Client-oriented insurance company in the insurance market. Customer-oriented approach in the settlement of claims. What is a customer-oriented insurance company

Insurance companies are characterized by the presence of a large number of clients requiring prompt, personalized service at different stages of their interaction with the insurance company: obtaining information about insurance products, deciding on the conclusion of a contract, receiving advice, working on insured events. Most insurance companies are characterized by fragmented customer information across different departments. Often, departments that work directly with clients do not have information about clients, and vice versa, information from these departments is sent for processing and decision making to other departments, often only orally or on paper. This leads to frequent delays and errors, customer dissatisfaction, and poor customer service efficiency in general.

Thus, one of the main motives prompting clients to change the insurance company are delays in service and prompt provision of the required information. In other words, to maintain a stable position in the insurance market, it is necessary to constantly improve insurance services, develop comprehensive insurance programs, taking into account the needs of specific, clearly defined categories of existing and potential insurance customers. This approach to the insurance business involves the accumulation and analysis of information about each prospective client, which should be stored in a single database.

An insurance company can have a more powerful impact on a consumer if it has its own reliable database containing, in addition to basic information about customers, information about their habits and preferences, family composition, birthdays, property availability, etc. Now that there is no shortage of insurance services, there is a shortage of customers. On the other hand, the client wants to pay for a high-quality long-term solution to his problems, hoping to receive an exclusive offer, which implies not one-time, but long-term, trust-based partnership with the client.

The most promising strategy for establishing long-term contacts with existing policyholders, insured persons, as well as potential customers is the CRM strategy (Customer Relationship Management - Customer Relationship Management). This strategy, figuratively speaking, allows you to put the client first in line, to provide him with real personal service. In other words, when implementing the CRM strategy, the client performs a controlling, and management - an integrating (coordinating) function that optimizes the business processes of the main divisions of the company (Fig. 13).

Fig. 13. CRM strategy concepts

In a client-oriented organization, the activities of all departments are subordinated to one main goal - to increase sales through fast and high-quality service to the company's sellers and customers. With such an organization of the insurance company, the divisions performing the main functions are coordinated with each other, being links of one horizontal technological chain, and perform tasks for servicing the sellers. Thus, the production of new insurance products serves the needs of sellers (through them - the needs of customers). Subdivisions related to service, finance, etc., for example, the BEC office and the underwriting department also serve sellers and customers, the accounting department makes timely insurance payments, i.e. serves the management of claims settlement, and therefore clients, etc.

Traditional organizational structure insurance companies do not allow for a customer-centric strategy. Today, in most insurance companies there is a linear-functional hierarchical management structure, in which divisions perceive signals and commands coming from the top of the vertical and are poorly responsive to the requirements of sellers and, accordingly, customers. This structure is based on the parallelism of processes and the versatility of sellers, when the seller serves himself, i.e. carries out not only sales, but also the functions of underwriting, drawing up a contract, its execution, etc., directly related to this process.

Thus, implementing a customer-centric strategy requires a change corporate culture and the psychology of employees, restructuring of key business processes of the insurance company. As part of this strategy, it is necessary to change the technology for working with clients, document flow, namely, the processing of applications for insurance or payments; it is extremely important to ensure that all available information about each client is recorded in a single database in order to create a single picture of the history of relationships with him. The information collected is used to analyze and prepare individual insurance offers.

The restructuring of the key business processes of an insurance company should begin with the division of functions into specialized units with the simultaneous formation of horizontal links within the company. This involves an inventory of existing processes, some of the processes will need to be rebuilt, and the part that will be missing will need to be built with blank slate... Based on the separation of functions, a fundamentally different organizational structure of the company is formed, corresponding to the CRM concept (Fig. 13). There is a clear division of functions, the performance criteria of which are in the area of \u200b\u200bcustomer service: service time; the amount of inconvenience the client experiences when receiving the service; the number of employees of the insurance company with whom the client has to communicate when receiving the service; quality of customer service; customer satisfaction indicators; indicators of loyalty and stability of the customer base; the share of business brought in by new customers; amount of information about clients, etc.

It should be emphasized that in a client-oriented insurance company, the role and importance of marketing is sharply increasing, since the development of new insurance services is impossible without studying the needs of the client. The marketing department of the insurance company becomes a kind of information center, where all data about customers and competitors, both existing and potential, are collected. It is this department that creates and maintains a marketing information system (MIS) (information about consumers, clients, company products, marketing campaigns, etc.) without which the successful organization of sales of insurance products is impossible.

Thus, the marketing departments of the insurance company are transformed from a research center giving recommendations into an organizer of complex sales, which are based on a systematic approach to the client, which involves considering an object as a set of interrelated elements, the combination of which allows the client to financially protect their resources. With such a restructuring of the sales system, along with the complexity, it is necessary to differentiate sales by corporate and individual clients, as well as by mass and special insurance products.

It is obvious that the transition from a traditional hierarchical to a client-oriented management strategy requires careful preparation for such an investment project and cannot be carried out in a short time. According to experts, the restructuring of the business and increasing the degree of its client-orientation is designed for the medium term and with correct organization the formulated tasks of introducing CRM technologies can be successfully accomplished in stages within a period of about 1.5 years.

The first stage of implementation of CRM technologies includes compiling lists of insurance policy holders by territorial basis and depending on which insurance agent the client is assigned to. In the second stage, the company enriches and analyzes customer information with demographic, lifestyle, and similarity of interest information. The third stage involves understanding the main preferences of the client, and the fourth stage is the interpretation of the information obtained in the three previous stages in relation to the client's behavior.

One of the key roles in the CRM methodology is played by customer relations departments, whose work is supported and supported by all other departments of the insurance company. This involves not only building a team of account managers, but also compulsorily creating a powerful supportive information system (database managed software CRM systems; multimedia Call-center (computer telephony, mail, facsimile and electronic mailing, web-interaction), capable of round-the-clock service of customer requests, the implementation of reference and information tasks, fill the client base with reliable information). The use of such information technology excludes the shuffling of clients from department to department and getting to people who are ready to solve only a part of their problems, that is, with such an organization of work of the insurance company, teams of specialists work with clients who are able to solve any of their problems.

CRM-system is a set of software modules that allow you to:

· Collect information about the client;

· Store and process this information;

· Draw certain conclusions based on the information received, export it to other applications, and, if necessary, provide this information in a convenient form to clients or employees of the insurance company.

The functionality of the CRM system covers marketing, sales and service, customer support, data analysis, which corresponds to the stages of customer acquisition, from the conclusion of a contract (transaction) to subsequent after-sales service. The input information for the system is data that characterizes the client: contact history (purchase of insurance products, service requests, information requests, complaints, etc.), his profile (age, income, etc.), history of insurance coverage (type of insurance, number of policies, method of payment, availability of debt, etc.), as well as data on the insurance company and its sales units (sales structure, parameters of the current state of the business, etc.).

The system allows an employee of an insurance company to enter information about a client into the database in a convenient way, or the client himself can enter this information (for example, when registering or buying a policy in an online store). All this data is updated with each interaction of the insurance company with the client, whether it is a personal visit to the company by the client, communication by phone, mail, fax or the Internet.

The system allows you to save and rank the information received in accordance with the specified criteria. Moreover, all information can be stored in a standard form for an insurance company.

CRM-system in accordance with the specified parameters can analyze the information received and export it to the users of the system. The provision of information by a CRM system is its main function. The information stored in the system can be requested by various departments and in in different ways... For example, a CRM system, based on the extrapolation of historical data, can determine which type of insurance or policy is preferable to offer a certain client. If the client is a regular customer, the system will remind him that he is entitled to a discount. Finally, a company employee may simply need information about the history of customer contacts with the company, and the system will provide this information in a visual form. In addition, it provides for the ability to display information both for an individual client and for a specific target group.

When using a CRM-system, the main functional link in the business process of an insurance company, responsible for attracting and subsequent retention of the company's customers, becomes a multimedia Call-center (call center). The main business processes assigned to the call center:

· Outgoing calls (telemarketing) - offering insurance services by phone to existing and potential customers, conducting marketing campaigns, updating databases;

· Incoming calls - service, after-sales customer service (round-the-clock dispatch and help desk, settlement of insurance claims), i.e. customer care without face-to-face contact.

Using the capabilities of telemarketing, as well as direct mail and web marketing, the insurance company will be able to implement short-term and long-term programs to increase sales of insurance policies and attract new customers using maximum efficiency and selectivity of direct marketing impact, covering entire market segments with its offers.

The tasks for the specialists of the customer relations department are calling, sending letters, faxes, e-mail, creating a unified database of potential and existing customers. The goal is to reach out to decision-makers and make an appointment with potential clients. The work with the client on the phone continues until the employee of the client relations department of the company receives quantitative and qualitative characteristics about his needs for insurance coverage.

The tasks solved by the Call Center are computer telephony, mailing, faxing, email and web interaction, providing a single format for communication with the client for the entire process of relationship with him.

The main tasks in the implementation of the project were:

· Automation of workplaces for operators of a multimedia contact center, managers and insurance agents to support the company's CRM strategy;

· Implementation of a flexible tool for maintaining and analyzing the client base, taking into account the specifics of the work of the insurance company;

· Integration with the program for accounting of insurance contracts of the company.

The Call Center is capable of fulfilling customer requests around the clock, implementing reference and information tasks as efficiently as possible, filling the customer base with reliable information, and establishing trusting relationships with each customer.

Call Center performs the functions of sending and receiving emails, faxes, phone calls. When receiving emails, corporate and personal mailboxes are polled; it is possible to send an arbitrary confirmation of the receipt of the letter.

Posted on the site 13.09.2007

Arranging the payment of insurance claims and provisions can both attract policyholders and alienate them. Of course, not all unpleasant events occurring in life are insured events, which is why the insurer has the task of explaining this to a respectable policyholder, so that the latter, at the moment when he receives a refusal in insurance payment, does not form an opinion about the fraudulent position of the insurance company ...

Any person is a consumer of various services. There are services, the quality of which can be assessed quickly enough (whether the clothes were cleaned well in the dry-cleaner, the watches handed over for repair, etc.). But there are other types of services, the quality of which cannot be assessed immediately. This mainly applies to different types financial services. For example, it is impossible to immediately determine whether the bank has paid the due interest on the deposit in full or what income can be obtained from the shares.

In addition, there are such services, the main quality indicators of which cannot always be assessed even after the end of the contract: the money was paid, the service was rendered to the consumer, and it is impossible to determine whether it is of high quality or not. It's about insurance.

Indeed, if the client did not have an insured event, then how can he understand whether the insurance company did a good job, whether it reliably protected his life, health, car, apartment? It's another matter if the insured event has occurred.

Unfortunately, many insurance companies pay little attention to customer focus in claims settlement. For some reason, many of them like to talk about what great products they have, how reliable they are. However, the consumer is much more interested in how they pay. Exactly how they pay, although the question of the size of the insurance payment is, of course, also important. But if the employees of the claims settlement departments (hereinafter referred to as the PMO) do not cheat and do not cheat, artificially reducing the size of the payment, then any, even very insignificant, amount of the insurance payment can always be justified and proven to the policyholder. But the question of how the payment procedure itself takes place is almost always hushed up, although the client's opinion about the company depends on how the insurer pays and how satisfied the client is with the service in the PMO. For him, the emotional component is even more important at the time of payment, and not the dry numbers of calculating the insurance compensation. Only those insurers who start answering the question "How do you pay?" Will be able to fully resolve claims, and not turn this specialized division into a payments department, in which employees are more "an addition" to the calculator and cash register.

So, it's time to answer the question "How do you pay?" and find a way out of a hypothetical situation when a client comes to you with a scandal and a conflict is brewing.

Before a conflict situation arises

An insured event has occurred - a "black" day has come for the policyholder. And now he legally wants to receive an insurance payment. Moreover, he needs within a certain period (as stated in the insurance contract):

  • inform the company about the occurrence of the insured event;
  • submit documents confirming its actual occurrence;
  • present documents characterizing the amount of loss (the so-called severity).

After completing these actions, the insured must wait for the insurer to decide on the insurance payment or to refuse it.

Knowing about all the actions that need to be performed, any policyholder, having come to the insurance company after the occurrence of the insured event, is pre-configured aggressively. This aggressiveness is exacerbated by his stressful state, as well as the many stories about insurance companies that only do what they take money for policies, and then very rarely pay for them.

What should the PMO staff do? In this article, we will only touch upon the psychological component of the situation that arises after the insured has an insured event, and we will not go into detail about the entire settlement procedure, which any specialist of the insurance company has an idea of.

After the policyholder applies for insurance payment, the PMO employees must:

  • reduce the level of aggressiveness of the policyholder, reassure him;
  • make sure of the occurrence of the insured event;
  • check the quantity and quality of all submitted documents;
  • make a decision on payment, having clearly thought out the reasoning of the decision made (any claim should be settled);
  • in the event of a payment (if the policyholder is satisfied with the reasoning of its size), propose to extend the insurance contract (if its expiration date is close), propose to extend the protection (policies for other types of insurance);
  • motivate the consumer to bring their colleagues, friends and relatives to conclude insurance contracts with your insurance company.

Let's take a look at several points of contact between the policyholder and the PMO staff.

The client came to report an insured event

Each of the company's clients has their own ideas about the work of insurance companies, including the procedure for settling insurance claims. Often these beliefs are not based on real knowledge. That is why it is important for PMOs to understand client psychology. This is especially true of stereotypes of perception by the client of the insurance company and its employees. Knowing them, the PMO employees will be able to forestall the emergence of a conflict situation.

Stereotypes in the mind of the insured:

  • "It is not profitable for the insurance company to pay me insurance ...";
  • “Not only was the person injured, he was also harassed by the collection of documents. What is this running around at all levels worth! ”;
  • “Now I am an enemy for the insurance company, but before I was a favorite client ...”;
  • “There is such a bureaucracy in this insurance company that I can't wait to get paid…”;
  • "This insurance company is a mess, but I was the last one ...";
  • “They cannot pay without first ruffling my nerves ...”;
  • "I will not be paid very soon, if at all ...";
  • “When they took money from me, promised mountains of gold and talked more affably ...”;
  • “They want to pay me much less than it should be ...”;
  • "They use my words and collected documents against me ...";
  • "I am afraid that I will not be able to prove the occurrence of the insured event ...";
  • "I am promised payment within three days (weeks, months, etc.) ... All my nerves will be worn out!";
  • “You could fill in all the papers yourself and collect all the documents for me. If I knew about such red tape, I would never be insured! I will never be insured again ... ”;
  • "Until you intimidate them (employees), nothing will happen ...".

What needs to be done by the PMO employee at this stageso as not to bring the situation to conflict or even confrontation? First, he should be informed about the rules of procedure for the payment of insurance compensation and the algorithm of actions of the insured. Secondly, he should give a list of documents that need to be collected, as well as provide the necessary forms to fill out and provide assistance in filling them out.

At the stage of collecting documents, the client requires a decision on payment

In rushing events, the client wants the decision to pay or refuse to pay as soon as possible, although the PMO representatives did not even have time to check all the documents submitted by the policyholder.

The client thinks like this:

  • "The procedure is deliberately delayed so that I get tired and give up my money ...";
  • "The insurance company has no money, so the procedure is delayed ...";
  • “Is it really so important? They would say that they do not want to pay! "

What should the employee do at this stage? First, check the availability and correctness of filling in all required documents... Secondly, to explain to the policyholder his further actions before the decision on payment is made.

The policyholder comes to inquire about the decision on payment

If the client is patient enough, he waits for the appointed day and comes to find out about the decision to pay the insurance indemnity within the specified period.

The PMO employee needs:

  • report a decision on payment or non-payment;
  • in case of a positive decision on payment, explain to the policyholder where, when and how he can receive the indemnity due to him;
  • in case of refusal, reasonably and calmly give comprehensive explanations of the reasons for refusal.

Upon learning about the refusal to pay, the client may think the following:

  • "Cheated!";
  • "The whole procedure is structured so as not to pay anything ...";
  • "Nobody is paid here ...";
  • “I was put around my finger. It was foolish to hope for payment ... ";
  • "The policy is drawn up so as not to pay ...";
  • "When I was buying insurance, an employee of the insurance company misled me ...".

This, too, must be taken into account in order to be prepared for all kinds of claims.

In addition, the negative attitude of the consumer towards the insurance company can arise or intensify in the following situations:

  • when, at the stage of concluding the contract, the policyholder was not explained the procedure for settling claims and was not given any reminder (in this case, the consumer himself conjectured something, for example, that payment should be made in full immediately after the application was submitted);
  • when the selling divisions did a poor job with the consumer. For example, the insurance agent did not bother to warn the client that the existence of the insured event and its severity need to be confirmed by the relevant documents, or did not explain that the insurance company can conduct an investigation of the insured event, etc .;
  • in case of poor quality work of PMO employees.

What can be done (in terms of psychological aspects of working with a client) to improve the situation?

It is necessary to start solving these problems from the moment the insurance policy is sold. Much can be anticipated in advance. It is necessary to talk over all possible aspects at the stage of selling the policy and, backing up with examples, explain them to the client. We suggest performing the following necessary actions as one of the options.

1. Publish the list of stereotypes (thoughts) of policyholders, given above, in direct sales departments. The consumer, having seen this list, will undoubtedly measure it with his stereotypes and thoughts and begin to doubt their correctness. It is possible that reading such a list will cause positive emotions, which in the future will be associated with your insurance company.

2. Publish an absurd or humorous list of stereotypes (thoughts) given above, for example, according to the following algorithm: enumeration of stereotypes - objections to stereotypes. Such reminders can be attached to the purchased policy along with a description of the algorithm for implementing the insurance payment procedure.

3. At the time of the sale, the front-office employee is advised to pay attention to the relevant memo and say out loud something like "We already know that even to receive the Nobel Prize, you need to collect some documents ...". It is possible that this will reassure the client, and you will gain their favor.

4. Relevant reminders should be posted in the premises of the insurance company, where the client is (reception, sales department, PMO), in the form of posters. The first poster is a list of stereotypes that the client has at the time of payment, with the text “Sometimes people think this way ...”; the second - with the gratitude of your specific clients (it is desirable to have their written consent to post their review) who received payments; the third - with a description of cases in which the money was not paid (here it is better to focus on all kinds of fraudulent actions on the part of the policyholders).

Documents that must be filled in upon the occurrence of an insured event (especially for expensive insurance), partially filled out (in the form of a ready-made sample) with a list of addresses and phone numbers of the relevant authorities should be issued to the policyholder in advance (at the time of the conclusion of the insurance contract). At the same time, the agent must explain: “We will fill out these forms together with you, and you will get rid of unnecessary trouble in the event of an insured event”

After that, it will be much more difficult for the policyholder to enter into a conflict at the indemnification stage, since he, it is likely, will subconsciously be afraid to voice one of the stereotypes named on the posters.

In a situation where an insured event requires a significant amount of time to conduct an investigation, and the policyholder expects immediate compensation, a breakdown of the payment into two parts is introduced.

The entire amount of the insurance claim is divided into two parts (for example, 5 and 95% or 10 and 90%). The first part is paid to the insured immediately after submission of documents confirming the insured event (that is, not yet verified), and the second, as it should be, after the completion of the insurance investigation (the amount of the first part of the compensation may coincide with the cost of the insurance itself). As a result, your consumer will be convinced that the payment of compensation really begins from the moment the documents are submitted to the insurance company.

Dividing the payout in two does not increase the insurer's own risk. If the insured himself organized the insurance event (that is, he turned out to be a fraud), then it turns out that he himself has provided the information necessary to bring him to responsibility (paid 5 or 10% in such a case must be returned to the insurer). Because of 5% of insurance compensation, a rare consumer of insurance services will "substitute" himself under the article of the Criminal Code. Thus, there should be fewer unscrupulous clients, which will significantly simplify the payment procedure (and, presumably, reduce the complexity of the investigation).

In addition, a breakdown of the payout will allow:

  • reassure a bona fide policyholder, since the payment procedure has already begun;
  • receive competitive advantage by providing the policyholder with additional services;
  • get an additional informational reason for posting material in the media;
  • improve the relationship and interaction between the sales department and the PMO, since the agent when selling the policy can guarantee almost instantaneous start of payment from the moment all the necessary documents are submitted.

Example of a consumer memo

Here is an example of a reminder for a consumer that should be handed to him at the stage of concluding an insurance contract.

“Even before an insured event occurs, you need to know how the insurance indemnity is paid. When concluding a contract with an insurance company, ask its representative about the payment procedure.

If you wish, you can get acquainted with the statistics of refunds paid. The representative of the insurance company will show you a list of payments for the last six months and give the necessary explanations.

If an insured event has occurred, report it to the insurance company, to the claims settlement department. The agreement provides for a maximum period for filing an application for compensation, which is indicated on back side insurance policy. Please do not miss this deadline.

Ask an employee of the Claims Department to provide you with a list of documents for which insurance benefits are paid. This will make it easier to collect the necessary documents. Making them out, you can be guided by this list.

In the Claims Department, you can get samples of documents for which payment is made, as well as explanations on how to fill them out correctly. This will significantly speed up the processing of the necessary documents.

Unfortunately, even a small mistake in execution can deprive the document for payment of legal force, and you - the payment itself. To prevent this from happening, please follow the correct design your documents in the appropriate authorities.

The review of your documents begins as soon as you submit them to the Claims Department. Under the insurance contract, no more than ___ days are given for consideration of documents, but usually it takes less time for this, after which a decision on payment is made. "

The emergence of a conflict situation

If a conflict does occur, the PMO employee must, without getting into an argument with the client on the merits of the dispute, turn to several psychological techniques, including:

  • localization;
  • telling a story that distracts attention (a “magnet” story);
  • fixing claims on paper;
  • switching attention outward.

An emotional client who is trying to start a scandal must be removed from the zone where other policyholders are or may appear, that is, localize him. Regardless of what the client says, one of the employees should say: “Don't worry, we can now easily solve this issue with the help of ... (named position). Come with me, I will help you. "

It is important to understand that the PMO employee in this situation does not work for the client who has come into conflict, but for the environment. That is, the employee must constantly translate harm in favor - a conflict situation into a situation of demonstrating company loyalty.

After the disgruntled client leaves the conflict area, it is necessary for one of the remaining employees to relate a distraction story to relieve tension. For example, he may say: “Once one of our clients came with a hunting rifle and opened it like this (shows it)… And he puts the cartridge in… Then he was offended a little… We tried, of course, to be more delicate…”.

A vivid image from such a story usually completely displaces the previous conflict situation from thoughts, shifts attention to oneself and gives emotional relaxation.

Of course, such stories are prepared in advance. Moreover, it is not at all necessary to compose fables.

Having localized a conflicting client, it is important to transfer all of his negative to paper. That is, whatever he says, it is necessary to respond sympathetically: "Please write about this, we will definitely figure it out." Experience shows that a person in this situation calms down very quickly, thinking about what to write. Often a person never finds what to write.

Then the PMO employee calmly and reasonedly explains to the insured what needs to be done to receive the payment, and explains when and how the insurance company will help him, and in what circumstances he will not be able to help.

In the case of using the method of splitting the payment, you can pay a smaller part of it.

The procedure for switching attention outward assumes that during a conversation with a conflicting client, the PMO employee can refer to external objects. For example, to the information system: “My computer shows that an invoice was sent to you then and then, and then it was withdrawn. This is not true? Please write, I will immediately add this to the database. It will be transferred to the accounting department tomorrow and checked ... Is that so? Then write what your problem is, I will immediately convey it ... ".

Of course, all the methods and methods of working with a client in the settlement of claims given in the article are far from claiming full coverage, because it is impossible to foresee each individual situation. Nevertheless, understanding the psychology of the client when solving the issues of compensation for losses by the employees of the PMO of the insurance company will undoubtedly help solve a number of problems in this complex and very responsible division of the insurance company.

S.V. Knyazev
Head of the Marketing Department of the Srednevolzhskaya Directorate of SK NASTA LLC

A study by Ovum showed that there are very few companies today that are adapting to the needs of their customers.

The study showed that 90% of companies are at risk of losing their customer focus. Otherwise, they must learn to adapt more quickly to the needs of their customers. Companies are also missing out on key opportunities to improve customer satisfaction and loyalty, which in turn leads to rapid company growth.

Despite the fact that many use it in their work, the business is still constrained by the slow decision-making process, insufficient involvement of salespeople in the process of communicating with customers, as well as a lack of communication channels and an illiterate attitude to innovation.

In its Customer-Adaptive Enterprise Maturity Levels report, Ovum also notes that heightened customer expectations caused by the rise of social and mobile technologies have made it difficult for companies to remain customer-centric... This led to the need to form a deeper and broader, company-wide, customer focus, and not just those divisions of the company that are directly related to work with them. For most companies this is not easy.

Ovum ranked companies according to 8 key criteria, which it considers fundamental for the development of customer focus. Among them:

  • competent leadership,
  • the degree of involvement of sellers in working with clients,
  • joint work company employees,
  • timely response to customer needs,
  • customer experience,
  • use of innovations,
  • integration processes,
  • and, last but not least, the organizational structure of the enterprise.

Any company that has achieved high performance by all of these criteria, "can claim to be customer-centric," says Ovum's chief analyst, Jeremy Cox.

However, the main problem is that only a few can achieve such recognition. In fact, Ovum estimated that the GPA was only 52%, and no company scored more than 80% on all criteria. Companies that have shown a penchant for adapting to customer needs include IBM, Virgin Atlantic, First Direct, Handelsbanken, Apple, and GE, but these are unfortunately in the minority.

The results show that companies are still "not sufficiently connected to their customers and lack the understanding and experience to nurture a customer-centric approach," Cox says.

Still, given the progressiveness of custom-tailored companies, Cox is not surprised by the results. “Any market is influenced by modern technologies and depend on the "whims" of consumers, whose dissatisfaction can either improve or destroy the reputation of your business, ”explains Cox.

Carter Lasher, chief analyst for enterprise applications at Ovum, points out that "technology drives customer-centricity, but it is not at the core of it." “To become customer-centric, you first need to approach the customer,” he says.

You need to listen to your customers to keep your finger on the pulse and improve the customer experience over time, Cox recommends. In addition, the use of technology is critical to the success of your business, and this requires support and good management from the leadership.

“There is no technology shortage for companies focused on the client, but the main obstacle is the lack of leadership foresight, deep understanding of the client and the ability to combine it all into one complex process,” concluded Cox in his report. Now is the time when investors are exploring how companies are able to truly engage in communication and build trust with their customers. and perhaps in the future we will see more evidence that executives actually know how to plan, coordinate, and control their company over the long term, rather than pursuing short-term results.

The findings of the study are supported by Forrester Research's report "The State of Customer Lifecycle Marketing, 2013", which showed that only 13% of companies are true leaders in customer focus, strategy building, organization and coordination of work within the company, technology application, data management and analytics. ...

It is sad to admit that over 40% of organizations can be classified as lagging. The reason for this is the lack of any effort and initiative in working with the client, as well as the inability to manage structured and unstructured data sources in one centralized system ... As a consequence, it has a detrimental effect on the further decision-making process, according to the Forrester report.

To manage structured and unstructured data sources in one centralized system, it is necessary that the company's CRM system meets the following requirements:

  • worked on the basis of WEB technologies that help to combine databases, social and media content
  • was accessible from mobile devices in the place where the employee is
  • had an open architecture for integration with other systems
  • had the ability to flexibly adapt to regular changes in business conditions
Do you want to learn more about the capabilities of the SugarCRM CRM platform for building a complex CRM system for a company? It was the SugarCRM platform that IBM chose for its next generation CRM system.

“These companies have all the prerequisites to catch up and adjust their work with clients; but they now appear to be more willing to deepen existing customer relationships than to improve them, ”said Corinne Munchback, an analyst at Forrester.

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Tomsk 2016


Serious aggravation of competition and the conditions prevailing in the insurance market under the influence of the internal economic situation force Ukrainian insurance companies to correct their marketing strategiesputting the client at the forefront of his needs, desires and requirements. customer-oriented service profit

I am sure that the principle of customer orientation in the conditions prevailing in the modern insurance market has not been fully implemented. Many companies that proclaim a customer-oriented approach change the content of the ideas of this approach, which is associated with a misconception about it and a lack of experience in the development of this promising direction.

Signs of customer focus of an insurance company in marketing

What is customer focus?

Let's look at clients and relationships with them as a resource that allows you to earn money. You take into account the interests of customers, and customers, in turn, buy more from you, more often and for longer, and even recommend to others.

Customer focus is the company's ability to generate additional customer flow and additional revenue through deep understanding and customer satisfaction.

Signs of customer focus:

· Management commitment. Top management must believe in the possibility of an individual approach to each client and quality service.

· Sufficient funding. Funds are needed for the professional development and implementation of a service strategy.

· Noticeable improvement in the quality of service. The service is improving so much that customers notice it and, as a result, believe that the quality of the product has also improved. This is where the service culture standards and procedures for all employees of the company will help!

· Training. Companies tend to neglect training their employees in customer service technology, even though this approach might have more impact on their bottom line than any other effort.

· Relationships within the company. Understanding the "internal customer" in the company. Different units help each other, and do not pull the blanket over themselves.

· Participation of all employees. Each employee must understand that his work affects the customer's perception of the quality of service and even the quality of the product - no matter how far he is from the "line of direct communication with the client."

Service professionals are not born. The business as a whole spends very little time training and motivating frontline employees. A professional is a person who works hard and strives for excellence. The professional is determined in the little things. Professionalism takes experience. Moreover, a competent and thoughtful experience, one that helps to see the important little things that maximize the satisfaction of the requests and needs of customers.

What is the difference between a professional and an "amateur"? First of all, by the values \u200b\u200bthat he is guided by while working in his company and with clients. In addition, the level of training in the skills of high service, to what extent he is ready to apply this knowledge and skills on a daily basis in his work.

The transition to the third stage and the transformation of the company into a "customer service center" - for many will remain a pipe dream!

We have already discussed above that changes in a long-existing organization is an operation on the living, complex and fraught with consequences. Often, no one succeeds in jumping over their heads. Therefore, most of the "old companies" are destined for the first two steps of our ladder.

Building a company as a "customer service center" requires building an organization, its structures, standards, a team, and even buildings and premises from scratch!

In such a "service center" absolutely all efforts of all services and employees are aimed at achieving IDEAL forms of service that do not allow even the slightest displeasure of customers.

The main criterion for an ideal service is a combination of speed and convenience for customers. The rhythm of life modern people has become very fast, and saving time gives people more opportunities to achieve personal goals. We all appreciate it!

But few companies can afford it. Only a few organizations are initially built to take into account the slightest whims of all categories of their clients. For example, a bank in the city center. You can fine-tune all the business processes for customer service, but you cannot solve the problem of parking in the city center. And customers won't think your service is perfect.


And, in conclusion, of this discussion, I want to note one factor for the sake of which, today, we are beginning to think about the client, his needs, his interest. We stop putting our goods and the interests of our company above the interests of our clients.

Today, with increased competition, if your business does not think about the loyalty of its customers, customers start thinking about the competition. Only a high level of service and additional profits generated by the service can increase the competitiveness of your business. They give small businesses a chance to fight big companies, and big companies a chance to keep the market!

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