What is needed for shoe repair work. Shoe repair as a business. Shoe workshop consumables

In the foreseeable future, people will not stop handing over their shoes for repair, almost every pair of shoes ends up in the workshop at least once. A shoe workshop in a modern version should be well equipped and staffed with masters of their craft.

More or less, almost every pair of shoes needs our attention and needs repair. So it has always been and, probably, will be for a long time.

There are people who do not turn to shoemakers, but the overwhelming majority are not ready to part with comfortable shoes just because the heel is worn out or the seam is torn. Every time we enter a shoe shop, we see how busy the craftsmen are, who never sit without work. From this we can naturally conclude that with such a continuous flow of orders, workshops should be profitable.

Workshop types

Shoe workshops can be roughly divided into three types:

1. Economy class workshops

The most common type. They are usually located in kiosks or in small rooms with an area of ​​10-12 meters. Such workshops provide the following replacement and repair services:

  • heels;
  • instep supports;
  • heels;
  • soles;
  • insoles;
  • zippers and locks.

And also in these workshops you can install prophylaxis on the soles, sew the top of the shoe and paint it.

The possibilities of such workshops are limited, since it is impossible to install equipment in a small area. It is possible to use only the simplest devices. Prices for services in such workshops are usually low. A master manages to repair no more than 20 pairs of shoes per day at an average price of 200 rubles.

The average revenue of these workshops is 3,000–4,000 rubles. Taking into account the cost of materials, the income is approximately equal to 2,000-3,000 rubles. in a day.

2. Workshops of the middle class

They provide much more services, but the prices are much higher. Middle-class workshops are located in rooms of 30-50 sq. m. with professional equipment. Middle-class workshops are able to serve up to 40 clients per day, at a cost of 500 rubles. per order. Taking into account the cost of materials, the income is about 10,000 rubles. in a day.

3. VIP workshops

They turn to VIP workshops to have expensive shoes repaired. They are located, as a rule, in areas inhabited by fairly wealthy people.

The circle of clients is usually small, but services are expensive, since luxury shoes require special approach and craftsmanship, as well as the availability of special expensive equipment. This type of service is highly profitable, but not widely used. The equipment for the VIP workshop costs at least $ 200,000. The VIP workshop will flourish only if there are enough customers. The payback period is at least five years.

Company registration

You need to start a business with. In the case of a shoe repair shop, it is better to register as a individual entrepreneur.

When the registration certificate is received, you must register with the tax office. The best form of taxation in this case is either the patent form. You also need to register with pension fund... Payments will be made in cash, so you need to buy a cash register or use strict reporting forms. Have to apply for permits c, fire inspection and Rospotrebnadzor.


The room must comply with all sanitary standards and fire safety requirements. The room problem can be solved in several ways:

  • Rent a plot of land and install a kiosk with an area of ​​8 sq. m.
    • the cost of the kiosk is 100,000-120,000 rubles,
    • land lease - from 2,000 rubles. per month;
  • Renting an installed kiosk - about 30,000 rubles. per month;

Rent of premises of 5-7 sq. m will be from 6,000-8,000 rubles. per month. When choosing a room, you need to take into account its location. Good places can be found in basements in residential areas, shopping centers, markets, etc. An important condition when choosing a location for a shoe shop is a reliable source. If space permits, it is necessary to separate a small room for receiving shoes and a workshop where repairs are made.


For a full-fledged work in a shoemaker's shop, there must be:

  • Electric stove for heating glue - 900-1000 rubles;
  • Shoe paw - 1,000 rubles;
  • Sharpener - 3,000 rubles;
  • Electric drill - 1,500 rubles;
  • Shoe rasp - 250 rubles;
  • Shoe pistol - 250 rubles;
  • Shilo - 250 rubles;
  • Pliers and wire cutters - 500 rubles;
  • Shoe needles (set) - 500 rubles;
  • Hammer and nails - 500 rubles;
  • Abrasive skins - 10 rubles;
  • Components: leather, rubber for heels, soles, polyurethane, instep supports, threads and other materials - 5,000 rubles;

If you plan to provide more services, you will need more:

  • Processing machine - 40,000 rubles;
  • Sewing machine - 5,000 rubles;
  • Scorcher - 2,500 rubles;
  • Compressor - 20,000 rubles.

A shoe repair workshop is classified as a type of business where the best advertisement serves a good reputation. Timely and high-quality execution of orders will quickly make the workshop profitable.

The demand for the services of shoe makers has been and will always be high. According to experts, already in the first season of wearing, every tenth pair of shoes needs to be repaired. Every thirtieth is made of expensive materials, and therefore requires special care. Considering that the demand for footwear, including luxury footwear, is constantly growing, the shoe repair business will always find its client.

Who wears shoes for repair and when

For a long time, it was believed that the shoe repair shop mainly works for the middle class and below. They say that it is easier for the rich to buy new shoes than to fix old ones. But in fact, wealthy people ask for repairs as often as others. When buying luxury shoes, it’s easier to pay for expensive repairs than shelling out another $ 400 for a new pair.

But cheap shoes are rarely repaired. In this case, it is much wiser to buy a new pair for 300 rubles than to pay 250 rubles. for repairs. Therefore, the main client of the workshops is the middle class and above.

It is believed that this is an off-season business - people always wear shoes for repair. But in practice, the shoe repair shop receives most orders in the off-season, when people switch from one type of shoe to another.

Shoe workshop formats

Before drawing up a business plan for a workshop, you need to decide on its format. There is such a division of the workshop level:

  • cheap;
  • middle level;
  • elite format.

The biggest competition is in the low-cost segment. There are many craftsmen who use a minimum of tools and the cheapest materials for repairs. Naturally, the quality of work is appropriate. In order to start such a business, it is enough to include in the cost plan the purchase of a special machine for 19 thousand rubles. and repairing shoes at a kiosk on the street. But you need to understand that with all your desire, expensive shoes will not be brought here.

The medium format is considered to be the ideal solution, since a variety of shoes can be repaired here. For work, various tools are purchased, materials of different quality for different types shoes. They tend to open such workshops in stationary premises.

The elite workshop format has its advantages and disadvantages. The advantage can be called the cost of services. To repair shoes here, you need to focus on the price of a thousand rubles or more. Therefore, such workshops are located in prestigious territories, for example, in shopping centers... A significant drawback of such a business is an extremely narrow target audience and a large plan for spending on expensive materials, equipment, work of craftsmen and rent. All this can increase the payback period of the business. Therefore, further we will consider how to open a mid-level shoe repair.

Brief opening plan

Having decided on the field of activity, you can draw up a business plan for opening a workshop. With its help, it is necessary to solve such basic issues.

Company registration

First of all, you need to formalize your business. To do this, you need to register your activity as an individual entrepreneur or legal entity. There is no fundamental value in which format to choose. If you open a small workshop on your own, you can register an individual entrepreneur - it’s faster and easier to keep all the necessary reporting documentation later. If you have a partner or are opening a large-scale project, it makes sense to register an LLC. But then, before registering, you need to form authorized capital... To register with the tax office, you must select the type of taxation. Most often, UTII or a simplified system is recommended.

Also, when registering, you must specify OKVED codes... In the case of a shoe workshop, these would be:

  • 52.71 Repair of footwear and other leather products;
  • 52.74 Repair of household goods and personal items not included in other categories.

Since such services are usually paid for in cash on the spot, it is advisable to purchase a cash register or use strict reporting forms. Cash machine- these are, of course, additional costs. In addition, it must be registered with the tax office, and this is an additional time cost. Therefore, more often workshops work with forms.

You also need to register with a number of funds and obtain permits from Rospotrebnadzor, fire inspection and SES.

Search for premises

Logically, to open such a business, a place must be sought where a large flow of people passes during the day. It is advisable that your workshop is in the path of movement potential clients from work to work. Many people recommend looking for a place near the metro. But in fact, the choice of location largely depends on which target audience you are more oriented. The metro, for example, is rarely used by those who travel around the city by car. And these are mostly very solvent clients. Therefore, it is better to open your workshop in a residential area, where it is guaranteed that you can cover several categories of the population. True, you need to carefully check the area for competitors and try to place your point as far as possible from them.

If possible, it is advisable to divide the room into two zones. The main one should be allocated for working areas, and a small area should be allocated for receiving clients. Today they pay attention to the level of service, so it is necessary to clearly answer this market demand.


The next item that your business plan should include is the purchase of the necessary equipment and tools. For a full-fledged workshop, you must purchase at least 30 items of various inventory. Moreover, it is advisable to buy imported equipment, since work can be carried out on it much better. This equipment is not cheap. For example, a German-made harvester costs an average of 20-30 thousand euros. But experts recommend that you first purchase a minimum set for carrying out typical jobs, and then gradually expand the arsenal of equipment and services offered.

You can save money by purchasing used equipment. So, a set of European second-hand machines will cost 60 thousand dollars, and Russian ones - 10 thousand dollars.If you take a new imported one directly from the factory, you need to score at least 80 thousand dollars in the plan for spending on this item.

Consumable material

In addition to equipment and tools, it is necessary to draw up a plan for the purchase of consumables. This includes at least:

  • heels;
  • overlays;
  • heels;
  • adhesives;
  • leather.

Their purchase price directly depends on the quality. High-quality heels will cost 200-250 rubles. per pair, prevention stickers - 400-500 rubles. At the same time, one must be ready to accept a non-standard order and have the necessary details for it - people sometimes bring extremely non-standard shoes.

You can buy consumables both abroad and from domestic manufacturers. It all depends on the desired quality of the product. You can save on purchases if you place purchase orders out of season, when purchase prices are significantly reduced. In addition, if the level of the format of your business allows, you can find domestic counterparts and purchase them much cheaper.


Particular attention should be paid to the organization of the foreman's workplace in accordance with the safety requirements. Each work place must be located on an area of ​​at least 7 square meters. m. Also indoors, or better above each workplace, you need to install a powerful hood. The room should be free of dust, smell of glue, paint. Every master should have work clothes, glasses, mask for different types of work. You also need to make sure that the master does not start working when tired - this is extremely traumatic.

Other nuances

Plan your workshop schedule in advance. It is advisable to open from 7 am so that people going to work can bring their shoes for repair. It is worth finishing work by 20.00 so that clients can pick up their shoes on the way home. It also makes sense to work on Saturdays and at least half of Sundays. Most people solve everyday issues at this particular time.

Partnering with other service providers can help you scale up your work plan. For example, you can open a pick-up point at a dry cleaning, laundry, or sewing workshop. It will be convenient for customers to take all things at once, resellers will receive a percentage of orders, and you will expand your customer base.

Investments in opening

Financial plan will vary greatly depending on the area of ​​the premises and the number of employees. To open a workshop for 20-30 sq. m. with two foremen and one inspector will require about 100 thousand dollars of investment. The bulk of these funds will be spent on the purchase of the necessary equipment, consumables and the rent of the premises.

It is unlikely that it will be possible to take this money on credit at the bank. Startups are always associated with high financial risk, therefore banks can accept such lending only if you show good financial results... Therefore, it makes sense to consider franchising options at the start.

Cost plan for the first year of the workshop

The calculation does not include rent, as its size varies greatly within the city, district. In addition, the wage indicator is conditional. More often it is formed on the basis of a percentage of completed orders. As a rule, in subsequent years, the item of expenditure is reduced by about four times and consists of:

  • rent;
  • wages;
  • utility costs;
  • procurement of consumables.

The project payback depends on the number of orders. As a rule, at first, it is possible to receive about six clients per day, and by the second year of work - up to 30. Accordingly, with the promotion of the services of your workshop, you can receive at least 35 thousand dollars per year. The profitability of the business varies between 6% and 18%, and the term payback on average is about three years.

Development prospects

The most common types of work in workshops are:

  • installation of heels;
  • installation of soles;
  • replacement of lightning;
  • replacement of heels.

But a modern workshop equipped with the necessary equipment is capable of performing up to 20 different types works, taking 20-30 orders per day. Of course, until the client base is developed, such indicators will not be seen, but you need to strive for them.

First of all, you can take on complex orders, which are rejected by "handicraft" workshops. Having necessary equipment, you can carry out exclusive orders. By the way, for exclusivity, as well as for urgency, you can set a certain margin.

It is possible to increase the flow of customers by expanding the range of related services. For example, if space permits, you can allocate space for minor repairs to clothing, leather goods or household appliances... Or open an office for receiving orders for such repairs. It makes sense to organize the sale of cosmetics for shoes, especially exclusive ones.

Marketing and advertising

It is important not only to open a workshop and offer quality services, but also to constantly expand the customer base, increasing the number of regular customers. Today the media are not used for these purposes, since they have lost their relevance in this sense. A significant part of clients come from the street, so it is important to create a beautiful and catchy sign. It also makes sense to distribute flyers and business cards near the workshop. Many recommend giving orders to customers in branded packages: both the customer is pleased, and you have a certain advertisement.

Also pay attention to the Internet. Today it is capable of bringing in a significant number of clients. For the workshop, it will be justified to open its own website through which you can take orders. At the same time, take an additional fee for the services of a courier who arrives for the order, and then takes it back to the client. However, in order for the site to give the proper return, it is necessary to invest in its promotion, and this is still about $ 250 per month. It makes sense to place ads on free boards on the Internet, create your own groups in social networks, as well as use discounts and promotions through special resources. These steps will help you create a base regular customers, of course, subject to quality work.



Date of birth: d

home address: Torzhok district,

Education - Secondary

Qualification - accountant

1998-2002 worked as an accountant later transferred to the chief accountant.

2008-2011 worked as an accountant.

V the given time I am studying at the correspondence department of the Tver State Agricultural Academy of Tver in the direction of economics

I achieve my goal, I am principled, communicative, I take a responsible attitude to the task entrusted to me

I can find common language with people

I own a computer

Project summary

A shoe repair shop is a winning business. After all, shoes are one of the indispensable things of everyday life, but, like any thing, shoes tend to wear out and tear. The quality of production, even at renowned shoe factories, leaves much to be desired. One season is the average lifespan of a pair of shoes. After she needs repairs. Consequently, shoe shops have no problems with clients. This type of business does not require huge investments. Money and at the same time is very attractive and profitable. It should be noted that the most expedient, cost-effective and profitable format is an ordinary workshop offering a standard set of services. Opening a shoe repair shop does not require a license. To organize this type of business, you just need to register as an entrepreneur - legal or natural person... A shoe repair shop can offer a wide variety of services, including: repair of heels, their replacement, replacement of shoe heels, repair of the sole, stretching of shoes, replacement of insoles and instep supports, accessories (buckles, locks, snakes, rivets, Velcro), professional shoe cleaning etc. Different types the services offered require different equipment.

Explanatory note


Yarkova Anna Nikolaevna

Organizational and legal form.


UTII- Single tax on imputed income

1. Project summary

1 Purpose of the project

This project is the opening of an ordinary workshop, where a standard set of services is provided.

The main goal of the project is to provide the population designed for the middle class quality services for shoe repair.

1.2 Production base of the project

To accommodate such a workshop, you will need either a free-standing kiosk or a small room.

3 Project performance indicator

billing period - one year, at the end of the billing period it is expected:

Net income - 817,672.00 rubles

Profitability equity capital - 13%

Profitability of services realization - 57%

Production profitability - 461%

2. Marketing plan

2.1 Market Description

Opening a shoe repair shop, especially in light of global economic problems and great risks in other areas of business, is a completely justified and logical solution. It is worth paying attention to the lack of competition in this area, the client chooses a master whose quality he remains satisfied and chooses for sure and for a long time. Therefore, when starting a shoe repair business, the main criterion in the work should be the quality of performance.

2.2 Description of clients

Everybody wears shoes, women do not need to explain how often heels, heels break off, noses and rolls worn out, almost the overwhelming number of women in a certain radius from the workshop are our regular clients. We must not forget men and children, especially now when the industry is going through hard times and the quality of products of many manufacturers, including footwear, leaves much to be desired. The question arises which is more profitable, to fix the heel or buy new shoes?

2.3 Description of works, services

Opening hours: from 8.30 am to 5.30 pm. Day off - Sunday, Monday.

On weekends, I will carry out the purchase of components at the bases. Preparing in advance for my project, I found out their locations in Moscow, where you can buy high-quality, in-demand goods (components), and learned how the purchase of goods is made so that I could officially confirm my expenses for their purchase.

2.4 Planned services to the public. (Appendix No. 1)

3.Production plan

3.1 Preparatory period

During the preparatory period it is necessary: ​​The area for the workshop is 20 m 2(rent) - 15,000 rubles.


-sewing machine - 10,000 rubles

-sewing machine "bottle" - 12,000 rubles.

-electric sharpener - 3000 rubles.

-components - 39,720 rubles.

-transportation costs - 7000 rubles.

-electricity - 6000 rubles.

-other expenses - 3000 rubles.

-expenses for registration of individual entrepreneurs - 1080 rubles.

-state duty in the amount of 800 rubles.

Total: 117,600 rubles.

For the preparatory period, we have our own funds:

-special sewing machine - 20,000 rubles.

-sewing machine - 10,000 rubles

In total, 15000 + 12000 + 39720 + 7000+ 6000 + 3000 + 1080 + 800 = 84,600 rubles follow the preparatory stage.

Financial assistance in the form of a subsidy from the Employment Center of the city of Torzhok will be spent on components, for a "bottle" typewriter.

workshop service profitability income

Organizational plan

4.1 Organizational and legal form

This project planned to be implemented in the form of individual entrepreneurship without education legal entity, in order to reduce taxation and simplified financial reporting.

4.2 Organizational structure

The implementation of the services will be carried out by the Entrepreneur and the hired person hired through the employment center. The department for the sale of services, accounting and reporting is under the jurisdiction of the Individual Entrepreneur.

5. Financial plan

1 For calculation financial indicators it is necessary to determine the total amount of initial costs

General organizational costs of the project

No. Name of organization costs Amount in rubles 1. Funds for the preparatory stage: - rent for 1 month - purchase of goods (components) - registration of individual entrepreneurs (state duty) - purchase of special-purpose machines - transportation costs 84600 rubles.

Sources of financing

1. Own funds 58,800 rubles 2. Subsidy of the employment center 58,800 rubles

Expenditure plan for the year

January February March 2nd quarter 2012 3rd quarter 2012 4th quarter 2012 Registration of IP1080,00ххххх duty800.00ххххх 006 120.00 Rent15000.0015000.0015000.0045000.0045000.0045000.00Electrical energy6000.006000.006000.0018000.0018000.0018000.00 C / fee6100.006100.006100.0018300.0018300.0018300.00 Other expenses1000.001000.001000.003000, 003000.003000.00 TOTAL: 55114.0065034.0053754.00147722.00142722.00142722.00

Fulfillment of 18 orders per day on average at a price of 300 rubles = 5400 rubles per day. Total earnings per month based on 22 working days - 118,800 rubles. (per year 1,425,600.00)

Plan of income and expenses for the year

Indicators RUB Amount Revenue from the sale of services RUB 1,425,600.00 Costs for the purchase of goods RUB 177,000.00 Gross income RUB 1,248,600.00 Wages of an employee RUB 73200.00 ENVD RUB 24,480.00 Entrepreneurial tax (PFR, FFOMS, TFOMS) 16,200.00 RUR Tax per employee (Pension Fund, FSS, TFOMS, FFOMS) RUR 25048.00 Premises rental RUR 180,000.00 Electricity RUR 72,000.00 Transportation costs RUR 28,000.00 Other expenses RUR 12,000.00 Net income RUR 817,672.00

Production profitability.

RP 817672/177000 * 100% = 461%

Return on equity.

ROE 817672/58800 * 100% = 13%

The profitability of the implementation of services.

RP 817672/1425600 * 100% = 57%

The planned payback period for the full investment is 12 months. Based on the data and guidelines, work goals, criteria for goals and objectives of this business plan were formulated.


And since it is already clear that the shoe repair shop is a source permanent income little influenced external factors and the enterprise is sufficiently profitable.

According to statistics, about 10% of shoes are repaired within three months after the start of wearing. Seasonality in this business, although it can be traced, is not the main factor. The most important thing will be the speed of work. The level of income will depend on how quickly we will have time to change heels, glue soles, etc. In the future, I plan to expand the business by opening several more points, including one that would include one workshop for the repair of elite shoes. The more expensive the shoes are, the more expensive the work will naturally be. The workshop network will generate more revenue. Now 70% of the population resorts to repairing lost types of shoes and more than once, which allows us to consider given view business stable and in demand.

We will always have clients regardless of the economic situation in the country. Everybody needs shoes, but they are not eternal, and, though they need preventive maintenance, they need to be repaired.

Appendix No. 1

Service name change Price, rub Minor shoe repair1 To sew the top of the shoe (for one stitching) or to make a piece for one place up to 5 cm. The cost increases in proportion to the increase in the size of the stitching piece 40-002 003Put an outer or inner patch in shoes with a non-refill under soles up to 5cm in size, over 5cm, the cost increases in proportion to the increase in the size of the patches 100-004 genuine leather (installation of curly parts made of genuine leather) pair 450-005 Replace the eyelet in shoes or make and attach a buckle strap in sandals and children's shoes pcs buckle strap), ornaments in shoes pcs 70-008 Insert a crochet hook, a block, a strap with full or partial replacement of the heel strap pcs 20-009 Shorten the heel strap in summer shoes pcs 40-0010 Make and sew on a new strap made of genuine leather pair 160-0011 Make a pair of straps 250 through the harness strap around -0012 Replace the "contact" clasp (strap) pcs 70-0013 Make and attach new jewelry made of genuine leather and other materials pair 160-0014 Replace: (lengthen) the "elastic" with an insert of a buckle (hook) with one stitch or a buckle strap in women's shoes pcs 90-0015 Replace or lengthen the "elastic" with two stitches sht110-0016 Replace the "elastic" p / boot ah, shoes, boots sht70-0017 Replace the zipper in shoes up to 25 cm / pair 130-0018 Replace the zipper in shoes up to 36 cm / pair 140-0019 Replace the zipper in shoes up to 40-0020 cm / pair 180 "Zipper" in shoes with bootlegs up to 40.1 cm / pair 240-0021 Replace the zipper in shoes with artificial tops, with outer or inner staplers, or in “stockings” boots, with bootlegs up to 30cm (excluding the cost of the zipper ) pcs 280-0022 Replace the zipper in shoes with artificial tops, with outer or inner staples, or in “stockings” boots, with a boot height over 30 cm (excluding the cost of the zipper) pcs 320-0023 zipper ": cut the bootleg with an insert of the flap under the zipper p / pair 110-0024 Replace the clapboard or flap in the shoe p / pair 80-0025 Replace the lock (slider) of the simple zipper piece 55-0026 Replace the lock (slider) of the deco zipper Active piece 65-0027 Surcharge for a decorative slider lock when replacing a zipper piece 10-0028 Surcharge for sewing products with colored threads (zippers, patches) piece 30-0029 Replace the edging of the shoe top pair 220-0030 Replace the vamp in semi-shoes, sneakers, boots with a pair of shoes 430-0031 all types of materials on fur or insulated lining due to insertion of klinapar 0035 Narrow and shorten the tops of boots, semi-finished boots pair 860-00 Medium shoe repair1 Place soles with a glue method of fastening made of microporous rubber or preventive steam 220-002 Place soles with an adhesive method of fastening of wear-resistant rubber steam 240-003 Place soles with an adhesive method of fastening 250 sizes of microporous rubber4 size 44 left fastening method made of wear-resistant rubber over size 44 pair 260-005 ¼ the area of ​​a sole or a joint up to 1/3 of the area of ​​a heel made of microporous rubber pcs. 70-006 ¼ foot area or joint up to 1/3 of the area of ​​a heel made of wear-resistant rubber, leather-like piece -0011 Supply polyurethane heels from 8.1 to 80 cm2 pair 180-0012 Supply polyurethane heaps from 80.1 to 140 cm2 pair 220-0013 Supply polyurethane heaps from 140.1 to 300 cm2 pair 260-0014 Supply felt heels or leather heel cushions pair 220-0015 Supply heels made of polyurethane from 140.1 to 300 cm2 pair 260-0014 Supply felt heels or leather heels (simple, curly) pair 230-0016 Supply heels made of all types of materials (except metal) or soles made of m / porous rubber, wear-resistant rubber and prophylaxis from the customer's material para 120-0017 Replace molded heels made of customer material oekpara 30-0019 Surcharge for the installation of curly heels of all types of materials, except for metal (to retail prices for heels) pair 40-0020 Shoe shoe polishing or finishing of shoes, partial coloring of the heel pair 40-0021 Shorten medium or high heels of all types of materials (cut) pair 50-0022 Replace rubber soles glue method of fastening in felted shoes with heels without side gluing pair 430-0023 Replace rubber soles with glue method of fastening in felted shoes with heels with side gluing pair 450-0024 Replace rubber soles with glue method of fastening in leather shoes with ordinary heels pair 380-0025 Replace rubber soles with glue method of fastening shoes single-layer wedge-shaped heel pair 400-0026 Replace rubber soles with adhesive fastening in leather shoes with two-layer wedge-shaped heels pair 430-0027 Replace rubber soles with adhesive fastening in high boots with heels pair 470-0028 Replace rubber soles with adhesive fastening in high boots with side soles styles 911264, 911L462, 84227N, 842242, 1528 pair 500-0030 Replace TEP soles with reinforcement of the instep support all styles except those indicated above 800-0031 Replace TEP soles with replacement of the main insole, p / insole, instep support all styles a980-0032 Replace TEP soles with replacement of the p / insole, instep support all styles pair 910-0033 Replace natural leather or leather fiber soles without changing the heel pair 470-0034 Replace natural leather soles style 131 with a heel and heel para 90-0035 Repair the synthetic soles with micro-soles in case of fracture Para360-0036 Repair synthetic soles in case of fracture with wear-resistant rubber outsoles para 390-0037 Repair synthetic soles in case of fracture with microporous rubber soles over size 44 pair 420-0038 Repair synthetic soles in case of fracture with rubber outsoles from size 44 synthetic materials and gluing of the soles pair 430-0040 Replace the crocodile part of the sole in shoes with high and medium heels pair 60-0041 Natural leather edging of the bottom of insulated shoes with a molded sole with a rim pair 380 -0042 Provide a decorative rubber welt when replacing rubber soles pair 80-0043 Provide special cardboard insoles in women's n / c shoes and men's shoes with molded soles (without insoles) with an instep support pair 270-0044 Glue soles (in case of partial bonding of soles, the price is applied with a discount in proportion to the glued area ) pair 220-0045 Sew old soles around the entire perimeter manually shoes up to size 40 pair 220-0046 Sew old soles around the entire perimeter by hand shoes over size 40 pair 240-0047 Sew and sew all soles and heels in felted shoes pair 220-0048 textile shoes or a patch for shoes with a top made of synthetic materials internal patch up to 5 cm around the perimeter over 5 cm the cost increases in proportion to the increase in the size of the patches 1 cm 180-00 36-0049 shoes with a top made of synthetic materials, outer patch up to 5cm around the perimeter over 5cm, the cost increases in proportion to the increase in the size of patches 1cm 150-00 30-0050 metal plates pair 440-0051 Supply monolithic, single-layer microporous heels pair 260-0052 Supply low stacked heels leather heels pair 320-0053 Supply medium, high stacked heels leather heels pair 410-0054 Replace heels with strapped genuine leather heels460-00 tight heels of any shape with the replacement of an instep support, with the installation of a p / insole and a cardboard heel pad ikov made of special cardboard or metal pair 270-0059 Attach heels in boots "stockings" pair 290-0060 Make a felt insert (inset) in the worn-out place of felt boots sht low boots, sneakers made of genuine leather with extended ankle boots pair 210-0063 Put inner soft backs in insulated shoes (boots, semi-boots, boots) pair 200-0064 Place shoe insoles from a shoe pair 70-0065 Put faux fur insoles 90-0066 Put natural fur insoles 90-0066 Put natural fur insoles 67 Target shoes pair 130-0068 Insert genuine leather insoles pair 130-0069 Insert new laces up to 60 cm long pair 20-0070 Insert new laces 60.1 cm to 90 cm long pair 25-0071 Insert new laces 90.1 cm to 120 cm long pair 30-0072 Stretch the rules

What is the article about?

Business relevance

Shoe repair is a demanded service that will always be relevant. Working in it, the entrepreneur is protected from crisis market phenomena, receives a source stable income... By building a customer base and building customer loyalty, you will increase your bottom line and expand your business.

Opening costs and average market profitability of shoe shops

A workshop for middle-income clients opened in Novosibirsk brings in about £ 100,000. per month. The payback period for a business opened from scratch is about 15-20 months.

You can expand your business by offering additional services (making keys, sharpening skates) and selling related products - heels, locks.

Expenses for starting a business in Novosibirsk:

Monthly expenses:

Business registration, documents and permits

You need to register as an individual entrepreneur by choosing the form (patent, UTII), by contacting tax office and getting registered with the PF. For cash payments, you need cash machine... For work you will need:

  • Obtaining permits in Rospotrebnadzor, SES, fire inspection
  • Receiving technical conditions and drawing up an agreement on the provision of an electrical network (power - 10 kW)
  • Conclusion of contracts - on lease, disposal of solid waste, provision of advertising space on the facade of the building
  • Formalization of relations with personnel - employment contracts, contract for the provision of outsourcing services
Which OKVED to choose for a shoe repair shop

Choosing a location for a workshop

A business with a growth perspective needs a workshop with an area of ​​15-20 sq.m. Usually they are placed in residential areas - on the first floors of houses (with a separate entrance) or in kiosks. For rent, choose locations with a reliable power source:

  • In areas with a large number of residential buildings
  • In the immediate vicinity of shoe stores, supermarkets, markets, shopping centers
  • Near the metro, ground transport stops

Equipment and accessories

For a standard shoe workshop you need:

This is the minimum - for working on good equipment, rendering additional services needs investments of about 350,000? We need accessories and materials - sets of shoe hooks, needles, abrasive skins, polyurethane and so on. They will take about £ 10,000.

Suppliers and staff

Network suppliers sell components and equipment, as well as advise customers on the choice of heels, heels, materials. To save money, you can buy used equipment from private sellers. There are tools in the markets, in construction hypermarkets.

For a workshop, you need at least one master (if you yourself are not an expert in this area), as well as an accountant who will keep records of materials, funds and submit reports. Personnel costs in Novosibirsk are:

Business advertising

  • A noticeable sign on the facade, a showcase with a large inscription
  • Advertising with the help of flyers near the metro, social networks, forums of residents of the residential complex
  • Discount system, discounts, promotions

Examples of advertising:

How to advertise a shoe repair shop and leather goods How to design a sign and a showcase for a shoe repair shop

Comparison of the costs of opening a shoe shop and buying a ready-made atelier

Let's compare the costs of starting a workshop from scratch with the costs of purchasing a shoe repair and keymaking company. Room area - 16.5 m2 (Novosibirsk city).

When comparing the initial costs, starting a business is more profitable. But at the same time, the owner wastes time on official approvals, is forced to build up a customer base and work “in the red” for a long time. In the long term, the finished business pays off more efficiently.

Browse our catalogs: here are the current offers for the sale of shoe repair shops for different regions of Russia:

  • In St. Petersburg
  • In Moscow
  • In Russia


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