How to understand whether to quit your job or not. When not to quit. You constantly feel physical, emotional and psychological exhaustion

Remember catchphrase“You can’t be pardoned?” Where does a person’s life depend on the comma? Now imagine that THIS LIFE IS YOURS! And no one except you yourself will put this comma. You are your own executioner. You are your own boss. Fearfully? Perhaps a little...

Leave or stay? The scales tremble unsteadily, the nerves tensely stretch, the eyes strive to be wet from resentment, and the brain is feverishly trying to make a decision ... You need to act urgently, otherwise time will play a cruel joke and someone else will be “in chocolate”.

Complicated relationship with management at work? What to do? Chop off the shoulder and quit immediately? Stay and endure, hoping that everything will change?

In the direction of emotion, turn on common sense! Analyzing the situation...

  • There are no prospects, the possibility of career growth is excluded

If you see that the company is not interested in your development, there is nothing to wait for manna from heaven. Porridge in these heavens has long ended! Or someone else ate it...

Find your way! You have room to grow! Don't waste time! If HERE do not value your skills and experience, "sell" yourself to others. You have the right.

  • No motivation

It's no secret that not only money can increase work efficiency, motivate you to new labor exploits. Sometimes praise, encouragement in the form of an additional day off or an extra ticket to a concert of your favorite artist is enough.

Some people want to go on a business trip for a couple of days and relax at the expense of the company or get interesting topic. Everyone has their own motivators.

If you work in the sweat of your brow, you climb out of your skin, and you can’t pull out an elementary “thank you” with ticks ... There is no point in crying! We need to change companies ASAP!

Why do you need a job where no one appreciates you, and sometimes does not even notice you at all? If your boss is not interested in your advancement and improvement of professional skills (you yourself do not mind, but it is more convenient for him that you work quietly and do not ask for anything over the norm), you do not need to prove that you are not a giraffe.

It is better to look for yourself than to captivate and interest yourself, thereby gaining the opportunity to earn more and spend work time for profit and pleasure.

  • There is no way to break out of a fixed salary

Do you really understand that no matter how much time you spend on work, your wage Will not change. No premiums, no interest or bonuses. It is more convenient for companies to pay "outsiders" than to encourage "their own".

Remember the classic Nothing is more depressing than regular, but small earnings"? Here! Step up and tear your claws in the other direction.

"I can't just leave like that..." "I need something to live on." These are real excuses! The most banal phobia of an insecure and notorious for the most “I don’t want” slave. Are you not a slave? Why put a stigma on your professional suitability? Living in anticipation of conflict is unbearable! Leave, you can't stay...

If you weighed all the pros and cons and, throwing aside excuses like “I’m no longer young”, “I have children”, “It’s convenient for me to get to my place of work”, decided to fight for their place under the sun and crawl through the thorns to the stars, go for it!

Leave without looking back... Put a thick comma after "leave", because "stay" is tantamount to "surrender" and "bury all hope for the best."

Dear readers! Have you ever wanted to quit your job? What reasons might prompt you to take this step? Is it worth putting up with low wages and lack of praise and encouragement from superiors? Why continue to work if there are no prospects? We are waiting for your answers in the comments!

One of my, now a former colleague, was very fond of repeating folk wisdom: “It is better to regret what you did than what you didn’t do.”

True, in her case, this position did not play in her gate. Olga is a high-class specialist, but at the same time she is quite quick-tempered and sometimes too impulsive. Once we witnessed a scandal between Olga and the secretary of our leader.

In the corridor stood strong cry that the whole office came running to watch the two girls sort things out.

Soon our boss left the office. Olga impulsively proved her case, and I must say, in fact, she was right.
But suddenly, she made a serious mistake. Deciding to take an inaccurate manipulative step, she shouted out: “Valery Sergeevich, or me, or this idiot!” I will not work with this whore in the same team!

To which our boss, calmly said: "Quit." The noise stopped, everyone was silent. Olga, continuing: “Oh, so!?” grabbed a piece of paper and rolled out a statement on own will. The head signed the statement as soon as it hit his desk.

When we asked the boss why he did not stop Olya, she was right, and she is a highly qualified specialist. He replied, "I don't like being threatened."

Of course, Olga did not want to quit, and then she was very sorry about the act she had done. Because of the impulsive attack, she lost a good high paying job, which she loved and in which she invested a lot of effort.

Therefore, the conclusion from this story is the following: the dismissal should be well thought out and the decision should not be made at the moment of momentary impulses.

And now, I will list other situations in which you should not quit.

1. "I'm sick of everything to hell!"
Such depressing moods visit every head without exception, but this does not mean at all that one should resort to such a decisive step and quit.

Most likely, the best way out of the situation is a vacation, in which you need to “break away” well and get distracted.

I am sure that after the vacation, you will have a lot of brilliant ideas and fresh thoughts about work and how to achieve new success in your career.

2. “My husband earns a lot, now I don’t have to hunch back”
Firstly, the husband's situation may well change. Today he is on horseback, tomorrow he may be thrown off his horse, alas, and this often happens. If both spouses work, the economic situation in the family is more stable.

Independence and success go to all women without exception. Being a "convenient" dependent is a position that automatically deprives you of the opportunity to have your own opinion, time and ability to make decisions. As they say, whoever pays for everything orders the music.

Secondly, any relationship can fall apart - and in this case, you will have to short time look for a job to ensure their livelihood.
As the saying goes, hope for the best, but be prepared for whatever happens in the situation.

3. “It’s difficult for me in this team, they are all kind of quarrelsome”
The ability to communicate with people is an important skill that is necessary in any team. Even if there are people who are clearly opposed to you in the team, learn to deal constructively with these situations.

Especially for you, a “convenient” team will not be created anywhere, the only option is to open your own company, where you yourself will select “suitable” employees.

It's not smart to leave a good place work, just because you can't overcome your shortcomings.

Yes, yes, in any conflict situations, you need to start with yourself. By the way, there is an excellent article on this topic (on the topic of conflicts in a team), read about how to get out of difficult situations in your team. I'm sure you'll be up to the task.

4. “I just have a terrible boss - a tyrant”
Unfortunately, the authorities, like parents, are not chosen (we smile).
And if the only thing is that, in your opinion, he is not a professional, stupid or something else, but otherwise the work suits you, then I advise you to learn to look at your leader only as a leader and not add unnecessary emotions and the senses. Respect the chain of command and fulfill your "mission".

5. "I want to spend time with my family"
Life is a short thing and if you divide it into temporary stages, here I devote time to my husband, here to work, here to children, then, I'm afraid, one life will not be enough for you.
Learn to combine business with pleasure, otherwise you can miss a lot of opportunities and remain unrealized only because at one time you had illusions about the correct distribution of time.

6. "Today I was offered a good place, I'll probably agree"
Again and again I will say - no rash steps.
Before you go where you are promised Better conditions work, make sure that there are no hidden pitfalls that "recruiters" are silent about in pursuit of new personnel.
Find out everything about the new place and only having all the necessary information make a decision.

7. “I decided to look the best place, I'm tired of it - no development!
Here I will be brief. Find first, then go.

In my story, there was one case when a girl, having quit her job that she was tired of, could not find a permanent job for 8 years. And it turned out to be a great tragedy for her.

Therefore, going nowhere is obviously a losing option "At random".

Of course, all cases are individual. But you need to clearly understand what the organization in which you currently work gives you, and how priority requests your work satisfies.

Only in the case when the most (most) important aspect, because of which it is worth working in one place or another, is absent, does it make sense to look for a new place. And if you still decide to quit - do it right!

The main thing is to understand and separate the main from the secondary.

Not obvious

We spend years doing things we don't like. We can hardly withstand the shift, we come home completely exhausted, and in the morning we trudge back to work without any enthusiasm. We constantly complain, but we do not try to change anything. Everyone has different reasons for not acting. Some are afraid of losing stability. Others are setting themselves up for failure. Some people hope for a miracle. Someone has a "pipe" dream, which is difficult to approach. And a lot of people just don't know what they want.

But life passes. The worst thing you can do for yourself is to continue to sit back. It's time to decide to change! We tell you how to overcome fears, get off the ground and start looking for your favorite job.

1. Search closer

Office workers often dream of a free schedule and creative everyday life, imagine themselves as freelance artists, photographers or writers creating masterpieces in a coffee shop on the seashore. These fantasies seem so unrealistic that only a few dare to make them a reality.

Most of them have been dreaming about global changes for years, but they still remain in an unloved job. Daredevils, who nevertheless take risks, are often completely disappointed in such a choice. Instead of sorting out their true wants and needs, they simply try to escape from the old life, guided by the principle of "the further, the better", and usually this does not lead to anything good.

If you have been wanting to quit your job for a long time, but are afraid that you will have to look for yourself in some other area, radically change your life and start everything from scratch, do not worry: this is not at all necessary. Your field is not limited to the organization in which you are currently working, nor the format to which you are accustomed. No matter how much you are tired of everything, you should not immediately abandon your specialty and accumulated experience. It is important to understand what exactly "got" you, and what else makes sense.

Imagine that you have just entered your profession. What would interest you? What topics would be attractive? Who could be a role model? Read about new trends, the best companies and bright names. Look at everything with fresh eyes. Think about other ways you can apply your knowledge and skills: go into a related field, become a lecturer, or, for example, try yourself as a personal consultant.

Most people can find their calling much closer than they think. If you dream of quitting a job you hate, take a look at the options available to you right now.

If you are still sure that you want to quit your current profession, but still do not know where to go, your task is to determine the range of your interests. It's too early to quit, but you can already take the first steps towards a better life.

We often find ourselves in the "professional tunnel": we get too hung up on work and begin to associate ourselves with only one role. We diligently carry out our duties, but at the same time we do not try to develop in other areas and miss new opportunities. When suddenly there is a desire to change something, it turns out that we do not have any special hobbies.

If you find yourself in such a situation, first of all you need to understand what interests you in general. Start trying everything in your free time: read about other professions, go to lectures, conferences and master classes, watch educational videos, attend various short-term courses.

Constantly discover new areas of knowledge. It may take from several months to a year, but it is worth it. As a result, you will get out of the impasse and understand where to move on.

As you can see, there is nothing to be afraid of. At this stage, no decisive steps are required from you. You are just collecting information, gradually approaching the goal.

3. Take action!

You can spend years thinking about your true calling, sorting through different options in your head, but nothing can be done. If you already have at least some idea of ​​what you would like to do, do not waste time thinking too much. You still won’t understand “it or not it” until you try it.

Relax: you don't have to make a decision for life. There is no single destination that you need to decide once and for all. The smartest thing you can do is just follow your passions. Of course, interest is not everything. It is important that you consider your work meaningful. If your hobby does not seem like such a worthwhile thing to you, it is unlikely that it will turn out to be a dream job.

So, have you already begun to take shape some kind of picture? Don't be surprised, but quitting is still optional. You can go to work and simultaneously develop in the area that interests you. Choose professional literature, educational courses, trainings and seminars that will prepare you well and give you a better understanding of new sphere.

Don't try to compose clear plan for several years ahead. So far, you don't have much information for that. Move forward step by step, periodically look around, evaluate the knowledge gained and think about what to do next. Improvise. If at some point you want to change direction again, don't ignore your desire.

Parting words from the author of the book “100 Ways to Change Your Life” Larisa Parfentieva: “Try one thing, then another, then a third. Be honest: if you don't like it, leave it. Mix. Do it. Leave only what really ignites you, and start working hard.

4. Test Drive Your Dreams

If you have an old dream that your thoughts often turn to, but that you have never tried to fulfill, it's time to get the ball rolling. Otherwise, twenty, thirty, forty years will pass - and you will greatly regret that you did not even try.

First, take a short test drive. This is the best thing to do while on vacation. Dreaming of a career as a director? Find intensive courses and shoot some short films. Would you like to publish a collection of your stories someday? Force yourself to write a certain number of words or pages each day. Are you planning to open a mini-hotel? Check into a hotel for two weeks, meet the owners and staff, learn the business from the inside.

If everything turns out to be about the way you imagined, you can get down to business seriously (see the previous paragraph). Or arrange another test drive to finally dispel doubts.

Perhaps the dream will not pass the test and you will be disappointed in it. This is also a step forward. The main thing is not to give up. Move on, keep trying new things - and you will definitely find yourself.

5. Get rid of fears

No matter how long you delay this moment, sooner or later you will have to leave your unloved job. Even if you have already figured out what you would like to do next, had a dream test drive and learned a lot about a new field, fear of change can stop you.

We are very afraid of losing stability. Here and now we have labor contract, social security, regular salary, usual duties. And in the future - only vague prospects and uncertainty.

Elena Rezanova, a specialist in the field of career strategies, answers this with a very apt comparison. "At least some stability" in a job you hate is like an unhappy marriage to an alcoholic. "At least some" family.

Yes, risk is scary. But familiar, familiar and understandable is not always the best. Try to see the uncertainty not as a danger, but as an exciting opportunity. Deciding to change is like embarking on an exciting journey along an unfamiliar route, where many interesting discoveries await you, incredible adventures and vivid emotions.

Another common fear is related to finances. Many are worried about the possible decline in income. But can't you do without another beautiful dress or a new phone (at least for a while)? To feel happy, you need to do what you love, spend evenings and weekends with your family, go for walks, chat with friends, gain knowledge. This does not require money.

Still worried? Think about this: if you start to enjoy your work and invest in what you really like, then you will increase your chances of success several times over, including material ones.

There is another strong fear that paralyzes us. We are afraid that nothing will work. We feel like we've taken on something too big. Drop these thoughts. If every person thought so, our world would never see great writers, athletes, scientists, businessmen, actors, musicians... You should try to realize yourself in the business that you love and consider important. Everyone will benefit from this: your colleagues, clients, acquaintances.

Take note of the excellent advice from Get Out of Your Comfort Zone: “Think about what you want, not about what you fear. Keep your spirits high by taking full responsibility for your life and everything that happens to you. Stop whining and complaining. Focus your thoughts and energy on what you can do now to improve your life. The rest will follow."

If you do not try to do what you are interested in, then you risk missing your own life, wasting it on trifles. And that's the only thing that should really scare you.

Of course, not everything will go smoothly. Easy and perfect happens only in dreams. But failure is part of being successful and happy life. And if you want to achieve something, you will have to accept the fact that there will be days when you are ready to give up. First of all, take them for granted.

Don't be discouraged if something doesn't work out. Do not give up. Failure is good for success. You've probably heard the phrase, "Experience is the best teacher." Do you really think that it is only about positive experiences? Can you imagine how many achievements you have for every failure?

There are no victories without mistakes. Take almost any success story. Now, when you read it, it looks quite logical to itself. But her hero definitely did not see a coherent plot in the process. He doubted, experienced fears, stumbled, experienced bad days and saw the road just one step away. All this did not stop him. He managed to achieve something only because he studied, drew conclusions and tried again.

7. Think about what will happen to you in 10 years.

If your labor obligations do not charge you with energy, but, on the contrary, only pump it out, you definitely need changes. Still lacking the motivation to quit your annoying job and move on to something else? Then imagine what you will become in 10, 20, 30 years if nothing changes. What tasks will you be doing? Can you feel happy? For clarity, look at your colleagues who left for career ladder forward. Inspire? Do you want to be just like them?

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It's time to change jobs

If you are thinking: “Should I quit my job?”, then with a high degree of probability you can argue about the need to fulfill your desire. Need to quit.

The reasons for the desire to quit are either on the surface or hidden deep in the subconscious.

Let's try to walk through the main reasons for the desire to change jobs or just quit.

Not your profession

Chosen working position simply does not match your character, plans and expectations. As a result, somewhere in the head there is an itch, constantly reporting on wasted time.

The job must satisfy you mentally. You should not go to her like hard labor.

At a good job, you will not have the thought of Monday as a black day ... On Friday, you will regret that it is time to go home ...

On the bad job you get out of a warm bed with great difficulty ... Your working day is divided into 2 parts: when is lunch and when is it finally home.

Low salary

Work, in addition to moral satisfaction, should also bring material. If your salary is comparable to the cost of living, then you have a low salary.

As a result, all your thoughts are spinning in only one direction: how to save money.

Low wages will lead to low pensions. Inflation also devalues ​​pension savings.

Nobody respects you, I can't stand my co-workers

This is the saddest point of all in the psychological aspect. If your work is not valued, they try to put duties on you, which, according to job description, must be performed by completely different employees, behave boorishly ... This is a very loud bell in order to write a letter of resignation of one's own free will.

If you can't stand all of your colleagues, then it's time to change jobs.

Long commute to work

"Time is money!" - so says folk wisdom. If you have unloved job, and it’s also a couple of hours to go, then this is a huge reason to think about finding new work.

Disgusting bosses

If you can’t stand the boss, he doesn’t respect, and you just can’t stand him, then you need to change jobs! And the sooner the better. Nerves are more expensive.

Stop learning while on the job

Many respected people they say that you need to change jobs every 5 years, and some recommend changing jobs every 1 to 1.5 years. It is after such a period of time that the employee completely gets used to his duties. Then everything is done automatically. The worker stops learning and gradually begins to grow dull.

Not promoted

One alternative to changing jobs every few years is promotion. If this does not happen, then the brain begins to grow dull.

You are not promoted for three reasons:

  • They don't notice your work
  • You are not working
  • No vacancies for promotion

What is your reason - I do not know, but you probably know about it.

Waste of working time

This item is closely related to self-learning at work. You spend almost all the time on the Internet, in ICQ, or just drink tea or coffee. As a result, orders are executed with huge time delays.

Already looking for another job

If you, as if by chance, began to look through the advertisements for the search for employees in a newspaper or on the Internet, then this is a sign. Looks like it's time to change jobs.

The company does not develop or is not successful

Working in such a firm is not always good for your own ego. If you see that sales have fallen and the company is about to close, then it's time to think about changing jobs.

You secretly dream of being fired

This is an accurate psychological aspect, asserting the need to change jobs.

I want to be…

Surely, as a child, you wanted to become a fireman (s), an astronaut (s), a ballerina ... think about who you want to become now. What industry do you want to work in? Finally quit and work where they pay good money and where you like it! Enjoy what you are doing!

Sometimes getting fired feels like the most in a simple way getting rid of work that you are bored or disliked. But this is not always the case. It is worth considering whether it is possible to find pluses even in the case in which you are disappointed?

Undoubtedly, work should bring pleasure. 'Cause she's taking the lion's share of our time, and it needs to have at least some advantages, in addition to a stable salary.

In the event that you cannot find absolutely any pluses in your work, if you enter the office and there is a sharp dislike for everything and everyone around you, if you count the hours, minutes, seconds until the end of the working day and every free minute sit on various sites for job seekers to find yourself a new, not so hated workplace

Immediately you begin to think that the easiest way is to leave. But this is not always the case. As a rule, a person with sufficiently large accumulated funds can afford, which should be enough for those weeks, and maybe even months, needed to search decent work. If your income is not so great, and you are not in the care of your parents, hiding behind your mother's skirt in any difficult life situation, then you should think about the fact that you still need to find positive aspects even in the most hated.

With constant scrolling in the head negative points, this negativity will only intensify. As the saying goes, you can't change the situation - change your attitude towards it. This is exactly what you should do if you want to change something in your life. First of all, you should start by rethinking the current situation.

Why shouldn't you quit your job?

1. Perspectives

Understand that your position is not forever. Even if now you are some kind of junior manager, you will not work in this place all your life. You just have to start somewhere. Look at your boss. Did he immediately become what he is now? You need to make a lot of effort and work on yourself, and then there is a chance to get promoted, and one step up, or even several steps at once, depending on your capabilities. Now you are drowning in endless pieces of paper, reports and contracts, but look at your boss. He has tasks of a much higher level. And if you try, one day you will be able to sit in his chair.

In some cases it is very problematic. It depends on your field of activity and the prevailing circumstances in your work team. But this is no reason to despair! Look for vacancies in other departments of your company, you may find something that you like. There is a chance that it will be easier for you to get a job, since you already have experience in this company and do not need special training.

2. Money

Who agrees to work for free? The undeniable advantage of a job, good or bad, is that you get paid at work. Sometimes not so big, but necessary in order to live in comfortable conditions.

It is important to realize that for every hour of your work you receive a certain amount money. That is, while you are doing seemingly useless paperwork for you, in fact, you are spending your time usefully, earning money. Rent bills, food, entertainment, clothes, and everything else you need, you get just because you go to work.

If you still firmly decide to change your job, then you need to be prepared for the fact that you will have to maintain financial independence for a very long time, while not having any permanent income. Set aside money.

3. Bonuses

Almost every company has different kinds support for employees. These can be free lunches, tea or coffee, a subscription to, various corporate events. You can always find something that you like and brighten up your routine everyday life.

If the company arranges various trainings, then this is an indisputable plus. Think, maybe among what your company is ready to teach you for free, there is something that you just lack for promotion. For example, computer courses or courses foreign languages. It would be foolish not to take advantage of this opportunity.

Often people do not appreciate what they get for free. But after all, if you think about it well, then without compensation for travel and a mobile phone or a free subscription to the hall, you yourself would spend a fairly large part of your salary paying for all this.

4. Social package

Compensation in the field of medicine is also very important. Everyone knows how expensive a dentist is now, or the delivery of various tests. Keep this in mind if you have firmly decided to quit, but you don’t have a fallback option where to go.

If you are a woman, and have recently found out that you are pregnant, or just decided to have a baby, then all the more you should not quit your job. WITH " belly”, you are unlikely to be hired, because every employer knows that during maternity leave you still have to pay your salary. That is, for three whole years, while you take care of a child who is not yet ready to go to Kindergarten, your workplace will be assigned to you and will be paid. You can always quit, but finding a company that has the opportunity to go on maternity leave without swearing and requiring you to quit of your own free will is quite difficult. Think again, maybe you shouldn't quit your job?

5. Stability

In times of crisis, it will be even more difficult for you to find a job. Jobs are being cut in an insane amount, and the unemployed are becoming more and more, respectively, and competition in the labor market is growing at a frantic pace. Wouldn't it be better to wait? Especially if your salary allows you to buy everything you need for life.

6. Networking

The more corporate events you attend, the more chance you have to make new acquaintances. Do not underestimate this plus. New people are an opportunity to get new connections that can be useful to you both in moving up the career ladder, or, perhaps, in a painless search for a new job, or in solving any of your personal issues.

Meet new people at conferences and seminars. When communicating, show yourself with better side(as a professional in your field), and then you have a chance to benefit from such acquaintances.

7. Professional qualities

It happens that you don’t like the work, but the team is excellent. Working in a team of professionals, or with a worthy boss, why not stay for it? No one knows what awaits you in the new team. Understand that in a team of professionals you simply have to comply with them, and this will stimulate you to further self-improvement.

Learn everything from your colleagues. Watch how they write reports, negotiate with clients, pay attention to their Business Etiquette. If you don't have the skills they have, isn't that a reason to learn from your peers? Especially if there is such an opportunity. And there is a chance that the benefits of the acquired skills compensate for the unpleasant impressions of an unloved job.

8. Reputation

If you come for an interview, the first thing your employer looks at is the place and work experience. In the event that you have worked in different companies, but in each for no more than a couple of months, this makes you wary. You can be taken simply for a negligent employee who is simply not able to stay long even in the most insignificant position. Therefore, if the name of the company in which you work has a worthy name that speaks for itself and will serve as a good argument for further employment, try to work for at least six months, because it’s not in vain that you spent so much time in this position?

9. Convenience

A definite plus if your work is close to home. Also, friendly colleagues and a comfortable workplace play a significant, if not primary, but significant role. However, you should not get hung up only on convenience, you need to think about the future.

However, Friendly team and a pleasant environment will charge you with positive emotions, and is one of the reasons why you should stay in this position.

10. Personal hobbies

This reason, oddly enough, is directly related to your work. Remember all that you love - books, nice clothes, travel, and more. All this you have the opportunity to receive only thanks to your work. You can get used to the idea that work is only for making money, and not for enjoyment, and start to take it easier. It doesn't matter how boring your job is, what matters is how much money you can get for it for your needs.

Do you like branded items and expensive resorts? All your such desires can only be realized with the help of money. That's why you work. Remember the time when you were children, and you wanted many, many different interesting things, but there was no money to realize your desires, and all finances were in the hands of your parents.

Now, on the contrary, you have every opportunity to get the right amount. You just need to work. Realize that this is one of the main ways to realize your dreams and desires, that without work you will not be able to fly abroad or buy yourself expensive Swiss Watches, or rent a house on the river bank for the weekend to relax with friends or have a good time in nature in silence, or maybe with your loved one. Work is the key to it all.

The main reason why this point differs from point two is that work gives you the opportunity to realize your dreams. Wasted time at the office, as you may think, is not, as it gives you a chance to do what you most need in order to be happier.

Still, it’s worth admitting that it’s rather sad if you chose the wrong profession, if you didn’t have a relationship with the team, or you are not satisfied with the company as a whole, but still, pluses can be found everywhere. By changing your attitude to the situation, evaluating all the pros and cons, there is a chance that there are not so few pluses, and you can wait a bit with leaving. Who knows, maybe your patience will be rewarded at your next job, if after a while you don’t change your mind and change your mind about leaving.


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