Do-it-yourself domed greenhouses from triangles. Pros and cons of domed year-round greenhouses. Frame assembly stages

Experience has shown that vegetation period of plants in a greenhouse-vegetarianVitamin- Zin comparison with traditional greenhouses, it increases on average by 2-3 months. And if we take into account the advantages of the Svetlitsa film (or air bubble film) in conjunction with the design features of the Vitamin-Z vegetarian greenhouse, it turns out that the overall productivity of the greenhouse increases by an average of 2-3 times. In other words, if in a traditional greenhouse with 1 square meter you harvest 100 kg of cucumbers per season, then in the Vitamin-Z vegetarian greenhouse, under the same conditions, you will harvest 2-3 times more.

Payment economic efficiency using a domed greenhouse.

Domes have excellent light performance, as spherical shapes amplify light and rectangular shapes absorb. In many cases, the interior of the dome is lighter than that outside, even without interior lighting (due to the light reflecting off the walls and focusing towards the center of the dome). Acoustic benefits include even sound distribution, no resonating sound and 30% less ambient noise.

Since we are talking about a circle, dome structures have an inexhaustible potential for individualizing a project both from the inside (walls, doors, etc. can be located anywhere without reducing strength) and outside. In addition to this, the owners of the domed tent note the feeling of "grace and lightness" inside such spaces. That may be due to the full compliance with the ergonomics (Feng Shui) standards of designs inspired by Nature itself.

Incredible strength (the sphere is the most solid volumetric figure). After earthquakes, tornadoes and strong winds and hurricanes, only these structures remain intact. Dome structures can withstand: loads from snow up to 700 kg per 1 m2, winds up to 250 km / h.

Recreation area Convenience of watering Minimization of heat loss Better withstand fluctuations in ambient temperature High strength High maintainability Long service life (Film - 7 years, Frame - 35 years) Illumination is 25% higher than polycarbonate Transmits the UV spectrum of solar radiation beneficial to plants Minimum foundation requirements (may not be available) Great height. Tall plants can be grown More stable microclimate Higher vegetation period (by 1.5-2 months) Higher productivity The opportunity will stand out from the crowd! Training and support 24 hours a day

The domed greenhouse, which is also called a geodesic greenhouse, stands out among other buildings in a greenhouse for its unusual appearance... In fact, it looks like a round transparent gazebo, but in fact, this shape has not only aesthetic, but also practical value. Due to the peculiarities of the frame and coating, it is possible to grow vegetables in such a building almost all year round, and the plants will always have enough natural sunlight.

Building a domed greenhouse with your own hands is more difficult than a gable or arched structure, but all your efforts will be rewarded with a rich harvest and an attractive appearance of the building. In this article, you will learn what features, advantages and disadvantages a geodesic dome has, and how to build it correctly with your own hands.

Do-it-yourself dome greenhouse

Buying a ready-made domed greenhouse can be too expensive. In this case, in any case, you will have to prepare a site for construction and assemble the frame yourself. Based on this, it is much more practical to find ready-made drawings of geo-domes and build a greenhouse with your own hands from scratch.

Since geodesic domes have a very unusual shape, and their frame consists of many elements, we will provide detailed instructions for all stages of construction so that you can easily decorate your site with such an unusual and very useful building.

Calculation of the project and drawings

The design and calculation stage is the most difficult in the construction of domed greenhouses. It is necessary not only to calculate the optimal area of ​​the future building, but also to precisely fit all the elements of the frame with each other (Figure 2).

Figure 2. An example of a drawing of a geo-dome

In order to accurately calculate all dimensions, you need to know not only the total area and height of the future building, but also many other parameters. You will need the surface area of ​​the dome, the number and length of ribs, the number of intercostal nodes, and the type and number of connectors required. All of these calculations are based on the desired greenhouse area. The diameter of the dome is used to determine the optimum height.

Note: All these indicators are calculated using separate formulas. If you do not want to search for them or doubt the accuracy of the calculations performed, use a special geodetic calculator online.

If you prefer to calculate all the indicators of the future greenhouse online, all your tasks will come down to determining the desired area and height of the building and entering the data into the geodetic calculator. Based on this information, the program will automatically calculate the number of frame elements (triangles) and their sizes. The optimal building is considered, the height of which is equal to half the diameter of the circle that outlines the base. For example, with a base diameter of 4 meters, the height will be 2 meters, and 35 triangles (with an edge length of 1.23 meters) or 30 triangles with an edge of 1.09 meters will be needed to build a frame.

Calculation example necessary materials given in the video.

Site preparation for construction

As in the case of any other building, the construction of a geo-dome requires some preparation. First of all, this applies to work on the site where the greenhouse will be located (Figure 3).

Note: In order for the plants to develop normally throughout the year, you need to choose a site with good lighting... In other words, it should be fairly open and sunny. Protection from wind and draft does not play a key role, since the dome of the building withstands well any atmospheric phenomena, including strong winds.

The amount of preparatory measures is determined by whether the foundation for the structure will be erected. In fact, the construction of the basement is optional, since the finished building has sufficient strength without it. However, if you still decide to strengthen the building, you can build any type of foundation, although tape and pile are considered the most suitable. Accordingly, for the strip foundation, you will additionally need to dig a trench around the perimeter of the future building, while for the pile foundation, such preparation is not required.

Figure 3. Preparatory work on the site

In most cases, geodesic domes are nevertheless erected without a foundation, and preparatory work is limited directly to the site itself. The allotted area should be covered with a dense non-woven material to prevent weed growth. A layer of gravel is laid on top of the fabric and evenly distributed. After that, you can start creating the elements of the frame.

Installation of a geodesic dome from a profile pipe

Before assembling the dome from triangular elements, you need to build a small base for the future greenhouse. To do this, a small polygon-shaped wall is erected from wood or other available material around the perimeter of the future building. It is important that the more corners there are at the base, the better, since in this case the size of one triangle for the dome will be smaller, and it will be much easier to make and attach it (Figure 4).

The most suitable base option is a 10-12 angle polygon. The height should also be optimal: about 60-80 cm. If this figure is lower, it will be inconvenient to take care of the plants.

The installation of the dome is the installation and connection of pre-prepared triangles to each other. As building material small wooden blocks are often used, but for a more reliable structure, it is better to use a profile pipe. It is quite durable, but at the same time it can be easily cut into the required number of pieces of a certain length.

Figure 4. The process of assembling the frame

The frame is assembled from the bottom up. First, the wide lower part of the triangles is attached to the foundation or ground so that the acute angle extends perpendicularly upward. Further, the installed triangles are connected with the rest of the elements, forming a polygon from them. By connecting all the elements in this way, they gradually get to the top of the dome. It is here that it is recommended to make air vents. They can be attached using regular loops, or if you have financial opportunity, equip with automation.

The elements are fastened using self-tapping screws for wood or metal (depending on the selected material). The triangles that are on the lower tier are connected to the foundation using brackets.

We sheathe the frame with polycarbonate

Almost any covering material can be used as a covering for geodesic domes. The cheapest is the usual dense plastic film, which is attached to the frame with nails and special clamping strips.

If you have chosen glass as a coating, you will additionally need thin glazing beads and small nails for fastening. In addition, you will need a glass cutter, with which you can cut sheet glass into parts of the desired size. Since this process presents some difficulties and requires some experience in working with a glass cutter, it is better to give preference to polycarbonate. The fact is that the cutting of glass parts must be carried out very accurately, cutting the glass in one motion. If you want to trim the part later, the glass may lose strength.

Polycarbonate is considered the best option for covering geodesic domes. Firstly, this material is quite durable and withstands well the negative effects of atmospheric phenomena. Secondly, it is transparent and transmits the sun's rays of all the necessary spectra for the full development of plants. In addition, it is much easier to cut polycarbonate sheets into pieces, and ordinary self-tapping screws are used to attach the material to the frame.

What is important to know about a domed greenhouse

By design, geo-domes are a transparent hemisphere, inside which there are beds (Figure 1). For construction, you need to prepare and connect a set of triangular or hexagonal frame elements, which in the future will be covered with glass, film or polycarbonate.

Note: It is much easier to build a domed greenhouse with your own hands, the frame of which consists of triangular elements, since polygons are much more difficult to mount.

The frame can be made from any available material: wood, metal or plastic pipes. Regardless of the selected raw material for the frame, the structure will maintain strength and stability. At the same time, a greenhouse with a dome diameter of 4 meters and a height of 2 meters is considered optimal for a summer cottage.

Like any other structure of a closed ground, a domed greenhouse has its pros and cons, therefore, before building such a structure, you need to objectively evaluate this information.

Among the advantages of the geocupola are:

  1. High strength: regardless of the size of the greenhouse, it will have high strength and stability without additional supports. This is ensured by an even distribution of mass over all parts of the building.
  2. Resistance to negative factors the environment: due to its streamlined shape, such a greenhouse is not afraid of strong winds, and in winter it does not accumulate snow. In addition, such a building can withstand sufficiently strong earthquakes, therefore, such greenhouses are often built in earthquake-prone areas.
  3. Maintaining an optimal microclimate: the sun's rays penetrate into the building not only from above, but also from all sides. Thanks to this, a constant optimum temperature for the growth and development of plants is maintained inside. If such a building is additionally insulated, it can be used in winter without using special heating devices.

Another important advantage of the construction of a domed greenhouse is the reduced consumption of materials for its construction. If we compare the geodome with another popular type of greenhouse - the arched one, it becomes clear that much less wood or metal is needed to build the dome model for the construction of the frame. At the same time, the finished building will look more compact, although it will occupy the same area as the arched model.

There are few disadvantages of the domed greenhouse. The first concerns the difficulties with building a drawing and creating the required amount frame elements suitable size... But, on the Internet, you can find a lot of ready-made drawings of such structures and use them to build your own greenhouse. In addition, during the assembly process, you need to ensure that the joints of all elements fit snugly together. If it was not possible to accurately fit them, the seams will have to be filled with sealant.

Figure 1. Options for domed greenhouses

It should also be borne in mind that domed greenhouses are not suitable for multi-tiered beds. However, if you plan to grow plants of different heights, you can place tall species in the center, and the smallest ones near the walls of the building.

Arrangement of a domed greenhouse inside

When the construction and sheathing of the frame are completed, you can start arranging the interior space of the room (Figure 5).

This process includes several important nuances:

  1. It is advisable to paste over the inner part of the northern wall with reflective materials that will repel the sun's rays, heating the greenhouse.
  2. On the ground, directly at the level of the upper part of the dome, one or more containers with water should be placed. By heating, the liquid will maintain the optimum temperature and humidity inside. In addition, the presence of containers with water will prevent the greenhouse from overheating during the day, and the accumulated heat will maintain an optimal microclimate inside at night. It is important that the more containers you install, the more stable the microclimate of the room will be, and it is advisable to choose dark containers, since in such containers the water heats up faster.
  3. Additionally, you need to install a ventilation system in the greenhouse, and if you plan to use the room in winter - heating devices. For heating under the surface, water heating pipes can be installed, or electric or infrared heaters can be used.

Figure 5. Examples of interior design

You can equip a special irrigation system at will, since for this purpose you can use the liquid remaining in the containers to maintain the temperature. Ventilation can be any: using vents in the upper part of the dome or special fans, which are also installed under the ceiling.

Detailed instructions for building a geo-dome with your own hands are in the video.

A domed greenhouse, in addition to its functionality, can become a real decoration of a summer cottage. A transparent hemisphere with a frame mesh looks more like a decorative gazebo than a greenhouse built for the sake of growing vegetables. Effective, functional, economical, especially if you build it yourself, it has a number of advantages over its brethren.

A geodesic or domed greenhouse has the shape of a hemisphere, assembled from triangular elements. The frame can be made of metal, wood or plastic. Of course, a metal structure, especially when treated with anti-corrosion agents, can last longer than other options. The wooden frame is easy to assemble with your own hands, it is environmentally friendly and durable, although it also requires processing with protective equipment for long-term operation. Plastic is light, durable, easy to use, but its service life (especially with year-round use) is unlikely to be longer than that of metal, and its high cost does not give it points either.

For the covering material, take glass, plastic wrap or polycarbonate. Glass is the most transparent material, but it is heavy, fragile, and expensive. The film is often used for a seasonal greenhouse, it is quite transparent, it is easy to work with it. But polycarbonate with the same transparency and, perhaps, a little more weight keeps warm much better. High thermal insulation, lack of response to changes in air temperature, sufficient transparency, ease of installation made polycarbonate the most popular cover material for greenhouses, especially those built by hand.

Dome design advantages

It is the dome structure that provides the plants with the greatest amount of light, since it penetrates from all directions. The spherical shape allows you to create the desired microclimate, retains warm air longer without special heating, and allows it to circulate inside the greenhouse. The sun heats the soil in a day, it gives off heat to the air. The air warmed up during the day collects under the dome, cooling down, it goes down again. The frame heats up during the day and also gives off heat to the plants. In the center of such a greenhouse, a container with water is installed, which also accumulates heat, it can be used for irrigation.

Dome greenhouses are quite mobile - the segments of which they are composed are easy to assemble and disassemble. This design requires much less covering material than others.

The segmented design is earthquake resistant. The round shape provides strength and stability. With year-round use, there is no need to be afraid that the snow will break the roof. And even the strongest wind will not be able to move it or turn it over, therefore hemispherical greenhouses are most often used in steppe regions, where strong winds can have devastating consequences.

Video "Greenhouse-dome: advantages and features"

This video clearly demonstrates what features a dome-shaped greenhouse structure has.


There are not many disadvantages to such a wonderful design. It is necessary to make a rather large greenhouse, more precisely, to take a large diameter of the sphere, so that it is convenient to work inside, straightening up to its full height. In addition, it is most likely problematic to arrange racks for multi-tiered beds. You will have to be content with one level, and tall plants need to be placed closer to the middle, and low ones around the perimeter.

It is possible to assemble a geodetic greenhouse with your own hands, but it is difficult to independently calculate the dimensions of all elements and build drawings. Not everyone has the opportunity to build frame frames at home. You can, of course, order drawings from specialists, as well as the manufacture of segments, but such a step will significantly increase the cost of the entire product. Perhaps this, along with the forced economy of space, explains why such greenhouses are not very common in our summer cottages.

Another difficulty in assembling a greenhouse with your own hands is that such a large number of joints must be made with a high degree of accuracy in order to ensure the necessary sealing of the building.

If you wish, you can buy a ready-made greenhouse, collect it on the site, grow berries and vegetables in it, or turn it into a winter garden and a greenhouse for exotic flowers.

How to build

If the summer resident nevertheless decides to create a spherical greenhouse with his own hands, he will have to start with calculations, construction of drawings, selection of materials, tools and free time. In addition to metal beams or wooden bars (or maybe plastic profiles) of the required size and material for the planes, you will have to acquire steel strips, self-tapping screws, washers and screws. You will need to purchase foil to close the north side with it from the inside, prepare a tape measure, a level, a shovel.


It is necessary to calculate not only the total area and height of the future greenhouse, but also separately the surface area of ​​the dome itself, the number of ribs and their exact length, intercostal angles, the type and number of connecting elements. All these calculations are based on the desired area, and the height is determined by the diameter. Moreover, it must be remembered that the area of ​​the finished structure will be less than the area of ​​the circle, since the perimeter of the base will be a polygon, not a circle.

There are separate formulas for calculating all these values. But you can avoid this painstaking work with numbers by resorting to the help of a special computer program- geodetic calculator.

If the summer resident has decided on the desired area and height, then the program will calculate not only the number of segments (triangles), but also their sizes, and even build a multi-colored drawing that can be guided in the manufacture and assembly with your own hands.

The best option for a domed greenhouse with a polycarbonate coating is considered to be a structure where the height is equal to half the diameter of the circle in which the base is inscribed. So with a diameter of 4 m, a dome height of 2 m, the frame will consist of 35 triangles with an edge of 1.23 m or 30 triangles with an edge of 1.09 m.

Materials (edit)

Knowing the number and size of parts, you can start manufacturing them by drawing Special attention on accuracy, because the success of the assembly and the degree of sealing of the entire structure depend on it.

The connecting elements are best made of galvanized materials as they are corrosion resistant. If a tree is chosen for the frame, then it is desirable to treat it with a special fire-retardant composition - this will increase its service life.

From steel with a thickness of one and a half to 2 mm, you need to cut strips, drill 7 holes in them at regular intervals for self-tapping screws. Then the strips are bent at an angle of 250 degrees so that on one side there are 3 holes, and on the other - 4. To do this work, you will need a bench vise, pliers and a template (so that the angle is the same). The edges of the cut steel strips must be filed.

Site preparation

As for any greenhouse, a flat, unshaded place is chosen for the dome, it is cleared, if necessary, leveled. If the foundation is not planned, then the ground (the bottom of the future room) is covered with protective material, this may be nonwoven fabric that will protect plants from pests and weeds. Before that, it is advisable to remove the sod layer and put it back in an inverted position, that is, with the roots up. A layer of gravel is poured on top - this will be the base of the closed beds.

If you plan to equip a year-round greenhouse, then a foundation should be made.

If glass is chosen for the dome, then the whole structure will turn out to be very heavy, it is advisable to install it on a foundation or metal piles for stability and prevention of distortions. For the foundation, a trench is pre-dug.

Assembling the frame

Assembling the frame with your own hands means connecting all its segments and fastening them with special connectors. This must be done, guided by the diagram, which was issued by the geodetic calculator.

Quadrangular elements are installed in the base, they are fixed to the ground (or foundation) with metal brackets. Then the triangles are assembled into pentagonal segments.

The whole structure is assembled with your own hands from the bottom up. First, the elements of the lower tier are fixed, then the elements of the next tier are attached to them. It is better to place steel strips on the inside so as not to damage the protective coating, although they are also attached from the outside.

In the upper part of the hemisphere, vents are made; they can be equipped with an automatic opening-closing mechanism for ease of use.

Internal work

It is usually advised to cover the northern part of the dome with foil with your own hands, which will reflect the light, thereby returning it back to the inside of the structure, directing it to the container with water installed in the middle. This container, for example a metal barrel, will heat up during the day, and then give off heat at night.

If the greenhouse will be used in winter, pipes for heating are laid along the walls along the perimeter. When there is little natural air movement, a conventional electrically powered fan can be installed.

Video "Construction of a domed greenhouse-vegetarian"

In this video, the construction developers tell about the features of the construction of a domed greenhouse.

One of the most popular and durable polycarbonate greenhouses. Available to order in any size with FREE shipping in Moscow and the entire Moscow region.

Galvanized greenhouse "KUPOL Superstrong" in the form of a dome and double arches with mounting on crabs will allow you to grow plants without fear of snow and precipitation. The unusual shape of the roof in the form of a dome does not allow snow to accumulate, exerting an additional load, and the condensation formed inside is carefully eliminated along the walls of the product, without creating additional moisture. The frame is made of shaped pipe in the form of double arcs, placed at a distance of 0.65 m, which are reinforced by five guides. This design is reliable and provides protection against strong gusts of wind and heavy snowfall. Cellular polycarbonate is one of the main elements of the product. It provides reliable protection against UV rays and low temperatures, creating a favorable climate for crop growth. Optimal ventilation is achieved thanks to the installed two doors at the ends, with vents above them, in addition, you can install side vents. Buy the dome model can be of any length from 4 m and more, at the most attractive price.

  • Greenhouse frame manufactured made of a square profile pipe 20x20 mm galvanized on both sides, the frame is reinforced with seven upper connecting guides made of a 20x20 mm pipe, which are mounted on crabs in the same plane with the arches, which gives extra strength and resistance to snow loads and a lower base made of a 20x20 mm pipe. Painting of the greenhouse is not required.
  • Greenhouse dimensions: width 3.0 meters, length 4, 6, 8, 10 meters and more, height 2.3 meters. Arc step - 0.65m.
  • Greenhouse standard equipment: frame with two doors and two vents at opposite ends, cellular polycarbonate Sellex 4mm with double UV protection, galvanized ridge, galvanized tape for fixing polycarbonate, CONVENIENT DOUBLE-SIDED HANDLES, locks, wind hooks and a complete set of hardware for assembling the greenhouse.
  • Also, this greenhouse can be bought without polycarbonate (separate frame), at the most attractive price! Check the cost with the managers.
  • The greenhouse can be equipped with additional side vents.

Frame guarantee up to 10 years.

Service life over 20 years.

To place an order, select the required size of the greenhouse and click the "ADD TO CART" button. You can also order everything by phone from our managers!

Add mounting, foundation or other type of polycarbonate to the order if necessary. To do this, in the "ADD TO ORDER" section, click on the "ADD" button on all the options you have selected.

To complete the order, go to the shopping cart and enter your contact information there.

A round greenhouse dome in the country is a special type of greenhouse, which is an elegant frame that supports a hemispherical shell. The round greenhouse is not only very beautiful, but also incredibly effective.... Outwardly, it resembles a gazebo and looks like a decorative structure. From a practical point of view, the geodesic dome of the greenhouse, consisting of many interconnected triangles, is also one of the most economically beneficial forms for maintaining the life of plants all year round.

The temperature is kept at the required figure without additional heating. The difference in degrees between the outside and the inside of this isolated sphere is provided by the ability of the sun's rays to heat the soil inside the greenhouse when penetrating through the transparent "roof". The air above the ground in the greenhouse heats up by absorbing the heat coming from below. The self-heated enclosure also adds warmth. A constantly circulating air mass transfers this heat in the process of moving from bottom to top from the heated ground surface and objects inside the room.

Then - in the evening and at night - the same air moves down again, along the cooled surfaces. The air outside the geodesic greenhouse is not able to get so hot because it is actively moving. Here, as it were, he fell into the "trap" of the transparent shell of the greenhouse. Such a structure is also good for its immunity to any harmful influences. external environment... The streamlined shape helps the greenhouse to withstand windy weather, and the sectional structure, like no other, is also very earthquake resistant. Such greenhouses also have a drawback - it can be problematic to load them with racks because of the sloping slopes.

A self-made dome greenhouse should be located in an open, sunny place

How to build a geodesic dome with your own hands

The extraordinary strength of the dome is provided by its very shape. The load is distributed proportionally over the entire surface, the frame itself is securely fastened, and the lightness of the transparent structure allows you not to spend money on a powerful foundation. Sometimes strong load-bearing beams are installed around the perimeter of such a greenhouse, but such a measure is not necessary. A factor that reduces the stability of a building may be the weakness of the soil. In general, a domed greenhouse is a network of ordinary triangles covered with polycarbonate. It is easy to install - you just need to know the assembly order and adhere to the accuracy in calculations and dimensions.

The frame of the dome is made up of fragments of plastic pipes, metal rods or wooden beams. The length of each of the constituent parts is calculated as accurately as possible. The parts are articulated at an angle. As for the transparent surface, you can use polycarbonate, film and even glass for it. The film does not have the heat-insulating qualities of polycarbonate, but in terms of transparency and ease of installation, it is no worse. Polycarbonate is not too transparent, but it retains heat perfectly and does not create any problems during assembly. Unfortunately, it can overheat in the sun. Glass is durable, transparent, but heavy and expensive.

Stage 1: preparation of the site for the geo-dome

The plot is selected in the same way as for any other summer cottage building - it is important that it is well lit. The construction site should be cleaned of unnecessary items and well leveled. If, nevertheless, the dome is supposed to be built on a foundation (for example, you decided to buy a double-glazed unit, and this material is heavy), then the first step will be to mark the site and dig a trench. A trench may not be necessary if metal piles are used. If the foundation is not planned, the bottom of the future building is covered with a protective material to prevent weeds from growing inside. The material is abundantly covered with gravel. We must not forget that the site should be as flat as possible.

A large domed greenhouse needs a foundation

Stage 2: calculation of the geodesic dome

It is not difficult to calculate the dome today: Internet sites specializing in this help. There are calculators on their pages that will be adjusted upon request. Dome calculator online will help you quickly calculate for a geodesic dome.Specific programs have also been developed to help calculate the geo dome S = π * r2... The general formula for determining the area of ​​a spherical dome by radius has long been known. The real area will be slightly smaller, but not much. With a height of ½ diameter (the best option for a greenhouse), the formula will look like S = 2 π * r2. With a dome diameter of 4 m for a greenhouse with a height of 2 m, pieces of 35 triangles with an edge length of 1.23 m and pieces of 30 triangles with an edge length of 1.09 m will "enter" it.

Dome greenhouse drawing

Stage 3: assembly and sheathing of the frame

To assemble a geo-dome with your own hands means to fasten the parts that make up the frame with connectors (fasteners). Technically, the process of joining partitions is not difficult and not time consuming. Following this, the "skeleton" of the greenhouse is covered with a transparent covering.

Plants in a circular greenhouse should be placed around the perimeter, closer to the south side

The inner part of the hemisphere, facing north, is sheathed with shiny material - to reflect the sun's rays and heat the inner large container with water or many small vessels. Water is needed to better regulate the temperature in the greenhouse space: during the day it will prevent overheating, and at night it will not allow the air inside the structure to cool too much. The more water, the better the temperature regulation will be. It is this water that is useful for watering plants. The dark color of the containers (these can be drinks bottles) is more convenient: the dark one attracts the sun's rays and therefore heats up faster.

Dome covering structure in winter: the solar battery, reinforced from above, regularly performs its service

Stage 4: equipping the greenhouse-dome inside

The concept of arranging a greenhouse includes providing it with a ventilation system, solving the issue of watering and (if necessary) organizing heating. Heating was already discussed when advice was given about a water tank or heating bottles, but it doesn't hurt to clarify something. For a bath of water, a place is taken away in the northern part, under the reflective shiny part (possibly made of thin aluminum). The reflective area should not exceed 20% of the entire cladding area. Although dome greenhouses are expected to heat naturally, installing soil-heating pipes is acceptable. It is better to let them around the perimeter of the dome, as well as the beds located in the greenhouse.

The dome greenhouse can be modular (collapsible)

A fan is also placed inside, hoping that it can be powered from solar battery... A suitable place for such a battery is the top of the roof of the structure. In the summer, windows or vents will help to regulate the temperature in the room. It is better to place both the vents and the beds higher. It is advisable for plants to highlight the southern side of the greenhouse - so that the sun warms them up as efficiently as possible. Due to the slope of the walls, a large number of shelves and shelves cannot be placed in them, but you can use the method of placing them with ledges leading upward, under the dome. Behind the beds, a passage is usually left that goes in a circle (its width is 1 - 1.5 m). It is advisable to lower the heating pipes slightly below the beds.

Varieties of domed greenhouses: the type is dictated by the size, location, nature of the soil

A greenhouse-dome is a rational and original structure for your site. Good luck with making it with your own hands.


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