Project of one day stay in the camp. The work plan of the health camp "spring". Functional camp model

Municipal budgetary educational institution
secondary school No. 11

named after Dmitry Korotchaev


school summer camp

"Three whales"

Project leaders: Podyacheva Svetlana Leonidovna - teacher of computer science Petukhova Lyudmila Konstantinovna - teacher of physics Tatyana Mikhaylovna Merck - biology teacher Alexander Viktorovich Merck - teacher of physical culture Luts Marina Nikolaevna - teacher of history and social studies


June 2011

Explanatory note

Knowledge of information and communication technologies is a necessary attribute professional suitability in society. For free orientation in the information flow, a person must have an information culture as one of the components of a common culture.

Information culture is the ability to purposefully work with information and use it to receive, process and transmit.

One of the distinguishing features of life in modern society is the gigantic development of the mass media. Placed on a qualitatively new technical level, they have the ability to manipulate public opinion and create the necessary psychological prerequisites for the formation of political decisions. Under these conditions, a person must have a certain level of culture in handling information.

At success in the modern world is largely determined by the ability of a person to organize his life as a project: determine the long-term and short-term prospects, find and attract the necessary resources, outline an action plan and, having implemented it, assess whether it was possible to achieve the set goals.

Today, the school has every opportunity to develop project thinking with the help of a special type of student activity - project activities.

Every year in the summer school health camp with day stay MBOU secondary school No. 11 students of primary and secondary classes have a rest. This year, a detachment of "Three Whales" was organized from students in grades 7-8 - Computers, Informatics, Technologies. The main activity of the detachment is the creation of a project aimed at self-improvement, self-development and self-realization of the individual using information and communication technologies. The project consists of three subprojects in the following areas:

    "Neskuchayka", culturally recreational activities;


    "Know", intellectual marathon.

Relevance and significance: In the learning process, it is not enough to be able to independently master and accumulate information, you need to learn the technology of working with it.

Home novelty of this project is the idea of ​​using computer and Internet technologies in the work of the summer school camp.

The space for accessible activities, the range of opportunities for the development and self-realization of children and adolescents can be significantly expanded using Information Technology not only in the classroom, but also outside of school hours.

As a result, over-subject skills and abilities of working with information are acquired, cognitive interests develop, horizons expand and, as a result, motivation for learning increases, and the results of educational work improve. In addition, there is a development of communication skills and the acquisition of management skills in different age groups.

Target– creating conditions for successful social interaction of children in a summer camp using ICT.

Project objectives:

    Organize leisure activities with a focus on developing the creative abilities of schoolchildren.

    To form in students the need to take care of their health and understand the need for a healthy lifestyle.

    Organize the inclusion of children in various areas of project activities;

    To develop leadership abilities of children on the basis of tolerant communication;

    Broaden your horizons about the possibilities of ICT.

Project participants

The project is being developed by: a group of high school students "Three Whales", teachers-educators, a teacher of computer science, an instructor in physical education.

The project is created on the basis of a computer class and is implemented among the children of other units of the summer school camp.

Responsible for directions

    "Neskuchayka"- Fruzenkova Ekaterina, Raeva Irina;

    "Prygayka" - Salangin Dmitry, Merck Eduard, Gadzhiev Gadzhi;

    "Know" - Ekaterina Vasilyeva, Alena Nokhrina.

Project stages.


Choice of directions of activity. Group formation. Planning work schedule and results.


Search, selection and processing of information.


Project implementation.

4. Generalizing.

Formulation of results. Summarizing. Participant awards.

Project's budget.

1. Usage unlimited internet

2. Financing of the project costs is carried out from the city budget of the school.

Possibility of implementation

The "Three Whales" project can be implemented on the basis of any school, camp, children's club, where there is a computer class.

Implementation time - school holidays.

Development prospects

    1. The possibility of creating a group of consultants from among the children participating in the project to provide "first aid computer help" in time educational process. 2. Formation of a team of participants for the organization and implementation of various projects, competitions, competitions held during the academic year. 3. Involving children in self-education and self-realization classes.

Planned results of the project implementation.

    Use of ICT at a high level of complexity (ability to work with text, numbers, graphics), competent work with Internet resources. Ability to analyze information (search skills, comparative skills, differentiation of information according to the degree of significance, formulation and argumentation of conclusions). Effective communication (culture of speech, leadership test, managing a group of children, interaction with adults).

    Disclosure and development of creative abilities of children. Ability to participate in collective creative activity.

    Strengthening friendship and cooperation between children of different ages. Ability to self-organize their activities, resolve possible conflict situations.

    Development of interest in physical education and sports.

Project product in the following areas:

    Neskuchayka, cultural and entertainment events

    "Connoisseurs of Migratory Birds"

    "The last Hero",

    « Musical Scale.

    "Prygayka", sporting events

« Small Olympic Games":


    track and field athletics,

    fun starts,

    chess tournament,


Outdoor games:

    "Dwarf Giants"

    "Homeless Bunny"

    "White bears",

    "Forbidden Movement"

    "Monkey Salki"

    "Hurry to pick up"

    "Third wheel",


    "British Bulldog"

    "Action Liberation".

    "Know", intellectual marathon

"Week of Knowledge":

    arithmetic Monday,

    historic Tuesday,


    literary Thursday,

    cultural Friday,

    home Saturday.

    Publishing products

buklets - reports on the directions of "Three Whales".

Project hardware and software:

    1. Computer class workstations 2. Scanner 3. Printer 4. Digital camera 5. Operating system Windows, MS Office software package, raster graphics editor Photo Shop, Paint, Fine Reader programs, Internet Explorer.

Project content

The project of the "Three Whales" detachment (Computers, Informatics, Technologies) is being implemented in three directions: "Neskuchayka" - leisure, Recognizable" - intelligence, "Jump" - sports and health. The presented three whales make up the main blocks of the project, as well as the main activities related to increasing the information culture.

Squad motto : "The whale always swims forward and carries a fountain of ideas" The folk wisdom of the detachment.
    "Cleanliness is the key to health, order is first of all" "Seven do not wait for one" "Time is precious with us, take care of every hour." “Measure seven times, cut one” “They won’t hit you for demand” “In the game and on the road they recognize people”

Subproject "Popryhayka" - sports and health

A special role in the process of working with vacationing children is given to sports, physical culture and mass work.

Target: creating conditions for the implementation of physical activity of children, strengthening physical health, developing the need for a healthy lifestyle.


    to cultivate creativity, independence and initiative in motor actions;

    Develop reaction and coordination of movements.

To achieve this goal, all the necessary conditions have been created in the school camp. There is a gym equipped with the necessary sports equipment and inventory. The hall has a Swedish wall, a rope, benches. The choice of sports equipment is varied: rubber, football, volleyball, basketballs, hoops, jump ropes, skittles, badminton, etc.

On the territory adjacent to the school building there are open areas for sports events and outdoor games (Appendix 1).

Main areas of work

Compliance with regime moments:

    daily morning exercise.

Sports and entertainment events:

    outdoor games; sports competitions, relay races; chess and checkers tournament; pioneer ball between teams of different squads.

Educational work:

    talk about the benefits of exercise and exercise;

    injury prevention training;

    conversations about a healthy lifestyle.

Participation in sports competitions outside the camp:

    participation in citywide summer sports competitions.

"Small Olympic Games"

Relevance: At present, children are not very interested in outdoor and sports games, with the help of this project we are trying to involve children in outdoor and sports games, to familiarize them with Olympic sports.

Target: Involvement of children in the Olympic movement.

    to form the prerequisites for a healthy lifestyle; introduce children to Olympic sports;

    to form friendly relations in the team of children, a sense of empathy for their comrades.

Preliminary work: Familiarization of children with the Olympic Movement: reading literature about the Olympics, acquaintance with individual sports through video recording: light and weightlifting, cycling, artistic gymnastics, football, volleyball, basketball, water sports; looking at albums with illustrations of the opening of the Olympic Games, using didactic games to broaden the horizons, enrich the vocabulary of children.

Collaboration: preparation of attributes for the upcoming competitions, the Olympic flag with multi-colored rings, the Olympic "fire", cups, diplomas, a selection of musical repertoire.

Expected results:
    Improving the health of children; Increasing interest in physical education and sports; Involvement in the Olympic Movement; Formation of communication skills, the foundations of correct behavior, communication; Formation of a conscious attitude towards oneself as a part of the surrounding world; Booklet release (Booklet 1).

The Olympic Games are held during the week during the summer. Children purposefully, stubbornly fight for victory, both in the individual championship and in the team championship. Every day the results of the competition are summed up and the winning squad is awarded with a transitional Olympic flag. The winning teams are awarded with diplomas and cups.

The program of the "Small Olympic Games"


Regulations on holding the "Small Olympic Games"

Type of competition

Resources Used
    http:// /

Subproject "Neskuchayka",

cultural and entertainment direction

The direction "Neskuchayka" is a combination of various types of occupations, activities carried out in free time, as a result of which the development of personality, character traits occurs, spiritual and other social needs are satisfied.

The organization of children's leisure activities is one of the components of a single process of children's life during their stay in a summer camp. This direction implemented through various activities.


Every child is talented - this truth is subject to all the activities of educators. How important it is to notice the hidden abilities of children in time and help them develop! Holidays, games and competitive programs can help solve this complex and important task.

Target :

the formation of a common culture of schoolchildren, the maintenance and development of their creative activity, intelligence.


      revealing the creative abilities of children;

      development of individual abilities and inclinations of each child;

      development of a culture of communication between children and their peers.

Stages of work on a subproject

Stage name

Schedule of events

the date of the

Expected results
    Teaching active forms of leisure activities; activation of cognitive activity, development of creative thinking; strengthening ties between different age groups of children; creative growth of the counselor.


As a result of the implementation of the Neskuchayka subproject, the children were motivated to get to know children from other groups.

The successful performance of children in events, competitions increased self-esteem, status in the team, social activity, which, we hope, will manifest itself during the school year in various classroom and school events. In spite of different age children have become a friendly, close-knit, creative team, setting new goals for themselves.

    Co-authors: Yarovaya L.N., Zhirenko O.E., Barylkina L.P., Obukhova L.A. extracurricular activities. Grade 1, - M., WAKO (Mosaic of children's recreation). Extracurricular activities. Grade 4, - M., WAKO (Mosaic of children's recreation). Author-compiler N.A. Kasatkina. Teaching and educational classes in the extended day group grades 1-4. Publishing house "Teacher".

Subproject "Know",

intellectual direction

Relevance :

Intellectual development - the most important direction in the development of the personality of the child. In children of primary school age, qualities are formed that determine the ease and speed of assimilation of new knowledge and skills. Intellectual quizzes in our time help develop thinking in children, increase reaction speed, cognitive activity, and reveal intellectual abilities in children. In the process of participating in quizzes, the ability to reason, justify one's judgments, realize and control the reasoning process develops. Children learn a lot of new and interesting things.

Target : activation of intellectual abilities, broadening the horizons of children. Tasks:- involve children to participate in the quiz; - promote the development of logical thinking; - increase motivation for learning.

The intellectual development sub-project is a "Knowledge Week", which includes:

    Arithmetic Monday;

    Historic Tuesday;


    Literary Thursday;

    Cultural Friday;

    Home Saturday.

Stages of work:
Stage name
Expected results:
    Increasing the intellectual abilities of children Organizational growth of the leader. Strengthening the bonds of different age groups of children

Watching the children attending the summer camp, we noted that the children became more active every day, confidently answered questions. We think that the "Week of Knowledge" developed by us helped to increase the motivation for cognitive activity and the development of logical thinking.

Working on the project gave us the opportunity to realize ourselves as organizers, increased self-esteem, and helped us to show leadership qualities.

    Telezhuk A.M. Magazine “Your First Adult” No. 4, May 2008 (Child Psychology) (Trick questions) /zagadki/logicheskie/ (Logic riddles)

Fun mobile games . Attachment 1

"Dwarfs" and "giants"

Game description

Children stand around the leader, who tells that there are very small people in the world - dwarfs, and there are huge ones - giants. When the host says: “Dwarfs!”, He sits down on all fours, lowers his hands, showing with his whole appearance what small people they are. He even pronounces the word "dwarfs" in a thin voice - that's how tiny they are. And when he says “Giants!”, His voice becomes rougher, the leader stands up to his full height, and even stretches his arms up - they are so huge. The children really like this game of the host, they laugh and also stretch to their full height - “giants” and sit on all fours - “dwarfs”. When the guys learned how to correctly follow the commands, the host warns that now he will see who is the most attentive. Leading: Remember, children, the correct commands: “Dwarfs!” and "Giants!" All my other commands do not need to be executed. The one who makes a mistake is out of the game. First, the host gives the correct commands, and then the words “dwarfs” and “giants” are replaced by similar ones. The one who makes the fewest mistakes wins.

Liberation Action

Liberation action is a dynamic game that develops well the hearing, attentiveness, coordination and reaction of the leading player, and the dexterity and reaction of the other players.

Game description

Form a circle of chairs to limit the movement of the players. The participant with their hands and feet bound (the prisoner) sits in the center of a circle formed of chairs. Next to him is a blindfolded player (guard). The rest of the participants in the game (liberators) are trying to free the prisoner, that is, they are trying to untie him. The guard must intervene. Hitting any participant, he takes him out of the game, he must go behind the circle of chairs. The player who manages to free the captive without being caught becomes the guard himself the next time.

White bears

Polar bears is an outdoor collective game for children of primary school age. Develops active creative motor actions motivated by the plot of the game.

Game description

On the edge of the site, which is the sea, a small place is outlined - an ice floe. On it stands the driver - "polar bear". The rest of the "bear cubs" are randomly placed throughout the site. "Bear" growls: "I'm going out to catch!" - and runs to catch "bear cubs". Having caught one "bear cub", he takes him to the ice floe, then catches another. After that, two caught "bear cubs" join hands and begin to catch the rest of the players. At this time, the "bear" retreats to the ice floe. Having overtaken someone, two "bear cubs" join their free hands so that the caught one finds himself between the hands, and shout: "Bear, help!" "Bear" runs up, taunts the one he has caught and takes him to the ice floe. The next two caught also join hands and catch the rest of the cubs. The game continues until all the “bear cubs” are caught. The last player caught wins, who becomes the “polar bear”.

Dangling wagon

Dangling wagon is a dynamic, fun game that promotes the development of reaction and coordination of movements.

Game description

Participants are divided into groups of three or more people - "trains". Two people are left without groups - "dangling wagons". Trains begin to run in a circle, preventing the "dangling cars" from clinging to themselves with sharp turns. The goal of the "cars" is to cling to the tail of the "train". After the "dangling wagon" manages to attach itself to the "train", the first player (the head of the "train") becomes the "dangling wagon" itself.

british bulldog

The game affects the stamina and reaction of the child

Game description

Children assign two catchers ("bulldogs"). The Bulldogs stand on one side of the court, and everyone else on the opposite side. At the signal of one of the "bulldogs" all players must run to the other side. But so that the player is not caught by the "bulldogs". The one who is caught becomes the catcher. The game continues until all the runners turn into bulldogs.

Forbidden movement

Merry and interesting game for children developing reaction and attentiveness

Game description

Children, walking in a circle, repeat all the movements for the teacher, except for one, for example: "Hands up!". The one who performs the "forbidden" movement stands at the end of the column. Thus, the more attentive children will be at the beginning of the column, and they are considered the winners.

monkey tag

The game affects endurance, develops reaction and coordination of movements.

Game description

Monkey tags are a type of tag. The driver catches up with the evader, who changes modes of movement, the driver must change his mode of movement after the evader.

Hurry up to pick up

A fun game that promotes the development of reaction and coordination of movements

Game description

A participant with a volleyball in his hands becomes a circle with a diameter of 1 meter. Behind the player are 8 tennis (rubber) balls. On a signal, the participant throws the ball up, and while he is in the air, he tries to pick up as many balls as possible and, without leaving the circle, catch the ball. The participant who managed to pick up more balls wins.

chain fishing

Mobile collective game for children of primary school age. Develops active creative motor actions

Game description

Chain fishing is a type of tag. The beginning is like a game of catching in pairs, only the drivers remain one chain. This game is interesting in the forest or among the pillars.

homeless hare

An exciting game develops active creative motor actions

Game description

A hunter and a homeless hare are selected from among the players. The rest of the players - hares, draw a circle for themselves, and stand inside. The homeless hare runs away, and the hunter catches up with him. The hare can escape from the hunter by running into any circle, then the hare that was standing in the circle must immediately run away, because he will become homeless, and the hunter will hunt him. As soon as the hunter catches the hare, he himself becomes a hare, and the former hare becomes a hunter.

Third wheel

A fun game that promotes the development of reaction, attentiveness and coordination of movements

Game description

All children stand in pairs forming a circle. Two leaders are selected, one of which runs away, the other catches up with him. The runner can stand 3rd in any pair in front of the first player in the central circle, then the last player in this trio must run away.

Annex 2

Game "The Last Heroes"

    generalize children's knowledge about the rules of behavior in the forest; develop the ability to play a role determined by the conditions of the competition.

Leading: Guys! How many of you like to watch the program "The Last Hero"? Do you want to go to a desert island in search of treasure? Each participant must be brave, skillful and friendly. Are we all like this? Then line up in 2 rows. We will have 2 teams. You need to come up with names for your teams.

(Jury of 3 people evaluates the game)

Round 1: Sea trials

Leading: We are sailing to the island by ship. Our ship is already in the open ocean. Sea trials begin. Before you are the names of the seas. What seas do not exist? White, Blue, Black, Yellow, Green, Red.

(The jury evaluates the correctness of the answer. There is no Blue and Green Sea.)

Leading: And now let's play a sea game: "Sea, coast, sail"
At the signal "Sea!" - everyone takes a step forward,
on the signal "Shore!" - step back,
at the signal "Sail!" - raise their hands.

Leading: Real sailors know how to swim well. And you? What styles of swimming do you know? Try to picture them.

(Children pretend to swim)

Round 2: Life on the island

Leading: We safely sailed to the island. Each team can take with them the 5 most necessary things for life on a desert island. You have one minute to confer with the team and write their names.

(The jury evaluates the resourcefulness of the teams on a 10 point system)

Leading: And where will you live on the island? You need to build yourself a house. Each team will draw their house on a piece of paper. Show your imagination: maybe it will be a bamboo hut, or a hut under a palm tree, or a house on the branches of a tree. The main condition: each player must take part in the drawing. Write your names next to it.

(Drawings are hung side by side. The jury evaluates both houses).

Leading: You built houses for yourself. It's time to explore your island. Not far from your houses flows a stream with clean water. drinking water. Walk along the stream and get ready for new challenges. This time the teams are playing together.

Game: Brook
(Music sounds. Children stand in pairs - one team opposite the other. The player running along the stream chooses a friend with whom he gets up first. The music is turned off).

Leading: The player left without a pair receives a prize - a bottle of lemonade. He must share it with 1 and 2 couples. But along with the prize, you also get a task.

(There is a note with the task on each bottle: sing a song, tell each line one by one: “At Lukomorye there is a green oak”, depict a sea picture, come up with a dance of pirates, depict Neptune and his retinue ...

The trickle game continues. Finally, all children are divided into groups of 5 people, and receive tasks. Each group has its own task. As a reward - lemonade)

Leading: I announce a small picnic on the island for the last heroes. (Children rest and eat)

(The jury names the sum of points of each team for the game)

Round 3: Treasures

(Drawings depicting marine life are hung in the classroom. On the back of the seven drawings there are 7 multi-colored letters:
H - red
A - orange
D - yellow
E - green,
J - blue,
D - blue,
A is purple).

Leading: Guys! Both teams were friendly and resourceful. The final game is ahead! You are on a treasure hunt. The key to the treasure will give you a magic word. 1 team must find 7 letters. This will help you Marine life. Team 2 must add up from the letters found - the magic word.

(Teams look for letters and make up a word)

Leading: Guys! You have found the magic word. In any of the most difficult cases - hope for the best. And may there always be reliable friends next to you. The time has come to unite. Now you are one cool team. The key to the treasure is in your hands. See what the combination of colors in your word reminds you of? Correctly, rainbow . Look around: a rainbow stretched over our island. Treasures you will find under it.

(Children find a drawing with a rainbow and hidden treasures)

Leading: Congratulations on your victory! You all last heroes.

Appendix 3

Entertaining and educational program "Connoisseurs migratory birds»

    to summarize the knowledge of children about the migratory birds of our Motherland in a playful way. develop the ability to play a role determined by the conditions of the competition. cultivate love and respect for nature, a sense of beauty.
Lead 1. Today, at your request, an Owl should fly to us, but when we came here, we found a note on the board. “ I can’t be today, I’m very sorry, but so that you don’t waste your time, hold the contest without me. The Council of the Wise will help determine the strongest.” Advice the wisest Attention! Attention!
Today at five o'clock
station will operate
For groves and forests.
Today in our studio...
Attention! Attention!
Various birds fly
To the radio meeting!
First, on the subject:
“When, what time
More convenient and profitable
Use dew?”
The second question is long overdue:
“What is called an echo?
And if there is it in the forest,
Where is it hiding?"
On the third question
Grach reports,
Appointed in charge
Repair of birdhouses.
Then the debate begins:
And whistling, and creaking, and singing,
Rumbling and squealing,
And twitter and chirp.
Performances will begin
Starlings, goldfinches, tits
And everyone without exception
Other famous birds
Attention! Attention!
Today at five o'clock

station will operate
For groves and forests.
Leading2. Blimey! We got to the bird meeting. It is obviously about the meeting of spring. Look how many birds have flown. Yes, and spring has come to visit us, it has replaced winter. In Russia, they met spring - they called. ( Spring comes out, stoneflies go hand in hand with her.) Spring. And here I am, Spring is red!
Who needed me here? Guys. Us! Us! Spring. I - Spring - red,
I wake the earth from sleep
I fill the kidneys with juice
I grow flowers in the meadows.
I drive ice from the rivers,
I make the sunrise bright.
Everywhere, in the field and in the forest
I bring joy to people.
Hello dear guys!
Are you comfortable?
Does everyone hear?
Is there enough space for everyone?
Dear children, I did not come alone.
I have good helpers - stoneflies. Vesnyanka 1. Spring of Light - March:
Winter is getting angry.
Her time has passed.
Spring is knocking on the window
And drives from the yard. Vesnyanka 2. Water Spring - April:
Winter is still busy
And grumbles for the spring,
She laughs in her eyes
And it just makes more noise. Vesnyanka 3. Green Grass Spring - May:
Go away, gray winter.
The beauties of spring
The golden chariot
Rushing from the mountaintop. Spring. I open our fun competition.

Lead 1. Guys, in order for the game to be interesting, we need to select players from each squad. Now our assistants will draw lots. For this you need to take a token ( children take tokens). You have tokens in your hands, look at them carefully. Those who have a mark, please go to the middle of the hall.

Lead 2. You probably know that in the old days they baked cookies called larks. The hostesses put a surprise in individual products - a penny. The one who got it, according to the sign, could be rich.

You, those who have a mark, have the honor to show dexterity, knowledge, artistry from your squad.

Lead 1. Now each team will receive cards with questions. One minute is allotted for preparing answers, after which the team gives an answer. For each correct answer you get 1 point. Attention opposing teams! If the responding team gives an incorrect answer, you can answer if you know the correct answer and earn extra points for your team ( The facilitators distribute cards with questions).

Lead 2. While the teams are thinking, questions to the fans. Questions:
    What birds do little swans look like? (On ducklings) Who wrote the fairy tale "The Ugly Duckling"? (G.H. Andersen) Do you remember any other Andersen's fairy tales with bird names in their titles? (“Nightingale”, “Wild Swans”)
Lead 1. So, a minute has passed. Please give answers (teams answer, if there are wrong questions, then give the opportunity to answer other teams, preferably in turn). Questions:
    Which bird can fly tail first? (Hummingbird) Which bird flies the highest? (Eagle) What is the smallest bird in our country? (Korolek) What is the largest bird in the world? (Ostrich) When is the sparrow's body temperature lower - in summer or winter? (Odinakova) What bird bears the name of a famous Russian writer? (Gogol) In which country do white cranes build nests and hatch chicks? (In Russia) How do mother pelicans feed their chicks? (regurgitate softened fish from the goiter) How does the jay escape from enemies? (Dives into the water like a submarine) How many eggs do eaves lay? (Two) Which bird brings out chicks in the rain? (Swan) How to hunt gray heron? (Stands motionless, pulling his neck in and tucking one leg in) Which bird has the most long tongue? (For a woodpecker - up to 1.5 meters) In which birds are wings covered not with feathers, but with scales? (At penguins) Which bird has the longest tail? (Magpie) Where do tits build their nests? (In the hollows of trees) What benefits do tits bring? (They eat bugs and larvae) When are geese especially angry? (When goslings appear) How long do goose wings reach? (Up to 1.5 meters) How do geese protect their children from bad weather? (Hide under the wings)
Lead 2. Team competition continues. The next competition is for the best knowledge of proverbs. You are offered cards with the names of birds. Remember the proverbs that mention these birds. One minute to think. The maximum is 5 points.
    Sparrow (the word is not a sparrow - you won’t catch it flying out. You can’t fool an old sparrow on chaff). Kulik (every sandpiper praises his swamp). Goose (goose pig is not a friend). Tit (better a tit in the hands than a crane in the sky. A tit is small, but a bird).
Lead 1. While the teams are thinking questions to the fans.
    Name the stork's favorite treat. (Frogs) Which bird's nest hangs above the water itself at the end of a branch in the form of a soft bag? (Remez) What is the Red Book? (A book about endangered animals)
Thank you. A minute has passed, and now let's listen to the commands. Command responses.
Lead 2. Now we'll see how you can solve riddles . For each correctly guessed riddle - 2 points.
    In the summer he goes to the plowman,
    And in the winter he leaves with a cry. (Rook) He looks gray
    But he is famous for his singing. (Nightingale) Blind during the day, sighted at night,
    It catches mice, not the cat. (Owl) The brothers got up on stilts,
    Looking for food along the way.
    On the go, on the run
    They can't get off their stilts. (Cranes) A ​​little boy in a gray Armenian coat
    Sneaking around the yards, collecting crumbs,
    He spends the night in the fields, stealing hemp. (Sparrow) Every year I fly to you -
    I want to winter with you.
    I'm even redder in winter
    My bright red tie. (Bullfinch) Not a king, but in a crown, not a hussar, but with spurs,
    He does not look at his watch, but he knows the time. (Rooster) Front - awl, back - wilze,
    Above - blue cloth,
    Below is a white towel. (Swallow) Winged, loud-mouthed, red flippers. (Goose) Blacksmiths forge among the trees. (Woodpeckers) Mother, I don’t know my father, but I often call,
    I won’t know children - I’ll sell someone else. (Cuckoo) Sleeps during the day, flies at night, scares passers-by. (Owl)
Well done. The council of the wisest will now sum up the results and announce to us Lead 2. While the Council of the Wise sums up the results, a question for the fans. I will name the word, and you say the proverb in which this word is. "Bird". (Answer option: A bird is recognized in flight, and a person is recognized at work). Lead 1. Let's listen to the advice of the wisest. Summing up, awarding the winners.

Application 4

musical scale

"Do" - house of models

This competition is being prepared in advance. Each team prepares 4 people who show four models of the distant past of the Slavs: winter, spring, summer, autumn. The show takes place to the music of P.I. Tchaikovsky "The Seasons", accompanied by comments. The jury evaluates the originality of the model and commentary.

"Re" - revue

Musical revue. Each team must release a well-known singer or group to the soundtrack. The more participants, the better.

"Mi" - facial expressions and gestures

Depict pantomime proverbs:

    If you like to ride - love to carry sleds.

    Measure seven times, cut once.

    No matter what the child amuses, if only she does not cry.

    The forest is cut down, the chips fly.

    Too many cooks spoil the broth.

    With the world on a thread - a naked shirt.

    You can't even pull a fish out of a pond without effort.

"Fa" - fauna

Draw any animal, but only with the whole team without discussing it in advance. The captain starts, and then everyone has to finish some detail.

"Salt" - soldo

Soldo is an Italian coin. Pinocchio received five golden soldos. Imagine that you are artists of the Karabas-Barabas Theater and perform the number "The bird danced the polka."

Spectators are given "soldo" (paper tokens). After the performance, representatives of each team collect “soldo” in their box. The team with the most of them wins.

"La" - frog

Standing to hit the target.

"Si" - sivka-burka

1. Which month is the shortest? (May - it has only three letters).
2. What is the scariest river? (River Tigris).
3. Can an ostrich call itself a bird? (No, because he cannot speak).
4. What stands between the window and the door? (Letter "and").
5. What can be cooked but not eaten? (Lessons).
6. What will happen to the green ball if it falls into the Yellow Sea? (He gets wet).
7. Which hand is better to stir the tea? (Tea is best stirred with a spoon).
8. What question cannot be answered with “yes”? (Are you sleeping now?).
9. What kind of comb should not be combed? (Petushin).
10. The man was driving a big truck. The headlights weren't on, the moon wasn't there either, the lights along the road weren't shining. The woman began to cross the road in front of the car, but the driver did not run over her. How did he manage to see her? (There was a day).
11. What tree does a crow sit on when it rains? (To wet).
12. What dishes can not be eaten? (From empty).
13. What can be seen with closed eyes? (Dream).
14. What do we eat for? (At the table).
15. When the car is moving, which wheel does not spin? (Spare).
16. Why do you go to bed when you want to sleep? (By gender).
17. How long can you go to the forest? (Until the middle - you go further out of the forest).
18. When is a person a tree? (When he is from sleep - "pine").
19. Why does the cow lie down? (Because he can't sit down).
20. Can it rain two days in a row? (No, because the night separates the days).

1. The puppy ran into the chicken coop and dispersed all the roosters. Three flew up to the perch, and one climbed into the tub. Two through the open window. How many were there in total?(Six)

2. What are the fairy tales in the name of which there are numbers and numbers?(3 pigs, Wolf and 7 kids, About the dead princess and 7 heroes, 7 Semenov - 7 Simonov, Ali - a woman and 40 robbers, Snow White and 7 gnomes, Tsvetik 7 - a flower, etc.)

3. What needs to be done so that four guys stay in one boot(Remove one boot from each)

4. How many vowels are there in the Russian alphabet? (10)

5. Which month is shorter than the others?(May, only three letters)

6. How many kilograms does one pood weigh?(16kg.)

7. The tailor has a piece of cloth 16 meters long, from which he cuts 2 meters daily. After how many days will he cut the last piece?(After 7 days)

8. The doctor prescribed the patient three injections, one every half an hour. How long will it take for all injections to be given?(In one hour)

1. On what holiday they showed puppet show in the Bethlehem box?(On Christmas Day)

2. On what holiday are colored eggs exchanged?(On Easter)

3. Folk holiday on which larks were baked?(The hoot of spring was also called Magpies or Larks)

4. Peasant shoes bast shoes were woven from bast, but what was bast extracted from?(From linden wood)

5. Who was the first cosmonaut in the world and when is Cosmonautics Day celebrated?(Yuri Gagarin, April 12)

1. Why was the butterfly called hives?(Her caterpillars live on nettles)

2. The traveler often hurts his legs - that's the doctor on the road.(plantain)

3. What does a toad eat in winter?(She is sleeping)

4. What is the name of the plant on which the flowers are of different colors; pink, blue, blue and purple?(Lungwort)

5. Where are the names of endangered plants and animals recorded?(Into the Red Book of Nature)

6. Why do swifts and swallows fly high in good weather, and above the ground in wet weather?

(Insects get their wings wet and cannot fly high.)

7. What animal eats grass in summer and bark and tree branches in winter? (Elk)

1. The name of the book in which the tales of P.P. Bazhov are collected.(Malachite Box)

2. What was the name of the famous craftsman who carved a thicket of malachite?(Danila - master)

3. Where did Ilya scoop up water with a ladle?(From the Sinyushnik well)

4. Keeper of the underground treasures of the Ural Mountains?(Mistress of Copper Mountain)

5. What was unusual about the daughter of the Great Poloz and what was her name?(Her name was Golden Hair, she has a braid of gold)

6. He himself is big and bearded, and Ora is tiny and has a little button nose. They are walking along the street, and the cat, skinned after them, jumps. What story are these characters from and what are their names?Silver hoof. Grandfather of Kokovanya, Daren and Muren.

1. Are there four brothers under one roof?(Table)

2. The whole universe lives in it, but what about an ordinary thing?(Television)

3. Does she give a pen to everyone who comes and to everyone who leaves?(Door)

4. Does a golden bird fly into the house in the evening, does it illuminate the whole house?(Electric lamp)

5. A house made of tin, and the tenants in it lead?(Mailbox)

6. Summer will come, don’t look at her, and winter will come, hug her?(Bake)

7. A place to store homemade preparations in your house, and not in the apartment? (cellar)


Arithmetic Monday

    How old is a chicken in an egg
    How many wings does a kitten have
    How many numbers are in the alphabet
    How many mountains the tiger will swallow
    How many tons does a mouse weigh?
    How many crows in a flock of fish
    How many hares did the moth eat
    Only the number knows...
    (zero )
    How many months in winter
    In summer, in autumn, in spring,
    How many eyes does a traffic light have
    Bases on the baseball field
    The edges of a sports sword
    And the stripes on our flag
    Whatever anyone tells us
    The number knows the truth...
    (three )

    How many suns behind the clouds
    How many refills are in a fountain pen
    How many noses does an elephant have
    How many watches are on your hand?
    How many legs does a fly agaric have
    And attempts at the sapper,
    Knows and is proud of himself
    (unit )

    How many legs does a mongoose have
    Petals in a cabbage flower
    Fingers on a chicken leg
    And on the back paw of a cat,
    Tanya's hand with Petya
    And all sides in the world
    Yes, and the oceans in the world,
    Knows the number...
    (four )
    How many ears on top
    How many legs does a half frog have
    How many mustaches does a catfish have
    At the planet of the poles,
    How many halves in total
    In a pair of brand new shoes,
    And the front paws of a lion
    Only the number knows...
    (two )
    How many colors are in the rainbow
    Days in the week for whales.
    Gnomes at Snow White,
    Twin brothers at the pawn
    Notes that even children know
    And all the wonders in the world
    deal with it all
    The numbers will help us...
    (seven )

Theme: "Universe"

    White flowers bloom in the evening and wither in the morning (Stars)

    Bagel, bagel, golden horns! The cloud sat on his shoulders, hung his legs from the cloud ( Month)

    Above the forest, above the mountains, a carpet is spread. He is always - always spread over you and over me, then he is gray, then he is blue, then he is bright blue. ( Sky)

    Who changes clothes four times a year ( Earth)

    A big sunflower in the sky, it blooms for many years. It blooms in winter and summer, but there are still no seeds. ( Sun)

    The shuttle flies over the ball, winds coils on the ball ( Satellite, Earth)

    From which ladle they don’t drink, don’t eat, but only look at it ( Constellation Ursa Major)

1. ... Just sees: a blizzard is winding, Snow is falling on the fields, All the white earth. Nine months pass, She does not take her eyes off the field. On Christmas Eve, on the very night, God gives the queen a daughter. Oh good. "The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Bogatyrs".
2. There is nothing to do: the boyars, Having mourned the sovereign And the young queen, Came to her bedroom in a crowd. Okiyan - Tsar Saltan ordered so.
Oh good. "The Tale of Tsar Saltan, of his glorious and mighty son Prince Gvidon Saltanovich, and of the beautiful Swan Princess."
3. The old man returned to the old woman, Well? before him are the royal chambers, In the chambers she sees her old woman, She sits at the table as a queen, Boyars and nobles serve her, They pour overseas wines for her; Oh bad. "The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish".
4. ... And the maiden, the Queen of Shamakhan, All shining like the dawn, Quietly met the king. Like a bird of the night before the sun, The king fell silent, looking into her eyes, And he forgot before her The death of both sons. She took him by the hand And took him into her tent. There she sat him at the table, Treated him with all sorts of food; She laid him to rest On a brocade bed.
Oh bad. "The Tale of the Golden Cockerel".

    When meeting with a familiar person, you always need to be with him ... ( say hello)

    Lives without a language

Doesn't eat or drink
And he speaks and sings. ( Radio)

    The bridge stretched for seven versts, and at the end of the bridge there was a golden verst. ( A week)

    The fat man is losing weight every day and will not get better in any way. ( Calendar)

    Where can you find dry stone? (In water)

    He willingly inhales the dust, does not get sick, but sneezes. (A vacuum cleaner)

    They grow in summer, fall off in autumn. (Leaves)

    The rain came, and the bridge grew, Stretched for seven miles. And it hangs golden - Above the village and the river. Do not drive on it Neither a car nor a horse. (Rainbow)

1. Day and night I stand on the roof,
No ears, but I hear everything
I look into the distance, although without eyes,
My story is on the screen. ( Antenna)

2. White as snow
In honor of everyone.
Got in the mouth -
There he disappeared. ( Sugar)

3. A cloud of iron,
And the cloud has a pen.
This cloud is in order
I went around the garden bed. ( Watering can)

4. I have a robot in my apartment.
He has a huge trunk.
Robot loves cleanliness
And it buzzes like a TU liner.
He willingly swallows the dust,
Not sick, not sneezing. ( A vacuum cleaner)
5. Under New Year he came to the house
Such a ruddy fat man.
But every day he lost weight
And finally completely disappeared. ( Calendar)

    2 willows grew. Each willow has 2 branches, each branch has 2 pears. How many pears are there? (0) There were 10 apples on the apple tree, and 2 less on the willow. How many apples are there? (10) If a rooster stands on two legs, then it weighs 4 kilograms. How much will a rooster weigh standing on 1 leg? (4 kg). The table top has 4 corners. One corner was cut off. How many corners are on the table? (5)

    There were 40 magpies on one tree. A hunter passed, shot and killed 6 magpies. How many magpies are left on the tree? (Not a single magpie was frightened by a shot and flew away)

    Two players played chess with each other for 2 hours. How long did each play? (2 hours)

1. What are the dates of the beginning and end of the Second World War (June 22, 1941, May 9, 1945) 2. Which state invaded the Motherland in 1941 without declaring war . (Fascist Germany, 3 hours 15 minutes).3. Who was the Supreme Commander (Stalin I.V.) 4. Name the fortress that became a symbol of unbending courage in the early days of the Second World War. (Brest Fortress) 5. What battles do you know? (Defense of the Brest Fortress, the Battle of Moscow, the defense of Sevastopol, the Battle of Kharkov, the Battle of Stalingrad, the Battle of Kursk, the Battle of Leningrad and the capture of the Reichstag) 6. What do you know about Tanya Savicheva.7. Who hosted the Victory Parade on Red Square in 1945 . (Zhukov G.K.)

Theme "Insects"

    In the autumn it will clog in the cracks, and wake up in the spring. ( Fly)

    A violinist lives in the meadow, wears a tailcoat and walks at a gallop ( Grasshopper)

    Above the flower flutters, dances, waves with a patterned fan. ( Butterfly)

    who lives behind the stove, does not let me sleep at night? ( Cricket)

    It will go out, then it will light up at night in a grove of light. Guess what's his name? Well, of course ... ( Firefly)

    A blue airplane sat on a white dandelion ( Dragonfly)

    7. In the forest at 3 stumps, bustle, running around, the working people are busy all day ( Ants)

    She takes juice from flowers, and accumulates sweet honey in combs. ( Bee)

Who greets first, if the elder and the younger met. (Greetings first junior)

    You are walking with a friend on the street. He met a person you didn't know, stopped. Do you need to say hello? (Yes, you should)

    You entered the bus from the back platform and saw that your friends were standing at the front door. We must say hello to them, if necessary, how to do it. (Yes, you can nod your head)

    It probably happens to you, you often meet a person on the way to school, but you don’t know him. Is it necessary to say hello in such cases? (Yes)

    Who gives a hand first, senior to junior or junior to senior. (The elder extends his hand to the younger first)

    Imagine that in a theater or cinema, you need to go to your seat, as you will pass between the rows .(facing those sitting)

Is he an eccentric or an ignoramus?
Look at anyone:
Clothes are worn on top.
He has her inside. (Wardrobe)
When I lie down
Without opening your mouth
In me, I will say, but honor,
Such emptiness!
Hurry, hurry summer
! And people will put
travel items
Into my big mouth. (Suitcase)
Of cold rubber
And he knows how to heat.
Pour boiling water -
Then it will warm up. (Warmer)
Two sisters one after another Run circle after circle: Shorty - only once, The one above - every hour. (Hour hands)


2. Extracurricular activities. Grade 4, - M., WAKO (Mosaic of children's recreation).

Resources Used

    (Psychology of the child) (Tricky questions) (Logic riddles)



"Summer vacation"

"Health City"

at MBOU secondary school No. 29

Mirny settlement


Teacher primary school MBOU secondary school No. 29 Sechina Yu.I.

Mirny settlement

Project "Summer holidays"

Every year, a health-improving shift is held for students in the summer health-improving day-care camp, which operates on the basis of MBOU OOSH No. 29

It caters for elementary and middle school students.

It is mandatory to involve difficult children, orphans, children from large and low-income families in the camp.

Center educational work camp is the child and his desire to realize.

Objective of the project:

  1. Creation of conditions for the formation of a healthy lifestyle for children, strengthening of physical and mental health through the implementation of a complex of medical, physical culture and sports activities.
  2. formation of motivation for healthy lifestyle life
  3. Formation of a moral attitude towards nature, development of practical skills in the study of nature.
  4. Creating conditions for the development of children's creative abilities, fantasy and imagination
  5. Creating conditions for the development of leadership qualities in children.

The main purpose of the project- to present the ideological plan and the way to achieve, implement this plan.

In this sense, the project is educational, educational, playful (leisure) and recreational.

Implementation forms: sports tournaments, sports days, outdoor games, hardening, i.e. implementation of a complex of medical, psychological, pedagogical, social and physical culture and sports events

Explanatory note to the project "Summer Holidays"

The monotonous rhythm of the life of children in learning activities must be interrupted. Children absolutely need a change of activity, a change of impressions.

Holidays, in their own way, a valve for descent of excess children's energy, days of relaxation.

And at the same time, vacations are always a charge of new energy, mood, the acquisition of new forces; this is the continuation of the development of the world, its knowledge, the richest time of education and self-education.

The task of teachers and educators is to make this time interesting and unforgettable for children.

During the summer holidays, not every parent can provide their child with a complete, properly organized vacation, during which you can improve your health, relieve stress, develop abilities. We solve these problems by implementing school project"Summer vacation" .

The integrity of the socio-cultural space of the school is manifested in the integrity and interconnection of the structural components of the entire school system. This is most clearly manifested in the organization of vacations and summer holidays for schoolchildren. For this purpose, a summer camp is organized on the basis of the school, which has become a tradition.

The specifics of the organization of the life of children within the framework of the summer camp is the continuation of the implementation of the goals, objectives, structure of educational work carried out during the school year. Thus, during the holidays and summer holidays, the socio-cultural space of the school does not stop functioning, and, accordingly, the impact on children, but passes into a new qualitative state, the expression of which is the school camp.

At the same time, the atmosphere of the school summer camp is significantly different from the conditions that are typical for the organization of the educational process during the school year. First of all, this is due to the lack of strict regulation of activities and the presentation to the child of a wider range of opportunities for self-realization, free manifestation of initiatives. The main task of the health camp is, first of all, the organization of children's recreation.

Ideas for health promotion, development, additional education, organization of meaningful leisure and free self-realization of pupils in the conditions school camp considered in unity and form the basis of the concept of summer holidays for children and adolescents. The task of the teaching staff is to maximize the use of the opportunities presented by the school camp in terms of development, education and expansion of the life experience of children.

To this end, a health-improving day-care camp for children "Rainbow" is traditionally organized on the basis of the school.

Targets and goals the organization of a school camp is determined by the need to organize meaningful leisure for children during vacation time and the need to compensate for the shortcomings of the social environment and living conditions of the child. The choice of forms and methods of organizing work in the summer camp is determined by:

  1. common goals and objectives of education, development and health improvement;
  2. specific goals and objectives of educational activities;
  3. the age of the children;
  4. children's expectations;
  5. training conditions;
  6. opportunities for educators;
  7. availability of appropriate methodological material.

most popular forms of work in the conditions of the school camp are:

  1. exercise therapy, sports games, competitions; hikes, walks, excursions;
  2. television forms: “Guess the tune”, “What? Where? When?”, “Field of Miracles”, “KVN”, performances, fairs; contests "Tomboy Show", "Miss - June", "We are looking for talents", etc.

The organization of the child's stay in the camp and individual educational activities should help to ensure that each case becomes the property of everyone. For this it is necessary that:

  1. the conceived, planned business corresponded to the age of the children;
  2. preparation for the event contributed to the creation of joy in work, the search for various solutions, the possibility of developing the creative abilities of each child;
  3. collective creative work has become a field of self-expression of the child's personality;
  4. any reasonable idea that came out of the mouths of children would be heard, if possible accepted and implemented;
  5. each child has found his place in the preparation and implementation of various collective creative activities.

Health Day Camp

"Health City"

Direction: health improvement of children, development of creative abilities.


1. Improving the health of children.
2. Formation of skills and habits of taking care of one's health.
3. Development of fantasy and imagination, memory and thinking.
4. Formation of the ability to communicate in a team of different ages.

General provisions:

1.1 The day camp for children is a structural subdivision of MBOU secondary school No. 29 organized for the implementation and conduct of recreational work with students aged 7 to 15 years.

1.2. The camp operates during the summer holidays.

1.3. The camp is organized in order to create conditions for strengthening the health of children, developing their hygienic and physical culture; implementation of medical and preventive, sports, educational, cultural and leisure programs and services that provide recuperation, creative self-realization, moral, civil, patriotic, environmental education and development of children.

1.4. In its activities, the camp is guided by the Law of the Russian Federation "On Education", these Regulations and the Charter of the school on the basis of which it is created.

Organization and basics of activity:

2.1 The camp is opened based on the order of the director educational institution

2.2 The camp is completed from among the students of MBOU secondary school No. 29 of the village of Mirny

2.3. Groups, detachments are created in the camp, the occupancy of which is determined by the school and the education committee, taking into account the age and interests of students, sanitary and hygienic standards, safety regulations, financial and human resources.

2.4. The content, forms and methods of work are determined by the teaching staff of the camp on the principles of democracy and humanism, the development of initiative and independence, taking into account the interests of children.

2.5. The necessary conditions are being created in the camp to ensure recreation and entertainment, physical culture and health work, and the organization of socially useful work.

2.6. The camp staff independently develops a program of work, the main directions of life, daily routine, organization of self-government and approves it from the director of the school.

. Protecting the life and health of children in the camp

3.1. The head of the camp and the staff are responsible for the complete safety of the life and health of the children in the camp.

3.2. Camp workers and children must strictly observe discipline, follow the rules of the internal regulations, the daily routine, and the plan of educational work.

3.3. All camp premises are provided with fire-fighting equipment. The camp has developed plans for the evacuation of children in case of fire and natural disasters.

3.4. Camp staff are allowed to work after a special seminar, medical clearance, instructions on protecting the life and health of children.

Expected results

Thanks to the observance of sanitary and hygienic conditions, the regime of educational and recreational activities and the establishment effective way communication "child-teacher", children can relieve the physiological and psychological stress of the body, strengthen their health, master the skills and abilities of caring for their health.

Classes in various circles, participation in competitions, holidays, competitions, exhibitions contribute to the development of individual and creative abilities of children.

The main thing is that children's Immediacy and Friendship, Creativity, Romance, Movement and fruitful contacts with nature should be firmly and permanently registered in the camp.

"Summer vacation"

children's health camp day stay

"Health City"

Determining the content of the program, we set ourselves the task of forming the humane personality traits of the pupil.

Outdoor games, competitions, physical exercises, good nutrition, health hours will help the children to get stronger and recuperate for the new school year. The activities of the camp help the children develop their creative abilities. We want to give students the opportunity to plan, organize their activities, and participate in solving camp life issues. Using self-management in the camp, we give the guys the opportunity to try themselves in various social roles, to gain communication experience.




Expected Result

Children's health improvement

1. Strengthen the health of children.

2. To form the skills and habits of taking care of your health

Morning work-out



exercise therapy

Air and sun baths.

Outdoor games.


Hiking with games on the ground

Promotion and formation of a healthy lifestyle.

Improving the physical condition of students.

Increased motor activity.

Strengthening the physical health of children.

Develop fantasy and imagination, memory and thinking.

The work of the art studio "Rainbow"

Drawing competitions

poetry competitions


Occupation of circles

Exhibitions of student work.

Participation of students in various competitions

Plan for the implementation of the project "Summer holidays"

Health-improving camp "Health City" with day stay for children

Children's health:

A business




morning exercises



exercise therapy



Squad Olympics:

"Stronger, Higher, Faster"

During the shift


Business game:

"Health, you and your friends"

according to plan



Small Olympic Games

During the shift


Fun Starts:

"Summer Marathon"

according to plan



Walks in the open air.



Role-playing game:

"Road to victory over yourself"

according to plan



Communication Hours

"I am for a healthy lifestyle",

"Green Pharmacy"

"Compliance with the diet"

according to plan



Development of children's creative abilities

A business




During the shift



The work of the art studio "Rainbow"

During the shift



The work of the circle "Skillful hands"

During the shift


according to plan


Asphalt drawing competition

according to plan


Drawing competitions

according to plan


Reciting contests

according to plan


according to plan



according to plan


Crafts contest from improvised material

according to plan



Treasure hunter game

according to plan



Miss June Contest

according to plan



"Festival of Flowers"

according to plan



The project has specific expected results, but in general, the implementation of the Summer Vacation project will lead to the improvement of the educational system through:

Improving psychological comfort in a single educational space of the school;
- increasing trust, respect, disclosure of creative abilities;
- improvement and strengthening of children's health;
- expanding the range of educational relations;
- strengthening ties between different age groups of children

Work plan of the LDRP "Health City"

1st day

Opening day of the camp "City of Health"

  1. Solemn line with the use of the Kuban symbols.

2. Acquaintance of children with the organization of the camp. Questionnaire. Safety briefing (behavior in the camp, safe stay in the camp, daily routine, dignity and hygiene requirements, behavior in the canteen)

3. Work in teams: distribution of assignments, selection of assets, songs. chants, emblems

4. Outdoor games

5. Hour of communication: "Compliance with the diet"

6. The work of the circle "Funny notes"

7. The work of the art studio "Rainbow"

2nd day

Day of sports games

  1. Small Olympic Games
  2. Outdoor games
  3. Hour of communication "Health, you and your friends"
  4. Treasure hunter game
  5. The work of the art studio "Rainbow". Drawing competition "Mom, dad, I am a sports family"
  6. The work of the circle "Skillful hands"
  7. Watching cartoons

3rd day

Variety Day

  1. Concert KVCHG (who is into what much)
  2. Concert of counselors
  3. Outdoor games
  4. The work of the circle "Funny notes". An hour of learning new songs
  5. Reading competitions "Poems play hide and seek"
  6. Trip to SDUSHOR

4th day

good day

  1. Fun Starts: "Summer Marathon"
  2. Walks, outdoor games
  3. Good deeds
  4. Hour of communication "The road to victory over yourself"
  5. The work of the circle "Funny notes". Learning songs about goodness
  6. The work of the art studio "Rainbow»
  7. Watching cartoons

5th day

Thieves Day

  1. tomboy show
  2. Squad Olympics: "Stronger, higher, faster"
  3. Treasure hunter game
  4. The work of the circle "Funny notes". Song Contest
  5. Quiz "There on unknown paths"
  6. The work of the circle "Skillful Hands". DIY craft competition

6th day

crayon day

  1. Fun starts "Summer Marathon"
  2. Competitive program "Cheerful camp artist"
  3. The work of the art studio "Rainbow". Drawing competition "Hurrah, summer"
  4. Hour of communication "Art in our life"
  5. Camping with games in the area
  6. The work of the circle "Skillful hands"
  7. A trip to the recreation center of Oktyabrsky

7th day

Day of fairy tales

  1. Walks, outdoor games.
  2. Brain - fairy tale ring
  3. Table tennis competition
  4. Watching cartoons
  5. Staged fairy tale competition
  6. Reciting contests
  7. "What a charm these fairy tales are." Drawing competition based on favorite fairy tales
  8. A trip to the recreation center p. Oktyabrsky

8th day

nature day

1. A trip to the forest

2. The work of the art studio "Rainbow". Drawing competition "Let's protect nature"

3. The work of the circle "Skillful Hands" Competition of crafts from natural material

4. Units corner "Take care of your planet, because there is no other in the world!"

5. Mysterious quiz "These funny animals"

6 Feast of Flowers

  1. Watching scientific and educational films about nature

9th day

Day of Folk Traditions ( dedicated to the day Russia)

  1. Games, outdoor activities
  2. Communication hour. "My Russia"
  3. Drawing competition "I love you, Russia"
  4. Competition program "Russian Traditions"
  5. The work of the circle "Funny notes". Patriotic songs
  6. The work of the circle "Skillful hands

10th day

Day of discoveries and creativity

  1. Squad Olympics "Stronger, Higher, Faster"
  2. Book "Guinness Records Camp Rainbow"
  3. Competition program "Hello, we are looking for talents"
  4. The work of the circle "Skillful hands"
  5. Competition of drawings, songs
  6. Outdoor games
  7. Dramatization "Old tales in a new way"

11th day

bow day

  1. Competition program "Miss June"
  2. Asphalt drawing contests
  3. Excursion to the park
  4. The work of the circle "Skillful hands"
  5. The work of the circle "Funny notes"Competition "Song shootout"
  6. Hour of communication "Green Pharmacy"
  7. Trip to SDUSHOR

Purity Day

  1. Sports show Call of the Jungle
  2. outdoor games

3. Hour of communication "Friendship begins with a smile"

4. Action "Cleanliness will save the world." Territory cleaning.

5. The work of the art studio "Rainbow". Drawing competition "We are for cleanliness"


13th day

health day

1 . Camping with games in the area

2. Hour of communication "I am for a healthy lifestyle"

3. Competition program "The strongest, most agile"

4. Sports activities in SDUSHOR

5. Competition of drawings on asphalt

14th day

Farewell camp day

1. A trip to the forest

2. "Childhood is me and you." farewell concert

3. Questionnaire

4. The work of the art studio "Rainbow" Drawing competition "My friends"

5. A trip to the Palace of Culture, Oktyabrsky

Cases of the organizational period (1-3 days)
Period tasks Squad affairs general camp affairs
Acquaintance of children with teachers and with each other. Acquaintance with the life of the camp. Determination of the structure of the team, the formation of the foundations of collective activity. Adaptation. Dating light "Tell me about yourself." Evening "Lights": "My strong qualities"; "Letter home". Primary diagnosis. Registration of detachment corners Selection of an asset. Squad presentation. "Vozhatsky concert". Game by stations (based on the materials of the Convention on the Rights of the Child). Festive ruler opening of "A house with windows to childhood".
Cases of the main period (4-15 days) "Creativity", "Community", "Cognition"
Inclusion of children in active activities; Creation of favorable conditions for self-realization of children Preparation for thematic days Squad evening lights: “My company”, “Good evening”, “What is it? Who is this?”, “All roads start from the threshold”, “Three plus one”, “Press conference”, “Decision time” Classes in circles, workshops, creative laboratories Work of the camp asset Preparation for general camp affairs; Labor landings; Drawing competitions Inter-squad affairs Sports and health work. Acting Day Cheerful starts Day of good deeds Game theatrical program "Miracles in half an hour" Health Day Presentation of circles, workshops. Day of Sports Day of fun games and fun "Fair of Miracles" Musical competition. "Day of Innocent Deceptions"
Cases of the final period (16-18 days)
Summing up the general results of the implementation of the shift program. Identification of the results of individual and collective achievements Rewarding the organizers and active participants of the shift Questionnaire Diagnostics Evening lights: "In the circle of friends"; "Intimate conversation" Campfire songs "Guitar in a circle" Exhibition of children's creative works Issue of a newspaper Compilation of the chronicle of the shift Issue of information bulletins of the shift Festive closing of the shift Departure of children

Annex 5

Functional camp model

Appendix 6

Project-program for changing the children's tourist camp.

Explanatory note.

Summer holidays make up a significant part of the students' annual free time. It has long been known that during the summer holidays there is a relaxation of the tension accumulated over the year, the restoration of expended strength, health, and the development of creative potential. These and many other functions are performed by the children's scout camp.

In our opinion, a scout camp is a unique form of organizing children's summer holidays, as it includes almost all types of children's tourism (cognitive, health, sports, environmental), which contributes to the comprehensive development of the individual and its recovery.

Resting in a scout camp, a teenager develops and grows in a complex way. Since in order to achieve any results, it is necessary to develop all spheres of the personality, starting from physical and volitional properties and ending with intellectual, communicative, moral qualities. Rest of children in this case is not isolation from informational and physical loads, but their skillfully selected system. Recreation and learning contribute to the easy assimilation of information, the definition of ideals, value orientations.

For the gradual development of motivation for the knowledge of adolescents, the development of their value orientations in the field of health, it is considered productive to use the means and methods of tourism during the holidays. The motivation for health and a healthy lifestyle is understood as a teenager's awareness of the need to maintain health for manifestation in various spheres of life, as the basis for its harmonious development and the implementation in connection with this of various measures to preserve and maintain health, compliance with the principles of a healthy lifestyle for the same purposes. . In the absence of motivation in a teenager, any programs and activities to preserve health will be weakly effective or even ineffective. The presence of motivation in the child provides almost 100% success in achieving pedagogical goals.

Joint work with a teenager on the formation of the value of health and motivation for a healthy lifestyle begins with the initiative of the teacher, because the teenager does not consider himself ill by emotional and psychological feelings, he does not have the task of strengthening and maintaining his own health. The guys often never personally assessed the state of their own health and did not even think about its parameters. Therefore, the main result of the activities of teachers will be: the awakening of interests in health, in its assessment, preservation; awareness of the importance of health for success in any kind of activity and career, as well as approval among peers. In adolescence, socially useful, socially significant and individually personal activity becomes the leading one. It is she who is a way of self-affirmation for a teenager.

Based on these theoretical positions, it is possible to determine those fundamental pedagogical views that should be based on the practice of organizing children's tourism. The main task of the teacher is to create a hypothetical model for the formation of a developing and learning environment for children.

It is the teacher-educator, the instructor of tourism in the tourist camp that should set the conditions, forms and methods research activities in campaigns, thanks to which the child will form an internal motivation to approach any first information that arises before him from a creative position; thoughtful about your lifestyle.

From this it follows that one of the most significant tasks is to address the issue of how to form internal motivation, that is, the transformation of an external need into an internal need.

It should be taken into account that most adolescents, especially young men, choosing tourism as a sport, strive to improve their performance by participating in more complex and longer routes. The healing value of such routes is difficult to overestimate. Communication with nature, clean air, sun, water, frequent change of impressions strengthen the nervous system, loads train muscles and lungs. One of the main goals is the education of strong-willed and physically strong personalities. Children gain confidence, they increase the body's resistance, endurance, reaction speed.

The next goal of the scout camp is to educate a teenager as a member of a single team, where the child feels like a part of the whole - a detachment - knows his duties and functions on a hike, learns to act harmoniously with others, to communicate with peers in difficult and new conditions. It is at such moments that mutual assistance and support is brought up and manifested.

The formation and development of the ecological consciousness of adolescents is one of the important tasks. Children should know the basic rules of being outdoors.

And also the fact that the socio-pedagogical impact of an organized and pedagogically directed sports and tourist team is opposed to negative influences on the personality of a teenager and rejects antisocial behavior.

The main thing to consider is that true recovery and the formation of a healthy lifestyle is not possible without creating a favorable climate in the children's team, organizing a variety of creative activities that enable spiritual, intellectual and creative development child to meet his various needs.

The camp is organized in order to create conditions for strengthening the health of adolescents, developing their intellectual abilities, hygienic and physical culture; implementation of medical and preventive, sports, educational, cultural and leisure programs that provide recuperation, creative self-realization, moral, civil, patriotic, environmental education of adolescents.

Program goal: organization of active summer recreation for teenagers, development of motivation for a healthy lifestyle by means of tourism

Program objectives:

Organize a system of recreational activities related to the prevention of common diseases in children, health promotion, hardening of the body;

Organization of systematic sports and competitive


Identify and develop the child's creative potential, include it in developing collective and individual activities;

Studying and taking into account personal cognitive interests, inclinations,

abilities of children for the implementation of personality-oriented and developmental learning.

Socialization of a teenager in a group of peers through joint activities.

The main concepts of the scout camp - "Children of the Forest":

Ensuring the employment of children various types activities with a variety of its content and forms of implementation;

Formation of a creative atmosphere of joint activities, instilling the skills of a culture of communication and interaction in the creative process;

The use of mass and group (circle, sectional) forms of classes, methods of collective creative activity.

The activity of the camp is based on the following principles:

Creation of the maximum number of diverse club spaces, where the norms and rules of interaction are developed by the members of the group, which prevents authoritarian pressure and increases the degree of the possibility of self-determination, self-actualization and self-development of the individual;

Freedom of choice of activity, team, teacher as necessary conditions for independent, creative development and self-realization of the child;

Reflectivity, meaning that the basic reality is one's own activity and the activity of others. Creation of conditions for objective self-assessment by students of their physical fitness and self-improvement.

Creation unified system monitoring the physical fitness of adolescents in the camp on the basis of information obtained from the survey data at the beginning and end of the shift.

Testing of physical fitness of adolescents is carried out twice - at the beginning and at the end of the shift, as provided for by the physical education program. Further, the counselor works on the basis of his author's programs, taking into account the instructions received from the camp management. Classes in such programs do not replace work in sections, but complement them (in the form of games, competitions). This approach encourages the teacher to be creative, more initiative, to compete with colleagues.

All information about the success of teenagers, shifts and the effectiveness of the author's programs of teachers flocks at the end of the year to the Information Bank.

"Children of the Forest" provide a systemic self-assessment of those involved, control over the level of physical fitness of children and further forecasting the activities of shift counselors.

The developed program is simple, informative, reliable and attractive for children. At the first stage, it assumes the form of competitions in a complex of physical exercises, which cover almost the entire spectrum of a person's physical qualities.

The concept of the Program is based, first of all, on the interests of the individual himself, the need to reveal his potential, internal reserves of health and physical condition. This approach allows each individual to develop, be noticed and recognized in society.

The program does not depend on the religion and race of the participants. The scouting movement is able to reach an unlimited number of teenagers with an exciting health-improving form of introduction to a healthy lifestyle.

The program "Children of the Forest" is designed for all children, regardless of their motor skills. This shows a fundamentally new approach to the organization of competitions, which is based on the maximum, unlimited involvement of children in the sports and recreational movement:

The new approach to the physical education of children and youth is based on the expansion, first of all, of sports activities of a developing nature, which, as a rule, are held outside the school schedule;

The program is focused on creating a wide range of motivation for physical education and sports in children;

It is based on such a system of physical education, which is based primarily on self-improvement, stimulates the person himself to engage in physical exercises and self-control of his condition.

It allows each person to monitor their own level of physical condition almost throughout their lives.

In the camp, each child takes part in 20-30 activities and activities per shift. A similar amount of educational work is carried out in a school for six months. A variety of forms of work allows everyone to find a job, to become its subject. There is also an opportunity to do what you love in a circle, section. Individual interests are harmoniously combined with collective ones when children act as organizers or participants in a holiday, competitions, exhibitions in the camp.

Knowledge, abilities, skills, social experience acquired

in a tourist camp with its subject-creative and health-improving

orientation, are qualitatively different from the experience acquired in other conditions, since they are created in practical activities, which are the main educational means, enriched by the assimilation of new knowledge and skills acquired independently.

Health-improving orientation of the Program.

The new movement has a pronounced health-improving orientation, stimulates a high level of motivation for the child's physical activity. Here there is a clear technological system recovery - from self-esteem and self-control to self-improvement.

Social and economical effect from the implementation of the Program will significantly exceed the direct costs of society for its implementation.

Camp principles:

by the camp team, based on the basic principles of activity:



Initiatives and autonomy

Taking into account the individual and age characteristics of children (teenagers 10-14 years old)

Program building logic:

The preparatory stage includes:

1. recruitment;

2. recruitment of detachments;

3. development of documentation;

4. camp placement.

The organizational stage includes:

1. meeting at the station, acquaintance;

2. filling out personal cards, distribution by squads;

3. identifying and setting goals for the development of the team and personality;

4. rallying units;

5. formation of laws and conditions joint work;

6. preparation for further activities under the program.

main stage includes the implementation of the main provisions of the program.

Children, teachers - organizers of the program:

They learn, rest, work, develop;

Make discoveries in themselves, in the world around them;

Develop the ability to trust themselves and others;

Strengthen your health.

During the implementation of the program, pupils draw up detachment corners, exhibitions of drawings, crafts; information corners: security, with the theme of a healthy lifestyle.

The final stage. Psychological-socio-pedagogical analysis

results. Summing up the results of the final monitoring, handing out a personal card "My achievements" upon graduation from the camp, awarding each teenager with an emblem for merit, initiation of especially distinguished ones into scouts, or increasing the rank.

Pedagogical creed.

1. The principle of pedagogical professionalism;

2. The principle of respect for the personality of the child;

3. The principle of cooperation, co-creation, commonwealth;

4. The principle of supporting children's initiatives and creativity;

5. The principle of self-government of the children's team;

6. The principle of combining universal and national cultural values ​​in the organization of the life of children;

7. The principle of individual approach and collective creativity;

8. The principle of positive resolution of conflict situations.

The period of adaptation in the camp.

In order for the process of entering children into a new environment to go smoothly and painlessly, it is necessary:

To introduce children to each other as soon as possible, for which purpose to conduct games and team affairs that contribute to intensive acquaintance;

To accustom children to the implementation of the daily routine and compliance with sanitary standards;

To create a feeling of comfort in children, for which it is competent to organize their sleeping places, appoint those responsible for order;

To give the guys the opportunity to express themselves, to assert themselves, for which purpose to offer a set of detachment cases of various directions: sports, intellectual, arts and crafts, labor, creative;

To form in children an idea of ​​\u200b\u200bwhat awaits them in the near future, for which purpose introduce them to the shift program, involve children in drawing up a work plan.

Main forms of work:

Collectively creative activities, morning and evening lines, concerts, quizzes, discos, conversations, games, excursions, hikes, as well as special ceremonies: initiation, meeting and seeing off those who go on a hike.

Competitions: drawings, handicrafts from natural material, talents, scholars, athletes.

General camp holidays: "Opening of the camp shift", "Royal Hunt", "Capture of the Island", "Eagle's Nest", "Closing of the camp shift", "Initiation into Scouts", etc.

All-camp sports events: "March", "We are ready!", surrender of individual and general squad sports standards, as well as football and volleyball competitions.

Cognitive and entertaining holidays: Defense Day environment, Folk Traditions Day, Green Backpack Day, Reverse Day, Interesting Things Day.

Laws in the camp.

The law of exact time.

The law of the territory (territorial restriction, frugality, thrift).

The law of nature conservation.

The law of the raised hand (attention, I ask for the floor).

The law of a healthy lifestyle.

The law "hand in hand" (to do everything together, together).

The law of respect for the personality of a person, someone else's work, someone else's opinion.

The law of freedom of speech.

Pupils' rights:

The right to respect the individual.

The right of creative creation (individual and collective creativity).

The right of knowledge.

The right to freedom of choice of activity.

The right to free communication.

The right to information.

The right to take the initiative.

The right to be happy.

Right to be wrong.

Artistic design of shifts. Information stand: “Daily routine”, the teams are in turn responsible for: cooking, washing dishes, order in the territory, preparing for a hike, heating the bathhouse, decorating the teams: name; motto, emblem, song.

Functioning children's camp is carried out according to the horizontal principle of same-age groups - same-age education, focused on the construction and regulation of interpersonal relations, responsible for the comfortable state and protection of the child's personality.

Groups are completed by 20-25 people. with two leaders at the head of each group. In such a group, the counselor has the opportunity to build real humanistic relations between adults and children, to implement a differentiated approach to children.

At the same time, groups cannot solve the problem of realizing the needs and interests of children. To this end, various associations of different ages function in the camp. The circle is an education that contributes to the realization of the social creative needs of a young person.

The camp creates various associations(circles) of children on interests, joint activities, common purpose. The list and work plans of the associations are approved and proposed at the general meeting of the camp. The general collection is the main body of self-government in the camp.

The general gathering meets once a week under the supervision of the head of the scout camp. All leaders participate in the meeting structural divisions camp services.

Program implementation forms:

> mass holidays;

> views;

> conversations, lectures, master classes, trainings;

> concerts;

> quizzes;

> conversation;

> competitive game program;

> teamwork;

> sports competitions;

> excursions, pods;

> role-playing game.

For greater interest of children in obtaining new information and putting into practice forms of a healthy lifestyle, you can use the following methods:

> Theatricalization method, when information is presented through theatrical action.

> The method of complicity, when adolescents are included in a particular activity. If this is a hike, then the guys themselves prepare food, make a fire themselves.

> The method of the game, historical material is presented through the game, for example, you can arrange a quiz on the history of the region, or who will set up a tent faster, etc.

> The method of intrigue, when the material is presented through epics, legends, stories with a "plot", usually this is of interest to children.

> Method scientific research when the guys go on an excursion with a specific purpose, to collect historical material for writing an abstract, a report.

Directions of education:

1. civil;

2. moral;

3. physical culture and recreation;

4. ecological;

5. aesthetic.

Program implementation principles:

scientific the proposed program is in line with modern idea on the organization of a health-saving space;

Realism and accessibility - the volume of performances is adapted to the presentation of adolescents and corresponds to their age capabilities;

Valuable attitude to life and health - adolescents are brought to the consciousness that life and health is a huge value, that the full value of a person's life depends on the state of health.

Expected results:

The program will arouse interest among children and their parents;

A new list of values ​​and life guidelines will be formed;

Improving relations among children, eliminating negative manifestations;

Creation of an atmosphere of cooperation and interaction in the process of educational activities;

Mastering by a teenager ways of maintaining and strengthening health;

Expanding the horizons of children;

Meeting the needs of adolescents in hobby activities in the field of free time.

Program Performance Indicators:

1. Demonstration by teenagers of moral relations with young children, with peers, adults.

2. The activity of a teenager in the development of new knowledge, skills and abilities.

3. Qualitative changes in the physical condition of a teenager.

4. Expansion of knowledge about ecology, the scout movement, about a healthy lifestyle.

Methods for evaluating the results of the program implementation:

Questioning (at the beginning and end of the shift);

Pedagogical supervision;

The material for the effectiveness of the educational process is such indicators as team cohesion, general good mood, personal achievements of a teenager, therefore, a healthy lifestyle is a necessary

condition of human existence;

A person-centered approach to life orientation - the focus is on personal development adolescents, cultivating a caring attitude towards their health and an optimistic attitude towards life.

Exploratory cognition - staging a teenager in active position researcher.

When the summer holidays come, adults living in residential communities are faced with the problem of their children's summer holidays. On the one hand, schools organize day camps. But it is not so easy for “village” children to get to school: firstly, it is dangerous, and secondly, these are additional costs for the road. And it turns out that the children living in the villages, left to their own devices from morning to evening, become homeless. The question arises: what to do with the village children during the holidays?



"Sunny summer in the Marvelous Village"

(organized summer vacation

as a form of prevention

neglect and delinquency

among young residents of the village of Solnechny and Divny)

Savchenko O.P., primary school teacher

Kirbeneva A.A., Deputy Director for

educational work

Nizhnevartovsk, 2012



Nizhnevartovsk is a modern, comfortable, dynamically developing city. It is unique in that people with different views, customs and traditions coexist in it. Within the boundaries of our wonderful city, there are temporary settlements where people have been living for many years. Many families from such villages have many children. Children preschool age go to kindergartens, and schoolchildren attend educational institutions located in the city.

Recently, the relationship between the family and the child is a traditional problem. modern society. In the age of scientific and technological progress and new socio-economic relations, earning money comes to the fore, for which adults sometimes pay with rare communication with children, with their families. Work absorbs all the free time of adults. There is a lack of communication with children.

When the summer holidays come (seemingly the best time for relaxation and joint leisure), adults living in these villages are faced with the problem of summer holidays for their children. On the one hand, schools organize day camps. But it is not so easy for “village” children to get to school: firstly, it is dangerous, and secondly, these are additional costs for the road. In 2009, when the free transportation of students was canceled, organized recreation covered only 8 children of MOSSh No. 11 from the village of Solnechny and Divnoy.

And to send three or more children for parents to another city for recreation is very expensive. And it turns out that the children living in the villages are left to their own devices from morning to evening.

In MOSSh No. 11 as of September 1, 2010, out of 545 students of "delivery" children - 109, representing 20% ​​of all students. In MOSSh No. 7 out of 556 students of the village children 221, which is 40%. The question arises: what to do, what to do with the village children during the summer holidays?

Nikolai Knizhnikov, director of the SDUSHOR for team sports, contacted the administration of MOSSh No. 11, who offered his help in organizing summer holidays for children from the Divny and Solnechny settlements, which consists in providing free buses for the children during their holidays in the school camp.

The organization of recreation, employment in the summer, the preservation and strengthening of the health of children and adolescents is one of the priority tasks of the social policy of our city. Summer camp today is not only social protection, it is also a testing ground for creative development, enrichment of the spiritual world and intellect of the child, which creates conditions for the socialization of a young person.

Benefits of going to a school camp:

  • Availability of recreation for children from socially unprotected segments of the population.
  • Prevention of neglect, delinquency and accidents at home and on the street, on the roads of the city at a time when children are left to their own devices.
  • Personal growth of each child through participation in the chosen activity.
  • Opportunity for children to acquire new knowledge, skills and abilities.

Poll (Appendix No. 1 ) among the parents of students showed that the coverage of children with summer holidays at the base of the school camp was greater when there were free school buses. For parents of different social categories, this was a solution to the problem of children's recreation and leisure in the summer.


Objective of the project - organization of summer holidays for children and teenagers from Divny and Solnechny settlements.

Project objectives:

  • prevention of neglect and delinquency among minors;
  • promotion of a healthy lifestyle through sports and gaming activities and creative contests;
  • development of leadership and communication skills through the joint activities of children of different ages.

Expected Result:

  • coverage with organized recreation is 15-17% of the total number of transported children.
  • reduction in the number of offenses among adolescents living in residential areas;
  • gaining experience in leadership and communication skills and a responsible attitude to one's health.




Kind of activity

Stage 1 - preparatory

Organization and conduct of a survey with children and parents from the villages of Solnechny and Divny.

Interaction with sponsors (Director of the Sports School for Team Sports N. Knizhnikov - providing free buses to transport students during the summer school camp).

Production of leaflets, booklets describing the work of the summer camp for parents.

Interaction with city institutions: city museum of local lore, Central Children's Theater, KT "Mir", "Kinotank", TsNK, DK "Brigantina", "SDYUSHOR for team sports", LLC "Transhydromechanization" stadium.

Stage 2 - main

Implementation of the program of a summer school camp with a day stay for children from the settlements of Divny and Solnechny "Great space travel».

Stage 3 - final

Studying the effectiveness of project implementation.

Making a photo album based on the results of the project.



Project staffing (one shift)

Project Manager

1 person

Teachers - educators

3 persons

sports instructor

1 person

Counselors - organizers (students of NSGU, NSGC, representatives of the Central Children's Theater)

6 people

Music worker

1 person

Camp leader

1 person


13 people


  1. Methodical literature (library MOSSh No. 11, library of the Central Children's Theater).
  2. Internet resources (MOSSh No. 11).
  3. Stadium (resources of Transhydromechanization LLC).
  4. Technical means (television, video, audio equipment, multimedia installation).

Sources of financing:

Funds from the city budget;

Parents' funds;

Sponsor funds.

  1. VIABILITY OF THE PROJECT(perspectives)

The project is real. Has a lot of local support. For parents of various social categories in the settlements of Divny and Solnechny, this would be a solution to the problem of children's recreation and leisure in the summer. Thanks to the implementation of this project, it is possible to organize free time for children, both on the territory of residential settlements and on the territory of MOSSh No. 11. Therefore, in the future, the issue of organizing autumn and spring recreation for students is being considered.

As part of this project, the Great Space Journey program dedicated to the Year of Cosmonautics will be implemented.




Required amount



Source of financing


A4 paper;

colored paper


watercolor paints,

Brushes, markers, etc.



Tent (canopy)

10 000

city ​​budget

Uniform (t-shirts)

5 000

city ​​budget

Buses (for transportation of children from settlements)

Sponsors (SDUSHOR for team sports)

Sports equipment

Balls, jump ropes, rackets, hoops, bicycles, etc.

MOSSh No. 11

Digital camera

6 000

MOSSh No. 11


Games, souvenirs, books, photo album, puzzles, construction sets, etc.


city ​​budget


for this projectadditional fundsfrom the city budget

25 000


Application No. 1.

Questionnaire for parents.

  1. Has your child attended a school camp?
  2. Did everything suit you in the work of the camp?
  3. What suggestions do you have for the work of the school camp?
  4. How would you react to the fact that the camp will work both on the territory of the village and on the territory of MOSSh No. 11?
  5. Will your child attend such a camp?
  6. Is it important for your family's budget to organize transportation of children to a school camp?

Annex number 2.

Photographic materials.

Venues for events, within the framework of the project "Sunny Summer in Divny Settlement",

On the territory of the village Sunny.

LLC "Transhydromechanization"

Playground in Solnechny village

Stadium LLC "Transhydromechanization"

Former dispensary of Transhydromechanization LLC

(now a gym)


medical care





creative project

summer health camp

"Rainbow - arc"


Explanatory note

The program of the children's health camp with a day stay for children is based on creative project"Rainbow - arc"

In 2010, on the basis of the municipal educational institution of secondary school No. 2, a program for a children's health camp with a day stay for children "Rainbow" was developed

An analysis of the activity of the health-improving summer camp showed that effective work: the program fully met the requirements and tasks set for teachers working with children in the summer. The children visited the DOL with pleasure, took an active part in games, relay races, competitions, which made it possible to reveal the creative abilities of children. The opportunity to show their talents, and then demonstrate them at the reporting holiday concert, left no one indifferent.

In this regard, the creative project "Rainbow - Arc" -2014 was developed.

Visiting the camp, children become residents of the "Rainbow House". Waiting for them in the camp professional master- classes according to different directions, various creative competitions and sports games, incendiary events and, of course, the final "Gala Concert", where every child will feel like a "Star". Each child in the "Rainbow House" collects as many stars as possible. Takes part in various events - master classes, competitions, relay races, sports competitions, etc.

Throughout the camp shift in the "Rainbow House" there is a hidden camera.

Project Efficiency Criteria

It is necessary to create such conditions so that each participant in the process (adults and children) finds his place, treats his duties and assignments with pleasure, and participates in the proposed activities with pleasure.

To fulfill these conditions, the following performance criteria have been developed:

Setting realistic goals and planning program results;

Program staffing;

Methodological support of the program;

Pedagogical conditions;

Logistics and technical support;

The interest of teachers and children in the implementation of the program, a favorable psychological climate;

Creative collaboration between adults and children.

Age: students from 1st to 7th grades

Project duration

The project is designed for the entire shift of the children's health camp - 18 days.

Principles of organization of the pedagogical process within the framework of the project:

The principle of interaction between educators and pupils;

The principle of collective activity;

The principle of self-realization of the child in the conditions of the children's camp;

The principle of independence.

The main goal of the project:

Organization of recreation and health improvement for children and adolescents, creation of conditions for every child to feel like a "star", discover creativity in himself and experience the joy of victories and achievements. Strengthening the physical, mental and emotional health of children.

Expected results of the project

At the end of the camp shift, each project participant will reveal himself, his abilities and talents;

Get the ability to be accepted and respected in any team;

Develop courage, confidence in yourself and your abilities;

Learn to improvise in any life situation;

Learns how to competently “feed” oneself in society;

With the active participation of children and adults in the implementation of the program, it is expected that everyone will have a sense of belonging to a large team of like-minded people.

The success of children in various activities will increase social activity, give confidence in their abilities and talents.

With good nutrition, medical supervision and properly organized sports activities, it is proposed to improve the health of children and pay attention to health problems in a timely manner, if they exist. It is assumed that the time spent in the camp will not pass unnoticed neither for adults nor for children, and next year they will be happy to participate in the work of the camp.

Conceptual basis of the project

The conceptual basis of the project is based on the humanization of the process of education, which should be addressed to a person as the highest value and goal of the educational process.

Personal approach:

Recognition of the personality of a developing person as the highest social value;

Respect for the uniqueness of each child;

2 . Humanization of interpersonal relationships:

Respectful relationship between teachers and children;

Creating a situation of success for each participant in the educational process.

3 . Activity approach:

Organization of life activity (communication, cognition, subject - practical activity, spiritual and practical activity, sports, game) as the basis of the educational process;

The principle of compatibility of activities (the formation of the unity of detachments, gives rise to traditions).

4 . The nature of education:

Mandatory consideration of the nature of the child, his gender and age characteristics;

Maximum convergence of development and life of children of wildlife;

The principle of unity of recreation (rest, recovery) and knowledge.

5. Principle of Interest:

Mandatory consideration of the interests and needs of children in the organization of meaningful socially significant leisure activities;

Description of estimation methods.

Diagnostic and self-diagnosis system

4 types of diagnostics are carried out in a shift:

Preliminary diagnosticscarried out during the organizational period in order to identify the individual characteristics of children and adjust the goals and objectives;

Current Diagnosticsis carried out in the main period in order to determine the degree of success in achieving the goals, it is possible to adjust the methods, ways and means of achieving them;

Final diagnosticsin the final period of the shift in order to determine the degree of coincidence of the goals and objectives set with the results of activities;

Problem diagnosticsis carried out in the event of a problem situation relating to the team as a whole or to an individual child, in order to correct this situation.

Diagnostic methods


Interview: standard, non-standard, mixed;

Conversation: individual, group;

Questioning: open, closed, mixed;


Included observation - the teacher, together with the child, performs a specific task;

Non-included observation - the teacher's observation of the actions of children from the outside;

3 . Experiment.

This method allows you to create special conditions to identify or develop certain aspects of the child's personality;

Natural experiment - the participant of the experiment is unaware of participation in it;

Artificial experiment - participants in the experiment know that they are participating in the experiment.

4. The study of creative work.

A method that allows you to determine the desired result using analogy and association.

Composition of drawings, etc.

5. Method of generalization of independent characteristics -

generalization of opinions of different people about a person and a team.

6. Testing.

7. Sociometric methods:

Method of interpersonal scaling;

Method of sociometric measurements, etc. For monitoring personal growth- this is comparative evaluation various aspects of the activity of the individual and his contribution to the affairs of the team. The rating is determined daily on the detachment circle, where each participant is assigned no more than 2-3 stars at the end of the day.

Health-saving technologies of the program.

Recovery is restoration, expansion of the adapted capabilities of the body, increasing its stability and the influence of various factors.

Improving activity involves the creation of conditions and the implementation of a set of measures aimed at protecting and strengthening the health of the child.

It includes:

Examination of children medical worker at the beginning and end of the shift, daily monitoring of the health of children.

Compliance with the mode of ventilation of detachment rooms and the mode of drinking children.

Morning hygienic gymnastics is carried out daily in the open air. Its main task is physical development and hardening, creating a positive emotional charge and a good physical tone for the whole coming day.

Daily routine (distribution of daily activities). The daily routine reflects the intensity, the impact on the child's body of the total set of activities, providing, if necessary, the inclusion of additional elements in the routine and the different intensity of recreational activities (sparing, training mode).

Daily regime:

8.30 - collection of children, exercises

9.00 - ruler

9.30 - 10.00 - breakfast

10.20 - work according to the plan of detachments, socially useful work, work of circles and sections.

12.45 - learning chants, chants

13.00-13.30 - lunch

14.00 - results of the day, ruler

14.30 - departure home.

Program implementation mechanism:

Analysis of the results of the activities of the teaching staff over the past year.

Selection and analysis of literature, audio and video materials on the subject of the shift.

Shift planning, adjustment of plans, preparation of methodological recommendations.

Development of scenarios for general camp events.

Preparing the camp.

Project stages

. Acquaintance with internal regulations camps, an introduction to the subject of the shift, acquaintance with the program, the work of circles.

The main stage of the program. Creative collaboration, talent discovery, leader identification and distribution social roles. Preparation of photo and video materials.

The final stage of the project. Summing up, preparation for the defense of the program, defense of the program.

Preparatory stage of the project

the date



Open Day.

"Check in" at the "Rainbow House"

My height, my weight medical checkup)

Camp leader

Medical worker

fantasy day

Let's create comfort in our "Rainbow House"

Competition for the best emblem. Learning the motto, chants, detachment song. Formation of the corners of the squad.

Labor landing.

Squad educators

The main stage of the project

Who goes where, and we are in the cinema!

Watching a movie.

Health Day.

Conversation "Influenza and SARS - what is it?"

Outdoor sports "Sport is life"

Presentation "We are for a healthy lifestyle!"

Team leaders. counselors

Medical worker



Hooray! Vacation!!!

Trip to Akvilon

Sports day.

“Sport will not be easy for each of our records”

Sports complex


Hooray! Vacation!!!

Ecology Day. "We are for the cleanliness of the village!"

Timur's work.

Outdoor games

Team leaders, leaders

Joy AcademyGame - training for commanding.

Master class onLegoconstruction

Ecology Day. "We are for the cleanliness of the village!"

Timur's work.

Outdoor games

City Library.

Hooray! Vacation!!!

Trip to the pool Entertainment center"Madagascar"

April Fool's Day Holiday program"Humor, jokes, laughter"

Team Leaders, Camp Leader

Joy AcademyGame - training for commanding.

Master class onLegoconstruction

Fairy Day.

Literary holiday " fabulous guests" (we stage famous fairy tales)

Team leaders, leaders

Hooray! Vacation!!!

A trip to the Zoo of Chelyabinsk.

Trip to Akvilon

Dance Day . "All Together, All Together"

Educators detachments head of the camp

Dance club leader

Who goes where, and we are in the cinema!

Watching a movie

Day of music. Musically - game program. Disco.

Preparation of numbers for the final concert.

Team leaders, leaders

Hooray! Vacation!!!

A trip to the pool Entertainment complex "Madagascar"

Team leaders, leaders

Hooray! Vacation!!!

A trip to the Zoo of Chelyabinsk

Security Day. Intellectual game "The ABC of road safety"

Rules of conduct in case of emergency, evacuation

Unit educators, head of the camp, traffic inspector

Walking day. Fascinating walk around the country SUMMER "What is summer?"

Outdoor games.

Labor landing.

Squad educators


Who goes where, and we are in the cinema!

Watching a movie

Birthdays day. Quiz "Journey through book countries"

Timurov work

Team leaders, leaders

Day of Remembrance Laying flowers at the monument.

disco show

Unit educators, camp leaders

Who goes where, and we are in the cinema!

Watching a movie

Team leaders, leaders

Camp leader

Final stage of the project

Festive Gala Concert with the participation of the guys "Feel like a star!"

Team leaders, leaders

Camp leader

Results day.

Closing of the camp.Holiday disco. Rewarding the most active children with diplomas and memorable gifts.

Team leaders, leaders

Camp leader

Additional educational services

An important area of ​​educational work in the camp are additional educational services: club activities, a sports section that unites children of interest into small groups.

Target: expanding horizons, developing cognitive interests and revealing the creative abilities of children. It includes the development of children by means of joint creativity, in the process of which there is a consolidation of norms of behavior and rules of etiquette, acquaintance with new objects and phenomena, education of respect for nature, love for work. Conditions are being created for the realization of children's own interests in the most expedient application.

The organization of circle activities in the camp includes a number of stages:

studying the interests of children;

activities of children in circles;

familiarization of children with the mode of operation of circles;

self-determination of children and their registration in circles;

current reflection of the results of children's activities;

summarizing the work of circles at the end of the shift.

In the DOL "Rainbow - arc" there are 2 circles and a sports section:

"Needlewomen's Workshop", "Dance and Music Workshop", "Sports Workshop".

Circle "Workshop of needlewomen"

Supervisor: Technology teacher (Tuesday, Friday 1 hour each, time from 12.00 to 13.00)

Learning activities

Safety regulations. Materials and tools.

Emblem of our squad. What is she?

Making an emblem template

Knitting the main elements of the product

Assembling the emblem parts

Fantasy in decoration finished product

How do we present the emblem at the Gala Concert?

Presentation of finished products

Circle "Workshop of dance and music"

Supervisor: Choreography and modern dance (Monday, Wednesday for 2 hours, class time from 11.00 to 13.00)

Learning activities

Casting "to become a star, you must be able to sing and dance!"

Our vocal and choreographic data

Contest "Hello! We are looking for talent!

"The stars are dancing!"

Preparing for the final concert

Star mini-concert.

Music and dance are our life!

Final gala concert

Circle "Sports Workshop"

Supervisor: Coach

(Tuesday, Thursday, 2 hours, time from 11.00 to 13.00)

Learning activities

Safety briefing

Conversation "Sport in our life"

Relay "The fastest"

Cross "The most enduring"

Football "The most dexterous"

The game "Russian lapta"

Health Lesson " Bad habits»

Demonstrating our abilities

Let's sum up our work. Casting "It will not be easy sport for each of our records!"

Preventive measures and measures to prevent emergency situations and protect the lives of children in the summer.

Instructions for children;

"Rules fire safety»

"Rules of conduct for children during walks and hikes"

"Rules for traveling by car"

"Child safety during sporting events"

"Rules traffic»

"Rules for safe behavior at water bodies and assistance to victims on the water"


According to staffing involved in the implementation of the project:

Head of the camp - ensures the functioning of the camp;

Educators - organize the work of teams;

The teacher of physical culture - organizes sports and health-improving work;

Counselors (from among high school students) - teacher's assistants.

Employees of the House of Culture - organize leisure activities;

Librarian - conducts educational and cognitive work;

FAP employee - conducts preventive and health-improving work.

The concept of the project is based on the normative legal documents:

United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child, 1991

Agreement on cooperation MOU secondary school No. 2 with parents.

Regulations on the day camp.

Safety regulations, fire safety.

Job Descriptions employees approved by the director


Internal labor regulations for summer employees

Health camp with day stay.

Order of the Department of Education.

The program of work of the camp with a day stay.

Camp hours.

Schedule for visiting children.

Plan - a grid of educational and recreational work of the camp

for 18 days.

The program of production control over compliance with sanitary rules in DOL MOU secondary school No. 2 KGO

Collection of methodological materials on the supervision of recreation and health facilities for children and adolescents of all types in the 2013 season.

On the last day of the camp shift, the project will be defended - a festive GALA CONCERT "Star Factory". On this day we plan to invite guests: teachers, cooks, technical staff, parents, project participants.

The attention of the audience will be given a video film of the work of the DOL "Rainbow - Arc" (Video and photo materials will be published on the school website).


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