Hostel opening. Profitable house: how much does a hostel bring in the province. What repairs and equipment are needed

Quite a lot of people are wondering how to open a hostel in an apartment legally, but not everyone knows the answer to it. All because they did not study the information. To know the answer for sure, you just need to carefully read this article.

Hostel Disadvantages

Before you open a hostel in an apartment legally or not, you need to know all the disadvantages of this business.

The first thing I want to note is the presence of strangers in the same room. Not all hostels allow you to rent a room. Usually tourists are provided with a bed in a large room. Not everyone will be comfortable being with strangers in the same room.

Also, before you open a hostel in an apartment legally, you need to take care of a place to store valuables. For guests very a big problem- where to leave valuables, because there are a lot of strangers in the room.

In addition, a shared bathroom also scares off visitors to some extent.

  • Firstly, it is impossible to visit it, because there is always someone there.
  • Secondly, even with very good cleaning, it is unhygienic.

Hostels don't offer extras because it's a cheap place to stay, not a five-star hotel. And this upsets many visitors.

There is also a minus from the business side - it is quite difficult to find a room for a hostel. After all, it has special requirements.

The downside is that marketing alliances are very poorly developed in our country, although this practice is widespread in Europe. This is just an agreement by the hostel owner, for example, with the owner of a cafe working nearby, so that guests are provided with free or discounted breakfasts.

Another point to think about before opening a hostel in an apartment legally is the compliance of the room with European standards. Of course, there are no such standards in our country, but such compliance, although it will cost a lot, will quickly pay off with grateful guests.

Most entrepreneurs, after having opened a hostel in an apartment legally, decide that it is better to work without the help of intermediaries. At first, of course, yes, but over time, this can lead to a narrowing of the target audience and a small hotel occupancy.

Hostel benefits

Everything is clear with the shortcomings, but what are the advantages of this business? What you need to know before opening a hostel in an apartment?

The main reason why hostels are popular is the inexpensive cost of living.

You can rent not only a room, but also a bed. This is a great solution for solo travelers.

Main the target audience are the youth. This means that they will be interested in communicating and meeting new people. This means that they will not be embarrassed by life in the manner of a hostel.

Most often, hostels are located near the center, which attracts tourists even more.

What do you need to open

Of course, every novice businessman thinks about how to open a hostel in an apartment. You need to start by understanding the purpose of the hostel. It belongs to the tourism sector, and therefore it does not require many documents to open it.

First of all, you need to visit the tax office and register as individual entrepreneur or as a society limited liability. After registration, you need to open a bank account, to which all transfers will be made.

It turns out that before you open a hostel from scratch in an apartment, you do not need to run around all kinds of authorities and collect documents. However, there are several mandatory conditions.

  1. For each person in the hostel, a minimum of five square meters of living space must be provided.
  2. One sink should be installed based on six people.
  3. The toilet is designed for twelve people.
  4. One shower can be used by no more than fourteen people.

All the same applies to questions about how to open a hostel from scratch in an apartment. But there are some nuances there:

  • it is forbidden to use basements and basements for the hostel;
  • the premises must comply with the standards fire safety;
  • hostel owners must keep a migration record of foreigners.

That is, to open a business, you still need to obtain permission from the fire service and SES.

How to draw up documents

If registration cannot be done at the tax office, then you can turn to online services for help. Specialists will help to collect a package of papers required for registration, this saves a lot of time.

When the organization is already formalized, then the question of business support arises. With this, you can also contact accounting services. They will help you collect documents, save time and money. They are interested in customers, so there are practically no mistakes.

How to choose a room

Before thinking about how to open a hostel in your apartment legally, you need to analyze the territory. Naturally, it is best to open a hotel of this kind in the center. Especially if it's not the capital. The size of the room is chosen based on the number of beds. So, you can not make less than ten beds in a hotel. An ordinary residential apartment is perfect, subject to the footage. If we assume that the price per square meter will be in the region of fifteen thousand, then a three-room apartment for ten beds will be enough.

How to open a hostel in your apartment is more or less clear. But how to do the same in a separate room? This is also a good option. In this case, the possibilities increase, for example, you can rent several floors. The price per square meter is about the same as for an apartment, but you can find a room where they ask for ten thousand. Redevelopment, together with repairs, will cost eight thousand per square meter.

Against the background of all these calculations, the construction of a separate building, which will cost no more than six million, no longer seems such a crazy idea.

It is important that opening a hotel in non-residential premises complicates everything. For such a business, registration of an LLC, the presence of partners and an additional package of documents is required.

The algorithm of actions for opening a hostel in


Everything is not so difficult, you just need to follow a certain order. How to legally open a hostel in an apartment in Russia?

Before you rent an apartment for a hostel or use your own, you need to do some research. For example, to find out what kind of people live around, their social status, the transport interchange of the area, the location of the house itself, the presence of shops and other necessary institutions around it.

In order to correctly assess the competitiveness of the future hostel, you need to find similar establishments nearby.

Much in the hotel business depends on the neighbors. So that in the future the district police officer does not often go to the entrepreneur because of the huge number of complaints, you need to find a common language with the neighbors.

It would be nice to write a business plan: "How to open a hostel in an apartment." If it is correctly compiled, then the payback will take no more than six months.

When a place is chosen, they begin to deal with the arrangement. The first thing to do if the business is done in your own apartment is to withdraw it from the housing stock. If this is not done, then each guest will be required to sign a contract of employment. According to the rules of accommodation for hostels, there are no single rooms. For this reason, it is necessary to make a redevelopment. In connection with such problems, you need to think ten times whether it is possible to open a hostel in an apartment and whether it is necessary.

The nuances of redevelopment

As a rule, in such hotels it is customary to have a certain number of double rooms, and the rest of the rooms are occupied by bunk beds. Repairs should be of the middle class, therefore it is easier to purchase the necessary furniture and materials from a domestic manufacturer. With such repairs, you can meet six hundred thousand. There is no need to make some unthinkable decor in the rooms, clean and bright rooms will be quite enough. But you need to choose beds of very high quality, because healthy sleep is important for many tourists.

The distance between the latter should not be less than seventy-five centimeters. The color scheme is preferably bright, because mostly young people will live there. This once again suggests that before you open a hostel in an apartment for illegal immigrants or foreign tourists, you need to think over the design very well.


It is the individual approach that distinguishes a small hostel from a huge hotel. The quality of service can make a hotel very popular or make it close soon. That is why it is necessary to select personnel very carefully.

In order for the hostel to function normally, it is enough:

  • hotel manager;
  • administrator;
  • couples of maids;
  • cooks;
  • assistant cook.

It has long been known that it is by the administrator that a hotel or hostel is judged. Therefore, the question of what is needed to open a hostel in an apartment and make it profitable can be answered - a good administrator. Indeed, the more pleasant and helpful the person at the reception, the more good reviews remains about the hostel. Important role also plays his ability to speak English language. Ideally, the administrator must be fluent in conversational speech.

How to advertise correctly

Nowadays, most people are looking for a haven on the World Wide Web. This means that the main focus should be on advertising on the Internet.

  1. Work great social media such as Facebook, Twitter, VKontakte, Odnoklassniki. Recently, Instagram has gained immense popularity and attendance.
  2. Word of mouth continues to work. If a person liked the service, then he will recommend the hostel to all friends and acquaintances.
  3. Contextual or banner advertising (when a photo is added to the text) also show good results. The cost of such a service is rather big, but it will bring good results. So, marketing of this kind will cost up to sixty thousand.
  4. Good old business cards also show good results. They need to be laid out in crowded places (cafes, bars, train stations, educational establishments). This also includes advertisements in free newspapers. This is not a very costly advertisement, because a text ad in it can be published for two thousand, and a modular ad in the region of five thousand.
  5. For travel agencies and corporate clients, special discount programs can be developed. But do not forget about sports clubs, schools or other institutions that are often on the road.

Only permanent job can make the business successful. You cannot first learn how to open a hostel in an apartment in Moscow or a provincial town, and then just sit and wait for the profit to go into your hands. Only constant updating of services, improving the quality of service and new advertising can ensure prosperity.

Profitable Business Secrets

The main function of the hostel around the world was considered to provide accommodation for the night. But over time, everything changes. Now even a hostel needs at least a minimum package of services. Tourists need Internet access, as well as toiletries and cosmetics, for which they are willing to pay.

In addition, you can put a hair dryer, coffee maker, microwave, refrigerator and other appliances in common areas.

Food can be dealt with in a variety of ways. One of them is to give the guest the right to cook their own food. The second option is to have a chef on staff, which means you need to make a menu. The third option may be an agreement with the owner of the nearest cafe for the supply of food or for a discount for guests. It is important not to stand still and constantly develop and diversify.

Some nuances

Today, the tourism business is very popular both in our country and in the world. This means that competition even among hostels is huge. Therefore, the services provided must correspond to a given level. A modern tourist is accustomed to comfort, for this reason, a hostel that does not correspond to one star is unlikely to return. And the consumer is not to blame, but the entrepreneur. Due to competition, it was businessmen who increased the level of comfort for the same money. This trend has led to the fact that now a lot of money is needed to open a hostel.

A modest interior and a list of services will be in demand only if there is no competition.

Among other things, it is very important to build the correct algorithm for registering guests. Everything must happen on time and according to all the rules.

Concerning household appliances, then here too there are nuances. For example, it is better to refuse ordinary teapots. It will be much more convenient to use thermal pots. They are much larger in size and boiling water is always at hand.

You can also try to create a hostel website. Firstly, it sets tourists up for trust. Secondly, where, if not on your own website, you can place complete information about your business.

Summing up, we can say that it is not enough to figure out how to organize a hostel in an apartment. It is important to learn how to lead and develop it correctly. Because time passes very quickly, and the level of development of mini-hotels is high. And consumer demands are constantly growing. But it's very interesting to create something from scratch and bring it to some grandiose level. It is quite possible that one hostel will lead to a whole network of prestigious hotels around the world. To do this, you just need to work hard and not give up.

But not everything depends on the leader. Many moments are connected with the hotel staff. It should consist of professionals who not only do their job well, but also love it. It is the person who plunges into the matter with his head that will be able to make it better, not because the boss requires it, but according to his personal desire. Equally important is the collective mood. Recipe for success - Friendly team who knows how to solve all problems inside. Only when people are ready to help each other and listen will the matter be argued. If the team is quarrelsome, then they will simply drown the business with their squabbles. Therefore, the leader must take the most responsible approach to the choice of employees. After all, he does not take servants for himself, but chooses a family for himself, on which the success of his offspring depends.

In the last few years, hostels have become very popular in our country. This is due to several factors. Firstly, not everyone can afford expensive hotels, secondly, young people, namely they make up the backbone of hostel clients who are not picky about the conditions of rest, thirdly, good hostels, if they are well-designed, are not inferior in comfort to many hotels, but significantly better in price.

In this article, we will talk about how to open a hostel, what aspects to pay attention to first of all, what documents to collect so that the activity is legal, how to advertise your business, and where to get the first customers. We will also try to draw up a hostel business plan, taking into account all the features and subtleties of the modern real estate market.

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Documents required to open a hostel

Your goal is a serious and solid institution, with development prospects not only in your city, but also in the region, and in the future throughout the country. It is clear that you need to officially register your business. For this you will need the following documents:

  1. Company registration certificate. If you plan to open one hostel to start with, then a sole proprietorship is perfect. In the future, when the network grows, you can think about registering legal entity.
  2. Must be registered with the authorities tax office and get a certificate of tax payment. Many experienced businessmen advise starting with a single tax, because this will save on deductions to the state treasury and reduce the difficulties with reporting on your activities.
  3. Next, you need to get the conclusion of the fire inspection that your premises meets all norms and standards, is safe for visitors and staff. This is a very important point, because you are responsible for the lives of people who will stay with you. No negligence needed. Follow all the requirements of the fire department, and even more.
  4. SES conclusion. Your premises in which the hostel will be located must meet the requirements of the sanitary and epidemiological service.
  5. An agreement on the lease of premises, or documents that confirm the ownership of real estate.
  6. Agreement with a company that is engaged in the removal of solid household waste.
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The list of documents is not exhaustive, because our legislation is in a state of eternal reformation and "improvement". Therefore, at the time of opening the hostel, we advise you to familiarize yourself with the current legislative framework, find out what changes have been made to the laws governing the opening and operation of hostels. We do not think that in the coming years something will change drastically, but God saves the safe. It is better to be safe than to have problems with regulatory authorities and various government services later.

What should be in a modern hostel

As we have already said, a hostel is not a place where two Tajiks live on one square meter. We can say that this is an analogue of the well-known hostels, only you can rent your place for a day or more. Hostels are mainly used by young people, tourists, lovers of inexpensive rest, and spend the money saved on other, more important things. Based on the main audience of hostels, you can make a list of the required minimum:

  • First, free access to the Internet. As a rule, all good hostels have a WI-FI point, with normal coating and decent speed. Young people spend most of their lives in global network. Someone works, someone communicates, someone reads or plays games, and for someone the Internet is a virtual world, without which life is no longer life. Everyone has different goals, but the need is the same - high-quality WI-FI. Sometimes the choice of a hostel is based on the availability of free and free access to the network. I am very surprised by the establishments that still charge for the Internet from their vacationers. There is no longer any desire to stay in such a sleazy place.
  • Good furniture. Of course, most holiday hostels are not picky, but you should not skimp on whitewash. At a minimum, you need to buy normal beds, after a night on which, a person will not feel back pain.
  • Household appliances: iron, hair dryer, washing machine, etc. You need to take care of the comfort of your customers.
  • Kitchen with all necessary utensils: kettle, stove, pots, cups, spoons.
  • Dining room where everyone can eat. You can offer breakfast yourself, for a fee, you can arrange something like a buffet where you can buy sandwiches and light snacks, or you can not bother at all and give vacationers the opportunity to cook something for themselves.
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This is a minimum, but if you want to be the best, then you need to come up with something more. It is possible to organize a game room, where to put several soft sofas, to check a couple of TVs and set up set-top boxes. This will be your chip, and a trump card in advertising, which can attract even more vacationers. If you open a hostel in a tourist city, then free guides and maps for each client can be a plus. This will help the tourist not to get lost in an unfamiliar city, and in this way you will show concern, and once again show that you care about the client.

The problem of many hostels is cleanliness and comfort. If you want to be the best, then you need to always keep the brand, and not work out the first few months at the level, and then let everything take its course. Therefore, sign an agreement with a cleaning company that will do it once a week general cleaning. At the same time, you need to wash the kitchen, shower room, and clean the rest rooms every day. All towels, bed linen, all utensils - everything should be clean, pleasant, neat in appearance.

Choosing a hostel

Separately, it is worth dwelling on the issue of choosing a room for a future hostel. It would seem that there is nothing to think about - a large room, in the center or near the center, and it's in the bag. But not everything is so simple. It is necessary to proceed from some features that will affect the final choice.

First you need to decide which hostel you want to open. There are several types of hostels:

  • The first type of hostels is designed for 100 or more people. During the day they need a large room, which is divided into several blocks with separate bathrooms, kitchens, rooms for leisure and recreation. As a rule, such hostels require a lot of effort, time and cost. But the payback is faster. Very often, large hostels are rented by companies that hold seminars or conferences. They invite their representatives from all over the country, and, paying for their housing, lodge them in hostels of this type. If you are lucky, you can sign an agreement with the company that you will constantly provide them with services of this type.
  • Average hostels for 30-50 people. This is the most popular option. If you settle in a room for 8 people, then you need from 4 to 6 rooms. You can rent or buy two apartments, connect them together, and organize such a hostel. But most often the whole floor is redeemed, on which there are three apartments. Another one is being equipped as a place to relax, a large kitchen is being made there, and another shower room.
  • Small family hostels. This is usually one apartment with 3-4 rooms. These hostels are designed for 10-15 people. Everything is cozy, without unnecessary noise, at home. 3-4 people can live in one room, which is very convenient. If you come with a small company, you can rent a separate room, without strangers. Such hostels do not require large investments, they are easier to follow and take care of, running costs are much lower. And they have one significant plus - the price can be set more. Due to coziness, tranquility, and comfort, you can keep the price 10% higher than that of competitors who have large and medium-sized hostels. And believe me, if you have a good reputation, then many will gladly overpay, but will go to you.
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With the choice of a place for a hostel, everything is simple - it is desirable that they be near public transport interchanges, or within walking distance to the main attractions of the city. Many hostels open right in the center, or very close to it. But there is only one minus - the price of real estate. It is very good if you own an apartment, or some kind of residential area, and if not, are you ready to invest a tidy sum? Therefore, it is better to make a hostel somewhere far away, but so that your guests can get by metro, trams or buses to anywhere in the city.

Advertising and promotion of the hostel

The advertisement is engine of the trade. IN tourism business, namely hostels can be attributed to it, without advertising you will not go far. Of course, over time, when several hundred customers stay at your place and they are all satisfied, word of mouth will work well, and the fame of your hostel will spread across the latitudes of our country. But these customers need to be attracted, and for this you need to advertise. We just want to say that advertising budget should not be small. But in order not to waste money, letting them into completely ineffective areas of advertising, we will give a few main directions that will be optimal for hostels.

  • Internet advertising. For successful development business, you need to create your website on the Internet. Beautiful and pleasant design, clear structure, maximum information content - these are the three pillars on which a normal hostel website should be based. You must describe your hostel, talk about its advantages, show photos of rooms, bathrooms, kitchens, beds. You can even brag about the view from the window, if you have something to brag about. Also show where the hostel is located on the map, what cafes, shops, public transport stops are nearby. Don't forget that many potential clients Interested in the reviews of those who have already rested in your hostel. Therefore, you need to somehow agitate people to leave their impressions, write comments, share their opinions.

The site is good, but if it is not promoted in search engine Yandex and Google, then there will be little sense. If you yourself are familiar with the basics of SEO, then you can start promoting. Otherwise, entrust this matter to professionals.

It is very important that your site has several interface languages. If the city is touristy, then there is a high probability that foreigners can stay at your place. And they are looking for places for a future overnight stay just on the Internet.

  • Social media. Don't forget about them either. Create your pages "Vkontakte" and "Facebook". Engage in the promotion and advertising of the hostel there. Conduct various promotions, give out discounts, attract people to your group in every possible way. Social media is a great place to find potential clients. Also, do not forget about the advertising offered by networks. You can set up the targeting you need, and show it only to those who, in your opinion, best fit the image of a potential client.
  • Advertising through international online booking networks. Now more and more people around the world are using sites that allow you to book accommodation in minutes. You can study the conditions for admission to such online sites. If you have a good rating, a normal price, positive reviews, then through these sites you will receive up to 90% of all orders. Therefore, it makes sense to try to fulfill all the conditions and get into their base. These sites include Booking, TripAdvisor, Airbnb and others that you can easily find on the Internet.

Investments, profitability and payback of the hostel

If you are going to open a hostel, then the issue of initial investment, profitability and payback will definitely concern you. Perhaps the most important investment is real estate. You can rent it, but then the payback period will increase several times, or you can buy it. If we talk about real estate somewhere in the city center, then often it can be a completely unbearable amount, and not at all realistic for a hostel. Therefore, there are only two options left - either you have a suitable room (this is ideal), or you will rent it. Renting is more difficult. Not every owner agrees to rent out his apartment for this type of business. Unless you sign a contract for a year, or even more, in advance, give a good deposit, and agree to pay 10-15% more than the standard price in the rental housing market. What other initial costs for opening a hostel can be?

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  • Design and decoration of the hostel. Very often they are decorated in some interesting style that would symbolize the hostel, or the city in which it is located. In Odessa, you can find hostels on the marine theme, the theme of ships, sailors, fishermen, etc. The cost of registration and design depends on your vision and desire to transform the room. Perhaps you will leave everything as it is, and will not invent anything. If you rent a room, then most likely you will not be allowed to roam much in terms of repair and design.
  • Furniture. Be sure to buy beds, chairs, tables, furniture in the rest rooms and in the kitchen. In order to save space, you can order bunk beds. This is a common practice in many hostels.
  • Household appliances: kettle, iron, hair dryer, table lamps, washing machines.
  • Sets of towels, bed linen, cups, plates, pots, spoons, forks and other trifles necessary for a normal life.
  • If the price includes bath accessories, then you need to buy shampoos, shower gels.

This is something that should be mandatory, and without which the normal functioning of the hostel is impossible. Everything else, according to your desire, and based on the set of services provided by your hostel, you can buy certain items.

If we talk about a specific amount, then here, too, not everything is clear. When compiling a business plan for a hostel, you should start from the prices that will be at the time of opening the business. Also, a lot depends on the city and region in which you want to start your business. The same can be said about payback. Here a lot depends on the advertising that you give, and on how high quality the services provided will be. A small hostel, which is designed for 15 people, can pay off in half a year. But this is on condition that it will be located in a convenient place for the tourist, and you will provide services at a high level to ensure the constant filling of the hostel.

Now there are many sources of income, if we consider the option of working for someone. But many do not like this idea, people want to open their own business, try themselves as a manager or manager. There are more than enough ideas for starting a business today, you will learn about one of them right now.

What is the profitability of the hostel?

How cost-effective and profitable are hostels? Have you ever asked for this information? And in vain, because this type of small business is a very profitable business that can bring simply dizzying profits, but for this, of course, you should first try.

To begin with, it is necessary to analyze the general situation of the profitability of such establishments not only in the country, but also in the city.

First of all, you need to consider the following: opening a hostel is much more profitable than a hotel. Not so much profitable as safer and less risky. The cost of the hostel is relatively small, you do not need bank loans to buy a room for a hostel. And also such an acquisition quickly pays off and begins to bring real profits.

What do you need to open a hostel? Paper Aspects

Someone wants to buy a hostel already equipped and adapted for living and simply become its owner in order to make a profit over time with the help of calculations and calculations, and, of course, to proudly bear the title of hostel manager. Someone prefers this option to purchase a ready-made foundation.

In order to open such an institution, you should draw up a lot of documentation, write a single application and go through paperwork. So, in order to open a hostel from scratch, you need the following documentation:

  • license - a paper that is needed to open any institution of a public nature. Today, there are quite a few opportunities to buy a hostel franchise. That is, to purchase a building that was built in strict accordance with the rules of the network of such institutions;
  • permits of the sanitary and epidemiological service - this is also indispensable;
  • it is also important to obtain permission from the fire department.

After you collect all the necessary papers, you will need to register with the tax office in order to formalize the activities of an entrepreneur or testify about yourself as a separate legal entity. Those who already own such a small business assure that there is no need to give any bribes, there is no deception. It is beneficial for the state to open such establishments, because this to some extent increases the number of tourists and visitors to the city.

Hostel space

So, we choose a place. You can rent a room for a hostel, or you can buy it if you have the finances. In any case, it should be a conveniently located non-residential building with rooms, corridors, a spacious lobby, preferably elevators and, of course, amenities. So to arrange a hostel in non-residential premises is not an option. Otherwise, the amount of repair will significantly exceed the cost of the building itself. Be sure to consider several proposed options, and if none of the buildings you see suits you, look for more. In large cities and regions, finding such a building is not entirely easy, but it is quite possible.

Be sure to pay attention to how radically it will be necessary to convert the building into a hostel. People who have been successful in running hostels claim that they originally bought commercial properties that were low in value because they wanted to sell them.

By the way, there are hostel room requirements, which must be followed when creating and equipping rooms. The minimum area per person is five square meters, the bed must be at least 80 by 190 centimeters, and the distance between beds must be at least 75 centimeters. One toilet can serve a maximum of twelve people, and a shower room for fifteen. The sink can be one for six customers.

How much does it cost to open a hostel?

You can take a somewhat original step and come up with a specific concept for the operation of the institution. For example, a hostel for climbers or for musicians, athletes.

Try to calculate your steps in advance as much as possible. Difficulties with finances can be a significant obstacle to the creation of a small business of this type. refurbishment, repair work, facade work and so on - all this requires Money. Therefore, the calculation “the building will cost such and such a price, and all together ten to twenty thousand more” is erroneous! In addition, cleanliness and order will need to be constantly maintained, and the payback of the hostel, although quite fast, is not instant, by no means.

Personnel search- a separate issue. Choose only people who are really experienced and well able to work in this area, it is better not to take newcomers at the start of a business. Even if inexperienced people agree to receive very little wages, still give preference to those who know how to work, although they ask for more money.

Let's talk about numbers

The payback period for any hostel is about six years. There are no specific numbers, as this will depend on its popularity and attendance, and, of course, on the cost that you set for a day's stay.

To some extent, buying a franchise is more profitable, especially if the institution that is the basis of the franchise is quite popular. In the case of purchasing a franchise unit, you are relieved of the obligation to search for a suitable building, create a hostel concept. The main task will be marketing, that is, advertising. It is also up to you to select staff and the general duties of the franchise owner. The payback of this option is much more active. However, many people want to independently manage everything related to their entrepreneurial estate, so they start a business from scratch.

Hostel promotion

In order for your institution to quickly become popular, advertising is necessary. There is no point in waiting for the hostel to develop itself, because, no matter how great the conditions you offer, information does not always spread quickly. Therefore, it is necessary to act.

1. Really experienced businessmen recommend working with an audience of schools and universities, because pupils and students often travel to different cities, booking rooms is made for a large number of people at once. Set a kind of limit: the more people there are in the group, the cheaper the rooms will cost. By the way, this type of visitors are the most effective word of mouth, your task is to demonstrate the advantages of a mini-hotel.

2. Register your hostel in the most popular social networks, add friends, offer services with prices (if they are pleasant enough) and listing amenities. This also works well. In the place reserved for filling in information data, indicate the coordinates of the institution and your contacts. The Internet is very, very wide, for young people today the World Wide Web has become the main source of information. Therefore, place ads on sites and pages, create a separate website for your hostel, indicate there as much information as possible, upload as many photos as possible.

3. Specialized schools, clubs and basketball teams should also be taken into account. Organize ads for them too. And let there be special bonuses for managers, this will play in your favor.

4. Make commercial offers with bonuses, promotions and seasonal discounts, for example. So the number of visitors will increase more actively.

5. Contact travel agencies. Most travel agencies immediately offer travelers accommodation, as this gives a person a guarantee that he will have a place to live immediately upon arrival, and, accordingly, improves the quality of the company's services. Contact several tourism companies, leave your contacts, arrange a room reservation. Employees of the company themselves will be interested in settling a person with you, especially if you offer good price and proper conditions.

6. Corporate clients are the heads of different firms and enterprises. Offer them your services, let your subordinates know about it. Hand out business cards generously and don't be greedy for voice advertising - talk about the place non-stop.

Advertise the establishment endlessly. You can hire promoters to distribute flyers. You can come up with many more ways to promote the hostel, ranging from small to large-scale marketing projects.

Let's highlight the general rules for managing a hostel

How to properly manage a hostel, so as not only not to go bankrupt, but soon start making a net profit. Here are some simple but very effective rules.

Opening a hostel - no problem! It's not that difficult if you look into it in more detail.

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Approximate data:

  • Net profit - 56,525 rubles
  • Payback - A little more than 1 year.
This business plan, like all others in the section, contains calculations of average prices, which may differ in your case. Therefore, we recommend that you make calculations for your business individually.

Over the past few years, hostels have become popular in Russia. This is due to the inexpensive cost for an acceptable level of comfort. If you compare prices with hotels, you can say that hostels are much cheaper. In connection with the crisis, the popularity and demand for this type of mini-hotels has only increased. Therefore, aspiring entrepreneurs are increasingly wondering how to open a hostel.

We will consider a hostel business plan with calculations in a three-room rented apartment.

Market analysis

Today, there are more than 5,000 mini-hotels and hostels in Russia. Half of them are located in Moscow and St. Petersburg. In other cities, the potential for this type of business is great. About 2.6 million rubles annually on average as income (not profit!) are received by Russian hostels.

Over the past two years, the number of hostels has more than doubled, which indicates the increased attention of entrepreneurs to this type of business and demand from potential customers.

As a rule, hostels are created with a capacity of 10-30 people. Their share is more than 50% of all hostels, in some regions even more. This is due to the relatively low level of investment and high profitability. It should be noted that over the past 2-3 years, investment in this area has also increased. So, for example, in St. Petersburg this figure has more than doubled, the total amount of investments has already exceeded 500 million rubles.

Before you open your hostel, you need to analyze the situation on the market hotel business. The best way to do this is to collect data in booking systems. In addition, this information is freely available. For clarity, it is better to compile the information in the form of a table, considering each object separately.

If it is difficult to collect information yourself or there is no time, you can entrust it to freelancers.

There are several ways to open hostels:

  • Buying a franchise.
  • Opening your own business with the acquisition of premises.
  • Opening your own business with rental premises.

For most, the third option seems to be the most acceptable and budget option. That is what will be considered.

It is very important to evaluate your own level of competitiveness by familiarizing yourself with the services of others. hotel companies. Competitors will be: hotels, hotels, other hostels, rented apartments (daily). Compete with hotels and hotels will help more low price, and with other hostels and apartments - the quality of the services provided and some kind of "chip" that will make the institution memorable, recognizable.

Portrait of a potential buyer: the main consumers will be representatives of those strata of the population who have an average level of income. This, as a rule, will be tourists, traveling enthusiasts, youth. If we talk about middle-aged people, then these will be ordinary employees who do not have a conservative outlook on life. Over 65% of all students in the world visit more and more new places every year. They will be the main clients of the hostel.

SWOT analysis

Internal factors External factors

1. Prospects for this type of business.

2. Constant demand for services, regardless of the situation in the country, the level of inflation, the severity of the crisis.

3. Low cost.

4. Since the main investments are made in real estate and household items, losses are reduced in case of possible failure.

5. The presence of "chips".


1. A developing market segment in which investors are ready to invest their money.

2. Offer additional services(breakfasts, development of excursions, etc.).

4. Quality improvement.

5. Increasing the speed of service and provision of services.


1. Lack of double beds.

2. Lack of breakfast.

3. Lack of parking.

4. Inability to serve large events due to small capacity.


1. Economic instability in the country.

2. High level of competition.

3. Seasonality of demand.

Opportunity Assessment

You can increase opportunities by introducing additional services, increasing their level. The increase in demand will directly depend on promotional activities.

It is necessary to take into account the seasonality of demand for hotel services.

The organization will be open 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

Organizational and legal issues:

  • Choice OPF of the enterprise. When opening one hostel, it is best to stay at. With further expansion, you can think about registering a legal entity, opening an LLC. OKVED codes can be: 55.23 - activities of other places of residence. Or 55.23.5 - activities of other places for temporary residence, not included in other groups. It will depend on the maximum length of stay for clients.
  • Registration with the tax office, obtaining a certificate, choosing a taxation system. You can start with a choice, as it provides many advantages. One of the following objects can be chosen as the tax base: 6% of income or 15% of the difference (income-expenses). In the second case, the rate may vary depending on the region in which the business is registered.
  • We also recommend accepting payments from our customers by bank cards. To do this, you need to open a bank account. By the way, we wrote an article about.
  • If the hostel opens in an apartment or a separate room, no licenses are required.
  • Compliance with the requirements of sanitary standards. Wherein additional documents are not obtained. However, after some time, the relevant services may come and check. When finishing the premises, it is worth obtaining certificates of conformity of the materials used (in order to avoid possible problems).
  • Obtaining the conclusion of the fire inspection on the satisfaction of all norms and standards in the room. This document guarantees safety not only for visitors, but also for workers. It is mandatory to receive it.
  • Conclusion of a lease agreement.

A few more legal requirements:

  • The hostel cannot be located in the basement or basement.
  • Upon check-in foreign citizens immigration records must be maintained.
  • Redevelopment will require an appeal to the Housing Inspectorate.

Leased premises: it will be a three-room apartment on the ground floor, preferably with a separate exit. It is desirable that the property has already been transferred to commercial ownership, as this procedure is not easy and lengthy.

Service description

The actual service is the provision of a temporary place of residence. It includes:

  • sleeping place;
  • kitchen with necessary utensils (including electrical appliances, utensils);
  • bathroom (shower, toilet);
  • rest room (with TV, laptop, game console);
  • WiFi;
  • use of dryers, washing machine, iron.

Such a range of services will certainly attract more visitors to the hostel.

The order will be made through the administrator, who accepts applications by phone or via the Internet.

Drawing up a marketing plan

One of the main factors in the demand for hostel services is advertising. You should not wait for self-promotion - it will be a very long process. The following strategies must be used:

  1. Work with the educational institutions(schools, universities). Students and pupils very often go on excursions to other cities, various Olympiads. In addition, by contacting you, they will recommend this place to others. And this is a completely free bonus in the form of word of mouth. The main thing is that they like the hostel.
  2. It is necessary to register the hostel in various social networks that are popular. It will also be useful to open your own website with feedback and contact information. Be sure to indicate the location, phone numbers. It is worth posting photos of rooms, kitchens, bathrooms and other rooms. Having good reviews can also instill confidence in the quality of services in potential customers.
  3. Work with various schools (sports, music), clubs, teams. Talented people are often on the road.
  4. Development commercial offers with a system of bonuses, promotions, discounts. You can associate them with seasonality, the number of visitors, for example.
  5. Working with travel agencies.
  6. Registration on travel sites and applications like
  7. System of corporate discounts.
  8. Distribution of leaflets.

Payment for accommodation will be made after the arrival of residents. You don't need to pay anything in advance. Checkout time is 12:00. Payment is made in cash.

The cost of one place is set at 700 rubles, as the hostel is equipped with a kitchen, a bathroom, a room with a TV, a laptop and a game console. In addition, there is an iron and a washing machine. In general, prices for this species services vary from 350 to 1500 rubles, depending on the conditions of the hostel, city, location.

Drawing up a production plan

You need space to work. It will be a three-room apartment on the ground floor with a separate entrance. Refurbishment of the premises will be required, which will include redevelopment. The apartment will include:

  • kitchen (10 m 2);
  • bathroom (4 m 2);
  • toilet (4 m 2);
  • corridor (4 m 2);
  • hall (8 m 2);
  • admin room and consumable(5 m 2);
  • 2 rooms (30 m2 each);

Total total area will be: 95 m 2.

The repair will include interior decoration, installation of lamps, chandeliers, complete equipment of the bathroom and bathroom, installation of a sink in the kitchen. The cost will be 700,000 rubles.

Important: For 12 residents there must be 1 toilet, 1 shower, 2 sinks.

The apartment will need the following furniture:

  • kitchen set (1pc);
  • dining table (1pc);
  • chairs (5pcs);
  • bunk beds (6pcs);
  • sofa (1pc);
  • bedside tables (6pcs);
  • cabinets (2pcs);
  • tables (2 pieces);
  • dryers (2 pieces);
  • armchairs (2 pieces).

You can buy furniture new or get by with a used one, buying it, for example, on Avito.

You will also need to purchase the following equipment:

  • fridge;
  • microwave oven;
  • stove;
  • television;
  • game console (preferably);
  • a vacuum cleaner;
  • 2 laptops (1 for administrator, 1 for residents);
  • washing machine;
  • Electric kettle.

It will not do without buying the utensils that will be required for cooking.

Cleaners clean the premises in the morning in shifts (rooms before the arrival of new residents, other premises - 2 times a day).

Administrators work around the clock in shifts. Their responsibilities include accepting applications, monitoring them, adding information about promotions, special offers, settlements with guests, their settlement, and advising.

Salary is issued 2 times a month (advance payment and salary).

People with work experience are hired. welcome knowledge foreign languages administrators also need excellent computer and internet skills.

organizational plan

1 month 2 month 3 month
IP registration 6 800 rubles
Conclusion of a lease agreement
Search for colleagues
Competition analysis (booking systems)
Advertising 10 000 rubles
Purchase of equipment 135 000 rubles
Buying furniture 102 000 rubles
Buying bedding 42 000 rubles
Buying utensils 30 000 rubles
Purchase of curtains, towels 20 000 rubles
Buying household items 6 000 rubles
Purchase of food stocks 1 000 rubles
Site creation 11 000 rubles
Purchase of a cash register 15 000 rub.
Renovation of premises 300 000 rubles
Obtaining the conclusion of firefighters
Conducting the Internet 600 r.
Equipment installation
Apartment equipment
Total 679 400 rubles

The entrepreneur is engaged in the search and placement of employees, he also studies the available booking systems to assess competition. Advertising includes placement on the Internet, contracts with travel agencies.

The purchase of bedding includes mattresses, pillows, blankets, bed linen (2 sets for each bed).

Household items include stocks of shampoo, shower gel, soap, as well as items needed for cleaning the premises (including mops, rags).

Food stocks are sugar, coffee, tea.

Financial plan

Monthly income - 210,000 rubles.

Initial costs - 679,400 rubles.

Recurring costs (calculation for 30 days):

Thus, profit before tax will be: 210,000 - 143,500 = 66,500 rubles.

Taxes: 66,500 * 0.15 = 9,975 rubles.

Net profit: 56,525 rubles.

Profitability = 56,525/210,000 = 26.92%.

Payback period = 679,400/56,525 = 12.02. Therefore, the business idea will pay off in a little more than a year.

The break-even point is reached after 205 settlements per day.


Risk Probability of occurrence Ways to avoid Possible threats
Tightening of the legislation, new norms. Low Solution of organizational issues Additional expenses.

Decrease in the level of profitability.

Emergencies, accidents. Low Insurance Damage to property.

Suspension of activities.

The growth of competition. Medium Building a customer base.

Development of special offers.

Additional services.

Quality improvement.

Decrease in income.

Reducing the level of profitability.

Loss of some clients.

Seasonal fluctuations in demand. high
Choosing an unfavorable location. Medium Conducting geomarketing research. Fewer clients.

Less income.

Low level of qualification of employees. Medium Hiring experienced workers.


Customer dissatisfaction with the service.

Reducing the number of potential buyers.

Technological risks Medium Timely repair of equipment.

Purchase of new equipment at the expense of the depreciation fund.

Decrease in the quality of the service provided.

You can think about developing a hostel for a specific consumer. For example, athletes or musicians with the appropriate paraphernalia (gym, studio room for rehearsals).

It is very important to timely replace old or broken equipment. You can not ignore the things that are used constantly. You can't skimp on these things.

Consider offering additional services. For example, developing excursions, preparing breakfasts for guests.

Make your hostel original, unlike all the others. Maybe it will be a games room or an entertainment room. In a word, everything that will surprise and be remembered!

Of course, it is necessary to constantly maintain the cleanliness of the premises.

After the promotion of the premises, you can think about opening another point.

We also recommend watching one of the many videos about entrepreneurs who opened the hostel:

Important: Remember that you can write a business plan for your business on your own. To do this, read the articles:

Last request: We are all human and we can make mistakes, ignore something, etc. Do not judge strictly if this business plan or others in the section seemed incomplete to you. If you have experience in this or that activity or you see a defect and can supplement the article, please let us know in the comments! Only in this way can we jointly make business plans more complete, detailed and relevant. Thanks for attention!

Living fast, traveling light, not paying where you can save is the philosophy of millions. Why spend money on excessive comfort if you do not have time to enjoy it? Tourism is experiences. More and more travelers around the world think so, preferring cheaper options for overnight stay - hostels to expensive hotels.


A hostel is an inexpensive hotel in which not separate rooms are rented, but a bed. Most often, a converted apartment, preferably on the ground floor, becomes a room for him. A stop in such a place will cost 4-5 times cheaper than in a hotel. For their money, the client will receive a bed in a room with 4-8 neighbors, clean linen and a towel, a shower, Wi-Fi, a hairdryer, an iron, the ability to use a shared kitchen and living room. Some hostels have an art room reserved for creative activities (drawing, etc.)

Is it popular?

Why, you ask, sleep in the same room with a crowd of strangers, though not large, when you can stay in an ordinary hotel? It's much cheaper. It was affordability that allowed hostels to gain total popularity, and the fact that the lion's share their visitors are students, brings final clarity. Today there are about 4.5 - 5,000 hostels in the world, which receive more than 30 million tourists every year.

Go Russia!

Everything Western sooner or later comes to us: the system of values, words, hostels. Such a promising and profitable segment of the hotel business as hosteling has been actively exploited for many years in the USA, Canada, Western Europe, etc. In Russia, it is, if not at an embryonic, then at the next stage after it, with very bright development prospects. In Moscow, for example, at the end of 2014, according to official data, 136 hostels operated, in St. Petersburg - 152. In Western European capitals, for comparison, the number of hostels ranges from 270 to 450.

It is known that in Moscow today there are 50,000 fewer hotel rooms than needed. The demand for affordable housing is 3 times higher than the supply, thanks to which the owners of "inexpensive" hotels have a unique opportunity to inflate prices. The result - the city-hero Moscow in terms of the high cost of renting housing in the world takes an honorable third place after Sydney and New York. The hosting industry in these conditions, experts predict growth rates of about 15-20% per year and profitability of 30-45%.

If you open a hostel for 20-30 people in the capital, with a cost of living of 700 rubles / day in the season, it can bring 450-600 thousand rubles / month. In other Russian cities, the figures are an order of magnitude lower, but the trend continues. If we add to all this such pleasant events as the World Cup in 2018, it becomes obvious that the number of hostels will soon reasonably increase not only in the capital, but also in other cities.

How do they reproduce?

Despite the fact that the hosting segment in Russia is just being formed, its main representatives have already emerged. The most notable are Like Hostel, NICE hostel, Dostoevsky hostel and BM hostel. All of them develop according to the franchising system on similar conditions, however, having some differences.

BM hostel offers to invest at least 800,000 rubles in itself. This is much more than what competitors are asking for, while the rest of the franchise conditions do not have obvious differences: full support for the franchisee, quick payback and an average monthly profit of 150,000 rubles.

An important point is the business management system, its absence and presence, as well as the degree of automation. Well-designed software for a specific area can significantly save the cost of maintaining a business and increase its profitability. This pleasure is very expensive, so many do not hesitate to wishful thinking, selling a completely mediocre system under the guise of a unique product. Domestic companies (Like Hostel), as a rule, work with accounting programs based on 1c, while European ones (NICE hostel) have long switched to specialized software with the possibility of online testing.

The network of hostels Dostoevsky (aka hdhostel) is the most cautious in relation to future franchisees: the payback is 6-12 months, the initial payment is 100-200 thousand rubles. home comfort, namely, this is what Dostoevsky offers to its customers, the company sells with an extra charge - 850 rubles per bed, while the average price of an overnight stay is 700 rubles.

One of the main tasks when opening a hostel, of course, is to attract customers. For this purpose, domestic companies usually use social networks and online booking sites in the ru zone. foreign workers working for Russian market have access to a wider audience. , for example, due to its international status and recognition, it provides an influx of not only domestic, but also foreign tourists.

As one famous character said: “You know, Kisa, I like the performance. No, not everything is equally good, not everything is even, but there is the main thing - the chairs are intact. Hosteling, of course, still has a long development in Russia, but we are glad that the process has begun. Now it remains to wait for air tickets to become cheaper, tourism should be affordable!


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