Is there a profession "cleaner of office and industrial premises" in ETX and which ETX to refer to? Office cleaner

Hello, in this article we will try to answer the question "Etks office cleaner". You can also consult free lawyers online right on the site.

Transportation of waste and garbage from industrial premises to the designated place. Obtaining detergents, inventory and cleaning material. Filling containers drinking water... Cleaning, sanitizing and arranging waste bins. Cleaning and disinfection of toilets, showers, dressing rooms and other common areas of industrial premises.

Personnel management of a business of any size is impossible without a properly structured organizational structure and competent distribution of functions between its elements. For effective management any organization or enterprise is an important documentation support management of the preschool educational institution.

Production instruction for office cleaner

Description of the work. Selecting venom from venomous snakes different types in herpetological laboratories. Bringing the resulting poison to a dry state. Determination of the toxicity of the poison. Weighing the poison. Acceptance of captured poisonous snakes, their measurement, weighing and placement in cages or serpentarium aviaries.

Let us consider in detail what the ETKS is and what standards it is regulated by, what functions the office cleaner should perform according to the ETKS of blue-collar occupations for 2018.

In the labor legislation of our state in 2016, some changes were made that affected the application of new documents. These innovations are primarily related to professional standards. The Vedas had clear regulated rules for their application and conditions of responsibility for these actions.

Responsibilities and requirements Professional cleaning after renovation Administrative staff - what is it?

Description of the work. Acceptance to the warehouse, weighing, storage and delivery from the warehouse of various material values(fuel, raw materials), semi-finished products, finished products, parts, tools, etc.). Checking the compliance of the accepted values ​​with the accompanying documents.

On the basis of the legislation, the rights, obligations and mutual material responsibility of the participants are determined labor relations, even if the contract has not been drawn up. When signing an employment contract, in addition to personal information, rights and obligations of an employee, the type of his work function is determined or a link to the job description is indicated.

When performing perm and hair coloring different ways and increased complexity with face correction - 5th grade.

We provide uniforms, inventory, household chemicals. Work takes about an hour in the morning from Monday to Friday.

Cleaner of production and service premises

Maintenance of a thermostat with electric or kerosene heating during drying of soil samples. Measurement of the temperature of the arable layer of soil in the field with a walking thermometer-probe. Taking soil samples from the arable layer to determine its moisture content and freezing by a visual method (by touch). Cutting down of soil monoliths with plants of wintering crops to determine their viability.

Maintenance and repair of sports equipment, weapons, various devices, sports equipment, their improvement and expansion of functionality. Adjustment, adjustment, identification and elimination of malfunctions in the course of training and competition. Development of technical requirements and conditions for improving the characteristics of sports equipment.
Sweeping and washing the area in front of the entrance to the staircase. Floor cleaning, wet cleaning of walls, doors, ceilings, elevator cabin shades. Collecting and moving garbage to a designated location. Cleaning and disinfection sanitary technical equipment in common areas. Obtaining detergents and disinfectants, inventory and cleaning material.

Removing dust from furniture, carpets, sweeping and washing by hand and by using machines and fixtures of walls, floors, stairs, windows, etc.

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How to calculate the area to be cleaned per one rate of a cleaner of technical premises in a general educational institution?

Cleaning of halls, lobbies, corridors, staircases of office and other premises of public and administrative buildings. Removing dust from furniture, carpets, sweeping and washing by hand or using machines and fixtures of walls, floors, stairs, windows.

This instruction is indicative only. It can be used as a basis for the development of appropriate instructions for an employee, taking into account the specifics of the organization's activities.

Sweeping and washing the area in front of the entrance to the staircase. Floor cleaning, wet cleaning of walls, doors, ceilings, elevator cabin shades. Collecting and moving garbage to a designated location. Cleaning and disinfection of sanitary equipment in common areas. Obtaining detergents and disinfectants, inventory and cleaning material.

As for the profession of "cleaning the premises", then in accordance with tariff-qualifying the characteristic contained in issue 1 of the ETKS, approved by the resolution of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Republic of Belarus from 3. Such tariffication should be indicated in the employment contract and in the staffing table.

In each organization, the relationship between employees and the employer must be formalized in a legal manner, with familiarization with the job description and other required documents.
The qualification guide contains information on the division of workers into categories, the characteristics of each category.

ETKS is formed from tariff and qualification parameters based on characteristics key works for blue-collar occupations, based on the level of their complexity, as well as for certain tariff categories, requirements for professional skills and knowledge of workers in working specialties.

The professional standard of the office cleaner will pay attention to the availability of the candidate good health... The head of the company must remember that the implementation of procedures for medical examinations of employees before work and during labor activity is required.

Description of the work. Acceptance for storage of outerwear, hats, shoes and other personal belongings from employees and visitors of the enterprise (institution). Issuance of a token to an employee or visitor indicating the number of the storage location. Delivery of clothes and other things to an employee or visitor upon presentation of a token. Assisting disabled and elderly visitors with undressing and dressing.

Description of the work. Disinfection (destruction or weakening of pathogens or transmitters of infection (infection)) clothing, household items, equipment, machinery, raw materials, semi-finished products, Vehicle, territories, industrial premises, buildings, etc. physical, chemical, biological and combined methods.
The Ministry of Health is responsible for developing and making adjustments to the ETKS in the Russian Federation, along with state executive agencies that perform tasks of control, regulation and organization of specific areas of the economy.

On Saturday, August 31, at 4 pm, the miraculous icon "Pryazhevskaya" arrives at the Church of All Saints in the Russian Land who shone from the Gornalsk Belogorsk Monastery. Here she will stay for a week, then she will be transported to the temple of St. Sergius of Radonezh. This image is the second shrine of the Kursk land after the Kursk-Korennaya icon of the Mother of God "The Sign".

For non-performance (improper performance) of his work within the limits determined by the current labor legislation of the Republic of Belarus.

What else to download on the topic "Working instructions":

When performing work on cleaning industrial premises, including industrial waste, bathrooms and public toilets - 2nd category.

Cleaning and disinfection of showers, dressing rooms and other common areas. Preparation of washing and disinfecting solutions. Obtaining detergents, inventory and cleaning material.

Requirements for the cleaner of production workshops are supplemented with points: Dry or wet cleaning in both categories can be carried out either manually or with the help of machines and devices. Technical personnel must have knowledge of the device and the rules of operation of the serviced devices, sanitary equipment.

The office cleaner is appointed and dismissed by the head of the enterprise. 1.4.

But in some regions, the amount rises to exorbitant 20,000-25,000 rubles. The salary of door cleaners can vary widely.

The office cleaner must: follow the rules of the internal work schedule and the established regime of work and rest; to perform work that is part of his duties or assigned by the administration, provided that he is trained in the rules for the safe performance of this work; apply safe work practices; be able to provide first aid to victims. 2. OBLIGATIONS 2.1.

When starting on duty, the cleaner must clearly be able to analyze and distinguish between all solutions and substances with which he will have to work. In accordance with the Lists of industries, jobs, professions, positions and indicators that give the right to preferential pension provision, approved by the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the USSR No. 10 dated January 26, 1991, industrial premises cleaners are entitled to corresponding preferential pension benefits. At the same time, office cleaners do not have any benefits or restrictions.

Cleaning job description

Receive from the employees of the enterprise the information necessary for the implementation of their activities. 4.2. Submit proposals on their activities for consideration by their immediate supervisor. 4.3. Require the management of the enterprise to assist in the execution of their job duties.

Require the management of the enterprise to ensure organizational and technical conditions and the execution of the established documents necessary for the performance of official duties. 4.5. To enjoy labor rights in accordance with the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. 5. FINAL PROVISIONS 5.1.

Should know: rules for receiving and storing personal belongings; rules for processing documents in case of a lost token; the operating mode of the enterprise (institution).

Deratization (extermination of rats, mice and field rodents-pests) with poisonous chemicals manually or using special machines. Preparation and maintenance of machinery and equipment, preparation and use of pesticides and other substances for disinfection, disinsection and deratization. Bringing the objects to be treated to the disinfection chambers, loading and unloading them.

It is important to know that a cleaner of industrial premises and office premises is, first of all, an employee who has a high level of skills and knowledge in electrical safety. All cleaners undergo special professional instruction: introductory (when hiring) and regular (every time period specified by law).

If there is a change labor function, then we can only talk about the translation, which must also be executed additional agreement To labor contract... Moreover, in staffing table you will first need to enter the position of a cleaner of industrial premises.

With piecework wages, the size of an employee's wages per month depends on the amount of products he has produced (units, operations, services), and not on the hours worked.

In contact with

Does ETKS have the profession "Cleaner of office and industrial premises" and which ETKS to refer to?


Answer to the question:

No, currently such a single post in the EKS no.

The current TSA provides for two positions: "office cleaner" and "industrial premises cleaner"

If necessary, you can enter two positions in the staffing table (including at 0.5 rate), for one to issue an employee as a main job, and for the second to issue internal combination(and if he will perform work in both positions in the main time - combination).

Details in the materials of the System Personnel:

Legal basis:

"Qualification directory of occupations of workers, which are set monthly salaries"

(approved by the Decree of the State Committee of Labor of the USSR, the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions of 20.02.1984 N 58 / 3-102)

(as revised on 03/15/1991)

Cleaner of industrial premises

Description of the work. Cleaning in workshops and other industrial premises of production waste and garbage. Dust wiping, sweeping and washing by hand or with the help of machines and fixtures of floors, stairs, staircases, windows, walls, ceilings in industrial premises. Preparation of various cleaning and disinfecting solutions for cleaning floors, walls, windows and ceilings. Transportation of waste and garbage from production facilities to a designated place. Obtaining detergents, inventory and cleaning material. Filling cisterns with drinking water, arranging waste bins, cleaning and disinfecting them. Cleaning and disinfection of toilets, showers, dressing rooms and other common areas in production.

Must know: industrial hygiene requirements; purpose and concentration of disinfectants and detergents; cleaning rules; device and rules of operation of service equipment.

Office cleaner

Description of the work. Cleaning of office premises of administrative buildings, corridors, stairs, bathrooms, public toilets, beaches, apartments. Dust removal, sweeping and washing by hand or with machines and fixtures of walls, floors, ceilings, window frames and glass, door blocks, furniture and carpets. Cleaning and disinfection of toilets, bathtubs, sinks and other sanitary equipment. Cleaning paper bins and rinsing them with disinfectant solutions. Collect garbage and carry it to a designated place. Compliance with the rules of sanitation and hygiene in the cleaned rooms.

Should know: rules of sanitation and hygiene for the maintenance of premises; device and purpose of the serviced equipment and devices; cleaning rules; the concentration of detergents and disinfectants and the rules for their safe use; rules for the operation of sanitary equipment.

Territory cleaner

Description of the work. Removing snow and ice, sweeping the carriageway and sidewalks, sprinkling them with sand. Raking and throwing snow. Observing sanitary condition serviced area. Digging and cleaning of grooves and trays for water drainage. Clearing snow and ice from fire wells for free access to them. Watering pavements, sidewalks, green spaces, flower beds and lawns. Periodic washing and disinfection of street bins, cleaning them from debris.

Should know: sanitary rules for the maintenance of streets; safety rules when performing cleaning work.

Best regards and wishes for a comfortable work, Tatiana Kozlova,

Expert Systems Personnel


Cleaner of production and service premises

Profession code Cleaner of production and office premises according to OKPDTR:

Find the OKZ code (OK 010-2014)

11 - Direct wage system


13 - The system of remuneration is progressive

20 - Time-based wages

21 - The remuneration system is simple

22 - The system of remuneration is premium

2 - Severe and harmful

3 - Especially heavy and especially harmful

2 - Workers performing work with machines and mechanisms

3 - Workers performing manual work on machines and mechanisms

4 - Workers performing manual work not with machines and mechanisms

5 - Workers performing manual work on setting up and repairing machines and mechanisms

* OK 010-93 became invalid on July 1, 2015 in connection with the publication of the "Order" of Rosstandart dated 12.12.2014 N 2020-st, which approved new classifier lessons OK 010-2014


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  • KIES

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All-Russian classifier of currencies OK (MK (ISO 4217) 003-97) 014-2000


All-Russian classifier of types of goods, packaging and packaging materials OK 031-2002


All-Russian Classifier of Economic Activities OK 029-2007 (NACE Rev. 1.1)

  • OKVED 2

All-Russian Classifier of Economic Activities OK 029-2014 (NACE REV. 2)

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All-Russian classifier of information on social protection population. OK 003-99 (valid until 01.12.2017)

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All-Russian classifier of fixed assets OK 013-2014 (SNA 2008) (valid from 01.01.2017)

All-Russian classifier of products OK 005-93 (valid until 01.01.2017)

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All-Russian classifier of management documentation OK 011-93

  • OKFS

All-Russian classifier of forms of ownership OK 027-99

  • OECD

All-Russian classifier of economic regions. OK 024-95

  • OKUN

All-Russian classifier of services to the population. OK 002-93

  • TN VED

Commodity nomenclature foreign economic activity(TN VED EAEU)

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Classifier of the types of permitted use of land plots


Classifier of General Government Operations

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Universal Decimal Classifier

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Anatomical Therapeutic Chemical Classification of Medicines (ATC)

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Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation of October 24, 2005 N 648

"On amendments to the tariff and qualification characteristics for industry-wide occupations of workers"

In connection with the clarification of the nature of the work performed for certain professions of workers, I order:

Include in the tariff and qualification characteristics for industry-wide occupations of workers, approved by the decree of the Ministry of Labor Russian Federation dated November 10, 1992 N 31 "On approval of tariff and qualification characteristics for industry-wide occupations of workers", changes according to the appendix.

Minister M. Zurabov

to the order of the Ministry

and social development RF

Changes in the tariff and qualification characteristics for industry-wide occupations of workers, approved by the decree of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation of November 10, 1992 N 31 "On approval of tariff and qualification characteristics for industry-wide occupations of workers"

1. To exclude from the tariff and qualification characteristics for the industry-wide professions of workers the tariff and qualification characteristic of the profession "Cleaner of industrial and office premises" 1-2 categories.

2. To supplement the tariff and qualification characteristics for the industry-wide professions of workers with the tariff and qualification characteristics of the professions "Cleaner of industrial premises" of the 2nd category and "Cleaner of offices" of the 1st category, setting them out in the following edition:

"Cleaner of industrial premises

Description of the work. Cleaning in workshops and other industrial premises of production waste and garbage. Dust removal, sweeping and washing by hand or with the help of machines and fixtures of floors, stairs, staircases, windows, walls, ceilings in industrial premises. Preparation of detergents and disinfectants for cleaning floors, walls, windows and ceilings. Transportation of waste and garbage from production facilities to a designated place. Obtaining detergents, inventory and cleaning material. Filling containers with drinking water. Cleaning, sanitizing and arranging waste bins. Cleaning and disinfection of toilets, showers, dressing rooms and other common areas of industrial premises.

Must know: industrial sanitation requirements; rules of sanitation and hygiene for the maintenance of industrial premises; device and rules of operation of the serviced equipment and devices; purpose and concentration of detergents and disinfectants; rules for the operation of sanitary equipment.

Office cleaner

Description of the work. Cleaning of halls, lobbies, corridors, staircases of office and other premises of public and administrative buildings. Removing dust from furniture, carpets, sweeping and washing by hand or using machines and fixtures of walls, floors, stairs, windows. Wet sweeping and washing of staircases, flights, places in front of the loading valves of the garbage chute, removing dust from the ceiling, wet wiping of walls, doors, shades, window sills, window bars, railings, attic stairs. Sweeping and washing the area in front of the entrance to the staircase. Floor cleaning, wet cleaning of walls, doors, ceilings, elevator cabin shades. Collecting and moving garbage to a designated location. Cleaning and disinfection of sanitary equipment in common areas. Obtaining detergents and disinfectants, inventory and cleaning material.

Must know: rules of sanitation and hygiene for the maintenance of the cleaned premises; device and rules of operation of the serviced equipment and devices; cleaning rules; purpose and concentration of disinfectants and detergents; rules for the operation of sanitary equipment.

Note. Remuneration for the work of office cleaners who clean toilets is made according to the 2nd category of the Unified Tariff Schedule. "

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ETKS office cleaner: how to clean it correctly?

For each job, there is a separate item in the unified tariff and qualification reference book. Cleaning of office premises is also no exception, and therefore requires attention on an equal basis with other higher professions.

Basic Provisions

These provisions contain strict characteristics (some extracts from ETKS), which have been approved for a long time.

  1. The cleaning profession was originally an exclusively working profession., therefore, in the reference book, it, backed up by legislative norms, calmly drifts among all kinds of legislation of the Russian Federation;
  2. A person holding a full-fledged job position office cleaner, obeys (exclusively on questions work activities) the immediate leader of the organizational layer. To dismiss or raise the decision is also exclusively for this person;
  3. Also, the cleaner himself should have been familiar with his inviolable rules for a long time, they play a very important role for the profession. Literally speaking, the cleaner is obliged to maintain his veto - clean hygiene in any corner of the room, must be able to use equipment, know the basic rules of cleaning and, of course, have specialized detergents on hand.
  4. Have overalls with you for washing places that require it.

Job description of office cleaner

What kind of work does the office cleaner do:

  • Full, multi-level cleaning of administrative buildings, all kinds of company details: stairs, elevators, windows and so on;
  • Dry surface cleaning, carried out with the help of vacuum cleaners, brooms;
  • Wet cleaning 2 category, namely, the maximum destruction of dust from the surfaces of tables, sofas, ceilings and some other hard-to-reach products;
  • Wet cleaning 1 category includes thorough rinsing of floors and other surfaces using cleaning fluids;
  • Full cleaning and disinfection of the bathroom a, corresponding hygiene requirements, since cleaning should be carried out exclusively with high-quality detergents;
  • Furniture cleaning specialized equipment th (steam generator) and means;
  • Cleaning up urns and similar places, further, garbage collection and removal. Also, after collection, you need to thoroughly rinse everything with disinfectants;
  • Removal of accumulated snow and ice in winter.

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What should a office cleaner need to know?

In fact, the cleaner does not need to know anything supernatural, only competent handling of the rules of hygiene. At least a superficial knowledge of the equipment that you use, plus everything, you should be able to clean.

And one more aspect, this is the ability to mix funds in the correct proportion, so as not to spoil the things for which it will be applied, otherwise you can lose your job.

List of office cleaner services:

  • Elementary work that does not require specific skills and abilities: sweep, wash, remove anything, you can continue indefinitely, so we will take all this within the framework of one paragraph;
  • All types of wet cleaning, also with the participation of various specialized equipment, for example, a vacuum cleaner with a built-in wet filter that has a wet cleaning function;
  • Disinfection, one of the most difficult tricks in the hands of an employee, since you need to mix a variety of products in the most suitable for a certain type of surface, if you make a mistake even for a minimum fraction, you can damage the entire structure as a whole;
  • Detailed cleaning of furniture products using a steam generator. You just need to have a bit of knowledge to use it, refuel and change filters.

Most popular cleaning areas

Cleaner in production

  1. A common task in large-scale production is to thoroughly clean the workshops and various workplaces, as well as the corridor, which begins first of all with washing the places of the same name.
  2. Also, as in many cleanings, dust is also wiped off here and there is wet cleaning.(of course, more and more extensive in comparison with service cleaning).
  3. The next stage of work is to put in order the workplace of other people.
  4. If there are machines or other mechanisms, then you should wipe them, it is not worth washing, since later this may affect its functionality.
  5. Another point is filling the drinking water tanks.(if there are machines or similar equipment, they will definitely be present).
  6. The final step is to clean the toilet specialized detergents, and it also needs to be disinfected without damaging anything superfluous with the solution, except for harmful bacteria.

What knowledge must a cleaner have during industrial cleaning:

  • Key points in industrial cleaning;
  • You need to know the rules by heart, one unnecessary movement and the integrity of the enterprise is violated;
  • Must have a basic knowledge of mixing liquids of different concentrations;
  • The final rule is the ability to handle the equipment used, be it even a vacuum cleaner, you must be able to operate, and if you are trusted with something large-scale, then you should be extremely careful, one wrong move and you can disable the whole mechanism.

Territory cleaner

Cleaning of the territory takes place exclusively in street conditions, and most often this is due to the excess of precipitation. Removing excess ice and snow, cleaning roads and carriageways, well, the best thing to do in winter is in the cold.

Mandatory knowledge base for a territory cleaner:

  • Have a collection of many rules for hygienic cleaning, remember the main aspects from it, in order to be able to do everything as efficiently and quickly as possible, in other words, know all the cleaning instructions;
  • You should be aware of the existing safety rules when working in open spaces, otherwise it can end in disaster, both for the cleaner and for the employer.

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Current edition


(as amended by the Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation of 01.28.93 N 10)

Description of the work. Cleaning of premises, corridors, stairs. Removing dust from furniture, carpets, sweeping and washing by hand or with machines and fixtures of walls, floors, stairs, windows, etc. Collection and transportation of garbage and waste to a designated place. Garbage bin arrangement, cleaning and disinfection. Cleaning and disinfection of showers, dressing rooms and other common areas. Preparation of washing and disinfecting solutions. Obtaining detergents, inventory and cleaning material. Compliance with the rules of sanitation and hygiene in the cleaned places.

Should know: rules of sanitation and hygiene for the maintenance of cleaned places; device and rules of operation of the serviced equipment and devices; cleaning rules; purpose and concentration of disinfectants and detergents; rules for the operation of sanitary equipment.

When performing work on cleaning industrial premises, including industrial waste, bathrooms and public toilets,

Download DECREE of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation dated 10-11-92 31 (revised from 04-02-97) ON APPROVAL OF TARIFF-QUALIFICATION CHARACTERISTICS OF THE SOFTWARE. Actual in 2017


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