What is meat and chicken. Interesting Facts. Meat fish shop canteen

In a healthy diet, dietary chicken meat has long been preferred over beef or pork. Chicken dishes are included in the diet of people different ages, different countries, different times.

It is no coincidence that, according to approximate estimates, there are over 700 different breeds of poultry. Unpretentiousness, ease of breeding chickens, and the huge benefits of meat for the full functioning of the human body are also appreciated.

About the composition of chicken

The smell of chicken during cooking is easy to recognize. The pleasant aroma comes from the characteristic essential oils.

The unique composition of the low-calorie product is rich in vitamins of groups A, B, E, C, PP, various microelements. Provides the need for the necessary components:

  • iron;
  • phosphorus;
  • zinc;
  • magnesium;
  • potassium;
  • calcium;
  • gray;
  • sodium;
  • silver;
  • animal protein

In terms of 100 grams of chicken meat: protein content - 23.2 grams, fat - 1.65 grams, calorie content is 110-210 kcal. depending on the selected part of the carcass and the method of preparation.

Raw meat has the fewest calories. Boiled, smoked, stewed and fried chicken is more high in calories. The lowest indicator corresponds to chicken in skewers.

About the benefits of chicken meat

Nutritionists give chicken meat one of the first places in the ranking of healthy and nutritious foods.

Enrichment of the body with the necessary protein contributes to rapid recovery during the period of fatigue, mental and physical exhaustion.

Sports loads, stress, intensive work take strength. Regular consumption of chicken meat dishes will help to strengthen the work of the nervous system, avoid insomnia, depression. Increases endurance and immune defense of the body.

Low calorie chicken allows you to include the product in diets to normalize weight. It is important to use the most useful boiled breast recommended for daily diet.

Chicken meat, rich in vitamin E, protects against premature skin aging, strengthens nails and hair, and prevents general aging of the body by improving fat metabolism and sugar levels.

The product is well absorbed due to the small amount of connective tissue. Therefore, it is so important for those striving to be beautiful and young to eat right, not to forget how useful chicken meat is.

Doctors note the composition of amino acids in chicken meat, affecting proper nutrition and development of children, the formation of their skeletal and muscular system.

It is important for expectant mothers to know that dietary chicken meat has a beneficial effect on the course of pregnancy. Vitamins B9, B12 are needed by the reproductive organs of the female body.

  • traditionally recommend warm chicken broth during flu season, SARS, other colds to restore the immune system;
  • the healing composition of the product with the presence of glutamine helps during recovery after surgery to build muscle mass;
  • for diabetics, white chicken meat is the main dish of the daily menu. Thanks to him, the metabolism and the work of the pancreas are normalized;
  • for people with diseases of the cardiovascular system, the presence of polyunsaturated acids in the composition of meat is important, which contributes to the prevention of atherosclerosis, the removal of unnecessary cholesterol, the prevention of stroke, hypertension;
  • "cores" need chicken broth to restore normal heart rhythm;
  • during peptic ulcer gastrointestinal tract, with chronic gastritis, chicken meat becomes a medicine for the patient;
  • boiled chicken dishes relieve the condition of patients with gout and polyarthritis;
  • treatment of anemia and improvement of blood circulation is carried out with the addition of domestic chicken meat to the diet.

Connoisseurs of chicken meat, the benefits and harms of which depend on the method of preparation, recommend giving preference to boiling, stewing, but not frying and smoking.

White and red meat

Often the question arises about the differences between white and red chicken meat. There can be no single answer which is better.

White meat has more magnesium, a little less calories, but the difference is so tiny that it only matters in cases of very strict diets.

Red meat gets its color from the presence of iron and various minerals. All components are vital for a person. The red part of the carcass contains more zinc, riboflavin, vitamins of different groups.

In this way, the combination of white and red chicken meat equally strengthens the body, gives energy and strength. Features of the physical condition and preferences will tell you which meat to choose: white or red.


It should be noted that rooster meat is tougher than chicken. When choosing, you need to be guided by the determination of the age of the bird. Young rooster meat is suitable and healthy, while old meat threatens indigestion. The most tender and low-calorie is chicken meat.

Modern technologies make it possible to obtain dehydrated chicken meat, that is, dried, freed from liquid. This product is intended for the preparation of animal feed.

About the dangers of chicken meat

Harm is caused by improper preparation or use of the product. Most of the fats and accumulation of bacteria occurs in the skin of the chicken. The use of natural adipose tissue is not safe for the stomach, pancreas.

The skin on the wings of a bird is different from the skin on other parts of the carcass. It is safe, especially in poultry that have been fed without the addition of antibiotics for growth.

Careful heat treatment of meat is important to ensure the safety of the product, the destruction of pathogenic bacteria. Otherwise, poisoning, dysbacteriosis, and the appearance of helminths cannot be avoided.

There is a danger of an allergy to chicken protein. It is important to observe the measure and not overeat the product, so as not to provoke manifestations of the disease.

How many calories in chicken and chicken offal

There is a significant difference in the calorie content of dishes from different parts of the chicken carcass. These factors are important considering the method of preparation.


  1. The low calorie advantage of chicken breast, only 115 kcal per 100 g of product.
  2. White meat contains less fat.
  3. The shins, thighs, necks differ slightly in calorie content and occupy the second position.
  4. Wings and backs are leaders in calories, there are almost twice as many of them as breast.


Chicken by-products also differ from each other.

  1. The navels and ventricles per 100 grams of weight contain 110-130 kcal.
  2. Liver - 140-145 kcal.
  3. Hearts and skin are the most high-calorie, 165-205 kcal.
  4. Chicken giblets from the liver, hearts and stomachs average 130-140 kcal per 100 gr.


The invariable advantage of chicken meat is its availability to the population. Chicken is cheap.

Even in the "black" time for our economy, the dietary product did not disappear from the shelves. The price of a product in different regions depends on supplies, domestic or imported, the quality of raw materials, and the conditions for selling products.

The market dictates price fluctuations, sets upper and lower limits. 1 kg of meat can cost much less in a rural area than in a metropolitan supermarket.

In the private sector, many independently breed and keep chickens on their farms.

The cost of feed, the creation of conditions for keeping chickens pay off and bring "income" in the form of fresh chicken meat and eggs.


In search of ways to eat healthy, people often forget about what is familiar and available at all times. You need to use the knowledge and recommendations of nutritionists, choose chicken or chicken meat, cook according to the preferences of the household.

There are a huge number of recipes with chicken in the composition of dishes. Listen to your body and find your dietary solution.

Chicken meat is well-deservedly popular due to its taste, beneficial properties and low calorie content.


Chicken meat is chicken meat, chicken carcass and all its constituent parts. It is impossible to say exactly when they began to domesticate chickens. According to some sources, the first domestic chickens appeared around 2000 BC in India. Other sources say that domestic chickens already existed 6000-8000 BC in the countries of Southeast Asia, and especially in China. And at present, wild chickens inhabit the territory of China, Indochina, Indonesia, the Philippines and India. It is believed that the ancestors of domestic chickens were banking chickens, originally from Asia.

Today, chicken is the most common poultry. It is grown in almost all countries of the world. The largest producer of chicken is considered to be Brazil and the United States.

To get chicken, the bird must be grown at home or factory conditions. Those birds that have reached middle age, are subject to slaughter, scalding and plucking. The chicken carcass, completely cleaned of feathers, is ready for cooking and subsequent use.

The average weight of a chicken carcass is from 1.5 to 5 kg (depending on the breed). For example, carcasses of dwarf breeds can weigh up to 0.5 kg. A fresh carcass has slightly yellowish or white skin, well-formed muscles, pale pink meat and a rounded breast. A young chicken has delicate white skin, and its legs are covered with small scales. The old chicken has yellow skin, and on the legs there are large growths and large scales.

In cooking, chicken is used to prepare hot and cold appetizers, first and second courses. Mainly used meat meat breeds chickens (there are also common, meat-egg and egg breeds).

For the preparation of broths and soups, it is better to use the carcass of an old chicken, then the broth will turn out fragrant and rich. And for frying cutlets and meatballs, the meat of a young bird is better, as it is tender and soft, it is well fried.

The fillet part of the carcass, drumstick and thigh is used for cooking meatballs, meatballs, chops, salads, stews, pies, aspic, pilaf, jelly, soufflé and all kinds of semi-finished products. Offal (liver, heart, stomachs) and chicken back are used to make pickles, hodgepodges, borscht, soups and broths. Chicken skin is used for baking minced meat (pasta, potato, mushroom, chicken), and fat, which is cut from the abdomen, is used for frying and added to pates. A popular dish is also a whole chicken carcass baked with spices, as well as hot or cold smoked chicken.

The composition and calorie content of chicken

100 g of raw chicken meat contains 74.86 g of water, 23.2 g of protein, 0.98 g of ash, 1.65 g of fat; vitamins: retinol, thiamine, riboflavin, niacin, pantothenic acid, pyridoxine, folic acid, cyanocobalamin, tocopherol, choline, phylloquinone; macronutrients: phosphorus, magnesium, calcium, potassium, sodium; trace elements: selenium, zinc, iron, copper, manganese.

The calorie content of chicken is 108 kcal per 100 g.

Useful properties of chicken

Due to its low calorie content, chicken has excellent dietary properties, so it is perfect for people seeking to reduce body weight, as well as for patients with peptic ulcer, diabetes, and gout. Due to the high content of vitamin B6, glutamine and protein, chicken is good for the heart, strengthens the body and stimulates the central nervous system.

The beneficial properties of chicken are also in the prevention of atherosclerosis of the vessels and the prevention of strokes, heart attacks and hypertension. For colds, chicken broth is an excellent remedy.

Contraindications to the use of chicken meat

It should be borne in mind that chicken meat that has undergone poor-quality heat treatment can become a breeding ground for salmonella, and in humans cause a serious disease of the gastrointestinal tract - salmonellosis.

In addition, smoked chicken should not be abused, as it promotes the growth of malignant tumors. This is due to the fact that in the process of smoking, amino acids undergo modification and radioactive isotopes accumulate in chicken meat. In addition, in modern conditions it often happens that when smoking meat, substances are used that are harmful to human body: acetone, formaldehyde, phenol.

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It is difficult to find a flaw in chicken meat.

  • Nutritionists appreciate it for its rich composition and low amount of fat.
  • Chefs respect the chicken for the fact that dozens of tasty and healthy dishes can be made from it.
  • Busy housewives adore chicken for its quick and easy preparation, and thrifty people find an inexpensive ingredient in chicken to feed their families with a full lunch and dinner.

Let's try to look inside the familiar product and take a closer look at the beneficial properties of the popular bird.

Useful composition of chicken meat

There are a lot of chicken meat in the composition:

  • squirrel,
  • amino acids,
  • minerals,
  • vitamins,
  • in terms of the amount of phosphorus, chicken is in second place after seafood,
  • it has more potassium than any other meat,
  • and according to the content of harmful cholesterol, the chicken is at the end of the list, consisting of other birds and animals.

Speaking of chicken, we must not forget that it contains two types of meat: white and dark.

  • The white meat from which the chicken fillet is made is very tender and contains almost no fat. 100 grams of fillet contains only 1.9 grams of fat, and the calorie content of chicken breast is no more than 113 kcal.
  • Chicken legs are the main working tool of poultry, which is forced to move with the help of legs, not wings. The dark color of the legs is due to the large accumulation of blood vessels. This part of the chicken contains more easily digestible iron, magnesium, amino acids and 6 times more fat than chicken fillet. Calorie chicken legs 185 kcal.

Useful properties of chicken

Chicken breast meat is considered dietary, it is recommended to include it in your menu for people suffering from:

  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract,
  • obese,
  • hypertension
  • diabetes,
  • atherosclerosis.

Fillet rich in protein makes it possible to quickly build muscle mass without increasing body fat, so breasts are recommended to be used not only for obesity, but also for underweight.

  • Legs help bring the body back to normal with anemia and anemia, they must be eaten by all women of childbearing age.
  • By the way, do not rush to squeamishly throw away chicken paws, they are rich in collagen and elastin and are especially useful for those who suffer from joint diseases.

Harm of chicken

Most of the fat and cholesterol is found in the chicken skin, if you are overweight, then it is better to exclude this harmful part from your diet.

Unfortunately, housewives themselves often turn healthy foods into junk food. So it is with the chicken. If it is fried in a large amount of fat, marinated in vinegar or richly flavored with mayonnaise, we will end up with a fatty and high-calorie dish that is harmful to the liver, waist and skin.

Chicken meat can be found in many diets.

Recently, weight loss on chicken breasts has become very popular.

  • The seven-day diet consists in the daily consumption of white meat in the amount of 450-600 grams.
  • Fillet should be boiled in unsalted water, meat should be consumed without spices, salt and any sauces.
  • As a result, it is easy and without feeling hungry to lose weight in a week by 4.5-6 kg.

Chicken scallops contain hyaluronic acid, a natural elixir of youth. From the decoction of this offal, you can prepare a rejuvenating face mask.
Chickens live in almost every corner of the globe - in the steppes, in the tundra and in the forest. They can exist on plains and in mountainous areas, but almost always make their nests on the ground.
Fresh chicken meat has a pink tint and light skin.

Is chicken meat?

    A chicken is a bird. Its flesh is tender and tasty, chicken muscles can be cooked into a nutritious broth (easy to digest and well suited to people with a wide variety of taste preferences). Chicken is considered neutral food - it can be cooked with anything, with any sauces and seasonings.

    Undoubtedly, meat, and dietary.

    Chicken meat is considered easier for the human body.

    The beneficial properties of chicken broth for the recovery of a person after an illness are known.

    Lots of dishes with chicken.

    And the most popular today, in my opinion: grilled chicken.

    If the chicken is deliciously grilled or baked with appropriate spices in the oven so that it melts in your mouth, fried in breadcrumbs, just boil homemade noodles, there will be light and healthy meat.

    Yes, of course, what else do you think it is, this is the most useful meat in the chicken breast, the highest protein content, so for an athlete this is the best meat, and for different diets it is also used because it is low-fat, but it is better not to eat the skin in it very lots of fat!

    But how!, everything that is made of flesh is Meat. personally, I eat chicken with pleasure, in all its manifestations, both boiled, and fried, and smoked. As a convinced canvas, I always have chicken in the freezer, since it’s very easy to cook, there are a lot of recipes that would not bother. so Yes, chicken is definitely meat.

    Of course, meat! What else is a fish?

    From a culinary standpoint, yes. Poultry is also meat. I don't even see it very clearly. different types Meat - beef, pork, chicken...

    From a biological point of view - especially meat.

    The chicken is primarily a bird. Well, a slaughtered chicken is a carcass of dietary meat. As for calories: depending on which part of the carcass to cook from, it is rich in protein. When cooking, it is better to remove the skin, for those who are afraid of getting an extra portion of cholesterol.

    No. Chicken is not meat. This is a bird.

    Traditionally meat is called carcass or part of the carcass edible MAMMALS with all components: muscle, connective, bone and adipose tissues, as well as blood vessels and tendons. Meat is pork, beef, lamb, veal, etc.

    And the slaughter carcass of a bird is called poultry meatquot ;.

    If things are called by their proper names, this is meat. Indeed, what is it then if not meat. And the question, I think, is not very serious. It is interesting to find out from the author of the question why he asked it or to whom, what is this question designed for?

    IN Soviet time the school taught topics about many countries, their economy, population, etc. The capitalist countries were studied in detail in order to show the Soviet people all the disadvantages of decaying capitalism. Each country was characterized, among other things, by meat production. But in the capitalist countries in the column meat production chicken meat was not included, it was in a separate column - poultry meatquot ;. In the USSR, in order to keep up with the indicators, it was customary to combine these two categories of meat. Therefore, you can set leading question- And in what country? :)

    P.S. Whether there is now such a division - I do not know. But, when you are hungry and imagine a big piece of meat, then there is no chicken in your imagination 🙂

    A lot of delicious recipes can be prepared from chicken products, in our family there are many traditional dishes, as well as festive ones, which I cook for celebrations, and I buy chicken from Istraprodukt https://www.meatprod.ru/produkciya - always of high quality, meets the requirements of GOST, the expiration dates are always observed and the dishes from it are delicious.

    To be precise, chicken meat is POULTRY meat. In the same way, the meat of a cow is called beef, and from a wild boar - pork. If we are talking about the meat of the forest chickens - black grouse, capercaillie, then it will already be called - game

    Any animal is meat, when viewed from the point of view of the cook. And so, a chicken is an animal that brings eggs, feathers, meat. If the chicken is grown for meat, under certain conditions, then the meat will be very tasty. If grown for eggs, the meat will be spicier and not particularly tasty.

Poultry farming and the poultry processing industry are very efficient branches of the national economy, supplying the population with valuable meat and eggs.

Chickens, turkeys, guinea fowls, geese and ducks are of economic importance. From poultry, you can get products at 4-6 months of age, and broilers at 50 days of age reach a weight of 1.8 kg. Chickens are of the greatest economic importance. The slaughter yield of gutted carcasses of chickens, geese, ducks and turkeys is 57-60%, and half-gutted - 77-80%.

According to the economic productivity of chickens and ducks, they are divided into meat, egg-laying and general use.

The structure of the body of a bird has specific features. The bird's skeleton is very light, tubular bones are thin-walled, with air cavities. The sternum, which serves as the basis for attaching the pectoral muscles, is strongly developed. On the metatarsal bone there is a process - the base for the spur, the size of which depends on the sex and age of the bird. Bone tissue makes up about 14% of the live weight of chickens and about 7% of the weight of half-gutted poultry.

IN muscle tissue birds have significantly less connective tissue than in the muscles of slaughtered animals. Breeds of birds of a meat direction have less connective tissue than egg-laying hens. The meat of a young bird is more tender and juicy than the meat of an old one. Depending on the location, the muscles of birds are dark and light. The pectoral muscles of chickens and turkeys, especially after heat treatment, are white, while in geese and ducks all muscles are dark.

fat deposits in birds, they are located mainly under the skin and in the abdominal cavity. In addition, part of the fat is located between large muscle bundles and determines the high culinary quality of the meat.

By chemical composition poultry meat differs from the meat of slaughtered animals by a high content of biologically valuable proteins and low-melting fat. Poultry meat contains (in%): water - 50-70, proteins - 16-22, fats - 16-45, minerals and vitamins. Poultry meat and fat are well absorbed by the human body.

When aging carcasses of chickens after slaughter at a low positive temperature for 1-2 days, and turkeys for about 6 days, the meat acquires a more delicate texture.

Poultry carcasses are classified by type, age, thermal state, processing method and fatness.

By mind And age the bird is divided into chickens and hens, turkeys and turkeys, ducklings and ducks, goslings and geese. Chickens, turkeys, ducks and geese are not divided by gender. After cooling, the half-gutted carcass of a young bird should have a weight (in g), not less than: chickens - 480, broilers - 640, ducklings - 1030, goslings - 1580, turkey poults - 1620, caesarlings - 480. Up to 15% of chicken carcasses can be in the batch in half-gutted form, weighing from 400 to 480 g.

By thermal state carcasses are cooled - the temperature in the thickness of the muscles is not higher than 25 "C, chilled - the temperature is from 4 to 0 ° C and frozen - the temperature is not higher than -8 "C.

By processing method carcasses are divided into half-gutted and gutted. In addition, gutted carcasses are on sale, in which offal is invested - the liver, heart, stomach and neck.

Half-gutted carcasses include carcasses that have had their intestines removed, gutted carcasses that have had all of their intestines removed. internal organs, head - along the second cervical vertebra, legs - along the tarsal joint and neck without skin. Gutted carcasses can be with lungs and kidneys and without a set of giblets.

By fatness and depending on processing quality carcasses of all types of poultry are divided into categories I and II.

Carcasses of chickens I category fatness should have well-developed muscle tissue and deposits of subcutaneous fat on the dorsal and chest parts. Category I chickens and turkeys - well-developed muscles and significant deposits of subcutaneous fat on the back, abdomen and chest. Ducklings, goslings and turkeys of category I must have well-developed muscles, deposits of subcutaneous fat on the back, abdomen and chest; the absence of subcutaneous fat on the lower leg, thighs and wings is allowed. Similar requirements are imposed on ducks and geese, but the fat must cover the entire carcass in a continuous layer. In all types of birds of category I, except for chickens and turkey poults, the keel of the sternum should not stand out.

For all types of poultry of the I category of fatness, slight abrasions, no more than two skin breaks on the carcass, but not on the fillet, single stumps and slight desquamation of the epidermis of the skin are allowed.

For birds of II category fatness, satisfactory muscle development is allowed, the absence or a small amount of stumps, no more than three skin tears up to 2 cm long each, abrasions, slight desquamation of the epidermis.

By processing quality carcasses of all types of poultry must be well bled, with clean skin, without feather residues, bruises, abrasions and skin tears. In a half-gutted bird, the internal cavity must be clean, the mouth and beak must be free of food and blood.

Carcasses that meet the requirements of category II for fatness, but do not meet the requirements of this category for the quality of processing, as well as heavily deformed and double-frozen carcasses, are not allowed for sale.

Meat quality birds evaluate the degree of its freshness, which is determined organoleptically. And measuring methods.

Organoleptically determined appearance and the color of the carcass surface, beak, oral mucosa, eyeball, subcutaneous and internal adipose tissue, serous membrane, abdominal cavity, muscles in the section; in addition, the consistency of muscle tissue and the smell of poultry meat are determined.

Further research is carried out by chemical, microscopic and histological analyses.

Regardless of body condition, carcasses must be without signs of spoilage and come from healthy birds.

Mark each carcass with an electrostamp, which is placed on the outer surface of the leg (number 1 - I category of fatness and number 2 - category II), or a label pasted on the leg

Transported carcasses for local sale in metal returnable containers, and for storage and long-term transportation are packed in plank boxes lined with paper, separately by type, fatness category and method of poultry processing.

Mark bird boxes symbols, which are applied with paint depending on the type of bird: chickens - C, broiler chickens - CBA, chickens - K, ducklings - UM, ducks - U, goslings - GM, geese - G, turkeys - IM, turkeys - I, cesareans - CM, guinea fowl - C. Then indicate the method of processing: half-gutted - E; gutted without giblets - EE; gutted with a set of giblets and a neck - R. The category of fatness is indicated by numbers 1 and 2.

packaged meat Poultry of all types and categories of fatness is delivered to stores in a chilled and frozen state and packed in transparent polymer films. The range of semi-finished products includes chicken fillet, chicken legs, duck carcass, chicken broth set, duck legs, duck breast, duck meat broth set. The mass of semi-finished products is from 250 to 1000 g. The deviation of the mass of semi-finished products is allowed from ± 3% (for weights up to 500 g) to ± 2% (for weights over 500 g).


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