Quiz games at school camp. Summer camp. Games, contests. Catch the ball game

Summer camp games and contests

Summer camp is always an unforgettable experience. And varied funny contests will definitely become their main part. In addition, they will allow to unite the children's team, develop the physical and creative abilities of children, will give them the opportunity to compete in strength, dexterity and erudition.

Show the proverb

Children are divided into teams. The players of one team show a small scene without words, in which some well-known proverb is encrypted, and the players of the second team are trying to guess this proverb. The game takes place for a while. If the team was unable to give the correct answer in 5 minutes, then the right to "show the proverb" is transferred to the other team.

Trainers and predators

Players are divided into two teams - trainers and predators. A circle is outlined in the center of the playing area. Stickers are handed out to the trainers. The “trainer” must catch up with the “predator” and be able to stick a sticker on it, after which the “predator” is considered caught and taken to the circle. The trainers team is trying to catch and bring into the circle all the players from the predators team.

Air pointer

Players are divided into teams. Each team is given Balloons and scotch tape. Participants in the game need to inflate as many balloons as possible and use adhesive tape to connect them into a long pointer chain. The winner is the team with the longer air pointer.

We guess by the hand

A curtain or curtain is pulled in the room, which has a small opening for the hand. One team stands on one side of the curtain, and another team on the other side. The players of one team take turns putting their hand through the hole, and the players of the other try to guess who exactly owns the hand. The winner is the one who gives the most correct answers.


A player of one of the teams is invited - "word-nose". He is voiced a theme, for example, "space", "shop", "school", "sea" or others. On this topic, he names the words that come into his head. These words are written down. And then the rest of the team's players are invited, the topic is read out to them, and they try to guess the written words. The winner is the team that guessed the most of the words named "word-nose".

Relay with cardboard boxes

Divide the children into two equal color teams (for example, "red" and "blue").

Use tape or sticks to mark the start and finish. (Choose the distance between them taking into account the available space and children's possibilities.)

Give the first players on each team two sheets of cardboard of the corresponding color. (The red team should have two sheets of red paper, the blue team should have blue.)

The players who will start the relay must stand on the start line with the rest of the team behind them. When you say "March!" - each of the players must put one sheet of cardboard in front of him, stand on it, then put the second sheet in front of him, go to it, and lift the first sheet that was left behind. Athletes must repeat these steps all the way to the finish line, and then turn around and move back to the start in the same way.

Returning to the start, the first player gives the boxes to the second, who repeats the same path, and so on, until the whole team is finished.

The first of the teams, in which all players go from start to finish and back, wins.

Option. Two athletes can also participate in this game. The winner is the one who is the first to be at the starting point, going to the finish line and back.

Sign in or sign out?

Spread a large old beach towel or picnic blanket on the ground and ask all players to stand on it.

You will "drive", but the players must do the opposite of what you say. When you shout, "Everybody get out!" - the players must stay in place, and when you shout: "Everybody come in!" - they, on the contrary, should get off the blanket. Each player should listen carefully to your commands to know what they shouldn't do to stay in the game.

Anyone who makes a mistake is out of the game. The last one wins.

An unbreakable bond

Players are divided into pairs. One of the couple names a word, and the other comes up with an association to it. For example, "elephant - trunk", "bread - butter", "key - lock". Then all the players are blindfolded and thrown in different directions. After which they, shouting out only one word, exactly the one named by their partner, try to find each other and join hands.

Indian name

Each player writes any adjective on one piece of paper and any noun on the other. All adjectives go into one box, and nouns go into another. Then the contents of the boxes are shuffled and each player goes to the boxes and pulls out one noun and one adjective. The combination of these words becomes his name for the whole day. The phrases can be very unexpected and funny. For example, "blue eye", "funny cucumber", etc.

Popcorn run

Mark the start and finish with tape or sticks.

Give each athlete a paper plate with six popcorn seeds on it.

Players should line up at the start with their plates in front of them. The goal is to reach the finish line and back without dropping a single grain.

I know more

Players are divided into teams. The host names a specific topic. For example, "sports", "flowers", "baked goods", "female names" or another. And the teams for five minutes try to remember and write down as many words as possible related to the specified topic. The team that comes up with the most suitable words wins.

Big fruit races

Take a round fruit and a pencil for each participant. Choose fruits that roll well and are strong enough. Apples or oranges work best, but you can also use pomegranates or lemons to add spice and fun to the competition.

Use tape or sticks to mark the start and finish. (Again, determine the distance based on the space available and the ability of the children.)

All players must line up at the start, placing fruit exactly on the line.

At the command "March!" players must use pencils to roll their fruits to the finish line and back. The winner is the one who returns to the start first.

Important note. You can only use pencils to roll the fruit. Whoever touches the fruit with hand or foot will be disqualified! This game can also be played as a relay race, especially if there is not enough space for all athletes to participate at the same time.

Sardines in a jar

This game is a kind of opposite to the usual hide and seek.

One child hides, and the rest separate and start looking for him.

After someone finds the place where the first player hid, he must also hide with him. (The idea is not to announce that you have found the hiding person. If you find him when others are nearby, do not show it, and come back later when no one will see you.)

In the end, everyone should be in one place until the last seeker remains. Now he will hide, and the others will look for him.

Clothespin spots

At the beginning of the game, five clothespins are attached to the clothes on the back of each player. The goal of the game is to try to remove the clothespins from other players so that they do not remove the clothespins from you.

When one player successfully removes the clothespin from the other, they kneel down and attach the clothespin to their back. Note: While the player is on their knees and attaches a clothespin to their clothes, they cannot be touched. When the clothespin is attached to his clothes, he must stand up and return to the game.

The winner is the one with the most clothespins. But be warned: this game has virtually no end! Even if someone has lost all of their clothespins, they can still try to get them back. If you need to finish the game, give the children a 5-minute readiness so they know it's time to finish and calm down.

And for the organization of any event, even a children's party with contests and games, even an adult party with songs and dances, electricity is required. Often in nature, she simply has nowhere to come from, and then she has to think in advance and decide on what the musical electrical equipment, lighting and necessary household appliances, various kitchen appliances and much more will be powered from. In this and in many other cases, the best solution would be renting a power plant, as well as renting diesel or gasoline generators, to provide the necessary electricity for an event of any scale, up to a major concert or holiday where a bunch of different equipment will be involved.

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School activities and school holidays

A holiday of outdoor and sports games in the summer camp They will not catch up with us ...


Sporting activities in the summer camp, they are held throughout the day (in the morning - a sports match, before dinner - other activities, rewarding - after dinner). The competition involves the participation of all squads, however, division into age groups is envisaged.

Venue for sports games: a stadium or a large meadow.

Number of participants: 50-100 people.

Age of participants: 12-15 years old.

Material support of a sports event:

  • sports equipment for the match;
  • props for contests (balloons,
  • thick rope (length - 2 m), tissue paper disks, hats, flags for the game "Protection of the Banner");
  • cardboard medals;
  • prizes.

Preparing for a sports event at the summer camp

In preparation for the event, it is necessary to draw lots between the squads for a sports match.

It is also necessary to inspect the place where the holiday will take place, clear it of debris, level the ground on the playgrounds, mark the playgrounds.

Plan of a sports event in the summer camp:

  1. Sports match.
  2. Warm-up games.
  3. Contests.
  4. The game "Protection of the Banner".
  5. Quiz.
  6. Winner's reward ceremony.

Duration sports event: 4 hours.

Sports match

The party starts right after breakfast of some sports game(football, volleyball, basketball). There are several options for organizing and conducting games:

  1. Conducting a series of matches between teams.

For this, short futsal competitions are best. If the age of the children in the squads varies greatly, it is necessary to create several age groups. Games can be played separately for boys and girls or in mixed teams. If possible, several games are played simultaneously.

2. Demonstration match (football) between the two senior squads.

3. Football or volleyball match between teams of children and educators.

When preparing matches, it is also necessary to organize the fan teams.

Warm-up games at a sports event

The second part of the party begins in the afternoon with fun games. For example, the following games can be played:

Dragon Tail game

Participants stand in a row one after another and hold on to the belt of the player in front. The goal of the first player in the chain is to catch the last one. In this case, the chain must not break.

Game "Locust"

To play, you need to mark the treadmills and the start and finish lines. The distance varies from 30 to 50 m, depending on the age of the participants. On command, the participants run from start to finish. The last three players who came running no longer take part in the race, but become "saboteurs".

In the next race, the "pests" try to prevent the rest of the children from running or force them to step over the edge of the treadmill. The three players who came last in the second race join the saboteurs. All players who step over the edge of the treadmill become "pests".

After that, the next race is held. The game continues until one person remains at the start, who is considered the winner.

During the game, it is necessary to ensure that the "saboteurs" do not use forceful techniques in relation to other players.

I wrote about competitions in the camp for children and mentioned a sequel. So, today I will talk about the second interesting evening held together with a group of 40 children in the form of a relay-search event. The children really liked everything, especially the prizes. Read the details below.

Preparation for the relay search event

Relay races What needs to be prepared
1. Pass the locomotive around and do not knock down the water bottles. 6 (this is 12) plastic 1.5 l bottles with a small amount of water for each team.
2. Walk between the bottles, blindfolded, one at a time. 2 kerchiefs
3. Roll the ball between the bottles, pushing it with a wooden stick.
4. Pass the bottle from hand to hand to one side of the team and vice versa. You can complicate and pass the bottle under your feet.
5. Move the ball to one bottle, hitting it with only one hand.
6. Jump on one leg to the bottle and return.
7. Put bottles one to one and knock down with one bottle. Reminds of the game "towns".
8. Get the whole team drunk. One team member is blindfolded and given a spoon. The assistant holds the cup and directs it to each team member. You need to get into your mouth and pour one tablespoon of water into it. 2 cups of water, 2 spoons
9. Throw the ball into the bucket. 2 balls and 2 wide buckets.
10. Roll the ball under the whole team. The latter catches and runs out to the starting position.
11. Look for garbage on the territory of the base. Whoever collects the most will receive the last coin. Don't look in trash cans! Scoops, brooms, gloves, garbage bags.

Find parts of the map

After the children make up a code word and call it, the participants are divided into 4 teams, each of them is given a hint-leaflet on which it is written where part of the card is hidden. For example, your piece of the map is hidden on the kitchen door. Children must find all 4 pieces and fold the card. On the folded sheet, there is a mark of the place where the treasure is hidden. Everyone finds a leaflet there - congratulations on the victory and the location of the prize. We wrote that the prize was waiting for them in the refrigerator in the kitchen.

Impressions of the contests for children

Since everything passed quickly and there was a note of excitement, there are a lot of impressions for the children. There was a girl who took pictures, the staff of the base gathered and everyone, together with the participants, loudly "worried" about what was happening. An adult child was assigned to each team to help - give (the ball), count (the score in your favor), check (the team's location) + there was an excellent presenter + assistant (me) who submitted everything for the next competition and gave out the letters earned.

The little residents of the base also took part. They were assigned to teams and it was so funny to watch when the elders help the younger ones (almost 4 years old). For example, it was necessary to jump between the bottles on one leg, so adult children picked up the little ones under the armpits and jumped together. Even adult educators wanted to take part and also walked blindfolded or galloped to cheers.

The only bad moment in the whole holiday was the rain and one of the parts of the card came off. Children, already taught by past contests, immediately figured out in advance where the final card was. But there were several people, and they were adults. I glued it on again, while others figured out how and where to go. The prize surprised everyone. There were 2 boxes of ice cream in the refrigerator - a portion for each. Then there was the massive eating and discussion of the evening.

This is how we spent our time at sea. I highly recommend organizing such games and contests for a whole class of schoolchildren, for children's camps and for a large number of children at or some other holidays.

Look for the energy of organizers or find such people so that your children have fun and interest.

It is difficult to imagine the life of children without a game. In recreation camps, play is the main thing that children remember. Play programs are a model that allows children to be entertained not only on fine days, but also in the rain. The game can (and should) be split over several days. Even the most interesting game should know when to stop. Kids can be occupied with playing for no more than an hour, older children - no more than two hours.

The organizer must remember that the game does not like impromptu.

After all, leading the game, the entertainer must be able to ask in time leading question, explain something, tell an entertaining story related to a particular science.

Props play an important role in any program. It should be bright and colorful.

Competition games are always going on successfully. They are interesting for both players and fans.

Children are happy to play music games, confusion games, riddles ...

These games help the entertainer "warm up" the audience, so that later they can start game program... They are needed to fill the gaps.

The game must not be dragged out, it must be ended at a time when interest in it has not yet disappeared.


Relay game "Running with potatoes"

Its participants pass each other not a baton, but a potato, and while running they hold it not in their hand, but in a spoon.

You can only run with potatoes, and if it falls, you can pick it up not with your hand, but only with a spoon, and only then continue running.

Each team consists of 8-10 people. They line up in front of the starting line. The first number in outstretched hand holds a spoon in which there is a potato. The distance of the race is 30-40 meters in both directions. At the signal, the run begins. Having reached the finish line, which is indicated by a flag or any other mark, the player comes back and passes the baton - a spoon with potatoes - to the next player of his team.

Relay game "Water carriers"

In this game, the role of the baton is played by a small bucket filled with water. The bucket can be replaced with any other utensil. It is important that the teams that play together have exactly the same vessels.

So, each team has the same vessels, filled to the brim with water. The first number of the team starts running at the signal with a bucket in hand. He reaches the finish line, comes back and hands the bucket to the second number. The players' task is not only to go the distance faster, but also not to splash water in the bucket.

The distance of the race is no more than 40-50 meters.

Both outdoors and indoors they enjoy playing the game "Water Carriers", where teams from a full vessel at the start carry water with spoons into an empty vessel at the finish. Then the amount of water is measured.

If the water is tinted, then in a transparent container it will be clearly visible which team did the best with the task.

Game "Frogs"

It can be carried out in any yard where there is a playground or path 10-15 meters long. All participants in the game line up at the start. At the signal of the captain, whom the children choose themselves, they simultaneously squat, put their hands on their hips and start jumping, imitating frogs, to the finish line. The guys try to make the longest jumps, overtake the opponent. The winner is the one who jumps to the finish line before everyone else.

Fishing rod game

Any jump rope or rope about two meters long is useful for this game. A bag of sand or other weight is tied to one end of the rope. The number of guys that can be covered in the game depends on the length of the rope - the longer it is, the larger the circle that the players form. But even a very long rope is not suitable, it should be no more than three meters.

One of the players is a fisherman. He is chosen by lot or with the help of a counting rhyme. The fisherman stands in the center of the circle, he spins his rope at a height of no more than 20-30 centimeters from the ground.

Players standing in a circle must jump at the moment the rope approaches, pass the bag under their feet, or step back, passing the bag in front of them. But you can only bounce back in one game once. Whoever has done so more is eliminated from the game. And the fisherman can also be cunning, he then stops his fishing rod, then leads it in the other direction.

The one whom the fisherman touched with the bag is caught, he is out of the circle. The last three players who managed to hold out the longest in the game are considered the winners.

The game has such a mandatory rule: until the end of the game, each player must remain at the place where he started the game, each player can mark his place with chalk, i.e. no matter how many players play, the circle does not narrow.

The shuttle game

This game teaches children to perform standing jumps.

The players are divided into two equal teams and face one another. A starting line is marked on the court between the teams.

The first player from one team from the marked place jumps as far as possible towards the opposing team. His jump is marked with a dash.

The first player of the other team stands on this marked place and jumps into reverse side, trying to jump over the initial line, that is, to make the jump longer than the opponent's jump. The length of his jump is marked again, and now the second player of the first team from this mark jumps towards the second team. Etc. There is a competition in which the players of one team jump to the side of the second, and the players of the second - back to the side of the first.

The team with the longest jumps is awarded the victory.

Game "Storks"

This game was invented in Moldova. The game combines different jumps - on one and on two legs.

Two teams compete, jumping from the start line to the finish line. They jump, pushing off with both feet or one, at the discretion of the players' advice. Often the jumps alternate: five jumps on one leg, five on two, etc.

The jumping distance is 20-30 meters. Whoever jumps to the finish line first and makes no mistakes is the winner. If a mistake is made at a distance, then the game can be continued only from the place where the player made this mistake.

This game can also be played as a relay. Then the teams are already competing in the game. Distance from start to finish is 10 meters.

The first in the team jumps in the agreed order (on two or one legs, or alternating jumps), jumps to the finish line, comes back, touches the next player of his team with his hand. Only after that the next player can start his distance (jumping towards the flag at the finish line).

The first team to complete the task wins. The one who stumbled, made a mistake, can either continue jumping, or withdraw from the race. Then the team is credited with 30 seconds of penalty time.

Game "Lame Crow"

One-legged jumping game. Two teams are playing. One team is white crows, the other is black. The players of both teams are calculated on serial numbers and line up in two lines, one against the other at a distance of 10-12 meters: in one line, the players of both teams alternate in such a way that they are diagonally opposite each other, i.e. in one line are: white crow, black, white, black. And in the line opposite the first number is already a black crow, then a white crow, etc. It turns out that there are even numbers of one team in the line and, after one, all the odd numbers of the other team.

The referee gives the first players sashes of different colors, but the same length. The referee's signal sounds. The first numbers of the teams quickly bandage the left leg, which they bent at the knee, with a sash and, without wasting a second, begin to overcome their distance, jumping on one leg to the number "2" of their team, which is in a line opposite diagonally. Having untied the sash, the player gives it to the player number "2" of his team and takes his place. The second player does the same as the first team number, but already jumps to the number "3" of his team, and so on. Jumping opponents cross diagonally.

The task of the players is clearly, without wasting time, to tie, and then to untie the sash, pass it on to their player, quickly and dexterously jump at a distance, without losing direction and trying not to collide with an opponent. The team that finishes the jumps earlier, comes to the finish line, wins.

The game "Russian squatting"

This game is collective. The participants are divided into groups of 5-6 people. They are built in columns, in the back of each other's heads.

Exercises for a funny squat are performed to music. Where there is no musical accompaniment, you can play the game to the account.

Initially, all groups squat down and place their hands on the shoulders of the player in front. Before starting the game, you need to say which foot the game starts with.

Starting position - everyone squatted down.

On the "one" count - throw your right leg forward.

On the count of "two" - to return to the starting position.

On the count of three - jump upwards, pushing off with both feet.

On the count of four — squat down.

On the count of "five" - ​​bring your left leg forward.

On the count of "six" - take the starting position.

On the count of "seven" - jump up, pushing off with both feet.

On the count of "eight" - squat down again.

The winner is the team that did not make mistakes and managed to hold the team longer than others in such a charge.

Game "Rebane"

"Rebane" - Estonian folk game... "Rebane" means "Chanterelle" in translation.

The participants in the game form a three: two boys and one girl, or vice versa - two girls, one boy. Two catchers and one chanterelle or foxes. In the hands of the catchers, a scarf or rope 3-4 meters long. Catchers tie the scarf with a loop and, holding it, form a ring. The task of the catchers is to lure the fox into the ring, the task of the fox is to slip through the ring before the catchers tighten it. Catching a fox in a ring by tightening a scarf is not easy. Usually a nimble fox deftly avoids hunters. But hunters must also be dexterous hunters. At folk festivals in Estonia, 8-10 triplets are played simultaneously, and the game enjoys great success.

If there are many participants, the game can be given the character of a sports competition. Having slipped through the ring three times, the fox is considered the winner. It is enough for catchers to catch the fox once.

The second round involves the winners - the best hunters and more agile foxes. And so on until the end, until the most dexterous fox and the most dexterous hunters emerge.

The game "Flies!"

This game can be played between games and jumps.

Everyone stands in a circle, and one of the participants, chosen by lot or counting, enters the center of the circle and conducts a competition for attention.

- The falcon is flying ... - he says and raises his right hand up.

All the guys also raise their hand after him and repeat the words:

- The eagle is flying!

And everyone repeats after him:

- The raven is flying! .. The starling is flying! .. The dove is flying! .. The owl is flying! ..

All obediently repeat after him and raise their hand behind the one standing in the center.

- The sheep is flying! .. - The driver raises his hand, and whoever followed the driver's example and said that the sheep fly is out of the game.

Each time, fewer and fewer participants remain in the circle.

When half of the participants are eliminated, the remaining players complete a lap of honor and move on to another game.

The game "Fingerboard"

The players stand in a circle and hold in their hands a rope, the ends of which are tied. A ring and a ring are strung on a rope.

In the center of the circle is the driver. He must intercept the ring, for which, on his order, the player in the circle must raise his right or left hand. If the ring is found, then the driver changes places with the one who could not quietly send the ring further around the circle.

In this game, you can also determine the time of searching for the ring, and the most clever ones can establish a comic prize.

Game "Kolobok"

"Kolobok" is an outdoor ball game. All participants form a circle, open to outstretched arms. In the center of the circle is the driver. You need a ball to play; it can be small or large.

Before the start of the game, the teams line up at the start line. The ball is in the hands of the first players. At the referee's whistle, the race begins. The game is played from the start line to the finish line, on which two flags are fixed.

So, at the signal, the first numbers of the players, hitting the ball with bounces on the ground, lead it with one hand to the flag, go around the flag and come back. You cannot grab the ball with your hand. As soon as the ball hits the start line, a second player on the team picks it up and repeats the same route with the same rules.

The winner is the team that finishes the run first without errors.

The referee has the right to stop the runner if he violated the rule, caught the ball with his hand, if the ball did not bounce off the ground and rolled on the ground. In these cases, the referee does not stop the game, he returns the player who made the mistake to the place where he made the mistake and the game continues.

There is also a second version of this game. Teams are divided into two groups (in this case, each team must have an even number of players). The running distance is marked with two lines. Groups occupy opposite lines facing each other. In this version of the game, the first number of the team's group dribbles the ball forward to the line where its second group stands. The first player of the second group, having intercepted the ball that bounced near his line, leads it back to the first group with blows on the ground, where the second number of the first group, prepared for the game, is already waiting for him. The game takes place at a very fast pace. It can be agreed that the ball race is repeated two or three times by all the players in the group. In this case, the player who drove the ball goes to the back of the head of the last player on his team.

To determine the winner, the sum of the time of all races is counted.

Kangaroo game

"Kangaroo" is a comic jumping game. You need to jump in this game, pushing off with both feet, like Australian kangaroos jump.

Each player should have a light big ball (or balloons). All participants in the game line up at the start line and clamp their balls between their knees between their legs. The jumping distance is 10-15 meters. At the signal, all players begin to simultaneously jump to the finish line, trying not to drop the ball. Whoever dropped the ball must pick it up, clamp it with their feet, and only then continue the game, i.e. continue your jumps to the finish line.

The game can be played like a relay race: split into two teams of 5-6 people, give each team one ball. The player who has reached the finish line comes back and passes the relay ball to the next player. The winner is the team whose players finish the race first.

Game "Jumping"

This game is based on jumping on one leg. Teams participate in the game, each of which has 5 people.

Participants become a chain. The first number of the team, bending the left leg at the knee, takes it back. The second team number takes a friend's leg with his left hand and bends and pulls back his left leg, which is taken by the player behind him. So all five players are connected in one chain, forming five jumping jacks.

Races of jumping jacks are held at a distance of up to 10 meters, and for the older ones, the distance can be increased to 15 meters. This distance is marked with the start and finish lines.

In this game, as in others, there is one rule: you need to jump to the finish line with a friendly five, no matter what happens on the distance. Where the five was broken, at this place you need to catch up with everyone again and only then jump to the finish line.

The game "At the Bear in the Forest"

This old game can be played indoors, in the yard, and in the forest on the lawn.

It is necessary to draw or in any other way indicate a circle - a bear's den.

The bear is chosen by lot. He climbs into the den, packs up there. The rest of the guys walk around the den and sing:

The bear in the forest

I take mushrooms, berries,

And the bear is silent

Doesn't growl or hum!

The bear in the forest

I'll pick up some honey ...

- Rrrrr! ..

- And I'll get away! ..

The driving bear, which until now seemed to be asleep, quietly tossed and turned, suddenly jumps up and runs after the players, trying to catch them. The guys surrounding the den instantly crumble, running in different directions. If the bear "lifted" someone, he changes roles with the one he caught.

The bear has the right to catch only one minute. Time has passed, the bear has not caught anyone - it means that he will climb into his den again, drive again.

If three times the bear has failed to catch anyone, he is punished. Punishments should be funny. For example, they will lasso a bear, put it on a rope and lead it around the den, make it dance, sing, etc. Then they forgive the awkward bear, choose a new one and start the game all over again.

Game "Onlookers"

"Onlookers" is a very ancient game, it is a game for attention and quick wits. To play you need a sash, harness or branch.

All players sit in a circle facing each other. Hands are kept behind the back. You need to sit in a circle tightly to each other. One of the players is the driver. He walks with a tourniquet behind the circle, humming a song, and meanwhile quietly tosses the tourniquet to one of the guys sitting in the circle. As soon as the tourniquet is placed on the ground, the driver becomes silent. This is received as a signal. If the player sitting in the circle did not notice the tourniquet thrown at him, then the driver seeks to go around the circle and with this tourniquet heap the “onlooker”. Now jump up and run around the circle. The task is to be able to run around the circle and again take your place in it. But if the driver manages to take this place, then the "onlooker" becomes the driver.

If the thrown tourniquet sitting in the circle noticed in time, he should take the tourniquet in his hands, carefully raise himself up and suddenly begin to whip his neighbor on the right with it. He jumps up and escapes, running in a circle. And the driver, who has just thrown the tourniquet, tries to go around the circle before the competing pair in order to take the vacant place in the circle. Now there is one free space in the circle. It goes to the one who is the first, having run around the circle, will have time to occupy it. He urges on the runner with a tourniquet until he has time to sit in the circle. If the runner missed his place, ran past, the player with the harness has the right to sit in his place. Then the tourniquet is passed to the one who missed his place. Now he will drive.

Replay Fast Game

Players should repeat after the leader only those words that are accompanied by the command "REPEAT". Next comes a quick conversation-shootout.

Repeat: table.

Repeat: window.

Say: street ...

Game "The Magic Word"

The presenter shows various movements and addresses the children with the words:

“Raise your hands, stand, sit down, stand on your toes, please step in place, please, and so on.

The players repeat the movements only if the presenter adds the word "PLEASE".

Whoever makes a mistake leaves the game, and then performs some task.

Game "Be able to listen and hear many"

In this game, children learn to listen to several speakers at once.

First, two (two groups) of players say two different words at the same time.

The selected child must guess these two words.

Then the number of words spoken increases.

Game "Competition of telephone operators"

The game is attended by 3 groups of players.

The presenter tells the first participants a tongue twister.

At the signal, the players pass the tongue twister along the chain.

The last participant says it out loud.

The winner is the team that quickly passes the tongue twister correctly.

For example:

Snakes do not live where hedgehogs live.

Snakes and hedgehogs lived in a living corner.

The hedgehog lies by the tree, the hedgehog has needles.

Game "Who will talk to whom"

One player is selected from each team.

The presenter suggests saying the tongue twister in a row five times.

Whoever does it faster without error gets points and brings the team a point.

For example: "Four turtles have four turtles."

Interrupted Song Game

The players are invited to sing a familiar song in chorus.

Singers should be instantly silent if the conductor (who is chosen from among the players), with a wave of his hand, quickly clenches his fingers into a fist.

For those singers who missed the signal, forfeits are removed.

Game "Do you know the song well?"

Invite the children to sit in a circle and sing a familiar song in chorus.

When the singing is over, the presenter comes up to anyone playing in the circle and says any word from the song. The one to whom the presenter is addressing must quickly say the next word in the text of the song.

The presenter approaches the players not in turn, but selectively, so the guys do not know in advance what to answer.

Each player is offered a new word from the song.

Whoever doesn't answer quickly or answers incorrectly gets out of the circle.

Singing Animals Competition

The players need to imagine themselves as an animal that loves to sing and cannot speak.

The players must mew, grunt, groan, etc. the song “A Christmas tree was born in the forest”.

The game can be played individually or with three representatives from each team, who score the team a point.

The host can set any songs.

Contest "Learn a fairy tale by words"

The presenter reads out words from familiar fairy tales (in reverse order, in a breakdown). The ball is awarded to the one who guesses the tale first.

Contest "Find the continuation of the proverb"

The second part of the proverbs is written on a large sheet of paper.

The presenter reads out the beginning.

Teams (or individual players) take turns offering their answer options.

- An affectionate word to a person (that the sun is in bad weather).

- Affectionate word, (what a spring day).

- A kind word to man (that rain in drought).

- Sweet speeches are poison, (bitter ones are medicine).

- Saying - a flower, (proverb - a berry).

- Bad word, (that dirty water).

- Words are like honey (and deeds are like wormwood).

- Speeches that snow, (and deeds that sugar).

- An unkind word, (that the fire burns).

Contest "Auction of polite words"

The players should say the words of greeting and goodbye.

Whoever calls his word last gets a point or a prize.

Competition "Choose words for a fairy tale"

On the posters, the presenter suggests words that fit a particular fairy tale.

The players must quickly determine which fairy tale the words are to.

FOR EXAMPLE, ANDERSEN's fairy tales:

1. Sun, snow, lamp, window, mirror, rose, friendship ... ("The Snow Queen")

2. Nora, field mouse, swallow, elf ... ("Thumbelina"), etc.

Part and whole game

Leading in the center of the circle. He throws the ball and names the part of the object.

The child who caught the ball must immediately throw the ball back to the leader and name the object to which the part named by the leader belongs.

For example:

- Wing - plane or bird;

- Petal - flower, etc.

Game "It's boring to sit like that"

There are chairs along the opposite walls. Children sit on chairs near one wall and read a rhyme:

It's boring, boring to sit like that

All to look at each other.

Isn't it time to go for a run

And change places?

As soon as the rhyme is read, the children run to the opposite wall and sit on chairs, which are one less than the participants in the game. Those who are left without a chair are eliminated.

One chair is removed again. The game is repeated until the winner takes the last chair.

Game "Don't move"

The game is played with a host or any fairy-tale character.

To the music, children run scattered on their toes (as the presenter will say), or jump.

The music is interrupted, the children take any position and freeze.

The presenter looks at who has moved. Whoever has moved - goes to the side.

The game repeats itself.

Game "Chair, come to me!"

A line is drawn parallel to the wall, 5 steps from it. Having retreated a few more steps from the line, they put two hoops at a distance of several steps from each other.

Opposite the hoops, two identical chairs are placed close to the wall. A rope is tied to each chair so long that if you pull it, the other end will fall on the center of the hoop.

The participants of the game enter the competition in pairs. Each participant, standing in a hoop, ties a rope tightly around the waist. On command, the players begin to turn in place, without leaving their hoop. The rope is wound around the waist, the chair moves to the line.

As soon as all four legs are outside the line, the player runs out of the circle and sits on his chair. Whoever takes his chair first wins.

Game "Add a proverb, guess a riddle ..."

The players are given a set of letters cut out of paper and pasted on leaves (if the holiday is in autumn), snowflakes, flowers, etc.

You need to lay out the letters:

- the answer to the riddle,

- add the second part of the proverb,

- song title, etc.

Game "Collect spikelets"

To bake new bread, lush and tall,

It is necessary to protect every spikelet in the field.

Blindfolded participants in the game must collect as many "spikelets" as possible in a certain time.

Inventory: plastic buckets and "spikelets" - small items (pins).

Game "Chickens and cockerels"

Three couples collect grains (beans, etc.) within one minute. Who has collected more?

Game "What kind of vegetables?"

Blindfolded players must identify vegetables by taste.

Game "Gather mushrooms"

The driver is blindfolded. Children-mushrooms (in mushroom caps) run around the hall. The driver catches. If a fly agaric comes across, the children shout: “Don't take it!”.

The winner is the one who "picks up" more "mushrooms" in a certain time.

Plant and Harvest Game

Equipment: 8 hoops, 2 buckets, 4-5 potatoes, 2 watering cans.

2 teams of 4 people participate.

1st participant “plows the ground” (puts the hoop);

2nd participant "plants potatoes" (puts potatoes in a hoop);

3rd participant “watering potatoes” (runs around each hoop with a watering can);

4th participant “harvests” (collects potatoes in a bucket).

The faster team wins.

Draw the peas game

The blindfolded player should draw the peas so that they do not go beyond the pod line.

The game "Who will unload the car most likely?"

Objective: to unload the "car" with vegetables.

Cars are parked at one line, baskets at another at a certain distance.

Two pairs are playing. The players of the pair stand: one at the basket, and the other at the car.

At the signal, the player of the pair carries vegetables to the car. You can take only one piece at a time.

As soon as the car is loaded, the second player of the pair is already unloading the car, he carries vegetables from the car to the basket.

The machines can be boxes, and vegetables can be cubes.

Game "Feed the Doll"

The doll is seated on a high chair. The girl is blindfolded and given a spoon to feed the doll.

The child is taken 3-4 steps away from the chair, offered to turn around without leaving the place, and given the command "go".

The task is difficult.

Football game

A large ball is placed.

The child is blindfolded. They give the command to move away from the ball by 3-4 steps.

All children count: "One, two, three, four, five!" Then they say: "Turn around!"

A blindfolded child must hit the ball.

Game "Hoops"

4 hoops are laid out on the floor in the corners of the square, and a handkerchief in the center.

Toys are in two hoops on one line, and players are in the hoops opposite.

Music sounds, children dance in a hoop. The music is interrupted, children run to the hoops with toys, take one toy and carry it into their hoop. The music is repeated, the children are repeating the game, etc.

Whoever coped with the task faster runs to the handkerchief, takes it and waves.

The game "Who is more likely?"

Two children grab the ends of a long ribbon with a bell in the center.

On command, they wind the tape around the stick.

Who gets to the middle faster?

Game "Spin the Hoop"

Children put the hoop on the floor and spin it strongly.

The one with the hoop spinning longer wins.

Help yourself game

Apples and sweets are hung on the rack on a string.

The child has to jump up blindfolded and rip off the treat.

Catch the ball game

The child should pick up a tennis ball from the floor with a spoon, without using his free hand.

Snake game

The players sit in a circle.

The driver walks around the circle, holding a "snake" (rope) in his hands.

Suddenly the driver throws the "snake" in the middle of the circle.

Children quickly get up and stand with their feet on the "snake". Anyone who does not have enough space on the rope drops out or goes to drive.

Confusion games

Dandelion wreaths in spring

Weave, of course, only ... (girls)

Bolts, screws, gears

You will find in the pocket of ... (boys)

Skates on the ice drew arrows

We played hockey all day ... (boys)

Chatted for an hour without respite

In colorful dresses ... (girls)

Measure your strength in front of everyone

Of course, only love ... (boys)

Panties are afraid of the dark

All as one, alone ... (girls)

Game "On the contrary"

And now my turn has come

Play the game "On the contrary",

I'll say the word "high"

In response I will hear - "low",

I will say the word - "far",

You answer - "close",

I'll say the word "ceiling"

The guys will say “gender”.

I'll say the word "lost"

And everyone will say "found" ...

So, attention, kids,

The game begins!

Fire water,

Black White,

The earth is the sky

Night Day,

Morning evening,

Girl boy.


Good bad,

Sad - cheerful

Loud quiet,

Young - old, etc.

Now I will say "the beginning"

What do you need to answer?

Question games

And now there is a game in verse,

Are the kids ready for her?

And you answer amicably:

"This is me, this is me, these are all my friends!"

If I poems are bad

I will inadvertently read to you,

That's when you don't scream,

And I will be silent with you.

Well, are the kids ready?

The game begins!

Who is always in order

Books, pens and notebooks?

Well, which of the kids

Goes dirty from ear to ear?

(The children are silent.)

Which one of you I want to know

Learned a lesson in Five?

Which of you by your labor

Decorates the classroom and home?

This is me, this is me, this is my whole family!

Who among you does not walk gloomy,

Do you like sports and physical education?

This is me, this is me, this is my whole family!

Which one of you comes to class

An hour late?

(The children are silent.)

Who is a merry crowd

Does she go to school every day?

This is me, this is me, this is my whole family!

"Yes and no"

Klim is played all day

And to put down toys is too lazy.

Children give me an answer

Is it good? .... (No)

Time to get ready for the kindergarten,

Klim doesn't want to dress.

Children give me an answer

Is it good? ... (no)

Masha helps mom

Dust in the apartment wipes.

Do this always.

Is it good? ... (Yes)

Irochka walks in the park,

Breaks the branches of a tree.

Children give me an answer

Is it good? ... (No)

Olya Murke, to her cat,

She cooks porridge, washes the legs.

Olya always works.

Is it good? ... (yes)

Luda's mother fell ill,

Lyudochka will not make noise,

She will sit quietly.

Is it good? ... (yes)

Lena, when she goes to sleep,

It's not lazy to put things together,

Everything is fine. As always!

Is it good? ... (Yes)

Petya doesn't want to eat soup,

Doesn't eat bread, doesn't eat cutlets,

He only asks for sweets.

Is it good? … (No)

Klim on the third floor

Has been knocking all day.

On the second, a sick neighbor.

Is it good? … (No)

Every time before meals

With soap and warm water

Katya always washes.

Is it good? … (Yes)

How to make summer vacations that children spend in leisure centers, tourist or sports camps comfortable and interesting? How to entertain children, how to introduce each other and help them get comfortable in a new environment? Of course, with the help of general squad affairs, events, competitions and a variety of fun and educational entertainment. That is why it would be nice for counselors and organizers of children's recreation to replenish their "game piggy bank" before the start of the season.

The proposed games and contests for summer recreation of children This is a selection of interesting new and popular old entertainment, mostly of a creative and educational nature, ideal for organizing children's leisure time in the summer.

1. Developing creative game "Word game".

The game is suitable for children from primary school age. Children are lined up in a circle. Their hands should touch so that one child's right palm rests on top of the other's left palm.

The game begins with a countdown, after which the presenter names the area of ​​reality from which the word should be named:

We will find words everywhere: in the sky and in the water,
On the floor, on the ceiling, on the nose and on the arm.
Haven't you heard that? It doesn't matter, we play the word ...

Leading: We are looking for words in ... the sky!

Here children in a circle, at a fast pace, must name something that occurs in the sky: a bird, an airplane, a cloud, the sun. Calling a word, a person slaps his palm on the palm of his neighbor.

If one of the children got confused and did not say a word or called it, but it was wrong, then he is out of the game. At the same time, the presenter starts reading the counting rhyme again, and the topic changes.

2. Creative game "Wonder-yudo-fish-whale".

Announce to the children that now they will be drawing an animal, but not a simple one, but a fantasy one. To do this, divide the children into teams of three and give each group a sheet of paper folded in three according to the principle of an accordion.

The first member of each team must draw the head of any animal - it cannot be named to anyone. The leader must also watch so that the rest of the team does not see what the first player is drawing. Why you can build partitions from books on the table. Having wrapped part of the sheet with the drawn animal head inward, the sheet is passed to the second player. He draws the body of any beast; the third one needs to complete the drawing with "feet", that is, with paws, flippers, hooves, claws, etc.

As soon as the drawing is over, invite the teams to unfold the sheets and look at their wonderful animal. Be sure to provide these masterpieces for review by the rest of the teams, and then offer to jointly come up with names for the received "monsters". The best name is supposed to be awarded with a sweet prize.

An exhibition of the created drawings will be a good ending to the game.

3. The game "Neither .., nor me .."

Many, probably, have heard that about those who do not answer the question posed, they say that he is: "no, no me." The essence of this creative play in that you have to say your "be" and "me", and the opponents have to guess what you mean.

So, the guys are divided into equal teams and receive a card with the name of the tale, an excerpt from which they must tell using only the first syllables. For example. The tale "Turnip" will look like this: "By de re. You are re bo bo. Ty de re, but you are not my ... ". The second team guesses and proposes its own version.

This is not so much a competition as just an excuse to have fun (it is better to stock up on more cards with fairy tales, for sure, the guys will want to repeat this fun again).

4. "Express Mail".

This kind of fun is best done at the very beginning of the season, it makes it possible in a playful way to focus on the names of all participants. Preparing for it, the organizer needs to draw two large posters with the names: Vitya, Nina, Sasha, Klava, Daria, Julia, Sonya, Kira, Slava, Borya. But you need to write these names so that you can cut them in half afterwards. We put the sheets with the endings of the names on two tables at the finish line. We cut the rest of both leaves into strips so that the beginning of each name falls on a separate card: Vi, Ni, Sa, Kla, Dar, Yu, So, Ki, Sla, Bo. These cards will be the "letters" that zealous workers of the "high-speed mail" must deliver to the addressee.

We recruit three or four little postmen for each team and give them a back bag containing cards with the beginning of the names mentioned. Their task is to quickly go to the table, open their bag, get the first card they come across and correctly attach it to the end of the name written on the sheet. Then the child returns to his team and gives the bag to the next player.

For the quick completion of the task, the team receives three points. Points are then awarded one for each correct name. The winners in this dating game are determined by the total score.

5. Fun game"Cuckoo, sing in your ear!"

The organizer of the game explains the condition to whom he will unexpectedly (!) Point with his hand (or a pointer), must quickly show his answer not with words, but with a movement, while everyone shouts in chorus: "That's it!"

How are you?
- Like this! (you can show your thumb)
- How are you sailing?
- Like this! (show the movements of the swimmer)
- And you see?
- Like this!
- Are you running?
- Like this!
- Are you expecting lunch?
- Like this!
- Are you waving after?
- Like this!
- Do you sleep in the morning?
- Like this!
- How are you naughty?
- Like this!

7. "Little Princes and Princesses".

First, it is worth telling the children a little about the Little Prince and his wonderful travels to different planets with such funny and even sad inhabitants like the King, Rose and Lamb. It would be very nice for the general cultural development to show the kids reproductions of Exupery's author's drawings and to clarify that the writer not only invented his characters out of his head and recorded in the words of his characters, but also painted them.

Then you can invite the kids and themselves to be "authors" and come up with their own planet with special inhabitants. And then, like little princes, travel on them. To do this, they will need inflated balloons and colored markers. Let the presenter show you how you can draw different inhabitants of this small blue, pink or green planet on a ball using felt-tip pens. Moreover, warn the guys that these will not necessarily be people: you can dream up and come up with some new creatures.

We do not recommend asking children a time limit, as this will reduce the level of creativity. Give your little ones the opportunity to express themselves in a relaxed environment, and then ask everyone to talk about their inhabitants.

8. According to the "Stages of Development".


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