Forms of business communication conversation presentation product exhibition. Types of business communication. Forms of business communication

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The process of mutual exchange of information between communication partners. Includes transmission and reception of knowledge, ideas, opinions, feelings.

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Communication functions

The contact function is to establish contact as a state of mutual readiness to receive and transmit messages and maintain communication.

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The instrumental function characterizes communication as social mechanism management and transmission of information necessary for the execution of an action.

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The integrative function reveals communication as a means of bringing people together.

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The function of self-expression or understanding defines communication as a form of mutual understanding of the psychological context.

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The translational function serves to convey specific modes of activity, assessments, etc.

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The function of influencing is a change in the state, behavior, personal and semantic formations of the partner.

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Informative function - exchange of messages, opinions, ideas, decisions.

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The emotive function is to excite the necessary emotional experiences in a partner, as well as to change their feelings with his help.

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The status-determining function is the fulfillment of the expected role of a person, the demonstration of the norms of the social environment.

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Communication levels

macrolevel mesoscale microlevel

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interaction scheme

HUMAN MANAGEMENT WORK HUMAN ORGANIZATION CULTURE CAREER PERSONALITY QUALITY DEVELOPMENT CONTRADICTION Requirement for behavior (sociological aspect) Real behavior (psychological aspect) Satisfied with the organization - not happy with the person Satisfied with the person - not satisfied with the organization

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a process of communication and interaction in the course of which activities, information and experience are exchanged. Purpose - setting specific goals and specific objectives.

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organization of joint activities; formation and development of interpersonal relationships; people knowing each other. REGULATION is a specific feature of business communication

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    the main task of partners is to maintain communication with society, to reinforce the idea of \u200b\u200boneself as a member of society. the partner is treated as a means of achieving goals external to him. is aimed at a joint change in the ideas of both partners, involves the satisfaction of such a human need as the need for understanding, sympathy, empathy. RITUAL MANIPULATIVE HUMANISTIC

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    instructive, edifying; elevating people, instilling in them faith in their spiritual strength and personal qualities; making people want to object, disagree; focused on transferring certain information to listeners, restoring some knowledge in their memory MENTORAL SPIRITUAL INFORMATION

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    purpose of the event (why?); contingent of participants (who ?, with whom ?, for whom?); time limit (how long?); communicative means of implementing intentions (how?); organization of the spatial environment (where?); expected result (what?, what is "output"?).

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    Business negotiations are the main means of coordinated decision-making in the process of communication between stakeholders. Business negotiations always have a specific goal and are aimed at concluding agreements, transactions, contracts. A dispute is a clash of opinions, disagreements on any issue, a struggle in which each of the parties defends its point of view. The dispute is realized in the form of a dispute, polemics, discussion. A business meeting is a way of open collective discussion of problems by a group of specialists.

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    Public speaking is the transmission of information of various levels by one speaker to a wide audience in compliance with the rules and principles of constructing speech and oratory. Business correspondence - the generalized name of documents of different content, allocated in connection with a special method of text transmission.

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    business conversations, meetings, meetings, negotiations, conferences, presentations, round tables, press conferences, shareholders' meetings, briefings, exhibitions and fairs of new products.

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    to formulate the goals and objectives of communication; organize communication; analyze complaints and applications; own skills and techniques, tactics and communication strategy; negotiate, manage a business meeting; prevent conflicts and resolve them; prove and substantiate, argue and convince, reach agreement, conduct a conversation, discussion, dialogue, dispute; carry out psychotherapy, relieve stress, a sense of fear in the interlocutor, control his behavior.

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    A presentation is usually understood as the first official presentation to an interested audience of some still unknown or little-known product, a company and its creators. Presentation is an indispensable attribute of the formation of a company, its establishment in the market. The impact of the presentation is very serious, from its successful holding business contacts in the business world depend.

    Through the presentation, they inform and convince potential clients and partners in the need to purchase a specific product or service. An important task of the presentation is the need to demonstrate the product and its capabilities in such a way as to arouse interest and draw attention to your company, and ultimately, as an expected result, to conclude contracts and transactions.

    The subject of the presentation can be a new book, magazine, TV program, car, rock band, idea, lecture course, organizational structure, efficient technology, etc. The meaning of the presentation is to provide a favorable reception for the presented innovation from the public.

    Typically, the presentation script is developed by a public relations manager. Firms that do not have such a specialist invite professionals to prepare the script. If the presentation is carried out by the leaders of the company, then they need to be involved in the development of the presentation concept and when writing the text for the presenter, their individual characteristics should be taken into account.

    For the presentation, it is necessary to plan short speeches by the authors, specialists who can professionally tell about it, experts who can confirm the advantages, qualitative characteristics.

    Promotional gifts - souvenirs should be prepared for the presentation. As a rule, these are notebooks, calendars, fountain pens, ashtrays, lighters, badges, etc. They bear the name of the company, its logo, in some cases - the address and nature of the activity. Souvenirs are awarded to all participants in the presentation.

    The meaning and purpose of the presentation is the transmission of information by the presenters in the form of persuasion to a certain circle of those present in accordance with the listed goals. Any presentation requires serious preparation, consisting of the main blocks:

    • - analysis of the composition, purpose, nature and condition of the audience;
    • - planning and development of the introduction, main body and conclusion for a long formal presentation;
    • - selection, development of options for using demonstration and visual materials;
    • - direct preparation for speech: writing a text, a plan, preparing visual materials;
    • - preparation for answering questions from the audience.

    Presentations are of the following types:

    • - Presentation public organization (firms, joint stock company, corporations, etc.). The objectives of such a presentation are: creating an image of the company among the business community, creating or recreating a favorable image of the company, advertising the name of the company.
    • - Product presentation. The goals of such a presentation are clear: creating knowledge about a new brand, product or service in the target market, familiarizing consumers with new product features, store schedules, etc., achieving brand preference, etc.
    • - Project presentation. The purpose of this type of presentation is to inform people about a project, to determine the feedback to the project, to find those interested in supporting the development and implementation of the project. This type of presentation is the most demanding on the form of presentation, content, preparation.
    • - Presentation of the scope and content of the work performed (report). The goal is to acquaint, provide a certain narrow group of people with the results of work. Such a presentation is less demanding on the implementation of certain preparation rules and may well be spontaneous if the necessary data is at your fingertips and is kept in perfect order.
    • - Presentation of a plan for future work. Such a presentation is similar to the previous type of presentation, only the object here is the future work of an organization or person. Its goals may be: informing a certain circle of people about the planned work, a description of the planned work in order to confirm the object of the presentation to critical analysis and change.

    The meaning and purpose of the presentation is the transfer of information to the presenters in the form of persuasion to a certain circle of those present with the listed purposes.

    In the practice of business communication, presentations are widespread. Presentationtranslated from Latin as "presentation", "presentation". By presentation we mean any public presentation of something new:

    1) presentation, presentation of a bill of exchange to the person obliged to make the payment (drawee);

    2) public presentation of something new, recently appeared, created, for example, a book, magazine, film, television program, organization;

    3) a large official reception (sometimes with refreshments) hosted by a firm, organization, enterprise, etc. for the purpose of advertising, to get acquainted with their activities;

    4) a solemn public performance, demonstration of something, familiarization with something (sometimes accompanied by a reception with refreshments).

    A successful business presentation gets people to rate both you and your message positively. As for individualsand for organizations, a successful presentation is a professional tool to help them get what they want.

    The main goal of a business presentation is to convince those present to act in the right direction: to approve the proposed project; support new idea, sentence; buy a product or service; adopt a budget, legislative act; use the information received; introduce new methods; vote for a candidate; subscribe to a periodical, etc.

    Exist different kinds presentations. There are two types of presentations: external and internal .

    External presentation is intended for individuals who do not belong to the organization represented by the presenter. For example, a presentation by a sales representative of a company to customers.

    Internal presentationrefers to those situations in which the presenter and the audience are within the same organization (for example, the manager addresses the executives of his company, the manager speaks to the department employees, the referent reports to the board on a certain topic).

    Internal presentations, depending on the position of the parties, are divided into downstream and ascending. If communication goes down the hierarchical ladder, i.e. the leader speaks to the heads of departments, the chiefs to the subordinates, then the presentation will be "top-down". Conversely, the presentation of the subordinate to the superiors, the boss to the superior leader is called "bottom-up".

    Both external and internal presentations can be promoting (their goal is to advertise, promote, introduce new ideas, services, products, programs, support a specific candidate, political platform, etc.) and information (the main focus is on communication and transmission of information).

    There are three types of presentation. Let's call them conditionally public, chamber and private.

    Public presentation.It is designed for a large audience. Public presentations are massive(from 50 people to 200 or more) and group(from 15 to 50 people).

    A public presentation is usually a well-planned and prepared event. Usually it is conducted in accordance with a pre-developed scenario, in which the roles of all participants, the content and order of their presentations, the use of visual aids (posters, diagrams, tables, slides, films, etc.) are clearly defined. Special time is assigned to answering questions.

    A public presentation usually takes 1.5-2 hours. It is recommended to start it at about 15.00-16.00 hours.

    After the presentation, the organizers suggest a cocktail and a buffet (17.00-19.00).

    The premises for the presentation are prepared accordingly. The meeting room, foyer are decorated with advertising posters, stands, illustrative materials, etc.

    A good impression on the participants of the presentation is made by the presentation of promotional gifts, which are used as inexpensive items: fountain pens, notebooks, calendars, badges, brochures, printed materials of the organization, etc.

    It is customary to inform about the upcoming presentation in the media, and send invitations to participants and guests.

    When conducting a public presentation, it is very important to take into account the characteristics of the behavior and reactions of people in a large audience. In connection with the increase in the size of the audience, the presenter has an additional problem: the larger the audience, the less it reacts to what is being presented, and the more to the person who presents it all. " Two important things happen to people in a large audience:

    They unite and solidify;

    They unanimously accept and approve of someone's leadership.

    A large audience is not intended for discussion of issues; it is difficult to use arguments that are appropriate and understood for everyone present. Here the oratorical abilities of the presenter are very important, his ability to control the audience and influence them.

    Much attention must be paid to the preparation of the presentation speech. The number of speakers at the presentation is determined by the scenario, dictated by the circumstances and appropriateness.

    A public presentation is characterized, first of all, by a strict regulation of its procedure (order of speeches, distribution of roles, coordination of the thematic focus of speeches, answers to questions, etc.) and clear structuring of presentation speeches.

    Chamber presentation.This is a fairly common type of presentation for a small number of listeners (up to 15 people). Such presentations are held in the premises of firms, organizations, institutions. Chamber presentations are especially popular with trade firms selling cosmetics, dishes, medicines and other small goods. Often, this kind of presentation is held not only in the premises of an organization and institutions, but also at home. For example, the hostess of the house invites her friends and acquaintances to visit her for the presentation of goods. She maintains a lively conversation, serves a light snack, tea, coffee and offers to place an order for a particular product. She receives a certain percentage from the sale of each item. The concept of home evenings is well understood and has long been widely used in the West and the United States. According to psychologists, the decisive factor here is not the quality of the product itself, but the emerging social connection. People trust more those whom they know and who they like, so they are more willing to buy from friends than from an unfamiliar seller.

    A distinctive feature of a small audience is that everyone remains an individual, has the opportunity to show their individuality. In a small audience, the presenter is not expected to have a long monologue, but to be able to involve everyone present in the conversation. The amount of time devoted to answering questions is, to some extent, an indicator of a successful presentation. It is very important during the presentation to be able to create an informal, relaxed, confidential atmosphere.

    Private presentation- informal presentation intended for 1-2 people. Most often, such a presentation is carried out when selling goods in a store (seller - buyer), in institutions, organizations, in production, on the street (seller-distributor - potential buyer, client), etc.

    To achieve the desired success, the presenter must be a good psychologist, be able to understand people, be a qualified merchandiser, thoroughly know the merits and demerits of the distributed product of your company, as well as similar products of competitors.

    Analysis of private presentations allows us to present their approximate scheme. It looks like this:

    1. Selection and assessment of a potential buyer, client (age, appearance, material opportunities, etc.);

    2. general characteristics company presented, its services provided to clients.

    3. Analysis of the quality of the offered product and comparing it with the samples of competing firms (efficiency, convenience, safety, versatility, cost, etc.), Highlighting the advantages of this product.

    4. Neutralization of doubts and objections of the buyer, client.

    5. Invitation to cooperation.

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