The original script on the 55th anniversary of a woman. Jubilee contests: make up entertainment for guests. Comic gifts from colleagues

Leading. Good afternoon, dear guests! According to the old good tradition, we gathered here today, in a solemn, festive atmosphere to celebrate the anniversary ______!

Everyone welcomes the culprit of the celebration, which sits at the head of the table.


Anniversary - what is this word!

This is a holiday, this is a celebration!

It is in the house of your joy and warmth!

Friends and employees, words do not regret

Congrass want you to this day anniversary!

You are light and joy, happiness is full,

Tips We are important and needed.

Love and appreciate you your family,

Colleagues and faithful your friends.

We all wish you health and strength,

So that youth, happiness, good luck, success

Daril's fate always without interference!

Girlfriends of the jubibioles are suitable for her, they sing congratulations on the motive of the song "Snowfall".

You have not had time to eat your autumn,

And already your anniversary burst and waits.

He swinied and wrinkles slightly threw

More different surprises will bring you!


Anniversary, anniversary, this is not old age,

This is a mature beauty graceful dawn!

So put the same glasses and drink to joy,

And the fun watches will fly like a moment!

Wished today let the river be poured.

Be your beloved wife and loved by children.

For friends and acquaintances, prepare-ka feast.

All for the holiday will come, do not forget - invite!


And we wish you, dear,

Long years and good luck is a big-premie.

So that in your house there were joy and happiness,

And the misfortune would have bypassed him!


Leading. The word is provided to the employees of the Jubishi.

Employee. It was a long time ago: ... years ago. No, no, I'm not a fairy tale I start telling you. I want to tell you about our jubilee! So, ... years ago, the threshold of our institution crossed the young, very modest, very pretty girl, graduate ... Institute. That was our respected jubilee. True, she was called then simply ... took her to the position ... And since then she has grown in the heart and soul to his beloved business. How much love to your profession you need to have what kind of heart is such that throughout the so many years to carry this very difficult, difficult wear, never without changing yourself.

Leading.Dear ...!

Take a color in color

Our hot, welcome hello,

And without hiding our feelings,

We raise the bowls for you!

Leading. Expensive...! Cheburashka came to the light of the light and, having learned that the anniversary was here, I wanted to congratulate you.

A young man with cardboard ears, like Cheburashka, sings a song on the motif of the "Crocodile Men's Songs" ("Let run awkward ...").

We came not in vain -

It is every clear -

And they sat down at this table.

Jubiiliysha congratulate

And leave to remember

This song is that we are pressed!


Let them not get you years,

In life, be at all in sight

Unfortunately, Birthday

Only once a year!

Jubilee, friend,

Go to our circle,

And the fault we are stronger!

After all, not often here we

We are going together

On the solemn your anniversary!


We all congratulate you

And, of course, we wish

Stay as it is:

Modest, good and cute,

Patient, beautiful ...

All the advantages do not consider us.


Leading. Today here are so many guests! Everyone came to congratulate the jubilex. And the first we will give the word to the director, our respected ...

The director reads and presents a welcome address and a gift.



In the anniversary we wish you a flourish.

And health for many summer.

In the anniversary, we wish good luck

And tremendous happiness in addition.

So that the sun always shine to you,

So that the heart is loved by

So that grief, adversity and trouble

Wrapped with a welcome victory.

Leading. The team of the institution, where you worked as many years, always distinguished by stability in personnel matters, it was always a single, food body, friendly and efficient. And today he congratulates you!

The team sings congratulations on the motive of the song "I stand on the half-one."

Sit friends and relatives,

Sparkling wine flows

And behind the long way stayed.

Words are answered.

Where, years are you cherished?

What passed, that's not to return.

As a sign of our attention

Take the wishes

To joy to all live for many years.

Let years like Miselitsa,

Everyone is shake,

And youth warms the light!

You are not happy with happiness

Success unchanged

Good luck to big wish many times.

Health is great to you

Hope and happiness personal,

Let the youth do not leave you!

Adversity let it be forgotten

And all the worst will come true,

And let him never be!

Love if loved,

Live as you want

And be cheerful always!

Employees are handing a jubilee gift.

Leading. I give the floor to the rest of guests for congratulations and presenting gifts. (After congratulations.) In honor of our celebration, a large gold medal was cast, let her be a guilty of the celebration.

Hands comic (chocolate or drawn) medal.

Leading. Dear guests of our holiday! We learned a lot about the jumper today, there was a lot of congratulations on her address and wishes. But not all those present congratulated her. The word is provided with her husband.

Congratulations of the spouse sound. Then the presenter offers guests to play, conducts a block of games (to choose from, see Appendix).


Dear ...!

From the anniversaries in life, do not go away,

They will overtake everyone like birds,

But the main thing is to carry through the years

Heat soul, heart particle.

You have an anniversary today.

We congratulate you from the heart!

And in the life of the main wish:

Health, happiness, joy

And years before one hundred years!

All guests sing the song "Gleelle".


We are nicely walked on your holiday.

Nowhere did we see the holiday more beautiful.

So be healthy, live richly

And we are leaving home, to the hut!



Guests resemble the plots of famous Russian fairy tales and are invited to make up and tell new versions - in the genre of detective, love novel, tragedy, thriller, etc.

The winner is determined by guests using applause.

Who is it?

Take each paper leaf and draw the head - a man, animal, birds. Bend the sheet so that the drawn is not visible - only the neck tip. And pass the drawing to the neighbor. Each participant of the game turned out to be a new sheet with the image he did not see. All paint the top of the body, again "hide" the drawing and transmit to the neighbor in order to draw limbs on the new resulting sheet. And now deploy all drawings and see what creatures are depicted on them.

Competition telephones

Two groups of playing 10-12 people are seated by two parallel rows. The lead picks up a hard-acting patter and informs it (secret) to the first in each team. At the leader's signal, the first in the row begins to transfer it to the ear second, the second - the third and so to the last. The latter, receiving a "telephone", should get up and loudly and clearly pronounce the patter. The team wins that faster to report patter on the chain and a representative of which is more accurate and better will pronounce it.

Tongue Twisters

Tell me about the purchase. What about buying? About the purchase, about buying, about your purchase.

Forty forty eaten cheese with beautiful red crust, forty forty in short term Fuck and sat down under the slide.

Praskovaya karasi exchanged three pairs of purebred piglets, they ran their piglets on dew, piglets were cold, but not all.

I reported, yes did not defore, but began to defore - I was informed.

Our Chebotar All Chebotary Chebotar, not to be labored to anyone of our Chebotar.

Broken phone

All sit in a row. Left extreme whispering something to his neighbor on the ear, the next. The right extreme says out loud that it came to him. He who started, reports exactly what he wanted to convey. Sometimes distortion is very funny. After each "call" it is necessary to transplanted so that everyone can visit the ends of the Wire.


Participants are invited to make a story from the titles of newspaper articles, carved and fixed on the cards.


Each of the players chooses a name on the name of one of the kitchen items, such as a plate, fork, a knife, a kocherga, etc. One of the players begins to ask about a variety of items from the environment surrounding them, about himself, about the interlocutor (his appearance, habits, attachment, etc.). For example: "Do you have instead of your eyes?" Or: "Who are you most often kissing?" Or: "What do you like to treat guests?" Or: "What excites your appetite most?" The main task of the leading is to put such a question, the answer to which involuntarily causes laughter from both a particular interlocutor and all playing. The answer to questions should resort, responding, only to one word - to the name he called, - fork, a knife, etc. Additionally, it is allowed to use only prepositions. Woman dropped out of the game.

To carry out this competition, it is necessary to write in advance the phonogram of entry into television advertising and offer participants to continue the text, which, in their opinion, sounds after a musical screensaver. The most weldes receive prizes - those things, items whose advertising they know by heart. For this contest, it is better to have phonograms of those advertising televikov who have already been forgotten a little.


Players are distributed tickets - cards with the names of cities - this is the destination. "Conductor" (presenter) asks: "Do you know what country is this city in?" If the owner of the "ticket" with the called city is responsible correctly, his "ticket" "compost." Wins the one who has more "procked tickets".

Literary critics

Competition participants are read by episodes or quotes, or individual phrases from a literary work. Participants must choose a number of books from a variety of books that, in their opinion, is in question. The first, who called the correct answer, receives the title of the winner.


This game will help to meet all your guests. Guests sitting at the table are transmitted in a circle of a roll of toilet paper. Each guest takes off so much blocks as he wants, the more, the better. When each guest is a stack of Klochekov, the lead announces the rules of the game: each guest must tell so much facts as he has broken off bulls.


All participants sit down around the table, on sofas and chairs. Each participant chooses a name from two syllables, with an emphasis on the first (for example, Ka-cast, Sa Nya, Bird, Fish). The presenter (a person with a good sense of rhythm) sets the pace, everything is supported by cotton palms on the table, knees, etc. The initial pace is one cotton per second. The presenter speaks his name twice, then two times the name of any other person ("Katya, Katya - Petya, Peter") is one name for one cotton. After that, the person whose name is named, should also say his name twice, twice someone else. The pace is gradually increasing. Pause should not be, the name should pronounce on each cotton. If someone comes up, he is assigned some cool nickname - "brake", "Chukch", "woodpecker" - and after that it can not be called Pete, Katya, but only a new name. For the third time, the mistake drops out of the game. Merry it becomes when the tempo is increasing to just mad, and all participants have new interesting names.

The writing

The presenter distributes to all clean leaf paper and handle (pencil, felt-meter, etc.). After that, the creation of writings begins. The presenter sets the first question: "Who?". Playing write a response to him in their sheets (options can be different, to whom it will take up to mind). Then they turn the sheet in such a way that there is no inscriptions to be visible and transmit the sheet to their neighbor on the right. The presenter sets the second question, for example: "Where?". Playing again write a response on it and reappear a sheet with the above method, and the sheet passes again. So repeats as much as possible until the leading fantasy does not run on questions. The meaning of the game is that each player, responding to after another question, does not see the results of previous answers. After graduation, the sheets are collected by the lead, unfold, and the resulting writings are read. It turns out very funny stories, and with the most unexpected heroes (from all kinds of animals to close acquaintances) and turns of the plot. The main thing for the lead is to successfully choose a sequence of questions so that the resulting story was connected.

Scenario Jubilee.
Woman 55 years old

Host: Hello dear friends! It is very nice to see all of you on our holiday! And today we have a wonderful reason - we want to celebrate the anniversary birthday of an amazing woman - a birthday _________________________________________________! Let's start to celebrate now, and so they dissolve, impose, pour, do not hesitate, smile, anticipating fun and all have a good mood At this evening, everything just begins! .. Well, of course, I would like to contact our men, do not forget about your duties, look in a glass not only yourself, but also near the sitting ladies, if empty fill.

Two fives stood nearby -
It turned out an anniversary.
___________ We congratulate Rada.
And we wish her soon:
Let you charming
Will never leave!
Shine, smiles, charm
Always will always be with you!
Let happiness, joy, eye shiny,
Success will continue by year!
And let all your desire
Fate will vote in response: "Yes"!

And so everyone is nano? I ask you to raise the glasses, to congratulate the jubilee to congratulate the jubilee, to bring us about the beginning, we need to drink everything to the bottom - for the anniversary.
Men drink standing, women too to the bottom.

Well, expensive friends, and now a loud triple "Hurray" to our jubilear.

Music background:

Host: Friends, I would like to tell you something that the charter was created on our events, such a set of laws for today evening. I'll get acquainted with him now.
Our charter says:
That the jubilee is sitting before us.
Announced in all the hears that today, the anniversary of ______________________________________.
Remember: To start, everyone did not bother to drink on a glass.
Gifts brought by the jubilee are accepted Crushly hours another month after this evening and are not refundable.

And also at this evening, we create teams.
The team of "plump"! Their motto "drunkenness battle, so drink before the fight!" Your applause, team bulging.
And the team of "drinking" - "Always ready to drink for ____________________!" Your applause. (when dealing with the parties, each side speaks his motto)

Tree wishes.

Friends. I would like to tell you that on our holiday there is a "jubilee tree of wishes", everyone can approach, tied to the ribbon to make the wish of our birthday girl, only to themselves, not need to speak, let it perform it, with all the revelation, with whom you Guessing, you can make a wish at any time. Well, here friends, we read the charter, we told about the tree, and we smoothly go to congratulations.

Congratulations 1.
Congratulations from her husband.

Host: To begin with, I turn to our men, did not forget what to do? Then proceed.
And we still know what you need an anniversary?
And the answer flies to mind soon -
To catch happy moments,
Listening to from close congratulations.
Friends, I don't know how you, but I would like to know, my husband's husband has one thing,
______________________________________________, do you remember where and under what circumstances did you meet ___________________________________________? And remember when you first kissed? And how did you make an offer? And in the coke of the year you got married, preferably the number, month, and year? Bravo Friends, here is an ideal husband, remembers all the most valuable, which was postponed in the soul, our birthday girl.
And I am with great pleasure I give the floor to a person who has the opportunity to every day to admire the beauty of our birthday girl and walk with her hand in hand on the way of life, the word is given to a loving husband __________________________________________!
Friends, and not true that we drink very bitter drinks, but let's ask them to wander.

Music background:

Congratulations 2.
Congratulations from children.

Host: Dear friends, before saying something, I will again appeal to men, fill the glasses. Dear guests in the Orthodox tradition, family life is understood as a path to salvation, the ascent of which is connected with the revival of the cross of everyday duties, mutual work, cooperation, understanding and agreement.
Sophisticated love spreading on children warms them. Children are the greatest joy, the greatest happiness for parents, for the whole family! And so, with the words of congratulations to you, the eldest daughter ____________________________!

Host: Dear friends, for such sincere words from the mouth of the daughter, I suggest raising the boxers and dry them up to the bottom.

Congratulations 3.

Host: I read yesterday in the newspaper that the son of Arkady Ukupnik stopped listening to his father. It speaks of a good musical hearing of a child. So the word for congratulations is provided _________________________________________________!

Congratulations 4.

Host: The word for congratulations is provided ___________________________________!

Game "Do you know a birthday boy?"

Host: Friends, Well, at first I will ask for men to fill the beds, do not forget not only to yourself ... And ask you such a question, "Do you know the birthday boy well?" I'll clarify everything to her, so I will not be able to deceive me. . She probably knows you all well because I gathered the most relatives and close friends, well, here is a question in another ... And so, let me ask questions, and you, in turn, to answer them together.

So, in __________, the girl was born, which was called ________________________,. Who knows…

1) - In which city, our birthday girl was born? ___________________

3) - Favorite dish? _____________________________

4) - Favorite color? __________________________________

5) - What do you think the mood of the birthday is celebrating today? I just asked it.

6) - Favorite her occupation, hobby? __________________________

7) - Does the birthdaynance love milk? _______________________________

8) - Favorite drink? _________________________________________

9) - Favorite music performers? _____________________________________

10) - Does the birthdaynance of Mors love with currane jam? _____________________

11) - What television program loves to watch? ________________________

12) - and favorite TV show? __________________________

13) - and shoes on it today, what color? _______________

14) - Does the birthday girl love to look out the window? _________________

15) - and favorite season? _________________________________

16) - Does the birthday love every hour to correct the hairstyle? ____________________

17) Does the birthdaynance love to dance until you fall? _____________________________

18) - Does our birthday loved to drink? _______________________________

19- What are the strong drinks like birthday girl? _________________________

And if you think the birthday girl loves to drink, I suggest raise glasses and drink for the birthday girl!

Music background:

Congratulations 5.
Congratulations from sisters and brothers.

Host: Friends, and you know how Svetlana's name is decrypted? And I'll tell you now. The name Svetlana - Slavic origin, from the word "bright" independent and hardworking, diplomatic, good, coquetty, Svetlana is very careful about his family, the perfect mother and wife. Note how much good qualities It has absorbed this beautiful name. And now I want to give the opportunity to congratulate the birthday of people who know her from birth, remember the secrets of children's leprosy and funny stories of youth, the word is provided ________________________________________________________________________________!
(Congratulations in turn brothers and sisters)
Host: Dear friends, I suggest a little to break away from the feast, and stretch my legs. A dance program sounds for you.

Dance program.

Game with cards.
Host: Dear friends, let's a little before and play. I will need 5 girls, and 5 guys. Girls are on one side, men, respectively, with the second. So, here to keep you on the neck such medallions, just remember these letters you own, how much, I will ask you questions, and your task will restart in the correct answer, in the right orderIf the letters remain, they must be turned over to the other side, then there is to close. And so: a warm-up word that will definitely be protected, to the ball of that, or other team.
1) - and so, is it time when everything flourishes, becomes colorful? (Spring)
2) - River leaking in St. Petersburg? (Neva)
3) - Shelter from the rain, in the country area? (Canopy)
4) - Where, honey sister in the clinic carries out blood pressure? (Vein)
5) - city and lake, called how? (Seva)
6) - the capital of Australia? (Vein)
7) - Near the Caucasian Mining Lake, is there a beautiful jigit, the name of which? (Vanes)

Well done, and with a margin _______, the team wins __________! And now, let's make a couple with the same letters, so now choose the 1st card on the 1st card, and look at what, they are written. And so, I think people just remembered this period. It was believed that in the Soviet Union there was no something? (Sex) However, it's all your favorite lesson, we will not do now, and what is accompanied with this beautiful occupation? (Sighs), each received the cards on which syllables are written, I will now approach each pair, and you must be in turn, this sound that you have five times on the card. Only one condition, to pronounce as erotic as possible.
And so, dear guests, you are five pairs before you, I will call each team in turn, and you, with applause, should choose the best pair, well, ready? (winning a pair gifts, and the rest of the chips)
Well, dear friends, we have a little rested, and now the most mobile part of our program continues.

All at the table
Toast for the company.

Host: Well, dear friends, I will ask everyone to sit down and fill the glasses, I ripened, another toast: in the ancient century, in Georgia, the rules are very beautiful Queen Tamara, she spent annually on a high, rocky bank of the Kuril River "Onion shooting tournament, she put the most ordinary apple on his chest, and every jikite - archer must accurately hit the goal who falls exactly to the apple, had the right one year, live as a spouse with the queen. Found the first jigit, stretched the tent, aimed, put an arrow and missed. Queen Tamara asks who gathered the honest people that, they say, will we do with this jigita? And the people respond to him in Kuru and threw a poor fellow. I found the second jigit - archer, afraid of course to him, knows the fate of the first arrow, but still pulled the the tutor, he filmed, released the arrow and also missed, again Tamara asks for the honest people, what, they say, will we do with this jigs? And the people answer, in Kuru in Kuru, threw this member from the rock to the river. Here the Third Jigit - Archer appeared, and also scary to him, but still pulled the tent, he aimed, shot and accurately struck the goal. Tamara was delighted, because the jigs are bold, beautiful and wanted to live with him for a whole year, but the people everything should be asked that, they say, we will do with this handsome? And the people respond to him in Kuru, so for what, asks Tamara? Yes, for the company. I have long led to this keyword "Company", because we had such a cheerful company at the table, a good company with which you can and in the water and in the water, and in exploration to go, so let's fill their glasses, glasses and drink Merry and friendly company.

Congratulations 6.
Congratulate colleagues.
Host: In a good team, you can
Works on a major note
Gray congratulations to jubilex
From you, colleagues for work.
The word for congratulations is provided _________________________________________________________________!
In turn congratulate colleagues

Game "Jubilee Bottle"

Host: Friends, today on the festive table in abundance, festive drinks - vodka, wine, brandy ... not rarely, they are used, spreading with water or mixing with each other. So let's talk about famous cocktails. And so, I will call the ingredients, and you must answer which cocktail it turns out.
Beer and vodka - "Ring!"
Vodka and tomato juice - "Bloody Mary!"
Vodka and champagne - "Northern Lights!"
By the way, who knows the domestic champagne recipe? And the recipe is simple: vodka under the hiss of the wife! Such a sparkling is obtained, checked himself. And so continue.
Vodka and Coca - Cola - "Summer!", Well, where are summer, friends, picnic, lawn, there will be a cocktail "Three Piglets" who will tell the recipe? Record, vodka box and three friends!
What this is all I led. This is true. For warming up, now we will play this bottle of vodka from our birthday girl, it means I ask questions, and who will answer them more correctly, he will receive her personal use!

1) The name "Vodka" appeared only in the XVII century, earlier this drink had another name ...
A) junk;
B) alcoholon;
C) Aqua - Vita: from Latin "Water - Life".
2) What literally denotes the word "vodka"?

Congratulations 7.
Congratulate friends.

Host: I must say that our birthday girl - happy man. There were so many good close friends around her today, who throughout his life went near her, together were in grief, and in joy.
Dear _________________________________________!
We see that came to the anniversary
A lot of your loyal friends!
They are ready for this hour
All from the heart to congratulate you!
The word for congratulations is provided ___________________________________________________!

(In turn say friends)

In the soul of each person a candle burns,
Which produces spiritual heat.
But when we're going together
Candles are connected, and heat arises
From united souls.
The word is provided ____________________________________________________________________________________!

Music background:

Host: For us before sitting at the table, they said that he would gather a very fun, and a friendly company. Being here, a short period of time, I completely made sure that it is.
First question:
1) - In what word forty letters - eh? (Magpie)
2) - From what bowl of drink, and we can't get drunk? (Bowl of love)
3) - good husbands, do not roll on the road, they are lying on ...? (On the sofa)
4) - a solemn promise in loyalty to each other? (Vow)
5) - Name the author of the strings: "Only the in love has the right to the title of man? (Block)
6) - Deity, letting love arrows? (Cupid)
7) - What node, you can not unleash? (Railway)
8) - What is the dog how to work on the moon? (From the earth)
9) - What is 906090? (Speed \u200b\u200bwith traffic police inspector)
10) - About 40 million people do this at night? (Social network)
11) - then suspension, then standing, then cold, then hot? (Shower)
12) - What wheel does not spin at the right turn? (Spare)
13) -Soney feeds, winter warms, in the spring is having fun, in the summer, cold? (Vodka)
14) - will get up to heaven? (Rainbow)
15) - What word, always sounds incorrect? (Wrong)

Toast "Pro Voron"

Host: Now I ask you to fill the glasses, men, I appeal to you, and listen to another toast to our birthday girl. Highly high in the mountains lived a lone hustlee. He was a hermit, no one could rise so high on the mountain, where his lonely house stood. Once, the Highlander found a little blienente with an overbound wing. He went out, raised him. And when the Highlander had a birthday, the huge old raven said to him - with the anniversary.
So let's drink for our jubilee to congratulate not one raven, but a whole pack!

Music background:

Host: Dear friends, we sued a little in one place, I suggest a minor to dance.

Dance program

Congratulations 8.

Host: Having rushing to the table, once again, Kohl for fun there is a reason. Let it be a holiday for us, for ________________________________________________________________________________ Glasses are friendly Square, stresting your location. So that this day has become a bright day, whose celebrating birth.
How to sit at the table.
Host: You know, there is a secret,
Do not dominate you over you years!
I know you a lot of years,
And still you are fresh and young!
So let's drink for miracles!
What do the ladies help not get old
And this mystery is guarded by heaven!
To us, men remain with a fading to watch!

Host: Friends, today in this significant day of anniversary with a beautiful man, _____________________________________________________! And today she is awarded the certificate certifies that its owner is a happiest woman of the planet.

Sergeyeva Svetlana Vingentevne
Certifies that its owner is
Happiest woman planet.

Happy, because ... she lives active, rich, versatile, full of diverse emotions with life. Because it has the ability to experience the gamut of feelings and the heroine of unique events, boldly overcomes all the obstacles, receiving experience and skill.

Happy, because ... She's mom, she has three loving daughters, and this is the best creation of her life!

Happy, because ... She is a grandmother, who has granddaughters, delivering a lot of miraculous impressions and emotions, pleasing to their victories and skills.

Happy, because ... she is a wife, and she has a loved one and a loving man, caring, economic, kind, responsive and noble. And it is difficult to imagine more suitable people.

Happy, because ... Thanks to his communicability, the naturalness and devotion gained many friends, who are always near, always in touch, and herself is given to them with all the souls.

Happy, because ... has and loves their home and all their might seek comfort and comfort in it. And all his grand ideas will bring lightning up in life.

Happy, because ... she has magnificent culinary abilities that smear her house guests.

Happy, because ... Everything conceived her always comes true, a little earlier or a little later.

Happy, because ... she has the opportunity to live on this planet and enjoy all her gifts.

Happy, because ... never doubts that she is really happy !!!
The certificate must be inserted into the frame and hang over the favorite sofa!

Host: And to everyone who agrees with this, I propose to raise glasses and have a drink for an infinite feeling of happiness, our birthday girl.

Tree jubilee.

Host: Friends, well, and it came to the end of a festive evening, and we congratulate the jubilee from the bottom of my heart, and Darim "Tree of wishes", which throughout the evening, you have dear guests spoke the most sincere wishes, and evidence of the ribbons on this tree.
Dear _________________________________, please accept this jubilee tree with wishes, and save it, until the next anniversary, because, in this tree there are the most cherished wishes of all guests who came for the holiday, and all that our guests whispered to this tree will certainly be fulfilled.

Host: Well, in the late, I would like to turn to our man, filled the boards and once again raise them for our jubilee.
Toast last 4
On some vessels put division: 50, 100, 150, 200 ... We wish you to fill such a vessel to the fair of your wonderful creature - your life! Happy anniversary! With the 55th anniversary of you!

I was a jubilee
Competition participants receive cards. On each card is written one of the following words that are rhymes to the word "jubilee". For example, the "gift", "barrier", "kochegar", "by", "boudoir", "zagar", "jaguar", "blow", "turpidar", "decoction" and others. The task of participants is to come up with a phrase in one minute, starting with the words "I was a jubilee", and an ending word from the card. The wins the author of the most fun phrase.

55 batteries

For this contest, you will need any items working on two batteries for: each team one of the subject, for example, an electrotic brush or a simple children's pistol. For all teams (participants in each team, about 3 people) is a bucket with batteries in the amount of 55 pieces (the batteries need to prepare in advance and find the neighbors, acquaintances, from personal items of use and so on). Each team takes its own item and discovers that there is no single battery. According to the "Stratus" command, the commands must find the most operating battery (on intuition or by external signs), check and include your subject. And if the subject earned, the team won.

Noble tops

Guests are divided into several teams of 3-4 people. Each command gets a task: in 5 minutes to make a list of achievements or a significant events in the numbers "5" from the life of the jubilee, for example,
1. In 5 years already performed on stage;
2. In 1995 he received a certificate for excellent work;
3. In 25 years married;
4. In the 5th month of this year I bought new car etc.
The team that for the specified time will make up the longest list of events with "fives will receive a prize.

5 and 5.

Since we celebrate the anniversary of 55 years, the home digit of the holiday - 5. So, guests are divided into teams of 5 people, each team becomes in a row and at the same distance from each team is located such a set: 5-titilic core, water with water and plastic Glass. On the "Start" team, the first participants run to their goal, gain water into a glass and pour water into the core, then run to their team and transmit to the second participants to the battle, the second also run to the goal, pick up water into the cup and pour it into the core, then back and transmit the relay. A team that will fill their baccake with water faster will become the winner.

The main thing from 55 subjects of life

Before guests are a large pelvis with the 55th balls or simple notes, each of which is specified a specific word, for example, a machine, fresh juice, coffee, a back ointment, grandson, glasses, a vegetable garden, and so on. On the "Start" team, guests should start collecting those balls (notes), in which words (objects) are indicated, without any day of the jubilee. Among the notes there are the necessary words and words that do not matter in the life of the jubilee. The guest who will gather the greatest number of notes with the necessary words will win and will be recognized as the best connoisseur of the life of the jubilee.

Reviewed mushrooms

Guests are divided into teams about 3-4 people. For this contest, the lead must prepare pictures (and, if you try to buy a good mockups) of various fungi, both poisonous and edible. All "mushrooms" are mixed. Each team receives at the same stack of pictures with mushrooms and two baskets (you can use simple paper, made by yourself). The team "Start" teams begin to sort mushrooms: edible into one basket, and poisonous - to another. The team that is faster and, most importantly, correctly distribute mushrooms to baskets, will become the winner and will receive a prize.

Chustry Tsygana

Guests are divided into several teams about 3-4 people. Merry will be, if for all participants to prepare the appropriate gypsy outfits (skirts, scarves, hats, beads, and so on). In the room where the celebration passes, you need to place gold and silver in advance (gold chocolate medals, silver coins, spoons allegedly from silver, "golden" bracelets and beads and other items). According to the "Start" team, the Gypsy song and each team "Gypsy" should sing fun and dance, while collecting everything gold and silver, which will see. When the song is over, summarize, which of the Gypsies could steal more gold and silver items, and at the same time to show their "gypsy" talents. This team will receive a prize.

It all depends on the name of the jubilee

Guests are divided into teams with the same number of people (and the number of people depends on the number of letters in the name of the jubilee). For example, if the birthday name is Oleg, then in each team there will be 4 people. The master declares the rule: each guest must talk to the phrases and phrases, which begin with the letters named after the Yubilertar, that is, the first participant - the phrases beginning with the letter O, the second participant - the phrases starting on the letter L, the third participant - phrases on the letter E, and Fourth - to the letter G. All guests will have to think a pretty and show out their seam. So, the teams are drawn up, the letters are distributed. And now the lead can ask his questions in a completely different nature. For example, how is your mood? Where do you like to relax? Etc. And then guests are answered. For example, the first team leads the question: how are you? The first participant responds: very wonderful, the second: better than all, the third: naturally, beautiful, and the fourth: grandiose. Then the lead is asking a question to the second team: and where do you like to walk? And then the first participant answers: Lake or Park, and the second: the lawn at the house, the third: if warm - on the street, and, if cold is at home, and the fourth: anywhere. So everyone answered by the name of Oleg. After the asked questions, guests vote for the most accurate, funny, fast and interesting answers, and his author is awarded the prize.

From each on the seed and there will be a crop

Guests are divided into teams about 5-7 people. Each participant receives on the seed (simple sunflower seed). Teams are built each in a row and the first participants receive an egg from under the Cinder. According to the "Start" team, the first participants open the egg-kinder, put their seed and close the egg, then transmit to the container to second participants. The second do the same - the egg opens, put their seed there, closed the egg and transmit to third participants. The team, which is the first to cope with the "sowing" of the garden, that is, puts all seeds to your container, will win and get a prize, for example, in a pack of any seed for each participant.


Each participant receives on the same bully size. According to the "Start" team, participants must clean the onions without hands and split the bowl on the onion layers. Who is the first to cope with the task, he will win and get a prize, for example, a bundle or a mesh of Luke, as they say, for immunity, and for all delicious dishes in the house will be useful.

At any holiday, guests are always with a big hunt take part in contests. But everything has a limit, and guests also get tired. But fatigue fatigue, and I want to play anyway. It is for such a situation that is funny contests For playing at the table. And we offer you a contest for the anniversary of a woman for 55 years. All contests are interesting, and you can play right sitting at the table. And most importantly, your guests will be satisfied!

The first competition will require preparation from you. You need to write tasks for guests on leaves and wrap the leaflets into a beautiful wrapper. And make one sheet with the inscription - Surprise! And this sheet is also wrapped in wrap. All leaflets mix on the tray so that they do not stand out. Guests take turns take one smoky. Deploy him and read that the task for them is written there. And perform the task. Examples of job assignments:
- To say ten compliments of the jumper.
- suggest with guests at least five languages \u200b\u200bof the world.
- Drink a glass of vodka, smile and say something affectionate and gentle.
- Tell me about the first meeting with the jumper.
- say a real Georgian toast.
- sing a congratulatory song.
- Tell something funny from the life of the jubilee.
- Come up with a funny horoscope for the jubilee.
But who will get a leaf with the inscription surprise, he will receive a prize.

We will spend the next competition for the jubilee. For this, every guest writes on a piece of his wish for her. After all the leaves are folded into the bag and mixed. The jubilee takes out any leaflet and reads the wish. And after trying to guess who she wished her. If you guess, then the prize is a guest. If not, then the extrasensory abilities in the jubilee are absent.

The holiday is in full swing and on the table is becoming less and less snacks. This must be fixed. To do this, everyone gives one guest to the toothpick. And everyone in the plates lie pieces of sausages, cheese and other ingredients that are needed for canape. At the command of the leading all guests should poke the toothpicks into the ingredients so that they sat on the wand. In this case, it is impossible to help your hands. Which of the guests did not ask, he raises his canape up. He is declared the winner.

And again the competition, which requires preparation for its conduct. The jubilee must write questions in advance and answers to them. All questions are folded into the tube and add up to the tray. Guests take turns take any bundle and read the question. And then the guest must answer this question. When answered, then the jubilee or master read out the answer version that the jubilee prepared in advance. Who can answer more correctly, he gets the main prize.
Examples of questions:
- What does the jubilee think about life on the moon?
- Did you meet the jubilee aliens? If so, when and under what circumstances?
- What kind of nickname was the jumper in childhood?
- And what kind of nicknames gave the jubilee to his friends?
- For which party vote in the election?
- What is the natural hair color of the jubilee?
- What did she guess for the last new year?

Further, we congratulate the jubilex again. And do it like this. Each guest in turn calls his age and folds it. It turns out a number that corresponds to the letter of the Russian alphabet. Here is this letter and should consist of congratulations for this person. That is, if the age of one guest is 37 years old, then it turns out 3 + 7 \u003d 10. And 10 letter is I. means all the words in his congratulations begin to the letter I. Then another guest folds his age and also comes up with congratulations on a certain letter.
After you can determine the best congratulation and give a prize for him.

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Two dominant tops of this holiday make us under such a name as "excellent". Of course, for a woman, 55 years old this is a very difficult date and besides the fact that this is the most anniversary anniversary, then it is also a retirement. It is not always possible to celebrate this holiday widely in the walls of restaurants, but we will help you to recreate the truth of the royal environment and at home. And so, for the holiday under this name, you need to decorate the room in which everything will happen to "5", this can be done with balloonswhich, after inflation, fasten each other and hang on the wall, the figure "5" can be decorated on a snack, but with the help of products to portray it does not matter. The presenter must appear as a teacher, respectively, she needs glasses and a pointer, and for the pronunciation of the toast - the bell.


Leading (calls to the bell):

And so, attention here,
I now start the lesson,
And I need to pacify you as it
To spend the holiday jubilee
And every time I will call the call,
So approaches the timed time!
Well, sit, rather a thing,
Glasses fill boldly!
(all fill glasses)

Do you know what among you,
Round Excellent is available
Her congratulate we are solemn now
And the medal will give a hand!
(The presenter gets the medal with the number "55")

All items perfectly could pass
Family life, work, housekeeping,
For that the medal is handing "five and five",
As a sign of our sense of superiority!
(presenter puts the jumper medal)

And for such numbers gold,
We now drink everything to the bottom,
And wishes will be such:
So that life is always on the top five!

Okay, enough there is yes to drink
I will spend the exam,
I answer questions from the place
For answering your hand raise,
For the answer, the faithful pyateroku I will give
Well, who will answer more, I will put a surprise in my pocket!

Competition is called: "Exam". The presenter asks questions about the jubilee and the anniversary holiday, who raises the first hand, he answers, for the correct answer, it gives a piece of paper with a digit "5", at the end we count the largest number. Cognac prize 5 stars 250 ml.

1. What color of your eyes is our jubilee?
2. What year was the jubilee born?
3. The jubilee in school was an excellent reader or a good one?
4. How much do we need today together a glass to raise so that the jubilee is happier able to become? (55)
5. Favorite jubiless passion?
6. Favorite dish of the jubilee?
7. Which retirement should the jubilee begin to receive? (55555 r.)

Yes, the jubilee you know five,
The winner of the gift handed over, you can continue!
(Rings call)

The new toast is planned
And while I say, wine in glasses blooms!
And so, let our jubibilar life, the pension begins,
But from the name of this, it is not embarrassed,
Let the pension she listed
But youth does not erect!

And so what continue to continue
The exam was passed, now it remains for small,
You need to write an essay,
And for him you need me just adjectives say,
And so please, call, call,
And then loud writing an essay!
(Each of the guests calls any adjective that leads in the course of the case inserts in advance prepared text, and then reads out loud)

In this (adjective) day, only the most (adjective) and the most (adjective) people gathered here to congratulate you (name) with your most (adjective) holiday, Happy Birthday! We want you to wish (adjective) happiness, (adjective) health, (adjective) wealth and (adjective) beauty! We have the most (adjective) and (adjective). Your (adjective) friends.

Here is a congratulation, an essay,
You give your class (the name of the jubilee) on your birthday!
Well, I'm still calling in the bell,
By the next part of the holiday, I turn
It's time to congratulate the exemplary not only in words,
It's time for her and gifts to hold in their hands!
(gifts present time)

Leading (rings to the bell):

Well, here is the last bell,
Golden digits give duty,
For "55" for the anniversary,
For good relatives and faithful friends!
(The holiday continues without leading)

The script was useful! Healthy!
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