Live lessons. Rosturizm held the Interregional Coordination and Expert Council of the "Live Lessons" project in the estate "Arkhangelskoye Educational tourism in dhow live lessons

Interregional coordination and expert council of the "Live Lessons" project took place on April 18, 2017 at the Palace of the State Museum-Estate "Arkhangelskoye". The event was attended by representatives of the Ministry of Education and Science Russian Federation and the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation. The Federal Agency for Tourism was represented by Deputy Head Alexey Konyushkov.

The Council for the development of an excursion and educational project in the field of tourism "Living Lessons" gathered on one site more than 50 heads of regional authorities in the field of culture and tourism from 23 constituent entities of the Russian Federation, as well as representatives of the tour operator community and the education system. The participants of the event discussed the strategic objectives for the development of domestic and inbound children's tourism based on the implementation of the "Living Lessons" project and its impact on the economic development of the regions.

As part of the events on April 18, the Environmental Forum "Live Lessons" was also held, timed to coincide with the Year of Ecology in Russia. More than 300 schoolchildren from Moscow and Russian regions, students of the Russian state university tourism and service.

The excursion and educational project "Live Lessons" has already become an effective platform for interaction between tour operators, educational organizations and museums of the country. One of his main ideas is the introduction of excursion and tourist activities into the general educational process. The project has been underway for a little over a year, at present 25 constituent entities of the Russian Federation have joined it.

“Russia has enormous resources for the development of educational tourism - these are natural reserves, museum sites, cultural institutions, industrial enterprises and scientific institutes. The "Live Lessons" project is intended to become the main one for creating a system of children's excursion and educational tourism based on the interaction of interested departments, regional authorities, participants tourist market... The project will improve the quality of services in the field of children's tourism and, at the same time, expand the opportunities for the spiritual, creative development of children, the patriotic education of the younger generation, ”says Oleg Safonov, Head of Rostourism.

“Modern schoolchildren need new forms of presentation of educational material and new forms educational work... Visualization of educational programs will contribute to the expansion and consolidation of knowledge, and traveling around their home country will provide all children with equal access to the natural and cultural values ​​of the state, ”says the head of the“ Live Lessons ”project Tatiana Kozlovskaya.

Currently, children's tourism is rapidly gaining momentum. This was facilitated, first of all, by the creation of the Coordination Council for the development of children's tourism under the Government of the Russian Federation, the creation of the Coordination Councils for children's tourism in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, the process of "import substitution", the activities of tour operators in children's tourism.

The strategic goal of children's tourism is to study home country and familiarization with the national, historical, cultural and natural values ​​of the state, which should ensure the intellectual, spiritual and creative development, as well as patriotic education of the younger generation. Today, almost every constituent entity of the Russian Federation has thought about the issues of children's tourism and began to take real steps towards its development.

So in Moscow, since 2012, the implementation of cultural and educational tours "Moscow lessons" and "Moscow holidays" has been carried out. What is the difference between them? Tours "Moscow Lessons" are designed for students of certain classes, taking into account the subjects studied at school and have a clearly expressed educational focus. "Moscow Holidays" are more entertaining in nature.

After 2 interregional conferences on school and educational tourism held in Moscow, at which excursion and educational tours "Moscow lessons" were presented, the initiative of Moscow was taken up by tour operators from other regions, and then "Baikal lessons" appeared in Buryatia, "Cool trips" in Yaroslavl, "Ural for Children" in the Sverdlovsk Region, "Sayan Vacations" in Khakassia, etc.

The appearance of such routes in the regions of Russia indicates, first of all, that our country has enormous resources for the development of educational tourism - these are natural reserves and protected areas, museums and memorial complexes, cultural institutions and industrial enterprises. And tourism, as a multifaceted phenomenon, can and should be directed to the education, upbringing and creative development of the child's personality. What is a project on excursion and educational tourism "Live Lessons"?

"Live" visualization of educational programs is one of the main global trends in teenage tourism. Analyzing the curriculum for school subjects, one involuntarily comes to the conclusion that educational excursions in history, geography, biology, literature, physics, chemistry, mathematics, etc. can be conducted in almost every region of Russia.

So, for example, topics related to the work of A.S. Pushkin can be studied in Moscow - this is the Pushkin Museum on Prechistenka, in St. Petersburg the Pushkin Museum, in the Moscow region - the Zakharovo - Bolshiye Vyazemy Museum-Reserve, in the Tver Region - the Mikhailovskoye State Museum-Reserve, and so on. ...

The history of different periods can be studied on the basis of artifacts in historical and local history museums located in almost every region, as well as in archaeological sites, for example, in Khakassia, the history of burials goes back several centuries before our era, the history of the 1917 revolution and the royal family is closely connected with Yekaterinburg, the history of the civil war is presented in the Chapaev Museum in Cheboksary. Physics can also be studied "alive", the theme of space, for example, in the Planetariums located in different regions, in the Museum of Cosmonautics in Tsiolkovsky in Kaluga, in the memorial museum of the pilot-cosmonaut Nikolayev in Chuvashia.

The topic of physics and chemistry is associated not only with museums, but also with industrial enterprises, on which excursions are also conducted for schoolchildren and students of specialized universities. For example, the Sayano-Shushenskaya hydroelectric power station in Khakassia has opened a special center, next to the RUSAL plant is located, high school students can visit it and see with their own eyes how aluminum is poured.

Subjects such as the surrounding world, geography, biology can be studied not only in museums, but also "Living" in zoos, aquariums, reserves and just in nature. These excursions expand knowledge not only in physics or literature, but also in history, geography and other subjects, that is, they have a pronounced meta-subject character and are powerful tools for the patriotic education of the younger generation.

No wonder educational tourism is a promising type of child and youth tourism in many countries of the world. Russia has all the prerequisites for the development of excursion and educational tourism and the creation of a system of educational excursions and interregional educational routes within the framework of the "Live Lessons" project.

Participation in the "Live Lessons" project involves uniform requirements to the development and description of tourist and excursion activities, the formation of interregional routes, a high professional level of tour operators, their interaction with educational institutions, the readiness of all Ministries and departments at the territorial level to create a system for the introduction of tourist and excursion activities into the educational programs of the general and vocational education in accordance with the action plan for the implementation of the Strategy for the Development of Tourism in the Russian Federation for the period up to 2020.

For the development of mass educational tourism, it is necessary to carry out activities aimed at popularizing educational tourism, developing the material base of display facilities, training personnel and developing appropriate excursions and excursion educational tours, creating experimental sites for integrating educational tourism into the process of education and upbringing of schoolchildren, and most importantly, state support and support of regional administrations.

Description of the presentation for individual slides:

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Development of the pilot project "Live Lessons" and the development of a system of lessons in fine arts and technology for students primary school and middle-level teacher of fine arts A.A. Zatserkivnaya MBOU "Secondary School No. 19", Cheboksary Cheboksary - 2016

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In recent years, educational tourism has become the most promising type of child and youth tourism in many countries of the world. And one of the main world trends in such tourism is the "live" visualization of educational programs. Russia has its own leaders in this. They are named the Republic of Khakassia, Sverdlovsk region and Chuvashia. What is the "Live Lessons" project

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Chapel in Victory Park Kubashina L.M. Praise be to you, Chuvashia, my home! Both your name and your tongue are sacred to your heart. Oak groves and hops, and labor, And songs, and embroidery is rich. Alive in the patterns of ancient threads is the power that Binds peoples in their destiny - You will live in me, my Russia As long as Chuvashia lives in you.

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What is the "Live Lessons" project "Live" visualization of educational programs is one of the main world trends in teenage tourism. Analyzing the curriculum for school subjects, one involuntarily comes to the conclusion that educational excursions in history, geography, biology, literature, fine arts, MHC, technology, mathematics, etc. can be conducted in almost every region of Russia. For example, the history of the Civil War is presented in the museum Chapaev in Cheboksary. Physics can also be studied "live", the theme of space, for example, in the memorial museum of the pilot-cosmonaut A. Nikolaev in Shorshely. You can study Chuvash embroidery in such subjects as fine art and technology in the Chuvash embroidery museum in Cheboksary.

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What is the "Live Lessons" project Subjects such as the surrounding world, geography, biology, fine arts, world art culture can be studied not only in museums, but also in parks, reserves and just in nature. These excursions expand knowledge not only in physics or literature, but also in history, geography, fine arts and other subjects, that is, they have a pronounced meta-subject character and are powerful tools for the patriotic education of the younger generation.

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Interregional conference state support national minorities. With the support of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation, the conference on the development of excursion and educational tourism "Live Lessons" was held by the Cabinet of Ministers Chuvash Republic.

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Interregional conference The subject of discussion is the interaction of tour operators and educational organizations in such regions as the Perm Territory, Ulyanovsk Region, Mari El, Buryatia, Chuvashia, etc. The main goal is to build effective model such interaction with the authorities. Within the framework of the meeting, a workshop (that is, theoretical presentations, practical exercises and discussions on the proposed issues) "Children's tourism and recreation" took place.

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Relevance of the "Live Lessons" project In Russia, in particular in Chuvashia, there are all the prerequisites for the development of excursion and educational tourism and the creation of a system of educational excursions and interregional educational routes within the framework of the "Live Lessons" project; intellectual, cultural and spiritual level of schoolchildren, 3) education of civil-patriotic position of children of preschool and school age, 4) continuation of national traditions, 5) development of creative abilities of students. What the "Living Lessons" give to the education system:

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Participation in the "Live Lessons" project implies uniform requirements for the development and description of tourist and excursion activities, the formation of interregional routes, their interaction with educational institutions, the readiness of all Ministries and departments to create a system of events in educational programs of general and vocational education in accordance with the action plan on the implementation of the Strategy for the Development of Tourism in the Russian Federation for the period up to 2020

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Educational excursions (walking) Currently planned and carried out: 1) excursions to the most interesting tourist sites, "round tables" with discussions and exchange of experience on the problems of children's tourism; 2) tours and excursions in Chuvashia for school groups.

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Educational excursions (bus, trolleybus) July 19, 2016 a test departure of an excursion bus took place in the historical part of our city. It took place within the framework of the "Live Lessons" project. The participants of the experimental trip were representatives of the media, bloggers, historians, geographers, and representatives of the administration. The purpose of the trip was to identify shortcomings, difficulties and eliminate them before the official opening of the route, scheduled for the end of July 2016. The bus route (2 buses running every 20 minutes) started at Rechnikov Square. It included a visit to the historical part of the city, the Catherine the Great Square, the observation deck near the Opera and Ballet Theater, and the Victory Memorial Park.

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"Live Lessons" in Cheboksary More than 60 tourist routes have been developed in Cheboksary within the framework of the "Live Lessons" project for Cheboksary schoolchildren and preschoolers. Young tourists from the regions of Chuvashia and other regions of Russia can take part in them. "Live lessons" will provide an opportunity to learn new facts, touch the history of Cheboksary. Within the framework of the "Live Lessons" projects, it is planned to visit the museums of the city and our republic.

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"Live lessons" in action From the experience of MBOU "Secondary School No. 19", Cheboksary, an art lesson in grade 2 on the topic "The image of a man in sculpture" in ORZI

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Integrated lesson (IZO + English language) in grade 5 on the topic “Art in English. Art in English "at the CEC" Raduga "

In 2016, within the framework of the I Interregional Conference on the Development of Excursion and Educational Tourism "Live Lessons" in Cheboksary, the Chuvash Republic, an Agreement on cooperation was signed between The Russian Union Tourism Industry (PCT) and the Republic of Mari El. The subject of the Agreement is the development of children's tourism based on the implementation of the educational tourism project "Living Lessons" aimed at "introducing tourist and excursion activities into educational programs of general and vocational education" in accordance with the action plan for the implementation of the Tourism Development Strategy in the Russian Federation for the period up to 2020, approved by the order of the Government of the Russian Federation.

As part of the "Live Lessons" project, the Kozmodemyansky Museum Complex is actively implementing educational programs that are multi-level and are divided into several sections, addressed to different age groups. Museum programs are closely related to specific topics educational system, and also implies research and creative assignments. The educational offer of the museum complex is quite wide: thematic excursions, lectures, interactive programs, various master classes, etc. All these activities raise the cultural and intellectual level of students, develop their creative abilities. They also help to know well and respect their past, their origins, history and culture of their people.

The museum and the school are representatives of two different systems - education and culture, but both of them fulfill common tasks- educational and educational. Therefore, it is quite natural for them to strive for cooperation and interaction in order to fulfill these tasks. Learn more about the proposed educational programs you can by going below.

We offer you excursion programs that participate in the federal program "Live Lessons". Each program is carefully designed by specialists, taking into account the age of the child and the school curriculum.

1. Educational excursion "Vyatsky Promenade".

Grade: 1-4 grade

Subject: History


City `s history;

Architectural monuments;

History of the Vyatka merchants

Form of carrying out: quest excursion "Vyatsky Promenade"

Title and short description: Vyatka promenade

Walking tour along one of the oldest streets in the city - Spasskaya. At each point on the route, the children will receive not only cognitive information, but also the completion of tasks, solving problems, puzzles, etc. For each correct completed task, the team receives the coveted envelope. At the end of the excursion, we open the envelopes together and find pieces of the puzzle in them. The final task is to collect a photo from puzzles. The collected photo shows a pre-revolutionary view of the Spassky Cathedral. Solemn awarding of the class, presentation of certificates "Experts of Spasskaya Street"

Route: Spassky Cathedral - shopping arcade - P. Klabukov's shop - sculpture "Meeting place" - Theater on Spasskaya - House of officers - the oldest house - Leninsky district court - A.L. Vitberg's house - Post office - Puppet theater - Museum. A.M. And V.M. Vasnetsov.

Cost: from 250 rubles / person. (for every 10 people 1 accompanying person is free)

Included in the price: services of a guide, animator, accompanying person, commemorative certificates.

2. Educational excursion "Old Vyatka".

Grade: 1-4 grade

Subject: History


City `s history;

The life of prominent Vyatka residents who glorified the Vyatka Territory;

Secrets, legends, mysteries of the old city.

Classical guided tour with a quiz show at the end

Title and short description: Old Vyatka

Excursion-walk through the old city, acquaintance with the history, legends and secrets of the city, architectural masterpieces.

At the end of all there will be a mini-quiz based on the excursion materials.

Route: Alexander Garden - Green Embankment - Eternal Flame - Trifonov Monastery.

Cost: from 200 rubles / person. (for every 10 people, 1 accompanying person is free)

Included in the price: guide services, quiz

3. Educational excursion "Writers of Vyatka".

Grade: Grade 4

Subject: Reading, Literature


The life of M.E. Saltykov Shchedrin in Vyatka;

The life of A.S. Green in Vyatka;

A. Herzen's life in Vyatka

- "Saltykovskie", "Greenovskie", "Herzen" places in modern Kirov.

Form of carrying out: a thematic city tour with a museum lesson to choose from: the house-museum of A.S. Green, the house-museum of M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin or excursion to the library named after A. Herzen - the largest in the region.

Within the framework of this program, a visit to a museum or a Planetarium of your choice + a sightseeing tour is provided.

Duration: 3 hours

Title and short description: The writers of Vyatka

The Vyatka Territory is the birthplace of remarkable Russian writers. One of them, Alexander Grin, is a classic of Russian literature. It was in Vyatka that the future famous writer received his first lessons in literary skills. And the Vyatka province has long been a place of exile for people disliked by the tsarist government. A.I. Herzen, N.E. Bauman, M.E.Saltykov-Shchedrin, A.L. Vitberg. How and where did famous people live with us? What did they do?

By visiting our excursion, you will receive answers to these and other questions.


Vitberg House - House-Museum of A.S. Green - Green embankment - park them. CM. Kirov - the house-museum of M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin - the bride's house - Theater of the young spectator - library named after A. Herzen

Cost: from 550 rubles / person. (for every 10 people, 1 accompanying person is free)

Included in the price: transport services, thematic city tour, excursion-lesson in the museum to choose from: A.S. Green or M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin, A.S. Pushkin or A.I. Herzen

4. Educational excursion "Entertaining Science"

Grade: 1-4 grade

Subject: Mathematics


Getting to know the solar system;

The life of K.E. Tsiolkovsky;

How to become an astronaut;

What are the benefits of technology?

What are exact sciences for?

Form of carrying out: classic city tour + optional excursion: a museum lesson in the K.E. Tsiolkovsky, an interactive demonstration excursion to the Eureka Museum of Discovery or an excursion to the Planetarium.

Within the framework of this program, a visit to a museum or a Planetarium of your choice + a sightseeing tour is provided

Duration: 3 hours

Title and short description:

Entertaining science

The excursion program includes: a sightseeing tour of the city, introducing the history of the city;

Optional visit:

An interactive excursion-demonstration to the Eureka Museum of Discovery, where you can and should touch the exhibits. Here you can touch the lightning, build a bridge without a single nail, feel like a yogi;

In addition to food in the form of new knowledge, you can taste space food in the K.E. Tsiolkovsky Museum.

We also visit the Planetarium, where you can touch the particles of a real meteorite with your hands.

Route: city tour - K.E. Tsiolkovsky - Planetarium - "Eureka"

Cost: from 700 rubles / person. for every 10 people, 1 accompanying person is free)

Included in the price: transport, excursions and entrance fees to museums of your choice, services of an accompanying and tour guide.

5. Educational excursion "Reserved corner"

Grade: 1-4 grade

The subject of the surrounding world, natural history


Features of the flora and fauna of the Kirov region

Acquaintance with plants unique for the Kirov region

Form of carrying out: excursion-walk in nature (only if the weather is good)

Title and short description: Reserved corner

Visit to the arboretum. N.V. Rudnitsky is a natural monument. Here you can see trees and plants that are unique for the Kirov region;

Excursion to the winter garden of the Avitek sanatorium and the Botanical Garden. Here children will get acquainted with exotic flowers, unusual plants, fish living in the aquarium.

Duration: 3 hours

Price: from 500 rubles / person (for every 10 people 1 accompanying person is free)

Included in the price: transport services, excursions to parks and gardens according to the program, services of an accompanying and tour guide.

6. Educational excursion "Around Vyatka with a song!"

Grade: 1-4 grade

Subject: Music


History musical culture on Vyatka

The life of great musicians, singers, composers who were natives of the Vyatka Territory

Form of carrying out: thematic excursion with a musical quiz, excursion-concert to the Kirov College of Musical Art named after I.V. Kazenin

Title and short description: Along Vyatka with a song

The history of musical culture in Vyatka is rich and interesting. Our land gave the world talented composers, musicians, singers: A.F. Vedernikova, V.I. Kazenin, P.I. Tchaikovsky, F.I. Chaliapin. It was on the Vyatka land that the old Russian domra received a second life. Unfortunately, not everyone is familiar with Musical Vyatka. After the city tour, we will all go together to the Kirov College of Musical Art named after I.V. Kazenin, where children will be introduced to different musical instruments and their sound.

We invite you to walk along Vyatka with music! You will not be bored! After all, the excursion takes place with musical accompaniment!

Route: Rusty Piano - a monument to Fyodor Chaliapin - Kirov College of Musical Art named after I.V. Kazenina - Philharmonic

Cost: from 350 rubles / person. (for every 10 people, 1 accompanying person is free)

Included in the price: transport services, services of an accompanying and guide, music quiz.

7. Educational excursion "Street Colors"

Grade: Grade 8-11

Subject: Fine Art, Drawing


Graffiti history

What do the mysterious drawings on the walls of houses and buildings mean?

Form of carrying out: themed excursion + meeting with a real graffiti artist

Title and short description: Street colors

The graffiti culture has come a long way of development, starting from ancient times, when a person made the first petroglyph inscriptions, to complex multicolored compositions made in accordance with the prevailing styles with a claim to an independent art of our time.

Today graffiti has become an integral part of the urban space. Drawings and inscriptions found on the facades of buildings, fences of new buildings, places of "parties" are unique sources of information, which reflect the interests and mood of modern youth.

On our excursion you will learn:

basic graffiti styles;

graffiti slang;

street painting classification;

what motivates young people to paint walls;

At the end, everyone will meet with a real graffiti artist. He will answer all questions and demonstrate all the subtleties of his business.

Cost: from 500 rubles / person. (for every 10 people, 1 accompanying person is free)

Included in the price: transport services, services of an accompanying and guide, meeting with a graffist.

8. Educational excursion "Picturesque Vyatka"

Grade: 1-4 grade

Subject: Fine Art, Drawing


The life and work of great artists who were presented to the world by the Vyatka land;

Acquaintance with the work of contemporary art workers;

Features of the Vyatka painting.

Form of carrying out: museum lesson in the museum. V.M. I AM. Vasnetsovs, an excursion to the "Progress Gallery" + a master class on Vyatka painting.

Duration: 3 hours

Title and short description: Picturesque Vyatka

Vyatka land gave the world a great many talented people. Our region is especially rich in outstanding artists: landscape painter I.I. Shishkin, author of fabulous paintings V.M. Vasnetsov, his brother itinerant A.M. Vasnetsov, photographer S.A. Lobovikov, master graphic artist A.M. Kolchanov, honored art worker A.A. Rylov, N.N. Khokhryakov is the brightest representative of painting in the early 20th century. Of course, one cannot fail to mention the famous figures of contemporary art: the photographer Vladimir Shirokov and the artists, the Dorofeyev brothers.

The masterpieces of our fellow countrymen are known all over the world. No wonder their creations are considered real works of art!

Want to know more about the lives of great creators? See firsthand the masterpieces?

Go on an excursion!

Route: Museum. A.M. and V.M. Vasnetsovs - Progress Gallery

Cost: from 700 rubles / person. (for every 10 people, 1 accompanying person is free).

Included in the price: transport services, accompanying services, excursions and entrance tickets to museums, master class.

9. Educational excursion "Tasty excursion"

Grade: Grade 5-11

Subject: Technology


History of Kirov enterprises Food Industry(namely BPC);

Acquaintance with the history and process of production of bread, marshmallows, ice cream, chocolates.

Forms of carrying out: production and technical excursion to the enterprise, excursion with tasting and master class to the museum of the history of chocolate "Criollo", excursion to choose from: Cold factory + tasting or museum of ice cream "Artico" with master class and tasting.

Duration: 3-4 hours

Title and short description: Delicious excursion

Enjoy the taste of the freshest waffles, bagels that have just come off the assembly line. Taste different types of ice cream. Learn all about the history of the Bakery and Confectionery Plant, as well as taste original sweets self made... This and not only the children will be able to on the excursion "Tasty Kirov". It is also an opportunity to unravel the secrets of the production of local producers, to find out why our products are the most delicious.

Route: Bakery and confectionery plant - Museum of the history of chocolate "Criollo" - your choice: Cold store or ice cream museum "Artico"

Cost: from 1200 rubles / person. (for every 10 people, 1 accompanying person is free).

Included in the price: transport services, accompanying services, excursions and entrance tickets to museums, master classes, tastings, excursion to the BKK + a sweet gift.

10. Educational excursion "To Kirov for education!"

Grade: 8-11 grade


Acquaintance with universities and secondary schools of Kirov, with the conditions of admission and training

The history of the library. AI Herzen, training on how to work with catalogs correctly;

Acquaintance with the history of Kirov and the sights of the city

Forms of carrying out: excursions to educational establishments optional, excursion-lesson in the library. A.I. Herzen

Duration: from 4 hours

Title and short description: To Kirov for education!

The main goal is to help the children decide where to go to study, as well as to acquaint them with the history of the city and the basics of working with catalogs in the library.

The number of educational institutions that can be visited per day and the time spent in them depends on your needs. A more detailed program is drawn up individually for each group.

Route: sightseeing tour of the city - educational institutions of your choice - library. A.I. Herzen

Cost: from 790 (for every 10 people, 1 accompanying person is free).

Included in the price: transport services, accompanying services, excursion to the library, excursions to educational institutions.

11. Educational tour of the city's enterprises

Grade: 8-11 grade

Subject: vocational training


Acquaintance with the history, secrets, features of large Kirov enterprises

Terms of employment in the organization, requirements for the applicant.

Forms of conduct: industrial excursions to the city's enterprises of your choice: toy factory "Vesna", Bakery and Confectionery Plant, JSC "Kirov Tire Plant", JSC "Lepse", Vyatskoye machine-building enterprise"Avitek", radio and newspaper "Komsomolskaya Pravda", First city channel, "Print" plant and others.

Duration: from 4 hours

Title and short description: City tour

The main goal is to help the guys make the right choice. future profession possibly with a place of work. On excursions, students will learn about the features and history of large Kirov enterprises, as well as the specifics of specific professions.

The number of businesses that you can visit per day depends on your needs. A more detailed program is drawn up individually for each group. The tour in each organization will take about 40-60 minutes.

Route (approximate): factory "Vesna" - Bakery and confectionery plant - factory "Lepse" - radio "Komsomolskaya Pravda" - factory "Mayak"

Cost: from 500 (for every 10 people, 1 accompanying person is free).

Included in the price: transport services, accompanying services, excursions to selected enterprises, master classes or tastings at enterprises (depending on the industry).

12. Educational excursion "Spiritual Vyatka"

Grade: Grade 5-8, Grade 8-11

Subject: history, local history, world art culture


History of the city and architectural monuments

The hard fates of the lost monuments of architecture

Peculiarities architectural styles on the example of Vyatka architecture

The device of an Orthodox church

What is the iconostasis.

Forms of carrying out: a thematic tour of the city, an industrial tour to the Aristocrat enterprise (engaged in carpentry work on the manufacture of iconostases)

Duration: 3 hours

Title and short description: Dukhovnaya Vyatka

Unfortunately, not all the masterpieces of Vyatka architecture have survived to this day. The surviving monuments of architecture deserve special attention and respect from residents of Kirov and guests of the city. The excursion "Dukhovnaya Vyatka" will introduce you to the "pearls" of Vyatka architecture.

Route: Temple of John the Baptist - Savior Cathedral - Seraphim Church - Trifonov Monastery - Transfiguration Convent - Feodorovskaya Church

Cost: from 350 rubles / person. (for every 10 people, 1 accompanying person is free).

Included in the price: transport services, guide services, excursion to the enterprise "Aristocrat"

13. Educational excursion "Craftsman Kirov"

Grade: Grade 1-4, Grade 5-8, Grade 8-11

Subject: history, local history, fine arts, labor


City `s history;

Folk crafts of Vyatka, their history and features;

Dymkovo toy - brand of Vyatka region

Forms of carrying out: sightseeing tour of the city "Get to know your city", a museum lesson dedicated to folk crafts + master class (depending on age):

Grades 1-4 - making amulet dolls;

5-8 grade - Vyatka chest painting;

Grade 8-11 - sculpting a Dymkovo toy

Duration: 4 hours

Title and short description: Craftsman Kirov

At the beginning of the 20th century, Vyatka province ranked first in Russia in terms of the number of handicraftsmen. The secrets of the craft were mastered in childhood, they were carefully kept and passed down from generation to generation.

Currently, more than 10 types of folk crafts are developing in the Kirov region. The bright clay Dymkovo toy, famous all over the world, has become the symbol of the Vyatka region. This fishery has existed for over 400 years. Dymkovo toy is a man-made art. Each is the creation of one master. On our excursion, the guys will get acquainted with the history of the city, with the peculiarities of Vyatka folk crafts. And most importantly, everyone will have the opportunity to feel like a real folk master during the master class!

Route: city tour - Khlynov History Museum

Cost: from 750 rubles / person. (for every 10 people, 1 accompanying person is free).

Included in the price: transport services, guide services, excursion to the Khlynov history museum, master class.

14. Educational excursion "Vyatka of many faces"


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