All about the proper organization of trainings or seminars on your own. Optimize your nutrition. Make exercise a habit

Want to start an exciting career as a business coach? Get started with this course.

Learn how to conduct trainings and conduct your first author's training in 21 days!

Each of us has knowledge that can be valuable to other people.

If you have landed on this site, you may already be running your own trainings. Or are you just thinking about it?

In any case, you are in right place in order to get everything necessary knowledge, skills, information - in order to start the exciting journey of a business coach.

What does it take to be successful in your own training?

Perhaps not so much.

2. The personality needed to attract people to you.

3. Internal drive - in order to make your trainings alive.

And - professional knowledge in the field of training technology.

You can: in just 21 days or less, without leaving your computer, master the methodology of conducting business and personal trainings and create a program of your own author's training for two days.

In your training there will be exercises, cases, role-playing games - it will be a completely ready-made author's program that you can "take and conduct".

If you are already teaching adults, during these three weeks you will learn a lot of “tricks” that will make your learning more effective. And also write yourself another new program.

If you haven't done it yet, maybe now is the time to start.

Who is this distance learning course for?

1. For those who wants to learn how to conduct business trainings, psychological trainings, communication skills trainings, etc.

2. For company internal trainers who would like to improve their skills.

3. For "technical" trainers who would like to conduct training more interactively, efficiently, professionally.

4. For everyone who interested in training.

Is it possible to learn how to conduct trainings remotely?

Absolutely. Let me tell you how the training goes.

1. You listening to records audio lessons.

2. You do hometasks. For example, write according to my method role-playing games for your training.

3. I answer Your questions by email.

As a result, you master the necessary baggage of coaching knowledge and create your own program.

This is confirmed by the experience of the training participants, who have already been able to create and conduct original programs on topics such as:

  • Basic management skills
  • How to find your purpose
  • Socionic types - do we need them, and how to use them
  • How to get on the waiting list and get housing for free
  • How to properly build a system of recruitment and adaptation of staff
  • How to get the most out of a book or article
  • How to independently conduct a deal to buy an apartment
  • Service for gas station cashiers
  • Sales Skills for Sales Representatives
  • And etc.

Some even did a training on how to arrange a personal life and find their destiny on the other side of the planet.

“At the moment and for the near future, I have the opportunity to work only online.

My business is individual counseling for single Russian-speaking women who want to arrange their lives through marriage with a foreigner. Having worked in the dating business for more than ten years, I have gained enough experience to guarantee the success of my clients.

However, all of the materials that you have given out as part of your training are extremely helpful for anyone starting a coaching or consulting job.

In any case, I learned a lot of useful tips for my subsequent online work, although you obviously focus on live trainings.

How long is each audio lesson approximately? How much time will it take to practice? Are they difficult to download?

The duration of each audio lesson is 30-60 minutes. Each of them has a practical homework - the completion of which will allow you to master all the necessary skills and create your own unique training program.

On average, you will need an hour a day.

The file size is on average 10-20 MB, which is not much larger than ordinary music files. If you have ever downloaded music from the network, you will also be able to download the audio files of this training.

What results will you get from this training?

1. You will easily and simply write your first or fiftieth original training program.

2. You will learn many tricks and tricks that will help you teach adults more effectively.

3. You will master the basic "gentleman's set" of knowledge and skills necessary to conduct business trainings, as well as personal and psychological trainings.

“The training program includes not only the nuances of drawing up a training plan, but also a lot of useful things that will help motivate the indifferent, calm the talkative, direct the energy of overly active people in the right direction, and most importantly, do not go astray during all this action.
As I already wrote, all of a sudden I had to conduct a rather large training course

And - again, quite frankly, I was, if not in a panic, then in a rather serious confusion. Firstly, I wrote a training lesson plan (not a training plan that we provided to the customer, and not even an internal plan with topics and tasks, but a minute-by-minute plan for the first two lessons). This helped a lot not to lose confidence in a situation when, as always on time, the network disappeared, the system administrator could not set up access to the system, and the girls began to offer tea.

Secondly, I listened to the cast three times on unmotivated participants, recorded a few preventive phrases for myself - and it helped! The tension in the group dropped somewhat, and even skepticism became much closer to criticism of mutual cooperation.
And thirdly, as homework for the training, I wrote a plan for two trainings (however, I have enough lectures - I share knowledge, not skills) instead of one completely different. Those. in the process of writing, I had ideas for two more trainings.

For all this, I can thank Natalia from the bottom of my heart and will continue to follow her new trainings with pleasure.”



Immediately after the purchase - you can open the calendar, measure three weeks starting from today– and schedule a date for your own training.

P.S.: I am sure that every person comes into this world in order to tell something to others. This means that his training lives inside everyone.

And inside of you too.

Let's let it out, shall we?

What would you like to tell other people?

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Recently, colleagues and acquaintances are increasingly interested in my approach to creating trainings. In the end, I decided to talk about this process. I'll show you at the same time example of creating a one-day Scrum training for a team and I will give a ready-made structure that each of you can use.

I will say right away that I do not pretend to be a mega “coach of trainers”. I started training in 2007. But I've learned a lot since then, including going through "training for trainers" myself. As practice shows, if you do something for a long time, experience and knowledge will still appear 🙂

Working with fellow consultants, I had to train novice trainers more than once. I am sure that even if my students do not train regularly, the acquired skills have come in handy more than once.

Despite the fact that I often offer ready-made programs (the description of which is on the site), in the course of working with clients I had to create trainings for specific needs, and we will go through this path in this series of articles.

Stage 1. I want to create a training. Where to begin?
I am convinced that training is a product. And for products, I recommend creating a “Product Vision” that helps answer simple questions and keep the end result in focus.

First question: " Who is this training for?»

For a team that is only thinking about implementing Agile methods? For a team that already practices them but wants to rethink what and how they do? For a group of company managers who want to learn more about how to work according to the Scrum methodology? For a DevOps department that implements Kanban? Or maybe for an HR department that wants to learn new words or, conversely, implement some lightweight processes to do their job better? 🙂

Second question: " Why IM this training?»
Partially, it goes beyond the answer to the first question, adding the focus and goals of the training. Training may focus on a wide range of principles and methods, or on practical skills in one narrow area. It is especially good if the participants gather the very next day to use the acquired knowledge and skills.

Question three: What are our limitations?»
The first and most common limitation is time. If I have one day, then I can count on the disclosure of 3-4 topics, taking into account theory and practical exercises. Two or more days, and this, one might say, is already a luxury, provide an opportunity to immerse yourself in various topics, which together create a holistic understanding of the individual parts of the overall picture. But sometimes time is strictly limited and there is only half a day (about 4 hours) or a master class for two hours. In this case, you need to choose a narrower focus and abandon many interesting topics that you will not have time to consider.

Another, not so critical limitation is materials. Flipchart, stickers and printouts can be found in any office. It is great if it is possible to collect additional materials for exercises in advance - coins, exercise cards and other homework. Therefore, despite my boundless love for Lego, I prefer not to use it for training: I have to carry a huge box with me. And so I am ready to conduct training almost anytime and anywhere with minimal preparation.

Of course, against the background of all this, the thought of a place for training should slip through your mind. Where will you spend it? What premises are available to you? Are there tables for group work and other materials? We will talk about this later, when we start the exercises.

Additional questions: "What are the critical attributes?" and “What might this training be like?”.

Partially they are already clear from all previous answers. But it is worth paying attention to one important aspect: the number of participants. I am a supporter of the concept of "Training from the back of the room" (training from the far end of the room). In other words, I believe that the training should be more interactive between the participants and less "monopoly" stories of the trainer. The training is best done in relatively small groups of 8 to 16 people. With a maximum of 20 people, you can still count on the trainer's attention to each group of participants. If you have more participants, then you will need to think about helpers or exercises that do not require special attention trainer.

Depending on the number of people in the training, you will need to consider what methods to use to get everyone involved and balance the dynamics of the training so that no one is left out.

Socrates also said that involvement in learning contributes to memorization. This is known to everyone who is somehow familiar with the problem of teaching practical skills (and flexible methods work is also a skill).

The good news is that a trainer has many ways to interact. For example: thinking about a question on your own, discussing in pairs or groups of up to 5 people, participating in an exercise (serious play), debriefing cases or just a general interactive discussion with a trainer and much more. We will talk about all this in the following articles, when we fill our training.

So, let's see what you can do and create a training together, as I promised at the very beginning.

We create a training for participants who are not yet familiar with the Agile development principles and, in particular, the Scrum method. It can be an individual team or a group within a company. The purpose of the training is to reveal the main topics, such as understanding the idea of ​​Agile, knowledge of the practices of working on the Scrum methodology, methods of team assessment and planning iterations and projects. It is also necessary to gain practical skills in order to start applying them immediately after the training. In terms of time, we can count on a one-day training with an optimal number of 15 people.

Regular exercise is the best thing you can do for your health. Most people are interested in a healthy lifestyle, but do not dare to do anything, because they often do not know where and how to start playing sports.

Soon after you start exercising, you will notice and feel all the benefits that physical activity can bring to your body and health in general.

Be that as it may, include sports in your everyday life will take time, will require your determination and discipline.

If you're thinking about getting into the sport but don't know where to start, this article is for you. It contains all the information you need about where to start, when is the best time to exercise and how to make exercise a part of your life.

It has been proven that regular exercise can significantly improve and improve your health. Therefore, before moving on to the question of how to properly start exercising, let's first talk about the benefits of exercise.

They help achieve and maintain a healthy body weight, lean muscle mass and reduce the risk of chronic disease.

In addition, studies have shown that exercise elevates your mood, gives your brain a boost, helps you sleep better, and boosts your libido.

And that's not all - they help maintain good energy levels.

In short, exercise makes you strong and changes your life for the better.

Output: Exercise can improve your mental activity, reduce the risk of developing chronic diseases and help to lose weight.

Types of exercises

There are many different types of exercises.
Here are the most common ones:

  • Aerobic exercise: As a rule, they are the basis of any fitness program and include periods of constant movement. Examples are swimming, running and dancing.
  • Power: Helps increase muscle strength and endurance. For example, resistance exercises, plyometrics, weight lifting and sprinting.
  • Rhythmic gymnastics: Basic body movements performed without the help of simulators at an average aerobic pace. Examples are lunges, squats, push-ups and pull-ups.
  • High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT): Involves alternating short periods of high-intensity exercise followed by low-intensity exercise or rest.
  • boot camp exercises(from English - "training camp for beginners" : Time-controlled, high-intensity workouts that combine aerobic and resistance exercises.
  • Resilience exercises: Strengthen muscles and improve coordination. For example, Pilates, tai chi postures and general strengthening exercises.
  • Flexibility exercises: They help to restore muscles, improve coordination of movements and prevent injuries. Examples of such exercises are yoga or individual movements to stretch the muscles.

The exercises listed above can be performed individually or in combination. The main thing is that this or that exercise suits and pleases you.

Output: The most common types of exercises are aerobics, strength, rhythmic gymnastics, HIIT, boot camps, flexibility and stability exercises. You can perform them individually or in combination.

Where to start?

Your sports journey starts here. Before you start exercising, there are a few important things to consider:

1. Check your health

Preparation for such an important stage in your life must be thorough. If you decide to seriously go in for sports, then first consult your doctor and undergo a complete medical examination.

This is the main condition for those who are not accustomed to physical activity, as well as for people in age category 45+.

Timely about the review will identify any health issues that may increase the risk of injury while exercising.

A visit to the doctor will help further optimize your training and make it easier for you and your coach to choose the right training program..

2. Make a plan and set realistic goals

Once you have decided to start exercising on a regular basis,
try to make a plan that will consist of goals and ways to achieve them. So, how to start exercising at home from scratch?

Start with simple activities and goals and build up in complexity as your fitness levels improve.

For example, if your goal is to run 5 kilometers, then you can plan for a few shorter distances to start with.

As you get through the shorter distances, add more meters until you've covered the full five kilometers in one go.

Starting with small and achievable goals will increase your chance of success and will keep you motivated along the way.

3. Make exercise a habit

Another key ingredient successful start and equally important is that you need to find time for training and make it part of your schedule.

It will be easier to do this if sports become a habit and take place on a regular basis. This will train discipline and responsibility in you.

According to research data, replacing one bad habit to another healthy one guarantees that the new habit will enter your life and become part of it for a long time.

Moreover, if you make a schedule or work out every day at the same time, for example, every day after work, it will allow you to turn training into something familiar.

Output: Before you start exercising, check your health and make a plan with achievable goals. Then turn exercise into a habit by incorporating it into your daily routine and your life.

How many exercises should you do?

You don't have to be a high-performance professional athlete or get used to long hours of training to start exercising today.

You can distribute these 150 minutes yourself by the days of the week, as it is most convenient for you, that is, when it is better to play sports, you decide for yourself. For example, you can train for 30 minutes 5 times a week or 35-40 minutes every other day.

Recent studies have shown that if you spend 150 minutes in the gym at a time or two, it will be the same.good for your health and well-being, as well as daily training at home or exercising every other day.

At first, your workouts should be at a moderate pace, gradually increasing in intensity as your fitness level improves.

And finally, even though daily physical activity is required to maintain health, it is also important to give the body proper rest.

If the body is not given time to recover and rest, then the risk of injury (stress fracture, muscle strain) and overtraining syndrome increases several times.

Exercising too intensely can weaken your immune system and increase your body's susceptibility to infections, hormonal imbalances, depression and chronic fatigue.

Weekly workout program

Where to start training and when is the best time to play sports ?! Below is an example of a simple weekly training program that does not require the use of additional equipment and will take 30-45 minutes a day. It will give you a rough idea of ​​how to start exercising from scratch and help you create your own fitness program.

It can be changed depending on the level of your physical fitness and complicate at will. It can start with any kind of exercise.

Monday: 40 minutes of moderate jogging or brisk walking.

Tuesday: Day of rest.

Wednesday: Vigorous walking for 10 minutes. Next, follow the set of exercises below, rest for a minute after each set, not exercises. After that, stretch.

  • The first set of exercises: 3 sets of 10 attacks on both legs, 10 push-ups, 10 torso lifts from a supine position
  • The second set of exercises: 3 sets of 10 push-ups from a chair, 10 "strings", 10 air squats each

Thursday: Day of rest.

Friday: 30-minute cycling or jogging at a moderate pace

Saturday: Day of rest.

Sunday: Run, jog or long walk for 40 minutes.

This program is just a simple example of how to start training from scratch.

Output: There is a wide variety of exercises that you could easily do. The workout plan above is just an example to give you a general idea of ​​how to start exercising at home.

1. Consume the required amount of liquid

Fluid intake throughout the day is very important to maintain proper fluid levels in the body.

It is also important to drink plenty of fluids while exercising. maintaining an optimal pace of work, especially if it is also hot outside.

After training, you also need to drink plenty of water, as it contributes to the speedy recovery of the body for the next workout.

2. Optimize your nutrition

Make sure your diet is balanced enough to meet your body's nutritional needs.

All food groups are essential to maintain optimum energy levels in the body and maximum benefit from training. Carbohydrates are especially important because they "feed" the muscles before training.

Carbohydrates are also important post-workout as they replenish glycogen stores and aid in the absorption of amino acids into the muscles during recovery.

Protein protects your muscles from breakdown during exercise, repairs damaged tissue after exercise, and promotes muscle growth. Consuming some proteins after a workout speeds up the process of muscle recovery.

And finally, the regular consumption of "healthy" fats helps to fight excess weight, and these fats are also a source of energy for the muscles and the body as a whole during training.

Every beginner should know and remember this.

3. Warm up

Before starting any workout, be sure to warm up. Warming up significantly reduces the risk of injury during training and improves your athletic performance.

It increases the flexibility of the body and reduces pain after exercise.

Just start your workout with simple aerobic exercises such as arm swings, leg overruns and walking lunges.

You can warm up using simplified versions of the exercises that you are going to perform during your workout. For example, walking before running.

4. Hitch

The cool-down is also important, as it helps the body return to its normal state. This is essentially just a short pause, but it is just as necessary as a warm-up.

A few minutes of cool-down restore normal blood circulation and breathing, reduce the risk of pain after a workout.

After doing, for example, aerobic exercises, you can simply walk slowly, and after doing resistance exercises, you can do stretching exercises.

5. Listen to your body

If you're not used to exercising every day, then be mindful of your limits.

If you feel pain or discomfort during the session, stop, do not force yourself to do something that you do not like. Rest before you start exercising again. Training through pain best idea as this may result in injury.

Remember also that training harder and faster does not mean better.

It will take a lot of time before you can achieve really visible and tangible results. Just stick to the chosen training program and try to complete at least most of it.

Output: Drink plenty of fluids, eat a balanced diet, warm up before and after a workout, listen to your body and learn to love yourself.

How to stay motivated

So, it's a start, but to stay motivated and make exercise a habit, try to approach training with ease and positive emotions and really enjoy the process. This approach will save you from the anxious thoughts and fears that often arise in people who decide to start training from scratch.

You can adjust and change any program for yourself and depending on your preferences and desires.

If you're not at home, then go to the gym, join a fitness group (yoga or Pilates), hire a personal trainer, play a team sport, or choose your favorite activity. These are just a few options that will help boost your motivation and get youpleasure from sports.

If you train with a group or a friend, it will spur you on to a good pace of work, due to indirect competition, increase your motivation for a longer period and help you become confident in your abilities.

Keeping track of your accomplishments, such as recording the weight you lift or your run time, will keep you motivated as well, as you will definitely want to beat your personal record.


This article is devoted to only one question: where and how to start playing sports?

Deciding to go in for sports can sometimes be difficult. However, having well-defined goals will help you stick to your training program for the long haul.

There are a large number various kinds exercise, and you can do whatever you want. Choose what suits you and change and vary the types and amounts of exercises as you like.

Start small, gradually improve your fitness level and let your body rest from time to time to avoid injury. Listen to your body, it will tell you when is the best time to exercise.

Stay motivated and reach your goals with a fitness group or tracking your progress. It is also important not to forget about a balanced diet and sufficient fluid intake.

What are you waiting for? Make the only one right choice in favor healthy lifestyle life: start exercising today!

The key to the success of the training is a carefully thought-out program.

The experts of the largest professional portal for trainers create super-effective carefully crafted . You can purchase them in the "" section.

Of course, there are situations when the coach takes his old program and improve it to meet new requirements. But what if you need to organize classes from scratch? Of course, first of all, to determine the goals and objectives of the training, as well as training methods. The topic should be relevant and in demand, and the program should be clearly structured. All components of the training are theory, must be clear to the audience. And, of course, the vast majority of time should be devoted to practical training. This is generally the main training principle. Consider not only how to conduct the training, but also how your training will differ from others. After all, listeners now have a huge choice. What new and useful things will they learn in your classes?

How to conduct psychological training? It is very important to make a portrait of your students. Who are these people, what are they interested in, what effect do they expect from the training? After working through the training program, try to put yourself in the place of the listener. Ask yourself mentally possible questions and try to give an answer. If this training is designed for a wide audience and does not require any certain level of prior knowledge, then you need to focus on the most “difficult” part of the audience. Not all people are equally quick to grasp information, not all are ready to immediately admit their mistakes. Your methods, exercises and games should be clear to everyone. If the training is designed for an audience with a certain level of knowledge, or it can be completed only after preliminary training, then it is imperative to warn clients about this in advance. People should be comfortable and pleasant to work with you. Training program should clearly correspond to the stated topic, and exercises should correspond to information blocks.

After the training program is drawn up, and you have a good idea of ​​the techniques and methods of your classes, you need to determine where and under what conditions the training will take place. This is an important part of the preparatory work. For example, if the training room is too stuffy, crowded or, conversely, too much space, people will be distracted and unable to concentrate on work. It is important to determine where it is better to conduct training - on the territory of the customer or in a rented room. This is always decided individually. And, of course, it is necessary to provide for everything technical equipment for classes: VCR and screen, music player, visual aids. If the training is ordered by the company for its employees, then it is necessary to discuss the terms of reporting in advance. The fact is that many managers, not without reason, want to observe how their employees are trained. Or at least watch the video. But if people know that they are being watched by management, they will not be able to fully open up. This is an important question to discuss with the customer. The issue can be resolved by providing management with a detailed training report and by monitoring the post-training work of employees. After all, the main thing is not what people learned, but how they can apply the knowledge gained in practice.

We recommend unique coaching manuals for the best exercises for training:

  • Unique technique "Feeling"

    A rare exercise for training, described on the example of its implementation famous trainer and psychologist, ddoctor of psychological sciences, professor N.I. Kozlov.

    deep exercise , which allows you to teach the group one of the powerfuleffective communication technician"Feeling" that helps understand and feel your partner on communication, teaches you to have a more positive attitude towards people around you, to notice them more often best qualities easier to get in touch with them and negotiate.

    Exclusive recommendations from professionals! Unique coaching exercise manualdeveloped by experts especially for the portal, contains a lot of coaching recommendations andtips on how to do the exercise in the best possible way. You won't find this anywhere else!
    The volume of the training manual for the exercise: 10 pages! Bonuses!

  • Director's presentation

    Versatile and effective exercise
    , which can significantly expand the knowledge of the participants of the training about self-presentation, assess their ability to make a first impression, work with confidence, verbal and non-verbal ways of communication, and at the same time speed up the process of distributing roles, include the group in a “working state” and lead to the stage of active work.

    The exercise is suitable for all trainings that deal with the topic of communications and presentations. "Hurrah" takes place in the training of confidence and leadership. Can be useful and effective in leadership training.
    The exercise can energize the group and motivate them to work hard.
    Exercise for training recommended by professional trainer D. Shvetsov, author of the book "Strengthening Personality".

  • Warm-up exercise "Unclench your fist"

    An effective exercise suitable for many training topics. Taking only 10-15 minutes, the exercise allows the trainer to quickly raise the energy level of the group, in a memorable way to draw the attention of participants to next topic and increase participants' motivation for further learning.

    The exercise demonstrates to the participants that force methods influences give losing results, but we often act out of habit precisely by force.

    The exercise will be a good introduction to mini-lectures on the topics: how to deal with customer objections; How can a manager deal with employee resistance? how to deal with conflict...

    The volume of the coaching manual: 8 pages.

    Bonus! An audio recording of the exercise and appropriate music are included.

It's hard to believe, but the history of trainings in Russia goes back over 100 years! The founder can be safely called Konstantin Sergeevich Stanislavsky. He developed a unique system for actors, consisting of three hundred exercises, which, by the way, are still used today to develop emotional flexibility. The peak of the popularity of training came in the 70-80s of the last century. In the early nineties, people simply had no time for psychological and esoteric studies. But in the end, an unprecedented interest arose in them: with their help, one could find a way out of difficult situations, gain new system values, enhance the capabilities of the mind and body.

We decided to analyze the difficulties that we will face during the trainings, and prepared a kind of "instruction" that tells about the structure of the training, subject, goal, methods and tasks! We hope that this article will be useful not only for beginner coaches, but also for those who have been conducting such classes for more than a year!

idea of ​​learning

As soon as you have a desire to become a coach and conduct interesting trainings, think about who (other than you, of course) will be interested in it. You need to make a list of potential participants and conduct a survey among them. If every second event seems like a good idea, feel free to structure the training!

Here it is important to answer the following questions:

  1. What are the training goals and objectives?
  2. What audience is it intended for?
  3. How is this training different from competitors' trainings?
  4. Do the selected exercises correspond to the information blocks?
  5. How cost effective is training?

In textbooks on creativity, you can find the basic rules that allow you to compose the structure and scenario of the training and stage it in a quality manner. Here is just a small part:

  1. The program can be borrowed from the best trainers, and then adapted to fit your goals. In this case, it is best to combine modules taken from different programs.
  2. It's important to know that the best program - new program. Materials for it can be taken from different spheres of life!

Topic of the training

Before you start working on the structure of the training, you need to conduct a deep analysis to determine the objectives.

There are three main types of such activities: clearly business, clearly personal, both personal and business.

Personal, in turn, can be divided into psychological, esoteric, worldly and developing. All of them are aimed at changing the personal characteristics of the participants of the event. In turn, business trainings, which can also be called business trainings, do not concern human qualities. Their goal is to develop the skills necessary for business.

Sales training

In general, the structure of the training can be called a clear logic of presenting information. A properly structured lesson will allow participants to learn the maximum amount of information. And the process itself will be dynamic and easy.

We invite you to get acquainted with the main blocks of sales training and the structure of such an event:

Personal Growth Training

The structure of the training personal growth differs from the scheme of business training. Of course, similar stages cannot be dispensed with, but there is a difference.

  1. The lecture part should not take more than 25% of the time allocated for the training.
  2. Practical exercises depend on the level of training. There are only three of them: basic and advanced courses, a leadership program.
  3. The final stage, the so-called debriefing, should take about 25% of the training. It is necessary to discuss the practice, to analyze the mistakes made.

Team building training

If you decide to conduct team building trainings, it is important to remember that they are impossible without an immersion stage. Without it, further work simply loses its meaning. The next part in the structure of the training is the division into teams. You can divide the participants both in a predetermined way, and completely random. Working in small teams (from 6 to 13 people) will allow not only to feel the team spirit, but also help to unite in the gaming rivalry. Everyone will be able to feel part of the team and contribute to success.

When the teams are formed, it is necessary to hold the so-called ice-breakers: the participants within each group must get to know each other, choose a captain, and come up with their own attributes.

The next step is teamwork. During the training, participants must perform exercises. Moreover, the level of complexity should also depend on the initial training of the team: it can vary from entertaining to deep and complex.

An analysis is required. This can be done between exercises, or left at the end of the training. Teams should take stock of their activities, pay attention to the work of rivals.

The final part of the team building training structure is a general exercise. This action involves the involvement of all teams and combining them into one.

Training leader: requirements

The success of the training and its results are influenced by the presentation of the material by the trainer. There are a number of qualities that a good coach must have:

  • emotionality, wit, developed sense of humor, artistry;
  • the ability to influence the course of the discussion, oratorical skills;
  • sufficient professional and life experience;
  • in-depth knowledge related to the topic of the training.

It is important that the coach himself showed interest in what he is talking about. After all, the openness of the audience and its readiness to perceive information depends on the emotional upsurge. In addition, there must be feedback: the participants of the training always want to know which exercises were performed correctly and where they made a mistake.

If you are running a business training, be sure to hold a demo that will include the best employees! Have them show you how to negotiate and sell. Use the potential of the participants to the maximum. And, of course, after completing the training, try to conduct a written or oral survey and exam.


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