Job responsibilities of a handyman in a printing house. Duties and job description of a handyman. Sample of a typical job description of an auxiliary worker

notable for the fact that it can combine elements of job descriptions for workers of different working specialties (loaders, cleaners, builders, etc.). With how to define a circle job responsibilities handyman and draw up an optimal job description for an employee of this direction, our article will familiarize you.

Features of the labor functions of a handyman

In the everyday sense, it is generally accepted that the positions of loaders and handymen are practically the same thing. Indeed, both of these positions involve performing unskilled physical work, but there are also differences between them.

And first of all, the difference between these positions lies in the labor functions that such workers perform. If the main labor function of a loader is to move goods, then a handyman can be hired to perform a variety of jobs. As a matter of fact, this is where the name of the position came from - handyman. The labor functions of this employee may be:

  • cleaning;
  • movement of goods;
  • ancillary work and many others. dr.

Form and structure of the job description of a handyman, sample

Job description handyman- This is an internal document of the organization, with which each employee must be familiarized with signature when applying for this position. Accordingly, the form of the document must be written. In addition, the document must contain notes on the approval of the text with the necessary services of the organization, as well as a note on the approval of the job description by the head with the signature of the latter and the date of approval.

Don't know your rights?

Structurally, the job description usually contains the following sections:

  1. General Provisions. This block includes the requirements for candidates for the position of a handyman, a list of documents that the employee must be familiar with before hiring, and information about the place of the handyman position in general structure organizational and staffing of the enterprise. The procedure for accepting an applicant for a position, dismissing an employee and replacing him with another employee during his absence is also written here.
  2. Job responsibilities and rights of the employee. This section is key in the document. First, the job responsibilities of the handyman are listed here in the form of a list. It is important, when drawing up a job description, even for such a position as a handyman, to study what labor functions the employee will have to perform, so as not to forget to reflect the necessary duties and not burden the document with unnecessary duties. The official rights of an employee are closely related to his duties and are aimed at facilitating the performance of the latter. As a rule, for the position of a handyman, the rights include the ability to receive any information regarding his work, to have that meets the requirements of the law. workplace, make proposals regarding the performance of their official duties, etc.
  3. Section on the responsibility of the employee for improper performance of work. This section defines the degree of responsibility of the employee, as well as what such responsibility may arise for. Important: in accordance with current legislation, the responsibility for the employee should not be stricter than that provided for in the Labor Code.

The job description for a handyman ends with a specially designated place for marks about familiarization with the instructions of hired employees. Confirming that he is familiar with the job description, the employee signs and puts down the date of acquaintance. You can download a sample on our website.

Requirements for job candidates and standard job responsibilities of a handyman

Since the handyman position does not require any special qualifications and training, the requirements for candidates for this position are not very high. As a rule, getting a handyman job requires only secondary education (school) and the ability to do physical work. Even work experience is not required in most cases.

Standard job responsibilities for a handyman usually include:

  1. Ancillary and auxiliary work on the entrusted site.
  2. Loading, unloading and unloading, as well as movement of various goods.
  3. Cleaning of the designated area, workshop, warehouse, etc.
  4. Washing the floor, containers, products, windows, dishes, etc.

Thus, when forming handyman job description first of all, you need to determine in which area the employee of this specialization will work. This makes it possible to more clearly define the labor functions that he must perform, and in the end facilitates not only the preparation of the instruction itself, but also the process of labor relations subsequently.

In many areas, handymen are required. These employees perform many types of physical work. No enterprise can do without this personnel. The job description of a handyman establishes the rights and obligations of employees. You can learn about this from the article.

Labor functions

The difference lies in the work functions performed by the personnel. Movers move different loads, and handymen are required to perform various jobs. He can carry out cleaning, moving goods, carry out ancillary activities.

Before applying for a job, you need to find out about labor functions. Often these workers perform different duties. The salary differs depending on the type of enterprise.

Who can be a handyman?

The job in this position is not as bad as it might seem. Many people choose this kind of work for a part-time job or when mastering new profession... Some young people get jobs without any education. Knowledge and experience are gradually accumulating, so an employee can become a foreman or a foreman.

A part-time job will be a suitable solution for students. On the day off, they can earn a small amount, moreover, they do not need to special knowledge and skills. The advantage of part-time work is considered to be paid by the hour or by the day.

Handymen are also required at work on a rotational basis... Their income is much higher. But before employment, you must familiarize yourself with the requirements for the applicant and find out the working conditions.

Job types

Handymen can work in three types of positions:

  1. With constant employment. Jobs are offered at many companies.
  2. Temporary or seasonal employment. An example would be shift workers.
  3. One-time work. Payment is charged by hours and days.

In factories and factories, such employees perform the functions of packers, sorters, cleaners, service personnel, loaders. They often do different jobs as required by the management. In many industries, this is the most difficult activity. Moreover, it is also low-paid.

Job description form

The job description of a handyman is a document of the company, which should be familiar to each employee when hiring. The document contains notes on the alignment of the text with the services you need organization, as well as marks of approval of the job description by the management with the signature of the latter and the date.

The job description of a handyman in a warehouse or in other departments contains the following items:

  1. General Provisions. This block contains the requirements that apply to candidates for the position of a handyman, a list of documents that you need to familiarize yourself with. It is important to have information about the position of the position in the structure of the organization. The procedure for hiring, dismissing and replacing is also prescribed there.
  2. The rights and obligations of a handyman. This section is the main one. At first, labor functions are indicated in the form of a list. Rights are linked to responsibilities.
  3. Responsibility for inappropriate performance of work. The section indicates the measures that will follow in case of violation of labor discipline.

At the end of the job description, a handyman is special place for marks about familiarization with the document of employees. This confirms that all employees are aware of their rights and responsibilities.

Labor functions

The duties of a handyman are as follows:

  1. Ancillary and auxiliary work at production and construction sites.
  2. Implementation of loading, unloading, moving manually and on carts of goods.
  3. Loading, unloading, moving goods.
  4. Clearing the territory, roads, entrances.
  5. Cleaning of workshops, construction sites.
  6. Washing of floors, windows, containers.

The list of functions may vary. For example, the job description of a handyman in agriculture includes duties such as harvesting, cultivating the land, and loading products into machines. Employees are needed in the construction industry, in furniture production, in household appliances stores.


The job description indicates what the employee must and can do. Handyman movers have their own rights. The main ones include:

  1. Report to management on deficiencies in their area of ​​expertise.
  2. Making proposals for improving the work.

Also, employees have the rights provided by law, for example, to receive a salary, rest, sick leave. Their list is included in the job description of a handyman, which differs at each enterprise.

A responsibility

Handymen are responsible for:

  1. Quality and timely execution of duties.
  2. Compliance with the rules of the labor schedule.
  3. Compliance with labor protection requirements, counter fire safety.
  4. Inadequate performance of the duties specified in the instructions.
  5. Offenses during the execution of the activity.
  6. Causing material harm.


An employee's salary with bonuses and allowances should be broken down separately. Everyone has different wages, usually this is influenced by many factors:

  1. Region. Many work on a rotational basis, because such personnel receive a higher salary than those workers who work constantly in a small city.
  2. Responsibilities. Activities in a factory or plant can be well paid. Construction workers are the lowest paid, although they have difficult working conditions.
  3. Firm policy. Even in companies in the same city, there can be a difference in employee income.

Requirements for applicants

Since the position does not require qualifications and training, the requirements are not very high. Usually, only secondary education and physical stamina are needed for employment. Even experience is not needed in many cases.

Thus, the job description indicates the duties that must be performed within a particular enterprise. Each employee must clearly know labor functions, understand responsibility.


[Job title]



[Name of company]


_______________________/[FULL NAME.]/

"______" _______________ 20___


Auxiliary worker of the 1st category

1. General Provisions

1.1. This job description defines and regulates the powers, functional and job responsibilities, rights and responsibilities of an auxiliary worker of the 1st grade [Name of the organization in the genitive case] (hereinafter - the Company).

1.2. An auxiliary worker of the 1st grade is appointed and dismissed in accordance with the procedure established by the current labor legislation by order of the head of the Company.

1.3. An ancillary worker of the 1st grade belongs to the category of workers and reports directly to the [name of the position of the immediate supervisor in the dative case] of the Company.

1.4. A person with an average professional education and appropriate training without requiring any length of service.

1.5. In practice, an auxiliary worker of the 1st grade should be guided by:

  • local acts and organizational and administrative documents of the Company;
  • internal labor regulations;
  • occupational health and safety regulations, industrial sanitation and fire protection;
  • instructions, orders, decisions and instructions of the immediate supervisor;
  • this job description.

1.6. An auxiliary worker of the 1st grade should know:

  • norms, rules of loading and transportation of goods;
  • the device of containers and methods of securing the transported goods.

1.7. During the temporary absence of an auxiliary worker of the 1st grade, his duties are assigned to [the name of the position of the deputy].

2. Job responsibilities

Auxiliary worker of the 1st category carries out the following labor functions:

2.1. Ancillary and auxiliary work at production sites and construction sites, warehouses, bases, storerooms.

2.2. Loading, unloading, moving manually or on trolleys (trolleys) and stacking goods that do not require care (roll materials, parquet in bundles, boxes, barrels, cardboard, paper, plywood, lumber), as well as bulk non-dusty materials (sand, gravel, gravel, slag, coal, garbage, sawdust, metal shavings and other production waste).

2.3. Cleaning of the territory, roads, access roads.

2.4. Cleaning of workshops, construction sites and sanitary facilities.

2.5. Washing floors, windows, containers, dishes, parts and products.

In case of official necessity, an auxiliary worker of the 1st grade may be involved in the performance of his official duties overtime, in the manner prescribed by law.

3. Rights

An auxiliary worker of the 1st grade has the right to:

3.1. To get acquainted with the draft decisions of the management of the enterprise concerning its activities.

3.2. Submit proposals for improving the work related to the responsibilities provided for by this job description for the management's consideration.

3.3. Inform the immediate supervisor about all the shortcomings identified in the course of the performance of their official duties in production activities enterprises (its structural divisions) and make proposals for their elimination.

3.4. To request, personally or on behalf of the immediate supervisor, from the heads of the enterprise departments and specialists, information and documents necessary for the performance of their official duties.

3.5. To involve specialists from all (individual) structural divisions of the Company in solving the tasks assigned to him (if this is provided for by the provisions on structural units if not - with the permission of the head of the Company).

3.6. Require the management of the enterprise to assist in the performance of their duties and rights.

4. Responsibility and performance evaluation

4.1. An auxiliary worker of the 1st grade bears administrative, disciplinary and material (and in some cases stipulated by the legislation of the Russian Federation - and criminal) responsibility for:

4.1.1. Failure to comply or improper fulfillment of the official instructions of the immediate supervisor.

4.1.2. Failure to fulfill or improper fulfillment of one's own labor functions and the tasks assigned to him.

4.1.3. Misuse of the granted official powers, as well as their use for personal purposes.

4.1.4. Inaccurate information about the status of the work entrusted to him.

4.1.5. Failure to take measures to suppress the identified violations of safety regulations, fire safety and other rules that pose a threat to the activities of the enterprise and its employees.

4.1.6. Failure to enforce labor discipline.

4.2. Assessment of the work of an auxiliary worker of the 1st grade is carried out:

4.2.1. Immediate supervisor - regularly, in the process of the employee's daily performance of his labor functions.

4.2.2. Attestation Commission enterprises - periodically, but at least once every two years, based on the documented results of work for the evaluation period.

4.3. The main criterion for evaluating the work of an auxiliary worker of the 1st grade is the quality, completeness and timeliness of his performance of the tasks provided for in this instruction.

5. Working conditions

5.1. The mode of work of an auxiliary worker of the 1st grade is determined in accordance with the internal labor regulations established by the Company.

5.2. In connection with production needs, an auxiliary worker of the 1st grade is obliged to go on business trips (including local ones).

Acquainted with the instructions ___________ / ____________ / "____" _______ 20__

Job advertisements often include handyman vacancies. Quite loyal requirements are imposed on candidates, which for many applicants becomes the main selection criterion. Over time, some new employees feel frustrated and dissatisfied with their working conditions. In order not to repeat the fate of these hired workers, it is worthwhile to familiarize yourself with the specifics of the position in advance.

Handyman - who is this?

It would seem that the name of the profession speaks for itself, but not all people know where and how the auxiliary worker will have to work. Surely, many thought:handyman - who is this, what exactly is he doing?They knew about them several centuries ago. At that time, this word was used to refer to people who owned several professions at once. They were jack of all trades, that is, they could handle a variety of jobs.

The situation changed dramatically during industrialization. Then laborers began to call all unskilled labor. This category included factory workers, people engaged in seasonal agricultural work, and all those who did not have a permanent job.

This is precisely the reason that in a short time the concept of "handyman" has become literally synonymous with the entire unskilled labor force, people who do not have a specific profession. The work of such an employee was rated very low, while the conditions were often not the best.

Utility room of the 21st century

Today, handymen are required in almost every enterprise. However, the concept of this profession has changed somewhat recently. Handyman - who is this? Do you think that a person who falls into the category of the lowest level of the production process? Not at all - they may well be hoping for an average salary.

This happened for several reasons.

    Many people cannot get a job in their specialty, therefore they are forced to master related or completely new professions for themselves that do not require special knowledge. All of them are considered handymen, but most of them are responsible and hardworking people who do an excellent job of their duties.

    The emergence of a large number of factories and factories has provoked the growth of new jobs, where employees are not required to have any special skills and abilities.

Duties of handymen

It is impossible to clearly name the responsibilities, since to a greater extentis determined by the employer and the specifics of the enterprise. It can behandymen, packers, storekeeper assistants, industry workers Agriculture and many others.

In general, there are 3 types of this position:

    people with permanent employment - such vacancies with decent pay are offered in many enterprises;

    workers with temporary or seasonal employment - shift workers have become a prominent representative of this class;

    people without a permanent place of work, performing one-time work and receiving payment by the hour or by the day. It is in this case that the most difficult working conditions are offered.

Quite often, handymen in a factory or factory are not at all those who do the dirtiest and hardest work. To simplify the maintenance of documentation, enterprises deliberately indicate the position of a handyman. As a result, employees perform the duties of packers, sorters, cleaners, service personnel andloaders. Handymenin this case, if necessary, you can transfer from one duty station to another without unnecessary paperwork.

Handyman at construction site

In the field of real estate creationwork at a construction site as a handymanthere is always, especially for the construction of large facilities. The duties of such an auxiliary worker are markedly different from those in a factory or plant. The requirements for the applicant are also different.

In the construction industry, handymen are accepted for the sole purpose of providing plasterers, bricklayers, finishers and other specialists with an assistant. The auxiliary worker provides the builders with material (prepares mortars, monitors the availability of construction or finishing material, performs other power work).

Remuneration for the labor of part-timers

The salary of a handyman, as well as his income, together with bonuses and allowances, deserves special attention. It will hardly be possible to clearly determine the amount, because many factors affect the level of payment.

This OSH instruction is specially designed for the handyman.


1.1. Persons who have passed:
- preliminary medical checkup;
- introductory briefing on labor protection;
- briefing on fire safety;
- primary instruction on labor protection at the workplace and instruction in first aid;
- briefing on electrical safety for non-electrical personnel and checking the assimilation of its content, with the assignment of the I group of electrical safety;
- training in safe methods and techniques of work according to the appropriate program;
- internship at the workplace;
1.2. Persons under the age of 18 and with medical contraindications are not allowed to work as a handyman.
1.3. The handyman must go through:
- repeated instruction on labor protection at the workplace at least once every three months;
- unscheduled instruction: when replacing or modernizing equipment, devices and tools, changing working conditions and organization, in case of violations of labor protection instructions, interruptions in work for more than 30 calendar days;
- targeted briefing: when performing work of increased danger (according to the approved list of works) and performing one-time work (in addition to official duties);
- testing of knowledge of labor protection requirements.
1.4. Persons who received an unsatisfactory mark in the examination of knowledge are not allowed to work independently and must be retested no later than one month.
1.5. The handyman must:
- comply with the Internal Labor Regulations;
- comply with the requirements of this manual, instructions on fire safety measures, electrical safety instructions, instructions for first aid;
- comply with the requirements for the operation of equipment and tools;
- use as intended and take good care of the issued personal protective equipment;
- be able to provide first aid to the victim in an accident;
- know the location of first aid supplies, primary fire extinguishing equipment, main and emergency exits, escape routes in case of an accident and fire;
- perform only the work assigned to him;
- do not allow persons who are not related to work (strangers) to the workplace;
- keep the workplace clean and tidy.
1.6. The handyman is prohibited from:
- smoking and drinking alcoholic beverages in the workplace;
- be at the workplace in a state of alcoholic or other intoxication;
- to be distracted from the performance of official duties.
1.7. The handyman must be provided with personal protective equipment in accordance with the Norms for the issuance of personal protective equipment.
If the noise level is high, you must use anti-noise protective equipment (headphones, earplugs, etc.).
When working in conditions of increased dusty air in the working area, it is necessary to use an aerosol (anti-dust) respirator (half mask).
When you are in rooms with a valid technological equipment a safety helmet must be worn to protect the head from being hit by accidental objects.
Drying of overalls, shoes, rags and other combustible items on steam lines and heating devices is not allowed.
1.8. If necessary, it is allowed to use portable electric luminaires with a voltage not exceeding 42 V, and when working inside closed containers of luminaires with a voltage of 12 V with a working protective grid.
1.9. While on the territory of the enterprise, it is necessary to be careful, to be careful in places where vehicles pass, during loading and unloading operations, when passing through slippery areas during icy conditions, in places where ice surges are hanging.
1.10. The handyman must follow the rules of personal hygiene. Eat, smoke, rest only in specially designated rooms and places. Drink water only from specially designed installations.
1.11. A handyman may be exposed to the following hazardous and harmful production factors:
- the presence of steam and hot water;
elevated level noise;
- increased dust and gas content of the air in the working area;
- increased voltage value in the electrical circuit;
- moving and rotating parts of technological equipment, moving loads;
- increased air mobility (drafts);
- increased temperature of equipment surfaces;
- lowered air temperature of the working area;
- insufficient illumination of the workplace;
- sharp edges of various objects;
- faulty decks and ladders for climbing on them in paving means, their clutter with materials.
1.12. In case of an accident, it is necessary to provide the victim with first (first aid) aid and immediately report the incident to the work supervisor.
1.13. The handyman is responsible for violation of the requirements of this Instruction in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation.


2.1. Inspect the overalls, make sure they are in good working order. Put on proper overalls, fasten all buttons, carefully tidy your hair under the headdress.
2.2. Clothes should not have fluttering parts that can be caught by moving (rotating) parts of mechanisms. It is forbidden to roll up the sleeves of overalls and tuck the tops of boots.
2.3. If it is necessary to stay near hot parts of the equipment, measures should be taken to protect against burns and high temperatures (equipment fencing, ventilation, warm overalls). Work in areas with low ambient temperatures should be carried out in warm overalls and alternated in time with being in a warm place.
2.4. When you are in rooms with operating technological equipment, inside closed containers, you must wear a protective helmet to protect your head from impacts by accidental objects. Hair should be tucked under the helmet.
2.5. It is necessary to make sure that the working area is not cluttered with foreign objects, well lit, there are no potholes, open hatches, pits, or spilled liquids on the floor.
2.6. Before starting work of increased danger, it is necessary to obtain a permit for their performance from the responsible manufacturer of the work.
2.7. Before using the tool and accessories, you must make sure that they are in good working order: the handles of the hammers must be smooth and not have cracks, towards the free end of the handle they must slightly thicken to avoid slipping out of the hands, the shovel must have a smooth handle, firmly fixed in the holder and cut obliquely to it. plane.
2.8. Before working from ladders and mobile platforms, make sure the following: ladders installed on wooden floors must have pointed metal tips, and rubber shoes on stone and other hard floors. The bowstrings of the stairs must be fastened together with tie bolts with a diameter of 8 mm, located directly under the steps at a distance of no more than 2 meters from each other. Bowstrings along their entire length should be reinforced with wire 3-4 mm in diameter. Mobile platforms and ladders for climbing on them must have side fences 1 meter high with casing at the bottom to a height of 100 mm.
2.9. Before cleaning the roofs of buildings from snow and icicles, it is necessary to check the serviceability of the safety belt and rope. Protect the place of falling icicles and falling snow, hang up posters "Passage is closed."
2.10. Before starting excavation work, you must make sure that there are no underground utilities, reservoirs, etc., at the work site. Set up barriers for the passage of vehicles and pedestrians.
2.11. Before cleaning the territory, install portable fences painted in bright colors on the areas to be cleaned, in the traffic zone from the side of a possible collision at a distance of 5-7 m from the workplace.
2.12. You can start work after eliminating the shortcomings that impede its safe implementation.


3.1. Perform only the work for which you have been trained, instructed in labor protection and to which the employee responsible for the safe performance of work is admitted.
3.2. Do not entrust your work to untrained and unauthorized persons.
3.3. Use serviceable equipment, tools, devices necessary for safe work, use them only for those works for which they are intended.
3.4. Observe the rules of movement in the premises and on the territory of the organization, use only the established passages.
3.5. Do not walk or stand under or near a raised load.
3.6. Upon receipt of a new (unfamiliar) job, it is necessary to obtain targeted instruction from the work manager. It is prohibited to start work without training.
3.7. Care must be taken when doing any work, not to be distracted by yourself and not to distract others.
3.8. Do not work on faulty equipment and faulty tools.
3.9. When cleaning the territory, you must:
- when a transport appears on the cleaned part of the territory, stop cleaning for the duration of its passage;
- start cleaning with good illumination of the workplace, and in the dark, clean with the outside lighting on;
- monitor the position of the rubber hoses, prevent them from kinking and twisting, do not water against the wind and make sure that water does not get onto electrical equipment and overhead power lines;
- open the taps smoothly, without great efforts and jerks;
- when icicles form on the roofs, fence off dangerous areas and inform the boss about it;
- during icy conditions, sprinkle the passages with sand;
- stand on the wind side when loading garbage onto vehicles or when storing it in a designated place;
- to clean the broken glass with a scoop and a brush;
- when cleaning near stacks, make sure they are stable;
- work with disinfectants and detergents in rubber gloves.


4.1. If a fire occurs, it is necessary to inform the management and start extinguishing with fire extinguishing means, and if it is impossible to do this, call the fire brigade by phone 101.
4.2. In case of injury or deterioration of health, the handyman must stop working, notify the management and contact the first-aid post (call an ambulance by phone 103).
4.3. If there is an accident witnessed by a handyman, he should:
- stop working;
- immediately inform the immediate supervisor;
- Immediately withdraw or remove the victim from the danger zone;
- provide the victim with first aid;
- call a doctor or city ambulance;
- help organize the delivery of the victim to the nearest medical facility.
4.4. When investigating the circumstances and causes of the accident, the employee should inform the commission of the information he knows about the accident.


5.1. At the end of the work, it is necessary to tidy up your workplace, remove the tools and accessories to the place designated for their storage.
5.2. Inform your immediate supervisor about any faults found in the course of work.
5.3. Take off the overalls, put them in order and put them in the closet.
5.4. Wash your face and hands thoroughly with soap or a cleansing paste, and take a shower.


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