What does oem mean. We understand: original, OE, OEM, analogues and others. OEM software

Today it is customary to call an OEM a form of industrial cooperation in which a manufacturing company manufactures a product, which will then be sold under the trademark of another brand owner company.

The Global Markets article highlighted the reasons behind the special role of OEMs in today's digital player market. In general, the mechanism is as follows.

On the one hand, the low technological cost of entry into the market leads to the emergence of a huge number of manufacturing companies. Branding as such for them, in principle, is absent. On the other hand, traditional leaders in the portable audio market, owners strong brands long refrained from serious expansion in the MP3 direction. As a result, the market has become overheated in manufacturing amid a vacuum in branding. Since nature abhors emptiness, countless companies rushed there, using existing trademarks or creating new ones. These firms do not have any production base, at least in the MP3 direction, the traditional area of ​​activity for them, as a rule, is trade and distribution. Wanting to offer the consumer a product under their own brand, they turn to the capacities of manufacturing companies that do not have marketing resources to create and maintain brands. In recent years, these processes have been going on with ever-increasing intensity. As a result, the number of trademarks created as a result of the union of an OEM company and a brand owner company is today comparable to the number of "honest" brands with their own production.

General schemeMP3-market. Global companies that have both manufacturing facilities and a recognizable brand cannot or do not want to meet all demand. Companies with manufacturing capacity have the capacity to meet demand, but lack the ability to tap into consumer market directly. There is a "black" hole in the field of branding, attracting everyone who wants to make money in the market.

The anatomy of such "binomial" trademarks will be the task of today's material.

History of the term

Let's make a reservation that the use of the word "OEM" in its current meaning is, in principle, illiterate. But the rate of development of this phenomenon has greatly outstripped the rate of development of the conceptual apparatus for it. Therefore, there is a lot of confusion in the terminology, there is no agreement on the use of certain designations. However, the words OEM, OEM, s-OEM are already in wide circulation, so we will use them for now.

OEM is an abbreviation for the English Original Equipment Manufacturer (-ing), that is, the manufacturer (production) of primary equipment. The term was used in the automotive industry to refer to the manufacturer of individual components of a car that manufactures them for the company that produces the final product. That is, an OEM company produces this or that equipment, which will then be included by the buyer company in the finished product - a car and will be sold under the trademark of this buyer company. Such a company-buyer is called a Value added reseller (VAR), that is, a seller selling goods with added value (value). Such “added value / value” in this case is both assembly and branding.

In the computer industry, OEM has become a very popular form of cooperation, all computers today are assembled from assemblies made by OEM companies. It is from here that the term "OEM" went to the masses. Separate components - computer components - manufactured as part of OEM cooperation began to enter the retail market, where they gained popularity for their significantly more low price. The concept of “OEM packaging” has become firmly established in the vocabulary of an “advanced computer engineer”.

And what will happen if the OEM-manufacturer begins to manufacture not only individual components, but the entire product as a whole? With the development of manufacturing facilities in Southeast Asia, VAR companies have been asking themselves this question more and more often. The transfer of the entire production process, from the purchase of raw materials to assembly, into "foreign" hands has become an absolutely logical continuation of the trends of specialization and outsourcing. Everyone should do what they do best. In the field of production today, better means cheaper. Therefore, the migration of production processes to regions with low production costs was lightning fast and unstoppable.

Here, previously clear and understandable, the term “OEM” began to rapidly “become cloudy” and “obscure”, acquire new meanings and varieties.

The fact is that modern production is a complex and multi-stage process. Schematically, it can be divided into the following stages:

Marketing Analysis customer needs

New product idea generation

Formulation of the general terms of reference

Development of design and technical scheme (may go in a different order), creation of a prototype

Testing, working on bugs, creating a prototype suitable for mass production

Purchase of raw materials, assemblies, components

direct production process

Product quality control, after-sales service

This chain does not take into account the R&D required to "keep fit" the R&D department so it can come up with decent ideas and concepts.

Any link in this chain can be outsourced, i.e. into "foreign hands". For example, an OEM can, in addition to production, purchase raw materials and equipment, as well as “bring” a customer’s prototype to a product suitable for mass production. Or maybe, in addition, develop a technical scheme of the device according to customer specifications. And so on. As a result, the number of possible forms of cooperation between a Value added reseller and an OEM is very large. There is no official classification of them, this has given rise to many related terms such as ODM, CM, OIM, etc. There is no agreement on the use of these designations. Let's try to give them an approximate classification.

CM - Contract Manufacturing, contract manufacturing

This is the lowest degree of involvement of the manufacturing company in the process. VAR independently develops a prototype for mass production, independently purchases raw materials and components, and carries out quality control. The manufacturer only provides production space and labor force. The influence of the brand-owning company on the production process is maximum. It can be reasonably said about the manufactured products that it has the quality of the VAR-company brand. This scheme is available either for large companies, with experience in production, or for start-ups, initially created under this scheme, with personnel with experience in organizing and controlling production, technical developments. So, most Korean companies use this particular scheme.

Example. Korean companyMaycomnever had its own production facilities. Until 2005, all of its products, incl.MP3-players and voice recorders were produced under contract at Korean factories. Since 2005, production, in order to reduce costs, has been transferred to China, at the facilities of Shenzhen Gaoxinqi Technology, but it has remained under contract. That is, Shenzhen Gaoxinqi Technology simply providesMaycomspace, equipment and labor, and the purchase of components is carried out according to the list and at the expense ofMaycom.This, however, does not prevent the company -CM- the manufacturer sometimes demonstrate products fromMaycomunder its logo - however, not for sale, but only to demonstrate its capabilities as a contract manufacturer.

Pictured under contractM- birdsXZ-22

ODM - Original Device Manufacturing, that is, the production of primary products

With this form of cooperation, the involvement of the manufacturer is greater - he independently purchases components and raw materials, independently carries out primary quality control. However, product development remains in the hands of the VAR company. Two kinds of ODM cooperation should be mentioned.

In the first case, the VAR company independently creates a prototype suitable for mass production.

In the second, she only gives the terms of reference and formulates the design requirements. The development of the concept is the responsibility of the manufacturer.

In the first case, the participation of the company-owner of the brand is not less than with contract manufacturing, and the final product, accordingly, has all the characteristics of "branded".

But in the second case, this is a more difficult question. Of course, a VAR company is unlikely to let a low-quality, unusable scheme pass onto the conveyor. But is it possible to say about a product, the fundamental device of which was developed by the engineers of company X, that it is a product of company Y? It is difficult to give a definite answer here.

The first type of ODM cooperation is typical for many large companies, such as Apple, Sony. As a rule, these are companies that have both a good marketing potential and a high level of engineering base in the direction.

Example. Perhaps the most famous exampleVAR-companies that preferODMscheme -Applecomputers. her poolODM-manufacturers is quite large and includes such large Taiwanese companies asAsustek, foxconn, Inventec. So, for production 1GShuffleansweredAsustek, 1 Gnano - foxconn, iPod-foxconn, Inventec.

Companiesfoxconnfailed to remain in the shadows: recently there have been a succession of publications accusing her of unbearable working conditions for workers in a factory manufacturingiPod(so-callediPod- city) – photo www.mailonsunday.co.uk

The second type is preferable if the company has a good marketing apparatus and an experienced industrial design department, but does not want to create a separate engineering and design department for a narrow area, such as MP3 players. According to some reports, such a scheme is followed, for example, by Philips, although this information may not be accurate.

Example. Until recently the companyPhilipsowned the most powerful semiconductor production and, among other things, produced platforms for digital players. These platforms were highly respected as they were used by leading manufacturersMP3 players -iriverandMPIO. Surprisingly,MP3 players sold under the brand namePhilipsthese platforms themselves were not used, but were built on the basis of solutions fromSigmatelorportalPlayer. This gives the most serious reasons to suspect that the development of these devices is not carried out byPhilips, and the Singaporean manufacturing companyEastech, and the Dutch corporation only gives a general technical task.

Chips from the formerPhilipscan be found in Chinese products includingBBK, Meizu, but not in players sold under the brand namePhilips(a photoimp3. net)

Often, VAR companies outsource manufacturing processes piecemeal. So, almost all Korean companies, with the exception of MPIO, order the design of their products from third-party companies, this is the secret of a good design of their devices. This type of cooperation goes well with CM or ODM - only two narrow specialized areas remain in the hands of the VAR company: branding and engineering.

Scheme of the division of labor in the production of a typical Korean digital player

Example. Korean companyCowon- iAudiouses the services of a Korean design studioDadamdesign. This firm creates designs for models fromCowon, starting from its very first model, whileCowon- iAudio- far from the only clientDadam, you can name, for example, a developerPMPKoreanMaxian, design itMP-2220 also designedDadam. One can even see common motives iniAudio5 andMP-2220 e.g. bezel cover thin layer transparent plastic.

iAudio 5on the sitedadam design


In addition to referring to the phenomenon as a whole, the term OEM is also used in a narrower sense, to refer to one of its forms. If in the previous two forms the VAR company actively participated in the development of the product, then the scheme called OEM implies that the manufacturer independently carries out the entire chain of development and production processes, from analyzing customer needs to quality control. The only thing left for the VAR-company is marketing - branding, distribution, advertising. Her participation in the production is purely symbolic. Of course, one can say that a VAR-company with a good reputation will not sell under its brand a product that does not reach a certain level in terms of consumer characteristics. But if you take a formal approach, then the product sold under the trademark of the brand owner company in this case cannot be called its product - it was both developed and produced by another company. With this form of cooperation, the entrance ticket for a VAR company is very cheap: all it needs to do to enter the market is come up with a concept trademark and find a supplier. It is not surprising that brands of this type, in quantitative terms, occupy a significant part of the market today.

Example. Companyixingis the result of the cooperation of the KoreanTechnoniaInc., in charge of R&D and Yusan Industries LTD, in charge of production. Their latest product is a familyTM- S: TM- S1, TM- S2 andTM- S3, created "based on"iPodnano. Three types of hull design were prudently developed - “in reserve”. Due to the weakness of the marketing department and the company's unpreparedness to search for foreign buyers, a partner was found - the companySafa. The latter, although it had many years of experience in the independent development of digital players, did not disdain a successful design. So the model was bornSafaSS110. But enterprising employeesSafadid not stop there and resold the model of the GermanMaxfield. So appearedMaxSin, OEMfromOEM-a. And for the third, least successful design option, the search for a buyer is still ongoing.

"Faces"TM- S

OEM brand types

There are several types of OEM brands in the digital player market.

First type- companies from other, often completely different, markets that have their own production and history there, but decided to add MP3 players to their range as assortment goods. This can be done for promotional purposes, the players here act as souvenirs, gifts.

Example. companyDisneycannot be blamed for having a long tradition in the design and manufacture of portable audio equipment. Nonetheless,MP3-players under this brand are present on the market, in particular,MP4 playerMixMax. Moreover, in this case, there is not a “pure”OEM, but ratherODM, you can tell by the characteristic shape of the navigation key.


There may also be a desire to extract additional value from your brand. The number of such companies is incalculable, it seems that only a lazy brand has not yet acquired "its own" MP3 player. Moreover, most of these companies have a well-deserved and weighty reputation, products under their trademarks are usually taken seriously, with interest. Hence, situations arise when the media pays a fair amount of attention to an ordinary, uninteresting device purchased under an OEM agreement from a “leading manufacturer”, ignoring a truly interesting, original development of a little-known company.

Example. Once in Europe, Americans are surprised to learn that the companyTeacturns out to "produce"MP3 players. And when they get to Korea or China after that, they are even more surprised to see these models under completely different names.

TEACMP-400, akaMuroMP-200. As the name suggests, Europeans rate this model 200 points higher than Koreans.

However, sometimes such cooperation makes a manufacturer become really interested in the MP3 market and later come up with independent developments on it.

Example. CompanySandiskstarted herMP3 business withOEM- cooperation with a Korean companyCenix. However, seeing the potential of the market, she quickly switched toODMscheme, having switched to the independent development of devices, and is now rapidly moving towards becoming a global player inMP3-market.

SanDisk Digital Audio PlayerhesameCenix MP-480

A key feature of this type is that it has its own production facilities, or at least its own research and development department, focused, however, not on players, but on other products or areas of activity.

Second type can be called zombie brands. These are respected brands, often with a long history of in-house development. But at some stage they completely curtailed production, and most often they changed the owner. Now only the logo remains of them, under which products purchased under the OEM scheme are sold. The new owners of the trademark, of course, do not tell the end buyer anything about this, but on the contrary, they shout loudly about the centuries-old traditions of quality, etc. This is the most dishonest OEM scheme ever, bordering on a scam. In most cases, brand owners want to get the most out of them, and as a result, players are only part of a broad product umbrella of dissimilar products.

Example 1. CompanyAkaias a manufacturer of high-end audio equipment from Japan, passed away quite a long time ago. However, postmortem she continues to release various products, includingMP3 players that have a distinctly Chinese "tinge".

Akai MP-5600EDhesameLuxpro EZShare

Example 2. Companympmanwas an inventorMP3 player. Today, under its trademark, low-quality Chinese-made products are sold on the European market. At the same time, from the slogan "InventorsMP3-player" brand owners do not refuse.

Third type– new brands created specifically for OEM projects. Unlike the first two types, such trademarks cannot enjoy the reputation and fame received for past merits, their owners have to start everything from scratch. These brands can be called the most honest, their reputation and success are completely determined by a balanced selection of suppliers, a competent marketing policy. There are umbrella brands, where MP3 players are just one of the names, and specialized MP3 brands. In most countries, such brands have managed to achieve tangible success.

Example. CompanyTrekstorhas achieved tangible success in Germany, selling a wide range of Chinese and Korean devices under its own brand. Reasonable selection of the product line, original and intensive marketing made the brandTrekstora significant player, both in Germany and in a number of Eastern European countries.

"The most expensiveMP3 player in the world"TrekstorOrganixGold, he isi- bead400 in another case

Alternative classifications

This classification can be criticized. The fact is that there is no single agreement on the use of the terms OEM and ODM. They are very often interchanged, and OEM refers to what we have described as ODM and vice versa. It is difficult to understand how to use all this terminology correctly, because. these abbreviations have long since lost their original meaning and taken on a life of their own. We use the most popular option, as understood by ordinary Asian companies: OEM - "we put your trademark on our finished product", and ODM - "we will do what you want." Although for many of them the phrase “OEM / ODM welcome (welcome)” has already turned into a meaningless spell to attract customers, the meaning of which they do not think about.

In other variants of terminology, there is the concept of OIM - Original Idea Manufacturing, the production of the primary idea. A somewhat awkward term to separate the independent development of product ideas and proposals. ready-made solutions from ODM production, i.e. production according to the requirements of the customer company. In principle, OIM can be called a synonym for OEM in the sense in which it was given above.

Option 1

Option 2

The manufacturer carries out the entire production chain from idea generation to product quality control

OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturing)

OIM (Original Idea Manufacturing)

VAR-company gives a general terms of reference, the manufacturer develops the product design and implements the production process

ODM (Original Device Manufacturing)

VAR-company fully develops the design of the product, the manufacturer is responsible only directly for the production process

ODM (Original Device Manufacturing)

OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturing) or EMS (Electronic Manufacturing Services)

Classification options for types of cooperation between manufacturers and resellers. The second option is more correct, but the first one is more common.

Motives of VAR companies

The motives that push companies to CM or ODM cooperation are understandable - this is a reduction in production costs. It is more difficult for the average consumer to understand the motives of companies that cooperate on the OEM scheme. Why do they prefer to invest in the creation of a new brand, rather than buying goods under the manufacturer's brand? One reason is the weakness of manufacturers' trademarks. They tend to have dissonant-sounding names, nondescript logos, lack of corporate identity, ideas.

Example. As a rule, the names of Chinese trade measurements are either dissonant and difficult to pronounce in European languages, or they are “modified” copies of the names of well-known brands, and sometimes they are simply ridiculous.

On the other hand, they are so primarily because manufacturers know that the buyer would prefer to put his "brand" on the product. They need their brands just for example.

Sometimes the "brand" of the manufacturer can be like this

The main reason for the attractiveness of creating "your" bernds is different. It gives the company full control over the product, ensuring that it does not appear in competing companies. The importance of this factor can hardly be overestimated: in the conditions of such a limited monopoly, a company can control the level of profitability, and this can significantly improve its financial position. Another important opportunity: choosing the most successful models from many manufacturers and including them in a single, wide product range of your brand. A narrow, unbalanced product line is a problem for most small Asian suppliers. OEM makes it possible to bypass it. Thus, its own brand becomes a tool that allows for short term get a high level of sales at a high rate of profit.

Why is this especially true for digital players? As we noted earlier, the reason for this is the brand vacuum, the limited competitive offer from traditional suppliers. This creates a greenhouse climate for OEM brands, promotes their emergence and development.

Dynamics of cooperation between manufacturers and resellers

The picture in the CM-ODM-OEM market is not static. VAR companies often switch from one form of cooperation to another: losing interest in any direction, they switch from CM to ODM and even OEM, leaving more and more “concerns” in the hands of the manufacturing company.

Example. French AmericanRCA-Thomsonwith your brandLyrawas among the pioneers of the digital player market. However, today most of its range is made up ofOEM-products.

RCA M5002andMSI P610

Conversely, as interest in the product grows, brand owners can take on more and more, moving into reverse direction, from OEM to ODM and even CM (see Sandisk above).

On the other hand, what CM manufacturer doesn't dream of owning their own brand and getting the full benefit of their product? Taiwanese and Hong Kong companies have even come up with their own abbreviation for this - OBM, Own Brand Manufacturing, production for their brand. The path of any ambitious Asian company - from CM through ODM and OEM - to OBM. This is how new trademarks are born, having a rich experience in development and production.

Example.AVconceptHoldingsLimited, former production partneririverwent fromCM-manufacturer to brand ownersigneo, not the latest brand in Japan market. Now they are acting asVAR-reseller and purchase onOEMterms of products of Chinese and Korean companies

First steps in brandingAVconceptmade back in 2001-2002: trademarkSoul, under which in some markets were soldCD- MP3 players developmentiriver

The moral aspect of the problem

For the average buyer, the presence of the company's trademark on the product should still mean that the product is designed and manufactured by this company. CM or ODM production already causes distrust in him: the fact that Japanese, German or American company giving direct production into the hands of "some Chinese" is perceived as an evil, although now inevitable. The fact that if this product were produced in Japan, Germany or the USA, then perhaps the buyer would not have enough money to purchase it, does not bother him. He does not want to know that, unlike the Chinese, neither he nor the Japanese, Europeans or Americans will work for $10 dollars a month, which makes production in these territories unprofitable. The buyer will say that corporations do all this only for their profits, and he will be right. True, he does not think that the companies get this profit by making more sales by offering him goods at a lower price.

And would a buyer dissatisfied with the “Chinese” quality want to change places with her?

We must not forget that a rare company blindly adheres to one scheme. In the assortment of many, including global brands, you can find both products made according to the ODM scheme and OEM products.

Example. SingaporeanCreativeis one of the leaders in the developmentMP3 players, which does not prevent her from sometimes resorting toOEM- cooperation. Yes, the modelSF-3700 from Korean companySorellpurchasedCreativeon theOEMconditions and sold under the nameMuvoVidz

The consequence of this is the final confusion of the buyer. Too obvious sometimes different level products sold under the same brand name, lack of manufacturer's and developer's style in individual models. Brand trust is eroded. This situation is even more complicated than just a general drop in quality, since some items may have a high level of consumer characteristics, while others clearly “fall short”. The reputation of the brand suffers from this, as even the notorious "ordinary buyer" begins to guess that the matter is dirty.

However, when some consumers lose confidence in brands, they begin to look closely at the objective characteristics, look for reviews of those who bought the product - in general, they think that this is a positive process.

If CM and ODM, that is, the most “honest” ways of organizing the production and sales chain today, cause negative emotions in the consumer, then what can we say about OEM? Not a single company, of course, will honestly say to his face: “Yes, we ourselves do not develop or produce anything, we just trade company, brand owners. We purchased these products from suppliers in Southeast Asia, trying to choose the most worthy of them. We put our trademarks on them so that you can trust their quality, which we follow.” For the average buyer, such a concept is too confusing, it will not inspire confidence in him. Hence the need for outright deception. In countries with a rich tradition of consumer electronics manufacturing, branded companies may call themselves local manufacturers.

Example. neonumericcalls himself "markFrancaise” (French trademark), and the question of the nationality of developers and manufacturers is neatly bypassed. However, its slogan is design & technologie.

Neo SafaLCDhesameSafa SR-M800F.An interesting touch in the psychology of European resellers - they often include the names of the brands of manufacturing companies in the names of their models.

For other states, the lie goes further. The brand is assigned the nationality of a country whose products are trusted by the population: Western Europe, Japan, the USA, Korea. To avoid prosecution, such a shell company may indeed be registered in this state.

The reseller is not able to completely exclude the leakage of information about the real state of affairs. Although the OEM usually grants the reseller the exclusive right to sell the model covered by the agreement, it is almost always limited to the market in one or more countries. In other states, this model will be sold under different brand names. In the conditions of modern information transparency, sooner or later this fact becomes known to a certain number of users. In addition, sometimes overlaps occur, and a model from a foreign market ends up on the domestic market, having the design and characteristics of a VAR-reseller model, but a different brand. In addition, a prudent manufacturer often makes several variations of the case design in order to "milk" the same market two or more times, this also does not escape the attentive buyer.

Example. For your modelTuny8 Korean companyDynetelmade two versions of the case, one with touch control, the other with the usual one. In some countries, these variants were sold under different brand names.

There are also cases of fraud when the manufacturer violates agreements and sells the same model on OEM terms to several buyers at the same time. All this makes the reseller brand very vulnerable to black PR. Competing companies often make efforts to bring him "clean water", he responds in kind. Thus, the concept of an OEM brand, which does not contain anything immoral in itself, is densely entwined with a web of lies and scandals. As a result, there is often an unhealthy atmosphere around OEM brands.

How can you tell an OEM brand from a "real" brand?

First, in most cases, OEM brands are limited geographically. If a search on the Internet does not find products of this brand for sale abroad, this is a reason for suspicion.

Example. If the players are brandedeDesigndifficult to find outside of the UK it is logical to assume that this stamp is of local origin. Taking into account the recent successes of the British electronics industry in the field of player construction, we can conclude that we haveOEM-brand.

Secondly, the models of the original manufacturers usually have some kind of unifying idea, continuity in the interface and design. If devices under the trademark are absolutely not similar to each other, this is also a reason for suspicion.

Thirdly, original manufacturers rarely have a wide the lineup They simply don't have the resources to do so. If there are more than 3-4 models in the company's lineup, then this is also a reason for suspicion.

Example. A wide and varied product range of FrenchInovix not only attracts the buyer, but also serves as an indicator that in front of him -OEM-brand

Finally, there are other indicators, such as the names of the firmware files, the registration of an allegedly official website for a local distribution company, as well as an extremely energetic and angry denial by company representatives of its OEM essence. Firms that claim to originate from countries that have not been marked by achievements in portable electronics in recent years are under special suspicion: Great Britain, Germany, France, Japan, the USA.

The main thing to remember is that OEM itself is not evil. In fact, it's just a distribution method. The media often accuse OEM brand owners of poor service support, as well as a tendency to disappear unexpectedly, leaving the user alone with the purchased product and its possible malfunctions. But today, the original manufacturer can easily disappear at once - this has already affected large companies such as Rio Audio, what can we say about small Korean companies! So in terms of reliability and quality of service, there is not much difference between the OEM brand and the original manufacturer, the former are even sometimes preferable because of the large resources behind them.

However, knowledge of the original manufacturer often allows you to learn more about the product, the timing of the release of new firmware, the nuances of its use. For some, it gives a chance to become a member of the global community of device users. Therefore, for an “advanced” user, the search for such is a justified occupation.

Studying the prices of stores that mainly sell computer components and software, we all come across a postscript after completely identical names - OEM or RTL (Retail). And prices in these lines can vary significantly. What do you have to pay or sacrifice? Let's try to figure it out.

OEM (Original equipment manufacturer) in the official version - the manufacturer's designation of the fact of assembling the product based on third-party projects and components created by other companies. In fact, for the Russian market, the OEM abbreviation symbolizes the minimum configuration, intended in theory for product assemblers and further sales. As a rule, in Russian retail chains, OEM products are on display next to RTL.

Retail- in translation from English it is “retail trade”. The abbreviation RTL means that the product is completely ready for use by the end user. In many countries, only this form is allowed for sale in retail stores. outlets.

Since our market is not so scrupulous, let's look at both of these options in order to assess the benefits of the buyer, that is, you and me. The OEM supply is very modest: an antistatic package, if we are talking about components or electronics (maximum - added a driver disk), or, in the case of software, paper envelope with the media (the same optical disc, most often). RTL delivery is more generous, although generosity is a relative concept. But, at a minimum, there is a box, instructions, a minimum set of accessories such as cables, bolts and adapters, depending on the type of product. If the product in the box is no longer OEM, so the absence of something necessary and important in the kit is on the manufacturer’s conscience.

Winchester. OEM

The manufacturer's price for OEM and RTL is set differently, so we also see price tags on the windows, sometimes significantly different from each other. Thus, we pay for the box and a certain kind of ease of use. RTL is more expensive by default.

As a rule, the manufacturer does not give its warranty for OEM deliveries or gives it for special conditions. These obligations are passed on to the collectors and trade organizations. As for the software, technical support is provided by the developer, but license agreements are often valid only for a single installation option. Transferring OEM licenses is prohibited in most cases. Retail deliveries in this regard are much more loyal to the consumer.

Also essential for end user it may be the fact that an OEM supply, due to the lack of strong packaging, may more often be damaged due to the fault of the carrier. Moreover, it is worth considering Russian realities, where the OEM is often given a rejection or repaired in the service.

Findings site

  1. OEM is always cheaper, the price difference can be up to 40%.
  2. OEM is not intended for the end user, but on Russian market it is ignored.
  3. RTL is significantly richer in equipment.
  4. RTL comes with a manufacturer's warranty and favorable license terms.
  5. Theoretically, the possibility of marriage in the supply of OEM is higher.

Hello everyone, today I will tell you how OEM delivery differs from Retail delivery. Studying the prices of stores that mainly sell computer components and software, we all come across a postscript after completely identical names - OEM or RTL (Retail). And prices in these lines can vary significantly. What do you have to pay or sacrifice? Let's try to figure it out.

OEM (Original equipment manufacturer) in the official version - the designation by the manufacturer of the fact of assembling the product on the basis of third-party projects and components created by other companies. In fact, for the Russian market, the OEM abbreviation symbolizes the minimum configuration, intended in theory for product assemblers and further sales. As a rule, in Russian retail chains, OEM products are on display next to RTL.

Retail- in translation from English it is “retail trade”. The abbreviation RTL means that the product is completely ready for use by the end user. In many countries, only this form is allowed for sale in retail outlets.

Since our market is not so scrupulous, let's look at both of these options in order to assess the benefits of the buyer, that is, you and me. The OEM supply is very modest: an antistatic bag, if we are talking about components or electronics (the maximum is a driver disk is added), or, in the case of software, a paper envelope with media (the same optical disk, most often). RTL delivery is more generous, although generosity is a relative term. But, at a minimum, there is a box, instructions, a minimum set of accessories such as cables, bolts and adapters, depending on the type of product. If the product in the box is no longer OEM, so the absence of something necessary and important in the kit is on the manufacturer’s conscience.

The manufacturer's price for OEM and RTL is set differently, so we also see price tags on the windows, sometimes significantly different from each other. Thus, we pay for the box and a certain kind of ease of use. RTL is more expensive by default.

As a rule, the manufacturer does not give its warranty for OEM deliveries or gives it on special conditions. These obligations are shifted to the shoulders of collectors and trade organizations. As for the software, technical support is provided by the developer, but license agreements are often valid only for a single installation option. Transferring OEM licenses is prohibited in most cases. Retail deliveries in this regard are much more loyal to the consumer.

It may also be significant for the end user that the OEM delivery, due to the lack of strong packaging, may more often be damaged due to the fault of the carrier. In addition, it is worth considering Russian realities, where OEM is very often given out as a reject or repaired in the service.


  1. OEM is always cheaper, the price difference can be up to 40%.
  2. OEM is not intended for the end user, but this is ignored in the Russian market.
  3. RTL is significantly richer in equipment.
  4. RTL comes with a manufacturer's warranty and favorable license terms.
  5. Theoretically, the possibility of marriage in the supply of OEM is higher.

These are the differences between OEM and Retail.

On the retail market computer components and software of the post-Soviet space abbreviation OEM, for a number of reasons, acquired its special - marketing and everyday - meaning, and entrenched there among consumers and sellers, becoming traditional: in this sense, this is the version product, goods supplied by the manufacturer in the minimum required configuration and delivered in this form to retail. At the same time, the product is not focused on the end consumer, and the direct manufacturer does not provide support for it - warranty obligations (or their absence) and their volume at their discretion are taken (or not taken) by retailers. In case of software version OEM and retail may differ significantly in terms of license agreements. So called "OEM products" are usually delivered without accompanying materials and additional components, in packaging without registration, guaranteeing only their safe transportation. Due to smaller dimensions, minimal configuration and reduced costs for the manufacturer marketing solutions "OEM products" are obtained 10-40% cheaper than products intended for retail sale (so-called retail).

That is "OEM Version" goods - these are actually components supplied in a form intended for industrial manufacturers (actually OEM), but sold in a retail network.

In some countries retail "OEM products"- products intended for OEMs (that is, manufacturers, not consumers) - is prohibited.


In the automotive industry, OEM means, as a rule, manufacturers of structurally complex automotive components (assemblies, assemblies). These auto components are supplied to assembly plants that produce cars (for example, Toyota, Nissan, Hyundai). From ready-made units and components, the assembly plant assembles, welds, paints and receives a finished car. At the same time, the main developer of all parts and assemblies is, as a rule, OEM. He himself controls the quality, timing and quantity of parts and assemblies supplied in turn by his own suppliers.



see also

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See what "OEM" is in other dictionaries:

    OEM- Saltar a navegación, búsqueda OEM (abreviatura del inglés original equipment manufacturer, en español sería fabricante de equipos originales). Empresas o personas que adquieren dispositivos al por mayor para ensamblar computadoras o equipos de… … Wikipedia Español

    OEM-〈Abk. für engl.〉 Original Equipment Manufacturer (Hersteller originaler Geräte od. Einrichtungen), Verfahren, bei dem ein Hersteller Originalgeräte einer anderen Firma in seine Geräte oder Produkte integriert u. unter seinem eigenen Namen in den… … Universal-Lexikon

    OEM- noun MANUFACTURING original equipment manufacturer; a company that produces components or systems that another company uses in its products, or a company that uses another company s products in its own or sells them under its own name … Financial and business terms

    OEM- steht für: Original Equipment Manufacturer, ein Markenprodukt, das ein anderer Hersteller in seine eigene Produkte integriert und diese Kombination auch beim Kunden als Mehrwert ausweist Office of Emergency Management, eine 1996 gegründete… … Deutsch Wikipedia

    OEM- Cette page d'homonymie répertorie les différents sujets et articles partageant un même nom. (((image))) Sigles d une seule lettre Sigles de deux lettres > Sigles de trois lettres ... Wikipedia en Français

    OEM- (abreviatura del inglés Original Equipment Manufacturer, en español sería Fabricante Original de Equipo). Empresas o personas que adquieren dispositivos al por mayor para ensamblar computadoras o equipos de forma personalizada que presentan con… … Enciclopedia Universal

    OEM- (office for emergency management) n. department trained to administrate in critical situations OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturer) n. (in Computers) company that uses components from other companies in order to assemble and market products… … English contemporary dictionary

    OEM- is an acronym for any of the following:* Original equipment manufacturer, the original manufacturer of a component for a product, which may be resold by another company * Office of Emergency Management, a general term for emergency management… … Wikipedia

    - (original equipment manufacturer) - original equipment factory - a company - the original manufacturer of cars and complete equipment of cars; some auto manufacturers, without waiting for the latest improved ... ... Automobile dictionary

    OEM- Original Equipment Manufacturer Short Dictionary of (mostly American) Legal Terms and Abbreviations … Law dictionary

Original, OE, OEM, analogues and others

There are many different interpretations of these values ​​in the auto parts industry, so in this article we will try to define each of them.

In catalogs, as a rule, the term GENUINE (original) or OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturer) is indicated next to the name of the manufacturer of the spare part. If there are no designations, then it is understood that the spare part is an analogue of the original spare part or is produced by another manufacturer. Below is a detailed description of what these and other terms mean.

  • Genuine/OE - Original
  • Genuine Parts Mainly used by automakers on vehicles that roll off the assembly line of the factory. Parts can be produced under contract by OEMs such as Bosch, Mann, Hella and others for installation in new vehicles. Many spare parts, such as body parts, parts of the brake system, interior trim elements, are manufactured at the automaker's factories. Sometimes parts factories make parts under contract for the automaker only. Basically, directories use the terms GenuineandOE as equivalent. Genuinespare parts orOEspare parts are supplied in original packaging of car manufacturers, such as Mercedes, BMW, Porsche and any other car brands. For example, the original Porsche number 996-803-183-09 lockbeltsecurity.

    You can be sure that any part marked "GENUINE" is an original spare part of the vehicle manufacturer. The terms Genuine and OE have equal meanings as described above.

  • OEM - Original Equipment Manufacturer, OEM - manufacturer
  • Used to designate spare parts manufactured by companies such as Bosch, Mann, Hella and others in accordance with the technical documentation of car manufacturers such as Audi, VW, etc. These parts are authorized for sale by OEMs, in original packaging. In many cases, the part number and the logo of the car manufacturer are not marked to avoid copyright infringement. The main point here is that the OEM spare part is the same as that installed on the car in the original, i.e. it is its equivalent.

  • OEM Equivalent
  • A part that can be labeled as an OEM equivalent, such as an OEM part for a specific automaker, say SAAB. good example can serve as an oil filter, which is manufactured by Mann specifically for the Volvo engine, and the OEM oil filter for Saab is manufactured by Mahle.

    Mahle can be an OEM equivalent oil filter for Volvo and Mann can be the OEM equivalent of the oil filter for Saab.

    An important point in this matter is the quality and standards of the manufacturer, Mann or Mahle, allowing the manufacture of OEM products for any automaker. The quality of workmanship remains constant in the production of any products of these companies. On the other hand, the same automaker may use products from different companies for different models of their cars. For example, one Porsche model uses an OEM Mahle fuel filter, and another Porsche model uses a Bosch fuel filter.

  • Aftermarket - Analogues.
  • This refers to non-OE or OEM parts. Unfortunately, the quality of different analogues can vary greatly. However, a fairly large number of analogues have a quality that meets the high standards of the original manufacturers. An example of analogues is Bilstein. Although Bilstein is an OEM for some companies such as Mercedes, it is also an OEM for VW and Audi and its quality is at or better than OEM equivalent.

We hope that our information will be useful to you when choosing spare parts for your car.


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