Quotes about opportunities in life. Aphorisms, quotes, sayings of great people on the topic of opportunity. Quotes and phrases about opportunities

Let no one know the limit of your capabilities, otherwise you will give cause for disappointment. Never let me see right through you. When they do not know and doubt, they revere more than when all your forces, albeit great ones, are present.
Baltasar Gracian y Morales

Anguish arises from the fact that we do not realize our possibilities; pangs of conscience - because we did not implement them; anxiety - because they are not able to realize. The question is, what are these possibilities?
Cyril Connolly

The possibilities of humanity would be limitless if it could limit the power of the limited.
Gabriel Laub

A reprehensible mistake is made by those who do not take into account their capabilities and strive for conquest at any cost.
Niccolo Machiavelli

Human capabilities have not yet been measured. We cannot judge them by previous experience - a person has so little dared.
Henry Thoreau

What torments us is missed opportunities. To be sure of the impossibility of something is already a relief.
Karl Kraus

Equal opportunity means that everyone is given the same chance to become incompetent.
Lawrence Peter

In serious matters, care should be taken not so much to create favorable opportunities as to seize them.
François La Rochefoucauld

The limit of man's possibilities must be transcended, otherwise what is heaven for?
Robert Browning

People should be required to serve according to their ability, not according to our desire.
Georg Lichtenberg

Labor must be in proportion to the strength of man. He is bad, that is, unpleasant when he exceeds them.
Nikolay Chernyshevsky

An intelligent person sees before him an immeasurable realm of the possible, while a fool considers only what is possible to be possible.
Denis Diderot

The only way to define the limits of the possible is to go beyond those limits.
Arthur Clark

We deceive ourselves according to our needs, others according to our possibilities.
Vladislav Grzegorchik

Nothing is missed as often and as irrevocably as the opportunities that come up every day.
Maria Ebner Eschenbach

The opportunity to steal creates a thief.
Francis Bacon
Great opportunities come to everyone, but many do not even know that they have met with them.
William Channing

To hell with circumstances. I create opportunities.
Bruce Lee

What do I actually have, if I take it to the maximum? To the maximum I have the planet Earth. This is my maximum! The planet limits all my possibilities and my life.
Evgeny Grishkovets

He didn't miss a single opportunity to miss an opportunity.
George Shaw

Whoever can't do little, can't do more.
Mikhail Lomonosov

Limitless possibilities are not enough for success - you need the ability to implement them.
Aron Vigushin

No one knows what his powers are until he uses them.
Johann Wolfgang Goethe

Opportunity is an opportunity to get disappointed.
Ambrose Gwyneth Beers

For those who do not know, everything is possible.
Christoph Martin Wieland

The opportunity to do evil is given a hundred times a day, and to do good - once a year.
François-Marie Voltaire

It is impossible to live with people knowing their back thoughts.
Albert Camus

Possibilities bear fruit if they are pollinated by abilities and guarded by desires.
Edward Sevrus

Plow deep while the lazy ones sleep.
Benjamin Franklin

Don't expect the right opportunity to knock twice on your door.
Nicolas de Chamfort

There is an hour in the life of every person when he can achieve his happiness, if he uses it in time.
Horace Fletcher

Never expect happy chances from life. Create them for yourself and for others.
Boris Krieger

It is better to be ready for an opportunity and not get it than to get an opportunity and not be ready for it.
Whitney Young Jr.

Most people miss an opportunity because they are dressed in a work robe and look like work.
Thomas Alva Edison

Every situation, if used properly, becomes an opportunity.
William Stafford

"Good afternoon!" - we hear this phrase every day and do not even think about its meaning. Sometimes we have a bad mood and it seems to us that the day is not just good, it's just terrible. This is a profound error and a gross mistake. The day cannot be bad, if only because we have the opportunity to live it. And all sorts of troubles are just an excuse to make us stronger, wiser and more experienced. Let's spend today in good mood, and let the quotes and sayings from our selection help us with this!

Sometimes it seems to us that the days are just gray everyday life. In fact, everything is in our hands and at any moment we can “paint” everyday life with colored paints. To do this, you need very little. Sometimes it is enough to look out the window and admire nature, go for a walk in the park, call a loved one or just say “I love you!” and hear in response "I love you too!". Every new day is a great opportunity to change yourself and your life, it is an occasion to become happier than yesterday.

Each person has special days, not like others, those that are remembered for a lifetime. This may be the day of the first declaration of love, prom, wedding day, baby's birthday, or just the day we discovered a new writer or tasted a special coffee that has since become a habit.


Think that this day will never come again. (D. Aligeri)

Therefore, use every opportunity and live every day as if it never comes...

Let the hours of oblivion flow
Sadness and joy eliminated;
The time for healing is near,
Believe again in the radiance of the day! (Goethe)

Believe that the new day will bring you happiness!

One day followed another, and I did not know that this is life. (S. Johansson)

Why is there a day, every minute is also life ...

If the morning was good, then the day will be successful. (G. Palych)

Wake up in a good mood and have a good day!

Days get better when you put on open and welcoming faces. (Kramar)

Days will get better when you want them to.

Use every day to increase love and kindness. (S. Adelaja)

Do good deeds every day, and there will be no place for evil in life.

One should look at the day as if it were a small life. (M. Gorky)

Every day needs to be loved and accepted as it is.

Every day you have to do the thing that scares you, and you will change into better side very fast. (Eleanor Roosevelt)

Then you will definitely become stronger!

Rejoice every day always. Anyone, as soon as the light splashes! Because you never know which one will be the last in your life. (Eduard Asadov)

Don't put off anything for tomorrow, it may not come.


Do not forget to thank the Lord for every day you live, because he does not forget to wake you up every morning!

Thank God for today, He will give you tomorrow.

It doesn't matter how many days are in your life. What matters is how much life is in your days.

May not a single day in your life become an abyss.

A lived day can no longer be exchanged and cannot be corrected, but this is a chance for tomorrow new plan compose…

Every day gives us experience and gives us the opportunity to correct mistakes.

Let every day start with a smile!
With beautiful words and the sun outside the window!
Wishes, dreams come true!
Happiness and good luck come to the house!

How the day starts is how you spend it!

Smile more often to the new day, and do not forget to tell your loved ones: “I love you!”

Meet each new day with a smile and he will definitely reciprocate!

Let the new day give the sun a ray
Bold smiles, an island of happiness.
And let, one day, a goldfish
Will sink your fishing float.

Each new day is an occasion for the fulfillment of desires.

A day is a small life, and you have to live it as if you have to die now, and you were suddenly given another day.

Never put off anything for the next day, do everything today!

You can enjoy life only when life itself allows. And the one who says that he enjoys life every day is either lying or does not understand anything.

You don't need permission to enjoy!

Remember, the day lived today is not subject to exchange and return!

A lived day is a part of life, and you can’t complain about it.

Sometimes it seems that life is difficult, but remember one thing: after each, even the darkest night, there comes a day!

If it is difficult to live, then you live in the wrong environment ...

Each person has at least ten opportunities to change his life during the day. Success comes to those who know how to use them.

A new day is already an opportunity to change something ...

A happy day is almost a miracle.

And in general, the day itself, happy or with a drop of sadness, is a miracle.

If you do not tune in to the fact that the day will be important, then it is lost.

Take every day as important, because this is an occasion to change your life for the better.

Every day he proudly wears a hat in the form of the sun on one side.

Sometimes, it seems, the day forgets to wear it at all ...)

Every day that passes is a step into the future.

In order for the future to be bright, every day must be done like this ...

The next day is the student of the previous day.

Sometimes there are intermediate days, so to speak, time to work on the bugs ...

From the song Anacondaz - Photosynthesis Let's do it. (I'm all - attention.) You stand on the pale,
while I drag the body out of the freezer.
Let's do a heart massage and artificial respiration -
This is unlikely to help, but let's try our luck,
'Cause there's a whole chance out of a lot of alternatives
That the body will cough up and be able to live again.
Walk, sing songs by the fire. The probability is zero.
Almost, but just imagine. It's worth it. Quotes about life, Quotes about chance From the game Assassin's Creed: Unity Any goal is achievable. If you don't see an opportunity, create it. Opportunity is everywhere. Just don't yawn. Motivational Quotes, Goal Quotes From American Horror Story At the present time, everything is possible if you really want it. Quotes about life From the movie Legend No. 17 When you find something that you truly love, you will be surprised how much you can do. From the movie Legend No. 17 Whether you can or not is always up to you. Motivational Quotes, Solution Quotes From the series Agents of "Sh.I.E.L.D." A person can do anything when he understands that he is part of something greater. Motivational quotes, Quotes about a person From the NLS Agency series Never do what others can do for you. Especially if you can't do it yourself. Ironic Quotes, Business Quotes From the book People are fundamentally different from the rest of the living world. The main difference is that a person has freedom of choice. While other representatives of wildlife are bound by strict limits of instincts and reflexes, we are not limited by the rules given to us from birth. Quotes about nature From the book by Adin Steinsaltz. Simple words From the moment of its appearance on earth, man has constantly developed his capabilities, expanding them more and more. Our desires are sometimes quite absurd and stupid, but in any case they force us to act, to try to carry out our plans, which often, regardless of the original intentions, leads to accidental discoveries. We managed to invent and destroy a lot of things, and we are still obsessed with a constant desire to come up with something new. Reason has made man a creature that combines the capabilities of all animals. We are able to build and destroy, kill and bring back to life. All these abilities are part of our unusual, versatile nature. Quotes About Mind From the movie Prisoner of the Caucasus, or Shurik's New Adventures My great-grandfather says: “I have a desire to buy a house, but I don’t have the opportunity. I have the opportunity to buy a goat, but I have no desire.” So let's drink to the fact that our capabilities always coincide with our desires Quotes about desires From aphorisms and quotes by George Bernard Shaw He didn't miss a single opportunity to miss an opportunity. From aphorisms and quotes by Mark Twain Life should begin with an old man, with all the advantages of old age - position, experience, wealth - and end it with a young man who can enjoy it all so brilliantly. And now the world is arranged in such a way that in your youth, when there is no account for the pleasures that you get for a single dollar, you do not have this dollar. In old age, you have a dollar, but there is nothing that you would like to buy with it. Quotes about old age, Quotes about youth From aphorisms and quotes by Mark Twain The first half of life consists of the ability to enjoy in the absence of opportunities; the other half consists of opportunities in the absence of ability.

Opportunities to change your life for the better and realize your dreams, without exaggeration, open up to each of us almost every day, but very rarely they come across our eyes. More precisely, often we simply do not notice them, or realize too late that a certain event in our life was an opportunity to take a big step towards our dream. Probably, in order to take advantage of this or that opportunity, we need life experience. In general, read quotes about opportunities, and maybe you will become a little more sensitive to the opportunities that arise in your life.

Quotes and phrases about opportunities:

  • 1) A pessimist is one who complains about the noise when opportunity knocks.
    Oscar Wilde
  • 2) The absence of an alternative clears the mind amazingly.
    Henry Kissinger
  • 3) If you choose the right people and give them a chance to spread their wings and charge them for transportation, you have almost no control over them.
    Jack Welch
  • 4) Remember, I am not a bear or a bull, I am an agnostic opportunist. I want to make money in the short and long term. I want to find good situations and use them.
    James Kramer
  • 5) It is better to be ready for an opportunity and not have it, in order to have an opportunity, but not be ready for it.
    Whitney M. Young, Jr.
  • 6) There are so many opportunities in life that losing two or three of them is not necessarily debilitating. An obstacle can give you the opportunity to focus more on art, writing, or music.
    Jim Davis
  • 7) Opportunities to find the deepest strengths within yourself come when life seems to be the hardest.
    Joseph Campbell
  • 8) You are as unlucky in business as you think. You build step by step, whether it be friendship or opportunity.
    Barbara Bush
  • 9) Life is a gift and it gives us privileges, opportunities and obligations to give something back and become something more.
    Anthony Robbins
  • 10) Opportunities are those common things you don't notice the first time.
    Catherine Deneuve
  • 11) You are a strong seducer, Opportunity!
    John Dryden
  • 12) Today, thousands of doors of enterprises are open for you, inviting you to useful work. Living at this time is an invaluable privilege, and you have a sacred duty to use your opportunities correctly. Today is the day of trying and achieving something worthwhile.
    Grenville Kleiser
  • 13) There are always opportunities through which entrepreneurs can make big profits, if only they recognize and seize these opportunities.
    Jean Paul Getty
  • 14) When doors of opportunity open, we must make sure we are not too drunk or too indifferent to go through them.
    Jesse Jackson
  • 15) We are all faced with a series of great opportunities brilliantly disguised as impossible situations.
    Charles R. Swindoll
  • 16) The gods cannot help those who miss opportunities.
    Chinese proverb
  • 17) Lack of opportunity is an excuse for a weak, wavering mind. Opportunities. Every life is full of them. Every newspaper article has an opportunity. Every customer has an opportunity. every business operation.
    Orison Swett Marden
  • 18) Inside every problem lies an opportunity.
    Robert Kiyosaki
  • 19) Face your fears and doubts and new worlds will open up for you.
    Robert Kiyosaki
  • 20) I have always tried to turn every adversity into an opportunity.
    John D. Rockefeller
  • 21) Luck is a matter of preparing to face opportunity.
    Oprah Winfrey
  • 22) The Chinese word for "crisis" is made up of two characters, one representing danger and the other representing opportunity.
    John Fitzgerald Kennedy
  • 23) If opportunity doesn't knock, build a door.
    Milton Berle
  • 24) You create your opportunities by asking for them.
    Shakti Gawain
  • 25) Problems can become opportunities when the right people come together.
    Robert South
  • 26) Welcome these big, sticky, complex issues. They contain the most powerful features.
    Ralph Marston
  • 27) To improve the golden moment of opportunity and catch the good that is beyond our reach - this is the great art of life.
    Samuel Johnson
  • 28) A person who grabs the opportunities that appear before him, nine times out of ten, creates success, but a person who creates his own opportunities, except by chance, is really hasty.
    Dale Carnegie
  • 29) Life's ups and downs open up windows of opportunity to define your values ​​and goals. Consider using all obstacles as stepping stones to create the life you want.
    Marsha Sinetar
  • 30) The freedom to move forward to new opportunities and results comes from living in the present, not in the past.
    Brian Koslow
  • 31) Success always comes when the preparation matches the opportunity.
    Henry Hartman
  • 32) I will prepare and one day my chance will come.
    Abraham Lincoln
  • 33) Sometimes we look at the door that closes so long that we see too late the one that is open.
    Alexander Graham Bell
  • 34) No need to wait for extraordinary opportunities. Take ordinary occasions and make them great. Weak people wait for opportunities, strong people create them.
    Orison Swett Marden
  • 35) Opportunity is missed by most people because she is wearing overalls and looks like work.
    Thomas Alva Edison
  • 36) Learn all you can, any time you can, and from anyone you can - there will always come a time when you will be grateful for what you have done.
    Sarah Caldwell
  • 37) Luck is what happens when preparation matches opportunity.
  • 38) Nature creates abilities, luck provides opportunities.
    François de La Rochefoucauld
  • 39) If you wait for opportunities to come, you will be one of the crowd.
    Edward de Bono
  • 40) Most successful people did not become so because of the new talents and opportunities provided to them. They developed the opportunity that was at their fingertips.
    Bruce Marton
  • 41) If there is something that a person can do well, I say let him do it. Give him a chance.
    Abraham Lincoln
  • 42) We all face a number of great opportunities brilliantly disguised as unsolvable problems.
    John W. Gardner
  • 43) Wise people create more opportunities than they find.
    Francis Bacon
  • 44) There is no security on our Earth, there are only opportunities.
    Douglas MacArthur

Remember that possibilities surround us everywhere, moreover, we live in a world of endless possibilities, and if only we had a tool that would allow us to show how certain events could lead us to specific purpose, we would have no doubt that this is indeed the case. First of all, I suppose, in order to learn to notice the possibilities around us, we need to become more aware of our actions, thoughts, and everything that is happening around us here now. Be mindful and seize your opportunities as soon as they appear on the horizon, and let the thoughts of great people about opportunities inspire you to new victories. Good luck to you and all the best!

Oleg Akvan

// Quotes and phrases about opportunities

To hell with circumstances. I create opportunities.

He didn't miss a single opportunity to miss an opportunity.

George Shaw

What do I actually have, if I take it to the maximum? To the maximum I have the planet Earth. This is my maximum! The planet limits all my possibilities and my life

Evgeny Grishkovets

Whoever can't do little, can't do more.

Mikhail Lomonosov

Let no one know the limit of your capabilities, otherwise you will give cause for disappointment. Never let me see right through you. When they do not know and doubt, they revere more than when all your forces, albeit great ones, are present.

Baltasar Gracian y Morales

I try, to the best of my ability, to look at the world from the point of view of mere convenience. My philosophy is that in this world there is a huge - or rather, an infinite - number of possibilities. And the choice of these opportunities is largely left to the people who inhabit this world. In other words, the world is a coffee table made of well-condensed possibilities.

Haruki Murakami

We deceive ourselves according to our needs, others - according to our capabilities.

Vladislav Grzegorchik

The opportunity to steal creates a thief.

Francis Bacon

You can't jump over your own shadow.

Samuel Coleridge

The only way to define the limits of the possible is to go beyond those limits.

Arthur Clark

Great opportunities come to everyone, but many do not even know that they have met with them.

William Channing

Nothing is missed as often and as irrevocably as the opportunities that come up every day.

Maria Ebner Eschenbach

The possibilities of humanity would be limitless if it could limit the power of the limited.

Gabriel Laub

The limit of man's possibilities must be transcended, otherwise what is heaven for?

Robert Browning

Labor must be in proportion to the strength of man. He is bad, that is, unpleasant when he exceeds them.

Nikolay Chernyshevsky

Human possibilities have never been measured; nor can we judge them by experience, for so little has been tried.

Henry Thoreau

Anguish arises from the fact that we do not realize our possibilities; pangs of conscience - because we did not implement them; anxiety - because they are not able to realize. The question is, what are these possibilities?

Cyril Connolly

A reprehensible mistake is made by those who do not take into account their capabilities and strive for conquest at any cost.

Niccolo Machiavelli

People should be required to serve according to their ability, not according to our desire.

Georg Lichtenberg

An intelligent person sees before him an immeasurable realm of the possible, while a fool considers only what is possible to be possible.

Denis Diderot

In serious matters, care should be taken not so much to create favorable opportunities as to seize them.

François La Rochefoucauld

What torments us is missed opportunities. To be sure of the impossibility of something is already a relief.

Karl Kraus

Equal opportunity means that everyone is given the same chance to become incompetent.

Lawrence Peter

Human capabilities have not yet been measured. We cannot judge them by previous experience - a person has still dared so little.


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