The skit script is our friendly club staff. Folk holiday "cabbage party". "Grandfather planted cabbage"

An announcement is posted in advance:

“Come have fun,

Play and frolic.

You on Saturday at exactly five

He will wait for the skit.

Those who are less years old

We are waiting for Sunday, lunchtime. "

The script can be used as a variant of autumn gatherings. Then the hall is decorated with leaves, flowers, gifts of autumn, autumn dishes, etc. The presenters come out. The scene is decorated with "portraits" of the hero of the occasion - cabbage.

1st presenter... For many centuries before our era, people used cabbage, including as a medicine. Man began to cultivate cabbage during the Stone and Bronze Ages.

2nd presenter... Cabbage was brought to the territory of Russia from abroad by Russian merchants. In Russia, cabbage was chopped, salted, parties were organized in honor of this event, where they danced, sang, and played. Such evenings were called skits. 1st host. So we invite everyone to our holiday!

Girls and boys in Russian folk costumes come out, singing a Russian folk song. Then a young man runs out.

Young man.

Come have fun

Play and frolic.

You on Saturday at exactly five

We will wait for the skit.

Those who are less years old

We are waiting for Sunday, lunchtime.

On the stage, the decoration of the Russian hut: a table with cabbage heads, knives, a trough for chopping cabbage. Girls and boys come in, sing a song.

- What a harvest!

- Yes, the cabbage was born wonderfully well!

- The work is endless!

(Set to work.)

- Yes, how tough!

- But guess the riddle.

The child grew up - did not know the diapers,

Became an old man - a hundred diapers on him?


- I have another riddle.

What's growing in the garden?

Cucumbers, sweet peas,

Tomatoes and dill

For seasoning and for samples.

There are radishes and salad.

Our garden is just a treasure ...

If you listened carefully

Be sure to remember.

Answer in order

As for Kapustin's name day

We cut a head of cabbage.

Such a height

Here is such a low

Here are the dinners

That's the width.

Stump, stump,

Catch me with a jump!

"Grandfather planted cabbage."

Each of the children pulls out a capsule (a kinder surprise egg) from the lottery drum, inside which is a picture that determines the role of the players: grandfather with a stick, grandmother with knitting needles, granddaughter with a bow, a shaggy bug, a mustache cat, a tailed mouse. Thus, participants in six competitions are determined. The winners of each of these competitions participate in the final - this will be the first team to harvest cabbage. Then the auction follows, and its winners make up the second team, also of 6 players. It's like the "cabbage" itself. And the finale is an old Russian game: tug of war.

1st presenter... First, we will form the teams, then we will hold the final competition. The cabbage harvesting team wins - it means that they pulled out the cabbage, and the cabbage team wins, it means that our gardeners did not cope: such a record harvest turned out to be.

2nd leader. So, let's get down to the game itself. Grandfather planted cabbage. (Children repeat the words of the tale in chorus.) A big, big cabbage has grown. The grandfathers are the first to enter the game.

Those participants who got the corresponding pictures come out.

1st presenter... Girls can also be "grandfathers" - this is our rule. Now attention! I must say that our grandfather is a real gardener, it is not for nothing that his cabbage grew the size of a barrel. He, probably, has time to do everything: to dig the earth, to grow seedlings, and to protect the harvest. Therefore, our first competition is called "Scarecrow". Imagine that you need to guard vegetables so that sparrows and crows do not eat them. Stand side by side, arms out to the sides. Each depicts a scarecrow. Here are your hats. Now listen, I will call the birds: "sparrow" - you wave your hands, "crow" - you clap your hands, as if driving away the thieves. If I say "tit" or "starling" - take off your hat to greet the guests, because these birds are the first assistants to the gardener. They eat harmful boogers. Look, don't mix it up. The one who turns out to be the most attentive will win. He will be the "grandfather" in our game. So here we go!

2nd presenter... “Grandmothers” take part in our second competition. Whatever you say, grandmother knows how to do everything: clean the house, cook borscht, and bake a delicious pie. And on long winter evenings, grandmother knits mittens and socks for her grandchildren. Let's help the grandmothers rewind the balls of yarn.

Participants who received pictures with the image of their grandmother rewind small balls of yarn at speed, the winner joins the grandfather's company.

1st presenter... “Granddaughters” are invited to participate in the third competition. This competition is very simple. Grandfather and grandmother love to drink tea from a samovar. And a samovar is not an electric kettle, so that the water boils, you first need to put coals in it, and then fan them red-hot. It was then that the granddaughter helps out. To test how you can blow, we will hold a competition. Everyone gets a balloon. We count in chorus to 15, whoever has the larger ball gets the role of a granddaughter.

Participants inflate balloons.

2nd presenter... The following participants enter the fight. They will fight for the right to become a "bug". Our competition is called Smuggler. The most important thing in dogs is their scent. At the border, dogs often help border guards to find prohibited goods. You have to do the same using your nose.

Before the start of this competition, participants go out the door. The host distributes capsules to the remaining players. One capsule is filled with a "filling" - a piece of foam rubber, abundantly moistened with cologne or other odorous liquid. Players' task: to find a capsule with a filling. All participants get to know this smell beforehand.

1st presenter... "Murki" are taking part in the new competition. It is not often that the cat gets something tasty. But sometimes it happens. Either grandfather will give a fish tail, then granddaughter - a piece of cake. The mustache does not yawn - grab its prey in the teeth and run to a secluded place to feast on it. Such is her habit. And now the Contest "Hide Faster".

Contestants must transfer clothespins from one place to another, using only their teeth. You can take only one clothespin at a time.

2nd presenter... The game is played by "mice". The mouse's tail is very mobile. And we invite our "mice" to take part in a competition called "Catch the mouse by the tail."

Participants must put a pencil tied at the back on a string into the bottle. Whoever does it faster without using hands wins.

1st presenter... Finally, the whole family is assembled: grandfather, grandmother, granddaughter, bug, cat, mouse (the participants are dressed up accordingly). Only cabbage yet. And we will have a whole team of "cabbage". And in order to get into it, you need to know well the relatives of our cabbage. Your task is to name the types of cabbage (white cabbage, Peking cabbage, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, red, kohlrabi).

Those who called go out to the side and make up the "cabbage" team.

2nd presenter... Well done! The participants in the final part of our fabulous performance have been determined - the team of "cabbage" is assembled and the team of "gardeners" is also in place. The last competition is “Pull - Pull”.

The competition "Tug of War" is held. Then the final result is summed up, and everyone proceeds to the funniest part of the skit - eating cabbage pie, which is carefully prepared in advance.


- tokens with pictures are distributed equally;

- the leader needs to have assistants for clear work with the props;

- each competition begins with a choral recitation of a fairy tale, it is interrupted by the hero who will take part in the competition.

For various holidays. We wish you a cheerful mood!

Script for a funny skit for Teacher's Day

Ingrid's music sounds
Flower enters the stage "moonwalking"
Flower So, we begin the next issue of "Crooked Mirror" !!!
Matryona appears from behind the curtain
Matryona Ish, she was showing off! What have you got here?
Flower Oh, can you read something? It is written: "Release - 2006"
Matryona Has spoken out! Rehearsals all day, I suppose? Do they see you at home?
Flower Why me ... But the teachers have problems ...
The screen spreads and on the stage there is a choir of teachers. The head teacher is somewhat aloof.
J .:
My husband will wake me up at dawn,
And he will come out of work at night,
He rarely sees me at home
And he will soon forget how I look.
ALL: (on the motive "First of all - planes"
All because, all because
That you are a teacher
And the school is yours, the school is yours
Dear home,
First thing,
First of all, teach
Well, my husband, family and .....
Head teacher: All then, then, then.
All: How to relax, eat hunting ...
Head teacher: Work, girls, work.
All: Just give us a job
Head teacher: And the bread?
All: Don't! And what do we have for breakfast there?
Head teacher: Olympics!
All: And conference at lunchtime!
Head teacher: This is not a joke!
All: Well, what about dinner?
Head teacher: Dinner is bad for the stomach!
The screen moves. Flower and Matryona are on the stage.
Flower Oh, poor, I feel sorry for them ...
Matryona But what slender ones! But it's not sweet, of course.
Flower Why, you will hear enough of this in class - your ears wither ...
The screen is pulled apart. Bench with pupils.
A kaleidoscope of lessons
call sound

History lesson (funny scene)
Alesya, tell me what subsistence farming is.
Disciple Subsistence farming is a farm where there are sheep, goats, dogs for personal use.
SUBBOTINA (noise behind the screen) Who is that there? A. probably again Kalugina, Timoshchuk and Gubanova did not manage to leave the dining room before the bell rang. (a note sticks through the screen) What else is this? (opens, reads out).
Student Valentina Vladimirovna, and you write the answer ...
Subbotina (writes the answer and at the same time pronounces it aloud) So, let's continue the discussion (again a note) She reads: "But we are ashamed."
call sound

Comic scene "Russian lesson"
Pupil Svetlana Alexandrovna, and how is the word "absolute" spelled?
Roma, take the dictionary and see.
Pupil (looks in the dictionary "There is no such word here.
Antonova How is it not? What letter are you looking at?
Pupil "Well, of course, on" o ".
call sound

Technology lesson humorous scene

Teacher Well, girls, now let's check homework... So what is a pocket.
Disciple This is a cell phone rag that is sewn on top of clothes.
Teacher Not ready again.
Pupil You do not love me at all, and I will not make your papier-mache.
call sound

Physics lesson school scene
Teacher: The topic is very complex and important, so strain your brains. So, we solve the problem. A squirrel with claws full of nuts was placed on a smooth horizontal table and pushed towards the edge. Approaching the edge of the table, the squirrel sensed danger. She understands Newton's laws and prevents falling to the floor. How?
Pupil If the squirrel is not stupid, then it quickly gnaws nuts and slows down on a small shell, like on sand on ice, although, of course, it will get it in the ears for a scratched table.
Teacher: What is this rustling? (a fern sticks into the screen)
Call sound

Math lesson - a fun scene
Teacher: All problem numbers are written on the board. Decide. To whom there are few tasks - come, I am puzzled.
Disciple (pulls out her hand)
Teacher: - ___________, why are you reaching out? Have you already decided?
Disciple - No, no. This is my manicure.
Teacher - Tell me, Zhenya, why are you so sleepy all the time?
Disciple: - And it is in me the talents are dormant.
Teacher: - What is more hypotenuse or cathetus?
Pupil: - It depends on how the triangle is put.
Teacher: - Children, how much will the 7th 8 be?
Apprentice 78!
Teacher: Yes? And what is the 8th 7?
Apprentice 78!
Teacher: How so?
Pupil Permutation of the factors does not change the product!
Teacher: What kind of disciples have gone today? Once I explained it to them, the second, the third, ... I already understood everything myself, but they do not understand at all! Okay. Take your diaries and write down the assignment at home: the last three problems on page 109, then the entire 110th page, the first twelve problems on the 111th ...
Disciple Poor Daddy! Again without a day off.
the bell rings

Chemistry lesson school scene
Teacher: - Children, your time is up, let's evaluate the results. Masha, what color is your liquid?
Apprentice - Red
Teacher: - Well done, Masha, five. And you, Dima?
Apprentice - Orange.
Teacher: - Well done, Dima, four. And you, Maxim?
Apprentice - Black.
Teacher: - Lies-and-and-and-and-and-so! ..
the bell rings

Scene - Literature lesson
Disciple (mumbling) I'm sitting behind bars in a dungeon damp ...
Teacher: Kolya, how do you read! Wow with expression!
Student Irina Vladimirovna! what expressions! This is Pushkin !!!
Teacher: Who is Eugene Onegin?
Student I don't know
Teacher: And Chatsky?
Disciple I don't know.
Teacher: So-ak, so you don't know anyone here ...
Disciple Why no one? I know Schwartz, Sylvester Stallone, Chuck Norris ...
Teacher And with this knowledge you are going to live in Russia?
Pupil Where is it?
Teacher: Yes. a hopeless business. By the way, I forgot to tell you everything! "In the cold winter season" is written separately, and the dot in front of the ru is not put ... (in the wintertime)
the bell rings.

Funny scene Social studies lesson
Teacher: The topic of our lesson is "The spiritual world of the individual." For a person to be spiritually rich, it is necessary ...… So, what should be done in order to become a spiritually rich person?
Disciple: It's easier to die!
Introduce the current Losers model
Teacher: A model of the Losers of the late 20th century, made in full size. Outwardly, she is no different from a good student, but internally ...
(Point to head)
- What do you think it is?
All: head.
Teacher: - What do you know about the head?
1 student (raises his hand). One head it's good, but two better.
Losers: - Ha ha ha! Mine alone is enough for you to make everyone's head spin!
Teacher: - Let's go further. These are two ears. Why two?
Losers: - So that it flew into one, and flew into the other ...
Teacher: - Eyes are given ...
Losers: - Look into other people's notebooks. Written off - order!
Teacher: This is the mouth. What for? To speak...
Losers: - But I have not learned! And I forgot my notebook! ... What for?
Teacher: - Let's go further. These are hands to help ...
Losers: - And why are you so little about my hands? You talked a lot about the hands of an excellent student. Yes, from my hands and feet the whole class and the whole school are sobbing: broken glass, torn off lessons, tugging at the braids, unscrewing the nuts on chairs and tables, writing on tables, notes in all directions - my handiwork ...
Teacher: - Yours, yours ... There are questions
Losers: - And we leave the school, will there be such people?
Teacher: - We wish you that this was the last poor student in your school life (carried away, he resists).
Losers: - I'll leave myself! They took fashion to criticize ...
The grandmas take the stage

Matryona Yes-ah ...
Flower But when I was in school, I was like that too.
Matryona (sings) Three hundred years ago ...
Flower Look at yourself ... (hands her a mirror, Matryona cries out in fright). You see what a change!
MATRONA Let's talk about change.
The screen is pulled apart.

Stage with the head teacher

The stern-looking head teacher and the Girl appear. The girl is pretentiously dressed, in her hands - sheets of paper.
Girl we are to you.
Head teacher And what's the matter
Girl Here, sign the application.
Head teacher Statement. What other statement? (Takes paper from the girl's hands, reads it.) What are you asking for?
Girl Let go of lessons. Sign there.
Head teacher Sign you? Let go of the lessons? Where are you dressed like that? It's not supposed to go to school like that.
Girl I'm leaving on business
Head teacher For what else
Girl I'm going to the competition.
Head teacher What competition
Girl School Ideal
Head teacher School ideal? And who is our ideal?
Girl I, and what?
Head teacher Well. if you are ideal, then I am our minister of education. Yes, you would have pulled yourself up at school first, what is your ideal? Tell me why I moved from fours to three
Girl Yes, I have been behaving perfectly for 3 weeks already, and in half a year I have only 3 triples!
Head teacher I will not sign anything, take your application. You have plenty of lessons, I have work. Take your application, go and study. (Leaves)
Girl (runs after the head teacher). I'm good, kind! Really, Balkina?
Grandmas on stage.
Matryona Oh, what a girl! Well done!!! Artist! A worthy change is growing.
Flower Matryon, and you know, artists should not only be beautiful, but also be able to dance, sing ditties (the sounds of music are heard). Oh, someone is already singing!

Teachers sing ditties with wishes for the signs of the zodiac.
I go out and start
Sing your ditties
May there always be words of love
Caress your ears.

There's a picture on the wall
In the picture there is a sailboat
Let the scales need less
There will be a syringe and a thermometer.

So they don't rob me
I'm driving a tank.
Aries I wish to open
Swiss bank account.

On the sofa lay
The blanket is wadded.
Let the fish dream.
The most pleasant ones.

There are domestic dogs
There is a dingo dog.
Virgins to get the jackpot
In the Bingo lottery.

I want to congratulate the calves
And pat on the shoulder.
Let them give you gifts
Just like Yakubovich.

Raspberries grow in that forest
And over there - mushrooms.
I wish the archers bucks
How many leaves in the garden.

The doctor pulled out of the kidneys
The stones are huge.
And let the lions have stones
Only precious ones.

We all went mountains
And the steep banks.
We wish Capricorn happiness
And two bags of gifts.

I'm sitting on a log
I look at the sun.
I wish scorpions
On the sea beach lie.

I go out to dance in a circle.
Move aside, dear friend!
I wish all twins
One hundred friends and one hundred girlfriends.

In the field - wind, lights,
Long roads.
Don't let the crayfish hurt
Various alarms.

Aquarius I wish life
As if in high society.
And for this to open
Your site on the Internet.

Congratulations on your graduation
And with all our heart we wish
So that health is a whole cart,
So that there are more stars in life,
So that troubles get a little
To sing and dance!
Matryona And, to be honest, I don't believe in these horoscopes. To whom, when it was impatient, he was born then. It all depends on the parents.
Flower What is this noise? Their meeting has already begun.

Scene " Parent meeting"
Zh .: - Dear comrades parents. We have invited you today to report on new outrages perpetrated by your children.
Antonova Dear fellow teachers, our houses are next to your school, and we see with our own eyes what your students allow themselves.
All your children.
All your students.
Jan I wonder who brings mobile phones with terrible sounds from home and turns them on in class?
Z. And who makes children saw the legs of chairs at home, allegedly doing their homework at work?
M. And what if you do all your homework for your children?
S. You ask stupid tasks and want the kids to get smarter!
J. Ah. how good we are! I wonder just how many of our fives on your paycheck are enough to encourage children?
A. And our calculations with children do not concern you.
I. And you saw what your children did to the walls of the school.
Antonova That's right, but who taught them how to write.
Yang So it didn't hurt to help the school in improving the territory
Z. Right, right, otherwise you come for a child, there is nowhere to park the car, what kind of business? It's time to organize a parking lot.
M. So do it, your children.
S. No, your students ...
All your children.
All your students ..
Flower Stop, draw, the question remains open.
Matryona Eternal dispute between parents and teachers, and it will never end ... (sings, and Flower dances)
And I increasingly notice (2 times)
That this dispute did not give birth to an answer
Children don't dream about us - (2 times)
The computer replaced us with it.
What happened yesterday - it's time to forget
From tomorrow, from tomorrow.
And at school, in the family and, in general, everywhere
Children need us, children need us
The screen opens and the teachers sing a song to the music of Ingrid
We sing for you …………… Only for you!
These seven wonderful years passed like a dream.
Each of you was a teacher, of course, secretly in love
All the years in unison, or in time, our hearts beat
Unfortunately, everything is over, and it's time to leave.
But don't you cry …………. Things are good!
We are sad, but you have a colorful life ahead of you
Boldly you along the winding path and proudly walk
All the calls have already been made to mum-dads, complaints are over
But to be completely grown up you wait, wait.
Let's miss you! Come again !!!

Scenario merry skit for the anniversary

There are 5 actors on the stage, four of whom will later play the Musketeers.

1. Three Musketeers - in fact, "in the juice" -
2. And D'Artanyan - "Balzac's ... growth" -
3. They decided to celebrate the anniversary simply,
4. With dignity - well, in general, "galloping"!
(Retired behind a screen to change into musketeers)

For this I had to forget gout,
And osteochondrosis, and force-radiculitis,
Toothache in the back, pleuro-nephritis,
Go to a sanatorium and taste ...
The head of one of the musketeers (above the screen). ... Fi, sir! ..
Host (corrected)…. To cut "Via-Gro"!

(Excerpt from the song of the group "Via Gra" "There is nothing worse than being like everyone else")

And the result showed itself:
They came together ...
(The Musketeers leave. Everyone, except for the heavily thinned Porthos, is generally recognizable.)
... they look ... and what do they see?
D'Artanyan. Brand bruised shoulder roses,
Athos went through life without reproach,
Aramis. And on his forehead - mind you! - high
Not reflected (must be!) NOTHING!
Athos. Aramis turned into a Pope.
Sinless, quiet, does not drink or shout.
Porthos. According to rumors, however, sometimes it sticks out treacherously
Sutana - female - out of the closet!
Aramis (insulted, sneers at Porthos).
And our Porthos? - Dork, he almost fell into a coffin,
Fell victim to annoying advertising:
D'Artanyan. "From minimal miracle scars
Until maximum liposuction! "...
(An indignant Porthos attacks the offenders, but Athos stands between them.)
Athos. ….Stop!
The Gascon strangled Boyarsky in himself,
I shaved off my mustache and hat and stepped on my throat
To that song (sings: "While - swinging feathers on his hat ..."),
He is the OLDEST ON TV show
And the fame is fed up!
(An excerpt from the song of the group "Via Gra")

Leading. So, that result showed itself:
They came together ...
(A friendly brawl to music, a duel, then freeze.)
Porthos. ... and a stone has grown in the kidneys ...
Aramis. … Everything is prose… .like!
Athos. ... ice or flame ... you put
(shows how he put ice on his face)
D'Artanyan. ... man and plastic? Sucks!
(A friendly brawl continues to music, a duel game, they freeze again, then relax.)
Athos. But after all, twenty is cool!
Porthos (pushes D'Artagnan in the side).
Do you remember Cardinal Richelieu?
Aramis (pushes D'Artanyan to the other side).
And the queen! God! Yo-mine! ..
D'Artagnan (pushing both).
And these minibuses to England! ..
(They sit down at the table, raise their glasses.)
Athos. Poor Buckingham! Who likes it
Instead of heartfelt outpourings of loved ones
Flee from France on the quiet, in English
With pendants in an embrace in the morning? ..
Aramis. And in London he was scared at night
My lady's lush hair.
Porthos. Bastard with a checker "from Petliura"
She cut off the dangles - and away!
D'Artagnan (portraying Buckingham).
Save! Be or not to be!
ABOUT! That is, mean nature -
My lady, evil creature,
Be able to tie my laces!
I am thin and pale, but proud and gray!
I am the duke! Duke of Buckingham !!!
I do a foreign summit!
My image, oh, hurt!
(The Musketeers laugh, raise D'Artagnan.)
D'Artanyan. If not for the devotion to Constance ...
Athos. ... not the diabolical impudence of D'Artanyan ...
Porthos. ... not a sword friendship without flaw ...
Aramis. ... a big default would shock France!

(An excerpt from the song about Constance is played.)

Aramis. What women, what times!
Athos. Yes, a bundle of honor, valor and ... nerves!
Porthos. And somehow everyone lived without the euro ...
D'Artanyan. France is strange to me today:
Paparazzi everywhere, autobahns
Mercedeses, Volkswagens, highways! ..
Aramis. And you won't rush in the oncoming lane! ..
Porthos. Ditch Dee Lady - what a fool!
(Athos puts a "TV" on the table - an empty TV frame.)
Aramis. And the Eiffel Bighead? Well, STATUE!
It pierces the clouds, tears up the TV air ...
D'Artanyan (sits down next to Athos, hugs him).
I'm tired of drinking kefir alone!
You, Athos, let me hug you ...
Athos. What prophetic criminals are!
You switched the channel to Euro-News.
Here is a school holiday.
Porthos. This is a plus!
Everyone (looking through the TV frame into the hall).
ABOUT! A whole team of Constants!
D'Artanyan. So is this a school? Twenty years old?
There are coincidences in life!
Porthos. And on the table - such a gourmet! ..
Aramis. I have a vow of celibacy.
Porthos. This is school! Get out!
Athos. Surely Olympus is involved,
Yes, Zeus has a trace here,
Come on, open the door!

Athos. We were able to clearly make sure
That the capital would have rest
In terms of beauty, talent.
D'Artanyan (pointing to those sitting in the hall).
Here are the best diamonds in life!
Porthos. So what are we waiting for at such and such a time?
Let's merge with them in an ecstasy anniversary!
Aramis. SPIRITUAL will be that ecstasy.
Together. Ladies! The Musketeers drink for you!
(Raise glasses)


Somewhere on the edge of the earth, under the rim of the toilet, they are louder than Vitas, overtaking the Russian national football team. They smoke NEXT, they drink YARLight beer in poltorashki, they collect stadiums. They are a pronoun, collect is a verb, stadiums are a noun. They are us. Advertising agency "FONARI"!

Well, what, how?
Great, not bad, keep up the good work, work!
I came up with this!
We have no "I", we have invented!
(all) We came up with!
There is work
(all) There is work, there is work!
It is necessary to advertise how the indifference appeared. Well, what are we going to show?
Yes, do not care, we will not!
Okay, next. Toothpaste "Witch Doctor". Well, this is fucking right away! ABOUT! Zeva toilet paper!
(all) Zev, Zev!
And if so: Zeva toilet paper! Zev is the queen of warriors!
Next. Another morning in the Arctic!
Ugh ...
And if so: Another morning in India.
Well, you're a fool!
Yes, I am!
We do not have "I".
(all) We are fools, we are fools!
Enough, get out of here. Oh, yes, and call me these ... well, how are they, you get the idea. Well yes. Honorable gentlemen, the actors of our wretched advertising agency, would you agree to accept and fulfill a small order?
Hello. My name is Olesya. I am the owner of the Olesya shoe store. I would like to order an advertisement for my Olesya store.
Well, what, you take it? And no objection!

Room "Shoes from Olesya"

So, it seems that they paid off with one order! What's next?
Hello. Oh, you ordered it from us promotional video last week? And everything is already ready. Let's go and see!

Self-defense number

Sorry, but where is the ad for my anti-dandruff shampoo here?
How, don't you get it? Well, after all, any hedgehog understands that such gluey girls cannot have dandruff, which means they use your shampoo!
(outraged) Thank you!
As you already understood, we have lost another serious customer. But you're not used to it. This is not what the conversation is about now. A serious customer called yesterday. He is very dissatisfied with our video - an advertisement for the Wizard of the Emerald City washing powder. As soon as I went on vacation for a week, and that's it ... Here you are, you were a cowardly lion. Why did you ask Goodwin instead of courage for cognac?
Because he said he had cognac!
For you, then, alcoholism is not a disease, but cool? And you, Ellie. You can't wear such a revealing outfit!
An eight-year-old child from Kansas cannot have Putin's full back tattoos! So. Oksana Lvovna!
What Oksana Lvovna! I've been Oksana Lvovna for two years!
She used to be Pyotr Sergeevich, and then everything was cut off!
Tell me, how can I play? .. Am I an extrovert or an introvert? Am I abstracted from the heroes or correlate with them? How do I feel about the main character?
Who are you?
I am a beetle.
What beetle?
The hurricane scene at the beginning. I fly first.

Here you are, what are you doing in the video?
I raise the sun!
So, remember: the sun does not come to the final, especially the first, especially in the middle of the video!
May I leave, I won't be in time for the last bus ...
You understand, today, February 23, two thousand ... we must return the customer for this video. And here you are. I look at you and think ... But I turn away and that's it - the thought has gone. Understand that advertising is a serious business, so work first, and only then wine and restaurant.
Excuse me, but is it possible the other way around?
You can: "Narotser and oniv motope a hedgehog!"
Damn, I pulled my leg so painfully!
Lucky! You will pull the other, you will be leggy!
Here you are. What has your torso prepared for the next video?
So, I didn't get it. Is there something wrong with me?
Yes, everything is so, but ... not there! Just think, what are we doing?
It's so cold outside, tomorrow I'll definitely wear two thongs to work.
We live for the sake of money, so that there are more attendants, so that an apartment, a car ... Many are ready to step over people. What for? After all, you and I have gathered here not for great material gain. It's just that we are friends, this is our work, we live by it ... After all, the main thing in life is not money and their amount, but what a person has here. (He points to his heart with his finger.)
Come on! As Cosmopolitan magazine bequeathed to us, go and put on your makeup.
Hello, I want make an advertisement in your agency. I made new song, new disc, and now I would like to.
Great, let's try it, we just brought in new equipment, we can try it out. I think you will really like it.
Oh, thank you, I’m very glad, thank you so mach.

Well, she finally left. How bored she was with her constant remarks.
Come on her. I have a problem. I didn't wait for my Earring from the Army!
So he just left you yesterday!
Well, I didn't wait for it yesterday!
Happy, you have so many men. But I so would like to hear from a guy at least once: "Ksyusha, you are the most beautiful in the world!" And not as always: "Lord, how old are you?"
And yesterday Maxim took me to dance! True, he laughed like that afterwards.
Upon you?
No, over you - he's your boyfriend!
They say the truth, guys love beautiful and inaccessible!
Here go, put on your makeup and lock yourself in the closet. By the way, girls, you know that cosmetics that make you and me more beautiful are sold in bottles of 0.5 liters.
Are you going to eat… eat, regale, eat, eat, appear, eat or eat?
(all). Havat!
You know, the hawala is over, will you eat?
Girls, I have a variant of advertising shovels. Remember you ordered? Here listen:
Two friends found shovels
And they opened the earthly firmament.
We thought, decided for a long time -
Is it copper or not copper?
Or aluminum?
What are you, at all?
And by the way, German scientists have proven that a girl's intelligence is inversely proportional to her breasts ...
So, just don't talk about it now!
Don't be offended, you have a cool figure. How did you do it?
You think it's always been that way. Previously, I also had small breasts and thin lips, but then I joined the society of amateur beekeepers - and that's it. Do you want me to give you a business card too?
Yesterday I bought a pack of cigarettes, and there are all tobacco-free cigarettes, completely empty!
Forget it!
Girls came up with. New slogan. New "Ferry" with a beer aroma. Washes nothing, but tasty ...
Yes, I look at you and understand that you were not found in cabbage, like everyone else, but in horseradish.
Come on. Better tell me what time it is?
It's fifteen to seven!
So soon the beginning!
The beginning of what?
The beginning of the eighth!

My God, everything is crumbling. With such success, we only have to advertise the dump.
And you think it's easy for me, right? It's all simple for you - came out, said a few words and that's it. And to me - listen to you all the time. What happened to you? Do not be discouraged, let's go and talk! You shouldn't be afraid of me. Understand, doctors are the same people, only we call an injection in the ass an intramuscular injection, a fingal - a subcutaneous hematoma, and an enema ... although no, an enema is everywhere - an enema. I see you have some problem?
Yes, a big problem!
You don't need to keep it to yourself, you need to open up!
It will be hard for you to understand me!
What are you. Together we can solve your problem! What is the reason for your discomfort?
Yes in you! I hate you, and your voice is stupid! (Blow.) Oh! Feel better! (Blow.) Look, eh! How good it is! (Blow.) Well, that's another matter!
But now that we have got to know you better, let's move on to our psychoanalysis session. But to make it easier for me to work, you will need to answer a few questions. Answer quickly and don't hesitate! So what do you love to look at STS?
Continue the phrase: "Oh, sport ...!"
Oh, sport, you are sweat!
What do you look for when you take butter for your family?
On surveillance cameras and security.
Well, well, I see. Your reaction is okay. Guess the riddle: On the left - 2, on the right - 3. What is it?
I do not know!
It's just 23!
Doctor, I have a problem with alcohol!
Do you suffer from alcoholism? What for? Enjoy! (She caught herself.) Sorry. What happened?
No money left!
Well, it's not just you. And this is understandable. Now tell me about your personal life.
I have not it. You see, I was with this yesterday interesting man met ...
So how is it?
How to say! Neither fish nor fowl…
Mushrooms? Excuse me.
You see, in the Russian language there are a lot of sibilants and sibilants, by the way, with one such I meet.
Oh, how bad everything is! Okay, let's leave privacy alone. Tell us an interesting incident from your life. Was that one?
Of course he was. Literally this morning. Imagine, I sit, drink coffee, once, and drank.
Tell me, who did you want to become as a child?
Robin Hood!
A defender of the poor?
No, I just wanted the same tight leggings and a hat with a feather.
Well, don't be discouraged. Relax and continue to believe, he is, he exists, today I saw him in a dream. He is there.
Such a pink sweater with rhinestones!
True? You helped me so much!
Yes! And at the end of the session, let's join hands and imagine that great human happiness has fallen to the ground!
And what happiness, muskrat or mink?
Ksyusha, Ksyusha! Big order! We got a huge order! Let's start shooting right now! Let's go running, look

Room "Lingerie"

Stop, shot! Great, great movie! Bravo girls!
Hello! I, like, want to order advertising. Well, this is, like, my product. There he is in the box. I'll come back in an hour!
How in an hour? We will not be in time, you must understand that we have other orders!
In my opinion, you do not understand this. If my order is not completed in an hour, you will not place another order.


When we do get out onto the ice hump and roll along the wide ice flood, it is hard to believe that everyone is safe.
Then the snow fell deeper, deeper, and the deer stopped. From the first sled you could see the tops of backs and horns. Then the three of us - Leshka, Shkil and I - go straight ahead to the snowy barrier. Polynya should be close. And what does it mean close? One hundred meters, a kilometer? It's one thing to run a hundred meters along a cinder track, swim along the Black Sea coast, follow the deer along a rocky ridge. Another - in a twenty-degree frost to crawl in fur trousers on a tarpaulin one hundred meters through a dense snow wall.
Piling up with a chest, we break it. Leshka is huge, he stretches out his long legs like stilts, leaving behind only holes, not a course. For almost two hours we push through this way, then the snow became lighter, its height is less. And then a channel with a hole opened up and a reddish one, which thawed the bank of a small river for tens of meters without snow, like in summer.
Black streams run down from the snow-covered forest. On the shore, in a small round funnel, water bubbles and, overfilling it, splashes out in a tiny stream and flows down the thawed earth into an open stream.
I squat by the funnel, accidentally touch the ground with my hand without a glove and start from surprise - the ground is warm! As if I touched her living body. Thermometer in the funnel! Almost fifteen degrees ... The living pulse of the Earth beats at hand.
People walk, swim, travel around the planet, fly over it. The pilots have the sky before their eyes, and they live in it. For sailors and submariners, the soul is dissolved in the sea. And those who walk on the ground and touch it with their hands feel it all - its firmament, its water and air. The townspeople forget about the land because it is covered with concrete, asphalt and stone.
The water in the funnel is tasteless, it smells like hydrogen sulfide, obviously, and mineral, not for drinking. So, maybe for treatment? Let's find out. And suddenly someday there will be someone here to live, be treated and remember us. And I see - motonarts will start walking in winter, and mini-helicopters will hover over the blooming oases in summer. Only tourists will ride reindeer, as they now ride horses in lacquered pair of carriages in Rome. And there will be a taximeter attached to the sleds, as on those luxurious cabs that stand for hours at the Colosseum.
Lunar crossroads
Above the tops of the mountains, a large, light moon shines a little from the side, pulling changeable shadows by the sledges - as if we were floating in transparent light on dark ice barely powdered with snow. Ole * ni run easily and smoothly. Tributaries should appear soon to the left and right. One of them upwards - our way.
I look ahead. And suddenly ... Vanka quickly turns around and upsets the deer. He saw it too. And I wave my hand down to him, and whisper excitedly, just to understand by the lips - stop!
The deer stop. Ahead is a wide and even, cleanly swept by the winds, a giant icy crossroads of four rivers. Like an endless ballroom with a green glass floor. The intersection is steeply squeezed by mountains, snow-covered trees go down the slopes in steps into the black sky. Ice flickers mysteriously under the moon. And along the largest circle, past all four gorges, darkening lost And dully, a round dance of tall, swaying snow ghosts slowly moves.
Swaying and unsteady white figures are stretched high up. They are made of tossed snow and, it seems, from moonbeams. The winds of the four valleys, colliding here, raised this vortex. The white figures move in their ritual dance. Light transparent covers fly away from the figures, and it is as if someone invisible removes them from the shoulders of the white dancers. In dogs in such cases, the hair stands on end, as well. our meek deer became especially worried and began to back away.
The figures now straighten, then bend down, almost disintegrating, and again, supported by vortices, rapidly rise up. Maybe nobody should see them? ..
And all this in complete silence, deep and incomprehensible silence. I can hardly catch my breath and am afraid that even from him they can crumble and disappear, and then I will lose something unexpectedly dear to me. And I want them to continue their mysterious dance in silent solitude.
A distant river and night and this extraordinary round dance of blizzard ghosts ... Is it possible that if you ride on moonlit nights in the valleys, you will find this somewhere else, or maybe you will see something else, no less amazing, which is still impossible to imagine?
I did not dare to drive through a ghostly round dance - who knows, what if we destroy it?

Scene for Valentine's Day. Two cupids with a bow and arrow come out to do their work. An unusual scene where the participants need to go down to the auditorium.

The plot is this: the girls decide what to give their boyfriends on February 23rd. Only ladies participate in the scene. Finally, a legitimate reason to expel the men into the auditorium and heartily enjoy the scene.

This scene can be staged on March 8th and at a bachelorette party. The plot has already been revealed in the title: best friends tell everyone the secret of how to make and not lose best friends. Everything, of course, with humor.

Scene for March 8 in which men make fun of typical female things. This scene will well dilute the concert dedicated to International Women's Day.

It is difficult not only for women before February 23, but also for men before March 8. Everyone solves the most difficult task - what to give ?! This is what we joke about in this scene.

This scene can be shown at a concert in honor of March 8th, and at a corporate party of a beauty salon or store. After all, everyone wants to laugh at the stereotypical approaches to female beauty.

Imagine car designers have finally decided to create a purely feminine car. Yes, and give it to women on March 8th. You yourself understand that this scene is very funny.

Scene for Birthday or Anniversary. It can be quickly shown on any free spot in a cafe or restaurant. The birthday boy is happy and the guests are amused.

Another humorous scene on the topic of finding a birthday present. Choosing a gift is especially difficult. And in this case, the problem seems to be not solvable at all. In this plot, both the guests and the birthday man recognize themselves.

By the way, this scene is also suitable for the anniversary. From five to 10 people can take part in it. The more - the more fun the scene will be.

Scenes about school, study

By the name of the scene, it is already clear that it is the most school one. The plot is as follows: the head of the school convenes a meeting to prepare educational institution to the arrival of a strict check.

It is always interesting to imagine how children will be taught this way in forty, fifty years. And if you add humor to these dreams, then you get a good scene for a school concert.

We tried to imagine how officials come up with new topics for graduation essays. This scene will organically look in a concert on the occasion last call or prom at school. It can be played by both teachers and students.

Imagine that the famous TV presenter Andrei Malakhov gave up his television programs and began to work as a literature teacher. In the scene, we tried to show what his lesson would look like.

Imagine that because of the crisis, a summit of leaders of all countries of the world was decided to be held in one of the children's health camps... The scene is also good because it is massive, but everyone does not need to learn words.

New Year's scenes

A dynamic, modern, and most importantly, a funny New Year's scene. The beginning is this: Santa Claus reads the letters of children and is finally disappointed in them.

A script for a New Year's party for younger students. Jack Sparrow, a young hacker, Santa Claus and Snow Maiden in one scenario. We guarantee humor!

Dialogue scenes for two presenters new Year's Eve... They will help out your concert, they will connect even the most motley numbers. Light, funny, New Year's jokes.

On New Year's holidays, anything can happen. The scene is about this: the artistic director arranges scolding the artists who performed at the children's new Year's parties... A scene in the spirit of Comedy club with a fair amount of childish humor.

New topical scenario for children new year holiday... Recognizable modern characters: Cashier "Pyaterochka", Ded Moroz, Snegurochka, Baba Yaga, and the symbol of the new 2019 - Pig.

The classic battle of the Old and New Years has been moved to the walls of an ordinary office. The stage is suitable for corporate new year party... If your department was asked to stage a scene, take it and do not suffer.

The plot of the scene is as follows: astrologers-predictors compete in predictions of the new year for office employees. As you understand, all your intra-office joys and relevance can be woven into the scene. Success on new year corporate party provided!

Let's fast forward three hundred years ago and imagine how in Russia they switched to celebrating the New Year in winter. Let's do it in the form of a funny scene. If you rent theatrical costumes, the scene will be simply bombastic.

Actual New Year's scene on school theme... About how hard it is for schoolchildren and teachers on the eve of the New Year. Suitable for school or student KVN on the New Year theme.

The plot of the scene is as follows: somewhere in the north there is a secret base for the preparation of Santa Claus. How can they be without preparation ?! You can show such a scene both at KVN and at a New Year's concert.

Zhigailova Zoya Vasilievna
Position: music director
Educational institution: branch of the MAOU Secondary School No. 2, Khvoinaya settlement in the village of Ostakhnovo
Locality: Khvoininsky district, Ostakhnovo village
Material name: Methodical development
Topic: Scenario "Cabbage - the first lady in the village"
Date of publication: 25.05.2016
Section: preschool education



History and traditions of the cabbage festival.
Peasant life, its everyday life and holidays from time immemorial are subordinated to nature, are determined by the season and constitute a definite, once and for all established cycle of the work order. So, in late autumn, cabbage heads filled with earthly juices are taken from the fields. On this, before the onset of spring, field work is completed, the land-nurse goes to sleep ... Perhaps, no vegetable has attracted such close attention of researchers of all times and peoples as cabbage. Philosophers and historians, doctors and chefs have left us numerous instructions on its magical, medicinal and culinary properties. According to one of the legends, the thunderer Jupiter, working on the explanation of two contradictory sayings, sweated from a terrible overstrain. Several large drops rolled from the forehead of the father of the gods to the ground. It is from these drops that the cabbage grew. The story, of course, is uncomplicated, but in it you can feel the respectful attitude of the Romans to the ancient vegetable. Apparently, the very word "cabbage" is somehow connected with this legend, because it came from the ancient Roman "kaputum", which in translation into Russian means "head". Even the ancient Greeks and Romans attributed to cabbage the ability to soothe headaches, cure deafness, relieve insomnia and various internal diseases. Our ancestors also knew a lot about the healing properties of cabbage. So, in old Russian medical books we read: "Crushed cabbage, mixed with egg white and then applied to any burn and so their ulcers heal." One of the first Russian sources in which cabbage is mentioned is Svyatoslav's Izbornik dated 1073. In the old days in Russia a vegetable garden where cabbage was grown was called "cabbage". It was the most beloved vegetable in Russia, it was not for nothing that she was called “the first lady in the village”. From the Exaltation (September 27) in the villages they began to chop cabbage. The villagers said: "Dare, woman, about cabbage on the Exaltation day", "At the good man's on the Exaltation day and a pie with cabbage." Winter supplies were not considered pounds and kilograms, but buckets and barrels. Such large supplies are difficult to make alone. Therefore, women chopped and salted cabbage together for the whole village, moving from house to house. On this day, fortune-telling and beliefs were carried out, which are associated with matchmaking, therefore, the traditions were observed most often by families in which there was a marriageable daughter. Today the Cabbage Festival renews its traditions and is held in some Russian cities and villages.


- Development in children of a cognitive interest in the history of our Motherland, in folk wisdom; - Instilling love for folk culture in children; - Acquaintance of children with oral, play and musical folk art; - Raising a culture of communication in children. - Formation of some practical skills and abilities.
The hostess, who is dressed in a Russian folk sundress, an apron.
Girls are dressed in Russian sarafans, boys are dressed in trousers and shirts.
Cabbage barrel, cleaver knives (special knives). OWNER: Cabbage evenings came to us On horses, sables, foxes, ermines. You, gossips, my friends, you will come to work for me. Help me chop the cabbage, Help me salt it! (A knock is heard. The girls enter.) CHILDREN: Hello, hostess! Here come to help you, Yes, chop the cabbage. Hostess: Dear guests, make yourself at home. Everyone can see our coziness at home: In cramped quarters, perhaps, but not offended! After all, any hut, you know yourself, Not red corners, red pies! Everyone who is rich is so happy. First - business, then - pies and fun. Well, girls, put on aprons so that your outfits don't get dirty, and get to work. (The hostess shows how to chop cabbage in a wooden barrel with knives - cleavers). Hostess: Together with chopped cabbage, whole white heads of cabbage were fermented, as well as cucumbers of the last harvest and apples. There were general rules, customs and signs. For example, cabbage harvested in October is sweeter than the one harvested in September, and it is better to chop cabbage in the "young month", then it will be stronger and tastier. Our ancestors, the Slavs, have been growing cabbage since the 9th century and were the first to invent a method of fermenting it. Cabbage was fermented with whole heads of cabbage, chopped, chopped. Distinguished between white and gray sauerkraut. The first was prepared from white cabbage according to recipes that have practically not changed to this day. The second - gray - was obtained from the same raw materials, but a layer of cabbage was poured with rye flour together with salt. In this case, if there was little juice under pressure, rye kvass was added to the barrel to improve fermentation.
Perhaps this was the oldest, original method that gave the cabbage the name "sauerkraut", that is, "seasoned with kvass." Hostess
From an early age, villagers know how to ferment cabbage correctly. 1 CHILD: I clean, I cut the cabbage, And then I rub the carrots. Salt it a little, And put it in a barrel. 2 CHILD: Mom will put the chopsticks, Dad will press. And when she wanders, Let's pierce with a stick. 3 CHILD: She wandered for a couple of days - We must take it to the cellar, Or else the Goats will have to feed her all, then feed her. OWNER: Let's remember what proverbs the people put together about cabbage. CHILDREN: Bread and cabbage will not be allowed. Without potatoes, bread and cabbage - what kind of food. OWNER: Well done! Do you know the riddles about cabbage? CHILDREN: 1. Matryoshka stands on one leg, wrapped up, entangled. 2. Shred on a shred - Green patches, All day on the belly Lying in the garden bed. 3. Ermoshka stands on one leg, on him a hundred clothes are not sewn, not cut, but all are scarred. 4. Costing Filat, one hundred lats on him. 5. There was a child - did not know the diapers, became an old man - a hundred diapers on him. 6. The patch is on the patch, but the needle was missing. 7. One hundred clothes and all without fasteners.
Oh, enough, enough! I see that you really know the cabbage riddles. CHILDREN: And we know fables! 1 CHILD: The village was driving past the peasant, Suddenly from under the dog Barking the gates Roofs were frightened They sat on a raven The horse drove the Peasant with a whip. 2 BABY: The bear came to the ford ... Dump into the water! Already he is mok, mok, mok. Already he is a pussycat, a pussycat, a pussycat ... Washed out, vykis, got out, dried up, He stood on the deck ... Dumped into the water! CHILDREN
And we know not only proverbs, fables and riddles about cabbage. Now we will sing ditties about her. 1 CHILD: Put your ears on top of your head, Listen carefully, We are cabbage ditties We will sing wonderfully. 2 CHILD: I tried the whole summer, I got dressed, got dressed. And as autumn approached, I gave all the outfits. 3 CHILD The lady is sitting in the garden bed, Dressed in noisy silks. We prepare tubs for her, Half a bag of coarse salt. 4 CHILD I was born wonderfully well - Head is white, curly. And who loves cabbage soup very much -
So always look for me. 5 CHILD Dressed up Alena In her green sarafan, Curled up the frills thickly, Do you recognize her? Cabbage! 6 CHILD In order for the stove to flare up, It is necessary to give in to the heat, So that the ditty could be sung easier, It is necessary to help dance. (The boys are dancing (the girls are starting to work again) HOSTESS: While the conversation was underway, and the work was done. Thank you for your help, dear guests. No wonder they say: the master's work is afraid. The cabbage was chopped, salted and folded. It's time for fun. how about a round dance about cabbage, so that next year it grows bigger and rounder! CHEERER: “Hang, hang, my cabbage.” Hang, hang, my cabbage, Hang, hang, my white! How can I not curl cabbage, White Vilo Evolve you, cabbage, Evolve you, Viloy kocheshok. Veisya, veisya, my cabbage, Veisya, veisya my white! HOSTESS: It's time, fun is an hour. Who wants to play now?. "CHILDREN READ POEMS ABOUT THE USE OF CABBAGE: 1 CHILD: Without cabbage, the house is empty, Living without cabbage is not tasty. We adore all kinds of salads with the guys.
We love borschiki for the first time And not only we, probably. And, of course, for the second Stew we love vegetables. 2 BABY: Cabbage has a secret - There is simply no cabbage without: Golubtsov, stew, borscht. Eat more vegetables. You will be all right: Do not get better guys. You will become stronger, slimmer And most importantly - smarter! Hostess
And they salted the cabbage, and sang, and danced, played very merrily. Yes, you will not be full only with games and dances. While you were having fun, my pies are ripe and the samovar is ready! I invite you all to cabbage pies! (Children and adults drink tea and cakes). Compiled by: Zhigailova Zoya Vasilievna - musical director of the branch of the MAOU "Secondary school No. 2, Khvoynaya village" in the village of Ostakhnovo

Feast Skits

Skit script in grade 4

Held at the end of the 1st quarter of grade 4

Folk music sounds.
Children come in with the song "Oh, you canopy, my canopy", first boys, then girls.

Oh, you canopy, my canopy
Change my new ones
new canopy, maple
As well as for me on these little steps Do not hazhivati,
My friend was dear to me by the hand
Do not matter.
All: The first verse is played.

Children become a semicircle.
Every person from childhood remembers grandmother's fairy tales, sayings, admonishing proverbs, bewitching lullabies. The folk wisdom, contained in them, has fostered pride in the talent of the Russian people, love for the language over the centuries. And in our difficult times, it is our origins, our history that will help us to understand and, therefore, to love Russia. In reading lessons, the children and I got acquainted with sayings, proverbs, fairy tales - with everything that is so rich in the Russian language. Since this year, at the history lessons, which is called "Your Russia", we study the customs of the Russian people, its history. We already know why in New Year decorate the Christmas tree, what is Shrovetide, Carols, Christmas.
There were many holidays in Russia. The most joyful and generous were in the fall, when people, having harvested their crops, made preparations for the long winter. And today, for your judgment, we present a folk holiday, which was celebrated in Russia at the end of autumn. Feast of Cabbage or Cabbage.
Please, dear guests, please!
Have fun and joy.
We have been waiting for you for a long time!
We are not starting the holiday!
We have for everyone
And a place, and a word
We've saved some fun for every taste,
To whom - the truth, to whom - a fairy tale, to whom - a song.

(Children sing the song "Golden Bee" and play folk instruments.)

The fields are squeezed, the groves are bare,
The water is foggy and damp.
The wheel behind the blue mountains
The quiet sun went down.
The blasted road slumbers
She dreamed today
What is quite - quite a bit
It remains to wait for the gray winter.
Autumn leaves are spinning in the wind
Autumn leaves scream in alarm
“Everything perishes, everything perishes! You are black and naked
Oh, our dear forest, your end has come! "
Their royal forest does not hear alarms.
Under the dark azure of harsh skies
Powerful dreams swaddled him.
And the strength for a new spring is ripening in him.
Let's fast forward to many, many years ago and imagine that we are peasant children. It's late autumn, it's raining outside the window. There is dirt all around and you can't walk on the street. And the children asked mother autumn to change the weather, to be kind and supportive to them.
7. Autumn is a wet tail! Have pity on my cat, dry her fur. Don't cry so much. We love you for the fact that every year you treat yourself to delicious apples and ripe cabbage.
8. Mother - autumn, calm your anger! You know how to be kind. Give us the sun. Let us go for a walk, take a walk under the curly mountain ash!
9. Autumn - mother, make way as soon as possible to your sister - winter. All children are bored in the hut, the dirt prevents them from walking.
Call Brother Frost. Let him frosty the oak groves, whitewash the herbs, freeze the mud.
At the end of autumn, work in the field and in the garden was completed. You could have rest. People do small chores around the house, singing, joking. And, of course, preparing for winter, they salted cabbage.
The hostess girl comes out: Natasha D.
Come, red girls, to my hut.
Today there will be a cabbage holiday.
Help me notch the mother cabbage.
All the girls in chorus:
With cabbage you, hostess!

Mothers come out in aprons. Boys bring cabbage, carrots, "barrel"
The boys leave for the muses. Tools.
Folk music sounds quietly

Mothers and girls start to salt cabbage, music sounds.
The goat went to the garden,
The goat ate onions, garlic,
All white cabbage.
I'll take the goat by the horns
I will take the goat to the market
Selling a goat for soap,
White white,
On black surmilo.
At that time, the husband to the yard:
- And what, wife, are you white?
- I sowed flour, sir.
-What, wife, blush?
- I stood against the heat!
- And what, your wife's eyebrow is black?
- I pinched Luchinushka, grabbed the eyebrow!
- And where, wife, is the white goat?
- And the goat went downhill, broke his head.
- And where is the head?
- Swam away for water!
13. Work and hands are reliable guarantees in people!
14. With nothing to do, and the cockroach climbs on the ward!
15. We work so hard to wipe the lack of time and nose!
And the guys came to visit and entertained the working girls with jokes and nursery rhymes.
16. Like ours at the gate
The people are gathering
Everything with spoons
Yes with ratchets!

Boys come in with tools.

As our neighbor had a merry conversation.
18. Geese in a harp
Ducks in tune.
19. Tap-dots in ratchets
Seagulls in balalaikas.
20. The waxwings in the flute
Cuckoos in whistles.
21. Starlings in bells
They play, play, amuse everyone.

The song "Kalinka" is performed by boys and played on spoons.
(girls and boys sing, boys play instruments)

1. Fiction in faces is unprecedented
Unbelievable and unheard of.
2. Under the sky the gray bear flies
He waves his ears, paws,
He trims with a black tail.
3 .On an oak, a pig's nest is twisted
She twisted the nest, brought the children out.
Little kids, little pigs
They sit on the knots, look at the tops.
They look at the top, they want to fly away.
4. On the mountain, a cow barked at a squirrel
Legs widening, eyes bulging.
5. How a rooster bakes pies in the oven
The cat sews a shirt on the window.
A pig in a mortar is crushing peas.
The horse at the porch beats with three hooves,
Duck in boots sweeps the hut.
6 .As along a river, along a river,
Redhead rode on a bull
The redhead asked:
-What did you paint your beard with?
- I am not paint, and not grease.
I lay in the sun
He lifted his beard to the top.
7. The village drove past the peasant.
Suddenly the gate barks from under the dog.
A stick jumped out with a woman in hand,
And let's beat the horse with the man.
The horse ate bacon, and the man ate oats,
The horse got into the sleigh, and the man took it.
8 ... Fiction in the faces of an unbelievable person,
An unheard-of, and an unheard-of!
- Fedul that pouted his lips
- The caftan burned through.
- How big is the hole?
- One gate remained!
- What did you do today?
- I was looking for mittens.
- Found?
- Found!
- Where were they?
- Yes, in the belt!
- Where are you going?
- For seven miles.
- Sip kissel?
- No, look for a mosquito!
- Well this is a mosquito?
- Yes, the one who wants to bite my nose.
- Yes, he is with you!
- Where is it with me?
- Yes, on your nose!
- What's that! I'm going. It whistles around me. I go there - whistles, I here - whistles. Trouble I think. I climbed on a birch - I was sitting, whistling ...
But this is in my nose !!!
- What happened to me. A bullet whistles, buzzes: I'm in the side - she's behind me. I fell into the bushes, she grabbed me by the forehead, I dashed with my hand - but this is a bug !!!
- Titus, and Titus! Let's go thresh.
- Back hurts.
- Titus, let's go drink honey!
- Let me grab my hat as soon as possible.
- Hey, Thomas! That you are not coming from the forest?
- I caught a bear!
- So bring him here!
- Doesn't go!
- So go yourself!
- He won't let me in!

The girls finish their work.

Did you know that sour cabbage in Russia began a long time ago, back in the 9th century. In other countries, they did not know how to do this. Centuries later, the Russian people taught the people of other countries to ferment cabbage.
This dish is very healthy.
Did you know that there are many types of cabbage.
And today we are playing cabbage seeds.
Teacher: All:
- Business before pleasure!

Children sit on benches.

Riddles appeared in Russian folklore as a fun art of the people, intricate game, clever fun. Riddles were born a long time ago. In those distant times, our ancestors tried to deceive the formidable forces of nature, invented a special secret mysterious speech. For example, a rooster was supposed to be called "bare-legged", thunder - "turai", and a bear during the hunting season "cow". From the secret speech, riddles were born.
On distant rainy autumn evenings, both old and small gathered in a peasant hut. Some of the old people began to ask tricky questions:
1.What does everyone have? (name)
2. A woman is sitting on a yura, her legs dangling into the river. (mill)
3. Filat is standing with a hundred patches on it. (cabbage)
4. In the yard as a mountain, and in the hut with water (snow)
5. A blue scarf, a red bun, rolling on a scarf, grinning at people. (sun, sky)
6. First - shine, after shine - crackle, after crack - splash. (lightning, thunder and rain)

Game "Burners", "At the Bear in the Forest"

For work - I could not, for the cause I could not, but to eat, dance against us!
I'm not tired of playing, it wouldn’t have gone away!
The bells are ringing well, but the food is bad!
Ay, singing cheerfully, spinning cheerfully!
-What the beautiful people gathered here?
-We are folk craftsmen, we embroider and weave and sing ditties!
1. All:
Let me dance
Let me stomp!
Is it possible in this room
The floorboards will burst!
(Eh one, eh two, that's how it goes!)
2. And I'll stamp my foot
Yes, I'll stomp another
How much I do not stomp
I want to dance all the same!
3. I danced with three legs
I lost my boots.
Looked back -
The boots are in the corner!
4. Whether in the garden,
Artyom was our raven.
And what does he care
Who cleaned the cabbage!
5. I sit, eat cabbage,
Dissolve her tears
Because I am today
I got a three.
6. I can sour cabbage,
I am not sad from idleness.
Come to visit me -
I'll treat everyone to cabbage.
7. Lyuba walks between the ridges.
Selects everything:
Where is the cabbage, where is the weed -
She will not understand in any way!
8. Mom sent me
Drive the gander.
And I went out the gate
And let's dance!
9. I go - she sways
All green grass.
I love - she doesn't believe
My black-browed.
10. In the yard, then across the meadow
Ducklings are running
And I'm barefoot from the stove
I thought - guys!
11. Let's talk, girls
Who should rake the snowdrifts.
Such guys come to us
Not to be seen from the snowdrift.
12. They brought me to match
On a gray mare.
All the dowry was taken away
And they forgot me!
13. Don't go, girlfriend, get married
Married that or that
You won't look at another
All look at one!
14. I found a broom in the kitchen
And I swept the whole house.
And left of him
Two straws in total!
15. Don't scold me, mommy,
That she poured sour cream.
Antoshka walked past the window
I was out of memory!
16. He walked in the village - the girls were sleeping.
Played an accordion - stood up.
We got up, woke up
The windows were open.
17. There were three, there were four
Brought to one,
I did it, I turned it around,
There was no one left.
18. Oksana, Anya
The seagull saw.
She broke all the dishes -
15. All
We sang ditties to you
Is it good or bad.
And now we ask you,
For you to pat us.
Leading a round dance is not just “walking in circles”. It's also about singing and dancing and playing a role. In a round dance, people were happy or sad together.

Round dance with parents.
The song "There was a birch in the field"
Poem about Russia by S. Vasiliev
Song "My Russia"

And now, dear guests, please go to the table.

Children with trays.
They call the dishes ..


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