Types of greenhouses and their designs. We choose a greenhouse from cellular polycarbonate: types of structures, frame, pros and cons, photos. All main types of greenhouses and their designs

They stopped being some kind of uncomfortable and ugly structures, but became a comfortable and pretty building for growing some plants, we mainly have vegetables and fruits that may need warmth.

Available to choose from a huge number of different types of greenhouses with different functions and features.

How to choose such a greenhouse so that its use brings only positive emotions? Which greenhouse is best?

    What are the types of greenhouses? A photo

    Total exists the three most important types of greenhouses and greenhouses, which are divided according to the tasks for which they were built:

    • warm greenhouses are built mainly for plants that naturally require a tropical climate or climate similar to it in air temperature.
    • Typically, the temperature in such buildings exceeds 18 degrees above zero Celsius, and various measures are also taken to humidify the air, since in places with a tropical climate there is usually also high humidity, without which some plants may simply not survive. Usually in such greenhouses there are some devices or mechanisms that should artificially heat the air.

      Infra-red lamps are especially popular: mainly because of their low power requirements, but also due to the relatively low price of these products on the market;

    • semi-cold greenhouse keeps the temperature at the autumn-spring level of 10-13 degrees above zero Celsius.
    • In buildings of this type, most of all crops that can only be grown in our country usually grow: vegetables, fruits, and flowers. Not all, of course, but almost all are not quite demanding on temperature. environment plants, that's for sure.

      One of the most important positive features of this type of greenhouse is that it will be relevant all year round, as it will be able to maintain the temperature that is optimal for the crops grown there in absolutely any weather. Moreover, for this, just one simple infrared lamp is enough. If in the previous case you could still think about the price, then here you can certainly afford one inexpensive lamp;

    • last view of the greenhouse cold, suitable only for hardening certain crops or growing vegetables that are definitely ready for a cold climate, such as beets or onions.
    • You may be interested in why make a greenhouse in which there will be a low air temperature, because you can just plant it on the street.

      In fact, no, the soil usually freezes in winter, and besides, in cold greenhouses there should be a sufficiently high temperature, above zero, but below ten degrees, so that the plants simply do not freeze along with the soil in which they were planted.


    In addition to the main tasks and crops that you can grow in a particular greenhouse, these buildings divided into several types according to their shape:

    Variety of greenhouses

    There is more a huge number of features and details when creating greenhouses. Usually, all of them, except those listed above, do not greatly affect the quality of the building, but they can have a very good effect on its appearance, become an additional decoration for your hacienda.

    However, in order to choose the right shape, height and other parameters of the greenhouse, you should not look for advice, just think for yourself, which will be more pleasant for you to see on your site, because in this case everything is limited by your imagination.

    Models available for purchase

    Below are the models of greenhouses that you can buy. You can read more about each model and choose the one that suits you best:

  1. from Basagroplast.
  2. from polycarbonate.
  3. portable greenhouse
  4. - the best protection for seedlings.
  5. for giving.
  6. And from you will find out what greenhouse is needed for when growing strawberries, radishes and vegetables.

Variety of building materials

What materials for greenhouses and greenhouses can be used?

Actually, to build an ordinary amateur greenhouse for your garden, you do not need huge amounts of money and a bunch of other resources. You just need two materials: a frame and a covering material.

For frame you can use wood, metal, plastic, and much more. Undoubtedly, the most effective material for creating a frame is a galvanized profile.

Those frames that were made from it are usually the least likely to break, and are also less susceptible to weather conditions. Whereas wood will usually rot after a few rains before it dries, and plastic will break altogether, especially if strong winds blow very often in your area.

Covering material you can choose not so corrosively, because both glass and polycarbonate, which is commonly used by all experienced gardeners to create greenhouses, usually have almost the same properties. So when you go to the store for a "roof" for your greenhouse, you can only focus on the price - the quality is about the same.

Do not use polyethylene film as a covering material, because it can be damaged by the wind, and in general it does not last long enough.

In our country, gardening occupies a fairly high place and it's great that you want to do something useful for yourself. I really hope that this article will be useful for all lovers of growing plants and you will be able to build the greenhouse you want.

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Purpose and types of greenhouses..... 5
Basic structural elements .... 6
Greenhouse structures.... 7
Requests and costs..... 12
Please note: Greenhouse alternatives..... 14


You can grow flowers, fruits, berries and vegetables without a greenhouse, but this simple structure can turn your entire gardening experience upside down. And not only because you will be breeding plants throughout the year (or from early spring to late autumn), regardless of climatic and weather conditions. The number of crops and methods of their cultivation will be considerably expanded.

Purpose and types of greenhouses. Page 5.

Even if your gardening experience is quite modest, do not be embarrassed. Growing plants indoors is not much more difficult than outdoors if you know how to ensure proper lighting required even temperature and natural air exchange.

In greenhouses, crops are grown that cannot be grown outdoors throughout the year or part of the gardening season due to their unsuitability for local weather conditions. Greenhouses are used for germinating seeds, rooting cuttings, forcing bulbs, growing seedlings, keeping indoor ornamental plants.

For example, seeds of tomatoes, sweet peppers, cucumbers and eggplants are best planted in greenhouses so that later they can either be transplanted into open ground or left indoors. Here they are protected not only from the cold, but also from wind and rain, and therefore bear fruit better.

Only in a heated greenhouse is it possible to grow evergreen subtropical and tropical crops, such exotic plants as orchids, which need not only warmth, but also high humidity.

Many indoor plants on our windowsills simply survive, and only in the greenhouse their beauty is revealed to the fullest. You can use the greenhouse as a "store" for your flower collection, placing faded plants in it and bringing those that are about to bloom into the house.

Greenhouses are divided into unheated and heated (cold, moderately warm and warm).

They are the most economical, but their scope is limited to growing some crops such as lettuce, radishes, tomatoes and cucumbers in early spring and late fall or during the gardening season.

If you want to get the most out of your greenhouse, consider year-round heating. When breeding tropical and subtropical ornamental and fruit plants, one cannot do without it.

In winter, the air temperature in them should not be less than +7 ° C, the lower limit for most heat-loving plants like citrus fruits, pelargonium and ornamental bananas. Otherwise, you will have to cover them with garden fleece.

The minimum temperature maintained in them (+13 ° C) is required for tropical plants such as hippeastrums (Hippeastrum), streptocarpus (Streptocarpus), begonias. poinsettia (Euphorbia pulchemma) and many orchids. Less exotic plants will be too warm here.

Here the temperature should not be below +18 ° C, which is necessary for some varieties of orchids, heat-loving plants like stephanotis and sinningia (gloxinia, Sinningia), as well as a number of plants with decorative foliage, such as coleus (Solenostemon).

Basic structural elements. Page 6.

Greenhouses are fairly simple structures, especially the most common ones, with an aluminum profile frame. But it is worth paying attention to details before buying or building a greenhouse to make right choice. At first glance, insignificant differences in the main structural elements, such as doors, transoms, roofing, often significantly affect the usability and artificial climate.

Frame. The frame is mounted from a wooden or metal (for example, aluminum) profile, forming a frame for the glass. Separately, its racks and other components are not very strong, so they must be carefully adjusted, and the fasteners should be periodically checked and straightened.

Door. The best choice - sliding door: it can be left open while ventilating the greenhouse without fear that it will slam shut. It takes up less space, which is important in a small garden. The width of the doorway must be at least 90 cm, and more to bring a wheelbarrow into the greenhouse.

Plinth. This is not a required element, but it raises the glazed panels off the ground and serves as a foundation. To increase strength, however, there will also be brickwork, especially if the greenhouse is installed on the ground.

Glass. Commonly used sheet glass standard sizes. Replacement of broken large glasses is more expensive, so it makes sense to choose smaller glasses.

Transoms on the walls. You need at least a pair of louvered transoms to circulate the air, which you won't hit like open hinged transoms when going around the greenhouse, but the louvers are more difficult to close tightly to keep out the cold.

Transoms on the roof. As a rule, they open outward upwards, providing an outflow of heat and increasing air circulation. Ideally, there should be one or two transoms on each roof slope, with a total area approximately equal to one sixth of the floor area.

Unbreakable panels. They can be fixed around the entire perimeter of the greenhouse or only on the door.

Gutters and barrel for rain water. Drains remove moisture from the base of the greenhouse and allow it to be collected in a barrel.

Greenhouse structures. Page 6.

Today you can buy greenhouses of various sizes and designs, with a metal or wooden frame, coated with glass, film or polycarbonate. You can choose from a purely utilitarian aluminum structure or a whimsical retro Victorian conservatory with all its décor. Their purpose is the same, but the price and ease of use are different.

When choosing a greenhouse, considerable attention must be paid to its design, evaluating it not only from an aesthetic, but also from a functional point of view.

Gable and wall greenhouses
Gable greenhouses, rectangular, with vertical walls and a gable roof, are widely used. And there are reasons for that: a considerable landing area, maximum illumination, ease of care for plants. A gable roof provides sufficient height to the structure, especially in the middle where you are most likely to move, increases the stability and strength of the structure.

As a rule, these are free-standing structures, however, it is also possible to build a wall-mounted greenhouse with a three-quarter slope or, if space is completely limited, a shed. And they are very practical in terms of the ratio of planting area and working space, but they are often more expensive, and they need to be built against a wall or fence, which complicates the construction. On the other hand, by attaching a greenhouse to the wall of the house, you can make them communicate, and even install central heating in the greenhouse. In addition, it is convenient to attach pot racks and wire supports for climbing plants to a wall or fence.

Dutch greenhouse
The walls of the Dutch greenhouse are slightly inclined, which increases the illumination at the base, helps to retain heat and stabilizes the structure. It is convenient to grow low-growing plants in it on wall beds, but it is difficult to build supports for plants. In addition, large glazed panels are not cheap.


Recently, domes, or biomes, have come back into fashion, in which, throughout the day, several panels are located at the right angle to the sun's rays, which significantly increases illumination. They are quite attractive, but expensive and smaller than traditional greenhouses, they are suitable for growing tall plants. In addition, standard shelving, benches and other furnishings are not suitable for them.

On a note.
Leave aisles wide enough near glazed greenhouses so that you do not squeeze past them, risking breaking the glass.

Greenhouse with curved roof
Some greenhouses, including wall greenhouses, have a curved roof. This design provides more light, and looks less utilitarian than standard models, but it is much more expensive. Essentially, the roof is not curved: each next row of panels is located at some angle to the previous one. There are also freestanding greenhouses with curved walls, but these are not as common.

polygonal greenhouse
Polygonal greenhouses look more impressive than rectangular ones and are a good choice for a small garden when a small indoor structure is required. They combine decorativeness with functionality. The simplest variety is octagonal with a multi-pitched roof. There may be more corners if you are not behind the price, giving free rein to your imagination - for example, structures in the form of a miniature pagoda.

Polygonal greenhouses are not as practical as rectangular ones. If the plants are planted in the ground, your freedom of movement when leaning towards them will be limited. And if you place them on racks at waist level, a lot of space under them will be wasted. However, such greenhouses provide good illumination, and the plants are comfortable in them. They are especially good for exhibitions of plant collections.

The dimensions of the greenhouse should be such that it is convenient for you to take care of the plants and that it is in harmony with the garden landscape. Sometimes it is advised to figure out what they should be like and purchase a greenhouse of obviously large sizes. You will immediately find many more uses for it than you planned. However, there are more practical approaches.

First of all, measure the area that you have. Provide a passageway outside all the walls of the greenhouse, ideally 1.5 m wide, but at worst 1.2 m will do. Think about what you will do in this space. It's one thing - if you intend to go around the greenhouse from time to time to wash the windows, and quite another - if you are going to maneuver in the aisle with a wheelbarrow or lawn mower. (We'll talk more about this on pages 17-20.)

Then think about height. For comfortable work, it is necessary that you can freely move around the greenhouse and get up in full height on most of it. A height of about 1.5 m at the eaves will entail a height of 2.2 m under the ridge.

If you are small in stature, you can lower the skate a little, but the indicated height is the most convenient for work. Greenhouses of this height are better lit and allow you to breed tall plants.

Beware of very cheap mini-greenhouses with a lightweight tubular frame and a polyethylene cover. They are useful when propagating plants in protected areas of the garden, but they are inconvenient to use, and there is not enough working space in them. In addition, they are not particularly durable.


The most widely used materials for the frame of greenhouses are aluminum and wood. A more expensive vinyl plastic (unplasticized polyvinyl chloride) is also used.

The aluminum frame, which is light and relatively strong, is quite thin and casts less shadow. It does not require much maintenance - a big plus for the ever-busy gardener. It is usually supplied unpainted, silver grey, but painted frames are also available. Unfortunately, the struts of cheap models bend easily, which reduces the strength of the structure. Choose a strong frame with a large number of struts. If necessary, reinforce it yourself.

Wood is a traditional material, and it is undeniably more attractive than aluminum. And if you want to make half of the wall from a material that retains heat more reliably than glass, choose a tree; it will look the best. It is easier to attach custom-made shelves and plant supports to a wooden frame than to an aluminum frame.

However, the tree needs constant care, because in the dampness of greenhouses it rots, is affected by fungus and microscopic algae. Drainage improves the situation somewhat, but it is necessary to regularly inspect the frame and take immediate measures against rotting wood.

There are greenhouses with a frame made of vinyl plastic pipes that do not require special care. They are more expensive, but worth the investment, especially if you are planning to grow indoor plants.

Some manufacturers offer greenhouses with an aluminum frame that is indistinguishable from wood, but these structures are not cheap.


One of the most important elements of the greenhouse is the cover. The figures below show how much light (straight arrows) different materials let into the greenhouse and how much heat they give off (wavy arrows).

Along with the traditional material - glass - cellular polycarbonate, acrylic and polyethylene film are used as greenhouse cover.

Glass for greenhouses is thinner than ordinary window glass, and therefore transmits more light. If it didn't beat, it could last forever. It is easy to install and wash. Glazing can be double. It retains heat well, but it is more expensive and transmits light worse.

Cellular polycarbonate
This is a very common and inexpensive material. Its sheets consist of two thin plates with bridges, separated by air-filled cells, honeycombs. Jumpers give it rigidity, and air bubbles make it a good heat insulator. It is light and strong, but transmits less light than glass, and this problem only gets worse over time.

Acrylic has similar properties to polycarbonate and is often used for decorative elements such as curved cornices due to its flexibility. Acrylic, however, is brittle, scratches easily, and becomes cloudy over time.

Polyethylene film
The polyethylene used for arched greenhouses is cheap, transmits light well and retains heat, but over time its properties deteriorate greatly.

requests and costs. Page 12.

Now you have enough information to decide what the dimensions and design of your greenhouse should be. However, it will be useful to compare your requests with the cost of the greenhouses you like. Don't let prejudice get the better of you until you've exhausted all your options.

Ask yourself why you need a greenhouse. If you just want to grow seedlings, it is quite possible to get by with indoor window sills and a couple of cold greenhouses. If you dream of providing yourself with vegetables or own a huge collection of cacti, from which there will soon be nowhere to step at home, a greenhouse will be very useful for you.

With proper care, it can become the heart of the garden, your creative laboratory.

Before you spend money, you should also think about how far in time your plans extend. It makes no sense to buy a greenhouse that is by no means cheap if you intend to move next year. Dismantling and transporting the greenhouse is not the easiest and most pleasant procedure. That is why in private ads for the sale of used greenhouses they write: “Self-disassembly and self-delivery”. (On the other hand, when buying a used greenhouse, you will be able to inspect it in working order, assess the conditions, determine what is missing or broken.)

It is said that imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. If you are going to start your own greenhouse, do not be too lazy to visit others. For example, those where flower shows are held, or greenhouses at nurseries, shops for gardeners. Ask friends and acquaintances involved in gardening. Usually gardeners are very willing to share their experience, and you can identify all the pros and cons of various designs, barely mentioning them.

Choose a few similar models and see what they come with, determining what you have to buy. Some manufacturers offer shelving, additional ventilation transoms, gutters, flooring, etc. in addition to greenhouses. Take a look at what is on offer. The purchase may be profitable, or you may want to purchase similar devices elsewhere.

Meticulously study the cheapest models: there are always reasons for a low price, perhaps it is more profitable to pay more, but get a stronger and more durable greenhouse, in which you will be happy to work.

Some companies deliver and install their greenhouses themselves. The cost will inevitably increase, but you will be sure that the assemblers will deal with all the little things and breakdowns before they leave you with your purchase. If you are used to achieving perfection in everything or have your own views on the installation of a greenhouse, you may enjoy building it yourself. However, remember: if you did not buy a mini-greenhouse, assembly is not an activity for one person.

If you're not the only gardener in your family, make sure there's enough space for everyone in the household to get creative. And then, as if you were not pushed aside from your greenhouse.

Acquisition of a greenhouse often entails a lot of expenses that you did not count on. For example, if you want to run electricity and water into the greenhouse, this will inevitably increase costs, as well as the construction of the foundation and paths. Add here irrigation systems, automatic mechanisms for opening transom-blinds, which will greatly facilitate your work. And also shading curtains, heaters, thermometers, thermal insulation - you can list indefinitely.

Dimensions - make sure they meet your needs and plans.
Cost - find out what exactly is included in the cost of the greenhouse.
Functionality - make sure the greenhouse is fit for purpose.
Ease of use - check transoms, doors, shatterproof panels, gutters, look for places for shelves and other items that you need.
Design - It's pointless to buy a greenhouse if you don't like the look of it.

Please note: Greenhouse alternatives. Page 14.

If for some reason - due to lack of space or funds - you do not want to start a greenhouse, but would like to expand your collection of plants and arsenal of ways to grow them, look for other opportunities, of which there are many. They range from growing plants on home windowsills to setting up winter gardens, where it is so nice to have a cup of tea on a cold day.

Choose plants that will do well on your windowsill or in your conservatory, and you will have a colorful view for the whole year.

Growing plants on the windowsill is the most affordable and cheapest way. A wide, well-lit (but not sunny) window sill is suitable for germinating seeds, and if it is spacious, then for breeding delicate herbs like basil and a number of indoor flowering plants. Perhaps a propagator (a container with a transparent lid and electric heating) will fit on it, and if not, you can germinate the seeds here in a tray, under glass or plastic. The main disadvantage of window sills is that the light falls in only one direction. However, it is easy to periodically rotate the plants so that they do not stretch in one direction.

The Winter Garden is an excellent place for growing and displaying plants. However, it usually contains cushioned furniture and various household utensils, which complicates watering and makes it impossible to moisten the floor to increase air humidity. Often this is one of the home rooms that communicate with other rooms, and in the heat that threatens plants with thermal shock, you will not leave it open. If there is special glass in the windows that reduces the brightness of sunlight for our convenience, this does not affect the plants in the best way. On the other hand, double glazing and central heating make conservatories ideal for growing tropical plants.

To make the winter garden more comfortable for plants, arrange ventilation hatches on the roof and lay out the floor with stone or tile that is not afraid of water. However, it will be cheaper to build a large greenhouse and put a couple of chairs in it.

Sometimes a porch is a good place to place plants. You just need to keep in mind that every time we enter the house or leave, temperature drops occur on the porch, which are dangerous for young plants. In addition, it is usually not heated, and at night it is quite cold here. And yet, if you have a closed warm porch, where there are shelves, and the doors do not open every now and then, plants can take root here.

Today, greenhouses are produced in a variety of shapes and sizes, and even if your garden is small, there is a place in it for a small greenhouse - wall-mounted, octagonal or mini. The main thing is that the light comes to the plants during the day.

Of course, it is better to have one large greenhouse, but if space does not allow, consider two or more small ones. We can place them in different parts of the garden. However, temper your ambitions. It is better to grow a few healthy plants that are not constrained by space, rather than many in cramped conditions.

The gardening store now sells inexpensive clear plastic hoods for covering direct-sown seeds, seed pots, cuttings, and young plants. Caps made of wire arcs covered with plastic wrap are very good for covering vegetable beds, but they are rather troublesome to install and remove.

Hotbeds with a lifting lid on hinges are designed for growing seedlings, rooting cuttings of shelter for the winter of plants sensitive to cold. Lightweight portable models can be used as hubcaps. (We will tell you more about greenhouses and caps on pages 52-53.)

Film greenhouses are cheap, easy to install, but they do not look very impressive. These structures are suitable for the protection of plants planted in the ground, but are not entirely suitable for seed germination, rooting of cuttings and plant exposure. Heating and air exchange in them is more difficult to control than in glazed greenhouses. Polyethylene, unlike glass, loses its useful properties under sunlight, but, on the other hand, repairing minor damage is cheaper. New types of film are emerging. The highest quality, UV-resistant, last 5-7 years, and with proper care - more than 10. ( additional information about film greenhouses are contained on p. 40-41.)

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Every gardener knows what a greenhouse is and why it is needed. But there are many types of these indispensable helpers in growing crops. Therefore, when choosing a greenhouse, questions inevitably arise about which one is more reliable and convenient.

Manufacturers offer different options for these designs, which differ in shape, material of manufacture, degree of light transmission. There are many nuances to consider when choosing. Knowing these subtleties will help you find the greenhouse that will serve flawlessly for many years.

Any greenhouse is a simple structure, which consists of two main elements - a frame and an awning. In most cases, they are sold separately, but there are options for ready-made designs in which the manufacturer provides literally every little thing.

In any case, the choice of a greenhouse is carried out according to two main parameters:

  • frame;
  • covering material.

First of all, you need to decide on the shape of the greenhouse. The market offers many models from domestic and foreign manufacturers.

There are the following types of structures:

  • with vertical walls;
  • with sloping walls;
  • arched;
  • lean-to;
  • gable;
  • with a mansard roof.

The choice is wide. You can find exactly the option that suits in all respects. One of the most important selection criteria is the convenience of the greenhouse. And here the summer resident is offered a lot of opportunities to minimize labor costs for growing crops. "Smart" greenhouse will perform most of the tasks of ventilation, watering, heating. You can choose a model with the set of functions that is necessary for a particular climate and site.

Types of coating for greenhouses

There are only three types of coating for greenhouses. All of them are able to qualitatively perform the main task - to protect plants from the harmful effects of the environment.

Coatings are made from:

  • polycarbonate;
  • glass;
  • polyethylene film.

What is good polycarbonate

The most reliable material for greenhouses -. This is a light-transmitting multilayer material, the structure of which in the section resembles a honeycomb, which is why it is called honeycomb.

There is another type of this material - monolithic. But it is not used in the construction of greenhouses for the reason that it does not meet all the requirements for these structures.

Important! Monolithic has significantly more weight and does not have the light transmission capacity that is so necessary for growing crops. Therefore, it is never considered as a covering material for the greenhouse frame.

Cellular polycarbonate, due to its hollow structure, is able to retain heat well. The reason is that there is air in the space between the "honeycombs". It is he who is the best heat accumulator. Therefore, polycarbonate structures are the “warmest”. For gardeners living in regions with a harsh climate, this is a decisive factor when choosing a greenhouse.

Cellular polycarbonate is a sheet material, but it can be rolled into rolls, which are most convenient for transportation. Roll diameter depends on . The thinner it is, the easier it is to roll. However, even with a 4 mm thick web, the roll will be quite voluminous - with a diameter of 1.5 to 1.6 m. If the permissible bending radius is exceeded, the structure of the material can be damaged.

To cover the frames of greenhouses, polycarbonate with a thickness of 4 to 10 mm is suitable. It should be noted that the thicker the canvas, the greater their weight. Not every frame is able to withstand the load that a 10 mm polycarbonate coating will create. Given that in winter it is necessary to add snow load to this indicator, the requirements for the strength and stability of the frame increase many times over. The optimal choice for medium-sized greenhouses is 4- or 6-mm polycarbonate.

Table. Main specifications cellular polycarbonate, which must be considered when choosing.

Web thicknessWeight (kg/m2)Light transmittance of the white transparent sheet (%)Light transmittance of white matte canvas (%)Light transmittance of colored fabric (%)Thermal conductivity (W/m2 °C)
4 mm0,8 82 52 42 3,6
6 mm1,3 82 58 35 3,5
8 mm1,5 80 54 35 3,3
10 mm1,7 76 48 32 2,4

The average service life of polycarbonate greenhouses is 15 years. These are the most durable and reliable designs of all existing ones.

Advantages and disadvantages of glass greenhouses

Glass is an inflexible material, therefore it is only suitable for single-slope and dual-slope structures. - classics of the genre. It can be done without special work assemble yourself from used materials. Therefore, the main advantage of these structures is budget.

But glass has other advantages that gardeners have long appreciated. Greenhouses with such a coating are able to withstand significant weight loads. A cracked or broken part can be quickly replaced. The main advantage of glass is its transparency. Plants in such a greenhouse will not suffer from a lack of light.

Important! There are glass greenhouses and "cons". This is fragility, the need for careful handling, rather high requirements for the strength of the frame.

What is convenient polyethylene awning

The most popular material for covering greenhouses is polyethylene. If earlier the choice was unambiguous (dense polyethylene), today you can choose from several types of this material.

In any store for gardeners you can find such films:

  • light stabilized;
  • light scattering;
  • copolymer ethylene vinyl citate;
  • polyvinyl chloride (cellophane);
  • foamed.

Each of these materials can be used to build a greenhouse and a greenhouse. But when choosing, you need to pay attention to the characteristics. For regions with snowy winters optimal choice- reinforced film.

The Russian market offers products from Turkish, Korean and domestic manufacturers. How are these materials different? Foreign companies produce a film with polyethylene reinforcement, and Russian - from a high-strength polypropylene mesh. Therefore, domestic products are stronger and more durable.

Cellophane film has the highest light transmission. But this material has the least strength of all the others, therefore it is only suitable for temporary or one-year structures.

The stabilized film is able to reflect heat into the greenhouse or greenhouse. This property is taken into account when constructing shelters for seedlings. Antifog, which is part of the film, prevents the formation of condensation on the outer surface of the tent.

Light-diffusing film is capable of reflecting UV and IR rays. This ensures the maximum possible protection of plants from the negative effects of the environment. The phosphors included in the film make it possible to obtain uniform illumination of the internal space of the greenhouse.

The most durable of the films is copolymer. It flawlessly withstands winds of 18-20 m/s. Another advantage is frost resistance. The copolymer film does not crack at temperatures up to -80 ° C, so this material is chosen for the construction of greenhouses in areas with a cold and windy climate.

The foamed film is two-layer. One layer is dense and smooth, the second is porous. The space in the cells of the second layer is filled with air. Therefore, the foamed film has a rather low thermal conductivity. This important indicator for greenhouses. But this material also has its drawback: low light transmission. Therefore, the foam film is chosen for the construction of shelters in areas with a large number of sunny days.

Greenhouse frames

Frames for greenhouses are made of steel and aluminum. When constructing home-made structures, wooden blocks are often used. What should you pay attention to when choosing the material from which the frame is made?

Many manufacturers offer greenhouses with frames painted with powder paints. This is a good solution to ensure the durability of the structure. Regardless of how the metal is processed, aluminum frames are almost twice as expensive as steel frames. This is due to the lighter weight of the former and their maximum resistance to corrosion.

However, aluminum frames have one significant drawback. Frames made of this material are unable to withstand significant weight loads from the severity of certain types of coatings, as well as from snow. Therefore, in the spring you can often see greenhouses that have overwintered on the site, the racks of which are curved. This suggests that the owner did not take into account the climatic features of his region when choosing a design.

An alternative option is a wooden frame for a greenhouse

Types of frame structures

There are two main types of greenhouse frame structures:

  • stationary;
  • collapsible.

The former are optimal for those who are often in the country, regardless of the season. Collapsible structures are chosen by those gardeners who visit their site only during the warm season. In this case, it makes sense to buy exactly those greenhouses that can be dismantled and stored before the start of the next season. Thus, you will not be afraid for the safety of your property.

Prices and quality

The most affordable are small greenhouses (up to 5 m 2) with a polyethylene awning and a frame made of steel painted with powder dye - 8-10 thousand rubles. The same structures, but with a polycarbonate coating, will cost about 50% more - up to 15 thousand rubles. The most expensive are glass greenhouses. These structures are mounted only on the basis of reliable steel frames. A glass greenhouse with an area of ​​​​up to 5 m 2 will cost a little more than 20 thousand rubles.

The price depends on various parameters - in particular, on:

  • the presence or absence of windows to ventilate the interior of the greenhouse;
  • number of doors
  • thickness and type of coating;
  • frame material;
  • construction forms.

They consider the most practical and high-quality. They are almost 200 times stronger and more reliable than glass ones. Least Quantity positive feedback about polyethylene greenhouses. They serve, as a rule, no more than 1-2 summer seasons.

Greenhouse forms

Greenhouses can be absolutely any shape, length and configuration. The frames of stationary structures are made as follows: steel profiles are welded together and the corners and joints are reinforced. All greenhouse manufacturers offer the service of manufacturing these products according to the dimensions and sketches of the customer. Therefore, it is not difficult to obtain a design of exactly the shape and size that is needed.

Arch type greenhouses

The arched form is the most successful for several reasons.

  1. It does not form a high layer of snow. This ensures the safety of the covering material.
  2. The arched shape implies a minimum number of seams and joints. This gives the design the greatest reliability in operation.
  3. Greenhouses of this form are resistant to winds.
  4. Finally, such structures are easy to install and can be easily extended in length.

But in spite of everything, arched structures cannot be called perfect. They also have their drawbacks. The main one is a smaller amount of internal space than rectangular greenhouses. Another disadvantage is that for structures with a height of more than 2 meters, the installation of reinforcing beams is required.

The most popular models of arched greenhouses:

  • "People's";
  • "Nurse";
  • "Sun";
  • "Rostock";
  • "Orange";
  • "Oasis".

Greenhouse "Alpha"

Shed greenhouses

This type of structures is classified as extension. Shed greenhouses are convenient in that they can be placed in close proximity to the walls of any country house - a house, a summer kitchen, a fold, a barn. This is the main advantage of this type of structure. But it is also the main drawback. The fact is that in such rooms only one-sided illumination is possible. Therefore, a significant part of the daylight hours the plants will be in the shade. However, this is not always bad. If a gardener grows shade-loving crops, a shed greenhouse is one of the best choices for him. This design will save space on the site and perform the main work of shading the plants.

This type of structure can be covered with any material - polycarbonate, glass, polyethylene film. The frame can also be anything. For homemade structures, an excellent solution is wooden bars. But they will need to be covered with a moisture and bioprotective solution. You can choose any: "Senezh Ognebio" and "Senezh Ognebio Prof", "Neomid 450", "Pirilax".

Gable greenhouses

Gable greenhouses can be safely classified as universal and traditional.

There are two options for these designs:

  • with walls located at right angles to the surface of the earth;
  • with walls located at an obtuse angle to the surface of the earth.

The first option is classic. Summer residents call such greenhouses "houses".

These structures are built much more often for several reasons:

  • they are easy to install;
  • allow the use of any covering material;
  • on slopes, you can easily and simply mount vents for ventilation;
  • installation of the door will not cause difficulties;
  • you can choose any angle of the slope of the slopes and any height of the ridge;
  • there is no need for a snow protection device, since snow will not linger on a peaked roof;
  • wooden bars of any section are suitable for mounting the frame.

Important! If the greenhouse is small in size and weight, it can be installed directly on the ground without building a foundation.

But these structures also have their drawbacks. The first is that the gable greenhouse is stationary. In the case of redevelopment of the site, it is very difficult to transfer it to another place. The second drawback of these structures is that they have a significant number of joints both in the frame and in the skin. Therefore, the roof is not always airtight. If cellular polycarbonate is used, the thickness of the sheets must be at least 6 mm.

Another option is the Dachnaya-Strelka greenhouse.

Dome greenhouses

The main advantage of these greenhouses is the uniform distribution of the weight load. Therefore, for sheathing, you can use any, even the most heavy material. The frame consists of many segments of triangular, rectangular and trapezoidal shapes. A significant number of joints provides maximum frame strength.

At dome greenhouses ideal parameters streamlining, which guarantees maximum resistance to winds. These structures are not afraid of any precipitation. Snow will roll off the roof surface. This circumstance entails the need to install a sufficiently high foundation that will protect the interior from moisture penetration.

A device that makes it possible to get a good harvest. At the moment there are different kinds the specified building. All of them have good performance and made from modern materials.

Variety by purpose

There are such types of buildings as:

  • floral;
  • seedlings;
  • distributing;
  • vegetable.

In this case, the type of structure directly depends on the purpose. There is another grading system:

  • private facilities;
  • greenhouses for farming.

Overview of polycarbonate greenhouses (video)

Differences in appearance

Polycarbonate greenhouses differ in size and appearance. In form they can be:

  • drop-shaped;
  • arched;
  • polygonal;
  • gable;
  • lean-to.

arched structure

Arched polycarbonate greenhouse or have a roof in the form of an arc or arch. This feature allows snow to easily roll off the structure.

The main advantages of the design:

  • ease of transportation and assembly, simple drawing;
  • low consumption of materials;
  • excellent light transmission ability;
  • good resistance to wind load;
  • wide scope.

However, such a building for a summer residence has its drawbacks:

  • it will not be possible to grow tall plants;
  • difficult to install ventilation system.

Polygonal buildings

The presented types of polycarbonate greenhouses are produced infrequently. But at the same time they have quite good characteristics. Of the advantages of this galvanized design has:

  • excellent appearance;
  • excellent light transmission ability;
  • excellent resistance to hail and wind.

These polycarbonate greenhouses also have small disadvantages.

  • For uniform heating of the air, a modern ventilation system will have to be installed, which means that a drawing must be developed.
  • If the buildings are not square, it is difficult to assemble them.

teardrop shapes

The drop-shaped polycarbonate greenhouse and other shelter structures of the presented form have an unusual design that combines the advantages of the arched and gable systems. Proper installation of the structure gives the following advantages:

  • snow freely rolls off the roof;
  • it turns out a reinforced greenhouse made of polycarbonate, if the drawing is correctly executed;
  • light transmission is excellent.

The presented types of polycarbonate greenhouses have some disadvantages:

  • installation complexity;
  • the complexity of the design, which is immediately visible in the photo.


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