Words for the beginning of the concert program. The script of the concert "good concert". Event behavior

A thematic program can be a plot program, but it can be built without a plot. In these cases, the numbers are united only by the theme. "Village Day", "Victory Day", "Youth Day", etc. These programs can be conventionally referred to as programs composed of numbers of the same genre: "Russian Song Holiday", "Dance Evening", etc. Working on thematic programs, you need to try to reveal the given topic as fully as possible. To do this, you should study the necessary auxiliary material well.

Today, in order to obtain information, it is not necessary to delve into the countless scripts of your colleagues, as a rule, they are written based on the local proposed circumstances (base, presence of artists, costumes, traditions, etc.) and often other people's scripts are simply illiterate and banal. A good, complete, and most importantly universal scenario is a rarity, if not a myth! Therefore, draw the foundation for your creative product, relying on generally accepted and your territorial customs. The source in all cases can always be good fiction, historical documents, all media and films.

In thematic holiday programs the main burden falls on the prologue and finale. This requires a special selection of numbers. At such events, acquaintance of the audience with some little-known, but curious fact related to the topic is encouraged. The screenwriter must work especially productively in order to find such a fact (legend, legend, historical case) and literary form it. You can give a simple example of such a search, considering the scenario moment at the celebration of the "City Day" in the city of Dankov, Lipetsk region, where two rather ancient, but not untwisted local legends were voiced, combined and used as a conclusion to one of the blocks of the holiday ...

Presentation "BOWL OF DANKS"

The honorary guests of the holiday are greeted by the Master of Ceremonies and Mother Russia, accompanied by archers. The master of ceremonies reads out the legend of the cup.

Master of Ceremonies. To the sounds of Russian tunes.

You have entered the road of history. Our land has many legends and tales. Today you become accomplices of the revival of the ancient ritual - "Glory of Dankov" - the ceremony of the local feast - the initiation of good deeds and the glorification of the native land and its inhabitants!

An ancient legend says: “Dmitry Donskoy and his army stopped in the old town to shoe their horse, to fill up the ranks of Donkov's service people. And before the great and victorious battle, following the path of glory, on the Kulikovo field, he gave his horse spring water from a source that feeds the earth. Since then, horseshoes in Russia have been a symbol of happiness, since then the water from the spring is sacred for the Russian people. "

A girl with a yoke and old painted buckets, in which water from a holy spring is poured, approaches the guests, another scoops up water with a ladle from buckets and pours it into a bowl and hands it over to the hero. The master of ceremonies continues against the background of the action.

The old cup "Dankov" recreated by our noble master. This is the "bowl - helmet", which is framed by the "Dankov horseshoe" - the age-old symbol of the well-being and fulfillment of the aspirations of people, our city.

The hero presents the cup with the "drink of happiness" and invites everyone to take a sip.

Mother Russia.

Drink, dear guests, a sip of happiness! This water was brought from a holy spring. All those who have drunk from the Danks Cup are getting back their brave strength, but bright thoughts come!

They drank from the goblet on the days of great victories over the enemy, to the army, at festive feasts, for their great work, but they treated the guests invited and welcome!

The sound of Russian tunes is amplified. A dance group joins the characters, and at the end, a small choreographic composition is performed by the "Song of Dankov" performed by the RDK soloists. The master of ceremonies escorts the guests to the next scenario block.

As you can see, the old forgotten legend has turned into an integral theatrical action-scene with the participation of the audience. A new ritual has emerged, a new symbol of the city has appeared - the "Bowl of Danks", which is consonant with a new form of material presentation - presentation. Everything epic, bordering on the fabulous, bewitches, attracts with its mystery.

Study and implement in the script, the wishes of the inhabitants, their contribution to the development and history of your municipal formation, problems and needs of fellow countrymen of different generations and age groups.

If the program is intended to be shown on a mass platform, for example, at a stadium, then a special search for expressive means will be required to take action on the field, and the treadmills, and the stands. As a rule, these are games, contests, amusements, ritual mass actions. If you managed to involve most of the participants in your project, the holiday has taken place!

First presenter: Good day! So our contests have come to the beginning! Today Svetlana is with you at this party!

Second presenter: and Alexander!

First presenter: You know, as a child I had a favorite fairy tale: “Once upon a time there was a king. And he had 3 in math! " Well this is what I am ....

First presenter: How did you guess?

1) Sometimes longitude, but sometimes? (latitude)

2) The capital of Belarus? (Minsk)

3) Who was the mammoth looking for? (to mom)

4) Say 3 rhymes for the word "Cow"

5) Finish the phrase: “One head is good, but two ...… (better)

7) Who made the movie "Kill Bill"? (Tarantino)

8) Where do the Chukchi live? (in Chukotka)

9) When we look in the mirror, do we see? (reflection)

10) What period did dinosaurs live in? (Jurassic)

11) Satellite of the Earth? (Moon)

First presenter: I would like to recite a verse. I dedicated it to women!

Dear women, we love you very much!
That is why we, men, drink so often!

Second presenter: So, you drank a lot yesterday again!

First presenter: No, a little, you're beautiful !!!

  • Spanish navigator João da Nova discovered Saint Helena
  • The Order of St. Alexander Nevsky was established in Russia
  • The beginning of the founding of the Pacific Fleet (in Russia)
  • First Canadian census conducted (not a valid option)
  • International Federation of Football Associations founded in Paris - FIFA
  • The world's first scientific station "North Pole-1" drifting on an ice floe has begun its work

For the tenth year already, Carlson has been trying to get a roof in a new building under the Young Family program!

Second presenter: "Between the first and second there is a short break," thought Casanova!

First presenter: Firefighters filmed the cat for 3 hours ... on a video camera, after which they decided to remove it from the tree.

Second presenter: A monument to the word where was opened in Karaganda!

First presenter:Where? Where?

Second presenter: In Karaganda!

Second presenter:Who among you answers the most questions wins!

First presenter: Wait, it says right away that the one who answered least of all won!

Second presenter:While you were drinking yesterday, the script changed! Ask questions!

1) How can you glue the poster on the wall? (a - with sandpaper, b - scotch tape, c - drill, g - rope)

2) Seoul - the capital of which state? (a - China, b - Poland, c - Korea, d - Persia)

3) The Enter button on the keyboard is needed to: (a - display information, b - entering information, c - in order to put cups of coffee on it, g - for fingers)

4) What is a myth? (a - an ancient legend of some people about fantastic creatures , b - washing powder, c - husband's story about his adventures at night)

5) Who said: “only the distortion and infringement of the natural principle in man by civilization leads to evil and injustice” (a - Abraham Russo, singer, b - french philosopher - Rousseau, c - nobody said)

6) Who were Cyril and Methodius? (a - greeks, b - Slavs, c - dentists, d - Americans)

8) Why work? (a - not to work, b - to earn money, c - to rest, d - keep quiet, slave)

9) How long the Hundred Years War lasted. a) 116 b) 99 c) 100 d) 150 (The Hundred Years War lasted 116 years from 1337 to 1453).

10) In which country was the Panama invented? a) Brazil b) Chile c) Panama d) Ecuador (Panama was invented in Ecuador.)

11) In what month is the October Revolution celebrated? a) January b) September c) October e) November (the October Revolution is celebrated in November).

12) What was the name of King George the 6th? a) Albert b) George c) Manuel (The name of King George is Albert. He changed it in 1936).

13) What animal does the name of the Canary Islands come from? a) Canary b) Kangaroo c) Seal d) Rat (The name of the Canary Islands comes from the seal. The Latin name of the islands Insukaria Canaria means the island of seals).

Second presenter: And now Alexander will sing a song!

First presenter:In the sense of?

Second presenter: I mean, I just set you up !!!

First presenter: Well, the song! (to the tune of the song "Brunettes and Blondes" by the Beasts group)

"In Moscow and the Moscow region, in Samara, Taganrog,

Loans for apartments are inconceivably high!

And so as not to save up for a personal apartment,

Meet rich brunettes and blondes! "

First presenter: For him we need 1 guy, and several girls!

(The participant, whose eyes are blindfolded, himself chooses where and who should kiss him, only he again makes his choice blindly).

First presenter:You know, I wrote poetry for you!

1 Veda 9 cl Polina Vika Music saver

My homeland is rich in songs.
The song glorifies sweet lands.
Voiced, cheerful, sad at times

It flows like a free river across Russia.

My heart skips a beat when you sound.
You speak the truth about our fate.
We often sing about love, separation,
And about happiness too, each about his own.
Russian villages and cities love songs.
It's not a problem for us with such songs!
How many songs have been sung, how many will we sing
When we sit next to you at the table on a holiday!

Song Russian-Russian soul!
What a song you are, ours is good!
From birth to the last days
We are with you, there is no more faithful song!

The holiday begins with the song of _Voronova Alina (Shadow-shadow)

Veda Good afternoon! We are glad to see you at our holiday.

Veda And we gathered here to listen to songs, sing, play and learn about the Russian song.

The Vedas In the old days they said: "Whoever lives with a song, that kruchina will name it."

"How one lives, so one sings" "Where there are songs, there is youth"

Veda "Song is the soul of the people." From time immemorial, the song is always

i was next to the person both in joy and in sorrow. From

from birth to death

Where are you from Russian, music?
Whether in an open field,
Either in the misty forest.
Whether in joy, in pain,
Or a bird's whistle?
Tell me where
Sadness in you and daring
How did you appear
From the very beginning,
In whose heart did you beat
Who did you sound in?

Ducks flew by - dropped their pipes,
The geese flew by, or the harp,
Their spring spring
Found, not surprised ...

Ved: Well, what about the song?
Were born with song in Russia.

Our program is opened by a student with a song _____________________________________________________

2 Leading 10kl Olya Alina

Let's forget about everything
and we'll sing a Russian song.
Without fashionable rhythms and witticisms,
The one that the people always sing.
from joy, or from longing,
il heart breaks into pieces.
The soul will suddenly ask for melodies
that still live among the people.
without brands, images and fashion,
from the Russian essence, nature.

these songs live in Russia
and no better in this world.
When the evening happens
after work, after roads,
friends for bread and wine
talk about everything;
will tighten the song together, together,
the spirit soars, the soul blooms
and nothing else is needed
and life is good to the song.

Let's sing folk -
We will tighten it from the heart.
Let them be unfashionable now;
Yes, painfully good!

Veda folk song originated even before the appearance of writing in Russia. The peasant worked the land, planted a vegetable garden, raised cattle and did not know at all that there were letters in the world, but everyone knew that there were songs in the world. How could it be otherwise?

After all, things are arguing with a song faster, and the work is almost in full swing, and how else could the poor man have a rest, except not singing a couple of songs in the evening on the blockade. All human life in those days was associated with the song. What I see, I sing about that. And what were the songs:

Vedas - Our people have many different songs. Epics tell about exploits in the name of the happiness and well-being of the people and the state. Historical songs about famous people and memorable events of antiquity, ballads amaze the imagination with the details of life drama.

Household songs differ from all of them. Their themes are family, human destiny, feelings and thoughts, inspired by everyday life. These songs are as diverse as the work of people, their traditions and customs.

O favorite Russian songs,

Kept among the people for centuries,

Why are you so good?

And in sorrow you are with us and in joy,

You are with us from birth to old age

Sound in the depths of your soul!

About painfully tender songs,

Hidden in you are the boundless ones,

And the universal sadness cries ...

And like an old woman,

Hearing you, I want to repent,

And my chest is full of light.

But daring, free-ranging,

Like an unrestrained free wind,

Such that immediately - and dance!

Russia gave birth to you blessed

And with its immeasurable strength

Filled you to the brim.

And how good the war songs are!

Immense love for Russia

Sounds in you like a formidable alarm.

We are with a song of war to death in battle

Let's go, oh Russia, for your life,

Without taking a step back

The Russian song is open spaces,

On which all my life to go.

This is Father Don at Rostov,

This is Mother Volga on the way.

The Russian song is a shepherd,

Dewy, joyful, early horn.

Just get up for a minute, listen

Start up like a new engine.

The Russian song is not naked,

Not brawl, not hysterical sadness,

This is a quiet resolution

Sit next to and look into the eyes.

She embraces everything with her heart,

She is twenty and a thousand years old.

Russian song, Russian land

I love it so much that there are no more words.

Veda Labor songs. They accompanied almost every species labor activity peasant - be it hunting, pulling nets or lifting weights. All these songs had their own rhythm, to which the work went amicably and controversially. And the most basic difference between a labor song is the presence of exclamations in it - interjections such as "Hey!", "Uh!", "Ah!" The most famous labor folk song is "Dubinushka".

3 Vedas 9 cl Polina Vika

whatever a person does, he stings bread, mows hay, rafts wood, or pulls a barge with him - everywhere he is helped by the song.

I'm for a soulful song
Took the woods in a green whisper,
And near the Volga in the heat of half a day
Dark streams listened to the rumble.
Took it from autumn - bad weather,
Spring has a fragrance
I took happiness from the people
And immeasurable suffering

Ved: In Russian song - folk life,

A song with a ringing heart is sung
Let the cheerful or sad motive
Will respond gratefully in my heart!


To please what song is in question, the answer is accepted in the performance of several lines or words

1A song that mentions the non-residential part of the village house, adjacent to its residential part and used for household needs. (Oh you canopy, my canopy)
2. A song about the national Russian winter footwear made of sheep wool. (Felt boots)
3. The song of a windy girl who seduced a young man and was preoccupied with a huge sense of guilt. (Am I to blame)
4. Song, which mentions a large Russian city on the left elevated bank of the Volga River. (Ah, Samara-town)
5. A song about a forest-forming tree species widespread in Russia with papery bark and thin drooping branches. (There was a birch in the field)

6. A song about a pair of domestic long-necked birds of various colors, distinguished by a cheerful character. (Two cheerful geese)
7. The song, known for its affectionate appeal to a felled tree trunk, performed by Fyodor Ivanovich Chaliapin. (Dubinushka)
8. Song - an appeal to the state of atmospheric air, in which water freezes, and the thermometer drops below zero. (Oh, frost, frost)
9. A song that mentions a garden building where a Russian person can wash, being actively exposed to heat and steam. (The sauna is heated, heated in the garden)
10. A song that mentions the noise of a swampy, fisty, geniculate plant. (The reeds rustled)
11. A song about how on a plain overgrown with grassy vegetation at complete absence trees, freezes a man engaged in transportation by animal-drawn transport. (Steppe and steppe all around)
12. A song about small traders who delivered various goods to the villages, which are necessary in the peasant life. (Peddlers)

Chants of our Russian songs ...
They whisper stars
The rustle of herbs in them.
By the spring anthem of the skies
The rumbles of oak groves roam in them ...

The river reeds are singing.
Everything that is given to them from above
That life cannot crush
We continue to hear in the songs.

The river rings, sings in the night,
Overflowing closer to the mouth.
The wind hums are heard
With viscous, steppe sadness ...

Oh, Russian song, you are everything!
You are our eternal vastness!
And the crows will not drown
Chants of tender and gentle!

About the Russian song.

4 Vedas 10 cl Nastya Julia

The second group is love songs. These songs were sung most often by boys and girls before the wedding. They contain all the bitterness of unrequited love, the joy of a date, a terrible longing for a sweetheart, all the pain of the soul from the courtship of the unloved ... The girls sang these songs on the street or when they got together for embroidery.

What kind of heart are you touching me
A song of soulful old times?
Either a high soul lives in you,
Or a glimpse of unsteady silence?
Then you let the falcon over the cloud
Throwing up the bitter smoke
Then you go out as a widow, lonely,
Give flowers to the young.

Veda All folk songs about love. About love and native land, and therefore to the people who live on it, to relatives and dear ones.

The third group is family songs sung by married women. These songs reflected the difficult life of a married woman. Most often, such songs were sung in the evenings in the rooms at the spinning wheel or at other work.

Then you take the round dances into the field

Then you burn yourself in the dance!

You are forever in tune with the Russian share,
My spring song!

The fourth group is soldier's songs. All these songs are divided into military-historical and everyday ones. Military-historical songs were most often sung in the first person and narrated about glorious battles, courage and resourcefulness. In the everyday songs of the soldier - the peasant described his difficult military life.

The fifth group of Vedas is humorous or satirical folk songs. These songs include "Oh, you canopy, my canopy." These songs reflect the cheerful and cheerful disposition of the Russian people, who are simply not used to being sad.

Vedas Since the song appeared a very long time ago, when there was actually a division, there was no story or song. Slowly, the singers solemnly told about the heroes and their exploits for the glory of the Russian land. And they called these songs-stories and epics.

5 Vedas 9 cl Polina Vika

Vedas And also buffoons wandered around the world - jacks of all trades: they sing, and dance, and tell a fairy tale. The people still remember their comic songs about how "a fly married a mosquito" and about how "a lady flea lived in a green forest." That is the name of those songs - moss.
Well, in those rare days, funny dance songs sounded on holidays, but with an accordion, and with choruses!

How it tightens, how it floods
Our Orthodox people,
After all, where does that come from
Straight to the heart and clings!
Sing about the pace of the night
Or about white snow.
About a merchant's daughter,
About silk meadows.
Sing about the blue sea
Or about mother river
About sorrow and grief,

About heart longing.
And now we will sing, but not about longing, but about something funny.

The Vedas In Russia have always loved to sing in chorus, together. It turned out well in the round dances, which were led by girls and boys. Not a single holiday, not a single gathering was complete without round dances.

The Vedas In one of the songs there are the words "What a song without an accordion". What else? What song is without ...? / accordions, balalaikas /.

Something you haven't heard for a long time,
Three flooded strings.
They say out of fashion
Songs of Russian antiquity.
Well, maple, give it,
Sounds to all ends
Balalaika, balalaika,
Golden bells.

You are not shy even now,
You are alone for the whole country
You know how
Touch the Russian string.
With a daring folk heart
You became close forever
In the golden hands of craftsmen
You will never be silent!

6 Vedas 10 cl Olya Alina

The Vedas There are so many types of folk songs that it is difficult to define what they are. Initially, folk songs showed how people understand the world, life. And since life consists of many phenomena and situations, folk songs also reflect these phenomena.

One of the types of folk songs is songs about professions. They can be about
shepherds, shoemakers, chimney sweeps, tailors. They might be about miners and cowboys.

vedas Another kind of folk songs are religious folk songs. The most wonderful of these songs, the spiritual, are imbued with high spirituality.

There are folk songs of the Vedas that sing the seasons. There are weddings, lullabies crying, war songs, soldiers and many others. Folk songs can be about absolutely everything in a person's daily life.

Tenderness will wake up, hold my breath

And I'll wake up my heart with light sadness.

About a Russian song, about your suffering,

Drinking, free, earthly,

You were born in joy and sorrow.

The age-old truth settled here

And the grief of the people and the depth of will.

Will fly up like a bird above the clouds.

Will spill gold into ripe ears

And in the balalaika it will sound without words.

I love you folk, alive,

You value the Russian spirit in the song.

And giving the wisdom of ancestors to the lines,

You will prolong the joy in your heart with beauty.

Vedas And, finally, ditties. But that's a completely different story ...
The song was a part of a person's spiritual life, a support in his hard work and worries. The song still makes us rejoice and grieve, love and be disappointed, live and die.
Vedic Song unites us, singing the song - blood relatives, close in soul. Only with the song do you understand that we are children of the same Motherland, that we have
one common house - Russia.

Ved Russia and is powerful in song,
Wide and deep
And free and rattlesnake,
And free, and call.
Ay yes songs, what songs
Our people are singing!
Gold, daring,
Russian songs, live - Young!

Veda: So our holiday has come to an end, but the song does not end.

Merry and sad, -
We will sing what you want;
Our relatives are Russians;
We live with them again.

We inherited it;
Don't forget them;
The culture of our ancestors
Strengthen and develop ...

Sing, listen, love the Russian song!

With a fragrant sprig of lilac
Spring comes to every home
We sincerely congratulate you
Happy International Women's Day!
May the sun shine with joy today
In the shadows, leaving a sheaf of great worries,
And all the flowers in the world
Let them bloom today at your feet.

I congratulate the lovely ladies
With the spring sun, birds singing
And with a blue high, clear.
Let the decoration of your faces
A gentle smile will serve
Glow affectionate eyes.
My gift is nothing - just a postcard.
But, a sign that I think about you!

March 8 - Women's Day!
One of the days of the year
When you bring warmth to all smiles,
When flowers bloom in your soul!
And in this bright hour, as before again
Let it accompany you:
Hope, Faith and Love!

On this day, warmed in spring
All flowers, smiles to you!
So that you do not know sorrow
Even a slight shadow of sadness
So that your eyes always shine
And not only on this day!

There are many poems about this holiday,
But I really won't get tired of congratulating on him.
Let the voices of children, merging into a chorus,
Our mothers will congratulate you!
Health, happiness and great love
We wish all women today.
Oh, if the nightingales sang in March
Or lilacs bloomed like in warm May.

May women's day never end
Let the streams sing in your honor,
Let the sun smile at you
And men give you flowers.
With the first drop, with the last blizzard
Happy early spring
Congratulations, we sincerely wish you
Joy, happiness, health, love!

Accept the musical congratulations on the holiday for you the song Across the river mostok sounds. (Nastya and Alina)

" Heartily"

Two presenters enter the stage and conduct a dialogue with each other.

2 Good afternoon!


    In the courtyard there is young March and the first spring holiday of the beautiful half of humanity, a holiday of tenderness, beauty, warmth.

    How many congratulations, flowers and gifts, how many declarations of love women of all ages receive on this day.

    We have already received the first congratulations.

1 Why is this day called Women's Day?

2 Let's turn to the audience. (Ask a question)

1.Let me remind you. And I will take a tour of the history of this day.

On March 8, 1911, rallies were held in Australia, Germany, Switzerland, Denmark demanding to provide women equal rights with men. And this day went down in history as International Women's Day.

2. History was forgotten, but the day remained.

1. Everything that is connected with a woman - everything is fine. Even feminine words are beautiful: spring, love, business trip.

2. You're right, not like the masculine words: order, boss, reprimand.

1 That's for sure, but still, we can't do without them either.

And about this …… will sing to us.

2 you know, I am tormented by the questions that arose in preparation for the holiday.

1 We gathered to talk about women throughout the holiday, and you with your questions ..

2 but my questions are about women.

    Okay, come on.

    who feeds, drinks, clothe everyone?


    who is raising children?


    who creates comfort and cleanliness in the house?


    and who holds the vacuum cleaner?


    who gives way to the woman on the bus?

    the man

2 are you sure?

1 Of course.

    1. But when I got to work, I saw how a young woman gave way to a woman. Who builds houses, asphalt roads?

    do you want me to answer women? I'd better say this in verse.

Oh women! In all ages

We were called the weaker sex.

Serenades were dedicated to us,

And we were carried in our arms.

Because of our beautiful eyes

The musketeers broke swords.

Poets have spent on us

Tens of thousands of tons of paper.

Time passed in eternal vanity,

And we are no longer the same:

Well, do we have any reasons

Call us the weaker sex?

After all, we have long been men

They did not concede in anything.

2 I propose from now on to put an end to such an already existing historical injustice.

1 I'm all for.

2 Now I will introduce you to the obligations for women on this day.

Commitment to women.

On this day you must

Be beautiful and smart.

To joke, to joke and to dance

Do not be bored at all

And loudly, joyfully laugh!

It's smart to notice everything quickly,

It is joyful to surrender with fun.

1 and I will introduce you to the obligations of men on this day:

On this day you are obliged

To be only attached to a woman,

Pay attention to her

Forget football, hockey.

Fill the hall with humor

To make everyone laugh.

With wit to shine

Do not seem taller than women

In which we ask you to subscribe!

2 And I would like to add one more obligation for our men - to perform on stage at least once a year on the 8th of March! An example of this already exists!

1 I think I know who can congratulate us, I can see it right in my eyes. And I want to invite ……… to our stage.

2 Girls and women in life need to be diplomats in order to put out the flaring fire of a quarrel in time. They can surprise us with their feminine original mind.

1 As in a joke about a spouse's birthday, when a wife gives her husband a fur coat for his birthday: herself. Do you know this anecdote? No? Well then, let's tell you.

I want there to be no war

So that we trust each other,

So that there is more kindness

Well, in general, you want ... a fur coat!

I want not to destroy the forest,

And so that there is no disassembly

And for progress to win

And so that she was made of mink!

I want everyone to be more tolerant

And so that everyone is nicer

To love each other

And so that the fur coat is longer!

I want no one to be sad

And he and me and we all too

So that everyone is light, warm,

And- ... to make a fur coat more expensive!

I want children to be born

So that there are bows on the gifts,

So that there are no sick in the world

Well, in general, you want ... diamonds!

I want there to be no enmity

And so that the holidays are longer

And so that the world does not know trouble

And so that there are more diamonds!

2 Yes, a truly diplomatic step.

And we want to wish you:

Let spring come to everyone's house.

To every family in this world,

On the most romantic, best day -

Day of the most beautiful women on the planet!

And today on our stage …… .. with the song "Clouds".

1 I want to remind everyone that men love with their eyes and women with their ears.

2 yes, how it turns out we are easy to conquer ...

1 actually it is not.

2 That they love first with their eyes, I know that. Of course, I also know what men want from women, but I will not say. But I can tell you what a woman wants from a man.

1 tell me.

2 when a woman is 20, she wants him to be handsome, attentive, witty, stylishly dressed, romantic in good physical shape and abundant in love.

When a woman is 30, she wants a man to always open the door for her, carry bags from the market, laugh at her jokes at will, remember birthdays, listen to more than talk, and be in good shape.

When a woman is 40, she wants the man to be only with her, so that he does not drive away until she completely gets into the car, is loaded with work, nods his head when talking, could move furniture, wore shirts that would cover his belly, did not forget shave and was also in good shape.

When a woman is 50, she wants the man not to fall asleep when their thoughts are expressed to him, to be able to appreciate the dinner, remember her name, and be in good shape.

When a woman is 60, she wants the man not to confuse the names of the children, snore slightly in his sleep, remember why he laughs, so that he falls in love with soft food products and always remembered where he left glasses and teeth. And of course I was in good shape.

1 is understandable, so at 70, 80 you need to be in good physical shape.

2 it turns out that way. And in order to be in good physical shape, you need to feel an order of magnitude or 2-3 orders of magnitude younger, be optimists by the same number of orders of magnitude.

An old man enters the scene

B - oh, who is this! Are you looking for someone grandpa?


Q - do you see poorly?

C - thanks, I'm posting!

B - so he is also deaf

C - dashing, dashing but how! When the Kolchak came I was a kid. So my mother told me to hide our stallion in the forest

B- What did you want grandpa?

C - girl? And of course not one! I remember once in haymaking with three!

B - this is not necessary

C - herd? It was a large herd! We ourselves had three cows: night, Mike ...

Q - but where does the cow?

C - healthy, healthy. Only the legs fail a little. And so, thank God, I'm not complaining. But my grandmother is completely ill. That's why I came here, I can help myself to look after a woman.

B - here is the grandfather's holiday.

S - Dusya? Come on Dusya! If only there was something to hold on to. After all, it's not for nothing that they say that in the orphanage the most beautiful women work.

B - what are you grandfather here, all the ladies are serious, married.

S - means you can't hold on?

B - no way!

S - well, at least you can congratulate?

B - here it is please.

C - so that you always have

And clothes and food,

To make you live rich

How great gentlemen.

So that the forest is full of mushrooms,

And in the village - peasants! ... and so on.

1 Thank you grandfather for your wishes! (we see off the grandfather from the stage)

It is not for nothing that they say that there is gray hair in the head, a demon in the rib ...

well, here we are again at work talking about men, and at home, as always, about work

    1. and now there are cameras everywhere, they speak with sound effect... So you have to talk about work all the time.

1 that's for sure ... and for this I propose to continue our concert

we want to wish you:

Let the first snowdrop

will give you tenderness

the spring sun will give warmth

and Nadezhda Belova gives you a song

about happiness and joy and goodness!

2 Among the spring first days

We don't hear the drops yet

All over the earth, for all people

Do not feel sorry for your palms-

Let's meet a collective of "crumbs"

Dance "Crumbs"

2 We became second mothers to our children.

And honestly, I will tell you, without betraying my soul:

There is no better people in the world than you

Than those that sit here in front of me.

Low bow our dear

For all the love, patience, warmth.

For the fact that you are soft and strict with children,

For giving you kindness.

For being with them in both joy and sorrow

ready to thank you a hundred times

Talents, hobbies of our children,

Manage to develop even stronger.

So let your powers grow

And labor will be just as fruitful

After all, new kids come

And they are looking forward to meeting you!

And today on our stage a group of kids from kindergarten Meet "Berry"!

1 There is a person in charge of everyone's life,

Each of us here agrees with this.

This is, of course, dear mother ...

We will sing a song about her now ... ...

Happy spring holiday!

Let the ringing fun flow everywhere!

Let the sun shine!

Let the frosts go away!

Let the winter drive away

A sprig of mimosa!

it seems to me that with their incendiary dance, Victoria and Ksyusha will definitely drive away the winter. Please welcome!

1 "Woman"

May your day be sunny, beautiful

And your path will be strewn with roses.

And every evening - starry, clean, clear,

Oh, woman, always be happy!

When playing with primordial power

Mother nature created this world,

She in you, oh, woman, has contained

All beauty and grace.

There is a gust of thunderstorm in you, dawn shine,

The splendor of the mountains and the holes of the rivers

The joy of the eyes, the charm of the soul,

The world and man are eternal through you.

Nature has all its art in you

Captured to say "Praise!"

And for you later in a fit of feeling

She created a man in love.

    1. dear women:

i wish you flowers were given,

more often complements said

and there was at least one person

you are infinitely devoted to gray hair!

1 let the heart beat drops to the beat,

let the blizzards sink into the past,

and let in spring round dances

the heart will forget about adversity.

There will be no new wounds in the heart

As in a wondrous gypsy song

"Sing guitar sing"

At the end of the song, all members come out.

1 happy holiday dear women!

2 may there always be men in love with you,

1 let your faces shine with a sunny smile more often, like today on this spring day!

Everyone: be happy !!!


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