What does it mean to quit by agreement of the parties. Dismissal by agreement of the parties: how to properly issue? Pros and cons for an employee when terminating a business relationship by agreement

Practice shows that people usually do not know exactly what exactly in their behavior irritates or delights others. The inability to see oneself from the outside and the difference in behavior in different social roles and at different levels hinders the development of not only employees, but also managers. The leader also does not always know what opinion about the subordinate has developed in the team. One of best practices in the world management and HR practice, which allows solving these problems - the assessment of employees by method "360 degrees".

The name reflects the essence of the method: it allows you to evaluate the employee from all sides (in a circle that represents 360 degrees). Ideally, the list of graders looks like this:

  • the employee himself, who evaluates himself according to the given criteria and questions;
  • the immediate supervisor of the employee;
  • colleagues of the employee or managers, but not the immediate supervisor;
  • subordinates (if any).

As a result, a person can clearly correlate self-assessment with external assessment, as well as compare the results of assessment at different levels. In this case, his immediate supervisor can also receive useful information.

primary goal

Our goal is to compare our own subjective assessment with subjective assessments at different levels: to understand how they see us from the outside. This will allow you to come to an awareness of your strengths and weaknesses, comparing self-esteem with the opinions of others. Indeed, if we do not understand what impression our actions, habits, character traits, attitude to the world make on others, we cannot develop effectively.

Think back to the experience when you first heard your voice on a recording or saw yourself on video. As a rule, people are shocked. The impressions are negative, we don't like ourselves. However, we repeatedly looked in the mirror and heard our own voice, but those around us see and hear differently. We tend to see ourselves the way we want, not to notice something, to focus on something pleasant. Continuing the topic of video or voice recording, we can say that when you stopped annoying yourself in the recording, it means that you have learned to adequately see yourself from the outside.

Basic rules: how to design and conduct a survey

Let's start at the end - with the survey. It must completely guarantee anonymity responding, otherwise their answers may be insincere and another problem may arise - the search for those who gave negative assessments. Our experience shows that this happens often and ends in conflicts. It is very important that confidentiality guarantees are given to employees before filling out the questionnaire. If this is not done, the answers may be inaccurate.

When interviewing people should also explain goals similar assessment. It is desirable that these goals are known in advance and that people can ask clarifying questions. Here is a sample of how this information can be presented.

Instructions for responding to the questionnaire

This survey will help your colleague (assessed) to better understand their strengths and weaknesses, to see the potential for further growth and development. No reward or punishment will be taken based on the research findings. You are guaranteed anonymity and confidentiality of responses. Therefore, we ask you to give the most truthful, frank and thoughtful answers. If, by the nature of your interaction with this person, you do not see the manifestation of certain types of behavior and cannot judge how this person behaves in the described situations, please choose the answer: "I have no information." Be careful, because when answering some of the questions the best option there will be a choice of the answer "Always manifests", and in some others - "He never manifests." There are also several points that will allow us to assess the reliability of the result; in case of low reliability, the survey will have to be repeated.
On average, it takes from 30 to 45 minutes to fill out the questionnaire, we recommend that you choose a time and fill out the questionnaire immediately from beginning to end, without distraction. This can save you time and improve the reliability of your results.
Now you can really help your colleague in understanding strengths and weaknesses and planning further development and growth. Thank you in advance for your thoughtful and sincere answers.

Number of questions and filling time are another significant factor in the success of the method. If there are too many questions (more than 50) or they are very difficult to understand, then people will quickly get tired and will react to filling out formally. This will reduce the reliability of the results.

The composition of the questionnaire

1. Formulation of assertion questions

The approval questions should cover the core competencies you want to assess. The more important the competence, the more questions should be disclosed to it. It is very important that the questions themselves are clear, unambiguous and there are no complex or ambiguous terms in them.

When drafting assertion questions, keep in mind that in many cases it is undesirable to require a black / white response, since not all wording may imply honest and objective answers such as “always appears” or “never appears," for example: “Never and in any form criticizes the company's strategies and management decisions”, “Always ready to sacrifice my own interests for the sake of common interests” or “Never gets annoyed, does not show negative emotions.”

In other words, when drafting assertion questions, you must adhere to the following rules: avoid terms and ambiguities, use understandable words, and avoid extremes.

2. Rating scale

It is definitely worth avoiding a five-point scale, as this leads to the manifestation of our school-student stereotypes. After all, if a 15-16 year old person was told that 3 is bad and 5 is good, then it is impossible in a short time to realize that 3 is the norm (not ideal, but meets the requirements for employees), and 5 is excellent and is extremely rare. Therefore, it is possible to move from scores to descriptive characteristics. The descriptive version of the rating scale must include the section “I have no information”. Not all assessors can see the manifestation of competencies. Therefore, by including this column in the scale, you increase the purity and accuracy of the assessment. When calculating the average score, these answers are not taken into account.

3. Ensuring the assessment of the reliability of the answers

Sincerity scale.The presence of such a scale becomes possible due to the presence of "extreme" formulations. Here are some examples:

  • She does not make mistakes even in small things.
  • He is never biased, knows how to avoid personal likes and dislikes.
  • Appreciates any decisions made by the management.

If, when answering these questions-statements, the assessor gives an "extreme" answer, then this indicates either his insincerity (as a rule, overestimation of estimates out of the best intentions), or a formal approach to the questionnaire (everywhere he puts higher or lower scores). If this occurs 1-2 times, then when calculating points, you just need to lower the estimated score by 1 unit. If there are many such cases, then this questionnaire should be excluded from general analysis, since there are big doubts about the reliability of the answers.

Reverse questions.This method provides a more thoughtful and informal approach on the part of the assessors. The fact is that some are inclined to choose the "average grade" for the assessment of a colleague and put it down everywhere or almost everywhere. With this approach, the assessor does not read the question-statements and gives answers in a purely formal way. If a person is warned in advance about shape-shifting (“Be careful, because when answering some of the questions, the best option would be to choose the answer“ He always shows ”, and in some others -“ He never shows ”), then the probability of correct answers will increase significantly.

Double questions.Another option that allows you to assess the objectivity and reliability of the assessment and remove those questionnaires that raise doubts about the reliability. Double questions suggest that two or three questions are given, which have different verbal wording, but are completely identical at the content level. It is important that they do not go in a row, since in such a situation the usefulness of the tool decreases, because a person, as a rule, remembers his last answer or can simply compare the questions. Let's consider some examples:

  • Knows how to manage conflicts of interest from a “cooperation” perspective, that is, in such a way that all parties get the maximum benefit.
  • Usually he does not seek to pursue only his own interests in the conflict.

There is another type of questions of this type - these are related questions. Not being full duplicates, they assume a gap in the answer of no more than 1 point, otherwise the result is assessed as low reliable.

What to analyze and what to look for?

Before filling out the questionnaires, it is important to agree on what decisions can and cannot be made based on the results obtained. It is worth announcing in advance that such an assessment will be subjective in any case, therefore it should not be considered as a basis for making administrative decisions - rewards, punishments, promotions, etc. either overestimated (due to unwillingness to substitute colleagues), or underestimated in the case of settling scores. Based on the results of the assessment and its analysis, it is possible to determine:

  1. Areas of high self-esteem compared to those of others.
  2. Areas of low self-esteem compared to those of others.
  3. High and low grade zones.
  4. Differences in the assessment of the same competencies associated with different levels of assessors.

In the first and second cases, it is worth thinking about, analyzing your perception of the world and, perhaps, discussing with colleagues and a manager in order to understand the reasons for the discrepancy. The main conclusion is that a person sees himself incorrectly from the outside. He should definitely initiate receiving feedback from others more often, compare his behavior with the behavior of those who are considered the standard of positive competencies in this company.

The third gives us an idea of \u200b\u200bour strengths and weaknesses. A big plus in this case will be that we see ourselves from the outside, we correctly assess the reaction of others to ourselves.

The fourth is very important both for the person being assessed and for his leader. It is necessary to clearly determine what is the reason for such discrepancies, and adjust your behavior at those levels where the score is lower. A manager, if his assessment level differs significantly from that of peers or subordinates, should carefully monitor the employee's behavior: pay more attention to the merits (if the manager's assessment was lower) or learn to filter socially desirable behavior (if the manager's assessment was higher).

Sample questionnaire

Let's try to test ourselves and highlight:

  • competencies that are tested by this survey;
  • questions that relate to the scale of sincerity;
  • flip-flop questions;
  • questions (there may be 2 or more of them), the discrepancy in the answers to which should not be more than 1 point (example of duplicate questions).

Italic the questions with inverse scaling are highlighted (with an average score of 4-5 in the remaining answers, adequate answers here should be 1-2 points; if the answers are 4-5 points in two cases or more, the validity is considered as low).

Bold the questions are highlighted in type, unambiguously positive answers to which in more than two cases indicate a high degree of probability of socially desirable answers. If there are more than two such answers, I recommend not counting the results and filling out the questionnaire again.

Answers to questions 10 and 12; 18, 22, 25, 43 and 44; 34, 38.40 and 41; 39 and 45 should give a difference of no more than one point. Two discrepancies suggest that the validity is low.

  1. Able, if necessary, to make and defend unpopular decisions.

  2. In cases of problems with clients, he always solves everything himself, strives to solve a specific problem as quickly as possible.

    Understands that the efficiency of the work of subordinates depends on their leader and, in the event of a failure, seeks to immediately correct the situation and prevent it in the future.

  3. When justifying the initiative, he considers both the pros and cons of the solution, correctly calculates the resources to improve the situation.
  4. Improves qualifications only when it is offered by either management or the personnel development department.

  5. When setting priorities, he understands that what is important for the business and is difficult to implement, so he strives to do it himself, and delegates the rest to subordinates.

  6. When problems arise, he strives to solve them independently, finds several solutions, knows how to substantiate the pros and cons of each of them.

  7. In cases of prolonged stress, he knows how to find relaxation and maintain good shape.

  8. If a problem arises, it first of all analyzes in detail the cause of its occurrence and identifies those responsible for its occurrence.
  9. Colleagues and subordinates often turn to him for advice and help, while communicating with him they feel psychologically comfortable.
  10. In cases of problems with clients that have arisen through the fault of other people or departments, he immediately redirects the client to the culprit of the problem.
  11. In difficult communicative situations, he is easily irritated, can be harsh in communication.
  12. Seeks to obtain the most complete information about the market, related areas and effectively uses this information.

  13. Knows how to act effectively in conditions of uncertainty.

    She does not make mistakes even in small details.

    Positively characterizes the company and its values \u200b\u200bin conversations with other people.

  14. Knows how to admit his mistakes and take responsibility for them.
  15. She never gets annoyed, does not show negative emotions.

  16. He tries to find common interests and a common language with colleagues in the case of solving joint problems.

    Recognizes his responsibility for the result.

  17. Shows customer focus, striving to solve customer problems, takes responsibility in difficult situations.
  18. Never and in any form criticizes management decisions and company strategies.
  19. He does not welcome changes, prefers solutions that have been tested and proven by long-term experience.
  20. I am always ready to sacrifice my interests for the sake of common ones.
  21. In stress, he is not lost, he seeks and finds solutions.
  22. If problems with the client have arisen due to the wrong actions of subordinates, he tries to involve them in the solution, teach them how to avoid such a situation in the future.
  23. Proactive, adjusts the work of his department in advance to the changing strategies of the company.
  24. Sees the relationship and interdependence of various departments and functions in the organization, understands the interests of the organization as a whole.
  25. Knows how to analyze opportunities, threats, as well as calculate and plan resources.

  26. He never seeks to defend only his own interests in a conflict.

  27. Motivates people based on their results.
  28. Believes that employees should be prepared professionals and clearly act within the framework job duties, in other cases people must be separated.

  29. He is never addicted to people, knows how to avoid personal likes and dislikes.

  30. Knows how to determine and take into account the individuality of subordinates in interaction and motivation.
  31. Systematic, sees the interests of the organization as a whole, knows how to see the interests of different functions and divisions.

  32. Uses mainly control functions, considers that control, censure and punishment are the most effective methods work with people.

    Charismatic, uses the strength of his personality to motivate his people.

  33. Subordinates of this person are making significant progress since joining the company.
  34. Forms the staff correctly and in advance, determines the need for recruitment.
  35. I am determined to motivate the staff, correctly chooses the ratio of encouragement and censure.

  36. Knows how to manage conflicts of interest from a “cooperation” perspective so that all parties get the maximum benefit.

  37. Organizes training and coaching in relation to its employees, develops people.
  38. Knows how to concentrate well on the task, attentive to the little things.
  39. Knows external environment organizations, competitors.
  40. He insists on his position, if the opinion of the interlocutor initially seemed wrong, then he tries to shorten the conversation.

  41. Shows initiative when the process really needs improvement.

  42. In behavior and decision making follows the values \u200b\u200bof the company and its interests.
  43. He always takes initiative, makes rationalization proposals.

  44. It takes into account the interests of exclusively its subdivision, competes for resources.

    He seeks to solve the problem as quickly and efficiently as possible, and does not always do it on his own, if necessary, he attracts experts.

Distribution by competency groups

    Motivation, compliance corporate values - questions 1–29, 43–50

    • Customer focus - 11, 21, 26.
    • Loyalty to the company, patriotism - 16, 22, 47.
    • Result orientation, responsibility for the result -17, 20, 24, 49, 50.
    • Initiative - 23, 46, 48.
    • Adaptability, openness to new things - 27.
    • Independence and decision-making skills - 14, 29.
    • Understanding the business environment - 13, 19, 28, 44.
    • Resistance to procedures and detailed work - 15, 43.
    • Resistance to stress - 25.
    • Desire for communication and communication skills with people in the organization - 12, 18, 19, 45.

    Management Skills - Questions 26-42

    • Control current work - 30, 35, 41.
    • Team management - 28, 33, 34.
    • Planning - 27, 29, 39.
    • Training - 26, 32, 34, 38, 42.
    • Motivation - 31, 33, 34, 36, 37, 40.

The number of questions-statements for certain competencies is determined by their importance. It should also be noted that a set of corporate competencies of a particular company is taken as an example, so it cannot be considered as universal, suitable for any organization.

Practice of using the questionnaire

Here are some examples of successful and unsuccessful use of 360-degree polling, as well as the events that followed.

Witch-hunt.In one company, a 360-degree survey did not take into account the fact that with two or three subordinates, it is quite easy for a manager to figure out who answered what, or initiate a “biased interrogation”. And so it happened: the leader, a rather narcissistic woman who does not tolerate criticism, arranged a very real inquiry, which did not improve the atmosphere in the team. Therefore, we recommend that you select subordinates in a separate section (that is, show their answers separately from the answers of equal status) only if there are more than three of them.

The principle of "don't hit the weak"For one of the heads of departments, the results of the survey became a revelation and a signal to the fact that something needs to be changed in his behavior at work. The results of the assessment by subordinates were very high, the immediate supervisor gave him an average, and colleagues very low. When they began to analyze the reasons, it turned out that the leader, who was tough in character, had an iron rule - not to offend the weak, and therefore in communication with his subordinates he was extremely correct, restraining himself, but with equals ... According to the results of the survey, the person was able to draw the correct conclusions that such negativity from colleagues interferes with decision-making and working together, and gradually began to change.

To be or to seem.For one of the top managers, it was a surprise that he rated one of his subordinates, a middle manager, on average 1.5 points higher than colleagues of his equal status and subordinates. Closer observation and filtering of socially desirable behavior and communication led him to certain conclusions. As a result, the top manager stopped pandering to the pets, evaluating their work more objectively.

I don't see from the outside.This is very typical. The results of the poll turn out to be unexpected for many, and what is surprising is not what is noted better or worse, but what exactly is noted by others. This signals that you need to initiate and receive more feedback more often, paying attention not to what you wanted to show, but how others saw it. At the same time, it is absolutely pointless to discuss or analyze whether others are right. Evaluation from the outside is the same objective reality as everything else.

The temptation is great.In a company where such a survey was a corporate tradition, it was noticed that even very decent and adequate people often have a desire to figure out who wrote what. Thus, we once again became convinced of the need for strict anonymity.

Do not snoop.For many, giving a not the best assessment to a colleague means "snitching" on him. So, in one small company about 20 people were assessed, of which 18 received an average score of 4.9 out of a possible 5.0. Reassure people that telling colleagues the truth helps them develop, and giving false feedback prevents the person from knowing their development zones and being able to correct them.

Elena Mikhaylova

  • Corporate culture


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What is 360 Degree Assessment

A 360-degree assessment is an assessment of an employee's competencies by a manager, subordinates, colleagues, clients (external and internal), suppliers, and the employee himself.

The 360-degree method was first proposed by Peter Ward in 1987.

The first definition he gave to this method:

360-degree assessment is a systematic collection of information about the work of an individual (or group), received from a number of people interested in his work, and feedback on it. According to the author of the method, the scope of its application can be very wide:

    self-development and individual counseling (receiving feedback allows the employee to adjust his behavior and outline areas of development);

    team building (this refers to team feedback, which allows to identify the strengths and weaknesses of the team, before the start of teamwork);

    performance management (regular feedback allows a person to judge how much his work efficiency has improved);

    strategic and organizational development (the ability to identify points where development is especially required, the use of the 360-degree method in this vein is based on the fact that by changing the behavior of specific people, you can change the way the organization acts as a whole);

    evaluation of the effectiveness of trainings and other educational activities (conducted after the training, the questions are aimed at determining at the level of behavior what changes have occurred in the employee's behavior after the training);

    salary (not used 100 percent in determining the amount of payment).

Why companies use 360-degree assessment now, the pros and cons of this method and recommendations on how to deal with them are outlined in this article.

The 360-degree method is used both independently and as an additional method to other assessment procedures.

The 360 \u200b\u200bdegree method is applied:

    to determine the need for employee training, those competencies that need to be developed, create plans for individual development;

    current assessment of activities according to specified criteria for performing work at a given workplace for a certain period of time (as a rule, together with an assessment of goals or performance assessment);

    to select a project team or identify employees capable of working on complex projects;

    to form personnel reserve, it is better in conjunction with professional tests, profile cases, an assessment center (since the 360-degree method evaluates the qualities manifested in the past, and to assess the talent pool, you need to predict how a person will behave in the future in a new position).

Based on the results of the 360-degree assessment, the following conclusions can be drawn:

    on the nature of interaction between departments, identifying conflict situations;

    how much does a person fit into corporate culture organizations and existing team;

    how adequate a person's self-esteem is.

It is not used directly for the development of a system of remuneration and accrual of bonuses (since the methodology can only identify personal qualities and is not suitable for determining the qualifications of specialists and the value they bring to the company).

Basic conditions necessary for successful holding 360 degree ratings:

    a close-knit team, trusting relationships between employees;

    lack of pronounced staff turnover (employees have worked together for at least 1 year);

    ensuring the anonymity of the assessment (employee confidence that their assessments will not be disclosed);

    preliminary explanatory work with employees about the goals of the assessment (the goal should be formulated before the start of the assessment and communicated to employees, awareness will reduce the stress of the assessment and will allow you to get more objective data);

    mandatory feedback on the results of the assessment (should be carried out no later than one month after the assessment, during this period it remains relevant and significant for the employee);

    mandatory implementation of decisions based on the results of the assessment (assessment for the sake of the assessment itself does not make sense, clear control of the implementation of decisions will make the assessment a tool for personnel development)

    the results of the assessment should be aimed at development, (this is the only way to obtain not overestimated assessment results, in the assessment of 360 degrees this is the main drawback with which one has to fight, as a rule, 2-3 assessments are passed before the thought about the fact that 360 degrees has only positive aspects).

The advantages of the method:

    obtaining a versatile assessment for one employee (an employee receives an assessment from people with whom he directly encounters while performing his work, unlike other methods, the circle of assessors is significantly expanded);

    the democratic method (not only the manager evaluates the subordinates, but also the subordinates can evaluate it, this increases the loyalty of employees to the organization, for them it is an indicator that their opinion is listened to);

    building and strengthening trusting relationships with customers (this is an opportunity to show once again that the organization is working to improve customer service);

    modeling evaluation criteria for the requirements of corporate standards (competencies developed for a specific organization are used as criteria).

Disadvantages of the method

Each method has its own limits of application, this must be taken into account when choosing an assessment method. So, the disadvantages of the 360-degree method:

    is not used directly for basic personnel decisions: transfer to another position, dismissal, salary increases;

    assesses only the competence, not the achievements of the employee;

The elimination of these 2 disadvantages is to use the method as a complement to other assessment methods.

    a high degree of confidentiality is required;

To solve this problem, external organizations can be involved that collect information and provide the results of the assessment. Or think about a methodology for collecting data in an organization that takes into account the principle of confidentiality. Are increasingly used now automated systems staff assessments, thanks to which the process of the cathedral and information processing is greatly facilitated.

    it is difficult to get frank information from colleagues in the assessment (especially the opinion of subordinates about the leader);

As a rule, subordinates highly value their managers, even though the principle of confidentiality is clearly observed. This situation can be corrected by using the weight of the assessment of subordinates. By reducing the weight of the subordinates' assessment in relation to the weights of the assessments of the manager or colleagues, you can seriously adjust the final result.

The 360-degree approach helps the company leader and HR manager to look at the abilities and capabilities of employees from the widest possible angle. Use the 3 ready-made assessment questionnaires as templates, adapting them for your purposes.

In the article:

Finished documents:

What is the 360 \u200b\u200bdegree method

Usually, an employee receives feedback and an assessment of his professional competencies from his immediate supervisor. The 360-degree assessment method is used to obtain confidential, anonymous feedback from people who interact with an employee in the process.

The number of respondents who are asked to complete a 360-degree questionnaire and assess employee competencies include:

  1. direct and line manager;
  2. colleagues, including those whom he supervises;
  3. customers, suppliers, clients, etc.

The evaluated employee takes part in the survey himself. This is necessary in order to compare the assessment given in the self-survey and the one that was received as a result of feedback. This is important, since employees with average performance tend to overestimate their competencies, and those who work productively, on the contrary, underestimate, because they are characterized by perfectionism and self-exactingness.

What other conditions must be met for a successful assessment

The 360-degree assessment is called so because the professionalism and personal qualities of a person are assessed different people with different statuses. The number of survey participants can be from 4 to 15 people. These are the people who in the process of work communicate with the subject of the survey most often. Before handing out the questionnaires to them, you should make sure that their attitude towards the subject of the questionnaire is unbiased.

When 360 degree staff assessment is applied

This assessment method can be used both independently and in addition to other assessment methods. See the table for application areas.

The 360-degree assessment system is used for leaders and managers who want to understand and evaluate their strengths and weaknesses. Based on the survey results, development plans are drawn up.

The 360-degree method is also used to assess personnel that do not belong to the category of managers. In these cases, the feedback can improve the effectiveness of line staff in their current roles. Employees gain insight into what competencies they should develop to ensure career growth... The experts of the "Director of Human Resources" magazine will give you advice,

Two Ways to Use the 360 \u200b\u200bDegree Assessment Method

Companies use the 360-degree method in one of two ways:

  1. As a development toolthat helps a person identify strengths and weaknesses based on the results of anonymous feedback, which is usually inconvenient to colleagues. The subject of feedback gains insight into how others perceive him and has the ability to correct behavior and develop skills that will enable him to excel in his job.
  2. As a performance measurement tool to measure performance employees. In this case, the 360 \u200b\u200bdegree test is not always a good ideabecause the feedback focuses on behavior and competencies rather than basic skills, job requirements, and performance goals.

Why use 360 \u200b\u200bdegree assessment:


Not advisable

Assessment of behavior and competencies

Measuring performance indicators

Gaining insight into how colleagues, subordinates and managers perceive you

Determination of compliance professional competence

Assessment of skills such as listening, planning, and goal setting

Assessment of the employee's compliance with the basic requirements for the position

Focusing on subjective characteristics such as teamwork, communication skills, character and effectiveness as a leader

Measurement of strictly objective things such as traffic, sales quotas, etc.

Keep in mind that the 360-degree rating system is ineffective in companies that use a team, authoritarian management style. In such cases, the management, as a rule, distances itself from subordinates and does not enjoy the special trust of the collective; there is no tradition of collective cooperation and assistance.

360 degree assessment: principles and rules

The main principle on which the 360 \u200b\u200bdegree assessment is based, the methodology - strict adherence to anonymity respondents, if, of course, they want to keep it.

A 360-degree assessment will only produce the desired results if the team does not use surveys as a tool to settle scores with each other. Use the 360-degree method very carefully, making sure that there are no problems in the team and that anonymity does not become a reason to "bury" a more successful colleague.

Assessment of 360 degrees, the methodology for its implementation requires special training. Follow a step-by-step approach to preparing and conducting assessment activities. Expert "Systems Personnel" will give useful tips about how right prepare and organize a 360-degree staff assessment

Four stages of 360 degree staff assessment

Stage 1. Explaining and training

If you give the 360 \u200b\u200bDegree Assessment questionnaire to an untrained respondent, you may get irrelevant results. Prepare survey participants for the assessment by explaining the purpose and rules of the assessment. Explain why the assessment is needed and how the results will be used. The respondents should understand the importance of assessment and perceive it as a tool for professional development, a means of achieving the overall goals of the company and employees.

Stage 2. Questioning by the method of 360 degrees

Distribute questionnaires and ask respondents to complete them by the deadline. If there are a lot of participants and the questionnaires are lengthy, automate the processing of results using online platforms such as SurveyMonkey, Google Forms, or MindMiners.

Stage 3. Processing and analysis of the results of personnel assessment 360 degrees

After tabulation or analysis using online search tools, share the results with only the interested party and the immediate supervisor of the employee. No employee should know how a colleague has rated him. The survey object only has access to general data and statistical results.

Stage 4. Feedback and development plan

This is the ultimate goal of the 360-degree assessment method. Draw up a development plan with the employee and agree on it with the immediate supervisor. The expert of "Systems Personnel" will tell you, how to properly conduct a 360-degree assessment in a company, how to draw up a plan and process the results

360 degree assessment: 3 ready-made questionnaires

When designing questionnaires yourself, consider what exactly you want to assess. When it comes to professional competencies, include no more than 50 items in the questionnaire. Choose exactly the ones that fit your goal.

Do not complicate the questions, but decipher them so that the respondent understands what exactly is meant. For example, when you want to rate stress tolerance , write in the questionnaire: “ Maintains an even calm relationship with clients, does not react to rudeness».

Decide which rating scale you will use. If you are using a 360-degree digital scale for assessing competencies, do not make it a five-point scale so that a “1” or “2” grade is not perceived as negative. Better to use alphabetic, neutral designations or increase the number of possible points to 8-10.

Questionnaire №1. Assessment 360 degrees example questionnaire on professional competencies

Sistema Kadry experts offer another version of the questionnaire that allows assess the professional competence of an employee

In the case when the 360-degree method is used to assess the leadership qualities of personnel, the questionnaire will be much shorter, limit itself to 10-15 positions, this is enough to get an idea of \u200b\u200bthe presence or absence of leadership inclinations of the employee. To evaluate in this case, use the concepts "Never", "Sometimes", "Always".

Questionnaire No. 2. 360 Degree Method Leadership Questionnaire Example

Installing a new employee probation, the company's management wants to make sure that he really has those personal qualities that will be in demand. For beginners completing the onboarding period, an abbreviated 360 degree assessment questionnaire can be used.

Questionnaire No. 3. 360 Degree Questionnaire for Assessing New Employee on Probation

Labor Code Russian Federation offers a fairly large number different ways termination of employment.

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One of the most popular is the drafting of a special agreement. Thus, you can choose the optimal conditions for dismissal - both for the employee and for his employer.


The procedure for dismissal by agreement of the parties is very similar to a similar procedure - according to on their own... But it has several important features, differences.

These include the following:

  • in the application for dismissal, the reason for terminating the employment relationship must be indicated - by agreement of the parties;
  • the employee must be notified in writing about the preparation of the agreement itself;
  • on the generated document containing all the terms of dismissal, the signatures of both parties must be present.

At the same time, in the text of the agreement, it is imperative to disclose all the points in full. This is especially true of the date of dismissal, as well as the amount of compensation.

It should be remembered that its value cannot be less than indicated in. It includes the payment of compensation for unused vacation, and wages for the time already worked.

At the discretion of the employer himself, as well as at the request of the employee, the compensation may be increased.

Most often this is practiced in cases where the employer is the initiator of the termination of the employment agreement.

Payment terms monetary compensation upon dismissal by the considered method, remain the same - wages and vacation pay must be transferred on the day of termination employment contract or the next.

Otherwise, the employer may be fined. Its value is 1/300 of the refinancing rate of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation per day.

The situation is somewhat different with regard to the compensation paid in excess of the obligatory one under the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. The employer can, at its discretion, indicate the date of transfer of this payment.

This issue must be attributed especially carefully, since often the employer takes advantage of the legal illiteracy of his employees.

Before signing an agreement, it is best for an employee to first consult with a lawyer experienced in this kind of matter.

Procedure for dismissal by agreement of the parties

When dismissing by agreement of the parties, the following procedure must be followed:

  • the employee must be familiarized with the employer's intentions by signature - or independently write a statement requesting dismissal by agreement of the parties;
  • the text of the agreement of the type under consideration is formed;
  • the employee must familiarize himself with it, and then sign at the bottom of the document (required);
  • an order for dismissal is drawn up;
  • a corresponding entry is made in work book, it is handed over to the fired worker;
  • on the day of termination of the employment contract, wage arrears are transferred (or the next day).

It is very important to remember that when writing an application for dismissal by an employee, the reason must be indicated in the text - by agreement of the parties.

This is the main difference between an application of this type from a similar document, but written upon dismissal of its own free will.

The wording sounds something like "please dismiss me by agreement of the parties." This moment is strictly required. Since, if it is necessary to conduct a trial, a letter of resignation is serious documentary evidence.

The dismissal agreement must necessarily contain all the most important points of the procedure of the type in question.

Since it is this document that is the basis for terminating the employment contract. It describes all the duties of the employee and the employer himself, as well as other important points regarding dismissal.

Upon termination of an employment contract by the considered method, a standard dismissal order is formed in the form of T-8.

In addition to the standard information that it must contain, it is imperative to indicate in it the reason for dismissal "by agreement of the parties", as well as the details of the agreement itself, a link to it.

This moment is strictly mandatory, violation of this rule threatens to create problems with the labor inspection.

The penultimate stage is the formation of the corresponding entry in the work book. Upon dismissal, reference is made to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

If for some reason the employee is not able to pick up the work book on his own, then anyone else can do it for him - but only with the appropriate power of attorney.

If this is also impossible, then the employer has the right to send the work book by mail ( by registered mail with a list of attachments).

If, after reading the agreement, the employee refuses to sign it, this moment must be necessarily documented.

To do this, a refusal statement is formed in an arbitrary form, where a link to the details of the agreement should be indicated, the terms of which seemed unacceptable to the dismissed employee.

If the employee refuses, the termination of the employment contract by the considered method becomes simply impossible.

How to make an entry in the labor

An entry in the work book must be made on the basis of a special Instruction for filling out these documents. It was approved by the Decree of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation of 10.10.

Must comply following rules when making the appropriate entry:

  • must be entered on the day of termination of the employment contract - not earlier and later than this date;
  • the entry must necessarily correspond to the text of the order of dismissal itself;
  • all dates in the document are necessarily indicated by Arabic numerals, with two-digit - the day / month, four-digit - the year;
  • no abbreviations are allowed - all words must be spelled out in full;
  • the recording should be made only in Russian;
  • the employer is obliged to familiarize his employee with the signature directly with the entry made - it must be made in a special personal card (it is by).

It is very important for the employee to ensure that the relevant record is worded correctly. Since the presence of errors can lead to serious problems with the subsequent employment. For example, if dismissal for negative reasons is indicated in the work book.

If the employee found any errors when filling out the work book by the employer, then it is imperative to require the introduction of appropriate corrections or the formation of a new document.

If you refuse to do this, you should go to court - at the place of registration of the employing enterprise itself.

How to draw up an order

It is very important to correctly draw up a dismissal order by agreement of the parties.

This document must contain the following sections:

  • the full name of the employing enterprise, as well as its detailed details;
  • document number, exact date of its preparation;
  • the name of the order "to terminate the employment agreement with the employee";
  • the date of the actual dismissal is indicated;
  • the details of the employee himself must be present:
    • surname;
    • patronymic;
    • position held;
    • personnel Number;
  • grounds for dismissal - Labor Code of the Russian Federation;
  • documentary basis - "agreement on termination of an employment contract from xx.xx.xxxx g."
  • surname, name and patronymic of the head, authorized to approve these documents;
  • manager's signature;
  • employee signature.

It should be remembered that this order must be drawn up in accordance with all the rules, in accordance with the T-8 form. If there are any serious deficiencies, the document may simply be invalidated.

How to draw up an agreement, sample

Today, the current legislation does not have a sample agreement to be drawn up upon dismissal.

But at the same time, the following main sections and data must be present in it:

  • grounds for termination of the employment contract - precise and concise wording with reference to the relevant article of the Labor Code;
  • the day of termination of the employment contract;
  • conditions for termination of employment:
    • amount of compensation;
    • other;
  • duties and rights of the dismissed, the employer;
  • the absence of claims of the parties to each other is indicated;
  • details (full name) and signatures:
    • dismissed employee;
    • authorized manager.

This document is legally binding when properly drafted. It must be remembered that a violation of its provisions by any of the parties is unacceptable and may serve as a reason for the cancellation of the agreement, recognition of it as null and void through the courts.

The document must have an individual serial number, as well as be drawn up in two copies. One remains with the employer, the second is handed over to the employee.

If the manager does not have experience in forming documents of this type, then you should definitely familiarize yourself with the sample first.

This will avoid making the most common standard errors. Thus, you can save time, prevent labor disputes due to gross errors in the agreement.

With payment of compensation

One of the most important points regarding dismissal by agreement of the parties is the impossibility of terminating an already signed contract.

For example, if an employee writes a letter of resignation of his own free will, then during the entire period of work (2 weeks) he has the right to pick it up without any consequences.

The situation is different with the already concluded agreement. Since this agreement is bilateral, its terms can be changed only if the other party agrees.

Thus, if an employee suddenly changes his mind about quitting, then he can only cancel his decision with the consent of the employer. In its absence, the employment contract will terminate on the day specified in the agreement.

But at the same time, dismissal with payment of compensation by agreement of the parties should be carried out within the framework of the current legislation, as well as the latest edition of the Labor Code.

If any provisions were violated, then the agreement itself will simply be declared invalid through the court, and the employee will be reinstated in his previous position.

Arbitrage practice

Quite often, when terminating an employment agreement with the considered methods, various kinds of controversial points arise.

In this case, a difficult situation must be resolved through a court. At the same time, the employee of this statement is almost always guided by the existing practice when analyzing cases of this type.

Nowadays, many workers are still afraid of the record in the work book "dismissal by agreement of the parties." They prefer it more - "fired of their own accord." Employees, not without reason, believe that their new employer will consider such an employee to be conflicting or unprofessional. Claiming to new position, you must explain the reasons for your departure. Therefore, a more familiar formulation of dismissal is chosen.

Such doubts are explained by the fact that this article is practically not described or deciphered in the labor legislation. It says that the employment contract can be terminated at any time, by mutual agreement. This, as you can understand, is not enough. This article was introduced in 2002, that is, for more than ten years, the practice of its application has already been developed.

Both the employee and the employer can be the initiators of such dismissal.

Any circumstances can serve as reasons for dismissal on the initiative of an employee, but the most basic ones will be described in the list below:

  • the employee does not want to be fired on an “aggressive” basis, for example, for violation of discipline;
  • too much pressure from the employer;
  • inconvenient working conditions;
  • more promising work was offered;
  • moving;
  • the employee wants to receive the weekend payments that are in his contract;
  • he must definitely choose the moment of dismissal (let's say, now, or in three months);
  • the employee wants to receive more benefits for a longer period of time than if he left of his own free will without a good reason;
  • he does not need to motivate his departure from work;
  • no need to warn the employer;
  • the employee's reputation is not affected by such a reason.

The most common reasons on the part of the employer are as follows:

  • staff reduction is necessary;
  • you can use such a basis if the employee is guilty of something;
  • the employee is disloyal and does not comply with discipline;
  • you need to fire staff, but this cannot be done on other grounds; for example, a worker is on vacation or sick leave;
  • the employee does not fit in character with colleagues.

A feature of this wording is that both parties are interested in dismissal. Suppose the employer does not like the quality of a person's work, and he suggests that he quit, and the employee needs to move to another city.

Often it is the management that takes the initiative, because it is easier for an employee to quit of his own free will.

If the employer puts pressure on the worker when concluding an agreement, the latter has the right to defend his interests in court. An employee can directly inform his manager about his desire to go to court.

This behavior will not worsen the situation, but will only strengthen the employee's position. The bosses are afraid to contact legally savvy employees and often make concessions to them.

However, this foundation has its drawbacks:

  1. Article 78 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation states that an employee can be fired even when he is on sick leave or on vacation. But the employer cannot do this if he is the initiator of such a dismissal. The employee has the right not to agree to such an offer, because on such a basis everything should be on a voluntary basis. However, sometimes the management can offer good severance compensation.
  2. Trade unions do not have any control over dismissal by agreement of the parties. The employer is not obliged to consult with anyone and agree on their decisions. Therefore, the employee, before making any decision, must think carefully about everything.
  3. After signing the agreement, the employee will not be able to cancel his dismissal unilaterally, since both parties must participate in making such a decision.

Even through the courts, he will not be able to withdraw his application, with rare exceptions (for example, if the management forced the employee to sign it against his will).

Dismissal by agreement of the parties with the payment of compensation occurs depending on the agreements and conditions in the document. By default, no one will settle accounts with the employee.

First you need to write the name of the document. A little below - indicate the details: the date of entry into force of the contract and its number. Further, it is indicated localitywhere the company is registered and the date of the agreement.

The body of the document indicates the name of the enterprise, then the position, the initials of the head (usually the director) and the employee's information in the same form.

This is followed by the provisions agreed between the employer and the employee. The first line is the line in which the fact of termination of the contract with an indication of the article is recorded. The end date of the employee's work is indicated. After that, the terms of the agreement and their special points are set out - whether the employee wants to leave before leaving on vacation when he receives severance pay. And also you need to establish the obligations of the dismissed. For example, transfer cases to your colleague.

These points are followed by two standard ones:

  1. The parties have no claims to each other.
  2. Each party has one copy of the agreement and they are legally equal.

Below is an example of such an agreement.

Post-layoff compensation

When an organization encounters a problematic employee who is disloyal or poorly performing their duties, it needs to fire him. It will be very difficult for management to terminate a contract on grounds of damage to its reputation. In addition, the process threatens to be time-consuming and inconsistent with company policy.

In this case, it will be more profitable to persuade the employee (to persuade, not force) to sign an agreement with payment of compensation to him. This will save management time and money and thicken the worker's wallet.

The amount and the term for its issuance must be present in the paper. Then the dismissed person will receive money for the period specified in the document. If he did not receive the entire payment, then the company will have to pay it in addition with interest.

Let's consider this important issue in detail:

  1. First, it is determined whether an employee needs to be paid an employee benefit at all, and this provision is fixed in the contract.
  2. Next, you need to decide on the amount of money. It is not formed or limited by law in any way. It is usually set in accordance with the worker's average earnings or salary, or simply a precise amount. Although it is not controlled by the state, its volume still matters for both parties, because you will have to transfer contributions to social funds and pay personal income tax if certain limits are exceeded. This will hit the budget and the enterprise and the worker. To calculate the limits, a technique is used, which must be fixed in an agreement. By following it, the employer finds three times the average worker's income.
  3. The next step is to determine the term of dismissal, which is also an important point. On this day, you will need to make all the necessary payments and transfer the documents to the dismissed. Sometimes you also need to take an inventory. And also it is worth saying that the day of dismissal can be absolutely any and it is not necessary to work out fourteen days.

When the previous points are completed, an agreement is drawn up. Although there is no clear order for such an agreement, it must be confirmed in writing. There must be the end date of work, the amount of the allowance and other important points, depending on the agreement.

After drawing up the document, the employer lists the agreed compensation:

  • salary for the last working period;
  • severance pay;
  • compensation for all vacations that the employee did not use.

Although the benefit is voluntary, the same interest applies to every day overdue as to wages. For each day of delay, one hundred and fifty (1/150) of the amount of unpaid compensation is added to the amount. However, if in local regulations another calculation method is installed, then you need to use it.

And also the question might arise - will this payment be taxed? As stated earlier, the benefit is subject to income tax. individualswhen it exceeds the limits, that is, three times the average salary of an employee if he works in normal climatic conditions, otherwise - sixfold. In all other cases, the benefit is tax-exempt.

The legislation provides for the entry of an entry in the work book indicating the grounds for dismissing the employee in strict accordance with the rules of law. Therefore, it is wrong to write “dismissed by agreement of the parties”. It is necessary to write as directly indicated in the article of the law.

An example is the following formulation:

  1. "The employment contract has been terminated."
  2. "The employment contract has been terminated."
  3. "Fired by agreement of the parties, paragraph 1 of part one of article 77 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation."

All three phrases are legally equal to each other and you can use any of them. For a complete record, first indicate its serial number and date in columns - "1" and "2", respectively. The law provides for the signature of the employer, the seal and the signature of the employee in all cases of dismissal.

Dismissal on the basis of an agreement between the two parties allows a citizen to register with the Labor Exchange immediately after the termination of the employment contract and receive a certain amount as material support from the state. There are some peculiarities and nuances in the process of obtaining this manual.

As many people know, unemployment benefits are paid to citizens, from whose salaries taxes were paid to the state budget every month. Payments are made within one year after the termination of the employment contract. The very same amount will depend on the average salary in the last job.

Making payments to citizens who do not have any official sources of income, have not retired or may receive new profession, having taken courses at the Employment Center (CZN), is not provided.

  • students;
  • persons under the age of sixteen;
  • persons in military service under contract;
  • pensioners.

If you want to receive, in addition to unemployment benefits, payments from your previous employer, then you should send the documents to the account within two weeks after the termination of the employment contract.

Documents that you must provide:

  • a document certifying the acquisition of qualifications;
  • work book with a record of dismissal by agreement of the parties;
  • certificate 2-NDFL indicating average salary at the last workplace;
  • identity document;
  • SNILS.

What is the procedure itself and the procedure for calculating benefits? First, from your 2-NDFL certificate, they take data on the average wage for the last three months of work exactly at the last place of your work. Next, your three salaries are added up and divided by three. Thus, your average wage is obtained. Now you need to find a percentage of your average monthly income and get the amount of compensation that you will be paid.

The amount paid for each month is different. Within three months after registration, you can receive 75 percent of the average salary, then 60%, then 45.

So, if you received forty thousand rubles at your last job and now it is the fourth month of your unemployment, the calculation formula will look like this: 40,000 x 0.6 \u003d 24,000 rubles.

At first glance, the amount is pretty good for not doing anything. However, you will not be paid that kind of money. If the result of the work exceeds the limits established by the state, then you will be paid an amount corresponding to the ceiling of these limits. The smallest allowance is 850 rubles, the largest is 4900.

If you were fired from your previous job for no good reason, such as a misconduct, then you will be paid the minimum allowance.

Brief description of the entire dismissal process

This list lists the main termination procedures. If the state has not established a clear order of actions somewhere, then the established practice helped here.

If you want to terminate the employment contract, you need to decide with your management so that all agreements are recorded on paper:

  1. The parties agree on the conditions.
  2. An agreement is being drawn up.
  3. The management, represented by the employer, draws up an order.
  4. The employee fulfills his last duties, completing all projects and handing over cases to colleagues.
  5. The employer makes an entry in the citizen's work book upon termination of the contract.

The whole procedure ends with the payment to the dismissed of the amounts agreed with him.

Sometimes a manager needs a cut.

Then he faces many problems:

  • you need to notify the worker about the termination of the contract 2 months in advance;
  • get acquainted with the data of all employees;
  • to find those whom it is impossible to fire on such grounds at the moment;
  • highlight those who will have advantages in the reduction.

Further, after the date of termination has come, it is necessary to issue wages for the period of work, severance pay, and if the citizen was registered with the Labor Exchange and did not find a job within three months, add additional funds to him. And also the manager will be responsible for the procedure, that is, the worker can challenge the actions of the employer.

Obviously, this is a very complex process. Therefore, the management has the opportunity to offer the employee to quit by agreement of the parties.

In this case, there will be only three steps:

  • discussion of conditions;
  • signing;
  • performing final duties.

The employee, in turn, has the right not to agree to such an offer if it does not give him any benefits. Then the employer usually offers severance pay one and a half times the amount prescribed by law and other benefits.

The worker, for his part, should not make rash decisions. It is possible to agree to such a proposal from the management only when the dismissal on reduction will bring him less benefits than by agreement of the parties. Everything needs to be carefully considered and weighed. Even if the director asks to get into the position, more often than not he just wants not only to facilitate his work, but also to shift it to the employee.

Do not rely solely on oral promises when signing an agreement. As already mentioned, there is no clear structure of the document established by law, therefore, all agreements and conditions should be written down so that later there will be no problems, because it is impossible to revoke such an agreement upon the initiative of one party.

What to choose: dismissal of your own free will or by agreement of the two parties

Some of the positive aspects of mutual consent to dismissal were discussed earlier. However, there are others.

If the contract is canceled at the employee's own request, the employer may require work within two weeks. If, for example, another company offered you a better salary, but on condition that you have to start work right away, you can try to persuade the previous employer to dismiss by agreement of the parties. In this case, you may not work out anything.

For the opposite situation, you can also give an example. You have decided to quit your job and are warning the employer about it so that you have the opportunity to pass interviews for new job... In this case, he is helped by dismissal by agreement of the parties. Until the date of dismissal came, both parties know about the planned termination of the employment contract. An employee is calmly looking for a new job if he is sure that during this period he will find one, and the employer is looking for a new qualified subordinate.

After filing an application, the specialist has the right to change his mind and cancel his decision during the period of working off. At the legal level, his work will remain with him, as before he initiates such a procedure.

At the end, there are some basic tips:

  1. The agreement is drawn up by mutual agreement in writing.
  2. Once signed, neither party can revoke it at will.
  3. Upon dismissal, all obligations and conditions must be met.
  4. The clauses of the agreement must not contradict the legislation.
  5. An employee can be fired for another reason before the time of dismissal by agreement of the parties.

When hiring an employee, the employer may refuse for a specific reason. In order to understand how the reason is justified, you should read the labor legislation. Now many employers may not give you workplace due to the fact that you have a non-Slavic appearance, too old or too young, the wrong gender (even if it does not play any role in this profession), and so on.

This is a violation of the law and should be punished. And in many very different cases, employers often commit an offense in one way or another. Some people don't even know that they are violating someone's rights. Employees, in turn, should take care of their own interests on their own, not make hasty important decisions about choosing the basis for dismissal, and always keep plan "B" for themselves.


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