Is the profession of a gas turbine operator difficult. Gas turbine operator. What Turbine Engineers Are Taught in Colleges

Instructions for the position " Engineer of gas turbine units qualification group V", presented on the site, complies with the requirements of the document - "DIRECTORY qualification characteristics occupations of workers. Issue 62. Production and distribution of electricity. (With amendments and additions introduced by the order of the Ministry of Fuel and Energy of Ukraine of September 8, 2003 N 462), (with amendments made in accordance with the order of the Ministry of Fuel and Energy N 196 of 04/08/2009)", which was approved by the order of the Ministry of Fuel and Energy of Ukraine 16.03.2001 N 19. Approved by the Ministry of Labor and social policy Ukraine.
The status of the document is "valid".


0.1. The document comes into force from the moment of its approval.

0.2. Document developer: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.

0.3. Document approved: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.

0.4. Periodic check this document produced at intervals not exceeding 3 years.

1. General Provisions

1.1. The position "Machinist of gas turbine units V qualification group" belongs to the category "Workers".

1.2. Qualifications- vocational education. Advanced training and work experience by profession as a driver of gas turbine units of qualification group IV - at least 1 year.

1.3. Knows and applies:
- device, specifications gas turbines, compressors, turbogenerators and serviced auxiliary equipment;
- thermal schemes, the principle of operation of measuring instruments;
- schematic diagrams of control and automation of gas turbine plants;
- basic electrical diagrams of the generator and auxiliary needs of gas turbine plants;
- technical and economic performance of the equipment;
- Fundamentals of gas dynamics, heat engineering and electrical engineering.

1.4. The driver of gas turbine units of the V qualification group is appointed to the position and dismissed from the position by order of the organization (enterprise / institution).

1.5. The driver of gas turbine installations, qualification group V, reports directly to _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .

1.6. The driver of gas turbine installations, qualification group V, manages the work of _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .

1.7. The driver of gas turbine units of the V qualification group during the absence is replaced by a person appointed in the prescribed manner, who acquires the appropriate rights and is responsible for the proper performance of the duties assigned to him.

2. Description of work, tasks and job responsibilities

2.1. Maintains the mode of operation of the equipment of a gas turbine plant (in the case of maintaining the mode of operation of the equipment of a gas turbine plant with a capacity of 10 to 50 thousand kW.).

2.2. Carries out operational maintenance of gas turbine units and ensures their uninterrupted and economical operation.

2.3. Conducts start-up, shutdown, testing of plant equipment and switching in thermal circuits.

2.4. Controls the readings of measuring instruments, the operation of automatic regulators and alarms.

2.5. Eliminates emergencies.

2.6. Knows, understands and applies the current regulatory documents relating to its activities.

2.7. Knows and complies with the requirements of normative acts on labor protection and environment, complies with the norms, methods and techniques for the safe performance of work.

3. Rights

3.1. The driver of gas turbine units of the V qualification group has the right to take actions to prevent and eliminate cases of any violations or inconsistencies.

3.2. The driver of gas turbine units of the V qualification group has the right to receive all social guarantees provided for by law.

3.3. The driver of gas turbine units of the V qualification group has the right to demand assistance in the performance of his duties and the exercise of rights.

3.4. The driver of gas turbine units of the V qualification group has the right to demand the creation of organizational and technical conditions necessary for the performance of official duties and the provision necessary equipment and inventory.

3.5. The driver of gas turbine units of the V qualification group has the right to get acquainted with the draft documents relating to his activities.

3.6. The driver of gas turbine units of the V qualification group has the right to request and receive documents, materials and information necessary for the performance of his duties and orders of the management.

3.7. The driver of gas turbine units of the V qualification group has the right to improve his professional qualifications.

3.8. The driver of gas turbine units of the V qualification group has the right to report all violations and inconsistencies identified in the course of his activities and make proposals for their elimination.

3.9. The driver of gas turbine units of the V qualification group has the right to get acquainted with the documents defining the rights and obligations of the position held, the criteria for assessing the quality of the performance of official duties.

4. Responsibility

4.1. The driver of gas turbine units of the V qualification group is responsible for the failure to fulfill or untimely fulfillment of the duties assigned by this job description and (or) non-use of the rights granted.

4.2. The driver of gas turbine installations, qualification group V, is responsible for non-compliance with the rules of internal work schedule, labor protection, safety measures, industrial sanitation and fire protection.

4.3. The driver of gas turbine units of the V group of qualification is responsible for the disclosure of information about the organization (enterprise / institution), which is a trade secret.

4.4. The driver of gas turbine plants V qualification group is responsible for non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment of the requirements of internal normative documents organizations (enterprises/institutions) and legal orders of management.

4.5. The driver of gas turbine units of the V qualification group is responsible for offenses committed in the course of his activities, within the limits established by the current administrative, criminal and civil legislation.

4.6. The driver of gas turbine installations, qualification group V, is responsible for causing material damage organization (enterprise/institution) within the limits established by the current administrative, criminal and civil legislation.

4.7. The driver of gas turbine units of the V qualification group is responsible for the misuse of the granted official powers, as well as their use for personal purposes.

5. Specialization

5.1. In the case of work performed under the guidance of a highly qualified gas turbine plant operator, billing is made for a group below, subject to the compliance of the capacities of gas turbine plants.

Instructions for the position " Gas turbine operator, qualification group VI", presented on the website, complies with the requirements of the document - "DIRECTORY of qualification characteristics of workers' professions. Issue 62. Production and distribution of electricity. (With amendments and additions made by order of the Ministry of Fuel and Energy of Ukraine of September 8, 2003 N 462), (with changes made in accordance with the order of the Ministry of Fuel and Energy N 196 of 04/08/2009)", which was approved by order of the Ministry of Fuel and Energy of Ukraine 16.03.2001 N 19. Approved by the Ministry of Labor and Social Policy of Ukraine.
The status of the document is "valid".


0.1. The document comes into force from the moment of its approval.

0.2. Document developer: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.

0.3. Document approved: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.

0.4. Periodic verification of this document is carried out at intervals not exceeding 3 years.

1. General Provisions

1.1. The position "Machinist of gas turbine units VI qualification group" belongs to the category "Workers".

1.2. Qualification requirements - vocational education. Advanced training and work experience in the profession of a gas turbine plant operator of the V qualification group - at least 1 year.

1.3. Knows and applies:
- device, technical characteristics of gas turbines, compressors, turbogenerators and serviced auxiliary equipment;
- thermal schemes, the principle of operation of measuring instruments;
- schematic diagrams of control and automation of gas turbine plants;
- basic electrical diagrams of the generator and auxiliary needs of gas turbine plants;
- technical and economic performance of the equipment;
- Fundamentals of gas dynamics, heat engineering and electrical engineering.

1.4. The driver of gas turbine units of the VI qualification group is appointed to the position and dismissed from the position by order of the organization (enterprise / institution).

1.5. The driver of gas turbine installations, qualification group VI, reports directly to _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .

1.6. The driver of gas turbine installations, qualification group VI, manages the work _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .

1.7. The driver of gas turbine units of the VI qualification group during the absence is replaced by a person appointed in the prescribed manner, who acquires the appropriate rights and is responsible for the proper performance of the duties assigned to him.

2. Description of work, tasks and job responsibilities

2.1. Maintains the mode of operation of the equipment of a gas turbine plant (in the case of maintaining the mode of operation of the equipment of a gas turbine plant with a capacity of 50 to 100 thousand kW).

2.2. Carries out operational maintenance of gas turbine units and ensures their uninterrupted and economical operation.

2.3. Conducts start-up, shutdown, testing of plant equipment and switching in thermal circuits.

2.4. Controls the readings of measuring instruments, the operation of automatic regulators and alarms.

2.5. Eliminates emergencies.

2.6. Knows, understands and applies the current regulatory documents relating to its activities.

2.7. Knows and fulfills the requirements of regulatory acts on labor and environmental protection, complies with the norms, methods and techniques for the safe performance of work.

3. Rights

3.1. The operator of gas turbine units of the VI qualification group has the right to take actions to prevent and eliminate the cases of any violations or inconsistencies.

3.2. The driver of gas turbine units of the VI qualification group has the right to receive all social guarantees provided for by law.

3.3. The driver of gas turbine units of the VI qualification group has the right to demand assistance in the performance of his duties and the exercise of rights.

3.4. The driver of gas turbine units of the VI qualification group has the right to demand the creation of organizational and technical conditions necessary for the performance of official duties and the provision of the necessary equipment and inventory.

3.5. The driver of gas turbine units of the VI qualification group has the right to get acquainted with the draft documents relating to his activities.

3.6. The driver of gas turbine units of the VI qualification group has the right to request and receive documents, materials and information necessary for the performance of his duties and orders of the management.

3.7. The driver of gas turbine units of the VI qualification group has the right to improve his professional qualifications.

3.8. The driver of gas turbine units of the VI qualification group has the right to report all violations and inconsistencies identified in the course of his activities and make proposals for their elimination.

3.9. The driver of gas turbine units of the VI qualification group has the right to get acquainted with the documents defining the rights and obligations of the position held, the criteria for assessing the quality of the performance of official duties.

4. Responsibility

4.1. The driver of gas turbine units of the VI qualification group is responsible for the failure or untimely fulfillment of the duties assigned by this job description and (or) the non-use of the rights granted.

4.2. The driver of gas turbine units of the VI qualification group is responsible for non-compliance with the rules of internal labor regulations, labor protection, safety, industrial sanitation and fire protection.

4.3. The driver of gas turbine installations, qualification group VI, is responsible for disclosing information about an organization (enterprise / institution) that is a trade secret.

4.4. The driver of gas turbine units of the VI qualification group is responsible for non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment of the requirements of the internal regulatory documents of the organization (enterprise / institution) and the legal orders of the management.

4.5. The driver of gas turbine units of the VI qualification group is responsible for offenses committed in the course of his activities, within the limits established by the current administrative, criminal and civil legislation.

4.6. The driver of gas turbine units of the VI qualification group is responsible for causing material damage to the organization (enterprise / institution) within the limits established by the current administrative, criminal and civil legislation.

4.7. The driver of gas turbine units of the VI qualification group is responsible for the misuse of the granted official powers, as well as their use for personal purposes.

5. Specialization

5.1. In the case of work performed under the guidance of a highly qualified gas turbine plant operator, billing is made for a group below, subject to the compliance of the capacities of gas turbine plants.

Case No. 2-175/2014



Nizhnelomovsky District Court of the Penza Region, consisting of:

presiding judge Baranova O.I.,

Under Secretary Korneeva L.M.,

Having considered in open court a civil case on the claim of V. I. Vodianov against the State Institution - the Pension Fund Administration Russian Federation in the Nizhnelomovsky district of the Penza region on the inclusion of periods of work in the special seniority and the appointment of an early retirement pension,


Vodyanov V.I. filed a lawsuit against the Main Directorate of the UPF RF for the Nizhnelomovsky district of the Penza region with a claim for the inclusion of periods of work in the special seniority and the appointment of an early retirement pension, indicating that in the period from DD.MM.YYYY to DD.MM.YYYY he worked as a driver compressor units in various organizations. In accordance with clause 2, clause 1, article 27 federal law RF “On Labor Pensions in the Russian Federation”, an old-age labor pension is assigned before reaching the age of men upon reaching the age of 55 years, if they have worked for at least 12 years and 6 months. in jobs with difficult working conditions and have insurance experience of at least 25 years. In the event that these persons have worked at the listed jobs for at least half of the established period and have the required length of insurance experience, they are assigned a labor pension with a decrease in the age established by Article 7 of the Federal Law of the Russian Federation “On Labor Pensions in the Russian Federation” by one year for every 2 years 6 months of such work - for men. List No. 2 of industries, jobs, professions, positions that provide right-benefit pensions. section XXXIII provides for the professions of compressor unit operators when working with hazardous substances of at least hazard class 3 and process compressor operators engaged in the maintenance of gas compressors (except for air compressors). The plaintiff applied to the GU UPFR for the Nizhnelomovsky district with a statement on the appointment of an early retirement pension for old age on the above grounds. The following periods were declared for inclusion in the experience:

From DD.MM.YYYY to DD.MM.YYYY as a compressor unit operator of the trust;

From DD.MM.YYYY to DD.MM.YYYY as an operator of compressor units of OJSC;

From DD.MM.YYYY to DD.MM.YYYY as a compressor unit operator at LLC.

However, by decision of the Commission for Consideration of the Implementation of Citizens' Pension Rights under the State Institution of the Office of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation for the Nizhnelomovsky District of the Penza Region dated DD.MM.YYYY No., the claimant was denied an early retirement pension due to the lack of the required special experience. At the same time, the periods of work were not taken into account:

From DD.MM.YYYY to DD.MM.YYYY as a compressor unit engineer of the N-Lomovmezhraygaz trust and from DD.MM.YYYY to DD.MM.YYYY as a compressor unit operator of OJSC, since clarifying reference No. from DD.MM .YYYY contains information about the work of Vodianov V.I. as a compressor unit operator (without indicating work with hazardous substances of at least a hazard class), but the occupational code of a technological compressor operator engaged in servicing gas compressors (except for air compressors) is indicated. In the orders for admission, dismissal Vodyanov The.AND. is listed as a compressor unit engineer, a gas station engineer, which does not correspond to the title of the position provided for by List No. 2 of industries, works, professions, positions that give the right to preferential pension provision. The employer does not confirm the fact of the applicant's work in difficult working conditions with the information of individual (personalized) accounting. In total, the defendant took into account the periods of work in the aggregate constituting years, months, days.

The plaintiff does not agree with this decision of the defendant, since it was made without taking into account all the circumstances and evidence. According to paragraph 2 of Art. 27 of the said Law, lists of relevant jobs, industries, professions, positions and specialties and institutions, taking into account which a labor pension is assigned earlier than the generally established age, the rules for calculating periods of work and assigning labor pensions, if necessary, are approved by the Government of the Russian Federation. In accordance with section XXXIII of List No. 2 of industries, jobs, professions, positions and indicators giving the right to preferential pension provision and a pension for long service, approved by Decree of the Cabinet of Ministers of the USSR N 10 of 01.26.1991, the right to appoint an early labor pension have Engineers of technological compressors engaged in the maintenance of gas compressors (except for air compressors), position No. 23200000-14257.

By virtue of clause 5 of Explanations No. 5 of May 22, 1996 "On the procedure for applying the Lists of industries, jobs, professions, positions and indicators, giving, in accordance with Articles 12, 78 and 78.1 of the RSFSR Law "On State Pensions in the RSFSR", the right to old age pension due to special conditions of labor and a pension for long service, approved by Decree of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation N 29 of 05/22/1996, the right to a pension due to special working conditions are employees who are constantly engaged in the performance of work provided for by the Lists during a full working day. A full working day is understood as the performance of work in the working conditions provided for by the Lists, at least 80 percent of the working time. The specified time may include the time of performing work performed outside the workplace in order to ensure basic labor functions.

In accordance with the explanation contained in paragraph 16 of the Resolution of the Plenum Supreme Court RF dated December 11, 2012 No. 30 “On some issues that arose from the courts when considering cases related to the exercise by citizens of the right to a labor pension”, in case of disagreement of a citizen with the refusal of the body providing pensions, to include in the length of service giving the right to early the appointment of an old-age labor pension (clause 1 of Article 27 of Federal Law N 173-FZ), the period of work subject, in the opinion of a citizen, to offset in this length of service, it must be taken into account that the question of the identity of the work performed by the plaintiff, the position held, the existing profession with those works , positions, professions that give the right to early appointment of an old-age labor pension, is decided by the court based on the specific circumstances of each case established at the court session (the nature and specifics, the conditions of the work carried out by the plaintiff, performed by him functional duties according to the positions held and available professions, workload, taking into account the goals and objectives, as well as the activities of the institutions, organizations in which he worked, etc.).

V work book Plaintiff has the following entries:

No. dated DD.MM.YYYY - adopted by the engineer of compressor units of the category in the trust

No. dated DD.MM.YYYY - assigned the rank of compressor unit engineer

No. dated DD.MM.YYYY - accepted as a compressor unit operator from the Nizhnelomovmezhraygaz trust in OJSC

No. dated DD.MM.YYYY - He was hired as a driver of the Nizhnelomovsky section for the sale of liquefied gas by transferring a compressor unit from OJSC to LLC.

According to order № from DD.MM.YYYY on trust Vodyanov The.AND. was hired with DD.MM.YYYY as a discharge compressor unit operator with a mandatory internship of at least days and the subsequent passing of exams for knowledge of PBGH and PTE in the gas industry.

The fact that the plaintiff performed the same labor function related to servicing the gas compressor is confirmed by certificates issued by OJSC and LLC, from which it follows that during the disputed period the plaintiff worked at the same workplace - the compressor department of Nizhny Lomov. Organizations (employers), owners (tenants) of compressor units and other property changed, but workplace remained unchanged, as did the compressor equipment on which the Claimant worked. The plaintiff's work is directly related to the operation of the gas pumping unit.

According to the Inventory cards for accounting for fixed assets dated DD.MM.YYYY No., it is listed on the balance sheet of OJSC - a branch of OJSC in the city of Nizhny Lomov (former OJSC) and is leased from LLC. Date of commissioning - DD.MM.YYYY and DD.MM.YYYY This circumstance also confirms the fact that the plaintiff constantly worked in different organizations on the same equipment and at the same workplace - AB-100 compressors.

In the "Unified Tariff and Qualification Reference Book of Works and Professions of Workers. Issue 36. Section: "Refining of oil, oil products, gas, shale, coal and maintenance of main pipelines" (approved by the Decree of the USSR State Committee for Labor, All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions of 07.06.1984 N 171/10- 109) are:

§ 12. Engineer of technological compressors 4th category

Characteristics of works. Maintenance of the main elements of technological piping, connection units, aggregate oil supply systems, oil cooling, water, antifreeze, oil cleaning machines, filter presses, air compressors on compressor stations(shops): main gas pipelines, oil and gas fields, including those using gas lift and cycling process, underground gas storage stations equipped with compressors with gas turbine, gas engine and electric drives, designed to compress natural and oil gases. Starting and stopping gas pumping units under the guidance of a more highly qualified driver, performing simple adjustment work on gas pumping process equipment and all types of adjustment work on general station equipment. Participation in the repair of compressors, their drives, devices, gas communication units and auxiliary equipment of workshops. Keeping records in production logs.

Should know: the device of compressors, their drives, automation equipment, control devices and protection of machines and devices; device and rules for the operation of auxiliary equipment, gas communications, shut-off valves with pneumohydraulic control and electric control; rules for starting and stopping the main technological equipment; regulations technical operation main gas pipelines, operating instructions and process equipment control systems; ways to eliminate failures in the operation of equipment and eliminate emergency conditions and accidents; rules and instructions for the production of hot and gas hazardous work; basic information on hydraulics, mechanics, automation; plumbing.

When servicing the electrical equipment of a workshop with electric gas-compressor units, it must have III electrical safety group.

§ 12a. Engineer of technological compressors 5th category

Characteristics of works. Maintenance of individual process compressors, control panels of the aggregate level. Starting and stopping gas pumping units, monitoring the operation of process equipment, regulating the technological mode of operation of gas pumping units. Production of operational switching in electrical installations with voltage up to 1000 volts in workshops with electric gas-compressor units. Identification and elimination of malfunctions in the operation of gas compressor units, repair of compressors, their drives, devices, gas communication units and auxiliary equipment of workshops. Maintenance of repair records.

Must know: design features of compressors, their drives, devices; a schematic diagram and rules for the operation of automation equipment, control and protection devices for machines and apparatus; the principle of operation and the device of instrumentation, sensors of the control system; basic information on gas lift and cycling process; Fundamentals of hydraulics, mechanics, electrical engineering, automation.

When servicing the electrical equipment of a workshop with electric gas-compressor units, it must have an IV electrical safety group.

The plaintiff, as a compressor unit operator, performed the above works in a trust, OJSC and LLC.

With DD.MM.YYYY Vodyanov V.I. a daily log was kept of the operation of the equipment of the pump-compressor department. This journal was kept daily. It included: date, number of the compressor and pumps, start time, stop time, number of hours worked per shift and other technical characteristics.

Compressors are machines designed to compress and move refrigerant vapors (gases). Refrigeration compressors are among the main equipment of refrigeration units. According to the principle of operation, compressors can be divided into 4 large groups: reciprocating, rotary, screw and turbine, piston compressors are most widely used.

Piston compressors belong to the category of volumetric compressors, in which the process of compression and movement of refrigerant vapors (gases) occurs in a closed space due to a change in their volume. In reciprocating compressors, such a space is the volume of the cylinder, and the body acting on the refrigerant vapor in order to compress and move them is the piston. So in a single-stage compressor, the cylinder is closed on one side by a cover in which the suction and discharge valves are located. When the piston moves to the right, steam is sucked in, and when it moves to the left, it is compressed and released through the discharge valve. Piston compressors are diverse in terms of the type of components and parts, the type of kinematic diagram. the location of the cylinders and many other features. They are divided according to the refrigerants compressible in them into ammonia compressors, freon compressors and universal compressors. The refrigerant in the brand is indicated by the initial letter: ammonia-A, freon (freon) - F. The location and number of cylinders are shown in letters: V-vertical, U-shaped, UU-fan-shaped, BS-sealless, G-sealed, O-opposite. If the letters G and BS are absent, it means open stuffing box. A two-stage compressor is indicated by the letter D (if there is no letter, it is a single-stage compressor).

The Claimant worked with AV100/3d compressors (ammonia compressor).

According to technical description Ammonia compressor AB100, on which the Claimant worked, the operation of the compressor in the refrigeration machine system is as follows. Ammonia vapor from the evaporative system is sucked into the compressor cylinders, compressed under the condensation pressure, then enters the oil separator, where it is freed from oil particles. From the oil separator, the vapors enter the condenser, condense, and liquid ammonia again goes through the control valve to the evaporator system. This cycle is continuously repeated. Ammonia, which is used as a working substance in ammonia refrigeration machines, is a colorless gas with a pungent, specific odor that dissolves well in water. The toxicity of ammonia and the irritating effect on the mucous membranes of the eyes and respiratory organs require precautions when working with it. The operating personnel of ammonia refrigeration units with AB 100 compressors must comply with the "safety regulations for ammonia refrigeration units".

The AB-100 compressor at Trust was used to pump liquefied petroleum gas.

In the N-Lomovsky area for the sale of liquid gas, Instruction No. (Approved by the Chief Engineer of the Trust DD.MM.YYYY) was developed for the operation of pumps and compressors pumping liquefied gases to the HPS. The instruction was developed for the driver of the pumping and compressor department of the loading and unloading service, the head of the service, foremen, the chief mechanic and locksmiths in accordance with the "Rules for the operation of the LPG of liquefied hydrocarbon gases" and "safety rules in the gas industry". According to paragraph 19 of this instruction, the pump and compressor department operators are required to keep shift logs for recording the operation of pumps and compressors, in which they record the mode and time of operation, noticed problems, etc.

In addition, DD.MM.YYYY the Fire Safety Instruction for the compressor shop was approved, DD.MM.YYYY Instruction No. department with units that pump liquefied gas under high pressure (gas compressors, on which the Plaintiff worked), from which it follows that the work of the plaintiff was directly related to the operation of the gas pumping unit (gas compressor).

According to the order - admission to the production of gas works in the gas sector № from DD.MM.YYYY for the Trust to repair the compressor claimant - Vodyanov The.AND. listed as the operator of the compressor unit.

The above evidence, according to the plaintiff, indicates that during the disputed periods he worked as a compressor unit operator precisely when servicing gas compressors, worked on compressors (which were used to pump liquefied gas) and his place of work was constantly - the compressor department of the city of Nizhny Lomov , which was located at: , and, despite the change of employers, the compressor equipment at the disposal of the plaintiff remained the same and the place of work and official duties it remained unchanged.

He believes that since he really worked as a compressor unit operator, was employed in the maintenance of gas compressors, the specified position is included in the List of positions and institutions in which work is counted in the length of service, which gives the right to early assignment of an old-age labor pension to persons who carried out labor activity at work with difficult working conditions, in accordance with subparagraph 2 of paragraph 1 of Article 27 of the Federal Law "On labor pensions in the Russian Federation", the periods of his work from DD.MM.YYYY to DD.MM.YYYY as a compressor unit operator of the trust N- Lomovmezhraygaz, from DD.MM.YYYY to DD.MM.YYYY as an operator of compressor units of an OJSC, must be included in the length of service giving the right to early assignment of an old-age labor pension to persons who worked in jobs with difficult working conditions and must be an early retirement pension. The job responsibilities of the plaintiff did not include monitoring the compliance of actions and documents personnel services organizations where he worked current legislation, and therefore the fact that the information of individual (personalized) accounting the employer does not confirm his fact of working full time in difficult working conditions, the different name of his position in personnel orders, the mistakes made in the clarifying certificate to the orders cannot be the basis for denying the plaintiff the right to pension provision guaranteed by the Constitution of the Russian Federation. The plaintiff conscientiously performed his work as a compressor unit operator and serviced gas compressors and expected that upon reaching a certain age he would be able to exercise the right granted to him by law to an early retirement pension.

Based on the foregoing, he asked to oblige the defendant, the State Institution - the Office of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation for the Nizhnelomovsky District of the Penza Region, to include him in the length of service giving the right to early appointment of an old-age labor pension to persons who carried out activities in jobs with difficult working conditions, periods of work: from DD.MM .YYYY according to DD.MM.YYYY as a compressor unit operator of the trust N-Lomovmezhraygaz; from DD.MM.YYYY to DD.MM.YYYY as a driver of compressor units of JSC Penzagazifikatsiya, and assign an early retirement pension from DD.MM.YYYY.

According to the decision dated DD.MM.YYYY, as a third party not declaring independent claims regarding the subject of the dispute, an OJSC was involved in the case (from DD.MM.YYYY it was renamed into OJSC.

At the hearing the plaintiff Vodyanov The.AND. He supported the claims, additionally explaining that he had worked as a compressor unit engineer for about years, his job was to service compressors that pump gas. Throughout this time it labor function and the workplace remained unchanged, only the names of organizations changed. He had two AB-100 compressors at his disposal, the compressors did not change from DD.MM.YYYY. Every day, he pumped tons of gas into underground tanks, and produced cylinders per shift. For harmfulness at work, he was given free milk, as well as annually additional days off. He believes he is entitled to early retirement. He asked to satisfy the claims.

At the hearing the representative of the plaintiff -Pozdnyakov A.E., acting on the basis of a power of attorney from DD.MM.YYYY, supported the claims, referring to the arguments set out in the statement of claim.

The representative of the defendant State Institution - Office of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation for the Nizhnelomovsky district of the Penza region Fedunets H.M. acting by proxy from DD.MM.YYYY, with claims Vodyanova The.AND. disagreed, explaining that there were no grounds for assigning an early retirement pension to the plaintiff. According to the work book during the controversial periods Vodyanov V.I. worked as a compressor unit operator, however, the specified position is not provided for by List No. 2. Links to the fact that Vodyanov V.I. serviced gas compressors, is not available in the documents submitted by the employer. The documents presented by the plaintiff in support of their claims contain conflicting information. So, from the personal card of form T-2 it is seen that the plaintiff was hired with normal working conditions. The employer does not confirm the fact of the plaintiff's work with difficult conditions with personalized records. Providing the plaintiff during these periods additional holidays not confirmed. She requested that the claims be dismissed.

Representative of a third party - OAO Gazprom Gas Distribution Penza in court hearing failed to appear, submitting a written application for consideration of the case in his absence, requested claims Vodyanova The.AND. to satisfy.


Satisfy the claims of Vodyanova V. I.

oblige State Institution- Management Pension Fund of the Russian Federation in the Nizhnelomovsky district of the Penza region, include in the special seniority of Vodyanova V. I., DD.MM.YYYY of birth, native, registered and residing at: .YYYY according to DD.MM.YYYY as a driver of the trust's compressor units; from DD.MM.YYYY to DD.MM.YYYY as a compressor unit operator of OJSC, and assign an early retirement pension from DD.MM.YYYY.

The decision can be appealed on appeal to the Penza Regional Court through the Nizhnelomovsky District Court of the Penza Region within a month from the date of the decision in the final form.

Judge O.I. Baranova

Judge O.I. Baranova


Nizhnelomovsky District Court (Penza Region)


Vodyanov V.I.


Administration of the city of Nizhny Lomov, public administration Pension Fund of Russia for the Nizhnelomovsky district of the Penza region

Unified Tariff and Qualification Directory of Works and Professions of Workers (ETKS), 2019
Issue #9. Works and professions of electric power industry workers ETKS
The issue is approved by the Decree of the Ministry of Labor and social development Russian Federation dated March 12, 1999 N 5
(As amended by the Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation of 03.10.2005 N 614)

Gas turbine plant operator

§ 11. Engineer of gas turbine installations of the 4th category

Job Description. Maintenance of the operating mode of the equipment of a gas turbine plant with a unit capacity of up to 10 thousand watts. Operational maintenance of gas turbine units and ensuring their uninterrupted and economical operation. Start-up, shutdown, testing of plant equipment and switching in thermal schemes. Monitoring the readings of measuring instruments, the operation of automatic regulators and alarms. Liquidation of emergencies.

Must know: device, technical characteristics of serviced compressors, gas turbines, turbogenerators and auxiliary equipment; thermal schemes; the principle of operation of measuring instruments; schematic diagrams of control and automation of gas turbine plants; circuit diagrams of the generator and auxiliary needs of gas turbine plants; technical and economic indicators of equipment operation; Fundamentals of gas dynamics, heat engineering and electrical engineering.

When maintaining the operating mode of the equipment of a gas turbine plant with a unit capacity of more than 10 to 50 thousand kW -

5th category;

when maintaining the operating mode of the equipment of a gas turbine plant with a unit capacity of more than 50 to 100 thousand kW -

6th category;

when maintaining the operating mode of the equipment of a gas turbine plant with a unit capacity of more than 100 (secondary vocational education is required) -

7th grade.

Note. When performing work under the guidance of a higher-skilled gas turbine plant operator, billing is made for a group lower with the corresponding capacities of gas turbine plants.

Comments on the profession

The given tariff and qualification characteristics of the profession " Gas turbine plant operator» are used for billing works and assigning tariff categories according to article 143 Labor Code Russian Federation. Based on the above job characteristics and the requirements for professional knowledge and skills, a job description for a gas turbine plant operator is drawn up, as well as documents required for interviewing and testing when applying for a job. When compiling work (job) instructions, pay attention to general provisions and recommendations for this issue of ETKS (see

What to work as a driver steam turbines not much to think about. All of their activities revolve around the operation of steam turbines, the proper and reliable operation of them, and the improvement of the operating economy of trusted equipment. Specialists are busy maintaining the operation mode of turbines according to a given load schedule. Engineers carry out the launch, scheduled and emergency stop of the trusted equipment with simultaneous switching to one or another thermal scheme.

The control of the readings of measuring devices and the operation of the alarm system with automatic regulators are carried out by the drivers in parallel with the identification of malfunctions in the operation of the devices. After that, the masters take measures to eliminate malfunctions and prevent repeated shutdowns. In addition, the steam turbine operator prepares the equipment for scheduled repairs and assists in the liquidation emergencies. Knowledge is required to carry out all such work.

What Turbine Engineers Are Taught in Colleges

Steam turbine operators are trained both by various training centers and retraining courses. But the most optimal is the acquisition of deep knowledge of classical subjects while receiving special education. But this is only possible in colleges.

Future steam turbine operators master:

Where can you get an education

You can get such knowledge in different regions of the country, but most of all such institutions are concentrated in settlements with developed energy. You can definitely find out where to study there.

Steam turbine drivers are trained:

  • State public institution of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) "Center for employment of the population of the city of Yakutsk";
  • Multifunctional Center for Applied Qualifications at Murmansk industrial college;
  • Training Center"Energetik" of the city of Rostov-on-Don;
  • State autonomous educational institution middle vocational education Leningrad region "Kirishsky Polytechnic College" in the city of Kirishi.

What awaits at work as a gas turbine driver

Upon graduation from college or at retraining courses, the next, or even the first entry will appear in the work book of a newly minted specialist: 140101.02 “Steam turbine driver”. This suggests that the industry has received a highly professional worker who is able to monitor equipment that operates under the influence of steam or this same steam that produces it. A small deviation from the specifics of the profession for an employee of the enterprise will be the activity as a machinist of gas turbine units.

From now on, his duties will be:

  • switching to the gas turbine generator mode (the power of the entrusted equipment depends on the qualification confirmed by the corresponding category);
  • ensuring the planned operation of the gas turbine plant and monitoring the continuity and efficiency of its operation;
  • start/stop of the unit, as well as units adjacent to it;
  • switching the turbine to different modes;
  • control of indications of measuring devices;
  • monitoring of indicators on automatic regulators and signaling devices;
  • assistance in case of accidents and scheduled repairs.

The specialty of SPO for a steam turbine driver allows you to be distracted to help your colleagues in the profession if you have certain knowledge.

What is typical for the profession of a turbine operator

Working as a steam turbine operator, employees in industrial and processing enterprises sometimes have to know the responsibilities of their colleagues in production. This is necessary because their work is usually shift, and various situations arise at enterprises that force them to drastically change the profile of their activities.

Something like this is the case with turbine equipment linemen, who occasionally replace their "buddies" gas turbine operators. Therefore, both those and others are engaged in:

What are the duties of a locksmith in power plants

The profession of a steam turbine driver has practically nothing in common with a specialist engaged in direct maintenance and repair of the main and auxiliary devices at a power plant. They have only one thing in common - both work in the energy industry.

Power plant equipment maintenance mechanic provides:

  • trouble-free operation of the mechanical component of the hydraulic unit and auxiliary devices;
  • serviceability of the airlock compartment - the entire system responsible for filling and emptying mines at hydroelectric power plants;
  • constant lubrication and cleaning of serviced devices;
  • trouble-free operation by eliminating minor faults.


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