Interesting ideas for the last call ruler. Scenario of the holiday of the last call "stars can do everything". The song "Forgive us, teacher"

Fanfare sounds.
Cutting Andrey Mironov "Let's quietly".
The A-Teens song "Super Trouper" is played, the graduates enter.

Lead 1. Hello, today we have gathered you here to tell you the most pleasant news. But what does the auditor have to do with it? No, no ... today we have gathered you to inform that ...

Lead 2. That today the pupils of the 11th grade have prepared a holiday for you. They ran around the school with cameras, installed cameras in the teacher's room, recorded everything they heard ... in a word, they were creative in full and behaved like decent students.

Lead 1. However, let me remind you that this is the last holiday that the 11th grade pupils have prepared for you, yes ... no tears ... there is a strictly set time for them, and in general, no tears are needed.

Lead 2. In the end, there are positive aspects everywhere: someone, for example, will finally stop being afraid of being mentioned in the script ...

Lead 1. Today we will show you a great mix of sketches, songs and dances and seasoned with great school humor.

Lead 2. Please note that the information that you hear today cannot in any way be used against those who obtained and wrote it ...

Lead 1. No, of course you can think of something, but ...

Lead 2. It will be too late (sinister laugh)

Lead 1. That's all about the rules ... and, well, and more ... just try to smile: We thought for a long time where we should start our concert ...

Lead 2. And finally they decided that it was necessary to start ... from the beginning.

Lead 1. And therefore, in order to tune everyone to the surprises that they have to see, we also decided to start with the surprise ...

Cut from the movie "Fast and the Furious". The song "They say we are byaki-buki."

1. They say we are byaki-beki,
How the earth takes us out
Science is not given to us
People tell the truth.
Oh-la-la, oh-la-la,
People tell the truth.
Oh-la-la, oh-la-la,
Believe it!

2. Sphere, tangent, median,
Here comes algebra again ...
I call my mother for help
Or you can't see a triple.
Oh-la-la, oh-la-la,
We are joking about three,
We need, we need ...

3. Biology was taught:
Crossingover is a class
And mitosis with meiosis together
I remember every hour.
Oh-la-la, oh-la-la,
We will go to biology
Oh-la-la, oh-la-la ...
Be afraid.

Lead 1. Eph ... Yes, the beginning is good ...

  1. A student of school 297 is any student who knows the name, surname and patronymic of the headmaster of school 297.
  2. A student at school 297 is any student who knows the principal's 297 birthday and does not know the year of birth.
  3. Every student in School 297 should know School Rule 297:

- The director is always right!
- And there is no second point.

  1. Any student who does not greet Natalia Sergeevna (our head teacher) is not a student of school 297.
  2. A teacher at school 297 is any teacher who comes to school earlier than the students and leaves later.
  3. The teacher of school 297 is any teacher who does not have the right to leave his office more than 2 meters, and also does not need water, food and toilet.
  4. If native teachers see him at home for more than 3 hours, then he is not automatically a teacher at school 297.
  5. Natalya Mikhailovna (physical education teacher) of school 297 is any person, at the sound of whose voice everything Sviblovo gets into a low start.
  6. Rimma Vladimirovna (biology teacher) at school 297 is any person who goes to work a week before September 1 to weed school beds.
  7. A member of the national team 297 is any student of school 297, whose name is mentioned at teachers' councils at least once a month, and has a non-certification in 5 or more subjects.
  8. The diary of a student of school 297 is any printed matter in which the name, surname and patronymic of the head of school 297 are written.

Lead 1. Well, now let's move on to one of the most interesting parts of our program ... now subject teachers will appear in your merry court. Many make up this order in accordance with the position of the subject in the magazine ... but we are not like that!

Lead 2. Therefore, we decided to start everything very logically - from above, thereby giving the physics teacher the opportunity to lead and open our teacher-subject block of the concert ..

Song to the tune "Happiness Suddenly" from the film "Ivan Vasilyevich Changes His Profession".

1. Happiness suddenly, in silence, knocked on the door.
Really, you are in our class. We believe and do not believe.
Snow was falling, dawn was floating, autumn was drizzling.
How could we have taught physics without you?


Suddenly, as in a fairy tale, the door creaked.
Everything became clear to us now.
With you, we are not afraid of Newton.
We will analyze any law.
Only thanks to you
Physics was not taught in vain,
It was definitely not in vain
It was not in vain.

2. And they came, and lit, and already without an answer.
There will be no questions about this subject.
The one who waits will understand everything, so that we do not learn.
We love physics, no matter what we say.


Young people in red skirts come out and dance.

Lead 1. Oho-ho .... physics is, of course ... smart science ...

Lead 2 (maliciously, looking at 1) Well, or the one who tries to learn it is stupid ...

Lead 1. Haha .. Friends, we continue to move up the 5th floor and what do we see right away? That's right, the chemistry room.

Losing. Hie Fie Group "Vanilla Flavors".

Chemistry teacher. Good morning kids . Hey, child from the 3rd desk, go to the blackboard and write the equation for the reaction of sodium carbonate with the participation of a radical.

Pupil. For what, sorry.

Chemistry teacher. For the sake of not getting 2 in the magazine.

Girl. Svetlana Anatolyevna! When I woke up in the morning, I found that I didn’t know who I was!

Student. Well, you give me less to drink.

Chemistry teacher. Quiet! Listen. And dinosaurs died out from lack of salt. Sodium ion is the main osmotic ion outside the cell space. In human blood plasma, the concentration of sodium ions is 132-150 mol / liter, which is 8 times higher than in erythrocytes. This content of ions is necessary to maintain the body in the norm, because excess or lack of sodium leads to serious diseases, for example: overhydration of the body, parenchymal nephritis.
At home, I'll ask you to do a qualitative reaction for sodium chloride cations and neons. And to you ... (to the girl) I will give a pack of salt, perhaps you will remember who you are!

Girl. Yes, chemistry is tough.

Song based on the theme "Uno Momento" from the film "Count Cagliostro".

It will be very difficult to part with chemistry.
After all, she is she at every step.
And today everyone will tell you boldly.
I love chemistry and Light with all my heart ...


Uno, uno, uno elemento,
Doe, doe, doe componento.
Uno, uno, uno reagento.
And received, received. received,

Lead 1. The fact is that the OBZH lesson is an exact copy of the KVN game ...
don't get us wrong, it just starts with a greeting, then smoothly goes into a warm-up, then into homework, and, if you're lucky, into a music competition.

Song to the tune "Oh, the guards get up early."

Your role is honorable and enviable
You are our security king
What could be more important than OBZH?
Life has no protégé!


Oh, it's hot in a gas mask!
Class, pay off for one or two!
We are marching in formation!
If the wound - the wound - once!
And we will dress it up!

Lead 1. Meanwhile, on a completely different 5th floor, a charming young teacher instills in children a love for her subject.

The sound of a dinosaur roar. Then to Verka Serduchk's tune "Lasha Tumbai".

1. Here is the zygote ah-lu-li
Chromosomes, Ain Zwai!
I love biology
Ain, tsvay, dry

2. I will study vacuoles,
Protoplasm, Ain-Zwai!
And I will cover the metosis
Ain, tsvay, dry

3. Populations of kranta,
Only mutants, ain-tsvai!
Always on you with sips.
Ain, tsvay, dry

4. I'm sticking out of genetics,
And meiosis, ain-zwai!
5 I still get.
Ain, tsvay, dry.

5. I will sing to you!
Rimma goodbye
Ay wont yu sing!
Rimma, goodbye!

6. We love you,
Rimma, goodbye!
We remember you.
Rimma, good-bye!

Lead 1. That's for sure, happy end ...

Lead 2. By the way, about the happy ends, you never told me how the Battle of Borodino ended?

Lead 1. If you haven't figured it out yet, then ... yes, this is an unveiled hint that the next room to visit will be the incomparable history room ...

Lead 2. I propose to visit this wonderful place, especially since we are just in time for the test ...

- You know? You know? You know?
- Y-yes ...
- You know?
- Y-yes ...
- Tell me.
- I do not know.
- It doesn't work. Next. You know?
- You know.
- What kind of joke? Fails. Next. You know?
- I know.
- What do you know?
- And all!
- Everything? Even I don't know everything. Fails. Next. You know?
- I know.
- What do you know?
- What do you ask.
- And what should I ask?
- "A word about Igor's regiment."
- Tell me.
- Isn't it stupid ...
- Lepo. Well done. You know. Next. You know?
- I know.
- What do you know?
- Material.
- What material?
- Current.
- Test. Next.
- Sorry, we are together.
- Let's. Do you know?
- We know.
- Then answer. So-ak ... What do you want ... Set off, I suppose, you want?
- Exactly. We want. Very ... Both. We want to eat.
- Well done. Set-off-set-off. Next.
- Already next to you.
- What's in my hand: pass-fail, pass-fail ...
- Test.
- I guessed it. Next.
- I AM.
- What?
- In love.
- In whom?
- Into the subject.
- In which?
- How what? Of my love.
- And in what?
- In your.
- Well, what?
- Which we hand over.
- Which one do we rent?
- Well ... you are already finding fault ...
- It doesn't work. Next.
- I AM.
- What?
- In love.
- In whom?
- To you.
- Impudent. Offset. Next.
- We.
- Who?
- Next.
- Who?
- Kolk! Kolk! Stop sleeping, you will oversleep!
- And this is not a test yet?
- Test, only you fell asleep. And here already two were asked!

Musical interruption from the Comedy Club program.

Lead 1. I must admit that this form of passing tests has at least one plus - it keeps you in a constant tone.

Lead 2. Oh? Really? Ladies and gentlemen…. English!

Song to the tune "My heart will go on" from the movie "Titanic".

1. Every night in my dreams
I see you, I feel you,
Every day English go on.

2. Far across the distance
And spaces between us
In life, he will also come in handy.


Near, far, wherever you are
I believe that the heart does go on
And I will always be.
Repeat present pefect
From morning till morning.

Final song to the tune "Kings of the Night Verona" from the musical "Romeo and Juliet".

1. And in this world, it happens sometimes, you can go only one path.
You need to be in time, but there is no time. We believe in ourselves and we will achieve victories.
The mighty of the world, far from the earth, may see that we could do everything.


Our school graduates,
Opens the doors to life for us
We're leaving but we swear
That we all get together.
We will cherish friendship
And always live with dignity.
Ten years have passed as a moment,
We came to say goodbye.

2. Happiness is not eternal, glory is blind, and our friendship is very strong.
We challenge fate to a duel. Together we can achieve our goal.
Games with fate are ridiculous and empty, but we don't burn bridges behind ourselves.
Well, now knowledge is so important to us, we must enter the best universities!


List of used literature:

1. EAT. Kumitskaya, S.I. Lobachev, V.A. Yarovenko"Classic and non-traditional proms and last calls" MOSCOW "VAKO", 2006.
2. O.E. Zhirenko « Graduation parties and last calls "LLC" 5 for knowledge ", 2005.

Fanfare sounds.


How carefully the wave

Washes away the traces from the sand,

So childhood is from you

Silently floats away.

Lead 1:

It is now for you

In a dream, it will only dream

And you shout to him:

“Come back! Say goodbye to me. "

Lead 2:

And you will remember more than once

This native pier.

Where with the rays of the eyes

Sunrises meet

Where magic is believed

Where they are friends with miracles

Where are the fairy tales

Come to visit themselves

Lead 1:

The clouds are not visible here

it is crowded here from smiles,

sailing a dream

the planet of childhood is flying!

Lead 1:

Good afternoon, dear guests! The historic day for the school has come again - May 25. And how good it is that such a holiday happens in spring, blooming, joyful, always new.

For our graduates, this spring is a confident and promising start.

And in the school annals one more page was filled.

Lead 2:

Today the school bell will ring

Which will not be quite common.

The thread of that usual sequence will be interrupted,

When the lesson was replaced by a lesson.

Lead 1:

Graduation classes are noisy, worried,

And now other ways await him.

Lead 2:

Let's greet the brave

The stormy school years of the past storms.

Those who walk the road of victories into life, -

Solemn and important graduates!

Lead 1:

We would like to welcome the graduates of 2016 Yulia Aleinikova, Anastasia BEZAPONNAYA, Elizaveta SHILENKO and Yulia Aleksandrovna Dreval's class teacher.

The song "We would be glad to stay" is played.

Lead 2:

School is a small state

And each school has its own laws.

In order not to go astray,

To set the motion vector -

The school has a fair and strict

But the most best director!

Leading 1 : The word for greeting is given to the director of the Municipal Budgetary Educational Institution, Lenin Secondary School, Semenchenko A.N.

Lead 2:

Solemn event, dedicated to the holiday Consider the "last call" open, for executionAnthem of the Russian Federation to all stand up.

The Anthem is being performed.

Lead 1:

Once upon a time, eleven years ago,

When the trees were golden

For you, there was a holiday of the First Call -

Under its trill you entered the class for the first time.

Lead 2:

Today you worry a little

And the old school hall is full of friends

The day of the Last Call has come to you

Today YOU are saying goodbye to school!

Lead 1:

Dear graduates!

Today a special bell will ring for you, it does not look like the calls that you heard earlier.

Lead 2:

This call for you is the boundary between childhood and adulthood. And now you will hear the words of parting words on behalf of those who accompany you into adulthood.

Lead 1:

We have a lot of guests today -

Graduates, colleagues, friends,

Came to touch the school doorstep

Be sad with your school.

Lead 2:

But we have a special guest -

And we are not indifferent to him,

Now he will congratulate you personally.

Lead 1:

It is so pleasant to note that there are traditionally many guests at our holiday today! I give the floor to __________________________________________________________________________________________


Lead 1:

Lots of things to do on your way
There will be big and small
But only to everything that lies ahead
School was the beginning.

Lead 2:

The floor is given to the heroes of our holiday - graduates!

Grade 11 students read a poem.

YULIA For leading to knowledge,

Not paying attention to difficulties,

Only thanks alone

We say goodbye to you.

We wish you well

And blue overhead

More joy, warmth,

Wins and fewer breakups.

NASTY Left in the past school years,

Cheerful, carefree children's laughter.

We will never forget school

And we will remember all teachers.

Every hour and every moment is dear to us,

That was associated with care and kindness,

And everyone who has achieved anything

More than once he will appreciate everything later.

LIZA Thanks to those who dedicated themselves

A high goal - to be a teacher,

Who taught us, loving profession,

Be honest, smart and appreciate kindness!

And even if you suddenly cry

You want to say goodbye

Then know that the eleventh grade

He only says to you: "Goodbye!"

(Grade 9 performance)To the director of the school

Our feelings are not wasted cup,

And the living breath of spring

Both love and our gratitude

We address the director.

Our worries, worries, sorrows

You have always noticed.

How many times have we seen you at work -

You are always on the lookout, always on the lookout.

We wish you to stay like this,

And never change for anything.

Head teacher

We didn't think how old you are,

What is your husband and what is your pay

And you have a daughter, or maybe a granddaughter.

You entered the class easily and willingly,

They loved the job, and therefore us.

To the class teacher

You taught us for so many years
They gave knowledge, instructions,
And on this warm May day
Congratulations from us.

Today we wish you
Spiritual strength and patience,
Well-Bred Disciples
And a festive mood.

Never forget:
Your hard work is not in vain.
Remember that you are for us -
The leader is the coolest!

History teacher

Stories of glorious great dates

We will carry in memory for a long time

Let us feel with our hearts what it once was

Let's imagine the age-old paths.

Chemistry teacher

We ate different poods of salts together with you,

You knew how to appreciate our hard work.

Sometimes there were no reactions -

All the same, you taught us to understand us.

Foreign language teacher

We can understand a thing or two in German,

We can sing songs in English.

Life itself will offer us to finish teaching everything,

Let me thank you for everything.

Physical education teacher

You tried to raise Olympic hopes among us.

Look at the boys, yes, you have not worked in vain.

Let them still be eagles, in the future - eagles!

It doesn't matter that their Olympic records are not equal.

And girls, look how slender and graceful.

Aerobics and jogging are taken seriously.

teacher of the Russian language

The Russian language is great and mighty!
A forest of mistakes in a dense dictation,
And commas are bad things
Now they are not enough, then whole heaps!

How to reach the lake of correct speech?
We cannot do without help here!
The path will be difficult, thorny and long,
To indicate it - our teacher is capable!

Math teacher

Mathematic teacher,

For us, you are like a goddess!

We will remember for the rest of our lives

Your profile, your name!

We will remember lessons

And challenging tasks!

We wish you health,

Good luck and good luck!

Geography teacher

It's time to say thank you
For geography science ...
You taught us conscientiously
We listened, forgetting about boredom.
It's time to leave school
The last bell rang out ...
We promise to remember you
And we will sincerely miss you!

Technical staff

Who is the most tired?

School technicians,

After all, it is difficult to collect pieces of paper for each,

Clean, wash and sweep.

Paint, smear and whiten.

How can we not love you?


Every day and in the morning

Waiting for the kids to feed

Because without food

Neither there nor syudy.

In a long, boring lesson

We keep our eyes on the board

From the buffet and pouring

Delicious smells.

Common song (handing flowers)

Song: We love you, your dear faces

We love you, your dear faces,
You gave us wings, a start in life,
So that we could fly like birds
To the wisdom of the snow-capped peaks.

You have lakes of kindness in your eyes.
Thank you for the simple truths,
Thank you for your patience and work.
Thank you for identifying for us,
A delightful route to the world of knowledge.
Teachers are for us, you are the light in the window,
Light of knowledge, light of mind and warmth.
And even if you are a little angry.
In your eyes, you have lakes of kindness.
And even if you are a little angry,
You have lakes of kindness in your eyes.
losing We wish you happiness, strength and health,
Flowers, success, joy, love,
Disciples are a cheerful class,
We dream that you will live forever,

Light of knowledge, light of mind and warmth.
And even if you are a little angry.
In your eyes, you have lakes of kindness.
Teachers are for us, you are the light in the window,
Light of knowledge, light of mind and warmth.
And even if you are a little angry.
In your eyes, you have lakes of kindness.
And even if you are a little angry.
In your eyes, you have lakes of kindness.
And even if you are a little angry.
In your eyes, you have lakes of kindness.

Lead 2:

Do you remember was around

A sea of ​​colors and sounds.

From my mother's warm hands

The teacher took your hand.

He introduced you to first grade

Solemn and respectful.

Lead 1:

Your hand and now

In your teacher's hand.

Book pages turn yellow

Changing the name of the river

But you are his student: Then, now and forever.

Lead 2:

The word for congratulations is given to the first teacher M.V. Chernysheva.


Do you remember our bows,
Preschool summer freckles
And the first of September
Smoothed tops ?!
And we will never forget
The warmth of your kind eyes.
Let there be no sadness in them,
We love and remember you!

Lead 2:

Dear graduates, today they have come to see you in Big world adult life first graders! Please welcome!

First graders take the stage. (Poetry)

(First graders are handing forget-me-nots)

Lead 1 Dear graduates. Our future first graders have prepared a musical congratulation for you. Let's support them.

Dance of first graders.

Response words of graduates

1) We are grateful to you friends,

For your kind words and congratulations!

School years will go by quickly

Your teaching will also end here.

2) Well, we wish you:

On a call to get up,

We ran to school on time

So that you do not go astray

And they did not get lost anywhere.

3) And one more tip:

Take care of our school

And love your teachers

Or else we'll go in-

Let's put on our ears in a moment!

Lead 1:

You will remember all the teachers

But, there is one, and everyone agrees on that,

What is still dearer and dearer,

For you, your own homeroom teacher is great.

Graduates speak to the class teacher

YULIA You are a mother for us
Become a favorite at school:
Now strict, now kind,
Sometimes vulnerable.

NASTY you protected us
From any problems
« To study better ", -
They told us all.

LIZA They took it under the wing
Our class is cheerful.
Thank you for
That you loved us!
Lead 2:

The floor is given to the class teacher graduates

Feedback from teachers

Lead 1:

We still have to say at this hour
About those who gave you life,
About the people closest to the world,
About those who helped grow
And it will still help a lot!
Parents follow you invisibly,
And in joy, and in the hour when trouble came.
They seek to ward off sorrow
But you, alas, do not always honor them.

Lead 2:

And you did not accept their worries,
Their efforts seem superfluous to you at times.
And you remember your parents,
When a sudden disaster has already overtaken you.
Forgive them, dear, dear,
After all, they have no more people than you!
As they say, children are the joy in life,
And you for them are a support in it.


Song: I sing with my soul only for you

Only for you I sing with my soul ...

Without lies and selfish reasons.

I don’t know how to love without you ...

I don’t love this world without you.

Like a bell ringing in a dream

Thoughts always warm about you!

The best father, because mine!


We are by your side forever

Let's forget all unnecessary words!

Only heart and soul

Look and silence

Stronger hugs and love!

We are by your side forever

Let's repeat:

I do not ask for the good of life,

You raised me good!

And it got baked in my soul!

It's like living water ...

This world is so cruel and vulnerable ...

But there is a place for rights and dreams!

And we took the path with him!

We are grateful for everything only to you!


We are by your side forever

Let's forget all unnecessary words!

Only heart and soul

Look and silence

Stronger hugs and love!

We are by your side forever

Like suns light, air and water

Let's repeat:

For everything that we have, we thank you!

Only for you I sing with my soul ...

without lies and selfish reasons ...

I don’t know how to love without you ...

I don't love this world without you ...

Lead 1:

The floor is given to the parents of graduates.

Parents: words

Dance class 3-4

Lead 2:

The last time the bell rings for you.

The bell of hope and the bell of goodbye.

And the minutes of parting are approaching.

And ahead is the confusion of the roads.

Lead 1.

And the sun shines in the sky as before,

But childhood has its own time in life.

And now the bell rings for the last time

The bell of goodbye and the bell of hope.

Flash mob

Lead 2

If black in life goes band,

You about the scarlet, remember the sails soon.

About simple dreams that helped to save

Your heart is from evil only in the name of love.

Lead 1

Don't cry, don't be sad, know: that moment will come

All misfortunes will be carried away from the path by a scarlet glare.

Lead 2:

Your islands are ahead. And How Scarlet Sails let the balloons fly high, high in honor of our unique school years.

YULIA I am releasing a balloon in honor of my childhood, which will never return. Farewell to childhood! In honor of those who taught us to conquer and conquer this world. Believe in us!

NASTY I'm releasing a balloon in memory of the carefree school days. It was so great for us here!

LIZA I'm releasing the balloon towards my future. Great things await us! I release the balloon as a token of gratitude to my home school. School, goodbye! (release balls)

Song 11 grade "Stay" (pigeons)

Today is a very important day

for all of us,

The bell will ring today

last time…

I am very afraid of this,

But you have to live

I will never return here ...

Do you want school, I'll stay

I'll stay, school, I'm with you,

Don't take me on the road.

I'll stay in dear classes

Among the teachers of relatives,

Childhood is leaving forever

From you and me

Before adulthood

We are already within reach.

Don't cry, it's just sadness

And you have to live

I will never return here ...

Do you want school, I'll stay

Chorus: Stay heart and soul,

I'll stay, school, I'm with you,

Don't take me on the road.

I'll stay in dear classes

Among the teachers of relatives,

I will stay with you anyway !!!


Lead 1:

The school ship set sail.

And now other ways await him.

Lead 2:

The most solemn moment of our holiday is coming.

The right to give "The last call is given to a student of grade 11 ________________________________________________________________________________________

and a student of grade 1 _______________________________________________________________________

(last call)

Lead 1

Everything has happened! Ship on the water. Slipway

They were emptied and, it seems, a little sad.

The ship will start its business from scratch.

In short, full forward and seven feet under the keel.

No matter how the storm waves the ships rocked,

No matter how many times the ports greet you with fireworks,

No matter how long the cherished pier awaits you,

There is a beginning of beginnings.

Congratulations on your debut.

By tradition, the last bell rings for high school students on May 25. After this holiday, preparations for the exams and the final exams themselves begin.

The holiday of the Last Bell is colored for graduates, on the one hand, with joy - they are finishing school and there is a new life ahead, full of all sorts of surprises and discoveries, and on the other - with sadness; because from this day they begin their countdown the last days, in which graduates live their usual lives, communicate with their school friends and teachers who have already become native.

We deliberately do not provide any clear scenario of the Last Call, since it is impossible to cover such a huge topic in one article, but in this article we offer some blanks and recommendations for holding this celebration. We understand that different schools have different capabilities, so it is rather difficult to come up with a single universal holiday scheme. But we tried to embrace the immensity and we hope that our recommendations will help make the holiday extraordinary, memorable and bright.

Last call is one of the main school holidays. It requires a fairly serious and lengthy preparation. There is a lot to consider: decoration of the hall where the celebration will take place, equipment (you may have to urgently repair something or even buy); special emphasis should be placed on a good knowledge of the lyrics of songs and poems that the graduates will perform, since at the holiday many will be worried and will be able to completely forget everything from excitement. Therefore, whenever possible, the organizers of the holiday, it makes sense to insist that the students know their texts by heart. In addition, everyone should have their text written on the sheet in their hands to help in case of any overlaps.

Do not leave on the last day drawing posters and wall newspapers with which the hall will be decorated. As a rule, such preparation takes a long time. The same applies to rehearsals: they need to be held at least three, moreover, general. For these rehearsals, all the texts must already be learned by heart.

The holiday starts with solemn ruler, where the headmaster, class teachers and some teachers congratulate the graduates. After that, the floor is given to the students. Not only graduates can speak, but also primary school students.

Here is one example of congratulating graduates by first grade students - ditties.

We came to you today,

Perk up your ears

Clap your hands louder

We will sing ditties.

You are graduates now,

And we are first graders

We will turn back the days

We will tell you about your life.

First class is beauty

Just great!

Just learn to write -

It is necessary!

Well, in the second class

Sheer torment!

Everyone remembers as a bad dream

Multiplication table.

Backpacks are getting heavy

More textbooks

In the third grade, all the guys

They study, they try.

In fifth grade - that's the trouble

Problems started:

Everyone sits and waits for

A change will come.

A year has passed and the sixth grade

Runs around the school

All teachers suffer

From such grief.

Class seven and physics:

They introduced a new science.

According to the laws of acceleration

The class runs into the dining room.

Eighth grade. Not to learn -

Everyone around is falling in love!

Nothing, no matter how you teach,

Not remembered.

In the ninth grade, they grew wiser,

They taught for a whole year

How did the exams go -

Everyone immediately forgot.

In the tenth grade - here is the attack!

Everyone changes their image.

You can faint

As you will see schoolchildren.

The last class is graduation,

Parting soon.

We wish you not to forget

My own school!

Congratulations from teachers to graduates do not have to be solemn in nature, comic wishes and congratulations will bring some note of fun and discharge the tension and excitement that is mandatory for this holiday.

The so-called "converted" songs are very fun in schools. We will give several examples of this kind of congratulations:

Director(to the motive of any march):

Ats - bats, we came

Everything is like a parade

And, of course, our director

We are terribly glad.

Dear Ivan Ivanovich!

We must admit

What to students and school

You are very much needed.

He is all in business, worries

In the morning...

To our director

Hooray! Hooray! Hooray!

To the teacher of the Russian language and literature(to the tune of the song "Train" by A. Apina): To improve your culture,

We go to literature again,

Pushkin, Tolstoy or Dostoevsky ... Alas,

You gave us lessons back,

And we didn’t read, we didn’t read,

What should we do, because we have to answer?


How can we write an essay now?

Hands tremble more and more with excitement,

It's just horror, what a torment

Maybe suddenly it will be possible to write off?

How can I remember what I have forgotten and do not know

Maybe I'll be lucky and I'll guess the plot,

What kind of literature is this!

Unlucky ... So the deuce again!

Math teacher(to the tune of the song "Oh, viburnum is blooming"):

Here I stand again in the classroom at the blackboard,

In grief and sorrow, crying from longing.

How am I going to solve the equation, oh!

How can I find this cunning X?

I understand: you need to learn formulas,

Only reluctance. How should I be now?

Where to get stronger teeth for a boy,

To gnaw science - mathematics.

Physical education teacher(to the tune of the song "For the Four Seas" by the group "Brilliant", the girls are singing):

Do you remember that you promised a "five"

Only there is no more strength to run,

We will never forget the gym

And the words that you told us:

You need to run fast

You need to jump higher

And then we can win the competition

Agility and skill,

Will and patience ...

And now everywhere we repeat, like a spell:

You need to run fast

You need to jump higher

Do not moan, do not whine, and then victory awaits us!

We will forever remember

We are your lessons

Dear teacher, we wish you a lot of happiness!

History teacher(to the tune of the song "What were you ..." from the film "Kuban Cossacks"):

Everyone knows how hard you tried

To teach us history

And we tried to teach history,

But they strove to forget everything.

Do not be offended by us,

The lessons were not in vain!

Always beautiful, stay kind!

We wish you with all our hearts!

Chemistry teacher(to the tune of the song "If you don't have an aunt") from the film "Irony of Fate or Enjoy Your Bath"):

If you have an apartment,

It may not be,

If you mix reagents

And blow everything up, and blow everything up

And blow everything up.

If you don't have soap,

Then you can cook it,

And to know the components,

You need chemistry, you need chemistry,

Chemistry must be taught.

The orchestra thunders bass

Chemistry means to be.

Think for yourself, decide for yourself

To teach or not to teach,

to teach or not to teach!

Physics teacher(to the tune of Alsou's song "Sometimes"):

Where have you seen it, who invented it,

That physics must be taught by all means,

To know at least a little the laws of being.

What is saved? How is it accelerating?

For some reason it is not remembered

I was completely frozen to absolute zero.

Sometimes I wait for her

Sometimes I love her

And then it seems to me

What a checklist can be solved.

Sometimes I suffer

Sometimes I get confused

You know, with this physics

It's not easy to live at all.

Geography teacher(to the tune of "Song of the Little Red Riding Hood"):

If long, long, long

Explore the seas and mountains,

Rivers, countries, continents

And the capitals of states.

Then probably, right, right,

It is possible, it is possible, it is possible,

Then of course, then of course,

You can become the smartest!

Oh, we sing a song about geography,

Ah, we teach her both night and day.

Oh, we say "thank you" to you,

Oh, we say "thank you"

Ah, our dear teacher,

Ah, our dear teacher!

To the teacher foreign language (to the tune of V. Markin's song "I see a shadow obliquely"): If our life is like a film

Scroll back ten years

Let's remember how we learned English

Every day ten times in a row.

Every student is accustomed to

Express yourself in English.

Difficult foreign language

Became almost dear and close.

Here are just a few examples of teachers' humorous congratulations by graduates. Something can always be changed or supplemented depending on the bias and capabilities of the school. But in any case, it is necessary to end the holiday on a solemn note. Perhaps it will be the school's anthem or, if the school does not have its own anthem, a suitable song for the occasion. It is best performed by all together - both schoolchildren and teachers. And, of course, it is up to you to decide whether the last bell will ring during or after the anthem. The solemnity of the moment will help to give balloons that graduates will release into the sky during last call or immediately after it. This holiday finale is very beautiful.

05.04.2018 | We looked at the script 15984 human

Leading. Attention attention!
Leading. What are the birds singing to us today?
What has the breeze whispered about in the morning?
Leading. What event will happen at the school?
What is our holiday?
Together. Last call!

Leading. Who is the main character on our holiday?
Leading. Whom...

Examples of cool congratulations from parents at graduation prom for 2018 graduates

05.04.2018 | We looked at the script 3995 human

Today is this day,
You have become adults at all,
Not lessons, changes,
No school problems

This is the day that with sadness
You will often remember
And a transparent tear
It will jump on your cheeks,

I so want, a parting word from you ...

Last Call Scenario for Grades 9, 11

05.04.2018 | We looked at the script 12800 human

LEADING. In a certain kingdom, in a certain state called "High School", one very an important event! We have been waiting for this event for a long time - neither more nor less, as much as eleven years! And finally, wait!

On stage ...

"Scenario of the solemn line"

05.04.2018 | We looked at the script 11052 human

1st led .:
The day is extraordinary today:
The sun rose, washed with dew,
For the last lesson, farewell
Graduation class is dispatched.

2nd led .:
May day plays on the line
The breeze whispers softly in the foliage,
Seeing off their graduates on the way, ...

Scenario of the last call "Jubilee cruise" Aerobatics "

27.05.2015 | We looked at the script 13906 human

The hall is filled with guests, music and songs about aviation sound: "Moscow - Odessa" (Spanish: V. Vysotsky), "Little plane" (Spanish: Valeria), "The sky chose us" (Spanish: A. Domogarov and I. Rudakov) ...

Leaders come out, dressed in the uniform of flight attendants. The hall is quiet ...

"Holiday of Youth"

26.05.2015 | We looked at the script 18088 human

Solemn music sounds, the presenters come out.

1st presenter: They tremble with poplar leaves,
The birch rustles gently.
Today is a holiday at our school:
The last bell will ring.

2nd presenter: They are making noise, worrying, graduation classes,
Ringing with a farewell echo ...

Script for the last bell for the 11th grade "The whole world is a theater ..."

14.05.2014 | We looked at the script 20971 human

The presenters come out: a young man and a girl, dressed in tunics and with classical Greek masks in their hands - smiling and crying, comedy and tragedy. When the guys talk, the masks must be brought to the face. Tunics can be made from ordinary ...

Scenario. Last Call Line

14.05.2014 | We looked at the script 23786 human

1st Reader. Attention! Attention! Listen everyone!
2nd Reader. Remember this day!
3rd Reader. Remember this hour!
4th Reader. Today is a special holiday.
5th Reader. The hour of parting has come! Brothers and sisters leave our family on a long journey in life.

(Sounds ...

Scenario of the holiday of the last bell in the 9th grade "Goodbye, fun time!"

14.05.2014 | We looked at the script 13525 human

Two presenters appear on the stage

1st host: Remember this day!
2nd leader: Remember this hour!

1st presenter: Today our ninth-graders say goodbye to their class and boldly declare: “We graduated from basic school and are ready to step on the threshold ...

Scenario of the holiday of the last bell "The best is still ahead"

14.05.2014 | We looked at the script 22022 human

Radio announcement:

Attention! The fast train route School - Adulthood will be sent from the platform of school no. 18 at 10:00 a.m. Request to those who see off and departing to board.

Excited cool come out from different sides of the stage ...

The school porch should be decorated according to the theme. Balloons, flowers, ribbons, interesting bright posters.

A Graduate and a First Grader are sitting on the steps.

Why are you sitting so sad?

First grader (taking a deep breath):
Childhood is over, so I'm sad.

What do you mean! You are still ahead! How small you are!

First grader:
I was little, and now I am already an adult, independent.

You know, you are somewhat like me. I, too, had such a shirt in the first grade, and the same belt ...

First grader:
Not surprising. After all, I am you in childhood.

How so?

First grader:
I just went to say goodbye. Perhaps we will meet again in photographs and in memories, but I will never be able to repeat myself. Promise me something.


First grader:
Never lose hope!


(The first grader gets up, shakes hands and leaves, the Graduate also gets up and enters the school. The presenters appear)

Childhood is the most wonderful, funniest and most interesting stage in the life of every person. It can be completely unpredictable, intriguing, exciting, but childhood is always filled with happiness and joy.

I never wanted to grow up. As a child, there were cartoons, games in the yard, sleep at lunchtime and delicious buns in the school cafeteria.

Do you remember the blankets on the chairs? Do you remember how your mom led you to first grade?

Of course! You know, I overheard a little here. The graduates have a ship, and they are going to swim in the expanses of childhood, and then go to new life... What I thought, maybe we are with them?

It will be interesting! Just where are our graduates? And who will be the captain?

And there will be several captains. I am happy to invite 11-A grade graduates under the guidance of (Name of the class teacher) take your place on the ship!

(Graduates come out to music. Depending on the number of classes, the phrase is repeated)

So dear graduates, are you ready to set sail?

(graduates respond in chorus)

I heard that ships have their own vows that bind the crew members! I suggest we get one too.

Graduate 1:
I swear to always help my classmates and like their posts on social media!

Graduate 2:
I swear to always communicate with my schoolmates, not only on the Internet, but also on the street!

Graduate 1:
I swear to meet with my classmates regularly and discuss the latest developments!

Graduate 2:
I swear to always be beautiful to celebrate our release!

Graduate 3:
I swear to be the smartest at university to help my high school friends if needed!

Graduate 3:
I swear to be the most agile and fastest athlete to glorify my favorite school!

Graduate 4:
I swear I will never forget school days and write a memoir about them!

Graduate 5:
I swear to always respect classmates and adore classmates!

Graduate 4:
I swear to always visit my teachers!

Graduate 5:
I swear to always come to visit for tea at the dear (F.I. About the class teacher)!

Graduate 6:
I swear to always congratulate my classmates on all the holidays and birthdays!

Graduate 7:
I swear to always support my schoolmates in difficult times!

(All graduates in chorus: We swear! We swear! We swear!)

So, we have decided on the oath. What's next?

(Graduates sing Tatyana Ovsienko's song "The sea is worried once")

Graduate 1:
I remember that as a child, my mother read me fairy tales,
We sang songs together with my mother,
How quickly time flew by
Graduation is coming soon.
I remember how they laughed loudly
On a swing in the yard
We sewed the dolls for diapers,
Childhood, I want to see you!

Graduate 1:
To plunge into childhood again,
Play football with your dad
Before I had time to look back,
In the past, everything is now in mine!

Graduate 2:
I miss toys
I want to go back to my childhood
Where there are cartoons, cheesecakes,
Where sometimes I sleep during the day!

Graduate 3:
I will wave my hand to childhood
I will always miss
There was a golden time
Will never come back!

Graduate 2:
You need to say goodbye to childhood
We raised the sails
Wave your hand to him
Remember at least sometimes!

Graduate 4:
Our ship is ready
What lies ahead of us
There's a lot to learn
Childhood, come visit!
Come in memories
About happy bright days
Childhood, I already miss
Grown up fast so!

The little ones have come aboard! They have some very important business. Should we listen to them before shipping?

(First graders lined up near the porch)

First grader 1:
We came to congratulate you,
Wish you success, happiness,
We wish you to smile!

First grader 2:
You are leaving today,
We want to promise you
What school we will look after
We will replace you!

First grader 1:
We will do all the lessons
We will always obey
You set an example for us,
Come back sometimes!

First grader 3:
Go sailing today
It will probably not be easy for you
But for school, don't worry,
Everything will be fine here!

First grader 2:
We want to give you as a keepsake,
We are a bell and a magic ball
So that you do not go astray,
To smile more often!

(First graders give graduates small bells and balloons)

Graduate 1:
We want to thank you kids,
For your warm and kind words,
We want to ask you too,
So that you always try!

Graduate 2:
We have prepared a charter for you,
We ask him, observe,
Love, take care of your class,
Never forget about friendship!

(Graduates present each class with first-graders according to the charter, which they have prepared in advance. It is better to make it on a large Whatman paper in the form of a bright poster. Roll it into a tube and tie it with a ribbon. You can "age" the paper to make it look more interesting. It's a matter of imagination)

Guys, do you remember how you came to your first grade? Do you remember who helped you overcome your fears, who introduced you to the Primer? Of course, your first teachers, and they could not let you sail without their parting words.

(First teachers read)

Graduate 1:
Thank you for your tenderness and warmth,
Bow to the floor to you, we will not forget you,
We were good in first grade
And we want to come back again now!

(Graduates sing a song to the tune "Goodbye Moscow!)

Song .
Verse 1.
It's getting quieter in the corridors
The school fairy tale of miracles is melting
Goodbye, our first teacher,
We leave the warmth of our hearts!

Parting now
We part for a while
We will run to you,
Kiss, hug.

Verse 2.
Forgive our first teacher,
That we offended you at times,
Sorry, we ask, sorry,
But, you remember the combat class.

Friends are parting
Part and for a long time
We will remember you
Don't forget your class only!

I remember that very often in my childhood I dreamed about distant countries, about travel. I read books for hours and imagined a world full of adventures and events. So this is what, I propose to raise the anchors and set off on our first voyage!

Raise anchors! Full before! See what an interesting island, oh, I see mermaids! Mermaids to starboard! Mermaids!

(A dance group appears in front of the porch (students of grades 4-5))

Pupil 1:
We won't let you pass so easily,
We will not let go without a gift,
You are talented, beautiful,
You are our graduates!

Pupil 2:
Do not judge the dance strictly
After all, our tails are in the way,
Come to school more often
We will be waiting for you very much!

(Girls dance dance)

At the rate of the parent island! More passengers on board!

Graduate 1:
I remember my mother took me to first grade,
I held her tightly by the hand,
She carried a briefcase in her other hand,
And I was dragging my doll!

Graduate 2:
Mom then tied a bank for me,
So huge and beautiful
There was fear in my eyes
But, I'm afraid, I didn't tell my mother.

Graduate 1:
I remember dad gave instructions,
He asked me not to run or fight
I put a bruise on the first day then,
I had to give up the prefix.

Graduate 2:
I remember doing my homework
As mom after all the mistakes checked,
I drew the map upside down
She scolded me a little.

Graduate 3:
We owe everything to our parents,
Bow for work, for understanding, education,
We always rush to you for advice,
And we share with you joys and sorrows!

(Several parents are invited to the porch, who are reading)

It's always so touching, so beautiful. With what tenderness every word, every wish was pronounced. And now we are sailing to Principal Island and Teachers Island!

(Graduates, and. Director, head teacher, several teachers give ceremonial speeches)

Have you noticed how fast our ship is sailing? Over the horizon you can see the island of "Waltz"!

(Graduates dance their last school waltz)

See how unnoticed we moored to the island " Class leaders". I think we will drop anchors here, but only for a while, because a distant country called "Life" awaits us!

Graduate 1:
You protected our class from all adversity,
You saved us, you always helped us,
A new horizon is calling us
We will never forget you!

Graduate 2:
The last bell rings
Calls us into the distance today
We won't go to class
And let's say goodbye to the school!

Graduate 3:
You are in our heart forever
We will always remember you
You are our dear person,
We all shout "Hurray" to you!

(Graduates shout three "Hurray" to their homeroom teachers)

(The class teachers sing a song to the tune "The earth is empty without you")

Song .

The hallway and classroom will empty
The grass will also turn green,
Only I will be alone, without all of you,
And you, conquer life,
The sea of ​​your hopes and desires.
It was also empty here then,
When the last class went on its way
I also cried for them,
My soul is torn apart by sadness!
How to live now without your eyes
How can you be without your smiles,
My best class has matured,
A new life is waiting for you now!
Will be emptied schoolyard without you,
If you can, then you come in ...

Graduate 1:
How much our school means
How sad it is to leave
We will return to it one day,
To teach your children!

Graduate 1:
Let's go back to childhood, we are at the desk,
Let's enter our favorite schoolyard,
Holding back tears, we will not cry
Let's put things aside for later!

Graduate 2:
In time, I will bring my son here,
Or maybe my daughter, it's not up to me to decide,
I'll show everyone at school
I will remember all the moments.

Graduate 2:
Or maybe I'll come back here
I can teach geography,
I will plunge into the world of childhood,
I will ask homework.

Graduate 3:
Or maybe I, or maybe we
We will be able to keep warm
Those carefree days
How good it was in childhood!

Graduate 4:
Our ship is on its way
Great things await us
And we are all ships,
It's time for us all to raise the sails!

Graduate 4:
We need to let go of childhood
Save the remnants in memory
The last bell will ring
Goodbye and see you soon!

(According to tradition, the graduate puts a first-grader on his shoulder, which rings a bell)

Graduate 5:
So the farewell bell rang
You grew up quickly with you,
I propose goodbye
Give flowers to all teachers!

(All students present flowers and stand near the porch)

Graduate 5:
Are you ready to say goodbye to childhood?
Let him go for a while,
You will raise the balls to the sky,
And release the thread to the sky!

(Graduates release balloons into the sky)


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