Happy New Year scene for schoolchildren. Scenario for the new year at school. Scene "Our cases"

Modern New Year's interpretation of the fairy tale "Turnip" for the New Year's corporate party

Characters:presenter, Christmas tree, Santa Claus (DM), Baba Yaga (BYA), Snow Maiden, Wolf, Fox, Hare, Mouse. Props - according to the scenario.

- In one distant abandoned forest, a Christmas tree grew. She grew, she grew, and she grew. Yes, she has grown up so slender, beautiful and tender, even now from the forest right to the podium. All dimensions are maintained, the posture is set, the outfit is swaying, he knows his own worth. Tired of Elka hanging around in the forest alone, she changed her image and leaned into the stars (at the same time, the Christmas tree is transformed and puts a star on her head).

- I was all green,
prickly, branched,
Was completely deserted
In that distant forest.
Now I'm all beautiful
Tall and slim
And happiness I
I will bring to any home.

- Suddenly I saw - someone scratches, hid, and formed in my soul.

Father Frost:
- I am the new Russian Santa Claus
Came from afar.
Quite tired
And all froze -
The road is not easy.
On the way there was a fluff:
Snegurka Merce took my away,
But I'm not an easy guy
Got Adidas on
He quickly attached skis to them
And here I am with you.
DM sees Christmas tree:
- Oh-ba, what kind of green splinter is standing in front of me?

- I'm Elochka - beautiful
I stand all alone.
You went to the holiday
Take me too!

Father Frost:
- She chatted, prickly, so be it.

- Santa Claus began to pull the Christmas tree. Pulls, pulls, but can not pull. DM began to call grandma.

Father Frost:
- Grandma, grandma, uuuu ...

Baba Yaga appears:
- I'm only 145,
Baba is a berry again.
I got up this morning
I drove it to my hair,
She brought the whole marafet.
Look, Grandpa is not at home!
The old stump has already rolled up.
He ran into the forest behind the Christmas tree.
For me to follow him.
I had to wear roller skates.
My roller skates are good skates.
I would never have caught up with the old man without them.

BYA sees a DM pulling a Christmas tree:
- Wow, what a flower stalk. Are you a botanist collecting a herbarium?

- I'm Elochka - beautiful
I stand all alone.
You went to the holiday
Take me too!

Father Frost:
- Don't sip, old lady! You don't see, I found the Christmas tree. Help me get it out!

Baba Yaga:
- Easily!

- And they began to pull the Christmas tree together. They pull, they pull, but they can't pull. They decided to call their granddaughter.

Santa Claus and Baba Yaga:
- Granddaughter, granddaughter! A-uuuuu...

The Snow Maiden appeared:
- I new Snow Maiden
Girl-get it!
I stole the Merc from my grandfather,
Went for an encore.
But there was a problem -
My Merc is stuck in the snow
Now I'll be a goodie -
Help Grandpa!
The Snow Maiden sees DM and BYA:
- What kind of collection of old bones?

- I'm Elochka - beautiful
I stand all alone.
You went to the holiday
Take me too!

Santa Claus and Baba Yaga:
- Help pull the tree!

Snow Maiden:
- Easily!

- And now the three of them are pulling the Christmas tree. They pull, they pull, but they can't pull. They began to call Zhuchka.
Santa Claus, Baba Yaga, Snow Maiden:
- Bug, Bug! A-uuuu….

- I am an evil and terrible gray wolf,
I know a lot about green money.
I will scout any arrows
Frost instantly help
- Both, what kind of shooter?

- I'm Elochka - beautiful
I stand all alone.
You went to the holiday
Take me too!

All wolf:
- Help pull the tree!

- Easily!

- And they began to pull the Christmas tree again. They pull, they pull, but they can't pull. The Wolf offered to call the Fox.

- Lisa, Lisa!!!

I'm a beautiful fox
Modelka, anywhere!
Me in any company
You will always find.
Away - I'm a decoration,
It's warm in the forest
Think guys
How lucky grandpa!
- Oh, why are we flaunting?

- I'm Elochka - beautiful
I stand all alone.
You went to the holiday
Take me too

- Help pull the tree!
- Easily!

- And again they began to pull the Christmas tree. They pull, they pull, but they can't pull. The Fox Hare suggested calling.

- Bunny, Bunny!!!

- Jump and jump,
Jump and jump!
ICQ(ICQ) is silent!
Jump and jump
Jump and jump!
Sotik does not call!
- Oh, what are we rustling about?

- I'm Elochka - beautiful
I stand all alone.
You went to the holiday
Take me too

- Help pull the tree!

- Easily! Mouse! Mouse!

- Well, you are dark forest dwellers!

The mouse takes out an ax and cuts down the Christmas tree. D.M. takes Yolochka by the hand and leads to the center of the circle. All guests stand in a circle and sing a song for the Christmas tree.


Fairy tale "Kolobok in a new way"

Roles: (Grandma, grandfather, gingerbread man, Santa Claus, Hare, Wolf, Bear, Fox, Snow Maiden.)

Grandma and Grandpa talking
Grandfather: Grandma, you know that soon New Year.
Grandmother: I know, so what?
Grandfather: And the fact that the New Year is on the nose, and in the house at least roll a ball. Bake a bun.
Grandmother: Yes, from what can I bake you?
Grandfather: How from what? Forgot what? They gave us humanitarian aid, there should be flour

Grandmother: Oh, grandfather, I'm sorry, I forgot ... It became completely bad with memory. Now I'll go and bake. Only..
Grandfather: Well, what else?
Grandmother: So there is no firewood at all?
Grandfather: Here is sclerosis! So after all, the gas was carried out, forgot? Or do you remember this only when the receipt for payment arrives?
Grandma: It's true! All right, I'm going to the kitchen.
Grandmother leaves, grandfather sits down and reads a newspaper.
Grandma comes in.
Grandmother: Well, the bun is ready, I'll put it on the window, let it cool.
Grandfather (putting down the newspaper) That's good. In the meantime, I'll go and bring a Christmas tree from the forest.
Grandfather goes into the forest, and grandmother goes to the kitchen.

The bun is waking up.
Kolobok : my parents too! They put their child on the window. They don't think I can catch a cold!?
He climbs down from the window and looks around and goes to the mirror.

Well, who sculpts such koloboks? (shakes his head) Darkness! (puts on dark glasses, ties a dark scarf on the back of his head, looks in the mirror) Here!
Now it's different!

Knock on the door.
Kolobok: Who else is there? (opens the door, Santa Claus is on the threshold)
Gingerbread Man: What kind of natural phenomenon is this?
Santa Claus: I'm Santa Claus.
Kolobok: Who?

DM: What don't you like?
Kolobok: Grandfather, you are behind the times. Who walks like that these days? Is your razor broken, can't you shave? Here my grandfather has a modern vest, I can borrow it. (Santa Claus takes a razor, goes to the mirror and shaves off his beard) And your sheepskin coat is not modern. Take out my grandfather’s sheepskin coat, you’ll still be cooler. (Changes Santa Claus) And a hat, who wears such a hat now? You should have put on a hat with earflaps! Now they wear black, cool hats (they change their grandfather's hat). Now you have a normal outfit. And what kind of stick do you have?
DM (proudly) It's a staff!
Kolobok: What? Yes, with this stick, with your staff, only drive the raven. Better take a machine gun (gives grandfather a machine gun (or pistol) Like this! What do you have in your bag? (peeps in) Ugh, bunnies and bears? Who needs such gifts today. or a mobile phone. And look, grandfather, what did you come in? Only Chukchi ride reindeer! And a cool grandfather should drive a Mercedes. And where is your snow maiden?
D.M. Yes, I left it at home. The time is now, it is dangerous to walk at night.
Kolobok: Understood. Well, now you are a normal, cool Santa Claus!
D.M. Do you think that's how the kids recognize me?

Santa Claus leaves, and the gingerbread man puts on a fashionable jacket and goes into the forest.

Walks through the forest, towards the hare.
Gingerbread Man: Who are you?
Hare: I am a hare, and who are you?
K: And I'm a bun, don't you see, or what?
Z: Oh, bun! Wow you are so cool! Sorry, I didn't acknowledge it. Will you dance for me?

Against the wolf.

Wolf: Who are you?
K: I'm a bun, can't you see?
B: (licking his lips) That's the meeting! And I'm hungry!
K: What about me?
B: I'll eat you!
K: Well, yes! So I will climb into your mouth and climb! You smell from your mouth, ugh! Are you not brushing your teeth? Ashamed! There are so many toothpastes these days! Blendamet, Colgate. At least chew gum. Here's Orbit, chew on it.
The wolf takes the gum.

M. Who are you?
K: Well, damn it, and the animals went! They don't recognize me at all! Yes, I'm a bun!
M. Oh, little bun, it's good that I met you, and I'm hungry.
K: Listen, bear! When did you look in the mirror? Do you look? You need to go on a diet, and you rolled your lip on me! And anyway, why are you running around in the woods? You sleep in a lair and suck your paw, and you're here!
M: So I haven’t eaten in the summer, my stomach is growling (strokes my stomach)
K: So it's because you need to eat natural food, and not all these convenience foods from the supermarket.

A fox in a fashionable fur coat, in a beautiful hairstyle, all made up.
Gingerbread Man: Wow! I met at least one advanced animal in the forest! Who are you, fox?
L: Yes, I am Lisa Patrikeevna.
K: Listen, what do you wash your hair with?
L: Shaum Shampoo.
K: Cool! And your teeth are white!
L: So this is Blendamet.
K: What kind of perfume do you have!
L: So this is ZHADOR (the fox comes up to the bun and hugs him). Oh how delicious you smell!
K: So this is my deodorant, Menen Spitstick.
L: What a good one you have!
The bun moves away from her.
K: Well, you give me these tricks of yours! I know you, you will circle your finger in an instant!

L: Oh, I like you, I like you very much. You're so cool, I'm with you even to the ends of the world!

New Year's sports and health-improving fairy tale

(BUT . M Altsev )


Storyteller, Storyteller, New Year, Old year, Petya, Zdoroveyka, Whistle, Rackets, Ball, Dumbbells, Stopwatch, Spikelets, Skates, Cigarette End, Wineglass, Toxic Machine, Datura.


Seconds are ticking, time is running.
Again, the New Year is in a hurry to us from the east.
The heart stops and waits for something.
New Year, perhaps, a miracle will bring.
Adults and children are waiting for him with hope.
Among them is a boy - fifth grader Petya.
Petya is looking forward to the holiday,
The holiday coincides with his birthday.


Ah, what happy days at school!
A quarter is running out, rest is ahead.
In the school hall, the Christmas tree likes the outfit,
All her needles sparkle with joy.
Here comes the long-awaited hour -
New Year meets Petin fifth grade.


As always, the Snow Maiden, white Santa Claus,
He brought his gifts to everyone in a bag.
And at the request of the Christmas tree merrily lit up,
And Yaga with a broom in a mortar swept.
Contests, riddles, noisy dance ...
Oh, what a wonderful New Year's holiday!


Petya did not want to leave the Christmas tree,
And our Petya decided to extend the miracles.
Secretly hid behind a large curtain.
The school was empty, everything was quiet around ...
In the twilight the tree is a miracle good,
Petya came out of the hiding place slowly.
Here the New Year boy is sad under the Christmas tree.
Suddenly, miraculously, he raises his voice.

New Year:

Hello, hello, Petya!
I'm very, very happy.
How good in the world
Meet these guys
Which adventures
And miracles attract
And good intentions
They live in their hearts.

(Old Year appears from behind the tree)

Old year:

Oh, it's time for me to rest
The new year is following me.
Soon, soon I will change
And I'll dive into history.
I'm a little tired
From what I've seen.
How many different technologies
Any cybernetics.
Watching and having fun
I played little sports.
Oh, I wish I could turn back time
I would follow the regime.
Oh dear guys!
Don't follow me.
Hobbies let others
They will lead you.

(Music is heard. The New Year listens and says):

New Year:

sorry what a song
Can I hear from the gym?

Old year:

They rush to the show
Healthy friends.

(Healthy and his friends appear. They go around the Christmas tree and sing song to the motive "Correspondent's table")

Love everything in the world
Adults and children
Spend your time with us.
It's interesting with us
It's so wonderful with us!
It's more fun to live with us!

Be healthy everyone!
We are always ready
To please the movement of friends.
wonderful moments,
Sea of ​​mood!
It's lighter in my heart.

We are the enemies of disease
All medicines are more useful,
If you are friends with us every day.
We give the body sweetness -
muscle joy,
We drive away sadness and laziness.


Year after year goes by
Smooth round dance
Time is circling the planet.
In this round dance
We find friends
Sports will never be forgotten.


(Oh stop and start the show)


I am an athlete Healthy!
Movement is my life!
I am an athlete in spirit from birth,
My friends are always with me.


I am a whistle! Sports Whistle!
In competitions I am the judge.
fair, objective,
My trill will judge everyone.
I am the law of sports rules
I urge you to respect.
None of them ever
I won't let you break it.


I am a ball, cheerful and perky!
I love to jump and fly.
In a skillful game, I am submissive,
Ready to play without rest.
Oh games! How many of them in the world!
And I am the soul of any game.
Like a small planet
I have been flying over the earth for a long time.


We are two girlfriends, two rackets,
We meet with the ball at the net.
I respect big tennis
And I respect the desktop.

Large racket:

The ball plays on my strings
Oh, how beautifully he flies!

Small racket:

And I meet the ball with an overlay
And I will accompany you on the way back.


Without players we lie, we miss,
And in their hands we come alive.


And we, dumbbell twins,
In the hands of we are just great!
We are strength, strength and vigor.
We conquer weakness, ailment.
So that your muscles do not become decrepit,
Don't forget the dumbbells.


I am cold-blooded, impartial.
Stopwatch is calling me.
Seconds is the sovereign master,
And in sports, my role is important.
Strive from start to finish
Stop me quickly.
Ah, how fast the seconds fly by!
Their run cannot be slowed down.

spikelets(sing ditties):

We are little sisters,
We are athletes.
We fly like birds
final cells.
Push off, we take off
And in jumping forward we fly,
This is how we fight
With gravity of the earth.


We are two brothers, two horses,
Skates with a sharp blade.
Pieces of ice are cut
And they shine like lights.
We are kings of ice
We are doing wonders on the ice.
You guys dear
Let's treat this miracle.

New Year:

I like you guys!
It is clear to me - without you it is impossible.
My days will fade without you
Weeks turn sour with melancholy.
The vices of this are waiting
They guard the prey.

Old year:

Yes, that's right, I know
Where boredom, laziness, vices place.
There is a cigarette butt outside the window
And with him a friend around the corner.
His name is Toxic.
His girlfriend is with him - Rumashka.
Datura crawls out of the urn.
Ugh, they stink far away.


Yes, it's better not to meet them.
And maybe at least once
Should we compete with them?
Let's find out who is the strongest of us.

Old year:

Well, we'll arrange it.
I always love to wonder.
I will unite darkness with light.
Whistle, you are for the judge then.

(looks out the window and says)

Hey! How are you, come here!
(aside, quietly)
Would never see you.
Look at our Christmas tree
Do no harm for an hour.

(In appropriate costumes, groaning, groaning, Vices come out and stand next to Healthy and his friends).

Old year:

Well, just like on Kavane,
As two teams you are on stage.
We will compete
Your tasks will be easy.
Let's measure your lung capacity...

(Gives the ball a device for measuring the vital capacity of the lungs)

Come on, Honey, start.
(The ball blows into the tube)
You're just like in training.
Look, don't break the device.
Now, cigarette butt, you try.
Get your microbes in there.

(Cig butt, straining, blows with all his might into the device, falls to the floor, he is brought to life: they sprinkle water, etc. The old year examines the device):

Old year

Yes I see you are a hero
The device is all yellow from nicotine.
Now we will test the strength
We'll raise the pud now.

(points to fake weights)

Come on, Dumbbells, your word,
The weight is already ready for you.

(Dumbbells lift weights ten times, the whistle whistles):

Enough. Enough. Everything is clear to us.
You are beautifully filled with power.

(nods to Dope)

Dope, let's get started.
Try lifting the weight.

(Datura tries to lift the weight, but whatever he does, he fails. Falls exhausted)

Old year(looking at the weight):

Yes, it would be better if the weight turned yellow.
And then, like a goblin, she turned blue.
What to give, I do not even know.
Maybe Petya can tell me?


In length, but you can jump from a place.
Just like me, it's not hard at all.

Old year:

Thank you, Petya, good!
Beautifully jumped and easily.

(Spikes raise their hands)

Spikelets burn with desire
Improve this distance.
Well, sisters, your jump.
Let's test the strength of your legs.

Well done! The jump is great!
And jumpers are cute.

(O refers to vices):
And who will show you the jump?
I hope he doesn't die.

(Ryumashka comes out, swaying, and says in a stammering voice):


Let me risk my health.
I haven't always been like this.
Once cow's milk
Maybe I drank too.
Then I switched to it.
(P renders a bottle. Makes a half-squat, swings his arms back, loses balance, falls, gets up, somehow makes a small jump, goes to his company)

Old year:

Yes, very well done.
And you can see she was very tired.
However, what else can you think of?
So that without falls and without noise.
Aha! There is good fun
She will be to your liking.

(referring to vices):

Hey gop company, let's go!
Get ready to pull the rope.

(referring to Healthy and his friends)

And who will go from you guys
From the other rope?

(Healthy and his friends confer)


I asked my friends
So that I am alone, I have enough strength.

(There is a tug-of-war with varying success. In the end, Healthy wins).

Old year:
And here's another challenge...

(Cigarette and company shout):

Cigarette butt:

Not! We are no longer able!
Enough, stop teasing.
We will not compete.


It hurts me from jumping and running,
The air would be aerosol to me.


And I would like vodka, wine,
And then, oh, jump. That's too much.


What games? you, in nature,
When the gut desires foolishness.
We entered, but not there.
Time to get lost, bro.


Yes, we can't get high here,
It's time to tear the claws out of here.


Of course, here and do not take a sip,
You can stretch your legs.

Cigarette butt:

Let's go there my family
Where Zdoroveyka does not get.

(They walk around the Christmas tree, supporting each other, sing a song to the motive "Roasted Chicken")

fried chicken,
steamed chicken,
We're not chickens, we'll tell you.
We are all serious
Formidable vices
And we have health in half.

Toxic machine!
And I'm Rumashka!
And I'm a Cigarette End, I'm a Datura.
We are always looking for a buzz
We're in trouble without a buzz
Smoke, breathe, pour a glass.

Oh, you get sick.
Ah, you'll be silly.
There is no need to scare us.
And let's get poisoned
But let's pull away
We don't care about health.

(Vices go away).

Old year:

You see, my friend, the New Year,
What I left you.
I gave them last year,
And I didn't fix them.
Year after year, century after century
Vices pass.
Oh, poor, weak man!
They take him out.
I wish you, young friend,
Strengthen a healthy spirit in yourself!

New Year:

I will be from the very first days
Make friends with Health!
Support his friends
Sports help you get stronger
Spiritual, better and smarter!
No vices, I say.
Not on my way with them.
They lead the whole world into darkness
The Devil is proud of them.

Old year:

There are a few hours left
And you change me.
I see you are ready
You are walking across the country.
Everything! In places, it's time, friends.
Everyone has their own worries.
Here is Petya's family waiting at home
To celebrate the New Year.
Let's join hands
And we'll walk around the Christmas tree.

(They walk around the Christmas tree and sing a song to the motif "Blue Carriage")

Here we say goodbye to the Old Year,
We meet the New Year at the gate.
We meet with new hopes.
We believe he will bring us happiness.


Together and cheerfully we will go along it.

We like to study at school very much,
We go to school to get knowledge.
We dream of becoming famous in the future,
We dream of becoming famous.


Let's all be healthy and strong!
May success follow us.
Let's all be happy and kind!
Happy New Year to all!

Joy, joy, the New Year shines.
From this joy, everything around is brighter.
A staircase descends from the sky for days of the year,
Together and cheerfully we will go along it!

Mid-autumn is the time to start thinking about the long-awaited and loved by everyone holiday, about the new year. what is there to think? many students will ask. Let's have a disco and have a great time! But everything is not so simple, the teachers will not agree to this, and you yourself will not be interested, what will you remember later? New funny scenes for the new year 2017 for schoolchildren - these are interesting mini performances that you can put on your New Year's Eve at school. Sketches for high school students from 7-11 grades. With their help, you will make teachers, parents laugh and have fun yourself.

Scene - Santa Claus gives gifts.
On the stage, the boy decorates the Christmas tree and then Santa Claus enters.

Santa Claus:
Hello Stepan!

Stepan turns around and sees Santa Claus.

Hello Santa Claus!

Santa Claus:
And what are you doing?

I'm decorating the tree!

Santa Claus looks at his watch and looks at the calendar.

Santa Claus:
Something late you began to dress her up. After all, the new year is in a couple of minutes! I probably realized that I would not come if the tree was not dressed up ?!

No, I was just busy, I had no time to decorate the Christmas tree.

Santa Claus:
And what were you doing?

Yes, I did the lessons that were assigned for the New Year holidays.

Santa Claus:
Did you do the lessons? Eh, very interesting! Tell me, Stepan, do you talk in class?

No, I sit quietly and study.

Santa Claus:
Amazing! Stepan, do you cheat in class?

No, I told you. I sit quietly and study.

Santa Claus:
Interesting - do you run around the school during breaks?

Of course not, at this time I am preparing for another lesson!

Santa Claus:
Never seen this before! Okay, now I will give you your gift, just tell me - if you have at least one drawback?

There is one tiny one - I lie a lot!

Santa Claus makes a bewildered face, sits down on the field in surprise. Curtain.

The scene is a game with guests.

The next scene takes place with the guests. You need to recruit two teams of 2-5 people each. When the teams are assembled, the scene can begin.
It goes on a question-and-answer basis. You ask the teams a question, they think for 10-20 seconds and say the answer.
Questions are simple and New Year's. Each of us sent a New Year's congratulatory telegram, and each of us signed it. And our competition is this: the telegrams have already arrived, but there is no signature on them. Therefore, the presenter reads out the text of the telegram, and the teams must answer who this telegram is from.
Here are the texts of New Year's telegrams:

Scene - letters to Santa Claus.
When we were little, we wrote a letter to Santa Claus every year. We wrote about how well we behaved. And what gift would you like to receive? Now we have grown up, but we still write letters to Santa Claus. Only our requests have become slightly different.
Let's see what adult children ask for in their letters to Santa Claus.

This scene can be played in different ways. For example, gnomes or snowmen (Santa Claus's helpers) parse New Year's mail and read the letters aloud. Or maybe so6 students stand on the stage and take turns reading letters, it turns out a small stand up. Choose any option and act!

1. Little boy Artyom asked Santa Claus to send him a sister so that he would not be bored playing alone. To which Santa Claus asked to send him the address of his mother and the work schedule of his father ...
2. The girl Alena, who is 17 years old, writes to Santa Claus: good Santa Claus! I know that you fulfill all desires. I beg you, send me a new guy. And take my ex to your place ... in a team with deer!
3. The next letter was sent by the boy Dima. Which is 7 years old. Dima writes: Santa Claus! My mom and dad make me go to different sections and do different activities. They say it will help me in the future when I go to work. Grandfather Frost, please write to me where you studied. I also want to learn to be Santa Claus and work 24 hours a day through 364 ...
4. And this is a letter from Nikita, who writes every year: Santa Claus! I turned 12 and I finally learned English language. Now I spelled the word Porsche correctly, I'm waiting for a gift under the window!
5. And here is a letter from Elena, who complains a little: Santa Claus! You got it all wrong this year! I wanted a thick wad of money, and a thin figure! This year, I ask you to be careful!
6. And here is a request from Alina. Which is 4 years old: Santa Claus! Just don't tell anyone, but my dad is afraid of you. Every time you come, dad disappears! And as soon as Santa Claus leaves, dad immediately appears! Make sure you meet and talk. Tell dad you're kind!

New Year. Performance for the class. "Tales of the New Russia"

SCENARIO of the class performance for the New Year as part of the general scenario “New Year. Once again about love. Disco 70-80s.


The course of the holiday
/Two presenters appear on the stage, one of whom writes the script/
Lead 1. - We sat, composed,
Write what, we did not know.
Host 2. - But then we decided everything,
Written, composed...
/ The soundtrack "Visiting a fairy tale" sounds. A girl comes out, shows a poster "Fairy tales New Russia". Then the narrators of the tale appear on the stage: a boy and a girl /
- Believe it or don't believe it
And lived in love and harmony
Grandmother ... / grandmother appears on the stage /
- Yes, grandfather ... / grandfather appears on the stage /
Already, 77 years!
- They lived not grieve,
Authorized capital amassed:
- Mouse Masha, yes Ninja - a turtle,
- Diploma a pack, but three thousand for a wheelbarrow ...
/ a mouse appears on the stage on a tricycle to the music “I will drive the bike for a long time ...” /
- Woke up somehow grandfather,
Time… LUNCH…
- There's nothing on the table.
He calls his grandmother for advice.
Grandfather: - Listen, old, here
I'm like a fish out of water
Two weeks aground
Refraining from food.
Hasn't crumbled yet
Give me the signature dish!
Grandmother: - Na - ka, eat - ka, old man,
Validol under the tongue
I must tell you
We don't have much to eat...
Grandfather: - Eh, old woman, do not busi,
Scratch the bottom of the barrel,
Mark over the barns
And prepare what is more firm,
Recipe from Burda
/ sounds music from the movie "Ivan Vasilyevich changes his profession", the song "Marusya". Grandma begins to knead the dough ... /
- From the place the grandmother broke,
Scraped along the bottom of the barrel,
I swept through the barns,
I tensed near the stove,
It turned out ...
/together/ - SHUT UP!...
/ Nifigas appears on stage to the music ... /
- He is not a pizza, nor a pie,
But cool as a bun...
/ soundtrack "Voyage" sounds /
- He dried himself on the window
And rolled down the hill...
- Nifigas rolled down the mountain
And how the coffee melted...
- Here's a pikcha for us bo van,
Right now the second will be for you!
- There behind the entoy, behind the mountain,
He sees such a landscape ...
/ sounds music from the movie "Ivan Vasilyevich changes his profession", the song "Suddenly, like in a fairy tale ...". Girls appear on the stage, dance, Nifigas faces a choice ... /
- Here's a pikcha for us,
Drop this one, drop that one...
- What happened to him next?
Let's see in the third one...
- Nifigas ours jumps further,
Spotted someone's cottage ...
/ the song sounds gr. Kar-men "Bed rachinz", a bear appears on the stage - a new Russian /
In front of him is Michal Potapych,
Nicknamed Makhnolapych.
Bear: - You, bro, do not fuss,
And get closer.
You consider baked, goose,
I'll take care of you now...
Nifigas: - On someone else's loaf
You do not develop a mouth,
You can't eat me
I'm booked, I have a certificate.
To your cool speeches
I'll turn on the answering machine...
/ soundtrack sounds ... /
- Here and fairy tales FINito,
You've looked to your heart's content,
Like our hero Nifigas
Saved myself for you.
- Look what a miracle
/together/ Our signature dish!!!
/The final song sounds, the participants go on stage/

Dynamic, modern, and most importantly - funny New Year's scene. The beginning is this: Santa Claus reads the children's letters and is finally disappointed in them.

Scenario New Year's party for younger students. Jack Sparrow, young hacker, Ded Moroz and Snegurochka in one scenario. Humor guaranteed!

Dialogue scenes for two presenters New Year's Eve. They will help out your concert, they will connect even the most motley numbers. Jokes are light, funny, New Year's.

Anything can happen on New Year's Eve. The scene is exactly about this: the artistic director arranges a scolding for artists who performed at children's New Year's parties. A scene in the spirit of the Comedy club with a fair amount of childish humor.

The new most relevant script for the children's New Year's holiday. Recognizable modern characters: Pyaterochka cashier, Santa Claus, Snegurochka, Baba Yaga, and the symbol of the new year 2019 - Pig.

The classic battle of the Old and New Years has been moved to the walls of an ordinary office. The scene is suitable for a corporate New Year's party. If your department was asked to stage a scene, take it and don't suffer.

The plot of the scene is as follows: astrologers-predictors compete in predicting the new year for the office staff. As you understand, all your intra-office joys and actualities can be woven into the scene. Success on New Year's corporate party secured!

Let's fast forward three hundred years ago and imagine how Russia switched to celebrating the New Year in winter. Let's do it in the form of a funny scene. If you rent theatrical costumes, the scene will be just bomb.

Actual New Year's scene on school theme. About how hard it is for schoolchildren and teachers on the eve of the New Year. Suitable for school or student KVN on a New Year's theme.

The plot of the scene is as follows: somewhere in the north there is a secret base for the preparation of Santa Clauses. How are they without training? You can show such a scene both on KVN and on New Year's concert.

humorous scene about common mistakes at the meeting of the New Year. Everyone recognizes himself more than once! Such a scene, for example, can be played by the hosts of the New Year's event, while the balancing act with Christmas balls is preparing for the exit.

Another scene for the New Year's corporate party. The plot of the scene is as follows: Few people know that Santa Claus has his own office, reception and secretary. Let's say right away: everything will be within the bounds of decency, no vulgar fantasies.

New Year's fantasy: how the President of Russia and his assistant come up with a reform new year holidays. As you already understood: the scene is not for children and not even for school audiences. Well, what, New Year and adults celebrate

A humorous scene for staging at school on the eve of the New Year holidays. Easily fits into the scenario of any New Year's concert. There are four participants. From the props: one Santa Claus costume.

Event organizers will not let you lie: there are never too many scenes in a New Year's concert. Here's another one. The plot is this: a blonde girl comes to recruitment agency get a job as a Snow Maiden.

Patriotic New Year's scene in the spirit of the time. Our Santa Claus tells Santa Claus about our New Year. The jokes are clear, recognizable, and will cause an instant response from the audience. The scene is easy to put on, costumes for it are usually always available.


Scene exclusively for adults. Two men meet some January and show off to each other who celebrated the New Year. The miniature is suitable for performing in a club, at a private New Year's party without children.

Sketches about school, study

By the name of the scene, it is already clear that it is the most school-like one. The plot is as follows: the principal of the school calls a meeting to prepare educational institution to the arrival of a strict check.

It is always interesting to imagine how children will be taught like this in forty, fifty years. And if you add humor to these dreams, you get a good scene for a school concert.

We tried to imagine how officials come up with new topics for graduation essays. This scene will look organically in a concert on the occasion last call or high school graduation. It can be played by both teachers and students.

Imagine that the famous TV presenter Andrei Malakhov quit his TV shows and began working as a literature teacher. In the skit, we tried to show what his lesson would look like.

Imagine that because of the crisis, it was decided to hold a summit of leaders of all countries of the world in one of the children's health camps. The scene is also good because it is massive, but everyone does not need to learn the words.

Scenes for the holidays

Scene for Valentine's Day. Two cupids with a bow and arrows go out to do their job. An unusual scene where participants will need to go down to the auditorium.

The plot is this: the girls decide what to give their boyfriends on February 23rd. Only ladies participate in the scene. Finally, a legitimate reason to drive the men into the auditorium and enjoy the scene from the heart.


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