Scenario of the evening of meeting the elderly with the accordion. Extra-curricular event “An evening of relaxation for the elderly. A variant of the retro ringtones quiz


Rest evening, dedicated to the Day an elderly person.

A lyrical song sounds soviet years... Leading comes out.

Vedas: Good evening, dear friends! The running of time is inexorable. In childhood, it seems to us that the years are creeping unbearably slowly, in youth they go, in maturity they are already running, and now, alas! - they fly. No problem!

Who came up with the idea of \u200b\u200bjudging age

By the number of years passed?

Well, if you are full of cheerfulness

And you haven't passed the threshold of victories?

No need to look for unnecessary complexity

In our turbulent atomic age,

Everything in life is possible over the years

If a person is young at heart.

Vedas: Today we have gathered here together to take a break from everyday worries and problems, to give ourselves a pleasant, unforgettable evening.

There are many wonderful faces here in the hall, and your granddaughters, lovely grandmothers, today will give you their skills and abilities. Our festive concert is opened by the dance studio "Impromptu"


Vedas:Outside the window fall. This time of the year is associated not only with the second halflife. It was at this time that weddings were played in Russia. Often triedarrange a wedding for the holiday of the Intercession. And if it snowed on the Pokrov -the wedding was considered especially successful and the young were expected to have a strong and

happy family.

Wedding songs brings to your attention folklore

ensemble "Moroshka".

v "Two twigs leaned on the table"

v "The grapes bloom"

Veda: You've probably noticed that quite often we began to turn our gaze to the songs of the past. This is not accidental at all. I think it's nostalgia! Nostalgia for the pure, light, kind, because then they created a song in order to preserve kindness and tenderness in the heart, beauty and harmony in the soul, and they, these songs, will not let us forget about their high destiny in everyday vanity and troubles, it is they will support us in difficult times, save us from disappointment! Just remember:

“Once upon a time there was a black cat around the corner” ...

And this "The last train ran away from me again ..."

But this "Blue, blue frost lay on the wires ..."

Let's try on the musical fragment of the song, remember the name and its artist.

1 fragment "I'll wait for you" Performer Aida Vedischeva

2 fragment “There are two people, but one sorrow Performer Tamara Miansarova

3 fragment “Till tomorrow Performer Gelena Velikanova

4 fragment “It all starts with you ... Performer Natalia Brodskaya

5 fragment “Chamomile Performer Maya Kristalinskaya

6 fragment“Whatever Happens” Artist Maria Pakhomenko

Vedas:Your applause to the song connoisseurs. As a gift to you r.n.p. in

performed by Valeria Filonova.

v "The horses played out"

v "Nikanorikha"

Girl:Get up in the morning at seven sharp


Prepare breakfast for everyone


Sew a doll for a dress


Braids my braids


Let's go to the cinema through the park

With Grandma.

Let's overeat popsicle

With Grandma.

How good


Be with me always everywhere


My dear grandmother!

Vedas:Very often it is the grandmothers who own the secrets. healthy way life. It is the grandmothers who know which plant is our helpn ick for colds or runny nose. Let's try to determine what plants are we talking about?

v This plant helps with eye diseases, it is used to treat stomach ulcers, asthma, and burns. Its scientific name is "aloe". What do we call it in Russian?


v This plant is called "betula" in Latin. He has healing buds, leaves and juice. It is the first to wear a green outfit. Name it.


v It is usually considered a weed. But this weed is very beautiful. In addition, it helps with kidney and liver diseases. Blue fabric dye is obtained from it. What is the Russian name of this weed flower? Knapweed

v This plant has healing roots, therefore in Russian it is called “the root of life”. And under what name do we know it? Ginseng

v This herb is found in many pain relievers. It is called the beautiful Italian word “belladonna”. State his Russian name.


v What plant “drives away evil spirits” and also helps with lack of appetite? Wormwood

Vedas: Well done! For you performed by Kristina Uskova a piece

Schumann's "The Courageous Rider".

Vedas:Who said - ditties, like these days are no longer in vogue?

And is it really a matter of fashion, if people love them ?!

Kohl from Murmansk to Kushka all the people sing ditties,

So the people are still alive, they will never be lost!

Let's arrange a competition for a sonorous perky ditty. Please, who wants to show their skills?

(Competition of ditties, handing over small souvenirs to all participants in the competition.)

Vedas:A living word is dearer than a dead letter, and proverbs and sayings are the most widespread and lively genre of oral folk art. What Russian proverbs are similar in meaning to these proverbs and sayings of the peoples of the world?

(The presenter calls the proverb of the peoples of the world, the one who calls in response an analogue of the Russian proverb receives a souvenir).

Arabic - Escaped from the rain, got caught in the downpour

Russian - Out of the fire and into the fire.

Iraqi - Where there are no fruit trees, beets will pass for an orange.

Russian - Fish for bezrybe and cancer.

Finnish - He who asks will not get lost.

Russian - Language will bring to Kiev.

Czech - The scalded rooster runs away from the lantern.

Russian - Burnt in milk, blowing on the water.

Vietnamese - An impatient elephant reaches its goal earlier than a frisky stallion.

Indonesian - The squirrel jumps very briskly, and sometimes breaks down.

Russian - A horse on four legs, and he stumbles.

English - Each flock has its own black sheep.

Russian - The family has its black sheep.

Vedas:We walk the streets in round dances, we choose

Where there are cheerful people - here our dance will be.

v We were in a round dance

v Beyond the river, beyond the river

Vedas: There are many mysterious things in the world. But of course it's the grandmothers who know

Answers to any question. And the "home" riddles are very easy to guess.

¨ All full of holes and wicked

And such a biting one.

Only grandma gets along with her,

Her sides and rubs and strokes. Grater

¨ Two brothers, but one heart. Scissors

¨ From a hot well

Water flows through the nose ... Teapot

¨ Wherever you go,

You pull all of her by the handle. a door

¨ Little Erofeyka

Belted shortly

On the floor hop-hop

And sat down in a corner. Broom

¨ The house is windowless and closed

And inside it is cold.

If a cat is sitting next to it,

So the cat is hungry. Refrigerator.

Vedas:Wonderful! All riddles are solved! And again "Impromptu" dances for you.

Speed \u200b\u200bturtle

Veda: Peace and joy to you living!

Is it from your worries

Life goes on, the earth blooms

Does existence exist in the world?

Peace and joy to you who live!

The sunset is burning in your honor

They always make noise for you

Running rivers and streams.

Peace and joy to you who live!

The sun is shining for you

And they burn in the evening hour

Stars pouring light on the earth.

Peace and joy to you who live!

All the participants of the concert come out against their background, the presenter:

Veda: Always be young at heart, beautiful, charming, cheerful! I wish you health and well-being! May your children and grandchildren delight you!

The melody with which the holiday began again sounds.

Farewell to the audience in the hall against the background of music.

Here comes the day of the elderly man. On this day, it is customary to congratulate all people of venerable age on their holiday. It is also customary to organize various concerts and festive events dedicated to this day. We offer you interesting scenario evenings of relaxation for the day of an elderly person, which can be spent over a cup of tea in the nearest cultural center. The script for the elderly is jokes, contests and songs with ditties.

But before we move on to the script, take a look at what we already have on the site for the day of the elderly:
to decorate the holiday;
so that guests can laugh heartily;
And, for a pleasant start to the evening;
And now let's go directly to the script.

Good warm evening, dear friends!
I am very glad that you came here!
Today we will celebrate a holiday here,
And solemnly congratulate everyone!
Older Person's Day - October 1st!
And I am glad to congratulate you personally on my own behalf.
And we will begin our evening of relaxation,
And we will dance and sing on it!

Pour tea into cups,
And cast your eyes on the stage.
For you ditties now sound,
And you will support all the guys!


Seniors day
Celebrated by the whole country.
We sincerely congratulate you,
And we dedicate ditties to you!

You are retired
So have fun!
You go to the resorts,
And improve your health!

You received a pension
And rather to the store.
It's just enough for you
Delicious, sweet orange!

Why are you lethargic,
Come out to dance.
We will run, we will jump
You are all about twenty-five!

Here I go to the post office,
I keep my back straight!
After all, today I have
Pension. Wow!

Don't hide your years
Feel free to wrinkle you.
It all decorates you
And it doesn't bother you!

Now ladies and gentlemen,
I am announcing the poetry competition.
Tell your poems,
And you will get a prize for them!

Those who wish come on stage and recite poetry. And you can give prizes for poetry.

Well, stop sitting and driving teas!
It's time to play a little!
Take part in the competition,
And you deserve your prize!

Competition 1.
Grandmothers and their grandchildren participate in this competition. If the grandchildren did not come, then three or five young people should be found to help. And also you need youth clothes. The task of grandmothers in three minutes is to dress their grandson for the first date. And then, by the applause, we will determine who dressed better and who actually won.

Competition 2.
And this competition can be held sitting at the table. The game resembles a city game, only the rules are slightly different. Namely, one must take turns to name something edible and something inedible. But everything else, as in the game of cities, the next word on the last letter of the previous one.
For example:
Cheese-river-watermelon-umbrella and so on.

Competition 3.
A competition that will make everyone laugh and show how much modern elderly people remember fairy tales.
The presenter from the stage asks a question either to each table or to each guest individually. And the answer must be given without hesitation - within three seconds! Examples of questions:
1. Who did the kolobok leave from at the very beginning?
2. In fairy tales, he is always a fool.
3. What touched the mouse with its tail and it crashed?
4. How did the grandfather catch the goldfish?
5. Who was Little Red Riding Hood going to?
6. How was the real princess identified in the fairy tale?
7. According to the tale, he is Ruslan's wife.
Etc. The more questions the better. You can even hold this competition by dividing everyone into teams.

Competition 4.
And one more competition, but you need to seriously prepare for it. Namely, you need to draw pictures by which you can guess the name of the song or the song itself. You show a drawing from the stage, and whoever knows the answer answers immediately.
For example:
Drawing - maple and water (song - where the maple rustles)
Drawing - a slide and a person is descending with it (a song - someone has descended from the hill)
By the way, such drawings can be "ordered" in kindergarten... Run a drawing competition among children. And the kids will have fun and you will have the props for the competition. Just don't forget to give the kids prizes for their efforts.

That's all. If you have a music or dance group among the elderly, then their performance will also be great.

And the TV? You can spend your time really interesting, with benefit and in a good mood.

A small group of seniors can greatly diversify their leisure time by participating in fun contests, quizzes and games: this does not require strong, fast legs, some kind of special skill and other qualities inherent in young people. Just a desire to have fun is enough!

Quiz: remember your youth

1. Retro melodies

A simple and familiar quiz: the contestants listen to the beginning famous years 30-50 back songs and call her. To do this, the presenter either plays the first notes on the piano or prepares a cut from the intros on the computer, and during the competition, he turns on the melodies in turn. The one who guessed the first is the winner.

2. A variant of the quiz about retro melodies

Here you can arrange a singing competition: first play the introduction to a famous old song or include it on a disc, and then offer to sing the first verse.

3. Another version of the melody contest

Include the beginning of the song, invite each participant to sing a line from the verses in turn. Those who have forgotten the words skip their lap and pass the baton to the next participant.

4. "Remember the singer"

Choose photos of singers from 40-50-60s for the quiz. Invite the participants to remember them and sing the first verse of any song that this singer performed.

5. Karaoke

If you have a music center and CDs with retro melodies, arrange a song contest - who sings the best? The winner is determined by the audience by a simple vote.

6. Poems

When preparing the competition, select poems that older people once learned at school - well-known works that are still heard by everyone.

The moderator says the first line, and the participants recite the rest of the poem. The winner is the one who remembers the largest part of the work or reads it in full. Small and insignificant substitutions in the text are allowed.

7. "My years"

Here you can use the films of the famous program of Leonid Parfenov "The Namedni", having previously cut recognizable fragments and asked to determine what kind of event it was and when it took place. The winner is the one who guesses the most of all events.

8. "Guess the price"

Prepare images of food and drinks for the competition, ideally - they should have recognizable packaging for a long time: for example, triangular milk cartons. Participants of the competition are invited to remember when the products were produced in such packaging and how much they cost.

Intelligent warm-up

Simple games will be very useful here - they are well known to the elderly for a long time, they do not require speed of action, but they train thinking well and are very exciting.

1. "Tic-tac-toe"

Prepare an impromptu board and sheets of A4 paper with large squares for the game, black and red markers so that the audience can clearly see the moves. Attach sheets to the board and invite two people to participate. Everyone makes his own move (the first - after the draw). Prepare the material for several pairs. First, ordinary pairs play, then the winners play among themselves, then the two main winners.

2. "Golden mean"

A fun game about "hybrids". Ask the participants to define what will happen if you connect:

  • Woman and fish (mermaid)
  • Socks and stockings (knee-highs)
  • A man and a horse (centaur)
  • Bicycle and motorcycle (moped)
  • Briefcase and backpack (satchel)
  • Refrigerator and fan (air conditioner)

The winner is the one with the most correct answers.

3. "Riddles"

Everything is extremely simple: prepare simple riddles and offer to guess them. Those who guessed the right get forfeits - bright cards. The winner is the one with the most cards.

4. "Proverbs"

Prepare well-known and not so proverbs. During the competition, the presenter says the beginning, and the participants finish the rest. The option is more complicated: prepare proverbs of other nations and offer to remember Russian proverbs about the same.

5. "With closed eyes"

Prepare handkerchiefs and several small toys for the game - recognizable fruit (apple, pear), birds (duck, for example), animals. To blindfold the participants and hand objects, offer to guess them by touch.

6. "And your whole back is white!"

Participants (it is better if there are at least 8-10 people) stand one after another in a circle. Sheets of thick white paper are attached to their backs, each receives a marker or a thick felt-tip pen. The game starts with the one who was the first. He draws on a piece of paper that the last player has a figure on the back. The latter draws on the back of the previous one what he felt on his back. And so - to the end. Then the results are compared. The winner is the one who most accurately depicted his "back" drawing.

And now - let's move on!

Elderly people can and should move, so if walking participants with about equal opportunities, the game will be very fun and addictive.

1. "Centipede"

We need two teams of 5-6 people. Also, two rows of chairs (5 chairs in each row) are displayed in the hall at a distance of about two meters. Team members take each other by the waist, forming a "centipede". On command, they begin to move forward, trying to go around the chairs with a snake and not moving (overturning) them. Both teams reach the last chair, and then turn around and move backward in the same way. The team that reaches the first chair faster than the opponents wins.

2. "The sea is worried once"

Mega-famous game from time immemorial. Not competitive - just for fun. Participants go into a circle and begin to depict any figures after the command of the leader - "the sea is worried once." The presenter counts to three or more, and then says: "Sea figure - freeze!" Participants freeze in the positions that they took at the moment of the command “freeze”.

3. "Hundred meters"

You will need: rolls of paper (tape - 10 meters), two or three pairs of participants. On command, they begin to unwind their roll: one holds the end, the other unwinds, moving backwards until the entire roll unwinds. Then each pair begins to roll the paper backward, moving towards each other. The winner is the couple who will not tear the paper and will cope with the task faster than others by twisting the roll to its previous state.

4. "By transfer - no change"

The famous school game - it was played in whole classes when it got bored in the lesson. This option is a little more sporty. We need two teams of five. Each receives a small ball and begins to pass to neighbors about turns until the last player, and then back. So repeat three times. The winner is the team that never drops the ball and completes three laps faster.

If participants are disabled

It all depends on the safety of the intellect and hand motor skills. If the intelligence of wheelchair users is preserved, they can be involved in song contests, quizzes, board games.

If there are several elderly disabled people who can move in a wheelchair themselves and want to compete with each other or just warm up, offer them "races" from start to finish with one or two obstacles - long-distance pins that need to go around.

A good exercise for them is pair riding with a small ball passing at the host's command.

For a holiday or weekend with entertainment to be a success, it is imperative to take into account the age, personal and physical characteristics of each elderly person.

An elderly person sees worse, hears and moves worse, thinks slower. The main rule of any competitions for the elderly is a low, even slow, pace. Do not rush the participants with actions, do not rush with answers to the quiz questions, but prompt, if necessary, praise and encourage them.

We will have to prepare for the fact that older people may begin to argue with each other and the presenters if the answer to the competition question, in their opinion, is incorrect, therefore it is worthwhile to gently and tactfully shift the attention of the disputants to another channel, without offending anyone.

When inviting participants to teams or for single competitions, consider their desires: do not persuade, pull by the hand or appoint without consent.


They are always prepared in advance. What can serve as a prize for a victory? Sweets are suitable only for those participants who are not sick, are not allergic to sweets or preservatives, therefore, the health of the elderly should be taken into account. If among them there are those who cannot have sweets, it is better to prepare prizes that will suit everyone.

It can be:

  • Small souvenirs
  • Stationery
  • If the event is for the holiday, you can prepare themed gifts - for example, unbreakable Christmas toys, balls, etc.

Ideally, if two groups of prizes are selected - for the winners of the contests and for the participants. It is necessary for everyone to get the prize: winners, ordinary participants and spectators. No one should be left without a prize!

The fact is that old people, especially those with other forms of illness, often behave like children - they are offended if they did not get anything. Therefore, prepare a sign of attention for everyone, after all, not a gift - a value, but respect for an elderly person.

And remember that humor is relevant at any age.

Relaxing evening for seniors


IN the hall is decorated for the tea ceremony tables. Guests are sitting at the tables. Music sounds.

The presenters enter the hall (1,2)

  1. Good evening!
  2. Good evening, dear guests. We are very glad to meet you today.
  1. The fields are finally cleaned, the houses are cozy and warm. You have some free time. And that means it's time to rest!
  2. A new spring will come with the usual troubles and worries, and you, our dear guests, will go out into the garden with the first rooks.
  1. In the meantime, it's time to take a walk, have fun, sing. You are young at heart, you are so spiritualized and beautiful faces! And I think that the secret of your youth is optimism and hard work. After all, with your own hands you create amazing things!
  2. We have always followed your example. You have always had an optimism to be envied.
  1. Our dear guests, we are pleased to inform you that your daily work deserves awards and today, in honor of the holiday, not only we, but also the President himself, congratulate you
  2. For great services to the Fatherland

And all the rest of humanity,

And also in connection with the holiday date

I order you to be rich

Accept a small advance from the President - in the form of a ribbon, Without removing, adding a percentage to it every day,

And just increase your wealth -

And you can change to another tape

So that everything is fulfilled exactly

And today you will be awarded titles and rewards!

In accordance with each quatrain, the veterans are awarded medals.


you raised excellent children,

They were dressed and fed.

You are ready to give them everything -

We give you the floor"mother"!

You protect your family hearth

And you live well with your husband

You are always alone for him

In all approximate"wife"


And you already have grandchildren

And that means there is no boredom with them

If there are grandchildren

You are of course "grandmother"

Do not judge very harshly

I'll tell you easier

You still have the title

This title is "mother-in-law"!


Always clean with you


It turns out that you

"Good neighbor"!


Sew, knit and embroider

You don't know how out of boredom

I need to give you a nickname

"skillful fingers"


The house is in order, comfort, cleanliness -

The title from the "mistress"

It was not given to you in vain!


There is still a title from God

And this is the title of a teacher

Let everyone remember forever

You "good man"!

Poem (reader)

Elderly people with young hearts

How many have seen, you paths of roads

They loved and raised children dearly,

And we lived with hope: there would be less worries!

Elderly people, Mother Russia

You were not spoiled with an easy fate.

May God give you peace so that over the river

The sun lit up the dome blue

You are elderly people in everything,

You give your soul, experience and love

To dear home, young world

And everything that the heart remembers again

Older people, even if the years are old,

They will support you, the children will understand everything.

And low bow to you from family and friends

And from all our homeland for invaluable work!

  1. Generous and rich, like spring

She will give us hundreds of smiles.

A meeting with her will turn out to be good luck for us,

And such a miracle is called life!

  1. Our dear guests! Let's have a little drink with you.

The song "It's great that we are all gathered here today"

  1. Our evening continues and your attention is invited
  2. Happy holiday came to congratulate you and

children junior group dance "Squat"

  1. Chastooshkas have always been famous for their brevity and accuracy of the text and amused the people, and we have not forgotten about them.


Natalia Maidanik


Nature changes color

The weather is changing

And the golden sun

It rains after

And for the warmth - bad weather,

There will be happiness behind grief

And youth for old age

A person changes.

So life is going round,

Years rush to each other

But with joy, hope

The year and the century are full.

And on an autumn day bright

Accept flowers, gifts,

Our old lover

Our kind man!


We congratulate grandmother

She will always understand us.

For us, grandmother is a wizard

Even sings songs.

My grandmother's

The new apron is bright.

Accept, granny,

Gifts for the holiday!

Oh yes, my grandmother,

Oh yes fighting:

Knows so many anecdotes

How much I don’t know!

We adore granny

She is the highest class!

All will tell and show

And will always feed us!

I came to granny

And hugged her own!

Live for many, many years

And God save from troubles!

  1. Our dear guests, you, as grandmothers, love your grandchildren and granddaughters very much. And from this unquenchable love, very interesting situations are often obtained. We invite you to watch one of them.

Scene "Grandmothers and Grandchildren"

1 - I Hello, my dear! Won't you go out for a walk?

2 - I What are you, I haven't done my homework yet.

1 - i What lessons? Have you fallen into childhood? You finished school for a hundred years!

2 - I Yes - huh? And the grandchildren? Now it is very fashionable to do lessons for grandchildren.

1 - I Yes, all my life I have been doing lessons for my grandchildren.

2 - am I Really? Are you spoiling them like that?

1 - I do not spoil! I am very strict with them. So I’ll do my homework, but they always rewrite them cleanly.

2 - I Oh, really strict.

1st So if anything, ask me, I have great experience.

2 - I Well, if it's not difficult, check how I learned the poem Um - um ..., At the seaside a green oak; golden chain on that oak ...

1st Okay

2 - I am a scientist dog day and night ...

1 - I What dog? What dog?

2 - I Well, I don't know what breed he has.

1 - I'm not a dog, but a scientist cat, understand? Cat!

2 - I A - a, I understood - I understood! At that time I first, By the curvature of the sea, a green oak, a golden chain on that oak; And day and night, the cat is a scientist ...

1 - I Well?

2nd Goes to the grocery store with a string bag….

1 - I With what string bag? Which grocery store? Where have you seen this?

2 - I Oh, what are you, friend! I still have so many lessons, I got it all mixed up.

1 - I Do you think that if you and I continue to study so hard, maybe some unit will be named in our honor?

2 - I've already named it.

1 - I How?

2nd stake! It is given to those grandchildren for whom grandmothers do their lessons.

  1. There is such a children's anecdote. Parents had no time, and parent meeting grandfather went. He came in a bad mood and immediately began to scold his grandson.
  2. Ugliness! It turns out that you have solid twos in history! For example, I have always had A's in this subject!
  1. “Of course,” the grandson replied, “at the time you were studying, the story was much shorter!
  2. We want, dear ones, to wish your story to last as long as possible, so that your children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren ... will delight you.
  1. So that you are more likely to be pleased with the warm rays of the sun, and the rains were only warm and mushroom.
  2. Our evening has come to an end. We thank you for participating in it! All the best and see you soon!

All the participants in the concert enter the hall, performsong "We wish you happiness"

Can be used at any retirement party. It will also come in handy, anniversary, March 8, New Year etc.

The gathering room is being decorated balloons, windows are closed with curtains, tables are set up and set for tea. There are candlesticks with candles on a separate table of the hostess. Children prepare several musical numbers for guests in advance.

The hostess enters the hall where the guests have gathered and lights candles. The accordion player sat on the chair.

Chastooshkas for pensioners

We got together for fragrant tea,
Here we do not notice sores and hardships.

We will remember our acquaintances and our successes,
We will arrange contests together, different joys.

Don't let your neighbor get bored, make your neighbor laugh
Take a sweet candy to the hot seagull.

Our daring accordion player invites you to dance,
Well, everyone decides who goes with whom.

And now the first competition: our esteemed accordion player will play the melodies, and we will try to guess them.

Guess the melody

The accordion player plays, for example, "Golden Mountains", "Someone came down from the hill", "Daisies hid", "Ah, Samara-town", "Old maple".

It can be seen that you know well the melodies of youth, but let's listen to something modern. Will you be able to recognize them.
The accordion player plays such melodies as "Birches" (Lube), "Tractor drivers" (Igor Rasteryaev), the Anthem of the Russian Federation.

Now I propose to sit, chat, drink tea with sweets, listen to music.
Guests spend time with a cup of tea.

Do we have delicious tea? And the candy? But they are not simple. Each riddle is written on candy wrappers. Let's try to guess them?
Everyone reads the riddle and they guess together.

I see that everyone has got used to it, we have met our neighbors. Let's remember what was the happiest in our life. It's personal for everyone. Share the joy. Let's start with this table. Please, Maria Ivanovna, tell us what was the happiest moment in your life for you.
3-4 people listen to stories.

We shared our happiness. And what difficulties you had to overcome in life, Remember the most memorable moments.
3-4 people are also interviewed.

In order not to make us sad, we need to cheer you up,
Let's get together in a circle, we'll all start dancing.

We have warmed up well, we can take a breath. Besides, the grandchildren came to greet you. They have prepared small musical numbers that you are invited to evaluate. And so, welcome! Young dancers and variety performers.

Children perform with small numbers.

At our get-togethers there is a married couple who have lived together for more than a dozen years. These are Nina Alekseevna and Ivan Nikolaevich. Let's ask them to get up. Let's reveal a secret that you recently celebrated ... the anniversary of your family life. Let me congratulate you on this date and present you with a memorable address. The song "Wedding Flowers" performed by Irina Allegrova sounds for you.

Most of you are on a well-deserved retirement right now. But, I think, there is no need to get bored. Chores around the house, a garden-garden, children and grandchildren, but you never know different things that you do during the day.

Now we will hold a competition for the most agile pensioner. I will ask three comers to leave. Before you are three potatoes to be peeled, a doll to be swaddled, and an electricity bill, the amount of which you must calculate and enter on the receipt. The one who is the first to perform all three tasks efficiently and correctly is the winner.

Our gatherings continue. Let's move on to dancing. Those who wish can go out in a circle, and the rest can drink tea.


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