Product quality management and management decision making. Product quality management at a machine-building enterprise. Modeling in management

What is the solution? Let's try to give the most general characteristics... Usually, in the course of any activity, situations arise when a person or a group of people is faced with the need to choose one of several possible options for action.



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Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation

Kazan National Research Technical University

Them. A.N. Tupolev - KAI

Volzhsky branch

Course work

Discipline: Quality Management

On the topic: Decision-making methods in quality management

Completed: student group 25431

Levashova E.Yu

Checked by: Associate Professor of DPU

Sadykov A.A.


1. Theory and practice of making management decisions

1.1 The concept of "Management decision" and its scope

2. Classification of management decisions

2.1 Management decision making process

3. Methods for making management decisions



Decision making, as well as information exchange, is an integral part of any management function. The need for decision-making arises at all stages of the management process, is associated with all areas and aspects management activities and is its quintessence. Therefore, it is so important to understand the nature and essence of decisions.

What is the solution? Let's try to give a very general description first. Usually, in the course of any activity, situations arise when a person or a group of people is faced with the need to choose one of several possible options for action. The result of this choice will be the decision. So the decision is about choosing an alternative.

Each of us every day has to choose something dozens of times, developing abilities and acquiring decision-making skills through our own experience. There are many examples: the choice of clothes from the existing wardrobe, the choice of dishes from the proposed menu.

Any action by an individual or a collective action is preceded by a decision. Decisions are a universal form of behavior for both the individual and social groups... This versatility is due to the conscious and purposeful nature human activity... However, despite the universality of decisions, their adoption in the process of managing an organization is significantly different from decisions taken in private life.

The activities of any manager are associated with the implementation of management functions, including planning, organizing, coordinating and controlling any processes. This activity is carried out in the form of an order, a business conversation, instructions, etc. We often hear that the director made a decision, the head of the department signed an instruction. In general terms, these activities are related to solutions. Solutions are developed by specialists, and those who evaluate these solutions are called experts. A decision is the result of a person's mental activity, leading to any conclusion or to the necessary actions, for example, complete inaction, the development of an action, or the choice of an action from a set of alternatives and its implementation.

A managerial decision is the result of collective creative work, it always bears a social, social character; even when the leader develops solutions alone, the collective intelligence implicitly influences this process. The work on the development of management decisions should be highly professional, using the theoretical and methodological developments of domestic and foreign scientists, as well as the accumulated and systematized practical experience.

Relevance of the chosen topic test work due to the fact that at the present time, regardless of the position, each person must make their own management decisions.

The objective of this course work is to identify the process of forming management decisions, the forms of their development and implementation.

1. Theory and practice of making management decisions

It is necessary to have a reliable methodology for organizing work on the preparation and implementation of management decisions. However, given that the effectiveness of management decisions depends on many different factors, to establish general procedure, suitable for all cases of decision-making and implementation, is impossible. This problem can be simplified by breaking it down into parts. First, it is necessary to highlight the purely technological part of the substantive work on the formation and adoption of a decision; second, to consider the organization of preparation processes and implementation of solutions. The organization of the first (technological) part of the work is clearly presented in the form of a technological scheme and models (Appendix A). They contain specific practical advice, although the subjective approach of a particular decision-maker (DM) can significantly affect the final decision. The second part is also subjective and depends to a large extent on the content of the problem and the characteristics of the solution, as well as on the conditions for making such a decision. For these reasons, it is possible to give only general recommendations for organizing the development and implementation of decisions.

1. The information base, which is used in analyzing the problem and making a decision, has the greatest influence on the efficiency of the decisions made.

2. An equally important element of the problem under consideration is communicating solutions to the performers. The main recommendations for solving this part of the problem can be formulated as follows:

a) to prevent distortion of the content of the decision when communicating it to the executors (at various levels of management of the implementation of this decision);

b) ensure coordinated actions of all performers to achieve the goals of the decision.

3. After communicating the decision to the performers, the success of its implementation largely depends on the correct choice of performers.

4. For effective execution by all performers, certain favorable conditions must be created.

1.1 The concept of "Management decision" and its scope

Decision making is the most important point in management theory and an important component of management activity.

V management practice the decision is the choice of one of the alternative options for the final result of management. At the same time, the development of a solution is a sequence of actions from identifying a problem to its practical solution, and the implementation of a solution is itself practical solution followed by monitoring, comparing the results with the intended goals and (if necessary) adjusting the decision towards the intended goal.

Depending on the area of ​​development and implementation of the management solution, different forms can be used:

Forms of development: decree, law, order, order, instruction, act, protocol, instruction, contract, agreement, plan, contract, offer, acceptance, regulation, rules, model.

Forms of implementation: prescription, persuasion, explanation, coercion, instruction, message, business conversation, personal example, training, advice, business games (training), meetings, meetings, report, business word.

The areas of development of management decisions are quite large. They are widely used in management, management, administration, leadership. In the process of implementation, management decisions can take place in the process of the following activities:

Strategic planning is the process of preparing and implementing management decisions (MDD), leading to the development of specific strategies to achieve the goals of the organization.

Management of management activities is associated with management decisions that are made with the aim of improving the professionalism of the management apparatus.

Communication with the external and internal environment orients management decisions towards the formation of a favorable environment for the company's activities. They affect relationships with suppliers and consumers, customers, employees of their company and the population of the surrounding areas.

Control by human resourses- managerial decisions in this case reflect stimulation, activation and mobilization.

Management consulting is associated with situational type management decisions.

These decisions are prepared and implemented in connection with requests from: personnel or citizens (reception by personal matters), heads of other organizations, supervising bodies of state, municipal or corporate governance. Management decisions within this function reflect the answers to questions, requests, requirements, etc.

Management of production and service activities orients SD to improve the functioning system of the organization without restructuring it. SD relate to improving the activities of the accounting department, personnel department, marketing department, management of production departments, etc.

The formation of the organization's management system is reflected in management decisions aimed at restructuring and reforming the organization. The results of such decisions make significant changes in the mission of the organization, its structure, manufactured products, personnel policy, relations with the external environment.

2. Classification of management decisions

In the process of managing organizations, a huge number of a wide variety of decisions are made with different characteristics. Nevertheless, there are some general features that allow this set to be classified in a certain way. This classification is presented in the table:

Table 1. Classification of management decisions

Classification attribute

Management decision groups

Repeatability of the problem



Significance of the goal



Scope of influence



Duration of implementation


short term

Predicted consequences of the decision



Solution development method



Number of selection criteria



Form of acceptance



Solution fixation method



The nature of the information used



Let's consider it in more detail.

The degree of recurrence of the problem: Depending on the recurrence of the problem to be solved, all management decisions can be subdivided into traditional, repeatedly encountered in management practice, when it is only necessary to make a choice from the existing alternatives, and atypical, non-standard solutions, when their search is primarily associated with generating new alternatives.

Significance of the goal: Decision making can pursue its own, independent goal or be a means of contributing to the achievement of a higher order. Accordingly, decisions can be strategic or tactical.

Area of ​​influence: The outcome of the decision may affect one or more parts of the organization. In this case, the solution can be considered local. The decision, however, can be made with the aim of influencing the work of the organization as a whole, in this case it will be global.

Duration of implementation: Implementation of the solution may take several hours, days, or months. If between the adoption of the decision and the completion of its implementation there will be a comparative short term the solution is short-term. At the same time, the number and importance of long-term, promising decisions, the results of the implementation of which can be removed for several years, is increasing.

Predicted consequences of the decision. Most of the management decisions in the process of their implementation can be corrected in one way or another in order to eliminate any deviations or take into account new factors, i.e. is adjustable. At the same time, there are also solutions, the consequences of which are irreversible.

Solution development method. Some solutions, as a rule, are typical, repetitive, can be successfully formalized, i.e. taken according to a predetermined algorithm. In other words, a formalized decision is the result of performing a predetermined sequence of actions.

Formalization of decision making improves management efficiency by reducing the likelihood of error and saving time: there is no need to re-develop the solution every time the appropriate situation arises. Therefore, the leadership of organizations often formalizes solutions for certain, regularly recurring situations, developing appropriate rules, instructions and standards.

At the same time, in the process of managing organizations, there are often new, atypical situations and non-standard problems that do not lend themselves to formalized solutions. In such cases, the intellectual abilities, talent and personal initiative of managers play an important role.

According to the ISO 9000 standard, quality is the collection of characteristics of an object related to its ability to meet stated and implied needs. Various quality management systems are used in the world today. However, in the educational process as part of the training of economists and managers on the basis of Kursk State Medical University, first of all, in the educational process, such systems are studied that provide the possibility of implementing eight key principles of total quality management TQM (Total Quality Management). This is due to the fact that such principles have been mastered and implemented in the management process in many leading domestic companies and form the basis of international standards in the field of quality management ISO 9000. Their mandatory inclusion in the course of the discipline "Quality Management" allows graduates of the Faculty of Economics and Management to be competitive in the market employment in the selection of management structures large enterprises.

So, the principles provided in the complex by the material of the discipline "Quality Management" are formed below.

1. Customer orientation... Strategic customer orientation, appropriately ensured organizationally, methodologically and technically, is vital for every organization and every enterprise operating in the conditions competitive market... The main purpose of customer orientation is to satisfy their needs, which will lead to the retention of real and the conquest of potential customers. Customer focus involves the following actions:

    establishing the requirements, preferences and expectations of consumers;

    definition of new, additional requirements, which ultimately can lead to customer satisfaction at a higher quality level;

    conducting a comprehensive analysis of these requirements and expectations;

    Consideration and compliance with the requirements, preferences, wishes and expectations of the consumer in the production of goods and services;

    customer satisfaction assessment;

    Analysis of the results obtained;

    development and implementation of measures aimed at improving the organization's activities to increase the level of customer satisfaction.

2. Role of leadership... The presence of a leader-leader is necessary condition sustainable success. Leaders define and establish mission, policy, goals, objectives, tactics, strategic planning, as well as the microclimate in the organization. They must form such corporate culture in a team in which all employees are involved in achieving common goal organizations.

3. Involvement of workers... Total Quality Management (TQM) assumes that all employees of the firm should be involved in the process of creating a quality product, and not just the management.

4. Process approach... All types of actions of the firm must be considered as processes, that is, as a logically ordered sequence of separate stages that transform inputs into outputs. Representation of quality management in the form of a system of interrelated processes ensures good performance and efficiency in the activities of any organization. Process approach to quality management - managing an organization by building a system of processes, managing them, and implementing activities to improve processes.
ISO 9004: 2000, Quality management systems - Guidelines for performance improvement, states the following about the process approach: related works(activities). An activity that uses resources and is managed to acquire the ability to turn inputs into outputs is considered a process. Often, the output of one process directly forms the input for the next. " The process approach to quality management allows you to quickly influence the quality of activities, which contributes to a faster achievement of the required quality of the object of management, and to increase the efficiency of management decisions in relation to continuous improvement of product quality.

5. A systematic approach to management. The systems approach is an approach in which any system is considered as a set of interrelated elements, and has an input (resources), an output (goal), as well as a connection with the environment and feedback. The systems approach is one of the complex approaches to management. The quality system is the target subsystem of the organization's management. According to ISO, the quality system is an aggregate organizational structure, techniques, processes and resources needed to implement overall quality management. The quality management system of products (services) is a set of governing and managed bodies and management objects, closely interacting with each other with the help of material - technical, informational, intellectual means, etc.

A systematic approach to quality management encourages organizations to analyze customer requirements, define processes that contribute to the delivery of products acceptable to customers, and keep these processes in a controlled state. The quality management system can be the basis for continual improvement in order to increase the likelihood of improving customer satisfaction. It gives confidence to the organization itself and to its customers in its ability to deliver fully compliant products.

6. Continuous improvement. Continuous improvement of the organization as a whole on the basis of quality should be seen as its permanent goal. The experience of European, American and Japanese industry has shown that it is impossible to set limits for improvement, since the improvement itself must be a system and an integral part of the management system.
Continuous and constant improvement of the quality of goods and services is aimed at timely satisfaction of the needs of people, their requirements, expectations, preferences and interests. This ensures the competitiveness and increase in the use value of the goods produced by the organization, which is beneficial for both the consumer and the organization.
Typically, actions to improve the quality of a product or service include: a) reviewing and assessing the status quo to identify areas for improvement; b) setting goals for improvement; c) search for possible solutions to achieve goals; d) evaluation and choice of solutions; e) implementation of the selected decisions; f) measuring, checking, analyzing and evaluating performance results to establish whether objectives have been achieved; g) registration of changes.

The results are analyzed to identify further opportunities for improvement. Feedback from customers and other interested parties, audits and reviews of the quality management system can also be used to identify opportunities for improvement.

7. Making decisions based on facts. The implementation of the principle is designed to exclude unreasonable decisions. It is necessary to carefully collect and analyze evidence, both primary and secondary, and make decisions based on it. The most common now are statistical methods of control, analysis and regulation.

8. Mutually beneficial supplier relationships. Organization and suppliers are interdependent and their mutually beneficial relationship enhances their ability to create value. The main purpose of this principle is to change the strategy of the enterprise in relation to interaction with its suppliers. Only a mutually beneficial relationship provides both parties with the best opportunities and benefits. Mutual efforts to ensure continuous improvement should become the norm for both parties. The quality management system should include the prerequisites for building just such an interaction.

These principles are best used in the Deming cycle, used in the process of making management decisions, and in the model of the quality management system of D. Juran. That is why these approaches are offered by us to the compulsory study of students in the framework of the discipline "Quality Management". Below is their methodology, which students of the Faculty of Economics and Management master during the educational process.

Wide application in practice, which determines the priority in the course of the discipline "Quality Management", is the PDCA cycle (which is also called the cycle of quality, the principle of continuous improvement or in honor of its author E. Deming). Product quality management is carried out cyclically and goes through certain stages, called the Deming cycle. The realization of such a cycle is called the turnover of the Deming cycle. The concept of the Deming cycle is not limited only to product quality management, but also applies to any managerial and household activity. Its algorithm includes the sequential execution of the four elements shown in Figure 1: Plan (plan), perform actions (do carry), control (check), adjust (act).

Figure 1 - Deming Cycle

Through constant checks before, during and after the production process, instilling responsibility for quality and, above all, through continuous audits of the production process, weaknesses in various processes in the enterprise can be discovered. PDCA serves precisely to detect the causes of defects and support the entire process up to the elimination of defects.

Scheduling function ... Actions must be planned before the transformation begins. This step covers the analysis of the actual condition, information on the potential for improvement, as well as the development of a planning concept.

Implementation function. This is the name of a course of action that does not correspond to the common concept of transformation, but to approbation, testing and optimization of the previously accepted concept using quickly and easily implemented tools.

Control function. Here, the result, implemented in a small process, is monitored and carefully checked for widespread transfer of improvements as a new standard.

Corrective action function. At this step new concept implemented, documented and regularly checked for compliance. These actions can encompass major changes in the structure and flow of processes. Improvements start again from the planning step.

In practice, the PDCA cycle is applied many times at different intervals. When performing core activities, the PDCA cycle is applied at the frequency of the reporting and planning cycles. When corrective actions are taken, the duration of the PDCA can be less or longer than the duration of the reporting and planning cycles and is set depending on the nature, volume, duration and content of actions to eliminate the causes of the deviation.

Another toolkit that should be given high importance in the educational process of the discipline "Quality Management" is the "quality spiral", substantiated by J.Juran. The ideas behind the Juran model are reflected in the ISO 9000 series of international standards. The Juran Spiral is a timeless spatial model that defines the main stages of continuously evolving quality management work. Each turn of the upward spiral represents a quality improvement process (Figure 2).

Figure 2 - Model of quality ("Spiral of quality" or "Spiral of Juran")

where: 1 - market research and research of performance indicators of product quality; 2 - drawing up design assignments for the manufacture of products of improved quality; 3 - design and engineering work; 4 - drawing up technical conditions for the production process of products; 5 - development of technology and preparation of production; 6 - purchase of materials, components and parts, technological equipment and tool; 7 - manufacture of tools, fixtures and instrumentation; 8 - the process of manufacturing products; nine- technical control production process; 10 - technical control finished products; 11- product testing; 12- sales; 13- Maintenance during the period of operation; 14- market research and quality performance research. С - communication with suppliers; R - advertising and sale.

The model is focused on marketing concept production and commercial activities of the enterprise, provides for a constant study of demand in the sales market and performance indicators of product quality. At the same time, the quality management cycle ends with a market survey. The given model is reflected in the international standards ISO 9000, which establish requirements for quality systems. In accordance with the ISO 9004-1 standard, the product life cycle includes 11 stages, which are presented in the form of a “Quality Loop” (Figure 3).

Figure 3 - Quality loop

The Quality Loop is a Juran model with protection in mind the environment, which is a vicious circle of quality, including 11 stages life cycle products. The quality loop in accordance with ISO international standards is understood as a closed ring-shaped product life cycle, which includes the following main stages: marketing; design and development technical requirements, product development; material and technical supply; preparation of production and development of technology and production processes; production; control, testing and inspection; packaging and storage; sales and distribution of products; mounting; operation; technical assistance and service; disposal.

In the process of preparing students, it is important for them to point out the fundamental feature of the “quality spiral”: it will be incomplete without indicating the reason for the transition of the loop into a spiral. These reasons should include, first of all, the human factor and the development (and the corresponding impact) of the material and technical base, which are a kind of vector for improving quality. If the state and capabilities of the material and technical base do not meet the requirements necessary for the production of high-quality products, or the qualifications of workers are insufficient, or their interest in high-quality work is not ensured, then the quality vector will approach zero. In such a situation, it should be clearly understood that the effectiveness of the quality management process will be insignificant or not at all bring an increase in the level of quality, therefore, its image is presented in the form of a flat loop. If the state and capabilities of the material and technical base, the qualifications of employees allow the production of high-quality products, and employees are interested in high-quality work, then the flat loop, with strict quality management, changes into a quality spiral with an upward trend, while improving the quality level after each management cycle ...

This is an example of the fact that knowledge, skills and abilities acquired by students in matters of clear and effective quality management are no less significant factor than labor potential and material and technical base. This determines the importance of quality training in the discipline "Quality Management", as an important element in the system of knowledge, skills and possessions of future economists and managers.

Bibliographic list
  1. Agarkov A.P. Quality control: Tutorial... M: ITK "Dashkov and K", 2014. - 208s.
  2. Methods for making managerial decisions: textbook / S.A. Belyaev, N.S. Bushina, O. V. Vlasov and others; Edited by M.P. Kurkina - Kursk: KSMU, 2016 - 225 p.
  3. Rebrin Yu.I. Quality Management: A Study Guide. Taganrog: Publishing house of TRTU, 2004 .-- 174p.

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Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation

Federal state educational institution higher professional education

Izhevsk State Agricultural Academy

Faculty of Continuing Professional Education

Testfor quality management

On the topic: Decision-making methods in quality management

Checked by: O. V. Abasheeva

Completed by: 3rd year student Yushkova O.O.

(specialty 080502-

"Economics and management at the agro-industrial complex",

gr. 28b, code 0705199)

Izhevsk 2009


1. Theory and practice of making management decisions

1.1 The concept of "Management decision" and its scope

1.2 Classification of management decisions

1.3 Management decision making process

1.4 Methods for making management decisions



Decision making, as well as information exchange, is an integral part of any management function. The need for decision-making arises at all stages of the management process, is associated with all areas and aspects of management activities and is its quintessence. Therefore, it is so important to understand the nature and essence of decisions.

What is the solution? Let's try to give a very general description first. Usually, in the course of any activity, situations arise when a person or a group of people is faced with the need to choose one of several possible options for action. The result of this choice will be the decision. So the decision is about choosing an alternative.

Each of us every day has to choose something dozens of times, developing abilities and acquiring decision-making skills through our own experience. There are many examples: the choice of clothes from the existing wardrobe, the choice of dishes from the proposed menu.

Any action by an individual or a collective action is preceded by a decision. Decisions are a universal form of behavior for both individuals and social groups. This universality is due to the conscious and purposeful nature of human activity. However, despite the universality of decisions, their adoption in the process of managing an organization is significantly different from decisions taken in private life.

The activities of any manager are associated with the implementation of management functions, including planning, organizing, coordinating and controlling any processes. This activity is carried out in the form of an order, a business conversation, instructions, etc. We often hear that the director made a decision, the head of the department signed an instruction. In general terms, these activities are related to solutions. Solutions are developed by specialists, and those who evaluate these solutions are called experts. A decision is the result of a person's mental activity, leading to any conclusion or to the necessary actions, for example, complete inaction, the development of an action, or the choice of an action from a set of alternatives and its implementation.

A managerial decision is the result of collective creative work, it always bears a social, social character; even when the leader develops solutions alone, the collective intelligence implicitly influences this process. The work on the development of management decisions should be highly professional, using the theoretical and methodological developments of domestic and foreign scientists, as well as the accumulated and systematized practical experience.

The relevance of the chosen topic of the test is due to the fact that at the present time, regardless of the position, each person must make his own managerial decisions.

The objective of this course work is to identify the process of forming management decisions, the forms of their development and implementation.

1. Theory and practice of making management decisions

It is necessary to have a reliable methodology for organizing work on the preparation and implementation of management decisions. However, given that the effectiveness of management decisions depends on many different factors, it is impossible to establish a general procedure suitable for all cases of decision-making and implementation. This problem can be simplified by breaking it down into parts. First, it is necessary to highlight the purely technological part of the substantive work on the formation and adoption of a decision; second, to consider the organization of preparation processes and implementation of solutions. The organization of the first (technological) part of the work is clearly presented in the form of a technological scheme and models (Appendix A). They contain specific practical recommendations, although the subjective approach of a particular decision-maker (DM) can significantly influence the final decision. The second part is also subjective and depends to a large extent on the content of the problem and the characteristics of the solution, as well as on the conditions for making such a decision. For these reasons, it is possible to give only general recommendations for organizing the development and implementation of decisions.

1. The information base, which is used in analyzing the problem and making a decision, has the greatest influence on the efficiency of the decisions made.

2. An equally important element of the problem under consideration is communicating solutions to the performers. The main recommendations for solving this part of the problem can be formulated as follows:

a) to prevent distortion of the content of the decision when communicating it to the executors (at various levels of management of the implementation of this decision);

b) ensure coordinated actions of all performers to achieve the goals of the decision.

3. After communicating the decision to the performers, the success of its implementation largely depends on the correct choice of performers.

4. For effective execution by all performers, certain favorable conditions must be created.

1.1 The concept of "Management decision"and its scope

Decision making is the most important point in management theory and an important component of management activity.

In management practice, a decision is the choice of one of the alternative options for the final result of management. At the same time, the development of a solution is a sequence of actions from identifying a problem to its practical solution, and the implementation of a solution is a practical solution itself, followed by monitoring, comparing the results with the intended goals and (if necessary) adjusting the decision towards the intended goal.

Depending on the area of ​​development and implementation of the management solution, different forms can be used:

Forms of development: decree, law, order, order, instruction, act, protocol, instruction, contract, agreement, plan, contract, offer, acceptance, regulation, rules, model.

Forms of implementation: prescription, persuasion, explanation, coercion, instruction, message, business conversation, personal example, training, advice, business games (training), meetings, meetings, report, business word.

The areas of development of management decisions are quite large. They are widely used in management, management, administration, leadership. In the process of implementation, management decisions can take place in the process of the following activities:

Strategic planning is the process of preparing and implementing management decisions (MDD), leading to the development of specific strategies to achieve the goals of the organization.

Management of management activities is associated with management decisions that are made with the aim of improving the professionalism of the management apparatus.

Communication with the external and internal environment orients management decisions towards the formation of a favorable environment for the company's activities. They affect relationships with suppliers and consumers, customers, employees of their company and the population of the surrounding areas.

Human Resource Management - management decisions in this case reflect stimulation, activation and mobilization.

Management consulting is associated with situational type management decisions.

These decisions are prepared and implemented in connection with the appeals of: personnel or citizens (reception on personal matters), heads of other organizations, supervising bodies of state, municipal or corporate governance. Management decisions within this function reflect the answers to questions, requests, requirements, etc.

Management of production and service activities orients SD to improve the functioning system of the organization without restructuring it. SD relate to improving the activities of the accounting department, personnel department, marketing department, management of production departments, etc.

The formation of the organization's management system is reflected in management decisions aimed at restructuring and reforming the organization. The results of such decisions make significant changes in the mission of the organization, its structure, manufactured products, personnel policy, relations with the external environment.

1.2 Classification of management decisionsniy

In the process of managing organizations, a huge number of a wide variety of decisions are made with different characteristics. Nevertheless, there are some general features that allow this set to be classified in a certain way. This classification is presented in the table:

Table 1. Classification of management decisions

Classification attribute

Management decision groups

Repeatability of the problem



Significance of the goal



Scope of influence



Duration of implementation


short term

Predicted consequences of the decision



Solution development method



Number of selection criteria



Form of acceptance



Solution fixation method



The nature of the information used



Let's consider it in more detail.

The degree of recurrence of the problem: Depending on the recurrence of the problem to be solved, all management decisions can be subdivided into traditional, repeatedly encountered in management practice, when it is only necessary to make a choice from the existing alternatives, and atypical, non-standard solutions, when their search is primarily associated with generating new alternatives.

Significance of the goal: Decision making can pursue its own, independent goal or be a means of contributing to the achievement of a higher order. Accordingly, decisions can be strategic or tactical.

Area of ​​influence: The outcome of the decision may affect one or more parts of the organization. In this case, the solution can be considered local. The decision, however, can be made with the aim of influencing the work of the organization as a whole, in this case it will be global.

Duration of implementation: Implementation of the solution may take several hours, days, or months. If a relatively short period passes between the adoption of the decision and the completion of its implementation, the decision is short-term. At the same time, the number and importance of long-term, promising decisions, the results of the implementation of which can be removed for several years, is increasing.

Predicted consequences of the decision. Most of the management decisions in the process of their implementation can be corrected in one way or another in order to eliminate any deviations or take into account new factors, i.e. is adjustable. At the same time, there are also solutions, the consequences of which are irreversible.

Solution development method. Some solutions, as a rule, are typical, repetitive, can be successfully formalized, i.e. taken according to a predetermined algorithm. In other words, a formalized decision is the result of performing a predetermined sequence of actions.

Formalization of decision making improves management efficiency by reducing the likelihood of error and saving time: there is no need to re-develop the solution every time the appropriate situation arises. Therefore, the leadership of organizations often formalizes solutions for certain, regularly recurring situations, developing appropriate rules, instructions and standards.

At the same time, in the process of managing organizations, there are often new, atypical situations and non-standard problems that do not lend themselves to formalized solutions. In such cases, the intellectual abilities, talent and personal initiative of managers play an important role.

Number of selection criteria: If the choice of the best alternative is made according to only one criterion (which is typical for formalized decisions), then the decision made will be simple, one-criterion. Conversely, when the chosen alternative must satisfy several criteria at the same time, the decision will be complex, multi-criteria. In management practice, the overwhelming majority of decisions are multi-criteria, since they must simultaneously meet such criteria as: profit volume, profitability, quality level, market share, employment level, implementation period, etc.

Form of decision-making: The person making the choice from the available alternatives of the final decision can be one person and his decision will be solely accordingly. However, in modern management practice, more and more often complex situations and problems are encountered, the solution of which requires a comprehensive, complex analysis, i.e. participation of a group of managers and specialists. Such group, or collective, decisions are called collegial. The collegial form of decision-making, of course, reduces the efficiency of management and “dilutes” responsibility for its results, but it prevents gross errors and abuse and increases the validity of the choice.

Method of fixing the decision: On this basis, management decisions can be divided into fixed, or documentary (i.e., drawn up in the form of a document - an order, order, letter, etc.), and undocumented (not having documentary form, oral). Most decisions in the management apparatus are documented, however, minor, insignificant decisions, as well as decisions made in emergency, acute, urgent situations, may not be documented.

The nature of the information used. Depending on the degree of completeness and reliability of the information available to the manager, management decisions can be deterministic (made under conditions of certainty) or probabilistic (made under conditions of risk or uncertainty). These conditions play extremely important role when making decisions, so we will consider them in more detail.

1.3 Management decision making processniy

The decision-making process is a cyclical sequence of actions of the subject of management aimed at solving the problems of the organization and consisting in analyzing the situation, generating alternatives, making a decision and organizing its implementation.

Development and decision-making is a creative process in the activities of managers of any level, including:

Development and goal setting;

Study of the problem based on the information received;

Selection and justification of criteria for effectiveness (efficiency) and possible consequences of the decision;

Discussion with specialists of various options for solving the problem (task);

Selection and formulation of the optimal solution;


Specification of the solution for its executors.

Management technology considers a management decision as a process consisting of three stages:

Solution preparation:


Implementation of the solution.

At the stage of preparing a managerial decision, an economic analysis of the situation at the micro and macro level is carried out, including the search, collection and processing of information, as well as problems that need to be solved are identified and formed.

At the decision-making stage, the development and assessment of alternative solutions and courses of action, carried out on the basis of multivariate calculations, is carried out;

Selection of criteria for choosing the optimal solution is made;

Choosing and making the best decision.

At the stage of implementation of the decision, measures are taken to concretize the decision and bring it to the performers, control over the progress of its implementation, make the necessary adjustments and assess the result obtained from the implementation of the decision.

Each management decision has its own specific result, therefore, the purpose of management activity is to find such forms, methods, means and tools that could contribute to the achievement of optimal results in specific conditions and circumstances. Management decisions can be informed, taken on the basis of economic analysis and multivariate calculation, and intuitive, which, although saving time, but contains the probability of errors and uncertainty. Decisions made should be based on reliable, current and predictable information, analysis of all factors that influence decisions, taking into account the anticipation of its possible consequences. Managers are obliged to constantly and comprehensively study the incoming information for the preparation and adoption of management decisions on its basis, which must be coordinated at all levels of the internal hierarchical management pyramid. The amount of information that needs to be processed to develop effective management decisions is so great that it has long exceeded human capabilities. It was the difficulties of managing modern large-scale production that led to the widespread use of electronic computers, the development of automated control systems, which required the creation of a new mathematical apparatus and economic and mathematical methods.

1. 4 Management decision making methodsniya

In order to make a managerial decision, each manager must be well versed not only in the conceptual apparatus, but also sufficiently qualified to apply in practice:

· Methodology of management decisions;

· Methods of development of management decisions;

· Organization of development of management decisions;

· Assessment of the quality of management decisions.

Methods for the development of management decisions include methods and techniques for performing operations required in the development of management decisions. These include ways of analyzing, processing information, choosing options for action, etc.

Methods are specific ways in which a problem can be solved.

The management decision methodology is a logical organization of activities for the development of a management decision, including the formulation of the management goal, the choice of methods for developing solutions, criteria for evaluating options, drawing up logical schemes for performing operations

Decision-making methods aimed at achieving the intended goals can be different:

1) a method based on the intuition of the manager, which is due to the presence of his previously accumulated experience and the amount of knowledge in a specific field of activity, which helps to choose and make the right decision;

2) a method based on the concept of "common sense", when the manager, making decisions, substantiates them with consistent evidence, the content of which is based on his accumulated practical experience;

3) a method based on a scientific and practical approach, involving the choice of optimal solutions based on processing large amounts of information, which helps to justify the decisions made. This method requires the use of modern technical means and, above all, electronic computers. The problem of the manager's choice of a solution is one of the most important in modern science management. It assumes the need for a comprehensive assessment by the leader himself of a specific situation and the independence of his adoption of one of several options for possible decisions. Since the leader has the ability to choose solutions, he is responsible for their implementation. Decisions taken go to executive bodies and are subject to control over their implementation. Therefore, management should be purposeful, the purpose of management should be known. The management system must adhere to the principle of choosing a decision to be made from a certain set of decisions. The more choice, the more effective the management.

When choosing a management solution, the following requirements are imposed on it:

the validity of the decision; optimality of choice; the legality of the decision;

brevity and clarity; concreteness in time; targeting to performers; efficiency of implementation.


1. Lebedev O.T. Fundamentals of management. St. Petersburg Publishing House "MiM", 1997. p. 78 ..

2. Gerchikova I.N. Management. Moscow, "Banks and Barges", publishing association UNITI, 1995. p. 34 ..

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The paper deals with the problem of decision support in product quality management. For its effective solution, a conceptual approach to the study of customer satisfaction is proposed based on an in-depth analysis of consumer reviews posted on the Internet in natural language using technologies. artificial intelligence(AI). AI tools use text analysis, sentiment analysis, aspect sentiment analysis, data mining, and machine learning. As data sources, specialized Internet resources are used to accumulate consumer reviews, for example, Based on the developed approach, a prototype of a decision support system has been implemented, which allows for a qualitative and quantitative study of customer satisfaction. To assess the effectiveness of the proposed approach, an experiment was carried out to quantitatively and qualitatively study customer satisfaction in hotels. The results obtained indicate the effectiveness of the proposed approach to decision support in product quality management and the prospect of using it instead of the classical methods of quantitative and qualitative research of customer satisfaction.

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To ensure product quality, an enterprise needs to make effective management decisions. The development of management decisions and their adoption should be based on knowledge and patterns obtained during the analysis of the information collected. For enterprises, such information is information about the degree of customer satisfaction (CP), which is expressed in the form of consumer opinions about the quality of products. Therefore, in quality management, the key information on which the adoption of certain decisions depends is customer satisfaction.

The international quality standard ISO 10004 recommends using the following methods for data collection and assessment of PM: personal interviews, telephone interviews, discussion groups, correspondence (mailing of questionnaires) research and online survey (questionnaires). A common disadvantage of the recommended methods is the need to perform a large amount of self made: preparation of questionnaire questions, selection of the respondent base, distribution of the questionnaire and collection of results, conducting personal interviews, preparing a report on the results. All this leads to higher research costs. Also, due to their characteristic discreteness, the methods do not allow continuous monitoring of the UE level. For this reason, data analysis is limited to one time slice and does not provide insight into trends and PM dynamics. Also, the timeliness of making management decisions suffers, which depends on the frequency of receipt of relevant data on the opinions of consumers.

The questions are raised by the existing scales for assessing UP and the subjectivity of their perception by the respondents. The resulting PM scores are expressed in the form of abstract indices of satisfaction, which are difficult to understand, compare and interpret the results. The methods for analyzing the collected data recommended by the ISO 10004 standard allow only linear dependencies to be identified.

The purpose of the study is to improve the efficiency of the process of development and decision-making in the management of the quality of goods and services. In this paper, in order to improve the efficiency of product quality management, an approach to decision support based on the study of PM using AI technologies is proposed.

Proposed Approach to Decision Making

The proposed approach to support the adoption of managerial decisions in product quality management is implemented by combining methods and algorithms for collecting and processing data on PM into a single intelligent decision support system (IDSS). The scheme of product quality management developed using IDMS is shown in Figure 1. Main characters in the process of quality management: consumers of products and a decision-maker (DM). The object of management is understood as the quality of the services provided, on which the efficiency of the enterprise depends. The subject of management is understood as a decision maker who makes decisions to improve the quality of services. Controlling influence is understood as managerial decisions that affect the quality of services, for example, modernization of goods, selection of contractors, determination of pricing policy, recruitment of personnel of a given qualification, introduction of innovations, improvement of service levels, provision of resources, etc. decision support systems (IDSS). In accordance with the scheme, an enterprise produces goods or services and supplies them to consumers. After using them, consumers publish their opinions on the quality of products on the Internet in the form of text reviews. IDSS automatically collects reviews, cleans them and loads them into the data storage subsystem. In the subsystem of data analysis of IDSS, feedback is processed, PM is evaluated and knowledge is extracted. Feedback analysis results are visualized in the user interaction subsystem. Based on the results obtained, the decision maker makes management decisions to improve the quality of service.

Figure 1 - Scheme of service quality management using IDSS

Figure 2 shows the algorithm of the IDSS operation. It consists of four main stages. The first stage contains procedures for collecting feedback from Internet resources, cleaning the data and loading it into the database. At the second stage, the collected reviews are processed and analyzed. It includes marking up reviews by their emotional tone (for example, negative and positive), identifying aspects of products, determining the tone of individual statements about aspects. After the stage of data processing with the help of visualization tools, a quantitative study of the UE is carried out. A qualitative study of PM is carried out by building models based on decision trees, where the tone of the response acts as a dependent variable, and the tone statements on aspects of production are independent variables. Based on the research carried out, the development and adoption of management decisions is carried out.

Figure 2 - Algorithm of the intelligent decision support system

Applied artificial intelligence technologies

Data collection. Today there are a large number of Internet resources where users can leave their feedback on products and services. The most popular examples are (635,000 reviews), (53 million reviews), (travel, 130 million reviews). Their dignity as a source of data for the PM evaluation lies in their purpose - the accumulation of consumer reviews. Unlike social networks, web pages use XML markup, which defines the structure inherent in the review. Such a structure contains separate blocks with the name of a product or an enterprise, with a recall, and other blocks with additional information... This greatly simplifies the data collection process and eliminates the problem of keyword ambiguity. Another advantage is that on many such resources there is a moderation of reviews and confirmation of the author's objectivity.

There are two main ways to collect data from online consumer testimonials: 1) using an API (application programming interface) and 2) web parsing. API is a set of ready-made tools - classes, procedures, functions provided by the application (Internet resource) for use in external software products... Unfortunately, few resources that accumulate reviews have their own API. In this case, to collect feedback, you can use the second method of collecting data - web parsing. Web parsing is understood as the process of automated analysis and collection of content from html pages of any Internet resource using special programs.

Analysis of the sentiment of reviews. When the data is collected and cleaned, you can start processing it using text analysis tools. Sentiment analysis is used to assess the author's satisfaction with the product. Tonality or sentiment is understood as an emotional assessment of the author's opinion in relation to the object referred to in the text.

There are three main approaches to the analysis of sentiment: 1) linguistic, 2) statistical, 3) combined. The linguistic approach is based on the application of rules and tonal dictionaries. It is quite time-consuming due to the need to compile tone dictionaries, templates and build rules for determining the tone. But the main drawback of the approach is the impossibility of obtaining a quantitative assessment of the sentiment. The statistical approach is based on supervised and supervised machine learning methods.

This paper uses a supervised machine learning approach - a naive Bayesian classifier and a support vector machine. They are quite simple in software implementation, do not require the construction of linguistic analyzers or sentiment dictionaries. Sentiment scores can be quantified. To apply these methods, a training sample was built. To describe the feature space, we used a vector representation of the review text using the bag-of-words model. Binary vectors were considered as features - the presence or absence of a word in the review text and frequency vectors - the number of occurrences of a word in the review text. The lemmatization procedure was also used, which brings all the words of the response to the initial form. More details on the machine learning methods used in this work can be found in the works.

Aspect Sentiment Analysis. The work uses tonal analysis of statements about aspects or aspect sentiment analysis. The aspect of sentiment refers to characteristics, attributes, qualities, properties that characterize a product, for example, a phone battery or delivery time, etc. With a large number of aspects, it makes sense to combine individual aspects into aspect groups. An example of such aspect groups is shown in Figure 3. Aspect analysis of the sentiment of a response is a more complex task and consists of two stages - identifying aspects and determining the sentiment of a statement about them. To solve the problem of aspect analysis of sentiment, a simple and effective algorithm was developed:

First step.

1. Extract all nouns on a set of reviews.

2. Calculate the frequency of the use of nouns on the entire set of reviews, where is the number of uses of all words, is the number of uses of the i-th noun.

4. Sort many nouns in descending order.

5. Divide a lot of nouns into aspect groups.

Second phase.

1. Break a lot of reviews into a lot of suggestions.

2. Perform sentiment classification for each sentence.

3. For each sentence, a check is performed: if the assessment of the sentiment of the sentence (negative or positive) exceeds a certain threshold and contains at least one noun from any aspect group, then the sentence is marked as a positive or negative opinion about this aspect group.

The results of sentiment analysis of reviews and aspect sentiment analysis are a set of text data, where is the text of the i-th consumer review, - the sentiment of the i-th review, - negative opinions about the j-th aspect group in the i-th review, - positive opinions about the j-th aspect group in the i-th review, i - the number of the review, j - the number of the aspect group.

Post-processing of data using decision trees. To conduct a qualitative analysis, an original method of post-processing the results of sentiment analysis based on decision trees was developed. Decision trees were built using the C4.5 algorithm. The results obtained with its help make it possible to understand which aspect groups of products and how they affect the PM. The advantage of the developed method of analysis is that it allows one to identify nonlinear relationships between overall satisfaction with products and satisfaction with its individual aspect groups. Also, the method allows you to identify significant aspects of the product and get it quantitative assessments... The method consists of the following procedures:

1. Converting a set of textual data to a logical data type according to the following rules:

1.1. If , then, otherwise;

1.2. If, then, otherwise;

1.3. If, then, otherwise.

2. Building a decision tree in which the variable is the dependent variable of.

3. Calculation of the significance of aspect groups and interpretation of the results.

The significance of the aspect group shows how strongly the tone of the response depends on the tone of the given aspect group. Calculated after building a tree of classification rules. Let the number of aspect groups be equal, then the number of independent variables is equal to (negative and positive statements for each aspect group). The formula for calculating the significance of the -th variable will be:

, (1)

where is the number of nodes that were split by attribute, is the entropy of the parent node, split by attribute, is the child node for the -th, which was split by the attribute, is the number of examples in the corresponding nodes, is the number of child nodes for the -th parent.

Assessment of consumer PM by products is calculated by the formula:

, (2)

where is the number of positive reviews, is the number of negative reviews.

The assessment of the UE -th aspect group of products is calculated by the formula:

, (3)

where is the number of reviews containing a positive mention in the ith aspect group, is the number of reviews containing a negative mention in the ith aspect group.


Evaluation of the effectiveness of the developed IDSS prototype was carried out on a dataset of 635,824 reviews in Russian on the resort and hotel business. Reviews were collected from the popular Internet resource for the period 2003-2013. ... The data was preprocessed (duplicates, html markup fragments and reviews less than 30 characters in length were removed) and loaded into the SQL Server 2012 database.

A binary scale (negative and positive) was used to classify the sentiment of reviews. A training sample of positive and negative reviews was formed using the collected information about the author's ratings of accommodation, food and service. The Internet resource uses a 5-point rating scale according to which food, accommodation and service are assessed. The training sample included 15790 negative reviews with 3 and 4 total points and 15790 positive reviews with 15 total points. During further processing of the data, the authors' estimates were not used. The remaining 604,244 reviews were tagged using a trained classifier.

In order to build an effective sentiment classifier, an assessment was made of the classification accuracy of machine learning algorithms and some features of their construction (Table 1). To assess the classification accuracy, the ratio of the number of correctly classified positive and negative reviews to their total number is used. Accuracy was assessed using two data sets. The first set (Test # 1) represented the generated training. It was tested by cross-validation with a breakdown of the data into 10 parts. The second set (Test # 2) contained reviews with different scores and was marked up manually (497 positive and 126 negative). The second set was used to control the accuracy of the classifiers trained on the first dataset.

Table 1 - Comparison of the accuracy of the sentiment classification

Machine methods


SVM (linear core)


SVM (linear core)




NB (exclusion words)


NB (tagging particles "not" and "none")


To mark up reviews and analyze sentiment, classifier No. 6 was chosen based on the NB method, frequency vectors as a feature space and using the techniques of lemmatization and tagging of negations "not" and "not". Using the developed algorithm, aspect nouns were extracted from the entire set of reviews, which were divided into seven main aspect groups (Figure 3). Further, sentences were extracted and marked by tonality with the mention of words from aspect groups.

A UP study was conducted for two 5-star hotels - hotel "A" (1692 reviews) and hotel "B" (1300 reviews), located in the resort of Sharm el-Sheikh (63,472 reviews) in Egypt. The results of the quantitative analysis are presented below. Figure 4 shows the dynamics of the PM. Figure 5 shows satisfaction by aspect group. The category "Resort" includes reviews of all hotels in this resort.

Figure 3 - Aspect groups of the object of the tonality "hotel"

Figure 4 - Dynamics of indicators of customer satisfaction by months

Figure 5 - Customer Satisfaction by Aspect Group in 2012 and 2013

In order to conduct a qualitative study using the developed method, decision trees were built, according to reviews of all hotels in the resort and separately for hotels "A" and "B". The extracted decision tree rules are presented in Table 2. The significance of the aspect groups is presented in Table 3.

The conducted quantitative and qualitative research of the PM for the hotel "A" made it possible to determine the problematic aspect groups and identify those that have the greatest impact on the PM, taking this into account, the priority of the decisions made and the ways of their resolution in the long and short term were determined.

Table 2 - Extracted rules using decision trees




Extracted rules for all resort reviews

Extracted rules for reviews of the hotel "A"

Extracted rules for reviews of the hotel "B"

1Support shows the percentage of feedback from the original sample that contains this rule.

2Credibility shows what proportion of reviews containing a rule have a given sentiment.

Table 3 - Significance of aspect groups

Hotel "A"

Hotel "B"

Hotel "A"

Hotel "B"

Table 4 - Application of the results for the development of management decisions for the hotel "A"

Problem Aspect Groups


Rules with

Train and motivate service personnel, check the quality of restaurant services, and conduct entertainment events.

Diversify the assortment of dishes, organize garbage collection on the beach.

Not significant or out of scope.


The proposed concept of decision support based on the developed methodology for processing and analyzing textual data allows in an automated mode to conduct quantitative and qualitative research of customer satisfaction and make effective management decisions on product quality management. This concept can significantly reduce the labor intensity of customer satisfaction research, which makes it available for use by a wide range of enterprises.

On the basis of the proposed concept, an IDSS prototype was developed. The experiment carried out has shown the effectiveness of the approach in solving real tasks product quality management, satisfactory accuracy of text analysis processing algorithms, consistency of the results. IDMS allows making quality management decisions based on analytical processing of textual reviews from the Internet containing implicit information about customer satisfaction.


Chernyakhovskaya L.R., Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Professor, Ufa State Aviation Technical University, Ufa.

V.M. Kartak, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor, Head. chair applied informatics, FSBEI HPE "Bashkir State Pedagogical University named after M. Akmulla", Ufa.

Bibliographic reference

Yusupova N.I., Bogdanova D.R., Boyko M.V. MATHEMATICAL SUPPORT FOR DECISION MAKING SUPPORT IN PRODUCT QUALITY MANAGEMENT BASED ON TEXT INFORMATION ANALYSIS // Contemporary problems science and education. - 2014. - No. 3 .;
URL: (date accessed: 01/15/2020). We bring to your attention the journals published by the "Academy of Natural Sciences"

economic sciences

  • Shamis Vitaly Alexandrovich, Candidate of Science, Associate Professor, Associate Professor
  • Omsk Humanitarian Academy

Product quality management refers to actions taken during its creation, operation or consumption in order to establish, ensure and maintain the required level of product quality. In this case, the direct objects of management are indicators and characteristics of product quality, factors and conditions affecting their level, as well as the processes of forming product quality at different stages of its life cycle.

  • Theoretical aspects of enterprise distribution logistics
  • Consideration of some aspects in procurement activities
  • Consideration of the theoretical aspects of procurement logistics
  • Consideration of the principles of quality management in the systems "Man-machine" based on the assessment of the functional state of operators

Product quality management refers to actions taken during its creation, operation or consumption in order to establish, ensure and maintain the required level of product quality. In this case, the direct objects of management are indicators and characteristics of product quality, factors and conditions affecting their level, as well as the processes of forming product quality at different stages of its life cycle. The subjects of management are various governing bodies and individuals functioning at distinguishable hierarchical levels and implementing quality management functions in accordance with generally accepted principles and methods of management.

In modern conditions, the issues of development and decision-making within the framework of quality management in "man-machine" systems are becoming topical. This is due to the increased level of uncertainty external environment, the presence of bifurcation points, and, consequently, an increase in risk indicators.

Let us consider the main stages of development and decision-making within the framework of quality management in man-machine systems:

  • Assessment of the level of stability of the external environment (using the methods of chaos theory);
  • Determination of the forecast horizon (using the methods of chaos theory);
  • Forecasting the values ​​of time series that set the indicators of the system under study, including quality indicators, taking into account the forecasting horizon (using forecasting methods for one-dimensional or multidimensional time series);
  • Development of scenarios for the development of the external environment of the system under study based on the results of forecasting and taking into account the forecasting horizon;
  • Determination of the control parameters of the system, taking into account the peculiarities of its functioning and the type of control;
  • Development of management actions using systems theory and systems analysis;
  • Implementation of management and current monitoring and control (with the entry of the results into the database);
  • Analysis of the results of the implementation of control (using the methods intellectual analysis data);
  • Development and implementation of corrective actions.

Analysis of the stability of the external environment of the system under study takes a special place in the development and adoption of managerial decisions. Let's consider in more detail this stage.

Let's highlight the following levels of stability of the external environment:

  1. High (this level is characterized by a stable development of the external environment predicted using traditional methods).
  2. Medium (trends in the development of the external environment are sufficiently predicted using traditional methods for analyzing time series, but when analyzing factors using methods of nonlinear dynamics, one can single out “ weak signals"(According to I. Ansoff), allowing to predict abrupt changes in the external environment).
  3. Low (the dynamics of changes in the external environment cannot be predicted using traditional methods of time series analysis; it is only possible to predict general trends in the development of the situation using methods of nonlinear dynamics and chaos theory).

Analysis and prediction of the stability of the external environment is carried out using polynomial approximation, phase spline portraits and LVQ neural networks. To analyze the stability of the external environment, the following indicators or a group of indicators characterizing the market under study in a separate economic entity: region, district or country:

  • indices of the main socio-economic indicators;
  • indicators characterizing specific gravity the region in the all-Russian basic socio-economic indicators;
  • indices characterizing labor activity the population of the Russian Federation and regions in particular;
  • indicators characterizing the standard of living of the population;
  • indicators characterizing the environment;
  • indicators characterizing the sectoral structure of the gross regional product;
  • indicators characterizing the activities of enterprises and organizations;
  • indicators characterizing the industry in the regions;
  • indicators characterizing trade and service provision;
  • indicators characterizing innovative activity;
  • indicators characterizing prices and tariffs.

The analysis of the stability of the external environment can be carried out in the short-term mode, taking into account the forecasting horizon and medium-term (long-term) forecasting.


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