Business ideas in the energy sector. Alternative energy as a business. Where can you buy solar panels in Belarus and other renewable energy sources

Renewable energy sources are becoming more and more popular around the world and often have crucial for remote regions that rely heavily on imports of fossil fuels to meet their energy needs. For example, the cost of electricity in Hawaii is three times higher than the US average, making renewable energy in the area more competitive with conventional energy sources.

Energy Excelerator was created to help aspiring entrepreneurs advance their designs in the energy sector. The $ 3 million fund was used to support new energy and energy supply projects. 42 startups became applicants for receiving funds from this fund, and below are the 3 most interesting ideas from this cohort.

Pono home

Pono Home offers its customers to improve energy efficiency and provide energy savings in their home or business systems. To do this, they conduct an energy audit right on the spot in the house or office, after which they immediately implement energy saving measures. This is much more effective than simply issuing a report to the client with recommendations that he must follow on his own. And the average payback period for the company's services for clients of private households is about a year, for enterprises - from 3 to 6 months.


The SheerWind startup was created to search for technologies to reduce the noise of wind turbines.

Invelox technology, patented. SheerWind, is the accumulation of wind from all directions into a tunnel, in which the speed of the air flow increases several times, and then this flow is passed through several wind turbines, which convert the energy of the stream, which has a higher density, into electric current. At the exit, the tunnel widens and the outgoing flow rate decreases.

Also, Invelox technology, in addition to reducing the noise of wind turbines, has a number of advantages over traditional wind turbines. In particular, it allows electricity to be generated even at wind speeds of less than 2 miles per hour, versus 8 miles per hour for traditional turbines, and is not dangerous for birds. In addition, support costs are reduced by 50 percent and plant efficiency is increased by more than 70 percent.

Startup Edisun is building commercial concentrator solar power plants in combination with energy storage. The technology consists of an array of mirrors that collect the sun's rays and direct them onto a container filled with locally sourced stones. Thanks to solar energy, the stones are heated to a temperature of 500 degrees Celsius and retain this heat for a long time. The company says the technology is less sophisticated than molten salt energy storage and 50 times cheaper than conventional batteries at $ 10 per kilowatt hour. At the same time, such a device is capable of generating electricity at any time of the day and does not require any exotic materials or special handling.

This plant converts solar energy into heat and then sends it to a heat exchanger to generate electricity. The advantage of this installation is its relatively small size, which allows it to be placed in smaller areas than other solar projects, and as a result of its small size, the installation price is much lower than similar analogs.

The company has deployed a demo version of the 25 kilowatt-hour unit designed to store energy for 5 hours in Pasadena, California. The company is building a more powerful unit for 100 kilowatt-hours for energy storage from 8 to 12 hours with the assistance of Energy Excelerator.

As interest in alternative energy sources grows, so does their share in global electricity consumption. And what is the main criterion, so to speak, the main incentive for a person to develop renewable energy, except for the desire to make the world more environmentally friendly? Probably, like in any other activity, this is an opportunity to make money. Let's try to look at alternative energy sources from the point of view of doing business.

General principle of making a profit

Under the alternative sources we will understand to a greater extent solar and wind energy, as the most popular today. It is clear that there are many types of renewable sources, and each has its own characteristics. No matter what kind of energy is used, the principle is always the same. The state undertakes to buy energy generated from a renewable source at a tariff with the use of increasing coefficients. This is today the main incentive in any country in the world for the development of alternative energy sources. Otherwise, companies supplying energy from renewable sources simply would not be able to withstand the competition. Raising coefficients in different countries differ and also diversify in terms of energy types and time. For example, in Belarus for solar power plants, the coefficient is 3 for 10 years. Those. the state will buy solar energy for 10 years at three times more than the current tariff.

That. the company builds a renewable energy power plant, connects it to the grid and sells the energy. The second option for involvement in alternative energy is the sale of equipment (solar panels, wind generators, inverters, etc.), as well as the installation and assembly of independent systems.

Documentation required for the construction of a solar power plant

All the necessary documentation can be conditionally divided into several points:

  1. Project documentation. It includes a large amount of work: selection of a site for a project, calculation of the station's capacity, selection of equipment, etc. Even before the project, you will have to contact the power supply organization to obtain those. conditions, as well as local authorities power to allocate land.
  2. Confirmation certificate, where it is confirmed that email. the station is indeed a renewable energy source.
  3. Business plan. Everything is the same as in any field of activity. The payback period of the project, profitability, number of personnel, etc. are determined.
  4. Contract with power supply organization... After going through the torments of hell, in the final part, an agreement is concluded with the power supply organization, where the parties already agree on how they will interact, the tariff at which the power system will sell electricity is determined.

This we do not yet cover construction, examination and commissioning, but only highlighted in general outline main points. Those. the package of documents is very decent, and all this takes a lot of time.

Theoretically physical. a person can also easily install solar panels not only for their own needs, but also for sale to the network. In the case of using solar panels for yourself, the task is greatly simplified; in another version, you will have to collect all the same documents as for legal entities. persons.

According to the Tax Code (Art.96) jur. faces and individual entrepreneurs are exempt from VAT on the import of renewable energy sources.

What is the payback period for solar and wind power plants?

The payback period of a solar power plant depends on many factors: capacity, location, tariff, operating costs, etc. As a result, it can vary from a few years to 12-13 years. The situation is similar with wind turbines.

Solar power plant operation

The service life of the panels is 25-30 years. As for the service personnel, its number is minimal; two electricians and one engineer and technical staff are enough. The solar power plant does not require any special work. In the order of current operation, it is necessary to wipe dust, mow the grass, remove snow, and carry out temperature control of the panels. If it is necessary to make repairs, then it can be done in the evening or at night, when the power plant does not generate electricity. As a rule, the panels are easy to install, so replacing them is not difficult. Wind farms are more difficult to repair. To do this, it is often necessary to involve special equipment and carry out work in calm weather.

Potential risks

  • Great dependence on weather conditions. The risk of not reaching the planned capacity.
  • Possibility of error at the design stage. Today, there are not many specialists with real experience in the design and construction of renewable power plants. In the case of renewable sources, it is important correct definition sites and further operation.
  • Changes in legislation in the direction of decreasing multiplying coefficients. This factor is a risk for those who are still planning to build renewable plants. For those who sell equipment for such systems, such a possibility does not bode well either.
  • When it comes to selling alternative sources, European manufacturers are forced to compete with cheaper Chinese counterparts. As a result, some of them had to leave the market. In Belarus and other CIS countries given market practically undeveloped. Individuals are not actually interested in buying the same solar panels. Below are several companies from Belarus selling alternative energy sources.

Where can you buy solar panels in Belarus and other renewable energy sources

  • Taikun (Mogilev) - construction of power plants for renewable energy sources, as well as the sale of wind turbines, solar modules.
  • EcoSnabGroup (Minsk) - supply solar photovoltaic cells, collectors, energy-saving systems, gas saving systems.
  • Glavenergo (Minsk) - they offer the construction of solar and wind power plants in installments.
  • EcoEnergy (Minsk). - is engaged in the sale of solar panels, collectors and other elements of the autonomous network. Recently closed this direction and sell the leftovers from the warehouse
  • WESWEN (Gomel and Mogilev) - sale solar collectors, panels, controllers, wind turbines, inverters, heat pumps
  • SunnyTech (Borisov) - construction of solar power plants on the territory of the Republic of Belarus.

Discussion: 4 comments left.

    I have developed many mobile ALTERNATIVE ENERGY SOURCES - these are: -
    - autonomous hydroelectric power plants using the energy of water hammer;
    - wind generators whose rotors are disk-type airships;
    If the USSR were alive, I had no problems with their manufacture and their serial production, as well as self-takeoff sails for towing watercraft on water; hydro-jet propulsive devices of the ejector type and many other progressive ones from the total number I have developed so far and = 9902 intellectual developments and dozens of patents (USSR; RUSSIA; LITHUANIA)!

  1. Windmills and solar panels are not alternative sources in the classical definition. The very first power plants were thermal, then hydro. And this is like a Peltier element on a kerosene lamp. I even saw a rarity alive, an "accordion" of Soviet-made thermocouples, an "alternative source". The only alternative source, stably working, in terms of reliability comparable to a TPP is the NPP and its clones (possible). So far, there is only chatter on torii, about thermonuclear to Mr. Velikhov.
    I don't know real climatic conditions in Belarus, the number of sunny days, the gradient of wind loads on wind turbines, etc. But I know about my house in Vladivostok. An ordinary five-story "Khrushchev" building with 60 apartments. Single-phase connection for each apartment, at the rate of 10 kW / h of maximum consumption. The norms are outdated, but somehow still lacking. In reality, there are fewer peaks in the morning and evening. No weather factor (heaters). For simplicity, we take 500 kW / h and estimate the number of solar panels and wind generators. Backup batteries, inverters and distribution - switching equipment. Collected, handed over. It’s not even a typhoon, but a cyclone with a wind of 20 - 40 meters / sec. Monthly rate of snow and rain. And even at the same time. It's better not to think about what will happen to the equipment. The panels will still thaw if. And the "turntables" will fly far away and by themselves. Even if we have it once or twice a year, on Sakhalin it is an ordinary phenomenon, almost every month. In Belarus, the climate in any case is not so “crazy”, but in any case, all this dubious pleasure will fly out for a penny. Difficult, unreliable, expensive to maintain, depends on climatic conditions, etc. Dignity - does not smoke, coal-gas is not needed. The people themselves will buy it and burn fires in the yard.
    The entire infrastructure of human civilization is tied to electric motors. They consume two thirds of the generated electricity worldwide.

A business that is directly related to the energy sector is very prestigious nowadays, however, it is very difficult and risky, requiring responsibility and attentiveness from the entrepreneur and his employees. Speaking specifically, the energy business is a business that is associated with the fuel and energy complex. You should choose a business in this area, referring to economic assessments and subjective preferences, primarily on their financial opportunities, knowledge and skills, experience and the like. Let's now consider some business ideas in the energy sector, it is quite possible that it is from these business ideas that you will find the one that you go to translate into reality.

Solar powered business

Surely many of you know that the Sun is an inexhaustible source of energy, and no power plant in the world can compare with it. And only a stupid person will not use such natural wealth for his own earnings.

And if you are not a stupid person, then the solar powered business is for you. Let's consider it now.

Solar panels are quite economical and are capable of heating a couple of hundred liters of water in a very short time. And, as you know, hot water is used everywhere, and most importantly, in heating various rooms. For example, in order to heat a small apartment, you need about 200 liters of hot water in one day. This is where solar panels can help. In other words, wherever hot water is needed, solar panels will help. And this, in turn, suggests that this business is in great demand.

Solar cells are made from polymers. They are heated by the sun and are small in size. The sunny side is protected cellular polycarbonate... The entire battery has an aluminum frame. Nowadays, a distinction is made between winter and summer batteries. The only difference is that summer batteries are simpler and they have natural circulation. And for the operation of winter batteries, you need a special pump, a timer and a tank filled with antifreeze. Solar panels are not difficult to fix during construction in blocks and subsequently they will be used both in summer and in winter.

Solar panels convert sunlight into electrical current. These batteries are just great idea for business. However, to our great regret, solar energy has not yet been developed in the Russian Federation, since there is no support in this area. And this suggests that there is practically no competition in this business, which means that you can make good money.

In order to make a solar panel, you need to go through several stages. First you need to prepare the flint plate, then clean and rinse it after cutting. Then you need to create a topology on the surface of the plate and apply phosphorus, with
subsequent removal of the excess. The next layer is the reflection layer, followed by drying. Well, the last step is the contacts on the plate, its alignment, and finally, the battery check and testing.

As for the costs of creating a solar battery, they average 15,000 rubles, and the monthly profit is about 50,000 rubles. As you can see, all expenses will pay off in the first month of work.

First of all, I would like to note that this business is very profitable and successful. Such bracelets have appeared in our life quite recently, but are already very popular in American, European and Asian countries. They are worn by famous footballers such as David Beckham and Cristiano Ronaldo, famous actors such as Robert De Niro. V Russian Federation these bracelets are popular too.

Why are bracelets so popular? Because they, thanks to the negative ions contained in them, help to improve sleep and appetite, accelerate recovery, and reduce fatigue.

How to implement a similar business idea in the energy sector? To open similar business you first need to open your online store through which the sale of bracelets will take place.

There are several options for conducting this business: buy ready-made bracelets and sell them at a higher price, and you can also start making such bracelets yourself. But I would like to note right away that the second option is not suitable for everyone, since it requires very large investments. The first option is not so costly and is recouped in the first month if all purchased bracelets are sold. For example, you bought 100 bracelets for 150 rubles, and sold for 1500 rubles. Total revenue from one bracelet is 1,350 rubles. And accordingly, from 100 bracelets your revenue will amount to 135,000. Not bad, considering that you do not need to do practically anything, except how to launch an advertisement and deliver the goods to the customer.

Business idea energy audit

Energy prices only go up every year. And apparently, it will not be lower, but only higher. That is why the business of energy audit of premises will be in great demand. Energy audit is an extensible concept, but in this article we will consider an energy audit using a thermal imager, that is, an electronic device that converts infrared radiation into a conventional image.

Where can you use energy erudite? For example, in construction. For example, having folded a log house at home, you need to caulk all the joints of the logs. This work is very expensive and also very time consuming. This can be done much cheaper and faster with a thermal imager, which will identify all problem areas and help seal joints only in problem areas. And many more where.

A simple thermal imager costs about 110,000 rubles. For novice businessmen, this is enough. The energy erudite service for a small space costs about 11,000 rubles in Moscow. Your income will depend only on you, but one thing is certain that the business will pay off after holding 10 such energy erudite premises. If you carry out such procedures for large rooms, then the costs will pay off much earlier.

To date, the total investment in energy development has exceeded 1 trillion. dollars, which indicates the huge interest of investors in the development of this industry. For example, in the list of development priorities for such a world-renowned company as Shell, alternative energy is on the second place after the gas industry.

If we talk about specific states, then the leaders here are countries such as:

  • China;
  • Germany;
  • Austria;
  • Denmark and other Scandinavian states.

Today in Europe, alternative sources account for about 8-10% of all energy produced. According to experts, by 2025 their market share may increase to 25%. In fairness, it should be noted that the development of alternative energy is far from cheap pleasure, therefore, only economically developed countries can afford to invest in this industry.

In Russia

Our country has nothing to boast about yet. Today we have about two dozen solar power plants and about the same number of wind farms. Most of them are located in the Crimea. Several geothermal stations operate in Kamchatka. There are several biogas stations in operation, in particular in the Belgorod region and others. Several dozen more facilities for the production of energy from alternative sources are at the design stage and preparation for construction.

Russian oil and gas companies today are more concerned with solving applied tasks, for example, the creation of combined installations that are capable of producing electricity from several natural sources at once. As an example, we can cite the successfully implemented projects of RN-Krasnodarneftegaz and RN-Purneftegaz for the installation of wind generators with integrated solar panels in a number of regions of the country.

However, it is not yet necessary to speak about the solution of any strategic tasks on a national scale. And here we are talking not only about the unwillingness of business and the state to invest in the development of alternative energy, but also in a number of objective reasons, which will be discussed below.

Solar power plants (SES)

One of the promising areas for the development of alternative energy production. It would seem that there is nothing easier - put a lot of solar panels and live - do not grieve. But it’s not that simple. Despite the huge potential of SES, their construction is associated with a number of difficulties. These experts include:

  • sufficient high cost of construction (the cost per 1 kW of power is several thousand dollars, which is much higher than that of the same thermal power plants);
  • low efficiency (the efficiency of solar panels is 16%, that is, for example, in Russia, 1 square meter of solar panels can produce about 160 W of electricity);
  • limited service life (over 20 years of service, the power of the electricity produced by solar panels decreases by about 15%);
  • dependence on weather conditions and time of day;
  • difficulties associated with transportation and storage (batteries cost several times more than the solar cells themselves).

It is clear that it is most profitable to locate SES in areas close to the equator, since there is electricity from 1 sq. m. can be mined many times more than in Europe or in Russia. However, there are still no sufficiently effective and cheap ways of storing and transporting the electricity produced in this way. Hopefully, these problems will be resolved in the not so distant future. Today, these technologies are actively being developed in countries such as Germany and China, which are considered leaders in the use of solar energy. Work is underway to improve the efficiency of solar cells. There are already batteries that have efficiencies exceeding 40%, but their manufacturing costs are still very high.

Wind turbines

Wind is one of the oldest sources of energy. Humanity has been using it for many millennia. Windmills can serve as prototypes for wind turbines, and the very first wind turbine was developed in Denmark back in 1890. Today Scandinavia is one of the world leaders in converting wind energy into electricity. Countries such as Germany, Spain and others are not lagging behind Denmark and Norway. By the way, the first wind turbine in Russia (its power was 100 kW, and the blade span was 30 meters) also appeared relatively long ago - in 1933, but later the technology did not receive proper development. Today on the territory of our country "wind turbines" are installed in the Kaliningrad, Rostov, Murmansk regions, in Chuvashia, Chukotka and in other Russian regions, but their number is total production electricity in our country is negligible.

The main disadvantages of converting wind to electricity are the long term return on investment and dependence on meteorological conditions... Therefore, today there are active developments in the field of creating so-called VS-stations - installations that can simultaneously or alternately (depending on the weather) generate electricity from wind and sunlight.

In total, according to the estimates of meteorologists on our planet, the wind produces more than 1.5 trillion annually. kW of energy. The main thing is to learn how to use it correctly and most effectively.


It has both its supporters and opponents. The first ones argue their position by the fact that the reserves of various biomass, suitable for processing into gas and other types of fuel, are enormous on the planet. The material can be waste from the woodworking industry and the agro-industrial complex, For example, in Russia, waste from the activities of agricultural enterprises is 600 million tons per year. Here we are talking about:

  • chicken droppings;
  • cow and pig manure;
  • slaughterhouse waste;
  • silo, etc.

From one ton of waste, on average, 50-60 cubic meters of biogas can be obtained.

Opponents of the use of biofuels, first of all, say that it cannot be considered a fully ecological product, since traditional hydrocarbon carriers are involved in production.

Nevertheless, the high level of efficiency, which can reach 50-60%, and the huge reserves of biomass on the planet indicate that given view production will be actively developed in the future. Countries such as Spain, China and Japan are actively developing in this area, where they are now actively working on technologies for the extraction of biogas and even aviation fuel from seaweed.

Russia today has experience of interesting developments in the field of creating small plants for the processing of biomass. They can be successfully used to provide the same agricultural enterprises with energy resources.

Can alternative energy generate income?

Definitely yes. However, the implementation of large projects also requires quite serious investments, which will not pay off in a year or two. That is, we need long-term investments that only large domestic companies can afford.

Small and medium-sized enterprises also have quite serious prospects, which can earn good income by doing:

  • the production of solar panels and or wind turbines;
  • service installations;
  • installation of wind turbines and other equipment.

Solar cells and wind turbines are becoming more affordable for ordinary homeowners. If 5-7 years ago the cost of a 5 kW wind generator was about 500-700 thousand rubles, today they can be purchased at a price of 130 thousand. They can be used to equip country houses, small rural settlements etc.

According to the heads of companies that are already engaged in the production and sale of such installations, the difficulty lies in the search for a stable sales market. It's all about the long-term payback of the equipment, which for the same wind turbines is from 5 to 7 years. Find applicants among the population in central regions it is not so easy for countries with free access to traditional and currently cheaper main energy sources. Nevertheless, there are many remote and inaccessible regions in Russia that still do not have electricity and gas supply and can consume a significant amount of goods and services produced in the field of alternative energy.

Business plan energy company is the foundation for an organization that seeks to become a leader in the sale and provision of services in this field of activity in emerging markets. A third of the world's population does not use electricity. Many of these people live in remote rural areas of the world's extremely poor countries.

World development is nothing more than a multibillion-dollar foreign exchange industry, led by the World Bank. It finances the largest projects by providing them with gigantic cash... Over the past ten years, the demand for electricity has grown relentlessly and, today, has risen by 40%. It should be noted that the amount of energy consumption prone to recovery turned out to be much higher than the amount of fossil fuels used.

According to experts, the demand for electricity is growing every year, and its maximum growth is expected in the developing countries of the world.

All this makes you wonder how to start an energy business.

How to open an energy company?

For this, a company wishing to open an energy enterprise must act as a supplier, contractor power equipment, which was developed specifically for developing countries. Such a company should become a monopoly on the electricity market. The task of such a company is to provide energy generated by solar panels, that is, available. In this case, customers will be able to pay for the installation of such equipment in monthly installments. And if you build a power plant: solar or wind, as well as a center for the provision of various services to the population, such as a water pump, computers, coffee makers, coffee grinders, refrigerators, then the company's success is inevitable.

Additional functions may also be included in the business plan of an energy company. These include educational tasks. If the company not only provides alternative energy sources, but manages to train people, create the necessary motivation to open own business, then clients will gladly go to cooperation with an organization of this kind. That is, summing up, we can say that with a competent placement of accents, you can not only increase your level of well-being, but also raise the level of the entire region.


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