Drinking water standard. Gost, sanpin and hygienic requirements for the quality of drinking water. Internal operational control

What do we know about standards? With the development of trade relations, mankind is faced with the problem of quality control of any manufactured goods. For this, each state created the appropriate norms and standards. With the development of international relations, these norms and quality standards were brought to uniform requirements... Currently, there are several world organizations dealing with the problems of water standardization. Documents have been published that provide general and main recommendations for water quality. Each country also sets additional required water standards for its area.

- World Health Organization(WHO), whose main task is to solve international problems of public health protection. In 1984, WHO issued a basic quality standard, the Quality Control Manual drinking water", On the basis of which the standards of other states are developed. The WHO recommendations are the result of many years of basic research and are based on the concept of Tolerable Daily Intake (TDA). WHO guidelines for drinking water can be found, for example, in EU Directive 98/83 / EC (drinking), in Directive 2009/54 / EC on mineral water.

PSP is the amount of a substance in food or water, based on body weight (mg / kg or mcg / kg), that can be consumed daily throughout life without significant health risks. As a result of the research, the PSP values ​​were obtained for the main substances potentially harmful to humans. Based on this data using complex system correction factors, standards for the content of the main harmful substances in water were developed. Moreover, what is very important, when determining the recommended values ​​for water, the intake of a substance from all sources (with food, respiration, etc.) was taken into account. This approach ensures that the total daily intake of a substance from all sources (including drinking water containing a concentration of this substance at a level equal to or close to the recommended value) does not exceed the tolerated daily intake.

- European Community(EU) The European Community (EC) Directive on the "quality of water intended for public consumption" (80/778 / EC) was adopted by the European Council on 15 July 1980. Better known as the Drinking Water Directive, this document formed the basis for the water legislation of the European EU member states.

The Directive standardizes 66 parameters of drinking water quality, divided into several groups (organoleptic indicators; physicochemical parameters; substances, the presence of which in water in large quantities is undesirable; toxic substances, microbiological indicators and parameters of softened water intended for consumption). Protection Agency environment U.S. EPA The U.S. Enviropment Protection Agency is a U.S. government agency tasked with protecting public health and the environment. This agency developed the US Federal Drinking Water Quality Standard. This standard includes two sections: National Primary Drinking Water Regulations is a mandatory standard that currently unites 79 parameters (organic and inorganic impurities, radionuclides, microorganisms) potentially hazardous to human health; National Secondary Drinking Water Regulations is a recommendatory standard that includes a list of 15 parameters, exceeding the standards for which can worsen the consumer quality of water.

To date, new Directives have been developed as indicated above. You can find them on the Internet.

State standard Russian Federation (GOST). The basis of GOSTs are sanitary rules and regulations (SanPiN) No. 214.1116-02, which divide bottled water into two categories - the highest and the first. Waters of the highest and first categories differ in the content of biogenic elements that determine the physical usefulness of water, these are calcium, magnesium, fluorine and iodine. Many manufacturers in our country work according to Technical Conditions (TU). According to the unified classifier, waters produced according to TU, starting with number 9185, refer to mineral waters, and from number 0131 - bottled table drinking water (non-mineral).

European Community standards, The World Organization health care differ from the Russian approach in that the water is classified taking into account the original source and does not affect the medical and biological principles important for human health when drinking this water from a specific source. Russian water standards are stricter than recommended in international documents... ... Experts in this field check their data with foreign studies. If the standards of our country are more stringent than the WHO recommends, then our standards are taken as a basis. If foreign documents presuppose more stringent criteria - accordingly.

All waters that received a certificate or certificate for products must be registered in the Register of Rospotrebnadzor fp.crc.ru (it can be viewed on the Internet).

Memo in accordance with GOST:

International documents regulating water quality:

Each type of water has its own GOST, since all these waters have different requirements.

Tap water cannot be made of perfect quality (due to the large amount of pollution).

Mineral water must first of all heal. And it is prepared according to its own special technology, often using carbon dioxide for disinfection, which is unacceptable for children under 7 years old. Dining room water often contains a large amount of individual trace elements. And also carbon dioxide.

If you choose drinking water for every day, for a child or for special groups of citizens: pregnant women, the elderly, people with impaired health, working in hazardous industries, then the basis for water quality, of course, should be taken from San Pin for bottled water This San Ping was developed by scientists to control the quality of drinking fresh water every day. According to this San Pina, children's water is considered the highest quality, then the highest category.

This is the kind of water you can TO ORDER we have.

You can ask us your question about water by email [email protected] or by phone 8-926-011-79-76 Maria

If you have questions about water quality indicators, categories of drinking water, How to choose the right bottled water, you can familiarize yourself with our materials on the website







(ISO 8586: 2012, NEQ) (ISO 3972: 2011, NEQ) (ISO 7027: 1999, NEQ)

Official edition


GOST R 57164-2016


1 DEVELOPED by the Technical Committee for Standardization TC 343 "Water Quality" and CJSC "Center for Research and Control of Water"

2 INTRODUCED by the Technical Committee for Standardization TK 343 "Water Quality"

3 APPROVED AND 8 INTRODUCED BY Order Federal agency on technical regulation and metrology dated October 17, 2016 No. 1412-st

4 This standard takes into account the main normative provisions of the following international standards: ISO 6586: 2012 “Sensory analysis. General guidelines for the selection, training and monitoring of selected assessors and expert sensory assessors "(ISO 8586: 2012" Sensory analysts - General guidelines for the selection, training and monitoring of selected assessors and expert sensory assessors " . NEQ). ISO 3972: 2011 Sensory analysis. Methodology. Sensory analysis - Methodology - Method of investigating sensitivity of taste. NEO. ISO 7027: 1999 Water quality. Olre * turbidity division "(ISO 7027: 1999" Water quality - Determination of turbidity ". NEO)


The rules for the application of this standard are set out in clause 26. Federal law dated June 29, 2015 No. 162-FZ "On standardization in the Russian Federation". Information on changes to this standard is published in the annual (as of January 1 of the current year) information index "National Standards", and the official text of changes and amendments is published in the monthly information index "National Standards". In case of revision (replacement) or cancellation of this standard, the corresponding notification will be published in the next issue of the monthly information index "National Standards". Relevant information, notice and texts are also posted in the public information system - on the official website of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology on the Internet (wmv.gost.rti).

© Stamdartinform. 2016

This standard may not be reproduced in whole or in part, replicated and distributed as an official publication without the permission of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology.

GOST R 57164-2016

1 area of ​​use............................................... ..................1

3 Terms and definitions .............................................. ................. 2

4 Sampling ............................................... .......................... 2

5 Determination of organoleptic indicators ............................................ 2

6 Determination of turbidity ............................................... ................ 6

7 Registration of analysis results .............................................. ........nine

Appendix A (informative) Classification of some naturally occurring odors ____ 10

organoleptic analysis ................................................ 13

GOST R 57164-2016


Causes of Odor, Taste and Turbidity in Water

Chemically pure water is completely devoid of taste and smell. However, such water does not occur in nature - it always contains dissolved substances in its composition. As the concentration of inorganic and organic matter water begins to take on a particular taste and / or smell. Smell and taste is the property of substances to cause specific irritation of the receptors of the mucous membrane of the nasopharynx and tongue in humans and animals.

It should be borne in mind that smell and taste can appear in water at several stages: in natural water, during water treatment, during transportation through pipelines.

The main causes of odor and taste in water are:

Rotting plants. Algae and aquatic plants in the process of decay can cause fishy, ​​herbal, putrid water smell and a similar unpleasant taste.

Fungi and mold. These microorganisms cause moldy, earthy or musty odors and lead to off-tastes. The tendency for the multiplication of these microorganisms occurs in places of stagnant water and there. where the water can be heated (for example, in the water supply systems of large buildings with storage tanks).

Glandular and sulfurous bacteria. Both types of bacteria secrete waste products. which, when decomposed, create a sharply unpleasant odor.

Compounds of heavy metals, especially corrosion products of iron, manganese, copper, which cause a slight odor of water, an insufficiently distinct metallic taste.

Salts of alkali and alkaline earth metals, which at high concentrations impart a salty or bitter taste to water and can also impart an alkaline taste to water.

Various additives can impart sour and sweet tastes to water. Waters saturated with carbon dioxide or salts of strong acids can have a sour taste.

Industrial waste. Many substances contained in wastewater industrial production, can cause a strong medicinal or chemical odor in the water. In particular, phenolic compounds are a problem, which, when water is chlorinated, create chlorophenolic compounds with a characteristic odor.

Chlorination of water. Contrary to popular belief, chlorine itself, when used correctly, does not produce any noticeable odor or taste. 8 At the same time, chlorine is able to enter into chemical reactions with various substances dissolved in water. thus forming compounds, which actually give the water the well-known smell and taste of "bleach".

By origin, odors, tastes and flavors are divided into two groups:

Natural origin (associated with the presence of organisms living in water, decaying plant and animal remains, the presence of salts, usually in sea or ground waters);

Artificial origin (due to impurities of industrial wastewater, reagents of water treatment processes, pipe materials, etc.).

The smell of naturally occurring water is usually associated with the presence of phytoplankton and the activity of bacteria that decompose organic matter. Therefore, the water of springs, springs, artesian wells is usually odorless.

More than 200 substances are known to be secreted only by algae different types, capable of being perceived by olfactory receptors, but in reality, the problems of the appearance of emerging extraneous odors in tap water are associated only with some of them: 2-methylisoborneol (MIB). geosmin. mercaptans, dimethyl disulfide, dimethyl sulfide, 2.4-hepgadiecal, 2.6-nonadienal.

Number different types the odors are large enough. The most common odors of surface water bodies are: putrid, herbaceous, earthy, dung. Some types of algae produce specific odors. For example, from the group of diatoms, odorizing substances are produced by representatives of the genera Asterionella (geraniums and fish). Cyctotella (herbaceous, geranium, fish), Tabellaria (herbaceous, geranium, mustiness). Representatives of the genera of golden algae (chrysophytes) Synura. Dinobryon. Uroglenopsis are capable of imparting a strong fishy odor to water. Aldehydes and ketones, which are formed as a result of enzymatic conversion of unsaturated fatty acids during cell death, have this smell, as in the case of diatoms.

GOST R 57164-2016

The main causes of groundwater odors are hydrogen sulfide and iron compounds.

Hydrogen sulfide appears as a result of the action of anaerobic reducing sulfur bacteria on organic and elemental sulfur, sulfates and sulfites. In low concentrations, it can produce a swampy, musty odor. Often water from wells smells like iron - the most widespread pollutant, which, when interacting with atmospheric oxygen, transforms into a trivalent form. Therefore, the water just extracted from the well looks clean and only then acquires a brown color and an unpleasant metallic, ferrous smell and taste.

High-quality water from centralized water supply can be considered only one that, according to consumers, has no smell, taste or taste. Usually, people do not smell, taste and taste with an intensity of 0 and 1 point on a five-point scale. Only some consumers (up to 10% of the population) feel a smell with an intensity of 2 points, and only if you pay their attention to it. As the intensity increases, the odor becomes perceptible to all consumers without any warning. Therefore, the intensity of the smell of drinking tap water should not exceed two points. In addition, it should be borne in mind that the water is heated for the preparation of hot drinks and first courses, and this can lead to an increase in its smell. That is why drinking water, as a rule, should not have an odor with an intensity of more than two points at a temperature of 20 * C. and 60 in S.

Turbidity of water is an indicator characterizing a decrease in the transparency of water due to the presence of inorganic and organic finely dispersed suspensions, as well as the development of planktonic organisms... The reasons for the turbidity of water can be the presence of clay, inorganic compounds (aluminum hydroxide, carbonates of various metals), as well as organic impurities or cake organisms, such as bacterio. phyto "or zooplankton. Also, the reason may be the oxidation of iron and manganese compounds by atmospheric oxygen, which leads to the formation of colloids.

Turbidity of water in rivers and coastal areas of water bodies increases with rains, floods, and melting of glaciers. As a rule, the level of turbidity in water bodies is lowest in winter, highest in spring and during summer rains.

Turbidity in drinking water is regulated mainly due to the fact that turbid water protects microorganisms during ultraviolet disinfection and facilitates the growth of bacteria, as well as for aesthetic reasons.

GOST R 57164-2016



Methods for the determination of odor, taste and turbidity

Drinking water. Methods for determination of odour, taste and turbidity

Date of introduction - 2018-01-01

1 area of ​​use

This standard applies to natural and drinking water, including packed in containers, and establishes:

Organoleptic methods for determining odor, taste and taste:

Determination of turbidity using optical instruments.

Determination of these indicators of water quality is of great importance, since the presence of foreign odor, taste, taste and increased turbidity in water can indicate water pollution by foreign substances, poor purification, and in addition, repels the consumer, acting on his aesthetic feelings, even if it is harmless.

2 Normative references

This standard uses normative references to the following standards:

GOST 1770-74 (ISO 1042-83. ISO 4786-80) Laboratory glassware. Cilin * dr. beakers, flasks, test tubes. General specifications

GOST 2053-77 Reagents. Sodium sulphide 9 * eodny. Technical conditions

GOST ISO 3972-2014 Methodology. Taste Sensitivity Test Method

GOST 4233-77 Reagents. Sodium chloride. Technical conditions

GOST ISO 8586 * 1-2011 Organoleptic analysis. General guidelines for the selection, training and supervision of testers. Part 1. Selected testers

GOST 11086-76 Sodium hypochlorite. Technical conditions

GOST ISO / IEC 17025-2009 General requirements to the competence of testing and calibration laboratories

GOST 25336-82 Laboratory glassware and equipment. Types, main parameters and dimensions

GOST 28311-89 Laboratory medical dispensers. General technical requirements and test methods

GOST 28498-90 Liquid glass thermometers. General Specifications. Test methods.

GOST 29169-91 (ISO 648-77) Laboratory glassware. Single-mark pipettes

GOST 29227-91 (ISO 835-1-81) Laboratory glassware. Graduated pipettes. Part 1. General requirements

Official edition

GOST R 57164-2016

GOST 30813-2002 Water and water treatment. Terms and definitions GOST 31861-2012 Water. General requirements for sampling

GOST 32220-2013 Drinking water, packaged in containers. General technical conditions GOST R 56237-2014 (ISO 5665-5: 2006) Drinking water. Sampling at water treatment plants and pipeline distribution systems

Note - When using this standard, it is advisable to check the validity of the reference standards in the public information system - on the official website of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology on the Internet or according to the annual information index "National Standards", which was published as of January 1 of the current year, and on the issues of the monthly information index "National Standards" for the current year. If the referenced standard to which an undated reference is given has been replaced, it is recommended that the current version of that standard be used, subject to any changes made to that version. If the referenced standard to which the dated reference is given is replaced, then it is recommended to use the version of that standard with the above year of approval (acceptance). If, after the approval of this standard, a change is made to the referenced standard to which the dated reference is given, affecting the provision to which the scribble is given, then this provision is recommended to be applied without taking into account this change. If the reference standard is canceled without replacement, then the provision in which the reference to it is given, it is recommended to apply the e part that does not affect this reference.

3 Terms and definitions

In this standard, the terms in accordance with GOST ISO 8586-1 are used. GOST ISO 3972 and GOST 30813.

4 Sampling

4.1 Water samples are taken in accordance with GOST 31861, GOST R 56237 in glass containers with ground-in or tightly screwed stoppers. Sampling and storage of samples for the determination of turbidity may be carried out in plastic containers. The minimum sample volume is 300 cm 3. When determining all indicators according to this standard, it is recommended to select at least 500 cm 3 of water.

4.2 Water samples for the determination of odor, taste, taste and turbidity are not preserved. The analysis is carried out in the laboratory as soon as possible, but no later than 6 hours after sampling, and for the determination of turbidity, no later than 24 hours after sampling.

4.3 Sampling of drinking water, packaged in containers, terms and conditions of storage - according to GOST 32220.

5 Determination of organoleptic characteristics

5.1 Essence of sensory methods

The methods are based on the ability of a person to feel and perceive substances dissolved in water as odors, tastes and tastes. Depending on the objective conditions (temperature, humidity) and the functional state of the body (for example, daily fluctuations), the intensity of smell can fluctuate within a fairly wide range.

Organoleptic evaluation is carried out by a direct method of recognizing smells, tastes and tastes - according to the perceived taste. These indicators do not lend themselves to formal measurement - the determination is carried out by experts.

A scoring system is used to assess the intensity of odor and taste.

5.2 Measuring instruments, auxiliary equipment

Cylinders or beakers in accordance with GOST 1770 with a capacity of 100 cm 3.

Laboratory glass thermometer in accordance with GOST 28498 with a temperature measurement range from 0 * C to 100 * C.

Flat-bottomed flasks with ground-in stoppers with a capacity of 250-350 cm 3 in accordance with GOST 2S336 or similar with divisions indicating the volume of liquid (to determine the smell).

GOST R 57164-2016

Watch glass.

A water bath that ensures uniform heating of flat-bottomed flasks and maintains a temperature * of (60 + 5) * C.

Odorless and tasteless water according to 5.6.

Glasses with a capacity of 50-100 cm 3 (to determine the taste and taste).

It is allowed to use other measuring instruments, auxiliary equipment and reagents with metrological and technical characteristics not worse than those indicated.

5.3 Preparation for analysis

5.3.1 Cookware

On the eve of the analysis, at least 12 hours before its start, the flasks are filled “under the plug” with odorless water and closed with stoppers. Before use, the water is poured out, the flasks are rinsed with a fresh portion of this water. To determine the taste and taste, it is recommended to use disposable plastic glasses with a capacity of 50-100 cm 3. Dishes, if they are not disposable, must be washed using odorless detergents.

5.4 Rooms and environmental conditions

The temperature and relative humidity in the room for organoleptic analysis during testing should be in the range from 18 ° C to 24 * C and from 15% to 75%, respectively.

For organoleptic analysis, the presence of two rooms is optimal:

Research room:

Sample preparation room.

The sample preparation room should be located in the immediate vicinity of the research room. At the same time, it should be located in such a way that the testers do not need to pass through it to get to the research site.

8 in the absence of a separate room, organoleptic analysis is allowed to be carried out in a common laboratory room, in which there are no extraneous odors ( chemical reagents, flowers, perfumes, etc.).

The laboratory premises in which sensory analysis is performed must be protected from harsh extraneous noise, vibrations and other distractions. It is recommended that the rooms are painted in light colors.

5.5 Personnel

Experts who have the physical ability to conduct it, who have been trained and tested for practical skills in the field of organoleptic analysis according to this standard, are allowed to conduct organoleptic analysis.

The testers should be able to express and interpret their initial experiences. The ability to concentrate and not succumb to external influences is especially important.

Experts should not take medications that can impair sensory perception (eg alcohol-based tinctures) before and during testing.

Experts should not use perfumed cosmetics prior to and during research. In addition, you should refrain from smoking or contact with smokers or strong odors for at least 1 hour before performing the test.

Testers are not allowed to perform organoleptic determinations in the presence of health factors that affect the performance of work and their results. The examiner should inform the responsible executor (laboratory manager) about the presence of such factors as:

Runny nose;

Allergic reactions;

Toothache and headache.

GOST R 57164-2016

5.6 Comparison samples

References (control samples) should be available in the laboratory for use in training testers and quality control of tests. They must have a smell, taste (taste) stable for a certain time, the intensity of which can be reproduced using the appropriate cooking algorithm.

It is necessary to select at least two starting substances for the preparation of reference samples when training testers to determine the determination of odor and taste (aftertaste).

In the event that water is chlorinated at the stage of water treatment, one of the reference samples should have a "chlorine" odor. If groundwater is used, then one of the reference samples should have a “salty” taste, etc. The “zero” reference sample (blank sample) is odorless and tasteless water, identical to the water used for the preparation of dilutions.

Distilled water can have a peculiar smell and even taste. In this case, as a reference sample, you can use bidistilled water or water prepared using specialized devices, for example, deionization, or drinking water packaged in containers, or boiled tap water, treated activated carbon... For this, boiled tap water is passed through a column of granular activated carbon at low speed. You can also shake water with activated carbon in the flask (0.6 g per 1 dm 3), followed by filtration.

All comparison samples must be uniquely identified. For each item, the expiration date, storage conditions, features of use, instructions for preparation (if required) must be determined.

In Appendix A, as an example, a scheme for the preparation of controls (reference samples) using sodium hypochlorite (chlorine odor at 20 * C) is given. sodium sulfide (hydrogen sulfide odor at 20 * C). sodium chloride (salty taste), caffeine (bitter taste). The laboratory can select other substances and preparation methods from GOST ISO 8586-1. GOST ISO 3972.

5.7 Testing and training

To be admitted to organoleptic analysis, it is necessary to carry out preliminary testing and training of the testers.

The choice of tests that will be used to test workers is carried out in accordance with the work ahead.

One of the possible options for preliminary testing and training is given in Appendix B.

The laboratory shall have a procedure for testing the detection and recognition of odors and tastes by testers. This procedure must be repeated many times as the sensitivity to odors and tastes can change over time.

5.8 Analysis procedure

5.8.1 Odor detection Odor nature

The nature of the smell of water is determined by the sense of the perceived smell.

Odors of natural origin are determined by classification, for example, as given in Table A.1 of Annex A.

Artificial odors are classified according to the name of the substance, the smell of which they represent, for example, chemical, chlorophenolic. camphor, gasoline, chlorine, oil, etc. Odor intensity

The intensity of the odor of water is assessed using a five-point system according to the requirements of Table 1.

GOST R 57164-2016

Table 1 - Intensity of odors Determination of odor at 20 * С

a) Before starting the analysis, measure the temperature of the water. If water samples are delivered to the laboratory simultaneously from one water supply system, then it is allowed to measure the water temperature in one sample.

Depending on the obtained sample result:

Warm up to a temperature (20 ♦ 2) in C. keeping them at room temperature (but not more than the specified storage time) or using a water bath;

Cooled to a temperature of (20 + 2) ’C under running water or in a container with ice or in a refrigerator.

In this case, the containers with samples must be tightly closed.

b) Place about 100 cm 3 of the test water in a flask with a ground stopper with a capacity of 250-350 cm 3. The flask is closed with a stopper, the contents are mixed several times with rotary movements. without shaking, after which the flask is opened and the nature and intensity of the smell is determined.

When determining the smell, it is recommended to take short, rather than long, breaths, and you do not need to inhale the smell many times so as not to dull your senses. With prolonged contact of odorous substances with the nasal mucosa, adaptation occurs, leading to a decrease in sensitivity.

Notes (edit)

1 If the flasks for analysis do not have divisions for assessing the volume of water, then the laboratory is allowed to independently calibrate the flasks by marking the level of distilled water measured into the flask with a measuring cylinder or a beaker with a capacity of 100 cm 3.

2 It is allowed to carry out the determination of the smell of water directly in the sampling containers provided. that they have a wide throat and are filled with water by no more than 2/3. In this case, if the tester determines the smell of water with an intensity of more than 1 point, the determination is repeated according to Determination of odor at 60 * С

In a flask with a capacity of 250-350 cm 3, place about 100 cm 3 of the test water. The neck of the flask is closed with a watch glass, the flask is placed in a water bath heated to a temperature of (60 + 5) e C. and kept for the required time. This usually takes about 10 minutes.

The contents of the flask are mixed several times with rotary movements. By moving the glass to the side, they quickly determine the nature and intensity of the smell.

5.8.2 Determination of taste and taste Nature of taste and taste

The character of the taste and taste of water is determined by the perception of the perceived taste and taste.

The taste is determined by the classification: salty, bitter, sweet, sour.

Flavors are classified by the name of those substances which flavor they represent, for example. metallic, putrid, alkaline (soda), floral. Intensity of taste and mouthfeel

The intensity of taste and taste of water is assessed using a five-point system in accordance with the requirements of Table 2.

GOST R 57164-2016

Table 2 - Intensity of taste and taste

Intensity of taste and taste

The nature of the manifestation of taste and taste

Evaluation of the intensity of taste and aftertaste, score

Taste and smack are not felt

Very weak

Taste and smack are very weak

Taste and aftertaste are weak, but do not cause any disapproval of the water


Taste and aftertaste are easily noticed and lead to disapproval of the water


Taste and smack are distinct, cause disapproval of the water and force people to refrain from drinking

Very strong

Taste and mouthfeel are so strong that they make the water unusable Determination of taste and taste

Place about 30 cm 3 of the water sample prepared according to in a glass with a capacity of 50-100 cm 3. The test water is taken into the oral cavity in small portions (about 15 cm 3), without swallowing, hold for 3-5 s and spit out. The performers carry out the analysis without haste, the intervals between samples are about 30 s.

When determining the taste and taste, it is not recommended to sample the water many times. so as not to dull your feelings. With prolonged contact of substances with a bright taste (aftertaste) with the oral mucosa, adaptation occurs, leading to a decrease in sensitivity.

NOTE - Boiled rice and white bread can be used as neutralizing agents to eliminate the aftertaste along with water according to 5.6.

5.9 Expression of results

If a smell, taste and taste with an intensity of more than 1 point is found in a water sample, it is recommended to involve a second tester in the determination. In the event that the performers disagree in assessing the intensity of smell, taste and taste, a third tester is involved in the determination. If it is not possible to involve a third assessor, the higher value obtained from the two assessors shall be taken as the final result.

If the result obtained by the third examiner coincides with one of the previous ones, then this result is taken as final. If the third result does not coincide with any of the previously obtained, then the median is taken as the final result.

5.10 Quality control of sensory analysis results

At least once every three months, all testers participating in the organoleptic analysis are monitored using control samples and issuing a supporting document, for example, a protocol in accordance with Form 8.3.1 of Appendix B.

6 Determination of turbidity

6.1 General principles

The determination of turbidity is based either on the registration of scattered radiation arising from the passage of radiation in the visible or near infrared region of the spectrum through a sample of water containing suspended particles (nephelometric method), or on recording the attenuation of radiation passing through a sample of water containing cocked (turbidimetric method).

The intensity of the scattered radiation depends on the wavelength of the incident radiation, the angle of measurement. shape, optical characteristics and particle size distribution of particles suspended in water. Comparison of the results obtained on different devices is possible only if

GOST R 57164-2016

the result is obtained in accordance with this standard and the same measurement method is applied at the same wavelength. Results obtained at different wavelengths cannot be compared. Note that the mass concentration of suspended solids cannot be calculated from the turbidity value.

Turbidity is expressed in formain units (EMU).

Note niv - As a rule, nephelometric measurements are used in the range up to 40 EMF. for higher turbidity values ​​the turbidimetric method is used.

6.2 Measuring instruments, auxiliary equipment, reagents, materials

Nephelometer (nephelometric turbidity analyzer) complying with the following * requirements:

c) the measured angle between the optical axis of the incident radiation and the optical axis of the scattered * radiation should be (90.0 ± 2.5) *;

turbidimeter (turbidimetric turbidity analyzer) or spectrophotometer (photo * colorimeter) that meets the following requirements:

a) the wavelength of the incident radiation should be 860 nm;

b) the spectral bandwidth of the incident radiation must be less than or equal to 60 nm;

a) the measured angle (tolerance for deviation from the optical axis) of the incident radiation and this angle of the scattered radiation should be (0.0 ± 2.5) *.

The lower limit of the measurement range of turbidity meroa (turbidity analyzers) should be no more than 1 EMF. measurement errors according to 6.7.

Note - If the laboratory conducts a long-term series of observations of water turbidity in the green part of the spectrum, then it should use a spectrophotometer (photocolorimegr) with an incident radiation wavelength of 530 nm with cuvettes with an absorbing layer thickness of 10.50 and 100 mm.

Standard samples of water turbidity made from formazin suspension with a nominal turbidity value of 4000 EMF and a relative error of the certified value no more than ± 3%. To control the stability of the turbidity analyzer (turbidity analyzers), it is allowed to use turbidity gel standards, including those included in the instrument kit.

Membrane filter with a pore diameter of 0.1-0.45 microns. which must be prepared for analysis according to the filter manufacturer's instructions.

Device for filtration through membrane filters.

Volumetric flasks 2-50-2, 2-100-2. 2-200-2. 2-1000-2 in accordance with GOST 1770.

Pipettes, graduated 1-1-2-1; 1 -1 -2-2; 1-1-2-S: 1-1-2-10 or other types and designs in accordance with GOST 29227 or pipette dispensers of variable volume with metrological characteristics in accordance with GOST 28311.

Cylinders or beakers 2-10. 2-100 in accordance with GOST 1770.

water according to 6.3.

The use of other measuring instruments, auxiliary equipment and reagents is allowed. with metrological and technical characteristics not worse than those indicated. The use of standard turbidity samples with other turbidity values ​​is allowed.

6.3 Water for preparing calibration solutions

For the preparation of calibration solutions (suspensions) with a nominal turbidity value of less than 20 EMF, use water with a turbidity value of not more than 0.2 EMF or prepared as follows:

through a prepared membrane filter 250 cm 3 of distilled or bidistilled water is filtered and the water is discarded. Then, two liters (or less) of distilled or bidistilled water, which is stored for the preparation of calibration solutions of formazin suspensions, is passed through the membrane twice.

GOST R 57164-2016

6.4 Preparation of turbidity calibration solutions

To obtain calibration solutions with turbidity values ​​(EMF) in the measurement range of interest or turbidity values ​​recommended in the manual (instruction) for the operation of the turbidity meter. dilute the turbidity standard with water (6.3) using measuring utensils and pipettes or dispensers as recommended by the reference material manufacturer. These suspensions are stable for one working day.

6.5 Instrument calibration

Prepare the instrument and calibrate it in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions.

Unless otherwise stated in the manual (instructions) for the operation of the device, when calibrating it, use water as a blank sample according to 6.3 and at least four calibration solutions (suspensions) of formazin (6.4), having turbidity values ​​evenly spaced in the operating range.

The device is calibrated at least twice a year.

If pre-calibrated turbidity analyzers are available, confirm their calibration characteristics by comparing the measured turbidity values ​​for the calibration solutions with the readings of the instrument, using the criteria specified by the manufacturer.

The stability control of the calibration is carried out at least once a month.

Note - If cuvettes with different optical path lengths are used in a laboratory, a calibration characteristic is set separately for each of them.

6.6 Measurement procedure

In a well-mixed sample, measure according to the instrument manufacturer's instructions.

The turbidity value of the sample is determined using the calibration curve of the instrument (see 6.5).

6.7 Expression of results

The numerical value of the measurement result must end with a digit of the same digit as the value of the limits of the absolute error, containing no more than two significant digits. The relative error of turbidity measurements at P = 0.95 for values ​​from 1 to 15 FUU is ± 20%, for values ​​of turbidity from 15 FUU and more is ± 14%. If the turbidity meter is set to smaller measurement errors, then the turbidity measurement result is expressed with the value of the error limits specified in the type description.

Note - If it is necessary to express the measurement results in mg / dm 3. then the transition from EMF to mg / dm 3 is carried out on the basis that 1 EMF numerically corresponds to 0.58 mg / dm 3 (for kaolin).

6.8 Quality control of turbidity measurement results

6.8.1 The frequency of quality control of the measurement results is set individually for each laboratory in accordance with the documents on internal laboratory quality control of the analysis results and depending on the number of analyzed samples.

6.8.2 In case of unsatisfactory control results, for example, when the control limits are exceeded when building Shewhart maps. find out the reasons for these deviations, for example, check the operation of the equipment, the operator, the stability of the calibration characteristic.

GOST R 57164-2016

7 Presentation of analysis results

The results of the analysis are recorded in a test report, which is drawn up in accordance with the requirements of GOST ISO / IEC17025, while the test report must contain:

Deviations from the established methodology or other circumstances that may affect the results;

If the turbidity is measured at an incident radiation wavelength of 530 nm. then this must be indicated in the protocol:

The results of determinations, expressed for odor, taste and taste in points, when the standard is exceeded - indicating the characteristics of the detected odor, taste and taste, for turbidity - in units of turbidity.

GOST R 57164-2016

Appendix A


Classification of some naturally occurring odors

Table A.1 - Ha raster of naturally occurring odors

GOST R 57164-2016

Preparation of reference samples

B.1 Measuring instruments, auxiliary equipment, reagents

Laboratory balance with a scale division (counting discreteness) no more than 0.1 mg. maximum weighing limit 210 g

Graduated pipettes in accordance with GOST 29227 Pipettes with one mark in accordance with GOST 29169 Volumetric cylinders in accordance with GOST 1770 Volumetric flasks in accordance with GOST 1770 Sodium hypochlorite in accordance with GOST 11086 Sodium sulfide 9-water in accordance with GOST 2053 Caffeine, registration number CAS 58-08-2 Sodium chloride (sodium chloride ) according to GOST 4233 Odorless and tasteless water according to 5.6

B.2 Preparation of reference samples for odor determination

the original


The concentration of the original solution. t "d- 3

to the condition of storage of the original solution

Preparation of control solution

Koicei-trachip control * legs o


Control sample


Odor intensity assessment, point

Sodium hypochlorite

1 week at

temperature from 2 "C to 6 * C in a tightly closed glass container

Stock solution Water according to 5.6

Stock solution Water according to 5.6

Solution N9 1 Water according to 5.6


Stock solution Water according to 5.6

Stock solution Water according to 5.6

Solution N9 2 Water according to 5.6

GOST R 57164-2016

B.3 Preparation of reference samples for taste determination

the original


the original


Shelf life and storage conditions of the original solution

Preparing the control solution

Kenya-Traiya control solution. g / dm 3

Control sample


Evaluation of the intensity of taste, point

(should be dissolved in hot water at 80 "C)

1 month at

temperature from 2-C to 6 * C in a tightly closed glass container

Stock solution Water according to 5.6

Stock solution Water according to 5.6

Stock solution Water according to 5.6

Stock solution Water according to 5.6

Stock solution Water according to 5.6

Stock solution Water according to 5.6

GOST R 57164-2016

Selection and training of testers performing sensory analysis

B.1 Pre-testing of testers

Preliminary testing is intended to test the susceptibility of the test candidate to substances that may be present in small quantities in water, the acuity of the perception of smells, tastes and tastes and the ability to detect differences.

The testers are provided with control samples for testing (the concentration of the tested substances is above the threshold level) and questionnaires are issued according to Forms B.1.1.1. B.1.2.1. B.1.3.1. v. 1.1 Test for the detection of identical substances (tests "A" - "Not A").

The tester is provided with a sample of substance "A" and is given the opportunity to familiarize himself with it. Then 6-8 samples are provided, some of which are sample "A", while others are different from sample "A". For each sample, the tester must determine whether it is identical or not identical to "A". All samples "Not A" are similar (for example, water according to 5.6). The procedure for providing samples is random. The tester has free access to the sample "A" during the entire testing process.

Form B.1.1.1

Questionnaire for a test for the detection of identical substances (tests "A" - "Not A") Name of the examiner_ Date_

Instructions: test samples one by one and fill out the questionnaire. In the samples presented there are samples identical to sample "A" and samples different from it. All "Not A" samples are similar. For each sample it is necessary to determine whether it is identical or not identical to the sample of substance "A *." Place a "V" in the appropriate box.

B. 1.2 Test for determining the stimulus (triangle method).

Only one substance is undergoing research. The tester is provided with two samples of the test substance and one sample of water, odorless and tasteless, or vice versa - one sample of the test substance and two samples without smell / taste. The tester must determine which of the three samples is excellent.

Form B. 1.2.1

Stimulus test questionnaire (triangle method)

Full name of the examiner_ Date_

Instructions: test samples in order from left to right. Two patterns are similar to each other, and one is different from them. Select an unpaired (ie different from the other two) sample and mark it. putting a sign in v "in the corresponding column.

Sample code

Unpaired sample

The tester answers the questions of the questionnaire when he comes to a decision.

GOST R 57164-2016

B. 1.3 Test for determining different levels of stimulus intensity

In each test, three samples of different concentrations of the test substance are randomly assigned to the tester, which the tester must place in ascending order of the intensity of the stimulus.

Form B.1.3.1

Questionnaire for a test to determine the levels of stimulus intensity

Instructions: test samples one by one and fill out the questionnaire, entering the sample codes from left to right in order of increasing stimulus intensity. The test contains three samples of different concentrations of the test substance.

Sample code

The tester answers the questions of the questionnaire when he comes to a decision.

C.1.4 D) a protocol is drawn up on the results of preliminary testing.


Tester's preliminary test report

| dolkmoeg. F I.O rabotmma)

Results of the test for the detection of identical substances (tests "A" - "Not A")

Stimulus test results (triangle method)

Test results for determining different levels of stimulus intensity


Head of laboratory_ (signature)

Failure to perform two of the three proposed tests indicates the inadequacy of the tester.

GOST R 57164-2016

B.2 Training of assessors

B.2.1 Assessors who pass pretesting are trained followed by proof testing.

B.2.2 Training should:

Develop the ability to identify specific smells / tastes:

Teach to quantify the intensity of smells / tastes in points:

Embed the properties of the samples into the tester's sensory memory:

Work out the procedure for conducting the analysis (tests):

To teach how to fill out the questionnaire correctly.

B.2.E In the learning process:

The testers are familiarized with control samples of different concentrations of all tested substances, to which the intensity values ​​are assigned according to Tables B.2. B.Z, and a sample "odorless / tasteless";

The testers learn to evaluate the intensity of the samples on a five-point scale (table 1.2 of this document);

A step-by-step training is carried out according to B.2.4.

B.2.4 At each stage, training tests are carried out, for each test 4-7 control samples are provided to the testers and questionnaires are issued in the form B.2.6.1.

In all tests, the first sample is always water according to 5.6.

Samples with one odor / taste character are studied. but with different intensities. Samples are arranged in ascending order of intensity; additional samples with water can be included according to 5.6.

Samples with different ealach / taste character are studied. but with the same intensity. Additional samples with water according to 5.6 may be included.

Samples with different character and intensity of smell / taste are studied. Samples are arranged in ascending order of intensity; additional samples with water can be included according to 5.6.

The testers learn to answer the questions of the questionnaire.

The number of training tests depends on the individual characteristics of the testers.

B.2.5 After training, control testing is carried out in accordance with B.2.6 and a protocol is drawn up in the form

B.2.6 Test to determine the nature and intensity of odor / taste in control samples The testers are provided with four control samples and a questionnaire is issued in the form B.2.6.1:

The first sample is always water according to 5.6;

Samples can be of different character and intensity of ealach / taste:

Samples are arranged in order of increasing intensity;

A second sample with water as described in 5.6 may be included.

Form B.2.6.1

Questionnaire for a test to determine the nature and intensity of odor / taste in a control sample Name of the Inspector_ Date_

Instructions: test samples one by one from left to right and fill out the questionnaire by answering the questions. in the columns "yes / nvt" put the sign "y". If the smell / ecus in the control sample is not established, then in the column "nature of smell / taste" write "odorless / tasteless".

The testers test the samples in accordance with and The testers answer the questionnaire when they come to a solution.

GOST R 57164-2016

B.3 Approval for analysis

Based on the test results (protocol according to Form B.3.1), provided that at least 75% of satisfactory results are obtained, the employee is admitted to independently conducting organoleptic analyzes.

Form B.3.1

Protocol N9_Date_

Results of testing the ability of the tester to evaluate the nature and intensity of odor ^ taste

in the control sample

(Dolky. * I.O. of the employee)


GOST R 57164-2016

UDC 63: 544: 632: 006.354 OKS 13.060.20 N08 OKP 01 3100

Key words: organoleptic analysis, drinking water, natural water. water, packaged in containers, smell, taste, aftertaste, turbidity, test

Editor N.S. Nazina Technical editor V.Yu. Fotieva Proofreader L.S. Lysenko Computer layout E.A. Kondrashova

Rented and set 10/24/20t6. Signed and stamped 31.10 2016. Format 60 * 64 Vi. Arial headset.

Uel. print l. 2.79. Uch.-Ied. l. 2.SO. Circulation 56 ECE. Zach. 2669

Prepared on the basis of electronic version provided by the developer of the standard

Published and printed by FGUP STANDARTINFORM. 12399S Moscow. Granatny lane .. 4.

Water is the element without which life on Earth would have been impossible. Human body, like all living things, cannot exist without life-giving moisture, since without it not a single cell of the body will work. Therefore, assessing the quality of drinking water is an important task for anyone thinking about their health and longevity.

Why do you need water

Body water is the second most important component after air. It is present in all cells, organs and tissues of the body. It lubricates our joints, moisturizes the eyeballs and mucous membranes, participates in thermoregulation, helps the absorption of useful substances and removes unnecessary ones, helps the heart and blood vessels, increases the body's defenses, helps fight stress and fatigue, and controls metabolism.

In a day a common person must drink two to three liters of clean water. This is the minimum on which our well-being and health depends.

Living and working under air conditioning, dry and poorly ventilated rooms, an abundance of people around, the use of low-quality food, coffee, tea, alcohol, physical activity - all this leads to dehydration and requires additional water resources.

It is easy to guess that with such a value of water in life, it should have the appropriate properties. What are the standards for the quality of drinking water in Russia today and what does our body really need? More on this later.

Clean water and human health

Of course, everyone knows that the water we use must be exceptionally pure. Contaminated can cause such terrible diseases as:

Not so long ago, these diseases crippled health and claimed the lives of entire villages. But today, the requirements for water quality allow us to protect us from all pathogenic bacteria and viruses. But in addition to microorganisms, water can contain many elements of the periodic table, which, if consumed regularly in large quantities, can cause serious health problems.

Consider some chemical elements dangerous to humans

  • Excess iron in water causes allergic reactions and kidney disease.
  • A high content of manganese - mutations.
  • With an increased content of chlorides and sulfates, disturbances in the work of the gastrointestinal tract are observed.
  • Excessive amounts of magnesium and calcium impart the so-called hardness to water and cause arthritis and the formation of stones in a person (in the kidneys, urinary and gall bladders).
  • Fluoride levels above the normal range lead to serious dental and oral health problems.
  • Hydrogen sulfide, lead, arsenic - all these are poisonous compounds for all living things.
  • Uranium is radioactive in high doses.
  • Cadmium destroys zinc, which is important for the brain.
  • Aluminum causes liver and kidney disease, anemia, nervous system problems, colitis.

There is a serious danger of exceeding the norms of SanPiN. Drinking water, saturated with chemicals, with regular use (in the long term) can cause chronic intoxication, which will lead to the development of the aforementioned diseases. Do not forget that poorly purified liquid can be harmful not only when taken orally, but also absorbed through the skin during water procedures (showering, bathing, swimming in the pool).

Thus, we understand that minerals, macro- and microelements, which in small quantities only benefit us, in excess can cause serious, and sometimes completely irreparable disturbances in the work of the whole organism.

Main indicators (norms) of drinking water quality

  • Organoleptic - color, taste, smell, color, transparency.
  • Toxicological - the presence of harmful chemicals (phenols, arsenic, pesticides, aluminum, lead and others).
  • Indicators that affect the properties of water - hardness, pH, the presence of oil products, iron, nitrates, manganese, potassium, sulfides, and so on.
  • The amount of chemicals remaining after processing - chlorine, silver, chloroform.

Today, the requirements for water quality in Russia are very strict and are regulated by sanitary rules and regulations, abbreviated as SanPiN. Drinking water that flows from the tap, according to regulatory documents, must be so clean that you can use it without fear for your health. But unfortunately, it can be called really safe, crystal clear and even useful only at the stage of leaving the treatment plant. Further, passing through old, often rusty and worn-out water supply networks, it is saturated with not at all useful microorganisms and even mineralized with hazardous chemicals (lead, mercury, iron, chromium, arsenic).

Where do they get water for industrial cleaning?

  • Reservoirs (lakes and rivers).
  • Underground springs (artesian
  • Rain and melt water.
  • Desalinated salt water.
  • Iceberg water.

Why does water get polluted

There are several sources of water pollution:

  • Communal drains.
  • Municipal household waste.
  • Waste water from industrial enterprises.
  • Industrial waste plums.

Water: GOST (norms)

Requirements for tap water in Russia are regulated by the norms of SanPiN 2.1.1074-01 and GOST. Here are some of the main indicators.


unit of measurement

Maximum allowed quantity


Remaining dry matter

Total hardness

Permanganate oxidizability

Surfactants (surfactants)

Availability of petroleum products






State control of water quality

The drinking water quality control program includes regular sampling of tap water and a thorough check on all indicators. The number of checks depends on the size of the population served:

  • Less than 10,000 people - twice a month.
  • 10,000-20,000 people - ten times a month.
  • 20,000-50,000 people - thirty times a month.
  • 50,000-100,000 people - one hundred times a month.
  • Further, one additional check for every 5,000 people.

Well and well water

Very often people believe that springs are better than tap water and are ideal for drinking. In fact, this is not at all the case. Sampling water from this kind of sources almost always shows its unsuitability for drinking, even in boiled form due to the presence of harmful and contaminated suspensions, such as:

  • Organic compounds - carbon, tetrachloride, acrylamide, vinyl chloride and other salts.
  • Inorganic compounds - exceeding the norms of zinc, lead, nickel.
  • Microbiological - Escherichia coli, bacteria.
  • Heavy metals.
  • Pesticides.

To avoid health problems, water from any wells and wells must be checked at least twice a year. Most likely, after sampling, comparing the results obtained and drinking water quality standards, it will be necessary to install stationary filtering systems and update them regularly. Because natural water is constantly changing and renewing, and the content of impurities in it will also change over time.

How to test the water yourself

Today, there are a huge number of special devices on sale for home check some indicators of water quality. But there are also the simplest and most affordable ways for everyone:

  • Determination of the presence of salts and impurities. Apply one drop of water to clean glass and wait until it dries completely. If after that there are no streaks left on the glass, then the water can be considered perfectly clean.
  • We determine the presence of bacteria / microorganisms / chemical compounds / organic substances. You need to fill a three-liter jar with water, cover with a lid and leave in a dark place for 2-3 days. Green bloom on the walls will indicate the presence of microorganisms, sediment on the bottom of the jar - about the presence of excess organic substances, a film on the surface - about harmful chemical compounds.
  • The suitability of water for drinking will help to determine the usual test with About 100 ml of a ready-made weak solution of potassium permanganate should be poured into a glass of water. The water should become lighter in color. If the shade has changed to yellow, it is categorically not recommended to take such water inside.

Of course, such home checks cannot replace detailed analyzes and do not confirm that the water complies with GOST. But if it is temporarily impossible to verify the quality of moisture in a laboratory way, you need to resort to at least this option.

Where and how you can take water for analysis

Each person today can control the standards of drinking water quality independently. If you suspect that the tap water does not meet the requirements of regulatory documents, you should take a water sample yourself. In addition, it is recommended to do this 2-3 times a year if a person uses water from a well, well or spring. Where to contact? This can be done at the regional sanitary and epidemiological station (SES) or in a paid laboratory.

The water samples taken for analysis will be evaluated for toxicological, organoleptic, chemical and microbiological indicators in accordance with generally accepted standards. Based on the test results, an ordinary laboratory issues a recommendation for the installation of additional filter systems.

Home filter systems

How to maintain the quality of drinking water according to standards? What can be done so that life-giving moisture is always of the highest quality?

The only way out is to install stationary filter systems.

There are filters in the form of jugs, nozzles for faucets and desktop boxes - all these types are suitable only for initially good quality water from the faucet. More serious and powerful filters (under the sink, stationary, filling) are more often used to purify water in unfavorable areas, in country houses, at catering establishments.

Filters with a special reverse osmosis system are considered the best today. Such a unit first one hundred percent purifies the water from all impurities, bacteria, viruses, and then re-mineralizes it with the most useful minerals. Drinking such excellent water can improve blood circulation and digestion, and it also allows you to significantly save on the purchase of bottled water.

What to do if there is no filter

We are all accustomed to drinking since childhood.Of course, this allows you to get rid of dangerous microorganisms, but after boiling it can become even more harmful to health:

  • Salts precipitate during boiling.
  • Oxygen is lost.
  • Chlorine forms toxic compounds when boiled.
  • A day after boiling, water becomes a favorable breeding ground for all kinds of bacteria.

Since no one can guarantee the safety of tap water, and there is no filter yet, it is still necessary to get rid of microorganisms without fail. Let's remember some of the rules for "healthy" boiling:

  • Let the water stand for 2-3 hours before boiling. During this time, most of the chlorine will evaporate.
  • Turn off the kettle immediately after it boils. In this case, most of the trace elements will be saved, and viruses and microbes will have time to die.
  • Never store boiled water for more than 24 hours.

GOST R 51232-98

UDC 663.6: 006.354

Group Н08



General requirements for the organization and methods of quality control

Drinking water.

General requirements for organization and quality control methods

OKS 13.060.20

Date of introduction 1999-07-01


1 DEVELOPED Technical Committee for Standardization TC 343 "Water Quality" (VNIIstandart, MosvodokanalNIIproekt, GUP TsIKV, UNIIM, NIIEChGO named after A.N. Sysin GITSPV)

INTRODUCED Department of Agrolegprom and Chemical Products of the State Standard of Russia

2 ACCEPTED AND COMMISSIONED Resolution of the State Standard of Russia dated December 17, 1998 No. 449


4. REDISSION... December 2002

1 area of ​​use

This standard applies to drinking water produced and supplied by centralized drinking water supply systems, and establishes general requirements for the organization and methods of drinking water quality control.

The standard applies to the requirements for control methods and for drinking water of decentralized and autonomous water supply systems.

The standard is also applied when carrying out certification works.

2 Normative references

GOST 8.315-97 GSI. Standard samples of composition and properties of substances and materials. Basic Provisions

GOST 8.417-81 GSI. Physical units

GOST 3351-74 Drinking water. Methods for the determination of taste, odor, color and turbidity

GOST 4011-72 Drinking water. Methods for measuring the mass concentration of total iron

GOST 4151-72 Drinking water. Method for determining total hardness

GOST 4152-89 Drinking water. Method for determination of mass concentration of arsenic

GOST 4192-89 Drinking water. Method for determination of mineral nitrogen-containing substances

GOST 4245-72 Drinking water. Methods for determination of chloride content

GOST 4386-89 Drinking water. Methods for determining the mass concentration of fluorides

GOST 4388-72 Drinking water. Methods for determining the mass concentration of copper

GOST 4389-72 Drinking water. Methods for determination of sulfate content

GOST 4974-72 Drinking water. Methods for determining the content of manganese

GOST 18164-72 Drinking water. Method for determination of solids content

GOST 18165-89 Drinking water. Method for determining the mass concentration of aluminum

GOST 18190-72 Drinking water. Methods for determining the content of residual active chlorine

GOST 18293-72 Drinking water. Methods for determining the content of lead, zinc, silver

GOST 18294-89 Drinking water. Method for determining the mass concentration of beryllium

GOST 18301-72 Drinking water. Methods for determination of residual ozone content

GOST 18308-72 Drinking water. Method for determination of molybdenum content

GOST 18309-72 Drinking water. Method for determination of polyphosphate content

GOST 18826-73 Drinking water. Methods for determining the content of nitrates

GOST 18963-73 Drinking water. Methods of sanitary and bacteriological analysis

GOST 19355-85 Drinking water. Methods for the determination of polyacrylamide

GOST 19413-89 Drinking water. Methods for determining the mass concentration of selenium

GOST 23950-88 Drinking water. Method for determination of mass concentration of strontium

GOST 27384-2002 Water. Norms of error in measurements of indicators of composition and properties

GOST R ISO / IEC 17025-2000 General requirements for the competence of testing and calibration laboratories

GOST R 8.563-96 GSI. Measurement Techniques

GOST R 51000.4-96 GSS. Accreditation system in the Russian Federation. General requirements for the accreditation of testing laboratories

GOST R 51209-98 Drinking water. Method for determination of the content of organochlorine pesticides by gas-liquid chromatography

GOST R 51210-98 Drinking water. Method for determination of boron content

GOST R 51211-98 Drinking water. Methods for determining the content of surfactants

GOST R 51212-98 Drinking water. Methods for determination of total mercury content by flameless atomic absorption spectrometry

GOST R 51592-2000 Water. General requirements for sampling

GOST R 51593-2000 Drinking water. Sample selection

3 General

3.1 This standard is applied when organizing production control and choosing methods for determining the quality indicators of drinking water and water supply, when assessing the state of measurements in laboratories, during their certification and accreditation, as well as when exercising metrological control and supervision over the activities of laboratories carrying out quality control ( determination of the composition and properties) of drinking water and water source.

3.2 The quality of drinking water must comply with the requirements of the current sanitary rules and regulations, approved in the prescribed manner.

3.3 Production control of drinking water quality is organized and (or) carried out by organizations operating water supply systems and responsible for the quality of drinking water supplied to the consumer.

3.4 The organization of work of production control must ensure measurement conditions that allow obtaining reliable and operational information about the quality of drinking water in units of quantities established by GOST 8.417, with an error of definitions not exceeding the standards established by GOST 27384, using measuring instruments included in State Register approved types of measuring instruments and verified. The methods used to determine the indicators of the quality of drinking water must be standardized or certified in accordance with the requirements of GOST R 8.563; to determine biological indicators, it is allowed to use the methods approved by the Ministry of Health of Russia.

3.5 Laboratories are subject to assessment of the state of measurements according to and (or) accreditation in accordance with GOST R ISO / IEC 17025, GOST R 51000.4.

3.6 Water control for the presence of pathogenic microorganisms is carried out in laboratories that have permission to work with pathogens of the corresponding pathogenicity group and a license to perform these works.

3.7 Production control of drinking water quality includes:

Determination of the composition and properties of water from the source of water supply and drinking water at the points of water intake, before it enters the water supply network, distribution network;

Incoming control of the availability of accompanying documentation ( technical conditions, a certificate of conformity or a hygienic certificate (hygienic conclusion) for reagents, materials and other products used in the process of water treatment;

Input selective control of products used in the water treatment process for compliance with the requirements and regulatory documents for a specific product;

In accordance with the technological regulations, operational control of the optimal doses of reagents introduced for water purification;

Development of a control schedule agreed with the territorial bodies of the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision of Russia and (or) the departmental sanitary and epidemiological supervision in the prescribed manner, which must contain controlled indicators; frequency and number of samples taken; points and dates of sampling, etc .;

Urgent informing of sanitary and epidemiological control centers about all cases of drinking water quality control results that do not meet hygienic standards, first of all, excess in microbiological and toxicological indicators;

Monthly informing of sanitary and epidemiological control centers about the results of production control.

3.8 When making administrative decisions on the assessment of the excess of the results of determining the content of the controlled indicator in relation to the hygienic standard for the quality of drinking water, the results of determining the content of the controlled indicator without taking into account the values ​​of the error characteristic are accepted for consideration. In this case, the determination error must comply with the established standards.

3.9 To determine the quality of drinking water, laboratories accredited in accordance with the established procedure for technical competence in performing tests of the quality of drinking water may be involved on a contractual basis; when conducting arbitration and certification tests - for technical competence and legal independence.

3.10 Laboratories must comply with safety, fire safety and industrial sanitation requirements.

4 Production control

4.1 Production control of water quality is carried out at the points of water intake from the water supply source, before it enters the distribution water supply network, as well as at the points of the distribution network.

Water quality control at various stages of the water treatment process is carried out in accordance with the technological regulations.

4.2 The number of points for water sampling and their location at the water intake, in clean water tanks and in pressure pipelines, before entering the distribution network, is established by the owners of the water supply systems (external and internal) in agreement with the bodies of the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision of Russia and (or) the departmental sanitary and epidemiological surveillance. Water sampling from the distribution network is carried out from street water-distributing devices on the main main lines, on its most elevated and dead-end sections, as well as from the taps of the internal water supply networks of houses.

It is allowed to take samples from pipeline valves introduced into the production laboratory from the main control points of the drainage system, if this ensures the stability of the composition of the water at the stage of its transportation through the pipeline to the laboratory.

4.3 Sampling, conservation, storage and transportation of water samples is carried out in accordance with GOST R 51592, GOST R 51593, as well as in accordance with the requirements of standards and other current regulatory documents on methods for determining a specific indicator, approved in the prescribed manner.

4.4 In terms of metrological support, laboratories must meet the following conditions:

Application of verified measuring instruments;

Use of state and interstate reference materials (SSS);

Use of standardized and (or) certified determination methods, as well as methods approved by the Ministry of Health of Russia;

Availability of updated documents on control indicators and analysis methods;

Continuously operating internal laboratory quality control of the results of determinations;

Professional development system for laboratory personnel.

4.5 To control the quality of drinking water, use the determination methods specified for:

Generalized indicators in table 2;

Some inorganic substances in table 3;

Some organic substances in table 4;

Some of the harmful chemicals entering and forming during water treatment are shown in Table 5;

Organoleptic properties of drinking water in table 6;

Radiation safety of drinking water in table 7.

Table 2 - Methods for determining generalized indicators of drinking water quality

Indicator name

Hydrogen exponent

Measured with a pH meter, the error is not more than 0.1 pH

Total mineralization (dry residue)

Gravimetry (GOST 18164)

General hardness

Titrimetry (GOST 4151)

Permanganate oxidizability

Titrimetry *

Petroleum products (in total)

IR spectrophotometry *

Surfactants (surfactants) anionic

Fluorimetry, spectrophotometry (GOST R 51211)

Phenolic index

Spectrophotometry *

Table 3 - Methods for determining the content of some inorganic substances in drinking water

Indicator name

Method of determination, designation ND

Ammonium nitrogen (NH 4 +)

Photometry (GOST 4192)

Aluminum (Al 3+)

Photometry (GOST 18165)

Atomic absorption spectrophotometry *

Fluorimetry *

Barium (Ba 2+)

Atomic Emission Spectrometry *

Photometry *

Beryllium (Be 2+)

Fluorimetry (GOST 18294)

Atomic Emission Spectrometry *

Boron (B, total)

Fluorimetry (GOST R 51210)

Spectrophotometry *

Fluorimetry *

Atomic Emission Spectrometry *

Iron (Fe, total)

Photometry (GOST 4011)

Atomic absorption spectrophotometry *

Atomic Emission Spectrometry *

Cadmium (Cd, total)

Photometry *

Atomic absorption spectrophotometry *

Atomic Emission Spectrometry *

Manganese (Mn, total)

Photometry (GOST 4974)

Atomic absorption spectrophotometry *

Atomic Emission Spectrometry *

Copper (Cu, total)

Photometry (GOST 4388)

Atomic absorption spectrophotometry *

Atomic Emission Spectrometry *

Fluorimetry *

Molybdenum (Mo, total)

Photometry (GOST 18308)

Atomic absorption spectrophotometry *

Atomic Emission Spectrometry *

Arsenic (As, total)

Photometry (GOST 4152)

Stripping voltammetry *

Titrimetry *

Atomic absorption spectrophotometry *

Atomic Emission Spectrometry *

Nickel (Ni, total)

Atomic absorption spectrophotometry *

Atomic Emission Spectrometry *

Photometry *

Nitrates (at No 3 -)

Photometry (GOST 18826, *)

Spectrophotometry *

Ion chromatography *

Nitrite (NO 2 -)

Photometry (GOST 4192)

Ion chromatography *

Spectrophotometry *

Fluorimetry *

Mercury (Hg, total)

Atomic absorption spectrometry (GOST R 51212)

Lead (Pb, total)

Photometry (GOST 18293)

Atomic absorption spectrophotometry *

Atomic Emission Spectrometry *

Fluorimetry *

Stripping voltammetry *

Selenium (Se, total)

Fluorimetry (GOST 19413)

Atomic absorption spectrophotometry *

Atomic Emission Spectrometry *

Strontium (Sr 2+)

Emission flame photometry (GOST 23950)

Atomic Emission Spectrometry *

Sulfates (SO 4 2-)

Turbidimetry, gravimetry (GOST 4389)

Ion chromatography *

Fluorides (F -)

Photometry, potentiometry with an ion-selective electrode (GOST 4386)

Fluorimetry *

Ion chromatography *

Chlorides (Cl -)

Titrimetry (GOST 4245)

Ion chromatography *

Atomic absorption spectrophotometry *

Atomic Emission Spectrometry *

Photometry *

Chemiluminometry *

Cyanides (CN -)

Photometry *

Zinc (Zn 2+)

Photometry (GOST 18293)

Atomic absorption spectrophotometry *

Atomic Emission Spectrometry *

Fluorimetry *

Stripping voltammetry *

* Valid until the approval of the relevant state standard

Table 4 - Methods for determining the content of some organic substances in drinking water

Table 5 - Methods for the determination of harmful chemicals entering and forming during water treatment

Indicator name

Method of determination, designation ND

Residual free chlorine

Titrimetry (GOST 18190)

Chlorine residual associated

Titrimetry (GOST 18190)

Chloroform (with water chlorination)

Gas-liquid chromatography *

Residual ozone

Titrimetry (GOST 18301)

Formaldehyde (with ozonation of water)

Photometry *

Fluorimetry *


Photometry (GOST 19355)

Activated silicic acid (for Si)

Photometry *

Polyphosphates (PO 4 3-)

Photometry (GOST 18309)

* Valid until the approval of the relevant state standard.

Table 6 - Methods for determining the organoleptic properties of drinking water

Table 7 - Methods for determining the radiation safety of drinking water

It is allowed to use other determination methods that meet the requirements of 3.4.

For indicators not included in Tables 3 and 4, methods are used that meet the requirements of 3.4, and in their absence, the methodology is developed and certified in the prescribed manner.

4.6 For the methods given in the state standards specified in Tables 2, 3, 5, 6, which have insufficient information about the error characteristic (and its components), the required values ​​of the error characteristic (and its components) are calculated in accordance with Appendix A.

4.7 When choosing approved procedures, take into account the following:

Measurement ranges;

Error characteristics;

Availability of measuring instruments, auxiliary equipment, reference materials, reagents and materials;

Assessment of influencing factors;

Personnel qualifications.

4.8 The methods should contain metrological characteristics and the corresponding control standards, interconnected with the assigned (permissible) characteristics of the error of the analysis results or its components.

4.9 The measurement error should not exceed the values ​​established by GOST 27384.

4.10 The applied control method should have the lower limit of the range of the determined contents of not more than 0.5 MPC.

4.11 The introduction of determination methods into the practice of the laboratory is carried out after confirmation of its metrological characteristics by conducting internal operational control (EQA) of the quality of the determination results (repeatability, reproducibility, accuracy) in accordance with the requirements specified in the methodology. In the absence of characteristics of the error in the ND on the methodology, as well as algorithms for FOC standards, the implementation of the methodology is carried out according to the following scheme:

Approbation with the use of distilled water with the addition of the determined indicator, prepared from the corresponding GSO;

Determination of the indicator using a real (working) water sample;

Determination of the indicator using a real water sample with the addition of the determined indicator (hereinafter - “encrypted sample”), prepared from the corresponding GSO.

Conclusions on the implementation of the technique are made in accordance with the control algorithms given in Appendix B.

The implementation of the methodology is drawn up in the manner prescribed by the organization.

Note - If a calculated value of the error characteristic has been established for the determination procedure and when the procedure is implemented it is established that it is impossible to obtain satisfactory EQA results, then a different calculated value of the error characteristic must be established, or for these purposes a different determination method is used.

4.12 The reference materials (CRMs) used must comply with the requirements of GOST 8.315, have, as a rule, the rank of state (interstate) and, upon admission to the laboratory, must be accompanied by a passport.

In the absence of CRMs in the state register, the use of mixtures certified in accordance with the established procedure is allowed. Certification of mixtures - according to.

4.13 It is allowed to control the quality indicators of drinking water by automatic and automated measuring instruments (analyzers) entered in the state register of approved types of measuring instruments.

4.14 When obtaining the results of determination less than the lower limit of the measurement range according to the applied method and when presenting these results, it is not allowed to use the designation “0”; record the value of the lower limit of the measurement range with a less sign.

5 Internal operational control

5.1 Internal operational quality control of the determination results (EQA) is carried out in order to prevent the laboratory from receiving unreliable information on the composition of drinking water and water source.

5.2 Requirements for the organization and conduct of an EQA are given in.

5.3 Conduct an EQA for the precision, reproducibility and accuracy of the test results.

5.4 EQA of accuracy is carried out, as a rule, using the method of adding standard samples, certified mixtures to working samples of drinking water.

5.5 Algorithms for conducting the EQA of the quality of the determination results are given in the methods for determination, and if absent in the methods, in and in Appendix B.

5.6 To assess the real quality of the results of determinations and effective management it is advisable to supplement this quality of EQA with internal statistical control in accordance with.

5.7 For accredited laboratories, the EQA system is agreed with the accreditation body and established in the quality manual of the accredited laboratory.



Calculation of the characteristics of the error and its components based on the data given in regulatory documents on methods for determining the content of the indicator

Provided in ND

Accepted assumptions

Calculation method


Δ c - insignificant


Δ c - insignificant

Δ n - insignificant

Δ n and D

Δ n and d

Δ (no information on the structure of the error)

Δ c - insignificant

Δ c - insignificant

There is no regulation of the error

δ assumed * = 50%

Δ c - insignificant

* To indicate the characteristics of the relative error, the sign Δ is replaced by δ.


Δ is the characteristic of the error of the determination results (the half-width of the interval in which the error of the determination results is found with the accepted probability R = 0,95);

Characteristics of the error of the results of determinations (standard deviation, characterizing the accuracy of the results of determinations);

Δ c - characteristic of the systematic component of the error (half-width of the interval in which the systematic component of the error of the determination results is found with the accepted probability R = 0,95);

Characteristics of the systematic component of the error (standard deviation, characterizing the correctness of the results of determinations);

Characteristics of the random component of the error (standard deviation, characterizing the reproducibility of the determination results);

Characteristics of the component of the random component of the error (standard deviation, characterizing the convergence of the results of determinations);

Δ n - permissible value (norm) of the error;

d- standard for operational control of convergence (permissible discrepancy between the results of parallel determinations);

D- standard for operational control of reproducibility (permissible discrepancy between the results of the analysis of the same sample, obtained under reproducibility conditions);

ξ is a coefficient that establishes a relationship between the characteristic of the random component of the error and the component of the random component of the error.



Algorithms for conducting internal operational quality control of the results of determinations in accordance with[ 48 ]

B.1 Operational quality control of the results of determinations is carried out once during a period of time in which the conditions for carrying out determinations are assumed to be stable. The volume of samples for conducting EQA quality control results also depends on the established statistical control plans (see, for example, c).

B.2 Algorithm for real-time accuracy control

B.2.1 In operational control of accuracy, the control means is a specially selected working sample from among those previously analyzed with the addition of a standard sample or a certified mixture. It is recommended that the range of the content of the component in the working sample is in the area of ​​the most typical (average) values ​​for working samples. The content of the added additive should be comparable in magnitude with the average content of the measured component in the working samples and correspond to the range of determined contents according to the method used. The additive is introduced into the sample before preparing the sample for analysis in accordance with the procedure.

In the case when it is technically difficult to use working samples with additives as a means of control, solutions of standard samples or certified mixtures are used as a means of control.

B.2.2 The decision on the satisfactory accuracy of the results of the determinations and on their continuation is made subject to:

|Y - X - C| ≤ K, (B.1)

where Y- the content of the determined component in the sample with the additive;

X- the content of the analyte in the sample without additive;

WITH- the content of the determined component in the introduced additive, calculated on the basis of the certified value of its content in a standard sample or a certified mixture;

TO- standard of operational control of accuracy.


where Δ k- the characteristic of the error corresponding to the content of the component in the sample with the additive;

Δ p- error characteristic corresponding to the content of the component in the sample without additive.

B.2.3 If the laboratory determines the composition of pure natural and drinking water and it is known that the content of the controlled component in the working sample is negligible, then the decision on the satisfactory accuracy of the determination results is taken under the condition:

|X - C| ≤ K wherein K= 0.84 Δ, (B.3)

where Δ is an error characteristic corresponding to the content of a component in a standard sample or in a certified mixture.

The same condition is applied when using solutions of standard samples or certified mixtures as a means of control.

B.2.4 If the WOC standard of accuracy is exceeded, the determination is repeated. If the specified standard is exceeded again, the determination is suspended, the reasons leading to unsatisfactory results are found out, and they are eliminated.

B.3 Algorithm for conducting internal operational control of convergence

B.3.1 Operational control of convergence is carried out if the methodology provides for parallel determinations.

B.3.2 EQA of the convergence of the analysis results is carried out upon receipt of each result, providing for parallel determinations.

B.3.3 EQA convergence is carried out by comparing the discrepancy between the results of parallel determinations obtained by analyzing the sample with the EQA convergence standard given in the certified method.

The convergence of the results of parallel determinations is considered satisfactory if

d k = X man, n - X min, nd, (B.4)

where X man , n- the maximum result from n parallel definitions;

X min , n- the minimum result from n parallel definitions;

d- the standard of VOC convergence, given in the analysis method.

If the VOC standard of convergence in the method is absent, then it is calculated by the formula


where Q(P, n) = 2.77 for n = 2, P = 0,95;

Q(P, n) = 3.31 for n = 3, P = 0,95;

Q(P, n) = 3.63 for n = 4, P = 0,95;

Q(P, n) = 3.86 at n = 5, P = 0,95;

Convergence indicator (characteristic of the component of the random component of the error corresponding to the content of the indicator in the sample).

B.3.4 If dTod, then the convergence of the results of parallel determinations is considered satisfactory, and from them the result of determining the content of a component in a working sample or during a control determination can be calculated.

B.3.5 If the convergence rate is exceeded, the determination is repeated. If the specified standard is exceeded again, the determination is suspended, the reasons leading to unsatisfactory results are found out and eliminated.

B.4 Algorithm for conducting internal operational control of reproducibility

B.4.1 Operational control of reproducibility is carried out using a working sample, which is divided into two parts and issued to two analysts or the same analyst, but after a certain period of time, during which the conditions of the determination remain stable and corresponding to the conditions of the first control determination.

When conducting a determination by the same analyst, the conditions for the analysis and the composition of the controlled sample, which is issued necessarily "encrypted", must remain unchanged.

The results are considered satisfactory if the condition is met


where D- standard for internal operational control of reproducibility;

X 1 - the result of the first quantitative determination of the indicator;

X 2 - the result of repeated quantitative determination of the indicator;

DTo- the result obtained in the control determination.

B.4.2 If the standard for internal operational control of reproducibility is absent in the procedure, then it is calculated by the formula

or (B.7)

where is the reproducibility index (characteristic of the random component of the error corresponding to the content of the component in the sample):


Q(P, m) = 2.77 for m = 2, P = 0,95;

Q(P, m) = 2.8 for m = 2, P = 0,95.

B.4.3 If the reproducibility WOC standard is exceeded, the determination is repeated. If the specified standard is exceeded again, the reasons leading to unsatisfactory control results are found out and eliminated.



MUK 4.2.671-97 Methodical instructions... Control methods. Biological and microbiological factors. Methods of sanitary and microbiological analysis of drinking water. Approved by the Russian Ministry of Health. M., 1997

ISO 8467-93 Water quality. Determination of the permanganate index. Guidelines for the implementation of the new GOST 2761-84 “Sources of centralized drinking water supply. Hygienic, technical requirements and selection rules ”. Approved by the USSR Ministry of Health. M., 1986

RD 52.24.476-95 Methodical instructions. IR photometric determination of oil products in waters. Approved by Roshydromet

RD 52.24.488-95 Methodical instructions. Photometric determination of the total content of volatile phenols in water after stripping with steam. Approved by Roshydromet.

ISO 6439-90 Water quality. Determination of the phenolic index with 4-amino-antipyrine. Spectrometric methods after distillation

RD 52.24.377-95 Methodical instructions. Atomic absorption determination of metals (Al, Ag, Be, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mn, Mo, Ni, Pb, V, Zn) in land surface waters with direct electrothermal atomization of samples. Approved by Roshydromet

ISO 11885-96 Water quality. Determination of 33 elements by inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry

UMI-87 Unified water quality research methods. Part 1, book. 2, 3. Methods of chemical analysis of waters. SEV, M., 1987

RD 52.24.377-95 Methodical instructions. Atomic absorption determination of metals (Al, Ag, Be, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mn, Mo, Ni, Pb, V, Zn) in land surface waters with direct electrothermal atomization of samples. Approved by Roshydromet

ISO 9390-90 Water quality. Determination of borate. Spectrometric method using azomethine-H

MUK 4.1.057-96 Collection of guidelines MUK 4.1.057-96 - MUK 4.1.081-96. Control methods. Chemical factors... Measurement of mass concentration of substances by luminescent methods in environmental objects. Approved by the Ministry of Health of Russia, M., 1996

RD 52.24.436-95 Methodical instructions. Photometric determination of cadmium with cadion in waters. Approved by Roshydromet

ISO 5961-94 Water quality. Determination of cadmium by atomic absorption spectrometry.

ISO 8288-86 Water quality. Determination of the content of cobalt, nickel, copper, zinc, cadmium and lead. Spectrometric method of atomic absorption in a flame.

RD 52.24.377-95 Methodical instructions. Atomic absorption determination of metals (Al, Ag, Be, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mn, Mo, Ni, Pb, V, Zn) in land surface waters with direct electrometric atomization of samples. Approved by Roshydromet

ISO 8288-86 Water quality. Determination of the content of cobalt, nickel, copper, zinc, cadmium and lead. Flame Atomic Absorption Spectrometric Method

MUK 4.1.063-96 Collection of guidelines MUK 4.1.057-96 - MUK 4.1.081-96. Control methods. Chemical factors. Measurement of mass concentration of substances by luminescent methods in environmental objects. Approved by the Ministry of Health of Russia, M., 1996

RD 52.24.371-95 Methodical instructions. Methods for measuring the mass concentration of copper, lead and cadmium in the surface waters of the land by the inversion voltammetric method. Approved by Roshydromet

RD 52.24.378-95 Methodical instructions. Stripping voltammetric determination of arsenic in waters. Approved by Roshydromet

RD 33-5.3.02-96 Water quality. Quantitative chemical analysis water Methods for measuring the mass concentration of arsenic in natural and treated wastewater by titrometric method with lead salt in the presence of dithizone

RD 20.1: 2: 3.19-95 Methods for measuring beryllium, vanadium, bismuth, cadmium, cobalt, copper, molybdenum, arsenic, nickel, tin, lead, selenium, silver, antimony in natural drinking and waste waters

RD 52.24.494-95 Methodical instructions. Photometric determination of nickel with dimethylglyoxime in surface land waters. Approved by Roshydromet

RD 52.24.380-95 Methodical instructions. Photometric determination of nitrates in waters with the Griss reagent after reduction in a cadmium reducer. Approved by Roshydromet

ISO 7890-1-86 Water quality. Determination of nitrate content. Part 1. Spectrometric method using 2,6-dimethylphenol.

ISO 7890-2-86 Water quality. Determination of nitrate content. Part 2. Spectrometric method using 4-fluorophenol after distillation.

ISO 7890-3-88 Water quality. Determination of nitrate content. Part 3. Spectrometric method using sulfosalicylic acid

ISO 10304-1-92 Water quality. Determination of dissolved fluoride, chloride, nitrite, orthophosphate, bromide, nitrate and sulfate by liquid ion chromatography. Part 1. Method for waters with low degrees of pollution.

ISO 10304-2-95 Water quality. Determination of dissolved bromide, chloride, nitrate, nitrite, orthophosphate and sulfate by liquid ion chromatography. Part 2. Contaminated water method

ISO 6777-84 Water quality. Determination of nitrites. Molecular absorption spectrometric method

MUK 4.1.065-96 Collection of guidelines MUK 4.1.057-96 - MUK 4.1.081-96. Control methods. Chemical factors. Measurement of mass concentration of substances by luminescent methods in environmental objects. Approved by the Ministry of Health of Russia, M., 1996

PND F 14.1: 2: 4.41-95 Methods for measuring the mass concentration of lead by the cryoluminescent method in natural, drinking and waste water on the fluid analyzer "Fluorat-02". Approved by the Ministry of Natural Resources of Russia

MUK 4.1.067-96 Collection of guidelines MUK 4.1.057-96 - MUK 4.1.081-96. Control methods. Chemical factors. Measurement of mass concentration of substances by luminescent methods in environmental objects. Approved by the Ministry of Health of Russia, M., 1996

RD 52.24.377-95 Methodical instructions. Atomic absorption determination of metals (Al, Ag, Be, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mn, Mo, Ni, Pb, V, Zn) in land surface waters with direct electrothermal atomization of samples. Approved by Roshydromet.

ISO 9174-90 Water quality. Determination of the total chromium content. Atomic absorption spectrometric methods

RD 52.24.446-95 Methodical instructions. Photometric determination of chromium (VI) in waters with diphenylcarbazide. Approved by Roshydromet

MUK 4.1.062-96 Collection of guidelines MUK 4.1.067-96 - MUK 4.1.081-96. Control methods. Chemical factors. Measurement of mass concentration of substances by luminescent methods in environmental objects. Approved by the Ministry of Health of Russia, M., 1996

ISO 6703-1-84 Water quality. Determination of cyanide content. Part 1. Determination of the total cyanide content.

ISO 6703-2-84 Water quality. Determination of cyanide content. Part 2. Determination of the content of easily released cyanides.

ISO 6703-3-84 Water quality. Determination of cyanide content. Part 3. Determination of cyanogen chloride content

MUK 4.1.058-96 Collection of guidelines MUK 4.1.057-96 - MUK 4.1.081-96. Control methods. Chemical factors. Measurement of mass concentration of substances by luminescent methods in environmental objects. Approved by the Ministry of Health of Russia, M., 1996

RD 52.24.373-95 Methodical instructions. Methods for measuring the mass concentration of zinc in the surface waters of the land by the inversion voltammetric method. Approved by Roshydromet

RD 52.24.438-95 Methodical instructions. Methodology for measuring the mass concentration of dicotex and 2,4-D in surface land waters by gas chromatography. Approved by Roshydromet

MUK 4.1.646-96 Collection of guidelines MUK 4.1.646-96 - MUK 4.1.660-96. Control methods. Chemical factors. Guidelines for determining the concentration of chemicals in the water of centralized household drinking water supply. Approved by the Ministry of Health of Russia, M., 1996

RD 52.24.473-95 Methodical instructions. Gas chromatographic determination of volatile aromatic hydrocarbons in waters. Approved by Roshydromet.

MUK 4.1.650-96 Collection of guidelines MUK 4.1.646-96 - MUK 4.1.660-96. Control methods. Chemical factors. Guidelines for determining the concentration of chemicals in the water of centralized household drinking water supply. Approved by the Ministry of Health of Russia, M., 1996

RD 52.24.440-95 Methodical instructions. Determination of the total content of 4-7 - nuclear polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in waters using thin layer chromatography in combination with luminescence. Approved by Roshydromet

RD 52.24.482-95 Methodical instructions. Gas chromatographic determination of volatile chlorine-substituted hydrocarbons in waters. Approved by Roshydromet

RD 52.24.492-95 Methodical instructions. Photometric determination of formaldehyde inputs with acetylacetone. Approved by Roshydromet

PND F 14.1: 2: 4.120-96 Methods for measuring the mass concentration of formaldehyde by the fluorimetric method in samples of natural, drinking and waste water on the fluid analyzer "Fluorat-02". Approved by the Ministry of Natural Resources of Russia

RD 52.24.432-95 Methodical instructions. Photometric determination of silicon in the form of a blue (reduced) form of molybdosilicic acid in surface land waters. Approved by Roshydromet.

RD 52.24.433-95 Methodical instructions. Photometric determination of silicon in the form of a yellow form of molybdosilicic acid in surface land waters. Approved by Roshydromet

ISO 7027-90 Water quality. Determination of turbidity

ISO 9696-92 Water quality. Measurement of "high alpha" activity in non-mineralized water. Concentrated source method

ISO 9697-92 Water quality. Measurement of "large beta" -activity in non-mineralized water

Key words: drinking water, determination methods, production control, drinking water quality

Drinking water. General requirements

for organization and quality control methods

OKS 13.060.20

Date of introduction 1999-07-01


1 DEVELOPED by the Technical Committee for Standardization TC 343 "Water Quality"

INTRODUCED by the Department of Agrolegprom and Chemical Products of the State Standard of Russia


1 area of ​​use

This standard applies to drinking water produced and supplied by centralized drinking water supply systems, and establishes general requirements for the organization and methods of drinking water quality control.

The standard applies to the requirements for control methods and for drinking water of decentralized and autonomous water supply systems.

The standard is also applied when carrying out certification works.

GOST 8.315-97 GSI. Standard samples of composition and properties of substances and materials. Basic Provisions

GOST 8.417-81 GSI. Physical units

GOST R 8.563-96 GSI. Measurement Techniques

GOST 3351-74 Drinking water. Methods for the determination of taste, odor, color and turbidity

GOST 4011-72 Drinking water. Methods for measuring the mass concentration of total iron

GOST 4151-72 Drinking water. Method for determining total hardness

GOST 4152-89 Drinking water. Method for determination of mass concentration of arsenic

GOST 4192-82 Drinking water. Methods for the determination of mineral nitrogen-containing substances

GOST 4245-72 Drinking water. Methods for determination of chloride content

GOST 4386-89 Drinking water. Methods for determining the mass concentration of fluorides

GOST 4388-72 Drinking water. Methods for determining the mass concentration of copper

GOST 4389-72 Drinking water. Methods for determination of sulfate content

GOST 4974-72 Drinking water. Methods for determining the content of manganese

GOST 4979-49 Water for household, drinking and industrial water supply. Chemical analysis methods. Sampling, storage and transportation of samples

GOST 18164-72 Drinking water. Method for determination of solids content

GOST 18165-89 Drinking water. Method for determining the mass concentration of aluminum

GOST 18190-72 Drinking water. Methods for determining the content of residual active chlorine

GOST 18293-72 Drinking water. Methods for determining the content of lead, zinc, silver

GOST 18294-89 Drinking water. Method for determining the mass concentration of beryllium

GOST 18301-72 Drinking water. Methods for determination of residual ozone content

GOST 18308-72 Drinking water. Method for determination of molybdenum content

GOST 18309-72 Drinking water. Method for determination of polyphosphate content

GOST 18826-73 Drinking water. Methods for determining the content of nitrates

GOST 18963-73 Drinking water. Methods of sanitary and bacteriological analysis

GOST 19355-85 Drinking water. Methods for the determination of polyacrylamide

GOST 19413-89 Drinking water. Methods for determining the mass concentration of selenium

GOST 23950-88 Drinking water. Method for determination of mass concentration of strontium

GOST 24481-80 Drinking water. Sample selection

GOST 27384-87 Water. Norms of error in measurements of indicators of composition and properties

GOST R 51000.1-95 GSS. Accreditation system in the Russian Federation. Accreditation system for certification bodies, testing and measuring laboratories. General requirements

GOST R 51000.3-96 General requirements for testing laboratories

GOST R 51000.4-96 GSS. Accreditation system in the Russian Federation. General requirements for the accreditation of testing laboratories

GOST R 51209-98 Drinking water. Method for determination of the content of organochlorine pesticides by gas-liquid chromatography

GOST R 51210-98 Drinking water. Method for determination of boron content

GOST R 51211-98 Drinking water. Methods for determining the content of surfactants

GOST R 51212-98 Drinking water. Methods for determination of total mercury content by flameless atomic absorption spectrometry

3 General

3.1 This standard is applied when organizing production control and choosing methods for determining the quality indicators of drinking water and water supply, when assessing the state of measurements in laboratories, during their certification and accreditation, as well as when exercising metrological control and supervision over the activities of laboratories carrying out quality control ( determination of the composition and properties) of drinking water and water source.

3.2 The quality of drinking water must comply with the requirements of the current sanitary rules and regulations, approved in the prescribed manner.

3.3 Production control of drinking water quality is organized and (or) carried out by organizations operating water supply systems and responsible for the quality of drinking water supplied to the consumer.

3.4 The organization of work of production control must ensure measurement conditions that allow obtaining reliable and timely information on the quality of drinking water in units of quantities established by GOST 8.417, with an error of definitions not exceeding the standards established by GOST 27384, using measuring instruments entered in the state register of approved types of measuring instruments and verified. The methods used to determine the indicators of the quality of drinking water must be standardized or certified in accordance with the requirements of GOST R 8.563; to determine biological indicators, it is allowed to use the methods approved by the Ministry of Health of Russia.

3.5 Laboratories are subject to assessment of the state of measurements according to and (or) accreditation in accordance with GOST R 51000.1, GOST R 51000.3, GOST R 51000.4.

3.6 Water control for the presence of pathogenic microorganisms is carried out in laboratories that have permission to work with pathogens of the corresponding pathogenicity group and a license to perform these works.

3.7 Production control of drinking water quality includes:

Determination of the composition and properties of water from the source of water supply and drinking water at the points of water intake, before it enters the water supply network, distribution network;

Incoming control of the availability of accompanying documentation (technical specifications, a certificate of conformity or a hygienic certificate (hygienic conclusion) for reagents, materials and other products used in the process of water treatment;

Input selective control of products used in the water treatment process for compliance with the requirements and regulatory documents for a specific product;

In accordance with the technological regulations, operational control of the optimal doses of reagents introduced for water purification;

Development of a control schedule agreed with the territorial bodies of the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision of Russia and (or) the departmental sanitary and epidemiological supervision in the prescribed manner, which must contain controlled indicators; frequency and number of samples taken; points and dates of sampling, etc .;

Urgent informing of sanitary and epidemiological control centers about all cases of drinking water quality control results that do not meet hygienic standards, first of all, excess in microbiological and toxicological indicators;

Monthly informing of sanitary and epidemiological control centers about the results of production control.

3.8 When making administrative decisions on the assessment of the excess of the results of determining the content of the controlled indicator in relation to the hygienic standard for the quality of drinking water, the results of determining the content of the controlled indicator without taking into account the values ​​of the error characteristic are accepted for consideration. In this case, the determination error must comply with the established standards.

3.9 To determine the quality of drinking water, laboratories accredited in accordance with the established procedure for technical competence in performing tests of the quality of drinking water may be involved on a contractual basis; when conducting arbitration and certification tests - for technical competence and legal independence.

3.10 Laboratories must comply with safety, fire safety and industrial sanitation requirements.

4 Production control

4.1 Production control of water quality is carried out at the points of water intake from the water supply source, before it enters the distribution water supply network, as well as at the points of the distribution network.

Water quality control at various stages of the water treatment process is carried out in accordance with the technological regulations.

4.2 The number of points for water sampling and their location at the water intake, in clean water tanks and in pressure pipelines, before entering the distribution network, is established by the owners of the water supply systems (external and internal) in agreement with the bodies of the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision of Russia and (or) the departmental sanitary and epidemiological surveillance. Water sampling from the distribution network is carried out from street water-distributing devices on the main main lines, on its most elevated and dead-end sections, as well as from the taps of the internal water supply networks of houses.

It is allowed to take samples from the pipeline valves introduced into the production laboratory from the main control points of the water intake, if this ensures the stability of the composition of the water at the stage of its transportation through the pipeline to the laboratory.

4.3 Sampling, conservation, storage and transportation of water samples is carried out in accordance with GOST 4979, GOST 24481, as well as in accordance with the requirements of standards and other current regulatory documents on methods for determining a specific indicator, approved in the prescribed manner.

4.4 In terms of metrological support, laboratories must meet the following conditions:

Application of verified measuring instruments;

Use of state and interstate reference materials (SSS);

Use of standardized and (or) certified determination methods, as well as methods approved by the Ministry of Health of Russia;

Availability of updated documents on control indicators and analysis methods;

Continuously operating internal laboratory quality control of the results of determinations;

Professional development system for laboratory personnel.

4.5 To control the quality of drinking water, use the determination methods specified for:

Generalized indicators in table 2;

Some inorganic substances in table 3;

Some organic substances in table 4;

Some of the harmful chemicals entering and forming during water treatment are shown in Table 5;

Organoleptic properties of drinking water in table 6;

Radiation safety of drinking water in table 7.

Table 2 - Methods for determining generalized indicators of drinking water quality

Indicator name

Hydrogen exponent

Measured with a pH meter, the error is not more than 0.1 pH

Total mineralization (dry residue)

Gravimetry (GOST 18164)

General hardness

Titrimetry (GOST 4151)

Permanganate oxidizability

Titrimetry *

Petroleum products (in total)

IR spectrophotometry *

Surfactants (surfactants) anionic

Fluorimetry, spectrophotometry (GOST R 51211)

Phenolic index

Spectrophotometry *

Table 3 - Methods for determining the content of some inorganic substances in drinking water

Indicator name

Method of determination, designation ND

Ammonium nitrogen (NH)

Photometry (GOST 4192)

Aluminum (Al)

Photometry (GOST 18165)

Atomic absorption spectrophotometry | 7] *

Fluorimetry *

Barium (VA)

Atomic Emission Spectrometry *

Photometry *

Beryllium (Be)

Fluorimetry (GOST 18294)

Atomic Emission Spectrometry *

Boron (B, total)

Fluorimetry (GOST R 51210)

Spectrophotometry *

Fluorimetry *

Atomic Emission Spectrometry *

Iron (Fe, total)

Photometry (GOST 4011)

Atomic absorption spectrophotometry *

Atomic Emission Spectrometry *

Cadmium (Cd, total)

Photometry *

Atomic absorption spectrophotometry *

Atomic Emission Spectrometry *

Manganese (Mn, total)

Photometry (GOST 4974)

Atomic absorption spectrophotometry *

Atomic Emission Spectrometry *

Copper (Cu, in total)

Photometry (GOST 4388)

Atomic absorption spectrophotometry *

Atomic Emission Spectrometry *

Fluorimetry *

Molybdenum (Mo, total)

Photometry (GOST 18308)

Atomic absorption spectrophotometry *

Atomic Emission Spectrometry *

Arsenic (As, total)

Photometry (GOST 4152)

Stripping voltammetry *

Titrimetry *

Atomic absorption spectrophotometry *

Atomic Emission Spectrometry *

Nickel (Ni, total)

Atomic absorption spectrophotometry *

Atomic Emission Spectrometry *

Photometry *

Nitrates (by NO)

Photometry (GOST 18826, *)

Spectrophotometry *

Ion chromatography *

Nitrite (NO)

Photometry (GOST 4192)

Ion chromatography *

Spectrophotometry *

Fluorimetry *

Mercury (Hg, total)

Atomic absorption spectrometry (GOST R 51212)

Lead (Pb, total)

Photometry (GOST 18293)

Atomic absorption spectrophotometry *

Atomic Emission Spectrometry *

Fluorimetry *

Stripping voltammetry *

Selenium (Se, total)

Fluorimetry (GOST 19413)

Atomic absorption spectrophotometry *

Atomic Emission Spectrometry *

Strontium (Sr)

Emission flame photometry (GOST 23950)

Atomic Emission Spectrometry *

Sulfates (SO)

Turbidimetry, gravimetry (GOST 4389)

Ion chromatography *

Fluorides (F)

Photometry, potentiometry with an ion-selective electrode (GOST 4386)

Fluorimetry *

Ion chromatography *

Chlorides (Cl)

Titrimetry (GOST 4245)

Ion chromatography *

Atomic absorption spectrophotometry *

Atomic Emission Spectrometry *

Photometry *

Chemiluminometry *

Cyanide (CN)

Photometry *

Zinc (Zn)

Photometry (GOST 18293)

Atomic absorption spectrophotometry *

Atomic Emission Spectrometry *

Fluorimetry *

Stripping voltammetry *

* Valid until the approval of the relevant state standard.

Table 4 - Methods for determining the content of some organic substances in drinking water

Indicator name

Method of determination, designation ND

HCC isomer (lindane)

DDT (sum of isomers)

Gas-liquid chromatography (GOST R 51209)

2,4-D (2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid)

Carbon tetrachloride

Gas-liquid chromatography *

Gas-liquid chromatography *

Benz (a) pyrene

Chromatography *

Fluorimetry *

* Valid until the approval of the relevant state standard.

Table 5 - Methods for the determination of harmful chemicals entering and forming during water treatment

Indicator name

Method of determination, designation ND

Residual free chlorine

Titrimetry (GOST 18190)

Chlorine residual associated

Titrimetry (GOST 18190)

Chloroform (with water chlorination)

Gas-liquid chromatography *

Residual ozone

Titrimetry (GOST 18301)

Formaldehyde (with ozonation of water)

Photometry *

Fluorimetry *


Photometry (GOST 19355)

Activated silicic acid (for Si)

Photometry *

Polyphosphates (PO)

Photometry (GOST 18309)

* Valid until the approval of the relevant state standard.

Table 6 - Methods for determining the organoleptic properties of drinking water

Indicator name

Method of determination, designation ND

Organoleptic (GOST 3351)

Organoleptic (GOST 3351)


Photometry (GOST 3351)


Photometry (GOST 3351)

Nephelometry *

Measurement with a turbidity meter with a determination error of no more than 10%

* Valid until the approval of the relevant state standard.

Table 7 - Methods for determining the radiation safety of drinking water

Indicator name


General - radioactivity

Radiometry *

General - radioactivity

Radiometry *

* Valid until the approval of the relevant state standard.

It is allowed to use other determination methods that meet the requirements of 3.4.

For indicators not included in Tables 3 and 4, methods are used that meet the requirements of 3.4, and in their absence, the methodology is developed and certified in the prescribed manner.

4.6 For the methods given in the state standards specified in Tables 2, 3, 5, 6, which have insufficient information about the error characteristic (and its components), the required values ​​of the error characteristic (and its components) are calculated in accordance with Appendix A.

4.7 When choosing approved procedures, take into account the following:

Measurement ranges;

Error characteristics;

Availability of measuring instruments, auxiliary equipment, reference materials, reagents and materials;

Assessment of influencing factors;

Personnel qualifications.

4.8 The methods should contain metrological characteristics and the corresponding control standards, interconnected with the assigned (permissible) characteristics of the error of the analysis results or its components.

4.9 The measurement error should not exceed the values ​​established by GOST 27384.

4.10 The applied control method should have the lower limit of the range of the determined contents of not more than 0.5 MPC.

4.11 The introduction of determination methods into the practice of the laboratory is carried out after confirmation of its metrological characteristics by conducting internal operational control (EQA) of the quality of the determination results (repeatability, reproducibility, accuracy) in accordance with the requirements specified in the methodology. In the absence of characteristics of the error in the ND on the methodology, as well as algorithms for FOC standards, the implementation of the methodology is carried out according to the following scheme:

Approbation with the use of distilled water with the addition of the determined indicator, prepared from the corresponding GSO;

Determination of the indicator using a real (working) water sample;

Determination of the indicator using a real water sample with the addition of the determined indicator (hereinafter - "encrypted sample"), prepared from the corresponding GSO.

Conclusions on the implementation of the technique are made in accordance with the control algorithms given in Appendix B.

The implementation of the methodology is drawn up in the manner prescribed by the organization.

Note - If the calculated value of the error characteristic has been established for the determination procedure and, when the procedure is implemented, it is established that it is impossible to obtain satisfactory EQA results, then a different calculated value of the error characteristic must be established, or for these purposes a different determination procedure is used.

4.12 The reference materials (CRMs) used must comply with the requirements of GOST 8.315, have, as a rule, the rank of state (interstate) and, upon admission to the laboratory, must be accompanied by a passport.

In the absence of CRMs in the state register, the use of mixtures certified in accordance with the established procedure is allowed. Certification of mixtures - according to.

4.13 It is allowed to control the quality indicators of drinking water by automatic and automated measuring instruments (analyzers) entered in the state register of approved types of measuring instruments.

4.14 When obtaining results of determination less than the lower limit of the measurement range according to the applied method and when presenting these results, it is not allowed to use the designation "0"; record the value of the lower limit of the measurement range with a less sign.

5 Internal operational control

5.1 Internal operational quality control of the determination results (EQA) is carried out in order to prevent the laboratory from receiving unreliable information on the composition of drinking water and water source.

5.2 Requirements for the organization and conduct of an EQA are given in.

5.3 Conduct an EQA for the precision, reproducibility and accuracy of the test results.

5.4 EQA of accuracy is carried out, as a rule, using the method of adding standard samples, certified mixtures to working samples of drinking water.

5.5 Algorithms for conducting the EQA of the quality of the determination results are given in the methods for determination, and if absent in the methods, in and in Appendix B.

5.6 To assess the real quality of the results of determinations and effectively manage this quality, it is advisable to supplement the EQA with internal statistical control in accordance with.

5.7 For accredited laboratories, the EQA system is agreed with the accreditation body and is established in the quality manual of the accredited laboratory.



Calculation of the characteristics of the error and its components based on the data,

given in regulatory documents on methods for determining the content of the indicator

Provided in ND

Accepted assumptions

Calculation method

() = /2,77


() = ()

1,96 ()


() = /2,77

1,96 ()



() = /2,77



1,96 ()

() = /2,77

() = ()



1,96 ()

(there is no information about the structure of the error)




1,96 ()

() = /2,77



1,96 ()

There is no regulation of the error

Accepted * = 50%




* To indicate the characteristics of the relative error, the sign is replaced by.


Characteristics of the error of the determination results (the half-width of the interval in which the error of the determination results is found with the accepted probability = 0.95);

() - characteristic of the error of the results of determinations (standard deviation, characterizing the accuracy of the results of determinations);

Characteristic of the systematic component of the error (half-width of the interval in which the systematic component of the error of the determination results is found with the accepted probability = 0.95);

() - characteristic of the systematic component of the error (standard deviation, characterizing the correctness of the results of determinations);

() - characteristic of the random component of the error (standard deviation, characterizing the reproducibility of the results of determinations);

() - characteristic of the component of the random component of the error (standard deviation, characterizing the convergence of the results of determinations);

Permitted value (norm) of the error;

Convergence operational control standard (permissible discrepancy between the results of parallel determinations);

The standard for operational control of reproducibility (permissible discrepancy between the results of the analysis of the same sample, obtained under reproducibility conditions);

Coefficient that establishes the relationship between the characteristic of the random component of the error and the component of the random component of the error.



Algorithms for conducting internal operational control

the quality of the determination results in accordance with

B.1 Operational quality control of the results of determinations is carried out once during a period of time in which the conditions for carrying out determinations are assumed to be stable. The volume of samples for conducting EQA quality control results also depends on the established statistical control plans (see, for example, c).

B.2 Algorithm for real-time accuracy control

B.2.1 In operational control of accuracy, the control means is a specially selected working sample from among those previously analyzed with the addition of a standard sample or a certified mixture. It is recommended that the range of the content of the component in the working sample is in the area of ​​the most typical (average) values ​​for working samples. The content of the added additive should be comparable in magnitude with the average content of the measured component in the working samples and correspond to the range of determined contents according to the method used. The additive is introduced into the sample before preparing the sample for analysis in accordance with the procedure.

In the case when it is technically difficult to use working samples with additives as a means of control, solutions of standard samples or certified mixtures are used as a means of control.

B.2.2 The decision on the satisfactory accuracy of the results of the determinations and on their continuation is made subject to:


where is the content of the determined component in the sample with the additive;

The content of the analyte in the sample without additive;

The content of the analyte in the added additive, calculated based on the certified value of its content in the standard sample or the certified mixture;

Accuracy operational control standard.


where is the characteristic of the error corresponding to the content of the component in the sample with the additive;

Error characteristic corresponding to the content of the component in the sample without additive.

B.2.3 If the laboratory determines the composition of pure natural and drinking waters and it is known that the content of the controlled component in the working sample is negligible, then the decision on the satisfactory accuracy of the determination results is made under the condition

In this case (B.3)

where is the characteristic of the error corresponding to the content of the component in the standard sample or in the certified mixture.

The same condition is applied when using solutions of standard samples or certified mixtures as a means of control.

B.2.4 If the WOC standard of accuracy is exceeded, the determination is repeated. If the specified standard is exceeded again, the determination is suspended, the reasons leading to unsatisfactory results are found out, and they are eliminated.

B.3 Algorithm for conducting internal operational control of convergence

B.3.1 Operational control of convergence is carried out if the methodology provides for parallel determinations.

B.3.2 EQA of the convergence of the analysis results is carried out upon receipt of each result, providing for parallel determinations.

B.3.3 EQA convergence is carried out by comparing the discrepancy between the results of parallel determinations obtained by analyzing the sample with the EQA convergence standard given in the certified method.

The convergence of the results of parallel determinations is considered satisfactory if


where is the maximum result out of n parallel definitions;

Minimum result of n parallel definitions;

The EQA convergence standard given in the analysis methodology.

If the VOC standard of convergence in the method is absent, then it is calculated by the formula


where at,;

() is the convergence indicator (characteristic of the component of the random component of the error corresponding to the content of the indicator in the sample).

B.3.4 If, then the convergence of the results of parallel determinations is considered satisfactory, and from them the result of determining the content of a component in a working sample or during a control determination can be calculated.

B.3.5 If the convergence rate is exceeded, the determination is repeated. If the specified standard is exceeded again, the determination is suspended, the reasons leading to unsatisfactory results are found out, and they are eliminated.

B.4 Algorithm for conducting internal operational control of reproducibility

B.4.1 Operational control of reproducibility is carried out using a working sample, which is divided into two parts and issued to two analysts or to the same analyst, but after a certain period of time, during which the conditions for the determination remain stable and correspond to the conditions of the first control determination.

When conducting a determination by the same analyst, the conditions of the analysis and the composition of the controlled sample, which is issued necessarily "encrypted", must remain unchanged.

The results are considered satisfactory if the condition


where is the standard for internal operational control of reproducibility;

The result of the first quantitative determination of the indicator;

The result of re-quantitative determination of the indicator;

The result obtained in the control determination.

B.4.2 If the standard for internal operational control of reproducibility is absent in the procedure, then it is calculated by the formula

or , (B.7)

where is the reproducibility index (characteristic of the random component of the error corresponding to the content of the component in the sample):


where at,;

B.4.3 If the reproducibility WOC standard is exceeded, the determination is repeated. If the specified standard is exceeded again, the reasons leading to unsatisfactory control results are found out and eliminated.



MUK 4.2.671-97 Methodical instructions. Control methods. Biological and microbiological factors. Methods of sanitary and microbiological analysis of drinking water. Approved by the Russian Ministry of Health. M., 1997

ISO 8467-93 Water quality. Determination of the permanganate index.

Guidelines for the implementation of the new GOST 2761-84 "Sources of centralized drinking water supply. Hygienic, technical requirements and selection rules." Approved by the USSR Ministry of Health. M., 1986

RD 52.24.476-95 Methodical instructions. IR photometric determination of oil products in waters. Approved by Roshydromet

RD 52.24.488-95 Methodical instructions. Photometric determination of the total content of volatile phenols in water after stripping with steam. Approved by Roshydromet.

ISO 6439-90 Water quality. Determination of the phenolic index with 4-amino-antipyrine. Spectrometric methods after distillation

RD 52.24.377-95 Methodical instructions. Atomic absorption determination of metals (Al, Ag, Be, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mn, Mo, Ni, Pb, V, Zn) in land surface waters with direct electrothermal atomization of samples. Approved by Roshydromet

ISO 11885-96 Water quality. Determination of 33 elements by inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry

UMI-87 Unified water quality research methods. Part 1, book. 2, 3. Methods of chemical analysis of waters. SEV, M., 1987

ISO 9390-90 Water quality. Determination of borate. Spectrometric method using azomethine-H

MUK 4.1.057-96 Collection of guidelines MUK 4.1.057-96 - MUK 4.1.081-96. Control methods. Chemical factors. Measurement of mass concentration of substances by luminescent methods in environmental objects. Approved by the Ministry of Health of Russia, M., 1996

RD 52.24.436-95 Methodical instructions. Photometric determination of cadmium with cadion in waters. Approved by Roshydromet

ISO 5961-94 Water quality. Determination of cadmium by atomic absorption spectrometry.

ISO 8288-86 Water quality. Determination of the content of cobalt, nickel, copper, zinc, cadmium and lead. Spectrometric method of atomic absorption in a flame.

RD 52.24.377-95 Methodical instructions. Atomic absorption determination of metals (Al, Ag, Be, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mn, Mo, Ni, Pb, V, Zn) in land surface waters with direct electrothermal atomization of samples. Approved by Roshydromet

ISO 8288-86 Water quality. Determination of the content of cobalt, nickel, copper, zinc, cadmium and lead. Flame Atomic Absorption Spectrometric Method

MUK 4.1.063-96 Collection of guidelines MUK 4.1.057-96 - MUK 4.1.081-96. Control methods. Chemical factors. Measurement of mass concentration of substances by luminescent methods in environmental objects. Approved by the Ministry of Health of Russia, M., 1996

RD 52.24.371-95 Methodical instructions. Methods for measuring the mass concentration of copper, lead and cadmium in the surface waters of the land by the inversion voltammetric method. Approved by Roshydromet

RD 52.24.378-95 Methodical instructions. Stripping voltammetric determination of arsenic in waters. Approved by Roshydromet

RD 33-5.3.02-96 Water quality. Quantitative chemical analysis of waters. Methods for measuring the mass concentration of arsenic in natural and treated wastewater by titrometric method with lead salt in the presence of dithizone

RD 20.1: 2: 3.19-95 Methods for measuring beryllium, vanadium, bismuth, cadmium, cobalt, copper, molybdenum, arsenic, nickel, tin, lead, selenium, silver, antimony in natural drinking and waste waters

RD 52.24.494-95 Methodical instructions. Photometric determination of nickel with dimethylglyoxime in surface land waters. Approved by Roshydromet

RD 52.24.380-95 Methodical instructions. Photometric determination of nitrates in waters with the Griss reagent after reduction in a cadmium reducer. Approved by Roshydromet

ISO 7890-1-86 Water quality. Determination of nitrate content. Part 1. Spectrometric method using 2,6-dimethylphenol.

ISO 7890-2-86 Water quality. Determination of nitrate content. Part 2. Spectrometric method using 4-fluorophenol after distillation.

ISO 7890-3-88 Water quality. Determination of nitrate content. Part 3. Spectrometric method using sulfosalicylic acid

ISO 10304-1-92 Water quality. Determination of dissolved fluoride, chloride, nitrite, orthophosphate, bromide, nitrate and sulfate by liquid ion chromatography. Part 1. Method for waters with low degrees of pollution.

ISO 10304-2-95 Water quality. Determination of dissolved bromide, chloride, nitrate, nitrite, orthophosphate and sulfate by liquid ion chromatography. Part 2. Method for contaminated waters

ISO 6777-84 Water quality. Determination of nitrites. Molecular absorption spectrometric method

MUK 4.1.065-96 Collection of guidelines MUK 4.1.057-96 - MUK 4.1.081-96. Control methods. Chemical factors. Measurement of mass concentration of substances by luminescent methods in environmental objects. Approved by the Ministry of Health of Russia, M., 1996

PND F 14.1: 2: 4.41-95 Methods for performing measurements of the mass concentration of lead by the cryoluminescent method in samples of natural, drinking and waste water using the Fluorat-02 liquid analyzer. Approved by the Ministry of Natural Resources of Russia

MUK 4.1.067-96 Collection of guidelines MUK 4.1.057-96 - MUK 4.1.081-96. Control methods. Chemical factors. Measurement of mass concentration of substances by luminescent methods in environmental objects. Approved by the Ministry of Health of Russia, M., 1996

RD 52.24.377-95 Methodical instructions. Atomic absorption determination of metals (Al, Ag, Be, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mn, Mo, Ni, Pb, V, Zn) in land surface waters with direct electrothermal atomization of samples. Approved by Roshydromet.

ISO 9174-90 Water quality. Determination of the total chromium content. Atomic absorption spectrometric methods

RD 52.24.446-95 Methodical instructions. Photometric determination of chromium (VI) in waters with diphenylcarbazide. Approved by Roshydromet

MUK 4.1.062-96 Collection of guidelines MUK 4.1.067-96 - MUK 4.1.081-96. Control methods. Chemical factors. Measurement of mass concentration of substances by luminescent methods in environmental objects. Approved by the Ministry of Health of Russia, M., 1996

ISO 6703-1-84 Water quality. Determination of cyanide content. Part 1. Determination of the total cyanide content.

ISO 6703-2-84 Water quality. Determination of cyanide content. Part 2. Determination of the content of easily released cyanides.

ISO 6703-3-84 Water quality. Determination of cyanide content. Part 3. Determination of cyanogen chloride content

MUK 4.1.058-96 Collection of guidelines MUK 4.1.057-96 - MUK 4.1.081 -96. Control methods. Chemical factors. Measurement of mass concentration of substances by luminescent methods in environmental objects. Approved by the Ministry of Health of Russia, M., 1996

RD 52.24.373-95 Methodical instructions. Methods for measuring the mass concentration of zinc in the surface waters of the land by the inversion voltammetric method. Approved by Roshydromet

RD 52.24.438-95 Methodical instructions. Methodology for measuring the mass concentration of dicotex and 2,4-D in surface land waters by gas chromatography. Approved by Roshydromet

MUK 4.1.646-96 Collection of guidelines MUK 4.1.646-96 - MUK 4.1.660-96. Control methods. Chemical factors. Guidelines for determining the concentration of chemicals in the water of centralized household drinking water supply. Approved by the Ministry of Health of Russia, M., 1996

RD 52.24.473-95 Methodical instructions. Gas chromatographic determination of volatile aromatic hydrocarbons in waters. Approved by Roshydromet.

MUK 4.1.650-96 Collection of guidelines MUK 4.1.646-96 - MUK 4.1.660-96. Control methods. Chemical factors. Guidelines for determining the concentration of chemicals in the water of centralized household drinking water supply. Approved by the Ministry of Health of Russia, M., 1996

RD 52.24.440-95 Methodical instructions. Determination of the total content of 4-7-nuclear polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in waters using thin-layer chromatography in combination with luminescence. Approved by Roshydromet

RD 52.24.482-95 Methodical instructions. Gas chromatographic determination of volatile chlorine-substituted hydrocarbons in waters. Approved by Roshydromet

RD 52.24.492-95 Methodical instructions. Photometric determination in waters of formaldehyde with acetylacetone. Approved by Roshydromet

PND F 14.1: 2: 4.120-96 Methods for measuring the mass concentration of formaldehyde by the fluorometric method in samples of natural, drinking and waste water using the Fluorat-02 liquid analyzer. Approved by the Ministry of Natural Resources of Russia

RD 52.24.432-95 Methodical instructions. Photometric determination of silicon in the form of a blue (reduced) form of molybdosilicic acid in surface land waters. Approved by Roshydromet.

RD 52.24.433-95 Methodical instructions. Photometric determination of silicon in the form of a yellow form of molybdosilicic acid in surface land waters. Approved by Roshydromet

ISO 7027-90 Water quality. Determination of turbidity

ISO 9696-92 Water quality. Measurement of "high alpha" activity in non-mineralized water. Concentrated source method

ISO 9697-92 Water quality. Measurement of "large beta" activity in non-mineralized water

Key words: drinking water, determination methods, production control, drinking water quality


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