Cheerful script for the new year at school. Humorous scenes for elementary school. Funny New Year's scene for a corporate party "Don't do as we do"

New Year's sports and fitness fairy tale

(AND . Maltsov )


Storyteller, Storyteller, New Year, Old year, Petya, Health, Whistle, Rackets, Ball, Dumbbells, Stopwatch, Spikes, Skates, Cigarette butt, Rumashka, Toxicomashka, Datura.


Seconds are ticking, time is running.
Again to us from the east New Year in a hurry.
The heart stops and waits for something.
The New Year, perhaps, will bring a miracle.
Adults and children are waiting for him with hope.
Among them is a boy, a fifth-grader Petya.
Petya is looking forward to the holiday,
The holiday coincides with his birthday.


Oh, what happy days at school!
A quarter is running out, rest is ahead.
In the school hall, the tree likes the outfit
All her needles shine with joy.
Here comes the long-awaited hour -
Petin is celebrating the New Year, fifth grade.


As always, Snow Maiden, white Santa Claus,
He brought all his gifts in a sack.
And at the request of the tree lit up merrily
And Yaga with a broom in a mortar swept by.
Competitions, riddles, noisy round dance ...
Oh, what a wonderful New Year holiday!


Petya did not want to leave the tree,
And our Petya decided to prolong the miracles.
He hid behind a large curtain.
The school is empty, everything around is quiet ...
In the twilight, the tree is wonderful,
Petya came out of the hiding place without haste.
Here the New Year boy is sad under the Christmas tree.
Suddenly he, miraculously, gives a voice.

New Year:

Hello, hello, Petya!
I'm very, very happy.
How good it is
Meet guys like that
Whose adventures
And miracles attract
And good aspirations
They live in their souls.

(The Old Year appears from behind the tree)

Old year:

Oh, it's time for me to rest
New Year is coming after me.
Soon, soon I will change
And I'll dash off into history.
I'm a little tired
From what I've seen.
How many different techniques
Any cybernetics.
I watched everything and had fun
I did little sports.
Eh, to turn back the time
I would follow the regime.
Ah guys dear!
Don't follow me.
Hobbies let others
They will lead you along.

(The music is heard. The New Year listens and says):

New Year:

Sorry, what a singing
Can I hear from the gym?

Old year:

They rush to the show
Healthy friends.

(Zdoroveika and his friends appear. They walk around the tree and sing the song on the motive "Correspondent drinking")

Love everything in the world
Adults and children
Spend your time with us.
It's interesting with us
It's so wonderful with us!
It's more fun in the world to live with us!

Good luck everyone!
We are always ready
To please friends with movement.
Wonderful moments
A lot of mood!
The soul is brighter from this.

We are enemies of disease
All potions are more useful
If you are friends with us every day.
We give sweetness to the body -
Muscle joy
We drive away sadness and laziness.


Year after year
Smooth round dance
Time is circling over the planet.
In this round dance
We find friends
Sports will never be forgotten.


(Oh stop and start the show)


I am an athletic healthier!
Movement is my life!
I am an athlete in spirit since birth,
My friends are always with me.


I am the whistle! Sports whistle!
In competitions I am the judge.
Fair, objective,
My trill will judge everyone.
I am the law of sports rules
I urge you to respect.
Nobody ever
I will not allow it to be violated.


I am a ball, funny and perky!
I love to jump and fly.
In a skillful game I am obedient
I'm ready to play without rest.
Oh, games! How many of them are there in the world!
And I am the soul of any game.
Like a small planet
I have been flying over the ground for a long time.


We are two girlfriends, two rackets
We meet the ball at the net.
I respect big tennis,
And I respect the desktop.

Big racket:

The ball plays on my strings
Oh, how beautiful he flies!

Small racket:

And I meet the ball with an overlay
And I see off the return journey.


We lie without players, we miss
And in their hands we come to life.


And we twin dumbbells
We are just great in our hands!
We are strength, strength and pressure.
We conquer weakness, illness.
So that your muscles do not grow decrepit,
Don't forget about dumbbells.


I am cold-blooded, impartial.
The stopwatch is calling me.
The master is sovereign for seconds,
And my role is important in sports.
They strive from start to finish
Stop me faster.
Ah, how fast the seconds go!
Their run cannot be slowed down.

Thorns(singing ditties):

We are spike little sisters
We are athletes.
We fly by like birds
Finishing cells.
Pushing off we take off
And jumping forward we fly
This is how we fight
With earthly gravity.


We are two brothers, two little ends,
Skates with a sharp blade.
Ice is cut into pieces
And they shine like lights.
We are the kings of ice
We are doing a miracle on ice.
You guys dear
We will treat you with this miracle.

New Year:

I liked you, friends!
It is clear to me - it is impossible without you.
My days will wither without you,
The weeks will turn sour with longing.
The vices are waiting for this
They guard the prey.

Old year:

Yes, that's for sure, I know
Where boredom, laziness, vices are the place.
Over there, the butt outside the window
And with him a friend around the corner.
His name is Toxicomashka.
His girlfriend is with him - Ryumashka.
The dope crawls out of the urn.
Fu, it stinks far away from them.


Yes, it's better not to meet with them.
Or maybe at least once
Should we compete with them?
Let's find out who is the strongest of us.

Old year:

Well then, we'll arrange it.
I always love to see.
I will combine darkness with light.
Whistle, you are the judge then.

(looks out the window and says)

Hey! How are you there, come here!
(aside, quiet)
I would never see you.
Look at our tree,
Do no harm for an hour.

(In appropriate costumes, groaning, groaning, Vices come out and stand next to Zdorovyka and his friends).

Old year:

Well, just like on KaVen,
As two teams, you are on stage.
We will hold a competition
Simple tasks will be for you.
Let's measure the capacity of your lungs ...

(Gives the Ball a device for measuring the vital capacity of the lungs)

Come on, M ball, start.
(The ball blows into the tube)
You are just like in training.
Look, don't break the device.
Now, Butter, you try.
Inflate your germs there.

(The cigarette butt, straining, blows with all his might into the device, falls to the floor, it is brought to life: they spray with water, etc. The old year is examining the device):

Old year

Yes I see , you are a hero,
The device is all yellow with nicotine.
Now we will test the strength
We'll raise a pood now.

(points to fake weights)

Come on, Dumbbells, your word,
The kettlebell is ready for you.

(Dumbbells lift weights ten times, whistle whistles):

Enough. Enough. Everything is clear to us.
You are well filled with power.

(nods to Datura)

Datura, let's start.
Try it, lift the weight.

(Datura tries to lift the kettlebell, but whatever he does, he fails. Falls exhausted)

Old year(inspecting the weight):

Yes, it would be better if the weight turned yellow.
And how the goblin turned blue.
What to give, I don't even know.
Perhaps Petya will tell me?


In length, but you can jump from a place.
Just like me, it's not difficult at all.

Old year:

Thank you, Petya, good!
Jumped beautifully and easily.

(Thorns raise their hands)

The thorns are burning with desire
Improve this distance.
Well, sisters, your jump.
Let's test the strength of your legs.

Well done! The jump is great!
And the jumpers are cute.

(He turns to vices):
And who will show the jump from you?
I hope he does not lie down like a corpse.

(He exits, swaying, Ryumashka and says in a braided voice):

Shot glass:

Let me risk my health.
I wasn't always like that.
Once upon a time cow's milk,
Perhaps I drank too.
Then I switched to this.
(P provides a bottle. He does a half-squat, swing his arms back, loses his balance, falls, gets up, somehow makes a small jump, goes to his company)

Old year:

Yes, she did a very nice job.
And she was obviously very tired.
However, what else to think of?
So that no falls and no noise.
Aha! There is glorious fun
You will like it.

(addresses vices):

Hey hop company, let's start!
Get ready to pull the rope.

(addresses Zdoroveika and his friends)

And who will go from you guys
From the other rope?

(Healthy and his friends confer)


I asked my friends
So that I am alone, I have enough strength.

(There is a tug-of-war with varying degrees of success. In the end, Healthy wins).

Old year:
And here is one more task ...

(Cigarette butt and company shout):

Cigarette butt:

Not! We are no longer in a state!
Enough, enough mockery.
We will not compete.


Jumping and running hurts me
I would have aerosol air.

Shot glass:

And I would like vodka, wine,
And then, look, jump. It too.


What games? You, in nature,
When the gut wants to be foolish.
We entered, but not there.
It's time for us to wash away, lads.


Yes, we can't get a kick here,
It's time to tear the claws out of here.

Shot glass:

Of course, there is no sip here,
You can stretch your legs.

Cigarette butt:

Let's go there my family
Where Zdoroveyka won't get it.

(They walk around the tree, supporting each other, sing a song on the motive "Fried Chicken")

Fried chicken,
Steamed chicken,
We are not chickens, we tell you.
We're all serious
Formidable vices
And our health in half.

And I'm Ryumashechka!
And I am Cigarette butt, I am Datura.
We are always looking for a high
We are in trouble without highs
Kurni, breathe, pour a glass.

Ah, you will get sick.
Ah, you will grow older.
Don't scare us with that.
And let us poison ourselves
But let's hang out,
We don't care about our health.

(Vices go away).

Old year:

You see, my friend, New Year,
What did I leave you.
I passed them on last year,
And I didn't fix them.
From year to year, from century to century
Vices are passing over.
Oh, poor, weak man!
They harass him.
I wish you, young friend:
Strengthen a healthy spirit in yourself!

New Year:

I will be from the very first days
Make friends with Zdorovaya!
Support his friends -
Sport helps to become stronger
Spiritual, better and smarter!
I say no vices.
I'm not on my way with them.
They lead the whole world into darkness,
The Devil is proud of them.

Old year:

Several hours left
And you replace me.
I see you are ready -
You walk across the country.
All! Go to places, it's time, friends.
Everyone has their own worries.
A family is waiting for Petya at home
For a Happy New Year.
Let's join hands
And we'll walk around the tree.

(They walk around the tree and sing a songon the motive "Blue Carriage")

Here we say goodbye to the Old Year,
We celebrate the New Year at the gate.
We meet with new hopes.
We believe he will bring us happiness.


We will walk along it amicably and cheerfully.

We really like to study at school,
We go to school to receive knowledge.
We dream of becoming famous in the future,
We dream of becoming famous.


Let's all be healthy and cheerful!
May success accompany us.
Let's all be cheerful and kind!
Happy New Year to everyone!

The New Year shines with joy, joy.
This joy makes everything around brighter.
A staircase descends from the sky for days of the year,
Amicably and cheerfully we will walk along it!

Greetings and remind: New Year's holiday is approaching! What does this mean? It's time to come up with New Year's sketches for children!

What do you associate with the long New Year holidays? With bowls of salads, a drunken Santa Claus and "Irony of Fate" on TV? I propose to change everything radically. Let these days become bright and memorable not only for the stomach.

Children are waiting the most for the New Year. I urge you to switch from the pre-New Year's purchase of ingredients for "Olivier" and think about how to create an atmosphere of magic and fairy tale for the child.

New Year's ideas for kindergarten

The harsh truth of life: we adults spend most of the time at work, and small children spend kindergarten... Therefore, the celebration of the New Year for everyone begins long before the chimes: with you - with your beloved colleagues, with your child - at the matinee, where fresh versions of New Year's scenes for children will come in handy.

Here's an idea for a kindergarten matinee: a short scene for 3 people.

Alien Invasion

Background space music sounds. 2 aliens (aliens) appear, they drag the bound Santa Claus.

Grandfather tries to break free: - Well, let me go! I’ll freeze your tentacles!

Alien # 1: - You will fly to our planet!

Alien # 2: - We will study you! We want to know where you get so many gifts from.

Santa Claus: - I'm not going anywhere with you, I have a New Year, a Christmas tree, children are waiting for gifts.

Alien # 1: - But we want to have a New Year too!

Alien # 2: - We urgently need to study you. We want gifts.

Alien # 1: - Don't worry, we will torment you a little and let you go. To spring.

Alien # 2: - When we receive our gifts.

Santa Claus: - I warn you: I have a white belt for wrestling! And even with a snowflake!

I'm a good grandfather, but it's better not to mess with me!

Alien # 1: - I told you, Snegurochka needs to be caught, we could handle her.

Alien # 2: - Well, if so ...

He takes out a space weapon, directs it to Santa Claus.

Santa Claus (directs the staff at the aliens): - And my weapon is more serious!

Seven-Shot Staff! Come on guys, let's all together defeat these

Alien # 1 (looks at the children): - And who is sitting there?

Alien # 2: - There are a lot of them! I'm afraid we can't do it!

Alien # 1: - Again we will be left without gifts ...

Alien # 2: - But alive. We save ourselves!

Frost: - Stand! Children, I need to fire up my seven-shooter. We count together to seven!

Children count in chorus while stamping their feet.

Aliens run away shouting: - Nothing, we'll be back!

Frost: - Write letters!

Short and bright: short sketches in elementary school

In elementary school, you can successfully play short skits for 2-3 people. This does not require a long preliminary learning and will make the New Year's performance memorable and vivid.


Mom, hearing an obscene expression from a child:

- Son! Who taught you such a bad word?

- Santa Claus! I heard him say this when he stumbled on a bicycle in my room at night.

Turbo mode

Winter, cold and snowy. The snail slowly crawls along the tree, on the way it meets a worm.

Worm: - Happy New Year, snail! Where are you going?

Snail: - I'm crawling for berries, otherwise I didn't have time last time, they ate everything before me.

Worm: - What berries? Winter, New Year! They will only be in the summer.

Snail: - And now I'm smart, I went out in advance! I will definitely be in time by the summer!

Proven method

The child asks: - Mom, do you think dad will give you a fur coat for the New Year?

Mom: - Probably not. It is very expensive.

Child: - Have you tried to lie on the floor, yell and kick? I checked it works!

New Year clash of the titans

At the end primary school many children develop their creativity to the fullest. Invite 4th grade students to play an interesting scene in which the number of actors can vary from 6 to 8 people.

Actors involved: 2 grandfathers (Frost and Heat), Snow bun, Snow Maiden, Snake, Firefighter, children (from 2 to 5 people).

First action.

On the stage - decorations imitating drifts. Children and the Snowball appear. They bring a little tree, decorate it.

Snow Gingerbread Man: - Well, the Christmas tree is ready, Santa Claus will come soon with gifts.

Masha: - It's good that there is a New Year! So beautiful around: snowflakes, fluffy snowdrifts ... holiday, gifts ...

Petya: - And in hot countries, we were told at school, there is no snow at all!

Masha: - How do they, poor things, live there? Without snow, Christmas tree, Santa Claus?

Snow bun: - I heard they have the main Grandfather Heat there.

Santa Claus and Snow Maiden appear, bring a globe.

Santa Claus: - Children, I overheard your conversation. I'll reveal a secret: we have a contract with Ded Zhara. His domain is at the equator, mine is here. He has cacti, I have trees. We do not interfere in each other's affairs! Look!

He takes out a bag of snow (it could be confetti), carefully sprinkles snow on the globe, bypassing the equator.

- This is my magic snow, but I sprinkle it only on my possessions. Snegurochka, hold the globe, it's time for me to go for gifts.

Santa Claus leaves. The Snow Maiden and the children are looking thoughtfully at the globe.

Masha: - Children who live on the equator have never seen snow?

Petya: - No, of course, there is only sand!

Snow Maiden: - Let's make them a New Year's gift - a snow surprise.

Children: - Great! Here they will be delighted!

The Snow Maiden takes magic snow and sprinkles it on the equator.

After that, everyone leaves.

Second action.

There are cacti on the stage, decorations imitating sand lie. A snake lies on the sand.

Suddenly snow begins to fall. Snake shouts:

- What's going on here? What is this powder?

Enters Father Heat: - This is snow! So I thought he would break the treaty! Well, Santa Claus, beware, now you are melting with me!

Together with the Snake, they take cacti and hit the road.

Third action.

There is a tree and snowdrifts on the stage again. Children play snowballs. Suddenly Father Heat and the Snake appear. They are removing the Christmas tree, placing cacti on the stage. Snowdrifts disappear (melt).

Snow bun: - What's happening? Why is it so hot? I'm melting now!

Children loudly call Santa Claus. He comes, sees Ded Zhara:

- Colleague, are you here? What are the fates? Is it overheated?

Father Heat: - You broke the contract. Where did the snow come from on the equator now?

Santa Claus: - You are definitely overheated. There can be no snow at the equator, every student knows this. Really, children?

Children are silent, looking at the floor.

Snow Maiden: - Grandpa, I'm sorry, it's my fault, you left the globe and magic snow ... We wanted to surprise the children on the equator ...

Father Heat: - And you did it! Enough talk. The contract is no longer valid. Now here is my domain. Children, take off your boots, it will be hot in here soon.

Santa Claus: - Forgive us, colleague. My granddaughter, young, inexperienced, has done things. And the kids are not to blame, out of the kindness of their hearts they wanted to surprise your children.

Father Heat: - And surprised. I even started sneezing cacti, caught a cold. No, dear, I can't forgive this!

He gives a sign to the Snake, she grabs Santa Claus, Snow Maiden, ties them with a rope.

The snowball is hiding in fear behind the backs of the children.

Masha: - Need to do something!

Petya: - They can melt! The heat is dangerous for them!

Snow bun: - I have something in stock. Secret weapon.

Runs away.

Children: - What have we done? Everything is lost. No Santa Claus, no New Year, no gifts, only cacti ...

The Snow Bun returns, accompanied by a Fireman in a helmet and large mittens.

- What happened? Is there a fire here?

Snow bun: - Worse! We now have a fever and cacti. Grandfather Heat captured us.

The firefighter approaches Ded Zhare, grabs him with mittens: - Well hello! You and I agreed that we would not interfere in your affairs, and you in ours. Do you remember at the last fire you promised me that? Why are you breaking the contract?

Father Heat: - It's just a New Year's joke! Just don't water me with a cannon, please! I'll let go of your Santa Claus!

Unleashes the captives.

Fireman: - Now you understand that promises must be kept? That is great! And now - stop fighting on New Years! Make up immediately.

Father Heat: - Everything, world. Just don't hug. I'll catch a cold.

Santa Claus: - I will melt.

Fireman: - Then we celebrate!

Merry New Year's music turns on, everyone is dancing.

Scene for children "Let's Amuse the Christmas Tree"

This simple scene will decorate a matinee in kindergarten.

In the center of the hall is a Yolochka, in a beautiful outfit, but she looks sad. The presenter comes out, greets the children.

Leading: Dear kids! It's so nice to see you here, cheerful, beautiful, elegant! Have you come to celebrate the New Year? Look what a Christmas tree we have here! She is very beautiful, but somehow so sad! Let's ask her? Herringbone, why are you sad, because the New Year is coming soon!

Herringbone: I'm so bored to stand here! All my friends are in Red Square, in the palace! Their outfits are luxurious, they have a lot of gifts, but what about me?

Leading: We have a lot of fun too! Look how many kids have gathered! They can sing, dance, and recite poetry!

Herringbone: Something I don't believe. Can't you sing?

Leading: Sure. Now the guys will prove to you (the kids are singing a New Year's song to the Christmas tree).

Herringbone: Oh well. I'm starting to like you. What else can you do?

Children dance the prepared number to the Christmas tree, read.

Herringbone: Will there be gifts for me?

Children decorate the Christmas tree with tinsel, toys, paper snowflakes.

Leading: Yolochka, do you still want to leave us on Red Square?

Herringbone: No I do not want to. I liked your place very much. You are cheerful, beautiful, the mood is so New Year's. I stay with you!

Leading: Hooray! Children, let's hug the Christmas tree!

The kids line up in a round dance, start to drive it, while they either make the circle wide, then they come close and hug the Christmas tree.

New Year's scenes for older children

Having reached the age of 12, children are happy to take part in funny scenes playing with elements of modern life.

New Year's disguise


  1. Leshy
  2. Santa Claus
  3. Swamp Kikimora

Leshy: - Hello, Kikimushka. Give me some money!

Kikimora: - What are they for?

Leshy: - I want a computer, cool and powerful.

Kikimora (laughing): - Well, I made fun! You don’t know which side to approach him, you type the word Leshy with one finger on the keyboard for 10 minutes. Admit it, who advised you?

Leshy: - Yes, I met two IT specialists in the forest. Well, as always, helped them get lost (you know me). While I was driving them through the forest, I learned a lot of interesting things about computers (in three days!). I decided to buy myself. Why am I worse than them?

Kikimora: - In my opinion, you are insolent. Mobile phones are scattered all over the forest, mushroom pickers and hunters are losing, and everything is not enough for you (picks up a mobile phone from the floor).

Leshy: - I want to become an advanced IT specialist. If you feel sorry for money for me, say so. Probably spent everything on cosmetics.

Kikimora: - Write a letter to Santa Claus. He will give you a computer. Although what am I saying? You are illiterate, you cannot write.

Leshy: - I can't write, but I am enterprising. I will change into an excellent student and go to Santa Claus myself. He will definitely not refuse me.

Kikimora: - Try it, let's laugh!

Goblin changes into a school jacket, throws a knapsack on his back, and combes his hair.

Santa Claus appears.

Goblin disguised as a schoolboy: - Santa Claus, give me a computer, I want to become an IT specialist!

Santa Claus: - Well, write me all this on paper so that I don't miss anything.

Leshy (confused): - I can't. I do not know how to spell "IT specialist".

Santa Claus: - I understood right away, you are not a schoolboy! Leshy, it is not good to receive gifts by deception. And in order to become an IT specialist, you must first finish school well.

Leshy (sadly): - I understood everything ...

Santa Claus: - And so that you are not sad, here's a candy. A holiday after all!

Cheerful holiday at home

If you are celebrating the New Year in the company of friends, perhaps the guests will come with the children, and a children's company will gather at your house, which will not be interested in listening to adult table conversations.

So it's time to plunge into childhood, forgetting for a while about adult problems. I invite everyone to take part in a funny mini-scene, designed primarily for children. But who said that on New Year's Day adults cannot become children for a while?

The symbol of the coming 2018 is the dog. Let the heroes of the children's New Year's scenes become the heroes of the animated series "Barboskins"!

The adventures of your favorite characters

To "warm up", offer the children a fun quiz based on cartoons about the canine family. Distribute roles between them. Next, voice the key phrases of the characters, for example: "A nail in my sneakers", "Wow - down the drain", "Here is an infusoria." The task of the children is to determine by these phrases which character they are talking about.

Children 6-7 years old will be happy to play the roles of their favorite characters! Not enough young guests to play all the roles? Why not do it for adults?

Miracle tree at the Barboskins

The Barboskin family decorates the Christmas tree. The first to come to decorate it were Rosa and Lisa.

the Rose: - I want to hang my best dolls on the Christmas tree.

Liza: - It's so boring! I suggest you have some fun. Look, here are Druzhka's sneakers. They will look cool on the tree! What a laugh it will be!

the Rose: - Maybe we should not? Suddenly he will be offended.

Friend enters the room:

- What are you doing here? Oh, herringbone! I know how cool to decorate it! The glasses of our Botanist are a cool decoration!

the Rose: - Dear friend, stop it, it's so dishonest.

Buddy: - Nonsense, it's New Year, everyone should have fun!

The Botanist appears.

- Oh, they put up the tree. Only here there are more toys on the one hand, and less on the other. According to the laws of physics, it can fall. We need to balance the tree. Just what? Aha, here is the Kid's toy! Let it hang on the tree.

Everyone leaves, only Liza remains: - Look, Rozka, she hung her dolls on the tree. She will be surprised when they suddenly disappear!

He hides the dolls, instead attaches socks to the Christmas tree and removes.

Enters Kid: - What a Christmas tree! And what is there not on it ... No sweets!

She puts the candies in the socks left by Lisa and runs away.

Barboskina's parents enter the room. They are surprised at the ridiculously decorated Christmas tree, hide gifts under it and call the children.

Children come running, everyone is in a bad mood.

Kid: - My favorite bear has disappeared!

Buddy: - I was left without sneakers. What to go to training for tomorrow?

Botanist (walks, feeling the way with his hands): - I've lost my glasses and can't see anything!

the Rose: - All my dolls have lost socks! I'm so nervous I want candy.

Children come to the tree and find their losses. Everyone is surprised: this unusual Christmas tree helped everyone at once!

Portrait of a modern Santa Claus

It seems to me that New Year is the most conservative holiday, its attributes remain the same from year to year. Everything is like in childhood: Santa Claus in a shabby fur coat and felt boots with a bag behind his back, a sleigh with deer, the smell of tangerines ... this is the New Year's charm.

But sometimes you want to bring a fresh air to the good old holiday. Imagine an image modern grandfather Moroz: this is a very colorful and advanced old man! Maybe it is in this manner that he will come to congratulate your children on New Year's Eve?

Has changed it appearance... The beard does not hang in unkempt hair, but is neatly trimmed and styled in the salon. Designer fur coat, fashionable cut. Instead of a bag - a roomy and comfortable backpack.

Dedok is an active user email, and now he receives letters that way.

Reindeer rides are the last century! Slow, costly, inconvenient with such a busy schedule. Grandpa saved some money and bought a white Cadillac.

Here he is, the main New Year's hero! Agree, respectable man. For such a Santa Claus, special words are needed. For example, such:

Hello everyone, I'm Santa Claus,
Arrived late
Lost, hurrying to you,
The navigator went astray.
After I stood in traffic
As many as 2 quarters
I sobbed from impotence:
I thought I was going to melt.
I wish everyone a New Year
Celebrate the holiday brightly
Happiness may come to everyone.
And now - gifts!

I think if such a grandfather visits your house on New Year's Eve, the children will be delighted!

Let the New Year holidays be remembered not only for the gastronomic variety, but also for sparkling fun, children's laughter and funny moments. Hopefully the tips I have suggested will help with this. Share with your friends, because they, too, will meet the main holiday of the year!

Best regards, Natalia Krasnova.

We invite you to explore our new year script for schoolchildren, a funny and interesting plot which will appeal to both children and adults.

Snow White and the dwarfs are brought into the hall of children.

SNOW WHITE: Good day to you!

GNOME 1: It's a beautiful day for you!

GNOME 2: Oh, how extraordinary he is - frosty, snow-covered beautiful and fluffy!

SNOW WHITE: Of course, this day is extraordinary - the New Year 2018 has already come!

GNOME 1: A wonderful year!

GNOME 2: New Year!

SNOW WHITE: A fantastic year!

GNOME 1: Let this year be for all of us - the year of happiness!

GNOME 2: May it become a year of goodness and a year of love!

SNOW WHITE: So welcome New Year's greetings from Snow White and her team of Dwarfs!

GNOME 1: Be kind and healthy!

GNOME 2: We wish everyone - to be kind!

SNOW WHITE: There is a lot of light and joy!

Together: To make life like a holiday in the new 2018!

SNOW WHITE: I know for sure that on New Year's Eve - everything that was thought last year will certainly come true!

GNOME 1: Look - at our holiday both children and adults,

They are all so good, beautiful, sweet, sincere, and funny and playful.

GNOME 2: Probably want to sing? Dance, play games?

Children: We want!

GNOME 1: Well then, let's all dance the New Year's dance together!

GNOME 1: What to do? What to do? Horrible!

SNOW WHITE: Grumpy, are you grumbling again, what happened? In my opinion, everything is fine - the guys are dancing, having fun, everyone is waiting for the New Year holiday - 2018!

GNOM-GRUMBER: how, everyone is waiting, waiting, but there will be no holiday!

SNOW WHITE: How's that, won't it? Why?

GNOM-GRUMBER: And where do you think are the main characters of the holiday? Where is Santa Claus, where is the beautiful Snow Maiden? And where?

GNOME 2: Again, everyone will say: the gnomes did not organize anything, did not prepare, they failed ... Ah! (Waving his hand) Some kind of witchcraft, however!

Kuzya the brownie appears on the scene.

Kuzya: E-hehe ... I, of course, know everything. That's why he and the brownie Kuzya. Allow me to recommend ...

GNOME 1: You've been missed here yet! Get lost, get loose! Ah ... Take the dirty trick! Come on, let's look for them soon!

Then, according to the 2018 New Year's scenario for schoolchildren, everyone leaves, Filth appears in the hall (melody)

DIRTY: What was the name of filth? By all means! Necessarily! Say hello to all of me and my friend Kuzyu the brownie!

Kuzya: Greetings to all! Listen, Mischief, in my opinion, we have a merry party here today! It's funny how in a detective story.

DIRTY: In order not to act in vain, we must act foolishly: we act as if by the law, and gloat over everyone.

Kuzya: Our friendship is both dangerous and difficult, and at first glance, as if it is not visible. We work almost seven days a week, we steal, we conjure, then we are naughty - we cannot live quietly!

WASTE: Which of you and me will steal Snowball's gifts too?

Kuzya: we need to act together! Resolved! Let's block her way to the New Year's hall!

PAST: Well done, kid, you are learning!

Are running away petrushka, Snow White and the dwarfs run out onto the stage.

PETRUSHKA: As much as possible! Again the same thing: poetry, songs, tree. Again, now all the children will call for Santa Claus, will he bring the Snow Maiden?

Parsley (to Snow White and the Dwarfs) Do you like all this?

Dwarfs (together): Yes, of course!

SNOW WHITE: How could it be otherwise? New Year is our most anticipated holiday. The whole family welcomes him!

GNOME 1: Every year we meet him with our big family!

GNOME 2: And what a holiday without the main characters - Santa Claus and his granddaughter?

GNOME 1: I hope they didn't hear you and won't be offended ... (to Petrushka).

PETRUSHKA: Let them be offended. I do not need them. I will celebrate the New Year differently.

GNOME 1: And welcome!

GNOME 2: Stay on your own!

SNOW WHITE: Friends, let's sing a song about Petrushka, what if he likes it?

then, according to the script for the New Year 2018, a song about Parsley sounds for schoolchildren.

SNOW WHITE: Well, Petrusha? Do you like our song?

PETRUSHKA: Not. I don't need your songs or round dances. I want to celebrate the holiday in my own way.

GNOME 1: Well, okay.

GNOME 2: Just think ...

SNOW WHITE: Friends! Wait! Do not quarrel! Our Parsley can get into trouble!

PETRUSHKA: I won't get into any trouble! And nothing will happen to me!

GNOME 2: So what are you up to? What are you going to do?

PETRUSHKA: I want to celebrate the holiday in an unusual way! For example, no snow, no Christmas tree, no frost.

Gnomes: In Africa!

PETRUSHKA: It is possible in Africa!

SNOW WHITE: How do you get there?

PETRUSHKA: I came up with everything! I, unlike you, carefully read fairy tales. I have a magic wand that the Sorceress gave me, and with which it is very easy to get somewhere.

SNOW WHITE: Did you think well?

A melody sounds. The light (flashlight) turns off. Exit Snow White with the Dwarfs. A palm tree and a stump are brought to the stage. The Bandit appears on stage to the sound of drums from a team of robbers.

BANDIT: People of the Shao-bao tribe! A stranger has entered our tribe. Who are you, white-skinned child?

PETRUSHKA: I am Petrushka, from the gymnasium.

BANDIT: Strange name tribe.

PETRUSHKA: How good you are! So weird!

BANDIT: That's not all! I walked, walked from Zanzibar, I was driving from Kilimanjaro, the Sahara was on the way, in the wide Limpopo a hippopo almost ate me ...

PETRUSHKA: pretty, pretty. We are waiting for gifts.

The bandit opens the basket

BANDIT: Here's a white-skinned child, a tiger's claw. Everyone else is a necklace of dried frogs.

PETRUSHKA: Some strange gifts. I don't like it here anymore.

BANDIT: Now, let's light the fire, let's make a festive dinner.

PETRUSHKA: Another thing! What do we have for our gala dinner?

Rogue: Boy Parsley with Chumak sauce with pineapples. Ha! (runs up to Petrushka)

PETRUSHKA: No, no, no! We didn't agree so!

After that, according to a funny and interesting New Year's scenario for schoolchildren, Petrushka runs into the hall and shouts

PETRUSHKA: Help, save! I don't want to go to Africa any more, I want to go home, New Year with snow, with a Christmas tree, with Santa Claus!

Music sounds, Snow White comes out, bewitches the bandits with a magic wand, they leave.

SNOW WHITE: And we, Petrusha, warned you that you would be in trouble .

GNOME 2: And you to us - I want, I can! ..

PETRUSHKA: Just think, I managed without you, I don't need your help. Well, he shouted, well, he got scared, well, so what ...

SNOW WHITE: Petrusha, don't be so cocky, because next time no one will come to your aid.

PETRUSHKA: Enough to teach me. I myself know what to do. Come on, magic wand, help!

The light turns off, a melody sounds, Yagusha and Koscheyushka enter the ass.

YAGUSHA: Well, how did our plan work?

KOSCHEYUSHKA: As always, my fairy lady.

YAGUSHA: Now I will be the queen of the ball.

Koscheyushka: And I am the king.

YAGUSHA: Today I have been dressing up for you for a long time, my dear Koscheyushka, I was going to a rendezvous.

Koscheyushka: Oh, Yagusha, my head started spinning, I forgot what I came here.

YAGUSHA: Today is a holiday, look how the children are dressed festively.

Koscheyushka: What holiday?

YAGUSHA: Oh, you, (scratches her head) I did it so much that I forgot it myself. Children tell me. What is the holiday today? Can't hear, New 2018?

SNOW WHITE: Moment, but we did not invite you to the holiday.

Koscheyushka: And we ourselves came, without an invitation.

GNOME 1: We are waiting for Santa Claus and Snow Maiden for the holiday.

GNOME 2: And we don't need you like that on the New Year's holiday.

YAGUSHA: Look, they are not needed, it turns out.

PETRUSHKA: These are my friends!

Runs up to Yagusha, hugs her. Yagusha pushes him away

YAGUSHA: Well, wait, you will wait.

Yagusha and Koschey (together): Rex-pex-fex Santa Claus and Snegurochka - appear!

A funny and interesting New Year's scenario 2018 for schoolchildren "Snow White and Her Friends" continues with Yagusha putting on a crown and Koschey wearing a Santa Claus hat. Sing

YAGUSHA: (in a Snow Maiden costume) Oh, and I'm tired. I haven't danced like that for 100 years. Of course, the years fly by! (Dancing)

KOSCHEYUSHKA: (in the costume of Santa Claus) But you are slim, funny, pretty! Well, a real Snow Maiden!

YAGUSHA: Yes, Grandpa! I am your Snegulechka!

Koscheyushka: And we will arrange a real New Year's holiday for you.

YAGUSHA: We will sing a song and dance.

SNOW WHITE: Where are your games?

Koschey Game: Easy. The game is called "This is me, this is all me, this is my company."

YAGUSHA: Who sings, has fun and is not afraid of work?

Children: This is all me, this is me, this is my company.

KOSCHIEUSHKA: Who of you is so good, you go to sunbathe in your pants?

YAGUSHA: Who of you at least once got sick because you ate too much?

KOSCHEYUSHKA: Many of you who don't wash in the morning come to class?

YAGUSHA: Which of you was able to make such a catch: to catch cows from the river?

KOSCHEYUSHKA: How many of you do morning exercises in order in the morning?

PETRUSHKA: What a gathering they did,

Did you make noise and din?

SNOW WHITE: Quiet baby don't scream

The best help us.

PETRUSHKA: Well, you say, what's the matter?

SNOW WHITE: Here, look!

Then, according to the New Year's scenario in 2018, a melody sounds for the school and the gnomes bring Santa Claus out, he walks without a bag of gifts, limps on one leg, Yagusha and Koscheyushka are hiding.

GRANDFATHER: Well, I left, of course, I was in no hurry, because I have a good car, I took gifts with me, because I really like the children in the gymnasium. I wanted to greet them. The Snow Maiden, my granddaughter, also went with me. We're driving, talking, discussing the budget for the New Year. And suddenly, as they flew ...

GNOME 1: Who?

GRANDFATHER: I don't know how to say it in a modern way. Whether rockers or racketeers. I remember they hit me on this ... like her ... head. (Gently touches his head). But I don’t remember who, what and why. I came to my senses - no gifts, no car, Snow Maiden and she was gone.

PETRUSHKA: And what should we do now, that because of you should we be left without gifts?

Runs out of the hall Mischief with Kuzya and jumps

DUST: A wonderful story. Delightful. Soulful and mysterious. Just funny.

GNOME 1: Hey you! Don't forget! Anu-tzitz.

GRANDFATHER: I'm in despair, I can't cope without the Snow Maiden.

Kuzya: I have an idea! No problem. The competition "Miss Snow Maiden" is announced.

GNOME 1: Grandpa, we have no other choice. We'll have to agree.

PAST: We will do everything in the best possible way.

KUZYA: A competition is announced to replace vacant post Snow Maidens, on a contract basis.

A melody sounds on the stage with a screeching forest evil spirits. They scandal.

KOSCHEYUSHKA: Who won't come with us.

PAWN: All to the polls! It's time!

Kuzya: All to the polls! Hooray!

KIKIMORA: Children, rascals - we will amuse you, we will share dirty tricks with you.

YAGUSHA: Oh, you little bastard! Do you want to become a beauty queen?

Kuzya and Mischief stand to the side, rubbing their hands and nodding their heads.

YAGUSHA: Today there is only one Queen. And that's me.

KIKIMORA: Why are you so different? You scream here, freak out. So, best clothes - you always got it. The best gifts are for you too. And what am I, oblique, hunchbacked?

YAGUSHA: And what are you? If not, prove it.

KIKIMORA: I'll prove it. I know that the children love me, so I'll go in a round dance with them.

Round dance "Winter rumbles on the water". Then, according to the New Year's scenario for the school, after the round dance, Kikimora and Yagusha go up on stage

KIKIMORA: Well, how do you like me?

YAGUSHA: Oh, and you will lose your health in this election campaign.

KIKIMORA: Well, I'm not you. I am young, beautiful, energetic. Grandfather Frost comes out, he has a staff in his hands, knocks with it.

GRANDFATHER FROST: Enough, enough, make way

Do not shout, and come to your senses! Tell me, beauties, where could I see you? Who stole the Snow Maiden? This is not your job?

(to Kikimora)

KIKIMORA: What are you, what are you, my friend

Have you got amnesia? Seen enough of the series, with the head out of order? (twirls near the temple)

GRANDFATHER FROST: The head is all right. Tell you without lying: “Who stole the Snow Maiden. Do you know or not? "

DIRTY: why did you fall into sorrow. Sad, bored? Soon you will go bald from grief, and be careful not to die.

GRANDFATHER FROST: Don't fool your brains!

Better all your evil spirits to work!

Listen, Dirty, don't twist

Find the best ways!

Do not be silent, do not waste your words!

PETRUSHKA: Don't be sad, Grandpa, we'll go to the forest ourselves,

and we'll find the Snow Maiden!

KOSCHEYUSHKA: My queen! Maybe we will attend their merry holiday?

YAGUSHA: After we did how many tricks?

Koscheyushka: Let's do at least one good deed.

YAGUSHA: Indeed, let's help Petrusha free Snegurochka. Let the real Snegurochka come, and not this bastard.

DUST: Try, try, find it.

GRANDFATHER FROST: Zgin, unclean, shut up!

Granddaughter, where are you? Please respond!

Time for us to have fun.

And at this moment appear at once!

Enough to hide already!

DUST: Unfortunately, I must disappoint you. On this our holiday ended. Our Santa Claus cannot cope without the Snow Maiden. What a fine fellow I am, what a sorceress I am.

SNOW WHITE: What, I needlessly sewed a new dress?

GNOME 1: And this is how we prepared ...

A melody sounds, the Snow Maiden appears.

DUST: ( astonished) This can't be! (Holding on to the heart) My heart won't take it, I'm about to die (Falls).

SNOW Maiden: Somewhere beyond the mountains, behind the forests

New Year is in a hurry to us

He is already circling heaven:

Happiness promises you.

He wants eternal health,

Work inspiration too

Loyalty, friendship and love

So that it is not worthless to us.

I am the Snow Maiden, dear children!

I am a child of the world, just like you.

I love frost and wind

And snow drifts

GRANDFATHER FROST: Here she is, my girl, found!

Everything became happy again!

And now, together with you in the new 2018

We will go round dance!

Round dance

WASTE: Everything, now I understand

And do not need extra words

So take me to the holiday -

There are a lot of beautiful kids on it!

Kuzya: I will not be a racketeer,

And I will do a good deed -

I will help you-

To cheer everyone up

YAGUSHA: And I know how to be kind

And forget the evil intentions.

KIKIMORA: Now I know what is good

Evil will always win.

GRANDFATHER FROST: What should we do with them?

To plant on a string?

(all evil): Oh sorry, oh sorry (fall to their knees)

GRANDFATHER FROST: Well, excuse them?

All: Sorry!

Snow Maiden: Grandpa! We must excuse them, because today is an extraordinary day - on the threshold of 2018!

GRANDFATHER FROST: Okay, okay, sorry,

And I am not offended at all !!!

Happy New Year we congratulate

Both adults and little ones!

GNOME 1: We wish you happiness, joy!

GNOME 2: Long year and smart business!

SNOW WHITE: Happy New Year, dear children!

May fate shine on you!

A funny and interesting New Year's scenario 2018 "Snow White and Her Friends" for schoolchildren ends with the sound of musical accompaniment, New Year's crackers are poured into the hall.

And we also suggest that you study our section with, which can be made with children.

This playful and cheerful school New Year's joke scene was written by the modern poet Olga Skladchikova. Perhaps this cool children's New Year's scene can be useful to you when choosing scenarios for a New Year's holiday at school. Such comic scene for the new year will please children and all guests of the New Year's holiday at school. Thanks to the author!

See other scenarios of school holidays on the site, and let your New Year's party at school be unforgettable.

New Year's joke (scenario: school New Year's scene at the children's party)


1. Two blots (leading)
2. Bug
3. Santa Claus
4. Snow Maiden
5. Ryaba Chicken
6. Damn
7. Fairy

Blot 1:
We are in your notebooks - blots,
We are not loved terribly crybaby.
Don't greet us
We will tell you one tale.
Blot 2:
Pay your gaze
And we, of course, will be there.

As always on New Year's Eve,
Something will happen.

(Ryaba Chicken appears), (music "In the world of animals" sounds)

Ryaba Chicken:
It's winter outside
It's a very bad time.
Why is New Year,
Are all the people waiting so hard?

Am I really tired
Anxiety overcame me.
What do you need a mongrel for?
Bad, bad, poor me!

(Bug comes out)

Hey, hello, I'm sad
It would be better if she treated me to a bone.
I have a mountain of fun
Housewarming coming soon!

I'm moving in the New Year
I begin to live in style.
I will bring smiles to everyone
And I will save you from problems!

Do not be sad, rest
Get up in line again!
And now I ascend to the throne
Do you hear, it's someone's groan!

(the Devil runs out and dances)

Can not be! Wow!
There are two "symbols" on the stage!
Hey, beast, why keep quiet?
Get out of here! Go there!

It's not fair! You can not do it this way!
I also waited, so what? In vain?
I want a Devil Year now!
Go away and hide from sight!

(The dog and the chicken run off backstage)

How smart I am, lovely sight,
I want respect for myself!

I promise a lot of trouble
I'm just not better!

Eco, cunning, evil devil,
Run away from here to the dark forest!
DO NOT spoil the holiday for the children,
Do not break their dreams!

I will not bind you,
And I will punish you very much.

You will not see the Christmas tree,
I will beat you with a whisk!

(Snow Maiden comes out)

Snow Maiden:
What is this marvel?
Looks obstinate at all!
(the demon runs away)
Now it's another matter
You can celebrate the year boldly!

Bug, Bug, where are you?

It's not hard for me to find it!

(shows a bone, Bug runs out)

Snow Maiden:
And where is Ryaba?
Asleep, go, yourself in the hut!
Ryaba Chicken:
Well, where will I go?
I will not pass the tree!
Snow Maiden:
Everything is kind of assembled now,
The dog is here, the lights and the fir tree.

Where is Santa Claus?
What's pinching everyone's red nose?
Come on, children, help!
Call Santa Claus! (name)

Santa Claus:
Hello kids!
Girls and boys!
I brought you gifts,
I barely carried them!

Blot 1:
Here came for our fairy tale,
A very nice ending.

Blot 2:
Good luck and good to everyone,
It's time for the disco!

Did you like the cool comic scene for the new year at school? PUT ON YOUR PAGE IN SOCIAL MEDIA!

Characters: Seryozha, Andrey, Valya, Katya, Irina Petrovna, Snezhinka (Snow Maiden).

On the stage there are decorations depicting a classroom. Children are sitting at their desks: Seryozha, Andrey, Valentina and Katerina. The teacher dictates a dictation to the children:
- Winter came. Everything around seemed to be asleep. Snow is spinning outside the window.
Seryozha looks out the window and says dreamily:
- Eh, it's really snowing outside. And at least one snowflake flew into our classroom, otherwise sit here, write dictations ...
- Why do you need a snowflake?
- Well, why? Snowflakes - they are so beautiful, carved, like magic ...
Music by A. Vivaldi "Winter" is distributed. Snowflake runs onto the stage and begins to spin in a dance. The children look at her in surprise, but the teacher does not notice her. Addressing the class, she says:
- Guys, now we are checking our dictation with each other, and for now I will write down the topic of the lesson in the journal.
The snowflake stops near her and blows lightly on her. The teacher seems to freeze, sitting at the table with a pen in her hand.
Children looking at all this with bewilderment. Katia:
- Who are you?
- I'm a magic snowflake. I fulfill your wishes.
“But we didn't want to freeze the teacher. We just wanted to admire the snow!
- Well, I'm in front of you! Admire!
She begins to dance again, but the children no longer wait for the completion of this dance.
- Stop it! It is not a bit beautiful or fun! Return our Irina Petrovna!
- Are you sure?
Children in chorus:
- Yes!
- Good. I will grant your wish, but it will be the last. Because returning everything as it was is not in the rules of wizards.
- Well, let! I said without thinking! We don't need any desires. Let everything return to its place. We will finish the dictation, wait for the change and go outside to play snowballs.
Snow Maiden:
Snow Maiden:






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Snow Maiden:





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Snow Maiden:
Snow Maiden:
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