Rationalization activities aimed at improving the level of quality. Rationalization of organizational activities. What will we do with the received material

Rationalization (from Lat. Rationalis - reasonable) is actions aimed at improving, improving machines, equipment, technology, materials used, organization of production, etc.

The rationalization proposal is creative.

A rationalization proposal is a technical solution that is new and useful for the enterprise, organization or institution to which it is submitted, and that provides for the creation or change in the design of products, production technology and applied equipment, or a change in the composition of the material, as well as a new organizational solution for the enterprise that saves labor, raw materials, fuel and energy and other material resources or other positive effect. A new technical solution is recognized if, prior to the submission of an application in the established form, this or the same solution:

Has not been used by the enterprise, organization, or institution to which it is filed;

Was not known to the enterprise to the extent sufficient for its practical implementation;

It is not provided for by the regulations (standards, norms, specifications, etc.) that are binding on the enterprise, organization or institution.

For the proposal to be considered rational, it must be submitted in writing prior to its use. The exceptions are cases when the solution was used on the initiative of the author for no more than 3 months before the application was submitted. The rationalization proposal should be the result of the independent work of the author (co-author) who submitted the proposal. The submitted materials (description, drawings, diagrams, sketches) must contain data sufficient for the practical implementation of the proposal.

Setting only a task or only determining the effect that can be obtained from the application of the proposal, without specifying a specific solution;

Reducing reliability, durability and other indicators of product quality or worsening working conditions, quality of work;

Created by specialists in the order of performing a specific job assignment or contractual work.

However, the proposals of specialists can be recognized as rationalization if they relate to:

To the projects developed by these specialists (working drawings or technical project) - after their approval;

To the structure - after acceptance of the serial (head) sample;

To the technological process - after its acceptance into operation in accordance with the established procedure.

Proposals of specialists that are not related to the projects, structures, technologies they develop, may be considered rational. A prerequisite is to improve the technical and economic characteristics of projects, structures and technological processes.

To recognize the proposal as rational, the author submits a written application. The name of the proposal is indicated in the application, a description of the essence of the proposal is given, if necessary, drawings, diagrams, sketches are attached. The application must list all co-authors, whose creative work has created the proposal, and provide information about them.

The section "Description of the proposal" should contain the shortcomings of the existing product design, production technology and applied equipment or material composition that are eliminated by the proposal, the purpose of the proposal, the content of the proposed technical solution, including data sufficient for its practical implementation, as well as information about the economic or other positive effect.

Improvement in the design of the product can be characterized, for example, by changes in the design of parts, assemblies, blocks, etc., in their relationship, interposition and ratio, in geometric shapes.

Improvement of production technology can be characterized, for example, by changes in the methods of carrying out technological operations, their sequence, mode parameters (temperature, pressure, etc.), as well as changes in the used machines, devices, equipment, fixtures involved in the process. In this case, production technology, in particular, may include methods of measuring, monitoring, testing, assembling, extracting or processing raw materials.

Improvement in the composition of the material can be characterized, for example, by changes in the ingredients included in its composition and their quantitative ratio.

If necessary, the application must be accompanied by graphic materials (drawings, diagrams, sketches, etc.), technical and economic calculations and reported additional information on the proposal, if it was submitted earlier or is submitted simultaneously to other enterprises. The application and the materials attached to it must be signed by all co-authors.

In the application for an organizational decision, the need for implementation is stated, the essence of the proposal and the economic other positive effect are revealed.

An application for a rationalization proposal is submitted to the enterprise, organization or institution to which the proposal relates, regardless of whether the author works for this enterprise, organization or institution.

The application registered at the enterprise is sent for conclusion to those departments and services to whose activities it directly relates (workshop, construction site, departments of the chief mechanic, power engineer, designer, technologist, etc.).

In the conclusion, the presence of a technical solution in the proposal should be confirmed, and an assessment of its novelty and usefulness should be given. These data are stated in the section of the statement "Conclusion on the proposal" and signed officials who drew up a conclusion.

The following decisions can be made on the proposal:

Recognize the proposal as rational and accept it for use;

Conduct a trial test of the proposal;

Reject the offer.

The decision is made by the head of the enterprise (as a rule, the chief engineer) or the head of the relevant department, which is entrusted with this by order of the enterprise. In the event of a pilot test of the proposal for the decision the author is informed within 15 days from the date of its completion.

Before a decision is made to recognize the proposal as rational or to reject it, the author is given the right to supplement or change the description, drawings, diagrams or sketches without changing the essence of the proposal.

The decision to reject the proposal must contain the reasons for rejection (for example, does not contain a technical solution, does not give a positive effect, is not new for the enterprise). If the author does not agree with the decision to refuse to recognize the proposal as rationalization or to accept it for use, then he has the right to appeal the refusal to the head of the organization that made this decision.

After making a decision on the recognition of the proposal as rational and accepting it for use within a month, each of the co-authors of the proposal is issued a certificate of the rationalizer.

The fact of using the rationalization proposal is confirmed by the act. The act must be drawn up no later than one month from the beginning of use.

The amount of remuneration for the rationalization proposal and the procedure for its payment are determined by the enterprise, as well as on the basis of an agreement between the enterprise and the author (co-authors).

Rationalization is one of the techniques aimed at maximizing the talents and abilities of employees. The beginning of rationalization dates back to 1880, when the manager of the Scottish shipbuilding company V. Denny proposed a method, the essence of which was that the workers put forward proposals, ideas, put them in boxes installed in the workshops, and the managers considered them and implemented, if appropriate. ... The worker was paid remuneration. This approach began to be widely used in the United States and Western countries, but rationalization was mainly spread in the post-war period, mainly in Japan. Here all firms use the system of rationalization proposals, as an integral and important factor improving production efficiency. Rationalization is developed and domestic enterprises, however, the activity of workers on them is much lower.

An rationalization proposal is a technical or organizational solution that is new and useful for the enterprise to which it is submitted, and that gives savings in labor, raw materials, fuel and energy and other material or financial resources, or improvement of working conditions and ecology.

The proposal is recognized as new for the enterprise if, before the application is submitted, but in the established form, this or the same solution has not been used before, is not provided for by standards, norms, specifications and has not been developed technical services enterprises, or declared by another person who owns the primacy.

A proposal is considered useful if its use allows one to obtain an economic, technical or other positive effect, regardless of where this effect occurs. Proposals of managers or specialists of an enterprise are not considered rational if they are submitted at the time of their work on a new design or technological process. The work of specialists is constant creativity aimed at creating new projects at the level of world achievements and modern requirements... This does not mean that specialists cannot be rationalizers. They have the right to submit proposals for improving existing structures, technological processes, methods of organizing production and labor.

Rationalization at the enterprise is aimed at producing a given volume of products with less consumption of resources, or to increase production with constant resources. Engaging a wide range of workers in rationalization and invention is a sine qua non successful development enterprises. The activities of an enterprise in the field of rationalization in the Republic of Belarus are regulated by a standard that is developed by each enterprise.

The chief engineer coordinates and leads the rationalization work at the enterprise. The organization of work is carried out by the department of patents, rationalization, information and new technology(OPRINT) or Bureau of Rationalization and Invention (BRIZ). V structural units this work is organized by the relevant manager or authorized person.

An application for a rationalization proposal is submitted to the enterprise to which it relates, regardless of whether the author works for it. The application is accepted in the shop and forwarded to the rationalization and invention office of the plant, where it is registered. The registered application is sent for conclusion to the divisions and services to the activities of which it is directly related. The managers and specialists of the enterprise must give an opinion on the presence of a technical or other solution in the proposal and an assessment of its usefulness. The final decision is made by the chief engineer. Legal protection of rationalization proposals is ensured by issuing a certificate to the author. If the authors are several persons, a certificate indicating the names of the co-authors shall be issued to everyone.

For all proposals accepted for use or for experimental verification, schedules for their development, verification and implementation are drawn up. Depending on the value, proposals may be included in the plan of organizational and technical measures developed at the enterprise, in the shop.

The royalty and royalties are paid on the basis of the amount of annual savings received in the first year of use of the offer (the first twelve months from the beginning of use) in the amount of a certain percentage of the amount of the actual savings. Each company determines the percentage of remuneration independently.

The amount of remuneration for rationalization proposals that do not create savings are determined in each case individually. Incentives are also provided for promoting the implementation of rationalization. The bonuses are given to both employees and non-employees of the enterprise. The most active innovators have many benefits at the enterprise: they are not fired due to staff reductions, they are not retired when they reach age, they are increased by year-end payments, and others.

Despite many benefits and a fairly high material incentives, the activity of those working in rationalization at domestic enterprises is low. This is explained by the bureaucratic delay in the implementation of rationalization proposals, insufficient help from the administration in testing samples, in investing in new developments.

The experience of the Japanese firm Toyota is interesting in this regard. Here, for each employee there are more than 17 proposals a year, of which more than 94% are accepted for implementation. The success of this activity lies in the fact that the management of the company creates in the workers a sense of the importance of their opinion and creativity. At the same time, there is a system aimed at developing and creating conditions for the formation of ideas and their implementation. The work on rationalization is mainly carried out in “quality circles”, where problems are discussed together and ways to solve them are found. There are many individual offers. Usually, each worker and specialist is given a questionnaire on various problems that require a solution. An example is the following questionnaire: Is it possible to improve the quality of a product by changing its design or manufacturing technology? How to improve the level of unification of a new product? How easy is it to mount the workpiece on the machine? Is it possible to change the location of the machines on the site? How to reduce the consumption of materials, fuel, steam, electricity? Are tools, materials, products conveniently located in the workplace? Are there any jobs in the department that you can do without? Is it possible to standardize the work performed?

The rationalization scoring system in Japanese companies is more effective because it acts quickly. Using advanced domestic and foreign experience in the field of rationalization allows businesses to improve efficiency.

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Rationalization is one of the techniques aimed at maximizing the talents and abilities of employees. The beginning of rationalization dates back to 1880, when the manager of the Scottish shipbuilding company V. Denny proposed a method, the essence of which was that the workers put forward proposals,

ideas, put them in boxes installed in the workshops, and managers considered them and implemented, if appropriate. The worker was paid remuneration. This approach began to be widely used in the SSL and Western countries, and rationalization was mainly spread in the post-war period, mainly in Japan. Here all firms use the system of rationalization proposals as an integral and important factor in increasing production efficiency. Rationalization is also developed at domestic enterprises, but the activity of workers at them is much lower.
An rationalization proposal is a technical or organizational solution that is new and useful for the enterprise to which it is submitted, and that saves labor, raw materials, fuel and energy and other material or financial resources or improves working conditions and the environment.
The proposal is recognized as new for the enterprise if, prior to the submission of the application in the established form, this or the same solution has not been used before, is not provided for by the standards, norms, technical conditions and has not been developed by the technical services of the enterprise or declared by another person who holds the primacy.
A proposal is considered useful if its use allows one to obtain an economic, technical or other positive effect, regardless of where this effect occurs. Proposals of managers or specialists of an enterprise are not considered rational if they are submitted at the time of their work on a new design or technological process. The work of specialists is a constant creativity aimed at creating new projects at the level of world achievements and modern requirements. This does not mean that specialists cannot be rationalizers. Dim have the right to submit proposals for improving existing structures, technological processes, methods of organizing production and labor.
Rationalization at the enterprise is aimed at producing a given volume of products with less consumption of resources or to increase production with constant resources. Involvement of a wide range of employees in rationalization and invention is an indispensable condition for the successful development of an enterprise. The activities of an enterprise in the field of rationalization in the Republic of Belarus are regulated by a standard that is developed by each enterprise.
The chief engineer coordinates and leads the rationalization work at the enterprise. The organization of work is carried out by the Department of Patents, Rationalization, Information and New Technology (OPRINT) or the Bureau of Rationalization and Invention (BRIZ). In structural divisions, this work is organized by the relevant manager or an authorized person.
An application for a rationalization proposal is submitted to the enterprise to which it relates, regardless of whether the author works for it. The application is accepted in the shop and forwarded to the rationalization and invention office of the plant, where it is registered. The registered application is sent for conclusion to the divisions and services to the activities of which it is directly related. The managers and specialists of the enterprise must give an opinion on the presence in the proposal of a technical or other solution and an assessment of its usefulness. The final decision is made by the chief engineer. Legal protection of rationalization proposals is ensured by issuing a certificate to the author. If the authors are several persons, a certificate indicating the names of the co-authors shall be issued to everyone.
For all proposals accepted for use or for experimental verification, schedules for their development, verification and implementation are drawn up. Depending on the value, proposals may be included in the plan of organizational and technical measures developed at the enterprise, in the shop.
The royalty and royalties are paid on the basis of the amount of annual savings received in the first year of use of the offer (the first twelve months from the beginning of use) in the amount of a certain percentage of the amount of the actual savings. Each company determines the percentage of remuneration independently.
The amount of remuneration for rationalization proposals that do not create savings is determined on a case-by-case basis. Incentives are also provided for promoting the implementation of rationalization. Bonuses are awarded to both employees and non-employees of the enterprise. The most active innovators have many benefits at the enterprise: they are not fired due to staff reductions, they are not retired when they reach age, they are increased at the end of the year, etc.
Despite many benefits and rather high material incentives, the activity of those working in rationalization at domestic enterprises is low. This is explained by the bureaucratic delay in the implementation of rationalization proposals, insufficient help from the administration in testing samples, in investing in new developments.
The experience of the Japanese firm Toyota is interesting in this regard. There are more than 17 suggestions for a guide for a repentant worker, of which more than 94% are accepted for implementation. The success of this activity lies in the fact that the management of the company creates in the workers a sense of the importance of their opinion and creativity. At the same time, there is a system aimed at developing and creating conditions for the formation of ideas and their implementation. The work on rationalization is mainly carried out in “quality circles”, where problems are discussed together and ways to solve them are found. There are many individual offers. Usually, each worker and specialist is given a questionnaire on various problems that require a solution. An example is the following questionnaire: Is it possible to improve the quality of a product by changing its design or manufacturing technology? How to improve the level of unification of a new product? How easy is it to mount the workpiece on the machine? Is it possible to change the location of the machines on the site? How to reduce the consumption of materials, fuel, steam, electricity? Are tools, materials, products conveniently located in the workplace? Are there any jobs in the department that you can do without? Is it possible to standardize the work performed?
The rationalization scoring system in Japanese companies is more effective because it acts quickly. The use of advanced domestic and foreign experience in the field of rationalization allows enterprises to improve efficiency.

Objective internal and external processes encourage enterprises to constantly improve and develop their activities. Thus, in enterprises with a well-organized scientific - research work a lot of innovative ideas, innovations are formed of various shapes, nature, directions. To conduct effective innovation, it is important to distinguish between innovations according to various characteristics and criteria. The two main directions of innovative problem solving at the enterprise are inventive and rationalization activities.

Let us consider in more detail the concepts of invention and rationalization, define their differences.

A feature of any invention is a significant change in the properties, functions and structure of technical objects in a new way to obtain the required parameters. One of the main stages in the process of creating an invention is the identification of a technical contradiction, the elimination of which should lead to a qualitatively new, previously unknown result.

An invention is the result of human intellectual activity, which is a technical solution to a specific problem. This decision can be product or method specific.

Thus, an invention is an intangible object. Further, upon implementation, this intangible object (solution of the problem) can be embodied in a specific product, which will be the material carrier of the invention, or in actions actually carried out by a person or an automaton. But the invention itself is considered created not when the device itself, substance, etc. is made, but when the author came up with a solution.

According to the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, an invention is a technical solution to the task and the achievement of a positive result in any area related to a product (in particular, a device, a substance, a strain of a microorganism, a cell culture of plants or animals) or a method (the process of carrying out a sequence of actions or operations on a material object with material means).

The main feature that determines a technical solution as an invention is its patentability. Patentability (protectability) - a set of properties of a technical solution, without which it cannot be recognized as an invention on the basis of current legislation.

There are three main criteria for patentability of an invention:

1) Novelty. An invention satisfies the criterion of novelty if it is not known from the prior art, that is, from all information that has become publicly available in the world before the priority date of the invention, that is, the criterion of absolute world novelty. Under the information included in the prior art, it is meant not only printed publications, but also any publicly available information, including oral presentations, open demonstration of samples, revealing the essence of a technical solution, open application.

According to the Patent Law, the so-called copyright privilege for novelty is introduced, which means that the disclosure of information related to the invention by the author, applicant or any person who has received this information from them directly or indirectly, in which information about the essence of the invention has become publicly available, is not considered a circumstance. discrediting novelty, provided that the application for his invention is filed no later than 6 months in the Patent Office.

When investigating the novelty of the declared solution, only publicly available information is used. They are understood as information contained in a source with which any person had the opportunity to get acquainted himself or the content of which could be legally communicated to him. Any kind of official, closed, secret, etc. information is not taken into account. The prior art includes any information that discloses the essence of the invention, regardless of the form in which (oral, written, official, unofficial, etc.) they became available to the public. The novelty of an invention must be of an absolute global nature. When determining the novelty, only those information that became publicly available before the priority date of the invention may be used. Information disclosing the essence of the invention, which appeared after this date, is not taken into account.

2) Inventive level. This criterion serves as an indicator of the quality level of the invention, the complexity of the problem it solves. Thus, a patentable invention is delimited from ordinary engineering developments or objects to which such requirements are not imposed. In accordance with paragraph 1 of Art. 4 of the Patent Law of the Russian Federation, an invention has an inventive step, if for a specialist it clearly does not follow from the state of the art.

Signs of an inventive step:

  • * Technological progress includes new technical property, that is, any improvement in the method, substance or device. This can be not only a qualitative, but also a quantitative change in one or another property: a) an additional property; b) enhanced property; c) new property. A property will be new if the patterns of its change were not known and were manifested in the stated technical solution.
  • * Satisfaction of the existing need is proved by the presence of an unsolved problem and the unsuccessfulness of its solution by other inventors.
  • * Commercial success if it is achieved not by advertising and marketing, but by the technical merits of the invention.
  • * Overcoming difficulties for the inventor - a specialist in the industry, that is, a creative contribution to the solution of the problem.
  • 3) Industrial applicability. According to paragraph 1 of Art. 4 of the Patent Law of the Russian Federation, an invention is industrially applicable if it can be used in industry, agriculture, healthcare and other industries. The main role of the industrial applicability requirement is to verify the feasibility of implementing the claimed solution in the form of a specific material, as well as to find out whether the result is actually achieved by the applicant with the help of this invention. Industrial applicability means only the fundamental possibility of using the invention in one of the branches of activity, but does not at all indicate the advantages and merits of the claimed invention over the known solutions. From the standpoint of modern Russian patent legislation, the usefulness and necessity of an invention should be assessed not at the stage of examination, but in practice and in market conditions.
  • - discoveries;
  • - scientific theories and mathematical methods;
  • - decisions concerning only appearance products and aimed at meeting aesthetic needs;
  • - rules and methods of games, intellectual or economic activities;
  • - programs for electronic computers;
  • - solutions that consist only in the presentation of information.

Types of inventions:

  • * Basic;
  • * Additional;
  • * Service.

The main invention is an invention that is not legally related to any other inventions, it can be applied independently without any other technical solutions.

Additional - an invention that is an improvement of another previously proposed solution or even a part of it, which cannot be used without its application. The additional invention is related to the main one both legally and technically.

Service is an invention created in connection with the performance of a service task.

Along with inventions, rationalization proposals are of great importance for improving production and increasing its efficiency. A rationalization proposal is recognized as a new and useful technical solution for the enterprise, providing for a change in the design of the product, technology and organization of production, the materials and components used. With the help of rationalization proposals, improvements are made to the already known technical solutions, modernization of the existing equipment and its adaptation to specific production conditions is carried out, individual errors of designers and designers are eliminated, etc. According to the data presented in the literature, the share of rationalization proposals recently accounted for almost 70% of the total savings obtained from the use of inventions and rationalization proposals in the national economy of Russia.

Signs of a rationalization proposal:

First of all, a proposal made as a rationalization proposal should not just pose a problem, but reveal specific means of solving it. The rationalizer in his proposal should give specific instructions on what and how to do to get the desired result. Such proposals are not recognized as a solution to the problem, which only state this or that need, are limited to indicating the expediency of this or that event or the positive effect that can be obtained from its implementation, etc. The rationalization proposal must contain at least a fundamental solution, concretized so that it does not need guesses and assumptions, reveals the essence of the author's intention and does not require additional creative work to complete it. This condition is considered to be fulfilled if the proposal and the materials explaining it contain data necessary and sufficient for the practical implementation of the proposal using well-known design (design) techniques.

The solution to the problem in the rationalization proposal can be provided by technical, organizational and managerial means, or a combination thereof. Among the rationalization proposals of a technical nature, those that are associated with a change in the design of products, production technology, the technology used or a change in the composition of the material prevail. Organizational and managerial rationalization proposals provide a positive effect through organizational measures or rationalization of management. These include proposals for improving planning, accounting, material and technical supply, streamlining workflow, placement work force, changes in the work and repair schedules of equipment, etc.

A rationalization proposal can also be of an organizational and technical nature, combining organizational and technical elements (more rational placement of equipment, improvement of the state of workplaces, combination (separation of work operations, etc.).

Thus, the first sign of a rationalization proposal is that it can be recognized as any technical, organizational or managerial solution that is feasible and contains all the data necessary for this.

The second sign of a rationalization proposal is its novelty. In contrast to inventions, which must be of global novelty, rationalization proposals are subject to the requirement of local novelty, i.e. novelty within the limits of the enterprises to which they are served. An innovation proposal is new if, prior to the application, it was not known in the enterprise to the extent sufficient for its use. Thus, the study of the novelty of the declared rationalization proposal is carried out only on the scale of a particular enterprise, and not in relation to the world level of technology.

The novelty of the rationalization proposal is determined at a certain point in time. With regard to rationalization proposals, the concept of primacy is used, not priority. The championship is established by the date of receipt by the enterprise of a correctly executed application for a rationalization proposal. In other words, the primacy is recognized for the author who was the first to submit the proposal in accordance with the established procedure, even if the proposal was initially rejected and this rejection was not appealed by the author. The author's proposal can be opposed only by such information that reveals the essence of a given or identical solution, which became known to the enterprise before the above date of primacy.

Since local novelty is sufficient for proposals recognized as rationalization, the range of sources taken into account in the study of this feature is rather narrow.

As a rule, a proposal is not considered new if, prior to the submission of the application, this or the same decision:

  • 1) has already been used in this enterprise. At the same time, in the local Regulations on rationalization activities in this regard, exceptions may be provided, for example, when the proposal was used at the initiative of the author within a specified period. The specified benefit for novelty, which is used only by the authors of proposals introduced on their initiative, does not cancel, however, general rule that the date of the championship is determined by the day of receipt of the application for the rationalization proposal. Therefore, the novelty of the proposal may be lost if, within the grace period, other circumstances specified below appear that discredit its novelty;
  • 2) provided for by orders and orders of the administration. This circumstance should be taken into account as a source of information opposed to the decision, if, firstly, the corresponding order (order) was issued before the application was submitted and, secondly, it not only sets the task, but also provides for its specific solution, which is identical to the declared one;
  • 3) developed by the technical services of this enterprise. In this case, we mean the official developments of the relevant services of the enterprise, which were embodied in a specific solution that can be opposed to the declared rationalization proposal;
  • 4) declared by another person who holds the primacy for the given or identical proposal;
  • 5) recommended by a parent organization or published in information publications for the dissemination of best practices in the industry. In both cases, the novelty of the proposal is discredited only by such recommendations or publications that reveal the essence of the solution that coincides with the proposed one;
  • 6) is provided for by the standards that are binding on the enterprise. These include the received standards, norms, technical conditions, building codes and regulations, as well as other similar regulatory and technical documents, if they prescribe a specific way to solve the problem, which does not differ from the one proposed by the rationalizer.

The prominence of the solution to the problem from other sources of information does not discredit the novelty of the rationalization proposal. For example, information obtained from special literature or patent documentation, in particular descriptions of inventions, data on the application of identical solutions in other enterprises, etc., cannot be opposed to the proposal.

At the same time, it should be borne in mind that rationalization proposals should be the results of independent creative work of their authors. Often in the legal literature, the sign of creativity is proposed to be considered even as an independent criterion for the protectability of a proposal. In this regard, it can be noted that a proposal applied at another enterprise or published in the press should not be recognized as rationalization if the applicant borrowed it in full, without additional design, technological or other refinement in relation to the conditions of his enterprise. Of course, the fact of borrowing should be quite obvious. Therefore, the refusal to recognize the proposal as rationalization on this basis is possible only if this fact is indisputably proven or is not disputed by the applicant himself. Otherwise, one should proceed from the presumption of authorship of the applicant for the proposal submitted by him.

The third feature of a rationalization proposal is its usefulness. An offer is recognized as useful for the enterprise to which it is submitted, if its use is this enterprise in the conditions that exist or must be created in accordance with the approved plans, allows you to obtain an economic, technical or other positive effect. The usefulness of the proposal is determined on the basis of comparing the result that should be obtained from the application of the proposed solution with the result created by the solutions of the same problem known at the given enterprise or actually applied by it. The positive effect of using the proposal can be, for example, in increasing labor productivity, quality, reliability and durability of products and saving material and labor resources, improvement of working conditions and safety measures, etc.

For many years, a certain difficulty in practice was represented by the issue of recognizing as rationalization proposals, the effect of which is received not by the enterprises that implement them, but by other enterprises or consumers. For example, proposals that reduce repair costs or Maintenance products that improve its performance or increase its durability, etc., provide economic benefits to consumers, and not to the enterprises that accept and use them. In the conditions of a centralized planned economy, such proposals were not economically profitable for manufacturing enterprises, and often brought direct economic losses. Therefore, in spite of the fact that these proposals were certainly useful, their recognition as rationalization and especially their introduction into production ran into great difficulties. Now, when enterprises themselves determine prices for their products, taking into account their consumer qualities, and between manufacturers there is a struggle for consumers, this problem has naturally lost its urgency.

They do not satisfy the requirement of utility and therefore are not recognized as rationalization proposals that reduce the reliability, durability and other indicators of product quality, worsen working conditions and safety measures, allow the same effect to be obtained, but in a more complex or technically backward way, etc. Thus, not every proposal that brings an economic effect is recognized as rationalization. Sometimes the introduction of a rationalization proposal leads to an improvement in some indicators while deteriorating others. In this case, when determining the utility of the proposal, one should proceed from the extent to which the advantages of rationalization prevail over its disadvantages.

The specific content of rationalization proposals is largely determined by the specifics of the enterprise to which it is served. For example, it is quite obvious that higher requirements are imposed on the novelty and usefulness of proposals submitted to an enterprise that is equipped with the most modern technology and has qualified personnel than those that can be put forward in a technically backward enterprise. Therefore, the situation is quite common when a specific proposal at one enterprise is recognized as rational, and at another it is rejected due to the lack of novelty or usefulness.

The subjects of the right to a rationalization proposal are the authors and their successors. The author is the person whose creative work has created the proposal. The authors of rationalization proposals can only be citizens, but not legal entities. The recognition of citizens as the authors of proposals is not influenced by their age and state of legal capacity. However, only persons who have reached the age of 14 can independently exercise their rights in this area. For authors under the age of 14 or recognized as legally incompetent, the rights are exercised by their parents or guardians. Foreigners and stateless persons enjoy the same scope of rights as Russian citizens.

In most cases, the authors of rationalization proposals are full-time employees of enterprises and organizations. However, applications for rationalization proposals can also be submitted by persons outside the enterprise - employees of other enterprises, retirees, students, etc. Among the full-time employees, engineering and technical personnel are allocated to a special group. According to the previous legislation, engineering and technical workers who, by their nature, official duties were engaged in the improvement of the applied technique or technology, they could not act as authors of rationalization proposals. Currently, enterprises have the right to independently determine the circle of persons who can be rationalizers.

Enterprises, institutions and organizations are also participants in relations related to the creation and use of rationalization proposals. Without recognizing any copyright to legal entities for rationalization proposals and not endowing them with monopoly rights to use these proposals, the law, nevertheless, imposes on enterprises, institutions and organizations to which these proposals are submitted, a number of obligations related to the adoption and consideration of applications for rationalization proposals, issuance of titles of protection to authors, etc. Besides, legal entities rights were granted to determine the procedure for considering proposals, their implementation, payment of royalties, etc.

The state as a whole does not become the subject of the right to rationalization proposals.

Thus, the main difference between the invention and the rationalization proposal is the degree of novelty. Unlike inventions, which have as their objects new devices, methods and substances, rationalization proposals are aimed at modernizing and improving the already used objects of technology, technologies and substances.


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