Is it possible to find a profession for life. An essay on the topic Is it possible in my age to choose a profession for life

Sooner or later, any teenager faces the question: "Who to be?" a rhetorical question, the relevance of which will never disappear. When I was little, my parents asked, "Daughter, when you grow up, what profession will you choose?" And why do all parents want to know this so much when we are at a young age, I don’t understand? But I answered, not quite pronouncing some letters: "A policeman." Reading stories about the brilliant detective Sherlock Holmes and watching action films about the brave police officers of the West, I imagined how I would investigate some crime and catch a malicious violator of the law. My affairs should have been all intricate and interesting, and everything would necessarily end in my victory. Routine sitting in the office, writing reports and reports to the authorities, did not exist for me. Travel through different countries following a criminal, being in ambush day and night, high-speed pursuits and firefights - this is how I imagined this profession. My parents, however, did not approve of my choice. They constantly insisted that it was dangerous and that one could die while solving a crime. But how much did they understand! Growing up, I began to think more thoughtfully and consciously about my future. Gradually coming to the conclusion that I want to devote the further path in life to the improvement of Russia. Back in the fifth grade, history became my favorite subject. Studying it, I watched the rise and fall of my homeland for many centuries. I admired the kings who strengthened and raised Russia to a high level. She hated and condemned those who plundered her for their own sake, not noticing the needs of the people. Civil strife, wars, revolutions had a negative impact on the life of the country, in many cases setting it back in development for several years. In general, the personality cult under Stalin, in my opinion, plunged the country into a crisis ... Thinking in this way, I decided that, being a policeman, I would not be able to help my country as much as possible. No, I do not despise this profession now, I just think that the power concentrated in the hands of a smart strategist will help to restore order in all spheres of society. Of course, I understand that my career will not start when all the doors open in front of me, I will become the generally recognized leader of a city or region, or even the whole of Russia. Into the tale of Cinderella in modern world I don’t believe, because I’m used to relying not on uncles and aunts, but on my own strength. After all, who will help you, if not yourself. The more and more relevant in our time is the saying: "Man is an enemy to man." Now everyone is trying to grab a "tastier piece", plow more money and lay low. And at least one thought about the others! And I have a different opinion about all this. If every person lives well, no one envies anyone, then the whole country will rise to a high level. Therefore, my career as a politician, I will build on honesty: "You gave your word - keep it", and I will direct it to a real improvement in life in the country. I myself have not yet participated in the elections, but the election programs interest me. Almost all of them have a line: “I will direct my entire policy to improve the life of the people” or “I promise that as soon as I come to power, life will change in good side". And as soon as the "good wizard" gets to power, his words are at odds with his deeds. After all, all problems cannot be solved quickly, long and painstaking work is needed. And then the popular choice begins to blame all the failures on the predecessor, as in a joke, finally destroys the remnants of the remaining luxury and, having provided himself and his family with a decent old age, goes into the shadows. And so in our country almost everywhere. But one family is not limited to the population of the country. I understand well what I have chosen for myself hard profession and perhaps ungrateful, because almost the whole country constantly scolds, condemns and does not like politics, not taking their work seriously. But, nevertheless, we cannot do without this profession. I have always wanted to see my homeland among the leaders in any industry. Our country has long been rich in various natural resources: coal, oil, gas, you just need to be able to dispose of these wealth with dignity, to direct the use in the right direction, for the benefit of the people. In Russia, I am not the only one who wants to devote my life to politics, there are thousands of purposeful teenagers like me. I believe that we need to be given more rights, we need to be more often involved in governing the country, resolving controversial issues. After all, it was not for nothing that it was said: "Through the mouth of a baby, the truth speaks."

"Can you choose a profession for life?"

I don’t know where to start my story ... Probably, I’ll tell you a little about myself: I am a teacher of Russian language and literature, I graduated from a pedagogical college this year and got a job in a small rural school. Reading the regulations on the competition "The World in a Rainbow of Professions", listing topics in nominations for my students, telling them about the rich world of professions, the question involuntarily arose in my head: "Is it possible to choose a profession for life?" Before my eyes, like a film strip, an uncountable number of events of an unforgettable student life ran. Russian language teacher - Vladimir Gotlibovich. Strict. Demanding. Homework according to his discipline: write an essay on the topic "Can you choose a profession for life?" This is the very question that again visited my thoughts, probably because then it remained unanswered ... Returning home, I began with nostalgia to revise folders with essays on the computer: "The most vivid impression from life", an essay based on the picture of V.M. Vasnetsov "Ivan Tsarevich on Gray Wolf"," Merry Gatherings "finally found what I needed. This is what I wrote as a student.

Can you choose a profession for life? For myself, I answer this difficult question unambiguously. I want to exist in such a profession, which they enter once and remain for the rest of their lives - I want to work as a teacher of the Russian language.

In childhood, we dream of growing up faster, becoming independent people. We think adult life is rosy and colorful. And we do not suspect that adults often dream of returning to a carefree childhood. We do not know what awaits us in the adult world. But now many of us are sure that our future life will be bright, successful, and happy. Some even think that their adult life will be better than their childhood. Maybe they are right. But we must not forget that the adult world sometimes presents such surprises that we are in the given time we just do not think. In addition, we now have the opportunity to shift some of our problems onto the shoulders of our parents. But sometimes we still have to independently, in an adult way, solve various issues. Among them is a very important question: "Who to be?" Choosing a profession is an important step in the life of each of us. A person in society is assessed by what he has achieved in life, how he relates to other people. Each person during his life masters one or several professions. It all depends on different circumstances. Someone did not like the profession, and the person decided to master another. Perhaps the specialty for which the person studied turned out to be unclaimed. And there may be other objective or subjective reasons. In any case, choosing a profession, a person always thinks about the material and moral side. We dream that work will bring joy and pleasure. On the other hand, everyone thinks about making money. If a person works conscientiously, in full force, then this work should be appreciated. On the one hand, it is easy to decide on a profession in the 21st century. Chose prestigious profession that you like, and it would seem that there are no problems. This is how we choose a profession in childhood. As we grow up, we look at the world more realistically. Consulting with family and friends, we begin to think about whether we can master this profession, whether it will be in demand. Some are determined with a profession right away, for example, they follow in the footsteps of their parents. And some have dreamed of some kind of profession since childhood, and in the future they do everything to make their dream come true. What are we guided by when choosing a profession? First of all, by their own interests. But it is not always easy for us to decide on future specialty... Probably, all the same, there is not enough life experience. We consult with family, friends, teachers. More often we choose what our parents advised. Sometimes we go along with friends, but often we regret it all our lives. You can choose your profession once and for all at any age, even in ours. It's good when a person has a favorite job. Then, one might say, there is the meaning of life. Often, a person is determined with his favorite work immediately after graduation. Having studied in this or that educational institution, a person gets a job and never regrets the chosen specialty. But this is not always the case. A person can choose a "random" profession, hoping that one day they will like it. And only later he realizes that he made a mistake. It is very difficult to choose your favorite profession once and for all.

I want to be a teacher. I am perfectly aware of the fact that work at school requires tremendous dedication, "takes" almost all the time and effort. I think I am ready to cope with this "burden" of responsibility, as well as with all other tasks that will be assigned to me in this work. And there will be a lot of these tasks - I also understand that.

Thus, I answer the question - is it possible to choose a profession for life - positively. Of course you can, if from childhood you feel your vocation, understand the necessity and importance of your work, and get moral and material satisfaction from it. But even if someone made a mistake in their youth, you should never despair and do an unloved business for the rest of your life. The main thing is to find the courage and, after thinking it over, make the right decision so as not to suffer and not regret the chosen profession. Only then will we be able to realize ourselves and be in demand. It must also be remembered that adult life is difficult and there are no easy professions. To achieve something, you need to make some effort. We need to understand what we want in life. After all, it is not for nothing that they say that if a person does not know which pier he is heading to, then not a single wind will be favorable for him.

So I talked about the issue of choosing a profession, studying in the fourth year. Now I feel like a ship that knows where to sail, to which shore it wants to moor. I came to work at the school quite recently, but even these cherished six months made it clear the meaning of this profession. I do not regret my choice at all, although sometimes it is not easy, difficulties cover my head, but I take a deep breath, gather all my strength into a fist and move on, because curious, thirsty for knowledge and new discoveries of the eyes of children await me. I look into those curious eyes and understand that I was not mistaken in choosing a profession, that this profession is for life!

The future of a person depends on the choice of a profession. It is important that the chosen profession reflects the abilities and character of the individual. The character is finally formed among young people in their youth, so in my years you can choose a profession for life. But a teenager faces a number of difficulties when choosing a specialty.

Youth is a time of new discoveries and achievements. When a person is young, he seeks to know the world and himself. Due to youthful maximalism at my age, you can make a mistake in your choice. People tend to make mistakes, young people in particular, but the main thing is to find strength in order to admit the wrong choice and be able to find a new vocation. It is important to soberly assess your capabilities so as not to be mistaken with the choice of your future specialty.

The main thing is that the person can reorient his activities and find a new place of work. An incorrectly chosen profession is a hot topic. Today, about 30% of citizens work in a different profession than they studied. The reason for the mistake can be blindly following fashion, the imposition of a profession by parents, or incorrect prioritization. To avoid mistakes, a young man should be guided by his own preferences, because the future fate depends on the choice. When choosing a profession, one should be guided by the demand for this specialty, personal characteristics (character, willpower, other qualities necessary for work) and the ability to realize ambitions.

The main thing in life's choice is to realize your talents and be a sought-after specialist.

Updated: 2017-12-24

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Is it possible in my age to choose a profession for life?

When I was little, my parents asked, "Daughter, when you grow up, what profession will you choose?" And why do all parents want to know this so much when we are at a young age, I don’t understand? But I answered, not quite pronouncing some letters: "A policeman." Reading stories about the brilliant detective Sherlock Holmes and watching action films about the brave police officers of the West, I imagined how I would investigate some crime and catch a malicious violator of the law. My affairs should have been all intricate and interesting, and everything would necessarily end in my victory. Routine sitting in the office, writing reports and reports to the authorities, did not exist for me. Traveling to different countries after a criminal, being in ambush day and night, high-speed pursuits and shootings - this is how I imagined this profession. My parents, however, did not approve of my choice. They constantly insisted that it was dangerous and that one could die while solving a crime. But how much did they understand!
Growing up, I began to think more thoughtfully and consciously about my future. Gradually coming to the conclusion that I want to devote the further path in life to the improvement of Russia.
Back in the fifth grade, history became my favorite subject. Studying it, I watched the rise and fall of my homeland for many centuries. I admired the kings who strengthened and raised Russia to a high level. She hated and condemned those who plundered her for their own sake, not noticing the needs of the people. Civil strife, wars, revolutions had a negative impact on the life of the country, in many cases setting it back in development for several years. The personality cult under Stalin in general, in my opinion, plunged the country into a crisis ...
Thinking in this way, I decided that, being a policeman, I would not be able to help my country as much as possible. No, I do not despise this profession now, I just think that the power concentrated in the hands of a smart strategist will help to restore order in all spheres of society.
Of course, I understand that my career will not start when all the doors open in front of me, I will become the generally recognized leader of a city or region, or even the whole of Russia. I don't believe in the fairy tale about Cinderella in the modern world, because I'm used to relying not on uncles and aunts, but on my own strength. After all, who will help you, if not yourself. The more and more relevant in our time is the saying: "Man is an enemy to man." Now everyone is trying to grab a "tastier piece", plow more money and lay low. And at least one thought about the others!
And I have a different opinion about all this. If every person lives well, no one envies anyone, then the whole country will rise to a high level. Therefore, my career as a politician, I will build on honesty: "You gave your word - keep it", and I will direct it to a real improvement in life in the country.
I myself have not yet participated in the elections, but the election programs interest me. Almost all of them have a line: "I will direct my entire policy to improve the life of the people" or "I promise that as soon as I come to power, life will change for a good side." And as soon as the "good wizard" gets to power, his words are at odds with his deeds. After all, all problems cannot be solved quickly, long and painstaking work is needed. And then the popular choice begins to blame all the failures on the predecessor, as in a joke, finally destroys the remnants of the remaining luxury and, having provided himself and his family with a decent old age, goes into the shadows. And so in our country almost everywhere. But one family is not limited to the population of the country.
I understand very well that I have chosen a difficult profession and perhaps an ungrateful one, because almost the whole country constantly scolds, condemns and does not like politics, not taking their work seriously. But, nevertheless, we cannot do without this profession.
I have always wanted to see my homeland among the leaders in any industry. Our country has long been rich in various natural resources: coal, oil, gas, you just need to be able to dispose of these resources with dignity, to direct the use in the right direction, for the benefit of the people.
In Russia, I am not the only one who wants to devote my life to politics, there are thousands of purposeful teenagers like me. I believe that we need to be given more rights, we need to be more often involved in governing the country, resolving controversial issues. After all, it was not for nothing that it was said: "Through the mouth of a baby, the truth speaks."


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