What are the most important rules to follow. The main rules of life. The most important rules for good relationships with people

Simple and important rules of life.

1. Rule of reciprocity:
Pay attention to yourself before judging the mistakes of others. One who throws mud cannot have clean hands.

2. The rule of pain:
The offended person himself hurts others.

3. Rule of the upper road:
We get to a higher level when we treat others better than they treat us.

4. Boomerang rule:
When we help others, we help ourselves.

5. Hammer rule:
Never use a hammer to kill a mosquito on the other person's forehead.

6. Exchange rule:
Instead of putting others in their place, we must put ourselves in their place.

7. Rule of teaching:
Every person we meet has the potential to teach us something.

8. The rule of charisma:
People take an interest in the person who is interested in them.

9. Rule of 10 points:
faith in the best qualities people usually makes them show their best qualities.

10. The rule of the situation:
Never let the situation mean more to you than the relationship.

11. Bob's Rule:
When Bob has problems with everyone, Bob is usually the main problem.

12. Accessibility rule:
Being at ease with yourself helps others feel free with us.

13. Trench rule:
When preparing for battle, dig a trench for yourself so that a friend can fit in it.

14. Rule of farming:
All relationships can and should be cultivated.

15. The 101 percent rule:
Find the 1 percent we agree with and put 100 percent of our efforts into it.

16. The rule of patience:
Traveling with others is always slower than traveling alone. If you want to go far, go together; if you want to go fast, go alone.

17. Rule of two sides of the same coin:
The real test of a relationship is not just how loyal we are to friends when they fail, but also how happy we are when they succeed.

18. Rule of liking:
All other things being equal, people will strive to work with those they like; under other unequal conditions, they will still do it.

19. Rule of cooperation:
Collaboration increases the likelihood of a joint victory.

Important rules of life.

Not knowing the most important rules of life, a person constantly wonders how to live, what to do, whether he is doing the right thing, cannot make the right choice, he lacks a sense of confidence; unreasonable sadness or obsessive thoughts in the head haunt.

The most important rules of life are only a few, but they will allow you to get rid of doubts, be confident in yourself, and make the right choice in your life path.

Parable about happiness... Once the gods gathered and decided to have some fun. One of them said: "Let's take something from people?" After much thought, the other exclaimed: "I know! Let's take away their happiness! The only problem is where to hide it so they won't find it. " The first one said: “Let's hide him at the top of the world's tallest mountain!«

“No, remember that they have a lot of strength, someone can climb up and find, and if they find one, everyone else will immediately know where happiness is,” answered the other. Then someone put forward a new proposal:

"Let's hide him at the bottom of the sea!" They answered him: "No, don't forget that they are curious, someone can design a scuba diving apparatus, and then they will definitely find happiness." “Let's hide it on another planet, away from Earth,” someone else suggested. "No," they rejected his offer, "remember that we gave them enough intelligence, someday they will come up with a ship to travel the worlds and discover this planet, and then everyone will be happy." The wisest god, who remained silent throughout the conversation and only listened attentively to the speakers, said: "I think I know where to hide happiness so that they never find it." Everyone turned to him intrigued and asked: “Where?" “Let us hide it inside themselves, they will be so busy looking for it outside that it would never even occur to them to look for it inside themselves.» All the gods agreed, and since then people spend their entire lives in search of happiness, not knowing that it is hidden in themselves.

The mistake of the unhappy and dissatisfied with their lives is that they recklessly believe what they hear. Don't take on faith the mistaken opinions of others. If you follow everything in a hurry in any situation, you will not be able to be independent.

People do not believe in themselves, which is why they are looking outside. Even if in the course of their quest they gain something, it is only scholarship. But any concept, even very competent and relevant, does not give them a constant sense of confidence.

The spiritual light that has illuminated you from birth has never dried up. If you can understand this, throughout your life you will be free and not burdened by anything.

Appreciate your time! You won't stay here for long. The world is fragile, unstable. Don't look outside for anything. The pure light of your consciousness will help you find your way. The potential can be realized only by those who are not looking for anything outside. All the obstacles are inside you because when you are looking for "mastery", you are looking for "teachers", taking all this speculatively. The way home runs everywhere. Pay attention to yourself and comprehend yourself. All that is needed is to be natural; don't act imitatively.

It is imperative to seek genuine and accurate insight and understanding. Then you will be able to travel freely everywhere, and you will not be confused with ordinary hypnotists and charlatans.

Buddhas and Zen masters have appeared at all times and in all countries just because they were looking for the truth. Today's followers are also looking for the truth. Only by finding the truth can you complete the Path and gain a sense of confidence; until you know it, you will repeat the same mistakes.

What is Truth? Truth is the reality of consciousness. But people do not trust her to a sufficient degree, which is why they take on faith the terms and verbal sheaths and try to evaluate the Buddha's teaching speculatively.

What truth are we talking about? The truth of the primordial consciousness will allow you to remain in peace and tranquility. When your gaze is clear and not clouded, it can penetrate into the ordinary, and into the sacred, and into the pure, and into the polluted, and into the absolute, and into the conditioned, without sticking labels... This is what is called an incomprehensible teaching.

The parable of the elephant. Long ago, an elephant was brought to a small Indian city. The blind sages wanted to see him. But how? “I know,” said one wise man, “we will feel it.” " A good idea- said the others - then we will know what kind of elephant he is. " So six people went to see the elephant. The first found a large flat ear. It moved slowly back and forth. "The elephant is like a fan," he exclaimed. The second sage touched the elephant's legs. "He looks like a tree!" He exclaimed. “You're both wrong. - said the third, - it looks like a rope. This man groped for the elephant's tail. "The elephant is like a spear!" - exclaimed the fourth. "No. No, - shouted the fifth, - the elephant is like a high wall ”- he said, feeling the side of the elephant. The sixth sage touched the elephant's trunk. "You're all wrong," he said. "The elephant is like a snake." "No, the rope!" - "Snake!" - "Wall!" - "You are wrong!" - "I'm right!". Six blind men shouted at each other for an hour. They never knew what an elephant looked like.

True followers of the Path do not seek out the mistakes of the world; the most important thing is to seek genuine insight and understanding.

There is no room for effort in the Buddha's teaching; you just need to be natural and have no obsessions, do what the body requires: dress, eat, go to bed when the body is tired. The ancients said: "Those who chase the outside are mired in ignorance."

Wherever you are, reality will be exactly where you stand (“here and now”), and any situations that arise will not be able to confuse you. Even if the power of habit that remains in you will push you to evil deeds, it will by itself turn into an ocean of liberation.

The devil is a moment of doubt in the mind. Your thoughts wander randomly because you do not believe in your own strength. Not noticing your own head, you look for another head, unable to stop.

Proverbs from Osho. One evening people saw how Arabia for some reason jumped out of her hut into the street. They gathered around her - poor old woman! - and asked: “What happened? What are you looking for?" Without looking up, she said, "I have lost my needle." Everyone rushed to look for her. Soon someone thought of asking: “Arabia, the street is big, night has descended, it will soon be completely dark, the needle is so small. Can you pinpoint exactly where she fell? " Arabia said, "The needle fell in the house." “You must be out of your mind? If the needle fell in the house, what are you doing here? " "Because it is brighter here, but the house is completely dark." “Even if the light is here, how will you find the needle if you haven't lost it here? It would be more correct to bring light into the house, and there you can find a needle! ”

If you are looking anywhere but within yourself, know that you have already made your biggest mistake.

Noble is the one who has no obsessions. Don't try fancy things, just be natural.

Always listen to yourself, be yourself, live here and now, and then the feeling of confidence in the right choice life path.

(Zen Buddhism, the teachings of the Tao, the sayings of Lin Tzu, set forth in modern language)

25 basic rules applied in life.

1) Surround yourself only with people who will pull you higher. It's just that life is already full of those who want to drag you down;

2) Do today what others do not want, tomorrow you will live in a way that others cannot;

3) If you find someone with whom you can behave also freelyhow you behave alone with yourself, then appreciate it like air;

4) If you were told that your train left, remember - there are also planes and yachts;

5) Driving a nail into your soul, remember that even pulling it out with your apologies, you will still leave a hole there that will overgrow and torment its owner for a long time. Don't hurt those who love you with all their hearts;

6) Never make excuses. Not before the one who loves you, nor - even more so - before the one who does not love you. Anyone who does not love will never believe you, and whoever loves - he himself will come up with an excuse for you;

7) If there are rumors about you, then you are a person. Remember: Never discuss or envy bad things. They envy the best, discuss the best;

8) “Can't you make a woman happy? Don't bother the other. " Jeyrard Butler;

nine) " Learn to forgive, because this is a property of the strong. The weak never forgive. " Mahatma Gandhi;

10) Fight, because a woman chooses the strong, courageous and persistent, and not those who, at the slightest quarrel, give up and leave;

11) Never argue with idiots. You will descend to their level, where they will crush you with their experience;

12) Always remember that people become close gradually, strangers - instantly;

13) Learn to be happy without alcohol, dream without drugs, communicate without the Internet and be nervous without a cigarette;

14) Choose a job you like and you won't have to work a single day in your life;

15) Do not rely too much on anyone in this world, because even your own shadow leaves you when you are in darkness;

16) Don't regret your mistakes, because without making them, you will never know how to do it right;

17) "If you want to have what you never had, you will have to do what you have never done." Coco Chanel;

18) When you lose, just smile. The winner loses the taste of victory;

19) You must have a dream... Necessarily! So that you can get up in the morning;

20) If a bear ties you to a tree, saying something in Latin, go to bed. In any incomprehensible situation, go to bed;

21) “If you are unhappy with the place you are occupying, change it. You are not a tree! " Jim Rohn;

22) "Nobody can let you down if you don't depend on anyone." Robert Anthony;

23) If you're rich, don't think about it if you are poor - don't take your poverty seriously. If you are able to live in peace, remembering that the world is only a show, you will be free, you will not be touched by suffering. Suffering is the result serious attitude to life; bliss is the result of the game. Take life as a game, enjoy it;

24) Never tell people about your problems, 80% are not interested in them, the remaining 20% \u200b\u200bare glad that you have them;

25) Do what you want. Do what you think is right. You will still be condemned for the rest of your life.


Rule one: BE READY

Think about difficult situations in advance. Know what to do and how.

Be strong, agile.

Most of all to be able to, all the time to learn something new.


No matter how the child grows up, there are still situations when you can't do without adults. They know what to do.

They can fix an elevator, put out a fire, bandage a wound, help understand a difficult topic, stop stupid guys before something really bad happens to them. That's why they are adults.

It is important to remember that it is always better to seek help sooner rather than later. This is not a shame, it does not mean that you are stupid and small. On the contrary, in this way you can prevent a great disaster.


A very important rule, perhaps the most important one. And also - do not despair, do not give up, do not give up. In all situations. Some may be very brave in times of danger, but are afraid to answer at the board. Or they are afraid that they will be laughed at.

Courage is always courage, whether you are defeating a wild tiger, or a challenge, or your own fear. It takes a lot of courage to go against your company. By the way, it is probably even easier against the tiger.


The main thing is that everyone remains safe and sound.

The rest can be decided later.

If things and furniture are damaged, you can buy new ones. If someone thinks that you are a coward or a sneak, he will have more time to understand that he is wrong. If friends are not very suitable, others can be found.

And only living people cannot be replaced by anything. And sometimes you can't get your health back.

The most important rules for good relationships with people

We interact with someone almost every minute. These are our relatives, work colleagues, neighbors and just strangers. Often these meetings upset us, bring dissatisfaction and negative emotions. Everyone wants to have a good relationship, but at the same time they often forget that everything in our life obeys the Boomerang Law: what you send is what you receive.

Therefore, it is very easy to avoid unpleasant consequences. It's enough to know the three most important rules that greatly improve your relationships with other people. Of course, it's not enough to know them, you still need to introduce them into your life.

Let's take a look at these rules. I think you will agree that they are very important. So you really try not to forget them and organically fit into your relationships with other people.

The three most important rules
for a good relationship

Rule 1.
There are no ideal people.

The biggest mistake we can make in relation to another person is to demand ideal behavior from him. This is especially true for young people. In their quest for perfection, they not only try to demand it, but also make attempts to change the other person.

Nobody can be perfect. Initially, it is assumed that a person is dual. Each has positive and negative qualities. Each of us can make a mistake, lose heart, flare up, be disappointed. Everyone can smile and cry, agree and argue, be kind and evil. This is normal. If you have read my articles in the framework of the “Time Loop” project, then you have seen all this well.

Yes, sometimes you don't want to look at something that is unpleasant to you. But you still need to accept a person as he is, and if necessary, support him. No one has the right to set the task of changing the other. Only a person himself can realize his imperfection and want to change himself. Then he will need your help and advice. But this should be done only at his request.

In principle, each person is able to change himself, become more perfect. To do this, he just needs to draw up his own program of self-development and gradually move along it.

If you find it difficult to accept a person, you can do only one thing: push him to this step. And you also need to BELIEVE in him so much that he could believe in himself. The right words, Care and Faith can work a miracle. If you want to have an ideal next to you, create it!

But reproaches and demands will never lead to anything good. Maybe they will make a person change, but in his new world there will no longer be a place for you. After all, you behaved aggressively towards him and he will answer you with the same coin.

So, if you want to change your relationship, first of all, master the Pitcher technique (as the simplest), and be patient.

Of course, demanding an ideal from other people, first of all, one must be such an ideal oneself.

And if something does not suit you in another person, think if he is mirroring you. Maybe you are the one who needs to change - change your views, your attitude, your assessments.

Learn to accept people as they are. And remember, any changes take time. And if a person has begun to change, it is important to support and inspire him, and not make claims.

Be patient:
no one in this world is perfect!

Rule 2.
Your opinion of others is not objective.

Any perception of the world is subjective. We evaluate people and situations through our individual prisms, which have been formed in us under the influence of circumstances and people who used to be near us. Our mood also affects perception.

Anthony de Mello has a wonderful parable on this topic. He compares these prisms to windows. And the windows are ridge and foggy, streams of rain can run along them - and all this distorts our view. We see the world not as it is, but as we are now.

Our inner beliefs and programs filter our preferences and judgments. Ignoring this is a big mistake, which can lead to wrong conclusions and a deterioration in relationships with other people. Giordano Bruno said that such people are doubly blind, because besides the fact that they see the world distorted, they still do not see their own blindness.

The same can be with our opinion of another person. It may seem to us that we know everything about him. But these thoughts may turn out to be wrong.

You may think that a person is happy with his life, but in fact, he can suffer deeply. You can think that a person is rich, but he can sit in a hole in debt. Someone may seem to you generally unremarkable, but in fact this is an interesting person with a deep inner world. It is not given to us to know what the other person has in his head. In most cases, we do not know what he was like before, what he had to go through, what actions he did.

As Leo Tolstoy said, the highest degree of human wisdom is to know that you know nothing. Always assume that you do not know everything about a person, you can only assume something about him.

Hence the conclusion - each person should be treated as open book: try to understand and understand. And if you start from this position of understanding, it will only strengthen your relationship with other people.

People often highlight the insignificant,
not seeing what's important.

Rule 2.
You won't get a second chance to say

I don’t know about you, but I’m always annoyed to see people shouting at each other, especially at children. And if you ask such a mother if she loves her child, she, of course, will answer yes.

So why are our best feelings so at odds with our actions ?! After all, at any moment, life can change, a person will not. And you will no longer have the opportunity to tell him how dear he was to you.

Our relatives, our friends are passing away. And only after they leave do we begin to realize that so few good words have been said to them. Don't put it off until tomorrow, have time to say the main thing today (before it's too late).

Why are we slowing down so much? I see three main reasons here:

  • The person was not taught to express their feelings.
  • A person does not control his emotions and does not restrain himself.
  • The person does not see the need for this.

In the first case, it is the direct fault of the parents. A child comes into the world with a smile on his face. He is open to others, friendly and affectionate. But when constant prohibitions begin, when parents believe that only strictness can be brought up, the child's inner light goes out and he withdraws into himself. Therefore, give your children love and teach them to express it.

The second point cannot be used as an excuse at all. An adult must be able to control himself. Learning to manage our emotions is our first task. Learn simple self-soothing techniques, or start using the same Pitcher technique.

This will allow you to stop the flow of negativity and replace angry words with others. Agree that most often it is close people who suffer because of your bad mood. You love them, but somehow you pour everything on them. Do your loved ones really deserve this ?! No, they deserve confirmation that they are dear to you, that they are the most important people in your life.

I would especially like to say about our still living parents, someone's grandmothers and grandfathers.

Few people probably think that by his attitude he forms an attitude towards himself when he is at the same age. Think, what example do you show your children, what pattern of behavior do you lay, what words do you put into their mouths ?!

If in a frantic run of urgent matters you do not have time for your parents, then will your children have this time? If you find it unnecessary to talk to them, then why would your children want to talk to you. If you consider them stupid, obsolete (“ancestors”), then do not be surprised when you encounter the same attitude towards yourself.

All this is the answer to those who believe that this question is not important (third case). Understand that kind words are the most important thing in our life. You shouldn't put them off until the last minute, when it's too late.

Hug your children often
and say how you love them.
Say "I love you" and kiss your relatives
every time you leave home.
Hurry up to say “I love” your old people.

I tried to show you how these important rules of good relationships are really very important. Remember this. Start to appreciate in time what life really gave you - your family. Now it is not too late to remember them, show them your love, help, and just say a short "Thank you."

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1) Surround yourself only with people who will pull you higher. It's just that life is already full of those who want to drag you down

2) Do today what others do not want, tomorrow you will live in a way that others cannot

3) If you find a person with whom you can behave as freely as you behave alone with yourself, then value him like air

4) If you were told that your train left, remember - there are also planes and yachts

5) Driving a nail into your soul, remember that even pulling it out with your apologies, you will still leave a hole there that will overgrow and torment its owner for a long time. don't hurt those who love you with all their heart

6) Never make excuses. Not before the one who loves you, nor - even more so - before the one who does not love. The one who does not love will never believe you anyway, and whoever loves - he himself will come up with an excuse for you

7) If there are rumors about you, then you are a person. Remember: Never discuss or envy bad things. They envy the best, discuss the best

Can't make a woman happy? Don't bother the other. Jeyrard Butler

9) Know how to forgive, because this is a property of the strong. The weak never forgive. Mahatma Gandhi

10) Fight, because a woman chooses the strong, brave and
persistent, and not those who, at the slightest quarrel, give up and leave

11) Never argue with idiots. You will descend to their level, where they will crush you with their experience

12) Always remember that people become close gradually, strangers - instantly

13) Learn to have fun without alcohol, dream without drugs, communicate without the Internet and be nervous without a cigarette

14) Choose a job you like and you won't have to work a single day in your life

15) Don't rely too much on anyone in this world, because even your own shadow leaves you when you're in the dark

16) Do not regret your mistakes, because without making them, you will never know how to do it right

17) If you want to have what you never had, you have to do what you never did. Coco Chanel

18) When you lose, just smile. The winner loses the taste of victory

19) You must have a dream. Necessarily! So you can get up in the morning

20) If a bear ties you to a tree, saying something in Latin, go to bed. Go to bed in any unclear situation

21) If you are unhappy with the place you are occupying, change it. You are not a tree! Jim Rohn

22) Nobody can let you down if you don't depend on anyone. Robert Anthony

23) If you are rich, do not think about it, if you are poor, do not take your poverty seriously. if you are able to live in peace, remembering that the world is only a show, you will be free, you will not be touched by suffering. Suffering is the result of taking life seriously; bliss is the result of the game. Think of life as a game, enjoy it

24) Never tell people about your problems, 80% are not interested in them, the remaining 20% \u200b\u200bare glad that you have them

25) Do what you want. Do what you think is right. You will still be condemned for the rest of your life.

Photo: wikipedia.org

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Useful Tips

We all want to leave good things about ourselves impression and demonstrate good manners, especially in front of loved ones.

Sometimes even a little thing can play a big role and significantly improve your mood or even your life.

Here are some important unwritten rules of life that you should follow in order to become better yourself and make this world a little kinder.

Human life rules

1. Never stop in the middle of a crowded street, in front of a subway or any other entrance.

2. Repay the debt to the person you borrowed from as soon as possible, so as not to put him in an awkward position when he has to ask you to return the money.

3. Part with the person in person, and not over the Internet or via SMS.

4. Don't talk too much about your plans with your friends, especially people you are not going to invite.

5. Appreciate the sleep of others, be quiet - do not slam doors, do not listen to loud music, do not talk or laugh loudly.

6. Give thanks to those who helped you, even if they are a stranger.

7. If you are shown a photo on your phone, you do not need to scroll to the right or left, as you can get into a photo that the person who gave you the phone would not like to show.

8. If you cannot answer the call, send a short message that you will call back as soon as you are free.

Basic rules of life

9. No one wants to hear champing, so chew with your mouth closed.

10. If you are sleeping in someone else's house, always make your bed.

11. If a friend or family member is cooking for you, wash the dishes as a token of gratitude.

12. Don't make other people feel uncomfortable - either speak quietly or move to another place.

13. If you borrowed a car from someone, return it with a full tank of gasoline, or at least fill as much as you spent.

14. If you are not very familiar with a person, refer to him as "you", even if he is younger than you. When you get to know him better, you can go to "you".

15. Don't let your mood dictate the manners you want. If you're in a bad mood, it doesn't mean that people need to be rude.

  1. No one will give you an exhaustive answer to the question of how to be happy and successful. The internet is full of articles giving advice on achieving happiness and success in business. Some of them are even based on real stories very worthy people. But not a single such article, not a single course gives a guarantee that the methods and methods described will work for you personally. There is no universal recipe that works for all, alas.
  2. The easiest way is not always the right one. We are told from all sides that we only need to do what our soul is in. However, the most enjoyable activity is not always correct and useful. It is better to do the right things slowly than to do nonsense quickly and with pleasure. The path to your destination is often through rough terrain and bumps and is not at all like a pleasant trip on the freeway.
  3. The opinions of others can be destructive. No, don't completely ignore people, but don't let him unambiguously shape your mood and agenda. Just take note of it, but no more.
  4. Your inner circle can make you strong or drown you. No matter how strong, intelligent, and strong-willed person you are, you will not be able to achieve much without support. Reread the biographies of great people, and in the shadow of each you will find a spouse, ally, or even a whole team who helped him. With the greatest care and thoroughness, select people for your inner circle.
  5. Principles are awkward. Following your principles and rules will not make you the most popular, pleasant and gentle person. Sometimes not only yourself, but also the people you love may suffer from your principles.
    Principles are like a hard bed that is uncomfortable to sleep on but forms a good spine.
  6. You will always be incredibly imperfect. But this is not a reason to give up.
  7. Comfort kills dreams. There is nothing wrong with wanting to provide yourself with a comfortable and full of pleasure life, but you should remember that on this one. So you have to choose one thing.
  8. If you want to achieve something, then it takes effort. If you want something new, then you have to stop doing something old. If you want something that you have never had, then you must do something that you have never done before. The bottom line is that you will never be anywhere else as long as you are standing still.
  9. Our life is the result of only our choice. The difference between several options for the future lies only in the choice you make. You are not a product of circumstances, you are a product of your own decisions. Sometimes it’s difficult to admit and so you want to shift the responsibility to someone else. But in fact, it is you and your decisions that are the root cause of everything.
  10. The only link between desire and possession is action. This law of life acts inevitably, like the law of universal gravitation, and no one has yet been able to deceive him.
  11. If success has not been paid enough for, then it has no value. It is only the effort expended and the obstacles overcome that makes your achievement truly important. The world is full of who have become such by birthright, but who is interested in them? But everyone admires people who have achieved something by their efforts, even if their success looks rather modest.
  12. Challenges are part of every success story. If you're having trouble, that's good. This means that you are moving forward. This means that you are learning and growing.
    The only people who don't have any problems are those who do nothing.
  13. Focus is everything. You can only break through the wall with your palm clenched into a fist, directing all your strength to only one place. There is no need to randomly thrash the air with your hands: maybe it will look spectacular from the outside, but it will definitely not bring results.
  14. What you want and what you will achieve are not always the same. All success stories are drawn to us as a two-dimensional chart of ups and downs. The hero clearly sees the goal and steadily moves towards it, overcoming obstacles. But in fact, any path in life is more like an intricate labyrinth with many traps, branches and dead ends. And by no means always do we come to exactly the way out that we outlined at the beginning. And many generally choose a convenient dead end for themselves and decide to settle in it.
  15. You are exactly where you should be at this very moment.Even if things don't go the way you would like. Even if you went to the wrong place and want to start all over again. Each and every step is necessary.
  16. You cannot change yesterday, but you can take care of today tomorrow. Live in the present. But do not forget that it is precisely this that shapes the future.

Life, by and large, is a series random eventsthat we can only indirectly influence. But it is precisely this influence that ultimately turns out to be decisive.

Don't miss the opportunity to focus on what really depends on us, and don't regret what is beyond our control.

Don't look back. Just take correct course and confidently move forward. We have no way of knowing what exactly awaits us beyond the horizon, but this is what makes the trip even more exciting!


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