The bill to increase the salary of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. When will the salaries of employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs be increased. Current state of affairs

Current legislature Russia in the Federal Law of 07.02.2011 No. 3-FZ "On the Police" determines that the work of an employee in this area is paid in the form of monetary allowance, which is the main type of both material support and stimulation of performance official duties. We will tell you how salaries in the Ministry of Internal Affairs will change in 2019.

What is provided

Scroll social guarantees, the algorithm for their provision to employees of law enforcement agencies is established in the Federal Law of July 19, 2011 No. 247-FZ and in the Federal Law of November 30, 2011 No. 342-FZ. These regulations determine the composition of the allowance as consisting of a monthly salary:

  • by position;
  • according to the title.

These elements represent the total salary of the monetary content, in addition to which other monthly and additional payments are due. The Government of the Russian Federation establishes the amount of salary for positions of a typical nature if there is a presentation from the head of the federal law enforcement agency or the head in which the person serves. For positions of a non-standard nature, the amounts are established similarly.

When is it planned

In accordance with the "May" Decrees of the President of the Russian Federation, it is planned to increase the salary of the police in 2019 by one and a half times from the level that existed at the time of the adoption of the documents (2012).

Since 07/01/2018, there has been an increase in the income of public sector employees. The procedure was associated with an increase in the minimum wage and concerned people with incomes below this level. The minimum level of payment was set at 11,163 rubles. However, law enforcement officers with a higher salary were not included in the process.

Currently, the reform of law enforcement agencies is ongoing, which fixed the salary increase for police officers in 2019. Its provisions provide for an increase in salaries in the Ministry of Internal Affairs based on the results of the planned recertification. Only if this procedure is successfully completed, the employee can hope for a change in payments.

The country's budget provides financial resources for a project to increase wages for security forces. An increase in salaries for employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in 2019 may occur from September 1, as well as for many other workers in the public sector.

To whom and how much

The authorities regularly inform that the salary of the police in 2019 is at a high level. The current data is as follows:

  1. For privates of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the average salary will be 27,000 rubles. This income is not final and can be increased through education, promotions and seniority.
  2. Officers of the Ministry of Internal Affairs expect a salary of about 50,000 rubles, but higher-level managers can receive salaries of over 100,000 rubles.

In the whole country, the salary in the police in 2019 (table of average statistics is presented below) is stated as follows.

In the past few years, reforms of law enforcement agencies have been actively carried out in Russia. The name “militia”, traditional for the hearing of Russian citizens, has been replaced by the word “police”, the requirements for employees have become tougher, the structure and number of this unit of internal forces is constantly being optimized. The leadership of the Ministry of Internal Affairs says that such reforms will only benefit - the people will receive really reliable protection of their peace of mind.

Well, the police themselves will acquire new equipment, equipment and, of course, an increase in wages, which will make their work prestigious. Let's say even more - already at the beginning of 2018, according to the assurances of the President of the Russian Federation, the salary of policemen will be almost doubled. The Ministry of Finance of the country also confirms the fact of the growth of salaries, however, it is modestly silent by what amount the salaries of employees of the law enforcement agency will increase.

If you follow the latest news from the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation on the salary of the police in 2018, then as the new year approaches, the picture becomes more and more clear in favor of increasing wages. Ultimately, the salary of police officers will depend on the capacity of the country's budget.

As for the salaries of civilian police officers, they are also provided with an increase, but in what percentage is still unknown.

Before making predictions about whether the police salary will increase in 2018, you need to figure out how the final amount of the salary that is paid to employees is formed. law enforcement.

The formation of the salary of an employee of the power structure is very similar to the payroll of the military and consists of several parts.

  1. Basic fixed salary. This part is subject to recalculation depending on annual inflation, therefore, due to it, the salary of police officers will definitely increase, but the amount of increase due to indexation will be insignificant.
  2. Cash accruals for the awarded title.
  3. Coefficient, the amount of which depends on the region of service.
  4. An increase based on years of service.
  5. An increase due to the complexity of the work, the irregular work schedule and the increased risk of injury and injury. Will this figure affect the increase in police salaries in 2018?
  6. Additional payments for awards awarded by the state.

It is worth noting that the payments that form the income of a policeman are calculated individually for each employee, depending on the length of service, position held, etc., with the exception of a fixed salary.

The sad news for the police was the recent cancellation of the annual thirteenth salary and partial privileges.

If you figure it out average across the country is 32,000 rubles, while eliminating any risk to life and health. Comparing this indicator of the level of income of police officers with their risks and work intensity, the conclusion suggests itself that an increase in the salary of police officers in 2018 is simply necessary.

The "May" laws of the head of state promised a 150% increase in police salaries in 2018, starting from 2012, the Rosregistr website informs. However, the situation is unlikely to change so drastically. The current crisis, which has affected all spheres of the country's economy, will hardly allow us to allocate the necessary amount to fulfill the tasks set. The chance of increasing the indicators without taking into account the indexation of a part of the basic salary exists only if the optimization personnel policy employees of internal affairs will lead to a significant reduction in their number.

Despite the above facts, a small part of the experts still believe that the salary increase for police officers in 2018 will still happen, but their opinion is also based only on the possibility of a reduction in personnel. After all, the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the country has already introduced new requirements for the certification of employees, as well as accounting for work achievements, which will largely affect their material support.

Please note that in 2016-2017 financial position policemen could hardly add prestige to this profession. Ordinary law enforcement officers with a five-year work experience, on average, were supposed to be about 25,000 rubles, and officers received approximately 36,000. After working for 15 years, you can already get 42,000, but the salary of department heads reaches 100,000 per month.

As already mentioned, there are regional differences. In the capital average salary taking into account the 35% coefficient, it reaches 52,000, in Northern Palmyra - up to 40,000, and in Irkutsk - up to 55,000. These amounts can also hardly be called worthy, because the usual average Russian salary is about 32,000 rubles, and we are talking about simple labor, which is not associated with the risk of ill health, night duty and other aspects of police work.

Foreign colleagues of the Russian guards of law and order receive an unlike higher - if you convert into rubles the salary that is charged to American policemen, it will be at least 120,000 per month. At the same time, the reform led to the fact that representatives of this department were deprived of payment in the form of a “thirteenth salary” and benefits in the form of free travel.

Increasing the wages of police officers is of interest not only to the employees themselves, but also to potential applicants within the framework of this profession. Young people planning to enter the law faculties of universities, as well as future graduates graduating from faculties in 2018, are interested in the features of police service, as well as the amount of remuneration for work.
If in 2017 the issue of increasing the salaries of police officers already has certain solutions, in particular, such points as the timing of salary increases and percentage increases. But the question of what will be the increase in the salary of the police in 2018 has not yet been fully answered.

What do raises depend on?

To a large extent, the increase is due to the features professional activity, as well as from the growth of the base rate - official salary. As a rule, when officials talk about the growth of salaries of workers in the budgetary spheres of professional activity, it is precisely the increase in the salary that is implied.
About what will be the increase in police salaries in Russia, the latest news is not yet spoken. Only the possibility of wage growth is mentioned. It is not uncommon in the news to suggest that this expected growth will occur concurrently with law enforcement restructuring. Perhaps the optimization of professional activities changes in work structural divisions, will be associated with a reduction in the number of employees.

Reform and employee salaries

The reform of the Ministry of Internal Affairs has been going on for more than a year, among the changes, all citizens note one fact - this is the renaming of the police to the police.
And, a sign that this is not just a renaming, but a personnel reform is the moment that policemen can become policemen only after passing the certification.
True, what is its meaning, many did not understand. And many experienced staff so they couldn't get through it. Accordingly, the question of whether there will be a reduction in the police in 2018 is decided by itself.
And since the new structure means that salaries should be new. In general, the reform fully affects financial question– from wages to pension payments. The question of what will happen to the police salary arose at the beginning of 2016. In addition, a large reduction is coming this year. Thus, according to the decree of the President, by the end of this year, the number of employees of internal affairs should be about 900 thousand people. It has already started in October 2016 and will continue for exactly one year.

According to the same decree, the reduction should mostly concern management structures. And three federal entities it will not touch at all - Yamal-Nenets, Chukotka and Crimea.

Such a massive reduction in staff should automatically lead to an increase in police salaries in 2018 in Russia. And should be approximately:
For police officers with an experience of 5 years or more - at least 25 thousand rubles;
Experience from 10 years - 28 thousand;
Experience from 15 - 30 thousand;
Junior officers with work experience of 5 years or more will have a salary of at least 32 thousand;
And senior officers, for example, a major with 15 years of experience, will receive no less than 40 thousand.

There will be another increase in the salary of police officers in 2018 in Russia:

  • For work with the so-called "secret" (secret documents). For operatives, it is quite significant, but district police officers receive much less for almost the same work;
  • For the intensity and complexity of their activities;
  • In addition, there are different kinds financial assistance and premium.

Employees of the Moscow Central Internal Affairs Directorate have a so-called 10% Moscow allowance.
At the same time, police officers lost the following benefits: 13 salaries, no compensation for payment kindergarten. Also, there are no refunds for travel to railway transport. Plus, employees can receive financial assistance only once a year.
Also, free medical care can be counted as benefits, however, only if the employee received health problems during the performance of official duties. A plus additional leave to the main because of the difficult working conditions.
As for the annual indexation of police salaries, according to the previously existing norms of relevant laws, it was carried out at the rate of inflation following the results of the previous year. That is, the amount of indexation was determined taking into account inflation. Now the bill of the Ministry of Finance excluded this concept from all relevant laws. Now the annual increase in wages is determined by the relevant bill when the budget for the next year is adopted.

What else influences the salary of policemen?

  • Salary. It is its value that is subject to annual indexing;
  • General seniority employee
  • Seniority for service in the authorities. As already mentioned, the larger it is, the higher the salary;
  • The rank of the employee (the same, the higher it is, the more the employee will receive);
  • Regional coefficient. Each subject has its own, by the value of which the salary according to the tariff scale is multiplied.

It’s worth immediately “calming” those who want to join the police and make a career there. It is very difficult to become a police officer now, because previously it was enough to have any higher education, now it does not roll. Now it is the education of a legal orientation that is needed and military service is obligatory.
Whether employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs should expect an increase in their wages, no one can say unequivocally. In everything, according to the management, the notorious crisis, to which everyone refers, is to blame.

But, in any case, indexation is included in the draft budget and it is planned for next year in the region of 5%. And the state can afford to increase the salaries of state employees, which include police officers, by such an amount. After all, despite the continuation of the crisis, the economy, albeit at a slow pace, is still recovering. And this means that the budget is gradually filling up, and additional finances can be safely spent on the above goals.

Snipers are provided with additional payments in the amount of 50% of the fixed salary, and encryption work is paid up to 30% of the salary.

After a police officer has worked for 2 years, his salary increases by 10%, after another 5 years by 15%, and after 10 years by as much as 20%. Employees who have worked for more than 25 years may rely for an additional payment of 40% of the established salary. From the above, we can conclude that the income of a policeman depends only on his personal merits and the quality of his work.

D) the bosses (starting from the management of departments) will be able to count on salaries as much as 100,000 rubles. per month;

Due to the transition to new program state security, there have been changes in the Internal Affairs Directorate of the Russian Federation. The staff was reduced, and the money saved as a result of this will go to the salaries of police officers. Their salaries will begin to be calculated taking into account the length of service, rank, merit, salary, labor discipline, region of service. Of course, they will take into account all the risks of work, its danger.

The increase in salaries for employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in 2018 is already planned by the authorities of the country, and although everything can change at the end of the year, the budget has already been credited with an amount equal to the indexation level of 5%. This value is not so large that our state could not allow the planned increase in the income of the police. Moreover, although we are still living in crisis conditions, it is still retreating and life processes are getting better. It is planned to constantly replenish the country's monetary fund, that is, there will be where to get finance for various social needs, which include salary increases for civil servants.

It should also be noted that by decree of the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, new standards were adopted regarding the certification of police officers, and their attitude to work and achievements will directly affect formation total salary. Of the negative aspects of the reform, it should be noted that:

Experts also found positive changes in the new rules. Employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs can queue up for free housing. Wounded police officers are entitled to free medical care, including operations. In addition to the salary increase, in 2018, police officers will have an additional 10-day vacation.

In 2018, certification will be held for police officers. This time it will be tougher. Anyone who does not pass it will be fired, and more qualified personnel will take their places. Will become new and common working conditions. For example, surcharges in the unit will begin to distribute the bosses. A system of fines and rewards will be introduced. For example, if an employee does not appear for more than four hours at the workplace without a good reason, then he will be fined. When will wages be calculated? law enforcement officers bodies, take into account the personal achievements of each. Among other things, new benefits will appear: high-quality medical care free of charge, vouchers to sanatoriums, additional vacations. Police officers will be in line for free housing.

Since this profession has become one of the highest paid in Russia, since December 2015 the Government introduced a ban on the indexation of salaries for military personnel, and the indexation itself was suspended back in 2013. Such a decision may lead in the future to an unhealthy trend of reshuffles and transformations in the army.

The reform of the internal affairs bodies has introduced a number of changes over the years. Now employees are called not policemen, but policemen, the certification of employees passed, after which many experienced personnel were weeded out for various reasons. The monetary allowance of military personnel did not stand aside either.

How much will police officers receive in 2018. Exclusive information.

The monthly allowance added to the official salary due to work with information that is a state secret can be a maximum of 65% of its amount.

According to some forecasts, more people under contract will work in the ranks of the Ministry of Internal Affairs this and next years. Pension payments to those who have retired on a well-deserved rest will be increased. So this service, although not very highly paid, but the salary is stable, and work in the structure can be proud of, because thanks to the officers of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, we can easily move around the country and each individual locality, search for lost loved ones, things, and most importantly, practically not be afraid for their lives. The bill on regional surcharges for employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in 2018 is provided with a wide list, I want the dangerous and important work of a person to be rewarded at its true worth.

According to, the increase in the salary of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in 2018 will take place after the police pass the recertification. Due to the reduction, in fact, the salaries of those who remain will rise. Expected that minimum wage rank and file of the Ministry of Internal Affairs will rise to 20 thousand rubles. The officers will receive a minimum of 45 thousand rubles.

According to the "May" decrees of Vladimir Putin, already in 2018, police officers should receive salaries in the amount of 150% of the amounts in 2012. At the same time, they were promised the preservation of all additional payments and benefits. Unfortunately, the current economic situation is unlikely to translate these orders from the category of hopes into reality. Although some experts who commented on this situation consider the increase possible. But only if the optimization of the staff of the Ministry of Internal Affairs will lead to a significant reduction in their number.

According to the latest data from RBC, it is known that the indexation of the salaries of the military and security forces will cost the budget 67 billion rubles, and in the next two years, additional budget spending will increase to 83.9 billion and 148.4 billion rubles. This information can be gleaned from the government's amendments to the second reading of the draft budget.

The profession of law enforcement officers in the United States is one of the highest paid. According to data for 2016, the salary of a policeman ranges from $40,000 to $70,000 per year, in terms of our rubles - 216,000 rubles - 379,000 rubles per month. This is the base salary plus overtime and bonuses.

And it is believed that this is only the very beginning of all the good things especially in the current year! But about the salaries of police officers (2018), the media prefer not to report anything. But in vain, because the country should know the monthly reward of its heroes. In addition, an increase in the salary of the police (and information about it) will increase the prestige of the profession and, to be honest, it will “raise the stakes” for not quite conscientious police officers (alas, there are still such!) When they enter the slippery slope of selfish abuse of their powers . It is proposed to correct this miscalculation by highlighting the salaries in the police (MVD) in 2018, even if only presumably.

Therefore, a significant increase in wages is predicted starting from October this year. Despite negative analytical forecasts that indexation is unlikely to be carried out due to the financial crisis and expected inflation, the salary of police officers may increase up to five and a half percent. In addition, additional funds will be allocated for housing for employees, benefits, vouchers to health resorts for them and their family members, as well as an improvement in the social package.

Over the past few years, the Government of the Russian Federation has been carrying out purposeful work related to the reform of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Changes are constantly taking place, and relate to a variety of areas of activity of the department - from its name (there was the Militia - it became the Police), to the staffing, rights and duties. With all these changes, it was extremely rare for a single question to be considered and resolved positively - the amount of monetary allowance.

Current state of affairs

Over the past five years, the financing of this item of expenditure for the police has not changed. Despite loud statements by officials of various ranks, these indicators (unlike inflation, rising prices, etc.) did not change. Naturally, promises to increase the salaries of department employees by 50, 100, 150% remained just simple populist statements. And only in 2018, the long-awaited change finally happened. It was decided to increase the monetary allowance by the amount of inflation. According to the Government, this figure did not exceed 4%. That's how much wages were indexed. Did she solve the accumulated problems? Has it made it possible to compensate for losses, a decrease in the standard of living for people in uniform? An answer to this question is not required. It is enough just to look at how much rent and utility bills have grown over the same period of time!

Forecasts of salary increases in the police in 2019

Significant practical changes in the Ministry of Internal Affairs will nevertheless begin. According to the decree of the President of the Russian Federation, first of all, a significant restructuring of the organizational and staffing structure will be carried out. Already at the end of 2018, the Department for Ensuring the Security of DD will be abolished. Further, departments will be introduced into the staff of the department fire safety and the Ministry of Emergency Situations, the merger of the PPS and the traffic police will take place.

Finally, from sources close to the Government, it became known that the implementation of a number of social issues swinging all employees of the ministry. The most anticipated of these issues is the salary increase in 2019. In the May decrees of the President, the task was set to increase by 150% the monetary allowance for employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs compared to 2012. Most likely, the gradual implementation of this requirement will begin in the New Year.

How police salaries can change in 2019, some numbers

The state, continuing its internal policy aimed at strengthening power, is starting in the coming year to plan, the gradual implementation of plans to increase police salaries in 2019. To assess the scale of the upcoming changes, you need to know how much certain employees currently receive, after the 4 percent indexation. Here are the metrics:

  • Investigator (detective officer) 17 thousand rubles.
  • Senior investigator 18.3 thousand rubles.
  • Head of department 20.3 thousand rubles
  • Head of department 23 thousand rubles
  • Head of department 26 thousand rubles.

It is obvious that, as in many other departments, law enforcement agencies and organizations of state subordination, there are other sections to official salaries that affect the final amount of money received by a police officer. It:

  1. The allowance for military rank (taking into account the qualifications of the employee can reach 30% of the official salary).
  2. Experience supplement. How longer term service in the department, the greater the amount of DD can be counted on.
  3. Surcharge for special conditions services (coefficient set depending on the region of service).

It is obvious that the salary increase for police officers in 2019, if it does begin, will include not only a change in official salary, but also an increase in additional payments.

The latest news from the Ministry of Internal Affairs

One of the most important conditions for the successful reform of the department, along with an increase in the salaries of police officers from January 1, 2019, will also be significant structural changes. We have already talked about some of them, but these are far from all the changes. With a high degree of probability, we can say that a division of the Ministry of State Security will start working as part of the Ministry of Internal Affairs from the New Year. If we believe the information coming from some media, this body will consist of several divisions of the FSB and will be endowed with the most significant powers. This structure is not formed with clean slate”, but is created on the basis of the previously existing FSO. By new state federal Service protection will remain, but its functions and responsibilities will be optimized and specified as much as possible.

The upcoming changes in the structure of the traffic police and the traffic police will not only lead to functional changes, the innovation will directly affect each employee, because a significant part of them will be transferred to civilian positions.

What do the authorities, police and citizens expect from the changes? Summing up

It is obvious that the priority tasks that the President and the Government are striving to solve are to increase the efficiency of the department as a whole by optimizing the number, reforming taking into account the current situation, as well as increasing the prestige of service in the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Hence, we expect an increase in the salary of police officers in 2019, albeit not sharp, but still. Important attention is also paid to the ability of the police, if necessary, to take any tough measures to maintain law and order and counter any attempts of public pressure on the authorities.

For the rank and file of the ministry, the priorities are also clear. These are decent working conditions and normal monetary allowance. Officers will strive to make a career, and for civilian personnel it is important to create working conditions with a normal working day, decent salary and the possibility of obtaining additional privileges.

Well, the people, as always, are waiting for changes for the better and hope that someday the famous character from Mikhalkov's famous poem, "Uncle Styopa" will return! There will come a time when it will again be possible to turn to the police on the street for almost any help and be sure that every citizen will be reliably protected in the legal field.

As it will be in reality - time will tell!


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