Growing turkeys for meat business plan. Breeding turkeys: a business plan. Turkeys: breeding, growing conditions, breeds (photo). There are several types of turkeys that are considered the best for beginners.

For breeding turkeys for meat you need to understand that other side related species businesses will slow down the process and divert fixed assets, for example, breeding egg-laying turkeys to obtain subsequent offspring is a rather complex process that requires time and money, it can be engaged when the main business of producing turkey meat is no longer possible to expand at the expense of third-party producers - a banal shortage will affect chicks and you have to hatch them yourself. In the article we will consider the business of breeding turkeys and turkeys "from scratch" - bypassing the process of breeding layers and incubating eggs, since it is not necessary for initial stage this type of business.

Business - breeding turkeys for meat

As industrial production meat leading poultry farms recommend choosing meat breeds turkeys, for example, the type of turkeys "Bronze Wide-breasted" gained deserved popularity in the CIS countries due to the rapid weight gain (the main weight of the bird is already gained by 6-7 months, daily weight gain of about 100 grams) - so, a female can reach a weight of up to 10 kg, and a male up to 15 kg (for example, a domestic non-purebred turkey weighs about 7 kg in adulthood). Unfortunately, the main drawback of the breed is that these turkeys are not suitable for grazing, that is, poultry should be raised exclusively in a closed room ..

Arrangement of a farm for growing turkeys

To organize a farm for breeding meat turkeys, the following rules and conditions must be taken into account:

  • Bird landing is calculated on the basis of the condition - 3 birds per 1 m²;
  • For commercial activities it is necessary to obtain permits from - SES, Ministry of Emergency Situations (firefighters), state veterinary supervision. The latter must issue two conclusions - favorable veterinary conditions on the farm and the compliance of poultry meat with standards (product quality certificate).

Based on the above conditions, you can calculate how many birds you are able to keep on your farm. So, for a one-time maintenance of 500 adult turkeys, you will need a room with an area of ​​about 200 m², in addition you will need utility rooms, a feed warehouse, a slaughterhouse and a separate pen for overexposing chicks. In total, about 700 square meters of various premises. The use of the above breed of turkeys relieves you of the need to have additional land for the arrangement of pastures, which significantly saves the total area of ​​the farm, so for grazing poultry, it is necessary to take into account that the area is calculated according to the formula - 20 square meters per 1 bird - and the total area of ​​pastures is measured in hectares , of course, it is cheaper to maintain pastures than pens, but there are also more troubles with taking care of poultry.

Purchase of day old turkey chicks... The backbone of your farm. The average cost of such chicks at the moment reaches up to 500 rubles per chick. The survival rate of young birds is up to 95%, and 100% can be achieved if all the conditions for caring for the bird are observed. Given that the chicks are gaining weight quickly, the cost of the chick is increasing every day - all experienced farmers know about this, so they try to acquire the day-old chicks. Usually, poultry farms specializing in this type of business - selling day old chicks - inform customers in advance of the day of hatching. Thus, if you take the estimated capacity of the farm - 500 heads - you will need about 550-600 chicks.

The acquired chicks are sent to the paddock for overexposure and fattening, it is not advisable to mix an adult bird and chicks, an adult turkey can crush or peck the young. The turkey reaches commercial weight after 6 months of fattening, at which point it is slaughtered for meat, and day old chicks are bought again. The feeding cycle is repeated.

To keep turkeys, the room must be light, warm, dry and well ventilated. It must be taken into account that turkeys are shy birds and stressful situations negatively affect their condition. We recommend using. This will save on heating and cleaning the pen and keep birds dry, which reduces stress in turkeys. About the round-the-clock keeping of poultry in closed rooms, they must be transferred to special feed, this will reduce the risk of infection in poultry, will give turkeys the necessary vitamins, minerals and salts for active growth and weight gain.

Financial and organizational issues of creating a farm

To organize a farm in the form of a peasant (farm) economy (KFH) requires a minimum package of documents and several days for registration. It is preferable to choose the form of taxation - eding agricultural tax- this will save you from unnecessary paperwork, exempt from paying VAT, introduce a cash method of accounting for income, and alleviate the overall tax burden.

The total capital cost of the business (for 500 heads), taking into account the construction of a turnkey farm with necessary equipment slaughterhouse, there will be up to 1 million rubles.

On top of this - working capital for 6 months - which will be used to purchase young animals, feed, personnel (up to 5 people) - about 800 thousand rubles.

Let's calculate the approximate income. After 6 months, at the exit from 500 birds (with an average weight of each bird of about 12 kg), we will receive about 4.5 tons of meat and offal. When sold at an average wholesale price of 250 rubles per 1 kg of meat, we will receive 1.2 million rubles per season. If you add to technological process subsequent processing of meat into semi-finished products, the profit will be much greater.

For a year (2 seasons 6 months each) - the profit of such a farm will be 2.4 million rubles. That is, the turkey farm will reach self-sufficiency by the end of the second year of operation. Money can be used to increase the number of poultry, respectively, increase the output of the meat obtained, or to expand the technological chain - production finished products- semi-finished products, minced meat, etc.

Video - how to open a turkey farm

Especially for HOBIZ.RU

Growing turkeys at home is much more expensive than the same business based on broiler chickens. But by the results it turns out to be much more cost-effective. And all because turkey meat is much more valuable. In addition, the bird itself can reach a weight of 30 kg in two years. And during this time, you can get eggs that are no less demanded from turkeys.

Case registration

To create a turkey farm, you can register a collective farm (KFH). A farm can be created either by one owner or by an association of people who have kinship or property in common ownership. It is assumed that the farm will be served jointly by them without hiring outside workers.

When registering, you must choose a taxation system: normal or simplified. At the same time, benefits are provided for (peasant farms), on the basis of which such a business is exempt from taxation for five years from the date of registration. Taxes are not levied on profits received from: production, processing, sale of agricultural products.

Also, when registering, you must indicate OKPD 2: 01.47 "Live agricultural poultry and eggs".

Breed selection

The next stage is the selection of the breed of turkeys that will be grown at home. The success of your business depends on this for 30%. When choosing, one must be guided by the tasks that the farmer sets for himself. There are breeds of turkeys raised for meat, which are characterized by high weight gain or rapid growth. There are breeds that lay more eggs. It is better to take these if the main purpose of the farm is eggs and turkey poults.

The main problem in the market today is that most of the turkeys available are the result of accidental crossbreeding. They perfectly tolerate these living conditions, but have low rates of meat quality and egg-laying. For example, males do not grow more than 8 kg, and females do not grow more than 5 kg. Therefore, with such material, the plan for the implementation of the business cannot be fulfilled.

Although novice farmers are advised to opt for light breeds of chickens. They require less scrupulous care, have a greater survival rate, so you can gain the necessary experience with them. Please note that experts do not recommend taking turkey poults from poultry farms. The best way- private farms.

Popular types of turkeys

For a turkey farm, it is best to take the following breeds.

  1. White broad-breasted. It has several varieties:
  • easy;
  • medium;
  • heavy.

Males reach 25 kg, females - 10 kg, egg-laying - up to 120 per year. The advantage of the breed is that it can be grown in various climatic conditions as the bird has a good level of adaptation.

  1. Bronze broad-breasted. Males of this breed reach a weight of 15 kg, and females - 9 kg. On average, one female is capable of producing 120 eggs per year, 80% of which are fertilized. Turkey poults are hatched in 75% of cases. Slaughtering for meat can begin as early as 20 weeks. The disadvantage of the breed is that it is only suitable for keeping in cages.
  1. North Caucasian bronze. Males weigh 14 kg and females 7 kg. The female brings about 80 eggs per year. This breed tolerates pasture cultivation very well.
  1. Cross BIG-6. This breed of turkeys is recommended for growing at home for meat. The male reaches 25 kg, and the female - 11 kg, while the net weight of the bird is 80-85%. The main difficulty in breeding the breed is that breeding is impossible without artificial insemination, because the male is too large for this and injures the female in the process.

A bird crossing plan can be formed based on the fact that females reach reproductive age 7-8 months after hatching, and males - 8-9 months. Heredity in turkeys can be traced very clearly, so it is important to always select the strongest and healthiest individuals for crossing.

Main requirements for growing:

  • It is necessary to provide a place for walking birds. To do this, they need to allocate special place, in a field or garden, so that the birds have the opportunity to nibble on fresh grass.
  • Poultry nutrition needs to be well balanced. Turkeys are meat poultry, so they must strictly observe the balance of vitamins and minerals in their diet. Therefore, they should always be offered special supplements. It is advisable to consult a professional about the diet. You also need to have special means for the prevention of diseases.
  • Strict adherence to the regime for turkey poults. They should not be overheated, overcooled, it is necessary to strictly observe the intervals of walking and feeding.

Features of raising offspring

The health and productivity of poultry in the future directly depends on how the turkeys were kept in the first month of life. The eggs mature well both under the doe and in the incubator, showing a hatchability rate of 90%.

For a turkey family, it is necessary to equip a 40x40 cm nest made of straw. One bird can incubate up to 17 eggs in 28 days. It is necessary to select eggs for brooding after two weeks from the beginning of oviposition. This increases the percentage of their fertility. They must be stored for no more than 10 days at a temperature of 12-15 o C.

Hatched turkey poults are very susceptible to colds. They also need to provide round-the-clock lighting, which is gradually reduced by half an hour every day and is 15 hours by day 20. For this, the offspring are kept in cages for at least 20 days with unlimited access to water and food. The litter should always be clean and dry.

Turkey poults should be fed with green tea with sugar for the first three days, and only after this time can raw water be given. When raising birds at home, you need to know that the chicks are gaining weight intensively for the first three months. Therefore, it is recommended to feed them with special food with the addition of vitamin complexes, minerals and amino acids. After a month of life, chicks can be gradually introduced with cheap feed mixes and other additives.

Growth of turkeys

The advantage of turkeys over chickens also lies in the fact that due to their calm nature and sedentary lifestyle, they gain weight faster. During the day, an adult at home adds 40-80 grams. depending on the breed. That is, in six months, males reach a weight of about 19 kg, and females - 12 kg. This is the ideal time for meat slaughter. If you organize hatching in the spring, then you can earn good money by December, since this is the period characterized by high demand for turkey meat.

In order for the bird to gain maximum weight, it is important to observe its feeding regime. You can be guided by the following standards:

Bird age (days) Feed per day (grams per head)
1. 1-5 10
2. 6-10 20
3. 11-30 40-60
4. 31-50 80-110
5. 51-70 125-160
6. 71-90 180-220
7. 91-110 250-260
8. 111-150 270-280
9. 151-210 300
10. adults300-500

Business options

The plan for organizing a poultry farm can focus not only on the cultivation of poultry for meat. Another line of business is selling eggs and / or chicks to other turkey farms.

To do this, you need to purchase an incubator for about a thousand eggs, which costs about 25 thousand rubles. The poults hatch 28 days after the eggs are placed in the incubator. Such eggs cost from 100 rubles. for one piece.

To calculate how much the chicks cost, you need to take into account the time they are kept. So, if you sell them within a day, then their cost will be from 150 rubles. a piece. Further, the cost grows every day. In order to sell chicks on time, it is necessary to draw up a schedule for their hatching, with which to acquaint potential buyers.

The financial part of the arrangement of the poultry house

The expenditure plan includes, first of all, special equipment. As a rule, one company offers for sale all the necessary set of equipment. How much it will cost depends on the manufacturer, material of manufacture, configuration. On average, a drinker for 20-25 heads costs 300-400 rubles, a feeder - 400-500 rubles.

In addition, the equipment procurement plan should include nests where females will lay eggs and perches. The latter is wooden beams, which are installed about a meter from the ground.

How much compound feed you need is easy to calculate from the above table. You can buy it at specialized factories in packages of 20 kg. One such package costs 600 rubles.

Include in the investment plan the purchase of a cargo van, which will bring feed, transport chicks and eggs.

Income calculations

The income plan can be calculated based on the fact that one turkey poultry costs from 500 rubles. A kilogram of turkey meat is sold for about 116 rubles. That is, it is quite realistic to form a farm payback plan from two to five years. As practice shows, the profitability of the venture is 98%, but a lot depends on the climate of the territory where the farm is located, the availability of its own areas, growing conditions, and the farmer's experience.

Increase profitability farms it is possible if the construction of a slaughterhouse is included in the development plan and deep processing of meat is carried out there. The consumer can be offered not only whole or cut carcasses, but also semi-finished products, sausages, schnitzels, sausages and more.

Some turkey breeds are very whimsical, so the farmer constantly needs to study the peculiarities of breeding and raising these birds. For starters, you can follow these basic guidelines for content:

  • Prepare the poultry area carefully. For example, it is better to wrap the cage with polyethylene to avoid drafts. Place the feeder and drinker in the coolest part of it. The litter needs to be changed every day.
  • It is advisable for chicks to add milk powder, oatmeal, corn flour to the compound feed. Drinking water should be at room temperature. A separate coarse gravel container should be provided.
  • The farmer should always have the necessary medicines on hand for urgent care of the birds.
  • Do not buy turkey poults from poultry farms.
  • Don't start a business with heavy rocks.
  • Grow turkeys separately from other bird species.
  • Equip perches not high.
  • Always select only active and healthy birds for breeding.
  • Observe maximum cleanliness.

If everything is done correctly, then the bird practically does not get sick, has a high percentage of the ratio of slaughter weight to live weight, every week it gains weight according to the schedule typical of the breed.

If before many people associated turkeys only with a dish for American Thanksgiving, now dietary meat is a daily dish of people leading healthy image life. The turkey farm becomes profitable and cost-effective production... The nuances of growing, keeping turkeys will be discussed in this article.

Turkeys are the largest, majestic, strongest poultry. They belong to the order of chickens and the pheasant family. A male turkey weighs approximately 10-20 kg. The female is much lighter and weighs only 5-11kg.

America is considered the homeland of turkeys. It was there that these birds were domesticated and bred by the Indians of the famous Mayan tribe. Turkeys were introduced to the European mainland in the 17th century. Since then, they have become widespread, and their breeding has become a profitable business. Today there are two types of breed:

  • domestic, divorced in many parts of the world;
  • wild, few birds still exist in Central and North America.

Accustomed to freedom, turkeys prefer to live in an unlimited space with an imitation of freedom. However, farmland does not always provide ideal conditions for birds. Therefore, it is worth paying attention to the psychological state of the turkey. After spending too much time in a confined area, turkeys begin to suffer from depression. As a result, they can pretend to be dead, not move from their place. The most desperate individuals commit suicide, scattering and banging their heads against the wall. back side depression - attacks of rabies. Frequent walking will help avoid tragedy.

Modern breeding is taken to solve the problem of depressive behavior. As a result of breeding, many less freedom-loving breeds appeared. The current species have become slower, imposing than their wild relatives. Also, scientists set themselves the goal of deducing more large breeds poultry.

Interesting! The weight of a turkey by week 16 increases 170-200 times. If we draw an analogy with a baby, then with a similar growth rate, a 16-week-old baby would weigh 700 kg.

Turkeys are always at least 30% heavier. This fact indicates that turkeys are vivid representatives of sexual dimorphism. In addition to weight, the sex difference in birds is the presence or absence of a beard and spurs. This sign becomes noticeable around the second month of life.

The ability of turkeys to gain weight quickly is a critical factor in the benefits of breeding. The following facts are no less significant:

The indisputable advantage of turkey meat is its low calorie content compared to other meat. It also contains a large amount of protein, and in terms of phosphorus content it can only be compared with fish.

Features of growing turkeys at home

The opinions of turkey farm owners vary slightly. Some believe that the cultivation of this large bird is not particularly different from the content of other birds. Others argue that raising turkeys is more troublesome.

But everyone agrees that the efforts are repaid a hundredfold, since from one carcass the farmer gets 60% of dietary meat, which is in demand among allergy sufferers and those who lead a healthy lifestyle, eat right.
First of all, to create a turkey farm, you need to select a site and build a turkey house.

Turkeys are bred at home in the country or in a personal plot. When building a room, you should take into account the features and habits of the bird:

Breeding turkey poults and keeping young animals

For beginners in the poultry industry, it is better to start breeding with grown young animals. A good start there will be 2-3 week old turkeys. By this age, babies are strong enough to withstand transportation. The probability of their death is reduced by several times.

More experienced breeders can try egg farming. To do this, you will need adult birds at the rate of 1 male for 8-10 females. This ratio is optimal, since with a large number of females, the turkey will not be able to fertilize eggs efficiently. If there are many males in the flock, then the head turkey will have the right to cover the turkey. All the rest will only create extras.

Hatching eggs

How to tell if a turkey is ready to sit on eggs? If the female begins to behave differently, hisses and begins to carry straw in her beak, then she can become a brood hen.

The best nesting place is that the turkey has looked after. This is where the nest must be prepared. For this:

  • build partitions or erect walls high enough so that the females do not see each other. It is also possible to equip a wooden box or barrel for the nest;
  • twigs are laid on the floor of the nest, and they are covered with straw from above. The last layer is hay;
  • so that the eggs retain heat better and do not roll around the nest, it is necessary to make a ring of straw;
  • put a feeder and drinker next to it. Make sure that food and water are abundant, as the bird rarely gets up from the eggs.

In her maternal impulse, she is so stubborn that she can die of hunger. The parental instinct in turkeys is highly developed. Even males sometimes hatch eggs.

Reference. Experienced poultry farmers claim that the sex of the future chick can be recognized by the shape of the egg. So turkeys appear from pointed eggs, and turkeys from more round eggs.

About a month after the turkey has sat on the eggs, the chicks hatch. One female is capable of raising up to 80 chicks at a time. It's easy to add incubators to her own kids.

Young growth

The biggest problem is raising small turkey poults. In fairness, it should be noted that in comparison with chickens, ducklings, they are more hardy. With good care, their survival rate is higher. First, provide the young with a dry, warm room. You can take a cardboard box or make a brooder.

Temperatures from 36 degrees must be maintained constantly. Lighting must also be present.

Chicks eat 8 times a day. The first three days they are fed with the smallest cereals with the addition of boiled chopped eggs. From the fourth day, cereals are mixed with alfalfa, nettle stalks, onions, cabbage or other herbs. Thus, they feed up to a month. It is possible to grow on a special compound feed.

Experienced poultry farmers note a number of points that must be taken into account when raising young stock:

The menu of adult birds includes potato stalks, nettles with seeds, withered cabbage leaves, rutabagas, overgrown salad. Chopped grass is mixed with barley flour, bran. You can drive the turkeys into the mowed fields so that they get their own food.

In winter, turkeys are fed chopped raw vegetables such as potatoes, rutabagas, turnips, cabbage, and carrots. Chaff is steamed, with the exception of buckwheat and barley. You can use compound feed at any time of the year.

There is a version that, starting from the fifth or seventh week of life, males and females should be bred separately. This helps the birds to live in more comfortable psychological conditions and feed in accordance with the growth rate by sex.

Slaughter turkeys are kept for 16 weeks. Further, they develop a system of childbirth, which contributes to the deposition of internal fat. Their weight at this age is about 10 kg. In this case, turkeys are kept from 19 to 24 weeks, gaining 20 kg and more.

Growing turkeys for their own use is within the power of everyone. Breeding on a larger scale requires determination, calculating all the pros, cons, and potential profits.

Turkey breeding as a business

In Russia, a small number of farmers are engaged in growing turkeys. Although this is a promising business with a good profit.

Benefits of a turkey farm:

However, not everything is so smooth in the poultry yard and it is worth considering the disadvantages:

  • mortality of young turkeys;
  • high costs for farm equipment;
  • low egg production;
  • the need to look for sales markets.

All these shortcomings can be easily corrected with proper care.
For starters, you can try breeding turkeys on your own plot and start with a small number of birds.

Small turkey breeding business

Let's take a step-by-step look at what needs to be done to open a small business on our own site, and also calculate its return on investment.

Step 1. For breeding birds, you need a turkey poultry. Let's say you have a suitable room. If you build it from scratch, then you will spend about 200 thousand rubles. Also include in your expenses:

Step 2. The premise, as well as the walking area, is ready, it's time to buy birds. The most economical option is to buy one-day turkey poults. 20 chicks will cost 4000 rubles. However, we have already mentioned that this and big risk... To reduce it, it is better to contact trusted breeders. For a start, it is better to take medium-sized breeds, as they are more hardy.

Step 3. Remember to vaccinate the poults on time and include costs in the cost price.

Step 4. Turkeys are raised for slaughter for about 4 months. The monthly feed consumption for 20 heads will be 3000 rubles.

Step 5. Half of the flock is slaughtered for meat and sold. Half is left for further breeding from the egg. If we take the average weight of 15 kg, and the price is 200 rubles, then the income will be 30 thousand rubles.

At this rate, your investment will pay off in a year or two. Consider also the costs of transportation and payment. utilities... The total net profit at the exit will be approximately 18,000 rubles.

Video - Turkey Breeding Business

Mini turkey farm

If you decide to start a more solid business with 1000 heads, then your expenses will increase significantly. You will need to build a farm and hire staff.


When building a farm, you can take as a basis following projects recommended by experts.

The poultry slaughter area consists of:

All these investments are included in the capital expenditures of the mini-farm. As well as the payment of documents for permission to do business. Monthly expenses will become wage hired assistants.

Turkey farm staff

Among the workers in the poultry house, the following specialists are required:

  • manager;
  • zootechnician;
  • veterinarian. You can take a person who comes with an hourly rate;
  • turkey care workers, at least 2 people;
  • driver-courier.

If you create a personal website for the sale of poultry, then you will also need an administrator.
If you sell poultry yourself - the seller.

Having decided on the material and technical base, we will proceed directly to economic calculations.

Calculation of income and expenses of a turkey farm

For example, let's take a farm with a capacity of 1000 heads. In total, we buy birds for 50 thousand rubles. We take into account the mortality rate of young animals 10%. We sell meat and offal from about 900 heads in 4-5 months. Excluding offal, one turkey gives a minimum of 6 kg of meat. We multiply 5400 kg by 150 rubles per 1 kg and we get 810 thousand rubles. By-products can be sold for 24 thousand rubles. Total income will amount to 834,000 rubles.

You can also sell eggs, feathers and droppings.
Subtract from the received amount:

  • 50,000 rubles for young animals;
  • 60,000 rubles for feed;
  • 1500 - vaccination;
  • 34,000 - utility bills;
  • 12,000 - transportation costs;
  • 20,000 - other expenses;
  • 160,000 - workers' wages for 4 months.

Total spending runs up to the amount of 337,500 rubles. Profit for 4 months excluding taxes - 496,500 rubles.

Don't forget about the risks. There may be epidemics and deaths of turkeys, an increase in prices for compound feed, a decrease in prices for products.

Video - Turkey Breeding Business

Sale of products

To get the maximum profit, you should be puzzled in advance by the markets for meat, eggs and other things.

Private traders who keep a small number of heads can sell turkey to acquaintances, using word of mouth, and also in the market.

Large producers must look for more reliable markets. They can be:

  • farm department stores;
  • orders for cafes and restaurants;
  • farmers' markets;
  • personal website for sale;
  • message boards.

In addition, you can negotiate with plant farmers and supply them with manure as fertilizer. You shouldn't throw away down and feathers. They are bought for making pillows, blankets, sleeping bags. You can find customers on the bulletin boards of agricultural complexes, or by directly contacting the production of pillows.

Prospects for the development of turkey business

Turkey meat sales are gaining momentum. According to statistics, more and more people are buying turkey meat. Since it has useful properties.

Turkey is useful, contains a huge amount of trace elements and a whole range of vitamins, often prescribed by doctors:

  • pregnant women;
  • suffering from depression and insomnia;
  • postoperative patients to restore the body;
  • small children;
  • patients after chemotherapy. Scientists have proven that turkey meat prevents the formation of cancerous tumors;
  • losing weight.

The nutritional value of different parts of the carcass is different.

Differences need to be considered as they affect sales. As evidenced by this statistics.

Based on the above, we can conclude that production and packaging of turkey in parts would be a great idea for business development. This will help increase the value of the products sold. It is also possible to open a production workshop for the production of minced meat, sausages, kupat.

If you have no desire to get involved with the production, you can start selling young animals. One-day turkey poults and older chicks require much less breeding area.

Summing up, it should be noted that the prospects for the development of the turkey business are very good. With proper housekeeping, the money invested quickly pays off. Business starts to bring high profit, since dietary turkey meat and its eggs are in great demand in the current market. Over time, you can expand production and breed other birds. For example, pheasants or peacocks.

To start with your own entrepreneurial activity in the poultry industry, it is necessary to have a minimum knowledge in this area, an appropriate plan, desire and time. Breeding turkeys as a business is becoming more popular every year and is in the first place in terms of making a profit and developing entrepreneurship in the relevant field. Positive points due to the fact that birds are not picky about food, content, quickly gain weight, and their meat is in demand and is a dietary product.

Turkey has been gaining popularity in recent years

Where to begin

Turkey is rich in iron, protein, meat fat content is low. A turkey business should start with the acquisition of young animals. The best option would be to buy it in February, so that the females can lay eggs in the spring. One male will need five females. The average price of an adult bird is about 2 thousand rubles, so a family will cost 10-12 thousand.

You can start breeding a bird at home by purchasing day old chicks. The cost of one individual is around 100 rubles. But in this case, you should remember about careful care, maintaining a constant temperature (at least 36 degrees), grafting poultry, using special high-quality feed. In two years, it is possible to grow an animal weighing up to 30 kg, in addition, turkeys lay eggs, energy value and the nutritional value of which is higher than that of chicken counterparts. It is better to buy turkey poults at a breeding farm, choosing healthy chicks from different litters.

Turkey poults need careful care and quality nutrition

Growing turkeys indoors

The rearing of young animals can be organized in cages. This method will increase the average daily gain in live weight of the bird, while reducing feed consumption. But adults throughout life process there is no need to keep in the cellular mode. Over time, the bird's legs weaken, wings break and growth slows down.

Therefore, after a turkey gains a mass of 15-20 kg, it is advisable to transfer them to outdoor cultivation with walking, if climatic conditions permit.

You can build a house for turkeys at home from frame blocks, which are equipped with a ventilation system and are quickly erected. Such a hangar will cost less than the construction of a brick structure. The average price per square meter is about 40 USD. Using the calculations, you can find out that an outbuilding for 500 turkeys will cost about $ 10,000 (+100 thousand rubles for ventilation and lighting).

Outdoor turkey farming requires a well-heated and ventilated room. The floor should be littered, netted, slotted or combined type... The coating itself is made of shavings or sawdust, which absorb moisture well, keep warm and provide excellent shock absorption. Poults can eat sawdust to clog their crops, so it is wiser for them to use straw or hay. The litter should be changed at least once a month.

Business plan

Any entrepreneurial activity requires a business plan, and the cultivation of turkeys at home is no exception. When compiling it, the following factors should be taken into account:

  • Accounting for adult turkeys and females with the distribution of part of the bird for slaughter and individuals for breeding the parent flock. If there is room for a bird to walk, it should be sown with grain grasses, which will provide an additional diet in the fall.
  • The plan should include the costs of purchasing the incubator. Despite the fact that turkeys, when properly nourished, have high rates for laying eggs and are distinguished by careful care of the offspring, the incubator will help put the production of young animals on the conveyor.
  • If the turkeys are provided with regular walking, the diet can be organized twice a day. The turkey is quite resistant to frost, therefore, if there is a well-insulated room, the arrangement of the poultry house with additional heating can be omitted from the plan.
  • If there is no possibility of walking the birds at home, their breeding in captivity is allowed. However, it should be remembered that this approach will be cost-effective if additional costs are included in the business plan for micronutrients, quality feed, and good lighting.

On a walk, turkeys get their own vitamins

Feeding and care

The turkey business will be more profitable if available own production feed. At home, it is better to sow oats, wheat, legumes, soybeans. Chalk and vitamins are an integral part of the poultry diet. Adequate nutrition will allow turkeys to lay normal eggs, gain weight quickly, improve the palatability of meat and strengthen the pets' immunity.

Pay special attention to the presence of vitamin E in the diet of young animals and poultry prepared for slaughter (it reduces the mortality of young animals and improves the safety of meat).

All costs for seeds, vitamins, chalk must initially be included in the procurement plan.

For the prevention of diseases among turkeys at home, the following rules should be observed:

  • protect the bird from dampness and drafts;
  • change the litter cover in a timely manner;
  • monitor drinkers and feeders, preventing droppings from getting into them;
  • avoid feeding chicks with poor quality feed;
  • separate turkey poults from adult animals;
  • limit communication between birds and wild animals;
  • avoid stressful situations in the herd.

For effective business conduct, it is worthwhile to clearly delineate the plan of the existing site into walking areas, a place for feed and free area. By interchanging these zones, you can increase the yield of feed and the profitability of growing turkeys.

Feeders and drinkers for turkeys must be kept clean at all times.

Don't forget about veterinary care. Owners of a small farm do not need their own veterinarian, it is enough to conclude an agreement with the nearest clinic. Timely vaccination and examination will reduce the incidence of poultry. Since the vaccinations are partly free of charge, the costs of veterinarian services will not be very high.

Sales of products

Even before you start breeding turkeys at home for a business, you should develop a plan for the sale of meat. To do this, it is necessary to monitor the nearest retail outlets where you can sell young animals, meat, live poultry. Products can be sold in cafes and restaurants. You must first register an individual enterprise and choose a tax payment system. The presence of quality certificates will give an additional opportunity to sell meat for more favorable price, especially if there are no competitors in the surrounding area.

Reasonable use of the available space, a correctly drawn up business plan, suitable points of sale - these factors make it possible to profitably develop the cultivation of turkeys at home with a good and stable profit.

Growing turkey as a business is one of the most popular types of business in the countryside. It is similar to breeding chickens, but unlike poultry, which is common in Russia, a turkey grows up to 40 kg. Accordingly, from the sale of one Mexican poultry, you can get a much larger amount than from a chicken. Read more ideas for doing business in the countryside in the article:

Growing turkey as a business - costs of setting up a pen

You can start such a business with 30 heads. For such a quantity, a corral with an area of ​​25m2 will be enough. You can build it according to the scheme of an ordinary shed made of boards. This will require about 50 thousand rubles. Part of the building for adults can be insulated with polyethylene. Chicks will need a heated brooder. This will require about 10 thousand rubles.
The pen must have nests on a hill at the rate of 1 nest for 5-6 layers. In addition, cages for small chickens are required: one 40x40x60 cage is enough for 25 heads. This means that in our case, 2 cells are needed.
Adults are unpretentious, but for young turkeys, you need to create the most comfortable conditions. For this, it is important to protect them from frost, dampness and draft.

Buying chicks and layers

It is advised to buy chickens on farms, where they approach their breeding and raising with professionalism. Buying in private hands, you run the risk of acquiring weak or sick individuals. Such birds, even if they survive, still bring a lot of trouble. Many of their chicks can die or infect others, and this is a big financial loss for you. The average cost of one turkey chicken is 250 rubles. The purchase of 30 heads will take 7,500 rubles.
An adult at the age of 6 months costs 11,500 rubles, two individuals of both sexes are enough to obtain eggs. After 4-6 months, you can get about 30 eggs from them.

Fixed costs

The monthly expense in a business like raising a turkey is the cost of feeding and maintaining a comfortable environment. The turkey is usually fed with grains, but this is not enough.
Add bone meal to your poultry diet to replenish the turkeys' lack of calcium balance during winter. And the addition of lard and vegetable oil to the poultry feed will make its meat more juicy and tender. The average cost of feeding 32 heads is 7,000 rubles.
Raising chicks will require heat, which requires electricity. Uninterrupted heating of two cages for chicks will result in about 1000 rubles per month.

Turkey meat sale

As mentioned earlier, turkey breeding is beneficial due to its high weight. So, the average weight of a male is 30 kg, and pure meat from this weight is about 23 kg. The female, on the other hand, has smaller dimensions: up to 10 kg on average, and 6 kg of pure meat.
For 5.5 months, the male fully grows, and at this time he can already be slaughtered. The female can bring you profit after 4 months. It is better to acquire chicks at two weeks of age. It turns out that the first profit from females can be expected in 3.5 months, and from males - in 5 months.
We offer to divide all the purchased stock of chicks into two parts: 28 males for sale, 1 female and a male for reproduction. By the way, the females of this bird rush only after one year of age. For 4 months from one female it is possible to get about 70 eggs.
With an average price of 250 rubles per 1 kg, after 5 months you will receive the first profit - about 161,000 rubles.

The ratio of income and expenses

To organize a turkey breeding business you will need:
Construction of a corral - 50 thousand rubles
Warming - 10 thousand rubles
Purchase of 30 heads - 7 500 rubles
Purchase of adults - 23,000
Feed for the first 5 months - 35,000 rubles
Electricity for the first 5 months - 5,000 rubles
Total: 130,500 rubles

Since you will need to raise purchased chicks for the first five months, you need to be prepared for ongoing investment. That is, you will immediately have to spend 72,000 on construction, insulation, purchase of chicks and feed for 1 month. After that, every month you will need to spend 8 thousand rubles on utility bills and the purchase of feed. But after these 5-6 months, the first profit will cover all initial expenses - 161,000 rubles.
In a month, you will have a new livestock on the way, which in 4-6 months will bring about 150,000 more (depending on the sex of the hatched individual). It turns out that by purchasing 30 chicks and 2 adults, you get about 150,000 rubles in six months.
The costs for this period will amount to 48,000 rubles (for feed and heating), i.e. profit - 102,000 rubles. Further, it's just a matter of breeding - by constantly increasing the number of turkeys, you will also increase your profit.

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