis of past mistakes and the ability to draw correct conclusions are well received by investors.

How to build a dream team: a practical guide

Loading production

This paragraph considers the PM of the company in several categories: project, current, reserve, and from the point of view of its possible increase and decrease. Here it is necessary to provide information on how flexible production will be - whether it is possible to quickly increase or decrease the production of goods without significant losses and breaks in the production-supply chain.

Aggregate plan and work schedule

An aggregate production plan for sales of products is created to compare marketing data and production capacity for a period from one year to 5-7 years. It is characterized by the clarity of the definitions of goods or services that must be produced in order to fulfill the business plan. The production and sales plan is usually broken down into periods of up to a year. It can be adjusted every month, depending on the current situation in the company. The very concept of "aggregation" means to enlarge. In this case, we mean the generalization of individual indicators and their consolidation into one position.

The next items are scheduling and planning material requirements. For this it is convenient to use .

Common mistakes in investment plans

Before showing to company management investment plan, make sure that you correctly estimate the amount and term of financing, and also take into account all the risks.

Step 5. Prepare a financial plan

This part of the business plan is designed to evaluate the project in terms of costs and profitability. It should justify the need for finance, describe the ways to replenish the project budget, and guarantees. It also provides a description of the economic situation in the area of ​​interest of the project, difficult predictable factors and possible options for financial behavior under several scenarios of the development of events. The financial block of the business plan includes the budgets of income and expenses (BDR), (BDDS), the forecast balance for the entire planning period of the project.

It is important to list in detail all the planned costs of the project and the justification for their need by year, dividing them into quarters. And it is advisable to plan the first year on a monthly basis.

For each month (quarter, year) of the project, you need to reflect:

  • taxes and their rates;
  • inflation;
  • information on methods of capitalization;
  • loan repayment schedule.

Recommendations to help you write a competent business plan yourself

  1. Include in the plan the approximate timeframe when the invested funds will be returned and what specific steps are foreseen for this.
  2. When making forecasts, check the project's performance indicators.
  3. Experts advise, after accurate calculations of the costs of the project, to double this figure. Lack of funds can ruin the most promising project.
  4. Compare the timing of the receipt of funds with the timing of the regular expenses of the company.
  5. Create a financial reserve while the growth of project revenues exists only on paper.
  6. Create informed profit forecasts. It is better to expect less than to get caught up in illusory expectations and create a difficult financial situation for the company.
  7. Tight cost control until operational ROI emerges.

Today, small business is a widespread phenomenon in the economies of various countries, including Russia. It can be presented as a small private enterprise, that is, a legal entity, and an individual in the IP format. Small businesses are represented in sales and services.

Note that small business in Russia includes organizations in which the number of workers does not exceed 100 people in the field of construction and industry, 30 people in retail, v agriculture and scientific and technical enterprises, this figure reaches 60 people. In Europe and the United States, this figure is significantly higher and amounts to 300 and 500 people, respectively.

The importance of small business for the economy of any country is very great, especially for countries with a high level of unemployment. Due to it, new jobs are created, as well as meeting the needs of consumers in many services and goods. In this regard, the state is pursuing an active policy of supporting small business. For its successful creation, development and existence, an effective plan is necessary, taking into account all possible scenarios for the development of events.

Business plan for initial stage creating your own business helps to finalize the idea and ways of implementing the business, as well as determine the amount of investment. The main goal of any business plan is to describe all stages of business implementation, calculation necessary costs, determination of its elements, determination of the time of business entry to profit, miscalculation of the strengths and weaknesses as well as the risks and benefits of owning a business.

Note that large firms that have worked for more than one year are also engaged in such an important matter as drawing up a strategy for the development of their own business. They have special departments involved in planning the further promotion of the business and keeping it afloat.

By starting your own business, you can make your own strategy for the development of your business based on the templates and tips that will be given below. In this article, we will show you how to write a business plan with step-by-step instructions.

When writing a business plan, we must consider and describe the following main points:

  • the purpose of creating your own business;
  • competitiveness in the market;
  • managerial potential (in other words, the amount of work that a manager and his subordinates can handle);
  • flexibility of the model;
  • the degree of exposure to external factors;
  • financial component, as well as the final results.

Business plan preparation

The business plan can be in the form of an official document with a cover, handwritten on a piece of paper, or presented in electronic format. The structure of a business plan and the content of its main sections, including points that in some cases may be omitted:

  • title page (not always used);
  • short description the project as a whole (summary);
  • main ideas of the project;
  • sector and market analysis in general, SWOT analysis, target audience;
  • project implementation plan;
  • profitability of a business idea;
  • the necessary regulatory framework;
  • applications.

Title page

The title page of a project is a cover that highlights the important elements of a business idea. These include: the name and author of the project (business), the year and place of the project creation, you can also indicate its initial cost, that is, investments.


A business plan summary is a brief description of the case as a whole, which is drafted in such a way that it is of interest to potential investors and partners.

First, you need to describe the rationale for the relevance and relevance of the proposed service or product. For this, it is necessary to analyze the market in this area. Define target audience that will be covered by the activities of your business. To do this, it is necessary to pay attention to the business idea itself, its relevance, the degree of prevalence, as well as the income received. The second important point is a description of the factors affecting the viability of the business, its income and implementation according to the plan. We devote Special attention description of ideas, goals and objectives of the project.

Read also: How to open an account for a legal entity at VTB 24

Key ideas

The next point should be devoted to a complete and detailed description of the idea of ​​the business itself. When compiling it, it is necessary not only to describe the basis, but to think over possible options and ways to expand the existing proposal. For example, expanding the product line or modifying it, expanding the range of services. Careful, competent and deliberate writing of the previous paragraphs will allow you to draw up a plan for the implementation of the main activities and stages of running a business and its functioning.

Before putting forward an idea for its subsequent implementation, it is necessary to make a qualitative analysis of the market for goods and services. This will help you identify an empty and underdeveloped segment of offers. After the idea is formed, it is necessary to study the profile area in more detail in order to determine possible ways business development, the target audience, that is, the consumer. The following data must be specified: general, short info about the industry, its main economic indicators, prospects and dynamics of development; a description of competitors and their financial performance, market conditions is important.

Sector and market analysis in general, SWOT analysis, target audience

In parallel, it is necessary to determine the strengths and advantages of your project, opportunities, describe the risks, threats - in other words, make a SWOT analysis of the idea. For convenience, a table is compiled. For each risk, an action plan should be drawn up to overcome it or alternative courses of action.

It is necessary to pay special attention to the description of the target audience of consumers - to draw up its portrait. It includes information about gender, age and social group, about the values ​​and motives that will motivate people to use your service or purchase a product. This work will identify ways to increase the interest and consumption of your products and services among the existing target audience, and will also allow you to attract new groups. In the same paragraph, you need to describe the most profitable and cost-effective ways of marketing a product or service. This point of your business plan is an important and integral part of it, so you need to approach it responsibly.

Project implementation plan

When drawing up an action plan, it is not recommended to indicate the exact dates and times of completion of an action. Here it is also necessary to remember about the existence of different types of plan, which perform certain functions and include their specific functions. The first is strategic and marketing plan... It includes drawing up a table of activities with approximate time intervals and the necessary funds and resources, as well as building a strategy (tasks and ways to accomplish them) close to it. Here, the principles of pricing for a product or service, their distribution channels are determined, and advertising tactics are developed.

The profitability of a business idea

On the basis of the previous plan, a financial one is drawn up, which includes all items of income and expenses for the entire period of work, including accounting for wages. If you are not sure of the correctness of its compilation, then it is better to entrust this function to a professional. The next step is to write a production plan. This is a description of the entire process of creating a product, from the selection of a supplier and receipt of raw materials, to the manufacture of goods and their sale. It is imperative to prescribe an administrative plan, which includes the definition of the responsibilities of each work unit, the level of wages, as well as measures to optimize the work of employees. For example, participation in competitions, professional development.

Profitability is a measure of business performance.

When calculating it, all available resources are taken into account that can and should be used at the initial stage of creating a business, as well as throughout its development. Here we are talking about the initial capital, as well as possible investment injections. This calculation allows us to determine the time to reach the break-even point and the transition to profit. If the forecast is made for a long period, it is important to take into account possible growth payroll, inflation, as well as the possible costs of updating equipment and increasing the cost of materials.

To begin with, it is important to understand what a business plan is and what goals and objectives it carries. Any business plan includes the most detailed information about all aspects of planning the activities of an organization. It is being developed not only in order to justify a specific investment project, but also in order to most effectively manage the company in the present time, while thinking over a financial strategy.

Such a document will be relevant not only for those who provide services, but also for those who work in production. Of course, depending on the goals and functionality, the structure and content of the business plan may change somewhat. However, in any case, the business plan is a kind of calculated forecast for the next periods of time.

Who is the business plan for?

  • Firstly, for the head of the enterprise himself, who can assess the development opportunities.
  • Secondly, for potential lenders and investors who may be interested in a well-developed business plan.
  • Third, to receive funding from the state.

In any case, properly drafted, it can bring only positive effects to the organization.

It is important to understand that a business plan is a rather voluminous document that reflects many aspects of an idea. Each object of consideration is connected with all the others; in the aggregate, they become a kind of strategy for the compiler, a long-term guide.

There are several options for the structure and sections of the business plan. They depend on the field of activity for which the project is being developed. The details of the business plan are also chosen by the developer. For the service industry, this may be a simple project that does not contain some sections. But for large manufacturing enterprises it should be detailed and detailed business plan... The choice of methods for calculating certain indicators may also depend on the tasks.

Title page

Any business plan starts with registration title page, which indicates the name of the project itself, the name of the organization for which it was developed, its location (country, city), telephones, data of the owner and whoever drafted and developed this document, the date of creation. Financial indicators can also be placed on the title page if it is planned to show the business plan to potential creditors or investors. Most often, in this case, the payback period, profitability, the need to obtain borrowed funds and their amount are indicated.

In addition, privacy policy information may be included on the title page. As a rule, it states that the developed business plan should not be disclosed to third parties.


After the title page, the first section of the business plan is drawn up - a resume. It contains general information. The purpose of this part of the document is to attract the attention of readers, or rather, potential investors or lenders. It is the resume that creates the first impression, on which the fate of the project often depends.

This section is a concise business plan, it reveals the essence and objectives. To compile a summary, use the information from all subsequent sections. That is, to write this section, you must first draw up the entire business plan, and only then proceed to its summary. Typically, a resume displays:

  • Concise description of the selected project, main goals and objectives.
  • Resources required.
  • Implementation methods.
  • The chances of success, given whether the product or service being created is new and relevant to the consumer.
  • The size of the necessary financing, which the owner himself will not be able to undertake.
  • Refund Information borrowed money lenders or investors.
  • KPI data.

It is very important to keep your resume simple, straightforward, and short. The ideal size is 1-2 printed pages.

Setting the goal of the developed business plan

This section defines a clear and clear purpose, describes the activity, products or services produced. It will also be useful to pay attention technological processes that will happen. It is very important to highlight the benefits that the consumer will receive from the manufactured goods and services. But it is not worth delving into technical features. It is better to place them separately in the application.

It is important to show that the products will be unique or special. This can be achieved through the development of a completely new technology, a higher level of product quality or a lower cost price. It is worth highlighting the ways to improve production or the product itself.

Analysis of the selected industry and assessment of the viability of the project in it

This section provides information on the state of affairs in the selected industry. At the same time, the possibility of working on it is analyzed. In addition, development opportunities are being considered. External factors it also takes into account, emphasis is placed on the impact they have on the development and performance of the project. It is important that the business plan is relevant to the current market situation. It is very important to take into account all kinds of factors, thereby showing that the project can be competitive in any situation.

If this section also lists potential competitors (names of organizations, their advantages and capabilities) and industry innovations, this will only increase the chances of success. It is also important to draw up a portrait of a potential buyer, specifying in detail which segments of the population will be interested in a product or service.

Assessing an organization's capabilities in a given industry

It is very important to approach the study of this section responsibly, having considered all aspects. A comprehensive analysis should contain the following information:

  • Goods and services provided by the organization, areas of activity.
  • Information about the organizational and legal form (OPF) of the company, its administrative structure, employees, partners, owners, date of creation.
  • The main financial and economic indicators of the organization.
  • The location of the firm, including its address, description of the premises, information on the form of ownership.
  • Aspects of the chosen activity (opening hours, seasonality and other information).

Particular attention is paid to this section if you plan to open a new organization. Then the description should be more detailed. This also includes in this case the possibilities successful development, information about the skills of the future owner.

The main task of this section is to convince potential lenders or investors that the proposed idea is reliable and has great prospects.

The actual description of the product or service itself

In this section, attention is paid to the most important characteristics of the product for the consumer, as well as its advantage over competitive products on the market. The ideal option would be the case if a sample or a photograph of the finished product is attached to the business plan. You can also add its description, information on technical characteristics. In this case, the following are indicated:

  • The name of the product or service.
  • Direct purpose, possibilities of use.
  • Description and list of the most important characteristics.
  • Assessment of the advantages of the product and its competitiveness.
  • Availability of copyright and patent.
  • An indication of the need to obtain a license to manufacture a product or provide a service.
  • Information about the availability of quality certificates for goods.
  • Harmless to humans and the environment.
  • Delivery data, designed packaging.
  • Availability of guarantees and service.
  • Operation information.
  • Disposal methods after the expiration date.

Drawing up a marketing plan

After assessing the market and a specific industry, their analysis, a specific strategy is developed. At the same time, the volumes of consumption, potential buyers are indicated. The levers of influence on demand (price change, development advertising company, improving product quality and other ways). Attention is paid to the methods of marketing, the approximate cost, the development of advertising policy.

When specifying potential consumers, the methods of purchase (wholesale, retail, end consumer), as well as their status (legal entities and individuals, as well as the general population) are taken into account.

When considering the possible characteristics of a product, its appearance, tasks performed, cost, shelf life and service, safety for the consumer and the surrounding world. At the same time, it is worth adhering to the following structure in the section:

  • Analysis of potential buyers.
  • Analysis of competitiveness.
  • Analysis of the possibilities of selling a product or service.
  • Description of the supply sequence from production to end consumer(this also includes a description of packaging, place and methods of storage, service maintenance, forms of sale).
  • Ways to attract buyers (this includes various promotions, free testing, exhibitions).

It is very important to justify the relationship between price, quality and profitability.

Often, developing a marketing plan requires a lot of effort, because it is very laborious process... At the same time, such rather complex mechanisms are affected as ways of advertising, promotion, support, identifying interests, forecasting and much more.

Drawing up a production plan

This section focuses on manufacturing and other workflows. This includes information about the various premises used, equipment, personnel involved in the work. In addition, the production plan contains a detailed consideration of ways to increase or decrease the volume of production of goods or the provision of services.

If the business plan includes information on setting up production, then the sequence of the production process is prescribed, starting with the costs used and ending with the goods release system. In a word, all the nuances are taken into account.

If a partner takes over part of the processes, then you need to indicate information about him, the cost of the services provided, their volume, as well as the grounds for concluding a contract with this particular company. Moreover, if the contractor provides equipment or some kind of raw material, information about each item is indicated. Calculations of cost, benefits are also provided.

In addition, the calculation of the cost of the goods or services provided is mandatory, an estimate is drawn up, variables are determined (depending on production volumes and other factors) and fixed costs... In general, you can structure the section as follows:

  • Information about the enterprise from the point of view of production (the development of systems, including engineering, transport, resource).
  • Description of the selected technology, as well as the rationale for the choice made.
  • The need to purchase or rent premises for production.
  • The need for personnel, while their qualifications, skills, number, and direction of activity are indicated.
  • Actual proof of the safety of production and the end product for people and the environment.
  • Description of the required production facilities (indicating the available ones).
  • Description necessary equipment, their characteristics, general information.
  • Description of the necessary resource and raw material supply.
  • Consideration of all possible suppliers, terms of contracts, selection of subcontractors.
  • Calculation of the approximate cost of all manufactured goods or services provided.
  • Estimating current costs.
  • Analysis of the structure of production costs.

Organizational plan

This section contains information on various statutory and regulations and the documents that you need to pay attention to when drawing up a business plan. In addition, a schedule is drawn up for the implementation of the selected project, with a detailed description of the timing and procedures.

Financial plan

It is best to display the following documents and information in this section:

  • Annual plan for expenses and income.
  • Calculation of the timing of implementation (detailing the first year on a monthly basis).
  • Traffic plan financial assets and cash.
  • Approximate balance for the first year.
  • Break-even analysis (with consideration of prospects, schedule, finding a break-even point).

In addition, possible investment investments (leasing, crediting and others) are displayed. Here sources are considered in detail, the possibility of obtaining investments is assessed, and the profitability of their use is calculated. In addition, the terms of repayment of all debts are discussed in detail.

At the end of the section, an analysis of the effectiveness of this business plan is required. Any of the methods can be used for the calculation, for example, one of the methods of design analysis or analysis of FHD (financial and economic activity). In this case, the profitability is calculated, as well as financial stability the project being developed and many other indicators.

The structure of this section might look like this:

  • Annual income statement.
  • The structure of tax deductions.
  • Finance movement plan for the first year.
  • Planned balance of the first year.
  • The need for investment.
  • Necessary costs associated with the use of borrowed funds.
  • Analysis of the effectiveness of the entire business plan, based on the chosen methodology.

Consideration and analysis of possible risks

Any project on its way meets various problems, difficulties that may call into question the implementation of the project or its effectiveness. Therefore, special attention is paid to identifying possible risks, assessing them, as well as ways to eliminate them. Therefore, a competent financier pays special attention to this section. It develops various coping strategies. It is very important to determine the degree of each of the risks. Any of them must be substantiated and objectively assessed.

It is worth considering the development of alternative strategies to compensate for possible losses. As the saying goes, "forewarned is forearmed." In this case, you can use various methods, including quantitative and SWOT analysis.

If we consider quantitative analysis, we can talk about calculating not only risk factors, but also about calculating possible losses. Various methods (expert, statistical and others) can also be applied here.

Consideration of all risks, their minimization can become a guarantee for potential partners. The most significant of them:

  • Guarantees from the authorities of various levels (local, regional, federal).
  • Insurance.
  • The presence of a collateral.
  • Bank guarantees.
  • Ability to transfer rights.
  • Finished product guarantees.


The last section can contain different information. So, it can include documents that are referenced in the main sections. This could be:

  • Copies of licenses, contracts.
  • Confirmation of the reliability of the initial parameters.
  • Price lists from possible suppliers.
  • Tabular calculations of various financial indicators, which were taken out in order not to clutter the project itself with calculations.


These are all the main sections of the business plan. As mentioned at the very beginning, the structures are different depending on the type of activity, but the main sections are still the same as described above. Writing a business plan is not difficult if you understand the business you are planning. But if you are far from it, then it may not be worth starting such a business.

If you have any questions or additions, then write them in the comments.

What should be in this wonderful document? You can find fairly clear requirements and even programs that automatically generate business plan templates. I am still of the opinion that this is a more or less free document. The only requirement is ALL key points business.
Often the business plan contains such chapters:

1. Preamble (or introduction)- brief information about the project, what it is, who is the organizer, contractor, what is the main goal of the project, mission. Also in this section you can give a short outline of the document with small comments on each.
Sometimes the characteristics of the project participants, the leader and the founders are given.
2. Market overview. An important part of the business plan, where the analysis of the current market situation is done. The main players and their influence are described. It is imperative to consider the dynamics of the market over the past at least 3-5 years, as well as build a forecast for the near future. Affect nearby markets.
3. Competitors. If you think that you have no competitors, then you do not know your market. This part is required and there is no way around it. Competitors can be either direct (offering similar goods and services) or indirect (offering something different, but it may well replace your product). Personally, I have often come across would-be entrepreneurs who are sure that they have no competitors, because "they have green, and we have yellow, these are completely different products." I, of course, exaggerate, but you get the point.
In general, I think to discuss the topic of competitors separately.
So, in the business plan, it is imperative to identify the circle of competitors, describe the leaders, if any, the distribution of the market by segments. This point should be a logical continuation of the market survey.
4. Suppliers and partners. If you have a manufacturing facility, it is obvious that you need raw materials. Many people forget and do not take into account their suppliers and other partners, and in fact a failure in their work can have a very strong impact on you. That is why it is necessary to work out in detail the main suppliers, reserve, to characterize the strategy of relationships. It should be understood that the cost of your products (and hence the final price) is highly dependent on the cost of raw materials. And often there is a choice - choose where is cheaper, but there are certain risks, or work with a reliable trusted partner, overpaying for stability. In this chapter, there must be a justification for the choice of this or that partner, as well as its alternative.
5. Goods and services. This section describes in detail your product or service. Not just a list, but a complete description, with technical characteristics, dimensions, difficulties, etc. Comparison with analogs is carried out (overlaps with the section Competitors). The product should be described so well and in detail that any person who does not understand your field, after reading it, understands what exactly you are going to sell.
Another point is the price of your goods, as well as its rationale. Sometimes this subsection is taken out in a separate paragraph of the plan, but it can be left in this chapter.
6. Personnel. An integral part of any company is the people who work for it. If the company is small (up to 20 people), then you can describe each person, what they do, their characteristics, experience, and remuneration. If it is large enterprise, then only key employees (director, deputies, heads of departments) are described in detail, and the rest are grouped according to some criterion, for example, by positions (engineers, builders) or by departments (accounting, Production Department). In the form of an application, the staffing table is given, where there is already a complete list of all employees, their working hours as well as wage.
If the company is developing or is just opening and it has needs for hiring people, you should indicate where exactly people will be selected, what requirements are imposed on them.
7. Manufacturing process. In this section, you should describe the process of creating your product: what difficulties may arise, what is the production cycle itself. How long does it take to make changes, if necessary. What types of raw materials are used, possible alternatives. In general, everything important that is in the production process should be described here. There is nothing universal, because in each case it is different. If any know-how is used, they must also be indicated here, the numbers of certificates, patents, etc.
8. Consumers. Who buys your products? Who is consuming it? What inner feelings should you address? It is necessary to distinguish between consumers and buyers (for example, parents buy toys, and children play, airplanes are bought by airlines, and passengers fly). It is imperative to build a portrait of the average consumer by segmenting the market. If it is B2B, then similarly segment the market by consumer company. Keep in mind that there are very few products that consume EVERYTHING! Even bread and medicines can be segmented (although, classically, these are goods for everyone, without exception. Now you can add to them mobile connection cities).
As a result, we not only get a portrait of a potential buyer, but also their share in the total human. Thus, we estimate the entire market, as well as calculate our share, which we are claiming. From this it is easy to determine the expected income ...
9. Legal aspects. Many types of activities require careful and detailed study: the necessary certificates, permits, excise taxes. What jurisdiction does the type of activity fall under, what difficulties may be, etc. This section of the business plan describes in detail all the difficulties and their solution. It also indicates the laws and other regulations that are necessary for the successful functioning of the company.
10. Marketing and Advertising. At first I wanted to write that this is one of the most important chapters, but I thought that it would be biased, because other sections are just as important (consumers, competitors, finance). But still, if in some activities the Legal section and the Production section can be omitted, marketing should be everywhere. It should be indicated marketing strategy for a year, three and five. What goals are being set, in what ways they should be achieved.
We shouldn't forget about advertising either. What, where, how to advertise (knowing our target audience, this is easy to do). Sometimes, advertising is placed in a separate item of the business plan, especially if the company is large and has solid budgets and detailed study. If you plan to cooperate with advertising agency- again, describe why exactly with him, what it will give, what selection criteria, are there any alternatives.
Without fail, everything is done with forecasts of efficiency, sales volumes, market shares and, of course, the costs of these events.
11. Organizational plan. If the company is quite large, then it is not easy to manage it. That is why they distinguish organizational plan, where all relationships are schematically and descriptively displayed: between departments, between departments / branches, between individual key employees. Checkpoints, areas of responsibility, etc. are written down. There should be no "white spots", ie. a process or issue for which no one is responsible (or vice versa, several people with equal authority are responsible).
12. Finance. The hardest part and the most beloved by investors. In this section, all income and expenses are brought together, as well as the financial result. Often, instead of the finance section, separate items are made: Expenses, Incomes, Financial results... Sometimes this is justified. But this does not change the essence. By and large, all the data is already there: we take income from marketing and descriptions of consumers, as well as the price of goods; costs - we summarize the costs of production from the production process, raw materials, advertising costs, wages ... In other words, this is just the total. BUT. Investors (or banks, for example, when obtaining a loan), looking ONLY this section. Therefore, it should be worked out as much as possible, and after reading it, it should be clear what the company is doing, its turnover, income and profit.
What must be there? Required investments by months, point of exit to self-sufficiency, return on investment (ROI), as well as full return on all invested funds.
If this is some investment project, then, of course, you need to compare alternatives, options for investing in stocks / bonds. But, in general, there is a slightly different approach in financial and investment projects.
13. Potential risks. Risk-free operations / enterprises simply do not exist, and what you need to strive for is their minimization. In the last chapter, a SWOT analysis of the company is usually done, it can also be PEST, or it can be without a name, just describe what can happen and how to deal with it. Some risks can be insured, others can be avoided, and from the third - the possible negative effect can be minimized. But for this, of course, these risks should be studied and classified. In general, many believe that this is a purely symbolic point, but this is not the case. Something small can disrupt your entire business (for example, a change in tax laws, a new competitor, a ban on your products, a change in the supplier's pricing policy, and much more). You must be prepared for such changes and have "spare moves".
Applications... Appendices provide tables, graphs, specifications- everything that was not included in the main business plan, but is necessary for detailed study (for example, in the finance section there can be only final figures, and full tables for 2-3 spreads are included in the appendix).
This is roughly the structure of any normal business plan. Under certain conditions, some sections may not exist, or vice versa, some will be added. The essence of the plan itself is that you really need to work on it, and a person unfamiliar with your industry, for example a potential investor, having read this document, had a more or less complete picture of your business model.
I also want to note that a business plan contains a lot of commercial information, therefore it is classified documents, to which very few have access. Usually printed in two or three copies, each of which is signed. Some are kept by general director others are workers. Sometimes, a separate one is done for the founder.
That's all I wanted to write about the structure of a business plan.

For a business to flourish, planning is necessary, and for its dynamic development, it is necessary to develop a business plan. In addition, a competently drawn up plan will help you find an investor or lender to develop your business.

  • Describe your business idea, present it as necessary at the moment
  • To give detailed description of the future enterprise, what exactly will represent your business
  • Describe the future manufactured products, provision of services to the public or production process
  • Lead sales market analyst, your competitive features: low cost, unusual packaging
  • Make up detailed plan production, outline steps to implement your project
  • Give a description product marketing how are you going to organize channels and marketing methods
  • Make up financial plan ... It includes the costs of setting up a business and estimated income from its implementation
  • Conduct a complete analysis of your business project, where will be presented evaluative opinions of experts about your project
  • Do development schedules, fill out sales tables, supply schemes and procurement of manufactured products or provision of services

These are the main stages of drawing up a business plan that will help you get investments for your project.

How to write the right business production plan

In many ways, the production process cannot be solved without organizing the planning of the entire production, and it is best to fix this in a business plan. In him:

The purpose of writing a business plan is to determine the feasibility of investing in production, whether it will be profitable, and at what time it will take for it to start making a profit. First of all, it is necessary to carry out calculations of the profitability of the future enterprise, thus you can avoid the occurrence of problems in the future, and give yourself an answer to the question: is it possible to overcome them on your own.

What should be displayed when writing a business plan?

The first and second parts of the plan consist of a summary and description of the main idea of ​​the business.

It should remind offer about investing in your project, sent to prospective partners or investors.

It should display:

  • The purpose of your project: what do you intend to release, or what services to provide
  • Who is your product for, definition sales audience
  • Outline the volume of the expected turnover in the first year of existence
  • Calculate approximate amount of costs to open, establish a production process at your enterprise
  • Define legal form : open, closed or joint-stock company you decide to organize
  • Which the number of employees are you going to involve in your production
  • Define all sources of financing your project

After carrying out all the necessary calculations, the businessman will be able to form an opinion whether it is worth organizing this business, because the risk and ways of overcoming it are found out so that the enterprise does not suffer collapse.

The simplest example of how to draw up a business plan, for example, for an LLC that is going to establish the production of sweet baked goods, can be represented by the following diagram:

Designate a goal: Bakery confectionery, mainly, cakes, for the urban population. To be at the forefront of your market segment

Outline the tasks:

  1. Organize the work of a compact confectionery shop
  2. Arrange the supply of the necessary raw materials and hire employees
  3. Preliminarily try to occupy a third part of the market by developing a marketing strategy for doing business, according to which there will be a gradual squeezing out of competitors with low prices and a new recipe

Find the missing cash by taking a loan secured by existing real estate.

A good example of a small business business plan

For example, you are about to open a tailor shop.

initially need to figure out the perspective this business in the current market.

  1. We are writing a resume where you are going to open a small production workshop.
    Describe the form of ownership, for example LLC. The planned payback period of the project is 40 months
  2. Describe general provisions enterprises:
      • purchase of equipment,
      • textiles,
      • furnishings and accessories.

If your own money is not enough to complete the project, write about borrowing.
Then describe who your services will be provided to:

You can include services for sewing curtains, bed linen for further sale.

  1. Conduct market analytics and create a marketing plan. The plan must develop the necessary measures that will bring your workshop to the forefront.
  2. Analyzing the costs of the enterprise:
      • payment of salaries to employees,
      • payment of rent for the premises where your workshop is located.

Based on the analysis carried out, the payback period of the project is calculated.

  1. Schedule production, gradually increasing production to 1000 units per day
  2. Analyzing the investment market: where and how to find partners for joint business
  3. Make financial calculations:
      • calculate the amount of fixed costs for the purchase of equipment
      • calculate the amount of variable costs for the purchase of materials for production: threads, accessories, needles. This includes the rent for the premises.
  1. Find out the missing amount for the full opening of the enterprise, describe the conditions for the provision of credit funds
  2. Describe the form of ownership and taxation of the company
  3. Calculate estimated monthly and annual revenue
  4. Based financial analysis enterprises find out the result of the work (it must be positive).

An example of drawing up a business plan for an individual entrepreneur

Financial institutions are reluctant to issue loans to individual entrepreneurs, and recent bank failures have led to the need to submit a detailed business plan in order to obtain loans.

This is one of the most basic documents, and it must be drawn up competently, with the display of the financial component of the business, the analysis of the market and the prospects for the development of the activities of an individual entrepreneur.

How to independently and competently draw up a business plan

At first, a competent business plan for an individual entrepreneur should be as detailed as possible, reflecting the performance analytics (various factors should be taken into account, including indicators of the financial component).

Secondly, it should display and current activities, and make a forecast of future development, taking into account interest rates, current exchange rates.

Thirdly, it should find a mapping of the state to this moment the main fund of the entrepreneur, his market price, and how the money will move:

  • purchase of the necessary equipment, materials,
  • ways of selling a product group or providing services to the population.

Sample Business Planning for Small Business

In order to securely obtain credit funds, you can create a simple business plan, and give a full description of the planned expenses and income in it, but the practical value of such a plan will be small for several reasons:

  • It will not be possible to simulate all the data, and if they change, you will have to rewrite the document
  • It does not display the full state of the business: no fixed asset credentials, equipment depreciation is not included
  • Such planning makes it impossible for an entrepreneur to pursue previously set goals.

It is best to draw up a working business plan in in electronic format, using software for example MicrosoftExcel. Open the program and enter the table names in the field:

  1. Fixed assets

The first table should display all the assets of the company that are owned individual entrepreneur and take part in the production of products.

Be sure to enter the form of ownership and the value of assets. The depreciation values ​​of the equipment for each year should also be entered here.

The main assets include:

  • own real estate and vehicles,
  • equipment and professional tools,
  • computers and equipment necessary for production.

Fixed assets most often act as collateral for bank lending, they brighter than other indicators reflect the actual position in business. Their total cost should be shown taking into account the depreciation process in the long term, for each month, quarter or year.

This key figure is required for the Enterprise Balance Sheet table.

  1. Cost of products or services to the public

The second table displays a complete picture of the enterprise's entrepreneurial activity.

Data is entered every month or quarter.

The data of all tables should be interconnected, because in many respects the cost will directly depend on the purchase prices for products.

The table records not only the revenue of the enterprise, but also the quantitative indicators of the sale itself.

  1. Sales of products
  2. Enterprise balance

The Balance table displays complete information about property and intangible assets, the company's liability. If the balance sheet is drawn up correctly, then the amounts for the asset converge with the amount of the liability, and this will mean that the company has a healthy financial situation, there are no unaccounted cost items.

  1. Received dividends and a list of required payments
  2. List of employees and their salaries
  3. Main factors


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