The role of the service sector in modern society. New technologies in the service sector. Development and creation of new services Service sector in our time

Lapochkina Anna Anatolievna

student, Faculty of Economics Ulyanovsk State University Ulyanovsk, Russian Federation

Baygulova Alsu Anvarovna

Candidate of Economics, Associate Professor of the Department of Economics and Organization of Production Faculty of Management Ulyanovsk State University Ulyanovsk, Russian Federation

Resume: The article discusses the service sector and its role in the modern world economy. In recent years, there has been a trend towards an increase in the role of services, with the growth of the service sector outpacing the growth material production. This situation is typical not only for economically developed countries, but also for developing countries. The development of the service sector directly affects the standard of living of the population. The growing scale of world trade in services has inevitably led to the need for an international regulatory mechanism.

Keywords: services, development, share, influence

The role of services in the modern economy

Lapochkina Anna Anatol"evna

student, faculty of economics Ulyanovsk state University Ulyanovsk, Russia

Bajgulova Alsu Anvarovna

Candidate of Economic Sciences Associate Professor, Department of Economics and the organization of production Faculty of management Ulyanovsk state University Ulyanovsk, Russia

Abstract: The article discusses the scope of services and its role in today's global economy. In recent years there has been a tendency to increase the role of services, and service sector growth is outstripping the growth of material production. This situation is typical not only for the developed countries but also developing countries.The growing scale of the global trade in services will inevitably lead to the need of establishing an international regulatory mechanism.

(service) - a sphere of the economy where goods are produced, the beneficial effect of which is manifested in the very process of their creation.

The production of economic (limited) goods is divided into two spheres - the sphere of material production and the sphere of services. In the first sphere, the consumption of the created good is separated from its production; in the second, it is combined.

For example, the labor of producing a loaf of bread does not in itself satisfy any human need (except for the need for labor), the consumption of bread will occur later and elsewhere; on the other hand, the lecturer's reading of the lecture immediately satisfies the students' need for knowledge.

Up to the 20th c. the service sector was generally excluded from the sphere of production. Thus, the famous English economist Adam Smith directly pointed out that the wealth of society depends only on productive labor - the work to create wealth. To unproductive occupations, when nothing is produced, but only previously created social wealth is consumed, he attributed the services of such professions as "priests, lawyers, doctors, writers ... actors, clowns, musicians, opera singers, dancers, etc." (Smith A. An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations. T. 1. M., 1935. S. 279). This point of view about the unproductivity of the service sector was adopted by Marxist political economy, and then by Soviet statistics.

In developed countries already in the 19th century. began to understand that the service sector, although it does not directly produce material goods, however, creates the fundamental conditions for this production. Therefore, in modern statistics (including Russian), the service sector (tertiary sector) is considered as a full-fledged part of production, equivalent to agriculture (primary sector) and industry (secondary sector).

Zhiltsov E.N., Kazakov V.N., Voskolovich N.A. Economy of the sphere paid services . Kazan, 1996
Demidova L.S. The service sector in the post-industrial economy. – World economy and international relationships. 1999, № 2
Service sector: problems and development prospects. Tt. 1–3. Ed. Yu.V. Sviridenko. M., 2001
Klikich L.M. Service Economics: Problems of Methodology and Analysis. Ufa: BPAU, 2004


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The relevance of the topic lies in the fact that our modern society cannot be imagined without services and, as a result, without the service sector, which is one of the fundamental societies and a specialist in the service sector needs to be well versed in the structure of the service sector, to know the main points of each activity of the service enterprise.

Every day we consume services and sometimes without knowing it we provide them to other people. The provision of services to each other, the production and consumption of services - this is what distinguishes us from our primitive ancestors, who did not have the concept of services as a whole. Our civilization, with the course of its transformation, has identified a special niche for the service sector, without which a civilized society can no longer do.

A life modern man one way or another related to services. After all, trade in services includes the provision of communal benefits, and communications, and banking, and wholesale and retail trade, transportation, as well as insurance, legal, medical, educational services etc. The income of the state, and the profit of firms, comfort, safety, and welfare of consumers depend on the quality of services.

The connection here is direct and obvious: quality services attract attention, cause a desire to use them to make life easier. Gradually developing positive situation v retail allows consumers to compare one service with another, and also encourages competitors to provide constantly improving services while maintaining their quality. The need to develop the service sector requires a significant restructuring of the consumption structure of the population, a significant increase in the share of services and a reduction in the share of material consumption. It is necessary to radically improve the quality and culture of service, expand the network of relevant enterprises, increase the volume of sales of services, and introduce new types and forms of services.

my goal control work understand general terms what the service actually is, what specific features it has, to cover the whole concept of the service sector and consider what features of functioning it has.

The specific tasks of the control work are to:

On the example of our society, show what role the service plays in general, the basic concepts;

Highlight the specifics of the service sector;

Understand the scheme of the service sector;

Consider the features of the service sector in the modern world

The objects of study of this topic will be the service sector, the society in which the interchange of services takes place on different conditions, as well as directly the relationship between a person and the service sector in modern society.

1. Service sector. Basic concepts

Every day, leaving home, we begin to come into contact with the social environment, consuming, producing, and of course using all kinds of services. Sometimes we cannot touch or somehow materially feel the service. However, in our world, the concept of service has a wide range of definitions. One of which implies that a service is an expedient activity, the result of which is expressed in a beneficial effect that can satisfy one or another human need, which can initially be an object of supply and demand in the market.

A service is an expedient activity, the result of which is expressed in a useful effect that can satisfy one or another human need, which can initially be an object of supply and demand in the market. The concept of "service" has a wide range of definitions. V general view services are commonly understood as a variety of activities that do not have a material form in an explicit form.

first, they are invisible;

secondly, they cannot be stored;

thirdly, the production and consumption of services, as a rule, coincide in time and place.

This is the reason for the features international trade services compared to international trade in goods.

There are two types of services:

services that are mediated in rem. They are associated with consumer goods (tangible);

services that are not related to tangible products. Their action is directed to a person or to the conditions in which he is, their production is inseparable from consumption (non-material).

A specific branch of services is international tourism.

The specific features of international trade in services include:

Regulation within the country by the relevant provisions of the legislation;

The absence or presence of the fact of crossing the border by the service is not a criterion for its export;

Services are not stored, they are produced and simultaneously consumed;

The production and sale of services are under greater state protection(in most countries are in full or partial state ownership) than the sphere of material production;

International trade in services has a major impact on trade in goods;

Not all types of services, unlike goods, can be traded (services for personal consumption).

In general terms, services are commonly understood as a variety of activities that do not have a material form in an explicit form.

The difference between services and physical goods is that

they are invisible;

not amenable to storage;

production and consumption of services tend to coincide in time and place.

The huge difference between a service and other goods is expressed in the fact that the service is not tangible, that is, it cannot be touched or touched. The seller can only describe the benefits that result from the provision of this service. The difficulty in dealing with and consuming services is that they cannot be stored in time, and just as the production time of a service usually coincides with its consumption. You can only provide a service when an order arrives or a client appears.

As a result, the next feature of the service arises - the variability of quality. This problem can be avoided only by introducing some service standards. In the international understanding, these features of the service are taken into account when separating trade in goods and services.

There are two concepts of service, the first is private, that is, actions in relation to another person aimed at satisfying his needs. The second concept is already considered in the context of economic theory. According to this theory, a service is all kinds of benefits provided in the form of activities, as well as goods that can be produced, consumed and transferred at the same time. In order to separate services, they must be classified.

In 1964, Stanton divided services into the following 10 groups:

1. housing services;

2. family services (home repair, landscape care, residential cleaning, etc.);

3. recreation and entertainment;

4. individual sanitary and hygienic service (laundry, dry cleaning, cosmetic services, etc.);

5. medical and other health services;

6. private education;

7. business services and others professional services(legal, accounting, consulting, etc.);

8. insurance and financial services;

9. transport services;

10. communications services.

Currently, this classification has undergone some changes and now the classification of services is carried out according to UN standards, in which services are divided into 160 different types and 12 main sections:

1. Business services - 46 industry types of services.

2. Communication services - 25 types.

3. Construction and engineering services -- 5 types.

4. Distribution services -- 5 types.

5. General educational services - 5 types.

6. Protection Services environment-- 4 types.

7. Financial services, including insurance - 17 types.

8. Health care services and social services-- 4 types.

9. Tourism and travel - 4 types.

10. Services in the field of leisure, culture and sports - 5 types.

11. Transport services - 33 types.

12. Other services.

One of the most important patterns of economic development around the world is the relationship economic growth and enhancing the role of services in the national economy. This finds expression in an increase in the share of labor, material and financial resources used in the service industry.

With the development of society, the growth of productive forces, a certain development of the service sector occurs. There is an increase in employment in this area, an increase in the technical equipment of labor, and the introduction of more and more advanced technologies. At present, the role of services, as one of the most important sectors of the economy, is very large and relevant. This is due to the increasing complexity of production, the saturation of the market with goods of both everyday and individual demand, with the rapid growth of scientific and technological progress, which leads to innovations in the life of society. All this is impossible without the existence of information, financial, transport, insurance and other types of services. Also, services are an integral part of the trade in goods (especially technically complex ones), since the sale of goods requires an increasingly developed network, which consists mainly of services provided during the sale and after-sales services.

In the context of the development of market relations, as well as economic and political upheavals taking place in our country, there are significant changes in the service sector. Under the current crisis circumstances in Russia, the volume of services that are specifically inherent in a market economy (banking, financial, insurance, real estate, legal) is significantly increasing. The range of services related to the management and maintenance of organs has increased state power as well as law enforcement agencies. As the country's economy integrates into the global economic space, the import and export of services develops, the emergence of fundamentally new technological foundations for the functioning of a number of services, including information.

There is an increasing expansion of the bases for the reproduction of market and non-market services. At the same time, market services are winning an increasingly significant share for themselves in the total volume of services.

According to international statistics, over 40% of foreign investments are invested in the development of the service sector, which confirms the relevance, interest and vision of the development prospects of this sector of the economy.

2. The structure of the service sector

In world economic practice, the service sector is usually differentiated into two subsectors:

Production of material services

Production of intangible services.

The production of material services includes transport, housing and communal services, trade.

The production of intangible services, in turn, includes education, health care, social service, art, management, insurance, etc.

What is the difference between these sub-sectors? If we consider the connection directly between the production of services and the material object, we can see the following differences. In the production of material services, this process is inextricably linked with the material object. For example, trade changes the ownership of these same material objects by someone, just as transport changes the location of an object. However, in the production of intangible services, the material object is more divorced from the production process itself. In the latter case, the person is most often the object. All of these differences do not always clearly separate the material service from the non-material one. Tourism can serve as an example, since it includes transport services and at the same time excursion services. This means that in this scenario, tangible and intangible services can be used in one type of service in the service sector.

It is customary to refer to the service sector (industry approach):

Trade (wholesale and retail);

Food and lodging services

(hotels, restaurants, etc.);


Communication and information services;

Services for the supply, procurement and storage of material and technical resources;

Credit, finance and insurance, real estate transactions and other services to ensure the functioning of the market;

Education, culture and art;

Science and scientific service;

Health care, including physical culture and sports;

Household maintenance services (maintenance and repair services housing, industrial and household public Utilities);

Services of a personal nature (non-production, household services, hairdressing, photo studio services, shoe shine, etc.);

Public administration services.

Such an industry classification of the service sector is valid in many countries, including Russia.

F. Kotler, as the founder of marketing theory, proposed to classify services according to the following criteria:

First, is the source of the service people or machines? Among human-sourced services, there are those that require either professionals (restaurants, management consulting), skilled professionals (waiters), or unskilled work force(janitor work, lawn care). Machine-sourced services include those that require either automatic machines (vending machines), or devices operated by relatively unskilled operators (taxi), or equipment operated by highly qualified specialists (airplanes, computers).

Secondly, is the presence of the client obligatory at the time of rendering services to him? If the client's presence is mandatory, the service provider must take into account the requests of this client. So, the owners of restaurants decorate their establishments beautifully, soft music sounds in them.

Thirdly, what are the motives for purchasing the service by the client? Is the service intended to meet personal needs (personal services) or business needs (business services)? As a rule, service providers develop different marketing programs for personal service markets and business service markets.

Fourth, what are the motives of the service provider (commercial or non-commercial activity) and in what form services are provided (servicing individuals or public services)? The combination of these two characteristics results in completely different types of service systems.

It is also possible to classify services according to other criteria:

a) in terms of capital costs;

b) according to the degree of qualification of the performers;

c) by the complexity of technological processes;

d) according to the social status of the clientele (individuals and legal entities).

In the literature, one can also find the division of the service sector into three sectors:

tertiary - infrastructural (transport, communications, transmission of electricity and heat);

Quaternary - distribution and exchange (trade, insurance, finance);

fivefold - social and managerial (management, science, education, health care, art).

2.2 Evolution of the service industry

The next aspect that needs to be considered when studying the topic of the service sector is the evolution and development of the service sector from ancient times to our times. At the very early stages of human development, the service sector already existed in its various manifestations. As progress developed and new types of material production appeared, the service sector also improved. Deep transformations of the system of public consumption gave an even more powerful impetus in this direction.

The very first manifestation of the use of the service sector in the social structure of society was noticed back in primitive society. For example, in each tribe there were leaders, they were in some way administrative subjects, that is, one of the areas of administrative activity in the service sector. Shamans and priests also provided social services. The army, in turn, provided property protection services. Historical sources indicate that in ancient society there were already such service sectors that were very similar to modern ones. For example, there was trade, transport, education, art, army, health care. Until the end of the 19th and beginning of the 20th century, these areas were improved and communications, management, marketing, audit, and insurance were added to them. With the advent of a new era of human development in the conditions of high technologies and a scientific and technological boom, the industrial economy is changing to a post-industrial one. This entails an increase in the production of services per capita.

However, until the middle of the 20th century, the service sector was considered a minor part of the world economy. In this area, people with a low level of education were mainly employed. The reason for this was the erroneous opinion that the service sector does not bring sufficient income to the economy and is not in demand among the population. During the Soviet era, the service sector developed very slowly compared to Europe and the United States. Only after the scientific and technological revolution, the service sector began to occupy a significant place in the economy of many countries. It is no coincidence that the post-industrial era is rightly called the service era.

Improving the standard of living of people, as well as the formation of the economy to a new level, has increased the production of intangible products. The Second World War had a very negative impact on the development of the service sector, since at that time the main sector of the economy became industrial production. In the countries on whose territory hostilities were fought, the material base of the service industries was destroyed to one degree or another and after the war did not meet even the greatly reduced needs. In the post-war period, the outstripping development of service industries has largely resumed, and the position of this sector in the economic structure is steadily expanding.

In the middle of the 20th century, the United States breaks out into the lead in terms of the level of development of the service sector. However, not only the United States is investing heavily in this sector of the economy, but also in developing countries there is a sharp increase in the service sector. From all of the above we can draw the following conclusion. The service sector, having gone through a long path of development and undergone many changes, is currently at the same level, and in some countries even higher than such sectors as industry and Agriculture. The most important regularity in the evolution of the service sector is that it does not develop in isolation from material production in the integration of these types of activities, and the efficiency of the modern economy largely depends on the depth of integration.

3. Features of the service sector in the modern world

In itself, the concept of providing services provides for special attention to a person from a psychological point of view, as a client. Direct your attention to meeting needs, be prepared in advance for difficult situations in the service process, since each client is an individual. Any request and desire must be fulfilled for the qualitative implementation of the complex, since any discrepancy or omission in working with the client entails a negative mark on the entire reputation of the serving object or subject. Therefore, in most modern companies operating in the service sector, there are rules.

Firstly, all employees of the company are focused on the implementation of the main business process of the company - high-quality customer service. Secondly, in order to qualitatively satisfy client requests, employees who directly deal with clients must reach the level of one-on-one interaction - a personal, not impersonal approach to each client, but starting, oddly enough, with a correctly learned role.

The service sector has a number of distinctive features and mechanisms of work that cannot always be strictly classified, since changes in customer demand, the emergence of new services, as well as a high level of volatility of consumed intangible goods dictate new trends and force us to revise the old rules in servicing consumers of certain or other services.

We can summarize only the main features of the functioning:

First, unlike goods, services are produced and consumed mostly simultaneously and are not subject to storage. This gives rise to the problem of regulating the demand and supply of services.

Second, services are often opposed to products, although the role of service is also increasing in industry, which can include equipment repair, after-sales service and other services related to the sale of goods. We can say that in many cases there is an element of production in the service, just as there is an element of service in the sale of products. The close interweaving of the sale of goods and the provision of services makes it difficult to distinguish and account for services.

Thirdly, the service sector is usually more protected by the state from foreign competition than the sphere of material production. Moreover, in many countries, transport and communications, financial and insurance services, science, education, health care, public utilities are traditionally fully or partially owned by the state or are strictly controlled and regulated by the state. The import of services, according to the governments of many countries, can pose a threat to national security and sovereignty, so it is regulated more strictly than trade in goods.


sphere service society

In conclusion, it is worth emphasizing that the service sector itself is young and is being modified at a tremendous speed. Currently, the service sector is one of the most promising, rapidly developing sectors of the economy. It covers a wide field of activity: from trade and transport to financing, insurance and intermediation of various kinds. Hotels and restaurants, laundries and hairdressers, educational and sports institutions, travel companies, radio and television stations, consulting firms, medical facilities, museums, theaters and cinemas are in the service sector. Almost all organizations provide services to one degree or another.

Despite some features of this area that complicate the work with the client, over the past 20 years, a high growth in labor productivity in the service sector has been noticed around the world. The concept of "services" in the mass perception is increasingly identified with a complex of high-tech and intellectual business and financial services, as well as with the branches of science, education and healthcare. The wave of renewal also captured traditional industries: trade, transport, household services, recreational industries, etc.

In addition, the very concept of "service sector", without exaggeration, is comprehensive. It includes household, medical, legal and many other services, that is, it does not just affect all parties Everyday life people, but makes it truly high-quality, full-fledged. For this reason, it would seem that the service is broad sense of this word -- refers to those areas of business that do not require special support from the outside. After all, people are willing to pay money for the services they provide, and sometimes a lot.

The service sector, as we already know, belongs to the tertiary sector of the economy, but in conclusion it should be emphasized that the rapid development of the tertiary sector, and especially the production services sector, is an inevitable condition and prerequisite for the civilizational transition of the economy to a market, post-industrial stage of development.


material service society

1. Belyaev M.I., "Miology". Moscow, 2000

2. Demidova L.S. "US Service Sector: Factors Accelerating Dynamics", Moscow, 2005.

3. Kulibanova V.V. Marketing: Service activities. SPb., 2006.

4. Kulibanova V.V. Service activity. SPb., 2007.

5. Morozova E.Ya., Tikhonova E.D. Economics and organization of enterprises in the socio-cultural sphere. SPb., 2005.

6. Pesotskaya E.V. Service marketing. SPb., 2000.

7. Market portal household services

8. Rodionova I.A. "World economy. Industrial sector", Saint Petersburg, 2002

Tarushkin A.B. "Institutional Economics", St. Petersburg, 2004

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The service sector is one of the promising, rapidly developing sectors of the knowledge-based economy. Services are purposeful human activities, the result of which has a beneficial effect that satisfies any human needs.

Services are different kinds human activity, as a result of which material wealth is not created, and which belong to the non-productive sphere. At the same time, the service sector is an important part of the real sector of the economy.

Modern economic theory reflects the new economic reality. The end of the 20th century and the beginning of the 21st century are characterized by the latest structure of post-industrial production. It has a number of distinctive features:

The latest production is capable of providing mass satisfaction of the entire range of actual and future needs;

The modern economy includes two complementary spheres of production: material (creates material wealth) and non-material (creates spiritual, moral and other values ​​- works of spiritual culture, art, science, etc.);

Modern production organically includes a special service sector.

A service is a kind of expedient activity, the useful result of which is manifested during labor and is associated with the satisfaction of a need. The role of the service sector in the modern economy is determined by the following conditions:

New jobs are constantly being created in the service sector;

The service sector is increasing its share in the country's gross domestic product;

Due to the service sector, there is a reduction in the time for servicing the household, which improves the quality of life of the population.

Households and businesses are demanding more and more services, more sophisticated and of higher quality. The increasing role of services in the household has various reasons.

The following main factors of increasing the role of services in the life of a modern household can be identified:

growing abundance;

striving for a better quality of life;

increase in free time;

urbanization necessitating new types of services (for example, security);

demographic changes leading to an increase in the number of children and older people who need many services;

socio-economic changes, such as the emergence of families where the husband and wife work, lack of personal time, etc.;

the complication of consumer demand, leading to the expansion of the very set of required services (for example, in the conduct of personal financial affairs);

Technological changes that improve the quality of services or create new types of services (for example, in the field of medical care, cable television, receiving data over a computer network).

The growth in service needs of firms and institutions is driven by the growing complexity, internationalization and complexity of their management. Specialized service firms (e.g. temporary assistance, conflict resolution) are being created, as are sets of needs in established service industries such as advertising, accounting and reporting, consulting, Information Systems, conducting investment banking operations, marketing research. More complex products and more advanced technologies that affect the value chains of firms require an increasing range of services in the field of design, management and repair. The internationalization of competition promotes the growth of services needed to support trade and manage geographically dispersed enterprises (such as communications services and recruitment). Changes in technology and management are creating entirely new service industries.

Any product of labor produced for sale is a commodity. Hence, the services sold in various markets act as an independent and very diverse group of goods.

The main role of a service as a commodity is the ability to meet the needs of customers. The main difference between a service and a physical product is as follows:

Any service is a process. The use of the term process allows a distinction to be made between services and physical goods, which by their nature cannot be a process;

People are an integral part of services.

In the world, there is a tendency to diversify the service sector, when many previously separate types of services are combined within one company. Their whole complex is offered, which increases the competitiveness of this company, weakens possible risks. Thus, banking, exchange and intermediary services merge into a single complex of financial services. Or, for example, there is a combination of various services within the framework of a company engaged in transportation such as life and cargo insurance, mail delivery, tourism.

The growing role and influence of the service sector on the economy has necessitated research to classify services and determine the characteristics of marketing in this specific area. Today, the following characteristics of services as a commodity are known and widely used:


continuity of production and consumption of services;

inconstancy of quality;

service failure to store.

Intangibility means that the service cannot be tried, demonstrated, seen until it is received. Intangibility causes problems for both the buyer and the seller of the service. It is difficult for the buyer to understand and evaluate what is being sold before the acquisition, and sometimes even after. At the same time, the intangibility of services complicates the life of their sellers. The seller can only describe the benefits that result from the provision of this service. Although there are services when the client cannot evaluate the benefits even after receiving them. The intangible nature of services makes pricing and promotion difficult. A service is inseparable from its source, while a good is material form exists regardless of the presence of its source. You can only provide a service when an order arrives or a client appears. Some experts believe that this is the most main factor, which makes the service really a service and distinguishes it from the product.

The inseparability of consumption and production of services creates a special form of "consumer production". At the same time, the consumer pays the cost of the service in advance, before he gets the opportunity to assess the level of satisfaction of his needs. This raises the need to strengthen consumer confidence in the service provider. The impossibility of consuming a service without a producer imposes restrictions on the development of marketing activities. Sales divisions in the service sector in practice merge with the departments of advertising and propaganda, and their functions are reduced to stimulating the sale of services in various consumer segments. Including the buyer in the process of producing the service means that the seller must take care of what is produced and how. The last task is especially important. How bankers, insurance agents, lawyers, doctors and hairdressers behave when selling their services will determine the likelihood that the client will return more than once. Therefore, the correct selection and training of personnel is very important.

The variability in the performance of services is an inevitable consequence of the simultaneity of production and consumption of services, as well as the fact that people are an integral element of the service. To reduce the variability of services, it is necessary to identify the causes of this phenomenon. Most often this is due to the qualifications of the employee, poor training and education of staff, lack of competition in this area, lack of information and communication. Another very important source of service variability is, of course, the customer himself, his uniqueness. This explains the degree of individualization of the service in accordance with the requirements of the buyer.

To reduce service volatility, long-term service companies develop and strive to meet service standards. A service standard is a set of mandatory customer service rules that are designed to guarantee the established level of quality in all operations performed. The service standard establishes formal criteria by which the level of customer service and the performance of any employee of the company is evaluated.

These can be, for example:

service time - 85% of customers should not queue for more than 5 minutes;

work with complaints and claims - the number of complaints should not exceed 2 per month per employee, for each complaint the client must receive a response;

the maximum waiting time for a response by phone and other formal criteria up to the requirement for employee clothing;

requirements for the execution of documents, letters, business papers, announcements. Well-designed, well-written business papers speak of respect for the client and the level of organization.

The quality control system is the protection of the service standard. To ensure quality control, an organization needs to:

Allocate funds to attract and train qualified specialists;

Continuously monitor customer satisfaction through a complaints and suggestions system and customer questionnaires.

An important distinguishing feature of services is their immediacy. Services cannot be saved for further sale. And if the capacity for services exceeds the demand for them, then revenue or the cost of services is lost. If demand exceeds supply, then services, like physical goods, cannot be taken from the warehouse. Fluctuations in demand are inherent in all types of services. It may vary depending on the time of the year, on the days of the week. The inability of services to store requires the development of a strategy to ensure that demand and supply for services are aligned:

by setting differentiated prices, discounts, using other incentives, it is possible to shift part of the demand from the peak period to the calm period;

increasing the speed of service, including through automation, allows you to work with a large number of clients;

introduction during periods of peak demand, alternatively, additional services(coffee, magazines, etc.) that will help ease the waiting time for the main service;

to serve an additional flow of customers, it is recommended to train staff in combining functions, as well as hire temporary employees.

Based on the above analysis of services as an economic category, the following conclusion can be drawn. Services are various types of human activities that do not create material wealth and are related to the non-productive sphere. The quality of services is a very complex socio-economic category. In the broad sense of the word, it reflects the equivalent relationship between social necessary costs the labor of the producer and the personal, individual time of consumption of a person, which, of course, contributes to the release of the time of the individual intended for creativity. In a narrow sense, the quality of services characterizes the success and efficiency of interaction between service providers and service consumers.

Features of the services market

At its core, the service market, which develops according to the laws of a market economy, is a kind of commodity market and at the same time, it has a number of specific features, which causes special approach to entrepreneurial and marketing activities designed to meet the demand for services.

Features of the services market are seen, first of all:

in the high dynamism of market processes (the provision of services is aimed at direct satisfaction of human needs);

in territorial segmentation (forms of service provision, demand and conditions for the functioning of service enterprises depend on the characteristics of the territory covered by a particular market);

V high speed capital turnover (one of the main advantages of a business in the service sector, which is a consequence of a shorter production cycle);

highly sensitive to change market conditions(property due to the impossibility of storage, warehousing and transportation of services, as well as the temporal and spatial coincidence of their production and consumption);

in the specifics of organizing the production of services (having greater mobility, small and medium-sized enterprises that are service producers have ample opportunities for flexible response to market changes);

In the specifics of the process of providing services (personal contact between the manufacturer and the consumer, on the one hand, creates conditions for expanding communication ties, and on the other hand, increases the requirements for professional qualifications, experience, ethics and the general culture of the manufacturer);

In a high degree of differentiation of services (associated with the diversification, personification and individualization of demand for services, is considered as the most important incentive for innovation in the service sector, since the complex structure of demand causes the emergence of new, non-standard services, the search for a novelty service is becoming a permanent process that is getting more and more development as market demand is saturated);

In the uncertainty of the result of the activity for the provision of services (the result of the activity for the provision of services, which in many cases is influenced by various qualities of the producer, cannot be determined in advance with sufficient accuracy; the final assessment of the result is possible only after the consumption of the service).


UDC 336.64 BBK 65.05


G.V. Gioev, L.A. Podolyanets

Saint Petersburg State University

Service and Economics (SPbGUSE 191015, St. Petersburg, Kavalergardskaya st., 7

The study was supported by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, Agreement 14.B37.21.1995

One of the features of modern Russian economy, corresponding to global trends, is the intensive development of the service sector, which has an increasing impact on the living conditions of the population. This influence is manifested in various areas of human life and society, from economic to social sphere, and affects all the components that form the quality of life.

Confirmation of this thesis

serves analysis economic development Russia, which is characterized by the ever-increasing importance of the service sector. According to Federal Service state statistics of the Russian Federation, the share of all services in shaping the structure of GDP for the period from 1990 to 2011 increased from 20% to 59.0%. Over the same period, in monetary terms, the growth in the provision of paid services to the population amounted to from 0.44 to 5424.8 billion rubles. respectively (Table 1).

Table 1. The volume of paid services to the population of the Russian Federation

Unit rev. 1990 1995 2000 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011

In billion rubles (in actual prices) 0.44 113.0 602.7 2271.7 2798.9 3424.7 4079.6 4504.4 4851.0 5424.8

As a percentage of the previous year (in comparable prices) 110.2 82.3 104.7 106.3 107.6 107.7 104.3 97.5 101.5 103.0

Structural analysis of current trends in the service sector demonstrates an important difference - the rigidity of the factors of change: about 50% of the total spending of the population is directed

on the satisfaction of services of the so-called "mandatory nature", not "elastic" to the income of the population. These, as a rule, include all housing and communal and household services, from

specific types of services passenger transport(Table 2).

Table 2. Structure of paid services to the population of the Russian Federation (in % of the total)

Analysis indicators 2002 2005 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011

in % of the total RUB mln

All services rendered 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 4851018


household 11.7 10.1 9.9 9.7 9.9 9.9 9.7 470990

transport 24.2 21.5 21.2 20.9 21.6 20.3 20 969778

communications 14.8 18.5 18.6 19.9 19.7 19.5 19.2 929786

housing 4.3 5.3 5.6 5.4 5.2 5.5 5.5 265357

utilities 16.1 18.3 18 17.6 17.6 19.3 21.2 1027002

hotels and similar accommodation facilities 3 2.6 2.7 2.7 2.6 2.4 2.3 111717

crops 2 2.3 2.2 1.7 1.6 1.7 1.7 84744

tourist 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.6 1.8 1.7 1.7 82246

physical culture and sports 0.4 0.7 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 27857

medical 4.9 4.8 4.9 4.7 4.8 4.9 5 244440

health resorts 2.1 1.6 1.5 1.4 1.4 1.4 1.2 60523

veterinary 0.3 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 8780

legal nature 3.9 2.3 2.5 2.6 2.5 1.9 1.8 88393

education systems 6.7 6.7 6.9 7.1 7 6.9 6.7 326619

other services 4.2 3.6 3.6 3.9 3.5 3.8 3.2 152765

Consequently, the service sector has significant room for growth in “non-mandatory” services and thus can and does make a very significant contribution to the increase in gross domestic product at a relatively lower cost and more short terms their payback, as well as to promote the development of internal

market as the basis for stable economic growth.

There are a number of definitions of a service as an economic category. Let us consider one of the approaches, including the allocation of such characteristics as a generic definition, material basis, social form, unity of form and content (Table 3).

Table 3. Characteristics of a service as an economic category

Generic definition of service Material basis of services Public form of service Unity of form and content

Service - a concept focused on the ability and readiness to carry out activities that ensure the satisfaction of one or another need of the client. to order A service is a change in the state of a person or a product belonging to an economic unit that occurs as a result of the activities of another economic unit with the prior consent of the first Service is any activity carried out by mutual agreement of the parties that does not lead to the emergence of ownership rights to a material object

Thus, the above characteristics of a service as an economic category make it possible to clarify the definition of the term “service”, which should be understood as one of the forms of economic relations between contracting parties aimed at satisfying mutual needs concluded in

useful results of their interaction as an economic product of the services market.

An analysis of the market for services of various directions, their distinctive functions, tasks and features allows us to divide the properties of the service into general and specific (Fig. 1).

The specific properties of the service are the basis for the creation of additional utility by service enterprises and a way to improve the service to the population.

World and domestic experience in managing social development convincingly shows that the socially oriented service sector is the core of modern civilization.

lization, the most powerful factor in the development of the country's economy.

Traditionally, industry, heavy and light, is recognized as the locomotive of the economy, as well as the military-industrial complex, which bears the main burden as a generator of innovations and a leading tax payer. However, without service activities that permeate numerous sectors of the economy and in parallel

growing as an independent sphere, it is not possible to satisfy the ever-growing needs of the population.

In addition, the service sector contributes to this important social function of the state, as ensuring the employment of the population, increasing the level of employment of a significant part of the population and the provision of services that do not require prior licensing of activities or the availability of higher education as a prerequisite.

Currently, the main trends in the development of the service sector should be considered as follows:

Associated with the processes of concentration and specialization of the production of services;

Due to the need to improve the organizational and structural factors of the functioning of service enterprises;

They are determined by the need to use best practices in the functioning of the service sector in economically developed countries, taking into account the local characteristics of their provision.

These and other facts indicate the need to expand the share state participation in the regulation and development of the service sector market. Solving the problem associated with the development of state regulation in new economic conditions Russia, should be carried out in close contact with market entities in the service sector. Principles of cooperation government agencies and subjects of the service sector market can become: scientific study and phased implementation of the developed measures; taking into account and balancing the interests of all market participants; recognition of the leading role of the state as an organizer

and a regulator of economic relations in the service sector market.

The importance and complexity of regulating the service sector market require the development of a concept and appropriate methodological support. From this position, it is necessary to consider the improvement of state regulation of the economy both on a national and regional scale. In doing so, the focus should be on developing specific

forms and methods, based on the geographical, ethnic and economic characteristics of the region.

Ensuring an organic connection between forms and methods will make it possible to adapt traditional and pilot forms of development at the regional level to the main methods of state regulation (direct and indirect), optimize them, which will determine the most successful application of state regulation in managing the development of the service sector in the region.

The main areas requiring the regulatory activities of authorities in the service sector should be considered:

Financial, tax and legislative support for small businesses, including those with a high share of venture capital, ensuring stable conditions for healthy competition, etc.;

Formation and development state entrepreneurship in the most socially significant sectors (education, consumer services, housing and communal services, etc.);

Branch macroplanning and macroprogramming;

Improvement of budget policy taking into account the state

support for socially significant service industries.

Taking into account these initial assumptions, the following concept for the development of the service sector is proposed (Fig. 2).

Basic provisions of the concept

Identification of prerequisites for the development of the service sector

Identification of the main trends in the development of the service sector

Justification of the need and development of goals and objectives for the development of the service sector

Decomposition of the components of the quality of life of the population

Concept Development Methodology

Concept evaluation methods

Methods for analyzing the quality of life of the population Methods for assessing the quality of service

Directions for the implementation of the concept

Development and implementation of directions for the development of the service sector and improving the quality of life of the population

Improving the organization of servicing consumers of services Improving the quality of service for consumers of services Increasing the competitiveness of service sector entities

Expected result of the implementation of the concept

Improving the quality of life of the population

Rice. 2. Model of the concept of development of the service sector

The concept is based on the idea of ​​improving the quality of life of the population by improving the consumption of goods in quantitative and qualitative terms, provided by the pace of development of the service sector, increasing the competitiveness of its subjects, improving the organization and improving the quality of service to consumers of services.

The prerequisites that determine perspective development service sectors are: the development of information and communication technologies; institutional transformations of the economy;

change in intra-industry proportions in the structure of the economy; increasing the scientific capacity of the service sector; a change in the structure of supply and demand in the service market and, of course, an increase in the effective demand of the population.

The implementation of the concept both on a national scale and at the regional level can serve as one of the options for solving two significant tasks: developing the non-productive sphere of the economy and ensuring sustainable economic growth as a material basis for improving the living standards of people; higher-

improving the quality of human life and enhancing its labor participation in ensuring sustainable economic growth. The service sector plays an integrating role in solving these problems.

The need to improve the organization of service for consumers of services follows from the main feature of the activity of the subject of the service sector - a complementary combination of the processes of production of services and customer service. At the same time, there is no link in the service sector that separates the producer of the service and its consumer.

In other words, in the process of receiving a service, the consumer enters into direct contact with the enterprise, the results of which determine the consumer's perception of not only the service received, but also the enterprise as a whole.

It follows that the organization of service plays no less, if not a greater role among other parameters that determine the perceptions and expectations of the consumer in relation to the service, the perception of the result of its receipt and the attitude to the activities of the service enterprise as a whole.

The choice of the processes of organizing services for consumers of services as a key link in the service sector allows us to identify and formulate two priority goals for their improvement:

For the consumer: ensuring satisfaction with the service organization, which will lead to a repeat visit to the enterprise, an increase in the volume of consumption of services and, therefore, will create conditions for improving the standard of living;

For the enterprise: ensuring the demand for the services provided by consumers, which will lead to an increase in income and profits by increasing the attendance of the enterprise and will create conditions for increasing competitiveness.

Based on these goals, it is possible to single out the main directions for improving the organization of customer service:

In the field of improving the created product (service): improvement of technical, operational, economic

mic and other parameters; organization of production of new types of services; expanding the range of related services provided; use of new technologies for the production of services and maintenance;

In the field of improving the use of material resources: cost optimization; improving the efficiency of the use of resources of all kinds; the use of new types of resources, especially information;

In the field of improving the quality of labor and the efficiency of using the labor resources of the enterprise: improving the conditions and organization of labor; improvement of forms of remuneration and labor motivation; professional development of employees; development of systems of remuneration for the quality of service;

In the field of improving the organization and management of business processes: rationalization of the organizational structure, the use of new management technologies.

Special attention it is required to pay attention to the improvement of the service organization process based on its detailing according to the GOER (O) methodology. In this regard, it becomes necessary to build a model of the service organization process "as is" and "as it should be", dividing them into several levels of detail according to the content of the elements of the process and the conditions that ensure its improvement. The “as it should be” model according to the GOEP(O) methodology (one of the levels of detail) is shown in fig. 3.

In the proposed form, the service organization process acquires a pronounced focus on meeting the individual needs of customers and improving the quality of service processes.

Along with the task of improving the organization of customer service, another important task is to improve the quality of service as an independent direction to strengthen the influence of the service sector on the quality of life of the population.

To this end, improving the quality of service to consumers of services can be represented as a model that includes the following main elements: determining the factors of quality of service to consumers of services; choice methodological basis model building; specification of the model object; clarification of the requirements for the model, formulation of the goal and objectives of its development; construction and justification of the block diagram of the model; determination of the conditions for the implementation of the model.

The purpose of the development is to create an alternative management tool that allows for the effective solution of the goals and objectives of the sustainable development of the service sector as a whole as a system and the implementation of the main goal of the functioning of its business entities - improving the quality of consumer

as a basis for improving the quality of life of service consumers.

In the model, service quality factors are combined into three groups: production (technological), labor and organizational. Labor factors are considered as the main ones, since they affect the quality of the service (from the standpoint of professionalism and skill), i.e. on production (technological) factors, as well as on the quality of the service process (from the standpoint of organizing interaction with consumers), i.e. on organizational factors. Based on the methodology of "total quality management", the object of the model is concretized, the requirements for it are clarified, and the tasks of its development are formulated.

Rice. 3. The “as it should be” model according to the GOER(O) methodology The model is a set. The system level reflects methodologically interrelated structural levels. logical foundations of the model, target - goals

its application, legal - the regulatory requirements of the environment for using the model, object - the area of ​​​​use, and the social and economic levels characterize the expected results from the application of the model in practice as

Thus, in modern Russia there is a need to implement three main strategies in the service sector: improving the level and quality of life in

as a management tool. In accordance with these structural levels, the content of the model elements was detailed, the conditions for its implementation were identified and disclosed (Table 1).

communities, ensuring high rates of sustainable economic growth and building the potential for future development.

Table 4. Structural levels, elements and conditions for the implementation of the model for improving the quality of service for consumers of services_

Structural levels of the model Elements of the model Priority conditions for the implementation of the model

Systemic Quality management system based on the methodology of "total quality management" (TQM) Expansion of the practice of using the methodology of total quality management as basic system service quality management

Target Quality management -> improving the quality parameters of the development of the service sector -> improving the quality of the functioning of the subject of the service sector -> improving the quality of service and maintenance Choice of the quality of customer service as the main criterion for assessing the activities of a service sector enterprise

Legal Regulations governing the activities of economic entities and the service sector in a competitive environment ->■ standardization and certification of services -> service standards Development of a national service quality standard, creation of a regulatory framework governing the remuneration system for service quality

Object Marketing product (service) process (service) -> technology -> personnel -> organization Development of an intra-organizational service quality policy at each service sector enterprise

Social Improving the quality of service to consumers of services -> improving the quality of consumption -» improving the quality of life Specifying the directions for a qualitative increase in the consumption of services based on improving the quality of consumer service

Economic Sustainable development of the service sector -> increase in the efficiency of the service sector entity ->■ growth of the competitiveness of the service sector entity and the product (service) created by it Development of directions for increasing the competitiveness of service sector entities based on improving the quality of customer service


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