Talk to the host for the new year. The script of the New Year's concert “Merry New Year. New Year's corporate party

Elena Komarova
The script for the New Year's concert "Merry New Year»

New Year's concert script« Happy New Year»


Maintaining and strengthening the traditions of the celebration New Year in Russia;

Creation of a festive mood and atmosphere of team unity.



Creation of a close-knit creative team;

Fostering the creative initiative of pupils;

Promote level up musical culture family and society;


Create conditions for the development of cognitive and creative activity of the child.

Develop performing skills in an environment

At the entrance to the hall, the guests are met by the guys in New Year's costumes and invite to concert.

1. Come in, come in, Just show me a smile!

2. After all, a smile is your ticket, and without a ticket there is no entrance!

3. We send the boring ones back!

4. You can be bored at home for free!

Start concert


Hello boys! Hello girls!

Hello parents, that are on the sidelines!

Today we have New Year's celebration ! We greet the first participants of our concert- vocal group of the ensemble "Peddlers" (Children enter.)


The winter holiday is coming to us!

So let's put it together:

Coming New Year!

Let him be the best!

Bengal lights, lanterns, toys,

New Year's Eve cycle.

And Christmas candles, and firecrackers,

So - it will be soon New Year.

So soon again under the chimes

Everyone can make a wish.

Appearances new wonders, talents,

AND new to expect meetings with excitement.

The vocal ensemble performs a song by A. Ermolov « New Year... On the last loss, the girls throw pre-prepared snowballs, streamers into the hall and clap firecrackers.


What a wonderful holiday - New Year!

And how good it is that the whole family got together today,

So that have fun for a long time, sing and listen to songs ...

And whole new we will live a year together, happily and without worries!

Vocal ensemble performs a song "The song about good mood» A. Lepina. After its execution, the children leave with the scene.


Dad has big pants.

And in them - deep-o-oye pockets.

Daddy carries his hands in his pockets

When they get tired of hanging.

There, in the depths, there are coins,

Keys, bus ticket,

Pieces of a broken pill ...

In general - what is there not!

I know sooner or later

When I grow up big

I fill my pockets

I will not become any nonsense.

Just what a boy needs

So he I was cheerful and glad:

I'll put books in my pockets

Candies, Lego and a scooter.

Song performed by Artyom Kroshkin "Why do boys need pockets"


V Let the new year come

Belief in miracles, in magic.

And let him go with the old

All the bad things come from him.

Let everything in life shine

Like lights on the tree.

May there be success in business,

Like garlands, wide.

Let love shine bright

Will be just as good

Like a green Christmas tree

Christmas star.

Songs are sung non stop

"Exactly" performed by Lena Maslennikova

"Non-stop" performed by Ani Zemskova and

"I want to dance" performed by Alina Kroshkina

Under the phonogram "The Christmas tree is not cold in winter" Fir-trees enter.


Such a surprise. We didn’t expect it. Well, tell us, evergreen guests, where are you from?

Christmas trees:

From the forest, no doubt!


Why are you so smart?

Christmas trees:

We've heard that people have beauty pageants. And there are no trees! We also want to participate in such a competition - to find out which of us is the most beautiful!


Great idea! Let's arrange a spruce beauty contest right now! So, respectable audience, the first appearance of the participants of the spruce competition in designer outfits is announced!

We present to you the first participant - Yolochka-Thorn! (the participants go out in turn with a model gait, the presenter comments).

A thorn-tree for a word does not fit into your pocket, do not put a finger in her mouth!

Participant number two - Slender Yolochka! - It is sung about her in song: "In winter and summer, she was slender and green!".

Our third contestant is the Sibiryachka Yolochka! - Morozov is not afraid, because her health is excellent!

The next contender, Yolochka - High Top! - He sees far away, there are enough stars from the sky!

And, finally, the Wise Christmas tree! - He knows everything about everyone, and what he does not know - he will come up with!

Let's applaud the participants, they are all adorable!


Now for you guys, we want to make riddles.

The lights on the tree are shining

Adults and children are happy:

This is coming to visit us

The long-awaited .. (New Year)

One two Three! - The command sounds, -

Come on, herringbone, burn!

Lights up the lanterns

New Year's ...(Garland)

Who draws on the ground

Winter pictures?

They fall from the sky, spinning,

White ... (snowflakes)

Help me hang it on the tree

Beads and rain of shiny foil.

Such outfits are now on "Hurrah",

And everything is called. (tinsel)

Creaks in the hands of the inept,

He grieves about the old master.

Charms, excites, sparkles,

The sorceress sings. (Violin)

Musical number "Violin"


When we smile

we are less likely to make mistakes.

And more often we are rewarded

gifts of fate.

When we smile

we enjoy life.

And instantly we are free

from any sorrows.

A smile is a free thing

simple and straightforward,

funny and understandable,

accessible to everyone.

When we smile

We are self-healing.

And we are filled with strength

bestowing success!

Song performed by Katya Galkina "Smile"


I dreamed about the Dream River - an amazing white river!

Its right bank is in flowers, and on the left there is snow.

There is a blizzard on one side, April on the other side,

On one is still yesterday, on the other already new day.

Varya Zimina sings a song "White River"

How nice it is on the street now

Everything is snow-white, snowflakes are flying around.

Which means it's time to open the door for us

A cherished date and not without a smile.

This date is a holiday New Year,

This is a chance to make all wishes come true

And will be waiting for us new turn,

He will justify all experiences!


Now let's talk about New Year's wishes and congratulations.

We must continue the sentence - wish:

I wish you strong ...

I wish you sonorous ...

I wish you long ...

I wish you bright ...

I wish you hot ...

I wish you sunny ...

I wish you fresh ...

I wish you warm ...

wish funny ...

I wish you winter ...


Did you know exact time when you have to think about the present new year wish? (When the clock strikes 12)

Song performed by Elena Vasilievna Komarova "Snowflake"


Let's sing folk -

We will tighten it from the heart.

Let them be "unfashionable" now;

Yes, painfully good!

Merry and sad, -

Sing what you want;

Our relatives are Russians;

We live with them again.

Folk songs performed by the ensemble are performed non-stop "Peddlers":

"Like a river",



"Dovlensk ditties"


"Poppy color"


WITH happy new year

And we wish you well!

We wish you light, joy

V New year and forever.

May all dreams come true

Will bypass the tangle of adversity.

And under your jubilation

Will rush away old year.

We wish you health,

May comfort be everywhere

Wherever you are.

I wish you happiness all over the Earth.

Performing a song together "The song stays with the person"


Our New Year's concert is over... It took participation:

Kroshkin Artem

Galkina Ekaterina

Zemskova Anna

Zimina Varya

Maslennikova Lena

Kroshkina Alina

Folk Song Ensemble vocal group "Peddlers"

Instrumental group of folk song ensemble "Peddlers"

Permanent DJ of our evening Volkov Alexander Valentinovich

Host of the evening Komarova Elena Vasilievna

Once again, we congratulate all of you on the coming New Year!

We wish you optimism and enthusiasm!

Creative luck and new achievements!

Before new meetings.

Option 3

New Year's script, two hosts - (1) and (2), (Dm) - Santa Claus, (Sn) - Snegurochka

Lead 1:
Good evening friends!

Lead 2:

Lead 1:
Today we have gathered in this hall to spend the old year and celebrate the New Year.

There are many wonderful holidays
Each comes in his turn.
But the kindest holiday in the world
Most best holiday- New Year!
He comes along a snowy road
Swirling snowflakes in a round dance.
Mysterious and austere beauty
Fills the heart of the New Year!

Lead 2:
He gives us faith in a good case,
On the first day and on a new turn,
Helps you get better
New Year to all people in the world!
Louder laughter and more joyful hugs.
And flies from all earthly latitudes
Clock chime. We are all brothers to each other!
There is a holiday on the planet - New Year!
Happy New Year !!!

We drink, we have a snack.

Lead 1:
Meeting the New Year is an amazing time, always exciting, always joyful, and these simple words: "Happy New Year! Happy New Happiness!" we pronounce them with a special feeling, because they can be said only once a year.
2. The word for congratulations is given to ________________ (chief, leader).

We drink, we have a snack.

Lead 1:
On the days filled with pre-New Year's worries, we find time to look back at the path we have traveled and direct our gaze to tomorrow, even more joyful and happy. 2. Here is the New Year, once again,
Comes to us from the starry distance.
And as always, he beckons us,
Hope, bright dreams,
Hope, believe and love
All three cherished words
Take with you and go into the distance,
And be happy again.

Lead 2 :.
The word for congratulations is presented by ______________________ (ch. Bukh.).

We drink, we have a snack.

Lead 1:
Burning candles, crystal, the smell of spruce ...
So we sat down at the New Year's table.
Let there be smiles on your faces,
May longing not look in the heart,
Soon the New Year's hour will strike -
And life will turn into a fairy tale.

Lead 2:
Word for congratulations ____________________________ (deputy)

We drink, we have a snack.

Lead 1:
Let the year begin with a kind smile
From the fact that we forgive each other's mistakes
And even the enemies we wish well,
After all, life is so beautiful, it's time for us to understand!
Amid the dullness of everyday life, crushed by everyday life,
Good feelings have long been forgotten
Sometimes we are cruel, evil
We forget to go to our parents,
We scold the guys for their hubbub and laughter,
We envy if a friend has success ...

Lead 2:
Let's love each other!
And cherish our feelings!
Adversity and bitterness, resentment and pain
May the outgoing year take with it,
And let there be good luck and happiness in Novy,
And the joy of communication even in rain and bad weather.

Lead 1:
The word for congratulations is given to _________________ (head of department 1)

We drink, we have a snack.

Lead 1:
Starry scattering embroidered
Powdered with snow
In a hurry to us at all times
Year of good news.

Lead 2:
You need to meet the guest so
So that smiles are the sea,
So that some weirdo
The nose did not hang in grief.

Lead 1:
That would be a round dance everywhere
That the house was small
To celebrate the New Year
A whirlwind of the best new songs!

(2-3 dances)

Lead 1:
We laughed a lot and joked a lot
But one thing we completely forgot
Who will say: what awaits us, friends, ahead?
Who should come to the holiday immediately?

(Answers from the audience: Ded Moroz and Snegurochka)

Lead 2:
With the wind, blizzard and snow, gray-haired Santa Claus rushes.
Now he is silent, then he calls, and now he is coming to us!
Meet Santa Claus and Snow Maiden!

(Santa Claus and Snegurochka enter)

Hello! Hello!
We haven't met for a whole year
I miss you
Everybody would hug you today
May my hands not be enough
I call my friends to the glorious New Year tree!

Happy new year friends!
The chimes are striking in the New Year's gloom!
I want a new coming
Was happy year on the ground!

Hear, the music sounded again:
This is the beginning of the dancing, comrades!
Everywhere fun and joy sparkles
Let each of you spin in a waltz!

(waltz melody sounds, everyone dances)

Dance is a load on the legs
Now let's give the head a job too.

I have a lot of riddles prepared for you:

In the summer I noticed in the park
The drawing is bright on the pine
I wanted to see him
Suddenly the halves formed
And the drawing flew away. (butterfly)

White and white miller sat on the clouds
White flour is poured through a sieve. (snow)

The blue sheet covers the whole world. (sky)

When needed, they throw it away
When not needed, they raise it.
What it is? (anchor)

Ironing everything that touches, and touching - bites (iron)

Flies - is silent, lies - is silent.
When he dies, then it roars. (snow)

The more you take out of it, the more it becomes. (pit)

He rides on someone else's back, but carries on his own load. (saddle)

The sieve is not hanging by hand. (web)

For the competition of dances and undertakings.
Today in this hall
We will reward our friends
Good prizes

(conducts the game "Grab the Prize")

(Santa Claus invites everyone to the table and with the Snow Maiden congratulate everyone on the New Year, Santa Claus reads congratulations)

New Year is knocking on the window
"Congratulations, people, you!".
On a snowy path
He came at the desired hour.
Gave us blizzards as a gift
Wind, sun and frost
And they ate the resinous smell,
And there is a whole load of hope.
Happy New Year to you, friends!
Congratulations! With a tree! I AM.

We drink, we have a snack.

You have known me for a long time
We are old friends
At the holiday you meet
Not the first year of me

I'm a winter grandfather prankster
Mischievous weather
And to make the holiday a success
I'll set the tone for him

(music plays, Santa Claus starts the dance himself and involves everyone in the dance)


Where is the song, dance, dance, verse
No one is discouraged
The fun spins like a whirlwind
And it does not subside for a long time.

(The Snow Maiden is holding a win-win lottery)
(Competition dance with balls - choose two pairs of participants, hold the ball with their backs and dance)

We all dance.

We met you
Only recently, only today
We are parting as friends
This evening is New Year's.

The minutes of goodbye have come
We tried to entertain as much as we could
Goodbye friends

Goodbye, see you later!

(We see off Santa Claus and Snow Maiden.)

7, 8, 9, etc. GLASSES
We sit down at the table. A word of congratulations to everyone else.
We drink, eat, dance.
Games, contests, quizzes, riddles for your taste for a snack.

Characters: Host dressed as Santa Claus (optional).

Props for contests: gifts for the victory, pens and sheets (according to the number of guests invited), numbered lottery tickets and gifts, an opaque can, a bag of things, two sets of colored ribbons, blindfolds, cards with words, cards with numbers, a bag.

(Music sounds, guests take their seats, the Host appears)

Good evening to you friends,
It's time to celebrate the New Year,
I will help you with this,
I will give you the mood!

And, of course, happiness,
The evening is just lovely
I will give magic
And all will be well!

- Dear ladies and gentlemen, I am glad to welcome everyone. Today we will say goodbye to the outgoing year and together we will meet the New. You are probably wondering where I lost my Snow Maiden? It's simple, tired of waiting for her to get ready! Well, to be honest, there are a lot of you and we just do not have time. In general, let's return to the wires of the outgoing year. I am sure that each of you has faced some difficulty this year, a problem that has considerably spoiled the mood, and I am sure that there were also inspiring, pleasant, amazing moments. I propose now to recall two moments of the past year (good and bad) and write them down on pieces of paper. Now I will distribute to everyone the necessary props, with the help of which you can complete the task.

(A minute later)

I think you all coped with my request. Set aside the sheets with good memories and save until next year. You can supplement them with new moments, but in no case throw them away. And now it's the turn of bad memories. Take this leaf and tear it and throw it away, because the New Year is a new one, so that you can start it without the baggage of past troubles.
Competition props: pens and sheets (by the number of invited guests).

And now, well, finally,
We got to alcohol
We'll drink the first glass
So that our dreams come true!

So that troubles recede
Did not torment our souls,
So that the problems are forgotten
And disappeared like trash!

(Everybody drinks)

- Continuing the theme of farewell to the outgoing year, I want to ask you, are you ready to let him go? No, well, seriously, you never know, what if one of you wants to stay in it? So this is what I mean, now we will find out how ready you are to enter the New Year! I propose this, now I will utter a rhyme-promise for the coming year, which you will need to continue in turn. Whoever comes up with more will receive a prize. Here's an example so you don't get confused:
In the New Year, I will definitely be
Do physical education!

Everything is easy and simple, so let's start:
1. In the New Year, I promise ...
2. In the New Year, I will definitely ...
3. In the New Year, I will be more often ...
4. In the New Year, I will become ...
5. In the New Year, I'll start trying ...

So, in our competition there is a winner, to whom I want to present such a small, but probably very useful prize, which allows me to write down my ideas. (a small notebook with the symbol of the year is presented).

Now is the time to drink to make all your promises come true!

(Everybody drinks)

Tell me, have any of you wondered what the New Year is? New go, it's not always me, or my beautiful granddaughter in a blue sheepskin coat, it is also a mood, atmosphere, tangerines, champagne, a salad of a fur coat, and, of course, Olivier. These are new hopes, new plans, new dreams. This is a fun time with friends and family, this is the most magical time of the year that our country is looking forward to. And yet, New Year, these are warm and sincere wishes that are so important. Tell me, have you prepared your own?

(Guests exchange congratulations and drink to what they said)

Wow, how awkward it turned out. I forgot about the most important thing! We will have a New Year lottery with you, which will give you interesting gifts. Pull the tickets, gentlemen, because it is their numbers that will determine what prize you will receive!
Props: numbered lottery tickets.

(Everyone pulls on a ticket)

And we continue. As you know, you need to enter the New Year without debts, supposedly such a sign. What are we? We also observe this sign, and now we will say goodbye to our financial difficulties! I am letting this wonderful (non-transparent) jar through the hall, into which each of you will put as much money as he sees fit, mentally asking the outgoing year to collect your debts. After that I ask you to return the bank to me.

(Guests put money in the bank and return it to the host)

The question is, which of you wants to become richer? This bank is at stake, and whoever guesses how much is kept in it will get it?

(The guests take turns calling the estimated amount, the presenter then opens the bank, recounts and hands over the prize to the winner. After that, a glass is raised for financial well-being)

Congratulations have already sounded
So that you do not get bored,
I suggest you start
Very friendly to dance!
I'll turn on the music now
I'll call everyone to the dance floor,
We will light up with you,
For thirty minutes all dance!

(After 25 minutes)

I will interrupt you a little,
I want to play a game
Although you all came in clothes,
I will offer you clothes!

The rules are simple friends,
I give you a bag
You dance as before
I'll explain everything to you now!

In general, the rule is simple,
Pass you a bag,
But, as the pause comes,
Get your clothes out.

Put on and dance
And it will be so long
Until the bag is empty
Well, my friends, shall we begin?

(The bag can be folded: family panties, bra (very large), sweatpants, bathrobe, scarf, old dress, adult diaper, wig, funny hats, men's shorts, short skirt, etc.)

Everything worked out great
We had fun with you,
I allow you to take everything off,
And take their places!

(Guests are seated in their seats)

I wonder if you've forgotten the alphabet? No, well, seriously, this often happens to me, but with the Snow Maiden, in general, she's frozen all over my head, well, not about that. I propose to test your memory, but it is not easy to name the letters, but it is interesting to do it. The task is as follows: you, in turn and in order, pronounce the letter of the alphabet and say a New Year's toast to this letter. For example, I call the letter K, and I say a toast starting with this letter: How many pleasant things are happening to us, let's drink to the fact that there are more of them in the New Year! Is everything clear to everyone? Then let's get started?

(After the toasts have been made, the host offers to drink to what was said)

They called me here and said that the New Year is on the way. And also, I was told that this year the bows will be relevant, I do not know who invented it, but I will not refute, but only propose to practice tying them. For this I need three volunteers, two girls and a man. The male role here is the most difficult - to portray a mannequin. Believe me, standing still is much more difficult than completing my task. Girls will tie bows on the mannequin! What is difficult, you ask? And practically nothing, except that the young ladies will carry out the task blindfolded! And yet, I forgot to add, it's not enough to tie your bows, so you also need to untie the rival's bows, time for everything about everything, just a minute! But, look, what beautiful ribbons I have prepared!

(The presenter gives the girls 10 ribbons of different colors (you can use the colors of the next year) and blindfolds. At his command, the competition begins)

Well, well, I congratulate our winner and present her with a symbolic prize, but we continue and smoothly approach the New Year's lottery. In the meantime, it has not yet come, I ask everyone to the dance floor!

(A musical pause lasting 15-20 minutes, during which the presenter can conduct another one)

While you are resting after such incendiary dances, I want to make you a few.

Examples of riddles.
1. What in the world is whiter than all,
All the more desirable and tastier
What is being driven in the apparatus,
And it happens at the parade?

2. Two huge balls,
Swaying merrily
No, not New Years,
Do all men like it?

3. What do we pour into glasses?
What are we drinking together?

4. The appetizer is the best, no doubt about it,
Has a silvery color.

5. Walks boldly through the snowdrifts,
Loves the old man very much,
Only a little cold
Who will answer who she is?
(Snow Maiden)

(Variants and number of riddles may be different)

It's time to drink to your wit, so that next year there will be as much of it as possible!

(Everybody drinks)

For the next competition, I will need 4 people. Your task will be extremely simple - to portray the New Year! Everything is simple, only you will have to do it without words. One shows, the other guesses, and so on in each pair. So, I propose to determine by lot who will be the first to show the words on the cards I have provided. I forgot to add that pairs will be shown at the same time. The time for the show is 1 minute, after which the players in pairs change places. Is everything clear to everyone? Please pull the card!

Words for cards:
1. Santa Claus;
2. Snow Maiden;
3. Snowman;
4. Snowflake;
5. Frost;
6. Mandarin;
7. Fireworks;
8. Gifts;
9. New Year tree;
10. New Year's toys;
11. Clapperboard;
12. Chimes;
13. Congratulations from the President.
Props: cards with words.

Congratulations to a couple of winners, and it's my great pleasure to announce a musical pause!

(15 minutes later)

Dear friends, sorry to interrupt, but a brilliant idea came to my mind, why don't we have a round dance? No, well, really, what is the New Year without a round dance? I just warn you, we will have the most unusual round dance in history! We quickly stand in a circle, and I will take a place in the center. The trick is that you will have to repeat all actions and sounds after me. Well, shall we try?

(It is better to show gestures and make sounds symbolizing the animal of the coming year, and conduct the round dance itself to the song "It's cold for a little Christmas tree in winter)

I ask everyone to take their places
The lottery is waiting for friends
I will name the numbers,
And give gifts!

(Everyone takes their places)

Leading (pulls cards with numbers from the bag. Attention, in the script the lots are written in order):
No. 1 receives a very useful and most importantly necessary prize - the New Year's calendar, which will help not to get lost in the days;
# 2 gets something that will warm you on cold evenings and give you a scent (pack of tea);
# 3 gets a thrill in a jar (mustard);
# 4 gets what it is impossible to live without and in which it is very convenient to hide money (socks);
# 5 gets something that will help you always have an expressive look (mascara or eyeliner);
# 6 gets something that will help to glue everything in the world, even the one who has long been sympathetic (tube of glue);
# 7 receives a portable symbol of the year that will surely bring good luck (magnet or souvenir);
# 8 gets what you can't live the day without (a couple of coffee bags);
No. 9 receives the main prize, without which it is impossible to celebrate the holiday (box of chocolates and bottle of champagne);
No. 10 receives what everyone knows, is in every home and decorates our lives (horseradish jar);
# 11 gets what displaced the nipple (chupa-chups);
No. 12 gets what is always the most important and necessary (roll of toilet paper);
No. 13 gets what should be sold with cognac (lemon);
No. 14 gets something that will preserve the beauty of her hair in any weather (comb);
# 15 gets something to help you stay full at all times. (wooden spoon).
More lots can be added as needed.
Props: cards with numbers, a bag.

I congratulate everyone on winning such valuable prizes and gladly announce that in five minutes the long-awaited New Year will come! Fill glasses, make up wishes, and I went to start the chimes!

(The chime sounds, everyone wishes each other a Happy New Year and exchanges gifts)

Congratulations, my friends,
Happy New Year everyone, hurray!
Happiness to everyone and kindness,
So that all dreams come true!

So that they can and can,
To live in harmony
Let beauty surround
And the problems recede!

(The host announces another one followed by a musical pause)

The evening is coming to an end
And it's time for me to go,
I say goodbye to you for a year
Do not forget me!

You have fun, a lot of money,
Everybody ride foreign cars,
To have a lot of happiness
Measured to be in stamps!

The stage is decorated with various New Year's gifts; large boxes with bows, large candies, huge bouquets of flowers and, of course, the main character of the New Year's scene - a Christmas tree, or decorated branches.

New Year's fanfare sounds, passing to the background of the presenters. Leading out.

Great New Year's health to everyone who came to plunge into the atmosphere of an important winter celebration, which wonderful artists of our cultural institution are ready to create for you!

On the eve of the long-awaited holiday, saturated with magic and coniferous aroma, filled with feelings of love and friendship, waiting for gifts, souvenirs and congratulations from our dear and close people, our pop concert takes place.

For us artists, the dearest and closest people, of course, you are dear spectators. We will not bore you with long speeches, but immediately begin to give our creative gifts, among which there will be congratulations from Santa Claus and Snow Maiden.

Prepare your hands and smiles, the band you know will be the first to enter the stage, and your applause is already ringing!

1. "Winter" - performed by the Russian song ensemble

The New Year completes its circle, but the creative year is approaching its very peak, the members of creative teams did a great job of meeting 2019 each Russian family, and wish you to show all their skills!

And there really is something to show! We invite the viewer to an exciting New Year's journey in search of a miracle together with our artists!

Enjoy pleasant moments, great performances from our local amateur performances, songs, dances and, of course, instrumental music.

The Municipal Wind Orchestra is playing for you - welcome!

2. "Happy New Year" - performed by a brass band.

3. "Salute of Moscow" - performed by a brass band.

Official congratulations to the leaders on the New Year 2019

Talented people of our region have prepared their creative gifts for you, who during the season delight both the townspeople and guests of our land with their skill.

We really have a lot of talents, and not only in stage skills. The ability to work, and to benefit not only his family, but also society, the socio-economic development of the territory. Labor is also a great talent of our people, about which the leadership of the city and region know most of all. You are welcomed by:

(The presenters alternately call names, patronymics and positions, officials go to the microphones under the background of music)

Happy New Year 2019 to the leaders

Today you could see a lot of people with Christmas trees on the streets of the city, everyone tries to warm the little Christmas tree with the festive warmth and joy of children, who know for sure that not only the Christmas tree is cold in winter!

We invite to the stage the youngest participants in a pop concert, young but already experienced artists who know more than all New Year's songs and poems.

4. "New Year" - performed by the folklore ensemble "Fidgets" - your applause, the gold reserves of our stage!

5. "Birch Grove" - ​​performed by the folklore ensemble "Fidgets.

What is good for children in the New Year is not always easy for adults! Everything needs to be done! Buy groceries, hide behind drinks, prepare gifts, make a menu, tidy up houses, decorate a Christmas tree and dozens of New Year's things for the adult population of the country!

Men always get more ... More reproaches from his wife, mother-in-law, sisters, mothers and grandmothers. After all, by the new year, all the imperfections are revealed: change the light bulbs, fix the sockets, finally fix the leak in the tap, fix the picture on the wall, and even figure out how to install the Christmas tree! Our wit and humorist knows about all the New Year's skirmishes.

6. Humoresque "How to meet ..." - performed by a humorist.

Everything is included today to create a New Year's mood, perhaps, only our communal service workers do not care about it, who traditionally "delight us" with another increase in tariffs.

Therefore, our main task is for you to relax a little before the new year and get a little distracted from the daily affairs and even oppressing us on weekdays. A wonderful creative team presents you with sincere congratulations!

7. "We wish you happiness" - performed by a pop trio.

8. "My wishes!"

9. "Winter fireworks"

10. "New Year's Love" - ​​performed by a pop trio.

It is vitally important to tune your emotions for a festive New Year mood! And what about without him? To meet the new 2017 in a bad mood means to spend it the same way, gloomy and gloomy. Who needs it? No one!

Even if some of you have not received a festive charge, the most important characters of the most important winter festival will correct this, of course ... That's right, - Santa Claus and his granddaughter Snegurochka, welcome!

D.M. and Snow. They come out with a song about the New Year, sing, go to the auditorium and return to the stage.

Father Frost

Peace and happiness to all the inhabitants of this beautiful land! You worked hard not sparing your strength and talent! Rejoice, good people, for your deeds, your efforts, the successes of your children and grandchildren! Your zeal in work will certainly be rewarded, I say this, Santa Claus!

Snow Maiden

Let's make a wish right now, accompanied by magic music, which will certainly come true! Close your eyes and remember your very cherished dream, your New Year's wish!

Father Frost

New Year, the most exciting holiday and the most wonderful! But only your aspirations in work and love for your neighbors are able to realize truly magical designs!

New Year's corporate party.

Leading- Good evening, dear friends!

Leading- Good New Year's Eve!

Leading- Another year has passed, and now we are all getting ready to meet the new ______ year.

Leading- New Year has already sent us its greetings, promising to be kind, fruitful, full of joy and fulfilled hopes.

Leading- An extraordinary, exciting night with fun contests, pleasant surprises and gifts awaits you.

Leading- You can become participants in auctions, become famous actors of the New Year.

Leading- And let your companions today be - good appetite and festive mood.

Leading- If you are sad today,
Or grievances you do not count,
Celebrate New Year's holiday
So there is a reason today!

Leading- Well, if you are hungover,
If you feel really sick,
So a reason for fun
You don't care!

Leading- Well, since there are a lot of merits
The authorities, il honor,
Destiny itself told you
Join a joint round dance!

Leading- It's frost and blizzard in the yard,
Here we are warmed with warmth,
And let's all congratulate each other,
And we will close the glasses at once!

(alcoholic pause)

Leading- New Year is the most cheerful, bright and joyful holiday, both adults and children love it, and everyone celebrates it in their own way.
Leading- Some go to a restaurant, others celebrate New Year at home, in the family circle, others go to nature in winter forest, and I invite you to celebrate the New Year with us,
Leading- And for starters, so that we have fun celebrating the New Year, I invite everyone present to think of a wish, associate it with a number from 0 to 9 and pull out a leaflet with a number from my hands (After everyone has chosen, Leading says “Who has number 1 and reads the horoscope).
1 - Act today boldly, risky. To fulfill your desire will require determination, assertiveness. It may come true, but it will have to fight.
2 - The wish will come true. Will bring joy, a feeling of fullness of life. Nothing will interfere with this.
3 - The coming year is wonderful for career growth, yours came " Golden time! ". The year will bring a lot of joy, a feeling of fullness of life.
4 - The time has not yet come for our intention or aspiration. It is necessary to wait, perhaps, a change of circumstances.
5 - Says that there is every chance of getting what you want. This color inspires hope, predicts success, promises good conditions for the conceived.
6 - Get ready for significant changes, you have every chance of getting what you want. The stars will be supportive to you all year round.
7 is the number of luck. But don't interpret it as an exact "YES" to your question. He suggests that a wide range of opportunities will be provided for the fulfillment of a desire, extremely favorable. You will use them to the fullest if you show will and moderate your self-esteem.
8 - What you are thinking may come true, but on condition: for this you need to choose a rational, balanced decision. To achieve what you want, do not act headlong, spontaneously. The exact answer will be given by the voice of reason. Gossip and intrigue can serve as a hindrance to the conceived.
9 - This is "YES", and the conceived will come true without any effort. The whole situation has developed so that there are no obstacles to your plan.

Leading- Let them accompany you everywhere
Tailwinds for you

Leading- Let love warm you
Be happy - hurray! / "Hurray" everyone picks up /

Leading- Let not with us this evening
Vitas, Decl and Shura
We are glad to meet you anyway
Be happy - hurray!

Leading- Let the time run, rejoicing
After all, now is the time
Games, dances, kisses.
Be happy - hurray!

Leading- We wish you to have fun
Until the very morning
May the holiday last forever
Be happy - hurray!

(alcoholic pause)

Leading- Well, now if you drank and ate, then we will continue further.
Leading- New Year. We all expect from him happiness, miracles, fulfillment of desires. Today on New Year's Eve, which is given in honor of the _________ company, we will present gifts to the winners of the nomination, but in which nominations you will find out later.
Leading- Do you all know that the New Year is coming soon? Who has any desire? ... But I understood. We pour. And I suggest TOAST:"For the fulfillment of all desires in the new year!"
Leading- We begin the solemn ceremony of awarding the award "The best performer of New Year's wishes in the nomination" gold fish". A fish is nominated for the title. Is there a fish in the hall? Which of you is Pisces in your horoscope? (If a man responded first)... What kind of fish are you? You are a sturgeon. (The woman responded first) Here it is a fish! Go for a gift.
Leading- Gold fish. Which of the ladies has at least half of the ___________ store, that one will be nominated for the Goldfish.

(A lady comes out who has more gold jewelry).

Leading- The fish is young. Almost underage, so I invite a young lady of the firm, To receive a gift.

(Music is playing on the way out. Leading meets all the ladies who came out).

Leading“It’s strange for everyone to have human names. Now the fish will make the wish come true. Who made a wish for the fish? Like a grandmother. And now only men answer. What brand was the grandmother's trough?

(Displays the answer, for example "indesite").

Right. The first talking trough, but the truth is, with only one program, called "Erase, damn it, yourself" (To the man) Go for a gift…. But while you work as a grandmother. (Puts a headscarf on the man) Now bring your grandfather to us. Who will run to the sea?

(The grandmother takes out one of the guests - the grandfather, who is being put on a hat.).

Leading- Let's start a fairy tale. Grandfather threw a seine into the sea. The blue sea has turned black! For a long time the grandmother has not washed this net! .. Let's go straight to the fulfillment of desires. Make any wish grandma.

(Grandma thinks).

It was said in Old Church Slavonic, and translated into modern language means: "I want to drink!". Let the fish fulfill the desire.

(Players bring a stack and put it on a tray in front of the grandmother.)

Leading- We fulfill the second wish.
(Grandma thinks).

Leading- Clear. This translates as: "I want to eat!" Follow the fish.

(An appetizer is served and placed on a tray.)

Leading- And the third wish! Granny may not think, I already know the desire. The grandmother's desire is: "I want to dance." The fish drink, eat and start dancing. And grandfather and grandmother join them!

Leading- And which of our nominees gets the title of "Goldfish"? What will Grandfather say? And Grandma?

(If the opinions of the grandmother and the grandfather coincide, then the named lady wins. If the opinions differ, then the nominees are selected by the applause of the audience.)

Leading- And now Goldfish will wish everyone a Happy New Year and say a toast.

Musical beat.

Leading- Friends, tell me, is the company still celebrating the New Year? Then attention - the solemn ceremony of awarding the award to the best performer of desires in the "Golden Cockerel" nomination begins. Whose fairy tale is this? (Pushkin) And who is the main character in the fairy tale? Except the cockerel ... Only the ladies answer! Exactly - the king. What a well-read lady - wake up king. No, you are a lady, of course, you will be a princess. Take the throne. We begin the coronation. Choosing nominees for the title of "Golden Cockerel". The princess chooses.

(The lady chooses three men).

Leading- Three cockerels introduce yourself ... Some chicken names. So, let's begin. According to the tale, the Cockerel sits on a spire. Are we going to sit on the spire? Inconvenient. Okay, let's sit on a chair. First, the cock is asleep. He sleeps well. Sleep! But now you have noticed the enemy and must sing very loudly.

All players must crow.

Leading- But the princess does not hear. You have to get attention with something!

Players sing and make some movements at their own discretion.

Leading- They woke up the princess! And the princess decides which cockerel will receive the title of "golden cockerel". Who?

The lady makes a choice. The rest are awarded incentive prizes.

Leading- Happy New Year greetings and a toast from the Golden Cockerel.
Well, well, we continue to present the award to the best wishmaker in the Firebird nomination. She, of course, will be chosen by men. Gentlemen, men, in which work does the Firebird occur? (The Little Humpbacked Horse)... That's right, here he is - the first elector of the Firebird. Applause. And who wrote the humpbacked skate? (Ershov)... Another elector. In the tale, the father had three sons. What was the youngest's name? (Ivan the fool).

(Leading gets acquainted with the retired participants).

Leading- Everything, we have to work. Go and fetch one Firebird at a time. Be careful, the Firebird is feminine.

The men bring out the Firebirds.

Leading- Here they are, fairies. Do you fulfill your desire? No questions asked and regularly? Great! Lord electors, I forgot to tell you the omens of the Firebird. Friends, the point is that the Firebird later turns into the Shamakhan queen. And here are her signs. The first sign of the Firebird is the waist. How much is the Firebird's waist? What are 60? This is the east. Waist 80 cm. Now we will measure the waist of the nominees, and the one whose waist is closer to 80 cm goes to the final.

(Measurement of the waist of the nominees.)

Leading- The second sign is weight. How much is the weight of the bird? What are 50 kg? This is the weight of the chicken. The weight of the firebird is 60 kg! We get on the scales.

(Measurement of the weight of the nominees.)

Leading- Applause to the Firebird from her holiday congratulations and a toast.

Leading- And we are starting the solemn ceremony of presenting the award to the best performer of desires in the nomination "The Little Humpbacked Horse". How did Ivan cause the skate? (Whistled)... Now we whistle, and the skate will be here. Who can whistle? Come here. Three four. Whistle! No skate, let's all whistle together who sits in the hall. Enough for you, there will be no money. Moreover, the skates have already galloped, here they are.

(Points to the participants who came out to whistle)

Leading- Applause to the nominees for the title "The Little Humpbacked Horse" The main thing for a skate is racing. You need to jump quickly and beautifully.

(Leading invites those who come out to join hands - a three. Skip to the end of the hall and back. The best horse is determined by applause.)

Congratulations and a toast to Konka - Humpbacked.

Leading- Now telegrams have knocked on our door. But from
whom we do not know. Your task dear guests
guess who sent these telegrams.

1 Happy New Year. I'm on the road. I'll be there tomorrow morning. (HANGOVER).
2. We report: we got down to work with a creak! (CHAIRS)
3. Although I am fickle and changeable, I am never bad. Therefore, accept me today as I am. (WEATHER).
4. Drink, take a walk, if only I had enough! (HEALTH)
5. It is indecent to squeeze and stroke me for so long. Finally, make a decision. (A GLASS OF VODKA).
6. Don't drink without me! (TOAST).
7. I want to snuggle up to your knees. Or to the chest! (NAPKIN),
8. Happy birthday, my dear, for three more days I will be with you.
9. I'm breaking! (TABLE).
10. I decide to get drunk today, you won't drink me anyway! (TALENT)
11. From such physical exertion, you can go crazy! (JAW)
12. I'm ready to sacrifice my life for your happiness! (PLATE)
13. Sorry about the fur coat. Help remove! (HERRING)
14. Here you drink everything, but have you thought about me? (LIVER)
15. Ask your friends, no matter what scares me like the last time. (TOILET BOWL).
16. Already deformed, when will the dancing begin? (POPA)
17. I'm waiting for everyone to leave to say: "You are mine now!" (DIRTY DISHES).
18. Thanks for the holiday. I'll be back in a year. (New Year).
Leading- It's the turn of the next competition-competition POETOV. Every person is a poet at heart, even if he cannot come up with a single rhyme. Do not be afraid, the poems have already been composed for you, you just have to come up with the last word, who will come up with a prize the most. All those present participate in the vote counting commission. So let's start:

1.To do modern makeup,
Acquired a beauty ... (trellis)

2.Nudist club as an application
Accepts thrown ... (swimming trunks)

3.- I fell in love with all the girls once
Rybnikov in a comedy ... (girls)

4. One can and many jars,
The thrush is lucky to ... (market)

5. Burst a bag with milk
Filled in trousers and ... (jacket)

6 even the kids knew
Under the guise of Fantomas - Jean ... (Heat)

7 one blond wrote it for fun -
Country of birth ... (Angola)

8. Tell me, dear, frankly
Was it from your side ... (treason)

9. Russians have a wide range of names.
Vaughn Voroshilov - for example, he was ... (Client)

10.In Lukomorye, the cat decided
That he is local ... (reketir, rowdy, old-timer)

11.Grand stage and screen -
Italian ... (Celentano)

12 the state spends billions
On shoulder straps, badges and ... (cockades)

13. Once a light of new faith,
Lighted the Arabs ... (Muhammad)

14 more terrible and more dangerous than a mine
Mountain climbers ... (summit)

15.For the Puritan, erotic
And sin, and temptation, and ... (exotic)

17 is figure skating familiar
To the people of the Kingdom ... (Great Britain)

18.Publications are kept by the library.
And dominoes and cards ... (game library)

19.Maybe the convict would run away,
Yes, not passable around ... (taiga)

20.Can Russia now collect,
Worthy for the Olympics ...? (army)

21. I, as a karateka, will not rest,
if they don’t give me a black one ... (belt)

22. Both halves have already expired,
And the scoreboard is still ... (zeros)

23. Cargo Sumo Champion
It's good to have a big ... (belly)

24 In Salt Lake City, I'm afraid we're shitty
Performed in comparison with ... (Shit)

25. The sports elite are happy
The next one is coming ... (Olympiad)

26. Among sports destinies and legends,
Not everyone has a "hippie - ..." (end)

27. The wolf, after watching football, decided in the end:
“Like me, they are also fed ... (feet)

28 The summit was almost conquered,
But the snow prevented ... (avalanche).

TOAST: Happy New Year! Happy new day!
Happy new calendar!
Congratulations and wish ...
Have fun at the table!
So that they walked as they wanted!
So that you don't get sick tomorrow!
To make everything perfect!
Happy New Year!
With new happiness!

Leading- Now listen to the astrological horoscope.
Aries: A serious, important, productive year is ahead. The events taking place will allow you to gain freedom, independence and rise to a new social level. Aries get ready for new victories. A holiday will finally come on your street. In the summer you will meet a very influential person. All contacts will be promising. On the whole, the year was successful for business. Stable family rams will begin a grand renovation or purchase a new home.
Taurus: In the first half of the year, Taurus will stand on top, and celebrate one victory after another in all areas of activity. This year you are guaranteed new acquaintances, pleasant and unforgettable travel experiences. Taurus will gain great popularity and fame. But in the second half of the year, harsh everyday life will begin. You have to think more about financial issues, new tasks that can only be solved by those who will work like a bee and not relax for no reason.

Gemini: Gemini will have to adjust to new circumstances this year. New meetings and new acquaintances will bear fruit. Try not to lose contact with new friends or partners, they may be useful to you. The first half of the year is not a bad period when many twins have a chance to increase their income. In the second period of the year, twins should pay attention to their own family.
Cancer: Cancer is getting fickle this year. He gets to know people more easily than usual, becomes more sociable. Business renewal is possible in the first half of the year. Many crayfish will open their own business in another city or another country. The main events will take place in the family and romantic spheres.
Leo: Lviv is looking forward to an extremely fruitful year. Most tasks will be solved with surprising ease, and competitors will either step aside or be defeated and defeated. Leos will link their plans with friends or relatives living in other cities or countries, travel is possible. For many lions, personal life will be more important than work and career.
Virgo: Virgos in the first half of the year will continue, the processes started last year. All cases planned for the first half will be carried out only with direct assistance and financial participation. The Virgos will have harmony and some stability in the family. Couples will pay more attention to their other half.
Libra: This is a year of great deeds and a time for the fulfillment of plans. This is the time of beginnings and new discoveries. Some will get promotions and significant increases wages... All cases related to documents will be successfully completed. Changes continue in my personal life. Many scales will start building their own nest or make it more spacious and comfortable. The second half of the year is quite favorable for lovers.
Scorpio: It's a time of discovery for them. New horizons are spreading before you. You will boldly go towards your intended goal and successfully achieve your plan. This year will have a very positive impact on the financial sphere of activity. You will receive income that you do not even know about. As for love relationships, this year is not entirely stable for you. And for lonely people, you can count on the development of a new romance, which will almost certainly end in marriage.

Sagittarius: For Sagittarius this year, two completely opposite trends will be noticeable. New areas of business will develop successfully, but they will bear fruit not immediately, but only by the end of the year. Possible trips, meetings with old acquaintances, good friends and close people. This year's earnings will be decent and monetary affairs will reach a constant balance. On the love front, everything is very well. For those who are looking for their second half, this year will be very successful and productive. For many, it will end with a wedding.
Capricorn: This year you will believe that dreams come true and a fairy tale comes true. Fantastic success in business, luck in money. You will earn more than you would like and your profit will cover all your expenses. In terms of love, this year is just as successful. Relationship with a loved one will become more stable and stable. Joint trips, meetings with old friends and good acquaintances are possible. A meeting, acquaintance awaits the lonely. A union that can prove to be lasting.
Aquarius: Laughter and tears, joy and sadness, success and failure - all this will have to go through Aquarius. For the first three months, you will be successful in all your endeavors, especially in matters related to finances, which will be multiplied this year. The first half of the year is a great time to restore and develop love relationships. Meetings with loved ones are possible. And in the second half of the year, Aquarians will begin to look for a way out of a difficult and, perhaps, a dead end situation. Lonely people can count on a fateful meeting.
Fishes: Business activity most of the representatives of this sign will be at the highest level. The favorable tendencies that started last year will continue. An entrepreneur and an employee have a chance to increase their income and rise to another economic stage. It is possible that a new love, which appeared in the recent past in a fish, will make it completely change the whole way of life.

Leading- Well, now, let's smile a little, because ...:

For rams this year
It brings a lot of new things,
But don't go for a walk at night,
Visit the bathhouse.

For Taurus, this is the prognosis:
You keep your nose high.
If they offend,
Do not forget to give a task.

The cheerful twins are waiting
A lot of happiness this year.
We need to eat more dill,
To become beautiful ... .. appearance.

Cancers want to say
Luck awaits you again.
Just don't go,
Less often look into the glass.

There will be good luck to the lions:
Bucks, a jeep, as well as a summer residence.
But beware of disease
Play sports more often.

Know virgins this year
You will be lovingly lucky.
So that you are lucky in the capital
Don't push your way.

Libra has a good year
Carries a lot of good
Only take care of your nerves,
And don't go left.

Scorpions this year
There will be many millions
I need to smile more often
And make love.

Know the glorious archers,
This year you are great!
Glory and honor await you,
Who does not smoke or drink.

Capricorn is very important
Avoid overloads,
To all your finances
Do not pay for medicines.

This year, our Aquarius,
Do not spare your strength in your work.
Sleep more, read the newspapers
Drink beer, suck candy.

Happiness will come to all slaves,
Their success awaits everywhere,
But don't drink without a decree
More than two bottles at once.

Leading- Well, I hope that next year everything will be just fine for you.
TOAST: Let's drink so that in the coming year there will be shooting around us ... but only champagne, right on target and at close range!

(musical pause)

Leading- And in order for you to be given gifts for a whole year, you need to observe some New Year's signs.
- If the needles on the tree turn blue, it means that the tree is no longer to be poured.
- If you hear an obscene answer to the call "Burn herringbone", then you tried to set fire to your wife's green coat.
- If Santa Claus comes out of the closet, it means that today you were presented with horns.
- If on New Year's Eve you and your friends went to the bathhouse, then you will not wash off the whole year.
- If a snowflake falls on your palm and does not melt, then you urgently need a drink to keep warm.
- If Santa Claus is not going to leave you, you will have to seal the living space.
- If you drink and drink, and the New Year still does not come, then you have not yet drunk last year's glass.
- If the Snow Maiden performs a striptease around the Christmas tree, you will live the whole year according to the principle "you want to and pricks!"
- If a traffic police inspector is waving a striped staff on the road, it means that he expects to earn an annual salary today.
- If Santa Claus's bag contains only New Year's gifts from the sex shop, then in the coming year you need to relax and have fun.

Leading- Now I will ask comic questions, and you try to recognize yourself in them or your neighbors on the table, and answer my question
"This is Me!": Or "This is He (She)!"

1. Who sometimes walks with vodka with a cheerful gait?
2. How many of you, say aloud, catch flies at work?
3. Who is not afraid of frost, drives a car like a bird?
4. Which one of you will grow up a little and become a boss?
5. Who among you does not walk gloomy, loves sports and physical education?
6. Who of you, so wonderful, always drinks vodka barefoot?
7. Who work assignment does it right on time?
8. How many of you are drinking in the study like at the banquet tonight?
10. How many of you walks upside down on the pavement?
11. Who among you, I want to know, likes to sleep at work?
12. How many of you arrive at the office one hour late?

Leading- As expected, there are very few of them in your company, almost none.
Here's for your Friendly team and let's have a drink!

Leading- The moment when the hands of the clock will appoint each other a date is not far away. It will be exactly midnight. At this moment they will announce the coming of the New Year. And we have not yet prepared for this event. They did not even invite Santa Claus and Snow Maiden, but this is not yet a reason for sadness. The very best Santa Claus and Snow Maiden can be "raised" in your team.

Election of DM and SNOW.
Competition for Santa Claus.

Leading- "Black box" - And so dear guests, I suggest trying your luck, I have a "Black box", who guesses the contents of this box, he gets what is in it for eternal use. And also the right to name the first winning number.

(They call 1 digit).

Competition for the Snow Maiden.
Leading- Privatization - We continue to experience happiness. Now we live in a time of total privatization. I propose to privatize ... this toy. How? I must name its quality characteristics. Whoever has the last word gets a toy and the right to name the second winning number.

(They call the 2nd digit).

Leading- But today's New Year is not only magical, but also fabulous, therefore, to celebrate the new year, we need one more heroine, and which one I will say after we choose her.

Competition for Baba Yaga.
Leading- Money - Dear guests, tell me what you lack for life? (OF MONEY)
Well, this problem is small. Take a look at this tray. So, whoever guesses the exact amount gets the money and gets the role of our hero and names the third number.

(Gets money, calls a figure)

Now attention! The one of the guests, except for our characters, who is the first to show me a banknote, a travel ticket, any document in which these numbers are located in a row, will receive our super prize. In the meantime, our members are getting ready, you can rummage in your pockets, listen or dance to our fun music.

(dance, music pause)

Leading- Our Firm has a New Year.
Dancing is a round dance.
On the porch by the door
We are expecting guests today.
Oh, and the day will be today!
Santa Claus will arrive now
A script for heroes.
Leading- Hands are cold, feet are cold
From what? This is a question ...
Who gives the best gifts?
Answer me! Father Frost.

(All spectators shout Santa Claus and Snow Maiden. Santa Claus and Snow Maiden appear)

Leading- Hello Dedushka Moroz,
Cotton beard.
Have you brought us presents? ...
Ah, thank you grandpa.

M.- Give me a pour ... completely frozen ..

Leading- Closer to the body. Father Frost.

M.- We went with the Snow Maiden from Kamchatka,
But she ... came, guys!

Snow:- Oh, how cool it got!
Why are you disgracing mulberries?

M.- Happy New Year to you friends!
The holiday is here - I have come too.
I see dancing here, singing
Maybe they'll pour at least a hundred grams ?!
Old me, tired of the road,
I would stretch my legs here
And under the tree for an hour
Will fit into the corner.

Snow: Well, grandpa, you turned it down!
I would yawn at least once
Listen to what I say grandfather
Let it knock for at least two hundred years,
Your moans are nonsense
You are a man anywhere
Eyes - the way you shoot
Apparently you are picking up a couple ...

M.- Hello! I raised my granddaughter
I'll tell you a little thing!

Snow:- Well, don't be angry, grandpa,
Take a quick look around:
How many funny faces around
Surprised and familiar!

(A whistle is heard, Baba-Yaga flies out on a broomstick. Flies up to Santa Claus, swings at him with a broom, tugs at his beard)

Baba Yaga- Painfully? That's right, right!
Shcha as I will move with a broom !!!
I am a free queen
And the bride wherever!
My vidon is like a queen's ..

Snow:- Only bony, but gray hair!

Baba Yaga- Not the slightest flaw!

Snow:- And slim ... .. like a monkey!
Baba Yaga- Chick little one, do not filth!
Better to get help.
(Addressing Santa Claus)
You kiss me everywhere
118 me already!
M.- Eh, Yagusya - beautiful,
I'm afraid to admit you:
It hurts you are cool in business
Well I am susceptible to women - fear.
Snow:- Sit down, your feet will cool,
And then you will melt along the way.
M.- No, I say goodbye to everyone
I promise to be in a year.
There, you see, I will heal,
I'll burn for something else.
Baba J.- Oh, you, old sinner,
What are you whipping?
You are not drunk tea!
Look you decided to run away, the villain,
I would be ashamed of people.
M.- New Year is already on the doorstep!
Don't judge people harshly
If something is wrong with someone,
It's all such a trifle!
Do you want to be healthy?
Take care of your nerves.
All patience and happiness to you,
Avoid any misfortunes!
Baba J.- The money went so as not to be wasted,
I will conjure wealth for everyone!
Snow:- I also want to wish:
Love and happiness to you, friends,
Happy days, good meetings,
All that you have to save
All you want to come true
What has been lost is found!
In the family, only clear weather for you!
And everyone again
Together- Happy New Year!
Leading: Let's drink to Santa Claus and Snegurochka: as long as I can remember, they don't get sick, they don't age, and there is always money for gifts!
For us to be like that too!

May the New Year overshadow you
Will give you success.
And let it sound in your house
Cheerful, ringing laughter.
May a faithful friend be near
And on a holiday, and in bad weather.
And let into your house,
Like a snowball
Happiness always comes!
We say to everyone: "Goodbye" -
It's time to part.
And in this late winter hour -
The last dance is for you!


Characters and their signature phrases.

REPKA- "both-na" (With squatting)
Babka - "I would kill" (Shaking his fist)
Granddaughter - "I'm ready" (Coquettishly raising the hem of her skirt).
BUG - "You yourself are dogs."
CAT - "Hello, my cat and goodbye!"
MOUSE - "Pee-pee-pee" (pretending to want to go to the toilet.)

You must not only pronounce your words, but also perform the actions described in the fairy tale.

Grandfather planted ……. REPKU. The REPKA has grown ... big, big. The GRANDFATHER began ... to pull the REPKA. ... He pulls, pulls - he cannot pull.
Called GRANDMA ... GRANDDaughter ... GRANDDaughter ... for GRANDMA ..., GRANDFATHER ... for GRANDFATHER ..., GRANDFATHER ... for REPKA .... They pull, but they can't pull it out.
I called the GRANDDaughter ... the BEETLE ... the BEETLE ... for the GRANDDaughter ... the GRANDDaughter ... for the GRANDMA ...
Called Bug ... CAT .... CAT ... for a bug ... a bug ... for a granddaughter ... for a granddaughter ... for a granddaughter ... for a granddaughter ... for a grandpa ... for a turnip ... ..., pull - pull, but you cannot drag.
Called the CAT ... MOUSE ... MOUSE ... for the CAT .... CAT ... for the Bug ... the Bug ... for the granddaughter ... for the granddaughter ... for the granddaughter ... for the granddaughter ... for the grandfather ... for the GRANDFATHER ... for the turnip ... ..., pull - pull - and pulled the REPKA

Tug of War- The rope is a rope, about 1 meter long. The ends of the rope are clamped between the young man and the girl at chest levels, their hands are removed behind their backs. On command, the couples pull the rope in different directions. The couple who could not hold the rope lost. (The rope can be held between the stomachs, thighs, backs.)

"Top ten"- Boys and girls are located 3-5 meters from each other. Boys receive a pencil and fix it between their knees, girls there, between their knees hold a matchbox (or maybe 2-3 box).At the command of the young men, without touching the pencils with their hands, they approach the girls and push out the middle part. Who quickly.

"Mutual penetration"- Each pair of players is given a napkin. On command, each pair clamps a napkin with their foreheads. The task is to wipe the hole in the napkin as soon as possible. You cannot help with your hands.

"Magic gum"- An elastic band is put on a pair of legs, Hands are raised to the top. Their task: - To catch the gum up to the hands. Without touching your hands.

"Pass the Ball"- A pair is given a tennis ball. At the command of the girls, they must shove the ball into the right leg and roll it so that the ball comes out of the left leg. Who quickly.

One player is called. Then Leading shows him one of the guests and asks: "Shall we kiss?" Leading asks a question until the player says "Yes!" Asks "Where are we kissing!" "Here?" while pointing at various parts of the body until he hears an affirmative answer. After that, he asks how many times - throwing out a certain number of fingers. After all, the player kisses where his answers indicated.

"Orange"- the table is given an orange each, their task is to transfer the oranges by holding it between the neck and chin and transfer it to the next player, who must intercept it without using his hands. Who quickly. The parallel table that won sets the task that the players must complete.

There is a contact.
Props. 2 hats, 2 sets of cards with inscriptions of different parts of the body ..
The players form pairs, each player draws one card, reads it out. The task of the partners is to touch these parts of the body. Then the card is pulled out again. Participants must, while maintaining the same contacts, touch the following body parts. Etc. The game ends at the moment when the couple can no longer hold all contacts at the same time. Leading calculates the points earned by this pair and invites the next one. The couple who managed to score more points wins.

You can if you are careful enough.
Stand with their backs to each other, lean forward a little. The tennis ball is placed between the backs. Without touching the sword with your hands, lower this ball to the floor.

Madonna and Child.
Couples are playing. The woman is offered to play the role of Madonna, and the man is offered to play the role of a baby. For a certain time, they must compose a composition.

Loud Reader Competition.
Leading announces that the participants must demonstrate how they read the newspaper out loud at home, in this competition the winner will be the one who does it louder and best. Participants sit on chairs, roll one leg up to the knee, cross their legs, give a newspaper to their hands, the texts for reading should be different. At the command of the leader, the participants begin to read aloud, trying to shout down the opponent. At the command to stop, everyone is silent. Leading announces that in fact this competition was not for reading, but for the hairiest legs, and the prize goes to the hairiest one.

2 men 2 women, men sit on a chair on top, an A4 sheet is placed. The women sit down on the sheet. The task is to crumple the sheet as quickly as possible.

Dear guests, attention, attention. The Oriental Dance School invites everyone to take short-term courses.
Let's join the ancient art of belly dancing. Listen and repeat the movements after me.

You walk down the street (movement of the hands, imitating walking, swaying the hips.).
Look to the right in front of you the Taj Mahal Palace. (movement of hands to the right)
Oh, what a unique beauty! (fold your arms at your chest).
Look to the left - you see the temple of the goddess of love Lakshmi. (movement of hands to the left).
Oh, what a graceful architectural structure (fold your arms at your chest).
Suddenly a young rajah comes up to you, your heart rushes to him. (Left hip movement).
He hugs you and you swing on the waves of bliss. (Waves with your hands).
Suddenly, his first wife approaches from the right. (Move your arms to the right).
And he says "he's mine."
And you answer No, no. (head movement left to right).
And the raja hugs you again, taking you into the sea of ​​passion (Waves with your hands).
That's the end of the fairy tale, and who listened well (circular motion of the hips).
What capable students, and now let me read this way, and you do it without my help.

"Take care of women"- Several men are invited. They are offered to test themselves as women in an interesting position. Leading adhesive tape glues large balloons at the level of the abdomen. Half a box of matches is scattered in front of each player, the task of the participants is to collect the matches. If the balloon bursts, the participant is eliminated from the game.

"Pantomime" - Show without words:
- Marathon runner completing the distance ",
- "Weightlifter"
- A gymnast performing an exercise on a balance beam "
- "The part of the ballerina"

"String"- Two chairs are placed with their backs to each other, a string is pulled under them. On command, two participants walk around a circle of chairs and, on command, sit on a chair and pull the rope out from under it. Who is the first one and wins.


Happy New Year, I wish you happiness, joy!
To everyone who is single - to get married, to everyone who is in litter - to measure,
Forget about grievances, for everyone who is sick - to become healthy,
Blossom, rejuvenate. To everyone who is skinny - to become fatter,
Too fat - lose weight. Too smart to get simpler
Close-minded - to grow wiser. All gray-haired - to darken,
So that the bald hair on the top of the head thickens like Siberian forests!
So that the songs, so that the dances never cease.
Happy New Year! Happy New Year! Let the trouble pass us!

Happy New Year! May good luck
This year will give you
Will solve complex problems
And it will bring success.
So that the soul does not know worries
And at midnight so that the hour
There was moisture from the glass
You are drunk for you.
For love, for happiness to live
And cherish each other.
Let's raise a toast for the New Year
Let the toast be extremely simple
For happiness, friendship, laughter,
In all matters, great success,
For sensitivity, tenderness, kindness
Warmth of family life!
If fatigue falls on your shoulders
They will offend. Deceived. Do not grieve!
Remember this fairytale evening of ours-
And immediately it will become more comfortable to live!

To all
I want to pour operetta
For your close-knit team,
For this holiday - New Year!
Let it only bring us friendship,
Good luck to everyone now
And with gratitude, let the door
People keep knocking on us!
And let "thank you" say.
And you will always be glad to them.
You don't need to teach something,
You have experience, you have experience!
And on a holiday our best
We want to wish you
Health, Happiness in life to know,
For hard work
Hard work
Although not a child's age
But find a remedy for you
To decorate the Christmas tree
So that Grandfather shout
To believe in the New Year,
And wait what will bring
Gifts for us under the tree!
And with an arrangement, with a sense
We wish, without a doubt,
To work - moods,
When you go to work - with a soul!
A big working year is coming!
Yes, on the threshold of the New Year!
So let him carry Hope,
And a new zeal for work,
To whom - an addition to the salary,
To whom - in the service of a promotion!
So you create and contemplate,
And we believe that we can become
A close-knit team henceforth,
We will be able to burn together
It's not easy in your work!
And on this world holiday
We wish you happiness and warmth,
Rich to you on the night of the table,
Love of relatives, kindness and affection!
And let, as in a New Year's fairy tale,
Grandfather Frost will come to the house
And bring a cart of gifts,
A box of happiness, a sack of Love,
And health for the whole family!


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