Sanitary requirements for the work of the vegetable shop. Sanitary requirements for the device and operation of catering establishments. Requirements for equipment, inventory, utensils and containers


A well-organized public catering contributes to the rational use of social labor and to an increase in its productivity, saving material resources, increasing free time, improving living conditions and increasing the well-being of workers. At enterprises Catering production of ready-made dishes, culinary products is carried out, their sale and consumption in the dining halls of canteens and cafes is organized. Organization of production finished products brings together catering establishments with enterprises Food Industry, and the implementation of the implementation process - with trade enterprises. The combination of production and trade functions with the organization of customer service is a specific feature of the activities of public catering enterprises. The volume and assortment of manufactured products depend on consumer demand, which is distributed, as a rule, unevenly throughout the day, by days of the week, and by seasons of the year.

Scientific and technological progress in the industry is aimed at comprehensive mechanization and automation production processes, the use of the latest technology and on this basis - to the maximum intensification of the processes of cooking and dispensing food.

Application new technology and technology is possible with the transition of public catering enterprises to industrial, industrial methods of processing raw materials and cooking. An integral part of scientific and technological progress in the industry is the introduction of progressive forms of customer service, improvement scientific organization labor and management, effective use technology.

New equipment and technology, combined with advanced labor organization, contribute to improving the quality of products and the culture of service, mechanization manual labor, improvement of sanitary and hygienic conditions, etc. The introduction of new equipment, the improvement of technology, the organization of the work of production and management workers on a scientific basis place high demands on the qualifications of public catering specialists. Universities, technical schools, vocational schools and courses, for which the necessary educational literature is published, are engaged in the preparation of industry specialists and the improvement of their qualifications.

common goal practice - consolidation of theoretical knowledge gained during the study of the course of special disciplines, based on the study of the work of the enterprise. The main goal of technological practice is to study technological process food production and its influence on the formation of the quality of the finished product. Additional goals are to study the organization of technical and economic control of raw materials, finished products and semi-finished products.

The fulfillment of these goals is achieved by:

- studying information about the work of a public catering enterprise;

– study of technological processes of production, the impact of operations on quality food products;

– studying methods for calculating the need and rational consumption of raw materials, the output of finished products, preparing recipes for dishes, culinary and confectionery;

– acquisition of practical skills in the production of culinary products and the organization of production.

– study of technological and technical documentation at a public catering enterprise.

Enterprise characteristics

The LLC "Vivat-trade" enterprise is located at the address Perm, st. Highway Cosmonauts, 65. It is a network retail from own production finished products of constant action with round-the-clock operation. This enterprise public catering has a workshop structure, the workshops are divided into procurement (meat, fish, vegetable), pre-cooking (hot, salad), specialized (confectionery, bakery). "Vivat Trade" has a full production cycle, that is, the company processes raw materials, produces semi-finished products and finished products, and sells them itself. The enterprise is of public urban importance, as it serves the entire urban population. "Vivat-trade" refers to universal catering enterprises, as it produces and sells a diverse range of dishes, providing a full ration of food from different types raw materials from both finished products (salads, hot dishes, flour products, etc.) and semi-finished products (minced meat, meat for stewing, etc.). The main service of Vivat is the production of food products and their sale. Additional service can be considered the release of finished products under the order.

The form of service of the enterprise is mixed, that is, self-service and service by sellers.

At a public catering enterprise, the safety of life and health of the consumer and the safety of property are ensured by observing the "rules of production" and the sale of public catering products, sanitary and technological standards, electrical and fire safety requirements.

The building of "Vivat Trade" was put into operation in 2004. It is located in the housing and administrative zone, has “convenient access roads and accessible pedestrian routes. The territory adjacent to the enterprise has artificial lighting in the evening. Placement of containers with garbage, warehousing of containers, carrying out unloading and loading operations is carried out strictly in the designated place. The site with the garbage collector is separated from the enterprise by 25 meters.

"Architectural and planning solution and structural elements of the building comply with building codes and regulations (SNiP 2.08.02–91)." The enterprise provides emergency exits, stairs, instructions on actions in emergency situations, means of protection, warning, evacuation plan. Also, "Vivat Trade" is equipped with "engineering systems and equipment that provide the necessary level of comfort, including a ventilation system, heating, hot and cold water, sewerage, radio and telephone communications." The entrance to the enterprise ensures the simultaneous movement of two counter flows of consumers to the entrance and exit. There are separate entrances and exits for consumers and Vivat staff. The company has a signboard with company name information, forms organizational activities about the mode of operation.

The public catering enterprise "Vivat-Tred" has warehouse, trade, production and auxiliary premises. Warehouses are designed to store food products

(pantries), retail premises for the sale of finished products, production facilities for the manufacture of food products (cold, hot, meat, fish, vegetable, confectionary shop a, bakery), auxiliary to improve labor productivity (washing, toilets, etc.). The interconnection of all these premises is due to a continuous cycle of work. Warehouse and commercial premises are equipped with necessary equipment for a specific technological process. At the Vivat-trade enterprise, the main regulatory and technological documents are the Collection of Recipes for Dishes and Culinary Products of the National Cuisines of the Peoples of Russia, the Collection of Recipes for Dishes and Culinary Products for Public Catering Establishments (Part I), industry standards and specifications. The collections contain recipes, cooking technology, as well as norms for the consumption of raw materials, the yield of semi-finished products and finished products, recommendations for the interchangeability of products. The recipes indicate: the names of the products included in the dish, the norms for investing products in gross and net weight, the yield (weight) of individual finished products and the dish as a whole. In order to fully meet the demand of consumers, the catering enterprise "Vivat-trade" develops new recipes for dishes and culinary products. Recipes for signature dishes are developed taking into account the approved standards of waste and losses during cold and heat processing of various products. For all dishes with a new recipe and specialties, technological documentation is developed and approved by the head of the enterprise: STP, TU, technical and technological and technological maps. Chefs and confectioners of "Vivat-trade" are provided with technological maps at their workplaces. They are compiled for each dish, culinary or confectionery product based on the Collection of Recipes. The cards indicate: the name of the dish, the number and version of the recipe, the rate of investment of raw materials in net weight per serving, and also indicate the yield of dishes, short description the technological process of preparing a dish and its design. Attention is drawn to the sequence of laying products depending on the timing of their heat treatment, the requirements for the quality of the dish, the coefficients of the complexity of the dish are characterized. "Technical and technological map for catering products ( TTK) is a technical document developed for branded and new dishes, culinary, bakery and flour confectionery products, produced and sold at a particular catering establishment, establishing requirements for the quality of raw materials, norms for laying raw materials (recipes) and output norms for semi-finished products and ready meals (products ), requirements for the manufacturing process, for design, sale and storage, quality and safety indicators, as well as the nutritional value of catering products.

OSTs (industry standards) are the main normative document regulating the production of semi-finished products and culinary products.

TU (technical specifications) - the main regulatory document that determines the production of semi-finished products only at a public catering enterprise.

STP (enterprise standards) are being developed for culinary products with non-traditional methods of cold and heat treatment, for new processes.

The company uses three types of documentation.

1. Regulatory and technological:

- Collection of recipes and culinary products for public flashing enterprises / Ed. F. L. Marchuk; Trade Committee of the Russian Federation. M.: Khlebprodinform, 2003. Part 1;

- Collection of recipes for dishes and culinary products for public catering / Ed. M. A. Lupeya; Ministry of Foreign Economic Relations and Trade. M.: Khlebprodinform, 2000. Part 2;

- A collection of recipes for cakes, pastries, muffins, rolls, cookies, gingerbread, gingerbread and fancy bakery products / Ed. A.P. Antonov; Ministry of Trade of the Russian Federation. M.: Hlebprodinform M.: 2000. Part 3;

- A collection of recipes for flour confectionery and culinary products for public catering establishments. M.: Economics, 1986;

- state standards, technical regulations, technical conditions, which contain requirements for the quality of raw materials and semi-finished products in terms of organoleptic and microbiological indicators, rules for their acceptance and quality assessment;

– technical-technological and technological maps;

- federal law, legislative and regulations, SanPiNs:

The main provisions of the State policy of Russia in the field of healthy nutrition are reflected in federal law“On the quality and safety of food products No. 29-903 dated 02.01. 2000"

Legislation and regulations aimed at ensuring food safety include:

Law "On the sanitary and epidemiological welfare of the population of March 31, 1999"

"On the protection of consumer rights of 09.01.1996 F3-2".

The most important document is SanPiN " Hygiene requirements to safety and nutritional value foodstuffs."

SanPiN "Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the organization of public catering, production and turnover in them of food products and food raw materials."

SanPiN–03. Hygienic requirements for the shelf life and storage conditions of food products.

SanPiN 2.4.5. 2409–08 Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for catering for students in educational institutions, institutions of primary and secondary vocational education.

SanPin "Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the device, content and organization of the working hours of preschool educational organizations."

2. Organizational and administrative documents: orders, orders, instructions.

3. Special documents: accounting statements, waybills, order orders, fence sheets, commodity reports and other documents.

Organization of the work of the vegetable shop

The production of vegetable semi-finished products at the public catering enterprise "Vivat-trade" is carried out in a specialized workshop. For this, the enterprise has a special room equipped for the primary processing of potatoes and vegetables and the preparation of semi-finished products from them. The vegetable shop is located next to the vegetable pantry and close to the pre-cooking shop for convenient transportation of semi-finished products. The equipment in the workshop is installed in the course of the technological process, which ensures high productivity of workers and the quality of products. Also, when placing equipment, the amount of work, the number of simultaneously employed workers is taken into account. The total area of ​​the vegetable shop is 24.58 m2. The range of vegetables processed by the vegetable shop includes: potatoes, root crops, herbs, cabbage vegetables, lettuce, onions, tomatoes, cucumbers, also processed egg(separation from the shell). The entire technological process begins with the fact that before the start of the working day, the availability of an assortment of vegetables intended for processing is checked. Then an application is made.

Vegetables are usually divided into the following groups:

Tubers - potatoes, Jerusalem artichoke (ground pear), sweet potato (sweet potato);

Root vegetables - carrots, radishes, radishes, parsley, beets, turnips, rutabaga, parsnips, celery, horseradish;

Cabbage - white, red, Savoy, Brussels, cauliflower, kohlrabi;

Salad-spinach - lettuce, spinach, sorrel, nettle;

Onion - onion, green, leek, garlic;

Spicy - dill, tarragon, savory, basil, marjoram;

Fruit (pumpkin) - cucumbers, pumpkin, zucchini, watermelon, melon, squash;

Tomato - tomatoes, eggplant, hot and sweet peppers;

Legumes - peas, beans, beans;

Cereals - sweet corn;

Dessert - rhubarb, artichokes, asparagus.

Primary processing of vegetables includes the following technological operations: sorting, washing, cleaning, cutting.

Sorting serves to ensure the rational use of vegetables, reduce waste during processing. When sorting, rotten, rumpled specimens and foreign impurities are removed, sorted by size and quality.

Washing is used to remove contaminants from the surface of vegetables; it is carried out using vegetable washing machines or manually.

Vegetables are cleaned in vegetable peelers or manually.

Cutting vegetables is carried out mechanically or manually. Slicing is used for uniform heat treatment of vegetables, in addition, it gives dishes a pleasant appearance.

The primary processing of vegetables is carried out in the vegetable shop, where machines and units for washing, peeling and cutting vegetables, production tables, tubs and containers for storing vegetables, devices for settling starch, etc. are installed.

Primary processing of vegetables is carried out in an isolated room, as the surface of vegetables is contaminated with earth. During primary processing, wet waste containing a large number of microorganisms is obtained.

After removing the skin, the vegetables are thoroughly washed. Peeled potatoes should be stored in water with a temperature not exceeding 12 ° C for up to 2-3 hours.

The quality of processed raw materials at the Vivat Trade enterprise is controlled by a technologist who relies on sanitary and epidemiological requirements.

From a hygienic point of view, a vegetable shop is dangerous as a source of possible soil contamination of raw materials. Poorly washed vegetables can be the cause of the spread of pathogens of intestinal infections. In addition, a large amount of sand and stones washed off vegetables can clog the sewer system.

In this regard, when designing a vegetable shop, its maximum isolation from production premises is provided. In an enterprise with full technological cycle it is located, as a rule, in the immediate vicinity of the warehouse group of premises.

Workplaces are equipped with tools, inventory for performing certain operations. In accordance with the technological process, 3 workplaces are organized in the workshop:

1. Cleaning potatoes and root crops, cleaning and washing them. At the workplace for the processing of potatoes and root crops, a washing bath, a periodic potato peeler, a special table made of of stainless steel with recesses for peeled potatoes and two grooved holes: on the left - for peeled vegetables, on the right - for waste, as well as inventory, a stock;

2. Processing seasonal vegetables and peeling onions, garlic. On the workplace for the processing of white cabbage and seasonal vegetables, onions, a special table with a built-in bathroom and the necessary equipment (cutting boards, trays, knives, etc.) was installed.

3. Cutting vegetables, a production table, a vegetable cutting machine, as well as the necessary equipment are installed.

The equipment in the workshop is located near the wall.

A workplace equipped with a special table with an exhaust hood is organized for each employee.

The work of the vegetable shop is organized by the head of production. One person works in the workshop - a cook of the 4th category. For the evening work of the enterprise, vegetable semi-finished products are prepared in advance, taking into account their shelf life and sale. Head production according to the production program draws up a schedule for the release of vegetable semi-finished products in batches, depending on the timing of the sale of dishes during the day, and the shelf life of semi-finished products. At the end of the working day, the responsible worker of the shop draws up a report on the amount of raw materials used and semi-finished products produced.

In order to avoid accidents, kitchen workers study the rules for operating the equipment and receive practical instructions from the production manager. Rules for its operation are posted at the locations of the equipment. The floor in the workshops is even, without protrusions, not slippery.

During work, they remove and process waste in a timely manner, monitor the sanitary condition of the workshop and each worker.

The plan of the vegetable shop with the placement of equipment is shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1 - Plan of the vegetable shop with the placement of equipment

1 - desktop electronic scales CAS AD-5; 2 – RADA PT-2 undercarrier; 3 – sink for washing hands RADA Wash-stand 02; 4 – two-section bath with surface RADA ВМС 2/620; 5 - desktop electronic scales CAS AD-5; 6 - refrigerator Polair UC; 7 - production table RADA SP-12/6; 8 - vegetable cutting machine ROBOT COUPE CL5; 9 – solid wall shelf RADA PS–12/4N; 10 – universal cleaning machine FIMAR PPF/5

The production equipment and containers of the vegetable shop are shown in Figure 2.

Picture 2 - Production equipment and containers of the vegetable shop

1. knives: a - rooted, 6 - carb, c - for cleaning vegetables; d, e - to remove eyes;

2. graters for vegetables;

3. devices for wiping vegetables;

4. containers for storing peeled vegetables.

Electrical equipment is grounded. When working with kitchen equipment, employees know and strictly follow the rules for operating this equipment. Before starting work, check the serviceability of the machine. Switches and safety locks of the closed type. The machines are switched on and off using the START and STOP buttons. All moving parts of the machines are guarded and the body is grounded. If a malfunction is detected, then they inform the manager and the machine is not operated.

Input control of vegetable raw materials is presented in table 1.

Table 1

Input control of vegetable raw materials

Object of control and current RD Frequency of control Type of control Controlled indicators RD for the test method Registration of results Executor
1. Fresh table beet GOST 1722–85 Each batch Appearance, taste, smell, fruit size, content damaged with signs of spoilage, the presence of earth stuck to root crops. GOST 1722–85
Fresh table carrots GOST 1721–85 Each batch Visually Organoleptically Weighted Appearance, taste, smell, Size, content of cracked, ugly root crops, content of rotten root crops with signs of spoilage GOST 1721–85 Log of quality control of incoming raw materials Storekeeper, manager production

Territory requirements. To comply with the established sanitary standards in the work of public catering enterprises, it is necessary to comply with the hygienic requirements for the territory of the enterprise.

The choice of a place for building is of great importance. The site must be dry, on an elevated, level place, at least 1 km away from landfills and at least 100 m from enterprises that pollute the atmospheric air and soil.

The territory of the public catering enterprise should be kept clean: in winter it should be cleared of snow, in summer it should be watered.

Requirements for the layout and arrangement of premises. All premises of a public catering enterprise, depending on the purpose, are divided into production ones (kitchen, cold shop, preparation shops: meat, fish, vegetable; confectionery shop, distributing, washing kitchen utensils); trade (hall, washing tableware, service room, buffet, bread slicer, premises for taking home meals, selling semi-finished products, an entrance hall, a cloakroom, a vestibule, a toilet with a washbasin); warehouse (refrigerators, warehouses for dry products, vegetables, linen, inventory); administrative and household (director's office, accounting, premises for waiters, sanitary facilities for staff, linen, wardrobe, showers).

The layout of all premises should be rational, proper organization labor, meet sanitary requirements for the maintenance of the enterprise and better customer service.

In accordance with sanitary and hygienic requirements, the layout of the premises should ensure the consistency and accuracy of technological processes, as well as the shortest path for the passage of raw materials from the moment they are received to the release of finished products.

Crossing of flows of raw materials, semi-finished products and finished products, dirty and clean dishes should not be allowed in order to exclude contamination of food with microbes and the possibility of foodborne infectious diseases and food poisoning.

The area of ​​all premises is determined depending on the type, capacity and number of seats in the hall of the catering establishment.

Industrial premises must be located on the ground floors, providing normal natural lighting of the workshops. The area of ​​industrial premises, according to sanitary standards, should include an area free from equipment, which is 5.5 m2 per worker. The height of the premises should be at least 3-3.3 m.

At enterprises operating on raw materials, all procurement workshops (vegetable, meat, fish) are placed between storage facilities and a hot shop. This contributes to compliance with the flow of the technological process, ensuring the shortest path for the movement of raw materials and semi-finished products and reducing the possibility of additional contamination of products with microbes.

The meat shop is located in a row of blank shops. Its device should ensure the sequence of the technological process of processing meat, from defrosting carcasses to preparing semi-finished products.

Taking into account the different sanitary conditions of meat, half-gutted poultry, offal with high humidity, it is necessary to provide separate lines for their processing.

The fish shop is located next to the meat shop. In small enterprises, the processing of fish according to sanitary standards is allowed in the meat and fish workshop, but with mandatory separate lines for processing meat and fish. In the fish shop, as well as in the meat shop, one should strictly observe the sequence of processing raw materials and preparing fish semi-finished products with the allocation of jobs for the preparation of fish cutlet mass. The workshop must provide refrigerated cabinets.

The hot shop (kitchen) is equipped near the cold shop and the dispensing room, clearly delimiting the soup and sauce departments. In the hot shop, the technological process of cooking is completed, therefore, the sanitary and hygienic state of the finished food depends on the proper organization of this shop.

To ensure the consistent implementation of the technological process, and therefore, to improve the quality of dishes, it is considered the most rational to install sectional modular equipment in the workshop, consisting of a number of electrothermal devices (stoves, boilers, frying pans, ovens, etc.) , which are located in one serial line. A common ventilation suction is mounted above the equipment.

Such equipment saves production space and improves working conditions, reducing unnecessary movements and reducing the physical load of cooks. It improves the sanitary condition of the food being prepared and the workshop as a whole by reducing the path of movement of products, the sequence of technological operations.

Taking into account the increased temperature, humidity and air pollution (acrolein, carbon dioxide) of the hot shop, it should be equipped with supply and exhaust ventilation, which ensures normal working conditions for cooks and the microclimate of adjacent premises.

The cold shop produces products that are not subjected to heat treatment during the cooking process. Therefore, increased sanitary requirements are imposed on the design of the workshop.

In order to avoid secondary contamination of cold dishes with microbes, this workshop must be separated from the procurement workshops, as close as possible to the hot workshop and the distributing one. For the same purpose, workplaces are delimited in the workshop for the preparation of meat, fish, vegetable, sweet dishes and sandwiches, since these dishes are prepared from raw and heat-treated products with different sanitary conditions.

The confectionery shop is located in isolation from all production facilities, protecting its products from bacterial contamination. For the same purpose, a clear delineation of technological operations is envisaged in the workshop itself, highlighting separate rooms: a pantry for a daily supply of raw materials with a refrigerator and a food preparation department; room for cleaning oil; room for processing eggs with a compartment for preparing egg mass with refrigeration equipment for its storage; rooms for preparing dough with a section for sifting flour; compartment for cutting dough and pastries; department for the preparation of finishing semi-finished products (syrups, lipsticks, jelly); cream preparation department with refrigeration equipment; a room for finishing confectionery products with a refrigerator; storage room for packaging materials; washing intrashop packaging and large inventory; washing and sterilization of confectionery bags, tips, small inventory; a room for washing and drying returnable containers; confectionery expedition with a cold store for cream products.

The layout of these premises should correspond to the sequence of the technological process of preparing confectionery products and exclude the possibility of oncoming or crossing flows of raw materials and finished products.

Washing of kitchen utensils is placed next to the hot shop and equipped with washing baths with hot and cold water supply, racks for storing dishes.

Requirements for interior decoration. The decoration of the premises of public catering enterprises has a large hygienic value and must meet certain requirements. The interior decoration of the premises should be without unnecessary architectural details in order to avoid the accumulation of dust.

For the decoration of industrial, warehouse and domestic premises, materials of light colors, waterproof with a smooth, easy-to-clean surface are used. Ceilings are usually covered with adhesive whitewash, walls at a height of 1.8 m are laid out with ceramic tiles or synthetic materials or covered with oil paint. Window frames and doors are painted with light-colored oil or enamel paint. The floors are lined with metlakh tiles.

The hall and administrative premises are finished with beautiful, modern, easy-to-clean materials (wood, plastic, linoleum, glue and oil paint).

The walls of the halls in dining rooms are usually painted in soothing warm colors or finished with synthetic materials, and in restaurants and cafes they are lined with precious woods, particle boards. To reduce noise, walls and ceilings are finished with sound-absorbing perforated slabs coated with a refractory compound, which are well washed. The floors in the halls must be smooth, non-slip, moisture resistant. In dining rooms, floors are often covered with plastic, linoleum, and in restaurants, cafes for floors they use parquet covered with colorless varnish, synthetic carpets of a single color or rolled materials based on synthetic resins.

Requirements for water supply, sewerage, heating, microclimate, ventilation and lighting. Water supply to public catering establishments is carried out from a centralized water supply network, and in the absence of a water supply system, from an artesian well or a mine well with water supply to all industrial premises.

Drinking water quality must comply with the requirements of GOST “Drinking water. Hygienic requirements and quality control”.

To supply the enterprise with hot water, a special hot water supply network is equipped. Hot water is supplied through mixers to all sinks, industrial and washing bathtubs, showers. Its temperature should not be lower than 75°C, and for washing dishes - not lower than 90°C. Hot water is not used for cooking, as it does not meet sanitary requirements.

Sewerage is of great epidemiological importance for organizing the cleaning of public catering establishments from household and fecal wastewater. It must meet certain health requirements.

To prevent the formation and entry into the air of industrial premises of harmful substances, it is necessary: ​​strictly observe the technological processes of cooking; ensure complete combustion of fuel in gas stoves, coal-fired, wood-burning appliances; it is recommended to equip workplaces where flour, powdered sugar, etc. are sifted with a local exhaust.

Heating must ensure the air temperature in the premises of public catering establishments in accordance with hygiene standards. The most favorable for a person is considered to be an air temperature of 18-20 ° C with a relative humidity of 40-60% and an air speed of 0.3 m / s.

The most perfect and hygienic is the low-pressure central water heating with the temperature of the radiators not exceeding 85°C. In catering establishments, it is recommended to install smooth-walled heaters that can be easily cleaned of dust.

Ventilation of the premises improves the microclimate in the workplace, which affects working conditions, maintaining health and increasing the efficiency of personnel.

Artificial lighting should be bright enough.

Purpose: for the primary processing of vegetables and the production of semi-finished products from them.

Accommodation: at enterprises of large and medium capacity near vegetable chambers, hot and cold shops.

Equipment: potato peelers MOK 125 (250; 400), universal vegetable cutter MPO - 50 - 200, MPO350, universal drive P - 2, production tables, potato peeling tables, washing baths, undercarriers.

Tools and inventory: knives (rooted, karbovochny, for cleaning vegetables, for removing eyes), graters, devices for wiping vegetables, a device for cutting greens, containers, tanks, etc.

Technological lines:

processing of potatoes and root crops (washing bath, potato peeler, cleaning table);

processing of cabbage and other vegetables, greens (production tables, washing baths);

cleaning of onions and garlic (tables with an extractor hood).

The cleaning table has a tub for peeled vegetables and two openings: on the left - for peeled vegetables, on the right - for waste.

Organization of work in the workshop: The production manager organizes work in small vegetable shops. Vegetable cleaners of the 1st, 2nd categories perform all operations for processing vegetables and preparing semi-finished products. According to production program a schedule is drawn up for the release of vegetable p\f in batches, depending on the timing of the sale of dishes during the day. At the end of the working day, the responsible worker of the shop draws up a report on the amount of raw materials used and issued financial statements.

Equipment in the workshop is installed in the course of the technological process. At the entrance to the room, a chest or bin for potatoes and root crops is installed, next to it is a potato peeler without a grater surface for washing and a potato peeler for cleaning potatoes and root crops. Tables for cleaning root crops are installed, and then a tub for storing peeled potatoes, production tables and a universal drive are installed. For cleaning and washing other vegetables, a work table, a bath with one compartment, a table for cleaning onions, horseradish are installed; at front door there should be a sink, near the potato peeler - a sand trap (a starch settler is used to trap starch).

When organizing the work of a vegetable shop of any capacity, the entire range of vegetables intended for processing must be available before the start of the working day. The head of the workshop (foreman, cleaner) must have a plan for the production of p / f (with an indication of the time), coordinated with the plan for the production of products by other workshops. In accordance with the plan for the production of p \ f, schedules for going to work are also built.

11.3 Organization of jobs in the vegetable shop

The level of organization of jobs in the vegetable shop is influenced by the amount of work on cleaning vegetables. Vegetables usually come in containers, which ensures the proper sanitary condition of the vegetable shop.

With a small volume of processed raw materials, when various technological processes and operations can be performed sequentially on the same equipment, common workplaces are organized for processing potatoes, root crops and other vegetables. In high-capacity workshops, when several technological processes are performed in parallel, separate workplaces are organized for processing potatoes, cabbage, herbs, and onions.

When organizing jobs in the vegetable shop, the sequence of all operations of the technological process must be ensured.

Sorting tubers for quality and size is carried out in sizing machines. It reduces waste in machine cleaning and allows you to load tubers of approximately the same size into the machine.

Washing produced in washing or washing-cleaning machines.

When washing by hand, low bathtubs are used, which are installed under the ladder next to the potato peeler. Vegetables are poured out of a box or chest into a metal mesh (a bucket with a slatted bottom), placed in a bath and poured with water from a hose.

cleaning peeling of potatoes and root crops is divided into two operations: preliminary cleaning in special machines and additional cleaning of root crops by hand.

Finishing potatoes on large enterprises is produced on a conveyor, and on small and medium-sized ones - by roots on special tables. On the lid of the table there is a bath made of non-oxidizing metal, in which peeled potatoes are placed and poured with water. The rooter works sitting on a chair with armrests. Taking a tuber from the bath, she removes the eyes with a knife. On the right side of the rootstock there is a chute for peeling, on the left side there is a hole for peeled vegetables. Waste flows through the chute into a container located under the table.

For manual cleaning, special knives are used - rooted with a short blade of 6-7 cm and a beveled end; grooved, having the shape of a tube cut along and with a sharp end and a protrusion in the middle; scraper knife short, wide, groove-shaped, with a cut off rounded-sharp end.

Sulfitation produced after post-treatment in a special machine or in a bath with two compartments. One compartment of the bath is filled with a solution of sodium bisulfite, and running water enters the second compartment to wash the potatoes. Potatoes in duralumin nets are immersed for 5 minutes in a bath with 1% solution of sodium bisulfite. Then the solution is allowed to drain and immersed 2-3 times in a bath of running water.

slicing carried out both by machines and manually (curly). For manual cutting and chopping of vegetables, production tables with metal lids are installed at the workplace. Cutting is carried out on cutting boards laid on the table top.

The boards are made of hardwood, the end sides of the boards are marked. When processing vegetables, tools should be on the right side, and raw materials on the left. To the left of the worker at the table, they put a mobile bath with potatoes and root crops prepared for cutting, to the right - a container for chopped semi-finished products. Chopped vegetables are placed in mobile baths and sent to hot shop for heat treatment.

Working places for processing other vegetables.

Vegetables are sorted and cleaned. Remove the top leaf from the cabbage. At the workplace where these operations are performed, production tables are installed. Waste is poured into the intended container. At the workplace, to the right of the worker, there is a container for peeled vegetables, to the left, vegetables intended for cleaning. If the vegetables need to be washed after cleaning, then for this purpose mobile baths are used, into which water is poured, baths with an insert mesh, colanders, etc.

For washing greens, tables with built-in containers are convenient, to which water is supplied through a tap - a mixer with a hand shower. The container must have a drain into the sewer with a siphon.

Onions, garlic and horseradish are cleaned on a special table with a hood. The hood allows you to remove the essential oils that are released during cleaning. The release of essential oils from onions is sharply reduced if it is soaked before cleaning.


1. The blank shop is intended for:

1) for the production of semi-finished products;

2) for the procurement of raw materials;

3) for the preparation of canned food;

4) for the production of meat gastronomy;

5) for the manufacture of finished products.

2. The blank shops do not include:

1) vegetable shop;

2) meat shop;

3) fish shop;

4) greenery processing shop;

5) confectionery shop.

3. Vegetable shop equipment:

1) MOK-250; TMM-1M; MPM -800;

2) MOK-250; MRO 50-200; PU-0.6;

3) IOC-250; MV 35;

4) IOC-250; MRI 60;

5) MOK-250; MIM 82.

4. Methods for cleaning potatoes and root crops:

1) mechanical and manual;

2) mechanical, thermal, chemical;

3) mechanical and thermal;

4) on the production line and with a knife;

5) thermal and biological.

5. To prevent blackening of potatoes:

1) fill with water;

2) sulfite;

3) stored under vacuum;

4) store in the refrigerator;

5) stored in salted water.

6. Potato sulfation is carried out:

1) 1% soda solution;

2) 1% sodium bisulfite solution;

3) 3% sodium bisulfite solution;

4) 5% vinegar solution;

5) 0.5% sodium chloride solution.

7. Meat shop equipment:

1) MIM 82; MRI 60;

2) PM 1-1; MRO 50-200;

3) MIM 82; PM 1; MRG 300

4) MPM 15; MIM105; PM 1

5) MP3 180; MIM 82; MRM 15.

8. The meat is thawed at a temperature:

1) 10-15 degrees;

2) 8-10 degrees;

3) 15-18 degrees;

4) 18-20 degrees;

5) 20-25 deg.

9. The technological process of meat processing consists of the following operations:

1) thawing, washing, drying, cutting, deboning, trimming,

preparation p\f;

2) thawing, washing, cutting, trimming, deboning, preparation of semi-finished products;

3) washing, thawing, trimming, cutting, preparation of semi-finished products;

4) deboning, trimming, washing, cutting, preparation of semi-finished products;

5) trimming, cutting, washing, preparation of semi-finished products.

The public catering system in the USSR is of particular importance for satisfying the material and cultural needs of the population, as well as for freeing women from household chores. This explains the great attention that the Party and the government devote to the development of public catering.

In the Program of the CPSU, adopted at the XXII Congress, Special attention paid to expanding the network of public catering establishments, including canteens at enterprises, institutions, schools, large houses.

Sanitary and hygienic requirements for catering establishments are set out in the Sanitary Rules for catering establishments.

The site for building a catering unit must be of sufficient size and be removed from enterprises that are hazardous in sanitary terms. The main premises must be located at a distance of at least 25 m from cesspools, garbage bins and other places of pollution. Production rooms should be oriented to the north, and dining rooms - to the south.

The internal layout of the premises of the catering unit should provide for the production connection of individual premises in order to ensure the flow of the technological process. Products arriving for processing must consistently pass from shop to shop without being contaminated.

Public catering establishments consist of the following groups of premises: industrial premises ( meat and fish shop, vegetable shop, kitchen, cold shop, distributing, bread slicer, washing for kitchen and dinner utensils); premises for serving visitors (dining room, buffet, vestibule, cloakroom, washrooms, etc.); warehouses for storage of dry products, vegetables, refrigerating chambers for perishable products; administrative and amenity premises (staff rooms, shower room, wardrobe).

Dining rooms should accommodate a large number of visitors and be easy to clean. The impeccable cleanliness of walls, floors, curtains, dishes should stimulate the appetite of visitors. Furniture should be easy to clean, and tables should have a hygienic coating (plastic, oilcloth, light colors). In production and warehouses Separate storage of various products under appropriate temperature conditions is envisaged to prevent spoilage, contamination and infection.

For the primary processing of meat, fish, vegetables, separate workshops should be provided. Otherwise, infection of finished products and the occurrence of food poisoning are possible, since the surface of meat and vegetables is contaminated with microorganisms, including pathogens.

In the preparation rooms, the slope of the floors to the ladders should be provided. Walls to a height of 1.6-1.8 m from the floor must be tiled or painted with oil paint. Tables in blanks should be made of marble chips or covered with galvanized iron with soldered seams. Table tops can be made from hardwood planks of non-coniferous wood.

One of the main premises of the catering unit is the kitchen, which occupies a central position between the harvesting rooms and the dining room. The kitchen area should be spacious, with good natural and artificial lighting, sufficient exhaust ventilation above the stove to remove steam and gases. The plate is located in the center, which allows you to approach it from all sides. Against the walls are tables covered with galvanized iron (or marble chips), separate for raw and cooked products. Underlayment boards, knives, meat grinders should also be separate for raw and cooked products and be labeled.

The air temperature in the kitchen is high in all seasons of the year, so ready-made semi-finished products cannot be stored there for a long time, and all ready meals must be kept on a hot plate until serving.

Finished products are served either directly from the kitchen, through a special window, or through a distribution room equipped with food warmers to maintain the required temperature of ready meals.

When distributing food, it is necessary to use forks, spatulas, trays, do not shift portions with your hands.

In each catering unit, two washing facilities are provided - for dinner and kitchen utensils.

It has been established that insufficiently well-washed dishes can be a source of infectious diseases. A reliable method of disinfecting dishes is to treat them with water at a temperature of at least 80 °.

When cleaning and washing dishes, the following stages are distinguished: mechanical removal of food residues; primary washing in the first bath in water at a temperature of 45-50 °; secondary washing of dishes in a second bath of the same temperature; disinfection in water at a temperature of 80 ° in the third bath.

During the primary wash, mustard is added to the water for better removal of fat. After washing, the dishes are dried on the grates. In infectious diseases and children's departments of hospitals, washed dishes are sterilized by boiling.

Currently, in large catering establishments, various types of mechanical sinks are used for washing dishes. Of great importance is the systematic sanitary and bacteriological control over the quality of washing dishes, carried out by sanitary and epidemiological stations.

The floors in the kitchen, dressing rooms, washing rooms should be lined with metlakh tiles. In all production and utility rooms, the floors are washed daily, and general cleaning do it once a week.

At the end of work, all tables, boards, machines are cleaned and washed with hot water.


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