Partners. Partners ISO TS 16949 new version

What is ISO/TS 16949:2009

These are special requirements for the application of the ISO 9001-2008 standard for manufacturers of automobiles and automotive parts. The technical specification ISO / TS 16949:2009 (GOST R 51814.1-2009) is intended to improve the quality management system used in the design, development and manufacture of automotive products, as well as their maintenance during operation.

Application of ISO/TS 16949:2009

The ISO 16949 standard applies to the production sites of the enterprise, where components and elements are produced, the characteristics of which are specified in technical requirements customer. Ancillary services such as administrative offices, design offices and distribution centers are subject to production audit and cannot be certified separately even if they are located in another territory.

ISO 16949 can be applied to any company whose activity is related to the production of equipment and components for the production of automotive products. In practice, having an ISO 16949 2009 certificate is prerequisite for the successful business of most of the leading companies in the automotive industry.

Benefits of the ISO 16949 system

Working to ISO 16949 standards brings clear benefits:

  • Reduce scrap and waste.
  • Achieved through a systematic approach to certification. In practice, this makes it possible to increase the efficiency of all production processes, which will inevitably lead to a reduction in waste and the cost of unproductive use of resources and time.
  • Simplifying business.
  • At its core, an ISO 16949 certificate is a license to trading activity. In other words, ISO 16949 certification is a prerequisite for trading operations, as it indicates the reliability of the company as a business partner.
  • Simplicity and flexibility of application.
  • Since this standard is based on the ubiquitous ISO 9001, it is easily combined with most other management systems, from OHSAS 18001 to ISO 14001, and can also complement a number of other business development methodologies, such as FMEA or PPAP.
  • Reputation boost.
  • Partners and clients receive a weighty confirmation of the high quality of the company's products, and also helps to increase its investment attractiveness.
  • Reducing the cost of additional third-party audits.

The company "BSK" also assists in the provision of services for the development, implementation and certification of a quality management system at enterprises operating in the field of production and maintenance of cars.

IN modern world With ever-higher demands on the quality of automotive products, companies operating in the automotive industry need to constantly improve their products to meet the growing needs of the global market. To increase competitiveness and attract new consumers, many enterprises organize their activities in accordance with the technical specification ISO/TS 16949.

ISO/TS 16949 (ISO/TS 16949 The Quality Management System for Manufacturers of Parts and Parts for the Automotive Industry is an international industry standard designed to help improve the supply chain of the automotive industry. Standard ISO/TS 16949:2002 developed by the International Working automotive group(IATF) in cooperation with the Japan Automobile Manufacturers Association (JAMA) and by ISO and takes into account the requirements of American, French, German and Italian legislation in the field of automotive industry.

Data sheet ISO/TS 16949 based on ISO 9000 standards and the American standard QS - 9000. The object of standardization are quality management systems implemented at enterprises producing serial and spare parts for the automotive industry. This specification can be used by organizations of any size engaged in the manufacture, development, installation and maintenance of automotive products. For many companies certification management systems for compliance ISO/TS 16949 is a mandatory procedure for trading in foreign markets.

Implementation ISO/TS 16949 allows companies:

  • minimize the number of defective products. Data sheet ISO/TS 16949 involves the use of a process approach to the organization of production, which makes it possible to increase the efficiency of production, reduce unproductive costs of resources and time, minimizing the percentage of defects;
  • optimize the production process in accordance with the characteristics of the company;
  • effectively operate in foreign markets and attract foreign partners, since the standard ISO/TS 16949 has international recognition;
  • participate in tenders for the manufacture of components for national and foreign automakers;
  • comply with the terms of contracts for the supply of products to individual organizations;
  • improve reputation trademark, as consumers place ever higher demands on the quality of automotive products, and the presence of a certificate of conformity to the requirements ISO/TS 16949 guarantees the stability of the manufacturing company and the high quality of its products;
  • implement an effective quality management system with minimal time and financial costs. Standard ISO/TS 16949 compatible with other management systems ( for example , ISO 14001) and can serve as an addition to other business management methods;
  • avoid additional costs due to the need for duplication of documents. Certificate of conformity ISO/TS16949 exempts the organization from the need to obtain similar documents (QS-9000, VDA6.1, ASQ and EAQF) and conduct multiple certification audits by second and third parties.

Regional system of voluntary certification of management systems and personnel "

ISO/TS 16949- an international industry standard, as well as a technical specification developed by the International Organization for Standardization ISO. The standard describes the requirements for quality management systems of enterprises engaged in the design, development, production, installation and maintenance of automotive products.

History of ISO/TS 16949

ISO/TS 16949 was prepared by the IATF International Automotive Working Group and the Japan Automobile Manufacturers Association JAMA with the support of ISO technical committee TC 176. The standard is based on the structure of the ISO 9001:2008 standard and includes additions specific to the automotive industry. The predecessor of ISO/TS 16949 is the American standard QS-9000.

The current version 3 of ISO/TS 16949 was released in 2009 following the reissue of ISO 9001:2008.

Development stages:

1999 - adoption of the first edition of ISO / TS 16949. Development was carried out by ISO / TC 176 and created by the International Automotive Task Force IATF.

2002 - adoption of the second edition of ISO / TS 16949. The standard is based on process approach ISO 9001:2000. The Japanese Automobile Manufacturers Association JAMA joined the development.

2009 - adoption of the third edition of ISO / TS 16949 (Only minor changes were made to the standard. The concept remained the same)

Goals of ISO/TS 16949

The objectives of creating ISO/TS 16949 is to establish requirements for an organization's quality management system, which aims to:

Continuous improvement;

Defect prevention;

Reduced variation and waste in the supply chain.

These goals transform the quality management system, established in accordance with ISO 9001:2008, into a quality tool that actually controls the entire organization.

The ISO/TS 16949 standard is applicable to all organizations in the production and supply chain of equipment and components for the automotive industry.

The term "automobile" includes:

  1. cars,
  2. buses,
  3. motorcycles,
  4. trucks,
  5. but excludes special equipment, such as tractors, snowplows, etc.

Manufacturers of automotive spare parts or providers of ancillary services such as warehousing, transportation, calibration, and others are not eligible for ISO/TS 16949 quality management system certification.

Structure of ISO/TS 16949

The requirements of the standard are presented in five sections (section names are identical to ISO 9001:2008):

  1. Quality Management System,
  2. management responsibility,
  3. resource management,
  4. Product creation processes
  5. Measurement, analysis and improvement.

Appendix A of the standard provides the form of a Management Plan.

In each of the sections there are additional requirements to ISO 9001 that are specific to the automotive industry. The main additional requirements are contained in Section 7 "Product Development Processes" and include, for example, the following items:

7.1.3 Privacy Special characteristics specified by the user Ability to manufacture products by the organization Multidisciplinary approach Prototype test program Product approval process Development of the supplier's quality management system Work instructions Verification of setups

7.6.1 Analysis of measuring systems

7.6.3 Requirements for laboratories

Implementation BenefitsISO/TS 16949

Compliance with the requirements of the ISO/TS16949 standard entails certain advantages:

Reduce waste and minimize defects. The implementation of this paragraph is based on the introduction of a process approach. Thanks to its use, the company has the opportunity to increase the efficiency of production processes, and as a result, reduce the number of produced defects and the cost of resources and time.

Trading license. Certification is a prerequisite for trade relations for almost all automotive companies, since this system greatly facilitates doing business, as it is considered universally recognized throughout the world.

Simplicity and flexibility of application. Since ISO/TS16949 is based on ISO 9001, it is easy to integrate with other management systems already in place, such as OHSAS 18001 and ISO 14001. As a result, the implementation of ISO/TS16949 requires much less financial and time costs, while providing good prospects for further business development.

Maintaining a good brand reputation. Partners and clients of the organization are interested in the fact that the quality of the manufacturer's products was confirmed. Therefore, the presence of a certificate of conformity with the requirements of ISO / TS16949 entails consistently high product quality and indicates the stability of the supplier company.

Reduce costs by eliminating the need for duplication. Obtaining an ISO/TS16949 certificate of conformity facilitates exemption from obtaining similar documents such as EAQF, AVSF, QS-9000, etc. Also, auditing by second and third parties is optional.

All major automotive manufacturers worldwide require their suppliers of automotive components to implement ISO/TS 16949:2009. This also applies to second and subsequent tier suppliers (suppliers of suppliers, etc.).

Statistics forISO/TS-16949:20091

At the beginning of 2012, at least 47,512 ISO/TS - 16949:2009 certificates were issued in 86 countries, an increase of 8% (+ 3,566). The leading countries in terms of the total number of ISO/TS 16949:2009 certificates issued were China , the Republic of Korea and the United States, China, India and the Republic of Korea were the leaders in terms of the growth in the number of issued certificates.

Document's name:
Document Number: ISO/TU 16949-2009
Type of document: GOST R
Host body: Rosstandart
Status: current
Published: official publication
Acceptance date: June 30, 2009
Effective start date: 01 July 2010
Revision date: November 30, 2010

GOST R ISO/TU 16949-2009 Quality management systems. Particular requirements for the application of ISO 9001:2008 in the automotive industry and organizations producing related spare parts (with Amendment No. 1, as amended)

GOST R ISO/TU 16949-2009. Quality management systems. Specific requirements for the application of ISO 9001:2008 in the automotive industry and organizations producing related spare parts (with Amendment N 1)

Document's name: GOST R ISO/TU 16949-2009 Quality management systems. Particular requirements for the application of ISO 9001:2008 in the automotive industry and organizations producing related spare parts (with Amendment No. 1, as amended)
Document Number: ISO/TU 16949-2009
Type of document: GOST R
Host body: Rosstandart
Status: current
Published: official publication

M.: Standartinform, 2009

Acceptance date: June 30, 2009
Effective start date: 01 July 2010
Revision date: November 30, 2010

The whole is mastered in parts.
Seneca. Letters to Lucilius.

All major automakers (not only Western, but also Russian) require their suppliers to build a quality management system (QMS) that meets the requirements of ISO 9001:2000. This topic is already familiar to most enterprises, and many this task decided. But this is only the first step: today, a new requirement is included in contracts for the supply of automotive components - the development and certification of a QMS in accordance with the requirements of ISO / TS 16949:2002 "Special requirements for the use of ISO 9001:2000 for producer organizations serial and spare parts for the automotive industry"

The second step will be much more difficult, but this customer demand must be met if organizations hope to continue to receive orders from them. This is required by car manufacturers because "the purpose of this specification is to develop a QMS that provides for continuous improvement, with an emphasis on preventing defects and reducing variation, and reducing unnecessary costs in the supply chain." Compliance by the supplier with the requirements of ISO/TS 16949:2002 significantly reduces the risks of consumers to receive low-quality products or not receive them on time.

It should be noted that although the requirement to create a QMS that meets the requirements of ISO / TS 16949:2002 is included in the supply contracts, some organizations have not yet begun to implement it and do not even imagine how much work remains to be done and how much time it will take . And it will take a lot of time to build a QMS and its certification, and it will be measured not in months, but in years! And that's why.

First, ISO 9001:2000 and ISO/TS 16949:2002 are "two big differences" in terms of the scope of requirements. The following significant differences between the requirements of ISO/TS 16949:2002 and the requirements of ISO 9001:2000 can be noted (comments in italics):

    the composition of mandatory records, documented procedures and other documents has changed ( the composition has increased significantly, but all the documents are necessary and important, and their presence has a positive effect on the results of the organization);

    QMS processes need to be analyzed not only in terms of their effectiveness, but also efficiency ( it is necessary to introduce criteria for the effectiveness of processes);

    management's review of the QMS should include: evaluation of the "cost of poor quality" ( it is necessary to keep a record of the quality costs associated with the appearance and elimination of defects, and draw conclusions based on the information received) and analysis of actual and potential failures during product operation;

    training of personnel in the workplace must be carried out before starting a new or changed work that affects product quality ( changed technological process- personnel must be trained before starting work);

    the organization should measure the degree of awareness of its employees about the significance (relevance, necessity) and importance of their activities, as well as evaluate the contribution of each of them to the achievement of quality objectives ( it is hardly possible to do without a staff survey);

    Methods for evaluating and monitoring the effectiveness of ongoing operations for the movement of materials, handling them and using space should be developed and implemented ( it is necessary to determine the evaluation criteria, for example: production cycle time, warehouse load level, transportation distance, etc., which can be used as information for reflection);

    the organization shall prepare contingency plans to meet customer requirements in the event of emergencies such as: utility outages, shortages work force, failure of key equipment and returns from service ( it is necessary to determine and record the actions of the organization in relation to minimizing the risks of consumers not receiving products on time);

    product requirements include and "all applicable government regulations, safety regulations, and regulations related to security issues environment that apply to the acquisition, storage, handling, reuse, destruction or disposal of materials" ( there is work for environmentalists);

    the organization must fulfill certain requirements not only in the design of products, but also in the design of manufacturing processes ( requirements relate to input and output data, verification and validation);

    when designing products and processes, it is necessary to conduct an analysis of the types and consequences of potential failures of products and processes (FMEA); the organization shall follow a product and manufacturing process approval procedure that is recognized by the customer and apply it to its suppliers ( part production approval process (PPAP) or other procedure approved by the customer);

    The organization should develop the supplier's QMS. Unless otherwise specified by the customer, the organization's suppliers must be registered with ISO compliance 9001:2000 by an accredited certification body ( this and the previous difference add a lot of work to the logistics departments of organizations);

    management plans must be developed for putting products into production and production. Control plan - a document containing certain information about the parameters of the production process, product characteristics and much more ( requirements for the composition of information - in Annex A of ISO / TS 16949: 2002);

    there should be documented work instructions for all workers responsible for the implementation of processes that affect product quality ( maybe so "lucky" that you have to develop work instructions and for the cleaner, if the quality of her work will directly affect the quality of the product);

    maintenance of equipment should be planned and preventive, taking into account the use of methods of predictive Maintenance (repairing only when something is broken is no longer enough);

    the organization shall establish and implement a production tooling management system ( define rules and allocate resources for design, manufacture, acceptance, storage, maintenance, repair, etc.);

    validation of all production processes and after-sales service (not only the so-called special processes, but ALL processes without exception);

    the organization should be able to communicate the necessary information to the consumer in the language and format specified by him ( which implies a certain level of computerization);

    a measurement systems analysis (MSA) must be carried out;

    internal audit should include not only an audit of the QMS, but also an audit of products and manufacturing processes, and it should cover all types of activities and shifts ( the number of audits has become much larger, and therefore an increase in the staff of auditors is required);

    production processes should be monitored to evaluate and ensure their reproducibility ( what it means to implement the SPC methodology - statistical process control);

    the organization must obtain permission from the customer not only in case of non-compliance with the established requirements in relation to products, but also in relation to manufacturing processes ( information on what deviations and how to respond to can be found in the relevant product and manufacturing process approval procedures recognized by the consumer);

    an organization must have a defined process for solving problems, leading to the identification and elimination of their root causes, and taking into account the use of the problem solving format, which is prescribed by a particular consumer ( almost any format requires organizations to take immediate action to eliminate the problem or nonconformity (correction) and take subsequent action (corrective) to eliminate the root causes of the problem);

    In order to eliminate the cause of the nonconformity, the organization shall apply the implemented corrective and control actions to other similar processes and products ( stepped on a rake - remove all the rakes from the road, and not just those that were stepped on).

As can be seen from the above, the volume of requirements has increased quite significantly (and not all the differences are shown here, since it makes no sense to rewrite the entire technical specification - take it and read it). And accordingly, in proportion to the increase in the number of requirements, the time to prepare for the implementation of these requirements will also increase.

Secondly, it will take a lot of time to master and implement methods such as FMEA, SPC, MSA.
The last two methods are related to statistics. However, it is possible to reduce the time for statistical processing of the results by applying the appropriate software. In our age, knocking on the keys of a calculator means it is irrational to use work time, especially since a large number of calculations will be required.

Thirdly, the timing of the implementation of the project to build a QMS with subsequent certification will increase because the certification rules have changed. If earlier (when certifying the QMS for compliance with the requirements of ISO 9001:2000) it was enough to demonstrate that the organization met the requirements for at least three months, and after that it was possible to conduct a certification audit, now this is not enough. In accordance with the certification rules set out in the ISO/TS 16949:2002 Automotive Certification Scheme, in order to conduct an audit, an organization must demonstrate compliance with the requirements of ISO/TS 16949:2002 within 12 months, which must be confirmed by relevant records.

So the terms for building a QMS with subsequent certification will increase significantly. It will take approximately ten months to one and a half years to create a QMS, and at least a year will be spent on direct work in accordance with the requirements of ISO / TS 16949:2002. The dates are approximate, and they are real only for those enterprises that already have practical experience QMS implementation that meet the requirements of ISO 9001:2000. If there is no experience, then it will take some more time (at least six months - a year). These are such "sad" figures.

If you have already implemented a QMS that meets the requirements of the ISO 9001:2000 standard, then, without wasting time, start improving the QMS taking into account the requirements of ISO / TS 16949:2002. First, read the requirements of the specification, and then proceed to implement those requirements that you understand. For example, the document requires that "top management should review product development and supporting processes to ensure they are effective and efficient...regular reporting and costing of poor quality should be part of the management review." Start counting (i.e. isolate from the total amount of costs) and analyze the costs (losses) that arose due to the appearance and elimination of defects (marriage, improvements, additional control and testing, penalties, etc.). The same information can be used to evaluate the effectiveness of part of the organization's processes: product design, purchasing, product manufacturing, inspection and testing, storage and transportation.

I dare to assume that most of the new requirements will still not be understood at first. Ask questions to consumers (car manufacturers), maybe they will tell you something. However, unfortunately (for enterprises), it should be recognized that without the involvement of specialists in this field, the requirements of ISO / TS 16949:2002 are almost impossible to implement. Good help can be provided by those consulting firms that already have experience in implementing statistical methods in enterprises. Select, train specialists and move further in the implementation of the requirements of the technical specification.

Separate advice to organizations that do not yet have a QMS that meets the requirements of ISO 9001:2000 - inappropriate creation of the QMS based on the requirements of ISO/TS 16949:2002 as this is a very difficult task. It's almost like trying to get higher education, without having a completed average. To implement the requirements of ISO / TS 16949:2002, a slightly different level of personnel training is required than that available at some enterprises. If the staff does not know how (not used to) work according to the rules (instructions), then it is too early to take on ISO / TS 16949:2002. Better start with QMS development, which meets the requirements of ISO 9001:2000 . This will be a good school, a base, a step from which it will be easier to climb to the next, higher one. Develop evolutionarily, the revolutionary path is of little use in this case.

Such a volume of requirements cannot be mastered by a cavalry swoop - it is necessary in parts and systematically. There are a fairly large number of rules relating to "frogs" - the most important and difficult things to do. Here are some of them: "a frog must be eaten in parts", "if you inevitably have to eat a frog, then you should not look at it for a long time." So, if in your contract for the supply of products there is a requirement to build a QMS in accordance with the requirements of ISO / TS 16949:2002, then do not delay the start of work, proceed without delay, act in this direction gradually and constantly.


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