How to quickly sell unwanted clothes. Trade in clothes at home as a type of business. Correctly compose the text of the ad

Dear friends, readers! Welcome to my!

Today I want to give you ACTIVE STEP-BY-STEP TECHNIQUE selling unnecessary things that surround you, but you do not use them!


  1. Learn how to create effective headlines and advertisements THAT WORK BETTER THAN OTHER ADs;
  2. Let's go through "the psychology of the buyer";
  3. Useful tips on how to create a product photo;
  4. Creation unique offer, from which it is impossible to refuse;
  5. Call to action!!!
  6. Pleasant little things for the buyer.
  7. + practical exercises for each block.

 I believe many of you have already sold or bought things through online classifieds services. And you probably noticed: some products are literally “carried out” by buyers, while others, similar ones, “hang” for many months.

 What is the reason for this difference?
 In whether it is correctly or incorrectly drawn up and filed
This guide to writing ads to sell online will show you how to apply the basic principles of copywriting and psychology to get a custom and working ad.

Do you think it's difficult? No, if you know how to do it, that is, own the technology.
These recommendations are simple and as practical as possible.
By following them, you will master the art of selling with text (and this is a very valuable skill), and write a great ad that will sell your product for you!

With a little creativity, you will get rid of a bunch of things that you kept "just in case". It is known that if you have not used a thing for 2 years, you will never use it. Imagine how much money you have at home and collects dust! No, no, we must save them from such a sad fate, let them be useful!

So let's go!

You can write about the same product in different ways, and the effectiveness of these texts will differ very significantly. There is a simple test to check: ask yourself questions from time to time:

- what would you like to me?
- how I will I react to this?
- would turn I attention to these words?
This approach will help you connect with the reader of your ad, even if you are not a professional psychologist.
Next, we will analyze in detail how a really effective text should be drawn up, what should be paid attention to. Special attention and what secrets to use.


 This is the most main question, which you must respond to in your ad. Describing the benefits and positive traits of the product you sell, you will not only attract the attention of buyers to it, but also motivate them to make a purchase.

 Before you start writing your ad text, spend a short “ marketing research". See what similar products other sellers offer, at what price, what quality.

In the process of collecting information, you may find that your product is almost unique. Great, it increases his chances of a quick sale!

Find 7-10 similar products offered online. Write down for each in what condition it is and at what price it is sold.

Those. fill out the table on paper:

First column - Item number (1-10); the second is Where it is for sale, the third is Condition, and the fourth is Price.

I deliberately do not spread the plates, I hope you figure out how to fill it out.


What is the first thing that catches your eye when reading ads?
Of course, header.
Keep in mind that if the title does not interest the reader, he is likely to miss your ad.



As a rule, when writing ads for sale, people are attacked by "clericalism" - the desire to write without emotions, "like everyone else", so everything turns out to be boring and banal.
Imagine how this title will stand out against this gray background:
Selling the most comfortable crib for wonderful dreams
Reliable and fast Kawasaki ZX-10
Add one or two words to your title to describe your product, which will reflect the emotions of its new
Another important point when writing a title is maximum information .
It is necessary to achieve a clear, concise description of your product. Not just “I will sell the printer”, but “I will sell the LaserJet CP1215 printer and a new cartridge for it.”

Ultra-modern air conditioners for air ionization, delivery and installation by skilled professionals - here is the link!

Write down 5-6 epithets for your product that are suitable for the title. Remember: you need to sell not only the product itself, but also the joy of acquiring it,
new emotions and expectations.

Give the reader more meaningful information already in the headline so that he continues to get acquainted with your offer.
Tip: Adding the words "urgent", "only 3 days", "in mint condition" makes the headline look great!
Here are two different headers as an example. Which one do you like more?

Come up with 6-7 titles for your ad with different epithets, appeals and details.

Choose the best options and invite your friends to do the same. Perhaps your opinions do not match. Then think about who is more like your potential buyer? That's the choice of these people and should be guided.
Tip: remember about search queries!
A significant part of potential buyers, when choosing the right product, uses search engines. Someone will write "iPad", and someone "iPad",
therefore, for a more successful result, it is advisable to include several spellings of the name of your product in the title.

IT IS BETTER TO SEE A GOOD PHOTO 100 times than none at all!

Even a detailed description of the appearance will not be able to convey all the information.

And a photograph, and even from several angles, can. Don't be lazy, take pictures.

Ideally, the photo should be taken by a professional. But if it is not at hand, remember the basic rules for
getting a good photo:
the picture is taken in daylight;
light should fall on the object from the side of the photographer or to the side of him;
use a contrasting background;
remove all unnecessary from the borders of the frame;
make sure the subject is in focus of the camera.

Tip: the desire to present your product in the most at its best should not go beyond reasonable and plausible limits! (Some extraordinary photo angle, "surpluses" of Photoshop)


And it's not about price, it's about values.
In the description of the product, it is necessary to combine two seemingly incompatible parts: emotions and information. Both of them are necessary for the buyer to make a decision, and
the emotional part is even more necessary.
You say: "What am I, to praise my snowmobile to the skies?"
Not really.
Write the Story of the Snowmobile - what exciting adventures it has been on, how great it bounces on small snowdrifts, how reliable and powerful it is, and how it has helped you out more than once. Such a story will make your offer not only unique, but also alive, attracting others. Don't worry about the length of the text - you can shorten it later.
However, if you are technically selling complex device, without detailed description its parameters are indispensable.
Here it is necessary to think for whom this description should be understandable and to what extent.
For a professional, encryption of the form “Proc Celeron
1800MHz, o/p RAM 512Mb, HDD 40Gb, MX440-128Mb, CDROM.
For those who are not so well versed in the issue, it is enough to give general parameters and promise Additional information by phone.

In order to write an informative and not overloaded description, imagine that you are not a seller, but a buyer. What questions do you have about
in relation to the proposed product?

For example, what condition is it in, how it looks, what it can do, how much it costs, whether it is possible to bargain, how to get it. Write down these questions and then give short, precise answers.

You should get something like "new, in excellent condition, black body, built-in camera, 3700 rubles, bargaining, pickup."

From this summary, by adding the missing words, a capacious but concise announcement is obtained.
Tip: Product descriptions should be kept simple. sentences consisting of 5-7 words, no more. Complex turns and artsy designs are best left for other occasions.


People are arranged in such a way that they don’t like too high a price, but at the same time it scares them too low (suddenly the thing is bad!).
Few people in this world know the art of determining the price of a product, but there is a simple solution for you: price 5-10% lower than your competitors (after all, you have looked at their offers).
Of course, if you are confident in the uniqueness of your product or in its need, the price may be higher than the market average. Just be honest with yourself.


Imagine that you have written a great ad, and the person reading it is simply delighted with your creativity.
This is wonderful, but is your goal- cause excitement?
No, your goal is to convince the reader to become buyer, that is, to perform certain actions to purchase your product!
So let's directly call him to do the right thing!
It can be the words "Call right now!" or “Order now!”.
If the service provides a BUY button, then write “Press the BUY button!”

Write a call to action.

It is highly desirable to encourage a person to make a call or order At once after reading the ad.
For these purposes, a time limit, or deadline, is often used.
For example, a message that the price will rise soon (not just "soon", but with a specific date!) or about your departure on Monday.
If the product is in several copies, it is useful to add the words “hurry up, there are only 2 left!”
Tip: the limit should be believable! If nothing is suitable comes to mind - better not write it.


Mistakes reduce the credibility of the seller!
People are less likely to trust ads that have spelling or punctuation errors.
In addition, incorrect spelling of words interferes with work. search engines. Therefore, we strongly recommend that you check the text of your ad for errors in the Word program.
Everyone loves gifts!
If you have such an opportunity, offer a bonus in addition to your product. For example, when selling a printer - a cartridge for it, and when selling a guitar - a set of strings.
Free shipping or free consultation Skype is also a good bonus.


P.s. Per detailed article for me, your comments and LIKES will be a great bonus 🙂

Today I will tell you how and where to sell unwanted things. If the family is experiencing or needs to collect a certain amount money, then sale of unnecessary things can become one of the sources of additional income or financing. Moreover, sometimes even very significant, if a sufficiently large number of such things have accumulated in the house, which is not uncommon.

Even if you don’t feel any need for money, it’s still better to sell unnecessary things than just throw them away, agree. After all, with the proceeds you can buy something you need, or simply set aside the amount received for savings or investments.

Today, there are several opportunities to sell unnecessary things. Let's look at them in order, with an indication characteristic features everyone.

Where to sell unwanted items?

1. Sell ​​unwanted items through commission shop. For each type of goods there are their own commission stores, sometimes they can be universal. Through such outlets you can sell unwanted clothes, shoes, household appliances, furniture, toys, etc.

Before you directly hand over unnecessary things to the commission, it is advisable to find out in advance the conditions for their acceptance. Thus, you can choose the best consignment store that best suits your requirements according to the conditions.

So, for example, in some commissions experts will evaluate the proposed item, in others you can set your own price. Also, in different stores there may be a different amount of commission, usually it ranges from 10 to 30% of the cost of the goods. Often there may be a markdown rule: if an item is not sold within a certain period (for example, in 2 weeks or a month), its value is reduced by a certain amount (for example, by 10-20%), and so on until the item is sold .

There are many advantages to selling unwanted items through thrift stores. Firstly, the whole process of selling comes down to taking the thing to the store and entrusting this matter to an experienced seller. Secondly, this way you can sell a whole batch of unnecessary things at the same time. However, there are also disadvantages, the main of which is the possible dissatisfaction with the amount received on hand (this can be both a low price and high seller commissions). In addition, putting things in a thrift store does not guarantee their sale: perhaps no one will buy your things for a long time.

2. Sell ​​unwanted items online. One of the most popular and effective ways to find potential buyers is to use the worldwide web for this purpose. To sell unwanted items online, you can:

– Place ads for sale on specialized Internet portals (bulletin boards and online auctions). So you get the maximum audience of buyers;

– Place ads for sale on city and specialized forums, on bulletin boards of city portals, as well as in city and thematic communities of social networks. For example, if you sell tools - construction forums, auto parts - car forums, etc. will suit you.

The more ads you post, the faster you can sell unwanted items online. Most often, placing an ad for sale is free, but sometimes it can be paid.

The main advantage here is the widest coverage of the audience, the ability to sell even things, the demand for which is very rare and specific. It is likely that the found buyer will be from another city, another region, and maybe even another country, but all these issues are solvable.

However, when choosing this method of selling unnecessary things, you should be extremely careful to.

3. Sell ​​unwanted items through local newspapers. Placing paid and free ads in city newspapers is still one of the most effective ways to sell unnecessary things. Pick one or two of the most popular newspapers with announcements and act. In addition, it will not be superfluous to look through the “Buy” section, perhaps there is already a potential buyer for your product.

The disadvantage here is that the advertisement in each issue of the newspaper will have to be submitted anew, but this disadvantage is not so significant.

4. Sell ​​unwanted items. Certain categories of goods can be regularly or periodically bought in bulk or even in single copies. For example, these are antiques, art objects, Cell phones, computer components, household appliances (including non-working ones), etc. You can find on the ads people or shops that are engaged in such buying and sell them your unnecessary things.

However, this method of selling unnecessary things has a significant drawback - this way no one will buy an expensive thing from you, the price will be significantly underestimated (sometimes by 2 or more times). Therefore, you will have to choose: either sell an unnecessary thing quickly and easily, but cheaply, or you will have to tinker with the sale, but as a result, get a much larger amount.

5. Sell ​​unnecessary things to friends or through friends. Also an option that is well suited for certain groups of goods, for example, clothing, mainly for children. In a difficult economic situation, it is much easier to buy a hand-made item cheaper than an expensive one in a store. Surely among your acquaintances there are those who are seriously thinking about - these are your potential buyers. In addition, your acquaintances may have access to potential buyers, that is, know people who need certain things from those that you want to sell.

The main disadvantage of this method is the psychological reluctance of many people to have any kind of buying and selling relationship with their acquaintances. Someone will hesitate to name a price that may seem too high, someone will simply feel psychological discomfort from such an offer. Whether it is worth using this option is up to you.

Now let's look at some important rules, which should be followed when selling unnecessary things in order to make a sale, firstly, as quickly as possible, and secondly, as expensively as possible.

1. Bring the item to marketable condition. That is, clean it as much as possible, eliminate some minor defects, if any. The product should immediately attract the buyer, and the sale of unnecessary things, even used things, is no exception here.

2. Set the best price for the item. Analyze existing ads for the sale of similar things, as well as prices in stores for new analogues of what you are selling. Based on this, set an adequate price: it should not be too high or too low. It's best to choose the average of all available similar offers, although of course if you see your product as better or worse, you can price it higher or lower than the average accordingly.

3. Write your ad text well. Your sale ad should stand out from the rest and motivate the buyer to contact you, and not to someone else. It is good to use phrases like “in perfect condition”, “almost new”, “used less than a year”, “under warranty”, “proprietary”, etc. in it. Please indicate the exact size or dimensions of the item, if required, whether delivery is possible at your expense (this would be good bonus) etc.

If possible, be sure to attach high-quality photos to the ad - this will significantly increase your chances of quickly and expensively selling an unnecessary item.

In conclusion, I want to draw your attention to the fact that absolutely everything can be sold! Even what seems to you to be rubbish that no one needs (perhaps someone is just looking for such an inexpensive option, for example, for a summer residence). Try it and you will see for yourself. Do not throw away old unnecessary things - they can bring you additional income, which in any case will never be superfluous.

Now you know how to sell unnecessary things. I hope that these tips and tricks will help you sell your unwanted items as quickly and profitably as possible.

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Do you have a lot of old things that would be nice to sell, or did you buy a batch of some fairly high-quality or just very popular product on the cheap? It is not necessary to obsessively offer old, but good children's things to everyone you know in the first case or rent outlet and stand behind the counter in the second. Everything can be sold online. But where to sell things and how? More on this later.

e-commerce market

Businesses are moving online. Online sales in Russia today account for only 2.5% of goods, but in fact it is quite a lot. Many businessmen no longer wonder where to sell things. Most of all (in monetary terms) Russians buy household appliances and electronics, clothes and shoes, accessories, auto parts, perfumes and cosmetics online. In some categories of goods (for example, in household appliances and electronics) the share of e-commerce reaches 17%. Where to sell things on the Internet is no longer a problem.

Resale of goods

Of those who sell something online, one can single out ordinary Russians who want to profitably get rid of unnecessary things, and businessmen who make money on resales. Buy low, sell high - this is the main principle. They also do not wonder where to sell things online, unlike ordinary Internet users.

You can really make money on resale. And for this you do not need to have specific knowledge at all, but start-up capital will be needed. You can buy something cheap abroad (usually on websites Chinese online stores) or purchase a wholesale batch at the appropriate price. Retail sales will be more expensive. The difference is the businessman's profit.

Where to sell things for real money if the goods are purchased for resale? Not all merchants who make a profit in this way have their own online stores. Quite a lot of people sell exclusively through social networks or online message boards - according to some opinions, people are more willing to buy there.

Demand assessment

There are goods planned to be purchased for subsequent resale, and the goal is not to sell unnecessary things, first you need to assess the demand for a particular product on the market. How to determine whether a product will be sold and where is the best place to sell things? It is enough to put a few announcements on the boards and in in social networks and wait for responses. Find a product, determine a sufficient markup, and add an end price to your listing. Don't forget about shipping costs. Photos can be taken from stocks, but the description will need to come up with your own.

Do not be afraid that the goods are not on hand - if there are those who want to purchase, just answer that the position turned out to be too popular and everything has already been sold out, but the next delivery is expected soon. Be sure to invite the interested person to let him know when the product will be available. If he agrees, then you already have a potential buyer, if not, it's okay, the main thing is that there was a response, there was interest and willingness to buy, even if only "here and now."

If there are no responses within a couple of days, it may be worth trying another product or editing the listing.

Social networks

Where to sell things? You can get rid of unnecessary things or sell a purchase batch on social networks - now many people make purchases there. You need to create a group on VKontakte, Odnoklassniki or Facebook, a page on Instagram or Twitter. These social networks are quite enough for a “complete set”, although even Twitter for some products will not be very popular.

A VKontakte group today can be configured as an entire online store. The “Products” service has been added to the social network, the ability to add a beautiful and very convenient wiki menu, respond to comments and messages on behalf of the community, and not from a personal page. There are fewer opportunities on Facebook and Odnoklassniki, but the audience is older and with permanent income. Instagram is an opportunity to show the product “tasty”, because this social network is focused on publishing photos.

For example, where to sell children's things from which the child has already grown? In this case, it is completely impractical to create a separate Instagram account, but you can place an ad in city groups for moms on VKontakte or Odnoklassniki. And if you have to sell a batch of high-quality diapers at an attractive price, sliders, useful accessories for moms, and so on? You will need a whole group, which can then be advertised in the aforementioned communities.

Notice boards

Where else can you sell things online? Online bulletin boards are also suitable: local, regional, all-Russian, international. True, for publishing more than two or three ads on some resources or even in certain categories you have to pay, so this is more of an answer to the question of where to sell unnecessary things - by the piece and from a private person - such publications are passed for free. For a business account, you will have to pay extra for the service.

One-page business card site

If there are few products, a small site will do. One-pagers present only one product in all its glory, describing its features as usefully as possible. There is also an order and payment form, and delivery conditions, and guarantees, and reviews. Business card sites are not suitable for selling unnecessary things - there is too much trouble, but for the sale of a batch of popular goods there will be effective tool. True, in the latter case, the correct promotion is also important.

Full Site

A full-scale site, your own online store - this is for those who decide to do business on the Internet seriously. Such a platform is another answer to the question of where to sell things in Moscow and the regions via the Internet. It will require significant investments, the help of specialists in the field of programming and marketing, but it will have its own platform for the sale of goods. To sell unnecessary or old things, this option will not work.


How to set the correct price for old things? For clothes, for example, the following rule applies:

  • -15-20% of the initial cost - the item is in perfect condition, never worn;
  • -30-35% - the item was used, but the condition is like new;
  • -50% - the item was worn quite often, the condition is estimated at about 4 out of 5;
  • -90% - item with defects;
  • things that were purchased in an online store several years ago (at the old dollar rate), for example, for $ 200, can be estimated differently: now it is about 1200 rubles, and then it was 600, so set it up for 600 rubles.

The same rules can be followed when setting prices for goods of other categories. If the thing is purchased for subsequent resale, you can set the average price on the market or 5-15% cheaper.

Product photos

Sites where you can sell things allow you to add pictures of the product. High-quality photos are the hallmark of any online store or social network group that strives for successful sales. You can take a photo of a batch of goods or unnecessary things that you want to get rid of, and even with a small financial benefit, on your own, for example, on a smartphone.

First, you need to familiarize yourself with the available advanced camera settings. The difference between professional equipment and a good smartphone is clearly visible if you do not set up the camera at all. The options that can be turned on manually are usually limited to white balance, image post-processing, lighting settings, depth of field and shutter speed, but this will be enough. If there are still no such functions, you should install a special application from the Play Market for operating system Android or Apple Store for Apple devices. Some sites that sell things have a built-in photo editor (usually social networks).

Should take care of proper lighting. You need soft, diffused light. It is not intense, spreads gently, emphasizing the necessary details. You need to shoot near the window, on a sunny day. It's good to use plain white paper to bounce the light in the right direction. You can also build your own soft box for shooting. It is enough to take a regular lunch container with transparent walls, put a sheet of paper inside, set the lighting on the sides. To attract attention, it is better to use an unusual background. You can use a standard white background, some choose black or staged shots. But a piece of old plank, laminate, white bricks and the like can be a good background at home. This is worth experimenting with.

Post-editing is also important. You can change the basic settings: increasing the brightness will smooth out defects and give the image brightness, increasing the contrast will lead to a clearer image, increasing the clarity will highlight the little things and increase overall quality snapshot.

Product description

The description of the product should be "catchy" and complete, answering all possible questions of the buyer and causing a desire to purchase the product. All sites where you can successfully sell things allow you to add your own description, rather than fill out standard form which will not give the buyer necessary information in sufficient quantity.

First, you need to write specifically for your target audience. If you don’t know your target audience, look at the statistics of visits: this function is available both on social networks and on full-fledged sites or one-pagers. For specialized products, up to 90% of the audience can be girls or men, young people or more mature. This is what you need to focus on when compiling descriptions: in the very general case safety can be singled out for children's products, men value accurate characteristics and reliability, women - appearance and positive emotions that this or that purchase will bring them.

You also need to stick to your own style, make descriptions of products that are presented on the same site equally complete.

When describing a product, it is important to emphasize its advantages, not functionality. Dry specifications it is better to leave it in a separate column, and indicate exactly the advantages in the description. Roughly speaking, sell not a bicycle, but an opportunity to become healthy, spend more time with friends, follow the principles of nature conservation. It is necessary to sell not the product itself, but the emotion from using it - this is the basic rule of a good description.

After the text block describing the emotions from using the product, you can go to the characteristics. It is better to arrange them in the form of a list or a simple table - this form of presenting information is easier to perceive.

Do not forget about keywords - these are the hooks that will allow buyers to find a product on sites where you can sell things. But in no case should the text consist entirely of keywords, you just need to mention them from time to time. How to pick up the keys? To do this, you can use the Yandex.Wordstat service. If there are a lot of competitors in your area, choose low-frequency keywords - with such keywords you will quickly break into the TOP of search results. It is important to remember that the text will be read not only by search engine robots, but also by live users, so the occurrence of keys should be natural, not hurt the eyes.


Advertising is the engine of sales. If you sell old things - at least share your ad on social media pages. If we are talking about resale - you need to carry out advertising campaign. Groups in social networks can be advertised in numerous local communities, contests also give a good return, but an online store needs to deal with complex SEO promotion.

Communication with the buyer

Do not forget that business is business, but it's all done for people. To meet the needs of buyers.

You need to have respect for customers - respond to messages as quickly as possible, communicate politely, learn about needs, perhaps attach small gifts to orders (this increases loyalty to the seller). Then sales will go like clockwork.

With development information technologies there are many more earning opportunities. If you organize your own online store, you can earn income without leaving your home. How to sell things online? There is nothing easier even with minimum capital. The main thing is to find the target audience, to correctly approach the issue of communication with potential buyers.

Why sell things online?

Before you start thinking about how to sell things over the Internet, you should understand if there is a desire to do just that. It should be remembered that any work requires perseverance and patience. You have to communicate with the most different people. Sometimes you have to find an approach even to not the most pleasant customers. If such difficulties do not stop a potential businessman, then only profit awaits him in the future.

First, through the Internet, you can offer products to a wider target audience. Where can you sell things in real life? Only in the market or in the store. This means that only people passing by will see the goods. The World Wide Web gives much more opportunities. Many hyped online stores were organized in the outback, and their owners began their careers sitting at their home computers.

What are the best things to sell?

Selling clothes and shoes on the Internet today is quite in demand. This is due to the fact that online stores usually offer products at a reduced cost. But it should be borne in mind that men are more practical. They won't buy jeans or a shirt without trying it on. It is easier for them to overpay, but to be sure that the product is perfect. Products aimed at women and children sell much faster on the Internet.

What items to sell? First of all, you should pay attention to seasonality. No one will buy T-shirts and T-shirts in winter, and down jackets in summer. Before selling things over the Internet, you should draw up a competent business plan. It is important to understand when sales will start. Based on this, it is worth buying a product. Summer items can start selling as early as mid-April, and winter items closer to October.

Practice shows that much more can be earned on clothing and footwear for children. Firstly, babies grow quickly, and parents have to regularly update their children's wardrobe, and this can be done more profitably via the Internet. Secondly, moms and dads tend to dress their kids really fashionably. A seller who has everything in order with taste will be able to earn good money.

Where to sell things?

There are several options for organizing online sales. Those who are just starting to run such a business should pay attention to social networks. You can create commercial pages here absolutely free of charge. But it should be borne in mind that the owners of sites such as Odnoklassniki or VKontakte do not welcome the organization of online sales with their help. Accounts are often blocked. Therefore, it is worthwhile to start several profiles at once.

Another option is bulletin boards. You can also start selling here for free. It is worth choosing resources that offer rating systems. As the indicators grow, the number of buyers will increase. In addition, on such sites, as a rule, buyers can leave reviews.

Those who have already tried their hand at online sales and realized that they can do such work perfectly should not delay organizing their own online store. It is not recommended to skimp on this issue. It is better to entrust the creation and promotion of your own website to a professional web studio. The cost will quickly pay off.

Photo preparation

How to quickly sell things? Everything is very simple! All you have to do is show the product in a favorable light. We are talking about photographs that will be posted on the bulletin board or in your own online store. Of course, it is much better if the product is filmed on a professional camera. But even with a smartphone, you can take good pictures. If we are talking about clothes, then you should buy a mannequin. More better goods will look on a live model. You can ask someone you know to pose.

The background of the photo also matters. If there is no suitable place indoors, it is better to photograph the goods on the street. Shoe models will look beautiful, for example, on green grass. It is recommended to remove the product from several angles at once, so that the buyer can view it from all sides. We must not forget to write captions under the photo. How to quickly sell things online? It is necessary to provide the potential buyer with the most complete information (available sizes, seasonality, possible defects).

Marketing and Advertising

The proverb “water does not flow under a lying stone” can also be attributed to the field of sales. If you do not advertise the product and do not come up with interesting promotions to attract customers, you will not be able to make money. How to submit things? You need to express yourself! On the initial stage spending money on social media advertising. All boards electronic ads also offer paid promotion. You have to spend money to earn a good reputation. And in the future, word of mouth will work, but on the condition that a really high-quality product is offered at a reasonable price.

Various promotions will also help increase sales. For example, when buying every third item, you can offer free shipping. Or every Friday you can have a sale, offering things at a discount. People who buy a thing for a promotion will want to cooperate with the store in the future.

How much to spin?

In this matter, it is worth choosing the golden mean. Most offline stores set the markup at 100%. That is, if the item in the purchase costs 200 rubles, then the retail price will be 400 rubles. This is justified, since you have to pay rent. Prices on the Internet are often an order of magnitude lower. The cheat usually does not rise above 60%. And some sellers set the minimum price (add no more than 20%) and thereby increase sales at times. You can make great money not due to the difference between the wholesale and retail prices, but due to sales volumes.

Things are a little different with branded items. For those who decide to occupy this market segment, it is undesirable to set a minimum price for goods. Customers will decide that they are offered a fake and will no longer want to return to the store.

What items can be sold online? Variety! There is always a buyer for every product. But the price has to be right. So, no one will buy a natural fur coat for 5,000 rubles or a knitted T-shirt made in China for 10,000 rubles.

Buyer Feedback

In order for the number of sales to increase, it is worth communicating correctly with potential buyers, answering any questions that arise. The larger the volume of products offered, the more time you will have to devote to business. If you already have your own online store, you should create a feedback window through which the buyer can find out all the necessary information from the sales manager. The process should be automated as much as possible. It is advisable to connect SMS notifications that will notify you of new messages on the site.

Buyers need to create maximum convenient conditions. It is recommended to purchase multiple mobile phone numbers so that the customer can call within their own operator. In addition, it is desirable to offer several payment options for the goods. The more extensive the service, the faster the number of customers will grow.

How to set up an online store?

How to sell things online? In order for a business to bring maximum income and a minimum of problems, it is worth formalizing everything. You can do this not immediately, but a few months after the start. It is worth making sure that the business is going really well and will continue to develop. Most entrepreneurs who sell things over the Internet work on a single tax. Paperwork doesn't take long. Financial costs will also be small. At the same time, it will be possible to avoid fines for illegal trade.

Once a quarter, you will have to submit a tax return, taking into account income. For those who do not understand the nuances, it is better to entrust this work to an accountant. It is better to pay for the services of a professional than to pay a fine again.

How to earn more?

To get even more income, you should think about opening a real store in your own city. It can be a showroom where everyone can come and see the offered goods. A potential buyer will want to come to a real store only once. In the future, he will only buy things online if the products are of good quality. In addition, it should be borne in mind that there are still people who are not friends with computer technology and do not know how to use the possibilities of the World Wide Web.

You can make good money selling online. One has only to delve into all the nuances, know how to sell things, explore the market, see what products are already offered in the selected segment. To take an advantageous position, it is worth offering even more convenient conditions for a potential buyer. And, of course, you need to love your job.

But it does not exclude the possibility of making some money on the sale of unnecessary things. Why not?! Things you don't need may be useful to someone else. Today on my Life Optimization Blog, I will share tips to help you sell your unwanted items online.

Selling old and unnecessary things via the Internet: my experience

I have been selling unwanted items for about 4 years, during which time I have earned about $ 1,200 selling them. I started with unnecessary books (recently told). But all the other things began to sell just a year ago.

I consider what I have earned as a small and easy increase in salary, considering that to receive this money, all it took was to spend half a day once to photograph everything I had, + about 2-3 hours every month to update ads and delete already irrelevant (things that are sold).

I hardly spend time meeting with buyers - I make an appointment at the place where I will be myself, or I indicate in the ad that I can pick up the item from my house. Sometimes I send something by mail, wasting time: but after several hours of work at the computer, walking for 10 minutes to the post office in the fresh air is a real pleasure)

And what unnecessary was sold during this time? Old carpets, clothes, jewelry, hobbies, books, gadgets like earphones, and odds and ends like belts, a thermos bottle, and spare parts from an old laptop. I don’t consider it work, but rather entertainment and the ability to switch to something other than work itself.

And yes - I believe that things need to look for new owners: after all, for each item someone's time and energy, materials have already been spent - and it's a pity if all this is wasted! Well, money is such a nice bonus from decluttering))) (By the way, you can read about that)

1. Find the right site. There are many places where you can sell unnecessary things via the Internet. In Belarus, I place ads on or In Russia, there is,,, You can advertise on social media. networks in groups like "I'll sell cheap" or "Flea market": there are such in almost every city (and if not, then perhaps you are just the person who will create it?).

2. Be sure to take a photo - and it must be of high quality. No, of course, you don't need to photoshop or photograph the item, but it should be clearly visible. Do not be too lazy to add several photos of the thing from different angles, and show the labels on clothes, stickers with the model number and series on equipment, and show the expiration date on cosmetics close-up.

3. Specify the maximum information: dimensions, degree of wear, defects, etc.

4. Clear heading. I do not advise you to come up with very original artistic headlines that do not reflect the essence of the ad. The main requirement is that it is clear WHAT you are selling. But at the same time, it is desirable to stand out a little from the crowd.

5. Answers to questions. Usually, notifications about new comments or questions come to the mail, if not, regularly review your ad and answer questions from potential buyers.

6. Don't place all your hopes on the sale of unnecessary things. If you are left completely without a livelihood, I do not advise you to rely on selling unnecessary things as a quick and guaranteed way to earn money. It is rather accompanying, because many things can be sold for weeks, or even months!

What can be sold from unnecessary things?

I bet, reading this article, you have already remembered the immortal words of Uncle Fyodor from Prostokvashino:

But I assure you: our house is a real accumulation of things that can be sold (you can read more about this in the instruction article ""). You can also earn unnecessary things. Here's what you can sell:

– mobile phones and their spare parts
- laptops and computers and their spare parts (for spare parts it often turns out to be more profitable to sell than the entire computer as a whole)
- clothes
- all kinds of children's things (from clothes to baths, books and toys)
- decorations
- appliances and furniture - even if they are old, there will definitely be buyers: students in rented housing, someone will buy for a summer residence, etc.

Post ads. And believe me: every day, the sites I mentioned sell a lot of the strangest things!

You can not only sell extra things, but simply give them away: read my article on the Cozy House website, where I tell you where you can put unnecessary things after decluttering

Selling old things online: what else is worth remembering?

You will almost certainly be asked for a discount)). Get ready - decide what you will answer so that the question does not confuse you and you rashly drop half the cost. Decide in advance how much you can throw off. If you want to sell things you don't need faster, tell the customer that you're willing to drop some if they take multiple items.

Specify the real price. Purchases from hands are valued because you can really save on them. Therefore, if you put the store price on the item being sold, then it will remain with you. I usually do this: I look at what prices are already on this site, and then I set the price by 5-10% less.

Decide who pays for shipping. Small things are often asked to be sent to another city. First, decide whether you will contact this (if yes, then I advise you to do it on a prepaid basis: that is, first the person pays for the goods + shipping, and then you send) and who pays for the shipping. A common option offered by buyers is to split the shipping cost in half between the seller and the buyer.

Understand: what about delivery? If you are selling unwanted furniture, appliances, carpets, or other large items, shipping may be an issue. In this case, I indicate "self-delivery" - i.e. The buyer decides the issue of exporting the purchase himself.

If you made an appointment, ask the buyer to bring money without change.

And finally: remember that each type of goods (clothes, appliances, furniture ...) requires knowledge of some nuances when selling. Read about. Do you have experience selling unwanted items online?


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