Predolov: The truth about the interruption of advertising on Youtube! Scenario for Put: How to create an effective promotional video of the Roll

March 28, 2017.

Buy and order PRE spell (Pre-Roll)

Channels on business, earnings, reviews, etc. are accepted.
Channels are not allowed: children's, culinary and vlogs
Refuse can without explanation
Advertising remains for the entire existence of the channel

What is PRE spell (pre-roll)?
If explained simple words, then this is an advertisement, for example, some site, shop, canal, events (and anything), at the beginning of a video clip on YouTube. Usually it takes from 10 to 15 seconds, no less and no more.

In fact, this is the most better species advertising today. She gives you direct spectators from a channel. Approximate transition statistics on your link (to your site) - 20% of the viewers of the video, where your preroll was placed.

This is a rather big figure, and therefore this species Advertising is very popular. A big plus is that visitors and potential customers from one placed interrupted will be constant, because the video is not removed and it also appears in search request. So investing money in such a type of advertising, excellent investments that will frig over long years.

Why is PREROLL so effective?
Everything is very simple, people do not just go to the one, or another channel, and in order to get the desired, for example, learn the news, find out how it is done, to look at your favorite video blogger, to learn something. After all, YouTube is a huge network where people will want from some purpose and to find something. And of course, they will watch the beginning of the roller these 15 seconds, and as we know - if advertising is intriguing and necessary for us - we will pass along it.

When video comes with your pre-roll, then it picks up the most peak of views and transitions to you, then within 2-3 weeks the number is significantly reduced, and then become a small but stable source of your traffic and possible sales or customers (depending on what you Offer).

Here are examples:
1. I will take an example of my channel on the topic of business on the Internet, with 10,000 subscribers on the channel, video will be viewed on the first day of 2000 people, in a month it may be possible on the day from 200 to 2,000 people.
2. Children's channel Miss Katya - subscribers more than 2000,000, a new video will look more than 6,000,000 times on the first day, and then a month later there will be 30000 views per day.

What it says, it all depends on the subject of the channel and from the advertising you want to offer. Do not order interrupted on the channel about business if you advertise diapers, do not order advertising on the channel about business if you offer a frying pan. Order Pre-Roll on your topic, or approximately.

For example, if 100,000 subscribers are on my channel, it will have equal significance with the children's channel, which has 2,000,000 subscribers. To dial the spectators on the children's channel, and on business is very difficult. Children's canal are watching - children, and about business unelts with money. Remember friends all these nuances.

The more popular the channel, the more expensive advertising on it. The effect will be faster.

Advertising in video blocks ordered many companies. So, Samsung arranged the battle of bloggers in Asia, Unilever made Katya Clapp and Max +100500 Ambassadoras Axe, and L'Oreal organized testing of its products among popular beauty bloggers.

Efficiency of the official SAMSUNG channel and video blocks ()

Upon cooperation with beginner video bloggers, the advertiser may encounter their reluctance to write a script and remove the commercial for the customer. They are inexpensive for the publication of advertising, but at the same time not ready to pay attention to shooting advertising product. Advertisers have to make video to build themselves.

If the budget allows you to better entrust writing a script and shooting agency. If there is less money than I would like, you will have to cope.

Features of creating advertising video

The concentration of human attention decreased to 8 seconds and became less than that aquarium fishwhere this figure is even slightly higher - approximately 9 seconds.

Advertising conditions are even more tough: it is believed to attract the attention of the potential client in 5 seconds. If not succeeded, he will go to competitors. Therefore, it is so important to create a quality product that I want to watch to the end.

You have only 5 seconds to convince the person to view the commercial entirely.

We have already spoken about the technical intricacies of the shooting of an interesting promotional video. And now we will tell about the other - how to write this scenario for the video so that it can be reduced without prejudice to the meaning.

How the script is created

Decide why the video is removed, which is the task in front of him. The first seconds of the commercial should be directed to its solution. And most importantly - they must capture the attention of the audience. Ideally, if they are built around the problem of your target audience and the solution you are offered.

A person must clearly see that his problem is solved with the help of your product or service.

If the viewer is interested in, he will continue to watch a video. It is already worth talking about the pieces of the product, its uniqueness and dislike for a dozen analogues.

Google has two accommodation options:

  • Advertising appears at the beginning, middle or at the end of the video on YouTube, and the "Skip" button appears after 5 seconds
  • Advertising videos lasting 15-30 seconds, which are demonstrated in the context-media network. It is impossible to miss them.

VKontakte allows you to add short-published video content commercials for 15-20 seconds. Some time after the start of the advertising, a button for skipping advertising appears. If the roller is interesting, the viewer clics to it to see the whole.

What should be the script blank? When writing a script, it is important to comply with the video so that it approached and for a 30-second interrupted in a blogger's video and for advertising through Google AdWords, where there are only 5 seconds to be interested in the viewer.

There is a popular formula for creating a 30-second video:

  • Tell me (the first 5 seconds)
  • Explain this (20 seconds)
  • Repeat this (final 5 seconds)

The principle of the ring composition helps "consolidate" information in the head of the viewer. The better the information will be remembered, the greater the likelihood that the viewer will take the solution you need.

The formula works on longer videos. Therefore, we recommend using it when creating a script. That is, at the beginning, report the problem and the existing solution. Then show how the problem is solved. And at the end - repeat said.

It is beneficial and from one point of view that from a full-fledged video with an exciting start can be made a mini-roller, simply using the first five seconds. You do not have to shoot another video, which means saving time and money.

  1. The first 5 seconds - clinging phrases, relevant to the target audience questions, provocation.
  2. The next 5 seconds is the entry, the name of the roller / brand, slogan.
  3. The next 15 seconds is a story about how the viewer's problem is solved with your product. Replying arguments, sometimes used calling to action.
  4. Final 5 seconds. Repetition of the main thought of the roller, a product / reference demonstration.

Another important point regarding commercials for video blocks and YouTube channels. The script should be written with the calculation of the belief, and not the imposition of the product. That is, the resulting video should convince the viewer in something, and not sell it a specific product.

Imposition grabs in traditional advertising. The video blocks of the same information is fed more mildly, organically inserted into the topic of video. They infect their audience desire to buy a product or perform some action, and do not require them. Roughly speaking, the phrase "look, what a cool thing I have" it will work better than "all we buy products x".

How can there be a video for embedded

Suppose you already have a video, and the blogger agrees to accompany it. But for another site it took preroll. What to do in this situation?

There are several options here. You can make a good cutting frame from the finished video with a new voice acting. It turns out interesting and inexpensive.

You can simply use the first 30 seconds of the finished roller as blank. If advertising was removed on all the rules, then when it is cut to 5 seconds, it will be possible to save the essence of the advertising message.

There is a third option. In the prerol, some important question is given, and the answer is promised at the end of the roller. If raised important topic, the viewer will watch the entire advertising material.

But you can do something in principle. Scripts with pleasure use the reception called "Twist": an unexpected turn of the plot. Illogy, suddenness, the strangeness of the actions of one of the heroes "cling" the viewer, causing his desire to watch the video to the end to understand what is happening and how it will end.

So, for example, american insurance Company Geico. Her commercials ended just when the "Skip" button appeared. And the viewer was supposed to choose - to watch interesting advertising video to the end, or still press the button. One of the most memorable audience of Verrollov showed a family that was chinno at the dining table, and on the fifth second, the dog jumped on the table, starting to eat a cooked lunch.

Another successful example gave us the Opel autocontracene. Advertising your new SUV, they decided to use the increased attention of the audience to the "Skip" button for their own purposes. In the prerollas, the car interacted with the button - drove it, crashed, etc. It was funny and unusual. And the audience looked entire roller entirely.

Thus, when writing a scenario, you need to remember that the goal of the entire roller, and also embedded in infecting the audience with emotions, remember her. The examples above show that it is quite possible.

If ideas are not enough, you can see the top video clogs. Many bloggers have successful examples of prerolls and full-fledged promotional videos. This is a good source of inspiration. So feel free to use someone else's experience in your own interests.

Where to place Ready video

Choose an advertising channel that is focused on your audience. VKontakte, AdWords, Facebook - options enough. We also recommend more actively using video blocks, publishing advertising through the Webartex service. Here you can quickly find the channel with the target audience you need, and for little money to show potential customers Useful information for them.

Pretched - the truth that roses many! Greetings to all blog readers "from words to business!" Today, we continue the subject of the advertising of the channels on YouTube and all that is connected with it. I finally killed that the prices for prerolls from our popular video blocks are strongly overestimated and in most cases you will not get the promised (desired) result for your money. This certainly does not mean that the prerolls do not work, but also to buy them correctly. But let's go about everything ...

Preroll(PRE-ROLL.) - What is it? Obroll is an advertising video, which is loaded at the beginning of the video (as a rule, this is a short roller 10 - 20 seconds of an advertising nature). There is still a concept "POST-ROLL) - This is the same, the roller is inserted at the end of the basic material video. Plots are a little cheaper than prerolls, as according to statistics, to the end, the video is not looking at all users (about one of three).

With terminology, I think a little figured out (and suddenly someone does not know). Now we went further. The problem is that the subscribers of popular video blocks are already so accustomed to advertising at the beginning of the video that they do not even perceive it! Just scroll these 15 - 20 seconds. And all ... a very weak percentage of transitions! Partly this is from the fact that advertising, in fact, goes to the same channel similar subjects, but not only as popular, not so diversified and has such a big activity as on a channel on which a person sees advertising!

And the activity is very important! In this case, the old instinct is triggered, if everything is there, then I am there, and if there is no one there, then I don't need it there! I even watched the situation on popular channels, when there is a group of people (these channels of the channel fans are practically all popular video brokers) that the content itself is not as interesting as the cabin on the channel. They are "competing" with each other who will be the first commentator (that is, it is sitting on the channel page and are waiting for updates, knowing the roller output time). They communicate in the comments among themselves and why do they need a new unfamiliar party! Such a top drafts are passed to interrupted by their attention in most cases even without looking at it!

Now about the subjects of the channels to order blank! Almost all the guru advise advertised on channels with similar topics! Again misses !!! I think it's not entirely right! Remember: Popular Channel, its own part, mad activity, etc.! Spectators are already signed on such a channel! I think that you need to pick up the channels for advertising where there is not a big but the difference in the advertised content! Not coordinate, not big! It is clear that if the subscribers are regularly watching on the channel, for example, videos on topics such as "cheap cars from Europe", and you are there advertising type "how to care for indoors" is immediately a failure. Advertising must be in context but not as a car with a similar channel! I think I explained clearly.

So just buy blank for the start of the canal on YouTube - this, my friends, not enough! I will say even more - you can buy with a dozen prerolls and not get the result! Since it is much more important than the "chip" of the canal and its content! If there is a chip + Claus content, then you will be enough for the start of a very small push of 2-3 embedded on popular channels and you already know the audience of YouTube. If the contestik is so-so, above the average via YouTube, then it's necessary more than the prerolls more, the people will subscribe but weakly, sluggish ... Well, if the content is frank ... .., I think everything is clear here, I will not even write.

So buying or not interrupted - everyone decides for himself. I bought one interrulment from one popular channel and the roller scored 400,000 views on the author's channel. My signed 100+ people. Total then than 100 people !!! This is a very small percentage. Rollers on my channel is not worse, and the installation is even better, but on the fact of only 100 subscribers. These are the pies.

I began to analyze the situation that yes, as it turned out that the people simply stupidly flirting blankly and did not look at him !!! On this channel, where I ordered blank, the rollers overlook every day (it is necessary to pay tribute to the author's working capacity) and his viewers are so accustomed that from 5 to 20 seconds there is an interrulment (advertising another channel) that they reflexively include a roller from 20+ seconds. This is clearly seen in the analyst. The author, by the way, well done (answered correctly on all the questions, provided all the statistics) But it is understandable - this is his money! But I got a very weak exhaust!

Looking at this situation, I think that it interrupted to order on mega popular channels is a waste of money! The viewer stupidly flies and does not look. I want to now try to order a couple of posts and watch what.

This post was written by me for a long time, but unfortunately was lost in the Black Chernovichki and was not published immediately! So I replenish this cant and the public post about embroidered. Well, the next post about the order contextual advertising In AdWords and its results. So who in the subject - subscribe (subscription form below) so that you would not miss my new posts, we will test together!

Advertising on YouTube helps many businessmen attract customers and unwind their projects.

Video blocks willingly agree to add a small advertising video to the beginning or at the end of your roller for a specific fee. All the prices are different, as well as the number of views, so you need to competently choose offers.

Dropped on YouTube where to buy and how much does it cost? Agree on advertising in video can be almost with everyone.

Revenues of video blocks largely depend on the number of direct advertisers, so only occasionally get negative answers. Contact the authors of the channel is not difficult, their contacts are always indicated.

To buy interrupted, you first need to establish a connection with the author of the channel. There will be no problems with this, write in a personal on YouTube or use links to other social networks:

All prices for prerolls are different, you need to request them and it is desirable to immediately keep your own statistics. Create a regular table in Excel and record medium viewing data, advertising costs and calculate the coefficient:

Now let's deal with the recorded data. For convenience, insert the name of the channel, you can add contact details here (for example, a link to the VK profile).

Views must be calculated on average. We take the last 20 rollers, fold their views and then divide on 20. The cost is voiced by the video block. The coefficient is calculated so - last Visitors / Price. We divide the views on the price of embedded and get a certain value.

The scheme is not perfect, but it enjoys many professionals to determine the most profitable proposals.

The higher the coefficient especially favorably order advertising on the channel. If the channels are entertaining, it is better to choose them with a coefficient of 20. If this is some business channels or video blogs on the topic of finance, quite indicator in 5.

It is very important to choose channels for your list of specific subjects. Consider target audience, High coefficient helps to choose sites, but everything is not worth checking channels. Now this topic is quite popular, it is not difficult to create bases, and on the Internet they cost money.

Dear, cheap, beautiful prerolls on YouTube, all this is not so important. The cost may differ greatly, but after the calculations it turns out that the proposal is not so profitable. In general, it is advisable to pay attention to other parameters.

For example, type of rollers or a view of the show. Many video blocks alone are typing millions of views, while others do not reach 100,000.

Buy preroll is easy, as well as find thematic channels and contact their owners. However, the big expenses and the popularity of the channel do not always play important role. Sometimes it is more profitable to pay 10 little-known video cloggers to get the best results.

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