The pharmacist is a pharmacist. Qualification requirements for performing the functions of a pharmacist? Benefits of being a pharmacist

For an ordinary buyer, there is no difference between a pharmacist and a pharmacist, since the pharmacist has no special uniform differences, however, there is one important difference between these two professions - the level of education. A pharmacist can work as a person with an average pharmaceutical education, but to fulfill the duties of a pharmacist, you need a higher pharmaceutical education. That is, a pharmacist can work as a pharmacist, but a pharmacist cannot work as a pharmacist.

In practice, representatives of both specialties perform the role of the first-timer - they advise buyers, carry out retail sale goods, carry out the display and control the maintenance of order. But there are also differences between official duties and career prospects: for example, a pharmacist can be the head of a pharmacy, but a pharmacist lacks higher education for this.

Main responsibilities of a pharmacist:

  • Issuing prescription drugs
  • Dispensing of medicinal products in accordance with the requirements of the legislation
  • Control of storage of medicines and medical devices
  • Manufacturing of drugs
  • Quality control of drugs using various methods intra-pharmacy control
  • Participation in the procurement process

The main responsibilities of the pharmacist are almost the same, with the exception of participation in the procurement processes, more often the pharmacist is involved in the acceptance of the goods and their distribution to storage locations. Thus, the duties of a pharmacist and a pharmacist are almost the same, the only difference is that the pharmacist is an assistant to the pharmacist in the manufacture of dosage forms.

The career prospects of a pharmacist are much higher than those of a pharmacist. A pharmacist may work in a pharmacy or medical institution, in pharmaceutical companies, in sanatoriums - the range of activities is very wide. At the same time, the qualification of a specialist, including a certificate, is also important. For example, a pharmacist with a certificate in Management and Economics of Pharmacy can be a pharmacy director, deputy, head structural unit, but cannot work as a pharmacist-technologist - for this he will need to obtain a certificate of a specialist in the specialty "Pharmaceutical Technology". To become a pharmacist-analyst, an employee must obtain a certificate in Pharmaceutical Chemistry and Pharmacognosy.

Obtaining a certificate of a pharmacist can occur in various ways, depending on the length of service in the specialty:

A pharmacist also has a good chance to improve his position in a pharmacy organization, because he can even work as a pharmacy manager, provided he has a secondary pharmaceutical education, a certificate of a specialist in the specialty "Pharmacy Management and Economics" and work experience of at least 5 years.

The question of where a pharmacist can work, except for a pharmacy, is quite interesting. Its biggest snag is that most of the pharmacists (pharmacists) do not work in the pharmacy. This is facilitated mainly by the rigid financial responsibility under which pharmacy workers are.

Responsibility (both civil and criminal) is provided for both for the presence of shortages at the checkout or for goods, and for incorrectly executed documentation of strict accountability, incorrect issuance of prescription drugs. And this is despite the fact that the work of a pharmacist is not paid at all high - mainly due to the incredible competition in this market.

Often, the pharmacist has to give all his wages only for a few missteps (which, in fairness, it should be noted, were made and not at all through his fault). So if they agree to work as pharmacists, then only students or yesterday's graduates (who still do not really understand the whole process). Or people of retirement or pre-retirement age, who already have nowhere to go.

Where to find a job for a failed pharmacist

A large number of all the pharmacists who graduate from the institute go to work as medical representatives. Against working as a first-timer, working as a medical representative (even for the most simple company) has a number of undeniable advantages. Namely:

  • less liability
  • less stress
  • salary

Consider more benefits in the work of a medical representative.

The medical representative is not a financially responsible person. No, of course, he is personally responsible for the vehicle entrusted to him, if any, tablets, smartphones, etc. However, the level of material and moral responsibility is simply not comparable to what the pharmacist is responsible for. In addition, the medical representative is not required to complete strict reporting documentation.

Much less stress at work. On duty, the pharmacist is forced to communicate daily with a huge number of completely different people, among which not all are adequate. Everyone is trying to express to him all their troubles with health and not only. The medical representative, of course, has no such problems.

Most of the time, he communicates either with doctors or with the same pharmacists (heads of pharmacies), motivating both of them to sell the promoted drugs more actively.

Salary. On average, a medical representative earns three to four times more than a pharmacist (with the same hourly workload). Plus - they are almost always provided with a full social package, training at the expense of the company, a car, trips to conferences around the world. And all this - at the expense of the company.

However, in terms of where a pharmacist can work, except for a pharmacy, one more very significant remark needs to be made - it is very unlikely that yesterday's student will be accepted for the position of medical representative without any work experience, without a driver's license and the ability to drive a car.

The age is also strictly - from eighteen and, as a rule, up to fifty-fifty-five years. In pharmacists, on the other hand (more correctly, in first-timers) they take everyone in a row - students of various forms of education, persons who do not have a higher medical or pharmaceutical education at all, and so on.

The most competent thing that a pharmacist can do is to work as a nightlighter in a pharmacy in his student years, and then get a job as a medical representative in a pharmaceutical company, having both experience and a diploma of higher education.

So, there is nothing more to say about where a pharmacist can work, except for a pharmacy. By definition, he cannot have a medical practice, work for himself - only open his own pharmacy. But this is very problematic.

Today, the professional community is actively discussing the proposal of the Ministry of Health to solve the personnel issue with the help of students. The new procedure for admission of future specialists to professional activity still in the project. But...

Accreditation or internship again?

“Everything related to pharmaceutical education is very difficult for the specialists themselves. From pharmacy organizations we get a lot of questions about who the pharmacy can hire and who not, ”explains Executive Director Association of Pharmacy Institutions "Soyuzpharma" Dmitry Tselousov.

2016 is a transitional year for pharmacy. Accreditation is replacing certificates of specialists. The gradual transition to it begins with dentists and pharmacists ...

However, in October 2015, the order of the Ministry of Health No. 707 n was issued, establishing requirements for medical and pharmaceutical workers with higher education. Pharmacists are again obliged to study in an internship. Despite the fact that graduates of pharmaceutical universities will pass their primary accreditation in the summer - along with the final state certification. The certificate of accreditation will give young professionals the opportunity to immediately start working as a pharmacist or pharmacist-technologist.

“Order 707 didn't change anything. He just introduced an ambiguity,” Dmitry Tselousov reflects. “How will we then come to accreditation if we are prescribed an internship?”

old new order

Under the same conditions, the ministry also allowed university graduates who had not yet received a specialist certificate to work.

The draft document proposed by the Ministry of Health today contains the same provisions. A certified pharmacist who has not completed an internship can work in a pharmacy as a pharmacist, just like an undergraduate student.

Examinations for admission to professional activities are already taking place. For example, the First Moscow State Medical University named after Sechenov not so long ago tested students of the Faculty of Pharmacy. Medical students will be tested on April 22...

You study to be a pharmacist - you will become a pharmacist

And if the pharmacist wants to be a pharmacist? “Training in an internship today is very expensive. In some universities it is more than 90 thousand rubles a year. To become the head of a pharmacy, you need to study in an internship in one specialty, in order to become the head of a pharmacy, in another,” notes Yury Slepov, owner of the Krasnodar pharmacy chain Zdorovye. Of course, a graduate can study in both internships at the same time, but will he have the time and money?

Pharmacy employees notice that it is rather problematic to get an internship in state-funded places. From this point of view, accreditation will elevate pharmacists to the level of ... pharmacists. A specialist with a secondary pharmaceutical education, fortunately, can work in a pharmacy immediately after graduation.

Hundreds of thousands of healthcare workers

Everyone knows about the shortage of personnel in medicine and pharmacy. How many doctors the country needs is calculated annually by both experts and healthcare organizers. "Deficiency medical workers, according to the Ministry of Health of Russia, there are about 40 thousand doctors and 270 thousand nurses throughout the country, although our calculations show that the shortage of doctors is 130 thousand people, or 22% of the required, ”explains the head high school organization and management of healthcare Guzel Ulumbekova.

in the countryside personnel shortage feels even sharper. In 2014, the provision with all doctors was 3.1 times lower, and with nurses - 1.6 times lower than the national average.

Pharmacy statistics are more difficult. Each participant in the drug market has his own opinion about how many pharmacies and pharmacists the country needs.

One way to solve the personnel issue could be distribution. Representatives of the professional community (especially the medical community) are increasingly supporting him. “At one time I really wanted to be distributed somewhere in order to get good experience, but the practice of distribution has already been canceled,” recalls market expert Maria Rusinova. — I think that distribution is necessary. Three years for each specialist. And then you can go wherever you want: to get another narrow specialty, to graduate school, to pharmaceuticals, to private medicine.”

If we assume that the distribution will still be returned, it remains to be hoped that the specialist will be given not only workplace, but also decent housing where it was distributed. And those who themselves were able to find work will retain the right to use their choice.

When students are seen as competitors

"In 2012 new order admissions for medical students and pharmacists were received positively. It was supposed to benefit both students and patients. Much has been said about the fact that a good doctor should know the work of the hospital inside and out,” recalls plastic surgeon Maxim Nesterenko. - But in fact, what has changed in four years? cardinal changes Did not happen. On the contrary, the level of salaries of junior and middle medical personnel is such that more and more specialists leave the profession, and the rest work for 1.5-2 rates. Paid clinics and private clinics are much more attractive for yesterday's students. dental offices where they can go to work as administrators or nurses.” But in this segment, the shortage of personnel has not been noted before.

The practitioner is also concerned about the level of education of young specialists. Even for those who have received a diploma, it is not enough, not to mention the fourth and fifth year students. “Is a half-educated student better able to cope with the duties of a nurse than a real nurse who has completed her studies and passed her final exams? Nesterenko continues. “Students come unprepared, and experienced doctors see them as competitors and do not teach, since the payment that was previously divided among doctors is transferred to young specialists.” This is the state of affairs in the private sector of medicine.

How can practice agree with theory?

“When we were in medical school, we worked under control. But they worked! They took the sick, gave prescriptions. And the doctors, our curators, looked at what we, the students, needed to correct,” says Yuri Slepov. “I would very much like for students to work in their senior years and that they definitely have mentors.”

Many people dream of becoming doctors and pharmacists since childhood. “The number of classes with a medical focus is growing every year. This is a good prognostic sign. It indicates that the level of initial training of future students will be high and there is already interest in the specialty at school,” emphasizes Maria Rusinova.

When professional education organized in such a way that the employer cannot understand which specialists are allowed to hire, it is very, very difficult to maintain interest in the profession. Everything rests on "technical" contradictions, as with the same accreditation and internship.

“The idea of ​​student employment has great potential, but it is obvious that it needs to be implemented in some other way,” Maxim Nesterenko sums up. “So that practice goes hand in hand with theory, and the student, the future specialist, is motivated to study and work well.”

30.10.18 48 810 35

In St. Petersburg

Our readers regularly talk about their professions and how much income they bring them.

Katya Prokudina

asked leading questions

In the new issue, a pharmacist from St. Petersburg told us how easy it is to find a job for people without experience, whether it is possible to sell drugs without a doctor's prescription, and why working in a pharmacy is not for the faint of heart.

Choice of profession

At school I really liked chemistry and biology. But she never wanted to be a doctor and decided to enter the Chemical Pharmaceutical Academy (now it has become a university).

Most of my classmates were from other cities and already from the third year they worked at night in pharmacies. I preferred a healthy sleep to this, as I lived with my parents and there was no need for a part-time job. And she did the right thing: it was not easy to study, almost all the workers immediately got bogged down in debt and failed exams. It was a little easier for them in pharmacology: I taught the names of drugs, and they already knew them thanks to their work. But there were problems with other subjects due to the fact that they did not get enough sleep or skipped lectures to sleep off after night shifts.

After graduating, I simply posted a resume on Superjob, which said that I had a diploma of higher education, a certificate of specialist accreditation (it needs to be done separately, it's easy: learn the tickets and answer according to the checklist, knowing that you will not be asked anything extra) and zero experience. Surprisingly, they kept calling me.

Most pharmacies have a two-by-two schedule. But it’s hard to work 2 days in a row for 12 hours, after which you sleep all day or just lie down, because after the shift your legs hurt very much, and only one day remains for your business. So I was looking for a five-day. As a result, she got a job in one of the network pharmacies near the house. The first month was a trial period - they paid only a salary of 29,900 minus tax. She worked there for a year.

29 900 R

paid on time probationary period(before taxes)

The essence of the work

Usually pharmacists (secondary education) and pharmacists (higher education) work in pharmacies. Pharmacists are trained for this work, while pharmacists have a deeper training and 2 years longer. But if in the future you want to become a manager, then with a secondary education you have to stand at the cash desk for 5 years, and with a higher education - 3 years. And, of course, with a higher education, there are always more opportunities to find a job somewhere else than a pharmacy.

Working in a pharmacy suits patient people who want to help everyone. Clients consider us ordinary sellers and cashiers (this is not true), but at the same time they do not go to doctors and quite often ask for some kind of medicine - usually for colds or painkillers. In addition, people are always full of questions - from the banal "how many times a day to take medicine?" (Is it really impossible to read in the instructions?) To some sophisticated ones. For example, once a girl chose effervescent cough tablets so that there were no flavorings. Although I immediately said that they would be everywhere, she forced me to bring all the varieties and look at each box.

5 years

you need to work at the cash register to become the head of a pharmacy

The craziest request was this. The woman said her legs were itchy. I offer her a cream for itching, at the same time asking what he could have caused and how she was treated. Then she joyfully exclaims: "I'll show you now." She pulls up her skirt - her legs are all swollen, swollen veins and a terrible red rash. When I asked why she did not go to the doctor, the woman replied that she washed with urine and waited for it to pass, and when it got worse, she began to smear with a long-expired ointment for the veins. I did not sell anything to her and asked her to visit a specialist as soon as possible.

When asked “well, something for pressure” or “some kind of diuretic”, my answer is always the same: “Only see a doctor.”

Antibiotics without a prescription, too, almost never released. Over-the-counter products usually offer several options. I know how they differ and what are the advantages of each - I study a lot of specialized information, read clinical studies and articles. A lot of interesting things are written by colleagues with great experience in the public Vkontakte for pharmacy workers. Something can be clarified with medical representatives of different companies. Once a customer asked a question that neither the doctor nor I knew the answer to. The medical rep couldn't answer right away either, but figured it out for us.

The pharmacy has mandatory online training, regular seminars and conferences, and tests for new or promotional drugs. Pharmaceutical companies often conduct courses - I also went to them.

The advantage of this job is that I always know what is best. Doctors often prescribe several drugs to choose from. price categories. As a result, the patient chooses by price. And I know which one is original, and I choose it, because generics will never be better.

The main disadvantage is that working with people is generally a nervous affair.

And when people are sick, they don’t have enough money for medicines, or they simply don’t understand what they pay such amounts for, then it becomes very difficult.

If they are dissatisfied with the queue, prices, an error in the doctor's prescription - I am to blame for them. If I can’t give change from 5000 when buying an askor for 12 rubles, because there is no exchange, it’s my fault. Almost every day someone raises their voice at you. Often at the end of the working day, I just sobbed from the insults experienced. Of course, the thing is that I am a very sensitive person. Some people don't care at all, everyone reacts differently.

We have been taught to mitigate conflicts. There were dialogues in the training sheets: for example, the client swears at how expensive everything is, then the pharmacist explains to him that this is a very good medicine, after which everyone in the picture is smiling and happy. But in practice, if a person is aggressive, no arguments are important to him. Of course, you can't be rude in response. The most effective for me is to silently listen to all claims and look at one point, ignore. But it didn't always work out.

Of course, there were good times too. There were regular customers who purposefully stood in my turn. There were also those who said how I helped them, came to thank. They wore chocolates and fruits. One girl even gave a miniature of perfume - she and I picked up creams for her for a long time.

Place of work

The pharmacy chain where I got a job attracts a large number of customers low prices. Because of this, there are always queues. And with the staff big problems- Every pharmacy has a notice stating that an employee is required. But nobody wants to settle down. Among those who are 20-30 years old, there is a large turnover. Among those who are older, there are people with 20 years of experience who came immediately after graduation and still work in a pharmacy.

It seems to me that such work is paid little (although, of course, more than ordinary cashiers in stores), and the work is very nervous. I thought that in a pharmacy, where prices are higher, it is calmer. But my friends who work in these say that there are often scandals.

And in one of the St. Petersburg pharmacies under New Year in general, the administrator was killed - the visitor was very drunk.

If I'm alone on shift and there's a queue at the pharmacy, some customers may start banging on the glass with their fists, shouting that they need a second cashier. One day, a thin little grandmother was shaking the door with all her might to burst inside - we have a closed display, that is, everything is behind glass.

If there were more employees, there might not be such queues. But there are different reasons. For example, when people come to buy a blood pressure monitor, they need to unpack it, show it, explain everything, measure the pressure, then pack it, fill in the guarantee, and only then sell it. This all takes a very long time. Or there are very large lists, which take about 10 minutes to collect, especially if something from a new product is not in its place, but in an unnamed box. It takes a long time, people start to get angry. I understand them. When I find myself in such a situation, I just leave so as not to waste time - there are a lot of pharmacies around. But in an effort to save money, people can stand in line for an hour.

Constantly having to pay for the mistakes of buyers. Most often, names or dosages are confused. In general, almost all medicines for the heart, pressure, diabetes, painkillers, etc. must be dispensed by prescription. But now doctors do not prescribe them so often, and grandmothers who constantly take the same thing will not go for a prescription every time. Therefore, such drugs are released just like that, if the client knows his dosage. But there are always cases when they say, for example, 20 mg, and then they resort: “Change, I needed a dosage of 10, I confused it with another.” By law, exchange and return in pharmacies cannot be done. But this can not be explained to everyone - people begin to swear.

I had a case when a man bought patches - I showed them, named the price. He paid, and then decided that it was expensive for him. I almost broke the glass, I was afraid that he would kill me for paying an extra 100 rubles. I gave it to him from my pocket - if only he would leave.

We pay for our mistakes too. The most common problem is called "resorting" - when they knock out the price of a small package, but at the same time give away a large one, which costs several times more. If at the price of a large package you accidentally give away a small one, people immediately come running to find out, and if you mistakenly give away a large one when you paid for a small one, no one returns. In such cases, the cost of the small package is deducted from the cost of the large package, and this amount is divided among all employees. Although somewhere they can make discounts to pay less, or simply write off the goods. We didn't write anything off.

There are no employee discounts. There is a vacation, sick days too, but they are not approved: the manager has to change the schedule, the rest have to work more. When my colleague went on sick leave for 2 weeks to care for a child, we worked seven days a week.

Common workday

The pharmacy is open from 7 am to 11 pm. Employees have three shifts: from 7 am to 3–4 pm, from 12 am to 8 pm, and from 3 pm to 11 pm. In larger pharmacies, where 10 cash desks are open, the schedules are different.

The manager makes the schedule. Everyone writes their wishes to her: that the shift be at a certain time or that there are days off on certain days. As a rule, one day off falls on weekdays, and on Saturday or Sunday - a working day. Moreover, you have to work longer (10 hours, not 8): there are more buyers, and fewer staff.

It happened that the manager set to work both on Saturday and Sunday. Although in other pharmacies of this network the right to one day off is almost always respected.

Many times it happened that after the evening shift there was a morning one. It turns out that you come home at night, and get up early in the morning.

It is probably the easiest to work from 7 am to 3 pm: there are few visitors in the first hour, you have time to sort out the goods or stick new price tags. It is difficult because the next shift starts at 11-12, before that you are alone (it is clear where the queues come from). If everything is fine with the staff at the pharmacy and the next employee arrives at 8 am, then everything is much simpler. And at the same time, half of the day remains free, although I really want to sleep.

The advantage of evening shifts is that you can get enough sleep, do morning things - for example, go to the doctor or to any organizations that work until 18:00. But at the same time, you are left alone sometimes from 8 pm, at the very rush hour - people from work go to the pharmacy, and there is one window. This is where all the trouble starts.

The middle shift is definitely the easiest in terms of work, but it turns out that you only have a couple of hours in the morning and in the evening after work - you don’t have time to do anything and relax too.

The work day goes like this. You come, change into a uniform, turn on the computer, enter the program under your name (1C for sales). Employees taught me how to use it - I just wrote down the main key combinations on a piece of paper: how to choose a position and quantity, make a discount, set payment by card or cash - all this is quickly remembered. Then you make an exchange of 2 thousand - this money at the end of the previous day is collected in small bills and set aside for the morning shift.

At this time, they already saw you in the window and shouted: “Why are you not serving?”.

You run around picking up orders all day. Much lies under the ceiling, so you constantly climb ladders. In addition, each employee monitors the windows and sorts out a new product, which comes in a lot - in every free second you put it in its place. In small pharmacies, in parallel, you have to play the role of a manager and accept goods from suppliers.

For lunch - just 15 minutes a day. You set the food to heat up, during this time you can serve one more person. Eat quickly and shoot back. If there are few buyers and someone else is working, you can agree to close the cash desk for 5-10 minutes and go to drink tea. And if the crowd, then do not close even for lunch. In small unpopular pharmacies, if there are no customers, you can eat longer. Where I did my internship, they worked for 12 hours and had half an hour for food - 2 times for 15 minutes.

15 minutes

lunch break lasts

Dinners, like entrance or exit, are strictly by fingerprint. At the end of the shift, you close your window again to the screams.

“Where are you going, can’t you see, what’s the queue ?!”

Of course, you can work longer, but it will not be paid. Then you still shoot reports, fill out journals - you enter how much was in the cash register at the beginning of the day, how much at the end, how much you paid by cards, how much in cash. It's simple, it takes 10-15 minutes, but you have to be careful - then the accountant checks everything. And finally home.


I have a queue of 10 people, and the customer does not pay, although the money (4 thousand rubles) was debited from the card. This sometimes happens, which means that the bank will return them to her. That is, if she takes the purchase, then I will have to pay for it myself. She tries to snatch the package of medicines from my hands, but I do not give it back.

After some time, her mother comes running - medicines for her and the card is also hers, she shows a notification on her phone that the money has been written off, and starts screaming that her patient was raised from the bed, that I am a thief, that she will report to the prosecutor's office. She swears, the whole line swears, I sob. By the way, there is another pharmacy across the road, but more expensive. But the line still stands for peroxide and citramone - although they could have bought it 3 rubles more expensive opposite.

In the end, the conflict was resolved. I called the bank and asked the operator to explain the situation, the goods remained with us.

After this incident, I wrote a statement and quit.

But then, of course, I wanted to announce a technical break and close the pharmacy. But you can't do that - you can be fined. I had to calm down and pretty quickly - continued to work.

part time jobs

There are plenty of part-time jobs in our network - you can simply take extra hours in your own pharmacy or in others where there are not enough staff. Another work from 22 to 23 is paid additionally - plus 50 rubles. But I, on the contrary, lowered the rate to 0.75 and went to paid advanced training courses.


Working full-time (that's 4 days a week for 8 hours and a 10-hour shift on the weekend), I received 51 thousand before taxes. This is a little more than in other pharmacies. Of course, you can always get more if you work harder.


I do not need to rent housing, so the main expenses are food and rent. True, my husband pays for them. For a one-room apartment in the summer we pay 2 thousand, in the winter 4-5.

I spend my income on myself - cosmetics, clothing, travel. If you live simply, then I need at least 30 thousand a month. But this, of course, is unfortunate. I think 60 thousand a month for myself personally would be nice.

While I worked, I put aside everything that I did not spend. I didn’t count how much exactly, it depended on expenses. In one month you go to buy clothes and give all your salary, in another you don’t need anything, and a decent amount remains. It's always good to have a financial cushion.

I saved up enough to not work for several months.

Having quit, she went to travel around Europe, where she spent quite a lot, but she had a rest and updated her wardrobe. I also improved my health - a significant part of the savings also went to visit the doctors.

I have a loved one who supported my decision to quit, including financially. Of course, if I were single and with rented accommodation, I would most likely plow in the pharmacy further until I brought myself to a nervous breakdown.


I follow discounts on products - I receive SMS from hypermarkets and I buy a lot for future use. As an example: your favorite pasta costs 200 rubles per pack of 0.5 kg, and in the summer there was a promotion at Perekrestok and they were sold at 72 rubles, we took 10 packs at once. Or, say, I eat only certain butter, with a very good composition. When Lenta has a 30% discount on all butter, I take a couple of pieces. It’s the same with cosmetics - I follow, for example, the choice of Rive Gauche or discounts at Podruzhka.

I use the Tinkoff Black card with cashback - sometimes good categories fall out for an increased percentage, for example, beauty, pharmacies or transport, sometimes they are useless. My boyfriend still has All Airlines - he saves miles.

There were also big expenses. For example, once I spent 1000 euros for 6 days in a very cool hotel. Or I bought a photoepilator for 20 thousand - so far I rank it as a reckless purchase, because I don’t see much effect. But I believe that it is better to buy and regret than not to buy and think about it all your life.

It would be great to save up for an apartment and rent it out. Or sort out the bonds to get passive income. In the meantime, money is always set aside for travel. Usually it turns out to fly abroad a couple of times a year - I really like the sun and the sea, in St. Petersburg this, of course, is not enough.


After my dismissal, I just rested and recovered for 3 months. I spent a lot of time in the country, started going to fitness again and taking care of myself more, read a lot of books, tightened my tongue, met with all my friends. I even went through several psychological trainings. This made it easier for me to relate to the history of the pharmacy.

Most graduates of pharmaceutical universities or faculties start in the pharmacy, but many then leave. You can go to medical representatives, to large warehouses, to laboratories, to factories, to clinical research. Career growth depends on desire and aspiration. Now I like to equip a family life, do housework, take care of myself and my man, than build a career.

It would seem that a pharmacist cannot have any other place of work than a pharmacy. In most cases, this is true. However, this specialist can also find application of his professional knowledge and skills in some other companies. Consider all possible jobs for a pharmacist.

1. In pharmacies

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The pharmacy is the most common place of work for anyone. Here he sells drugs, keeps a record of prescriptions, decorates windows, receives newly arrived goods and advises customers. A pharmacy pharmacist is often trusted even more than any polyclinic: visitors willingly list the symptoms that bother them, and the main task in this situation is to sell such a medicine without harming the patient. And for this, a pharmacist must constantly replenish his knowledge in the field of medicine, follow the latest products entering the pharmaceutical market, know the composition of drugs and possible side effects.

2. In closed pharmacies

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Closed pharmacies are part of the largest hospital complexes. They manufacture medicines according to individual prescriptions, develop new drugs, and conduct clinical trials. Most often, specialists with higher education work here - however, there are also pharmacists. They advise medical specialists and also monitor the condition of patients.

3. In pharmaceutical companies

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Work in pharmaceutical company assumes that you will visit the main office rarely - only 1-2 times a week. He spends most of his time traveling, visiting city clinics, hospitals and pharmacies. Your main task will be to convince pharmacists and practitioners that the drug of your company is more effective than other medicines. You will need the ability to communicate with people and a lot of charm, as well as patience and the ability to accept refusals.

4. At the enterprises of pharmaceutical production

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Pharmacists in manufacturing usually work and are responsible for the manufacturing process of medicines. They control the quality of incoming raw materials, regulate the mode of production, give instructions to the working staff and maintain documents. Their work is extremely responsible and requires great care, because any accidental mistake made at the stage of calculations can affect people's health. Pharmaceutical production technologists usually have high salaries and a good social package. It may include free medical insurance, compensation for travel expenses to the place of work and much more.

5. In research institutes

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The Research Institute of Pharmacology is engaged in the development of new drugs and conducts in-depth research. However, the field of activity of the institute's employees goes far beyond the pharmaceutical industry. It requires broad knowledge in the field of genetics, microbiology and biochemistry, so the requirements for applicants are set high. Moreover, prerequisite for pharmacists, research institutes are the presence of and. It is possible to get them only upon completion of postgraduate studies and the availability of publications in scientific journals.


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