On approval of the rules for the provision of paid veterinary services. On approval of the rules for the provision of paid veterinary services II. Information about paid veterinary services, the procedure for filling out contracts and paying for services



Government Russian Federation decides:

1. Approve the attached changes that are made to paragraph 7 of the Rules for establishing requirements energy efficiency goods, works, services in the course of procurement to meet state and municipal needs, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated December 31, 2009 No. 1221 "On approval of the Rules for establishing energy efficiency requirements for goods, works, services in the course of procurement to meet state and municipal needs "(Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2010, No. 5, Art. 525; 2014, No. 50, Art. 7093).

Prime Minister
Russian Federation

Government Decree
Russian Federation
dated August 28, 2015 No. 898


1. Subparagraph "a" after the words "energy efficiency classes" shall be supplemented with the words "(with the exception of household electric lamps)".

2. Supplement with subparagraphs "e" and "g" of the following content:
"f) for electric lamps, powered by the mains alternating current voltage 220 V:
the presence of an energy efficiency class not lower than the first two highest classes, in respect of which the authorized federal agency the executive branch defines energy efficiency classes;
a ban on the purchase of double-ended fluorescent lamps with a diameter of 26 - 38 mm with a calcium halophosphate phosphor and a color rendering index of less than 80 with a G13 base;
a ban on the purchase of arc mercury fluorescent lamps;
a ban on the purchase of fluorescent lamps with a built-in ballast (compact fluorescent lamps), unless LED light sources cannot be used for lighting in accordance with sanitary rules and regulations that establish requirements for artificial and mixed lighting;
g) for luminaires for outdoor lighting and luminaires for lighting residential and public buildings, as well as ballasts:
a ban on the purchase of non-electronic ballasts for tubular fluorescent lamps;
a ban on the purchase of lamps for arc mercury fluorescent lamps;
a ban on the purchase of luminaires for double-ended fluorescent lamps with a G13 base, except in cases where LED light sources cannot be used for lighting in accordance with sanitary rules and regulations that establish requirements for artificial and mixed lighting.".








The Government of the Russian Federation decides:

1. Approve the attached changes that are made to paragraph 7 of the Rules for establishing requirements for the energy efficiency of goods, works, services when making purchases to meet state and municipal needs, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 31, 2009 N 1221 "On approval of the Rules for establishing requirements energy efficiency of goods, works, services in the course of procurement for state and municipal needs" (Sobraniye Zakonodatelstva Rossiyskoy Federatsii, 2010, No. 5, Art. 525; 2014, No. 50, Art. 7093).

Prime Minister

Russian Federation



Government Decree

Russian Federation






1. Subparagraph "a" after the words "energy efficiency classes" shall be supplemented with the words "(with the exception of household electric lamps)".

2. Supplement with subparagraphs "e" and "g" of the following content:

"f) for electric lamps operating from an AC mains voltage of 220 V:

the presence of an energy efficiency class not lower than the first two highest classes, in respect of which the energy efficiency classes are determined by the authorized federal executive body;

a ban on the purchase of double-ended fluorescent lamps with a diameter of 26 - 38 mm with a calcium halophosphate phosphor and a color rendering index of less than 80 with a G13 base;

a ban on the purchase of arc mercury fluorescent lamps;

a ban on the purchase of fluorescent lamps with a built-in ballast (compact fluorescent lamps), unless LED light sources cannot be used for lighting in accordance with sanitary rules and regulations that establish requirements for artificial and mixed lighting;

g) for luminaires for outdoor lighting and luminaires for lighting residential and public buildings, as well as ballasts:

a ban on the purchase of non-electronic ballasts for tubular fluorescent lamps;

a ban on the purchase of lamps for arc mercury fluorescent lamps;

a ban on the purchase of luminaires for double-ended fluorescent lamps with a G13 base, except in cases where LED light sources cannot be used for lighting in accordance with sanitary rules and regulations that establish requirements for artificial and mixed lighting.".

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Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of August 28, 2015 N 898
"On Amendments to Clause 7 of the Rules for Establishing Requirements for the Energy Efficiency of Goods, Works, and Services in Procurement to Meet State and Municipal Needs"

The Government of the Russian Federation decides:

1. Approve the attached changes, which are made to paragraph 7 of the Rules for establishing requirements for the energy efficiency of goods, works, services when making purchases to meet state and municipal needs, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 31, 2009 N 1221 "On approval of the Rules for establishing requirements energy efficiency of goods, works, services in the course of procurement for state and municipal needs" (Sobraniye Zakonodatelstva Rossiyskoy Federatsii, 2010, No. 5, Art. 525; 2014, No. 50, Art. 7093).

which are included in paragraph 7 of the Rules for establishing requirements for the energy efficiency of goods, works, services when making purchases to meet state and municipal needs
(approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of August 28, 2015 N 898)

1. Subparagraph "a" after the words "energy efficiency classes" shall be supplemented with the words "(with the exception of household electric lamps)".

2. Supplement with subparagraphs "e" and "g" of the following content:

"f) for electric lamps operating from an AC mains voltage of 220 V:

the presence of an energy efficiency class not lower than the first two highest classes, in respect of which the energy efficiency classes are determined by the authorized federal executive body;

a ban on the purchase of double-ended fluorescent lamps with a diameter of 26 - 38 mm with a calcium halophosphate phosphor and a color rendering index of less than 80 with a G13 base;

a ban on the purchase of arc mercury fluorescent lamps;

a ban on the purchase of fluorescent lamps with a built-in ballast (compact fluorescent lamps), unless LED light sources cannot be used for lighting in accordance with sanitary rules and regulations that establish requirements for artificial and mixed lighting;

g) for luminaires for outdoor lighting and luminaires for lighting residential and public buildings, as well as ballasts:

a ban on the purchase of non-electronic ballasts for tubular fluorescent lamps;

a ban on the purchase of lamps for arc mercury fluorescent lamps;

a ban on the purchase of luminaires for double-ended fluorescent lamps with a G13 base, except in cases where LED light sources cannot be used for lighting in accordance with sanitary rules and regulations that establish requirements for artificial and mixed lighting.".

The priority requirements for energy efficiency have been updated for certain types goods (works, services) purchased for state or municipal needs. This is due to the fact that new lighting technologies have appeared on the market that are superior to traditional ones in terms of economic, environmental and quality parameters. As a result of lower prices, modern energy-efficient lamps successfully compete with traditional light sources and lighting devices. In addition, by removing sanitary and hygienic restrictions on the use of energy efficient technologies in certain areas (in particular, for institutions of the system general education, except for preschool) the scope of permissible use of LED light sources has expanded.

Thus, in particular, a ban is introduced on the purchase of individual energy-inefficient light sources and lighting devices. Namely, double-ended fluorescent lamps with a sodium halophosphate phosphor and a color rendering index of not more than 80, arc mercury and compact fluorescent lamps, electromagnetic ballasts, lamps for double-ended and arc mercury fluorescent lamps.

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of August 28, 2015 N 898 "On Amendments to Clause 7 of the Rules for Establishing Energy Efficiency Requirements for Goods, Works, Services in Procurement for State and Municipal Needs"

This ordinance comes into force on July 1, 2016.

cremation, euthanasia and other veterinary services.

3. The effect of these Rules does not apply to the implementation of therapeutic and preventive measures in the prevention, diagnosis and elimination of diseases that are especially dangerous for humans and animals, as well as in the implementation of state veterinary supervision.

II. Information about paid veterinary services, the procedure for filling out contracts and paying for services

4. The contractor is obliged to bring to the attention of the consumer the company name (name) of the organization, its location ( legal address) and mode of operation. The contractor places specified information on the signboard.

5. Performer - individual entrepreneur must provide the consumer with information about state registration and the name of the body that registered it.

6. The contractor is obliged to provide the consumer with information in a clear and accessible form about the veterinary services provided (works performed). This information should be in a convenient place for viewing and must contain:

a list of the main types of paid veterinary services (works) and the forms of their provision;

price lists for veterinary services;

samples of drugs, medicines, etc.;

means of veterinary use used in the provision of paid veterinary services;

samples standard contracts, receipts, tokens, receipts, coupons and other documents certifying the performance and payment for services (works);

information about benefits provided for certain categories consumers (disabled people, participants of the Great Patriotic War etc.) in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation;

regulatory documents on veterinary services for animals;

information about the consumer protection authority;

information about the location (legal address) of the contractor and the location of the organization authorized to accept claims from consumers;

an indication of the specific person who will provide the veterinary service, and information about him, if it matters based on the nature of the veterinary service.

III. The procedure for providing paid veterinary services

7. Performer:

ensures the use of medicines and methods that exclude the negative impact on animals in the diagnosis, treatment and prevention, highly effective veterinary drugs and methods of veterinary exposure;

guarantees the safety of veterinary measures for the health and productivity of animals, the life and health of the consumer, as well as the environment.

8. The consumer is obliged:

provide the performer, at his request, with animals for examination, immediately report all cases related to the sudden death or simultaneous mass disease of animals, or their unusual behavior;

take measures to isolate animals suspected of having a disease before the arrival of the performer;

to sell meat, milk, meat and dairy products, eggs and other livestock products strictly after a veterinary and sanitary examination and obtaining the contractor's conclusion on their suitability for use for food purposes;

deliver the corpses of dead animals, as well as products of domestic slaughter of livestock and poultry, unsuitable for human and animal food (confiscates), to veterinary and sanitary recycling plants or animal burial grounds for destruction;

ensure appropriate maintenance and feeding of animals in accordance with zoohygienic requirements, as well as the implementation of mandatory therapeutic and preventive measures within the time limits specified by instructions, instructions, recommendations for keeping animals.

IV. Receiving and processing orders for paid veterinary services

9. The contractor accepts orders for paid veterinary services (works) corresponding to the profile of his activity.

10. Paid veterinary services are provided by the contractor on the basis of concluding an agreement, issuing a subscription service or issuing a token, coupon, cash receipt, receipts or other documents of the established form.

11. The contractor is obliged to inform the consumer in a timely manner that compliance with the consumer's instructions and other circumstances depending on the consumer may reduce the quality of the veterinary service provided or make it impossible to complete it on time.

12. If the consumer, despite timely and reasonable informing the contractor, does not replace the unsuitable or poor-quality material within a reasonable time, does not change the instructions on the method of providing veterinary services, or does not eliminate other circumstances that may reduce the quality of the service provided, the contractor has the right to terminate the contract for the performance work (rendering a service) and demand full compensation for losses.

V. Procedure and forms of payment for services (works)

14. Forms of payment for the services provided are determined by agreement between the consumer and the contractor.

15. For the provision of veterinary services provided for in the contract for the provision of services, a firm or approximate estimate may be drawn up.

Drawing up such an estimate at the request of the consumer or contractor is mandatory.

The contractor is not entitled to demand an increase in a fixed estimate, and the consumer - its reduction, including in the case when at the time of the conclusion of the contract it was impossible to provide for the full amount of veterinary services to be provided or the costs necessary for this.

The Contractor has the right to demand an increase in a fixed estimate with a significant increase in the cost of materials and equipment provided by the Contractor, as well as services provided to him by third parties that could not be foreseen at the conclusion of the contract. If the consumer refuses to comply with this requirement, the contractor has the right to terminate the contract in court.

If, when providing a paid veterinary service, it became necessary to provide additional veterinary services and for this reason a significant excess of the approximate estimate, the contractor is obliged to warn the consumer in a timely manner.

If the consumer has not agreed to exceed the approximate estimate, he has the right to refuse to perform the contract. In this case, the contractor may require the consumer to pay the price for the veterinary service provided.

The Contractor, who did not warn the consumer in a timely manner about the need to exceed the approximate estimate, is obliged to fulfill the contract, while retaining the right to pay for veterinary services within the approximate estimate.

16. For non-compliance or violation of these Rules, as well as the laws of the Russian Federation "On the Protection of Consumer Rights" and "On Veterinary Medicine" or other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, the contractor and the consumer are responsible, established by law Russian Federation.

In accordance with federal law dated December 28, 2009 N 381-FZ "On the basics state regulation trading activities in the Russian Federation" and the Law of the city of Moscow dated November 6, 2002 N 56 "On the organization local government in the city of Moscow" decides:

1. Determine that:

1.1. Non-stationary retail facilities located on legal grounds within the territory of municipalities included in the intracity territory of the city of Moscow as a result of a change in the boundaries of the city of Moscow, are subject to inclusion in the scheme for locating non-stationary shopping facilities on the territory of the city of Moscow.

1.2. Economic entities that own non-stationary retail facilities specified in paragraph 1.1 of this resolution have the right to conclude contracts for the placement of non-stationary retail facilities without holding an auction, subject to the following conditions:

1.2.1. At the time of changing the boundaries of the city of Moscow, business entities had existing contracts lease of land plots or other documents that, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, confirm the right to locate a non-stationary retail facility.

1.2.2. Locations of non-stationary retail facilities owned by business entities are included in the established procedure in the scheme for locating non-stationary retail facilities in the city of Moscow.

2. Amend the Decree of the Government of Moscow dated "On the powers territorial bodies Executive "(as amended by the Decrees of the Government of Moscow dated November 7, 2012 N 632-PP , dated November 13, 2012 N 636-PP, dated , dated February 15, 2013 N 76-PP, dated , from , from , from , from , from , from , from , from , from , dated November 26, 2013 . N 758-PP, from), adding clause 2.2.12 of Appendix 1 to the resolution after the words "locations of non-stationary retail facilities" with the words "- pavilions and kiosks".

3. Amend the Decree of the Government of Moscow dated "On the placement of non-stationary retail facilities located in the city of Moscow on land plots, in buildings, structures and structures that are state-owned" (as amended by the Decrees of the Government of Moscow dated, from, from, from, from, from, from, from, from, from, dated November 13, 2012 N 636-PP, from, from):

3.1. Paragraph 2 of the resolution shall be stated in the following wording:

"2. Assign to the cities of Moscow (with the exception of the prefecture of Troitsky and Novomoskovsky administrative districts of the city of Moscow) functions of state customers of works to ensure the improvement and equipment of the locations of non-stationary retail facilities specified in subparagraphs 1 and 2 of paragraph 4 of Appendix 1 to this resolution, contracts for the placement of which are concluded based on the results of the auction, in accordance with the approved placement schemes at the expense of budget appropriations provided for by the city of Moscow by the law of the city of Moscow on the budget of the city of Moscow for the corresponding financial year and planning period for the improvement of the territory of the administrative district of the city of Moscow.

3.2. In paragraph 7 of the resolution, the words "Deputy Mayor of Moscow for Economic Policy Sharonov A.V." replace with the words "Deputy Mayor of Moscow for Economic Policy and Property and Land Relations Sergunina N.A."

3.3. Clause 1 of Appendix 1 to the resolution after the words "development and approval by the executive bodies" to be supplemented with the words ", local government bodies of urban districts and settlements in the city of Moscow."

3.4. In the second paragraph of subparagraph 1 of paragraph 3 of Annex 1 to the Resolution, the words "in accordance with Annex 3 to this Resolution" shall be deleted.

3.5. Paragraph 13 of Appendix 1 to the Resolution:

3.5.1. After the words "of the city of Moscow" add the words "(with the exception of the prefecture of the Troitsky and Novomoskovsk administrative districts of the city of Moscow)".

3.5.2. After the words "equipment of locations for non-stationary trade facilities," add the words "specified in subparagraphs 1 and 2 of paragraph 4 of this Procedure, contracts for the placement of which are concluded based on the results of the auction,".

3.5.3. Add paragraphs in the following edition:

"Improvement and equipment of the locations of non-stationary retail facilities specified in subparagraphs 1 and 2 of paragraph 4 of this Procedure, with the exception of objects, contracts for the placement of which are concluded based on the results of the auction, are carried out by an economic entity that is a party to the agreement for the placement of a non-stationary retail facility.

Landscaping and equipment of non-stationary retail facilities specified in subparagraphs 3-7 of paragraph 4 of this Procedure is carried out in the manner established by the legal acts of the city of Moscow.".

3.6. Paragraphs 14 and 15 of Annex 1 to the resolution after the words "in the context of administrative districts/districts" shall be supplemented with the word "/settlements".

3.7. Clause 18 of Annex 1 to the resolution shall be supplemented with the words "to the administration of urban districts (settlements) in the city of Moscow or other local government bodies determined by the charters of urban districts (settlements) in the city of Moscow (hereinafter referred to as the authorized bodies of urban districts (settlements)".

3.8. Paragraph 19 of Annex 1 to the resolution shall be supplemented with a paragraph in the following wording:

"The term for the approval of the draft scheme for the placement of non-stationary retail facilities by the authorized bodies of urban districts (settlements) from the moment it is received by the authorized bodies of urban districts (settlements) is:

3.9. Paragraph 20 of Annex 1 to the resolution shall be supplemented with the words "or the authorized body of the urban district (settlement)".

3.10. Paragraph 23 of Appendix 1 to the resolution shall be stated as follows:

"23. Approved by the Interdepartmental Commission on consumer market under the Government of Moscow, a draft scheme for locating non-stationary retail facilities located on the territory of municipal districts in the city of Moscow is approved within three working days by an order of the prefecture of the administrative district of Moscow.

Approved by the Interdepartmental Commission on Consumer Market Issues under the Government of Moscow, the draft scheme for the placement of non-stationary retail facilities located on the territory of urban districts and settlements in the city of Moscow is approved by a legal act of the authorized body of the urban district (settlement) within the time:

Not more than 21 calendar days, if the authorized body of the urban district (settlement) is the council of deputies of the urban district (settlement);

3.11. Paragraph 28 of Annex 1 to the resolution after the words "decrees of the city of Moscow" shall be supplemented with the words "and legal acts of the authorized bodies of urban districts (settlements)", after the words "on the official websites and the city of Moscow" shall be supplemented with the words "authorized bodies of urban districts (settlements)" .

3.12. In paragraph 29.3 of Annex 1 to the Resolution, the words "(hereinafter referred to as the council of deputies)" shall be replaced by the words "or the authorized bodies of urban districts (settlements)".

3.13. Paragraph one of paragraph 30 of Appendix 1 to the resolution after the words "manufactured by the district council of the city of Moscow" shall be supplemented with the words "or the authorized body of the urban district (settlement)".

3.14. Clause 31 of Annex 1 to the resolution after the words "the administration of the district of the city of Moscow" shall be supplemented with the words "or the authorized body of the urban district (settlement)".

3.15. The first paragraph of paragraph 37 of Appendix 1 to the resolution shall be supplemented with the words "settlements of the city of Moscow".

3.16. Paragraphs 39 and 41 of Annex 1 to the resolution after the words "council of deputies" shall be supplemented with the words "of the municipal district, the authorized body of the urban district (settlement)" in the appropriate cases.

3.17. Subparagraph "a" of paragraph 39 of Annex 1 to the resolution shall be supplemented with the word "/settlements".

3.18. Paragraph 40 of Appendix 1 to the resolution shall be stated as follows:

"40. The term for agreeing on the draft changes to the accommodation scheme by the council of deputies of the municipal district is no more than 21 calendar days from the date the draft changes to the accommodation scheme are received by the council of deputies of the municipal district.

The draft of changes in the placement scheme is considered approved if at least half of the established number of councils of deputies of the municipal district voted for the decision on its approval as a result of open voting, and also if within 21 calendar days from the date of receipt of the draft scheme for the placement of non-stationary retail facilities in the council of deputies of the municipal districts:

Not a single meeting of the council of deputies of the municipal district was held;

The issue of coordination is not included in the agenda of the meeting of the council of deputies of the municipal district;

The issue of coordination was included in the agenda of the meeting of the council of deputies of the municipal district, but was not considered at the meeting of the council of deputies of the municipal district.

The term for approval of the project of changes in the layout of the location by the authorized body of the urban district (settlement) is:

Not more than 21 calendar days, if the authorized body of the urban district (settlement) is the council of deputies of the urban district (settlement);

No more than 10 calendar days otherwise.

The council of deputies of the municipal district, the authorized body of the urban district (settlement) may approve the draft changes to the layout in full, agree on the draft changes to the layout in part, or decide to refuse to approve the draft changes to the layout.

If a decision is made to refuse to agree on a draft change in the layout of the location, the said project, after its completion, may be re-submitted for approval to the council of deputies of the municipal district, the authorized body of the urban district (settlement).

3.19. Paragraph 42 of Appendix 1 to the resolution shall be stated as follows:

"42. The prefecture of the administrative district of the city of Moscow no later than three calendar days from the date of receipt of the decision of the council of deputies of the municipal district, the authorized body of the urban district (settlement) on the approval or partial approval of the draft changes to the layout or in the absence of a decision of the council of deputies of the municipal district or the authorized body of the city district (settlement) within the period established by paragraph 40 of this Procedure, sends a draft of changes in the accommodation scheme to the Interdepartmental Commission on Consumer Market Issues under the Government of Moscow with the information specified in paragraph 39 of this Procedure.".

3.20. In paragraph 43 of annex 1 to the decision:

3.20.1. The first paragraph after the words "council of deputies" shall be supplemented with the words "of the municipal district, the authorized body of the urban district (settlement)".

3.20.2. The second paragraph shall be supplemented with the words "of the municipal district, the authorized body of the urban district (settlement)".

3.21. Paragraph 45 of Appendix 1 to the Resolution shall be amended as follows:

"45. Approved by the Interdepartmental Commission on Consumer Market Issues under the Government of Moscow, a draft change in the scheme for locating non-stationary retail facilities located on the territory of municipal districts in the city of Moscow, no later than 5 calendar days from the date of its approval, is approved by order of the prefecture of the administrative district of Moscow. A copy of the order of the prefecture of the administrative district of the city of Moscow on the approval of changes in the accommodation scheme within the specified period is sent by the prefecture of the administrative district of the city of Moscow to and the council of deputies of the municipal district.

Approved by the Interdepartmental Commission on Consumer Market Issues under the Government of Moscow, a draft change in the scheme for locating non-stationary retail facilities located on the territory of urban districts and settlements in the city of Moscow is approved by a legal act of the authorized body of the urban district (settlement) on time:

Not more than 21 calendar days, if the authorized body of the urban district (settlement) is the council of deputies of the urban district (settlement);

No more than 10 calendar days otherwise.

A copy of the legal act of the authorized body of the urban district (settlement) on the approval of changes in the placement scheme (introducing changes to the placement scheme) within the specified period is sent to N.A. Sergunin for economic policy and property and land relations.

Mayor of Moscow


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