Top specialties. In-demand professions of the future. the most demanded professions in the coming years

School graduates choosing a direction vocational training, you need to take into account not only your own preferences, but also trends in the labor market in Russia. Rating agencies and research centers publish statistics annually. It contains information about what specialties are in demand and allow you to receive a high income. To do right choice, it is worth familiarizing yourself with the list, which presents the most promising professions in 2018.

List of in-demand specialties in 2018

Skilled worker

In Russia, the number of people with higher education increased in 2018. At the same time, large cities, including Moscow, are experiencing a shortage of workers. Locksmiths, electricians, builders - all these specialists have good career opportunities and receive a high wages... The state is interested in representatives of the younger generation entering technical schools and colleges.

IT specialist

Modern technology is one of the most dynamically developing areas. It is no coincidence that the rating, which presents the professions in demand in 2018, includes programmers and system administrators.

A promising direction is the web development industry. This market offers good opportunities for professional growth... Employees of large web design companies receive decent wages.

The main advantage of the IT sphere is the ability to work remotely. A programmer can be employed in an organization and additionally engage in projects privately via the Internet.


This specialty requires a solid theoretical background and extensive practice. Experienced lawyers make good money. They also have great employment opportunities. Employees who know very well legislative framework and having practical experience conducting civil and criminal cases are needed in all organizations. Employers, in turn, are ready to pay decently for their work.

Law graduates get a job as police officers. The specialty can also be included in the list, where the most highly paid professions in Russia. The state is reforming the internal affairs bodies and encouraging workers in this area by raising wages and providing favorable working conditions.


The flow of applicants to pedagogical universities has recently diminished. Many people mistakenly think that a teacher is not enough prestigious specialty with low wages. but career growth depends solely on a person's abilities, his motivation, professional competencies and the desire for development. Schools are interested in qualified teachers who will help children master the general education program at a decent level.


The demand for narrow-profile physicians is constantly growing. Dietetics, ophthalmology, speech therapy - all of these topical areas have recently been very popular with clients. Government agencies and private clinics are constantly opening vacancies and looking for employees. For those who are going to connect their lives with medicine, the best option in 2018 in terms of income is dentistry.


In a market economy, the role of the sale of goods and services increases, the number of producers increases and competition between them intensifies. Companies strive to stand out, and an important condition for this is competent product promotion. Job responsibilities marketer involves forecasting demand, organizing an advertising campaign, tracking the level of sales, working with product display and distribution.

Personnel specialist

HR manager is a promising and the right profession... Companies are constantly on the lookout for new staff, and this work is performed by a HR specialist. A mandatory skill for him is the ability to identify people among candidates who are suitable for vacant post... For an HR manager, experience is important: theoretical knowledge is ineffective without the practice of interviewing.

Beauty Industry Specialist

To master the most demanded professions, it is not necessary to receive higher education... Make-up artist, hairdresser, nail technician - all these specialists start working after completing short-term courses. The popularity of such services is explained by the fact that, despite economic crisis, people strive to look good.

A vocational school or courses will be an excellent option for school graduates who could not enter a university, and there is no opportunity to study for a fee. Working in the beauty industry creates high income and opportunities for growth. Leading stylists begin their careers as ordinary craftsmen, and then become the owners of their own salons.


The planet's environment is poor. Humanity is concerned about the need to preserve plant and animal world, therefore, the need for environmentalists has grown. They are studying the climate, flora and fauna in Russia 2018. Ecologists propose measures to protect the environment. The profession can hardly be called highly paid, so it does not enjoy much success among university entrants.


Most of the school graduates apply to the humanities faculties of the institute. This is largely why there is a shortage of specialists with technical training in Russia. Their main advantage is that learning is easy. Engineering students have more workload, much more serious requirements, however, the income after graduation is higher.

The highest paying professions require serious training. Studying at a university is more difficult than enrolling in it. The passing score for engineering is lower than for economics, and the number of applicants is less.


Globalization processes penetrate into all spheres of activity and remote regions. The company concludes international contracts, cooperates with foreign partners. Many organizations use the services of translators. Linguists participate in negotiations, conduct business correspondence translate documents.

Before choosing a specialty, young people should familiarize themselves with the list of professions most in demand in 2018. It is necessary to consider not only the current trends in the labor market, but also take into account the long-term forecasts of analysts. In the next few years, the demand for specialists with technical education will increase.

However, the applicant must think for himself what final choice to make when going to enter the university. A specialty may be in demand, but a person may not like it. In this case, it is difficult to achieve much success. Fast career growth is observed among those specialists who love their work, are ready to acquire new skills and constantly improve.

High-level professionals are in demand in all companies. The main thing is to carefully approach the choice of a specialty, get an education or study courses, and then practice theoretical knowledge in practice.


Hello! In this article, we will talk about the most demanded professions in Russia.

Choosing a profession is a difficult task that can affect the entire further life path. In order to somehow make it easier, I have prepared for you a list of the highest paid and demanded professions. You will find out who gets the most, who is worth studying for in the coming years and what professions will be needed, even if a crisis suddenly breaks out in 2019.

The highest paid professions in Russia

In the middle of 2018, the portal did a study of which professions are the most paid in Russia today. The result is predictable:

  1. Programmers and system administrators. In Moscow for these professions - 100-110 thousand rubles, in St. Petersburg - 80 thousand rubles, and in the regions - 60-70 thousand rubles;
  2. Business Development Managers. In Moscow and St. Petersburg average salary in the profession - 70-80 thousand rubles, and in the regions - 60-70.
  3. Internal auditors. Those who work on business processes within the organization. In Moscow, they receive up to 110 thousand rubles, in St. Petersburg - on average - 90 thousand rubles, and in the regions - about 40.
  4. Real estate agents. The official salary is small, even in Moscow. But the commission comes out about 100 thousand rubles in the capital and St. Petersburg, 40-50 - in the regions.
  5. Specialists in and. Marketers can receive up to 110 thousand rubles in the capital. In St. Petersburg, a little less - 70-80 thousand rubles. In the regions they are valued much less - 30-40 thousand.
  6. and economists. In Moscow and St. Petersburg, representatives of these professions can count on a salary of up to 100 thousand rubles, and in the regions - 30-40 thousand.

The Ministry of Education and Science reports that the number of vacancies in the field of economics and jurisprudence is decreasing every year - a reason to think about those who want to be a lawyer and economist.

These are the most profitable professions in the country. Based on the current trend in the development of large and medium-sized companies, there is no reason to believe that the situation will change dramatically in the next 10-15 years. Except that some professions will arise and become more relevant in the future.

Cleaners, waiters, porters, storekeepers and salespeople were among the lowest-income jobs. Their salary is up to 40 thousand rubles, regardless of the region.

10 most in-demand professions in the coming years

Let's talk about the most promising professions in 2019-2021. The main criteria will be:

  • Income level.
  • Difficulty of learning.
  • Number of vacancies.

It turns out the following list of professions.

1. Sellers. It is they who open our TOP of the most demanded professions. I do not mean the sellers in Pyaterochka or Magnet near your house. Now the profession of a seller of goods and services is called “sales manager”. This is a person who sits in an office and sells to individuals or legal entities goods / services.

This is the most demanded profession in Russian market... About 200 thousand vacancies are published throughout the country per month, one way or another related to sales.

How much can you earn: the average level of wages in the country is actively growing. Over the year, it has risen from 35 to 45 thousand rubles. And this is only considered a salary. There are many more awards.

How long will it take to study: sales training is very difficult. Learning the basics, dealing with clients and dealing with stress can be done in a few months. But it is much more difficult to professionally master all sales techniques and learn how to talk to people correctly. Growth time from beginner to intermediate specialist is six months. Before a real pro - 3-5 years of active development and work on oneself.

In the near future, the profession of a salesperson will still be relevant. It is one of the most underrated professions among both employers and employees.

Gradually Russian business comes to the point that it is impossible to get good seller for little money. Those who really know how to do something have to pay dearly.

2. Accountants. As trite as it may sound, the need for good accountants grows with the development of business. Who will be able to carry out all operations correctly, agree with banks that there is no need to block accounts, and explain to them that there is no black bookkeeping in the company.

How much can you earn: the average salary in the country is 50,000 rubles. A beginner specialist in the regions receives 20-25 thousand rubles a month. A professional who has worked in an organization for several years - 40-45 thousand in the worst case scenario.

How long will it take to study: despite the complexity of the profession, learn accounting enterprises (a separate direction) can be done in a few months at any courses.

The profession will remain as popular in the near future. Recently, many companies have been opening and working via the Internet, and this is an opportunity to work from home with any company.

3. Production engineer. According to the head of Rostrud, this is the most demanded profession in Russia at the moment. The market is in dire need of qualified personnel.

Compared with the two previous professions, the dynamics of salaries in the profession of a process engineer is plus or minus stable. This suggests that despite the crisis, enterprises are ready to pay their specialists the required amount.

How much can you earn: newcomers to the profession receive 20-40 thousand rubles, depending on the region and the specifics of the work. Immediately after training, it is difficult to count on a high salary. But a good specialist with experience has the right to count on a rate of 40-60 thousand rubles. The best specialists receive more than 80 thousand rubles, but the number of vacancies is minimal.

How long will it take to study: this is not the profession that you can actually get on the courses. The best Moscow institutes offer training courses, but they take at least 1 year. It is better to get a higher education in this area in 3-4 years or a secondary specialized in your region, and then - a qualification in higher educational institution as you work.

In the near future in Russia, this profession will still be relevant simply because there is a shortage of qualified personnel in the country. It will take several more decades before this niche is completely filled.

4. Builders. The construction niche does not stand still, especially in Russia.

How much can you earn: The average salary of builders in Russia is 37 thousand rubles a month. Handymen receive 15-20 thousand rubles. Narrower specialties - from 40 and above.

The highest average wages for builders in the Magadan region are 140 thousand rubles a month.

How long will it take to study: most of the workers at construction sites have received secondary specialized education. If you leave after grade 9 and go to a technical school, then only 3-4 years of study - and you can work.

In the near future, the profession will remain relevant. And this applies to both civil engineers and ordinary, ordinary performers. The higher you climb career ladder in this niche, the higher your salary will be.

On average, the level of construction costs is gradually falling. This is due to the reduction in the number of jobs and the transition of general workers and unskilled specialists to construction sites.

5. Sphere of IT technologies. I could not ignore IT. Simply because all professions in this area are in great demand. , managers for the creation and promotion of content, etc. - the labor market in this area is really huge.

How much can you earn: the salary fork in the niche is huge. True, it starts with a minimum of 30 thousand rubles and ends with 200 thousand, but this is far from the limit. VIP specialists who can not only write the code, but also oversee the work from the creation to the sale of the product are highly valued.

How long will it take to study: that's a moot point. The field requires both professional training at the university and constant improvement of skills. 5-10 years is the normal time to get to a high level. It is because of long-term training that this industry is only in 5th place.

In the near future, this area will not go anywhere. It is actively developing. New tasks appear in business, new programs are needed for them, IT-related industries are being created. Everything is developing rapidly, and high tech are at the forefront. The most popular Internet professions are concentrated in the IT field, allowing you to work and earn money without leaving your home.

One of the main advantages in IT is being in demand abroad. Designers, programmers, testers, developers and similar professions are needed abroad. And there is even an opportunity to work from Russia in the western market. Large companies are willing to meet specialists halfway.

6. Translators. Only taking into account the fact that the Asian market is now actively developing, and companies need employees who know not only banal English, but also Chinese.

How much can you earn: a novice translator, even if he does not work for a company, but for a job, can earn up to 40,000 rubles. An experienced translator who knows not only English and Western European languages ​​can earn up to 80,000 rubles in salary and at least half of the salary - part-time work.

How long will it take to study: languages ​​can be learned on their own, it's true. But it's better to work with specialists. Either at the university, or with tutors and native speakers. The first method will require 4-5 years of study, and the second - a huge investment.

In the near future, the profession of a translator will remain relevant. The expansion of production and the globalization of the world suggests that language barriers in the future will only hinder business and economic relations.

The main reason for the relevance of the profession is that there are really few good marketers. And the market is not yet ready to provide more opportunities for development in the profession.

How much can you earn: the average salary of a marketer in the regions is 40-50 thousand rubles. In Moscow, this figure is 2 times higher. And for experienced specialists there is a real hunt. I know that the best specialist in the niche settings advertising campaigns paid 100,000 rubles for an hour consultation.

How long will it take to study: marketers in general are one such profession that does not necessarily require professional training. Simply because the university will not give as much knowledge as you can get later, in the course of studying the material and profession. There are many courses that allow you to enter the profession in a couple of months. And it will take 4-5 years to improve and reach a good level.

In the near future, the profession will remain relevant. New companies will constantly open, and they will need employees who can promote goods and services.

8. Electronics repair. The profession is more about private business.

How much can you earn: repairing electrical equipment is an expensive pleasure. Private business brings about 30-40 thousand rubles in the regions, and 3-4 times more in the capital.

How long will it take to study: you can learn and fill your hand on your own. The main advantage of learning how to repair is that there are a huge number of guides on the Internet for self-repairing devices. And if hands grow out of the right place, this is a matter of a couple of months and a couple of ditched devices.

In the near future, this profession will remain relevant. As a type of private business, the repair of equipment will go well if you approach the issue correctly.

9. Electrician. This profession looks strange on our list, but good specialists in electrical engineering are in demand both for industrial enterprises, and in.

How much can you earn: the average salary of an electrician is 40,000 rubles. In this case, the salary depends on the category and qualifications. Additionally, you can always earn money yourself, on private orders.

How long will it take to study: this profession requires special training and education. Secondary vocational, immediately after the 9th grade - and already at 20-21 years old you can comprehend the profession.

In the near future, this profession will still be relevant. As long as there is electricity, people who know how to work with it will be needed.

How to choose a profession

There are two interesting trends in the Russian labor market:

  • There are too many mid-level specialists, but very few professionals.
  • The number of workers is significantly reduced.

From this I venture to draw two simple conclusions:

  1. The most lucrative professions in Russia will remain at their level without significant changes. Salaries for mid-level specialists will gradually decrease, while the salaries of top specialists, on the contrary, will increase. There will be a big hunt for VIP-employees (the best in their niche).
  2. Salaries for working professions requiring professional training (such as a turner, a welder) will gradually increase. There is a shortage of qualified personnel, this will be especially noticeable if the economy changes course towards development own production(which is highly likely to happen in the next 7-10 years).

I strongly discourage choosing a profession based solely on the level of income in a niche. Simply because it will be at the same level for several years, and inflation will gradually reduce real wages. If you are not planning to become a top specialist in the field of programming, marketing, law or economics, then it is better not to go into these professions.

In the regions, professions that require work training are in demand. If you understand that it is easier for you to work with your hands, and you are perfectly able to do this, it is better to pay attention to the specialty of an engineer, for example. In the coming years, such specialists will be in demand, and if there is a jump behind the decline in production, then representatives of such professions will be in value.

You always want to make the right decision in order to subsequently find yourself in the labor market without any problems. Moreover, you need to think strategically for several years ahead, because it takes time to get an education, change qualifications and acquire new skills.

The biggest difficulties arise when a person has no personal preferences. It is customary to focus on the market conditions in such situations, which is not entirely true. After all, work should be enjoyable.

Popular and always necessary specialties

There are professions that are in demand regardless of the historical period, fashion and other factors. These are the activities that help to implement social function the state. These positions include:

  • doctors and medical professionals;
  • pharmacists;
  • teachers and educators;
  • firefighters;
  • police officers;
  • workers employed in the field of housing and communal services.

At the same time, the most popular professions are not always highly paid. In recent years, state policy has been built in such a way that people employed in these areas receive a decent income. Having made a choice in favor of such professions, there is no doubt that you will find an application in the labor market.

Latest Trends

In order to make a decision about joining a certain profession, you can study the results of labor market research. Sociological data show that the TOP options among the vacancies posted by the employer include the following specialties:

  • Engineers and specialists technical professions, which are usually needed for companies and organizations engaged in construction, high-tech production, and in industry. In recent years, they have been the highest paid.
  • IT specialists, whose knowledge is needed for organizing the work of offices, and for building an Internet business, and for promoting a company.
  • Environmentalists and specialists in the field of labor protection. On the part of the state, the requirements for the conduct of activities that can cause potential harm are increasing environment or workers' health. In order not to pay huge fines and build the correct internal activities, organizations need appropriate specialists. It is useful to know which enterprises in the city have already attracted young employees in order to understand whether it is worth retraining.
  • Kindergarten teachers and educators. Basically, low demand from applicants for these positions is associated with low wages... But few people know that when building a career in this system, you can quickly move to a new level. This will allow you to get more than, for example, in trade. If you remember about a pleasant bonus from the legislation on an almost two-month paid annual leave, it becomes clear why such positions are more and more in demand among young people.
  • Medical staff. These are far from highly paid positions, but they are necessary for organizing the treatment process. Such positions are suitable for those who have no education, who want to have social guarantees and to do good deeds to a certain extent.
  • Chemists and physicists who can perform applied or fundamental tasks. Which one to choose, everyone decides for himself. After all basic research lead to the acquisition of completely new knowledge, which is then in demand in many areas of activity. Having such experience, a specialist can easily find application in the market.
  • Logisticians who allow you to optimize warehouse space, transportation of goods and goods, so that the organization receives more high profitability their activities.

Specialties that are in danger of disappearing

Specialists involved in studying the processes of the personnel market make predictions about which professions may soon disappear altogether. Even from the classifier of posts.

The Agency for Strategic Initiatives in its forecasts does not see the point in focusing on the following positions:

  • Notaries, since most of the processes are transferred online, and distribution digital signature makes their activities irrelevant.
  • Postmen who can partly replace courier services... It is customary to write letters over the Internet, so soon you can only read or hear about this profession on excursions.
  • Cashiers. It is believed that their work functions can be performed by computer systems, and the transition to bank cards will make it possible to do without such specialists. But you need to understand that this will not happen soon. After all, the proportion of those who like to pay with cash is still too high.
  • Printers and printing workers. The most unique specialists in the field of printing are forced to retrain due to the low demand for printed publications. The development of technology allows for the release of products with fewer employees. The plethora of online books has also led formerly highly paid professionals to find other uses for their strengths.
  • Travel agents also entered the TOP of irrelevant professions in the future. It is believed that with the help of online booking systems, customers will be able to work directly with tour operators or with participants in the hospitality industry. The need for intermediaries will disappear by itself.

Who is needed in the future?

Looking into the future is not as difficult as it seems. It is quite easy for specialists conducting research on employment issues to establish where the staff retirement will occur due to age, and create relationships between economic development and the market. What professions will be popular in five or ten years?

The most non-standard and popular among them:

  • Urbanists. These are specialists who are engaged in creating the urban look and infrastructure.
  • Biotechnologists and bioengineers, who will bear the burden of finding means to prolong life, remove harmful substances from the body, rejuvenate, fight cancer, etc.
  • Unconventional Energy Engineers. There will be fewer and fewer sources of energy, and in order to save humanity, it is necessary to learn how to use alternatives.
  • Security workers, including information workers. The availability of digital data and the ease of penetration into foreign territory increase the demand for countermeasures. Such specialists will find application both in the field of company security and in the development of household appliances and protection schemes.

The TOP of those who will find their use in the future also included:

  • 3d designers;
  • marketers and promotion specialists;
  • content managers;
  • internet developers and programmers;
  • food industry specialists;
  • pharmacists;
  • engineers;
  • nanotechnology;
  • operators of automated devices, including cleaning the premises.

Where can I get information about the required specialists?

To independently conduct market research and find a job you like, you can use the following tools:

  • get acquainted with materials that are provided in the public domain recruitment agencies or magazines and sites dedicated to personnel;
  • study the reports of the ministries entrusted with the functions of employment;
  • look for ratings of competitions for specialties among applicants to universities and colleges, as well as their reports on the employment of graduates;
  • analyze the bases of vacancies on job portals or in employment centers;
  • attend industry conferences, where they are sure to talk about the problems of staff shortages, if any.

It should be remembered that popular and demanded vacancies may not always be interesting for a particular person. It's best to always choose what you enjoy doing. Otherwise, psychological discomfort will arise and it will not be possible to stay in a job position.

It is useful to listen to the opinions of other people employed in a particular field, or to the older generation. Their wisdom and experience are the most invaluable sources of knowledge for decision making.

What needs to be considered in order not to miscalculate with the choice of a specialty?

Regardless of what predictions are made for the future, a person should understand that people with certain qualities can always find application in the labor market. Attention must be paid to their development. Then you can easily find a job.

The following employees are in demand from employers:

  • sociable;
  • able to work independently and in a team;
  • proactive;
  • honest;
  • responsible;
  • executive;
  • creative;
  • ready for change;
  • striving to achieve a result;
  • thinking and analyzing.

People with these qualities will be able to stand out and start their careers in companies. It is not necessary to have all the characteristics from the list. The choice depends on the area in which growth and development is supposed to continue.

There is no need to be afraid that the choice of the training program will be made incorrectly. Indeed, often people cannot find a job in their specialty, because they are not looking for it or they do it wrong. You can become an excellent specialist in any profession. Then the most large companies will "hunt" for such an employee.

Also, do not think too much about the prestige of the position. Indeed, even working specialties allow you to receive income, sometimes much greater than the position of an official in the local government system.

The Ministry of Labor of Russia approved a list of the 50 most in-demand professions requiring an average vocational education

The lists of professions have been compiled by the Russian Ministry of Labor together with the Russian Ministry of Education and Science, the Agency for Strategic Initiatives, the Councils for Professional Qualifications of the National Council for Professional Qualifications under the President of the Russian Federation, authorities, employers' associations, trade unions, educational and other interested organizations.

In total, 1620 professions were considered. As part of the study, more than 13.3 thousand organizations were interviewed. It is planned that this list will be kept up to date, taking into account changes in the labor market.

It is planned that at the end of 2016 the list will be posted on a special Internet resource that will accumulate information about the professions in demand and their content, employment opportunities, education and qualifications assessment for these professions.

When forming the top 50 professions, we primarily focused on high-tech industries, as well as the service sector. At the same time, the requirements for the competence of participants in competitions within the WorldSkills championships were taken into account, - said Lyubov Yeltsova, Deputy Minister of Labor and social protection RF.

It is planned that new forms and standards of employee training will be introduced in the regions for occupations from the list of the top 50 that require secondary vocational training.

The Ministry of Education and Science will determine the points in which regions for certain professions will be trained based on this list. The challenge is to create a very modern system preparation, - said the deputy minister.

All professions from the top 50 list can be conditionally divided into several separate industries.

The largest group of demanded professions remains working specialties in the field industrial production in a wide variety of industries.

Almost half of the specialties listed in the top 50 fall into this category. These professions affect the entire industrial production cycle - from operators and assemblers to quality control technicians.

These are the following specialties: service technician industrial equipment, operator of machine tools with programmed control, optical mechanic, assembler electronic systems, welder, specialist in instrumentation and automation, specialist in technical control product quality, specialist in mechanical engineering technology, specialist in refrigeration and ventilation technology, technician automated systems management technological processes, design technician, printing technician, universal turner, universal milling machine, electrician and others.

In addition, these are IT industry specialists: database administrator, programmer, Web and multimedia application developer, network and system administrator, information resources, specialist in information systems, Telecommunications Service Specialist, Testing Specialist in information technologies, information security technician.

Professions related to renovation and design: master of decorative work, master of carpentry and carpentry, tiler, tiler, plumber, locksmith.

Specialties related to automotive engineering and car repair(auto mechanic, specialist in the maintenance and repair of automobile engines) and aircraft engineering (specialist in the production and maintenance of aircraft equipment, technician of aircraft engines).

In addition, professions in the service sector will also be in demand: beautician, hairdresser, pastry chef, specialists in the field hospitality and tourism.

In addition to traditional professions, the top 50 includes such rare specialties as an operator of unmanned aerial vehicles, mobile robotics, an additive technology specialist, a mechatronics technician and a composite materials technician.

Order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia No. 832 of November 2, 2015

"On approval of the directory of new and promising professions in demand on the labor market, including those requiring secondary vocational education"

In accordance with subparagraph "a" of paragraph 2 of the list of instructions of the President Russian Federation based on the results of a meeting with members of the Government of the Russian Federation on February 4, 2015, approved on February 20, 2015 No. Pr-285, and paragraph 1 of the Set of measures aimed at improving the system of secondary vocational education, for 2015-2020, approved by the order of the Government of the Russian Federation dated March 3, 2015 No. 349-r, of the order:

  1. To approve the directory of new and promising professions in demand in the labor market, including those requiring secondary vocational education (hereinafter referred to as the Directory), according to the appendix.

  2. Recommend government authorities, employers and other interested organizations to use the Handbook in the formation and implementation of personnel policy, organization of employee training.

The minister
M.A. Topilin

Order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia No. 831 of November 2, 2015

On the approval of the list of 50 most demanded in the labor market, new and promising professions requiring secondary vocational education

In accordance with paragraph 1 of the set of measures aimed at improving the system of secondary vocational education, for 2015 - 2020, approved by the order of the Government of the Russian Federation of March 3, 2015 No. 349-r, as follows:

1. To approve the list of 50 most demanded in the labor market, new and promising professions requiring secondary vocational education (hereinafter referred to as the List), according to the appendix.

2. To establish that the List is used for the development and updating of professional standards, federal state educational standards and educational programs.

The minister

M.A. Topilin


to the order of the Ministry

labor and social protection
Russian Federation

from 02.11. 2015 g. №__831__


50 most in-demand in the labor market, new and promising professions that require secondary vocational education

1. Auto mechanic

2. Database administrator

3. Graphic designer

4. Beautician

5. Laboratory assistant of chemical analysis

6. Master of decorative works

7. Master carpentry

8. Metrologist

9. Mechatronic

10. Mobile robotics

11. Adjuster-repairer of industrial equipment

12. Operator of unmanned aerial vehicles

13. Operator of machine tools with programmed control

14. Optician-mechanic

15. Hairdresser

16. Tiler-facing

17. Pastry chef

18. Programmer

19. Web and multimedia developer

20. Plumber

21. Assembler of electronic systems (specialist in electronic devices and devices)

22. Welder

23. Network and system administrator

24. Locksmith

25. Specialist in the field of instrumentation and automation (by industry)

26. Specialist in additive technologies

27. Hospitality Specialist

28. Information Resources Specialist

29. Information systems specialist

30. Specialist in non-destructive testing (defectoscopist)

31. Specialist in the maintenance and repair of automobile engines

32. Telecommunications service specialist

33. Specialist in the production and maintenance of aircraft

34. Testing specialist in the field of information technology

35. Specialist in technical control of product quality

36. Specialist in mechanical engineering technology

37. Specialist in refrigeration and ventilation technology

38. Aircraft Engine Technician

39. Technician for automated control systems for technological processes

40. Technician for biotechnical and medical devices and systems

41. Information security technician

42. Composite Technician

43. Robotic production service technician

44. Technician-constructor

45. Agricultural mechanical technician

46. ​​Printing technician

47. Technical Writer

48. Universal Turner

49. Milling machine operator

50. Electrician

A period has passed when the professions of astronauts and pilots were popular and every schoolchild dreamed of them. The time of delight by the ubiquitous lawyers and economists is also behind. Every year, the labor market undergoes dramatic changes, and 2016 is no exception. Forecasting specialists have identified a rating of the most popular and demanded professions for the next decade. Let's look into the future and find out what these professions are and what skills the representatives of each of them have.

IT specialist

The Internet is taking up more and more space in people's lives. If earlier an information technology specialist was considered strictly a programmer or web-master, today this broad concept includes everyone who is somehow connected with the sphere of the global space. Sellers, logisticians, marketers and designers - all these professions smoothly migrated to the virtual network and will occupy leading positions for a long time to come.

Ability fast learning and flexibility of thinking - these are the main qualities of a successful IT specialist.

Translators and linguists

Successful cooperation Russian government and Asian countries launched a camp of translators in the direction of oriental languages. Of course, true gurus in English will not remain idle, but connoisseurs of Chinese are becoming more and more in demand and popular every day. Excellent memory, fine hearing and the ability to accurately reproduce are the key to success for professionals in this field.


This profession is for practitioners and those who are used to working with their hands. There are only a few really talented craftsmen in this area. In addition to the "golden hands", a modern car technician must own foreign languages, keep abreast of the latest technical developments and be broad-minded.


The medical field is suffering from a deficit of professionals more than ever. Heavy workloads and scanty salaries forced many specialists to change their favorite profession to a more profitable one. Although in recent years there have been significant changes in this situation. The state is working to provide talented young specialists with everything necessary for a decent life. Now this profession is no longer prestigious, but by right it has become the most respected. Love for people, patience and good education are the main qualities of a modern doctor.

Design engineer

Industrial production has always needed competent specialists. The contribution of Western capital to Russian industry has led to the demand and prestige of engineering professions. Now they are not just “techies”, but highly erudite people who combine economic, technical and legal knowledge with excellent English and other European languages.

Beauty professionals

The earnings of professional hairdressers and make-up artists seduce school graduates, they bypass higher education and, after completing courses, go to work. Only it is unlikely that they will work out good masters, because they are obtained only from well-erudite people, with knowledge of psychology, marketing and an excellent technical base.


People are coordinators capable of solving several problems at once. They carry out the entire delivery chain: they coordinate warehouse, procurement and transport. It is not easy to get such a job, employers put forward high demands on candidates: in addition to knowledge of languages, specialized education and good experience work, they must know the specifics production process and customs legislation.


The oversaturation of the market with goods and services has led to the emergence of this interesting profession... It became necessary to track consumer preferences and, thereby, increase the level of the company's turnover. Excellent marketers will be people with a strategic mindset and the ability to manage the system.

Sales Representative

This promising and demanded profession belongs to the category of difficult ones. Not everyone will be able to succeed in this field. Constant stress psychological work with customers, constant driving through city traffic jams is only a small part of what a sales representative will have to face. This work was created for positive people who know how to win over people who are ready for daily stress.


The leading positions of the chef are still not given up. Their average salary is kept at the level of 50-70 thousand rubles. But ordinary chefs have become really popular, their salaries have increased by more than 12 thousand rubles in just a year, this makes it possible to start earning now with a good perspective in the future. Talent, enthusiasm and good aesthetic taste are a good start to start a career.

Whichever profession you choose, it is important to remember that specialists with basic skills and knowledge are always in demand. Enthusiasts who are able to learn and have vitality will be able to test their strengths in any field and achieve success in it, making a dizzying career.


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