Courses for entrepreneurs to start a business. How to get free and preferential staff training for SMEs? Financial Literacy for Entrepreneurs

Starting your own business if you have no experience is not easy. It will take a lot of knowledge, which often has to be earned through trial and error. There is one problem: while you are bruising, your business can go under.

Courses for start-up entrepreneurs come to the rescue - people who have gone through the path of creating their own business share the secrets of success and the necessary knowledge. We have collected several such courses - no motivational messages, only practical advice.

Ludmila Chumak

Legal aspects of IT startups

Price: is free

The course program is aimed at studying the most topical issues faced by young companies and problem areas where greatest risks for their development and start a successful commercial activities. Among the topics: building relationships with an investor, protecting intellectual property, overcoming a corporate conflict, compliance with the mandatory requirements of the regulator, and others. All topics are adapted to the specifics of the IT startup business.

How to find a business idea


Price: is free

From finding a unique and useful idea to building a business model and creating a story about your project, this course covers what an urban entrepreneur needs to know to make their business successful. The course will be useful for those who are just thinking about starting their own business, and for those who want to take an existing project to a new level.

IIDF sales launch workshop

When: enrollment is ongoing, the course lasts 2.5 months

Price: 500 thousand rubles

Course participants will learn to test the demand for their solution by talking to potential clients and find your first clients. Work with projects are from the idea or prototype stage.

Financial Literacy for Entrepreneurs

When: enrollment is ongoing, the course lasts a month

Price: is free

Online course on how to stop being afraid and start counting money. Required knowledge to start own business and management are set out in simple language. The course is designed for a wide audience: both for those who have just born the idea of ​​their business, and for entrepreneurs whose business is not yet profitable.

Financial management

Price: 25 thousand rubles

Course participants will learn how to analyze a profit and loss statement, use various indicators to evaluate a business, evaluate the investment attractiveness of projects, build a unit-economy model for their project, and choose an appropriate monetization model.

Agile, Scrum, Kanban

Price: 25 thousand rubles

Agile project management methodologies - a series of management approaches, the dynamic formation of requirements and their implementation as a result of interaction within self-organizing working groups. Course participants will learn how to properly prioritize work, easily estimate deadlines and reduce risks when managing a product or project.

Creative entrepreneurship and innovation design

When: Registration is ongoing, the course lasts 35 days

Price: is free

In this course, entrepreneurs will learn creativity, and creative people will learn entrepreneurial thinking. Upon completion of the course, students will be able to generate ideas, analyze the market, organize business processes, search for a source of resources and fundraising. They will be able to find their place in the market and sell themselves or their product by learning how to make money from their talent.

Private entrepreneurship and small business, these are the directions economic activity and economic attention, on which close attention is now focused both by the Government of the Russian Federation and by individual people who wish to improve their well-being in this area. To implement this activity, it is necessary to have certain knowledge and skills that can be learned by taking courses for small business entrepreneurs or by enrolling in seminars for small businesses, which are often held online. In these classes, you will learn about all the steps you need to go through to be able to start your own business quickly and within current legislation. The trends of the current economic situation in the country are such that small business is becoming a fairly promising area. There are plenty of pitfalls when opening and registering a small business, and in order not to encounter them before this procedure, it is better to be trained by small business entrepreneurs from an experienced teacher who has experience in this activity.

"City Center Additional Vocational Education» conducts practical training and vocational training for entrepreneurs. Data training courses designed for those who wish to open their own business, successfully run and develop it.

The curricula of the courses are designed for those who wish to engage in entrepreneurial activities without special education and any initial knowledge and experience in this field. help listeners get necessary knowledge, practical advice and sequence of actions for organizing, maintaining, controlling and developing your own business.

Training for start-up entrepreneurs is also carried out with the active study of the programs 1C: Salary and personnel management 8.3, 1C: Accounting 8.3, which will automate the work of maintaining accounting, tax and personnel records and payroll accounting.

What will I get after completing the Entrepreneurship Course?

After completing the course, or after passing a seminar for small businesses, you will, firstly, feel confident in yourself and in your abilities, recharge with positive energy, which communication with an experienced teacher will help you discover in yourself. Secondly, you will have a clear picture of all your actions and movements that you need to make in order to open your small business. The checklist created in the lessons will help you with this, in which the basic rules and helpful tips for passing this or that step in your economic activity. Thirdly, most small business seminars in Moscow provide support in the most sensitive issues that a student may have after training during the implementation of practical actions. And of course, a diploma on completion of this entrepreneurship course will also help you, as a document certifying your competence.

Small business success algorithms

Entrepreneurship and small business courses in Moscow step by step examine the entire structure of the creation, maintenance and competent development of any enterprise from the point of view of the current legislation in the field of lending, taxation, reporting and profit making. After completing small business courses, you will be able to competently use your financial and intellectual resources, not wasting them, but increasing them. Any enterprise is a life support resource not only for the owner of the enterprise, but also for employees, which indicates the social utility of the idea of ​​creation and development entrepreneurial activity. Therefore, taking small business courses is also a responsible decision, especially if you are an aspiring leader of your new enterprise. The classes cover practical ideas and situations that most often arise in the process of functioning of most enterprises, and this is an invaluable experience and good practice. An experienced entrepreneur is half the success of any economic undertaking.

Course Description

Are you thinking about starting your own business?

Have you decided to become a businessman and don't know how to start?

Are you already running a business, but facing a number of difficulties?

Then this course is for you!

During the course you:

  • develop ideas about creating small businesses, enrich the methods and ways of implementing your own ideas (I want to open a restaurant! Or maybe a hairdresser? No, a car wash is better .... Or is it a store?) Let's help you figure it out!
  • analyze the latest changes in legislation affecting the opening, running and closing of small businesses
  • Learn more about customer acquisition methods
  • pay attention to interaction with the tax office, pension fund, fund of obligatory health insurance, fund social insurance and etc.
  • consider the financial and accounting aspects of the enterprise
  • write and defend a business plan

Purpose of the course"Organization and management of small business":

Updating knowledge and acquiring practical skills in organizing small businesses

Course objectives:

  • To form the skills of organizing one's own business on the basis of business planning and effective management resources
  • To form (update) knowledge of the legal aspects of a small business
  • To form (update) knowledge of the financial aspects of a small business
  • Form (update) knowledge of features staffing small business
  • Form (update) knowledge of features marketing activities small business
  • Apply the acquired knowledge and skills in the preparation business plan enterprises

As a result of learning a holistic view of the ways and methods of developing your own business is formed on the basis of a business plan.

A lot does not mean effective, a little does not mean unprofitable

Small business courses teach not only the correct and competent steps to organize and promote your enterprise, but, more importantly, to predict and predict the growth or fall of certain economic and commodity disciplines, which together helps to stay at the pace of development of your business that indicate for continuous growth and development. Small business education is the step by which you are guaranteed to declare your determination to succeed!

Do you want to take the first confident step towards the successful development of your business? We are waiting for you at our courses for beginner entrepreneurs!

Sign up for organizing and running a small business in Moscow right now!

Course Curriculum

Topic 1. Fundamentals of organizing your own business. Individual entrepreneurship.

Choice of form of ownership IP, OOO. Advantages and disadvantages

The concept of microenterprise, small business

IP opening procedure. Step-by-step instruction. Practical recommendations

IP registration documents

Patent taxation system

Trading fee

IP liquidation

Topic 2. Limited Liability Company

The procedure for opening an LLC Step by step instructions. Practical recommendations

Constituent documents of a legal entity


Commercial concession agreement

Cash register equipment. The order of registration and work.

Liquidation of a legal entity

Quantity of study time - 4 academic hours

Topic 3. Taxation of small businesses

The concept of taxes and fees

generally established, traditional system of taxation;

simplified taxation system;

single tax on imputed income for certain types activities

calculation and methods of paying taxes

calculation and methods of payment of contributions

the procedure for working with the IFTS, PFR, FSS, MHIF

Solution of practical tasks

Quantity of study time - 4 academic hours

Topic 4. Reporting of small enterprises

IP reporting without employees

Reporting of individual entrepreneurs with employees

LLC reporting

Balance sheet

Report about incomes and material losses

Accounting for the property of the enterprise

The concept of depreciation and wear

Solution of control tasks and tests

Quantity of study time - 4 academic hours

Topic 5. Business planning

Business plan as a tool for the production and commercial activities of a small enterprise.

UNIDO standard

The structure and content of the business plan for a small business.

Quantity of study time - 4 academic hours

Topic 6. Marketing plan

The concept and meaning of marketing

Analysis of factors influencing the formation and development of business (factors of the far and near environment)

pesn, SWOT analyzes, Porter's 5-Force Analysis

Competitive advantage



Market promotion of goods and services

Development of a consumer engagement strategy

Quantity of study time - 4 academic hours

Topic 7. Production plan

The concept of fixed and variable costs

Production support

Company location

Costs for raw materials, components, consumables


Calculation of variable and fixed costs

Quantity of study time - 4 academic hours

Topic 8. Staffing

The need for personnel. Legal framework for staffing

Labor contract. Civil law contract

Wage. Fixed and variable parts of wages

The cost of an employee to an enterprise

Mode of work and rest

Quantity of study time - 4 academic hours

Topic 9. Organizational and financial plans

Organizational structure

Project Implementation Schedule

Legal support

Lead-up costs

Current period costs

Calculation of income.

Forecasting market conditions and developing a sales budget for a small business.

Planning income from sales.

Quantity of study time - 4 academic hours

Topic 10. Legal aspects of activity

The concept and condition of the contract.

The conclusion of the contract.

Change and termination of the contract.

Contract of sale.

Contract for the supply of goods.

Lease contract.

Work agreement.

Bank account agreement.

Quantity of study time - 4 academic hours

Topic 11. Measures to protect the person and property in the field of small business

Measures to protect the person and property in the field of small business.

Mediation of Moscow executive authorities in concluding an amicable agreement between small business entities - debtors and their creditors, as well as suretyship, subject to a delay in the payment of debts.

List of executive authorities of the city of Moscow and their subordinate organizations for state control (supervision).

Rights legal entities and individual entrepreneurs when carrying out control measures.

Competence of the Department for Support and Development of Small Business in Moscow.

Consideration of practical situations. Test solving.

Quantity of study time - 4 academic hours

Business plan protection

Quantity of study time - 4 academic hours

Teaching business through courses, seminars, programs and business trainings is gaining popularity. Increasingly, people are realizing that the growth of their income at work is very limited and go to study the basics of business, opening and managing, organizing business processes and development. The most famous players in this market are Business Youth, Synergy, Like-Center.

At the same time, business trainings have a polar reputation, there are a lot of positive and negative reviews on the Internet. Some call them scammers, while others consider them the best way learn to do business. They cover different topics: they help to find an idea for starting a business and create a company from scratch, they tell how it is done. There are paid and free, offline and online courses for beginners and experienced entrepreneurs in various fields. Read my personal rating the best courses business in 2019. At the end you will find links to free courses.

1. Business training from GreenSales and Petr Ponomarev

3. Antistartup - online course by Arkady Moreinis

Once upon a time, Arkady Moreinis and Evgeny Chernyak launched their own IT companies, and then decided to invest in startups and make money on it. It turned out that the ideas of novice startups about business are too far from reality and they have to be trained from scratch. This is how the Antistartup online course appeared, which dispels illusions and directs entrepreneurs in the right direction.

The cost of the course is from 90,000 rubles. Duration: 8 weeks active learning+ support. Antistartup program and details at this link.

4. MZS or "A million for a hundred" from Business Youth

The BM premium program is not for those who are just starting out. MHS for those who already have stable income and seeks to increase it. They promise, albeit with reservations, an increase in income at least twice. Duration: 2 months. Details and registration.

5. Training program TSEKH from Business Youth

The workshop is one of the most massive business trainings from one of the most famous business schools. Business Molodist offers to master the tools for starting a business and put them into practice. Term - 2 months. Details and registration at this link.

6. Online course "Entrepreneur" from the Like-center

The Center for Entrepreneurship Development offers a hands-on online business course. Details and registration.

7. Business Plant School of Business Synergy

Another three-day intensive for starting a business, but already from the Synergy business school. The offline event takes place in Moscow, but you can participate online from anywhere in the world. After three active days, participants will be accompanied for several months on a special platform. You can sign up and learn more.

8. Courses in business and management from Netology

Searching and downloading business courses on torrents is not relevant. Today there are free projects or individual classes. For example, in Netology, a separate block of programs and courses is dedicated to business and management, including some for free. You can check them out at this link.

9. Business environment from Sberbank

The Business Environment platform has collected the knowledge and experience of successful entrepreneurs and business coaches from the most popular business schools. For the most part, the content on this site is free, but at the same time of a fairly high quality. Follow this link and check for yourself.

10. IIDF pre-accelerator

The Pre-Accelerator course of the Internet Initiatives Development Foundation will help you learn business as a system quickly, free of charge and effectively. This is an online course, but very practical - it is designed for startups who quickly study the project, its prospects and investment attractiveness by watching video tutorials and filling out a questionnaire.

Then this questionnaire is considered by the fund's specialists in order to invite worthy projects to the accelerator, to give investments, a place to work, mentors in exchange for a share in the project. The course includes such topics as: product, economy and demand, team, competitors, market and promotion. Record.

Until now, people who have not understood and accepted digital realities modern world are looking for courses in their cities: St. Petersburg, Moscow, Novosibirsk, Yekaterinburg, Rostov, Kazan, Chelyabinsk, Omsk and other cities.

I think that best experts today they are still concentrated in Moscow, but at the same time they strive for maximum coverage in the regions via the Internet, so I think that it is not worth signing up for any local courses.

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