Dti: we know where to find the currency for your projects. What does German intelligence have on Putin

Decorated with Dorian columns and a white bas-relief of a female angel, the grave of businessman Alexei Sorokin looks no less impressive than the burial of the murdered crime boss Ruslan Kolyak located in the same Smolensk cemetery, the tombstone of his colleague Alexander Chelyuskin, who died of cancer, and the huge family crypt of St. financier Yuri Zorin.

Sorokin himself is known much less than these worthy people, and even the cause of his death was not published in the press in this way. However, the list of business partners and friends of Alexei Anatolyevich is impressive - every person is a living or dead legend.

For example, among the persons mentioned by the media as the owners of the AFB vodka factory, along with Sorokin, there was Alexander Sabadash, famous for the storming of the Vyborg pulp and paper mill and numerous showdowns with competitors, later a Nenets senator and a US citizen.

Among the co-founders of the Russian-Belgian CJSC Eurodonat are Sorokin and the late Nikolai Gavrilenkov - better known as the legendary leader of the Velikolukskaya group of Stepanych Sr. In 1995, he was shot from a machine gun near his house on Moskovsky Prospekt, having previously refused to fulfill Eurodonat's obligations to invest in the construction of the St. Petersburg plant of the Coca-Cola Corporation, lobbied by Mayor Sobchak.

The Russian-Israeli Donat family was involved in the Sorokin and Gavrilenkov holding, which gave the company its name. In St. Petersburg, Gregory Donat was a partner of the Chairman of the Board of Directors of Baltinvestbank Yuri Rydnik in Telecom XXI OJSC, controlled the Excom paging operator together with his brother, owned a large car dealer Euro-Motors and a share in the rival company Alarm Motors ... Oscar Donat, already in Israel, was arrested on suspicion of smuggling cocaine through Vyborg, but released for lack of evidence.

Lev Savenkov, an employee of the Donat trading house "Alisa", was much less fortunate. After being appointed vice-mayor of St. Petersburg, he used his old connections to organize the smuggling of osmium-187, but in 1993 he was caught and received 5 years in prison. Moreover, information was spread that, in addition to osmium, the same Vyborg cocaine was transported through the cordon.

Sorokin himself had interests in the large private security companies Eurodonat-007 and X-5, which ensured the security of Gavrilenkov's company. As you know, the number 007 belonged to the fictional British spy James Bond, and the two zeros present in it meant that the bearer of the number had the right to kill anyone he saw fit with impunity. Probably, this should have intimidated competitors encroaching on the shady part of the business, which is the smuggling of boats, cars and motorcycles into the territory of Russia.

The import was facilitated by the successful location of the Eurodonat office - in the same house No. 17 on Yakornaya Street, where the cargo department of the St. Petersburg customs was located, as well as the successful marriage of Marina Arestova, an employee of the company. Having married the customs officer Leonid Lastovsky, she ended up with her husband in the dock.

The employers of the business lady, including Sorokin, remained on the sidelines and could calmly work for the benefit of personal prosperity. And culturally rest, of course. In the 1990s, Aleksey Sorokin, Oscar Donat and their mutual friend Oleg Tinkov loved to drive around the Leningrad Region in expensive Harleys. These motorcycles resembled appearance products of the same brand that, according to the archives of the Regional Office for Organized Crime, were smuggled across the border by Eurodonat employees. The friends pretended to be cool bikers, and Sorokin even took the romantic nickname "Darkness". However, real bikers treated these businessmen somewhat dismissively, believing that they were raging with fat.

The full version of the text was published in the newspaper "Nasha Versiya na Neva" No. 189, August 15 - 21, 2011

Leningrad joint venture Trading house"Alice" intends
start detailed development of the program. to attract western
capital in the USSR. On August 23, a scientific group was formed to analyze
projects. The initiative in the development of this program belongs to the Belgian
DTI Holding Group, which is a foreign partner of the joint venture.

Kommersant DTI Holding Group carries out intermediary functions for
attracting Western capital to implement various projects for
the territory of the USSR with the participation of Western firms. She began her activity in the USSR in
1989 with the establishment of the joint venture Trade House "Alisa". In the future, more were created
two joint ventures - "Delak", specializing in woodworking, and "Euroline",
commissioning and maintenance imported
equipment. Another joint venture is expected to be registered in September.

According to the president of the firm, Mr. Oscar Donat, mediation
in the development and implementation of projects with the participation of Western firms is
the main direction of the firm's activity in the Soviet Union. DTI implements
development of projects, attracts Western firms to their implementation, selects
Soviet partners, looking for the most acceptable forms for the parties
cooperation. Thus, the firm hopes to "stake out the site" on
the Soviet market, promising in the future, from her point of view, great opportunities
sales and equally great competition.

Since September 1, coordination of the firm's activities to attract Western
capital in the USSR will be taken over by a scientific group of 17 specialists,
exiled under the joint venture Trade House "Alisa". For the development of individual projects
temporary working groups of 3 - 4 people will be created. According to Mr
Donata, such an activity is unusual even for the West, since by investing
significant funds in not yet developed projects, the firm is at great risk.

Mr. Donat said that all the profits received from activities in the USSR, in
including foreign exchange, he invests in the expansion of business in the USSR.

As it became known, the company is currently developing a number of
projects. In particular, for the construction of an international
technology center government South Korea ready to provide
a loan of $ 400 million if DTI can find the necessary
guarantees. The construction project is designed for 3 years, to participate in it
it is planned to attract 100 largest companies different profiles. Now this
the issue is being considered in the Leningrad City Council.

Among other projects the experts are working on is a proposal from the firm
Samsung build a VCR production line with a capacity of about 8
million units per year, creation of a commercial television network in Leningrad without
participation of Gosteleradio, construction of a plant for the production of synthetic

According to Mr. Donat, he was especially interested in the idea expressed in
personal conversation with the chairman of the Leningrad City Council Anatoly Sobchak. We are talking about
opening a bank in Leningrad capable of financing labor collectives,
who want to buy out their enterprises from the state and create joint-stock
society. Specialists have already been involved to develop this idea.

DTI Holding Group was founded in 1984 in Antwerp (Belgium). In 1989
its turnover amounted to $ 30 million. Direction of activity -
financial advisory work. The firm represents the interests of various
manufacturing concerns peace on the territory of the Soviet Union.

Company address: DTI Holding Group: Ankerrui 22.2000 Antwerpen, Belgium. Tel .:
32-3-233.73.52 (51.). 32-3233.83.59. Fax 32-3226.44.15.

The address of the firm's office in Leningrad: hotel "Morskaya", room. 6-130. Phone and
telefax: 35514-84. Telex: 121390 SU.

Address of JV Trading House "Alisa": Leningrad, 6th line of Vasilievsky Island,
d. 35 "B". Phone: 218-34-33.

1. Tarzan in Kronstadt.

Once in 1995, a prominent gangster from America, Leonid Fainberg (Lyosha-Tarzan), came to St. Petersburg on business. Lyosha, the son of a shopkeeper from Chernivtsi, was a versatile person. Kept a strip club in Miami on a par with Yaponchik, was engaged in racketeering, cigarette smuggling, and importation of prostitutes from the former USSR.


In America I visited Lyokha good friend- Fernando Birbraer. Fernando worked with the Colombian mafia and knew the leaders of all the major drug cartels. With the help of Fernando Lech, he established another profitable business: supplied cocaine to St. Petersburg in packages with frozen shrimps. True, on little things: 40-50 kg at a time. Another good friend took shrimps from him - the authority Misha Brave from the Tambov organized criminal group.

Lesha-Tarzan in St. Petersburg. No, he's on a tour. The shrimps were transported on another ship.

In 1995, Lyosha-Tarzan came to St. Petersburg for a reason, but with a special mission. Back in 1993, he helped the Medellin cartel buy six Mi-8 helicopters in Russia. Now Colombian boys from another cartel ("Cali") wanted to buy in Russia ... a submarine to carry cocaine.

In general, mini-submarines for transporting drugs ("narco-submarines") appeared in the early 1990s. But they took on board little cargo and often could not submerge completely (the small deckhouse remained above the water). In short, Colombian customers wanted to buy something more serious. The team and the captain were supposed to be hired locally from Russian retirees.

With such exciting plans, Lyokha-Tarzan came to St. Petersburg. We met as a family. First we decided on shrimps. The authority Misha Brave reported that the Tambov gangs in St. Petersburg were giving cocaine to dealers at the rate of $ 60,000 per kilogram. Therefore, Misha was ready to take it from Tarzan for 30 thousand. Lech was happy: he took it for 4000 each. True, with shipment in Colombia or Ecuador, from where the white powder still had to be taken out and transported to the other end of the world.

Lesha-Tarzan in Kronstadt.

A peasant in his years, whom the lads respectfully called "Misha-Admiral", acted as a consultant for the purchase of a submarine. He was an old submariner with 30 years of experience, a former captain of a Soviet submarine. Lyokha was delighted. In his youth, he served three years in the Israeli Navy as a simple sailor. But to meet a whole admiral - this is the first time.

Misha-Admiral recommended Tarzan to take "Piranha" - a mini-boat for sabotage operations. It could be converted into a civilian version and designed as a vessel for "oceanographic research". The admiral advised Tarzan and his Colombian "oceanographers" to approach the United States from the Pacific coast. There anti-submarine defense is weaker, if cho.

Who is Misha-Admiral was revealed in 1997 at the trial of Lesha-Tarzan in America. His real name is Mikhail Borisovich Magarshak. Below is his old photo (1981), where he is still a captain of the first rank, the head of the 1st flotilla of submarines of the Northern Fleet.

The Piranha boat, which Misha-Admiral proposed, was good, but expensive (it was newest series). Tarzan asked if there was anything cheaper. Then he was offered to buy an old diesel "Foxtrot" (project 641).

These boats are from the 1960s. were written off. Several pieces in the 1990s. were sold to overseas maritime museums in the United States and Australia. The boat was outdated, but if desired, it could still sail the seas. The world's last operating Foxtrot (submarine Zaporozhye) was part of the Ukrainian Navy back in 2014.

The submarine of the Foxtrot series had an autonomy of 90 days, a cruising range of up to 30 thousand miles. And if you remove the torpedoes - up to 40 tons of cocaine on board. It would be a revolution in the global drug trade. They asked for $ 20 million for Foxtrot. As a result, they bargained for 5. Preparations for the deal began. Tarzan asked Misha-Admiral to find a crew for the world's first military cocaine flotilla of the Cali Cartel Navy.

2. Window to Colombia.

Alas, the ingenious idea of ​​converting a Soviet strike submarine into a narco-dry cargo ship did not come to an end. The authority Bravais, who had promised Tarzan to take cocaine at thirty, was soon killed. Without him, Lech lost an important contact in St. Petersburg. In addition, it turned out that all his negotiations on submarines and shrimp had long been listened to with great interest elsewhere - in the DEA (US Drug Enforcement Administration).

The fact is that all this time Tarzan walked with a mobile phone, which was presented to him by a person from his inner circle, a DEA agent. This phone was not only bugged, but also had a constantly activated microphone. Those. Tarzan walked around the clock with a bug.

In January 1997, he was arrested in America. They presented a whole bunch (30 episodes): arms trafficking, drug trafficking, racketeering, pimping, etc.

At first he denied everything. He bought helicopters for Medellin in 1993 for a "helicopter taxi" - in Colombia bad roads, so people have to fly. The submarine from Russia was going to be donated to the Museum of Wrecks in Miami. Then he changed his testimony - he was going to ride it for tourists around the Galapagos Islands. Look at the turtles.

6. "Cartel de Tel Aviv".

In 1995, the Belgian newspaper Le Soir published an investigation into Vyborg cocaine in several parts. Since the stew was going to Antwerp, the incident made a lot of noise in Belgium and aroused great interest. The investigation was conducted by renowned Belgian journalist Alain Lallemand based on information from EU and Israeli law enforcement agencies.

Alain Lallemant.

Operation Acapulco and the ton of cocaine in Vyborg in 1993 had a curious background that received surprisingly little coverage in the Russian media. It all started back in 1991, when the Belgian police noticed that they had a new player on the black cocaine market. A previously unknown group of smugglers took goods in bulk in Colombia from the Cali cartel and transported them to the Belgian port of Antwerp.

The guys were distinguished by their ingenuity: cocaine came either in cans of Colombian coffee, then in shoeboxes, then in Japanese refrigerators, which supposedly went to Europe through the Panama Canal.

Antwerp port, the second in Europe. Somewhere among these millions of containers from all over the world, smugglers hid their goods.

The deliveries were in large quantities, in tons, and the Belgian police were actively trying to find out who was behind this. They soon found out that in Colombia, a certain Elias Kogan, an Israeli citizen who was married to the daughter of a local drug lord, was in charge of the shipment of cocaine.

It was not clear who the recipient was in Antwerp. The deliveries went to the address of front companies, behind which were entrepreneurs Benjamin Ben-David (aka Beno Davidashvili before leaving the USSR) and the Donat family (Oscar and Tatiana Donat, and their son Zvi).

However, Ben-David and Oscar Donath are average crooks and they were hardly the end customers. They simply did not have that kind of money: a ton of cocaine in bulk cost tens of millions of dollars (and in this business, goods are not given on credit). It was suspected that both crooks worked for more serious people, namely Boris Nayfeld ("Bibu"), a gangster from Brighton Beach, who at the time was living in Belgium.

Biba, an emigrant from Gomel, became a global drug dealer in cocaine and heroin in the early 1990s. He had access to the very top of Russian organized crime - Yaponchik, his associate Timokha (Alexander Timoshenko), Semyon Mogilevich, and others.

Biba in his youth. Timokha, Givi Rezany and Svo Raf are thieves in law.

In Antwerp, Biba had a friend and longtime partner in banditry - Rahmil Brandwein, nicknamed "Mike". He was the holder of the common fund for the lads from Brighton Beach. And this common fund has just received fantastic sums from the robbery of the property of the Western Group of Forces (WGV). ZGV was withdrawn from Germany for several years, and it was a real holiday for bandits, generals and everyone involved. Recklessly and selflessly they stole everything, at all levels, whoever could.

Having earned money for the ZGV, Biba and Mike invested them in a reliable business: heroin, cocaine and Kremlin vodka for laundering. Heroin was sealed into picture tubes of televisions at their factory in Thailand and transported in this form to Antwerp. Cocaine came in cans of stew and coffee.

And vodka "Kremlin" of the Belgian bottling flood went to Russia through duty-free "beneficiaries": the Department of External Church Relations of the Russian Orthodox Church (headed by a certain Mr. Gundyaev, the future patriarch) and the National Sports Fund (Otari Kvantrishvili, Kobzon, Taiwanchik and other evil spirits ).

Vodka "Kremlin". From selected picture tubes.

Life in "gangster Antwerp" in the early 90s was in full swing. The Belgian police didn't know what to do. However, the flow of drugs into the country had to be stopped somehow. And then the Belgians turned to the Israeli police for help. Indeed, in Colombia, cocaine was shipped by their citizen, and many suspects in Antwerp had Israeli passports.

A rather complex operational development began on the territory of several countries. They tapped Kogan's phone from Colombia, who was in charge of the shipment of the goods. On this phone, he regularly communicated with some subscribers from Israel. They, especially not hiding, discussed their affairs.

It was soon revealed that an international smuggling cartel was involved in the transport of cocaine. Its headquarters was in Tel Aviv, branches - in Colombia, Antwerp and St. Petersburg. The cartel was headed by Israeli gangsters Yakov Koryakin, Yuval Shemesh and Amos Sulami. It was they who organized the transportation of cocaine. Transit orders were given by Beeba and Brandway.

“In the 1990s, Putin was in charge of the port of Lomonosov, it was a military base where he had his own admiral. And through this hole, hundreds, and maybe thousands of tons of cargo were daily imported and exported without any registration. There were no customs, no border guards, no counterintelligence. Funny! Cocaine in St. Petersburg was like tooth powder. Generally everywhere. Even in Smolny, especially nimble guys (...) The port of Lomonosov itself formally belonged to the Russian Video company, which was controlled, on the one hand, by Kumarin, but headed by Mikhail Mirilashvili. "

This is really so: in the 1990s, the Russian Video concern served two organized crime groups at once - the Tambov group and the Mirilashvili brothers. It was their joint project. The first gang was a brigade of athletes and security officers, the second was an ethnic organized crime group made up of people from the village of Kulashi in Georgia (a place of compact residence of Georgian Jews).

Mikhail Mirilashvili (Misha Kutaissky). Now he is one of the richest people in Russia and Israel.

The berths of the port of Lomonosov were leased to “Russian Video” at the end of 1993. There were no customs there until 1995, then a customs post for inspection was nevertheless created, but it was nominal. Their people carried whatever they wanted. Eurodonat handled paperwork for the cargo.

Such a hole in the border right under the noses of the St. Petersburg authorities and the FSB is, of course, amazing. But if Putin was in charge of the port from the side of the mayor's office, and Ivanov from the FSB - the fight against smuggling in it, then a lot becomes clear.

Brothers at the military base in Lomonosov in those years felt very confident. Director of the free customs zone "Oranienbaum" V. Tsvetkov in 1995 complained in a letter to the Department of Maritime Transport of the Russian Federation (1995) that "The structures of" Russian Video "are not allowed to check[cargo] port control captain by all possible ways, up to threats of physical violence ”.

The lease of the port of Lomonosov to "Russian Video" was the result of an informal agreement between the bandits, the mayor's office, the military and the St. Petersburg FSB, which (in theory) was supposed to monitor the border. The authors of the very idea were two people: Admiral Grishanov (Putin's “own admiral”) and KGB Colonel Grunin, Misha Kutaissky’s deputy for security. Grunin for Mirilashvili is like Korytov under Traber, another urko-chekist.

Admiral Grishanov

Colonel Grunin

The heyday of "Russian Video" was the mid-90s. However, in 1997-98. the company started having problems that led to the termination of its turbulent activities. The problems were associated with two scandalous stories of the time:

1.The Sobchak case
2. Struggle for the 11th TV channel.

Sobchak lost the mayoral elections in 1996. He had quite a few enemies (including in Moscow) and soon the settling of scores began. Since 1997, the promotion of a criminal case about Sobchak's large-scale personal enrichment as mayor began from Moscow.

One of the episodes was the sending them large sums of city money to "Russian Video" for advertising and other services. And this money then went to fly-by-night companies against cash, as well as to the Baltic banks to the accounts of offshore companies. The tax police are frequenting Russian Video in search of these funds.

Mayor Sobchak, an empty narcissistic demagogue

Which for many years was a political screen for the Chekists and criminals who actually ruled the city.

In addition to Sobchak, the second source of problems for "Russian Video" was the 11th TV channel in St. Petersburg. It belonged to “Russian Video” and in 1997 it was sold to the oligarch Gusinsky, which was also not liked by everyone in the Kremlin. Searches, interrogations, tax audits went in full swing.

Vladimir Gusinsky (left). V Soviet time- a card sharper, a KGB informant, in the 1990s - a media mogul.

When they began to seriously dig under the "Russian Video", then there began ... an epidemic of deaths among employees. Moreover, among those who were associated with information about any illegal operations. Undesirable witnesses were attacked by a real pestilence.

“Having studied the activities of Putin in the 90s, I came to the conclusion that initially there was a project of seizing power and national wealth by representatives of special services with the support of organized crime figures. If anything has changed since the Putin team took over in the Kremlin, it is that corruption has only become even more widespread. ".

Karen Davisha, of course, is a professor and expresses herself in a scientific way: the seizure of power and wealth by representatives of the special services with the support of organized crime figures. It can be said more simply: the seizure of power by the Chekist snoopers of the Tambovskaya organized crime group.


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