Business trade in jewelry. Profitable business: how to open a jewelry store. Business plan for a jewelry store. There are several ways to place

Costume jewelry is one of the highest-margin products - the markup ranges from 100 to 500%, which makes the business of selling it especially profitable.

Therefore, both a beginner and an experienced entrepreneur can make money from jewelry from scratch.



  • The jewelry store sells the following products:
  • earrings;
  • rings;
  • brooches;
  • necklace;
  • bracelets;
  • jewelry sets;
  • pendants;
  • vintage jewelry;
  • rings;
  • hairpins;

gift boxes. A large and well-thought-out assortment of the store is the key to business success. Products must meet requests.

target audience

Types and relevance

Selling jewelry is especially important during times of crisis. This is due to the fact that this product is much cheaper than jewelry, but looks high quality and impressive.

  • Types of jewelry stores:
  • online store;

department in a shopping center.

Online store

  • A popular way to sell jewelry is to set up a store online.
  • does not require the purchase of expensive display cases;
  • sales throughout the country;
  • a large assortment. requires technical support
  • programmer;
  • the client does not have the opportunity to touch and try on the product;

high costs for logistics and delivery organization. On initial stage

When launching an online jewelry store, the owner can use his own apartment as a warehouse.

  • Requirements for an online store:
  • Beautiful design;
  • thoughtful structure;
  • use of social networks;

use of contextual advertising.

Design ideas for an online jewelry store: Colorful background Detailed catalog Minimalist design

Deep filtration

Department in the shopping center

  • Requirements for the shopping center:
  • high cross-country ability;
  • presence of a cinema and cafe; advertising opportunity.

point of sale

  1. Options for placing a jewelry store in a shopping center:
  2. Island. Area: 6–10 square meters.

Department. Requires large financial investments, since you will need not only the purchase of equipment, but also repairs.

Costume jewelry is jewelry that is made from inexpensive base metals and stones. Outwardly, costume jewelry resembles jewelry, but its cost is significantly lower. Costume jewelry is an integral part of fashion retail, the volume of which is estimated at approximately $57 billion. The costume jewelry market is about $2.5 billion, that is, about 4% of the entire fashion retail market.

In Russia, the largest part of the market is occupied by imported jewelry, domestic production makes up a smaller part. Price segment: average.

The target audience

You should start trading jewelry by identifying the target audience of the store. An entrepreneur must draw up a portrait of his client, taking into account the interests of the buyer. This is necessary to determine the range and marketing strategy store.

Example of a client portrait:

  • gender: female;
  • age: 30–45 years;
  • income: above average;
  • interests: fashion, beauty, style.

Competitive advantages

To the main competitive advantages jewelry stores include:

  • varied assortment;
  • sale of current products, in terms of fashion and demand;
  • professional consultation;
  • thoughtful pricing policy;
  • control of sales indicators;
  • cooperation with reliable suppliers;
  • attractive store design;
  • effective marketing campaign.

Advertising campaign

A store can be an excellent source of income if the owner plans his advertising campaign.

  • website;
  • pages on social networks;
  • contextual advertising;
  • leaflets;
  • audio advertising in a shopping center;
  • television videos;
  • signboard;
  • banner on the facade of the building.

Ways to increase sales:

  1. Promotion. You can offer a discount or have a sale.
  2. Loyalty program. Cumulative discounts for regular customers.
  3. Affiliate program. Cooperation with third-party sites and bloggers. Payment for attracting customers in the form of a percentage of sales.

Step-by-step opening instructions

Steps to selling jewelry:

  1. Preparation of documents.
  2. Searching for premises and determining the design.
  3. Purchase of equipment and inventory.
  4. Purchase of goods.
  5. Hiring staff.


To open a store you will need to receive necessary documents. An online store will only require a certificate of registration of an individual entrepreneur; registration of an outlet in a shopping center requires additional documents.

To open a department in a shopping center you need:

  • individual entrepreneur registration certificate;
  • permission from the fire department;
  • certificate from the sanitary-epidemiological service.

Room and design

Requirements for the premises and design of the store:

  • purity;
  • good light;
  • single style;
  • minimalistic design;
  • convenient cash register area;
  • attractive sign.

Equipment and inventory

Necessary equipment and inventory.

Display options for a jewelry store:

Black color Light colors Red color Beige and brown tones

Equipment and inventory must meet the requirements:

  • high quality;
  • attractive appearance;
  • presence of mirrors.

When displaying goods, you can use groupings:

  • by type of product;
  • by color;
  • by topic.

The layout of all goods and equipment should be logical and intuitive. The client should easily find what he needs.

Purchase of goods

The product can be purchased from one supplier or from several.

Pros of purchasing from only one supplier:

  • You can get additional discounts for volume;
  • savings on delivery.

Pros of purchasing from multiple suppliers:

  • wide variety of assortment;
  • regular deliveries even in case of problems with one of the suppliers.

What to look for when choosing goods to sell:

  • to the owner’s own experience and taste;
  • on sales figures (choose hits).

When choosing a supplier, you need to focus on the following data:

  1. Supplier experience in this area. It is recommended to choose companies that have been on the market for a long time.
  2. Reviews from store owners who work with this supplier. Most reviews should be positive.
  3. Documentation. The supplier is obliged to provide documents for each shipment of goods. It is recommended to order a small trial batch for verification.
  4. Own production. It is advisable to purchase goods directly from the manufacturer, in this case the purchase price will be minimal.

Video instructions on purchasing goods for a jewelry store from Alexander Bondar.


Requirements for the employee:

  • woman;
  • knowledge of sales;
  • cleanliness and neatness;
  • interest in the product.

Seller's responsibilities:

  • consultation;
  • sales registration;
  • display of goods;
  • maintaining cleanliness.

Responsibilities of an online store manager:

  • order completion;
  • counseling clients;
  • checking data for sending;
  • sending orders.

Financial plan

Financial planning allows you to compare the expected income and expenses of a future company and evaluate the effectiveness of a business project.

Starting investments

The starting investment in the business will be 660,000 rubles.

Regular expenses

Monthly investment in the store.


Monthly income is determined based on the fact that:

  • average daily revenue - 6,600 rubles;
  • monthly revenue - 200,000 rubles;
  • expenses - 160,000 rubles.

The store will generate a monthly profit of 40,000 rubles.

Calendar plan

From the moment the business idea is developed to the opening date of the store, it will take three to four months.

Jewelry store calendar plan.

Stage1 month2 months3 months4 months
Preparation of a business project+
Search for product suppliers+
Preparation of documents for store registration+
Store registration+ +
Selection of retail space and conclusion of a lease agreement+ +
Room renovation +
Installation of commercial equipment +
Obtaining permits from regulatory authorities +
Purchase of goods +
Conclusion employment contracts with staff +
Advertising + +
Opening +

Risks and payback

The project to open a jewelry store is characterized by a low level of risks. Business requires minor starting investments. The location of the outlet in a large shopping center provides a guaranteed daily flow of customers, but there is a danger of becoming unprofitable due to high rental rates.

The main risks that may prevent you from making money on jewelry:

  1. Seasonality. During holidays and weddings, demand is very high, and at other times it is moderate.
  2. Declining purchasing power. It may occur due to the situation in the country’s economy, due to which the population will buy less non-essential goods.
  3. Incompetent employees. The store's revenue depends on the quality of customer service. Unprofessional staff will not be able to provide the required level of sales.
  4. Increase in exchange rate and increase in purchase prices and customs duties.
  5. Increased competition. The active behavior of competitors can influence the behavior of the target audience not in favor of the business.
  6. Increased costs due to increased rent.

The return on the initial investment will occur in 16–17 months.

For your sales to go well, it is not enough just to display the jewelry on the display. We need to sell it wisely. Costume jewelry is such a product that does not tolerate the indifference of the seller. Each product has details that need to be emphasized, shown to a potential buyer, and told about the advantages.

Therefore, the question “How to sell jewelry?” really very relevant.

What is important for successfully selling jewelry?

Good seller

If you sell jewelry in a store (offline), then your asset is not only a good assortment, but also sellers. Ideal seller- not intrusive, but friendly. He is ready to come at the moment when he is asked, or as soon as he feels that they want to ask him to come.

He must know the assortment thoroughly, so as not to search together with the buyer for what might be suitable, but to immediately provide a solution. And, of course, he must be a smiling, pleasant person who is truly interested and would like to please the buyer.

Correct layout of jewelry

The second factor, no less important, is the correct layout of the jewelry.

How to display jewelry in an offline store?

It should be visible. Whether you group it by color or type of product is up to you to decide based on the concept of your store and the characteristics of the target audience. But in any case, you shouldn’t waste money on good things. retail store equipment(although it may be used), transparent high-quality showcases, effective lighting.

How can it be profitable to present jewelry online?

If you sell jewelry online - in an online store or catalogue, then your task is to present the products in such a way that it is impossible to refuse them. And only a picture, a picture and a picture can do this. No descriptions can replace a good photograph. A product photographed in such a way that a woman can instantly imagine them on herself is 90% of the success of your sales.

It’s even better to spice up the picture with a video. Then buyers will be able to see the product from all angles.

How to sell jewelry by hand?

And if you personally sell jewelry from hand, then keep in mind that for good earnings Thus, you need completely special jewelry. Perfect - hand made. And, of course, you yourself must be an interesting and presentable person who knows how to win someone over.

For successful hand sales come up with a legend for each decoration, this should hook buyers, because everyone loves stories, and beautiful stories even more so.

Of course, there are no clear secrets on how to sell jewelry. You yourself will find the optimal solution. The main thing is to have an interesting start and not to relax. Your recipe will appear quite quickly after the start.

I wish you successful sales!

How to open a jewelry store - jewelry business

The weak half of humanity simply loves Jewelry, their soul is eager to pamper itself with a new “trinket”. Yes, and what can I say, many men also have a weakness for quality jewelry.

But modern realities are such that buying good jewelry can be expensive. What is the way out of this situation - to buy jewelry - as people say - “cheap and cheerful”.

Is it profitable to open a business selling jewelry?

Definitely yes! The fact is that jewelry is often a product of so-called “impulsive demand”. That is, he came, saw a very beautiful brooch, won, that is, bought it.
Another important factor, especially through the prism economic crisis: demand! And there is always one for inexpensive jewelry. As they say, beauty will save the world.

So why not make money on this by opening a jewelry store?

What kind of business is this?

A store specializing in the sale of jewelry is ideal women's business. It's colorful and interesting - but most importantly - PROFITABLE! And the scale in the very formation of the business is not necessary - it can be a small showcase. It will become a unique catalyst for joy and improve your financial condition. And this is doubly pleasant!

Guide to action.

In order to open a small point focused on selling jewelry, a retail area of ​​5 meters square will be enough for you. You will have to shell out about 40,000 rubles or more for jewelry display cases.

It is best to choose a shopping center in terms of rental costs. If the center is new, then the price will be lower, but then you risk having a minimum of buyers who simply do not know about the existence of the new outlet. The place is in a popular shopping complex It costs an order of magnitude more, yes, and you will need to spend a long time searching.

Legal points.

All work starts with a very important detail– registration Individual entrepreneurship or companies with Limited Liability. A lawyer will be able to advise you in more detail on the intricacies of registration to avoid misunderstandings.

The young store will get acquainted with the collection of costume jewelry.

And finally, Eureka! The crucial moment for purchasing jewelry has arrived. This is a separate conversation: to make your store look decent in the eyes of customers, that is, solid, you will have to spend approximately 100,000 rubles.

How do you purchase a jewelry collection? Usually the owner goes around several wholesale companies, chooses the most attractive collection(s), determined with the ratio appearance, prices and quality. All that remains is to purchase the goods!

Good friend - statistics.

According to statistical data, a buyer, entering a jewelry store, usually leaves there from 500 Russian rubles. And it’s not worth talking about women: if she liked a trinket, she won’t particularly look at the price. In this regard, the conclusion follows: the markup on the range of costume jewelry starts from a “modest” 300%, sometimes reaching “cosmic” 1000%.

Basics successful business.

Be patient. But, at the same time, a successful jewelry business requires creativity, that is, the ability to present even a not very favorable situation in a favorable light. Someone will ask why and why creativity is needed in business!

Let's start with the fact that an impeccably selected collection, which visitors will “sweep away” from the shelves, can be chosen by a person with a good sense of style and impeccable taste. And these are creative people.
-And also: almost any collection needs to be “brought to mind.” There's no way to do this without creativity.

Skillful hands will be able to easily add originality to finished jewelry, which often suffers from complete absence. Moreover, over time, a true master of his craft learns to create his own works that easily fit into the finished collection. Everyone is familiar with them: beads, clasps, all kinds of stones, ribbons, beads and other “pleasant little things” - all these are more magical objects in the hands of a craftsman. Yes, and you can purchase such source material at any hardware store. Such a non-standard author’s approach makes your store unique, not fitting into the concept of “consumer goods”. As a result - good word of mouth, individuality, which is already the first and very confident step towards success.

Profitable or not profitable?

A business based on the sale of costume jewelry can fully pay for itself in just 6 months with skillful and competent work. The store's assortment can be shrewdly expanded with additional accessories. This could be: caps, hats, glasses, scarves and much more.

Meet the franchise.

Franchising is one of the most common ways to open a jewelry store. Average, Russian companies for the sale of franchises they require from 30-40 thousand US dollars. They convince you that this amount is completely justified, since within a year you will be able to fully recoup your costs. The monthly profitability of the business will be from $3,000 “net” monthly.

Indeed, as mentioned above, in order to open such a store, you only need 5 m2 of retail space, which can easily accommodate about 2,000 different products. If selected for rental a good place, then 100,000 Russian rubles is quite adequate “net” profit every month. At least this can be achieved gradually. And the markup, which fluctuates at least 300%, will only help with this.

Staff, I was looking for you.

When opening a jewelry store, a logical question arises about finding employees. Of course, at first, many limit themselves to themselves as a seller.

In addition, it all depends on the scope of the campaign: if it is a small stall, then it would be, at least, stupid to think about a large staff.

Cleaners are usually employees of the shopping center in which the retail space is rented. So you have to take care of a competent seller - if he is replaced - about two of them.

A few more secrets.

It is important to understand that the business of selling costume jewelry is somewhat seasonal. The most profitable time begins in December and ends in April. It will be great to schedule the opening of a retail outlet by December. Perhaps then you will break even in six months, or even earlier.

The most basic rule that is necessary for someone who decides to open a jewelry store is to maintain harmony in the choice trading place, good taste, a flair for truly good and exclusive things, the ability to independently make designer products - this item is optional, but it greatly helps the promotion process.

In conclusion, about patience.

In conclusion, I would like to note that the profitability of this business in Russia is quite high; there is always a demand for costume jewelry. It sells quite well all year round, and in some periods it sells especially actively - but this has already been discussed above.

Remember the saying - patience and work will grind everything down. Don't expect incredible profits in the first month. It makes sense to study the experience of competitors and choose your own work strategy. Business is a small war where tactical cunning and “combat” techniques are needed. Especially in such a beautiful and promising business!

Hello friends!

I decided to dedicate today’s article to the female half of humanity, because we are the ones who like beautiful jewelry, and working with it is doubly pleasant.

Let's start with the fact that opening an online jewelry store is quite easy.

Advantages of an online jewelry store

Firstly, such a business does not require large investments. 10 - 15 thousand rubles is enough - and you already have a wide range of products in the online store.

Secondly, costume jewelry is a small-sized product, it does not take up much space, which means that you will not have to pay dearly for storing the goods in a warehouse. Also, its delivery does not require large expenses.

Disadvantages of an online jewelry store

However, such a business has a big drawback. It's highly competitive. Due to the fact that it is quite easy to open an online jewelry store, there are a large number of online jewelry stores, and jewelry is also sold in shopping centers, in markets, in shops. But this does not mean that you need to be afraid of competition and give up on this business. With the right approach, you will always find your clients and can make good money from it. How to properly organize your work? This is what we will talk about today.

Market analysis

The first step is to look at what online stores exist in your market and study their assortment. After all, it is your competitors who know which products sell best, since they have been working in this niche for many years, and I don’t think that they will sell products that are not in demand.

Definition of uniqueness

Once you have analyzed the market, it is important find your uniqueness. You can sell jewelry from one specific brand, such as Tiffani. You can also sell jewelry from a specific country, for example, Italy. And this will be your uniqueness. Alternatively, you can take one of some kind separate category, for example, wedding jewelry. You can also make jewelry with your own hands. In this case, your online store will be 100% unique. You can sell jewelry that is trending at the moment. For example, recently in great demand We used studs (for those who don’t know, these are small round earrings of different colors).

In principle, you can come up with absolutely any uniqueness that your imagination allows, but don’t forget about what people want and what products are in most demand. After you come up with your uniqueness, make a list of specific products that you need to purchase (these could be earrings, pendants, pendants, sets, hairpins, etc.) and write down how many of each product you need.

Search for a supplier

Once you have determined exactly what specific product you will be selling, it's time to look for a supplier. At the moment, there are a large number of sites that sell jewelry wholesale, so finding a supplier will not be difficult for you. However, it is important to find a supplier who sells truly high-quality costume jewelry. And this is not always easy. Moreover, photographs of a product do not always correspond to how the product looks in reality. Therefore, I strongly recommend asking the supplier to sell you one unit of the product at a wholesale price so that you can evaluate its quality. There are also several other important criteria by which you should choose a supplier. I talked about them in mine and don’t want to repeat myself. This course is absolutely free. From it you will learn how to quickly find a reliable supplier, since it is the work with the supplier that determines how successful your online store will be.

Defining your target audience

For successful implementation product, it is important to create a portrait of your potential clients.

Come up with a name and logo

The name must necessarily reflect the idea of ​​your online store, it must touch the soul of your target audience and be pleasant to the ear. In accordance with the name, you need to draw a logo.

Website creation

The site should be attractive, convenient and understandable. Also, be sure to prepare high-quality photographs, because the decision whether to buy a product from you or not will depend on them. You can also make a video review of jewelry. This way, visitors to your online store will have a more accurate understanding of what the product looks like in reality.

Set up payment and delivery methods

In our online store we only accept cash, delivery is carried out by courier in our city, and to other cities we ship by mail. If you wish, you can configure various ways payment, and as for delivery, it is best to contact courier service.

Online store promotion

At the moment, there are many ways to promote an online store. I recommend setting up contextual advertising to Yandex, advance through social media, bulletin boards and coupon services. Try these promotion methods, choose the ones that worked best for you and focus on them.

Study statistics

Be sure to install Yandex Metrica or Google Analytics on your site, so you will know where visitors to your site come from, in what quantity and for what queries. This way, you will know how to further develop your online store and what to work on.

And finally, some tips for working on an online store:

  1. Take care of beautiful, high-quality packaging. These can be bags or boxes. In our case, these are branded bags, as well as boxes with the Swarovski logo.
  2. Make small purchases of items that you have not previously sold to see how popular they will be with your customers, and once you are sure that they are in demand, buy more of them.
  3. Try to maintain the assortment of your online store so that it is not empty and all items are always present.
  4. Conduct competitions and promotions in holidays so you can increase your revenue.
  5. Study, from which you will learn how to find a reliable supplier, how to make a website for free, how to promote your online store and make sales. This course is absolutely free and will help you work with your online store.

Be patient and confidently move towards your goal, and then you will be able to take your online jewelry store to a high level. After all, opening an online jewelry store is not so difficult, but it can become a really good source of income.


In contact with

Before selling jewelry, you need to carefully consider the location of the store. It may be small trade display 20 m2 in an area or at least in a crowded place, which means a large number of passers-by representatives of the fair sex, because they, as a rule, strive to be attractive.

In order to attract more customers, use a combination of loyalty policies and seasonal discounts. Introduce regular customers and a cumulative discount system. Organize periodically for both regular customers and ordinary customers. Equip promoters with what they need handouts in order to provide information about your discounts to potential clients.

Video on the topic

Helpful advice

Don't forget about security. The salon should have double doors that open inwards, a couple of security people at the entrance and several panic buttons in case of robbery.

Tip 3: On which website can you sell painted boards and plates?

If you know how to beautifully paint boards and plates, then sooner or later you will think about where to sell your work. And here the Internet comes to the rescue. Being located anywhere in our country, without having your own stationary store, you can successfully sell your products. To do this, just register on a website that sells handicrafts.

How to open your own handicraft store on the website

Fair of Masters ( - a unique online platform for those who want to sell products self made. Every day it is visited by thousands of people who want to buy works of arts and crafts. Painted boards and plates can be successfully sold on this site. To do this, you need to register and open your own store at the Masters Fair. Easy registration, a simple and inexpensive payment method have made this site popular among handicraft artists. You can place three works in the store for free. The payment in the future depends on the number of added works. But in general, it is small. For example, a monthly placement of thirteen works costs 60 rubles.

When you post painted boards and plates for sale in your store, you add a few photos of them and a description. By opening your page, buyers will see what materials were used in the production of the work, as well as dimensions, cost and many other characteristics.

Having chosen the product they like, the buyer makes a purchase in your store. As soon as he does this, you will immediately receive a notification by e-mail. Both parties can actively communicate through the messaging system. You can agree with the buyer on the method of payment and delivery. The seller must conscientiously fulfill all the buyer's wishes, because the buyer can leave positive or negative feedback. And this will affect the image of the store. The payment and delivery system is chosen at your discretion. This can be postal delivery or delivery in person, payment - cash on delivery or to cards of various banks.

How to make a store profitable

You can make sure that as many visitors as possible know about your store in different ways. The first and most important thing is to paint the boards and plates with high quality. Look for something that will distinguish your work from other masters. The competition at the Fair is great. The second way is to add enough information about your products so that buyers can find it. And the third is to actively participate in all events of the Masters Fair. Add collections featuring your works, publish in a magazine, share master classes. Handicraft masters can not only sell painted boards and plates, but also learn from other craftsmen - adopt experience and knowledge. In the master classes section you can always find something new, interesting and useful for yourself.

And another important point in working at the Crafts Fair is a respectful attitude towards the buyer of your product. Never miss delivery deadlines and carefully pack the goods. Plates are fragile goods; they can break on the road, which will upset both the buyer and the seller. Add small gifts to the package as a present. A larger number of regular customers will make your store prosperous and your business profitable. Good luck with your sales!


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